#(;;tagged by le others)
humbuns · 3 months
For pride requests, like, Shu has something going on. Something dysphoria, maybe ace too but maybe he moves past repulsion once he figures out the gender thing, I don't know, what's your read?
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oh i 100% agree, i have always seen shu being a little uncomfortable with their existence because it reminds them that they are a little too human (in his heart and in his mind) so it will probably take them a while to realize anything in some form without layers and layers of deflections but they're getting there (this is the sole reason why i like to see shu as a gem slowly being polished, they were always brilliant but it takes time to see it and accept it yourself)
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wiishopchanelboots · 6 months
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The Books of Earthsea Illustrations from the complete illustrated edition, Illustrated by Charles Vess [X]
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rainingincale · 7 months
Hello UK peeps 📢🇵🇸📢🇵🇸
Parliament is going to be voting on a ceasefire again on Wednesday 21st February 2024!
Please email your MP to ask them to join in voting for a ceasefire (template in link) and there will also be a demonstration that you should attend if you can!
More info available on the *Palestine Solidarity Campaign website.*
Keep speaking up, keep donating and keep educating yourself ❤️💚🖤🤍
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
(Pic from PSC)
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ahalliance · 2 months
antoine + étoiles insane moments for ur consideration :] @etoilesbienne @icockeatpanda @jahanmp4
eng transcript below:
[Video Transcript:
(First clip plays.)
Antoine: Look at what’s written in the heart, dude.
Etoiles: Holy shit, it’s you and me, dude!
Antoine: Oh yeah, A + E, dude
(overlapping) Etoiles: Antoine and Etoiles. Dude, holy shiiiit
Etoiles: Hey all that is destiny, dude
Antoine: I’m the one who did it in the hopes of stumbling across it on Geoguessr one day
Etoiles: Fuck, and after all these years you’ve finally realised your objective
Antoine: And yeah, dude….
Etoiles: peepoShy, as we say
(Second clip plays.)
Etoiles: Where are you, Antoine?
Antoine: I’m on— I’m on the blue level of the TDM (Tour de Merde)
Etoiles: Where are you, darling? I’m coming
Antoine: The blue level of the TDM
Florence: No but he’s horny, Rayou, tonight
Bagz: But Rayou— he arrived— he arrived (to the stream) saying, “I’m exhausted’, and he’s really in shape!
Antoine: He just wants to fuck, Rayou, tonight. He wants to fuck so badly tonight
Etoiles: But I said ‘darling’!
(overlapping) Bagz: In ‘Just Fucking’ (as a Twitch stream category)
Etoiles: No but I hate you all, bro
(Third clip plays.)
Antoine: I want to vape but I can’t
Etoiles: Vape my ass, dude
Antoine: Wow, what the fuck? What—
(Fourth clip plays.)
Etoiles: Well I don’t know what my favourite party is, is it the one where we played the capitals game? Or—
Antoine: Or the one where I sucked you off? Oh, no, sorry. No, you were saying? Yeah
Etoiles: That one— that one was crazy
(overlapping) Antoine: Sorry, my bad
(Fifth clip plays.)
Etoiles: Antoine I just looked at the camera, you’re incredibly handsome, dude
Antoine: Really?
Etoiles: Yeah. You have a cool look about you
Zerator: You mean, as opposed to normal?
Etoiles: Yeah, because usually you’re disgusting but here, honestly… I find you very fuckable tonight
Antoine: Well, thanks so much dude
(Sixth clip plays.)
Etoiles: Me, I’ve never cried. The only time I’ve had water on my face is when I’ve showered
Antoine: When I performed a facial on you too, no?
Florence: Oh nooooo. No but I respect it, you guys do what you want
Etoiles: Actually it’s not water it’s sperm
Antoine: In sperm there’s water, dude
(Cuts to a later portion of the same stream.)
Etoiles: Y’know you’re only gross with me, with your other friends you don’t make jokes like that
Antoine: That’s true. I don’t know why I’m like this with you. Maybe I should be asking myself questions, bro. I don’t know!
end Video Transcript.]
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autumnalmess · 10 months
To anyone struggling with their mental health this holiday season: read Les miserables by Victor Hugo
it won't help, but at least then you'll know about the sewers
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Some little incorrect quotes from the Merlin academy gang.
