#((Ignore me I’m trash))
opikiquu · 5 months
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feralsteddie · 11 months
obviously we see that eddie is pretty meticulous/clean and a lot of the grungy/gross eddie content is probably based on stereotyping and classism…
however i personally grew up in several trailer parks and think trailer trash douchebag!eddie is so unbelievably hot so keep up the good work guys
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yorshie · 9 months
If I don’t show this I’m gonna frickin explode. Just. Just.
I found box turtle markings. This is obvi Leo (shhhh no he’s not my favorite shhhhh) but I have to scream about this because I Found M Markings On A Real Box Turtle!!!!!!
I’m gnawing on my fricking stylus over here. I’m Gonna Cover Them In Markings No You Can’t Stop Me I Can’t Just Do Tattoos I Have To Make It Complicated!
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shannonsketches · 29 days
I think I wouldn’t be as mad about Toei’s choices for Super if the things they overwrote wouldn’t have translated so beautifully to animation.
I have my beef with the gaps in my sense of humor and Toei’s writers room and our opinions on characterizations, sure, but so many of the cool things that happened in the manga and the movies that Toei reiterated were changed, botched, or removed completely, and that sucks.
Vegeta being so cool and so protective of his family during the Goku Black arc, and Gohan being a total badass during Ressurection F are my biggest “why did you change this??” beefs. But also man. The tournament had so many good moments in the manga that were totally snubbed in the anime.
As a fan it makes me angry but as an artist it makes me sad. Toya is such a cinematic storyteller and his pacing and compositions were just. Thrown away. :(
EDIT: Someone in the notes pointed out that the anime caught up with the manga before the GB arc so I do take back that they threw away Toya’s later work in the GB and Tournament arcs, but I will never understand why they weren’t sharing assets when they were in production at the same time. And I still can’t forgive them for fumbling the retellings of BotG and ResF so hard OTL
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 5 months
feeding habits fanatics will remember the original chapter 10 was called swan song and was the original novella length chapter that was supposed to end that novel welllll I was wildly insecure at this time and cut it all out but have found a place in sunless ground to put one of my fave dialogue lines of all time and I uncovered it alongside THIS???
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un-pearable · 2 years
i still stand by my cole has anxiety hc. dudes just been sublimating it by force in order to tolerate a life on stage and the moment he got the chance he moved to the top of a mountain. not normal behavior. learning to wield a kickass scythe was just a bonus of finally not having to be stressed about being Perceived all the time
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floral-hex · 2 months
I broke 2 mugs today while moving 😔 one with an alligator that says “later gator” and an arkansas/missouri railroad mug I got a couple of summers back. My poor babies…
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socalledfreethinker · 2 months
me: i’m so open because i think the best way to build relationships is by letting people know who you truly are
also me: performing in every social situation and obscuring or outright hiding facets of my personality and interests to make sure everyone likes me all of the time because if people don’t like me then why would i even live
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inquirenorth · 2 years
It’s a slow day at work and I could do stuff I’m supposed to or I could complain about how fucking horrible of an episode Bound is.
Ignoring the puritanical bs and slut shaming for a second. This is the episode that starts the Lionel Luthor Redemption Arc™ that is just so disrespectful. Lionel Luthor is The Asshole of the show. He’s abused his wife and child (likely would have done the same to Julian). He framed his son for murder and when it didn’t work pretended it was all done for Lex’s benefit (???). He fired a whole ass company that employed the majority of the population in this small ass town. He coerced a high school student into investigating another high school student (Chloe had a hand in that sure but she’s also a lovesick teenager with abandonment issues and low-self esteem…easy pickings for Lionel). He lied about being blind so he could spy on people?????? He gifted a married woman a very “secret affair” watch?????? He only felt bad about subjecting his child to unnecessary electroshock therapy (twice) after he realized Lex knew Clark’s secret. He traded Clark for Lex at Summerholt, subjecting a minor to an experimental brain treatment without his prior knowledge let alone his consent, so that he could get to Clark’s secret. He fully planned to switch bodies with his son, letting Lex die in his place just because Lex had him convicted for a murder he was 100% guilty off. Like…this is a Bad Dude. Lex isn’t a saint but Lionel isn’t a sinner, he’s a whole ass monster. Not even going to mention the whole Lucas thing.
Then we have the Kent parents (specifically Johnathan) defending Lex by saying he’s just doing what he’s learned from his father (re: sleeping with women and sending earrings by courier just like his father did) in one breath and then in another saying the Luthors will never change. Like hey maybe don’t group a man literally in prison for murder with his son who sleeps with an average of one rando per month. Sure the fact that he doesn’t remember then hints at self-destructive tendencies and yeah he should maybe consider therapy but he won’t because the same man in prison for murder literally “gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss”ed his one and only son into a mental institution and had his brain fried so said son wouldn’t remember anything about said murder. And Lex’s therapist was in on it so of course he’s not gonna trust therapy. Regardless, yeah Lex won’t change if he stays in this lame-ass town where you can’t do anything fun without being branded with a scarlet letter (or if his best friend keeps gaslighting him like his father does or if everyone he knows is about two breaths and a small mistake away from going all “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Lex.” Did Lex cut off that man’s hand? Did Lex try to kill Johnathan to get to Clark? Did Lex try to kill Chloe? Nope. Not even in that one episode where everyone else did try to kill Chloe).
