#( zev. interactions. )
sotc · 26 days
zevran please show up in da4 i know my rook would be your bestieeeee. those two in the same room together and they would never shut the fuck upppp!!!! this would be them
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souvelani · 3 months
Zevran I love you please don’t die
He really is the reason I played origins until 6 in the morning JUST to romance him (without fear of my father yelling “GAY!” at me (he does that sometimes))
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shivunin · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag, @daggerbean! c:
I haven't had much time to write this week (given the circumstances), but luckily I have a handy pile of WIPs in various states of completion. This one covers the wedding scene at the beginning of Origins, the return to the alienage, and the Landsmeet, but it's a bit patchwork at the moment. This scene is set just after finding Shianni later in the game.
Sorry if I tagged you on the other blog already this week haha, my brain is goop. Tagging (no pressure): @demandthedoodles @dungeons-and-dragon-age @greypetrel @ndostairlyrium @vakarians-babe @star--nymph @zenstrike
CW: Panic attack, indirect references to the events of the Tabris origin
“The things that happened after your wedding,” Shianni said, her voice tight, “it was horrible.” Already, being back in the alienage was doing something to her. Wen was not the same girl who’d walked away from here. She could not duck her head and hope for the best as she had for the last ten years. She…also could not hate these people as she had when she’d left. Plenty of them were awful—had been awful to her family for as long as she could remember—but she could see the pained exhaustion in their faces now, too. They were all trapped here together and none of them could do a blighted thing about it. The closest they’d ever come to feeling powerful was kicking at her family when they could.  Arianwen didn’t want them all to die.  But this was—oh, this hurt her. Shianni’s eyes flicked to the left a second before Zevran spoke.  “A wedding?” he sounded like his old, amused self—which, she supposed, meant that he was very hurt. Curse it all. Curse this place and everything that'd happened here. “So there is a secretive side to you after all.”
Little insects crawled around inside of Arianwen’s skin. They carried with them the stench of the alcohol on Vaughan’s breath, the sharp scent of the hair oil Wen had been wearing that day, the heaviness of the dress on her body, the ringing in her ears when she’d woken in the arl of Denerim’s residence. Secretive—yes, she’d been carrying many tiny secrets inside of her. She’d thought she’d gotten rid of them, pawned and forgotten like the golden ring in Ostagar.  Zevran was waiting; she did not want him to wait. Wen looked over her shoulder at him and forced herself to meet his eyes.  “I was…betrothed,” she said, and his face didn’t change one whit. She’d have to explain herself later, when she wasn’t…when they weren’t… “It didn’t end well.” Shianni looked at her, but Wen couldn’t read her expression. It was too loud in her ears to make anything out, though she’d once known her cousin’s face better than her own. Everything around her seemed blurred, somehow, oil paint smeared by a careless finger. Zevran and his bright eyes and his kidskin voice were her present; this place, crooked and dark and foul-smelling, was her past. She didn’t like them meeting. If she’d been thinking, she would have left him at home and dragged Leliana and her pity along instead.  “No?” Zevran’s brows were arched, his mouth crooked with something that might be described as a smile. She wished she didn’t know him so well; she wished she couldn’t see the wound underneath the golden veneer.  Wen wanted to crawl out of her own body. No—she wanted Morrigan’s trick of shedding her own skin and taking another instead. She’d be a cat up the vhenadahl by now if she could, or a mouse lost to the roots.  “You left him at the altar, didn’t you?” Yes.  Yes, she had, in a way. She hadn’t been there for that, though. She’d been neither here nor there, really. She looked at Zevran, her lips parting and pursing again, and his smile faded to a sliver. Beside her, carefully, Shianni’s hand crept into hers. They’d stood like this a hundred times: in the market, when the other people would jostle them as they carried their purchases home; down the street to the gates when Shianni would leave for work; beside the pyre when Mother had been burned. Wen squeezed and Shianni squeezed back, her hands rough and cold but nonetheless comforting in their familiarity.  Tabris couldn’t read Zevran’s face, either. He wasn’t smiling. His eyes looked—she didn’t know. Would it be horrible if she was sick right now?  Yes. She should say something instead. Wen worked her jaw loose from its rictus and spoke.   “He died,” she said. 
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Interaction Stance: Disparate
[PT: Interaction Stance: Disparate /End PT]
Disparate: An interaction stance (like favorable, oscillating, repulsed, etc) that describes those who repulsed when seeing others interact in a (sexual/romantic/familial/etc) way, however are not repulsed when interacting with it personally.