Because I have a bit of alone time right now UwU
(+Glassheart/CharmingHeart and other ships)
Squad reactions to being called straight:
Red : The fuck, no I'm not.
Hook: Excuse the hell out of you?
Morgie: Ding dong, you are wrong!
Bridget: Who told you that? And why did they lie?
Chloe: Rude.
Ella: *punches the person*
(I honestly want Ella or Chloe to punch someone)
Chloe: What are you up to today?
Red: Nothing.
Chloe: But you did that yesterday!
Red: I wasn’t finished.
(I feel that. Yuh)
Cinderella: Did you take out Red as I requested?
Chloe: Red has been taken out, yes.
Cinderella: You have my grat-
Chloe: It was a great restaurant.
Chloe: We had a romantic candlelit dinner.
Chloe: Red proposed afterwards- we’re filing the wedding papers.
(AU were Cinderella and Queen of Hearts are enemies or something and Ella wanted to kill the daughter of the Queen of Hearts for some reason idk lol)
Hades: The shadow realm? No, I’m sending you to Ohio
(I don't know much about Ohio. But apparently it's hell?)
Ella: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Charming: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Ella: But you’re always acting stupid?
Charming: ...
Charming: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
(aha 👀 okaaayy)
Morgie: How do I tell Hook that I want them to yell at me like they're Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined the crème brûlée?
(damn, Morgie. hell yeah! I'm hoping for you)
Morgie: I want a bf.
Bridget: Do you mean best friend, boyfriend or bread feast? Because you’re being really vague here.
(All of them really. But mostly a boyfriend/Hook)
Bridget: Watcha doin?
Morgie: Stealing my neighbour’s cat.
Bridget: Scandalous.
Bridget: Can I help?
(The cat wasn't treated well. And Best friend? Check ✅)
Bridget: Awww, why don't you like cats, Ella? They're just snuggly buddies! They have toe beans! They make a little blep! What's not to love??
Ella: I don't know Bridget, I just prefer to be conscious instead of dead on the floor.
(Bridget felt really bad for Ella that she can't cuddle with cats. She made it her mission to find some kind of potion/recipe that could make Ella not allergic so she can pat cats safely)
Morgie: Man, it smells like wrongdog out here.
Hook: Morgie, are you alright?
Morgie: *sobs*
(Boyfriend? Check ✅? Also he would definitely make that joke.)
Hades: How high are you?
Bridget: Mm, I don’t know how to say it in feet.
Morgie: No, they’re asking what drugs are you on.
Bridget: Oh, antidepressants, why?
(oop. I can see that tho 🫠)
Bridget: Today at 7 am, Ella poured a Monster energy drink in their coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing.
Hook: I watched Ella brew their coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think they ascended into the astral realm.
Hades: The survivability of the human race never fails to amaze me.
(Says a god. He's literally a god. What the hell.)
Kind in a rush.
Also not much glassheart
Hope you liked it
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williamvapespeare · 2 months
oops i wrote a Payneland first kiss ft. the aftermath of a probably horrible case, Charles being a little bit hysterical, and Edwin being a gentle little bitch Charles is happy to see him. He really, really is. He’s so chuffed it feels like his whole body is fizzing with energy and his head is pounding with something that might be pain or might be relief. And his grip on Edwin’s shoulders is only half meant to keep himself upright. It’s also because Edwin is properly, actually here in front of him, as solid as anything gets beneath Charles’ fingers these days. 
He doesn’t think he’s stopped grinning since Edwin hauled him upright. 
“Edwin,” he says, and can’t quite piece together anything better than, “you bloody genius!” 
And then Charles surges forward and kisses him. He’s aiming for Edwin’s cheek but he’s a little giddy and his eyesight is still a bit blurry and he ends up with his lips pressed to the corner of Edwin’s mouth. 
He feels more than he sees when Edwin startles at the contact, but doesn’t think he has it in him right now to pull back for a talk or a scolding or, god forbid, a lecture on impetuous behaviour. So, he tightens his hands around Edwin’s shoulders and tugs him in a little ways, until their foreheads are pressed together. Edwin blinks a few times and Charles feels his eyelashes flutter against his own cheek. 
