#((Oh so you're able to just click into a tag and just edit from there? I don't have to just delete the whole thing and retype it?))
queenharumiura · 1 year
15 Questions for the writer
1. are you named after anyone? no, but I had the hanja of my name picked out by my great grandfather, I believe.
2. when was the last time you cried? If the question was about the last time I teared up, I'd say today. Cried? Does crying because I was sweating at Disney and so sunscreen got into my eyes making me cry count? No? I don't recall, in that case.
3. do you have kids? no, unless a pet dog counts.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? Eh... I use it a bit? I feel like i'm more of a sassy banter kinda gal. I'm also more on the honest side so I just say what I'm thinking/feeling. If I'm being sarcastic, i'm probably mad, I think-- or recounting a story in which I was mad.
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? I think it's something along the lines of body language? Like, from it, you can kinda gauge their vibe and see if you think you can mesh with them or not. If not that, I guess their sense of humor/personality is the first thing I notice, which again, boils down to the whole 'how well do I think i'll vibe with them.'
6. what’s your eye colour? light brown
7. scary movies or happy endings? I am a big pansy, so I don't like scary movies. I like happy endings a lot.
8. any special talents? does getting incredibly obsessed with things count? No? How about my strong inability to forego water because the concept of hydration mentally disgusts me? No? Then idk what you tell you, i'm pretty average with a select number of skills.
9. where were you born? Seoul, South Korea
10. what are your hobbies? I like to read manhua/manhwa/manga. I like to write things, but I really love getting lost in my thoughts and plotting random scenarios. I guess i'm pretty boring. I tend to hyperfixate a lot, so my hobbies do flucuate quite a bit.
11. have you any pets? Used to have lots of fish when I was young. Had a Shitzu when I was in middleschool. We adopted the current family dog my freshman year of college. (I had imaginary pets as a youngion lolol do they count?)
12. what sport do you play/have played? I... //flashbacks to dodgeball where I managed to throw the ball behind me and another time I threw the ball and it somehow hit me I'm not very coordinated. I trip over my own feet, or trip over air. I'm not a sporty kinda gal. Oh, I do mental gymnastics with how my brain likes to jump through hoops and jog through ideas.
13. how tall are you? How short am I? I'm either 5'2.5" or 5'3".
14. favourite subject in school? Choir should fall under music, no? I really enjoyed choir. I also had fun in art class. In regards to academics, I think I did tend to enjoy Chemistry more than the other subjects. It was the subject I did slightly better in than the rest of the subjects. Does it mean i'm good at it? Ehhhh--- idk. <- A chemist.
15. dream job? //distantly stares off into the void. My childhood dream job was to be the US president-- it only lasted a minute. Remember, I was born in Korea. LOLOLOL My mom burst my bubble real quick. Then I had the brilliant idea to be a professional babysitter. I changed that when my brother came into the picture. I don't really have a dream job to be honest. Like, there are things I may find interest in, but idk, I don't feel very strongly about it to call it a 'dream'. Really, the dream is to just be happy with myself and make myself happy and proud of myself. That's all. Tho, I do have a story that I want to write one day and I think it would be fun to publish it. As a novel? No. Maybe somewhere where I can just post it and enjoy the process. Not really caring if anyone else reads it. I just like the self-satisfaction of completing something. That's what I like.
Tagged by: @zcitgcistcr Tagging: I don't tag, steal it.
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yikesmary · 1 year
THREE: HE FALLS FIRST — choi seungcheol x reader
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summary: seungcheol finds himself falling in love with you, slowly but surely, and it hits him all at once.
notes: i’ve been loving the reception this series has been getting lately! i appreciate everyone who has been reading and interacting with the series.
also, i'm going to start a taglist for this? someone asked to be on it if this series had one, and i didn't realize i could've been doing that the entire time LMAO. anyways, to get on the taglist, just comment on this or send an ask. i'll try to tag everyone i see.
JUNE 13 2023 EDIT: i've created a taglist, so instead of commenting to be on the taglist, click the link!
warnings: mentions of puking (doesn't actually happen), drunk shenanigans, it's very cliché and i don't regret it
join my taglist!
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“Cheol, can you come help me?”
When Seungcheol enters your room, he could feel himself getting slack jaw. Both of you were getting ready to go out to the club with your friends, and with the 14 of you, he could only expect chaos.
What he didn’t expect, though, was you in a beautiful dress that almost made his heart stop when he saw you. Call him cliché, but he'd never felt that way before about anyone.
Oblivious to reaction and how he was feeling at the moment, you were trying to make sure your dress wasn't in a disarray when you asked, "Can you help me zip up the dress? I can't reach it,"
Seungcheol didn't realize he was staring and unresponsive until you turned around in confusion and waved your hand in his face. "Hello, Earth to Cheol? You okay?" you said.
He, thankfully, had snapped out of his trance before it could be considered really weird. "Uh, sure. Turn around," he instructed.
Looking at him weird, you obliged and felt your dress being zipped up. You turned around and said, "How do I look? I wanted to dress somewhat nice since this is the first time we're all hanging out. It's like my little friend group combining with the frat friend group of yours,"
"You look good. Like, really good," Seungcheol replied, clearing his throat when he realized he might've overdone it.
You gave him a smile and then a thought occurred to you. "Oh, when are we ordering the Uber?" you questioned.
"Uber? Why are we ubering when we have a car?" He asked.
"Well, we're both going to a club, so I'm assuming we're both going to drink," you replied.
"I'll drive," Seungcheol immediately said, not liking the thought of the both of you drunk out of your minds and he wasn't able to take care of you.
"Are you sure, Cheol? We can split—"
"No worries, I'll be the sober one so we can get home safely,"
"Alright, but don't get mad at me when I'm stood over a toilet puking my body weight out and you're not drunk,"
"As long as you're not like Soonyoung pretending to be a tiger, I think I can handle whatever you do,"
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You and Seungcheol had barely entered the club when Seungkwan and Seokmin had somehow already located the both of you then proceeded to drag you to take a shot. And it wasn't long after the shot until they had dragged you to the dance floor.
After he had made sure you were surrounded by his and your friends who had decided to dance, he made a beeline to the bar, where the rest of his friends were. Wonwoo, who had made a wise decision to stay sober, had tried to offer him a drink.
"Not drinking tonight," Seungcheol declined the drink.
The boys had given him a look at his decline. "Why aren't you drinking? Usually, you'd take a beer at least by now," Jeonghan asked.
"I just don't feel like it," he replied, looking at you from afar, who was currently dancing to I Am the Best by 2NE1. He had wondered why 2NE1 was playing until he looked at the DJ Booth and saw that Soonyoung and Seokmin had somehow convinced the DJ to takeover for a bit.
Once he said that, the boys had made a look once more, this time exchanging it to each other. Seungcheol had noticed and asked, "What's those looks for?"
"It's because you don't realize it," this time it was Jihoon who said it.
"Realize what?"
"Cheol, how long have we known you? We've known you long enough to know how you drink. And you don't deny a drink when it's offered to you. But this time, you're not drinking. Do you know why that is?" Jeonghan asked.
