#((In which the wind ships Lukanette.))
mc-lukanette · 4 years
Being the little girl that she was (both in age and height), Marinette couldn't see over the railing of her balcony without a bit of effort, but that didn't stop her from being there. The balcony was her little hideaway from the world where she felt that she could do whatever she wanted, able to recognize the footsteps of her parents before they actually showed up so she had time to break back into reality and hide anything she might've been working on for them.
That particular day, she'd taken to drawing, a box of crayons and a sketchpad at work for her; she'd gotten them for her birthday and hadn't accepted anything else to draw with ever since. The crayons were plentiful, displaying more colors than she could've ever needed, whereas the sketchpad had paper about twice the size of a normal sheet.
She was given even more of an excuse to spend her time on the balcony that day since the wind wasn't strong, allowing her to draw to her heart's content without worry of her papers getting blown away.
Lying on her stomach, she was partway to drawing the light pink dress she'd seen in her dreams when the sound of a guitar made her stop. She'd heard music being played near her house a few times, but those were a lot more loud and chaotic whereas the current music seemed more subdued and calm.
She looked around, then pushed herself up into a sitting position and shuffled over to the fence of the balcony. Peeking through the bars, she followed the sound's source to the houseboat floating in the Seine, practically right in front of her house. There was a boy sitting there, his back facing her and a slightly over-sized guitar in his lap. His hair was messy, but the tips were highlighted in a gorgeous blue color that put her crayons to shame.
The music he played was actually really good, even though he wasn't perfect at it, and she felt impressed since she didn't know the song he was playing. Maybe he wrote his own music?
It took her a few minutes to realize that she'd done nothing but get lost in the sound, her paper and crayons left abandoned behind her. Snapping to attention, she got an idea and turned around, hurrying to get back to them so she could enact it. Without even a thought spared for her sketchpad, she ripped out a sheet of paper from it, setting the sketchpad aside and pulling out the blue and black colors from her box of crayons.
On the single sheet of paper, laid out horizontally, she took the blue crayon and started drawing various music symbols near the corners. She wasn't a musical expert by any means, but she knew enough and added a guitar just for effect. Then, right in the middle, she used the black crayon to write a simple message:
Your music is pretty.
That done, she pushed her crayons off to the side and began meticulously folding the piece of paper. Given that she loved arts & crafts of all kinds, she knew by heart how to do all sorts of origami.
Making something as simple as a paper airplane was almost too easy for her.
She took the folded message in her hand, then stood and walked over to a nearby stool, dragging it until it was right by the center of her balcony's fence. She stepped onto it, now able to peek over the railing and see the houseboat without any bars in front of her vision to obscure it. Sticking her tongue out to the side, she reeled her arm back, then threw the plane in the direction of the Seine. A hint of doubt briefly overtook her concerning her aim, making her reach out for the plane, but it was far too late to stop it.
The paper airplane soared smoothly at first, courtesy of her throw, but dipped soon after due to the lack of wind. Marinette nervously bit her bottom lip, watching it soar another few meters before dipping again, even as she silently pleaded for it to go farther.
Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a gust of wind came from behind her. She winced at the chill, then gasped as she saw the paper airplane pick up speed and almost seem to steer itself in the right direction. It flew past the streets and sidewalks, turning just slightly as it actually reached the houseboat, causing it to swerve into the boy's eyesight when it landed on the deck.
The music stopped as the boy's head tilted down at the paper, clearly seeing it. He paused, then carefully set his guitar aside as he got up. He went over to the plane, then picked it up, examining it for a moment before finally starting to unfold it. Marinette giggled when he had the whole thing undone and held out, as it looked as if he were holding a treasure map.
She couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that she couldn't see his immediate reaction, given that he wasn't facing her, but hoped that the message made him happy anyway.
When his arms lowered, signifying that he was done reading, he looked around the houseboat, then turned to search the streets behind him. Marinette realized that he was looking for the writer of the message once his gaze drew upwards to meet hers, and she could just make out his blue eyes.
She squeaked, lowering herself at first to hide, then steeled up her confidence and rose back up, waving at him. He gaped at her, then began to frantically look around the houseboat again, even doing a spin to fully survey it but seeming disappointed at whatever he did or didn't find. He considered the paper in his hands, then set it down on top of whatever he'd been sitting on, setting his guitar on top of a portion of it like it were a massive paperweight. Having done that, he ran into the houseboat itself, to the point where she could no longer see him.
She frowned, not understanding what he was doing. Had...had he not liked it?
Letting her nerves overtake her, she sank down, gripping the bars hard while she fought herself in the prison of her own anxiety. Maybe he thought it was weird to get a message from a stranger? Or... maybe her hand writing wasn't neat enough. Maybe he was mad because she hadn't drawn the guitar accurately enough!
Before she could worry further, the boy returned to the deck, having brought things with him. He knelt down and started to set them down, Marinette squinting to try to see what they were.
Her eyes lit up with relief as she realized: he had brought markers and his own piece of paper.
Excitement coursing through her at the prospect of what was happening, she grabbed the railing and pulled herself up, carefully balancing herself on top of the railing while kneeling down. Her mother would never approve, but she couldn't hear their footsteps anyway and imagined they'd never know.
The boy finished whatever he was writing, then began to fold. Given the size of the paper he was using, she knew that it was going to be smaller than hers, but she didn't mind; it'd just be cuter, that's all.
He took the folded paper carefully in his hand, then looked up to her, at which point she wondered if he could really manage to fly the plane all the way up there. Nevertheless, he seemed determined, taking a few steps backwards with the paper airplane held high. Taking a breath, he then dashed forward, throwing the plane towards her.
The wind picked up again, this time in the opposite direction. Marinette leaned forward in awe, eyes sparkling as the paper airplane was flown her way, regardless of how many meters up she was in comparison to the boy. She gripped the railing for safety's sake to ensure that she wouldn't fall, but once the plane was within her reach, she couldn't help herself. The wind in her hair, she raised her arms, gripping the paper with both hands while being careful not to crush it.
Losing her balance, due to both the wind and her letting go of the railing, she fell back onto the balcony, though it wasn't anything painful compared to her usual clumsiness and she was far too happy to care. She sat up, trying not to rush while unfolding the paper in fear of tearing it somehow.
The message he'd written was simple, like hers, but it made her smile regardless.
Thanks. I like your drawings.
She beamed, then set the paper down and hopped back up on the stool to look at him over the railing. She waved at him, which he returned with his own and a happy smile on his face. Now unable to help herself, she got back down and returned to her sketchpad, humming the song he'd been playing earlier as she thought of what to write back.
Thus began their daily habit of sending paper airplanes to each other, favored by the wind and delivered successfully each time.
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thepigeonsopinion · 3 years
Guess who's the bish that just watched "Wishmaker"!...
I'm the bish that just watched "Wishmaker" if you didn't figure it out.
Anywho! Let's get on with it. Now, usually I would do a little (extremely detailed) summary of the episode, but I can guess that a lot, if not most of the fandom has seen the episode so I'm just going to skip that and dive straight into it!
Warning: Spoilers for "Wishmaker"
Anyway! Onto business, let's talk about my thoughts on the episode.
So, the beginning of the episode. I legit don't know why this triggered me (I absolutely know why this triggered me, but I don't want to admit it) but Marinette melting when she gave Adrien the flyer got me freaking laughing, probably because every time and I mean EVERY time the love square interacts (mainly adrinette) is so over used that I find it hilarious at this point (this is probably just me, but what the heck :p)((also this was kinda me salting on the LS, but remember this is just my opinion so please don't come at me :)). Continuing on to Alya's comment about if "being a superhero counts as a job" it sure as heck does, well mainly if your Marinette (also the reason why I'm talking about small details that happened in the episode is mainly because I'm re-watching the episode as I type this). Again I had a cackling moment when we had the Sadrien moment, which made me realize how mean and bad I am, but oh, well (i felt horrible when i cackled at this, but i felt really guilty afterwards) ((i might delete this part later, but idk)) Also, when Plagg presents the idea of them running a cheese shop together it made my heart melt because it shows how much Plagg cares about Adrien and how much he wants to stay with Adrien. Now, unto the part where Marinette explains to the kwamis what a career is and when I say I was laughing through this whole scene, I WAS laughing through this whole scene. Mainly because of all the comments that the kwamis gave to Marinette. Like, seriously many of the comments are very accurate and the one that broke me was when Xuppu said, "It's making presents for Adrien!", I was like "damn he legit just called you out Mari". Not to mention, when Ziggy drawled out AdRIen's name to showcase the amount of meaning Adrien has on her life. Also, Sass is legit the PERFECT kwami for Luka, and I am not exaggerating this. Sass literally was the only kwami that stood up and voiced out that they should listen to Marinette and that her opinion in this situation is the most important one, and I know for a fact that Luka would do the same if he was put into the same situation Sass was in. That small detail in the episode made my heart melt knowing how compatible Luka and Sass are.
Anyway! Moving on, Andre legit unintentionally (maybe?) roasted Alec on his show, I was like "damn he got you there" and he also roasted him with the sweet, delicious treat known as ice cream, damn that's got a hurt. Speaking of Andre, the story of how Andre found his career was really touching to me. The main reason of why he really pursued his ice cream business was because ice cream was what made him happy and he wanted to share that with the world. In summary, I find Andre's career story really touching and meaningful.
Continuing on, after Andre explained the ice cream flavors to Marinette, Luka "coincidentally" appeared right behind her right after Andre said "Pistachio and pecan for the clear-sighted young man". And, if you tell me that the pistachio is to represent Adrien, I would like to explain to you how that it is not accurate. I mean, legit this whole episode is to represent how both Adrien and Marinette are indecisive when it comes to their career choices, mainly because of all the things happening in their lives. Now, "clear-sighted" doesn't really suit Adrien in the context of the episode. In this episode, Adrien doesn't even have a clue on what he wants to do for the rest of his life, but Luka on the other hand is a representative at the fair for his school and is running a booth showing his career choice, that sounds like he fits the definition more accurately. Now, I know that the main reason of why people recognize that the pistachio is to represent Adrien is because it's the color green and Luka's color is not green, it's blue. But let me introduce Viperion. I mean, Viperion is literally just Luka, even if he has a mask on it's still Luka.
Anyway! Moving foward through the episode, when Luka said "buddies", I felt that. It legit broke my lukanette stan heart to hear him say that they were just "buddies", but I digress.
Ok, I know that the main reason why Alec is roasting everyone's career choice is for his show (and to hide his inner turmoil), but damn, tone it done a bit will ya. In the end, Luka showed him, even if his way of showing him was to hold up a violin to the sky and let the wind play the instrument was kinda weird, I support whatever this kind and understanding boy does.
I know it is justified that lukanette is strictly platonic because the LS is going to be endgame, but I can't help but fan girl when I see my ship holding hands. Not to mention, the look that Marinette gives Luka is a look of adoration and love(even if it's just platonic).
We would like to welcome Bipierion to the running again. Like, come on, you can't tell me that the scene with the three talking doesn't look just a tad romantic. This whole scene, made my Luka stan heart just palpitate wildly. I mean, this whole scene; no, this whole episode is a bunch of examples of how Luka is such a mature and understanding character. This scene alone made me love Luka's character even more! Also, we FINALLY get to see Luka play the violin (and not just with the wind this time hehehe ;)) and can I just say, I totally love this scene, not only because it's with Luka playing the violin (though that may be the main reason) it's because I also play the violin so I kinda relate to this scene.