“You did it!”. He can hardly believe the words as he speaks them and he keeps kind of laughing in little bursts of uncontrollable giggles. “I thought I was going to - that you were - I can’t even really -” 
Edwin, who has been relaxing against him by careful degrees, finally jolts into action and brings an arm up around Charles’ shoulders. 
“It’s alright,” he says, which Charles thinks is pretty thick for someone as smart as Edwin because of course he’s alright! Edwin just single-handedly swooped in and saved the day and dredged Charles up from the bottom of a literal and metaphorical hole and now he’s got his arm around Charles, close enough that each of his unnecessary breaths stirs the curls around Charles’ ear. He’s a lot fucking more than alright. 
Edwin’s hand starts to rub little circles between his shoulder blades. It feels nice.
“Mate,” he tries again. “You are…” but he doesn’t quite know what Edwin is other than the most important person in the world and, anyway, he can’t finish the sentence because Edwin cuts him off in a tone that Charles still thinks is far too serious for the situation. 
“Charles, you seem a touch, well.” A slight pause. “For lack of a better word, hysterical.” 
Is he hysterical? Charles doesn’t think so, but then again he’s never been great at thinking things through properly at the best of times. 
“Also, I must ask.” Charles’s eyes are only centimeters away from Edwin’s, and he watches Edwin squeeze his close. Eyelashes flutter together. “Did you mean to kiss me?”  
Charles blinks once.
“Uh,” he says. “Yeah, mate.” 
The hand on his back tightens, fingers gripping the fabric of his polo and that feels pretty good too, like Edwin is clinging to him with all the same desperation swirling up inside Charles. Like maybe he’s something solid even when he feels as insubstantial as ghosts can get. 
“Well,” Edwin says, finally, with a posh little sniff like he’s right fucking pleased with himself. “That is good to know.” 
Charles collapses against him, eventually, when he finally starts breathing steadier and the heavy weight of exhaustion settles over his shoulders. When the giddy adrenaline leaves him feeling a little more cracked open than he’d like. Edwin just gathers him close with the same possessive gesture as his hand. 
There’s a soft brush of lips against his temple. He smiles into the collar of Edwin’s coat and lets himself drift, warm and soft and held together
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autisticnari · 1 year
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Go check out Beary The Hatchet!!! GREAT game overall, these characters have been in festering in my mind for the past few days. You can also rate the game for the Spooktober Visual Novel Jam, so go do that too if you want!
(The first pic would be an offshoot of the "Hidden" ending, where Pearl manages to save Grizz from the bear trap. At a cost.)
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kindalikerackham · 3 months
I have such strong opinions about E/R in the Would Gay Sex Fix Them poll.
If anything changed, it would only be worse. Period. Full stop. Or whatever they say in French.
Why? Consider: the arcs of the characters; the themes; the plot.
I cannot imagine a way in which R does not get markedly worse in some way as an outcome of this. Like, he's melancholic even while being technically a friend and spectator to the light of the revolution (Enjolras).
And we know, Enjolras righteous angel - would never give up the cause. Not for a mortal love, even if he indulged in it.
Grantaire would only get more frantic, more drunk, more despairing, because by some miracle the avenging angel reached out to touch him. And he had a taste of it: a tendril of ecstasy, momentary in the grand holy fire thundering the skies. He knows, and we know, it's a spark that could only leave him ashen. Hollowed out.
In our beautiful modern AUs: Enjolras the ecoterrorist, or Enjolaras the labor organizer, or Enjolras the firebrand political personality, or Enjolras the Edward Snowden. In these, his life could be soothed and balanced by Grantaire.
But canon will kill them. Or worse - kill only Enjolras. Or even worse - keep them alive. Because Grantaire in his despair bound or bludgeoned the angel to keep him from his holy task.
It's a tragedy.
It's the tragedies.
The Miserables.
Its romance is inextricable from the perversity of the world.
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secretmellowblog · 10 months
For me the ‘canon homoerotic subtext’ between brick!Valjean and Javert is really more about the parallels between Javert and Eponine, who are explicitly set up as character foils.
Brick!Javert isn’t obsessed with Valjean like he is in adaptations. He’s not psychosexually obsessed with hunting him down; he really doesn’t seem to think of him as being any different than any other criminal—- he doesn’t think about Jean Valjean much at all until after Jean Valjean saves his life.
