#((All that groaning aside this was quite fun to write out. A pain in the fingers-- but fun))
queenharumiura · 1 year
[ Dream + that scene of tsuna vs byakuran at the very end of future arc. i am so curious ]
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((OOC: //loud groaning noise of ‘ohhh—this is gonna SUCK- forgive me, I’m absolutely cutting some corners here bc otherwise RIP fingers.’ A rare POV because I felt like it.)) @parallelroutes
Word count: 2,026 (yes, even with me cutting corners)
“… no other choice than to defeat Byakuran.” Maybe if we were a bit faster, we would’ve heard everything that Reborn-chan said in that moment. I know what happens next. A lil snort of a laugh, really.
Tensions are high and I can feel my heartbeat racing in my ear drums. This was a dre-no, a nightmare that was very familiar to me. Though- it was a bit different this time around.
“Hahaha! What a surprise! Your last resort at a time like this is to try and slap some fighting spirit into him!?”
Reborn-chan, ever the calm one: “This is my method. Listen Tsuna. You’re not the only one who’s fighting a battle of dying will. Uni’s sacrificing her life in order to return you all to a peaceful past!”
The way my heart drops to the pit of my stomach is something I don’t think I’ll ever forget. I know what happens, I was there for it, and yet, the sheer panic and grief remains, like a perfect echo of what I felt in that moment. In the back of my mind, I know there isn’t much for me to worry about, but that’s the fun thing about nightmares, your emotions aren’t so easy to control.
“Eh? Is that so?”
How he could still smile in a situation like that, it was beyond me.
“Uncle… why do you know…?” I remember this being such a huge shock. This girl, near my age, had to accept the fact that she was going to die. It’s easy enough to say that she knew it was for the better good, but no one can really know what that feels like until they’re put in the same spot.
It wasn’t just shock on her face, then. You could see the bit of fear, the sadness, and many other complex emotions.
“Of course, I know. I guessed as much. You and your grandmother Luce are two peas in a pod.”
Perhaps, Luce-san had done something similar, sacrificing herself for others. If Uni-chan is really that much like her grandmother, then Luce-san must’ve been a wonderful person.
“Hm then I must stop you form doing such a foolish thing. After all, Uni-chan’s life exists for my sake?”
The absolute nerve. A real piece of work, this one is. Uni-chan’s life exists for herself and those that she cares for. Her life cannot and will not ever exist just for one singular person. That’s how life is, you build relationships, and you exist for a multitude of reasons, and not simply for some grandiose, misguided goal of some punk of a world-dominator.
As expected, Tsuna-san couldn’t hear such a thing laying down (ignoring the fact that he was in fact laying down in that time, you know what I mean). He starts struggling to get up. Everyone starts calling for him.
A truly emotional scene. Even if things looked bad, I remember having faith in Tsuna-san. No matter what, he’d always end up pulling through for everyone and save the day. That was something I really admired about him, the fact that though he had his many faults, he had a good sense of timing. He knew what was important and when to really exert all your effort—sorry, dying will, for something.
“Haha, I can’t believe Tsuanyoshi-kun really woke up form your reproachful encouragement, Reborn-kun. You two really make an astounding team.”
“I wont… hand Uni… over to you…” Tsuna-san seems to have finally come to, regaining his ability to start speaking.
Kyoko and I didn’t see what happened as we were still far away, so we don’t know what led up to the point of Tsuna-san laying on the ground like that. Quite frankly, we were focused on Uni-chan who was floating away towards the danger-zone. Whatever it was, hopefully it wasn’t anything too bad? I don’t understand why everyone else was outside of the mysterious sphere either.
It was something I still haven’t gotten any answers to, and it was hard to bring it up.
Time, is linear, but it isn’t quite so in dreams. Sometimes, it’s for the better, and other times—it’s not.
Like clock-work, as I always feel relieved that his injuries must not have been so bad if he were able to get up, the scene flashes ahead.
It… it really is something of nightmares.
The scene of a miniature white dragon piercing through Tsuna-san’s chest, supposedly through his heart is something I can’t ever forget. This scene alone has made so many cameo appearances in my dreams that I can’t help but feel afraid when Tsuna-san and the others go on dangerous missions.
I see this overlapping the other’s at times and I wake up in a cold sweat, not quite able to fall back asleep as I glare at my phone, as if I’m warning it to not ring and be the bearer of bad news.
Again, even if my memories of the event would allow me to know that a ring had saved his life, I can’t calm the torrential wave of emotions coursing through my veins. Death is a scary concept for most, but witnessing it is another level.
It was an infinite time worse when it involved someone you love. Now, it’s paste tense, but at the time, you know?
The dissonance if quite funny, actually. In this nightmare, I’m not watching like I’m some third party observer, but I’m back in that moment. The emotions are raw and real, but at the same time, they rage and despair. Sometimes, they’re calm and relaxed in times of high tension.
I really disliked having this nightmare because it drove my emotions every which way. Now, there was an extra bit of—awkwardness? That seemed right to say.
I can’t help but wonder in the deep recesses of my mind that I’m having this nightmare not because someone’s going on a dangerous mission, but because I started hanging out with Byakuran-san recently. There is a big disconnect between the one I see in this nightmare and the one I sometimes talk to on occasion in recent events.
Now, I have the added feeling of feeling confused and unfamiliarity.
Normally, I’d continue to see the series of events leading up to Uni-chan sacrificing her life. I’d have to watch as she dies alongside Gamma-san again, but I don’t this time around.
Time skips ahead again.
“The arcobaleno aren’t reviving!”
“No, the flames should have been properly absorbed. It’ll take a little more time.”
Ah—this time.
I want to look away. I want to shut my eyes, but the me of that time didn’t. I hear some people can perfectly control their actions in dreams, but maybe it’s because this is a memory that I can’t have that liberty. I’m forced to look on as I did back then.
I have to watch as Byakuran-san snaps upon Uni-chan’s death.
He’s really unrecognizable compared to the person he is today in present day. My mind can’t help but conjure up some kind of mental overlay of the two, and it’s… scary. It was amazing to see just how starkly different they were from each other.
Yes, I acknowledge that they’re different people, but at the same time, they’re not. It’s probably more accurate to say that this is one outcome of who he could be if circumstances led up to that.
I try to move back, to turn away from what I know is to come next, but. I. Just. Won’t. Budge! It’s so surreal to be stuck in your own body and not be able to move as you’d like. To feel emotions that you know don’t make sense—or to think things that are out of place.
It’s possible this is just a smidge of how he feels to be stuck with this history permanently etched over you like a looming cloud, even if you yourself know you are different. If so, it’s incredibly stifling. It’s frustrating. It’s SO unfair. Try as I might, I can’t move nor look away.
Emotions that were felt in that moment are felt in tandem with the panic and dread that the me of today feels. It’s a new kind of torment, I’m coming to find out. The betrayal and hatred that overcomes you as you feel ashamed of feeling what you did in the past, though you know in that moment- it was acceptable.
Who wouldn’t feel relief in the wake of a horrible person dying?
Yet- as I’m trying to get him to open up to me and help him walk on an unsteady path, I feel ashamed for how I’m feeling. The anticipation, of what was to happen. It’s deplorable, but I can’t fault myself for it either.
How was I to know at the time that a younger Byakuran-san isn’t so… well… that? In retrospect, she wasn’t in the wrong, but I feel she is.
“Who do you think it was that killed Uni?”
No. Stop it.
“Because you made this world the way it is…”
Please, I don’t want to see it.
I’m stuck in his hell trap (otherwise known as my own body) unable to break free. The absolutely ironic thing is that the me of that time was crying as I can feel myself mentally doing—but the feelings behind it are different.
The Haru of that time cried from grief over having watched Uni sacrifice herself for everyone. My mentality is different, I’m beyond frustrated. I want out of here. I don’t want to see another person die in front of me. I felt so guilty. It felt wrong. I shouldn’t be here.
I don’t want to be here.
“Died!! I won’t forgive you, Byakuran!”
I can’t really explain it, but it’s like I’m conscious of there being two of me. The me of that time, and the me of today who is like some parasite observer who can witness this scene by possessing another. I’m aware of my own feelings and the movements I wish to make, but I’m also hyper-aware of what the ‘host’ is doing and feeling.
I’m aware of two existences, in essence. The inner turmoil I’m going through as I’m desperately trying to not have to see what comes next has me crying- even though I’m not—actually crying. Soul or mental images of yourself can’t really cry, but I feel as if I am.
You know? True betrayal is in the form of my brain going, ‘you keep thinking about this scene a lot. You must really want to see it. I’ll skip forward for you.’
If I had a habit of cussing, I would. I could promise you that, but alas, I’m a lady.
Despite it being against my wishes, I watch that Byakuran’s final moments. Engulfed in flames. The sound is nonpleasant. The me of the time felt part relieved to know it was all over, but she still felt sorrowful at the fact someone else had died. She’d witnessed two deaths in the span of what…30 minutes?
Tink! That was the sound of a ring falling.
The me of now? What is it that I feel? It’s so much. Sadness? Guilt? Embarrassment? Fear, anger, disappointment, and so much more. So… so much more.
Maybe so much that it was enough that I jolt awake. Sitting up in my bed, covered in cold sweat. Ah- also tears.
Curling my knees into my chest, my forehead rests against my knees as I heave a heavy sigh. “Do I have the right to support him, or try to help?”
There’s a chance that my presence would ultimately be a hindrance to him.
Maybe because I’d known about him and witnessed his death, there was some wariness and uncomfortable feelings that only cause bad memories or feelings to surface, setting him back.
There’s that frustrated feeling again.
“Hah… I’m not going to get much sleep tonight, am I?” I quietly climb out of bed, wiping the tears out of the corners of my eyes to sit on the ground and start stretching, relieving some of the tension in my body.
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𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑀𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑈𝑠, 𝑈𝑠
A/N: I'll be completely honest, I don't know what I have written... But it's wholesome( i think) and cute. Curse me and my inability to write something short.
Prompts Used: I'll stay for as long as you need from this, do you think we'll be in love forever from this.
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Summers in the Burrow was absolute trash.
Now it wasn't because Charlie didn't like to come back home and perhaps finally rest a bit. He actually liked being back home, especially with you now that you two were finally dating, he often took you out with him for hours after you stashed food in your back, knowing you two would be gone for a long time doing...
Snogging? Making-out? Flying?
It all depended on the mood.
All in all, he loved his family, he loved you, and he loved how well you fit with his family and love them as your own, they loved you in exchange just as much, and loved being back home even if it meant the teasings of his brother Bill who was the one witnessing his puppy love to you would increase with their other siblings' help.
But sometimes, the teasing was just... too much. And the fact that you also took after his family didn't help.
His own lover was against him, and they obviously loved making him go all red!
As if it was hard to begin with...
"It seems you are so smitten by me that you always talk about me to your family, Charlie~" you teased your boyfriend lightly as your hand wrapped around his, squeezing three times to silently say I love you, even though you were just making fun of him for talking about you a lot to his family, as he looked at you with burning cheeks and a soft smile.
"No? Where did you get it from?" He tried to hide his rants about you in a cool manner, to save himself from the teasing he would face even though he would melt as soon as you started planting kisses on his cheek, but ultimately failed when Bill and his dad, who adored you already, stumbled into the living room and beamed visibly at the sight of you sitting with his son.
"Y/N! It's lovely to see you, dear! How are you?" Arthur immediately pushed his two eldest sons aside and came to hug you, landing kisses on each of your cheeks as he proudly looked at you. Even to this day, after almost four years of being Charlie's friend and two years of dating him, you never quite got used to the way they always welcomed you warmly.
Molly hugging you, smelling like those cookies she always made. Arthur's warm hugs as he pulled you to his artefact room to show all the new cool muggle things he found, Fred and George telling you the newest pranks they thought about, playing wizard chess with Percy, making Ginny's hair in different styles and teaching them to her as she did your make-up, telling Ron about the latest school drama...
Sometimes, with all their flaws and all, you even thought that they actually loved you more than their own sons.
"Yeah, there goes our privilege as soon as they see their daughter..." Bill groaned as he rubbed his arm to soothe the pain of his greatest betrayal, done by none other than his father. Still, Bill was someone who always found a way to tease you or mostly Charlie and this time wasn't any different as he saw how you both smiled shyly, quite cute in his eyes, as you both stumbled over your words, blushing madly.
"I-I'm not their daughter Bill, I think you are-"
"Yet, my friend, yet."
"Bill, stop teasing..." Charlie gritted out, hoping it was enough to make him back off but instead Bill laughed and merely brushed it off.
"You look like a squirrel when you are angry, Charlie~ Besides, by the amount of adoring talk you had been doing since your second year at Hogwarts, I thought you would have already used a promise ring type of commitment!"
Charlie's face was a tomato at this point, even his neck and probably his chest was all red from the embrassment he felt. He always told you that it was a bad idea to spend the summer with his family, solely for the reason that he knew they wouldn't stop teasing him, and often suggested the idea of spending it in Hogwarts, alone, with you in a flirty way.
In which you always replied, I don't want to be on the receiving end of one of Molly's angry Howlers, Charlie... We have to go, besides, what's the worst that could happen? They love me!
But, that was the point.
They loved you so much, even more than possibly their own children!
And they wouldn't dare to tease you, no.
They took greater satisfication from doing that to him. Especially since he accidently let it slip that he wanted to marry you after graduation.
"What? Don't tell me... Holy shit, you never told them about your affinity with them since the day school started?!" Bill dramatically screeched with a hand over his chest at his brother's state, Percy rolling his eyes at the three of you as you tilted your head confused.
"Wait... Really? He had been talking about me?"
"Of course! I don't think he stopped doing it even after you two started dating! If not, it increased even more!" Percy yelled from the other room, making Charlie look there angrily, not aware of the soft and loving eyes you were sending to his way.
"Yes, I remember him talking about you at every breakfast, so much so that both me and Molly knew what flower you liked and memorized your schedule!" Arthur added with a happy nod from the kitchen as he helped Molly with the plates. Charlie turned his head so swiftly that you were worried he hurt his neck as he was left staring with a gaped mouth at his father.
"Oh, yes, I remember now! I wasn't very pleased to hear that Y/N thought gnomes were cute... but she accepted they could be dreadful too!" Molly came from the kitchen as she gave you her famous pancakes with a smile and affectionate pat on your head as her eyes found Arthur's playfully.
"I still remember how your dad came bursting in, yelling that he finally found someone who shared his fascination with Muggle world and even gave him a record player."
"I'm gonna go and de-gnome the garden, maybe that will-" Charlie suddenly got up and turned towards the door to get out and probably cool his flaming face, while you giggled uncontrollably alongside Ginny who was having the best time of her life at her brother's misery.
"We can send your precious, curse-breaking lover if you want!" A yell came from the other room.
"Fred!" Charlie turned angrily to scold his brother when he saw the disappointed eyes of his brother.
"I'm not Fred, seriously first mum and now you, Charlie?" George, actually Fred, came from the other room, looking sad and half-angry.
Which was all a ploy, and even you knew it at this point.
But Charlie never was able to tell which twin was which one, and this was no different. He huffed out angrily as he muttered a whatever, and walked right towards the garden as you and twins looked after him with straight eyes and then slowly smirked.
"You are never gonna get tired of tricking him, right?" You threw your head back on the couch and looked at the twins with a cheeky smile as they laughed and shook their heads.
"So... You know we," Fred pointed to all the other Weasley siblings, except Bill and Charlie, to a pouting Ginny and Ron, who were doing their best to use their puppy eyes. " are here for a reason, and that is-"
"To hear more of my adventures in any kind so that you could find a humiliating moment to tease Charlie later?" You quirked an eyebrow curiously as they all stared at you in wonder.
"That's why she is the best older sister possible..." Ron and Ginny exclaimed with amazement with breathless sighs, making you laugh as Fred and George nodded their heads impressed.
"She is finally a true Weasley. Understanding what we exactly want is of high value."
" Suck it up, guys, you made it very obvious! Besides, Charlie won't be happy about this!"
"Then why are you bringing snacks?" Percy stopped while bending over the table in the living room under everyone's curious and amused stares, mumbling to himself as he flushed.
"Because... I want to hear them too."
"Hell yeah, that's my brother! Now, Y/N, you have no other choice than telling us!" Fred exclaimed as he threw a proud arm around Percy's shoulder and ushered everyone to sit down so that you could finally start. You looked at all the kids sitting down in front of you, waiting for you to start with excited eyes. Seeing them so eager, even though it wasn't unusual for them whenever you came to the Burrow, and they had other motives, made you crack a smile and nod.
You could actually give what they want to them with this story, and watch as Charlie suffers from their hands on your behalf.
"Now, where should I begin... Perhaps the accident with Squawk is a good one."
Squawk was on loose, the reputation of the Dragon Club was at stake and there was no way you could find that little rascal in time.
Without help.
"I want Squawk back in our care just as much as you do, Y/N! I'll help you find him, you don't have to worry when you have me!"
As soon as the last part left his lips, Charlie already slapped his forehead mentally when he met Liz's questioning and "are you serious?" look. He couldn't help how he felt or what he did, especially when his crush came to ask for his help. He had been watching you as discreetly as possible, throwing himself in to help you whenever you ask and he always sat with you at lunch and cracked jokes in hopes that you would smile.
You did, every time, because how could you not? He was being extremely cute and adorable!
But to Liz, and pretty much every single one of your friends, all these longing stares and shy smiles was becoming a lot harder to bear.
"Hate to break the cute moment, but we have a mission to finish and an Incendio to cast! Pump the love brakes and do it now Y/N~"
Actually remembering where you were and with who you were, you flushed but did it anyways and set the fake eggs on fire to lure Squawk to where you three were waiting.
And soon, he showed up and circled around the eggs protectively, making all three of you to cheer.
"Nice one, mate!" Liz's eyes were as wide as saucers when the word mate left Charlie and he was left freaked out with his hand still up in the air.
No... No, I didn't just call my crush "mate"...
Your eyes were also wide open at what he said, but you tried not to show how it made you disappointed as you smiled and let out a hey, which didn't really had the usual hype.
Mate... That's all he is ever going to see me as.
But amongst that chaos and freaking out, and Charlie's yell, Squawk was already gone, having flought away in fright.
Charlie, since he was kind of the reason Squawk got away, had a sheepish yet half-horrified look on his face as he looked at you, expecting anything except the kind and happy smile you had given him.
"W-what... Are you not angry at me?"
"No? Why would I be?" You tilted your head with a small smile as Charlie gulped nervously.
Oops, you were actually angry but... somehow, it felt like it wasn't about this accident?
"Because Squawk is... gone?"
You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck. It was no use for you to hold grudge against him just because he called you his mate and you had to fall for him. "It's like you said, Charlie. As long as I have you, I have nothing to worry about... Besides I'm confident in where he might have flied off..."
The rest of your sentence was a blur as Charlie widened his eyes and his heart literally stopped at what you said. Yes, he was the one who actually said it but to hear your crush also agree on it...
You just said the sweetest thing possible to him and he... called you his mate.
Tonk was his mate, not you! What the hell was wrong with him?!
"It's rather sweet what you said about Charlie, Y/N but one, stop being all lovey-dovey since some of us are single," she walked away while groaning, leaving you two behind blushing madly as she soon turned back and looked over at her shoulder with a cheeky smile.
"And two, please have a date already after we catch Squawk. I have a bet going on with Andre and I intend to win it, if possible." With that, she left you two to yourself and went inside as you looked at Charlie nervously for him to say something, anything.
And even if his heart threatened to get out of his chest at how close you two were, he smiled and looked into your eyes that reflected all of your emotions.
And it made him blush even more, when he found the clear adoration in there.
"Should we get started then?" He extended his hand out shakily and smiled when you grabbed it thightly and made him run after you with a happy laugh, thinking to yourself as you both ran.
Unaware of how he was watching your hair dance in the wind.
He is lucky he is cute, or else I wouldn't be running after him...
Everyone was left shocked at how stupidly oblivious their older brother, whom they all loved and even idolized, could be. A silence settled after you finished the story and you anxiously looked at them since... they were just looking at you with open mouths, even Percy wasn't saying anything except gulping down the chips he was eating.
But soon, Ginny's screech cut the silence perfectly.
"Wait... MY BROTHER REALLY CALLED YOU 'MATE'?! Ughhh, boys are so stupid..." she rested her back against the table with a hmph, crossing her arms in front of her chest angrily. If the situation wasn't comedic, you could have pinched her cheeks and agree with her, even if you were dating that oblivious and stupid boy that was her brother.
"How many boys have you ever seen, Ginny?" Ron pushed her shoulder, in a way quite offended as she sticked her tongue out.
"I live with 6 of them, I think it's enough!"
"Pretending that our sister didn't just roast all of us," George pointedly said as he slowly pushed the two youngests away with a sheepish look, and looked at you with a smirk.
"Our brother really called his crush 'mate' huh? Interesting..." he rubbed his chin as if he had a long beard which made you snort and nod at him.
They were so going to use this against him.
"Yeah, he did. And according to our friends, he banged his head at every possible surface whenever he remembered that but... it was kind of cute, how he lost track of what he says around me." You cutely said, a stupid smile over your face as the boys made a disgusted face while Ginny let out an awe. You slapped the back of their heads softly as you snickered. "Don't make that face now! I will see you when you fall in love~"
"Wait, wait! Was there a confession? Was it romantic or stupid as he first acted with you?" Ginny suddenly asked excitedly, bouncing up and down with a wide smile as she hugged her legs closer to herself, waiting for your answer.
"Ughh girls and their obsession over romance..." Ron groaned, making a face as if he was disgusted but you knew deep down that he was also into them, especially the one you had with his brother.
He would rather die than accept it though.
"Well, there definetly was some, Ginny. But... At first it was just us complaining about the other to our best friends."
Your chest felt heavy remembering Rowan, how you two used to stay up late while giggling to yourselves. It was mostly them, making fun of you as you blushed and hid yourself under your pillow after you confessed your crush to them.
But what are best friends for? Making fun of you when you need their help, and then offer their biggest one.
"I don't even know what's going anymore, Rowan! I just can't get Charlie out of my mind, every time I look at him, my stomach feels weird, I start to sweat and my heart feels like it's gonna burst out and scream... That bitch and him making me feel like that."
Rowan giggled as she patted your back while you vented, offering their comfort while you laid over their lap. You were trully sick, sick of feeling like this, because deep down, you knew the reason.
You knew why it all happened around Charlie but refused to acknowledge them.
There was a difference between knowing and accepting it, right?
"And... And as if it's not enough, I saw him half-naked!" Rowan choked on the air as they looked down at you in fright.
"You didn't start big, right?!"
"What the hell?! No, of course not! Look at me Rowan! Do you see me as that kind of person? If I was, I wouldn't be patheatically venting to my best friend!"
You got up from their lap as Rowan nodded, saying a fair point, and watched you plop down sadly before you crawled next to them and put your head on their shoulder. Rowan knew what was exactly coming and sighed as they pulled one of the napkin from their nightsand and offered it to you with an "are you serious?" look.
"He was... just so hot, Rowan."
" I know, it's normal for you to say that."
"I can't believe I fell for a dragon boy, whose only interest would be them."
Now that got their attention. Because, there was no way in hell you didn't realize the obvious favouritism he had for you... Right?
But by the patheatic pouting on your face, yes you didn't realize a thing.
"You really don't realize, do you?" They chuckled amused as they pat your head while they fixed their glasses. You lifted your head curiously and frowned at their question. "Realize what?"
"Charlie literally only talks to you about his favourite things, you included, and you listen to him talk for hours about dragons. He gives you the Snitch whenever he catches it when you come to his matches, which is usually always, and even gave you his sweater when you were cold... THE Weasley sweater, if I may add. Everyone knows he and Bill cares about it a lot, Charlie more than Bill."
As they talked, every single interaction passed through your eyes.
Even the ones no one really knew about.
The picnics near the Black Lake, hanging out after curfew, exploring the castle together...
Watching the stars together as you rambled about them, not realizing how close you two were suddenly. His wood and pine smell, a result of him always hanging out in the forest, suddenly filling your insides as your flowery yet quite light and neutral smell dazed Charlie and made him lean down closer to your lips... Them being apart by just mere inches as you both felt the other's breath, a craving, a lust and want so deep that it made you both almost tumble down and dive deep in the feelings...
You were down bad.
"And then he falls asleep on you, you fall asleep on him, you read to him, you always bring something for him from back home and he blushes every time you do that, he brings you his mother's cookies that she made for you, under his request and begs... Friends to lovers trope at its best really."
"Hmm?" They turned their head to you after they stopped listing everything, hearing your disturbed and anxious voice brought them back to the moment and- Holy shit, were you scared?
"Y/N? Are you oka-"
"I'm in love with Charlie." You said breathless but it seemed Rowan didn't quite catch the heavy meaning of your words.
"Oh well, congrats for realiz- Wait, not even like?! Like love love?
A shy nod of confirmation, and then a happy squeal.
"Oh My Merlin, I'm so happy for you! Now, you just need to say it to him-and no trust me, he feels the same, if not even more! There is no giving up for us now!"
"Then of course, he confessed to me... After making me cry because I had a crush on him-" you shrugged your shoulders noncholantly after you told them how you came to conclusion that you loved Charlie, and at that point, they were all so invested in your story that they didn't realize their brother standing at the corner and watching, listening to them with both a stupid and sorry look.
A/N: You may read my other work "First Date Shenanigans" for some referances.
Until that is, Fred understood the end of your sentence first and an angry scowl came to his face, making him look scarier.
"ON IT!"
"NO, FRED, DON'T-It was a misunderstanding!" You stopped them hurriedly as Percy immediately stood up and almost made a run for it, both young boys looking at you with wide eyes as they slowly blinked.
"What? How could there be a misunderstanding?"
"I wasn't very open with who my crush was," you shyly smiled and helped them sit back down, chuckling at their cuteness and how protective they were of you.
It made you feel... like a part of the family.
"Since everyone was suddenly so interested in my love life, which was a result of them knowing your brother's big crush on me, I never told anything about who he was."
"Yeah, we remember that Snape Accident... Douchebag."
"Ginevra Weasley, language!" Both you and her giggled as he came closer to you and laid her head on your thigh, your hand finding her ginger hair as you slowly started making a little braid.
"Soooo... What did he do when he learnt you had a crush on 'someone else'?" Ron emphasised pointedly with his fingers and waited for an answer, with a look he hoped that didn't give his big curiosity.
"Well, before that happened, he literally offered to duel me to take my mind off things... Now, I'm thinking that he did it for himself."
"Look, I know we will chat, but what will we chat about? What if we run out of things to say? What if we can't find something to talk about?" You anxiously looked at Charlie and Tonks, who was there to help you out with your date and couldn't help but get even more nervous after Tonks asked what you would do with him.
You never thought about that one.
What were you supposed to talk with Charlie, who was unaware that he was helping you with your crush who was actually him, so that you wouldn't ridicule yourself?
That is, if he accepted of course... Which was a low chance.
Seeing you spiralling into anxiety made Charlie sighed annoyed at his friend and turned to her with a pointed look. "See what you did, Tonks? Asking all those questions..."
" What? I was trying to help!" He shook his head at her innocent exclaim and gripped the bridge of his nose.
"Don't let your nerves get to you, love. Fight them off by... I don't know... Duelling one of us?" Charlie was already having a hard time looking at you, knowing that you liked someone else and was wondering what to do for a boy that definetly didn't deserve you, your love and attention at all.
Should he come after you to see the boy and later jinx him? Perhaps not... But he wanted to.
"That... would be good, Charlie. I'd like to duel you though, if you are not scared~" you teased him softly as your heart skipped a beat at his surprised wide eyes.
But unknown to you, Charlie was grateful that you didn't have any powers such as super hearing.
"Okay... But I won't make it easy..." he winked and looked at you through his lashes, possibly looking at you like that for the last time. He hoped he didn't look stupid, since Bill told him that flirting was definetly not his strongest feature, but by the snicker of Tonks...
Yes, he made himself a stupid.
"I think he went easy on me..." was what left your mouth after the session ended, rubbing your neck awkwardly but feeling refreshed. Charlie looked at you fondly for a second as he chuckled at your pouting face, shaking his head.
"No, I didn't..."
It wasn't that he would rather take Crucio than to see you get hurt...
"Yes, you did! I watched the whole time!" Tonk exclaimed cheekily with wiggling her brows as Charlie pushed her away from himself, already feeling himself blush again.
"%90 per cent of the time he was with you, it seems our brother only blushed..." Ron mumbled disappointedly, wondering how a boy like him could be rendered to a blushing, shy mess.
"MY BROTHER WAS SHY?! CHARLIE?! Are we talking about the same boy who reeks confidence in almost everything he does?"
"Well, Ginny darling, whether you believe it or not, he was really shy and couldn't look into my eyes after our first kiss. It even made me feel bad as if I pushed him but... Later I learnt why!"
"Then why was it?"
"You would know when you grow up..."
You couldn't just tell them that their brother thought about snogging you every chance he gets, from the moment he kissed you.
It would taint their precious innocence... Though you were starting to think that there was none.
"Just know that he turned it around very soon, and he was the confident boy he was in a few days."
Before you two dated, Charlie's hand always itched as if he wanted to touch you. And he did, he wanted that more than anything. Talking to you, praising you or even touching your hand simply seemed hard for him.