"You guys are overanalyzing this. What if I just don't want to drink?"
"Because you would be looking at us and not your girlfriend this entire conversation," Wonwoo told him.
Part of Seungcheol knew this was true, but the other part of him didn't want to believe it. To his friends, his behavior might make sense since he was in a relationship. But to him, it didn't since he knew better than to develop feelings for someone he was fake dating.
He had figured in the beginning that it would be easy to not develop any feelings during the relationship since the basis of the relationship was built on a poorly made rumor and a deal. But what he didn't know at the time was how easy it was being with you.
While Seungcheol was trying to reevaluate how he was acting lately, a loud "CHEOL!" was heard and a body had practically slammed into him. The force was so unexpected, you and him had nearly fell to the ground.
"Oh, sorry bro," you drunkenly said, oblivious to the fact that Seungcheol was shocked you called him bro and your friends were laughing at his reaction.
"Bro?" He incredulously said.
"Bro, Cheol, same difference," you shrugged.
"How drunk are you?" He asked.
"Well, Soonyoung gave me something he called 'Tiger's Blood' and I have no idea what that contained but it tasted good and it made me feel warm inside," you giggled.
When Seungcheol looked to where the aforementioned Tiger was, he saw that Soonyoung and Seokmin was trying to jump on a table with Jun encouraging them to, Minghao filming it, and Vernon trying to convince Soonyoung and Seokmin to get down.
Meanwhile, Jihoon had left during Seungcheol's conversation with you and joined Seungkwan and Chan (who had replaced Soonyoung) on the DJ Booth. Wonwoo had left as well, but he was helping out Mingyu who could barely get on his feet because of how clumsy he was (Mingyu's not even that drunk, he's just that clumsy).
Joshua and Jeonghan were the only ones who remained with you and Seungcheol, but they were observing the both of you.
Suddenly feeling sleepy, you laid your head on Seungcheol's chest and said, "Cheol, I wanna go home,"
Seungcheol knew that if he didn't do something to wake you up, he was going to have to carry your sleeping body out of the club. "Can I have a bottle of water?" He asked the bartender, who was quick to give the bottle.
He had managed to pay the bartender however much it costs for the water bottle while you were still in your arms. He opened the cold bottle before giving it to you saying, "Here. Drink this before we go home,"
You took the bottle of water and drank a couple of gulps, feeling more thirsty than you realized. Once you drank half of the bottle, you showed Seungcheol, who had nodded in approval. "We're gonna go," he told Jeonghan and Joshua, who said their goodbyes.
You and Seungcheol had to maneuver through the crowd of people, but he made sure that you were near him the entire time. And once you both were out, he realized that you were shivering a little, so he took off his jacket to cover you.
He was about to guide you back to the car, and then he realized you wore the heels that looked obscenely painful but said it made your legs look good. "Give me your heels," he told you, and you shook your head no.
"I'll be barefoot!" you exclaimed.
"Fine, just wear my shoes," he replied, taking off his shoes and handing them to you.
"But then you'll be barefoot!"
"I have socks on, I'll be okay," Seungcheol said, nudging the shoes to you.
You grumbled but put the shoes on, feeling slightly more sober than you were when you were inside the club.
Once you guys got in the car, it was barely two minutes before you fell asleep, using Seungcheol's jacket like a blanket. When he took a quick look at you while driving, he smiled when he saw the sight.
Maybe he was falling for you, after all.
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taglist: @geniejunn
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btsxmalereaders · 2 years
break my heart myself
♡ pairing — lee minho x male reader
> genre — fluff | angst
> word count — 4,02k
> summary — despite being integrated into stray kids a little late, minho and you quickly clicked and started a great relationship. unfortunately, some fans can't still see it.
> tags — 9th!member, idol!au, jealousy, happy ending.
> a/n — hihi! i hope you enjoy this, and i'm sorry i'm a bit late posting your request u.u happy belated birthday, lovely anon! 
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You were certainly not having the best time now. Starting off by these couple of days have been really tough since your group is having a comeback soon; so you had to deal with rehearsals that didn’t seem to have an ending soon, a lot of photograph sessions with tons of makeup and dress changes, and endless nights locked up in the studio to write and record songs. 
You tried to tell yourself it’s easy. Reminding yourself and repeating comforting words like it’ll all be over soon, and you’d be able to enjoy performing and connect with fans once the promotions started, but you were getting tired. 
“Hey, are you ready for today’s recording? Everyone but us and Minho are already at the studio.” Changbin pats your shoulder and brings you back down to earth, to later nod get up from the couch. You were still sleepy and wanted to take a quick nap in the living room while everyone was getting ready, but you got too deep in your thoughts and you couldn’t get the chance to do it.
Minho exits your shared bedroom and sweetly smiles at you, approaching quickly and opening his arms to embrace you right after. 
“Are you okay, sleepyhead?” He softly murmurs, making you chuckle. 
“Yeah, just a bit tired. I’ll be better once we get to the studio, though.” You tell him not to worry him too much; Minho already had enough on his plate. 
“Alright, the minivan is outside now, let’s go quickly before everyone starts complaining.” Changbin says.
It’s a quiet ride. Changbin decided to put on his headphones and listen to, you suppose, things he composed late night hours the past few weeks, meanwhile your head is resting on Minho’s shoulder as he scrolls down tiktok and laughs with you, liking cute kitty videos and some other random stuff about Stray Kids and another accounts he follows, obviously on a secret account.
Suddenly, an edit from a fan pops up. Short clips and photos of your boyfriend and Han at the rhythm of a love song. You don't say a thing, not even flinch, and Minho just keeps scrolling as if nothing happened. 
Certainly, you have noticed all those fan edits, tweets and messages on vlive about the friendship between Minho and Jisung. It started even before you joined the group, so you understood where they were coming from, it still didn't make you feel comfortable about it. Because, even though you respected and loved their friendship, you didn't like the fact that your boyfriend was being shipped with another person by lots of people, while the attention of your dynamics, despite it being a little bit more subtle for obvious reasons, was being underestimated. 
Nothing much was said in the way, Minho locked his phone a few minutes right before arriving and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. You walk separately, just in case, but as soon as you're on the 5th floor of the building, he takes your hand and smoothly squeezes. 
"Oh god, you're finally here. What took you so long?" Hyunjin groans and stands up from his chair as soon as you enter Chan's studio. 
"Sorry, I actually took my time to have breakfast, not like you who ate under 5 minutes and ran away."
Changbin tries to defend himself and leaves his belongings on the desk.
"It's not our fault you eat so slowly." Hyunjin continues to joke, so Bin furrows.
"Okay, okay, enough. We have a lot of work to do today." Chan steps up with a smile and starts giving updates for you guys and general directions.
So you all do as told, spending a good time deep in the lyrics of a new song and getting familiarized with it, owning it and adding everyone's details, singing with your hearts and praising each other. It's a song Jisung wrote and you all couldn’t help but be amazed by how great it was. 