For example someone who is romance disparate may feel repulsed if they watch a show featuring characters going on a date, however may be favorable is someone asks them on a date.
This may be considered the inverse of adverse.
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[ID: A thin light yellow line. /End ID]
Coined for one of our members! We couldn't find anything describing this experience, but let us know if there is something out there. Couldn't think of a flag for this, however you're free to make/request one if you want (and tag us if you do please!)
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donnyholly · 2 years
who: @thezevking​ what: donny tries to get to zev but gets interrupted by a rich prick first :-\ where: holly holiday party :-\
Even if he was not one of the Hollys that everyone was looking for ( no, in order of importance, that would be his father, shortly followed by his mother, shortly followed by Danny... with Donny there at the way way way way way end ! ), Donny would be damned if he hadn’t had his best stiff smile on. Nod and wave to everyone, answer any questions, talk when prompted to talk. Yada yada yada. The usual drill when there were guests to schmooze with in the Holly household! A man ( he wants to say... maybe one of the Archers ? ) stops by for a brief second, gets Donny nodding and smiling and pretending to follow along with some half-hearted hums and ‘uh-huh, yeah!’ - See, the great thing about being amongst such a rich crowd ? He knew from experience that rich folks liked talking about themselves way more than anything else ! ‘Yes sir, your charity work was amazing. You definitely outdid Mr. So-And-So!’ -- and they were happy ! But, god... once they got on the topic of themself... there was no getting back ! Thus, great reprieve came when Donny spotted Zev just over the man’s shoulder. A quick apology, a quick ‘we’ll have to circle back to this!’ (because it was just sooooo interesting), a big ol’ smile and a firm handshake later... Donny managed to break from the one-sided conversation, marching towards Zev, head downward as if the man would pop up again at any moment and spring to attack !  SAFE. “Have you, uh... ever gotten trapped in a conversation with him?” he asked with a slight chuckle, nodding towards the man who had moved onto his new victim like a damn shark. “I’m a little disappointed that he doesn’t have pictures of himself summiting Mt. Everest in his wallet. It’s like, you know, if you’re gonna talk about it that much, you should definitely be showing us some pictures, right? Of him and his hoard of guides who he was really the one guiding since the mountain just spoke to him! A total spiritual experience! He was Mt. Everest!” And he was rambling... though, to be fair, everything he had just spouted ? They had almost been said verbatim by the man ! Nonetheless...  A beat, he shook his head with what could be a sheepish grin. What a silly goose! “So...” a moment to catch his breath... “is this year holding up to last year?”
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biowho · 2 years
if you did the bioware bastard beat-em-up i would vote like ive never voted before
If I did…people gotta be chill with not arguing and I need to be chill with my sweet baby boy getting torn asunder
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ask-sad-ghost-piett · 2 years
The republic was way better than the stupid empire
Dear Zevulon,
Forgive me for calling out your anonymity. I recognize the sullen aura about your messages. Call it ghostly magic if it pleases you. That said, even without any spectral abilities, I could have guessed your identity based on the fact that you sent me this very same transmission at least a dozen times during my lifetime. It is getting old.
I understand that you were a child in the days of the Republic. As such, life was easier for you at the time. This had nothing to do with the governing body at the time, but after discussing your circumstances with a licensed Imperial family therapist, they explained to me that your mind has confounded the two. Furthermore, you have no way of remembering how terrible the circumstances were during the days of the Republic. You are fortunate in that regard.
I, on the other hand, lived through both firsthand and can say with certainty that my standard of living vastly improved under the Empire. You do not know what it was like growing up in an Outer Rim planet plagued by pirates, and you ought to be grateful to the Empire for that fact.
I know that you don't like me. I hope that in time that will change, but for now, I only ask that you attempt to be civil with me. Besides the fact that this message is a flagrant violation of COMPNOR regulations, it isn't grounds for a civil relationship.
And if you do not wish to do that, at the very least, please call your father. He misses you.
Do take care of yourself.
Best regards,
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scribbledquillz · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Thank you so much to @heniareth for the tag! Luckily today was a preschool day for kiddo, so I was able to squeeze in some writing time while she was out of the house.
Action scenes - particularly those focused on fighting / battles - are always the most challenging for me in the first draft. But all in all I'm quite pleased with what I've gotten so far!
