#( very vague )
kitkat-the-muffin · 1 year
Thinking about a modern Dracula remake except no one knows it’s a modern Dracula remake
No one has the same names
It’s the same exact plot and story beats and such, just in a modern setting
But all the names are changed
So no one knows the creepy old rich billionaire gaslighting the humble lawyer is supposed to be modern Dracula
And then the guy calls himself Dracula in the third act and everyone is like “OH MY GOD WE’RE IN A DRACULA REMAKE”
And the Texan in the corner starts sweating bullets
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vickyvicarious · 2 months
I kind of wonder what Mina's thoughts were on this article. Did she simply save it because it was weird and eventful? Did the mystery intrigue her? Her entry from today is so sad, and she doesn't comment upon the article she saved. I wonder if the news about the ship was a welcome distraction to her for a little bit.
I wonder how she felt later when she realized.
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aquarines · 4 months
episode summary: boy gets rejected, writes au where they end up together instead
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 month
I wrote another I'll dedicate to @dark-elf-writes since I got them to make their own to.
1. Highway to Hell AC/DC
 Izuku strapped on his gloves, smirking to himself as he listened for the familiar noise of Eraserhead poking his nose into things. Any second…
 Izuku sped out of his hiding spot, jumping over top of Eraserhead with his roller skates.
 “See you Eraser!” he called back at the stunned hero who had not expected the vigilante/graffiti artist to escape that way. Nor that the head start combined with the speed the skates gave him would enable ‘Rabbit’ to move quicker. Cursing, Shouta turned to see what the other had done.
 A huge mural of Endeavour with bloody hands, the words ‘what happened to your son Touya really?’
 “Problem child,” Shouta growled. 
2. Treat you Better- Shawn Mendes
 “You could do so much better,” Katsuki told Deku who glared at the other man.
 “He’s better then you are,” Deku said. Katsuki watched as the green hair man stomped off to clutch to the person they were discussing. Fucking glasses, Iida Tenya. The fucker had swept in to woo his omega when they were teenagers, nevermind Katsuki having claim on the nerd. And Deku let him! Let the fucker woo him away from his proper alpha.
 Katsuki shook his head, standing up straight. He’d prove Deku who his alpha was. Glasses wouldn’t be an issue for long when Katsuki proved his might. They were supposed to be together. 
3. Bang Bang -Jessie J., Arianna Grande, Nikki Minaj
Dancing had been Izumi’s passion alongside for heroes forever. It even helped her get into heroics, all the dancing and gymnastics she got had enabled her to kick ass in the test. 
 However it also drew some unsavoury attention. Izumi held her arm above her head, ignoring the stares from some of her classmates as she did her stretches. 
 “Look at her-” she heard Mineta begin and she straightened up, head whipping around to glare. The purple teen fell silent as Ochako appeared, handing Izumi a bottle of water.
 “Hey Izu, can you show me that high kick thing?” Ochako asked. 
 “Of course,” Izumi said, smiling. “We can imagine kicking a purple ball.” 
 Both girls grinned as Mineta squeaked and the staring portion of the class found other places to look. 
4. River - Bishop Briggs
BANG. Izuku did not look away from his target as Keigo entered the firing range. Izuku just kept shooting as his brother-partner-friend walked up to him. 
 “It’s not that bad,” Keigo mused out loud.
 “They’re making me be a TA for UA,” Izuku snapped. “I’m the first years age.” BANG. 
 “Socialization is good for you. They’re getting flack for you being a hero so young,” Keigo said. He watched as Izuku hit the target over and over again. “You could potentially meet that guy you’ve been drooling over. Endeavour’s kid.”
BANG. Izuku scoffed. “I’ll be his TA.”
 “We can arrange the contract so it’s allowed.” Keigo grinned. Izuku paused in shooting.
 “You wanna get down bad for the kid? We’ll make it happen,” Keigo smirked. “As a thank you for helping convince that blue flames guy to turn good for me.”
 “...You’ve got a deal.”
5. Diamonds -Rhianna
 “I choose you,” Izuku said, his hands going up to grab onto Hitoshi’s face. “I choose you and I always will.”
 “But…” the purple haired man choked out. “What about…” his eyes glanced at where Izuku had run from. Where Inko was waiting for her son to finally ‘come to his senses’. Where Bakugou wanted to drop to one knee despite Izuku not dating him.