Continuing on with the episode, when Alec went into his inner turmoil and main backstory of why he is the way that he is, I was like, now I feel bad about him being trashed on, but he kinda deserved it soooo...Moving along! So, Wishmakers design. I don't know why, but Wishmakers design reminds me of Venom, or more specifically a drag queen version of Venom. And I fully support that, I mean you go get it, slay girl! Even if you are a villian.
So, Jagged’s childhood dream was to be a crocodile. I mean, I get a lot of people's childhood dreams were a bit far-fetched, but okay, you do you. Also, Mr. Banana's childhood dream was to be a cucumber? Umm ok...Anyway! Luka prioritizing others above himself, is just the icing of the cake as a Luka stan. (Not to mention, Luka already fully excepting Jagged as a dad is sooo, I can't express it into words how much I love that.)((Also, Jagged can't swim. Noted.)) Also, Luka and Jagged having a conversation about how Jagged wanted to be a crocodile as a kid, but he can't swim is so funny to me. And it also portrays more of Luka and Jagged's relationship a bit more, so I appreciate that.
It's time for a small detail mention! Luka's head tilt when he saw the dino huggie just made my Luka stan heart melt! Moving along, we get Luka or Viperion saving everyone, which just gave me a sense of joy! Also, Marinette as the knitting-fairy was so adorable!
Anywho, continuing on with the episode, with Luka finding out Marinette is Ladybug, you can see the realization in Luka's face when he realizes that the secret that she kept from him was that she was Ladybug, and you can hear the shakiness in his voice when he uses Second Chance after that, which shows even more how shocked he is. But, he still keeps his focus on the battle because now he has to protect Marinette's identity, which is just another of the many reason of why I love Luka's character. Ok, I have a small nitpick at this scene, and even though it's just a small detail in the scene I can't help, but comment on it. I know that Chat Noir is not in the right state of mind during that moment, but did he seriously not hear Viperion when he warned him to duck? But then again, I digress.
Moving on, I felt that, when Adrien found out that his childhood dream was to be what his parents wanted to be, because I also want to do that to, or mainly to just make them proud. Anyway, enough about me, let's continue on with the episode! Luka's face when he saw that Adrien was Chat Noir, really made me sympathize him. Because in Luka's eyes he finds out that are truly good partners (and I refuse to say "meant to be" because just no) and it is pretty obvious that he still has feelings for Marinette and that finding out that both Ladybug and Chat Noir are Marinette and Adrien must've broke his heart. I mean, you would react the same way if you found out that your crushes crush is their partner in crime (as some people might say).
Moving on! Umm, Barney is that you? I'm sorry I just really wanted to comment on that, also Lukadrien moment? Not to mention, how the heck can that dino huggie jump so high but hit the ground with a rumble? Then again, I'm not good with physics.
Okay, so let's quickly talk about Luka lying to Ladybug about knowing both the superheros identities. So, we know for a fact that Luka hates or at least dislikes lying, but in this moment he chose to lie, because he knows that it was the best option in this situation. The reason behind this is because he wants to protect Marinette, and I know that might sound confusing, but let me explain. Luka knows Marinette fairly well, and he knows that she has a tendency to overthink and freak out, so if Luka did tell her that he found out Marinette would freak out and start to think it's all her fault and that she should've been more careful and so on and so forth. This would make her a perfect victim for a akuma and Luka knows better than to let that happen, so he does one thing he knows will protect her, he lies to her.
Contiuing on, when Marinette said, "I will be Luka's best friend and I will love Adrien", I literally face palmed. I mean, I get it that the LS is bound to be endgame, but come on! Do we really need another reminder that it will happen eventually? Also, drag queen Alec? YASS QUEEN! SLAY QUEEN, SLAY!
And with that, we come to the end of the episode! So, I enjoyed the episode fairly well, with the exception of all the moments I salted it. But there are still so many questions that I have that are yet to be answered. Like, now that Luka knows both Ladybug and Chat Noir's secret identities, how will that revelation affect Luka's character in the show? Will their be others who find out their identities, and if so, how? (aka Alix) Will Luka's revelation affect how much screen time he gets on the show? And if so, will it increase or decrease? Will Alya find out that Luka knows? And, so much more. Not to mention, my opinion on Luka's revelation.
So, as I scroll through my social media, mainly instagram, I see posts where people read Luka's revelation as a way for him to also realize that the LS or Marinette and Adrien are "meant to be together", and though I respect those people's opinion, I don't really agree with it. I believe that Luka's revelation is just that. It's him finding out the truth that Marinette kept from him, and whether he decides to act more or be there more because of this is up to the writers and creators of the show. But I don't truly believe that that was a way to show that he ships them. I think he mainly supports Marinette's decisions and will always be there for her. And the reason of why I say this is because it is clear that Luka still has feelings for Marinette. I mean, come on, as I said in one of my comments during the episode, the realization on his face when he found out Chat's identity was full of sadness, contemplation, and maybe a bit of hurt. Which tells me that Luka still has at least some romantic feelings for Marinette. Not only that, he did the thing that he hates or dislikes most, lying, to protect her. But all in all I still enjoyed the episode and I can't wait to see where this revelation takes us.
I hope everyone has a great rest of their day and as always remember...
But that's just my opinion (・ε・)
(This took me FOREVER to finish, but at least it states my opinion and my little thoughts throughout the episode, even if it is a bit jumbled up :))
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tsuna-sora · 3 years
Hi, yes hello. Good day all my gender and none gender darlings <3 This is gonna be a long winded salt post about the current state of mlb and the fandom and if that’s not for you feel free to skip this post as you please dear. I want your comfort as a priority and you do you. And for people who disagree with me I’ll kindly ask you not to engage on this post please keep scrolling and don’t let me have any bearings on your day. I will not interact to dispute this post cause I’m kinda tired of stuff if that’s alright with you. Love you. OKAY. *breaths* As someone who when it comes to Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction only goes into the Adrienette tag and never got the urge to see other ships in fics ever since the start of this show till now, I can safely say that I am indeed an Adrienette shipper.... yah know EXCEPT FOR CURRENT CANON. Because, this may shock everyone who likes this ship, the relationship they have in fanfiction and canon is not the same thing anymore. This series canon writing has been atrocious since the start of S3 (if not the middle of S2 where I could notice things were in the start of going in a weird /later confirmed bad/ direction)
So this is just a thing I wanted to say, hey like could y'all kindly not deliberately go into tags of your notp’s and harass shippers in their own tags/blogs? Cause that’s like, not raaad my dude. \(uwu)/ And tag stuff accordingly if you disagree? Please and thank you for being an amazing human being? And be polite if you wanna debate them? And if your not sure the poster is open to it please first ask/check with them for consent for that debate? :3c
Also can we like not dismiss someone’s extremely valid points and logical points that they wrote/pointed out as flaws and/or good points and well written parts just because *le gasp* they ship Adrienette or Lukanette and/or Adrigami instead of what you ship or is endgame in canon! Blasphemy!
Okay now for the serious note, Marinette is always punished for shit she didn’t do to the point her embarrassment and distress in Truth made me cry and have an attack that later made me finally quit the show. (if you want to see that distress post it’s here) One of my bff’s who writes Adrienette fics on AO3 also hates the writing and destruction of characters in this entire show at this point and agrees that the writing for the characters has been shit, Marinette is both a great person and then suddenly a freak for plot reasons, Adrien is a saint except he literally is not and him not learning lessons is the worst representation and image for young boys ever, every single character has been distorted to fit plot instead of providing it, but they keep watching for lore for their fic and have been explaining to me what happened since then. So yes I know about Lies through them and osmosis of bloggers I follow. And some of them holy molly are Lukanette or Adrigami and even Marigami blogs because that doesn’t matter to me one fucking bit because they’re freakin’ darlings of people who tag stuff properly and aren’t rude to others or have ever been rude to me and the points they make are valid. Just as I also follow a lot of dedicated Adrienette only blogs and in fact what all of these have in common is that when I interact with them or ask stuff they all have been nothing but fluffy bunnies I wanna kidnap into my home.
Just as some other people have also pointed all these things out even tho they are also Adrienette shippers.
( Tipo EU, e outras pessoas muito giras que só shipam Adrienette )
Who have been silenced by the other majority. If you don’t agree with me that’s FINE. That’s why I put that first part of the post informing you that if you read this till this point I don’t want to debate out my experience of Miraculous if it doesn’t mirror yours. And you don’t see the same things I did. That’s okay my dude. :c
MY POINT IS *deep breaths* someone being a Lukanette shipper saying that Truth is a bad episode and presenting reasons outside their ship for it is valid. An Adrigami shipper pointing out that Lies is badly written and posting logical points that have nothing to do with the ship is valid.
You know what’s not valid?
Dismissing someone’s argument cause you went into their blog and noticed they shipped a certain ship even tho their debate/post had no ships involved as points of argument to begin with and then decided to harass/dismiss them and their post directly at them.
Guys we need to be kinder to each other. We need to respect each other. We need to understand that some people only like the shipping in a show. Some people only like to discuss writing of shows. Some people like to salt, others not at all. Some post things as an outlet not wanting different interaction/debate, others do want people to discuss and debate. ALL OF THIS IS GREAT AND FINE. BUT WE NEED TO RESPECT AND BE KIND TO EACH OTHER.
I have not been a perfect example of this and I am a mature person who can admit this. So if I unintentionally did this to you? I’m sorry. I will hear the person speaking to me and check myself and correct my behavior for next time. And so can you because I believe you are a good person.
I had proof of this very recently where me and someone else had a misunderstanding within a post and we ended up talking and we cleared up stuff. Turns out that person did not want to make me feel bad at all. We just had a case of me being a none English speaker and not being able to make my entire point super cohesive and them getting a wrong idea and it snowballing from there.
Which is also something I wanna point out. Please don’t forget that some people aren’t native English speakers and may not be able to explain themselves fully to you or cohesive enough. Be patient and before you think they are debating something without pointing out this thing or x forgot to point out something in their post ask them about it politely if they have an opinion on it or if maybe they forgot to mention? Jesus where am I going with this post at this point. Okay what I want everyone to take away from this is that we shouldn’t be fighting each other. We shouldn’t be dismissing and harassing each other. You know what we should be doing? Beating up Thomas Austruc and his writing team with sticks and DEMANDING BETTER WRITING FOR THIS SHOW AND ALL OUR SHIPS BE THEY CANON OR NOT ALL OF US TOGETHER---- Okay pitch fork revolution idea aside I just wanted to stop people from using a ship as a means to hurt each other. We all liked or still like MLB and I want us to be above this stuff. I believe in us cause I’m a stupid shounen protag whose hopes die last when it comes to people. I love you all okay? I seriously do. I’ve had a lot of fun when it comes to the fandom of MLB. I love seeing people post cute art of my ship. I love seeing cute art of Lukanette, I love seeing cute art of Adrigami and Nino and Alya, and Nino or Adrien and JuleRose. I love the gifs, the salt, the cute content, the mostly lore debated stuff etc. I LOVE IT ALL. And I’m not giving up on us. And I bet 100% that you aren’t either you stupidly beautiful human being. *kisses your cheek with your consent* This has been again a very rare self post. And I bid you all goodnight.
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mlwritersguild · 4 years
Number 10 for the September Challenge. Either Juleka/Rose or Lukanette. 💕
🍁 Miraculous Writer’s Guild September Event 2020 🍁
𝔸𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕘𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕪 𝔸𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕫  ( @charcoalhawk )
After all the craziness that followed their class, Rose Lavillant was beyond excited to surprise her girlfriend with a nice, calm weekend. They had plans to spend Friday night on the Liberty before going down to the 1st Arrondissement to the Musée de l’Orangerie and see their famous Water Lily murals to celebrate their one year anniversary. 
Anniversary. Juleka Couffaine had been her girlfriend for a whole year. 