After a few hours of singing and arranging, you all decided it was time to take a break and get something to have for lunch. The maknae line offered to go to the cafeteria and get you all food, meanwhile Chan, Minho, Changbin and you waited and threw some ideas to continue with the recording; well, it was mainly Changbin and Chan arranging some stuff, too deep in their world meanwhile you two were snuggled on the couch. 
His fingers on your hair, touching softly, a humming which you could say resembled the singing of an angel, and his other hand with a tight holding of your back. Yet so careful and subtle. You loved the way Minho made you feel; like home, safe and sound. Loved, above all.
You were so grateful to get the chance to be part of the group, since you joined a little later, but it still impressed you the easiness of how they welcomed you and how the fans were happy about it. After all, it was meant to be. You 'd like to think that, at least. 
In between the calmness that just set, you look up to find Minho with his eyes closed, so you admire him closely; every mole, his bright and soft skin, his calm breath, his humming alongside the rhythm of his heartbeat making you feel at ease. A feeling you wouldn't trade for anything.
A few minutes later, everyone gets back in the studio with bags in their hands, the smell of food makes you realize you're hungry, so you stand up and kiss the tip of Minho's nose and smile before helping the guys with the bags.
Everyone takes a seat and begins to unpack the food, rushing to eat something to put you all in a better mood for the next few hours of work ahead of you. Occasionally you discuss what you have done so far, but you try to make the rest of the break pleasant and distracting so that everyone feels a little less tense.
"Oh, guys," Felix speaks up as you're about to finish. "Why don't we pair up and upload some tiktoks of what we're doing? It could be like a little spoiler for stays."
"Yeah, it'd be cool, but couldn't we get in trouble for this?" Jeongin asks, concerned. 
Chan simply shrugs, "No, we won't. And if we do, I don't care. It's gonna be fun."
Everyone laughs and decides to go for it, so now Chan makes you all decide whether you should pick your partner or shall he assign them, so you all choose the last option. He knows you well and how you work together, and that ends up with you paired with Hyunjin, Chan is with Seungmin and Felix, Jeongin and Changbin are together and last but not least, Han and Minho.
Now, you didn't wanna seem upset about it, but a bad feeling just settles in you. You would probably not read the comments under their video, though. The tiny hope you'd get to do this with Minho vanished away, and you were not mad about it, just a little bit disappointed. 
"Alright, let's just record a few seconds of the song, meanwhile just do a lip sync and do something nice at the ending, I guess? Like we usually do." Chan indicates briefly as he takes his phone and opens the camera, and so the first ones are Changbin and Jeongin. They end up making finger hearts with a lovely expression on their faces that makes you all chuckle.
Felix, Chan and Seungmin are up next, and they send kisses to the camera, making you cringe a little, and consequently they laugh about it too, but thinking it's funny. Then, Hyunjin and you make a small and improvised choreography as well, and end up with a cool model pose, with your arm laying on his shoulder and looking empowered. 
And finally, Han and Minho simply make a heart with their arms and shortly wave goodbye before the video ends. Chan posts them right after and hopes it all goes well afterwards. 
The rest of the recording goes smooth and quick. You're too deep in your thoughts about this situation, that is clearly out of your control, but you guess that was what bothered you more. The fact that you couldn't stand up and for once and for all put an end to all those rumors and theories just makes you feel even more mad and helpless.
"Okay, that's it for today, let's go home, alright? I'll prepare dinner for you guys." Minho says, causing everyone to cheer up after the tiring day you all just had. He places a kiss on your forehead and picks up your belongings as you head to the back of the building, where the minivan waits for you.
Of course Minho notices you're suddenly quiet rather than being clingy, but he assumes you're tired and lets you sleep a bit on your way back to the apartment. 
As soon as everyone arrives home, Minho gets ready to start preparing dinner while the others take turns taking a shower, watching TV and others on their cell phones.
"Is there anything I can help you with, sweetheart?" you ask sweetly as you approach from behind his back, placing your hands on his waist. Minho lets out a nervous little laugh and looks you in the eye. 
"Don't worry, prince. Let your boyfriend take care of preparing something delicious for you. You just sit back and wait looking pretty as always."
"I heard that!" Seungmin passes laughing and unnoticed through the kitchen, making Minho blush. While everyone is aware of how mellow you guys can be, it was still something they were amused by.
“Okay, let me know if there’s anything I can do.’’ You simply state and go to the living room, taking a seat and opening tiktok. And you promised yourself you wouldn’t read the comments, but you couldn’t help it. You oftenly chuckled at all the things stay came up with, and liked some of them, as you were using your private account. Then, when Han and Minho’s clip popped up you hesitated a bit, but did it anyway. Honestly, you didn’t know what you were expecting, to everyone comment chill and light-hearted things and not focused on their ship? Of course that wouldn’t happen.
All those “They’re definitely dating’’, and “Minsung is real’’ type of comments were getting on your nerves lately, digging deep into the uncomfortableness and bother you’ve been bottling up the past few years. You just reached the point where you can’t hide your disappointment and jealousy anymore. 
After you take a shower and try to relax, you gather with your friends and boyfriend in the kitchen to have dinner. It’s the opposite of being quiet, of course. Everyone is laughing and joking around, as always. But you, on the other hand, are more serene; despite being the other way on the inside. Minho notices it and tries to understand why, but nothing comes to mind. He softly squeezes your knee under the table but you only look at him and give him a fake smile as you finish eating.
You are the first one to finish, so you stand up and wash your plate and utensils quickly, saying nothing more than a goodnight to everyone and go straight to your room, washing your teeth in a heartbeat and deciding to get in bed and sleep before Minho could enter and start asking questions regarding in your behavior tonight. But of course, as soon as you clean your face, Minho's steps in the room and sighs, heading to the bathroom.
"Hey," He says, taking his toothbrush and standing next to you. "Is everything alright? You were very quiet, is anything I c-"
"Don't worry," You interrupt him before he can say more. "I guess I'm too tired. I just want to sleep."
"Are you sure?" He insists.
"Yes," A kiss is placed on his cheek, making Minho blush. "Let's go get some rest, okay? I'll wait for you."
Still, Minho isn't at all convinced, but lets it slide for now.
The night is spent with you both intertwined, your face hidden on the crook of his neck, his heartbeat lullabies you into a heavy sleep and the comfortableness of his arms around you. Tomorrow will be a better day, you say to yourself before falling completely asleep. 
Truth is, the next day is slightly better. Minho is really attentive to you, because he is aware something is up, and even though he knows you're not ready to tell him yet, he wanted to make you feel better and let you know you could count on him and open up whenever you wanted. 
"Today we will just arrange the last track and tomorrow we will continue with dance practices." Chan says once you're all on your way to the studio, getting everyone's attention. "And I thought, after we finish, we can make a short vlive? It's been a while since we've done one together and it's a perfect occasion, in a few weeks we will be releasing this brand new album, right? So… are you in?"