But after the barricades, Javert’s sudden weird desperate emotions about Jean Valjean are like a twisted mirror of his character foil Eponine’s weird desperate emotions for Marius.
Some guy takes pity on them, and extends them a bit of basic impersonal kindness— and they react by descending into this violently self-destructive suicidal admiration built on self-loathing. They’re both described as making themselves the “dogs” of Marius/Valjean, the dogs of people who barely remember they exist.
And anyway! I think there is potential to explore things there in analysis and fanfiction
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lemotmo · 1 month
What do you think the chances are that BT is actually endgame
Thank you for the interesting question Nonny. 😊
I've had some time to think about this and honestly?
Zero chances.
If you had asked me this question right after episode 7x04 had aired, I would have hesitated to answer this. I would have maybe said that there was a 20% chance, because we didn’t really know in what way they would develop Tommy as a character. The main question was whether or not he would only stay as a part of Buck’s arc or if he would get his own storyline.
Having watched the rest of season 7 and knowing what we know now? I can confidently say: ‘Nah, not a chance.’
And there are many reasons why I’m so confident about it:
The way that 7x04 was in essence not about Tommy at all, but all about Eddie. It was confirmed that this episode was shot from Buck’s point of view, so that makes it even more obvious that he was very conflicted on Eddie’s new friendship with Tommy and how Eddie almost seemed to shut him out of that friendship. Even more, Tommy essentially took Eddie out on ‘dates’ and I can’t help but wonder if subconsciously Buck was afraid that Eddie would be interested in Tommy instead of him. He then, in true Buck-style, proceeded to do some foolish things and got his emotions all mixed up. Tommy saw a chance and took it by kissing Buck.
And I’m sure Buck liked that kiss and developed a crush on Tommy. Otherwise he wouldn’t have made an effort to reconnect with him after that failed date. So I’m not saying Tommy doesn’t matter to him or doesn’t have an important part in his story. All I’m saying is that Tommy was basically the wrong guy at the right time.
The interview Tim did about Tommy wasn’t all that promising either. In it he said something about not expecting wedding bells for them and that it was just an entry level relationship. In other words he was warning the audience to not get too attached, because Tommy wasn’t sticking around. At the same time it was revealed by Lou that he was only going to do a few episodes and that originally he was supposed to kiss Eddie. Which is interesting, because it tells us that they were discussing getting Eddie out of that closet. But ultimately they decided on Buck first. Which was the better way to go in my opinion.
Tommy was hardly in the rest of season 7. The main reason for that was that he was introduced as a plot device in Buck’s narrative arc and he fulfilled that function just fine. Basically he only showed up to further Buck’s storyline and that was it. Even that hospital kiss was in function of having Buck come out to his family without making a big deal about it.
He also wasn’t always portrayed as the nicest guy who we should all root for.
First Tim made the decision to choose the man who made Chimney and Hen’s lives worse when they started out at the 118. Which is an odd choice if you ask me. Why would you choose the guy who was obviously a bully to become another character’s love interest? The answer to that question is easy: Because you want to make sure that people remember that this -on the surface- seemingly nice and agreeable guy who helped Hen to save Bathena, has kind of a shady past.
And this showed again and again in the show itself. The way Tommy abandoned Buck during a date and left him standing on the sidewalk as he drove off? The way he was always dismissive of Buck’s interests and used this very sarcastic -almost negative- humour on moments when Buck really could have used some support. Don’t even talk to me about that scene in the finale where he once again deflected Buck’s worry by making THAT joke at such a bad time.
I know deleted scenes aren’t really canon, but -in my opinion- they released that Tommy & Henren scene to, once again show us that Tommy really isn’t invested in his relationship with Buck. The fact that Hen and Karen were suspicious and didn’t trust him, is also notable. We as the audience were meant to see and share their concern.
The way that Oliver doesn’t acknowledge the relationship either speaks for itself. He has once said that he stopped talking about Buddie because, at that time it wasn’t an option because of FOX, and he didn’t want to lead people on.
Right before season 7 Oliver started talking Buddie to everyone who wanted to listen. There was so much promo with Ryan as well. But he never mentioned BT as anything that has a future. He mostly talks about Buck’s bisexuality and leaves Tommy out of it. He doesn’t engage with anything BT related. So to me, there is the possibility that he doesn’t want to lead people on.