Even just thinking about it brought a smile to her face as she made her way down to where the Liberty was currently docked. A quick glance showed that no one was currently on deck, and the plank had been lifted to discourage stowaways. Luka or Juleka’s work no doubt. 
She sent a quick text to Juleka before turning to admire the Seine, watching the stars dance over the gentle lull of the waves. It was rare that Rose had a chance to admire such simple things nowadays, what with Hawkmoth and Mayura causing chaos whenever they could. A glance at her phone showed that her text had been sent but not read, so with practiced ease she replaced her phone then took a running leap at the side of the ship, levying herself over the railing and landing neatly amongst the clutter that always found its way back out from the Couffaine’s quarters. 
With easy strides Rose made her way through the familiar path to where Kitty Session would de-stress after a hard practice, leaning against the main mast while pulling out her phone once more. It gave her a perfect view of the city around her while still putting something solid behind her. A habit she and most of her class had unconsciously developed over the past few years. 
She pulled up her shared notes app to double check that they had completed all her homework, a familiar routine that she often did to prevent both herself and Juleka from panicking about forgotten assignments. 
She was so lost in thought that she completely missed Juleka’s arrival on deck. 
“Are you really going to spend the rest of the night out here?” A light voice teased from behind. 
Rose jumped in surprise, instinct kicking in as she quickly scanned the horizon for a brightly clad foe. A few tense seconds later Rose realized her mistake, turning around to look at where Juleka was leaning against the doorframe. 
Juleka’s grin was soft, lit by the soft glow of the fairy lights scattered about the rafters, as she made her way to where Rose was leaning. Her eyes were immediately drawn to Rose’s phone.
“Double checking that we’re all good for this weekend?” 
“Yep!” Rose chirped, leaning in to steal a quick kiss once Juleka was close enough. “I wasn’t sure how far we had gotten on that Algebra homework and didn’t want it to sneak up on us.” 
“Well come on down and I’ll heat us up something quick, mom plans on moving early tomorrow morning to avoid Mr. Raincomprix during his morning patrol.” Juleka informed as they made their way towards the kitchenette. 
“Avoid him? I thought she enjoyed winding him up, especially on a long weekend.”
“Oh she definitely does,” Juleka snorted, pulling out a box of Dupain-Cheng Patisserie she had bought earlier. “But she said that for our anniversary she’d try her best to avoid getting in trouble with the law.” 
The box was filled with an assorted variety of goods, courtesy of Mme. Cheng, who sent her off with a smile and well wishes when Juleka had informed her about the upcoming date. Juleka pulled out two Pain au Chocolat’s, which were quickly devoured. After a few more pastries the two headed off to bed. 
They had a very special day ahead of them, a day they would both look back fondly on for the rest of their lives. 
Because even amidst chaos and unrest, they could still do something to make each other smile.
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chromemist · 4 years
A Chance Encounter
Series: Miraculous Ladybug
Pairing: Lukanette
Warnings: Fantasy AU, minor character death by dragon fire, mentioned poaching/kidnapping.
My birthday fic for @quickspinner ! Happy early birthday! I hope you enjoy my take on happy dragons and mermaids! This is influenced by Quick's fic 'The Sky and the Sea'. Set when they first meet. At least a, my interpretation of it. If you enjoyed this, please go give Quicks fic some loving too!
This was supposed to be an easy trip to the Golden Kingdom. With their reinforced cargo hold laden with piles of gold, paintings, jewels, and other such treasures, they had expected pirates. Pirates were everywhere nowadays. It had become a real nuisance trying to get their little kingdom’s bribe for military aide to the large empire. Multiple attempts with scouting ships had found one way around the continent to be easier. It seemed that many ships steered clear of a dormant volcanic island. At first it was thought to be used by the pirates as a place to maroon others.
Oh, how the captain wished that was true now, as he watched his men scramble for weapons. swords, bayonets, and pistols... Anything to try and scare off their unwanted guest. The large unwanted guest that was currently making their ship dip dangerously low with the extra weight of a dragon. A dragon that was currently completely ignoring his frightened men and was staring at their prized acquisition, laying with her hands chained together in her tank while the sun bounced off golden scales.
'Take the sea devil and leave, please!' the captain pleaded to the dragon in his mind, not daring to speak and gain its attention. The mermaid had been more trouble than worth it when she'd been caught and given to him as a last minute addition to the bribe. Unfortunately, at that moment, a stray bullet bounced off a scale and grazed the sensitive membrane of a wing. With a loud roar, the dragon turned its head and opened its massive jaw. The last thing the captain saw was blazing red shooting from its mouth.
It was shaping up to be just another lazy day for Luka on his isolated mountain island. He lay sprawled on an outcropping of rocks, letting the sunshine warm his dark scales. He yawned wide, his forked tongue flopping out as he scrunched up his eyes. He really should go hunting though. It was about time for his next big meal. Although, the local mer clans (pods or schools, they're called pods or schools and he should remember that so his mother doesn't thwack him over his head again) were scheduled for their hunting later today. He could just wait and drop in for his tribute of the hunt; an exchange, plus any gold they found sunk, they offered for his protection of this area.
Not many boats came this way anymore, which was both a blessing and a curse. On the one claw, it meant he was keeping his word and doing a good job. On the other claw, no new treasures for his hoard.
Luka grumbled as he flipped over, letting the sun warm his other side. His poor hoard was lacking. He already had his prized piece; a blue gem his sister had recognized from pictures she'd seen while traipsing around in human form. Apparently, it was cursed, she'd told him. And that's why she should have it, according to Juleka, since she already had bad luck. He had chased her out of his den after that, and she was lucky she was kin or she wouldn't even be allowed back on his island.
Luka tilted his large head and squinted up at the position of the sun. Yes, just about hunting time. He gave a great sigh as he rose up, stretching his wings and tail first, before rolling his rear up to stretch out all four legs. Luka flapped his wings a few times before squatting. Preparing to jump off and begin making his way down to the hunting grounds, he came to a complete halt. A scent wafted by his nose on the breeze as it fluttered through his mane.
He knew that smell. Loved it, coveted it, his very being sang for it. Gold. Luka tilted his head again in the direction of the wind, flaring his nostrils in order to get more of that rich scent. A lot of gold by the smell of it. Luka rumbled deep in his chest as he took off from his perch, following the scent on the wind. He rose up to cloud level, letting his light underbelly and wing membranes camouflage his aerial approach.
As the scent became stronger, Luka spotted a ship. It looked large enough for him to land on. The only problem was a large ship meant more men to run it. He thought to himself, 'Well, that's fine I suppose. As long as-'
He cut off his own thoughts as the ship grew closer, and the inhabitants on the deck grew clearer. Men were milling about, doing whatever it was they did. That's not what caught his attention though, and set his blood boiling. Sunlight was bouncing off a large glass container set on the ship. And inside that container was a bound mermaid.
'Capturing one in MY territory?' He thought angrily. Steam rolled out of his nostrils as his anger rose. 'These men think they can steal from me and get away with it?' Nevermind that merfolk were not a part of his hoard, but they were still his to protect. These men would never live to see the sun again.
Luka tucked his wings and let gravity take him down. Pointing his head towards the boat and letting out a great roar, he came screaming out of the cloud bank. He couldn't hear past the wind whistling in he ears, but he could see the men scrambling around deck. As he got closer, Luka opened his wings, letting them buffer his decent. He couldn't sink the ship, nor could he pick it up. So, he settled for rapidly flapping his wings until he alighted on the deck. He could feel the ship toss and dip with his sudden weight
All around him men screamed and ran. 'Useless fools.' He thought, paying them and their weapons no mind for the moment. He swung his head around, trying to find the glass container. Gold and red flashes caught his attention and he turned, and immediately froze on the spot. His vision zeroed down to only her. He couldn't feel anything hitting his tough scales. Luka rumbled curiously as he looked at her in her container.
The most beautiful mermaid he'd ever seen. Bright reds and golds in the shades of some of his most precious treasures. Extra fins, spines on her tail, back, and arms. Hair as dark as the sky on a moonless night, and eyes as blue as the sea itself. She was exotic, not like the colorful merfolk inhabiting the reefs in his area. More like his mother, beautiful and dangerous. She stared back at him with wide, pleading eyes, raising her bound hands to the glass.
It was at that moment he felt a sharp pain in his wings between the bones. Luka let out a roar, turning his head to where the majority of the men were gathered. Without hesitation, he opened his muzzle wide. He felt the burning rising up his throat from his belly right before the fire exploded from his mouth. Normally he didn't care to kill. A dead human couldn't warn others to stay away from him. But these men, who had stolen and chained a mermaid. These men he relished in burning.
Shutting his mouth and swallowing the remaining fire back down, Luka turned back to the mermaid. He could hear the remaining men screaming and scrambling, but he once again paid them no mind. The mermaid was now huddled at the bottom of her container, wide eyes staring up at him. Thinking she was afraid of him, he lowered his body and tucked his wings, making himself as non-threatening to her as possible. He cooed and rumbled lightly in his throat as he inched closer to her.
'I won't hurt you. I promise, I want to help.' He vocalized, even knowing merfolk didn't really understand his language, and vice versa. He hoped he could portray that in his body language enough. He brought his nose right up against the glass and stared at her. She hesitated a moment, before she uncurled herself and floated closer. She put her chained hands back on the glass, right on the other side of his nose.
Luka looked at her a moment more, just admiring her. Up closer he could see red flecks splattered across her nose and cheeks. The sun brought out the lighter streaks of blue in her midnight dark hair. And her eyes... Still the richest blue he'd ever seen. Not even his most precious gem could compare.
'You're so beautiful. Breathtaking. I could sit and look at you for hours and never tire.' He cooed at her. She tilted her head curiously, feeling the rumbling vibrate into her water, but not understanding. Luka pushed out a wistful sigh. For once, he wished he could use his energy to shift into his human form to talk to her. But that form was useless to him on a burning ship filled with gold, angry men, and a very pretty mermaid.
He shifted his eyes from her, to the open ocean, and back to her. She followed his gaze before looking back at him, confusion written on her face. Luka tried a different approach. He rose up to his full height and pried off the top of her container. The men began screaming again, not about the fire now but him setting the mermaid free. Luka stretched his wings out on either side of him and brought them forward, hiding his head and the mermaid from view. He watched through the rolling water as she huddled down at the bottom, her spines flaring. He simply stuck his nose into the container, hovering just above the water. He jerked his head in the direction of the ocean while still looking directly at her.
The mermaid regarded him for a moment, before slowly lifting herself off the bottom. She clicked and chittered at him, pointing to herself and then to the ocean beyond his wing. He had no idea what she was saying, but her motions made her message clear. Taking a deep breath, Luka plunged his nose into the water, just far enough for her to reach and get a good grip on the ridges of his snout. Retracting his snout, he brought the mermaid up with his head. Water rushed off them and to the deck, but he paid it and the men no mind when the beautiful blue eyes he'd started to fall in love with were staring right back at him even closer now.
Luka's eyes closed halfway as he rumbled at her. 'I wish I could keep you, but I can't. Please be safe my beautiful one.' Her eyes widened and her claws tightened on the edge of the scale she was clinging to. As quickly as he could, he lowered his wings and flipped his head, tossing the mermaid as far into the ocean as he could. He watched as she flew, shrieking and clicking tail-over-head until she hit the water and sank.
Luka looked longingly at the point where she submerged, before turning his attention back to the boat. Now... About his gold...