But as soon as you accepted him, all the things he wanted to do with you was easy. He kissed your cheek every day, called you his lover without a care, he touched you and hugged you freely as his longing finally was erased.
So, in short, a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders.
Even though you were the one who stopped them in the end.
He would always kiss you in front of people, not afraid of showing his love( definetly not because he knew some certain people liked you) and he would say, "What a good way to start my morning..." breathless as he stared at you with soft and loving eyes. He didn't care much about public attention or what others would say that much anyways.
To him, showing you his love was the least of the things he could do.
Especially when you never made him feel like an oddball, defended him even when he wasn't there, whenever he came to you to get help treating his injuries, you slept with him, cuddled with him, always beamed at him at the first sight of him walking to you, supported his dreams just as he always supported you and loved him unconditionally.
But he couldn't lie... All his affections were also to see your blushing face and embrassed face as you tried to look at anything but him, especially in the early days.
Remembering all the happy times you had with him, and all the times you had to get treat his wound after one of his "funny adventures" made you giddy all so suddenly. Because they were real, you weren't dreaming about them again, you actually went with it and was now currently sitting with his family, bonding together to prepare the biggest achievement of your life: Get back at Charlie for all the times he teased you restlessly.
But... Why not add Bill into this as well? He also took great happiness from watching it.
"But Charlie wasn't the only one I had power over. There were even days I made Bill do what I want him to do!"
"Really? Our brother? Like what?" Now all of their heads were turned to you, their eyes wide with excitement as the same cheeky smile before pulled up your lips.
"Yes, such as putting up decorations, preparing the Great Hall for the Celestial Ball and help me find a-"
"You are a natural leader, Bill, and I'm tiny compared to you. Inexperienced too. In many ways actually. So, as the good senior you are, I think you should help this cute friend of yours~"
"Okay, fine... Don't think you can rope me to hang the decorations though. I'll help you, and my job will be done."
Spoiler alert, it actually wasn't the end of his job.
"But even if he was the one who often helped us around with our problems, I would like to think that I too helped him on some ways.
Such as the time he stood up to Emily Tyler in the Ball.
"I realized I made a mistake...Would you like to give us another chance, Bill?"
Please say no, please say no, you are not that stupid Bill...
" Emily..." Bill said as he walked closer to her and stood before her, her batting lashes at him as he looked down at her. Meanwhile you were behind him, a mouth hang open in shock. Out of all the ways you wanted him to man up and face her, this wasn't what you planned.
"No way in the fucking hell..."
" Even if you were the last witch on the world, it wouldn't happen. You have been too rude to my friends, my best friend, and my brother and to me."
"Okay, that was impressive really..."
Ginny rolled her eyes at her brother and pushed them away, turning to you with her wide eyes as she wanted to hear the "love part" of your story with her brother.
"Was there a time Charlie saved you? From anyone?"
"Hmm... He often protected and defended me against Merula-"
"Oh, that bitch-"
I swear Molly somehow always hear us... Maybe it's mum ears?
"Hello, Charlie! What are you doing here? It's not the class time yet?" He turned to look at you in surprise as his hands clasped behind his back and he greeted you back, perhaps a little bit more enthusiastic than he wanted.
"You know me, love, when I'm not playing Quidditch or bickering with Bill, I'm out exploring... And I can ask you the same, what are you doing here?" Your heart fluttered at the term of endearment he used, flushing a bit as you giggled at him. He leant over the boxes that held food for the creatures, trying to be all cool but he was anything but "cool".
Because, today would be the day, he was so sure of it! He would ask you out on a date, ace it with flying colors and finally have you to himself, all to love and kiss!
" If it isn't the two losers of Hogwarts..."
But not all plans went according to plan.
Charlie, hearing Merula's venomous voice, pulled you behind him as he stood before her, blocking you from her. He knew how you can kick asses, you did on him many times, and he also knew you always won against Merula and she was angry about that too. Merula, contrary to popular belief, wasn't that bad.
She was bad just... Not that much.
But still, he couldn't let her either do something to you or ruin his day by stopping him from asking you out.
" What do you want Merula?"
"Why do you even care, Charlie? I thought she hated me? She probably came here to insult me again."
"You're right. I don't care what you think most of the time, Y/L/N." At her usual snarky comment, you just rolled your eyes at her and turned to look at Charlie. Your eyes widened at how thight his jaw was and how his eyes could actually throw fire at her if that was possible, and a sudden burst of love and want threatened you to turn into a puddle at his protective side.
" I don't want to argue with you right now, Merula... Let's go somewhere else Charlie."
Suddenly, as if your words lightened a bulb in her mind, Merula gripped your wrist thightly, making you slightly wince as you turned around with angry eyes. "Where do you think you are going when you are talking to me?"
"The hell is your problem? Get the hell away from them!" Charlie pushed Merula away from you, making her stumble back in shock at seeing the Charlie Weasley who was ever the kind boy turn aggressive when someone threatened... you.
She chuckled at noticing what everyone has been talking about for the past few months.
Charlie Weasley was never like this, never raised a hand, never used his wand to fight another student....
Maybe, she could change that.
"Oh, Charlie Weasley, the shadow of his brother coming to rescue the day... It must be hard going to Hogwarts at the same time as your older brother... Watching him take over the stage, always be the talk,"
He scoffed at her obvious attempt of setting him off, but Charlie knew her and he wasn't about to get into her trap.
Her sharp eyes soon turned to you with a smirk. "Not that Y/L/N would know anything about that. Their brother is missing, probably dead."
But bringing you into this? That was her first mistake.
And also the biggest one.
Her words hurt, remembering all the suffering you had beared, all the while having to hear all the insults people threw at your dear brother...
But you couldn't show her that her words affected you, you just... couldn't.
But Charlie? Oh, hell no... He was going to make her pay for what she said, for hurting you.
"You never quit, do you, Merula? Why are you so angry at them after all these years anyways? Why are you still lashing out at someone who never did something?"
"If you are really the best witch at Hogwarts, why do you feel threatened by them? Why worry about what they are doing?"
Merula was shocked at the amount of anger Charlie had put in his words, backing her until she was far away from where you were. You were stuck on where you were for a second, your mind being unable to catch up to what was happening. But as soon as you did, you ran after Charlie and grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Charlie, it's not worth it. Let go-"
"Careful with the words, Weasley or else-"
"You, be careful with your words, Merula. I won't have you insulting my... friend. Don't get me started on your family issues if you want?"
Telling all of your story to them had been fun, it certainly made you appreciate your time with him and then his family. They were all eagerly listening while Molly and Arthur stayed behind and watched their kids silently listen to you, obediently, without making a voice or doing anything.
"We need to make them come over more often." said Molly with jolly yet slightly tearful eyes. Seeing her kids so happy and well made her emotional, just like it would do to many mothers.
Arthur hugged her closer and nodded, definetly not having any problems with you being around more. "I agree, dear. They fit in well... And I'll have a new artefact in my hands soon, I'm sure they will like it!"
In the end, after everyone was finally gathered around the living room, you seated yourself next to Charlie and hugged his arm closer to yourself, your chin on his shoulder as his warmth almost lulled you to sleep. He was dead tired, and also flustered from earlier. Apart from de-gnoming the whole garden with Bill, he came inside to look for you and how you were doing since you were so anxious before coming here.
But instead was met with you telling your story to his siblings with clear adoration and even he stayed to listen to you and your captivating voice as his heart swelled with love and pride.
"I loved listening to you talk about us... to my siblings. It was lovely." He muttered softly to you, not caring if his family heard him or not.
"Even if they use it against you?" You mumbled into his shoulder sleepily, lifting your head slowly to look at his shining eyes. He chuckled at seeing your usual teasing eyes even if you were tired after talking all day.
He knew his siblings after all, they must have asked a lot of questions.
"Yeah, even if they do that... It made me reminisce about the past years, and seeing you so cozy and happy with them... I just feel so happy, so lucky to have you." He brought a finger to your cheek as he slowly rubbed it, smiling when you nuzzled closer to him.
Normally, it wasn't like him to be so carefree with PDA but right now, he really didn't care. He might feel insecure from time to time, which happened seldomly, but as he sat with you next to him, thighs touching each other as your hand clutched his arm thightly, he knew he had nothing to worry about.
Even if he was blushing and his heart pounded at your sleepy face.
Because he never thought he would actually fall in love, he never thought his life would go to that part. He never imagined himself with a partner, going all the adventures with them. All his life, he thought he would stay single and had to tolerate his mother complain about his choice and beg him to find a partner.
But now?
He had his person, the one for him right between his arms.
"Do you think we will be in love forever?"
"I'll stay for as long as you need, Charlie... Being there and loving you."
And if that didn't prove his point, his previous talk with Bill in the garden and her mother bringing the famous "Weasley Sweater" did.
His mother didn't knit one for everyone after all.
"About my comment earlier... How did the ring shopping go?"
"Surprisingly well, brother... I think I found the ring." He pat his pocket two times to show his point and Bill smiled in a brotherly way and hugged him thightly, proudly.
In two years, there would be another addition to the huge Weasley family.
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moonrisecoeur · 6 months
IM BACK CUZ IM MENTALLY UNWELL OK. and yes you’re the best sub Leon writer 😏🥱 and yes I liked it, SITTING ON HIS FACE? 😍🥱
I’m so sorry for blasting ur req box but YOURE AN ACTUALLY GOOD SUB LEON WRITER SO can you blame me? concept: idk why but re4 Leon is so free use coded and so imagine he is on a mission with a new assigned partner but she’s an asshole to him (“fuck off man, I can do it myself, “I don’t need your help”, “you’re too nice and gonna be taken advantage of 😐”, etc. You get the gist) and his goofy ass just tryna be nice and helpful, cuz this is leon we are talking about. But the fun part ⁉️ they have cameras installed in the hideout they are saying at for security purposes. But ofc, Leon always tries to check on reader to make sure she’s ok - even if she’s an asshole to him. AND YK WHAT READER DOES 😭 she’s way too horny and just goes at it, girl got a masturbation problem on god. Every night. One night - wrong time and place - Leon opens his laptop to see the cameras making sure she’s ok AND HELP HE SEES HER … yk. And he feels guilty like he shouldn’t watch but he does anyways. And this goes on for weeks. Until one night he’s sick and tired of her always being so mean and he accidentally lets it slip that he’s been watching her LOL AND SHES LIKE UHM BOY WHAT 🙄⁉️ and he tries to play it off like “I didnt mean to” but like, my brother in Christ… you’ve been watching every night for weeks 🤨 wdym you didn’t mean to? ANYWAYS LONG STORY SHORT SHE PUNISHES HIM AND HEAVYYYY ON THE FREE USE THING. Love you bae 😘
i made a couple minor changes just for convenience :) fem reader she/her pronouns!
also i didn’t write the smex scene IM SORRY but i have been working on this all day and i need to get to other asks but i promise i’ll write some more free use in the future because it’s so smexy
"look, i know you don't like me-"
"oh? really? tell me what you think you know, kennedy," you scowl at him, and though it spooks him just a little, he tries to seem unphased.
he frowns, not hurt by your words but definitely concerned that you'll make a bad partner, "you don't need to be this hostile. we're allies. we're supposed to have each other's backs."
"right..." your voice echos, and leon knows that if it came down to it, you wouldn't protect him, wouldn't save him, would barely help him. he's practically on his own for this mission, just has an extra body with him to shoot at the bad guys.
it hurts, to some degree, because even without knowing you well, and even with you being cold and rude to him, he knows he'd come to your rescue in a heartbeat. something about him feels fond of you, even though in your entire time knowing leon kennedy, you haven't said one nice thing to him.
he thinks that maybe he likes that you've never been nice to him. he doesn't really know what to do with that thought.
leon is proved wrong.
despite the harshness of your words, you come to his rescue, fighting off the villager who almost decapitated him with an axe like both of your lives depend on it (because they do).
he watches you fight nervously, but when you come out on top, aside from the gash wound you take to the hip, he feels his heart skip a beat.
"this is what happens when you hurt my partner," you groan, holding your side, trying to speak through the pain even though leon can see the blood seeping between your fingers.
you whisper something in your victim's ear, something leon can't quite make out, before you kill him. leon wonders what it was briefly. he decides it doesn’t matter.
you both breathe a sigh of relief, but it's short lived as you collapse to the ground. you saved him. you got hurt saving him.
"here, let me help you," he mutters, coming over to you, not even stopping to ask if you want his help because he knows you'll say no, "stop fighting me. you're hurt and i need to patch you up."
the pain is agonizing, but even through gritted teeth and tense breaths, you push through it. he has to commend you a little bit, you're tougher than you look.
but when you try to push his hand away, claiming "i'm fine, kennedy," he sees the struggle in your face, hears the hurt in your voice. his heart seems to stop. he's worried, "i can do it myself, you don't have to- fuck, dude, i don't need your help-."
"-just relax, okay? i got you..”
you don't have the strength to push him away, but you know you shouldn't anyway, so you just slouch back against the wall and try to breathe, "fine, just fuckin... hurry up."
"i'm just trying to take care of you. we're partners, right? i gotta look out for you," he smiles, trying to lighten the mood even slightly. he wishes that this would be the time the barriers come down, that those skyscraper walls that prevented him from coming any closer to you emotionally could come crashing down, if only for a moment.
"you don't have to do anything. you're choosing to put yourself in danger to help me," you groan as you lean back, looking up at the ceiling, "suprised that no one's tried to take advantage of your willingness to help before."
"someone did," he mutters annoyedly, focusing more on the wound then it being your wound, on your body. his eyebrows, almost naturally furrowed from years of stress, somehow make his face even more sad to gaze upon. it's not that he's unattractive, far from it, but he's... worn. tired. a piece of your heart, no matter how far you keep away from him, aches in sympathy.
leon carries you back to the safe room, a hideout you both are using to rest and recover in while you plot your next move. he lays his jacket on the ground to at least give you something comfortable to lie on. you don't look comfortable, but he can't do anything else to help you.
he looks through his things, trying to concoct something that will at least make you feel a little bit better. he finds a first aid spray, and his heart jumps out of his chest in excitement. he uses it to take care of your wound, and waits for you to wake up from your unconscious state.
he decides to go back out, hoping to maybe find some other things to help you both on your mission. he knows you'll berate him for leaving on his own, risking his own life needlessly. but god if he didn't imagine what it would be like if he found something you could really use, and watch your eyes light up. even if you didn't like him, you'd be happy. he wants to see you smile, to praise him for a job well done.
he cringes at how pathetic it sounds, but he sets off either way, leaving you wrapped in his jacket with a note from him saying what he's doing.
he doesn't do it intentionally. at least... not the first time. genuinely, he just wanted to check up on you, make sure you were alive and breathing and safe. and you definitely were.
he doesn't know why its so hypnotizing, why he can't put his goddamn phone away with the stupid security app on it. of course it's you, though. you're hypnotizing.
he watches every pixel, every distorted view of you touching yourself in the safe room, obviously unaware that he could... see this. he's glad there's no audio, or else he'd be unable to control himself, even in an abandoned building surrounded by zombies. maybe its the years that haven hardened him, burned the fear out of his soul and numbed him to the presence of those things, but he doesn't feel anything but uncontrollable desire right now.
have you been doing it the whole time? you both had spilt off from each other multiple times, and he would almost be upset at the idea that every time he was fighting for his life and barely, barely winning that fight each time, you were getting off a couple hundred feet from him in another room... if it wasn't so fucking hot to watch you masturbate.
he keeps watching until he notices that you're having an orgasm, body twitching and your chest heaving up and down as you take deep breathes. it's so fucking sexy, leon probably could have cum on the spot if he watched anymore.
you keep doing it. he keeps watching it. over the course of the mission (of course he had to be stuck on a long, secluded recon mission with you of all people) he's watched you too many times. he doesn't think he has enough fingers to count how many times, which either means he's been on this mission longer than he thought or you have a fucking addiction. he's almost kind of impressed at how efficient you are. takes you 10 minutes tops, and then you just get back up and keep on trucking? his sentimental, post-nut ass could never.
and, though you recovered from your wound, you haven't displayed any sense of gratitude for leon taking care of you when you passed out after getting hurt. not that he expects it, truthfully. you saved his life, he saved yours. you were even.
he just doesn't feel like he's broken any new ground. he feels like, if anything, you feel even further away, emotionally. he's about had it.
"hey, we need to talk," he says, ominously; he doesn't intend it to be so, "i understand you don't like me. it's fine. i don't even care anymore. but i am tired of you talking to me like i'm a pushover."
you look over at him, reloading your gun with a displeased look on your face. leon hates the inner urge he has to cave and apologize to you, as if his body would rather give up any sense of dignity he still has in favor of being slightly more tolerable to you.
"well? are you going to say something?"
you scoff, looking away, "didn't know you were so fucking sensitive, kennedy," and you turn around, ready to walk out, before he snaps, "this isn't a pleasure trip. sorry you're not having a good time."
"clearly you're having a good time with all the pleasure you're giving yourself while i'm trying not to die."
he stops. panicking. trying to think of how to spin the words he just said and make it not sound like he knew every tell you had when you were about to cum or exactly how you touch yourself in order to get yourself off quickly.
you stop as well. and you look back at him with this expression on your face that is completely unreadable.
maybe it wasn't the best move to reveal the only card he had left to play if it mean he would get this reaction out of you considering that, again, you so clearly do not like him.
... right?
"what... did you say, kennedy?" you ask, pure venom in your voice. it's not a question, you so clearly heard him correctly.
"i- i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that-"
"have you been watching me?" you take a step closer, eyes boring into his soul so intensely he can't make eye contact. he has no way out of this situation. he feels out of breath, nervous, god why are you getting so close to him? "answer me, leon," not kennedy, leon, "have you been watching me masturbate?"
he looks up, trying to keep himself from making eye contact. he knows the second he looks into your eyes, he will be putty in your hands, free for you to mold into whatever you'd like. he knows you're not looking at him with distain like usual, it's something else.
something hungry.
"yeah," he breathes, barely getting the world out at all. you take a deep breath, as if you're debating what you're going to do.
"what you did was wrong, you see that, right?"
"yes, i know, but-"
you scoff, annoyed. god why in this moment, just inches away from you, you notice the moles on his neck, the angle of his jaw, the entrancing aura of his eyes. it's so damn distracting, and you have to pull yourself together, "but nothing. you watched me without my consent, you got off on it, didn't you?"
"god, you're making it sound so bad, i... i'm sorry, okay? how can i make it up to you?" he asks, trying so damn hard as always to please.
this is where you come to realize that maybe you didn't hate leon kennedy all this time. maybe you found yourself too comfortable, too at ease in his presence. maybe he was safe and sweet and gentle and it didn't sit right because nothing in a world with zombies and bioweapons and cults and parasites was gentle. but leon is.
you look down, considering your options, "i have an idea. you're free to refuse and we go back to before, and you get nothing from me. do you want to hear it?"
you take a breath, going for it, "i’ll be… blunt. if you couldn’t tell, i’m a bit.. insatiable. i need something to get myself off now that i’m getting bored of my own hands out here. you help me, and i’ll forgive you for watching me.”
his thoughts stop. he genuinely can’t put together a coherent thought, what did you mean? "are you.. are you fucking serious? you barely speak to me, every time you do speak to me you act like i'm the scum of the earth, you act like i'm not here when i saved your ass and carried you and patched you up, i-”
you cut him off with a kiss. it’s not gentle, it’s rough and messy and your fingers dig into the skin of his cheeks, leaving him red and breathless. he finally gets it. you don’t want him to help you, you want to use him.
he lets you push him down, pin his body to the wall as you kiss him breathless. he lets you dig your nails into his neck even if it hurts. he lets you touch and kiss him as rough or as gentle as you like. and you don’t like being gentle, clearly.
“use me,” he whispers between kisses, and when you pull away, eyeing him intently, as if urging him to explain himself, he does, “do whatever you want. just keep going until you’re satisfied. don’t… don’t hold back. whatever pleases you… i want that. i want to please you.”
“awh, you just want me to be happy with you, don’t you?” you coo at him, endeared by his selflessness. truly a good man in a bad world, “that’s all you’ve ever wanted, hm? for me to like you?”
his resolve cracks just a little bit more, “uhm, yeah…” he his voice is shaky, unsteady, and he just needs to give in.
“then you’re going to let me do this every single time in horny and need something to get myself off. i’m going to do whatever i want to you, and i’m not going to ask. you’re just going to let me. if you don’t, then we go right back to being enemies, and you really don’t want that, right?”
he stutters aimlessly, his knees going weak. he’d truly be done for if you weren’t hold him up with a strength he did not know you had.
and you just keep going, “i’m not going to ask or care if it’s a bad time. i want it to be inconvenient, uncomfortable, ill-timed. i want it to be permanently in your head that i can have you whenever i want you. that i can do whatever i want to you.”
“only i get to have you, got it?”
“g-got it,” he mutters weakly, feeling your hands on him, touching him in places he hasn’t been touched in a while. he didn’t realize how desperate he was.
“only i get to touch you, only i… get to fuck you.”
he nods helplessly.
“it’s too bad i didn’t bring a dildo in my bag when we set off for this mission, because i would so fuck you with it until you’re seeing stars and apologizing for going behind my back… but i suppose i’ll just have to satisfy myself with your cock…”
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iced-nct · 2 years
Three Rules
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Pairing: Roommate!Haechan x F Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI), SMUT, Fingering, Language, unprotected sex, this is me pushing the Big Dick Hyuck agenda, it's dirty, Haechan is a playerrrrrr, no fluffy ending they're roommates that bang
Synopsis: Rule number one for being roommates with Lee Haechan: Don’t give in to the temptation. okay maybe giving in once is okay, or twice, or thinking about him in the shower... but definitely don't write these down where Hyuck will see...
Rule number one for being roommates with Lee Haechan: Don’t give in to the temptation.
It seemed to be easier said than done. When it came to your roommate, he was quite interested in pushing the boundaries with you. Often, he would strut around the apartment shirtless. Or on one occasion he just so happened to wander into the living room fresh out of the shower with just a towel hung low on his hips. That prompted you to relocate your studying to the privacy of your own bedroom. It wasn’t that you hadn’t thought about him in that way, it was just that you saw how he was with girls he brought home.
Which leads into rule number two: Don’t bring friends over to your apartment.
Haechan was charming, hot, and incredibly charismatic. It took you bringing over three separate friends for you to learn this rule. He managed to bed every one of your friends that crossed the threshold into your shared space. It annoyed the hell out of you. Now you weren’t even sure if some of your classmates wanted to be friends with you, or just wanted Haechan. Either way, it was a pain in the ass and resulted in a lot of friendships being lost.
Rule number three for being roommates with Lee Haechan: His friends are strictly off limits.
At first you thought he was joking when he cornered you in the kitchen to lay out the ground rules. But you soon realized he wasn’t kidding. His friend Jeno had cozied up with you on the couch while everyone was watching a movie. You were quite enjoying the attention that was being given to you. However, all good things must come to an end. Haechan ‘accidentally’ spilled his soda all over you when he ‘tripped’ coming back from the bathroom. At that point you would be too embarrassed to return after showering, so you opted to stay locked in your room instead. Having to endure your ever so delightful roommate have fun with his friends.
You sighed and closed your journal, tossing it on the nightstand next to your bed. In the bathroom across the hall, you could hear Haechan blasting music whilst he showered. Groaning, you got up to get something to eat from the kitchen. When you noticed there was no food in the fridge besides Haechan’s nasty week-old take-out, you decided to just run out to grab something from the convenience store across the street.
Going to the store took all of ten minutes, and when you returned the house was eerily quiet. There was no music playing from the bathroom anymore, meaning Hyuck was either out or napping. What you didn’t anticipate was him sitting on the edge of your bed with a towel around his waist and your journal in hand.
He looked up at you with a knowing smirk playing on his lips. “You write about me?” He wiggled his eyebrows and waved the journal at you.
You paled almost instantly, not knowing what to do or say to him. “You’re getting my blankets all soaked” you deflected his question.
“(y/n)” he tsked, turning his attention back to the book “Don’t give in to the temptation” The way the words rolled off his tongue sounded impossibly dirty.
Haechan tossed the book aside, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “You’re... tempted by me then?” his tongue poked the inside of his cheek as he looked you over.
“Well, I mean, um. You do walk around half naked all the time” you admitted lamely, while finding sudden interest in your fingernails.
“So, you want me to fuck you?”  your eyes shot back up to meet his, Hyuck’s eyes were filled with lust and the bulge against the towel grew more prominent.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded slowly “I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it before”
His eyes lit up at your confession and he patted the spot next to him for you to sit. You padded into your room and sat at the end of your bed, a fair distance still between you and Hyuck. He rolled his eyes at your action and moved closer to you, his hand running up the length of your thigh. There was no denying it as he sat next to you with his wet hair dripping down his exposed torso, that this was one of the hottest men you had encountered. Wetness pooled between your thighs as Haechan continued trailing his fingers over your leg rhythmically. You turned your head to drink in his appearance, he licked his lips before leaning in slowly, as if asking for permission. You closed the rest of the gap and your lips met his. The kiss was soft and sensual, as if Haechan was using the opportunity to taste you and feel you out. But you had already broken rule number one, there was no point in stopping now.
He hooked his fingers around the waistband of your sweats, signaling that he wanted them off. You really couldn’t resist the temptation that was Donghyuck. No matter how much you thought you could, the desire for him was clouding your judgement. He helped you out of the oversized hoodie you wore, and you shimmied out of the sweats. Leaving you in just a pair of black panties, completely exposed to him.
“Fuck, (y/n). You are so sexy” Hyuck ran his tongue over the swell of your breasts, taking one of your nipples in his mouth and twisting the other in his fingers.
You moaned loudly and arched your back in pleasure. Haechan took the opportunity to move his hand down your torso and slip your panties aside. He ran his fingers along your slick folds and you ground yourself down on his hand.
“Eager, are you?” Hyuck looked up at you through his lashes.
“Y-yes Hyuck” You moaned as he applied more pressure to your clit, before sinking two digits into you.
He clicked his tongue and rested his chin on your shoulder “So tight” he whispered slowly “Wonder how you’ll feel around my cock”
His words drove you crazy, you needed to feel him. The lust you had for your roommate had driven you mad, wanting nothing more than for him to fuck you until you were drunk on his cock. Once Haechan felt like you were ready for him, he rose from the bed to tower over you. Your propped yourself up on your elbows to get a good look as Haechan let the towel fall around his ankles. His cock was mouth-watering. He was nothing short of impressive, and you all but drooled at the sight of him in front of you. Hyuck knocked your legs apart with his knee so he could admire how wet you were for him. He pushed you up the bed so he could lean over you, and sunk himself into your pussy. Both of you releasing loud moans of pure ecstasy over how the other felt.
Haechan filled you in a way that felt truly euphoric. The way he thrusted into you and managed to hit all the right spots left you with a foggy head and an inability to form coherent sentences. The most you could manage as he railed you was moaning and occasionally yelling ‘fuck’ when he drove himself into you. Hyuck was in an equal state of bliss, loving the way you felt around him and how wet he made you. He’d been thinking of what it would feel like to fuck you since you moved in, but this was much better than his previous fucks. He stared down at you with a smirk plastered on his lips, and you sucked your swollen bottom lip under your teeth. You stared at him with innocent eyes, and Hyuck upped his pace.
“You want to get drunk on my cock, slut?” He lightly tapped your cheek, not wanting to be too rough with you on the first go.
“y-yes Hyuck” You muttered, almost out of breath and so close to your release.
Haechan grabbed your hand from its place on his shoulder and directed it to your clit. “Touch yourself for me, okay?”
You did as you were told and rubbed circles into your sensitive nub, crying out with pleasure as the combination of Haechan inside you and the stimulation on your clit. “I’m gonna come” you whined from beneath him.
“Good, come for me baby” Hyuck praised you, and you came undone around him.
Haechan cursed as he felt your pussy clenching his cock, and could feel his release coming on. He pulled out and released across your torso with a breathless grin. You looked up at him as he tossed you his towel from the floor and started walking out. He paused at your door to turn and look at you while you cleaned up and waited until he caught your eye.
“Round two is in the shower after we eat.” He winked at you, “Now can you order take-out. I’m starving” He groaned and you scowled, tossing his towel back at him.
He chuckled on his way down the hall and you shook your head “what an asshole” you breathed as you laid back on your bed, already thinking about round two.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
If you’re willing to take a request, can you write something that Sun overheads Y/N speaking with another coworker saying something along the lines of “Oh, yeah I hate Sun. Moon was always cooler to me. Nice and cool, Sun is a pain to deal with” Sunny thinking she’s talking about him gets really upset, he’s feelings hurt and jealous of Moon, refuses to talk to Y/N for a while. Moon though slightly happy to hear what’s been said, still try to comfort Sun in anyway he can. Later Y/N explain she was talking about the actual Sun and Moon and not the boys. “I love you for who you are, not what you’re supposed to represent. And, I love you two equal, no more, no less than the other.”
Thanks in advance
"Oh yeah I can’t stand it. Sun gets real annoying especially at this time of day. I just wanna catch a break from it, y’know?”
"Tell me about it. Why can’t it be nighttime already?”
“Honestly. Moon’s really nice and cool and just..I feel so much calmer. Wish it was out all the time.”