Anyway, back to Bound. So the Kent parents are defending and slut shaming Lex and we have Clark acting like a jealous partner who just learned about their boyfriend’s body count and can’t be an Adult about it. And then we get our patent Loft Moment at the end of the episode where Lex says some stuff about how he kind of wishes he’d been burned to death because it would save the world a lot of grief???? Like he’s clearly in some pain and distress (and really should consider therapy but again…his last therapist drugged him as part of a plan to cover up his father’s first murder) and Clark is just like :| “okay”. Come on man, he’s Superman! His “friend” is Suffering to the point where he’s duct taped to a chair, sees fire coming towards him, and literally thinks “good”????? Let one of my friends ever say that to me and I’m selling a kidney to take us to Aruba. But no, Clark doesn’t do that. And you’re telling me he trusts Lionel Luthor more than his best friend because Lionel got a holy enema and was cured of his terminal liver disease and because Lex (a single billionaire who has to go to boring fundraisers as part of his job and who has literally maybe two friends) *checks notes* had consensual sex with women and gifted them expensive ass diamond earrings. Like sure some of them got their feelings hurt but that’s not a crime, not like…idk murder. You’re telling me this isn’t like…a great motivating factor to idk be a little bit nicer to this sad little bald man with a history of being emotionally, mentally, and physically abused by people he loved and trusted (let’s not even talk about Helen).
Idk if you weren’t already 100% on Lex’s side after Shattered/Asylum, Bound is guaranteed to have you foaming at the mouth with frustration. This episode makes me want to gnaw on dry wall while crawling on the ceiling.
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enement · 1 year
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i’d like you to meet our new son Garbage Worm,
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beepmon · 6 months
life is bad and i’m filled with rage
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florelia12 · 1 year
The weird thing about writing and being a perfectionist is convincing yourself your writing is absolute trash when you can’t get a chapter or a scene right combined with being a top-tier avoidant so you then refuse to even look at the story again until you do after months and realise that hey maybe you were really onto something…
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releaseholiday · 2 years
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ran-orimoto · 1 year
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Hhhhhhhh I wasn’t sure to post this here, but my friends wanted this to be on Tumblr as well and I have got some asks about my Junzumi fankids, especially Kou, so🤣🤣. I guess nowadays I have learnt to just post my trash stuff and laugh about it, because that’s also the fun in drawing whatever passes in your mind XD.
Hmm, someone asked me to draw Kou a month ago. On my birthday I also joked about him and Fairymon, his *cough* guardian angel in bra and panties LMAOOOOO. So, I guess I just wanted to draw them (+ his Herissmon, because I have got my own trash headcanons about Herissmon due to the TGC🤣). In the future I want to draw some random sketches of their stupid shenanigans since I should really pay more attention to my troublemaker disaster Junzumi son and Fatinamon. I’ve struggled so much to take courage to make a silly Fakemon; the minimum I can do is to give love to her.
Nothing special happening here, but I admit I’m so in love with the fact Fairymon let Izumi look at the colours of the winds thanks to their bond. So, I do headcanon a Junzumi kid could inherit that from Izumi, maybe in an even more accentuated form, (and would be considered as such a weirdo by his peers, because Koujirou Orimoto can’t get a break lol).
“Today the sky is pink!!!!! Rosa!”
Of course, Junpei’s sky is as normal as ever, but he has got used to imagining the special landscapes Izumi can see🤣. Poor man tbh, he deserves to get to admire motley winds. I love you very much, Junpei.
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artemia48933 · 9 months
I was under the impression that only western fans were being racist towards Arjuna, but it turns out that even Japanese/Chinese fandom are disgustingly racist towards him wtf☠️
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msfcatlover · 2 years
Hate to tell you this, but you don’t get to pick & choose what other people pick & choose out of canon. If they want to throw out story arc A, you don’t get to be mad at them while also advocating for ignoring story arc C. If they prefer a specific characterization from a specific time period, writer, artist, actor, etc., you don’t get to tell them they’re wrong while also telling people to skip certain other parts for being “bad.”
Depressing as it is, every part of canon is just as valid as any other part of canon. We can critique it, dissect it, deride it, uplift it, enshrine it, or ignore it, but you don’t get to throw out all your least favorite parts and then tell others they’re in the wrong for doing the same.
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