Hours later found Luka slowly making his way back to his island, a corner of a large sheet clutched tightly in each claw. All the treasure from the ship had been laid on the sheet by the remaining men. When the fires had been put out, the last of them had gathered all the gold and jewels from below deck and offered it to him, in hopes that he would leave them in peace. Luka had pondered, briefly, about letting them go. But seeing the now empty container out of the corner of his eye sealed their fate.
After carefully taking off and flying a few feet from the boat, Luka had circled back around and let loose the fire within him. He made sure, this time, to cover the entire ship. He watched as some of them jumped into the water, snorting as he knew that would be hopeless. They were too far from any land. They'd be picked off by exhaustion or sharks.
Luka breathed a sigh of relief when his mountain island came into view. He picked up his pace, just a little, very eager to get his newest treasures settled. As he reached the opening to his den, a flash of gold caught his eye from far below near the edge of his island. Had he dropped some into the water in his haste? Luka would have to go down later and check. If he could smell the gold still, maybe he could fish it out somehow.
Landing carefully on the ledge, Luka began dragging his newest additions in. All of a sudden though, a noise rose up from over the clattering of treasure. He rose to his full height and tilted his head, trying to discern the sound.
Splashing and shrill crying, not uncommon sounds of the merfolk above water. That's what he heard, and hope flared up in his chest, smoke flowing out his nostrils. The flash of gold, was it her? Did she follow him? Excited and hopeful, he dropped his treasures, not caring that they were now scattered all over. Luka took great leaps, making his way back to the outcropping. He skittered to a halt, his wings spreading to buffer him and he gripped the edge with his claws. Dust and pebbles rained down the edge Luka peered down into the water through the dust and, yes! There she was!
The beautiful mermaid he'd saved was in the shallows of his island, slapping her tail, screeching, making all kinds of ruckus to get his attention. Pure joy flooded through him as he rumbled down at her.
'Beautiful one, you're here!' He emitted a small plume of fire and smoke, before launching himself off the ledge. She looked up, her actions and vocalizations quieting. Those clear blue eyes he'd fallen for watched him as he landed in the shallows in front of her. Luka folded his wings, then lowered his body into a laying position and stared at her.
The mermaid regarded him a moment before inching her body forward. She clicked and chittered at him as she moved. Luka raised a brow, before shaking his head and rumbling deep in his chest. The mermaid peered up at him a moment again before opening her mouth once more.
"Can you understand me now?" She asked in the Common Tongue. Luka smiled the best he could and nodded his head. The mermaid sighed in relief, then raised her still bound hands up to him. "Do you know how difficult it is to swim with your hands bound?" She demanded, eyes slightly glaring up at him.
Luka bowed his head, cooing sadly at her to show her he was sorry. He really should have thought of that. He had just been so distracted by her pretty eyes...and dark hair...and colorful scales...okay... He was distracted by all of her.
The mermaid regarded him a moment with scrutinizing eyes before nudging on a lip ridge. "Open up please?" Curiosity piqued his interest, so he did as she asked. She lifted her hands up to a large front tooth and wedged the sharp tip between the cuff and her flesh. "Bite down please?" She asked, closing her eyes and turning her head away.
Luka did as she asked, gently biting down, his sharp teeth cutting through the metal easily. He made quick work of the other, cooing sadly as the cuffs fell into the shallows, revealing the reddened skin underneath. She turned her head back, watching him as he poked his forked tongue out, lapping gently at the wounds.
She giggled, pushing on his snout gently. "It's okay. They'll heal soon. So." She said, sitting up straight, her voice taking on a firm tone. "Can you shift forms? It's a little hard to talk like this. And I'd really like to know the name of my rescue dragon."
Luka nodded and closed his eyes, gathering his energy. He'd honestly been hoping for this. As much as he hated the human form, it would allow him to communicate better with her. A tingling sensation flowed over him as his magic seeped into his limbs and scales, morphing them into skin much like hers. Luka shuddered as the tingling faded, signaling his transformation was complete. When he opened his eyes, he was sitting in the water, knees almost touching her tail.
"Hello beautiful one. My name is Luka." He raised his hand up, holding it open and vertical. The mermaid looked at it, a blush rising on her dappled cheeks. She slid her hand up and pressed it against his.
"I'm Marinette. It's nice to meet you."
Both smiled at each other as their fingers twined, linking them together.
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lycorogue · 5 years
I Was Thinking Of You (full story)
You can also find it on AO3, or on FFN, or even on DA if you prefer.
So, I know that everyone is talking about “Miraculer” (it was a STUPID GOOD episode), but I also found out that “Silencer” finally got an English dub (along with “Bakerix” and “Onichan”). I figured I’d ride the potential Lukanette wave that could resurge with this dub release, so please forgive my shameless plugging. >3< This story was a birthday gift for the awesome @thetauruspixie <3
I Was Thinking Of You
Summary: Girls' Day derails when Marinette realizes the male lead of a romance movie reminds her of someone other than Adrien. (No tie-ins with “Silencer”)
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 3565
Status: Completed One-shot UPDATE: This story now has a sequel stand-alone story: Acting Weird
"Marinette!" Rose ambushed her classmate as Marinette walked the gangplank onto The Liberty. As Rose pulled Marinette into a tight hug, Juleka strolled up beside them.
"Yeah," Juleka mumbled, "Thanks for coming over." She didn't hold eye contact with Marinette, but she did brush her bangs off her face briefly.
"No problem. Thanks for inviting me over." Marinette smiled despite getting crushed by her petite friend.
"Rose!" Juleka softly scolded. Like a dog heeling, Rose released Marinette and scurried beside Juleka instead, her arm wrapping around Juleka's.
"It's fine, really." Marinette giggled. "Is everyone else coming over as well?"
"Mylène is already below deck, Alya should be here shortly, and Alix won't be able to make it. Her dad grounded her for rollerblading through the Louvre." Rose chirped as she pulled Juleka along to the stairs, Marinette following beside them.
"That sounds like Alix." Marinette shook her head, but she couldn't keep the smile off her face as they descended into the hull of the ship.
"Oh, hey, Marinette." Luka scooped up his plated sandwich and walked around the breakfast bar that separated the ship's galley from the main living area. His voice was as soft and soothing as usual, and he flashed her a gentle smile.
"Hey, Luka. Are you going to join us?"
"Yeah, we don't mind," Mylène chimed in from the sectional. She then pivoted a bit more to greet the girls coming down the stairs. "Hey, Marinette. Nice to see you."
"Same!" Marinette waved to her friend, but quickly changed focus back to Luka.
"Nah, that's alright. Thank you, though. It's such a nice day, I'm going to enjoy some sunshine on the deck. But you ladies are all welcome to join me if you'd like." He rested a hand on Marinette's shoulder as he passed her. "Especially you." His fingers slid back off her as he turned and climbed up to the deck.
"Subtle." Juleka mumbled as she shook her head, and walked around the sectional to sit beside Mylène.
"Huh?" Marinette struggled to get her bearings.
"He is so sweet!" Rose squeaked. "Marinette, I think-"
"Rose." Juleka shook her head. "Not the time."
"Oh, right. Sorry." Rose scurried around to sit beside Juleka. "Come on, Marinette, we were thinking of watching a movie today." She opened up Juleka's laptop and set it on the circular coffee table.
"What movie?" Marinette nestled herself on the other side of Mylène.
"Well, I was thinking we could watch the Ladybug movie." Alya stood about half way down the stairs, the DVD in her hand, and held up for the group to see. "Hey, girls, Luka told me you were all down here."
She was greeted with a quick choir of "hey" back from the group.
"Ladybug & Chat Noir again, Alya?" Marinette groaned. She could only watch an animated movie about herself so many times. Especially since it was barely based on fact.
"I thought you'd relish the chance to listen to Adrien's voice for nearly two hours." Alya hurdled the back of the sectional in order to plop beside Marinette.
"Yeah, but he's playing Chat Noir! I just can't take it seriously. He seems so overly goofy in it." Marinette held up a hand and turned away from her bestie. "As much as I enjoyed watching the movie, I need a bit of a pallet cleanser. We've been watching it practically non-stop since it came out on DVD."
"Alright, then what should we watch?" Mylène looked around the group, waiting for any sort of suggestion.
"Oh, I know!" Rose leapt off the sectional and sprinted to Juleka's room. Barely a minute later she was back out and snuggled next to Juleka on the sectional. "I love this movie! You're not sick of it yet, are you, Juleka?" She held the DVD out to Alya as she looked up at Juleka with puppy eyes.
"Nah," Juleka gave her a soft, half-smile back as she brushed her hair out of her face. "It makes you happy, so it's cool."
"Goodie! Girls, I think you'll really love it!" Rose hugged Juleka tight as she waited for confirmation from the group.
"Want of Two? Rose, what the heck is this?" Alya flipped the DVD over to read the back cover. "'Gareth has always been a loner, and he was convinced that it was by choice. Then he met Julia, an independent motocross racer in town for a tournament. Suddenly, Gareth realizes he's not as happy to be a lone wolf as he once thought, and he tries desperately to make Julia part of his life. Problem is, she's been burnt before, and has become a bit of a loner-by-design herself, only relying on her skeleton pit crew for both racing and emotional support. Is it even possible for Gareth to convince Julia to take down her protective wall? Or will he be forced to learn to live without her again once the tournament is through, and she moves on to the next town?'" Alya blinked a few times as she tried to register what she just read. "This sounds so terribly cheesy. We're definitely watching it!" She laughed and popped the case open.
"I'll grab the popcorn!" Mylène ran to the galley to start up a bag in the microwave.
As Alya put the DVD into Juleka's laptop, Marinette glanced at the stairs behind her. Always been a loner. That description of both main characters made her instantly think of Luka. She never saw him hanging out with anyone besides his sister and her friends, and she couldn't recall any friends mentioned aside from her classmates. For such a sweet and caring boy, Luka did seem to be quite the loner.
"This is going to be great, right, Em?" Alya elbowed Marinette, which brought her attention back to the laptop. "Something up?"
"No. Just was wondering if we should ask Luka again to join us."
"I don't know if he'd be into watching a movie," Rose offered. "He's really into music, and likes socializing with us, but I don't think I've ever seen him just sit and watch something."
"He prefers being more interactive," Juleka added. "Reading books and watching films or TV is too passive."
"Oh." Marinette gave the stairs one last glance as the movie started.
Everyone was instantly sucked into the cliché romance movie. Gareth was suave, charming, a bit damaged, and his actor was handsome. Julia was strong, humorous, wounded, and her actress was almost blindingly beautiful. The chemistry between the leads was palpable, and from the moment they were on screen together it was obvious that they both wanted the other, even if Julia denied Gareth.
The girls alternated between passing around the popcorn bowl and the box of tissues as the drama continued to unfold between the leads. Scenes were also frequently accompanied with hushed mutterings of how the leads had characteristics that very much matched Ivan, Nino, or Juleka, depending on the situation.
Gareth's attempts to get Julia to fall for him was also very much like Chat Noir, Marinette quietly contemplated as the movie slid into its third act. In an instant she went from rooting for Julia to accept Gareth to hoping Gareth learns his love for her is enough; he didn't actually need them to be together.
In the end, Julia did open up to Gareth, who became part of her pit crew and toured with her on the motocross circuit. They rode off in the trailer together, the wind blowing through the windows, whipping Julia's short hair around her face as she gave Gareth a loving gaze. Her crew were all in the back, smiling at Julia's happiness. The trailer disappeared down the highway, and the credits started to roll.
"Wasn't that beautiful?" Rose squeaked as she blew her nose. Juleka instantly wrapped an arm around her, and rubbed her shoulder.
"Gareth is so much like my Ivan." Mylène pulled her knees up and hugged them; a huge grin on her face. "He seems like a loner, but he's really this gentle soul who wants to be loved. I'm so glad someone saw that."