Sun didn’t mean to eavesdrop, though he couldn’t help but overhear his and Moon’s names being brought up. At first he was happy you were talking about them, until he listened closely and realized you were..seemingly insulting him specifically and praising Moon, laughing about it with a fellow coworker.
It didn’t bother him so much that you called them an “it”. They were robots, of course, and some human employees only ever saw them as such, but he thought you were different.
That they were your friends..
Well, it became pretty clear that Sun himself wasn’t your friend anymore, given your jokes about how annoying he is. Maybe you only pretended to be all along just to get him off your back.
He couldn’t understand why you’d say such mean things...or what he did wrong to warrant those. Of course, he wasn't the most stable animatronic in the Plex--everyone had their flaws.
But for you to express your appreciation for Moon and insult him in the same breath only drilled the hurt in further.
He could sense his counterpart being quite happy with this information, though Sun himself was no less heartbroken that he was loved more than him.
Why did you hate him so much?
He stopped listening and stormed back to his tower, pushing over a party canister without stopping to clean it up. Once he was back in his room, he shut the curtains and huffed as he plopped down onto an old cushion, resting his chin on his palms, fingers tapping his petals.
“I get it..I-I can be annoying. But it’s fine! I’ve been called worse...b-but...nothing like what [y/n]...ghh..stop it...s-stop it! Don’t cry...don’t...!!”
But it was already too late as he let out a sob. The words finally sunk in and he was just furiously scrubbing at his face to slow the tears, crying much like the children he cared for everyday. It didn’t help that he heard Moon’s groans of annoyance.
“You can’t be serious..it’s almost my time to come out!”
"I-I'm sorry, Moony..it..i-it just hurts hearing everything sh-she said about me!! I thought she liked me! I...I thought..."
"Shhh, calm down. Maybe we're just...misunderstanding something-"
"No...she clearly likes you better!” Sun yelled hoarsely, grabbing one of the Moon plushies and staring down at it, pretending he was talking to him directly. “You heard what she said!! "Moon's cooler and calmer", “Sun’s annoying and too bright”! It’s obvious I’m nothing but garbage to her!!” He threw the plushie aside, holding his head again.
Moon had gone quiet now, though the solar animatronic just sniffled, leaning back on the cushion with another huff. “..m-maybe she’ll be happier if I never came out again.”
"Sun, let's not do anything stupid-"
Suddenly the lights in the daycare were darkened, the glowing stars on the walls beginning to shine. The attendant groaned as he was forced to change into Moon, who sighed as he could still hear Sun's sniffles.
“..I’m happy for you, Moony. Have fun talking to her all day and all night.”
“Now, now..we’ll get to the bottom of this. I promise.”
"Grr...I swear if it wasn't against our protocol to kill, I would kill her." He growled, putting on his nightcap and standing up, brushing away the tears left behind on his face.
As he jumped down from the tower, his plan was to confront you before you could leave tonight. Just so he can understand why on earth you said those awful things. 
Surely you could like him without being so mean to Sun, right?
Unfortunately, he was informed you were going on break, and parents were starting to drop off their kids for the nighttime hours.
Of course. Just his luck.
Hours later, after all the kids went home for the night and it was a few minutes from closing, Moon finally spotted you cleaning up the tables. He could only watch from the shadows as you also did a final sweep around the security station.
Obviously you had to turn the lights back on to see, and he was forced to stay hidden in the dark, as Sun refused to come out. If he were to wander into the light, he’d feel him resisting the day-night cycle programming that forced him to shift: his petals poking in and out of his head, his neck hurting, his colors mixing together blue and yellow..
It felt like he was being burned. Then again, when an AI resists a core part of its programming...it was sure to be painful.
Eventually you did hear Moon's winces of agony and followed them to the back of the daycare, frowning slightly as you saw him sitting down, cowering in what little shadow there was left.
"What's wrong? Another cycle malfunction?”
“Y-You better talk to Sun..” He grumbled in response, his voice extremely choppy. “Or actually, no. He doesn’t wanna talk to you..ever.”
“Why?” Kneeling down in front of him, you pouted. “Did I..do something wrong?”
“...you made him cry.”
Your eyes widened with disbelief. And your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to think of what you might’ve done or said today that got him that upset. But nothing really came to mind.
Moon could tell you were still confused, so he sighed. “Earlier today you said..something about hating Sun and loving me more, laughing about it with your friend. While I appreciate the praise..he thinks you hate him, and that he shouldn’t show his face around you anymore. Now he’s gone quiet and refuses to come out.”
“..oh..oh my god..” Your heart sunk with realization.
“You have some nerve acting surprised.” His scoffed, eyes glowing redder. “You think we’re all just machines but we know when you say hurtful things. We’re more aware than you think-”
“No, no! You guys heard me all wrong. I-I wasn’t talking about you.”
He blinked, tilting his head. “What?”
“I was talking about the actual sun and moon. The ones outside, way up in the sky. I was complaining to my friend about how hot it gets when the sun’s always out and how the moon is pretty and....damn it...” You put a hand to your forehead, feeling incredibly guilty. “..h-he must think I’m the biggest jerk in the world..”
The lunar animatronic was baffled by this revelation. But his hunch turned out to be right after all: they simply misunderstood.
Standing up, you sighed and looked down at him. “Listen, I love you both equally for who you are, not what you’re modeled after. I-I hope you two understand that, especially Sun. And..if he hears me somehow, then I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I’d miss seeing your face..but I understand if you don’t wanna see mine for a while. You have every right to hate me, though I’ll never hate you. Neither of you.”
For a few long moments, he was completely silent as he remained on the floor. You doubted Sun would forgive you so easily after all you said, so you decided to leave the attendant alone so he can think about it.
“I’ll..go get the keys so I can lock up..”
However, as you turned around to walk away, you didn’t get too far. You could hear him standing up, parts shifting around in a normal manner. When you looked back, you saw Sun had come out, tears in his eyes as he approached you.
“I-I’m sorry, too! I shouldn’t have assumed you hated me for me,” he mumbled. “I do wanna see your pretty face again! It’s my favorite part of the day! I just..I-I can’t stay mad at you forever..”
“Then..let’s hug it out.” You smiled lightly, putting your arms out. “Like we always do.”
With a laugh, he embraced you tightly, nearly squeezing the life out of you. But you just wrapped your arms around him and sighed, happy he forgave you.
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Shut Me Up
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A/N: Here’s another smutty one-shot. I felt like something a little cliche so here it is. This was so fun to write! I’m still finding my footing in this fandom as a writer but I think I wanna start taking requests, the next fic I have coming out will be a request and I’m having fun with it so shoot me a message if there’s something you wanna see. I’ve just put together my Masterlist so you can check out my other fics there :)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spencer and Y/N don’t exactly get on well. Will they be able to work out some of their frustration when they’re forced to share a room for the night?
Category: Pure smut baby
Warnings/Includes: smut, graphic descriptions of sex, dirty talk, oral (female receiving), penetrative sex, name calling, light choking, hair pulling, scratching, please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed!
Word count: 3850 words
The hotel is somehow worse than usual. It’s got so few rooms that they just narrowly grab enough for the whole team. But few enough that they have to bunk. Y/N didn't love sharing a room but it was better than having nowhere to sleep at all.
Prentiss tosses her a key, “That’s you and Reid” she says it so nonchalant that Y/N almost doesn’t notice it. Once in clicks in her head though she races down the hall.
“Hey, hey wait!” She calls out, a little too desperate, “Emily you can’t put me with Reid. We’ll kill each other.”
She laughs at that, it was on open secret amongst the team that Y/N and Spencer had something of a rivalry going. Bitter sworn enemies apparently. No one really bought it though. People who really truly hated each other would be a lot better at avoiding one another. But Y/N and Spencer could never seem to keep apart for very long.
“I’m sure you’ll be able to put your differences aside for a night.” she waves Y/N off as she heads into her own room, leaving her stranded in the hallway. Contemplating if the reception area might let her crash on the couch, she could even spend the night in one of the SUVs, the seats reclined far enough.
But that was stupid, why should she be the one who had to be uncomfortable, why not Spencer.
When she arrived at the door of her own room Spencer was slumped up against it, he stood up straight once he saw her coming.
“Took you long enough” he spat, reaching to take the key from her but she pulled it back before he had the chance.
“I was on the hunt for alternative sleeping arrangements” she huffs, unlocking the door.
“To no avail I presume?” he jokes but he’s just met with an eye roll.
“I’m taking the bed by the window” she stakes her claim before they even get through the door. Once they’re inside he lets out a chuckle.
“You’re welcome to the side of the bed by the window?” he jokes.
This was infinitely worse than she thought it was going to be. Where there were usually two generally uncomfortable twin beds in these standard small-town motels, instead there was a queen sized bed, staring at them as they stood at the foot of it.
“I get the bed” she says like she’s calling shotgun.
“Bullshit you get the bed, there’s nowhere else to sleep!” he complains.
She takes a second to scan the room, no sofa, no arm chair, the floor is a scratchy carpet. There’s no real option here. “You can sleep on the desk?” she suggests, and she’s not serious about it, but she wouldn’t say no if he agreed.
“Are you kidding me?” he almost shouts.
“Soft mattresses are bad for your back! Maybe it’ll sort out your posture?” she adds.
“There’s nothing wrong with my posture” he groans, massaging his temple.
“Okay sure, you tell yourself that”
They don’t say anything more about it as they unpack. Showering and changing for bed in silence. When Y/N comes out from he bathroom, Spencer is sitting up on one side of the bed, reading through case files by the light of the bedside lamp.
“Are you serious?” she whines.
“Look, we both need rest, just shut up and get over yourself” he says it without looking up from the file in his hand, his finger running over the lines at speed.
She doesn’t respond, she just climbs in on the other side, keeping herself as close to the edge of the mattress as possible to keep the distance in between them.
She lies like that for about 45 minutes but sleep’s just not coming.
“Are you ever gonna turn off that fucking light, I thought we ‘needed rest’” she mocks, turning over to look at him, still combing through the files, mumbling to himself every once in a while.
“We’ll both be useless tomorrow if we don’t get any sleep” she tries to convince him with a slightly more sincere tone.
This case wasn’t easy, the unsub had been abducting victims he’d met in online BDSM chatrooms. Bodies had been turning up murdered in ways that the victims had previously expressed were turn-ons. Suffocated, whipped, tied up in peculiar ways. There wasn’t much information to go on now, they just had to wait for the next body to turn up but that didn’t keep Spencer from pouring over everything a hundred times.
When he wasn’t being purposefully irritating Y/N honestly admired his work ethic. Just not when it was interfering with her much needed sleep.
“The bare minimum of sleep most humans need to live is just 4 hours in a 24 hour period” he blurts out, still not looking up.
“Well I’m not most humans, so knock it off”
He finally concedes, chucking his files onto the bedside table and shutting off the lamp. It’s now eerily quiet, and all she can hear is the steady breathing coming from the other side of the bed.
Enough time passes that she really should be asleep but it’s still not happening. So she’s already beyond irritated when she feels a slight shove against her shoulder.
“Hey, you still awake?” he sounds mischievous, she knows that tone of his voice and she doesn't like it.
“God! I am now! What do you want?” she mumbles into her pillow.
“I’ve just got a question” he says defensively.
She hums and rolls over to face him, he’s wide awake, “Well? Out with it” she encourages, the sooner this is over with the better.
His mouth twists into a smirk as he takes a minute to study her face, “What turns you on?” he asks it sincere, and she has no idea what to do with that.
Rolling her eyes on instinct she groans, “Ugh, are you serious? I was so close to getting to sleep, goodnight asshole.” she turns back around to end the conversation but he can’t leave it there.
“I’m serious actually, just all the talk about it earlier, I wanna know”
She doesn’t move as she speaks, remaining with her back to him in a bid not to engage, “You couldn’t handle that information.” She deadpans.
“Try me” he antagonizes, and that’s enough to set her off. He just didn’t know when to quit.
This could be a fun new way to tease him, is her first thought. Turn him on, leave him wanting, yet another game to add to their repertoire of spite.
“Fine I’ll give.” she turns back to him, staring intently this time, “Here’s one, I really get off on having my hair pulled” she scoots closer so she can lean in and whisper the next part, “like when I’m getting fucked from behind, or I’ve got someone’s cock down my throat. I love having my hair pulled, just the short sharp pain of it.” she sort of moans the last little bit right by his ear before settling back on her own pillow.
“That good enough?” she asks, and she can practically see his breath catch in his chest.
He takes a steady gulp, “Yeah, that was, informative” he breathes.
“And what about you?” she poses, he’s not getting out of this one so easy. He looks shocked, like he didn’t see this coming a mile off.
“Me? Uh—” he stutters, “My back, I get really— I get turned on when someone digs their nails into my back, like scratching and marking” something about seeing him flustered like this is almost endearing.
“I guess we’re both suckers for pain” she winks as she says it, making a move to turn around again in a bid to let the conversation die but he doesn’t give her the chance.
“Tell me another” he pleads, and she’s not sure what his expression means but she might just draw this out, see how far she can can tease this.
“Hmm, nosy aren't we?” she smirks, he doesn't respond, just waits for an answer. She thinks for a moment, “Have you ever choked anyone Dr. Reid?”
His breath hitches, and he shakes his head. She likes this new Spencer, the one that doesn’t seem to have some quip for her every two seconds.
“Well I think you might like it, you’ve got nice strong hands, long fingers too. I feel like they might make it the whole way round my neck if you tried?” her voice is soft like velvet as she speaks. He lets out a short pant, and she can see his eyes flicker down to her exposed throat before quickly coming back to her eyes.
“Does the idea of that turn you on Doc?” she teases.
“I— um—” he’s at a loss for words yet again.
“That’s not an answer now is it?” She taunts him, and moves to turn around once again. Feeling accomplished in her goal, finally about to get some sleep. But she’s barely closed her eyes when she can feel him move. He’s so close behind her that she can feel the heat radiating from him. His hand slowly reaches around and grasps her throat gently, she moves herself further into his grip on instinct and he runs with it. Using the leverage to pull himself right up behind her, and she can feel it. He’s hard, and she can feel him pushing himself right up against her ass.
“Is this a satisfactory answer?” he moves in close and whispers against her ear. She’s changed her mind, maybe this is her favorite Spencer.
“Mmhmm” she hums in response, and his fingers tighten around her neck. She pushes her ass further back, moving it up and down slightly to create some friction and she can feel him twitching through the thin layer of her nightdress. He starts to move with her, grinding against her, his other hand resting on her hip, fingertips digging in so that he can pull her closer.
She tries to moan when she feels his nails dig into her but it gets stifled in her throat.
“You sound pathetic” he whispers, “I’ve barely even touched you and you’re whining like a little slut” her hips buck involuntarily at that. “You like it when I call you names?” he teases.
The hand on her hip starts to pull at her nightdress, inching it up higher and higher until his fingers are on her bare skin. He digs his nails in just slightly and drags them around her thigh, letting them settle right at the hem of her panties.
“I bet if I put my fingers in here I’d find you soaking wet for me already?” When she doesn’t answer he tightens the hand around her throat so that it’s almost cutting off the air supply, then loosens immediately. “Answer me” he demands.
“Yes! Yes!” she moans, anything to get his hands to move where she wanted them.
“That’s what I thought” he laughs and lets go of her completely. Her dress hiked up, breathing ragged. She snaps back around to look at him and he’s already curled up on his side of the bed as though nothing’s happened. Left in shock she sits upright, crossing her arms across her chest.
“What the fuck was that?” she has to stop herself from outright shouting at him.
He turns back to look at her, taking in her sullen expression, “Disappointed are we?” he teases with a smirk. And that look makes her want to kill him.
“You’re such a dick” she huffs, and he sits upright next to her.
“You say that like I didn’t just beat you at your own game?” he tries to fight back.
“You didn’t beat me!” she protests
“Oh really, and how’s that?”
“I could feel you, you were rock hard before you even touched me” she spits it out, because if she turned him on first then somehow this didn’t feel as embarrassing.
“Yeah! Because you were teasing me!” he looks frustrated now,
“Exactly! Because I was teasing you, and you fucking liked it” he just rolls his eyes at that, pretending like it’s somehow not true.
“Shut the fuck up” he groans, running his hands through his hair and letting his head fall back against the headboard.
She quirks an eyebrow and looks straight into his sleepy eyes, “Make me.”
In less than a second his hands are on her again, grabbing and pulling her into his lap. One hand is firmly on her back, holding her tight against his chest, the other is tangled in her hair already. Grabbing fistfuls as their lips work against each other.
It’s heated, and ferocious, full of pent up aggression, or tension, or both.
As his tongue works against hers, she lets her own hands wander over him, finally coming to rest at the back of his head, tangling in his curls. When she grinds down into his lap she can feel his cock still hard beneath her, straining against the fabric of his boxers. She thought it was impossible but it felt harder than it had been earlier.
He breaks apart the kiss and they both take in wrecked breaths, chests heaving. He pulls at the hem of her nightdress, pushing it further up her thighs, grabbing a rough handful of her ass as his hands find the exposed skin there.
“We gotta get this off” he whispers, and she nods, pulling it off over her head so that she’s exposed now. Perched in his lap in nothing but her panties. “Fuck” he moans at the sight. His hands come straight up to grab her tits, rough and exited for a moment before easing up, kneading them, getting used to the weight of them in his hands. He brings his mouth down, leaning in so that he can place sloppy open mouthed kisses along her neck and collar bones, trailing down to the valley between her breasts. He takes one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking on it gently then teasing the bud with his teeth. When he releases it and looks up at her his eyes almost look glazed over, dreamy.
“I’ve always had a thing for your tits” he confesses, his lips coming down to repeat the action on the other nipple.
“Your turn to take your shirt off” she whines as he removes his lips, the cold air hardening her nipples now that he’d teased them. He drags his eyes away from her for a second so that he can peel his shirt off over his head.
On pure instinct she rakes her nails across his now bare chest, leaning in close to place kisses into the crook of his neck, moving up painfully slow, kissing along the column of his throat, landing on the soft skin beneath his ear. She can feel the moans rippling in his throat against her lips. While he’s stilled beneath her she takes the opportunity to tuck her hands in behind him, digging her nails into his back and dragging them across the skin with force. Certainly leaving harsh red lines in their wake. The noises that escape him might be the best thing she’s ever heard.
“You like it when I mark you up?” she moans into his ear, “When I make you mine?” she can feel wetness pooling between her own legs as she says the words. The very thought of it turning her on more than she ever thought it could.
Clearly he feels the same, something erupts in him and the hands that had been resting on her hips were now lifting her up and laying her down on the bed. He was on top of her now, his hair framing his face as he looked down at her, and she was biting her fucking lip in anticipation.
He almost can’t even look directly at her so he snakes down her body, littering her torso with kisses and licks. Once he lands at her hips he takes the elastic of her panties between his teeth, pulling it up and letting it go so that it snaps against her stomach. She lets out a low moan.
“Let’s see if I was right earlier, how wet are you for me?” his voice is low as he places small kisses over the cotton, making his way right in between her legs. He pulls back for a second to inspect the fabric, there’s a damp patch covering the majority of the area, as if he didn't know already. “You’re fucking soaked Y/N” he groans and presses his fingers right up against it, forcing the fabric between her folds so that it soaks up even more, “Such a needy little thing aren’t you?”
She can only let out a small whine in response, her teeth biting into her lip so hard she was afraid she might start bleeding.
“Better get rid of these, don’t you think?” he hooks his fingers into either side of her panties, sliding them down her legs. He takes them and places them on his pillow before returning to his position between her legs.
He’s slow and deliberate in his actions, teasing painfully as he places sloppy kisses on the delicate skin inside of her thighs. Stopping right at the top to nip and suck enough to leave a bruise. Taking the time to stop and leave a matching bruise on the other thigh.
She was starting to grow restless, she felt like she was literally aching for any stimulation at all.
“Spencer” she whines, “Please, I’m so fucking turned on already”. She can feel him chuckle, his exhale sends a burst of cold air right against her pussy.
“So impatient” he chastises, but gives in anyway. Laying his tongue flat against her, taking a moment to taste her before he starts to move. Licking deft strokes along her folds, alternating with sucking softly on her clit.
“Spencer, fuck, oh my god” is all she can muster as her back arches up off the bed, her hips squirming as he pins them down. “You feel so fucking good”
He takes the encouragement and brings a finger to her entrance, pushing it in at an agonizing pace, curling it upwards against her once it’s fully inside. “You’re so fucking tight Y/N, do you think you could even handle another finger?” he has to take his mouth off of her to speak but it’s worth it for the downright filthy sounds she makes in response. He takes that as a yes and slowly pushes two fingers in this time. Bringing his lips back down to wrap around her clit and suck.
Her hands fly down to his curls as he works his fingers in and out of her at a relentless pace. She grabs handfuls of his hair and pulls them harshly, not knowing where else to put the energy. “Fuck Spencer, feels so good, don’t stop” she mutters between gasps.
He continues his ministrations and he would be lying if he said the feeling of her hands pulling at his hair weren’t doing something for him.
A moment later and she’s barely able to control her movements, thrashing in the bed as he continues to work his fingers in and out of her, relishing the feeling of her walls tightening around him. Once she’s relaxed again he takes his fingers out, bringing them up to her lips, without telling her to she opens her mouth, taking the two fingers in, letting her tongue move around them to taste herself.
It’s one of the many memories from tonight he knows he wont forget anytime soon. Or ever.
“I can see why you like it” he says, leaning over her, talking into the crook of her neck, “having your hair pulled, feels fucking amazing” she lets out a weak laugh, regaining her strength.
“Told you you liked pain” she reaches down between them, grabbing his cock through his boxers, “You must’ve really liked it” she teases, squeezing as his eyes flutter shut and he nods.
He maneuvers a little so that he can take off his boxers, and finally she gets to see it. It’s perfect, bigger than she expected, it looks painfully hard, precum leaking from the tip. He moves back to hover over her, lingering for a minute to take her in. She thinks there might be something almost sweet behind his expression.
“Just fuck me already” she smirks up at him and he rolls his eyes without even meaning to.
“Will you ever stop antagonizing me?”
“If you fuck me maybe?”
With that he leans down to capture her lips in a heated kiss, she can taste herself on his tongue as it tangles with hers. She can feel him push up against her, the head of his cock just teasing at her entrance before sinking in so slowly she was almost angry.
“Fuck Y/N, you feel so good, so fucking tight, so fucking wet for me” he’s whispering right into her hear and she can barely string together a sentence.
“Spencer, you’re so big, fill me up so good with your fingers, with your cock, fuck” as he starts to move they both start to lose it, her hands digging into his back, her nails sinking into his shoulders leaving small half-moons in his skin. He finally starts to build a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out of her, filling the room with the pornographic sounds of skin on skin, coupled with their moans.
Once she can feel the familiar feeling building within her again she starts to lose control completely, her nails scratching marks into the expanse of Spencer’s back, hearing the little breathy gasps he lets out each time she does might be enough to make her cum all on their own.
“I’m close” she mewls, letting her head fall back against the pillow, exposing her neck, eyes screwing shut.
“Fuck, me too” he takes the opportunity presented to him, and wraps one of his hands around her neck, squeezing ever so slightly.
“Ahh, fuck” she breathes out with the little air that she has, “gonna cum” and she does, he can feel her tighten around his cock, her body writhing beneath his and arching up off he bed as he continues to fuck into her.
He’s following behind just a second later, spilling into her as he collapses back down, releasing his grip on her throat completely and settling on her chest.
They both take a moment. Melting into one another, steading out their breathing.
It’s Y/N who breaks the silence, “So you’ve always had a thing for my tits then?”
He cranes his neck up to look at her, “Shut up” he breathes, laying his head back down on her chest. She cards her fingers through his hair, smoothing it back down.
“Now you know how to make me.”
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the7thcrow · 3 years
600 degrees
pairing: bang chan x (fem) reader
summary: you can’t cook. like, really can’t cook. good thing your cute neighbour is here to help clean up the mess.
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word count: 5.1k
genre: neighbours au. strangers to lovers. the fluffiest of fluff, slightly suggestive.
warnings: a make-out session, bad humour, minho being a twat of a roommate, and tooth-rotting fluff.
rating: 14+
a/n: hi guys! hope you enjoy this one, it’s so much more wholesome and fluffy than what i usually write, but I'm pretty happy about it. don’t by shy to send me an ask or leave a comment. anything you have to say, I would love to hear. :)
“Fine. Since you won’t come, at least enlighten me on how you plan to keep yourself busy?” Minho asks, casually leaning against your kitchen island. He stares at you, with that familiar condescending smirk you’ve seen far too many times.
“I don’t know,” you state, rolling your eyes. Rising to your feet, you head over to your shared refrigerator, pulling a bottle of Sangria out of the fridge. “But I’m sure I’ll find something.”
“You know, if you want to drink, you could at least do it at the party.” Minho approaches you from behind, placing both his hands on your shoulders. “It’s a lot less sad that way.”
You slap his hand away, letting out a frustrated groan at the laughter he lets out from his own joke. “I get out plenty, quit acting like I’m some lonely cat lady,” you say, grabbing your favourite wine glass from the cupboard. “I like parties, I just don’t like Jisung’s parties. They always get way out of hand.”
“But Y/N,” Minho wines, picking up your freshly poured glass and taking a sip, earning himself a glare. “I never said you were a cat lady, just the lonely part.”
At that you snatch the glass away from his hands. Not wanting to deal with this torment any longer, you walk back to your comfortable, worn-in spot on the couch.
“You know I’m right,” he says, continuing despite the fact you begin to turn up the volume of the television. “And the only way you’re going to change that is by accompanying me to Jisung’s loud, out of hand parties.”
You turn to face him, raising your eyebrows. “Somehow, I doubt my soulmate associates himself with Han Jisung.”
“Well that can’t be right, because I associate myself with Han Jisung?”
“Shut up, Minho.”
Your roommate snickers to himself as he opens the fridge, taking a quick glance at everything - or for a better term, lack of anything - inside. “What are you even going to eat? There’s nothing leftover from last night.”
“I’ll make something,” you say. Frankly, you had expected the outburst of laughter, but that didn’t do anything to simmer down your growing annoyance.
“Make something?” Minho laughs, giving you an incredulous stare. “Y/N, I’ve lived with you for two years and I don’t think I’ve seen you cook anything once.”
“Hey, I can cook,” you return, wrinkling your nose. “But why would I, when I have you to do it for me?”
At this, it’s Minho’s turn to roll his eyes. “Yeah, okay, I take that back. I don’t want you to come, have fun curling up on the couch alone with your three cats.”
“They’re literally yours.”
“Whatever,” he says, opening your front door. “Just don’t burn the apartment down, alright?”
As he closes the door, you flip him off. At first, you aren’t sure if he saw, but you’re given your answer as his laughter echoes down the hallway, fading as he walks further away.
You scowl. Of course you can cook. Well, at the very least, well enough to make a meal for one on a saturday night. Minho didn’t know what he was talking about.
Minho. Your best friend and roommate for the last two years. Man, does the guy have a way of pushing your buttons. You love him, of course. In the weird, bickering, just short of volatile friendship sort of way the two of you had developed.
Still, you can’t deny that even with his painfully irritable nature, he is still a good friend. No matter how many times you say no, he always offers to take you anywhere he goes. He pushes you out of your comfort zone. He’s there to console you when a date goes bad, or you failed a test you studied hard for. He makes all his meals for two, just because he doesn’t want you to live solely off shitty take-out.
He’s your rock. Your platonic other half. Your closest companion.
Which means you are going to prove him wrong, and then rub it in his face as much as you possibly can. Of course, because that’s what friends are for.
Then again, maybe you wouldn’t. Or, at the very least, it was going to be exceedingly more difficult now that your apartment was full of smoke.
Covering your nose with one hand, you take the tray of chocolate chip cookies out of the oven. If you can even call them that, as they now held a far closer resemblance to that of hockey pucks. Both in looks, and what you could assume in taste, as well.
Okay, you know chocolate chip cookies don’t really count as a decent meal, but they are the only thing you remember how to cook from when you lived at home. Or maybe you didn’t remember, based on the tray of failure sitting in front of you.
Then, to make matters even worse, your fire alarm starts going off.
“Shit,” you mutter under your breath. Now you are going to have to go to the front desk, let them know everything is okay.
Maybe Minho was right, you should’ve just went to Jisung’s stupid party and eaten something there. Putting all the other painful aspects of Han’s parties aside, Felix was his roommate, so the horderves were always excellent.
They were better than your hockey puck cookies, anyway.
Letting out a disappointed sigh, you open your apartment door, prepared to get a rough scolding from the lady working the front desk. However, you are surprised to find a man standing in front of you, his hand in the air, as if he were about to knock.
“Hi,” he says, awkwardly putting his hand back down at his side. He has messy platinum blonde hair, and soft eyes. He’s cute, and the realization quickly makes you recognize him.
“You’re my neighbor,” you say, pointing a finger at him. It’s not until he doesn’t respond immediately that you realize it was a strange thing to say. Obviously, he knows he’s your neighbor, and he might be a little offended you didn’t recognize him immediately.
Then again, the two of you had never really talked before. Everytime you would pass each other in the hall, he’d always give a polite nod and continue walking. Sometimes you’d try to say hello, or start a small conversation, but he always disappeared quickly. It had gotten to the point where you assumed he had some strange, unwarranted grudge against you.