No one hesitates to agree with the idea. Chan is right, it's been quite a while since you all gathered to make a live and have fun, so it sounds like it will be a pleasant and distracting activity after these past days of stress and overwork. 
So all said and done, once you guys are done with the recording of the last track of the album, you get some food and make yourselves comfortable to start with the live. Chan is sitting in his chair, while on the couch in the back is Changbin, right on the armrest, right next to him, Jeongin and Seungmin are along the couch, and on the opposite side to Changbin, Felix has taken a seat.
Minho and Han are on the left side of Chan, and Hyunjin has kept you company on the opposite side, so that everyone can be seen by Stay in front of the camera.
"Okay, is everyone ready?" Chan asks once he has set everything up to start, and presses the start live button when he gets a positive response from everyone.
And it's really nice. Everyone is having a pretty fun time, reading the stay comments, they're placing bets and asking about the songs they will hear next. You guys are joking around, making little spoilers in order to make them suffer a bit for the wait ahead until the album is released, thanking them for the kind comments about the last tiktoks you uploaded among some other comments. 
Suddenly the comments drift off to the actions everyone is doing while reading; Jeongin, for example, has started ponytailing Felix's hair and then asked for suggestions to further style his hair, Hyunjin has started feeding you the snacks you brought, while Minho and Han are pushing each other with their shoulders to get more camera, so suddenly some more comments about them catch your attention, which inevitably makes you raise your eyes towards them.
It's a simple, innocent game, but the comments paint it as flirting. And you don't like the way that makes you feel. 
Your spirits are now down, and Hyunjin notices it immediately, so he comforts you, hugging you a little, letting you know that you can count on him if you need to let off steam, and also taking your cell phone so you can no longer read those comments. 
He quickly sends a message to Chan to end the live broadcast promptly, which he does within a few minutes without question, just after everyone has said goodbye and sent good wishes for Stay.
"So, shall we go now?" Jeongin asks a bit concerned at the abrupt ending, to which Chan confirms and says it was gonna last a bit anyway, since he still needed to be at the studio longer and wanted everyone to get more rest.
"Okay, _____ and I are going to the bathroom real quick, meet you all downstairs?" Hyunjin quickly says and everyone agrees, walking off the room as soon as possible and heading to said place.
Once you're inside the big bathroom, you quickly check no one's in the stalls and let out a long sigh, Hyunjin following you.
"Are you okay?" He asks as you wash your face with the cold water.
"Yeah, yeah," You mumble, feeling terrible.  "It's just... ugh, this is stupid. I don't understand why I feel this way, it doesn't make any sense, I mean..." 
Hyunjin only manages to look at you, feeling empathetic. 
"I'm sorry, I'm acting very childish, aren't I? The jealousy I have is quite irrational."
Your friend doesn't know what to say so he simply gives you a hug. Good, his hugs make you feel better. He makes you feel understood. Hyunjin lets you know that what you feel is okay. He won't judge you, he will simply walk you through this.
"Let's go home, Jinnie. Thank you." You simply say and ignore the tears threatening to stream down your face. 
The ride home is quite quiet. Minho is beside you, his head on your shoulder as he plays a game on his phone, but your attention is on the road, your eyes lost in the scenery. And you didn't mean to be so heartless, but this whole situation has really overtaken you for the worse.
As much as you try to think about this and come up with a solution, the truth is that all you want now is to get to your dorm room and rest. Maybe cry a little as an outlet to clear your head and then talk it over with Minho.
So once in the apartment, you quickly head to the bedroom, ignoring Minho's calls, shouting your name so that you at least turn to look at him, but his attempts end up failing. Everyone seems to be puzzled by the situation, but they decide not to intervene; at least not for now. 
Minho is really surprised by your behavior, and once you have locked yourself in the room, he turns to Hyunjin for help, since he knows that he was the last person you talked to before all this happened.
"Go to him, he seems to be avoiding you, but he needs you." He instructs him, so Minho walks quickly and knocks on the door a couple of times before entering.
It's heartbreaking for him to hear you sobbing under the covers. He's so confused and worried, so he approaches quickly but cautiously, taking a seat right next to you.
"Hey, prince, what's wrong?" He whispers, his sweet voice reaching your ear but not stopping your crying. "My love..."
Minho reaches his hand to the edge of the blanket and slowly lifts it, revealing your sad, soaked face. He just wants to come closer to kiss you and hold you so much, he wants you to stop feeling bad.
"What's wrong, do you need anything, can I do anything for you? Tell me, please."
You look at him and try to stop crying, slowly getting closer as he rounds you with his arms and kisses the top of your head. 
Your crying starts to die down, "I'm sorry." You manage to say, with your voice still low, almost in a whisper.
Minho doesn’t understand why you are suddenly apologizing, but he listens to you and lets you continue. 
"I've... This is nonsense, I'm sorry, I don't want you to feel like I'm forbidding you to... I mean, I don't want to-"
"____, hey, it's okay, honey. Take a breath, take your time. It’s okay." He says, now placing a kiss on the tip of your nose and raising his hand to erase the tears on your face.
"It's just that..." A sigh leaves your mouth, in an attempt to calm down your nerves. "Lately, I have read and seen... things that are quite hard for me to process and, I know I shouldn't care about it, cause it's meaningless, but somehow, it gets in my head and now I can't simply ignore it. I hate how this makes me feel."
"What's wrong?" 
"Please don't hate me for this or laugh about it…"
"Of course I won't." He assures you, smiling up a bit to make you feel comfortable. 
"Okay, I'll just say it. This shipping culture the fans have… I try to understand it, it's fun sometimes, but, it's getting on my nerves that all I can see lately it's about you and Jisung… and, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm jealous about this."
You close your eyes, so you can't see Minho's reaction to your words. You said it so quickly you ran out of breath a little bit, and the fact that Minho hasn't said anything in what feels like an eternity, makes you feel nervous. Did you mess up? Is he holding up a laugh? Does he feel attacked? 
"Prince, look at me." He utters, holding your face, which is probably turning red, and caressing your cheek. 
You slowly do as told, cracking one eye open and quickly with the other one after seeing his face is serious. He's not laughing, but there's a small smile that denotes comprehension. 
"I love you." Minho says before pulling you for a kiss. His free hand sliding on your back and holding you tightly. When you run out of breath, he slowly separates, but his forehead is resting on yours and your noses touch up on a skimo kiss.  "I love you so, so much."
"I love you too…" You whisper. "I'm sorry."
"No. Don't be." He quickly says, separating a bit so he can stare into your eyes. "You don't have to be sorry, okay? I understand where you're coming from. What you feel is completely understandable. I just… I wish you had told me before you felt this bad."
A smile is finally drawn in your lips, "I honestly didn't know it affected me that much until now. I mean, I just didn't care about it at the beginning, but now it's… everywhere. In a lot of comments on every single video, every live; on signs at the concerts, on fansigns… It got into my head."