"I get that, but I thought Gareth was more like Nino." Alya walked the empty popcorn bowl to the breakfast bar. "He was actually pretty goofy when he thought he could be himself. He was also willing to do whatever it took to defend Julia; a protector first and foremost. That's my man to a T."
"Goofy romantic also describes Rose," Juleka added with a little smirk, making Rose blush slightly.
"What about Adrien though?" Alya grew her own smirk as she leaned on the sectional back behind Marinette.
"Wh-what?" Marinette nearly fell off the sectional as Alya leaned in closer.
"I'm sure you saw bits of Adrien in Gareth as well, girl. So, what parts reminded you of him?"
"Was it his chiseled body and green eyes?" Mylène held up the DVD cover, which had Gareth and Julia on the front.
"Maybe it was how kind he was to everyone as he tried to make friends of his own?" Rose wiped more tears off her cheeks as she leaned into Marinette.
"Or how he never knew who his father was?" Juleka offered.
"Oh! Uh-" Marinette blushed as she realized it was actually Luka whom she was thinking of the whole movie. She never really knew much about Luka and Juleka's dad, or if they even had the same one. They never really talked about him. Luka was also a bit of a loner, even though he was one of the sweetest people Marinette had ever met. He seemed willing to do whatever it took to make his sister and her friends happy; anything to make sure Marinette was happy.
"I dunno. It's different for me and Adrien. We're not a couple."
Alya leaned further over the back of the sectional, making herself eye level with Marinette. "Yeah, but-"
"But nothing. He sees me as just a friend, so what's the point?" Marinette slid off the sectional. "Excuse me. I think I just need some air." She walked around the sectional and Alya, never taking her eyes off the floor.
"Marinette?" Rose stood, but Juleka grabbed her wrist and shook her head.
"Luka," Mylène mouthed to Alya, who nodded back and watched Marinette climb the stairs.
Marinette was greeted instantly by the sorrowful strumming of a lone guitar as she reached the deck. Luka sat at the bow, his eyes closed as he played. Nearly a quarter of his sandwich still sat on his plate beside him.
"Hey, Luka. I hope I'm not interrupting."
He didn't stop playing. He simply opened his eyes and slowly raised his head to acknowledge her.
"Not at all. Why aren't you hanging with your friends?"
"Well, they're your friends too, aren't they?" Marinette walked to the bow and leaned against it as Luka continued to play.
"I suppose they are, but you ladies need some time to yourselves too, don't you? I'm sure it could be weird to have Juleka's older brother hanging with you all the time."
"I wouldn't mind." Marinette truly wouldn't mind Luka spending as much time as possible with her, but at the same time, she knew he was right. Especially when she had Adrien Problems, it would certainly be weird to have Luka in the room too.
"You're very sweet, Marinette."
"This is a sadder song than you normally play." She moved his sandwich off the wooden crate beside him so she could sit down.
"I guess it was a bit of a sadder day, but it does seem a bit brighter now that you're with me." He shifted his fingers to a higher octave, and plucked the strings instead of strumming them. He even added some extra percussion beats by periodically tapping the guitar with his hand. It still had a soft melancholy undertone to it, but the new melody made Marinette smile.
"You shouldn't feel afraid to ask if you could hang out with us if you're feeling lonely or down."
"I appreciate the offer. You're always so kind, caring for others like that."
"Well, what about you? I feel like you're the one cheering me up every time I see you."
"About the same subject too, it seems."
He was right. She first met Luka while she was upset about Adrien not being able to come to the Music Festival. He had played a song to perk her up, and was kind to her until she smiled. Then she was upset about being a third wheel on Adrien's date with another woman. Yet again, Luka played her a song to lift her spirits and to vocalize, so to speak, the sorrow she had in her heart. At the ice rink, he did all he could to distract her from Adrien's date, in order to again make her smile. It nearly worked, too. Even at the end of their pseudo-date, Luka directed Marinette to talk to Adrien about her feelings. She had chickened out in the end, but it was sweet to know that Luka was cheering her on.
"Yeah, but I don't need help with that today. So today it's your turn." She gently bumped his shoulder with her own, careful to not hit his arm and disrupt his playing.
"You know what? I think just having you here is enough." He smiled at her, and switched up his fingering again. The melancholy left his song. His eyes closed and his head swayed a little as his fingers danced against the strings.
"Luka? If you don't mind me asking, do you have any friends outside of my classmates?"
He stopped playing.
"I like you guys. I don't really need any friends besides your class. You're all some really cool kids. You know that, right?"
"Yeah, I guess we are, but don't you have any friends from your own class? School seems like it would be boring without friends with you."
"It is, but things are different for my grade. We weren't taught to be as accepting and loving as you guys were. I just don't fit in with them, but that's fine, because I truly enjoy having all of you as my friends."
"That's so sad. I'm sorry you don't really connect with your classmates."
"Don't worry about it. It gives me time to think about my songs. Ones like this."
The notes were slow at first, but quickly picked up until they were practically skipping off the strings. Marinette couldn't help but smile as she tapped her foot along, and her head swayed in time with his. There was so much life and optimism in the song. So much cheerful energy. She could picture a lively strut through the bustling streets of Paris as Luka played each note. All too soon, the song ended.
"That was amazing! What was your inspiration?"
"You were, actually."
"Oh!" Marinette blushed as she looked at her knees, her hands gripped hard on each side of the crate she was sitting on.
"You're a very special person, Marinette. You're so upbeat, and cheerful, and determined whenever you're helping your friends. This is the song that should be playing whenever you're around, and the song that plays in your heart every moment of your life. If I could, I'd chase all sadness from your heart so the proper song could play within it instead."
"Luka, I-" He was so sweet. He was always so kind to her, and he was gentle. He was romantic, and subtly suave. He never once pressured her, and always wanted what was best for her. Could he truly be attracted to her as well? Was it possible that he didn't just think of her as a friend like Adrien did?
"I'm sorry. I know you like Adrien." Luka shifted away from Marinette. "I just wanted you to know the kind of life a girl like you deserved."
"Luka, we're friends, right?" She still couldn't bear to look at him. She was probably wrong. Luka was older than them. Marinette was his younger sister's friend and classmate, and Luka probably just thought of her as a surrogate sister.
"I will always be your friend, Marinette."
"I thought so." Another friend. She enjoyed having him in her life, and was glad that they were friends, but it figured that was all Luka wanted from her as well.
"Did you not want us to be friends?"
"No! No I do!" Marinette flailed her arms about a bit, nearly smacking Luka in the face. "I just- With that song, I thought- Nevermind."
Luka's grip tightened around his guitar. His eyes wide and gorgeously teal.
"Marinette? Did you want us to be more than friends?"
She wasn't sure. An hour ago, even ten minutes ago, she would have told him no. She was in love with Adrien, not Luka. However, Luka was right there. He was kind, and made her smile. She didn't stammer (as much) around him, and she loved spending time with him. It was clear that Adrien wasn't going to see her as more than "just a friend," but maybe Luka did. She deserved happiness, right? That's what Luka told her. So, maybe she could let her heart have him instead of Adrien.
"I- I don't really know. But, I think-"
Luka put down his guitar and leaned in close, so tantalizingly close. His eyes never once drifted from hers. It felt like he was searching her very soul, wishing for a specific answer, and she hoped she had the right one for him.
"Do you know how I feel, Marinette? About you?"
"I think so."
"If you aren't positive, I'd love to spend as much time as you need convincing you, but only if that's what you want."
"I do. I think I really do." Marinette leaned closer as well.
"I want you do to this for you, not for anyone else."
"I am."
Luka raised his hand to Marinette's jawline, and let it hover close enough to her cheek she could still feel his body heat.
"You sure?"
She nodded, and rested her hand on his, pressing it against her cheek. Her heart raced as she felt his fingers against her skin.
"Then, may I?" Luka whispered as his lips crept closer to hers.
Marinette nodded again.
He pulled gently on her jaw, angling her face better as his lips lightly brushed against hers. It was a sweet, chaste kiss, but electricity still shot through Marinette. Her arms moved on their own. One wrapped around Luka's waist, as the other reached up for his hair, holding him against her.
Luka actually liked her back. He wasn't Adrien, and that felt surprisingly amazing. There were no games. There were no nerves. She could reach out for him whenever she wanted, and he could do the same. His lips felt so soft, and his hair silky, but it was more than that. Her heart was playing the song Luka had written about her.
Far too soon, Luka pulled away, instead resting his forehead against hers.
"I can't believe I could ever be this lucky," he whispered.
"I'm the lucky one." Marinette discretely shifted her hand to her purse, wondering if Tikki's luck brought Luka to her.
Their quiet moment instantly imploded as four voices hooted at the top of their lungs, cheering and clapping for the couple. Marinette jumped as she turned to see Juleka, Rose, Alya, and Mylène at the top of the stairs, celebrating.
"How romantic!" Rose chirped and nuzzled her folded hands, one foot popped behind her.
"Well, so much for Adrien, I guess." Alya teased before giving Marinette a thumbs up.
"It's about time you two got together. Ivan and I were wondering what was going on between you two, and you know it had to be obvious if Ivan noticed it."
"I'm so happy for you," Juleka intoned.
Marinette blushed, but Luka took her hand, and she instantly felt fine. She was happy the girls found out. She wanted the world to find out. She was happy, and Luka gave that to her.
"Thanks, everyone. Sorry if I interrupted Girls' Day." Luka gave them all a soft smile, and Marinette instantly noticed it wasn't the same one he always gave her.
"This is way better than 'Girls' Day'." Rose ran over and pushed Luka and Marinette closer together. "Oh! We all need to set up Group Date Night!"
"Yeah, Nino has got to hear about this." Alya was already dialing as she walked to the stern of the ship.
"I need to let Ivan know too." Mylène briefly bounced on her toes before jogging back below deck to make her own phone call.
"Come on, Rose, let's give them space." Juleka took Rose's hand and pulled her below deck as well.
"Well, that got out quick," Luka chuckled, a bit embarrassed.
"I'm glad." Marinette tucked herself against Luka's side.
He again tapped his forehead against hers, his eyes closed as he took her in through that simple touch.
"Me too." He pulled back enough for their eyes to meet. "Do you mind if I indulge myself a little?"
Marinette brushed Luka's cheek, directing him back to her. "Only if it means I can too."
Their lips met once more, and Marinette hoped she'd never get used to the electricity that shot through her.
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firelxdykatara · 5 years
Luka for the character thing.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: I’ve recently been turned on to the possibility of Lukagami, which, quite apart from conveniently pairing the spares, would actually be really interesting to see (and I think would give Luka more of an opportunity to become an actual character than his pining after Marinette seems to right now). And I guess, kinda sorta Marinette? Only insofar as I want her to be happy, so if Luka winds up making her happy for any length of time I can live with it. (Also a lot o Lukanette fanart is really cute.)
general opinions: He’s ok? I certainly don’t dislike him or anything, he’s gorgeous and I love his whole aesthetic, plus I loved him as Viperion. The thing is, he doesn’t do much for me. I think if he had anything resembling an actual personality, or character arc outside of waiting for Marinette to realize she’ll never get to be with Adrien so she decides she won’t mind settling for Luka (which.... honestly really isn’t fair to him, or to Marinette, and I’m not sure if the show is going to be able to sell me on their relationship at this point, but who knows?), I’d like him a lot more. He just... give him something to do or be or strive for. Give him interests outside his guitar and Marinette. Give him lines he won’t cross--lines he won’t let her cross. Let him stand up for himself and refuse to be second best. Idk, just give him something so that he seems less like a convenient fallback option for Marinette if her crush on Adrien doesn’t work out.
send me a character and i’ll rate them!