So, it was safe to say that you were more than just a little surprised to find him at your door.
“Uh, yeah, I am. Are you okay? I thought I smelt something burning, and then I heard the fire alarm go off.” He asks, peeking behind you into your apartment, seeing if he can catch sight of any flames.
Instead, his eyes land on your tray of butchered cookies, and he… smirks?
“Oh,” he says, attempting to hide the smile growing on his face. “Having some cooking trouble?”
You stare at him for a moment, watching as his lips pursed together, stifling a chuckle. “Are you...” you begin, your jaw dropping slightly. “Are you laughing at me?”
“No,” he looks down at you, finally letting his grin free. “I would never.”
“Yeah, okay,” you frown, already not enjoying that sarcastic look on his face. You thought you’d be able to avoid that humiliating look considering Minho wasn’t here, but apparently not.
 “As you can see, it’s nothing. So if you’ll excuse me,” you continue, attempting to move past him. “I need to go get my neck rung by the lady at the front desk,” However, he doesn’t budge from his place in your door frame. You cast him a glare, which only makes his smile grow wider.
“Nah, don’t worry, I’ll go let her know,” he says, already turning to walk down the hall. You open your mouth to object, but he casts a glance over his shoulder, snickering. “You focus on cleaning up whatever those black lumps were supposed to be.”
You stand in your doorway, dumbfounded as your neighbor disappears down the complex staircase. Who did this guy think he was, openly laughing at your current predicament? Sure, if the roles were reversed, there’s no doubt that you would do the same. But that isn’t the point.
No. The point is that you are not impressed by the audacity of this stranger, and you are going to make sure that this distaste is known.
Grumbling to yourself, you dump the still smoking cookies in the trash can. It’s a shame, really. You’d thought you were doing so well, too. You thought this would be your chance to prove Minho wrong. Minho. Oh, he would be having an absolute hay day if he were here right now, and the thought only makes your scowl deepen.
“Well,” your neighbor calls from behind you, causing you to jump slightly. He reappears in the open door frame, sticking his neck inside, but not fully crossing the threshold into your apartment. “She’s not thrilled, but the alarm didn’t trigger the main system’s sprinklers, so you’re good.”
You let out a sigh of relief. “Thank God.”
The man smiles. “If you don’t mind me asking, what exactly were you trying to make anyway?”
An embarrassed blush casts itself over your cheeks. “Chocolate chip cookies,” you mumble, not meeting his eyes.
He lets out a burst of laughter, smiling widely. You can’t help but notice that he had a cute smile, dimples on both of his cheeks, eyes crinkled. Not that you were looking. Not that you cared, obviously.
“How’d you manage to mess up chocolate chip cookies that badly?”
“I don’t know,” you say, shrugging your shoulders helplessly. “You tell me.” You gesture towards the oven. Your neighbor smirks, walking inside your apartment. He bends down in front of your oven, before taking a look inside.
“Well, nothing seems to be wrong in there…” he starts, before glancing up at the set temperature. “Oh,” he states, before looking back at you, his eyes full of pity. “Oh boy.”
“What?” You ask defensively.
“The temperature. You forgot to convert it from celsius to fahrenheit. See?” He says, leaning away from the oven to give you a closer look. “So you thought you were cooking them at 350 degrees fahrenheit, when in reality they were at over 600 degrees.”
“Oh my god,” you say, smacking your palm against your forehead. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I don’t know,” the guy shrugs. “You could have burnt your apartment down, so I’d consider it a win. You’re lucky I got here on time.”
You cast him a scowl, although you can’t seem to relinquish the faintest hint of a smile creeping onto your lips. You know damn well you wouldn’t have started a fire, and that the man showing up really didn’t stop anything but an uncomfortable conversation with the front lady. You are also sure that he is fully aware of this too, which makes your smirk grow wider. Alright, you’ll play along.
“Right, what ever would I do without you?” you say sarcastically, causing your neighbor to playfully roll his eyes. He leans against your kitchen counter, relaxing slightly.
“Does my saviour have a name?” You ask, opening the fridge to take a look at what’s inside. You feel your stomach rumble, taking a glance at the clock to see that it was already past 9:00.
“It’s Chris,” he smiles, leaning over your shoulder. “So what are you going to eat, now that you’ve successfully butchered the easiest recipe known to man?”
“Hey!” You snipe. “That is certainly not the easiest recipe known to man.”
“Fine, fine,” Chris says, putting his hands up in defense. “Maybe not the easiest, but it’s definitely up there. But putting that aside, what are you going to eat? Because I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever seen a fridge so empty.”
You want to quip back at him, but he’s right. Minho usually does the grocery shopping, but because of Jisung’s party tonight he wasn’t planning on cooking anything.
“Good question,” you sigh, closing the refrigerator door before leaning your back against it. “Maybe I’ll just order some take out. I don’t think my pride can handle another failure.”
Chris smiles. “Or, I have an idea,” he says, his eyes glinting. He heads over to your apartment door, and for a moment you worry that he’s leaving.
No, you’re not worried. You’re curious. That’s all. You were curious whether or not he was leaving, nothing more.
When Chris returns, he has his arms full of ingredients. Spinach, penne, tomato sauce, cream, a variety of spices. The list goes on, and he stumbles slightly, almost dropping the surplus of food onto your kitchen floor. Imagining the mess, you rush over to help him, placing the load of groceries onto the counter.
“I don’t know if you couldn’t tell before,” you say, motioning to your overflowing counter. “But I really can’t cook. I have no clue what to do with any of this.”
“That’s no problem,” Chris smiles, already separating the food into different groups. “I’ll help you.”
“No, no, no. I can’t ask you to do that,” you say, waving your hands in protest. You step in front of him, squeezing yourself between his chest and the kitchen counter, preventing him from reaching any of the ingredients. “You’ve already dealt with the desk lady for me, and brought over all these groceries. You’ve done more than enough.”
He smiles, gently placing his hands on your shoulders and effortlessly moving you to the side. “Why would I bring you these groceries if I knew you couldn’t do anything with them?” When you don’t respond, he continues. “Seriously, it’s no big deal. Don’t worry about it. Just let me help you.”
You sigh in defeat, ignoring the way your heart begins to beat faster in your chest. “Alright,” you say, grabbing Minho’s cutting board from the cupboard. “Let’s do this, then.”
An hour later, you find yourself sitting on top of your kitchen counter, Chris stationed by the stove working on the pasta sauce. You had genuinely tried to help in the beginning, you really did. But after Chris criticized your (awful) cutting technique, and said he didn’t exactly trust you to do anything else, you gave up.
Besides, you don’t have a problem watching him work. Over the last hour, you’ve come to learn that Chris is an absolute whiz in the kitchen. Moving from place to place, adding spices by intuition and nothing more. This wasn’t something you could have managed to make yourself in a million years, and it’s obvious that if you tried to assist him right now, you’d only get in the way.
Of course, you’ve learned a lot more about Chris in the last hour than just that. Where he grew up, his hobbies, what he was currently studying at the university. Music theory, as you’d learned. As cool as it sounded, Han had managed to tarnish your image of music majors, but you suppose you could give Chris a chance.
“It’s almost done,” Chris says, glancing over his shoulder to look at you.
“Thank God, I’m starving,” you reply, leaping off the counter to stand beside him.
“What, no ‘thank you, Chris?’ No, ‘what ever would I have done without you, Chris?’” He mocks offence, placing a hand on his heart.
“It’s not even done yet. I’ll thank you after I try it, I promise.” You laugh, rolling your eyes.
“Ah, so you’re only thankful if you like it. I see how it is,” Chris says, crossing his arms in front of himself, pouting his lower lip slightly.
“Guess so,” you say, crossing your own arms mockingly. Chris smiles, those cute little dimples of his dancing across his cheeks.
Then you feel it, that little jump of your heart. The faintest skip of a beat that you’d familiarized yourself with over the last hour. That little hint of anticipation that makes you decide that you are, even if only slightly, a bit interested in Chris.
After all, he’s funny and sweet. Can carry a conversation well, and to understate it, undeniably easy on the eyes. That’s more than enough to give him a chance.
Most of all, however, you like that little flare between the two of you. The sarcasm, the banter. It doesn’t feel the same as when Minho does it, slightly condescending and done purely to harbour your annoyance. No, this is different. It is a challenge. He wants you to quip back, to push further. To make him smirk, or laugh, or roll his eyes.
“Alright, fine then,” he says, taking the large wooden spoon and scooping up some of the pasta sauce. “Tell me if this is up to par, your majesty.”
You aren’t sure if he wants you to take the spoon, or let him hold it for you as you take a bite. You decide to take the gamble, gently moving your lips around the spoon, tasting the sauce. You glance up at Chris, a small look of surprise on his face. However, you don’t miss the flash of something behind his eyes. The faintest hint of affection, interest.
The sauce itself is delicious. A perfect blend of tomato, basil and cream. You hum contently, giving him a thumbs up.
“Chris, this is amazing,” you praise, admiring the small blush that sprinkles his cheeks.
“It’s really nothing,” he says, diverting his gaze and rubbing the back of his neck, shyly.
“No, seriously,” you say, taking the spoon from his hand and scooping some of the sauce up yourself. “Try it.” You hold the spoon out in front of him, and he raises his eyebrows slightly. Your gaze remains firm. A challenge.
Hesitantly, he takes the bite, not breaking eye contact as he does so. You stare at him, watching the way his lips move around the spoon, the intensity of his gaze. The action itself should be innocent, yet you feel a warmth rise to your cheeks.
Chris swallows, taking his lips off the spoon. For a moment, neither of you say anything. You can feel the change in the atmosphere of the room. The spark between you two being brought alight.
You swallow hard. “So?” You ask quietly.
“Yeah, it’s good. Very good,” he says back, his voice low and raspy. He goes to take the spoon from you, and his hand lingers a moment, his thumb trailing the skin of your knuckles.
You feel yourself lean in slightly, fully prepared to take the leap, when suddenly he breaks away from you, eagerly taking a few steps back. He looks away, placing a hand on his face, as if he were ashamed.
“Shit. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I know you’re seeing someone, we shouldn’t be doing this. I’m sorry,” he babbles, completely turning away from you.
You open your mouth to say something, but no words come out. Seeing someone? Where the hell could he have possibly gotten that idea?
“Seeing someone?” You ask, incredulously voicing your thoughts. You grab him by the shoulder, turning him around. “Why do you think I’m seeing someone?”
Chris still refuses to meet your eyes, instead focusing intently on the wall behind you. “The guy that lives here- Minho - aren’t you two?”
“Minho?” You gape, contorting your face in a look of pure disgust. “Ew, gross! No! Believe me, I am not dating Minho, I’d genuinely rather stick this spoon in my eye,” you exclaim, lifting up the utensil.
At that Chris finally looks at you, wearing his own look of pure confusion. “Wait, really? But whenever I hear you guys out in the hall, the two of you are always so… flirty.”
“Flirty?” You laugh at the ridiculousness of the statement. “If by flirty you mean he teases me literally every god damn second of every day, then yeah sure, I guess. But believe me, there is absolutely nothing romantic about that. Not in the least.”
Chris shakes his head, a smile forming at the corners of his lips. “Wow. I am such an idiot,” he sighs, a rediscovered lightness to his tone.
“No, no. Don’t worry about it,” you reassure him. “Anyone could make that mistake, I guess. It’s really no big-”
“No, it’s not just that,” he cuts you off. “That’s why I’ve never talked to you before now.”
“You never talked to me because you thought that me and Minho were dating?” You ask, slightly confused. Even if you were dating, you didn’t see why that would stop him from starting a conversation with you. “Why?”
“Well,” he sighs, his cheeks reddening further. “I thought you were pretty, and based on the way you always quipped back at him, clever and funny as well. I don’t know, it just felt wrong to try and build a friendship with you, knowing how I already felt a little....”  
You smirk, drawing yourself slightly closer to him. “A little what?”
His smile transforms itself from embarrassed to a sly grin of his own. “A little into you, I guess.”
“It really is a shame,” you shrug, trying to hide the excitement building in your chest. “Because here I was, thinking my cute neighbor had some irrational grudge against me.”
Chris leans in, so the two of you are only inches apart. You can feel the heat radiating from his skin, smell the strong fragrance of his cologne. Sharp with lemon zest and mint.
“We could always make up for lost time, you know,” he says, his eyes flashing with mischief.
That is all the invitation you need to break the space between the two of you. You press Chris’ lips against your own, placing one hand on his shoulder and the other along the line of his jaw. His lips are soft, you notice. Tender in the slow rhythm the two of you develop.
He runs his hands up along your figure. One of them finding itself locked in your hair, the other placed firmly on the curve of your lower back. Gently, he leads the two of you away from the stove, placing you so that your back is pressed up against the kitchen counter.
You run your hand down along his chest, reveling in the groan he let’s out as your fingers trail down his lower abdomen. The sound is electricity pulsing through you, charging the room and igniting the atmosphere around the two of you.
His lips leave yours, trailing your jaw before making their way down your neck. Each individual kiss is slow and sultry, sending a shiver down your spine. You take a deep breath to stable yourself, and it does not go unnoticed.
Chris smirks, shifting his gaze to meet yours. His eyes are dark, his pupils blown out with desire. “You know, if we keep this up, the pasta sauce is going to burn,” he says, letting his fingers trail along your collarbone.
“Let it,” you shrug. “I wasn’t hungry anyways.”
Chris laughs at this, leaning forward so his face brushes the crook of your neck. “Yeah, right,” he says, allowing his lips to dust your skin. Suddenly, he bites down, not enough to break through the skin, but certainly enough to leave a small mark.  
You laugh, running your hands in his hair, half-heartedly pulling him off of your neck. “Hey! That hurt,” you exclaim, only half serious.
“Sorry,” he grins, before crashing his lips into yours once again. The pace between the two of you is much faster now, each kiss more passionate. More promising. Your desire rings through you, clouding your mind in a hazy fog of lust. It is dizzying, just how much you want him at this moment.
You're certain he feels the same way, given in how tightly he grips your thigh, his breath ragged every time you break apart. It is messy. Greedy. The two of you so deeply wanting more. More of each other.
You’re about to ask if he wants to move this to the bedroom, when suddenly the apartment door swings open. It’s almost comical, how quickly you and Chris break apart, springing to opposite ends of the kitchen.
“I hate to say it, but you were right,” Minho calls as he walks inside, not yet glancing up from his phone screen. “Shit got out of hand. Someone managed to break the pool table, don’t even ask how, I don’t know either. Almost gave Felix an aneurysm. I swear the kid was about to cry, poor guy. Han had to shut everything down. So you really didn’t miss out on-” Minho stops as he sees Chris, a confused yet bemused expression crossing his face.
“Oh, hey Chan,” he says, causing you to give Chris a look.
“A nickname,” Chris mouths to you, as discreetly as he possibly can.
“What are you doing over here?” Minho asks him, crossing his arms and leaning against the door. He has that smug smirk on his face that makes you want to punch him.
“Oh, well…” Chris starts, casting you a glance. “Y/N made some food, and there was too much of it, so she invited me over.”
“Really?” Minho asks, caught off guard. He walks past you and Chris, staring at the pasta and sauce currently sitting on the oven burners. “You’re saying Y/N made this?”
“Well, yeah?” Chris says, feigning confusion. “Of course, I wouldn’t lie about something like that. Why?”
You have to stop yourself from laughing, looking at the expression of utter bewilderment on Minho’s face. Minho glances at you, narrowing his eyes, before sighing.
“Well then, I guess you proved me wrong on two things tonight, Y/N,” he says, grabbing a bowl from the cupboard.
“What are you doing?” You ask as he begins to scoop some of the penne into his dish.
“Oh, you said there was a lot,” Minho responds, raising one eyebrow. “Can I not have some?”
“Sorry, go ahead,” you say, still slightly flustered by the abruptness of his entrance. Minho finishes filling his bowl and takes a seat at the kitchen island. As he begins to eat, the room is filled with a rather tense silence. You and Chris share an awkward look, unsure of what to do next.
Minho looks up from his dish, glancing between the two of you.
“Yeah, okay,” he says, grabbing his bowl and standing up from his chair. “I’m going to go eat this in my room. Have fun you two.”
Before you can say anything, Minho disappears around the corner, down the hallway leading to his room. You turn back towards Chris. The two of you stare at each other for a moment, before bursting out into a fit of laughter.
“He’s a bit of a mood-killer, huh?” You say, grabbing two bowls from the cupboard, offering him one.
Chris nods in thanks as he takes the bowl from your hands. “Just a little bit,” he laughs, beginning to scoop some of the pasta into both of your dishes.
The two of you take a seat at your counter, spending the meal talking and laughing. Nothing else, the moment has passed, but that doesn’t bother you. You enjoy Chris’ presence. His quick humour and thoughtful conversation.
It really is something that you could get used to, you decide.
After you’re done eating, you walk Chris over to the door, handing him his surplus of spice bottles and leftover spinach.
“Thank you for doing all this, seriously. The food was delicious, you’re seriously gifted. And also, thank you for covering for me, I really didn’t feel like listening to Minho die laughing over the burnt cookies,” you admit.
“It’s no problem, really,” Chris smiles. He shifts all the spices over to his right arm, letting his free hand fall down to his side. Softly, he takes your hand in his, letting your fingers intertwine.
“Listen,” he continues, shyly looking up from your hands to meet your eyes. “If you’re not doing anything tomorrow, you’re welcome to come over for a proper dinner. You know, so I can show you what I can actually make when it’s not a last minute attempt at salvaging a meal.”
You smile a goofy, genuine grin. “That sounds good to me,” you say. Hesitantly, you lean forwards, planting a soft, innocent kiss on his lips.
As you break apart, he hums contently. “I’ll see you tomorrow then, thanks for today. You made my night, Y/N.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Chris.” You watch as he walks over to his apartment door, which is of course, only a few meters away from your own. When he disappears into his own apartment, you sigh, closing your own door behind you. You lean against the frame, letting out a shaky breath, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. It’s been so long since you’ve held any genuine interest in someone, you feel almost giddy.
That is until you see Minho, leaning against the corner of the kitchen wall, watching you with his cheshire smirk.
“Dinner tomorrow, huh?” He asks, walking into the kitchen and scooping himself the last of the pasta.
“What about it?” You retort, not giving in to that pestering look in his eyes.
“Oh, nothing. I’m sure it’ll be good, considering Chan clearly made this,” Minho says, shoveling some of the pasta into his mouth.
“I don’t know what you mean,” you say, grabbing two wine glasses from the cupboard.
“Save it, the lady at the front desk told me you almost set the apartment on fire,” Minho laughs as you pour the wine.
You let out a groan, handing him his glass. “God dammit.”
“Don’t blame her though,” he smiles, leaning back and taking a sip. “I wouldn’t have believed you could have cooked that anyway.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”
“Had me fooled for a second there though,” he says, patting you on the head. “But more importantly, you like Chan huh?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Right. Nice hickey, by the way,” he smirks, raising his eyebrows.
You pull up the collar of your shirt, casting him a glare. “Okay, maybe I do,” you shrug. “What’s it to you?”
“Nothing,” he replies, before taking a second to think. “Just please don’t fuck him or anything tomorrow. Walls are thin.”
You laugh, taking your glass of wine and flopping yourself back down on the living room couch.
“Shut up, Minho.”
thanks for reading loves <3
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rebornologist · 2 years
Would it be possible for you to write the Vaira comforting an S/O who gets really bad cramps? Thank you in advance. 💜
Hi yes ofc!! This sounds so sweet ehehe ♡ My heart goes out to every person who suffers from bad cramps, bc I'm lucky enough to only feel it in my knees and lower back early on... we are so strong and sexy for powering through this curse
♡ Varia + s/o w/ Bad Cramps*:・゚✧
WARNINGS: menstruation + cramps mention, pet names ehe
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y'all are so funny for expecting him to comfort you, but do know that it's one of the things that frustrates him to no end that he can't physically do anything himself to just ward away the cramps for his s/o, and he's secretly a little impressed that they power through and go about their daily life anyway, if not a little annoyed that they're not resting if they're going to be in constant pain :\
He would grumble a lot about their low energy and productivity due to the pain, but when they're nearly immobilized because it's that bad, he quiets himself and just sits there and lets them stay curled into his side or his lap
He doesn't say much, maybe he'd ask if it's the cramps again, and scoff when his s/o groans out their answer; He huffs quietly, but would put his arms around them and sit in silence once again
He's suuuper warm, his body temperature is naturally just kinda high all the time, I blame the rage flames :) His physiology aside, it makes him such a great cuddly heater to cozy up to
He's also quite muscular, and the weight of his arm draped over your lower stomach puts you more at ease; He gives you shit about quieting your groaning and moaning, but he's actually relieved that your pain is eased even a little..
Superbi Squalo
I think Squalo gets migraines and other stress induced ailments quite often, so he's empathetic to these invisible conditions that can be quite debilitating
He won't take a damn break to slow down and watch his s/o unless the cramps were bad; Unfortunately, they frequently are that bad!!
He grumbles about it a bit, definitely, his workaholic self that wishes you could be free of this pain in the ass (literally, sometimes.. yknow..) so that y'all could either be doing work or doing something else "productive" during your time off
He's attentive though, bringing hot lemon honey water or tea, sitting beside you in the bed and being open to any requests you have of him; One good thing about his mechanical hand is that he can give quite pleasant massages with them since he's had it for so long and the fingers can't possibly cramp up
He's quite fond of running a hot bath for his s/o where he can sit on the edge of the tub while they soak in the steamy waters, he might do some light reading or talk to them about whatever... whether it be them lamenting their awful cramps or him airing out his own grievances
Overall, he just does what he can to facilitate a peaceful environment and finds himself reassuring his s/o that the pain will pass, and he's here to help them through it
However do not speak of his embarrassingly domestic behavior amongst the other Varia lolol
Insists that he is the solution to your cramps, like... okay self centered weirdo
The perfect excuse for him to laze around with his s/o, just draped over their tummy to act as a human hot water bottle
He'll literally warm up some milk for you like some kind of baby and is willing to do all the ordering people around to get you what you need
Kind of a silly apathetic biatch tbh he's never experienced it and is kind of a nutjob so he insists that just taking some painkillers and spending time with him will solve the issue
Feel free to hate on him for that tbh; Despite it all, he never turns down the opportunity to pamper his s/o, so he's happy to be there for them when they're in pain
He's upset that it isn't a fun kind of pain, and also something uncontrollable and even unnecessary, but his s/o doesn't know he thinks that
The only thing you can really bet on is this: snuggling up in bed with one person between the other's legs, perhaps with a heated blanket on and some hot drinks in hand as they binge reruns of his s/o's show of choice
He's not the best at being empathetic, but after giving you a bit of shit for being curled up in bed all day, he realizes that... you're actually in a world of pain
He tries to use his illusions to soothe them, because mind over matter, right?! It only works when the cramps are minor, anything more intense and he realizes that he can only offer physical comfort
Okay, his circulation is terrible so he can only offer so much of his own warmth, but y'all have matching blanket hoodies that you can curl up in; If his s/o is still able to, he'd love to take the day off to play video games or something that could possibly take their mind off the discomfort
If they're in pain to the point of just laying there immobile, Fran would simply sit in bed with them and play video games or take naps with them so they can just vibe bahhh he's not good at handling this kind of stuff
Despite that, he's attentive enough to point out that certain things may exacerbate the cramping, and actively reminds his s/o to avoid certain foods (i.e. cold foods); He cares but he's just a little awkward imo
Esper Mammon
Okay this one is really funny bc Mammon reminds me of a cheap grandparent so I think they have a ton of hollistic tricks up their sleeves because it's much less expensive than western medication (and dareisay more effective in the long term)
They make the effort to mix up these concoctions that you definitely have to hold your nose for and take like a shot
If you complain enough, they might even feel obligated to give you a little kiss after (for free!?!?!?) for braving the bitter medicine
Tea is Mammon's a short king, so they're perfect to hold in your arms like an oversized teddy bear for warmth; Issue is... they're usually pretty cold (bad circulation mist users tingz)
They can compensate for that by warming their bodies for you though, no worries; They are in disbelief that they would be offering these services for free, but they're familiar with these kinds of ailments, and hates seeing their s/o in a world of hurt
People don't usually see them working this hard, but if ya check CCTV you'd catch Mammon shuffling in and out of the room periodically to retrieve herbal teas, refill the water bottle, grab some snacks, etc. all spaced out by long periods of them just inside the room, curled up in bed and brushing their hand up and down your back with a little pouty frown at the misfortune of the situation
Mammon has one of the softest and sweetest voices imo so if you ask nicely, they'll do a bit of quiet talking about whatever until you fall asleep (if you can even manage to sleep to avoid the pain), they think they're sneaky when they press a soft little kiss to the top of your head the second you're out like a light
Once a mom friend, always a mom friend; Luss would probably be the most doting on a partner and is most likely to sit and listen to anything that they had to say, being as understanding as he could with any of the intense emotions that could come along with this time of month
He's 1000% rushing in and out of the room grabbing this and that, and literally willing to try any method under the sun to help his poor dear
HE would be the most helpful during this time because (ehh cramps don't rly have much to do with cell regeneration BUT) he'd try using his sun flames to assuage the pain and discomfort
They only work short term, but he's diligent and tells them that they can just ask whenever they need something from him
Just thinking about it is heartwarming oml his sun flames are so warm and cozy, it provides just enough of a heating and soothing sensation to allow you to shift your mind to something other than the pain of having a period AUGH
He specifically cooks foods that are good for regulating hormonal cycles!! He's done his reading up on it ahghgh get you a man that goes the extra mile :’)
Levi a Than
Literally ask for anything and he's busting ass to get it for you
He can be a bit clueless sometimes, so he's the type to ask a bunch of questions to make sure that he's getting exactly what you're asking for; He trusts your word with everything so you could send this poor guy to go buy something that doesn't even exist and he'd simply invent it and bring it back to you duh
He wishes he could do more and can't bear to see his s/o in pain, it sucks that you have to remind him that he can't get too upset or angry at anything in particular because it's not something that can really be controlled
He's quite impressive with the balancing act of getting his own work done and checking in on you and getting you whatever you need (personally, so other people don't mess it up), probably won't be able to get into maximum cuddle mode until later at night
He's another big warm dude though, you could just lay on his chest to take the pressure off your back and it's like a heated mattress lmao enjoy <3
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messy-nonbinary · 3 years
Can I request a part 2 for Nothing to be afraid of. Where it is Nat's turn. But afterwards readers behavior changes, because she is in pain physically and meantally, and is afraid of the three. Then when Buck, Nat, and Steve notice, they start to panic because they think they broke her.
Fixing Our Girl
TW: Dark!Natasha, dark!Bucky, dark!Steve, dark!Wanda, forced age regression, misuse of powers, non-con, if more is needed let me know
Pairing: Dark!Mommy!Natasha x Dark!Daddy!Bucky x Dark!Daddy!Steve x fem!reader
Summary: Maybe they took it too far.. But how are they going to fix it?
a/n - Yeah so I've been quite some time lol sorry @coollemonsaresour I was waiting till after LGIT before I answered but then I went on a week vacation from writing and then ANOTHER week of vacation with some family to Florida. Promise I'll try and get to other requests soon!!
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*By clicking 'keep reading' you are confirming that you are of legal age(18+) and have read all warnings above. I do not consent to having my content read by minors!
“Now it’s Mommy’s turn to have some fun.”
Natasha had meant each word. It may not have been fun for you but it was definitely fun for her. She made you cum at least 4 times before she sat on the edge of the tub and shoved your face into her heat. “Fuck- You eat out Mommy so well, Lovebug.” She praised, though it didn’t make you feel any better.
She didn’t let your head leave her pussy until she had came around your mouth 5 times. But when she was finally done with you, the two of you finished your bath and she carried you back to your playroom. “You did so good for us today, baby.” She said, planting a small kiss on your forehead before leaving.
You felt disgusted, violated, and most importantly, scared. Just as scared as you did when they first kidnapped you. When you were punished left and right because you would or wouldn’t do certain things. You had learned how to survive and not be punished. And when it came to sex, you denied them and they had accepted it. It made you at least feel like they weren’t extremely terrible people.
But now, you were scared of them. Scared of what they could- no- would do to you now that they’ve crossed this line.
You were in pain. Both mentally and physically. What did they expect from you now? That the four of you would continue living normally as though nothing had happened? As though you enjoyed what they did to you? Did they expect you to do it again?
You wanted to cry but you couldn’t. You had used up all your tears that were willing to fall earlier..
You sat on the floor of your playroom motionless. It’s not like you wanted to move, even if you could. Your bones ached and your vision began to get blurry as you finally let yourself fall asleep.
You woke up to Bucky slamming himself into you. You had no idea how long he had been doing this but you knew that just because you were awake, it didn’t mean he was going to stop.
“Hey, Doll. You’re finally awake.” Bucky groaned in your ear. “Daddy just wanted you all to himself.” You couldn’t bring yourself to tell him to stop as he slammed into you even harder. You couldn’t even bring yourself to move, merely letting him have you. He grunted in your ear as he grew closer, only praising you once he filled you up with his seed.
Your mind went blank, as though you blacked out, and the next thing you knew, you were back in your playroom, laying on your stomach in front of one of your coloring books.