 “I choose you and I always will,” Izuku said. He leaned forward and kissed the man. Hitoshi’s breath hitched and he leaned in to take the kiss fully. His arms dropped to Izuku’s waist as the green haired man’s went around Hitoshi’s neck. 
 “I love you Izuku,” Hitoshi said.
 “I love you to, and I will always chose you because you chose to love me for who I am, not the face they want,” Izuku whispered. 
6. What a Time to be Alive -Fall Out Boy
 Izuku shook his head, laughing as he leaned back on his hands, a cigarette clutched in one hand. “What a time,” he choked out.
 “It’s the new age, new things.” Dabi laughed back, pulling on his own cigarette. He looked out over the city. “Think about tagging that building?” the vigilante/arsonist asked Izuku, pointing at a particularly charred one. “Endeavour’s fault.”
 “It is about time to poke at his property damages,” Izuku grinned, lifting his hand to pull on a smoke. “How bad should I go Touya?”
 “Call me that again and I’m shoving you off the roof. And I saw go nasty.” Dabi grinned with all his teeth, the same smile being returned by Izuku. 
 “Let’s go cause chaos,” Izuku laughed. 
7. Burn Your Village -Kiki Rockwell
 Izumi looked at the staff of Aldera, all of them almost cowering from her gaze, their eyes refusing to look at her. She barred her teeth, feeling the anger surfacing in her chest. A hand landed on her shoulder. Izumi turned to glare at the man touching her.
 “Sorry little sister,” Tomura said, lifting his hand. Izumi looked back at the people who had tormented her. Who’d looked the other way. Who had all known. They had to have known, right? She was a kid. Yamanaka was an adult. There was no reason she was there that late with her grades.
 “I want them dead,” Izumi said as Kurogiri walked forward, carrying Tomoe who was more then happy to be transferred to her mother. Her eyes narrowed in on one teacher, one she knew had lingering gazes. “I want it to hurt.”
 “Of course,” Tomura laughed, as Kurogiri began creating his portals. Izumi smiled with all her teeth. 
 They had a force at the USJ, distracting the heroes. So no one came looking when the first teachers began screaming as the Nomu came lumbering out.
8. The Kid I used to Know - Arrested Youth
 Izuku sometimes wondered about how his life had gone this way. When he stood in the shadows of the destruction he helped etch out. When he was busy drinking down cheap whiskey in an effort to forget what had happened the night before. When Tomura laughed, patting his shoulder and telling him he did good. 
 What happened to the child who wanted to be a hero? 
 What happened to the boy who wanted to save people?
 Did he die with his mother, when his father took him away?
 (Later, as Izuku watches his final destruction occur, he knew that the kid was still there. As the bar burned from the cheap whiskey poured everywhere, he knew the kid was there, just a bit different.)
9. ATE -Jane Bell
 “And for the recap of the sports festival, there was what some are calling an upset! Midoriya Izumi, Quirkless dancer and member of the hero course, won the entire thing.” the news anchor said, looking shocked.
 “It’s not that surprising,” his coworker said. “Midoriya has been known as one of the world’s best dancers for years, even at her young age. Her being trained hard isn’t unexpected.”
 “She still beat Quirked-” the first man began but Shouto turned off the screen. He felt his hands shake. They put her down? They put down the girl who had kicked everyone asses because she didn’t have a Quirk? Or they were trying? 
 She’d won, she’d beat them all into the dust and they still said it wasn’t enough. 
 “You’re not the only one with problems,” her voice echoed in his head when she told him off for thinking he was the only one with issues. He swallowed, thinking of the fire in her eyes.
10. Warriors -League  of Legends, 2WEI, Edd Hayes
 Izuku took a breath, lifting his head. He felt Hawks behind him, the hero watching him. “Ready bro?”
 “I’m ready,” Izuku said, squaring his shoulders. Hawks hesitated, looking at the fourteen year old boy. 
 A fully fledged hero. A Quirkless hero, molded to be perfect. A way for the Commission to have complete control over someone by making them something never seen before. 
 Hawks looked out at the city they were about to patrol. “Alright, let’s go.” He jumped off the roof as Izuku lifted his grapple to shoot out. He swung down to being patrolling the streets. It didn’t take long for them to find a fight.
 “GREEN KNIGHT MAKES DEBUT” is accompanied on all pages by Izuku kicking a bank robber in the face as Hawks comes from the sky.