The few times he did talk about Tommy it was in the same way he talked about Taylor and Natalia. Generic things to keep people interested, but we all know what happened to Taylor and Natalia, so…
The way the show does absolutely no promo for BT whatsoever is also very obvious. If they had really wanted to push BT, they would have made Oliver and Lou do extensive promo through interviews, photo shoots, magazine articles… all of the things to get them noticed. Kinda like with the actors that play TK and Carlos on Lone Star. There was none of that for BT. Yeah, one single really awkward interview where they didn’t even talk more than a minute about the show. That doesn’t count.
Oliver did do quite a lot of interviews after 7x04, but all of those were centred around Buck’s bisexuality. Tommy was hardly even mentioned. You know who was mentioned in those interviews? Eddie. A lot of these interviewers asked about the chances of Buddie happening. I think Oliver navigated those questions really well, not giving anything away, but at the same time hinting that there was a chance there if the story was told right.
Personally, I am convinced that Oliver and Ryan got the get-go on Buddie last season. But they were also told that the road towards Buddie wouldn’t be linear. They threw a new male love interest into the mix to help Buck realise some things about himself. And I do believe that season 8 will be about Eddie’s personal journey to figuring out who he is and figuring out his sexuality. I don’t think they will give Eddie a new love interest though. I think they might just make him realise he feels more for Buck than friendship and that will be the beginning of him questioning all of his life choices.
As for Tommy? I can see him in another episode or 2 in season 8, to close the arc for Buck’s narrative. But I don’t expect anything more than that.
However which way you turn it, the story will always end up with Buddie together.
Okay, now will everyone please remember that this is only my opinion and my own point of view. None of this is set in stone. This is the way I think it might go. But it could turn out different in many ways. The only thing I’m almost absolutely certain about is that BT isn’t going to last very long in season 8 and that the end goal will always be Buddie.
Also, don’t come into my inbox to hate on me over this. This is literally me talking and speculating about fictional characters on a TV-show. It isn’t all that deep. These people aren’t real. I’m allowed to have opinions about them, even if those opinions go against all of your opinions. If you don’t like reading this, just move on and go read posts that you do agree with. Life is too short to get angry and frustrated over the love life of fictional characters that live in a fictional world. Thank you.
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heartorbit · 1 year
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ahalliance · 2 months
antoine + étoiles insane moments, p.2. aka the ass saga. p1 here
transcript + context for some of the clips below
[Video Transcript:
[First clip plays.]
Rivenzi: You want to see Etoiles’ ass, of course…
Antoine: Yeah, I’m gonna stare at your ass, Etoiles…
Etoiles: Fuck, what dread, during Popcorn [a talkshow Etoiles had been invited on the previous week], when I went up to the map and you said that, and I thought ‘whoa—‘
Antoine: Sorry
[Second clip plays: the moment during Popcorn]
PA/Domingo: Antoine Daniel has posted a tweet for us: ‘I wanted to look at this map of Africa, but Etoiles’ ass in the shape of a standing bell is driving me crazy. Smiley face with eyes in the shape of hearts.’
[Third clip plays: a continuation of the first clip.]
Antoine: Sorry, bro…
Ponce: Oh but that tweet, besides
Rivenzi: A standing bell…
Antoine: What’s more is that I never tweet and when I do it’s to tweet this sort of shit
Ponce: That’s exactly what I told myself. When PA read the tweet, I thought to myself, ‘but he never tweets!’ And he tweets to talk about Etoiles’ ass
Antoine: There needs to be a good reason, you see
[Fourth clip plays: a clip from the Team du Lundi’s minecraft server.]
JDG: Someone (in chat) said, ‘I can’t tell whether the atmosphere is good tonight or—‘
Antoine: It sucks, it sucks
Florence: You don’t need to ask every time, it always sucks
Baghera: Always sucks. Especially when Etoiles talks about ass [which had been a previous topic of discussion for him that night]
Antoine: Stooop, I enjoy it
Mynthos: You enjoy it?
JDG: It’s true tonight that it’s more weird than bad
Antoine: I like it when Etoiles talks about ass….
[Fifth clip plays: a second and different clip from Popcorn.]
Etoiles: —you’re not allowed to tell me that [Xari claimed to not know much about cinema]. I know you, I studied, because you’re my rival [in pop culture]. I really enjoy what you do in life, Xari, and you’re really knowledgeable about cinema
Antoine: What do you mean he’s your rival? And I’m just shit?