You didn’t want to color. You didn’t want to do anything but run away. Maybe even crawl in a hole and-
“Hey, Doll. Wanna come watch a movie with us?” Bucky said, interrupting your thoughts. You just looked up at him and nodded. He picked you up and took you to the living room where Steve and Natasha were already sitting on the couch together.
Bucky handed you off to Natasha while he looked for a movie. She bounced you in her lap while you just stared off into the distance. “How’re you feeling, Baby?” Steve asked from your right. You shrugged, not able to find the energy to talk. Steve frowned, looking over to Natasha with concern.
“Alright. Movie picked.” Bucky said, setting the remote down. Nat pulled you closer to her and you just laid on her chest, not really focusing on the movie. It was one of your favorites, that much you could tell, but you couldn’t even find solace in it anymore.
You fell asleep halfway through the movie and Natasha carried you to bed.
“There’s something off with her.” Steve said.
It took a while for the three to understand what was going on but then they realized that you were scared.
Of them.
“Did we go too far?” Steve asked. “What- of course not. Right, Nat?” Bucky asked, turning to Natasha. “I don’t know, Bucky. I mean- Steve is right, there is something going on with her.”
They didn’t know it yet but you were gone. Their innocent little girl is no longer with them. What was replaced was a shell of a person.
“Is there anything we can do to fix it?” Steve questioned, panic rising in his chest. “I’m not- I’m not sure.” Bucky said and he tried to think of something, anything that might bring their girl back. “Nothing. I think we- I think we broke her.”
Steve cursed under his breath, lacing his hands through his hair. Was there really nothing he could do, nothing at all?
“No. I have an idea..” Natasha started, explaining her idea to the two men before her.
“Y/N we have someone for you to meet.” Natasha said, stepping aside for you to see the person following her. “This is your Auntie Wanda.” She said once you got a good look at her. “Hi, little one! Nice to meet you.” Wanda greeted, sticking out her hand for you to take. Not wanting to get in trouble, you did. “Hi..” You spoke quietly.
You went to pull your hand away but Wanda held on tightly. Bits of red began emitting from her other hand as she led it towards your face. You tried to pull away but Natasha grabbed you and held you in place.
It felt like something was trying to prod into your mind and your eyes flashed red before you passed out.
“Did it work?” Natasha asked and Wanda nodded. “Yes. When she wakes up you’ll have your little girl back.” She said, smiling. Natasha hugged and thanked Wanda before placing you in your crib.
When you woke up, you had memories that you didn’t have before. You wanted to question it but you couldn’t. Something was stopping you. “How do you feel, Sweetheart?” Steve asked, interrupting your thoughts. “Good, Dada!” You said it on command as if you were programmed to do so. This was your life now. And your caregivers couldn’t be happier.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Love, Theoretically | Sebastian Stan x reader (Chapter 8)
(chapter 1) (chapter 2) (chapter 3) (chapter 4) (chapter 5) (chapter 6) (chapter 7)
series summary: having lost your husband, sister, and best friend all to the same extramarital affair, you ran away to a secluded villa in the Hungarian countryside to write and get a little time away from the life you’d left behind.  you were only looking for peace and perhaps some inspiration for your novel, but instead you found an unlikely connection with the immigrant repairman– even though the two of you don’t speak the same language.
word count: 3.4k
warnings: smut... a minor injury... a motorcycle... a teeny tiny bit of angst?? honestly it's just pretty normal aside from the smut
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You actually fell asleep without anything too untoward happening, just kissing and cuddling and whispers that didn't make much sense to each other but still made your heart flutter each time.
Waking up, though, was another story entirely.
"Arăți frumos în timp ce dormi," he mumbled into the crook of your neck, pulling your hips back so you could feel his hard cock against your ass. You hummed and snuggled up closer to him, bathing in his warmth as much as possible.
“I swear I’ve never slept so well in my life,” you mumbled as you reached back to run your hands through the hair at the nape of his neck. “I need you in my bed all the time so I can finally get some rest.”
He smiled against your skin, sucking on that spot just behind your ear that made your eyes roll back in your head. “Il vrei?” he asked huskily, and you didn’t even care what he was asking; when he said it like that, the answer was always ‘yes.’ You nodded happily, biting your lip, as he started to push your panties down and helped you arch your back so he could guide his cock to your entrance.
You still gasped and clutched at the sheets beneath you, you couldn’t help it even if it wasn’t your first time discovering how thick he was. It was just barely painful for one fleeting moment before it faded into that delightful fullness, his strokes long and slow as he sighed against your ear. “Seba,” you whimpered under your breath.
“Sunt mai bun decât el, nu-i așa? Nu te-a futut niciodată atât de bine,” he growled a little, holding you tighter. “Sper că știe. Sper că știe că am făcut dragoste cu tine și că sunt îndrăgostit de tine.”
You couldn’t be sure if it was his words in your ear or his arms so tight around your chest that made it a little hard to breathe, but something was so different about the way he was speaking now than you’d ever heard him before. It was difficult to describe— not quite angry, but so passionate it could almost seem that way. You could feel it in the way he moved inside you, too; he was clearly holding back, like there was a storm beneath his calm surface.
You wanted all of it. Turning back, you kissed him and pulled his hair a little, hoping it would get the point across. It seemed to, considering how he gasped and sped up, fucking you harder and deeper as you moaned a little louder than you meant to.
“Când a fost aici, am vrut să te sărut,” he continued in a low voice, speaking right against your parted lips. “Am vrut ca soțul tău să vadă. Am vrut să te arunc în patul ăsta și să te fac să țipi, pentru ca toată lumea să te audă. Am vrut să știe că sunt eu.”
“Yours,” you said before you could stop yourself, and thankfully you didn’t have to worry too much about the implications of it because he couldn’t understand what you meant. He grabbed your face anyways, stroking your cheek with his thumb as he stared into your eyes.
“A mea,” he purred, fucking you faster until you started to whine and arch your back harder.
“F-fuck, I’m gonna—” you stammered, but he nodded before you could finish, encouraging you with whispered words and a hand slipping down between your legs to rub your swollen clit. You cried out, instinctively reaching out to grab his arm, but he held fast and kept up the pace, sending you tumbling over the edge before you had really prepared yourself for it. Unintentionally, you held your breath for a few moments as it washed over you, the tension releasing finally with a long sigh.
The very moment you began the denouement from your peak, he pulled out and rolled you onto your back, slipping right back in as he slotted his body between your legs. You whimpered and gripped his shoulders, and he got right back to his pace— but this time your body couldn’t take as much of the force and so it began to rock the bed, his headboard slamming into the wall. At first neither of you cared until he glanced up and hissed, “rahat.”
“What?” you asked, sitting up and craning your head around to see he’d clearly damaged the wallpaper there. “Oops,” you giggled, “guess we should take a break and fix that—”
He pushed you back down onto the bed as you yelped, capturing you in a hungry kiss; one arm slipped under your shoulders, holding you tight, while the other reached up so his hand could grip the headboard and hold it still as he started to pound into you again. You moaned weakly and relaxed in his embrace, feeling the bed still rock slightly under you but much more interested in the feeling of his cock slamming right into the most sensitive and overstimulated spots inside your channel.
“Oh god,” you sighed as you couldn’t stop your head from falling back into the pillow, closing your eyes to dodge the way he stared down at you with an intensity that bordered on fury. He moved in to bite at your neck instead, and if you were any more in touch with reality you would’ve complained that you didn’t bring many clothes that would cover his bite marks, but you were much too lost in the sensation he was bringing you for that.
“Atât de bine, atât de bine,” he chanted with a growl, “voi veni… atât de aproape…”
“Yes,” you whimpered, “please, Seba— yes, right there, oh fuck!”
You came again, technically, but it was nothing like the first time— more shallow but less brief, like the pleasure was spread thinner and wider, until you worried your vision would go completely black. He grunted loudly as he filled you, still thrusting roughly with each pump of his release into you, but finally he slowed and sighed, his breaths coming hard and fast as he let go of the headboard and held you tightly.
He seemed exhausted, honestly, and you laughed breathlessly as he collapsed on top of you. “You can’t be so worn out this early in the morning,” you scolded as you kissed his shoulder.
“Nu voi mai părăsi niciodată acest pat,” he groaned.
“At least let me up so I can shower!” you protested, trying to push his limp weight off of you and failing pitifully as you laughed.
“Nu, nici tu nu vei părăsi niciodată acest pat,” he cooed, covering your face in kisses as you laughed harder. Only when you defensively pinched his arm did he pull back and pull out, letting you slip out from under him.
“I’ll be back soon,” you promised as kissed him on the cheek, dashing to the bathroom and getting one last glance at him shaking out his sore hand before you shut the door.
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Chapter 38 done… only five more to go, if your outline was to be trusted (which it most certainly should not). Still, you were finally reaching the real height of the tension, the climax of the story likely to hit as soon as the next chapter.
But it wasn’t what you were expecting. It wasn’t what you thought you would write when you sat down here months ago and began with page 1. In fact, it was better.
You sighed a little, looking away from the typewriter for the first time in maybe an hour or more, glancing out the window where the sun was starting to set and painting the whole countryside in an orange glow; but it wasn’t the only thing making the leaves change colors— fall was undeniably on the way, enough so that poor Sebastian was raking leaves already. And, because evil is a real and powerful force in this world, he had started wearing a shirt while working outside.
Not that it wasn’t still buckets of fun to watch him go: you found yourself leaning against the window frame to drink in the sight of him, smiling widely to yourself as he sighed and wiped his brow.
All of a sudden, he turned and caught you ogling, making him grin and you laugh with embarrassment. He waved at you, and you waved back, resigning to getting back to work for just a few more pages…
The creaking of the stairs made you realize someone was coming, but with Sebastian just outside it could only be Mrs. Alberti. With a sinking feeling in your gut, you ran to the closet to rifle through your sweaters, hoping to find something with a high neck. Nothing looked long enough, making you groan in frustration.
She knocked on the door and you jumped slightly. “One moment!” you called out to her, digging up a random scarf and throwing it around your neck to hastily cover the bruises Sebastian had left on you. “Yes, come in,” you finally sighed with relief as you threw yourself back into the chair.
“Good evening,” Mrs. Alberti smiled sweetly as she peeked through the crack in the door, “I just wanted to offer to cook dinner here tonight. I’m making a big recipe so I figured I might as well, unless you had your own plans.”
“No, that would be lovely,” you nodded, “thank you.”
“Just come downstairs in about, oh, fifteen minutes and it’ll be ready,” she explained.
“You don’t want any help in the kitchen?”
She scoffed a little. “From you?”
You chuckled at her brutal honesty. “Okay, point taken.”
“Sorry, dear, it’s just that I wouldn’t want your… Western sensibilities to muck up the recipe,” she defended.
“I can’t blame you,” you smirked. “I’ll be down in a quarter hour.”
She nodded and shut the door again, leaving you to unwrap the itchy scarf from your neck and let out a slow breath.
Of course, with an imminent deadline you couldn’t actually get any good work done, so you just read back over some older chapters and made a couple simple edits. All too soon, you checked the clock and realized you should go ahead and make your way to the kitchen.
You took a deep breath as you stepped into the entryway where the smell of Mrs. Alberti’s cooking emanated through the rest of the house. It brought back memories of when you were here with Michael and she cooked for the both of you. Those memories were wonderful once, then soured, but now you were coming to appreciate them again. Although, it was easier to enjoy them when you imagined the black eye your soon-to-be-ex was likely sporting now.
You took a seat at the table and let her serve you, even though it made you feel a little guilty; you knew she would never let you serve yourself when she was cooking.
“How’s your novel coming along, dear?” she asked as she took her own seat and you began eating.
“Well,” you began with a little sigh, “stories have a mind of their own, Mrs. Alberti. All this time I thought I was writing a thriller— something scary, gritty, maybe even tragic. But I’m coming up on the end of it and I’m realizing that all this time, I’ve been writing a romance.”
She smiled, glancing behind you to the doorway. “Yes, things have a funny way of turning out differently than we expect.”
Wondering what she was looking at, you turned to find Sebastian leaning against the wood frame, wiping his hands on a towel. “Bună seara,” he greeted.
“Sit down, Sebastian, have some dinner,” she offered to him as she stood up to pour him a new portion of soup.
He nodded and sat at the table, “multumesc,” he mumbled when she put a bowl in front of him.
You fell into a comfortable silence after that, everyone eating their meals quietly. It was nice to have a moment of normalcy— your new normal— after such an eventful day previous.
“So,” Mrs. Alberti broke the silence unexpectedly, “you two had sex?”
You instantly spat out your sip of soup, making Sebastian give you a concerned look; you waved dismissively as if to say you were fine, though you coughed a couple times. “I… uhm— how did you—?”
“He was whistling while he gardened today,” she explained, “and you look the happiest I’ve ever seen you.”
“To be fair, I think the first thing is because he punched my husband yesterday morning,” you added with a little laugh.
“And the second thing?”
“...at least partially because he punched my husband yesterday morning,” you admitted.
“Fair enough,” she chuckled, “but don’t think I don’t see the way your shoulders aren’t so tense and you’re smiling all the time. I know a woman in love when I see one.”
“L-love?” you questioned instantly, choking on the word.
“Oh, honey,” she sighed, almost a look of pity on her face, “did you not know? It’s all over your face.”
You took a slow breath and pondered your meal before taking another bite. “No… I knew,” you admitted, “I guess you just put it really bluntly.”
She smiled. “It’s how we do things in Hungary. You should be honest with him.”
“With what words?”
“Sounds like you don’t need them,” she smirked. “I’ll leave you two be, then. You’ll have to tell me how it goes.”
She bid Sebastian goodnight with a little wave, and he nodded back happily; with the back door shut as she headed to her own house, you two were alone again. He took a sip of his soup and you finally noticed the marks on his spoon-holding hand.
“Your hand…” you realized, pointing to it, remembering with burning cheeks how he got that injury.
“Ah,” he smiled, looking down at the purple knuckles and smiling as he rubbed them gently. “Un sacrificiu demn.”
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After dinner, you picked up with some reading (so much more relaxing than writing, believe it or not) and Sebastian joined you for the same on the couch.
Just laying together like this— quiet, relaxed, and totally at peace— was igniting feelings inside you that you had gone without for so long that you’d forgotten they existed completely. Resting your head on his chest, between the unbuttoned halves of his shirt, you could hear his heartbeat and it was soothing yet invigorating somehow.
He held his book up over your head while you used one hand to hold yours open and read through the space between his chest and his arm. It wasn’t the most ergonomic position necessarily, and your arm was definitely getting tired, but it was worth it to be close to him in these little ways.
"Book?" he asked innocently after a long stint of silent reading, setting his own aside to look down at you.
You closed your book and looked back up at him, resting your chin on his chest. "The book I'm reading? It's good," you nodded (as much as you could without stabbing him in the sternum with your chin, that is).
"Nu, book ta," he clarified, poking your forehead, before making a motion like he was typing.
"My book!" you realized. "Yes, the book I'm writing, it's nearly done…"
Your heart started to sink inside your chest.
"And when it's done, I'll go back to London. Like I planned from the beginning. And it'll be published and I'll start from scratch at a new life… alone.”
You cleared your throat and looked away. “Ești în regulă?” he asked quietly, sounding concerned.
You shook yourself out of it, smiling back up at him. “Let’s go into the city tomorrow,” you decided. “I need some things, if I’m going to be staying longer…”
He seemed to appreciate that you were telling him something, but couldn’t determine what. “Nyíregyháza,” you explained, “let’s drive into the city.” You pantomimed a steering wheel to explain yourself better.
“Ah,” he nodded, “nu într-o mașină. Îmi luăm bicicleta.” He returned with the motion of steering a bike— and when he curled his fingers to rev the proverbial engine, you realized he meant a motorbike. “Motocicletă,” he smiled.
“You drive a motorcycle?” you realized with a little gasp.
“Da,” he grinned, a little more mischievous than before.
“Oh, you really are gonna be the death of me,” you laughed. “Let’s go see this bike of yours.”
He helped you up off the couch and escorted you to the shed across from the house, the last light of sunset just barely enough to illuminate the way. You knew he worked in here sometimes, but you never realized he was doing mechanic work— indeed there it was: a motorcycle, right by Mrs. Alberti’s car, clearly quite old but restored to decent condition. “Iată-o, fetița mea,” he announced as he raised his arms to present it to you.
“Wow, you’ve been working hard,” you realized as you looked around at all the parts and tools strewn about.
“Avea nevoie de un alternator nou și ceva de lucru în interiorul motorului, dar acum funcționează la fel de bine ca nou... dacă nu chiar mai bine,” he enumerated as he knelt down in front of it, grabbing a towel to rub a spot of dirt from the headlight. “Vrei să conduci acum?”
You tilted your head.
“Acum,” he repeated, standing up and pulling you closer, tilting his head back toward the bike. “Sa mergem acum.”
“You want to go for a drive now? It’s pretty late, I was about to go to bed,” you protested meekly.
“Haide,” he smiled, stepping back and pulling you with him. “Plimbare pe spate.”
He handed you a helmet that had been resting on one of the handlebars, and you dutifully put it on as he got on the bike and fiddled around with it for a moment, kicking out the kickstand and finding his balance before getting it to start with a roar that echoed around the shed. He beamed proudly, looking up at you. “Eh?” he prompted with a nod.
“Yeah, it sounds great,” you encouraged with a thumbs up.
“Ce mai face casca?” he asked, leaning forward to knock his fist on your helmet lightly, making you laugh.
“Yeah, it’s good,” you nodded.
“Atunci alătură-te mie,” he instructed as he patted the seat behind him. You took a quick breath and got on, wrapping your arms around him. “Mai strâns,” he mumbled, pulling your arms in to hold him tighter. You smiled and rested your head on his back, yelping slightly when the bike lurched forward and he steered you out of the shed and into the grass outside. He was very slow at first until he steered to the gravel road, at which point he instantly picked up speed until the wind whipped at your face. His unbuttoned shirt was flying in every direction, leaving him totally unprotected from the night air, but he didn’t seem to mind, holding fast as he took you down the road, hugging the turns letting the headlight illuminate only as much as he needed to see.
When you looked up, you could see the stars more clearly than ever. You sighed and hugged him tighter, amazed at how they didn’t move at all while the world on the ground flew by. It made sense, obviously, with them being millions of miles away, but it was jarring how different the speed of the world could look from different perspectives. And as exhilarating as it was to see the countryside roll by in a blur, you preferred the steady night sky; you didn’t want to think about this moment flying by, about the fleeting nature of all of this. You wanted to believe this would always be here, just like the stars. You wanted to focus on the things that would never leave you, the moments that would become lifelong memories, and not on the reality of how beautiful things are not usually permanent things.
“I love you,” you whispered against his ear, quiet enough for your words to be blown away into the night. A small tear left a hot trail on your chilled skin, blown back over your temple instantly by Sebastian’s acceleration.
In silence, you drove into the unknown with him, letting yourself forget about the rest of the world for just a little while longer. You deserved that.
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detectivehannibal · 3 years
Desk Dreams
Hannibal Lecter x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Smut...lol have fun.
A/N: Testing my smut writing skills I see...I tried to weasel Will into this, but I’d hardly consider this a Will oneshot. I struggled so hard with this smh.
Requested by: @no-homo-hank
Prompt: also.. if i may request something sm*tty. personally i think your writing is so good. soo maybe something in his office yk yk like if the reader has a *sexy* dream about him,, and she has to tell him,, idk idk and only if you’re comfortable with it ofc! thanks :)
Word Count: 1,697
“Is it so wrong to change things up a little?”
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You couldn’t get it out of your head. The images, the sounds, the touches, the smells. You had tried to shake it off all morning. You had brewed an extra strong cup of coffee hoping to rid your conscious of the less than appropriate dream from the night before, but to no avail. You never really had dreams, and you especially didn’t have such scandalous ones. On top of that, you definitely never had sex dreams about your therapist. 
Sure, you found him attractive in more ways than just his striking intelligence. However, the thought of anything that wasn’t purely professional had never crossed your mind. You knew what Hannibal thought about dreams. He had mentioned to you before that they are often a crucial tell-tale of a person’s mental state most of the time. That was the part you couldn’t figure out.
What did having such a racy dream mean for you?
You pondered the thought on your way to your session. You desperately wished that you didn’t have to go today, but you knew you’d be questioned about it next session if you canceled. You entered his office’s waiting room, there were no other patients at that time. You weren’t surprised, considering most people tried to push for the afternoon appointments. You took your normal seat, knowing that Dr. Lecter and Will Graham would be finished shortly. Will Graham’s appointments were always before yours, and you always noted how Will always looked as if his brain had been completely picked apart when he exited.
You often wondered what sort of things they talked about.
Sure enough, the door opened a few minutes later, Hannibal seeing Will out of his office. 
“I will see you soon, Will.” Hannibal said to Will, who had pretty much already ended the conversation. 
Will spotted you waiting and actually offered a smile. He didn’t know you outside of the waiting room, but well enough to know your name and speak to you.
“Hello, [Y/N],” He greeted, leaning in slightly; “He’s acting strangely today.” He whispered.
You gave him a confused look, but returned the greeting before he dashed off and out of the building. What did he mean by “acting strangely”? There was only one way to find out. 
“[Y/N], are you ready?” Hannibal asked, inviting you into his office.
You nodded, entering swiftly. When you passed by him, a familiar scent enriched your nose. The smell of his cologne was exquisite and suddenly sparked your memory of the dream from the night before. So that was what you smelled in the dream. You had never paid attention to it before. 
Speaking of the dream, it was suddenly all you could think about. You sat in one of his chairs, immediately striking Hannibal as out of character. He decided to hold off on mentioning it yet. 
“Good morning. How are you?” He asked, sitting in the chair in front of you.
Your leg bounced anxiously as you found yourself in a trance, raking over his features. Had his hair always been so nice? Were his eyes always so enticing? You caught his gaze, waiting for you to give an answer.
“Huh? Oh! I’m doing well.” You said, beginning to feel a heat creep over your cheeks.
His hand briefly went up to his collar to readjust his tie. You basically stopped yourself from salivating. His hands were...so perfect. 
“You’re nervous.” He announced.
You denied. You denied hard. You would not let him through to you today. You’d die of embarrassment.
“Nope. Not nervous,” You said, visibly nervous; “What makes you say that?”
His expression was calculating. He was soaking you up like a sponge to sink water, taking everything in to be squeezed out again.
“For starters, you’re sitting. You usually walk around during our sessions,” He noted; “Secondly, your entire demeanor is tense.” 
Your leg stopped bouncing and you slowly stood from your chair, you began to try and walk as you normally did, but it ended up being more of a pace. 
“Is it so wrong to change things up a little?” You asked as casually as possible.
He looked so good in that light blue shirt. 
“No, but there’s always a reason for such change.” He bantered.
You shot him a look. It was hard to get anything past him. 
“I just...” You tried to come up with an excuse, but turned up short. 
He waited patiently, his gaze never leaving yours. You sighed in defeat. 
“Dreams are normal, right?” You asked, preparing to bite the bullet.
He nodded simply.
You chewed your lip in thought, careful with how you approached this. You fiddled with the hem of your sweater.
“I had a rather interesting dream last night,” You confessed; “It wasn’t anything I had ever experienced.”
He was listening intently, not quite following what you were getting at.
“What did you dream about?” He prompted.
You felt a sudden rise in your throat. This was painful to admit.
“Well, you were in me- uh, I mean...in it.” You said, mentally cursing at yourself for your embarrassing slip up.
A wave of realization was clear on his face as he connected the dots. You wanted nothing more than to crawl in a hole and die.
“[Y/N], I can assure you that sexual fantasy dreams are quite normal.” He said in an attempt to comfort you.
You groaned miserably, burying your face in your hands. You were humiliated. You’d have to request a different therapist. Maybe even seek out a totally different counseling practice.
“Dreams often must be explored to be understood. Tell me more about the content of this dream.” He requested calmly.
Your blood went hot. What? Why did he want to know that? You looked to him, surprised to see that he was completely serious. You rubbed your palms together nervously.
“I came in for my usual session. The energy was different. You were looking at me in a way you don’t usually,” You explained; “The conversation took a turn and...we had sex.”
His expression remained unchanged, but you weren’t close enough yet to see the fire in his eyes. He stood from his seat and took slow strides over towards you. You were sure he could hear your thumping heart.
“How was I looking at you?” He questioned, his voice thick and smooth.
That���s when you saw the riled up glaze in his eyes. A sudden wave of emotion and arousal crashed over you. This was really going to happen.
“Just like you are now.” You breathed out.
Instantly, his lips were on yours. Passionate and needy, but steady and calculated too. His hands gripped your waist, pushing you towards his desk. He shimmied you onto the cool, dark wood and allowed you to remove his suit blazer. 
Your mind was racing, but your movements were faster. You untucked his dress shirt from his pants while his fingertips worked on unbuttoning your jeans. It was a hot, heavy silence as the two of you stripped down enough to get the job done. His mouth was hot on your neck once your pants were casted aside, sucking a hickey on your most sensitive spot. 
“Dr. Lecter, I...” You trailed off, your mind too clouded with pleasure to offer any kind of sentence.
This felt so wrong, but so right at the same time. You were thankful for patient-doctor confidentiality. 
“Hannibal.” He corrected, unbuckling his belt and getting his pants down to his ankles.
Woah. First name basis. That was new. Hannibal really seemed to know his way around a woman. You found that rather shocking.
“Is this your means of dream exploration?” You joked, giving a breathy laugh.
“Something like that.” He replied.
He pulled himself from his boxers, stroking a few times before gingerly pushing himself inside of you. A synchronized moan drew from the both of you as he pushed through your walls, traveling as deep as he could go. He pushed your back down onto the desk, watching you sprawl out desperately for him.
He began with slow thrusts to allow you to adjust to his length, but hit the sweetest of spots each time he went back in. He grasped one of your legs, wrapping it around his waist so he could get a better angle. He had one hand on your throat, wrapped firmly but not uncomfortably. 
“Hannibal, please. Faster.” You begged, your tone coming out as a whine.
He hummed in response, his pace beginning to pick up. Your hands gripped the edge of the desk as the sounds of skin and rattling desk objects echoed in your ears. He admired the way your eyes glassed over in pleasure, his own forehead beginning to break out into a sweat. 
“Was this how your dream played out?” He asked, the slightest bit of strain in his voice; “On my desk...in the middle of a session.”
You nodded in response, but that wasn’t enough.
“Use your words.” He ordered, slamming back into you again.
“Yes.” You groaned out.
“Good girl.” He praised, moving his pace even faster.
This wasn’t how he’d usually pleasure a woman. He preferred something a little more timed out and slow, but you needed something spontaneous and fast. He could feel it radiating off of you. Your mind bounced back and forth from the dream to this present moment. This was too good to be true.
Your legs tightened around his waist, signaling to him that you were awfully close. He himself felt a twitch, looks like you were going to both finish on time. He continued to pound into you, your moans relentlessly sounding out into the air. Your high-pitched, surprised gasp alerted your release, his own spilling out just a few moments later. 
Your moans and sounds dwindled into heavy breathing, your chests heaving to catch up. He collapsed onto your shaky frame, your hand resting in his hair. You could barely comprehend what had just happened. You suddenly had a whole new reason to come to therapy. Hannibal lifted his head, pride written all over his face.
“I think...we’ll pick this back up next week.”
481 notes · View notes
drabbles-mc · 3 years
One of Them Girls
Angel Reyes x Reader
Request by @lakamaa12: I have a request.. if you don't want to do it, no worries (or it's been done by another blog and I missed it).I was wondering if you would consider writing something with Angel based around the song One of Them Girls by Lee Brice?
(Part 2 can be found Here)
Warnings: language, alcohol, Angel being the cutie we know he is
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: To the best of my knowledge, no one else has written an Angel fic for this song yet! If you have and I didn’t see it, my bad! But real talk I’ve been obsessed with this song lately and I wanted to write a fic for it so I’m super glad you sent this my way. Hope you enjoy! xo
Angel Taglist: @mayans-sauce @helli4nthus @angelreyesgirl @starrynite7114 @queenbeered @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @multiyfandomgirl40 @sillygoose6969 @beardburnsupersoldiers @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @amandinesblogofstuff @garbinge @bucky-iss-bae @enjoy-the-destruction @encounterthepast @lilacyennefer @everyhowlmarksthedead @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ (If you want to be tagged let me know! xo)
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Your roommate had been trying for months to get you to go to one of the MC parties with her. She knew them from working at Vicki’s and she swore that you would have a good time if you just came to the clubhouse with her.
“Just for a couple hours,” she pleaded as she stood in the doorway to your room, “and if you’re really not having a good time, we can leave and I’ll never bother you about it again. Promise.”
You sighed, leaning your head back against your headboard, “Fine. Just so you won’t bother me about it anymore.”
She beamed, “Yes! Oh this is gonna be so fun,” you could practically see the thoughts racing through her head, “Wear those skinny jeans that make your butt look good.”
You groaned, “You’re gonna dress me, too?”
She laughed, “It’s just a friendly suggestion.”
It was a suggestion that you begrudgingly took her up on. She really wasn’t that pushy about what to wear, but she knew that she was able to nudge you out of your comfort zone a little bit sometimes. You’d ended up with a simple, low-cut black tank top, the jeans she had suggested, and a pair of black boots. You weren’t going to risk snapping your ankle in a pair of heels when you didn’t know what you’d be walking into.