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dejjafont-blog · 5 years
The New Hero
ee(This story involves New hero x Chat Noir, Adrienette/Lukanette and other ships. This story is for my own amusement, and follows parts of the story line. If anything doesn’t add up it’s because I’ve taken my own twist. I will try my best to stick to the Zag style of things and keep it PG... for the most part. If any part of the story goes beyond the “Zag” line I’ll put a warning at the beginning of the chapter. Also, I like to keep a slow pace in stories to get a better development in the characters relationships. If you have seen/see this story anywhere please let me know, for I have not published this anywhere else. This is my original character/super heroine, Miraculous, Kwami, ect, please don’t claim as your own. I’m keeping this story in English, when it comes to French, I know little to nothing. If you’d like, follow me on Amino (Marichat-26030471) Okay! Happy reading!)
                                              Chapter One
                  *                   *       Welcome to Paris      *                   *
                               Today’s the day. It’s been officially a week since we’ve moved into our new house.. in Paris, you think I’d be thrilled? I’m not. There’s nothing here for me, all my friends, family remains back home in Washington, living in the states was all I knew. 
                              From what I’ve seen so far, Paris is unlike all the stereotypical expectations I’ve heard thus far. It’s gloomy, cold and wet, just about how I emotionally feel about being here. To be fair though, I’ve only seen Paris out from windows, I’ve been so occupied with unpacking and enrollment for school, I’ve had little to no time for myself and frankly, I’m to scared to wonder the foreign streets especially alone.
                              Mom has been busy since the day we’ve arrived, since this is the reason why we’re here, her promotion to expand the Clementines Industries to the country of France, moreover the city of Paris in hopes to go international with their Fashion line and what other city holds the perfect title for fashion then the City of Paris? 
                               My little sister Julia, that’s all she is, my little sister. There’s no way I’d take her with me through Paris with that responsibility on my shoulders, I wouldn’t find the time to take my eyes off her or she’d be lost in an instant. And dad? Well, he passed away six years ago, so there’s only us.
                               The week has been filled with nothing but unpacking and jet lag, being home alone most of the time, only seeing mom during the early mornings and late evenings, but today is different. Today is the day I start school and I couldn’t be more nervous.
                                Mom is currently on the phone, as usual, preparing her store for the grand opening taking place in a week. She stood behind the kitchens island packing Julia’s lunch as Julia sat on a bar stool staring at mom rapidly place everything into the lunch box, I on the other hand am staring at a piece of paper with the directions to school. I wish I could just take a bus like any other student but of course I was walking distance of the school, three minutes tops, but still there’s a lot of turns that I can easily mess up on.
                                 As I studied the directions I can hear my mom ending her call, sliding the lunch box to Julia.
                                 “Here you go honey.” she said looking at her phone before adding “The bus should be here in a few minutes to pick you up, so why don’t you go stand by the door and wait.” I looked up to see Julia nodding while stuffing her lunch box into her backpack. They quickly exchanged hugs, and as Julia walked passes me she sticks out her tongue, she knew how much I wanted to take a bus.
                                   Rolling my eyes, I looked over to mom again, she continued to look and type on her phone without fail. Maybe she could drop me off at school today? Just this once wouldn’t hurt.
                                   “Mom, could you drop me off at school today?” I questioned. With no hesitation she shook her head “No Isabella, you need to learn the route. Besides the fresh air will do you good.” she said finally looking up from her phone, putting on a smile. I groaned.
                                   “Okay, but if I get kidnapped it’s not my fault.” I said holstering my bag into my shoulder.
                                   “You’ll be fine, just stick to the sidewalks and follow the guide.” she said glancing at her phone once again. “You should get a move on, you don’t want to be late for your first day.” she added. Simply nodding, I saluted her before walking to the front door, which was half way open. There, Julia running towards the bus which stopped directly in front of our house. 
                                      Stepping out I shut the door behind me as I walked down the stairs and onto the side walk.I looked down once more at the paper in my hands before turning right to begin my journey.
                                      Walking down the sidewalk, I turned right again followed by a left and soon I came to a halt at a traffic light. Cars zooming from both directions. Looking down both roads I could tell I was gonna be standing here for a few minutes.
                                      Glancing around I took in the surroundings, in front stood the massive school which let off an intimidating aurora that made my stomach do flips, just behind the school to my surprise I could see part of the Eiffel Tower, which I would like to visit sometime. to my right there was just loads of buildings and endless roads. I slowly turned around to read the sign on the building behind me, reading Boulangerie Patissrie. It’s a small corned store with tinted windows, but from what I can smell, it’s possibly a restaurant of some sort, which smells amazing, I just might stop in on my way home today.
                                       I returned my eyes back on the road in front of me, as it was still as busy as it was a minute ago, sighing I continued to look around at the architecture of the buildings. The small balconies, french doors, the curves of the roofs, all screams French but it is very beautiful, nothing you’d ever see back home. Home..
                                      Digging out my phone from my pocket I unlocked it tapping onto the camera, turning so my back faced the Eiffel Tower I held my phone high. Forcing a smile, my phone clicked. Quickly fumbling to take a look I could see how the Parisian wind messed up my head, but the Eiffel Tower stood in all it’s glory, I can’t delete this. Taking one more look over the picture before sending it off to my friends, I noticed something.
                                      Towards the top of the Eiffel Tower was a red blur, zooming the picture with my fingers I squint my eyes to get a better look of this blur, maybe a bird? What kind of bird is that red and THAT big though?
                                      “Our turn Miss.” My eyes darted from my phone to the voice. A short older man in a red flowery shirt began to walk across the road as my eyes followed him. Blinking myself into reality, I shoved my phone back into my pocket and followed the man across the road. As we met on the other side he turned to face me.
                                       “Thank you for letting me know back there.” I said gesturing to were we stood moments ago, he smiled bowing slightly.
                                       “Just remember to be vigilant, this city can be very” he paused for a second “Unpredictable” I raised an eyebrow, about to question him when he spoke again “in the best way.” he added.
                                        “I will, thank you sir.” I said, he turned to walk away when I remembered the photo again.
                                       “Oh sir!” I walked up to him taking out my phone, unlocking to the picture, he turned with an eyebrow raised.
                                       “Would you happen to know what kind of bird this is?” I turned the phone to him, he began to study it “I know it blurry but what else could it be besides a bird?” I asked as he laughed looking up to me.
                                       “That’s no bird, that’s Ladybug.” he said, I looked at the photo again, how is this a ladybug?
                                       I must of looked confused because he said “You’ll be seeing her around.” he turned back around “She is after all, our hero.” he walked away. 
                                       Hero? Like a superhero? Superman hero? Is this guy insane? Maybe he forgot to take his pills this morning.
                                       Shaking my head, I made my way to the school. 
                                       Kids stood on the sidewalk talking to each other as others raced up the steps. 
                                       I stopped at the stairs and looked up at the building. It is two stories high, with huge red doors, a banner above the entry way, glass windows complimenting the roof. Once again, nothing like back home.
                                      “SABRINA!” someone shouted my head snapped to the direction of the voice behind me. There stood a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes tapping her foot rapidly on the ground glaring at a girl with red short hair and glasses.
                                      “GO BACK AND GET MY BAG NOW!” she yelled again, the red head girl flinched. The girl said something to the blonde, but she just scoffed.
                                     “YOU ARE RIDICULOUS, UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!” she flipped her hair walking towards the stairs... me. I quickly backed away to clear the path as she climbed the stairs, I looked back at the red head who already was in a car, a police car, the lights came on followed by the siren and she was off in seconds.
                                      Gripping my backpacks strap, I hesitantly began to walk up the steps and soon stood frozen. There were crowds of kids in their own groups, talking, laughing, in their own world as I stood here in the doorway wide eyed. Scanning the room I could feel my heart rate increase as I gripped the strap harder. My eyes landed on the blonde girl from earlier talking to another girl with long brown hair and green eyes, their conversation didn’t seem to pleasant, at least to the blonde.
                                     I ripped my eyes off them as I inhaled deeply before walking all the way in, some kids turned to look at me, others didn’t budge, most had smiles but that isn’t really reassuring. I glanced around to the rooms, as they all looked the same. Where is Miss. Bustiers class at?
                                    I walked through the court peering through windows to see if I can come across any name plates on the desks, but there was no luck. Maybe I should just go to the principals office and ask him, at least I know where that is. I turned to walk to the stair case but just as I did that I dumped into a girl with reddish brown hair with glasses.
                                   “I’m sorry” I blurted out rather loudly, getting a few extra looks.
                                    “Don’t sweat it.” she said looking at me.
                                    “Hey, aren’t you the new girl?” she questioned as some guy joined her side, as he is wearing a red hat and glasses. I nodded.
                                    “Yup, that’s me. I’m Isabella Nicholas.” I greeted, they both smiled simultaneously.
                                    “I’m Alya and this is my boyfriend Nino.” Alya replied, Nino looked at Alya and blush before saying “Hey”
                                    “Nice to meet you guys.” I said loosing up my grip on the strap.
                                     “Say, you wouldn’t happened to be in Miss Bustiers class?” I asked and Nino nodded.
                                     “Girl, it’s your lucky day.” Alya said “Miss Bustiers class is on the top floor to the left.” she pointed out as I followed her direction and smiled. I turned back to them.
                                     “Thank you, you saved me a trip to the principals office.” I said letting out a laugh.
                                     “If I can spare your time away from Mr. Damocles, my mission was a success!” Alya laughed at herself as Nino nodded in agreement.
                                      “Girl, you should definitely hang out with us, we can show you the ropes, the ins and out, the dos and don’ts. For example” she said turning me around by the shoulders pointing at the blonde girl again “Stay away from the Queen Bee, aka Chloe Bourgeois, she’s nothing but a royal pain, take it from me.” she said
                                      “Chloe got Alya expelled once.” Nino chimed in. 
                                      “Really?” I asked looking at both of them, they just nodded as Alya furrowed her eyebrows together glaring at Chloe before giving her attention back to me.
                                      “It’s a time I hate to remember but whats done is done.” she said flipping her hand and smiling again.
                                      “and you’ve got to meet my best friend Marinette,”
                                      “and my dude Adrien.” Nino added, Alya nodded agreeing.
                                       “yes, oh and the girls.” Alya added looking at Nino then back at me smiling “There’s a lot of people that I’ll introduce to you, and I guarantee by the end of the day, we’ll all be friends.” she said.
                                       “I’d like that Alya, thanks!” I thanked her, and right as she was going to talk a girl with blue black hair in pigtails came running to her side, breathing heavily.
                                            “ALYAWHYDIDN’TYOUANSWERMYMESSAGEADRIENSCARJUSTPULLEDUPANDIDON’THAVETHEPENHELENTMEYESTERDAYANDWHATIFHEGETSMADANDTELLSMEHEDOESNTWANTTOBEFRIENDSANYMOREANDWHATIF-” the girl freaking out was cut off as Alya smiled uneasily pointing towards me. The girl looked at me with wide eyes, looked me up and down before smiling.
                                      “Oh, I-I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” she laughed nervously scratching the back of her head.
                                      “I’m Marinette, you must be the new girl!”
                                       “I’m Isabella.” I greeted back, she smiled wide as her cheeks flushed red, clearly embarrassed.
                                       “Nice to meet you Isabella.” she paused “Sorry you had to hear that, I normally look around my surroundings before going all... err” Marinette said tapping her index fingers together.
                                       “All Marinette?” Alya added, Marinette blushed darker just nodding.
                                       “It’s okay Marinette. That’s such a pretty name!” I complimented wanting to take her mind of her embarrassment. She smiled even wider.