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okay but at what point do we specify what kind of paperwork the king in our fanfiction is doing
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https-lxtus · 7 months
Ratthew I love you (im 8 minutes in don’t mind me)
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sleepyhighslvt · 2 days
what a nice ass you have
All the better to grind on you with
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jabbajacks · 2 months
People are so negative about Psycho Pass season 2 that it's almost making me feel like I have to find negatives about it :v
Though if I were to be honest, it does feel like it's cut just... a tad too short, for the intensity of it? I don't have a major problem with Kamui though boy kinda looks like a lovechild between P5's Ren and Goro and I can't unsee that now, but some of the things felt like they were handled slipshod or otherwise brought up and dropped, even if I felt that the last scenes were pretty satisfying. Sakuya I have no comment on except that the scene with the dogs was... too fucking distressing to watch without crying out or zoning out of eating my food. I'm not sure how to feel about him otherwise
That said I love the handling of Shimotsuki, I just feel plain bad for her. It hurts. Enough with the hate, someone give her a hug already
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teabiscs · 8 months
just a thought a regina/mathilda thing. with julia in frame and jealous.
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racooninurtrash · 7 months
guys i know i’m late BUT WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK was this episode i am losing my SHIT
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I don't regret coming home, but... sometimes I miss my other home. Sometimes I wish I could return.
Confession #354
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lakeofsilverpike · 10 months
Do you have a favorite chapter of "In This Life"?
Oh my gosh! I have been writing this story for a year and a half. I definitely don’t reminder chapter numbers! Sometimes I do reread sections, because I wrote this fic as fluffy comfort for me (and am delighted other people read it too).
I think it took a few chapters for me to get into the rhythm of things, but I remember in the early sections really liking some of the stuff I wrote with the fishwives’ anniversary and then their first trip to Tear. And then I remember liking some of the explorations of Lan’s guilt and Moiraine supporting him and trying to help him find peace.
I enjoyed some of the early Leanna stuff when she was a baby, and I had fun with all the animal friends. I really like food centric chapters (I’m sure that’s obvious). The fishwives being horrible cooks tickles me. Moiraine and her mangoes - I just like her being happy and enjoying these little pleasures she denied herself.
Some chapters are definitely better than others, but I’ve tried to just keep writing something regularly, and I think that’s worked for the sense of time. Some days are nothing but cooking pancakes or eating mangoes or watching the sunset. But I like trying to write the fishwives’ gratitude for those little moments and their joy in simply being together. I don’t love each chapter, but I do love that I’ve written a story that spans six and a half years now, and so there is room for really slow change, for healing that takes time and isn’t linear. And I like writing all these years later how Moiraine and Siuan only grow happier and more in love.
I still am unsure about how I wrote some of the stuff with Siuan. I thought the suicide attempt made sense in this world where she would have been deposed, stilled, and then immediately heard her wife was dead. And I imagine Siuan holding onto shame about that and about the coup, especially since she really couldn’t process any of that until much later with Moiraine. I hope I have written that plot line respectfully and that her progress in letting go of the shame she was carrying felt organic.
I definitely didn’t answer your question. Sorry! I just cannot remember chapter numbers at the moment (while I’m at work counting down the minutes to leave). Thanks for the ask and the interest in that story and giving me the chance to ramble!
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incendiorum-arch · 1 year
They're getting closer. Can you feel them? Like a warmth, dangerous breath on the back of your neck, their teeth bared, just within reach. Your flames won't be enough this time. There's too many to handle, but you won't go down without a fight, will you?
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FOR EIGHTEEN LONG, LONG CENTURIES, iovita has always fought. even when the world and all her heaviness felt too much to bear. even in those moments that they would rather lay down and close their eyes for the last time, if only to experience a moment of peace. they imagine it would be warm, and gray, and that they wouldn’t think at all.
but every time, they’ve yanked themself back up with their teeth bared and blood on their hands. and every, gods-damned time, it hurts.
this, is truly no exception.
they’re getting closer. they’ve spent too long in one place. people have lingered too long on the street, sizing up them, inter mundos, every customer in and out of their doors. mapping routines and tapping away innocently at phones when iovita stares at them just a little too long.
iovita is no rabbit. they spent sun-filled days, once, watching their black-and-tan hounds dart through the bushes, always just a breath away from the gray fur and wild eyes of a fleeing rabbit. some managed to slip away, but many did not. especially if all their dogs were chasing one. teamwork. the skills of a pack trickling down from wild ancestors.
and then there were the bears. the boars. quarry their dogs treated differently. a boar could rip them apart if he caught them. a bear, too.