Etoiles: You, you’re my lover
Antoine: Oh yeah, sorry, my bad
PA/Domingo: One of the three is gonna die soon. There’s a whole situation, there’s a whole lore
[Sixth clip plays: a clip from the QSMP.]
Antoine: Don’t you want to get married, dude?
Etoiles: Well, I don’t have the time to fuck
Antoine: What the fuck?!
Etoiles: I don’t have time to fuck, dude. I just need to kill everyone
Antoine: No but just a marriage, you see. You’ve watched Game of Thrones— you haven’t watched Game of Thrones, you can’t know how marriages work in that series
Etoiles: I’ve watched it, but I’m married to the street, dude. I can’t give out my heart that quickly
Antoine: Yeah but you can give out your ass quickly, no?
Etoiles: No, frankly, my ass—
Antoine: What the fuck?!
Etoiles: Giving out your ass takes time, dude
Antoine: What the fuck…
Etoiles: Then again, I need to think about it. I’ll give you my answer. I need to discuss, and everything
Antoine: I’m tired of getting betrayed. You get married with someone else—
Etoiles: Never in a million years!
Antoine: —it’s like yesterday. Apparently Maximus got the mic from his ass removed while I wasn’t there. I was supposed to be the one to do it
Etoiles: Oh okay, so I’m your second choice?
Antoine: No! It was just to help him—
Etoiles: No, but, okay
Antoine: He got— listen—
Etoiles: There’s no problem!
Antoine: Fuck, nevermind
Etoiles: There’s no issue! Oh, so you’re opening my chest and stealing?
Antoine: I was just looking! Out of curiosity
Etoiles: Yeah, that’s it
Antoine: I don’t even understand what’s in it
Etoiles: Yeah, out of curiosity. Dude, your opinion on my cave?
Antoine: Well frankly it’s big
end Video Transcript.]
#antoine daniel#etoiles#étoiles#jay clips#qsmp#<- this is an appropriate tag wait till the end . it makes up half the video too#4/08/2024#le fameux bol tibétain d’étoiles…. traduit pour les inters#and i call it a saga here because the clips here span from early 2021 to mid 2023#you know the first clips are old because antoine is still using twt at that point#not included here; a zlan 2024 clip where étoiles yells ‘fuck me in the ass’ (french) at antoine 👍#also not included ; a serveur du lundi clip where étoiles jokes about antoine having a leash at home#antoine denying this and étoiles saying ‘well i spent a weekend at your place’#????????? yeah sure why not#ALSO re the qsmp clip antoine brought up the marriage possibility after hearing about the upcoming spiderbit wedding <3#bro sounds so fucking needy in the clip it’s sending me . how can i make this into qantoine lore……. this WAS the period where things were#slowly changing within the french dynamic (aka . they were meeting and talking to new people) and qantoine was growing increasingly paranoi#about trusting people then……. him trying to hold onto someone he loves dearly because he’s not sure if he can keep up with him…..#anw some other translation type notes read if ur interested in that:#wasn’t quite sure on the best way to translate ‘l’angoisse’ here . i went with ‘dread’#literally it translates to ‘anxiety/anguish/dread/etc’ but it’s used in a very flippant way in slang#so anguish felt a bit strong here . when someone says ‘oh l’angoisse’ about something it’s usually to mean an uncomfortable or unusual#scenario . but the intensity of that very much varies#OH ALSO : if anyone wants the sources to each of these clips lmk#i may just add them here later when im less tired#insuline & nicotine
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navybrat817 · 1 month
I came back to work this week with 12 meetings and training requests over a 2 week span starting next week. It has since been increased to 16.
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Send help, lovelies. Please. 😂😭❤️
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syrupsyche · 1 year
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"There are men who seem to be born to be the reverse [...] their name is a sequel, and is only written preceded by the conjunction and; and their existence is not their own; it is the other side of an existence which is not theirs. Grantaire was one of these men. He was the obverse of Enjolras." — les mis, 3.4.1
he is canonically labelled "and Grantaire". what else am i suppose to do but draw this?
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qaanngi · 3 months
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Practicing men with jaws and chins and cheekbones and facial hair and nice noses 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️
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