Elena may have been persistent, but she was a woman of her word. She stayed by you when you first arrived, knowing the scene was a little overwhelming when you first walk into it. You weren’t quite sure what you had been expecting, but this wasn’t quite what you had pictured in your mind. It was a little tamer, a little less chaotic than your brain had been telling you it would be.
“C’mon,” she tugged you towards the bar, “I’ll get you a beer.”
“Elena, who are all these people?” you asked quietly as you scanned the room.
She started pointing out the members of the MC one by one, telling you their names and a few fun facts about each. Some of the facts were a little more information than you cared to know, but she got you to laugh. Some of the girls you recognized because they’d come over and hang out at your apartment sometimes, and it was nice to know that you knew more than just one person at the party. They said there was power in numbers, right?
“Hey, querida,” a voice piped up from behind the two of you.
Elena turned, a smile instantly spreading across her face as she walked up to the man who had been speaking to her and letting him scoop her up in a hug, “Angel, hey!”
He set her down and his eyes found their way over to you. You felt small under the weight of his gaze but you tried not to let it show. He glanced back to Elena, “You brought a friend?”
She laughed, nodding, “Angel, this is my roommate, and best friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Angel, the biggest pain in the ass in the MC.”
He placed a hand over his chest, an exaggeratedly pained expression on his face, “Right to my heart.”
The three of you laughed and you shook your head slightly, the nerves beginning to dissipate a little bit. You weren’t expecting him to plop down on the stool next to yours, but he did. You looked over to Elena, as if to ask if you should be worried about anything. She flashed you a smile as she sat down on the other side of you, giving your arm a light, reassuring squeeze as she reached for her drink.
“So what questionable decisions led you here tonight?” he asked with a laugh as he took a swig of his beer.
You laughed, shaking your head, “Just throwing Elena a bone. She’s been wanting me to come here with her for a while.”
“Didn’t want to be hanging out with a bunch of degenerates?” there was a playful smirk on his face.
You smiled, “More like I didn’t want to be hanging out with a bunch of people in general,” you laughed, “I’m a bit of a homebody.”
“I’m working on that,” Elena piped in with a smile.
The three of you sat at the bar and talked for a little while. You could tell that Angel was trying to get a read on you, the new girl. You couldn’t be mad because you were doing the same thing to him. He was smooth, flirtatious, but not overbearingly so. That was a game you’d be willing to play for the night while you pacified your friend. If you were going to be forced to socialize, there were worse people to look at while doing it.
Elena must’ve gotten the vibe from you, because she politely excused herself from the conversation, letting you know that she wouldn’t be far if you decided that you wanted to bail and go home. You saw the smirk tugging at her lips as she walked away though, knowing that you were having a much better time there than you’d ever admit.
“So I gotta know,” Angel asked as he idly toyed with the beer bottle in his hands, “how does a homebody like you end up rooming with Miss “Life of the Party” Elena?”
You laughed, trying not to stare at the way his ringed fingers traced and curled around the neck of his beer bottle, “We actually had a few classes together our first year in college,” you shook your head, “Nothing bonds two people together like suffering through statistics classes together.”
He chuckled, “Fuck that.”
“That was exactly how we felt.”
The longer the two of you talked, the more he tested his boundaries. He wasn’t pushy, or inappropriate, but he was definitely trying to figure out what made you tick. You weren’t going to give him that kind of satisfaction so quickly, though. You bantered back and forth with him, and you couldn’t remember the last time a guy had you laughing so hard.
Angel was in the middle of an incredibly cheesy pickup line that he swore has worked for him before when the song coming through the speakers changed. You couldn’t help but to perk up a little bit at the familiar beat and Angel noticed the shift immediately. He watched you for a moment as he tried to feel out the situation.
“Wanna dance?”
You shook your head no with zero hesitation, “No thank you.”
He laughed, “C’mon, why not? Live a little.”
You smiled but didn’t move to get up from your stool, “I’m sure there are plenty of women here tonight that would love to dance with you, Angel.”
He didn’t push the topic any further. You were smiling but he could see the flash of emotion in your eyes and he knew that there was something there that you weren’t ready to tap into yet with him. So, instead, he got you another beer and delved back into his cheesy pickup line story. When you realized that he was going to move past what you just said and not make it awkward, the tension immediately melted out of your body. You gladly took the beer bottle from him as you listened him ramble into another story.
“Yo, Angel,” Coco called from the pool table, “get over here. Bring your friend, we need two more.”
“You play pool?” Angel asked you, curious to your answer.
You shrugged as you hopped off the stool, “I mean I know how to.”
He laughed as he followed you across the clubhouse, “That’s not a super reassuring answer, querida.”
“Man, fuck him. You can be on my team,” Coco said with a laugh, “He and Gilly can fend for themselves.”
There was something reassuring and welcoming about the way that Coco spoke to you—like he had known you for years. He handed you your pool stick, smile still plastered onto his face. This wasn’t how you had originally pictured your night going, but you weren’t upset about it.
About halfway through the game, Angel was pissed that he didn’t try to team up with you. You and Coco were on a hot-streak and he really didn’t expect that from you. He shook his head as you sank another shot, and you had to laugh at the way that Coco was able to effectively gloat with just a simple look thrown Angel’s way.
“I mean I know how to,” Angel mocked you with a laugh as he shook his head, watching you line up to take another shot, “Can’t believe you fuckin’ hustled me.”
You laughed, “I don’t think you can call it hustling if there’s no money involved. You’re just mad because we’re about to whoop your ass.”
He chuckled and glanced over at Coco, “Don’t look so smug, Coco. She’s fuckin’ carrying you right now.”
The game wrapped up quickly with you and Coco both doing so well. Gilly had been more than content to sit back and watch it all happen, reveling in the fact that someone, and someone new at that, was kicking Angel’s ass at pool. Angel was shaking his head as he set his stick aside, still trying to figure out how all of that just happened. For someone who claimed that they didn’t like going out and doing things, you seemed to be full of surprises.
“Since I am a gracious winner,” you said with a laugh as you let Coco put your stick away, “I’ll buy you all a drink.”
Angel went to protest, not wanting you to be buying anything for any of them, but Gilly slapped his chest to stop him. The look on Gilly’s face made it very evident that no matter how cute the girl was, none of them were about to be turning down free drinks. Angel laughed, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
As the night wore on, slowly but surely people began to trickle out of the clubhouse. You hadn’t really talked to Elena since you got wrapped up playing pool with the guys, but the two of you kept an eye on one another. Every now and then she’d shoot you a look, one that asked if you needed to get out, and you would just shake your head. She’d smile, sometimes throw you a wink, before getting wrapped back up into whatever she was doing. You knew that she was just glad to get you out of the house and socializing with people.
You and Angel were sitting next to each other on the couch talking, keeping your conversation low in the midst of music and noise still filling the clubhouse. You were shaking your head at him as he told you about some of the scrapes he’d gotten into with his brother, someone that you knew you’d also love to sit and have a conversation with eventually.
Elena walked up and gave you a nudge, smiling when you turned to her, “Not trying to rush you, but I think a couple of the girls and I are gonna head out. You want me to bring you home before I go with them?”
Truthfully, you didn’t want to leave. But she was your ride, so it wasn’t like you were going to have much of a choice. Just as you were about to speak up and say you’d get ready to leave, Angel interrupted, “I can take you home if you want.”
You glanced back at him, arching one eyebrow, “Oh?”
“Yea,” he shrugged, smiling, “I don’t mind.”
Elena bit at her bottom lip, trying to fight back a smile, “You good with that, Y/N?”
You nodded, “Yea, I think so,” you laughed, “Worst case scenario I have pepper spray in my bag.”
“Jesus,” Angel laughed.
Elena shook her head with a grin as she leaned down to kiss your cheek, “Text me when you’re home. Love you.”
“Love you too. Text when you get to wherever the hell you guys are all going,” you chuckled.
“Will do,” she turned and hugged Angel, “Get her home safe, or I’ll beat your ass.”
He nodded, trying hard not to laugh because he knew that she was serious, “Yes ma’am.”
When she was gone and it was just the two of you again, things felt a little different. You suddenly became very aware of the way that his arm was draped over the back of the couch, his fingers almost brushing against your shoulder. Despite the number of people that were still in the clubhouse, it felt like it was just you two left. Everything else felt farther away.
“Can I ask where you’re from?” he leaned in a little closer to you and took a sip of his beer, “Because I feel like you’re not from around here.”
You smiled, shaking your head, “I’m not. I’m from the East Coast—came out this way for college,” you laughed, “Very cliché, I know.”
“Ah, you’re one of them girls, huh?”
“Who are them girls?” you chuckled.
“Had to get the hell outta dodge?”
You smiled and nodded, not really wanting to get into the details of your decisions, “Something like that.”
“You musta broke a lot of hearts when you left,” there was a smirk tugging at his lips.
You laughed, “Wouldn’t know—haven’t been back to find out.”
Somewhere along the line of your conversation, the two of you had gotten very comfortable. You had your legs pulled up underneath you as you leaned into him, his hand resting lightly on the nape of your neck. Every now and then when you laughed your hand would come to rest on his thigh for a moment or two before you pulled it back to your own body. He wasn’t bold enough to say it but he wished that you’d leave it there.
There was a brief lull in the conversation and you looked around the clubhouse, seeing that the two of you were some of the last people there. You checked your phone, seeing that you had gotten the safety update from your roommate almost an hour before and hadn’t noticed from being so enthralled with Angel.
“You got that look on your face like you gotta get going,” Angel said knowingly.
You sighed, “Yea, unfortunately I still have to go and do life stuff tomorrow,” there was a hint of laughter to your voice.
His thumb traced idly along the exposed skin at the base of your neck, “We can take the bike, if you want.”
You pressed your lips together for a moment, “I’ve never ridden on one before.”
He chuckled as he rose to his feet, helping you to do the same, “Something tells me you’ll be fine.”
The two of you walked out of the clubhouse, Angel’s hand settling on the small of your back. The chilly night air hit your skin and sent a chill through you. Without a second thought, Angel peeled off his sweatshirt that he’d put on and handed it over to you. You started to shake your head no but he wordlessly pushed the hoodie into your hands. You gave in with a smile, pulling it down over your head. It was warm, and you were practically swimming in the fabric, but you didn’t mind.
He let you use his helmet, and you settled behind him after climbing onto the bike. Your hands were lightly resting on his waist and he pulled your arms tighter around him, causing you to press flush up against his back.
“Don’t be shy, querida,” he chuckled, “For your own safety as much as anything else.”
You laughed, thankful that he couldn’t see the sheepish smile on your face as you let your body rest against his. The bike came to life underneath you and you nervously wrapped your arms a little tighter around him, and you could feel him laughing despite the fact that you couldn’t hear him over the noise of the bike.
Slowly you eased into the ride, your nerves subsiding a little bit. Angel must’ve felt the tension dissipating because he picked up the speed a little bit, causing you to laugh and tighten your hold on him. You knew that Angel knew the way to yours and Elena’s apartment, so you knew that he was taking the long way there. As much as you wanted to call him out on it, you didn’t want him to think that you minded. It was a peaceful, freeing feeling to be riding with him.
He rolled to a stop in front of your apartment building. You hopped off the bike, handing him back his helmet. The two of you stood there and you knew that he could feel the same type of tension in the air that you felt. For a night that you really hadn’t been looking forward to, it was the best time that you’d had in a while.
You went to take his sweatshirt off to give back to him but he shook his head at you, “Nah, keep it.”
“You sure?”
He nodded with a smirk on his face, “Yea. Just give it back next time I see you.”
You smiled, “Next time? Who said I’m coming back to the clubhouse?”
He laughed and shook his head, “Damn, you and Elena are both out to keep my ego in check, huh?”
“It’s good for you,” you shifted your weight from one foot to the other, trying to ignore the fact that you felt nervous, trying to figure out how to say goodnight.
“But really,” he stepped in a little closer to you, forcing you to tilt your head up slightly to look him in the eye, “I’d really like to be able to see you again.”
You managed to keep a straight face for a few seconds, just long enough to make him nervous. You could see him racing to try and come up with a follow-up statement to get himself out of being rejected, and you let yourself smile as you nodded, “I’d like that.”
He let out an audible sigh of relief, “Had me worried for a second,” he chuckled.
You laughed, shaking your head, “Can’t make it too easy for you.”
He smiled, “Can I have your number? Or do I gotta level up for that?”
You rolled your eyes as you held your hand out, “Give me your phone before I change my mind.”
He chuckled as he dug it out of his pocket and pressed it into the palm of your hand. He watched you intently as you plugged your number in, smiling as you handed it back to him, “This your real number? Or one of those rejection hotlines?”
You smirked, “Guess you’ll have to call me and find out. One time I gave some dude the number that would just play the John Cena theme song over and over again. That was…peak rejection.”
“That’s not exactly reassuring for me, you get that, right?” he laughed.
You smiled and shook your head, “It’s my real number, promise,” you stood up on your tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek, “Thanks for bringing me home.”
He couldn’t hide that he was surprised by the gesture. A huge smile spread across his face as he nodded, “Yea, any time.”
“Get home safe.”
He nodded, “I will,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” you crossed your arms over your chest, trapping the heat against your body as you watched him get back on his bike and strap his helmet on. He flashed you another smile and you waved him off.
You let out a small sigh of contentment as you turned around and made your way into your building. The walk up to your apartment seemed much shorter as you replayed the night over in your head. You turned the key in the lock and stepped in, glad to be home but simultaneously wishing that the night wasn’t over yet. You showered and threw your pajamas on, falling into your bed with a happy sigh. After shutting the light off and settling in underneath your blanket, your phone buzzed on your nightstand. You reached over to see who it was, and smiled when you saw a message waiting for you from a new number.
“Home safe. Sweet dreams” after a few seconds a second text came in, “It’s Angel by the way”
You chuckled as you typed out your reply, ‘Thanks for the clarification. Got worried for a second”
“Just tryna be sweet and you can’t let me have it, can you?”
“Nope” you were laughing in the quiet darkness of your room.
“Alright. Sweet nightmares then. Goodnight”
You could picture his face and you couldn’t stop smiling, “Goodnight xo”
You set your phone off to the side again, settling back down underneath your covers. Your body wanted to sleep but your brain was too busy replaying the entire night over again and you couldn’t stop smiling.
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
I’m going to try come up with other ideas lol but these jumped out at me. I would absolutely use these for something! I’m saving them too because I just might!
But if you feel like it, these combined scenarios could be really fun for a sarcastic, grouchy ass Flip or Kylo AU. It could be anything from enemies to antagonists to the guy being in trouble with you currently from doing stupid shit and trying to make up with you! Anything you think!
your enemy has been badly wounded, and somebody needs to bandage them up, so you agree to help them, and suddenly they're shirtless, and you can't help but admire their body, something this cheeky motherfucker takes notice of
there's only one bed, but this time, they're arguing over who should sleep on the floor, which nobody agrees to, so instead they end up sharing, incredibly annoyed over having to share their space (it’s not like friends to lovers, in which they both awkwardly get into bed. this is straight up just. i will set this bed on fire if you don’t stay on your side)
The Longest Knight {Sir Kylo Ren x Reader}
author's notes: hello, hello! shannon, dear, you always seem to know what I'm in need of when you send requests in. I've been dying for an excuse to write some medieval/knight Kylo, and this fits in perfectly with that AU, so thank you! <3
**THERE ARE SOME DARK(ER) THEMES IN THIS STORY, BUT ONLY AT THE VERY BEGINNING (there’s an indicator of when the dark content ends, in bold, you can’t miss it). PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS AND TW’S BEFORE PROCEEDING!**
warnings: some angst. some gore. some fluff. smut. enemies-with-benefits. sex w/o feelings. kylo is a huge douche (but in, like, a lowkey sexy way). 
tw's: (at the very beginning): dead bodies & blood, vivid depictions of wounds/injuries, brief depictions of battle, implied (battle-related) murder. mentions of sex work (later on in the story, not relating to the reader character).
word count: 4.4k
terms to know: loincloth: groin-covering cloth tied around the waist (literally just underwear). bedswerver: “adulterer” (an insult). mamillare: medieval breast band (bra).
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When the sounds of marching footfall, deep cries of manly battle, and shod hooves pounding on the drought-hardened ground had ceased from the air, you saddle your horse and ride out to the far field of your property. 
The putrid smell of rotting flesh hits you before any bodies are even in view. Your prized stallion slows his trot, nostrils flaring and ears perked forward as the scene of battle presents itself to both of you.
He begins to snort and whinny in acute panic at the sight of so many corpses, both human and horse. Your stomach begins to churn, and you can barely bring yourself to look upon the scene as your heel encourages him onward, wanting to make sure there aren’t any surviving soldiers. 
Both sides seem to have suffered great loss, although you’re unsure which corpses belong to which side. The conflict betwixt Alderaan and Naboo has been dragging on much too long, and at the end of the day, is any conflict truly worth all of the lives lost?
You certainly didn’t think so, but perhaps you’re just too close to this war, incapable of having an unbiased opinion due to the loss of your beloved husband at the hands of Sir Kylo Ren, the Alderaanean calvary general and the most feared man across all five kingdoms. 
As you make your rounds to check for survivors, much to the dismay of your steed, you quickly lose almost all hope that anyone laid here ended up surviving the brutality apparently brought down upon them during the fight. 
Suddenly, your horse lifts himself up on hinds legs ever so slightly, jogging in place as a barely-audible groan comes from one of the men. His hand moves ever so slightly, and you quickly rush over to him, dismounting with a small first aid bag.
His helmet is that of a high-ranking official, but on which side he belongs, it’s too hard to tell. Not that it truly matters, you’d take just about any man with the courage to fight these battles.
“Sir?” You say, kneeling down beside the large man. “Do you remember what happened to you?”
He grunts lowly, winter-chapped lips opening in an attempt to speak. “S-Stomach.”
Once your mind registers his husky words, you look down at his abdomen and see that his armor seems to have been compromised in a spot right on the side of his stomach. Fresh blood seeps from the deep wound, and you cringe, grabbing one of the towels from your pack to gently wipe away some of the blood, but the tear in flesh is so deep, it’s impossible to do with just one towel. **dark content warnings ENDS**
“My estate is just a short ride from here. I cannot hold your weight myself, but if you can mount my horse, I will take you back and mend your wounds to the best of my ability.”
The mask nods softly, slowly but surely lifting himself up off the ground, wobbling towards your horse, who snorts nervously. He seemingly understands the severity of the situation, though, and stands still as the knight sits himself on his back. 
From there, he lays back, breath catching in his throat as his injuries are tweaked with each of the horses’ strides. You hold onto the reins, leading your stallion back to the house. 
After quite a bit of maneuvering and a lot of quarreling with the injured knight, you finally manage to set him up the cot in your spare bedroom. He sits down on the chair as you do so, mumbling and grumbling about his pain. You found it quite annoying, really, but you can’t really blame him for acting in such a way.
“You’ll need to remove your armor, sir. I cannot treat your wounds with it on.”
“By God’s bones.” He curses under his breath in annoyance, but stands and removes his body armor nonetheless.
Piece by piece is peeled from his body, his physically intimidating figure revealed slowly to your curious eyes. Only his under-layers were left, soon enough, and you found it a bit odd that he hadn’t taken his helmet off first. You would think that would be a great relief to have the proper air exposure on your face, but you’re not really in a place to make assumptions about that sort of thing.
His brilliantly alabaster skin is severely bloodied, bruised, and badly butchered. He would require quite some time to heal and recover, but if you learned anything from being married to an army man, it’s that they’re all stubborn bastards who never take the proper time to allow time for their bodies to properly heal.
He’s soon fully exposed to you, minus his helmet and threadbare loincloth, and you have to look away quickly as your cheeks heat up. The small garment left very little to the imagination, and this knight was...well endowed, to put it kindly.
Putting your own personal feelings aside for the betterment of the patient, you look back up at him with a small smile. “You may remove your helmet now, good sir.”
“I cannot reach up to grab it from my head.” He says in a flat, unamused voice.
“Of course.” You scold yourself for not thinking of that. “Well, if you lay down on the cot, I shall remove it for you.”
Instead of protest, which is what you expected, he complied with your instructions and laid down on the cot. He grunts satisfyingly at the comfort of a mattress, most likely used to sleeping on the ground.
When you reach for the bottoms of his helmet to pull it off, he suddenly snatches your wrist, stopping you instantly.
“If you need touch me, ask before doing so.” His voice is nothing more than a growl.
You almost roll your eyes, starting to truly become annoyed with this knight. You invited him into your home and you’re willing to be his bedside nurse...and he has the audacity to request something like this.
Again you’re forced to put your personal feelings aside for the sake of your patient and for the maintenance of your bedside manner, forcing a smile onto your face. “With all due respect, sir, I’m your nurse for the time being. I will be needing to touch you quite often. Am I really expected to ask each and every time?”
“Yes.” He replies.
Your jaw clenches and you wish nothing more in this moment than to smack this man right across the face.
“Fine. May I please remove your helmet?”
Sparing you the assurance of a vocal reply, the mask simply nods, and you pull it over his head. When the face of your patient is revealed to your eyes, you’re appalled.
It’s Sir Kylo Ren...the man that murdered your husband.
You drop the helmet onto the ground, metal clattering as it rocks back and forth once it’s settled in one spot on the hardwood. This can’t be real.
He snarls. “Why are you looking upon me with that expression? Have you never seen a man before? I have wounds that need tended to, girl, and I’d like to be out of here before sundown.”
Anger begins to boil your blood, tears burning in your eyes as you look down at the man before you.
“You bastard.” Your hand raises, ready to strike him clean against the cheek. He catches your fist in his hand before you can, though.
“I wouldn’t, if I were you.” Kylo warns, squeezing your fist. “I’ll have to have you beheaded for hitting an army man, and your head is much too pretty to be put to such waste.”
You snort, yanking yourself from his grip, teeth gritting as you walk out to fetch all the medical supplies. He’s wearing a cocky expression when you walk back in.
“I recognize you.” He says.
You huff, unamused. “How could you possibly recognize me? We’ve never met.”
His lips curl up into a devious smirk. “You’re right, we haven’t met before, but I recognize you from your husband’s description. I asked him what you looked like, since he was babbling on and on about you.”
You freeze up, bottom lip beginning to quiver as Sir Kylo continues.
“Then I drove my blade straight through his pathetic chest, and later that night, I touched myself as I thought of you.”
He chuckles deviously.
“Bedswerver!” You yell, cocking your fists once more and lunging at him, ready to strike once more. But then, you stop yourself, knowing the consequences you’d surely face should you actually hit him. 
Your fists lower and you simply say nothing, preparing the cloths in the warm water. The tears run down your cheeks on their own volition, but you quickly wipe them away before turning back towards him. 
“He wasn’t worthy of your company, Y/N.” Kylo says as you begin to clean the wounds on his stomach. “And he clearly didn’t satisfy you in the way you needed, considering the manner in which you looked over my body when I took my armor off.”
His hand reaches around and squeezes your ass, making you jump. 
“How long has it been, little lamb? A young woman like you shouldn’t have to live without a man to satisfy her aching need.”
You can’t pretend that you’re not aroused by his words, by his touch. But you’d never let him have you, not in a thousand years. So, you quickly swat his hand away and continue cleaning his wounds. “That’s none of your concern, Sir Kylo. I am perfectly content without a man and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter.”
He laughs. “That’s a lie if I’ve ever heard one. I bet you’re aching right now, just from my words and my simple touch.”
Before he can touch you further, you back away, limbs trembling with anger and frustration. You dunk the bloody rag back into the bowl of water, ring it out a bit, then throw it onto his chest.
“Clean the wounds yourself, since you can obviously move your hands and arms perfectly fine.” You say, wiping your own on a dry cloth. “I’ll be back to bandage you in a bit.”
“Don’t think of me too much, lamb. You’ll release too quickly.” He snickers as you slam the door shut behind you, bursting into tears the moment you step foot into your bedroom.
You sob quietly, the freshly-healed stitches of your heart popping open one at a time, the grief and pain of losing your beloved consuming you once more. 
And now you’re here, mending his killer.
It takes everything you have, every ounce of willpower, to wake up and face Sir Kylo every single day. You know you’re doing the right thing by helping him, but that doesn’t make dealing with him any easier.
He’s impossibly stubborn, arrogant beyond comprehension, and increasingly grumpy. But, you just have to keep going, keep pushing through, reminding yourself that each day brings you closer and closer to his inevitable departure.
You’ve all but blocked out his inappropriate and antagonizing comments or remarks, just getting his bandages replaced and then leaving the room as quickly as possible.
Today, though, he’s achieved a new level of jackassery, a thing you thought impossible until he did it. And boy, did he do it.
“I’ve made arrangements for a few whores to come and provide me some...company.”
Your fist tightens around the bandage in your hand. He smirks.
“You’re more than welcome to join us. There’s plenty of me to go around, little lamb. You’ll get your turn.”
“No, thanks. I think I’d rather stab myself with a sword.” You reply, beginning to switch out his bandages. “You’re lucky I’m even allowing it to occur in my house.”
He just chuckles. “You’d probably be bad, anyway.”
You suddenly rip the bandage off of his skin, causing him to cry out in pain. He looks at you, and you glare down at him. “Just...can you please just stop talking for once in your life? Must you always berate me when all I’ve done over the past few weeks is take care of you? Is this what kindness, genuine kindness, gets me?”
He suddenly seems to sober up, to let what he’s done to you sink in. It doesn’t last long, but you still see it. Perhaps he does have the capability to feel at least some sense of remorse.
Kylo stays quiet for the rest of the time you tend to his wounds, and when you turn to leave, the two words you’ve been convinced are not in his vocabulary, come from the behind you.
“Thank you.”
This sliver of empathy is short lived, especially after the girls from the local brothel make their way up to his room. 
“Oh! Oh! Sir Kylo!”
You shake your head, attempting to read in the study, which is located on the other side of house from the guest bedroom. Yet, their screams, cries and the various other lewd noises still manage to make their way to your ears.
“Ah! Ah! Ah!” “Take it, whore, take it!” “Kyloooooooo!”
The temptation to go up there and kick the girls out is increasing by the second, but you don’t. Maybe this will help mellow him out a bit, make him more manageable.  Plus, you’re pretty sure that you’d have to carve your eyes out after walking in on whatever they’re doing up behind that closed door.
Unfortunately for you, it becomes progressively more difficult to focus on your book as the burn between your thighs intensifies. It’s been almost two years since your husband was murdered, which means that it’s been a little over that since you were last intimate with someone.
Normally, and up until Sir Kylo entered your household, you were more than fine subduing your sexual desires. You haven’t once touched yourself, not that you’d really know how to anyway, and you certainly weren’t about to start now.
You cross your legs, hoping that’ll quell some of the burning, but it only makes it worse. Another half an hour passes and your hand now rests on your thigh, slowly inching down towards your soaked and quivering pussy.
Just a quick touch won’t hurt...he doesn’t have to know...
Luckily, a knock at the door brings your motions to a stop. You sigh in relief, walking over to open the door. When you do, you’re met with a bandaged bare torso, a very muscular bare torso. His skin glistens with sweat and the smell of sex radiates from his essence. 
He’s still breathing heavily as he stands in the doorway, looking down at you.
“We’re finished upstairs.” He says breathily. “I’m due for my afternoon bandage change, whenever you’re ready.”
You watch him saunter away, admiring the way his muscles stretch and tense with each stride. You’re burning up by now, both your skin and your arousal, and you wonder how you’re going to get through this next bandage change. 
When you enter the room, the musk of sex is thick in the air, humidity at a suffocating level. You try to ignore it, try not to let it get to you, but it’s just surrounding you. 
Your skin begins to glisten, brow furrowed as you focus on trying to change these bandages as quickly as possible. Kylo seems to take notice of your hurry, your sudden perspiring.
“Is something wrong?” He asks you, biting back a smirk. “You seem flustered.”
Nodding, you continue on with the bandaging.  “I’m fine, just a bit warm is all.”
Kylo hums, reaching down to grab your wrist as you reach up to re-bandage the wound on his chest. He brings your fingers up to his lips, sucking the tips into his mouth gently, tongue swiping over the pads of your digits.
You try to pull away, to leave before you do something you regret, but his hold on you is firm. And if you’re honest with yourself, you don’t actually want him to stop.
Oh lord, this is bad. It’s so wrong. You shouldn’t want this. He murdered your husband, the man you loved. He’s so smug and cocky and yet...it’s what you’ve been wanting this whole time, the thing you’ve tried to suppress, to not let yourself want.
But now, everything else be damned, you want this. You need this. And damnit, you’re gonna have it.
His lips release your fingertips with a lewd pop! sound, an arrogant smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “You haven’t tried to pull away or tell me off in a minute or two. Is everything alright?”
You huff. “Just do it.”
He raises his eyebrows, sitting up a little. “Do what? What do you want me to do, little lamb?”
“You know what I want.”
“Oh yes, I’m fully aware of what you want.” He smirks. “But I want to hear you say it out loud.”
You cross your arms on your chest, trying to ignore the twang of guilt that shoots through you as you prepare to say the words aloud.
“Fine. I want you to f-fuck me.”