"I'm sorry, prince." He says and kisses you again. "Uhm, I'm sure we can talk it out and maybe, if it makes you feel like this, Jisung and I can stop it by not interacting too much-"
"No!" You interrupt him, making him feel surprised. "No way, no. This isn't what I want to happen. It's not your fault, not Jisung's. I don't want you to stop being friends or having your friendship affected by this. I don't think this is in our hands to solve, I'll have to find a way to ignore it and move on."
"Love, I'd do anything to make you feel better. I don't want you to ever feel sad about this situation, we can look out for a solution with Jisung. I'm sure he'll understand." He says.
"I know, but I love and respect your friendship with him too. You've been friends since forever, even before I took part in the group, and I will never forgive myself if that is ruined somehow because of this." 
Minho looks at you with adoration, "Are you sure? Because we can come up with a solution."
You smile, "I'm sure. I just needed to let it all out to feel better. It's gonna be okay, eventually."
"Okay, just let me know if you ever feel like this again, please." 
"Sure. Thank you, love." 
"No need to, my prince." He says and kisses you again. "Now let's wash up your pretty face and watch a movie? I'll let you pick."
Minho doesn’t separate from you the rest of the night. He showers you with kisses and whispers sweet words to your ears until you fall asleep between each other's arms. From now on, you know everything will be okay.
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starrystevie · 1 year
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hiya everyone! the month of june is a big one for not only myself personally but also for this blog so we'll be celebrating a few things:
my own birthday on june 24th!
reaching 2k followers! (which is still mind blowing where did y'all come from)
pride month!
now i may not be a gif maker or edit maker, but i do want to celebrate by interacting with you all in the ways i know how! i'm going to be hosting what i like to call "roll for...?", a mysterious way to get stranger things content from me for the rest of the month. starting today, june 13, you can send me in asks for things to roll for (just make sure you go over the rules before sending in an ask pls <3)
if you're interested in participating, click the read more for the rules!
how it works:
i'll have the following categories to pick from: drabble, playlist, or aesthetic/moodboard. pick one of those categories and then select up to 3 of the following subcategories for me to roll specifics for: ship, trope, vibe/colors, length, era, crossover. whatever subcategories go unchosen, i can use if i want to! each of the subcategories will have a few options in them that i will then roll for to leave the final product up to the luck of the roll. if needed, any additional details will be left up to me! if you would like it to be entirely my pick, please select 3 ships listed below for me to choose from and i will take it from there. warning, some categories will be easier for me to combine than others (ie vibe with crossover might be challenging) so please take every post with a grain of salt. this is all just for fun. these will be posted as i can get them done, so feel free to send in asks whenever you want to! i will stop accepting asks for this project on june 30th but will probably still have things to post after that. all posts will be tagged with #rollfor2023 to help keep things organized.
important to know!:
if you have any triggers or things you wouldn't want to me to include, please let me know what to avoid. i'll honor it no questions asked. all drabbles will be rated anywhere from general to mature with absolutely zero explicit smut unless you tell me you are comfortable with it being included. overcommunicate with me and we'll both be happy campers!
subcategory specifics:
ship: 1. steve/eddie, 2. robin/nancy, 3. robin/chrissy, 4. jonathan/argyle, 5. joyce/hopper, 6. bee's pick of steve ship (platonic or romantic) trope: 1. enemies to lovers, 2. friends to lovers, 3. one bed, 4. the italicized 'oh', 5. soulmates, 6. bee's pick of shop au vibe/colors: 1. whimsical/pastels, 2. angst/dark muted, 3. hopeless romantic/soft pinks, 4. cheerful/bright & bold, 5. bittersweet/blues & greys, 6. angry/dark reds length (around a certain word/song count): 1. 100-300 words/3 songs, 2. 300-500 words/5 songs, 3. 500-750 words/8 songs, 4. 750-1000 words/10 songs, 5. 1000-1500 words/15 songs, 6. bee's pick era: 1. ancient greek, 2. 1980s, 3. modern/2020s, 4. 1800s wild west, 5. 1940s, 6. unspecified fantasy world timeline ala lotr or got crossover (all chosen from my favorites!): 1. moulin rogue, 2. across the universe, 3. bee's pick of disney movie, 4. grishaverse, 5. glee, 6. supernatural
an example ask (can copy / paste if you'd like!):
i would like a drabble with a roll for ship, length, and crossover. avoid character death and mentions of drugs.
i hope this makes sense, so please let me know if you have questions! i'm truly just wanting to do something fun for the hell of it because isn't that we're all here for anyway?! rejoining the fandom side of tumblr this time last year has been such a great decision. i've been able to meet so many of you wonderful people and remember what it's like to enjoy fandom spaces again without shame. best of all, it's gotten me writing again, which had been such a big part of my hobbies that i had pushed aside. getting back into writing as a way to express myself and make content with some fucking guys from some fucking tv show has made a massive difference in my happiness over the last year.
i thank you all so sincerely for being with me along the ride. tagging some of my beloved buds here in no possible order because if it weren't for y'alls support, i never would have written half the things i have. thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly <3
@buckleydiaz @thefreakandthehair @yournowheregirl @scoops-stevie @gothbat99 @bayouteche @toburnup @stevethehairington @judasofsuburbia @henderdads @sharpbutsoft @kkpwnall @figthefruitfaeth @fastcardotmp3 @fragilecapric0rnn @wynnyfryd @stargyles @jeysuso @bitchsteve @lovespiralls @riality-check @cheatghost @legitcookie @hellsfireclub @sanguineterrain @kingofscoops @roykentt @sidekick-hero
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sansxfuckyou · 1 year
Like Christmas Morning
Summary: When you hear the word 'meat grinder' being wrapped in rope full of blades and having them pulled isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind. Unless, of course, you're a cruel mastermind behind a screen who can't be touched by the person you're torturing.
Warnings: Heavily suggestive themes, shibari, gore, blood loss, near death situations, check tags for further warnings.
Authors Note: *deep breath* someone needs to slap some sense into me before the mild eroticization of gore turns to extreme eroticization of gore, this one, I don't even know where the idea came from it just did. The gore heavily outweighs the horniness because I'm too lazy to equally distribute the aspects even though I could, maybe when I edit for the Ao3 port that'll happen. @sobredunia I already subjected you to some of this very specific breed of insanity so have the rest of it first thing when you wake up, anyways, if anyone who reads this a enjoyed a reblog would be nice
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He gave a groan as he blinked the sleep from his eye, instinctively raising a hand to his face.
That was new.
He was used to not being able to see what everyone else could, but his arms refusing to respond was brand new.
And he really didn't like the notions of why he they weren't responding when that all too familiar screen dropped down. Bright green LEDs made up a smug and masked face on a flat screen monitor that swiveled around him. He tried to glare and writhe, but he couldn't get much more of a response than the tingling numb sensation lacing his body in definitive strikes.
"What did you do this time?" Detah snarled out as he tried to move again, the tingling felt more prickly this time, more defined-
It was under his jacket and under his shirt, pressing directly against his skin and he hated it. He moved again, it shifted across his skin, the tingling felt even more prickly, like he was rolling in a field full of cacti. Shock and a small wave of concern washed over him, it played out on his face.