For tags, let's say @siriskulksnerding , @icy-warden and whoever else would like to share their progress. Tag me please! 😊
Raw magic sizzled through the air as Lucea rushed past him with a shriek, reckless and headless as the bolts of lightning she rained down upon their marks. Zevran felt his own temper flash with the strikes as one after the other sent his Warden dancing out of their path, the desire to see her thrown into the pit alongside him answered before the wish could come fully formed into his mind. A shard of ice as long and deadly as the point of a spear flew toward her in a blur, the witch's strike piercing the meat of her shoulder just as another came crashing through the center of her chest. Wide eyed and gasping, the mage toppled backward to land at his feet in a cloud of dust. Her head lolled backward, steel eyes shinning with fear as she cast them frantically about, only to lock on him once he was found. She raised a shaking arm toward him, the last licks of electricity sparking from her fingertips as she pleaded silently for her life. There was no warmth to offer her, and so he did not give it. His eyes fell to Lucea with a recognition frigid as the ice buried in her heart, no longer obligated to wear the mask she had felt herself entitled to. He moved away, granting himself a wide bearth around the reach of her desperate, clawing hand, and did not look back as he took his final step into the Void.
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niofo · 5 days
i would love for zev to show up in dav, period. but what i would really love is for zev to show up in dav, got to interact with lucanis and that zev is the taller one.
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atomsminecraft · 5 months
I need to see chaotic sibling interactions with Guy, Aqua, and Zev, Fenn and Kieran, Roy and Sherry, and Rio, Teto, and Nica
I need to see them harass each other and do silly things
Rio and Teto can’t do that to Nica though
Nica only deserves happiness and fun and laughs, no average sibling harassment for her
Rio and Teto dressed up in frilly outfits and having a tea party with Nica 💀
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villainanders · 3 months
Something something antivan crow blood mage something something about them having interactions with zev and daera on their taking down the crows mission.. I’m ideating here
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faerunsbest · 4 months
Zevlor the best husband even when terrified is such a sweet idea. Of course that old man is a mythical tier of husband he'd treat their wedding vows the way he treats his paladin oath. Local husbands hate him for the way the expectations of their wives are raised seeing him interact with Tav.
Zev absolutely makes other husbands look based by comparison. He adores his spouse and shows it every day.
In every aspect, he gives every bit of himself and it leaves his spouse looking spoiled.
He adore knowing his spouse is happy with his care that they brag about him. Not what he was looking for but he'll take it
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nasoleil · 2 months
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Concepts for Some Boys, from a scifi gay romance project I'm working on.
Left to right: Ilya, Zev, Yuri, Kalen, Dae.
Ilya's a Totally Normal Not Suspicious At All Auxim (a species on this planet) mechanic. He seems nice enough, but there's an odd sadistic edge to his smile, and he always seems to be more amused than any situation calls for ...
Zev is a Big Badda Boom Boy whose detonation powers are at complete odds with his chill and easygoing demeanor. Well, that would be true, except that to him consequences are something that happen to other people.
Yuri's our MC. He's an exhausted and depressed 'ghost' with no memories. Unable to interact with the environment, be seen or touched by people, he's isolated and floating through life just trying to survive.
Kalen is a researcher working with the IMC (the Infiltration Management Cooperative, an organization on this planet). He's Yuri's roommate and the person who found Yuri wandering the streets with no idea who or where he was. He's gentle, nurturing, and protective of Yuri (... maybe a bit too much), but his work face is cold enough to make one wonder which is the real him.
Dae is an Ulsindul (a lizard-hominin species) agent working with the IMC. He's haughty, cold, and (too) professional. He views others with disdain, neutrality at best, and as a hindrance to his work at worst. But because of this singleminded focus, he's oddly innocent and easily flustered.
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tinytinybumblebee · 8 months
I’m doing a fun lil chai rp with halsin (played by me) caring for zevlor postgame as a type of therapy so he can recover from all the absolute inflicted trauma and also forgive himself. right now Zevlor is settling in for his baby time still not super sure what to do and this ridiculously cute interaction came out of it—
Halsin set him down to play after he woke up from his nap but eventually zevlor started calling for his papa, wanting real bad to be held—to which halsin realizes happily zevlor doesn’t want toys, he just wants papa!