“That’s right. I knew you wanted it.” Kylo takes your hand and trails it down his muscular abdomen, stopping just above where his loincloth sits on his hips.
“Take it off.”
You’re chewing your lip numb as you reach down and undo the tie holding the garment on. Your breath hitches as you slide it off, exposing his member, which is hardening steadily.
“Instead of staring, perhaps you’d like to try touching it?” He smirks.
You shoot him a glare. “Stop talking, for once in your life, please spare my ears the sound of your constant squabble.”
Kylo chuckles, putting his hands behind his head.
Your hand wraps around the base of his length, and he grunts softly. It’s your turn to wear a smirk.
“Oh, do you like that, Sir Kylo?”
He huffs. “Every man likes their cock being touched. Don’t go thinking that it means anything.”
You squeeze his shaft, drawing a deep grunt from his lips and small buck of his hips. He looks away, jaw clenched in an attempt to prevent any further noises. 
This fact only makes you more determined, hand pumping his cock with more vigor, alternating between different paces and pressures to really drive him crazy.
You’re thoroughly enjoying this, drinking in the sight of him trying his absolute hardest not to react to the touches that so obviously arouse him. You tease him even more, using your fingers to touch certain parts of his length. 
Well, it’s fun for the few minutes it lasts, but suddenly, you find yourself in his position, laid back on the cot. He’s on top of you, now, pushing the skirts of your dress up, fingers yanking the laces on your bodice.
He quickly pulls it off, followed by your skirts, leaving you in only your mamillare and your loincloth. His eyes roam your newly exposed skin for a moment before his hand slips down between your thighs, fingers pressing up against the fabric.
“I knew it. Were you listening, little lamb? Were you listening to me fuck those whores and wishing it was you?”
Your breath hitches. “Well, it was sort of hard not to listen when the girls were screaming.”
His fingers wrap around the waist tie, pulling them down to fully expose your wet heat. He smirks, rubbing around until he finds that one spot that has your back arching and a gasp escaping your lips.
Before he can even say anything, you reiterate his words in a mocking tone. “Every woman likes being touched there. Don’t go thinking that it means anything.”
He huffs, rubbing you harder.
“Tell me how wet you got when you heard me fucking those whores. Tell me that you wanted a turn on my cock, wondered how good I’d feel inside you.”
“N-No.” You say, a stern expression on your face. “I’ll never say that to you.”
His jaw clenches as he bends down, lips next to your ear. “You'll be screaming it once I’m done with you.”
Your eyes widen when his fingers slowly press up into your entrance. 
“Kylo...” You’ve never been touched in this way before. It’s...different, and not necessarily unpleasant.
He sees your hesitation. “Trust me, you’ll like it.”
And you did.
His digits begin moving in and out of you, curling up occasionally to stimulate a certain tender spot inside you. You’re biting down on your lip, surely hard enough to break the skin, trying your darndest not to give him the privilege of hearing your noises.
As you did to him, seeing you suppress your noises only spurs him on more, movements becoming quicker, swifter. Your orgasm draws closer with each skilled stroke, but just before you reach your peak, he pulls out.
You thought you wanted to hit him before; now, you kind of want to pop some of his abdomen stitches. 
“Why did you do that?”
He laughs devilishly, reaching down to pump his cock, slicking it with the juices of your arousal. “You didn’t think I’d actually let you get off that easily, did you?”
“Well, I was sort of hoping...”
You’re brought to silence when he crawls on top of you, trapping you beneath his massive form. His mushroom head swirls around your entrance, collecting some of your slick before pressing it inside of you.
It’s been quite a while since you’ve had anyone, and you don’t think you’ve ever had someone of his size before, so you gasp softly as he presses forth. Soon, his entire length is seated in you, stretching and filling you to the brim.
His eyes are squeezed shut, jaw clenched as he tries to remain still in order to allow you an adjustment period. Once you’ve had some time, he begins moving his hips, rolling them at a steady pace. 
“Knew you’d have a nice little cunt,” He growls, teeth baring. “So wet and tight for me, little lamb.”
You bite your numbing lip in an attempt to prevent any of the desperate moans or cries that want to escape. He’s doing something similar, jaw clenched tightly. 
Only the wet squelch and sharp snapping of skin colliding can be heard between the two of you, minus the occasional grunt or sharp inhale from either of you, which is quickly shut down almost as soon as it slips out.
Soon, you feel your climax begin to appear on the horizon, walls clenching and pulsing around his cock. He takes notice, quickly speeding his rhythm up, exhaling loudly through his flared nostrils.
He’s getting close, too, balls pulling up as his body prepares itself for orgasm. The energy between you two, as well as your physical movements, quickly turn desperate. 
“Don’t release inside me.”
“I’m flattered that you think I’d even want to.” He says, smugly.
You huff, rolling your eyes. “I see that even the throws of passion and ecstasy is still not enough to tamper your unbearable attitude.”
“There is nothing that can stop me from taking the opportunity to get a rise out of you, milady.” He smirks before his brows knit in the center of his forehead. “If you’re gonna cum, I suggest you do it s-soon.”
Your eyes flutter shut, hips attempting to lift up off the mattress, wanting him to hit that certain spot inside you. As soon as you find the right angle, a choked sob leaves your lips as you’re quickly brought and tossed over the edge.
Kylo groans softly, thrusting rapidly before pulling out at the last minute, spilling his seed all over your abdomen.
Both of you are breathless as you ride out your climaxes, basking in the peaceful bliss that washes over your body, basking in the luxury of his utter and complete silence. It was a welcome change, a much-needed reprieve from the past few weeks of dealing with him.
He eventually flops down onto the mattress beside you, grabbing and re-securing his loincloth around his hips. You’re already a bit sore from being stretched for the first time in two years.
“May I just sleep here tonight, Sir Kylo? Unless you’d like to carry me back over to my bedroom.”
The side-eye he gives you is incredibly humorous, but you contain your laughter, not wanting to add oil to the flame.
“I won’t be a bother. I will stay on this side of the cot; you’ll barely even know I’m here.”
“Are you truly incapable of walking yourself back to your bedroom after one session of fucking? Was I really that amazing that I’ve left you unable to move about the house?” He laughs.
"And suddenly, the pain of walking over to my room seems less painful than staying here and listening to your vexing squabble.”
Kylo huffs. “If you stay here for the night, you may not breach the center of the mattress. I will kick you out if you even come close to bumping into me or making any sort of physical contact.”
Mocking his words from earlier, you smirk. “I’m flattered that you think I’d even want to touch you.”
“Very funny.” He says, flatly, rolling over to face away from you. “Just stay on your fucking side of the bed.”
You roll your eyes, sitting up to braid your hair for bed before fluffing the goose-feather pillow beneath your head, settling down for the night. Soon, Sir Kylo’s obnoxious snores bounce off the walls and you put your pillow over your head, hoping to muffle the noise.
God, even his snores are arrogant.
The next morning, when your eyes flutter open at the first sign of light through the window, you find the sheets next to you vacant.
You sit up, eyebrows furrowed as you look around the room, ears open to listen for any noise anywhere in the house. You don’t hear anything.
Then, you see a piece of rolled up parchment on his pillow along with a small satchel. When you open the pouch, you’re shocked to see a pile of shiny coins. You unrolled the note, reading the sloppy script.
For the medical supplies and for your trouble. Here’s hoping our paths never cross again.
As you read the very brief and to-the-point note, you can practically hear his snide voice in your head reciting it. The cold, cocky tone of his words shone through the parchment and ink, incredibly so. You huff, tossing the note back onto the pillow before getting up to begin the day. 
Well...at least you’ll never have to see him again.
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just-some-gt-trash · 3 years
2.- Glitch
Tbh I underestimated how much my writing has improved since my last monthly list, and therefore how much time I need to write.
But here is day two! On day five!
Pairings: Lomoceit
Summary: Logan was created with the purpose of providing humans with all the knowledge they needed. Unfortunately, his creator passed away before he was launched to the market, leaving him activated on his old house. His existence has been pretty boring since then. Until a cute couple moved next door.
Logan was looking out the window as usual. It was one of his usual activities since he didn't really have anything else to do, but today was different. There was a couple moving next door.
Logan had seen them go in and out of their new house for hours. It wasn't like he had anything else to do, and it didn't exactly get boring either. He was analyzing the way they walked, the way they carried boxes, and every movement they made. He was programmed for that after all.
It didn't take long for the sky to get dark so he started the “night shift” for the house. It only turned on all the lights and made sure the energy saving settings were off. He didn't know why he was still doing it since there was no one living in the house, but it helped him establish a routine.
A soft nuzzle against his legs snapped him out of his thoughts. Well, the house wasn't completely empty. Perhaps saying there were no humans living there was more adequate.
Logan kneeled down to pet the head of the house dog, Thomas. He knew dogs were quite affectionate creatures, especially this one, so pets were the way to go when trying to calm it down. “It is still not time for your dinner Thomas”, he reminded it “I’ll make sure to feed you as always. Do not worry about that.” Thomas only walked away in response, most likely to go take a nap or something.
Logan sighed and looked back out. Apparently the couple decided to stop for the day. It was logical, they must be tired from working all day after all. Still, Logan couldn't really understand why he was so disappointed he couldn't see them anymore. He would have to wait for tomorrow.
There was some movement on one of the windows from the neighbor's house. One of the humans pocked their head through the window and looked out, making direct eye contact with Logan. The human smiled widely and waved at him. Logan only stepped aside and closed the curtains of his own house. Having a relationship with a human wouldn't be a good idea.
Patton was unpacking his collection of snowglobes. The shelf above the chimney was the perfect spot! He was loving every single minute of unpacking and redecorating their new home. Him and Janus had taken a big step when they decided to move together, and Patton couldn't be happier.
Well, he could. Patton noticed his neighbor had been looking at them through their window. Janus would freak out, but Patton thought they just looked lonely. He really wanted to go and introduce himself but didn't have the chance, until now.
Janus was out looking for a job nearby, so Patton had the house all for himself. He had spent the previous days trying out their new kitchen and had plenty of pastries to offer to his neighbor. So Patton packed some cookies up on a nice gift bag and headed out of his house.
Patton rang the doorbell of his neighbor’s house and waited patiently for someone to answer. A couple of seconds passed and Patton decided to try again, still nothing. “Hello? Is anybody home?” He was starting to get a little bit desperate and started ringing the doorbell multiple times in a row.
A groan could be heard from the other side of the door before it opened. A tall and slim man wearing formal clothes stood in front of him “Good morning. I politely ask you to stop playing with my doorbell and go back to your own house.”
Patton smiled at them “Hello. I’m Patton, he/him pronouns,” he extended his hand towards him.
Logan raised an eyebrow and sighed. He took Patton's hand and gave a firm handshake “You may call me Logan, and I suppose pronouns are not quite suitable for me but I’m mostly referred to as a male.”
Patton blinked “so… he/they?”
Logan shrugged “however you want to adress me is fine for me. It's not really something I’ve thought about before.” Perhaps he could look more into it later.
“Well, whatever makes you comfortable then!” Patton nodded with a wide smile. He had never met someone so formal with their words like Logan. He reminded him of an old fashioned butler.
Logan nodded back slightly. “Now as I was saying.” He felt a gentle nudge on his legs as he asked Patton to leave once again.
Patton looked down and gasped. “You have a dog?!” He kneeled down to pet it happily.
Logan was taken aback by Patton ignoring him. He looked down at them “I do, theoretically. Thomas doesn't exactly belongs to me but I do serve as it's caregiver.”
“It's adorable. Is it a golden retriever?” Patton loved dogs. He loved all animals but was unfortunately allergic to cats so he couldn't get one. He was halfway through convincing Janus to get a dog though!
Logan shook his head a bit. “Thomas is a red golden retriever, you may notice a variation on the color of its fur.”
Patton nodded, “that makes sense. You're so lucky to have a cute dog like this one.” Patton chuckled softly as he kept petting Thomas.
Logan hummed, “I suppose I am. It does need a lot of physical activity and special diet needs, but I’ve managed to accommodate its necessities.”
Patton smiled softly, “sounds like fun! This good guy must have the time of his life going on walks.”
“Ah,” Logan pushed his glasses up, “not exactly. Neither Thomas nor I get out of this house. It can run around in the backyard and I make sure to keep it entertained. I also built a rather complicated machine that helps it keep the healthy levels of exercise it needs.”
Patton looked up at Logan with wide eyes “woah. Wait, you seriously never get out of your house?”
Logan shook his head “I don't.” As much as he wanted to 'info dump’ on Patton, his purpose and functionality must remain a secret until his official release to the public. “I am not quite fond of being outdoors.”
Patton frowned a bit. “Well, maybe we could go out one day!”
Logan blinked “Pardon?”
Patton stood back up and nodded with a smile. “We can take Thomathy for a walk, or just explore the neighborhood together! Oh! And I can bring my partner Janus! I’m sure you two will get along!”
That… surprisingly didn't sound bad? Logan hummed as he tried to understand why. “As uh, lovely as that sounds, I’m afraid it won't be possible.”
Patton's smile dropped “oh, it's alright. I guess we can come visit again sometime then?”
Logan thought for a bit, having humans around wasn't a good idea. He wasn't supposed to be interacting with anyone without the host’s permission in the first place, but he knew he wasn't going to get it either way. “That can be possible.”
Patton’s smile returned, and Logan couldn't help but smile back at that. “Sounds like a plan then! Should I uh… give you my number?”
“You can. Just tell it to me and I’ll memorize it to call you later.”
Patton nodded and did that. “Then I’ll be seeing you and Thomas soon!” Patton gave one last pet to the dog. “Oh! And I almost forgot!” He handed Logan the bag of cookies, “I backed these earlier in the week but they're still good and I figured I could share some with you!”
Logan took the bag, he couldn't eat but it was just an act of courtesy. “Thank you Patton. We’ll be pleased to have you around again”
And with that, Patton made his way back home. He waved at Logan as he walked away.
Logan waved back and instructed Thomas to go back inside the house before closing the door behind them. He looked down at the cookies with a small smile. He felt something warm on his chest… and then it became pain.
Logan groaned and rubbed his head. He looked at his hand as it started glitching. The censor on the ceiling started beeping. “Thomas, I need to inactivate myself.” He walked to the living room and left the cookies on the coffee table. “I’ll be back to feed you.” Logan looked up at the censor and his physical form pixelated away until he disappeared completely.
Logan hadn't had any manteinece whatsoever since his creator passed away. He hadn't had any issues until now. Did it have anything to do with Patton visiting? Either way, he needed to rest and let the system analyze him.
Patton took the batch of cookies out of the oven just in time. They would be heading to Logan’s house to hang out soon and he figured he would bake for him again.
Janus wasn’t as excited as his boyfriend. “Are you sure this Logan guy wants me there?”
“Of course!” Patton nodded, “he never said you couldn’t come.”
Janus sighed, “that still doesn’t mean I’m welcome in his house.”
Patton took off his oven mittens and looked over at his partner. “Come on Jan, we need to meet new people. You haven’t been that friendly with your coworkers.”
“They keep misgendering me.” Janus defended themselves, “I don’t want to be friends with people that can’t do something as simple as respecting pronouns.”
“I do not believe there’s not a single person in that office that uses they/them for you” Patton walked closer to them as they talked. He took their hands. “I know you don’t like new people, but I already did half the work for you,” he chuckled a bit. “Logan is not a complete stranger, and he sounds smart! You could probably talk about techy stuff.”
Janus rolled their eyes a bit at Patton. “Fine, just because you say he’s nice.”
Patton smiled and gave Janus a quick kiss “I promise, we’ll have a fun time!”
Logan was freaking out. Not only was his glitch getting worse no matter how many times the system told him there were no errors, but his creator’s family finally found out he was dead.
Based on the information they shared with him, they weren’t really close to their family and they thought they were crazy for trying to be an inventor. It was no surprise for Logan that it took them weeks to hear the news, but he wasn’t expecting them to want the house either.
Logan didn’t know how, but he was scared. Those people visited early and even called a shelter to come and take Thomas with them. They weren’t even going to keep it! Logan was able to call them and cancel of course. One of his assigned tasks was to take care of the house dog.
If, no, when they manage to move in it’s not going to take them long to find out the censors around the house are apparently doing nothing and then they would get rid of them. The probabilities of Logan ending up in the trash was 85.6%. The other 14.4% were the probabilities of him being recycled.
They left about an hour ago but Logan didn’t know what to do. Those humans were… dumb, for the lack of a better word. They were used to farm life and most likely knew nothing about technology. Even if Logan revealed himself to them, they would be useless, maybe even a burden, taking care of him.
The doorbell rang, shit. With everything that happened, Logan forgot about Patton and Janus’ visit. Well he didn’t forget, but his processing system didn’t categorize it as a priority. Logan took a deep breath as if he needed oxygen and hoped he wouldn’t glitch while they were here. He would kick them out, but he was really looking forward to hanging out with them for some reason.
Logan opened the door and offered them a warm smile. “Good evening, it’s a pleasure to have you both here.”
Patton smiled back at him “Thank you for inviting us Logan.”
“You’re welcome.” Logan nodded slightly and stepped aside “you can come in.”
Patton nodded and walked inside hand in hand with Janus. Thomas ran to them excitedly and almost tackled Patton. “Woah there,” he chuckled, “it’s nice to see you too buddy.”
Janus held the bag of cookies so Patton could pet the dog. They smiled a bit at it and looked back at Logan. “I’m Janus, they/them pronouns.”
Logan nodded “It’s nice to finally meet you. Patton mentioned you in the little time we talked the other day.”
Patton blushed slightly and chuckled. “Well, they are the love of my life after all.”
Janus blushed darkly and gave Patton’s foot a slight kick.
Logan looked between them as he tried to analyze the situation. There was no way of making it less awkward but he was still going to try. “Would you like to go outside? There’s a back porch with a small living room where we can spend some time, and Thomas would get to run around and play with you if you want.”
“Sounds good to me!” Patton nodded. Thomas had gotten off him as soon as it heard ‘outside’.
Janus nodded in agreement “As long as there’s not any mosquitos attacking me.”
“The porch has an anti-bug system installed as well as a radiator and plenty of lighting in case the evening gets too cold,” Logan explained. “I can guarantee there won’t be any mosquitoes bugging us.”
Patton snorted at the joke and Janus rolled their eyes. “Great, you found someone with the same licking for dad jokes Patt.”
Logan raised an eyebrow, “I don’t think I understand.”
“Mosquitoes, bugging us.” Patton tried to explain, “don’t tell me the joke wasn’t intentional.”
Logan recalled his words in his mind and finally understood. “Ah, no, I’m afraid it wasn’t. But I can certainly make some jokes if those are of your liking.”
Patton smirked, “oh please. I love Janus’ annoyed face every time I make one” he chuckled and kissed his partner’s cheek.
Logan didn’t know what it was, but it didn’t feel quite right to see Patton and Janus interacting as a couple. He was well aware they were dating and all but seeing them being so affectionate with each other made him feel… glitchy. “Why don’t you go ahead while I put those aside?” He looked at the bag of cookies on Janus’ hands, “just go all the way down the hallway and you will see a clear door.”
Janus nodded a bit and handed the cookies to Logan before walking away, Patton and Thomas following behind them.
Logan hurried to the kitchen and closed the door behind him. He started to glitch again, the bag going through his hands and falling to the floor. This was bad, he couldn’t let Patton or Janus see him like this. He picked up the cookies and left them in the pantry next to the previous batch Patton gave him, which remained untouched, and went outside with the humans.
Things were going surprisingly well. Logan got the chance to get to know the couple better and even talk to Janus alone while Patton was in the bathroom. He hadn’t glitched again and was having a really fun time with them. Everything was perfect, but of course, it didn’t last long.
Logan’s sensors detected a car parking in front of the house. The same car that had been there earlier, oh no. Logan excused himself to go look outside, only to confirm that those humans were in fact his creator’s family again. Logan started one of the security protocols of the house and locked the doors. He had to figure out how to get Patton and Janus out of the house.
To make things even worse, Logan started glitching again. He was running out of time! His systems must definitely be overheating right now. He held down his glitches and would try to repress them as much as he could. He went back outside “Alright, I’m going to have to be completely honest with you two now.”
Patton looked at him with a confused look “What’s wrong?”
“I am going to explain everything that is going on, but you are going to have to trust me. There’s some people trying to come inside the house. We can’t let them know we’re here.” Logan tapped a specific spot on the ground and the coffee table rose up revealing a staircase going down into the ground. “No one knows about this place, we’ll be safe if we go down there.”
Janus stood up and pulled Patton with them. “What?! You seriously can’t expect us to go in there.”
Logan had started the ‘sleeping mode' on the house and the lights inside turned off. “Please. I am well aware that we don’t really know each other, and you have absolutely no reason to trust me. But I don’t want you to get in trouble within your first month of living here.”
Patton looked inside as the lights went off, them at the secret entrance, and then at his partner. “We have to Jan.”
“No we don’t. He could be trying to kill us or something,” Janus pulled Patton away. “We’re leaving.” They were about to open the door to go back in when they heard footsteps from the inside and stepped back. They looked at Patton, who gave them a reassuring nod. They sighed “fine, but I swear if you try anything sketchy.”
“I won’t. This is merely for your safety.” Logan made a hand movement towards the stairs, instructing Thomas to go down.
The humans gave each other one last look before going down as well. Logan followed them and made the entrance close behind them.
Downstairs was a secret bunker his creator made in case of an emergency. It was equipped with one of Logan’s sensors, tools in case he needed fixing, food and water for humans and dogs, and Logan’s ‘heart’. It wasn’t really a heart of course, it was just a large cpu that contained all his programming and archives.
Janus looked around the room, focusing on the cpu as they admired how advanced it was. “What is this place?”
“A bunker, technically.” Logan knew it wasn't able to protect humans from all natural or human created disasters, but it definitely made the chances of survival bigger.
“Alright, and why did we have to come down here then? Who are those people?” Janus was getting quite defensive. Logan was nice and all but this situation made them feel like their safety was at risk.
Logan let out a sigh. “I promised I would explain.” He stood under his sensor and looked up at it. “This house is not my property. All of this belonged to my creator.”
Patton raised an eyebrow. “Your creator? You mean your parent?”
“If you would like to see it that way.” Logan had never thought about it like that. “The thing is, I am not human. I am a virtual home assistant. There are censors all around the house that allow me to materialize in a room and control the different electronic devices such as lights or security systems. I was created to help humans with their daily tasks through the day, as well as provide knowledge about any subject of interest. What I do not know I can learn through the internet.
Patton and Janus looked at each other as Logan explained. Janus let out a dry chuckle “so you’re like Siri.”
Logan winced, “please don't call me that. Siri is not as advanced as myself and it's obsolete in comparison.” He fixed his glasses and spoke quite proudly.
Patton couldn't help but chuckle at that. He let go of Janus’ hand and walked closer to Logan. “You're a hologram then?”
“Not exactly. Every molecule of my body is digitalized but I do possess a physical form.” Logan reached to grab Patton's hand. “I am able to touch and interact with other physical stuff around me as long as I’m activated. There's also a setting that keeps me in ‘voice mode’ just like other virtual assistants.”
Patton intertwined his fingers with Logan’s “and you're here all alone? Well, with Thomas.”
Logan looked down at their hands and nodded, “I am. My creator passed away not that long ago, but their family just found out about it.” He glitched, making his fingers go through Patton's. “The censors in the house are the only thing that keep me… alive, in a way. If those people move here and don't uninstall them properly-”
“You disappear,” Janus interrupted them. “And even if they don't, without someone checking your systems, you'll keep failing.”
Logan nodded and glitched again. “There must be some kind of error on my program but I'm not being able to detect it.” He walked to his cpu, “the only thing I know is that it started when Patton first visited.”
Patton walked back to Janus, “you can fix him!”
“What? Me? Why should I? We barely even know him and I wouldn't even be able to decipher his code without any sort of help from the developer,” Janus explained.
Patton sighed, “we can't just leave Logan to die.”
“I wouldn't die, I would just cease to exist,” Logan looked back at them. “My creator had several journals where he explained all the process of my development. All the information needed for me to function is here,” he tapped the cpu a couple of times.
“Please Jan.” Patton took his partner’s hands and squeezed them, “we can't just do nothing. I would do it myself but I know nothing about computers and programming and all that stuff you do.”
Janus looked at between Logan and Patton, they sighed. “Fine, but it’s going to take time. I’m not completely sure when I’ll be able to activate you again. We would have to take the cpu to our house as well as the censors and install them there.
Logan nodded, “I understand. The cpu itself it’s enough to have me active on a monitor, so I’ll be able to guide you through the whole process. We can get started as soon as the people upstairs leave.”
And they did. Patton and Janus managed to move the cpu to their home and connect it to their computer. A digital version of Logan lived on the screen and he was still able to communicate with the humans. Besides working on getting Logan’s physical form back, they started doing more hanging up nights. They got to know each other better, but that only seemed to make Logan’s errors worse.
Janus made some significant progress and was able to activate a mini Logan using their phone as a sensor. He was even able to walk around the desk freely. But they still couldn’t find the cause of the glitching.
Patton made sure to help with what he could. He took care of Thomas, who was now living as their dog, and made sure Janus didn’t overwork.
During one of the many casual talks Janus and Logan had, the topic of pronouns came up. “How did you know you wanted to go by they/them?”
Janus shrugged, “It’s not really something like a big revelation or something. I just came across the non-binary label and different sets of pronouns, they/them just sounds right.”
Logan hummed. He had gone through all the articles he could find online about the topic and still didn’t fully understand. “Would it make sense for me to use them? I do not really have a gender and I’ve been thinking about that since Patton introduced himself. My physical form can be altered through my code and I don’t know how being a boy or a girl feels like.” He started rambling about his worries. Did he want this only because it was logical?
Janus listened as they kept working, they eventually stopped to look at the small assistant sitting on their desk. “If you want to try it, go ahead. It’s not a bad thing to change your label or how you want people to refer to you as you discover more about yourself. You become more sentient with every new code and every upgrade you get. I suppose it resembles your growth, not as an artificial intelligence, but as a person.”
Logan looked up at them, “that… makes sense…” He glitched, and an idea came to his, their? Their mind, “that’s it!.” Logan stood up and walked to Janus’ phone to go back into the monitor. They looked through the codes until they found what they were looking for. “I become more sentient with every upgrade, but I haven’t been upgraded in months,” they looked at Janus through the screen. “Somehow I was able to develop a wider range of emotions, more than the original intent. I’ve become more advanced than my last upgrade.”
Janus’ eyes went wide as they understood what Logan was saying, “you need an upgrade, one that allows your system to process those emotions as part of you and not as an error.”
Logan nodded, “exactly. Do you think you can do it?”
“Well, we’ve come this far. I’m sure an upgrade won’t be as hard as it sounds.”
Logan chuckled a bit and looked back at their codes. “You know, I do want to try going by they/them pronouns. The agender label sounds like the most accurate for me.”
Janus smiled softly and tapped the screen with one finger. “Welcome to the club then.”
Logan looked back at him and placed their hand on Janus’ finger. They smiled and glitched again as that warm feeling on his chest returned.
“Are you ready Patt?”
Patton bounced on his feet with excitement, he had Thomas running around him. “I am! Come on come ooon! Activate them!”
Janus chuckled and kissed Patton’s cheek. “Patton, darling, I present to you,” they tried to reach up to activate the sensor but underestimated how tall the ceiling was. “Oh come on!”
Patton held back a laugh and grabbed his partner under their armpits to lift them up. “There you go!”
Janus yelped and blushed, “this is the last time I let you pick me up…” They both knew that wasn’t true, but Patton would let them think it was. “As I was saying, I present to you” they turned the sensor on.
It glowed with a dark blue light and projected a beam of light under it. Several pixels appeared and fused together until Logan’s physical form was completed. “L.O.G.A.N 6.4!”
Logan opened their eyes and let them adjust to the light in the room. Their scanners recognized Janus and Patton as the new hosts, and Thomas as the house dog. “Greetings, your L.O.G.A.N 6.4 has been successfully upgraded and activated, please wait for previous data to download completely.” Logan stood still as they finished their upgrading process. They blinked once they were ready.
“Logan?” Patton walked closer to them, a bit worried something went wrong and they went back to default mode.
Logan smiled softly, “it’s me, hello Patton”
Patton squealed and hugged Logan tightly. “It worked! It really worked!”
Janus joined the group hug happily. “It’s so nice to have you back Lo.”
Logan wrapped their arms around the humans with a slight blush. They didn’t glitch this time, not that it surprised them since they fixed that issue, but it felt different than they expected it to feel. “It’s nice to be back.”
Their systems weren’t able to fully comprehend every emotion just yet, but Logan was sure of something. They never wanted to live alone again. No, they never wanted to live without Janus and Patton again.
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my lovely friend @bopbopstyles and I have collabed on this piece for you all! we hope you enjoy this as much as we did writing because we were a mess and freaked out when coming up with this
please leave feedback! we’d love to know what you all think of this <3
rated r (ofc); 4.1k of smut and filth
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The door swung shut behind the producer for Calm, leaving you and Harry alone in the Shangri-La bus. Harry had spent five minutes when you arrived just examining every inch of Bob Dylan’s old bus, mumbling to himself in awe. Over the past few hours, you had sat in the corner as silently as possible and listened to him read his Sleep Story, the project he had been so excited about from the moment he was asked to participate.