The Mastermind gave a small laugh, "Oh, nothing much, let me get a mirror," She grinned as a wall shifted to a reflective surface, Detah stared in a mix of horror and shock.
Striking red with speckles of shining silver wrapped atop his jacket, and given the tightness on his torso one could gather there was more than one layer. The red roped back across his shoulders, presumably down to his wrists, intricate knots resting atop his form. That same crimson twine stretched down his legs, knees tied bent and partially spread, the color popping atop the denim. Glinting bits of silver litter the zigzag pattern of rope, the unordered placement of knots is a bit of an eyesore.
"Okay, what the genuine fuck?" Was all Detah could manage, "Is this some fucked up kink? Or have you someone figured out how to make tying me up like," He paused, "Like, you think putting me in bondage is gonna kill me?"
"I prefer safe, sane, and consensual things, and I doubt this falls under any of those categories," The Mastermind answered with, a button clicked and the reflective part of the wall disappeared, "Look, on the other side of that are some of your friends-"
"I swear to fuck if any of the kids see me like this," Detah threatened, he struggled once more and this time it actually hurt a little bit.
"I have standards! Jeez, some of your friends are on the other side, you're full of numbing drugs that have almost worn out, and the shiny bits in that rope are blades," The Mastermind explained, Detah nodded, stilling his form, "Given how much your struggling has progressed the release of the blades I'd give you... Not nearly as long as you want, have fun."
"But, but how am I gonna make it out alive?" Detah asked almost hopefully, The Mastermind shrugged.
"Well, you aren't supposed to survive, but your one hope is that your teammates are good at undoing knots- if I get lucky your corpse will be in a similar state to ground beef," The Mastermind couldn't help the joy on her tone as she spoke, the horror surmounting on Detahs face only made it more enjoyable, "Good luck."
The screen went black before returning to the roof, for a moment Detah was back in silence and a horribly illuminated room. He was caught in a rope with knots intricate enough to replicate a spider web and he has to rely on a bunch of idiots to get him out?
He's dying, no doubt about it, he'll die a horrible death and there won't be a body to bury.
Then the wall splits, sliding open, on the other side as promised Uzomi, Murasaki, and Blue stand, no one else. They're all paralyzed at the sight laid out before them, Detah, wrapped up like a Christmas present in red rope. He can only look to the floor in shame, waiting patiently for one of them to move; he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.
"When she said we wouldn't be expecting what was on the other side of the wall she was right," Murasaki managed dryly.
"Definitely," Blue added on in agreement.
Again, a pause of silence.
"We should get moving," Uzomi said before walking over to Detah, the other two followed.
She crouched down in front of him and reached out to touch the string, she recoiled at the prick of something sharp. Murasaki tried next, he tugged a little bit and Detah gave a hiss of pain, it still wasn't as bad as it will be. And then Blue, reaching into her bag and pulling out a pair of scissors.
"You just have those?" Uzomi asked, Blue nodded.
"Yep, in my bag when I woke up," Blue answered with as she slid the blade between denim and string before slicing, it did nothing, "That's not good."
"It really isn't," Murasaki said, "Did The Mastermind tell you anything Detah."
Detah nodded, "Yeah, that you guys better be good at untying knots or I'm gonna end up looking like mince meat."
The three shared glances.
"Please tell me one of you is good at knots?" Detah asked quietly, Murasaki shrugged.
"I know some basic stuff, not exactly this stuff, but the principle is the same," Murasaki said, gesturing to the rope on Detahs torso before reaching out to undo it.
"You better get this right," Detah snarled as a knot came undone, the red frayed around the blades as it loosened, and there was a lot more metal than rope.
Blue swiveled around to be at Detahs back, running her hands across the red of the twine, searching for weak spots until she found a faulty knot. She gripped either end and the blades popped out even more, tearing into the fabric of his jacket and the skin on her hands. Detah winced and bit his tongue, the pressure on his torso squeezed a little more, his breathing shook for a brief moment.
Uzomi brought her hands to rest at the knots on his knees, he instantly shifted despite the tightening.
"I'm just trying to help! Moving makes it worse," Uzomi chided, placing hands on her hips.
"And? I wanna leave with my dignity, hell if I remember if I was a freak who got off on this shit, any one of you touching my thighs could make this a million times more awkward," Detah explained, trying to pull his legs closer together, nearly losing balance as he moved.
Uzomi shrugged, "Either you risk getting horny or you die, what'll it be?"
Detah stayed silent.
"I figured as much," Uzomi said before undoing the knots on his knees, shiny blades revealed themselves as they fell from his form.
He tried to stay still as the rope came undone, squeezing a little tighter with every faulty tug until he was completely unrestrained. His wrists tingled from where circulation was cut off, and little red dots littered them. He gave a heavy breath as he tried to relax, slump forward just a bit, but he couldn't. A horrible constriction on his chest only got worse, and the numbing was mostly gone now.
"There's another layer," Detah said, trying to yank off his jacket, the rope tightened on his arms until it tore.
"What do you mean there's another layer?" Murasaki asked as he stared at the red soaking into the white fabric under Detahs hoodie.
Uzomi grabbed the jacket and pulled it the rest of the way off, "More string."
Sectionals of string snaked around Detahs form, even more intricate than the last layer, the small iron blades tore into his arms. His shirt was cut, jagged tears across the fabric where the rope lay and he could still feel a layer underneath the tightening sharpness. He gave a groan of anguish as Murasaki brought a hand to the ropes turning his arm to carnage.
Murasaki paused and Detahs eyes widened, "That was a hurt sound I swear," Detah said to try and recover from his blunder, "Do the ones on my chest first, I can handle losing an arm."
"Alright," Blue said as she ran over the knots on his back, a lot lighter this time to prevent the blades from triggering even more.
Uzomi hesitated before speaking, "There aren't any under your pants is there?"
"No- fuck no, and let's all be thankful for that, pick a god and thank 'em," Detah said, briefly going on a small tangent to avoid the agony coursing through him from clouding his mind.
Speaking of 'clouding' he felt sorta foggy, that's what blood loss feels like. He stays statue still as his teammates unravel him, he hears the sound of his chest constraints hitting the floor. He breaths again, but externally it's a rather unpleasant grating sensation, he gives another groan of pain. Someone goes to take off his shirt and he freezes, tenses a little bit more than he already is.
"I can take off my own shirt, thank you very much," Detah managed, but his voice was quieter, a hint of a slur on it as he tried to take off his shirt.
The ropes in his shoulder blades tore him wide open, patches of skin tearing with fully exposed razors. He still struggled to do it by himself up until Uzomi forced her help, gently pulling the shirt off of him. It was heavily saturated in red, it dripped in some spots and there was no sign that it was ever white left over. It was concerning to say the least, she tossed it aside before crouching down in front of Detah again and sliding her calloused fingers across the rope.