even foxes and coyotes chew themselves out of a trap. iovita is not dissimilar. they, too, would risk a limb and blood loss to keep living. to keep fighting.
iovita is no rabbit. they’re the boar, the brown bear. the stag. the fox with its own blood on its teeth.
which is why when they see someone standing still on a sidewalk one day, their demeanor changes. their shoulders square, their feet set solid. the person stares back, and iovita turns. behind them are two other people, rapidly advancing. to their right is an alleyway, and even from here iovita can see that it dead ends into a wall.
the other way out is to cross the street. iovita glances at the alleyway, then back at the hounds. they’ve hesitated, watching them warily.
iovita chooses the street. extends one long leg out to the side, gives them a little head jerk – follow me – and steps out into traffic. the car approaching immediately slams on the brakes, horn blaring. iovita can hear someone cursing out an open window. they ignore it, and stride across the lanes. a glance over their shoulder proves that the hounds are following. there’s one more, now. four total.
iovita sidesteps down another alleyway. this one, they know, leads where they want it to. footsteps crunch over trash and the scattered glass of a broken bottle behind them. more footsteps than just four people.
cold dread trickles down their neck. how many are there?
too many.
some small part of them wonders if this is azzy’s group. if maybe, this time, they’re up against the people who can truly handle them.
but there’s also no time to wonder. even a doe turns and fights when outnumbered. there’s nothing else to do. life can be preserved through violence - if every card is played just right.
gravel crunches under their feet. iovita takes a few more steps, tilts their head back, and takes a long breath.
it’d be a lie to say they don’t feel fear. it clutches their chest, their throat. it almost overwhelms every thought in their mind. they can’t let it.
iovita turns. it’s more than four people. there’s five in front of them. footsteps sound behind them, and they realize that four more went around so that they were surrounded.
there’s too many to handle this time.
but –
iovita grabs at their fear with both hands. it’s a rope, nothing more. and iovita can braid it. tie it. change it into something different. anger starts to boil in their chest, instead. if they're going to die in some dark, empty gravel parking lot, then they're going to do it fighting.
they scan the group, who watches them back. waiting. glancing at each other. someone nudges a woman and whispers in her ear. iovita’s gaze locks onto hers. she lifts her chin, but they can see their fear reflected in her gaze.
“ well? ” they say, and start to pace. keeping their eyes on everything they can. their gait smooths. lengthens. when they reach the end of an invisible line, they snap around on a heel and pace the other direction. it’s predatory, the way they walk. someone steps in a little closer, and iovita goes to meet them halfway, heat flaring in their hands. they jump back, and iovita returns to pacing.
“ come on, then! ” they snap, baring their teeth in their anger. “ fight me! ”
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oswidower · 2 years
I just had a dream where the entire season dropped at once and I was on episode 2 and I was really busy so I didn't have time to watch the rest. All I remember was:
-There was a baby that was abandoned
-A good doggo that had a collar saying "Please take care of me. Need food."
-Somebody was intimidating and cornering somebody else on the train.
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stil-lindigo · 5 months
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lead balloon (the tumblr post that saved me)
if this comic resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you donated to this palestinian family's escape fund.
no creative notes because this isn't that kind of comic.
I know I don’t owe any of you anything but I still felt compelled to write about my long term absence. And I feel far enough away from the dangerous spot I was in to be able to make this comic. I have a therapist now, and she agreed that making this could be a very cathartic gesture, and the start of properly leaving these thoughts behind me. I am still, at seemingly random times, blindsided by fleeting desires to kill myself. They’re always passing urges, but it’s disarming, and uncomfortable. I worry sometimes that my brain’s spent so long thinking only about suicide that it’s forgotten how to think about anything else. Like, now that I've opened that door for myself, I'll never be able to fully shut it again. But I’m trying my best to encourage my mind in other directions. We'll see how that goes.
I am still donating all proceeds from my store to Palestinian causes. So far, I've donated over $15K, not including donations coming from my own pocket or the fundraising streams which jointly raised around $10K. In the time since I made my initial post about where this money would be going, the focus has shifted from aid organisations to directly donating to escape funds.
If you'd like to do the same, you can look at Operation Olive Branch, which hosts hundreds of Palestinian escape funds or donate to Safebow, which has helped facilitate the safe crossing and securing of important medical procedures for over 150 at-risk palestinians since the beginning of the genocide.
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novodontia · 3 months
Can i ask u a question?
Yea sure, go ahead ig
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