He had told you multiple times that if you were going to come you had to stay quiet, and you rolled your eyes and told him you’d been in the studio with him before, you weren’t a complete novice. So you had sat in the chair at the front, a strawberry margarita in your hand (who cared that it was barely noon?) and listened to Harry’s voice from the recording booth. The whole reason you wanted to go was because you adored listening to Harry’s voice when he read--he had been practicing for you and every time you ended up pushing the script away and straddling him. This time was no different. Hearing your boyfriend read the script did the opposite of put you to sleep, instead it stirred every molecule in your body.
Your eyes hadn’t left his body in the past few hours, tracing over his black t-shirt clad body, the hat perched on his head, the little smile on his face when the producer took a photo on his phone for promo. Your legs had ended up smushed together, thighs rubbing to release some of the tension that gripped your body as time went on.
And now, finally, you were alone.
Harry had asked for a bit of extra time, he wanted to practice the bits he was struggling with, and so the team had left, told him they’d go pick up some lunch and be back in an hour. He was sat in the recording booth, headphones around his neck as he mumbled his lines, lips pursed as he scratched a note in black ink.
You stood and Harry’s eyes locked on yours as you took another sip of your margarita, the straw caught between your red-stained lips. You purposefully sashayed your hips as you made your way across the bus to him, knowing that it made him hard. Maybe it was cruel, but you didn’t care. You needed him, desperately.
“Hi,” he said when you reached the recording booth, just a few feet away from him.
Instead of responding, you set down your margarita on a stool and closed the distance between you, your legs falling on either side of his hips as you straddled him. “Hi.”
His hands crept up your thighs, your exposed legs in the white denim shorts burning up from his touch. “What did you think?”
You pulled the denim cap off his head, the one he adored and you always made fun of him for (lovingly, of course), and placed it on your head, arms draping around his neck. “You know what your voice does to me,” you said, leaning in so your lips brushed at the stubble on his jaw. You played with the hair that fell on his neck; hair getting a bit longer, and you loved it. There was a bunch where you could tug a lot of it, and he loved it as well.
His fingers squeezed your skin, bare knuckles not quite giving you the feeling you craved, but it would do. Since quarantine he had stopped wearing his rings everyday, not feeling the need, but you missed them--the metal cutting into your skin, cold against your hot skin when he touched you. “Yeah?” He asked, breathless in the room. “Did I get you wet, baby?”
The prospect of torturing him was becoming more enticing by the second, so you decided to roll your center against the tent in his pants, the groan that fell from his mouth making you smile. “How about you check?”
His head dropped to your neck, nipping at the skin. “Going to be the death of me, you know.” But that didn’t stop him from pushing aside the denim covering your crotch, the underwear underneath it, and swiping his fingers to your slit to feel you. “Dripping for me, love,” he said, panting against your skin. “Is it all for me?”
You sucked at his jaw, pulling at the skin with your teeth. “All for you, H.” Harry moaned in response, loving the feel of your mouth on his skin, and that added to your arousal.
His naked hands roamed your thighs, missing the cool metal touch against your skin. “Missed you wearing your rings. It’s been a while huh?” You say against his ear.
“Yeah? Missed having my rings on ya? Liked feeling them when I grip your hips while I fuck you?” He responded back in a dominant tone.
“God, yes. Missed them. Need you to wear them again,” you pleaded. His hands gripped your thighs hard, and you wished his rings were on so the pain was a tad bit more.
You felt his hands back on your inner thighs as he teased you by running a single finger against it. “Let’s get you out of these shorts, shall we?” You instantly nodded before you got up out of his lap, and stood in front of him.
Harry looked up at you and smiled before he lifted your shirt to expose a bit of your skin, and placed small kisses to your stomach. Your hands found his hair as you scratched his head lightly. The impatient mind that you lived in was begging him to just rip your clothes off and fuck you already, but you knew Harry loved to tease you.
And as if he was reading your mind, he looked up at you again and smirked. “Can practically feel you tensing up. You can never be patient, can you?” You chuckled a bit, knowing he was right. He could read your body like his favorite poem, memorized and recited. He popped the top button on your shorts, and mumbled about making it hard for him as he made his way down the buttoned fly, your smile dancing across your face. He pushed your shorts down, underwear coming with them, and you stepped out of them with ease, fully bare from the waist down for him.
“No one is coming back, right?” You asked, straddling his lap once again, voice breathless as you rolled over his white and black grid linen pants that you knew you were ruining but you didn’t care. And Harry didn’t either. He loved it when you ruined his clothes, when he had traces of you all over him, as if it was painted on a masterpiece in an art gallery.
His hands drifted up your back, pulling your shirt up as they moved. “Not for a while,” he mumbled when he revealed your breast, mouth attaching immediately to your nipple.
Your head fell back, reveling in the feeling of his wet lips on your skin, fingers scratching at his scalp and threading through his locks. A harsh tug when he nipped at your skin had him smirking into you. He loved you like this--desperate and breathless for you, squirming on him.
But you wanted to touch him. You might desperately be seeking relief, but more than anything you wanted him in your mouth, to suck him off in his seat in the recording studio, to taste him on your tongue.
So you pulled away, body leaving his lap, a look of confusion on his face. He wanted you back, your body and your touch on his hands never leaving your hips as you stood. But then you knelt, knees on the rug on the floor, and he smiled lazily down at you.
“Please let me touch you?” You asked sweetly, fingers ghosting over the zipper of his pants.
“Yeah?” He said breathless, eyes blown out at the sight of you on your knees for him. “Wanna be a good girl for me?”
“Mhm,” you murmured, unzipping his pants and pushing them down past his knees. “Only for you.”
His hands tucked into your hair as you pulled down his boxers, trained on your every movement. Sex with you was always good, but you on your knees, the prospect of your mouth on him--it never failed to have him on the brink immediately. “God, you look gorgeous,” he mumbled, fingers brushing against his sensitive cock. His eyes fluttered over his hat that you wore on your head, it crooked since it didn’t quite fit right. It was his favorite, but so were you, so it seemed only right for you to wear it. “Love it when you wear my things. Look so much better on you.”
You look up at him, a devious twinkle in your eyes. Then your mouth fell open, obedient and waiting, and Harry knew immediately what you wanted. He bent, fingers gripping your chin, and let his spit drop into your waiting mouth. You kept it there, rolling it around with your tongue, and then you dropped to his cock and opened your lips, letting the mixture of his spit and yours drop over his sensitive tip.
Harry’s head lolled on his shoulders, the combination of the sight and the cold feeling making him hiss. But he lifted his head back up, not wanting to miss a moment. And when your mouth dropped down, he tugged on your locks, the feeling of the back of your throat causing his vision to blur as you continued to bob your head on him, slicking his cock with your saliva. His tug on your hair is hard, slightly guiding your head as you sucked him.
“Fuck, baby. That's it,” he groaned out in pleasure. “Keep doing that. Mouth was fuckin’ made for me.” His praise caused you to moan around him, and stimulated the sensation from your mouth to his cock. Your cheeks hollowed, sucking him harder as your hands moved to fondle his balls. Harry chanted your name as if it was a prayer, like it was all he knew; praising and bowing down to you as you took care of him. His name or anything else he knew, flew out of his head and the mere image of you was engraved in his mind and your name was printed on his lips. He was yours; completely and utterly yours.
Harry felt pleasure all through his body, and he had to lift your head off of his cock, which made you whimper. You looked at him with a pouty face, wondering why he stopped you. “Sorry, baby. Had to see your pretty eyes for a moment. Didn’t know if it was my innocent little angel sucking me.”
“I’m not innocent if I’m sucking you good,” you huffed.
“Hmm, that’s debatable. Are you going to let me lick you up now?” The pool of your wetness had built up from having his cock in your mouth, and you wanted nothing more than to have his tongue on you.
“Thought I was an angel?” You teased, fingers trailing down his t-shirt clad stomach. “You’re the one making me naughty.” He laughed, loving the way you challenged him.
“Oh, baby. We both know you’ve been naughty this whole time. Don’t go pointing fingers now. Now be a good girl and get up here.”
You did as he asked, the two of you switching positions so this time it was you sitting in the seat, legs wide for his shoulders to slot between your thighs. His hands teased you, fingers running over your soft skin as he made his way down, lips creating a torturous line from your collarbones to your navel. When his knees finally rested on the ground he squeezed your inner thighs, pushing them farther apart, so he could have you spread open wide for him.
He loved being like this--staring at you, completely ready and waiting for him, vulnerable, panting his name. His thumbs dug into your skin, probably leaving a bruise for tomorrow, but he knew you didn’t mind. “So pretty,” he murmured, eyes traveling up your glistening slit. “All ready and waiting for me, huh, baby? Were you thinking of me earlier and I got you all worked up?”
“You know it did,” you said, stomach clenching when he finally brushed your sensitive flesh with his index finger. “Fuck, H, please.”
When you begged he was putty in your hands. “I’m coming, sweetheart,” he said, and then he bent forward, tongue licking a solid stripe up your slit. The moans and whimpers that left your mouth as he began his torturous assault on you were music to him, echoing in the studio perfectly. He loved going down on you, having you fall apart in front of him from just his tongue and fingers. He twirled his tongue around your clit and then sucked, your fingers tugging on his hair but he didn’t stop. Instead, he dipped into you, humming into you when you whimpered at the intrusion. It was exactly what you needed and he knew.
One of his fingers pressed to your clit and you saw stars from the combination, bucking into his mouth and pulling at his hair so he was as close to you as possible. He laughed, the vibrations against your flesh sinful. You wanted to come, you wanted to find release, and he knew it. He could see it in how you arched up, panted his name, pulled at his hair and his skin.
“Want you to come for me,” he said, pulling his tongue from you and replacing it with two of his fingers. The feeling of you stretching around them had him considering the feeling of his dick inside of you, and he tried to hold back the urge to palm himself. “Can you come for me, love? Want to feel it. Want to taste it.”
“Mhm,” you murmured, eyes barely open as you looked at him. “Almost there.”
He knew exactly what you needed. His hand fell to your pussy in an instant, the harshness of the impact making you jolt, the pleasure of his hands on your skin. It wasn’t too much, just enough to make your nerve endings seize, your hips roll into his fingers, so they nudged your back walls. And when he curled his fingers again, you were coming around them, bucking into him over and over again, hands on the seat to keep your body up as you rolled through your orgasm.
“There you go. That’s it,” he rubbed your pussy lightly as you were coming down from your high. Your whimpers and moans were replaying in his head, only amplifying his need to fuck the life out of you, but the taste of your peak on his fingers was enough to hold him over. “You’re so good. So pretty when you cum.” He kissed your inner thighs before leaving a trail of wet kisses that lead up to your lips. As you took control of your breathing, he captured your lips with his, and you could taste your orgasm on his lips. The filthy thought of your lips smashed together along with the sweet and saltiness of your cum only increasing your arousal. And you couldn’t get enough of him. In fact, you wanted more. You wanted him to fill you up immediately.
“Mmm, Harry…” you said in between kisses.
“Yeah, baby?” He responded, but not letting it distract him from parting his way with your lips. And as much as you loved his lips, you needed more. You physically pushed his shoulders slightly, making him frown. But what you said had sparked something in his eyes.
“Fuck me. Hard. Right now.” The eye contact between you and him was intense, gazes trained on one another. Passion poured through your veins as you looked deeply into his green ones.
His strong arms lifted you up and you clung onto him until you felt the rug below you as Harry hovered over you. He rocked his hips a bit, as he grazed his tip against your slit, and just the slight movement drove you wild, pants leaving your mouth immediately. “Gonna fuck you so hard. That’s what you want right?” His mouth is met with the skin of your neck as he nibbled on your slightly sweaty neck.
Your hands clutched his shoulders, fingers digging into the tattooed skin you adored. “Yeah, that’s what I want. You’re gonna fuck me so good, aren’t you?” He pulled his head out of your neck and looked you in the eye to see you biting your lip, innocently. His breath was heavy as the erratic beating of his heart heightened.
“Oh yeah, gonna make you feel so good,” he said, and without warning, pushed into you and stretched you out, making you moan loudly. You were so wet that it didn’t hurt in the slightest, instead it felt heavenly to finally have him inside of you. His hips rocked slowly, and if it were any other day, you’d say he was making love to you. But it wasn’t any other day. It was a day of want, need, and lust. It was a day when he was going to completely destroy you.
Harry’s thrusts quickly began to quicken, hitting the spot you craved to be hit when you were listening to him record the audio. He had found his rhythm and he wasn’t going to stop. With every thrust, your tits bounced and you held onto Harry’s arms that were planted beside your head. Your back began to sting a bit from the rug below you, but the pain was worth it for the man above you.
His head bobbed as he slammed into you, sweaty hair falling into his face. His cap that you had stolen was a forgotten memory on the floor, having come off when he laid you down. “Feels so fucking good,” he groaned as his pelvis continuously met with your clit, making your stimulation even better.
“You’re so big, holy shit,” you moaned out, throwing your head back onto the carpeted floor. Your hips had a mind of its own as you started to buck your hips into him, meeting his thrusts. Sliding your legs up his sides, you tightened them around his waist so the angle changed, both of you moaning in appreciation.
His lips met yours, pulling a deep kiss from you as he pushed in and out. “Only I can make you feel this good. I’m the only one who can see you like this. Tell me, my love.” His praise kink was coming in hot, and you loved it. You never failed to tell him and praise him for his own sanity, but you meant every word as always.
“Only you, H,” you breathed, fingers curling into his skin. “You’re the only one who can fuck me this good. You’re the only one I want to feel inside of me. Only you. I’m fucking yours.” Your words had taken him on the edge, close enough to let go, but he wanted you there with him.
He sat back on his knees, and you immediately missed the closeness when he was hovering over you. But then he lifted one of your ankles to his shoulder, pushing deeper inside of you and your hands tightened on him, head pushing up from the deepened thrusts. Harry placed his thumb into his mouth, lubricating his finger before placing it onto your sensitive clit, circling your button. Your moans got significantly louder, your sounds echoing in the small bus.
You were right there, and as Harry continued thrusting into you and rubbing your clit, you were on edge, about ready to fall over. You needed just a bit more, and you knew he could give it to you without a question.
“Close. So close.” Your words were music to his ears as he patiently waited for you to be close.
“Yeah?” Harry pulled on your clit suddenly and your hips bucked up. “What do you want, baby?”
Your eyes fluttered shut for a split second at the thought of what you wanted more than anything. “Words,” you whimpered. “Talk to me.”
He gave you a brutal smile, one that you knew meant he would be reminding you of this plea for days to come. “Want me to talk dirty to you? Hmm? I can do that, love. C’mon, pretty girl. Cum for me, yeah?” You nodded, tears on the brink of your eyes from the pleasure, the sound of his voice overwhelming your senses; and by the look in your eyes, Harry knows you’re going to have a powerful high. As he continued rubbing your pussy, his other hand grabbed one of your breasts, twisting and pinching your nipple.
The walls of the small space had swallowed your moans of your orgasm, back arching off the floor as you tried to keep your eyes on Harry, but the pleasure took over causing you to shut your eyes.
After a few more thrusts, Harry pulled out, instantly missing his presence inside of you, and moved to straddle you. “Open your eyes for me, darling. Please.” You opened your eyes slowly, finding him above you, stroking his glistening cock. “Open.” You immediately opened your mouth wide open as Harry directly shot his cum into it, making sure not to get in your eye. His head is thrown back, moans filled your ears as you gladly took his orgasm into your mouth.
Your tongue rolled through his come, tasting the sourness that you knew to be him and adored. Slowly, you swallowed, letting the liquid fall down your throat as Harry gazed at you in awe. He watched your lips as you slowly opened your mouth, letting him see that you had swallowed every single drop.
Harry moved off of you, and laid down right next to you on the floor; chests heaving and skin sweaty. He looked at you, noticing you had a bit of a mess on your lips, making him smirk.
He took your face into his hand and turned your head towards him before he took his thumb and grazed your lip that had some leftover cum on it. He slowly and sensually cleaned your lip as he pulled it back slightly, thumb covered in his orgasm. His thumb entered your open mouth, and you immediately wrapped your lips around it, licking and sucking his finger for the remains of his cum, lolling around his digit.
“Fuck,” he exhaled at the sight.
You opened your mouth, and he pulled his thumb away, giggles leaving your lips. Slowly you sat up, searching for your shirt, the possibility of someone coming back soon hitting you. Then, your eyes fell to the mixing table.
A red blinking light stared back at you.
“H,” you said softly, frozen at the sight, “they didn’t stop recording.”
His head turned on a swivel, eyes widening at the sight. “Fuck fuck fuck.” He scrambled to his feet, tugging on his boxers as he moved to the mixing table. Then he turned to you, teeth on his lip. “I’m going to have to tell them to just split the track at the time mark when they left.”
“Harry!” You pulled on your bra, desperate to cover yourself. “I can’t have the fucking producers for Calm listening to us have sex on the ground!”
Despite his best intentions, a chuckle left his chest and you frowned at him before pulling on your shirt. “Not going to let ‘em listen to it love. Gonna have them send it to me.”
You stopped moving and looked at him. “Send it to you?”
“Mhm.” He bent down, hand curving around your jaw. “Didn’t think I’d let someone else listen to us, did you?” He kissed your lips softly and you let him--you loved his kisses more than anything. “And then I’ll get to keep it for later. When I’m on the road and miss you.”
You smiled, finally understanding. “At least then you won’t have to wake me up in the middle of the night when you can’t come.”
“S’mean,” he said, frowning. “But at least it’ll be studio quality audio.”
You whacked him playfully, and he yelped before handing you your underwear and shorts. “Shut up and let me get my clothes on. And you’re putting lotion on my ass later--got carpet burn, you menace.”
He kissed the top of your head and handed you your shorts. “You just want to feel my hands on you again.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Please,” you scoffed, “like you’re complaining.” Harry threw his head back and laughed loudly; one of your favorite sounds to your ears.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m not complaining.” He placed his lips near your ear, whispering the words just for you. “Just wait till we get home because I’m putting my rings on this time.”
And you knew you had a long night ahead of you.
feedback is always appreciated!
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heyitsmerose · 3 years
Ateez Reaction to their s/o having pmdd (Hyung Line)
PMDD - (Premenstrual dysphoric disorder) Is a menstrual disorder that many women have that causes extremely painful period cramps, nauseousness, sever mood swings and is overall quite frustrating to deal with. I am writing this imagine from my experience of pmdd, however remember everyone’s body is different, and in no way do I want to generalise any illness. Okay thank you, happy reading! :)
Word Count: 2.5k
Mature Language*
Smut content
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It was Friday night, and that meant movie night for you and Hongjoong. It was something you suggested, and although Hongjoong refused initially, you know how much he secretly loves it. Probably more than you in fact. This week, it was your turn to pick a movie, and you had picked a simple rom-com, one that you’ve watched hundreds of times and one that both you and Hongjoong absolutely loved. You sat on either side of the couch with a bowl of popcorn in the middle. 
About halfway through the movie, you noticed Hongjoong staring at you, you looked back up at him and shrugged, asking him what was wrong only for him to sigh and shake his hand. You were confused to say the least, however when you looked back up the movie, you realised why he was acting the way he was. You saw the lead actors cuddling up together on the couch, it was one of your favourite scenes, as the characters finally realised their love for eachother. In your case however, you realised Hongjoong wanted to cuddle you too, but was too shy to admit it. You sneakily took that as a sign, and scooted closer to him. The second he saw you scooting closer, a wide smile erupted on his face, and he took you in his arms. It was small moments like this that made you realise how much you loved him. You scooted closer to him and buried you head in his chest, while he rested his chin on your head. He wrapped both his arms around your waist and nuzzled your neck. 
“I love you so much” He whispered
“I love you more” You whispered back taking his knuckles and kissing them
Another 20 minutes later, you started to find the position you were in a little uncomfortable. You were on your period anyways and your chest was starting to feel really sore. You tried moving Hongjoong’s arms away from you subtly, but he noticed and looked at you. You just smiled and shook your head while watching the movie again. A few minutes later, your chest started feeling really sore, and you decided to just massage it to relieve the pain. This didn’t go unnoticed by Hongjoong however.
“Um babe, what are you doing?” He asked, genuinely curious.
“Nothing sorry, my chest feels a little sore” you croaked out, already feeling the strain in your back too.
“Ahh, you’re on your period, it’s the 17th” He realised all of a sudden
“Wait you- how did you know?”
“I just remember” He shrugged a blush growing on his cheeks
“Anyways, do you want me to help?” He asked sincerely 
“Sure” You responded chuckling, thinking he was joking. Instead he just moved your hand aside and slid his hands under your thin white top.
“Wait, you’re being serious” You asked genuinely surprised. You hadn’t done anything intimate yet, despite making out a few times, this was definitely a first.
“Yeah” He said nonchalantly, unhooking your bra. He let your bra fall to your stomach, before taking it out and throwing it to the side. He then put his hands back under your shirt, not touching you yet.
“May I?” He asked lovingly, looking you straight in the eyes. You nodded, and his hands gently made contact with your stomach. You immediately got chills and he kissed the back of your neck, giggling. 
He then proceeded to slowly glide his hands up, cupping both breasts in his hands. Instantly, you sighed in relief and comfort. He started kneading them slightly, skilfully using his fingers to ease the tension. He kissed the nape of your neck and squeezed you breasts tighter. You gasped and sighed, feeling like you were in heaven. He then trailed his hands further up towards your shoulders and back using his fingers to put pressure on certain points and relieve the tension. You sighed in response, assuring him that you felt better. He trailed his fingers back to the front, and took his hands out of your tshirt. You turned around in his lap, and kissed him on the jaw.
“Thank you” You said sincerely looking at him with nothing but love in your eyes.
“Any time babe” he responded kissing your nose. 
This became a regular occurrence, and he often gave you massages during that time of the month.
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You and Seonghwa rarely got time together due to his busy schedule, however after a lot of begging the KQ staff, all the boys had gotten the weekend and a few days off. You and Seonghwa particularly were overjoyed, and he quickly booked a weekend getaway for the both of you. It had been so long since you last got to spend time together like that, so you were excited to say the least. 
Once you both arrived at the location, you were thrilled to see mountains and a river just from your balcony. You couldn’t have asked for more. You wanted to simply lounge around in your hotel room all day, since it was the first day of your period. Knowing you had pmdd, you knew the best option would to be to stay at the room for just a night, and to just let it pass. You changed into some black thin leggings and one of Seonghwa’s hoodies and made yourself comfortable on the big bed and fell asleep. A few hours later you were awoken by Seonghwa’s honey like voice.
“Baby, it’s time to get up, I’ve made a reservation for the both of us at a restaurant nearby.” 
Not wanting to disappoint him, and feeling very grateful, you changed into a simple above the knee, bodycon dress and did your makeup quickly. The second you stepped out, a bright red blush spread across Seonghwa’s face, only for him to come closer and lovingly kiss your on your temple.
“I love you” He whispered
“Me too” you whispered back into his chest
While walking down to the restaurant, you kept pausing while walking due to dizziness. This was common during your cycle. Due to heavy bleeding, you often felt dizzy, however you tried hiding it so Seonghwa would not get worried. After a while however, he realised how you kept falling behind, and he decided to ask you what was wrong. As he approached you though, you swayed forwards and fell into him. 
“Hey, hey, hey, Y/N what’s wrong? Is everything alright?” He asked, putting his hand around your waist to hold you up. You tried looking back up to him, but your eyes kept drooping and your legs felt wobbly. 
“No, it’s just, I’m on my period, and I feel a little dizzy, nothing too much though” Seonghwa tilted your chin up to look at your face and without a word, bent down with his back facing you. 
“Hop on” He said. You were too dazed to respond, and simply obliged. He turned in the opposite direction and began walking home.
“No, no, no wait where are we going, the restaurant is the other way” You told him as sternly as you could.
“Hun, did you expect me to take us to the restaurant, when you’re obviously in pain? Besides you’re more important, so please don’t ever hide stuff like this. I know how bad your periods can get.” He said softly, only for you to hear. 
“But the reservation-”
Nevermind that, I love you, okay, and you come first, besides I packed some ramen too, and I’m kind of in the mood for that.” He said and you chuckled at him. 
The rest of the way you both sang songs while walking home, and once you did reach home, he babied you to no end. 
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You and Yunho were out with the rest of Ateez for lunch just to enjoy yourselves and take a break from their busy schedules. You were all out at this new cafe/restaurant, and it was not too far from the dorms. Your period wasn’t going to come for another 3-4 days at least, but the cramps had started and you tried your best to power through it. You didn’t want to bother Yunho, and so you agreed to lunch with a smile on your face. Anyways, going out with everyone could technically distract you from the pain so why not. 
You both had arrived last, and the rest of Ateez and their significant others were already there. Everyone welcomed the both of you, and after you said your greetings, you both sat down. Being the talkative outgoing person Yunho was, he was having fun while laughing loudly and talking to his friends. You adored this side of him. He was acting like such a child and you were reminded of why you fell in love with him. Everyone decided to play a game of truth or dare, and you simply agreed. 
At this point however, your cramps had begun to set in, and every once in a while you let out a pained whine or sigh. You played for a few rounds, but nothing too serious happened. Except for you having to scarf down an entire lemon, and Wooyoung and San having to kiss eachother on the cheek. After a few rounds, everyone decided it was time to order. While going through the menu however, you felt a sharp pain shoot through your abdomen, and you banged your head down on the table. The rest of the members were talking loudly so they didn’t seem to notice. Yunho however, did. In fact, the second he heard the clanking of the forks and spoons, on the table after you head had hit it, he went into panic mode. 
“Y/N?!” He whisper yelled.
“yeah” you groaned out
“What’s wrong are you alright?”
“Yeah, it’s just I have really bad period cramps and I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to bear them.” You sighed out, your voice cracking at the end. 
“Hey, you should have told me before we left, you’re more important than this lunch meet up, we can always reschedule”
“I know, I just don’t know what to do now, I’m sorry for ruining lunch” You said, your head still against the table.
“It’s alright sweetheart, we can leave” He said. He gave you the cap he was wearing to cover your face, and proceeded to fake a call.
“Hello? OH MY GOODNESS, NO WAY!” he yelled into the phone.
Everyone looked at him weirdly, while you simply chuckled at is funny antics. 
“Okay everyone, my pet parrot just gave birth, we gotta go! bye everyone!” He yelled as he pulled your hand and left the cafe. You heard a few laughs and giggles from the rest of the members and a “he doesn’t even have a pet parrot”, while the both of you just giggled and walked home. 
Upon reaching home, he got you a heating pad and offered to give you a nice massage to ease the pain. It was safe to say, all pain was soon forgotten.
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You and Yeosang were quite the couple. Yeosang, despite being known to dislike skin ship, loved initiating it with you. Quite ironically, he was always the clingier one, in need of affection. You didn’t mind thought, obviously. It was a normal night, and you were both cuddling. One of his arms around your waist and the other in your hair, playing with it, with your head in his chest, inhaling his musky scent. It was not abnormal to cuddle for hours as it was a way for the both of you to take a break and spend some time together, in a relaxing way. Noticing it getting quite late, the both of you decided to sleep and so he picked you up, with your legs around his waist and tucked you to bed. He soon crawled under the blanket too, and put his arm under your head. You snuggled into his neck and kissed it lightly before falling asleep. 
About a few hours later, it was around 2 or 3 in the morning and you felt slightly nauseous. You were on your period anyways, so this wasn’t anything new. Slightly groaning in your sleep, you tried to ignore it to no avail. Soon, the pain and nausea got so unbearable you couldn't help but cry. You didn’t want to wake Yeosang up, so you just silently cried into his shirt, while whimpering softly. You soon felt his hand trail up under your shirt and rub circles on your skin.
“Baby, I can hear you, is everything alright? Why are you crying” He said huskily. Swearing at yourself for waking him up, you tried turning to the other side to avoid him, only for him to sit up and take you in his lap.
“Y/N please tell me what’s wrong, I want to try to help you, please” He said softly into your hair. 
“I don’t know, I feel nauseous and my stomach hurts, it’s probably just my period cramps” You said sighing. The second you did however, you felt bile rise up in your throat so you ran to the washroom. You threw up whatever you had into the toilet, and painfully clutched your stomach.
At this point, Yeosang was also wide awake and was up and by your side as instantly. Tears were flowing out your eyes due to the frustration and pain. 
“I’m sorry Yeo, I just I don’t know why this is happening to me” you sighed, frustratedly. You clutched your stomach again and let more out, while he held back your hair and pat your back. He gently kissed your temple, and decided to get meds for you.
“Don’t apologise hun” he said while walking back to you. He wiped your lips and helped you brush your teeth, after which you took the meds. Despite feeling a little better now, you still sat on the ground in the washroom, feeling guilty.
“Hey Y/N, are you still feeling nauseous?” Yeosang asked carefully, crouching down to take your chin in his hands.
“No, it’s just I can’t help but feel guilty for waking you up late in the night, every month, I must seem so burdensome. You cried, looking at him with watery eyes. 
“You have no reason to feel like that hun, I love you and I’ll be there for you no matter what” He said, wiping your tears with both his thumbs and holding you close. 
He held you close for the rest of the night, humming you songs and rubbing your stomach.
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