He yowled when her fingers dipped into an open wound, it stung and burned. Everyone recoiled at the cry of agony, then briefly paused to take in the sight. Detah, bleeding out and demoralized to the point of no return with drugs that no longer have effect. As tempting as it is too just let him die (mostly to Murasaki) they also know it would be counterproductive. They returned to undoing knots and avoiding torn skin and wounds that deepened with every breath he took.
"I'm taking care of your arms," Murasaki said as reached to the knots near Detahs shoulders, they came undone easily. The rope slid off with the slightest outward tug all the way down his shoulder, bright red wounds. Murasaki felt ill at the sight, especially as the blood started to ooze from them. He reached for Detahs jacket and wrapped it around his arm and thankfully it stopped the flow.
Uzomi undid a knot on his torso, resting at his sternum and went to untie the one at his shoulder. The bloody ropes were stripped from his form with shocking easy, Uzomi made sure to tie the soaked fabric of his shirt around his arm. She held it to keep pressure consistent, squeezing every now and then to keep him grounded in reality.
"I think I'm dying," Detah said.
"I think you're living," Uzomi answered with. It was a false hope if anything, he had lost so much blood, enough to cause extreme panic if he passed out.
Detah gave a hum, "That'd be nice."
"He's fucking delirious," Murasaki said, mirroring Uzomis actions as Blue tried to undo the knots.
Uzomi rolled her eyes, "At least he's breathing!"
"Slipknot!" Blues exclamation tore through the argument as she tugged the simple knot undone, ropes fell down easily, "Hand me his jacket, now."
Murasaki glanced to Uzomi who glared at him, he gave a sigh before shedding his cloak and handing it to Blue. She wrapped it around Detahs torso tightly, using the sleeves to keep it secured. Blood soaked into Murasakis jacket fast, but it slowed the flow at that.
"I liked that jacket," Murasaki said quietly.
"I'm going to sleep," Detah got out.
"No! No you're not," Uzomi said, sharpness on her voice shot adrenaline into Detah.
"Alright, fine," Detah said before leaning back, "I'll try."
"Just wake up again if you do," Murasaki said, "I don't think anyone could handle you dying so soon."
Detah gave a sleepy grin, "Sounds like someone has a crush."
That caused a brief moment of hesitance, "Changed my mind, I want him dead."
"Don't joke about that Murasaki, we're in a killing game," Blue said with a sigh.
"Fine," Murasaki answered with bitterly, "But keep his delirious mouth shut."
"I think it's funny if it pisses you off this much," Uzomi said with a bit of a smirk on her face.
"I hate you, I've lost my jacket and soon my sanity will follow," Murasaki said dejectedly, he still didn't let go of Detahs arm, he still wanted to keep the blood in.
No one wanted him to die just yet, and especially not by a messed up bondage session.
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funny---pics · 2 years
Hey sorry to disturb! Since you tagged me in a post that explains how Tumblr works (thanks btw! ) I was wondering if you could help me? Is there a way to be connected to two accounts at the same time and be able to switch between them? Have a good day!
Hey! Sure :D
You can make sideblogs by clicking in the arrow in the top left corner of your blog (on mobile, I'd have to check web) like so:
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Those are always logged in at the same time as your main! You can't reply to posts from side urls, you can't like posts with them either, but because you can reblog-reply instead of normal replies, & bc likes are useless anyway, that doesn't really matter.
Ask, messages, reblogs, drafts, queue, theme, all work separately so you can use the side like a normal blog
Also obvs you can't follow different stuff from a side blog, you still only have one dash with the posts from people/tags you follow!
Oh and you have a daily post limit of 250 posts&reblogs(&drafts, & every time you edit a post also counts into that) per main blog, I know if you're coming from a different site you might not be used to reblogging much but once you get used to it & reblog a lot that might be an issue :D I have another main mainly so if something wild is happening on tumblr and I hit post limit (big political event, popular meme, & for example I hit the limit a couple times now bc of the twitter chaos lmao), I can keep tumblring on another blog!
If you do make another main blog...
You can't really log into the app at the same time, though switching just requires typing in email&password (or + an sms code if you did the double something check safety thingy), so it doesn't take that long.
Alternatively, you can log into tumblr in browsers as well, for example Firefox app works really well for that!
Or you keep one blog logged in on mobile and the other on your laptop.
Hope this helps!
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mr-snailman · 4 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
yo thanks for the tag @fruitysalamander1398
tbh I feel a little weird answering these cause I am really NOT much of a writer lmao... but I'll give it my best shot
How many works do you have on AO3?
(and less if you're only counting the finished ones ;-;)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
generally speaking if I'm gonna write fic for something I just take one google doc and exorcise all my thoughts and feelings in there... so far I've published fic for the Philip Marlowe novels, Footloose, Cabin in the Woods, and the Outsiders. I've got unfinished scraps lying around for Watching the Detectives, the Monument Mythos, Class... and probably a few others.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
uh. well.
Fortunate Sons
2. an honest-to-god star in the age of airplanes
3. Heaven Helps the Man
4. Love is the Thing With Fins
5. Do you respond to comments?
YES. If you leave me a comment I will a) get back to you b) reread it every now and then and c) treasure your kind words forever.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
haha... well.. my track record would indicate that I'm pretty bad at writing endings, period -_- but it's probably The Derivatives of Affection, an unfinished work for Class (1983), a shitty sex comedy in which Rob Lowe runs around in bright-red lace. It's a bunch of sad reflections on falling for your best friend while encouraging him to get laid elsewhere, only for a terrible coincidence to create a rift between you that you'll never be able to close.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Fortunate Sons, hands down.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Never. The whole idea seems really strange to me... like I'm sure it does happen but I can't imagine why someone would bother to leave a hate comment instead of just... clicking the back button?
9. Do you write smut, and if so, what kind?
Not successfully LMAO. I've made a few... attempts... but circumstances always seem to get in the way.
10. Do you write crossovers, and what's the craziest one you've ever written?
Not in a long time. I was... 10 or so? and my best friend and I were coming up with a comic book series that borrowed characters from the edges of a whole bunch of completely unrelated books and movies. Lil bro if you're out there I look back on that fondly + wish you well.