It also gave me an idea for a hypothetical “zevlor comes with the party au” considering that halsin is one of the people orin can capture and impersonate… ooo ideas ideas, poor zevlor would be so torn up when his papa suddenly starts acting scary, then to find out he was actually captured by orin—he probably stays regressed for days just from all the worry and stress until finally he gets sweet comfort time when they get halsin back, halsin probably being flattered to know zevlor wanted him and only him and was nearly as fussy as astarion for that time period just because everyone was a poor substitute for his papa ;;
Sorry to like ramble about absolutely nothing from ideas to chai interactions this pairing of carer and baby just makes my heart so so happy and I had to ramble somewhere hdhdhzhdhdhh—
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Wa a a a a a a oh my goodness???? How ADORABLE AA A A A
Poor Zev in the au, he would be devastated if papa Halsin was captured then Orin pretending to be him 😭🥺🥺🥺🥺 a a a aaa
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lethalhoopla · 2 years
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"I could've sworn I was only gone for three days."
"And now here you are, home in my arms at last! Truly, your impeccable timing only serves to brighten my day, divine light of my life and Warden extraordinaire-"
"Pretty sure you're in my arms, Zev, love."
"And what lovely, strong arms they are. Say, that's a fascinating wall behind us, perhaps we ought to test it's integrity..."
"Yes, my love?"
"Three men are dead in the corridor. And four more in the rest of the building."
"Ah, yes. Terrible liars, really. Awful at covering their connections. Your entrance was stunning, by the way. Are those new lightning strikes? The flair! Not subtle, of course, but I always was a man that could appreciate seeing my beloved arriving to catch me from my dramatic second-floor escape while they were backlit by the death throes of our enemies. Did you know that no less than four sects of the Crows are operating in the same quarter-city here? Messy, messy..."
"Are they the only ones that needed to be taken care of?"
"... Now, if you wanted to woo me so thoroughly, you could not have chosen more enticing words."
"Oh? I wouldn't mind hearing another example or two... for reference."
"Excellent. Five more targets in the next two rooms, and then I do believe I'll spend the rest of the next three nights providing fully interactive demonstrations."
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little-elf-wanders · 3 months
I think because we get to choose what our Inquisitors did instead of importing the world states, I'll make my Inky Solas's ex. Because although I like Iron Bull, I'll be honest... none of the romance in Inquisition actually captured me like Origins or Da2 did. (Which isn't bad, not every game will hit the mark for everyone) Don't get me wrong, I'm fond of the group in Inquisition but I'm not attached enough to care about who shows up in da4. I was much more platonically attached to that group. Like with Varric and Cole and Viv.
I'd gotten wrapped up in "FIRST QUNARI ROMANCE!" when Iron Bull was introduced and I did have fun but... as an asexual with a low libido I suppose the BDSM link to him and ass slaps weren't really things that did much for me for the long haul, which is ironic since my origins obsession was Zevran, but he had bigger depth to him than just... 'haha horny'. Cheeky and fun, yes. But not something I'll be eager to latch onto. Cullen was alright but... meh. Nostalgia really led that one in the beginning but... The most excited I got in Trespasser was seeing the Mabari, and you can't marry a guy for his dog. Josie was cute but was more for my Trevelyan. I didn't romance Sera or Cass. Or Dorian. Blackwall was reserved for my dwarf playthrough but by then I lost access to the game and the dlc due to irl circumstance and it was forgotten about. And then, of course, I got older. I'm in my 30's now, so I value different things. Yet weirdly, my love for Zevran and Fenris is absolutely cemented. (Would I have romanced Sten? Yes. Isabela is a close second. But Zev and Fenris just remain in my affections like Garrus does.)
Largely, the Inky I got attached to was Lavellan - a specific Lavellan - and two of those romances just wouldn't happen due to sexualities, plus... Sera's like a kid sister in maturity levels. So once my initial hype around it all calmed down, I noticed I was ironically writing fanfic and interactions between my two oc's more. Trevelyan and Lavellan. And also another oc with a friends oc. It wasn't companion centred at all and I was more just enamoured with the setting. The world. There's a scarce few probably around with Cullen and Bull but I felt much more committed to the oc's relationship than theirs.
SO, I think for da4, I might just go the drama route of a strained ex situation with Solas. If only for Rook to sip coffee and gossip about 'wtf happened there.' Because I did try to give the Solas romance a shot, and in some areas I see why the Solavellan girlies go nuts but - he still didn't change my mind on him. BUT I'm down for storybeats and narrative drama soooooo.
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