                                       “Thank you, yours is too!”
                                       “and I’m not just saying that because you said mine was but it’s because your name is really pretty to!” she said pretty fast I almost missed it, she giggled and I thanked her. Just then a blonde guy with green eyes appeared by Ninos side, they did a handshake that looks like they made up before turning their attention to us. 
                                       “Hey girls.” the blonde greeted Alya and Marinette as his eyes looked at me. Woah, now that’s green.
                                        “You must be the new girl. I’m Adrien.” he said with his hand out. I looked at his hand taken aback a bit, before placing mine in his with a shake.
                                        “Isabella.” we let go and I smiled.
                                       “Sorry about the whole hand shaking, I’m just adapted to it.” he said scratching the back of his hand. Before I could say a word Marinette blurted out.
                                       “HE’S A MODEL.” she froze before giggling. “I mean, he’s a model for his father, the fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste! Which I admire his work, ya!” Marinette said smiling with her teeth as Alya let out a small sigh. 
                                        Gabriel Agreste? The name sounds familiar but I can’t quite place it.
                                       “Yeah my father.” Adrien slightly chuckled, looking to the ground then back up to us.
                                       “Anyways!” Alya clapped her hands together. “If you have time after school, I’d be more than happy to show you around the school so you can get the flow of things.” Alya offered. My sister does have her own key and mom won’t be back until evening, so I have plenty of time to look around the place.
                                        “That’d be great Alya!”
                                        “Ah, I hate to cut in like this, but Alya, we’ve got a date with the penguins after school.” Nino spoke up as Alya’s face changed instantly, she face palmed herself.
                                         “How could I forget!.” she muttered shaking her head.
                                         “We’re pairs for our project in Ms. Mendeleive’s class about the environment change in Antarctica, so we’re going to visit the penguins at the zoo to spice up this boring assignment.” she explained.
                                         “I’m so sorry girl, I totally spaced.” she apologized.
                                         “No, it’s fine.’ I said reassuring her. She shook her head.
                                         “How about tomorrow? I can definitely do it tomorrow!” she offered again.
                                          “or I can show you around today?” Marinette said, smiling. “I already finished Ms. Mendeleive’s project and I don’t have anything going on after school, I’d be happy to show you around!” Alya nodded in agreement.
                                         “Sure, sounds like a plan!” I confirmed.
                                          “If you’re looking for some fun after school activities, we’re always looking for new recruits, I’m part of the fencing club! If you’d like, Marinette can bring you by and you can see everyone in action.” Adrien suggested, I nodded.
                                          “Okay, we’ll stop by.” I said, right as the school bell rang.
                                          We exchanged smiles as we walked up the stairs and to Ms Bustiers class.
                                          As we entered I stopped to glance around the room. There is eight sets of tables and benches, stairs up the middle dividing them. Everyone took their seats as I stood awkwardly in place.
                                          The blonde girl from earlier, Chloe entered the classroom with a strut, I quickly moved back as she made no eye contact with me and plopped in her seat. I bit my lip looking at the door for any sign of the teacher but she has yet to come in. I looked towards Marinette and Alya who sat behind Adrien and Nino, Alya motioned me over, so I did.
                                           “You good, girl?” Alya questioned, I nodded.
                                           “Just a little nervous.” I admitted, this time she nodded.
                                           “I get you. I was new last year and I was about to go out of my mind until I met this girl.” Alya said nudging her, as she laughed.
                                           “Hey!” Nino half whispered yelled, as Marinette, Alya and Adrien laughed. I smiled as the teacher walked in. I hurried down the stairs towards Ms Bustier. She set some papers down on her desk as she turned towards me with a warm smile.
                                           “You must be Isabella.” she offered her hand and I shook it.
                                            “I’m Ms. Bustier, and welcome to our class! I’m so glad you can be apart of our homeroom!” she said letting go of my hand. turning towards the class just as the red head girl with the glasses came rushing in, Ms. Bustier looked towards her, motioning for her to sit. She did just that, basically running to the table where Chloe is sitting and sat down.
                                           “Class, this is our newest student, Isabella Nicholas, please give her a warm welcome!” Ms Bustier said sweetly. Some of the students shouted greetings as the rest clapped, and I felt heat warming my cheeks, this is to much.
                                           “It’s not everyday we get a student from America to join our school.” She said turning to me, I gulped.
                                            “As much as I’d like for you to tell us a little bit about yourself, I’m afraid we’re behind as it is.” she said with a frown then instantly smile.
                                           “Do you have any hearing or trouble with your eyesight?” She questioned, I shook my head.
                                           “Great! You can take a seat next to Lila in the back, please.” she said with her hand out, I looked up to meet eyes with the girl I saw talking to Chloe earlier, she smiled widely and waved the slightest. As I made my way up the stairs, I heard Marinette whispered “Good Luck” 
                                            Lila scooted over and patted the empty spot next to her, as I wasted no time to sit. She smiled at me and whispered.
                                           “Nice to meet you Isabella, I can already tell we’re gonna be great friends!” I smiled back as Ms Bustier began the lesson.
                                                 *            *           *
                                           Throughout the rest of the day was pretty much the same. Introduced. Seated. Learning. Then I meet the girls Alya talked about and they’re honestly the sweetest, especially Rose, they made me feel welcomed. 
                                          Just a few minutes ago the final bell rang and everyone was released. Nino and Alya already departed and so did the rest of the girls, now it’s just me and Marinette as she’s showing me the locker room that’s I’ve already been in but I don’t have the heart to say anything.
                                          “This is my locker and this is Adrien’s.” she said Adrien’s name sweetly. It didn’t take me long to understand how Marinette felt about Adrien, she made herself pretty clear when we first met this morning, the way she talked about him, stuttered and even looked at him, honestly the only reason I agreed to Adrien’s suggestion for the fencing club was I thought Marinette would enjoy it. I have no interest in any physical activity, that’s just me.
                                           “Oh!” Marinette said snapping out of her daze, she smiled walking towards the front door.
                                           “This is the way to the fencing club!” she said peeking out of the closed blinds. I smiled, She really does have crush. I accidentally laughed which caused her to break away from the curtains to look at me with a confused face.
                                            “Oh, do you not want to see the club?” she questioned with sadness in her voice.
                                             “Oh no no no, it’s not that! I still want to see the club, I’m interested!” this time it was me who talked really fast. She smiled and opened the door. We walked out of the locker room to be greeted by the sight of people fencing. Marinette smiled wider looking over the sea of white uniforms, I stood next to her doing the same. Everyone was really into their zones, the sounds of metal clashing together echoed the whole court.
                                              “Let’s sit over there.” Marinette pointed to a bench, nodding, we walked over and sat down still admiring all the talented fencers. I don’t know the first thing that comes to fencing, quite literally nothing, all I know is you wear a uniform to protect yourself and say en-garde to start, other than that my knowledge is quite embarrassing, I just hope no one asks me why I am here in the first place.
                                             “Aren’t they good?!” Marinette squealed still looking over the crowd in front of us.
                                             “Very!” I said, connecting eyes with the coach. I quickly looked away as I can see from the corner of my eye he was approaching us. Oh no.
                                             “Ah, Marinette, do you intend to try out again?” the teacher asked, Marinette quickly shook her head. 
                                             “Ahhh! No Mr. D’Argencourt! I’m here with my friend Isabella Nicholas, she’s new to school and wanted-” Marinette got cut off by Mr. D’Argencourt.
                                              “New student? Why yes! Would you like to try out?” he questioned me. Oh. No.
                                             “Well, I-”
                                             “Of course you do! Silly to even question!” He cut in.
                                             “What size are you? Oh never mind, I’m sure we have a small, lemme go check the rack!” He cut me again this time walking away towards the rack full of uniforms. I blinked a couple of time processing what just happened, Marinette sighed.
                                              “I’m sorry Isabella, I should of said something to help.” Marinette frowned, right then someone approached us, clad in their uniform. Me and Marinette looked at the person as they took off their guard mask revealing a smile Adrien.
                                              “You girls came, so what do you think Isabella?” Adrien questioned. What do I think? I think I’m about to make a fool of myself in front of every person in this room!
                                              “I think Mr.D’Argencourt got carried away by Isabella’s presence, he’s literally getting her a uniform as we speak.” marinette said as we all glanced at the coach rummaging through the rack on high speed.
                                             “So I take that fencing is not for you then?” Adrien asked with a side smile. I can’t lie, I shook my head. He chuckled.
                                             “Don’t worry, I can talk him out of this.” with that, Adrien walked over to the coach, with a few exchanged words the coaches body slouched as his head hung low, as if he’s been defeated. Adrien made his way back over to us with a nervous smile.
                                              “Everything’s good.” he said with a thumbs up.
                                              “I hope I didn’t cause to much trouble.” I said.
                                              “No, he’s fine! I explained I invited you girls to watch us practice, he’s taking it... well.” Adrien hesitated but smiled again. If I didn’t know better, I would of sworn Marinette melted into a puddle just then, I swore I heard her sigh happily.   
                                               “Thanks for talking to him, Adrien.” I said.
                                                “No problem.”
                                                “Oh, Isabella, if you’re still free, would you like to go over to my place? My parents run a confectionery and I’m sure I can hook you up with some Macaroons.” Marinette asked. Well, you can’t go wrong with macaroons. especially ones from Paris! I think I have enough time to spend with Marinette.
                                                “Yeah, I’m still free, that sounds great!”
                                               “I’d offer you to join us Adrien, but I feel like I already know the answer.” Marinette said with disappointment in her voice, yet she smiled small. Adrien frowned and nodded.
                                                 “I wish I could but father would never let me skip practice especially to just hang out. Sorry.” he said with disappointment in his voice. Marinette just nodded understandingly before standing up.
                                                 “Well I hope someday you can join me-US I mean us for some pastries.” Marinette said smiling widely now, Adrien nodded with half a smile.
                                                  “Maybe someday.” he said low.
                                                 “Adrien, it is time for the final match!” Mr. D’Argencourt called out. Adrien nodded towards him before turning back to us.
                                                 “Well, I’ll see you girls on Monday.” Adrien said before putting on his guard mask and rejoining the group. Marinette gave one last look to him before I stood up to follow her out of the school. We came to the traffic light and stopped, the roads just as busy as they were this morning.
                                                 “So, you and Adrien, huh?” I questioned. Wait why did I just say that? Marinette squeaked and looked towards me with wide eyes. She stared at me like that for a second, as her eye twitched, soon she let out a small laugh.
                                                  “What?! Pfttt, no! He’s my friend!” she said smiling with a roll of her eyes, I just stared back at her. She looked back at me and we stared at each other for a good 10 seconds before she broke.
                                                 “IS IT REALLY THAT OBVIOUS?” She hunched over covering her eyes. I patted her shoulder.
                                                 “Well no... but yes.” I said as she groaned. She looked up from her hands and stared directly into my eyes.
                                                 “Please don’t tell anyone about this ESPECIALLY Adrien! I mean, Alya and Nino already know and there’s Chloe but that’s a long story, oh and the girls know as well, but Adrien can not know! Or even worst, Lila! Please don’t tell her!” Marinette rambled and begged.
                                                  “It’s okay Marinette! I promise I won’t tell a soul!” I promised, which I intend to keep. She smiled and stood up straight.
                                                “Thank you Isabella.” she said relieved.
                                                “You guys really do make a cute couple.” I added and she beamed.
                                                “We do?! WE DO DON’T WE! I could imagine us getting married and having three kids and a little tiny hamster!” she jumped up and down, as the cars stopped for us to cross. When we got to the other side, Marinette stopped before entering.
                                                “Alright before we head in I gotta warn you. My parents, well my dad can be a bit.” she tossed her hands back and forth.
                                                “Embarrassing, completely embarrassing.” she said folding her arms looking away.
                                                “I know a thing or two about embarrassing parents, it’s okay Marinette.” I reassured her. She smiled and opened the door as we walked in.
                                                “Welcome!” two voices boomed.
                                                “Ah, if it isn’t my daughter and I see she brought a friend that’s not Alya today! Good job, honey! Way to extend!” her father, a very tall man with a mustache approached us followed by his wife I assume.
                                                “Dad.” Marinette groaned hugging both her parents.
                                                “So who is this Marinette? I don’t believe I’ve seen her around before.” the woman said with a smile. She is much shorter than her husband with short hair, almost the same color as Marinettes.
                                                 “This is my new friend, Isabella. She just moved here from America!” Marinette beamed, as they both looked surprised.
                                                 “Isabella, this is my dad Tom and my mom Sabine.” Marinette introduced them.
                                                 “Pleasure to meet you.” I said, fidgeting my hand not knowing if I should shake their hands or not. Sabine smiled and bowed slightly as Tom put his hand on his wife’s shoulder.
                                                 “You as well.” Sabine said.
                                                 “Well! Since all the formalities are out of the way, why don’t you and Isabella try some of my new strawberry kiwi croissants! They’re just a test of course, for our summer special next year but it’s always good to be prepared!” Tom said gesturing to a tray of pink flaked with green kiwi shreds topped with melted sugar croissants. 
                                                 “Oh they look good dad!” Marinette complimented walking towards the tray as I followed, she picked up two and handed me one.
                                                 “Cheers” she said as we tapped our croissants together before taking a bite. The thought of kiwi in a croissant isn’t really ideal, but somehow he managed to mix all the flavors so perfectly, they clash together tastefully! I must of made a face because both Tom and Sabine laughed.
                                                “These are outstanding!” I said examining what left I had of my croissant as I heard Marinette agree.
                                                “This is my first real pastry of Paris and it has truly blown me away!” Tom smiled as if he tried to hold back tears, Sabine patting his arm.
                                                “Thank you.” he said.
                                                “But this can not do.” he said, tightening up his apron.
                                               “Dad?” Marinette questioned as Tom walked closer to me.
                                               “You need to try everything!” he said grabbing a tray that was covered in foil to reveal a nicely stack of pink, yellow and green Macaroons. He handed me the tray.
                                                “Pink champagne, Marmalade and Pistachio! Please try each one!” he said cupping his hands together in anticipation.
                                                “Dad!” “Tom!” Marinette and Sabine said at the same time giving Tom warning looks. Tom rolled his eyes before added.
                                                “That is, if you’d like.” he smiled.
                                                “Uh, sure, three wouldn’t hurt! Plus, I’ve always wanted to try a authentic Macaroon!” I said grabbing one of each flavor.
                                                “That’s the spirit!” Tom said putting the tray back on the counter. I tried the Pink champagne first. Oh boy! The texture was smooth, the jelly is like what I’d dream a pink cloud tasting like, it’s absolutely yummy!
                                                 “That was unlike anything I’ve ever had before, it’s so good it didn’t even taste real!” I said as Tom smiled even wider. Marinette cleared her throat.
                                                 “Dad, I’m not allowing Isabella to stay down here and be your personal taste tester.” Marinette said folding her arms, as Sabine agreed.
                                                 “Let the girls enjoy some time to their selves, Tom. I’ll help you decipher the Macaroons.” Tom frowned but nodded understandably.
                                                 “Alright, have fun girls.” Tom said brushing his hands on his apron. Marinette tapped me to follower her, so I did. As we climbed the stairs, I finished both of the other macaroons that were just as good, possibly even better? Soon we came to a halt at a door. Marinette dug out a key from her purse and unlocked the door. We walked in to the living room but Marinette continued towards more stairs, I just kept following. We soon came to a hatch and she pushed it up opening it. After we climbed up, I took this chance to admire her bedroom.
                                                Pink. There’s a lot of pink in this room, a pink rug that lays in the middle of her room, pink dresser up against a wall, pink walls, pink sofa, another pink dresser, pink pillows and I can only imagine what her bed looks like, but I’m sure it’s pink.
                                                “Cute room.” I said still glancing around, she smiled.
                                                 “Thanks! But lately I feel the need for a renovation. My walls are screaming pre-teen!” she said with a laugh, walking towards her desk, as she sat down in her chair.
                                                 “Oh yeah? What would you want to change?” I questioned sitting on the edge of her sofa.
                                                 “I’d totally repaint the walls white again, make it a little brighter you know? And if I could, I’d get a darker set of hard wood flooring.” she said spinning around in her chair, staring at where her bed is.
                                                “and extend the bed space, it can get crammed at times!” she added now looking at me.
                                                 “So, tell me Isabella, what was your life in America like? I’m sure it was awesome!” She asked resting her elbows on her knees. Awesome? Not really, it was just.. basic. I have friends and family back home of course, they made my life enjoyable I never payed much attention to my country, I basically took it for granted.
                                                 “Eh” I squeaked out.
                                                 “Eh?” Marinette repeated.
                                                 “It was.. average. I mean, my friends and family back home, they’re the ones who made me enjoy living there and that’s what I miss most about. It’s just like any other family, with a pest of a sister and a workaholic mom, it was just average.” I said, speaking truthfully.
                                                 “Ah, I’ve always wanted a sister or even a brother but of course they’d have to be younger than me.” Marinette said rotating back and forth in her chair with a laugh.
                                                 “Well you’re lucky, you never had to share and fight for your stuff every single day, you get more attention from your parents being the only child, at times I wish I was.” I said, Marinette laughed.
                                                  “Yeah when you put it that way I guess I am lucky.” we both laughed.
                                                  “So, how about that crush?” I teased as she blushed but shook her head.
                                                  “As much as I fantasize about our relationship growing into something more, I can’t help but feel like we’re never going to happen.” she said looking at her hands with a half smile.
                                                  “Don’t say that, I’m sure if you keep up the pace you’ll be a couple in no time, just keep doing what you’re doing, be you.” I said walking over to her, she shook her head again.
                                                  “Not when he has a potential girlfriend.” she murmured, I raised an eyebrow.
                                                  “But I like to dream, it keeps me going.” she said smiling again, I smiled back, looking up.
                                                  “Where does that lead to?” I questioned looking a the hatch above me.
                                                  “The balcony, wanna go up?” she asked standing up, I nodded and followed her to the balcony. I looked at all the buildings getting a good view, and part of the Eiffel Tower is in sight. I leaned on her rail staring at the Eiffel Tower.
                                                  “Have you been there yet?” she asked referring to the tower, shook my head.
                                                  “Haven’t had the time to really do much of anything.” I said, as she looked at me.
                                                  “How long do you plan on staying in Paris? Or have you moved here permanently?” she asked.
                                                  “I’m not sure myself. My family and I moved here for my mom’s promotion to extend the Clementines Industry business to Paris, and as long as that’s doing good, I could be staying here for years.” I told her as her jaw dropped.
                                                   “Clementines? No way! I heard about that fashion line, but I never knew it moved here!”
                                                   “Well the grand opening is happening a week from today down at Rue de Rivoli, you can totally come and bring the girls too.” I suggested as Marinette smiled wider.
                                                  “For real? Don’t we need passes or something?” she questioned.
                                                   “Well, my mom being the ceo and manger guess has it’s perks.” I said as she pushed herself off the rail and hugged me. We both then pulled away smiling.
                                                   “Thank you Isabella! It’s so kind of you.”
                                                   “Anything for a friend.”
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urishika · 6 years
Adrigami and Lukanette dream
Lately, I’ve been having these fanfiction-like Miraculous dreams. Apparently when I am really exited for an episode, my subconscious cannot wait and I dream about that episode. It happened with Style Queen (dream-spoiler alert: Chloé sort of dies heroically and Ivan receives the goat miraculous) and yesterday it happened with Frozer. I am going to write the main idea of my Frozer dream and if you guys like it, I will structure it into a fanfic. I mean, it is not Frozer because he never appeared in my dream, but the idea of Marinette and Adrien being with Luka and Kagami.
I don’t know what happened, but somehow, Marinette had given up on Adrien and even started being close friends with him.
There was going to be a festival called “The Wind Festival” which was going to take place in a public library and its garden. And it was about people celebrating the winds by flying kites and chilling in the garden, and also by eating and drinking special food inside the library.
Marinette and Adrien had agreed to go together because all of their friends wanted to go in couples and they were the only ones still single (oh the irony). They were going to meet up at the library.
As Marinette was getting out of her house, a mysterious guy wearing a helmet with a badass motorcycle was waiting for her in front of her house. And surprise! That guy was Luka who wanted to take Marinette to the festival (because in my mind Luka is someone who is old enough to ride a motorcycle haha). She was very happy and flustered. (she was so cute holding on to Luka while riding the motorcycle and I could notice he was going faster so she would hug him more hahaha)
They both arrived at the festival and started to look for Adrien because they did not want him to be alone. He was inside the library, serving himself some punch, he was glad and sort of confused when he saw them. The three started hanging out but Adrien felt like a third wheel and he told Marinette that she should go and enjoy the wind with Luka outside. She was not sure, but Adrien insisted, so Marinette and Luka left.
Adrien was alone inside the library, and he wanted more punch (he really liked punch in my dream), but he bumped into Kagami (she sort of straightened her hair and looked beautiful, I love my girl so much), who was attending the festival alone too! Adrien asked her if she wanted to hang out as they were the only ones alone and she gladly accepted. They started to talk and to read some of the books laying around, they were laughing a lot and he was always serving her punch (hahaha), they seemed really happy together.
They decided to go out and lay down on the garden to enjoy the wind and see the sky, they were counting kites and voting on which one was the most beautiful, suddenly Adrien’s hand landed by accident on top of Kagami’s hand, but she did not seem to mind, so they stated holding hands. Adrien seemed very calm and happy and after a while, he hugged her.
My dream ended in Marinette and Luka riding a bike together around the garden and Adrien and Kagami cuddling on the grass. No akumas, only love.
Sooo, this dream is why now I ship Adrigami and Lukanette with all my heart. Sorry if it is badly structured and has poor redaction; I wrote this in a rush and I did not want to forget my dream. But, as I said before, if you like it, I will give it a proper structure. And maybe write my Style Queen dream hahaha thank you for reading!
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mc-lukanette · 3 years
Here are all the name suggestions I’ve seen for a potential new Lukanette tag, though I’ve cut out any tag that gave me a result when I either searched for it or went to the URL for the tag itself (if the suggestion was two words mashed together without a space, I also would search for the two words with a space since someone might misinterpret how to tag it):
LukaMari (the tag in other countries), LuckySass, MariLoveLuka/LukaLoveMari, BluDuo, BluebellDye, ClearMusicSincereMelody, and Blueberry Tuning. (someone has also suggested going with something about “tone” since that can be seen as music and color related)
I appreciate all these suggestions but I must stress (for the third time I think so I’m sorry if I’m annoying ahaha) that I’m not confident that these will work. I think making a new tag is a good idea on its own but we’re at risk of the antis getting wind of it and being like, “oh well this is the new tag for it so I guess I’ll use it sInCe i’M tAlKinG aBoUt tHe sHiP  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯“
We need a tag that antis can’t possible use without being called out for it and told to stop. It doesn’t have to be blatant like, “Lukanette is Life Love and Everything,” but it needs to be obvious enough to not be used in the hands of Evil™️, which is why I was talking about Pro Lukanette, Lukanette Sugar, and Lukanette Positivity.
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