Kind of tempted to do something with The Martian X Good Will Hunting... but that'll probably end up as art if it hits the page at all. Oh, and the unnamed nurse in Fortunate Sons is absolutely supposed to be Margaret Houlihan, but that's never explicitly stated XD
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, thank god.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! I have done some anonymous translation for other people's work though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
...yes? I heavily edited aforementioned childhood best friend's Wings of Fire fanfic, which turned into him writing the action and me frantically trying to insert descriptions. good times.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
ah, that's hard. all-time? well... you know what, I'm gonna go with Philip Marlowe/Red Norgaard. first fic I ever published, and I've read everything else in the tag... all five of them XD. It's the tenderness, found in the most unexpected places, it's the jaded private detective finally letting himself fall into the arms of the kindest man he knows, it's a chance meeting turning into the luckiest accident you've ever had.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Heaven Helps the Man... I love you and I'm so sorry ;-; maybe someday! maybe someday I'll finally have the time to do you justice
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good with imagery that feels alive. It's definitely my favorite part of writing. The trick is that I don't invent everything from whole-cloth. It's a boardwalk I've stood on, whispering sharp-edged tallgrass I remember from a childhood trip to the beach, a neon sign I glimpsed through the rain once, the IHOP where I had a panic attack XD ... the rest just sort of builds from there.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
finishing things... I call it the thirty-two page curse :(
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
Never had occasion to do it but it'd be fun for sure! I do think it's fun when the author gives you a thread to follow, something to google in another tab, so you can come back and go ahhhh. It would really be interesting to do something with Spanish, cause I do speak it pretty well. I had an original story about a road trip down the Chilean coastline with spies and mathematicians that unfortunately fell victim to the curse, but maybe I'll dig it out again sometime and see how bad my grammar was XD
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Like, ever? Stan Lee's Zodiac Legacy trilogy. Handwritten in a pocket-size black sketchbook, sometimes in the dark after lights-out, so it's practically illegible in places. My mom read it and said "you should publish this" which is how I discovered ff.net... and the rest is history
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Hmmm... I am really, really proud of Fortunate Sons, don't get me wrong, but an honest-to-god star will always have a special place in my heart. Phil Marlowe as a character is really important to me, and it was so exciting to get to play with Chandler's style.
I... just tagged a bunch of you for something else and I'm kind of shy to do it again so soon. Consider this an open call! If any of you write, go ahead and tag me so I can see your answers <3
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zigsnose · 3 years
outtakes from the curvy mc edit
okay so i may have edited around 20 other outfits onto the new body before i eventually settled on the 4 in the final post...... was that incredibly time-consuming? perhaps. do i regret it? yes oh my god i should have been doing homework wtf is wrong with me no, no i do not.
(lol just click the read more if you want to see some of those + extra commentary)
(i also made 2 more face options that i could put up later, if anyone wants that)
i was gonna use this very simple but very cute bra & undies pair on the left until i discovered f!dakota's underwear set on the right
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(yo where can i find a bralette in real life that looks that good and still holds ALL OF THAT up?? asking for a friend)
as i said, the first iteration of this edit was based on an mc from another game, and i imagine her wardrobe mostly consists of sweatshirts and other loungewear like myself but i wanted her to be in something more dressy for the actual post. this is what i had her in before i committed to making a complete sprite and not just overlaying riya's body:
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some other looks that didn't make the cut:
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i used to groan every time a new floral diamond outfit would show up in a book (why are there so many tho?), but i must have been seeing them on the wrong mcs because these fits are gorgeous
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one thing i wanted to clarify is that these mcs aren't really "plus-sized"; they're rather just an average person's body in real life. the game leans so far in one direction of a particular body type that this one would seem extraordinary, when in reality it's super common. i do wish i could make some edits with mariana, who is actually plus-sized, but i don't think i'd be able to get the shading right. pb, hun, if you could just feature that body type with more outfits in more books, that'd be great, thx
lastly, i appreciate all the love y'all sent on that post! i honestly have more fun making edits than i do playing the game these days. what made me come back from being gone all summer was the joy i got from reading all the feedback and color commentary people would put in the replies & tags of my edits. every big announcement pb makes pushes me closer and closer to dropping this app for good, but i would stick around just for the laughs and insight y'all provide on here.
wow that got super corny at the end. you're a champ if you got this far, truly ✨
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shelby-love · 4 years
Skeletons and Whatnot.
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warning(s): none
Author’s note: I feel like this is rubbish, but I also feel like it’s not. 50/50 (1.6K words - might come back to edit it tomorrow)
Also you can see how tired I am (it's 4:30AM) I mean what is this title??? GOOD NIGHT.
"That's not possible. Check again."
"But I already did! Like a million times!"
"Adam, I swear to God-"
"Alright, alright…" Your colleague mumbled, turning on his chair to run the data yet again.
While he sat on the chair, looking through files he didn't have a clue about, you were leaning against the wall and shaking in your boots. Your heart hammered and your palms felt clammy.
Not possible. I killed him.
"No look it says right there," Adam declared; proud of himself for being able to gather information like this on his own. "Some girl named Lucy Riggs pawned a gun she got off some guy named Jon Prescott.
You squinted your eyes at the information that made no sense. "Get to the point."
Adam visibly swallowed, "Turns out the guy's name isn't Jon. Shocker. It's actually Parker Torres."
Your blood ran cold at his words. A million thoughts raced through your head. You wondered where he was, what he was doing… The questions that evaded your mind are usually normal, but here, when you thought about the dark man of your past, the questions seemed to be anything but normal.
"What about the gun?"
Adam clicked away until a picture of a metallic gun popped out. "Smith & Wesson Model 64 revolver."
Next thing you knew, a chain of vulgar profanities escaped your mouth, and you couldn't stop them. Ruzek's eyes widened ever so slightly at your lack of composure. "Mind telling me what this all about?"
You took a deep breath. "My skeleton escaped the closet."
The lack of information you found within the last couple of days was mind blowing. The only lead you had was the gun that wasn't even in your possession, having gotten lost in a misfit of undocumented sales.
Lucy wasn't of help either. The poor girl just wanted to get rid of her husband's gun, saying everything but useful information along the way. "If he wants a gun, then he better get a good one… A new one too! I don't want that piece of garbage in my house. God only knows who used that gun!" Lucy told you, just 48 hours ago. Those exact same words.
She was right about one thing.
That dammed gun went through so many hands and took double more lives.
And you didn't even have a lead.
"You look like crap," Kevin Atwater teased, handing you a steaming cup of coffee.
You didn't even manage to smile, looking at him through your shades that were, so far, doing a great job at concealing the bags under your eyes from the world.
"Rough night?"
Kevin didn't know that you no longer lived with Kelly. The temporary solution to your problems turned out to be moving back to your own place. Putting Kelly in harm's way, no matter how much he thought otherwise, was something you didn't want to do. The comfort of his bed and body were replaced by a thin blanked and an uncomfortable dining chair.
Dozens of glass decorations were laid out all over your apartment. On every window still, next to every door… On every surface, really. You slept on the dining chair 5 yards from your front door with a pistol strapped to your back, a shotgun under the chair and a rifle wrapped around your two arms, acting as a teddy bear for every time you dozed off.
Friends from Interpol would call here and there, with nothing more than sad news.
Hank Voight was pulling out every contact from his little notebook, but not even they could solve your years long case.
You wanted to throw up.
"Hey Kev."
"What's up?"
"You still friends with that FBI agent?"
"Second floor clear," The grip on your radio loosened after the second you needed to inform your team about your situation had passed and you moved on upstairs. You could hear them respond in the same matter as you held your gun with both hands and carefully climbed up the stairs.
You didn't let a sound slip your lips as you trekked the stairs up to the very last floor, save for the attic. For a drug house, everything was eerily quiet. It didn't feel like someone left in a hasty hurry.
It felt like as though there was no one there in the first place.
Your need to report that to your Sergeant faded away quickly once you saw smoke. It seized your full attention within a few seconds.
Smoke grenade was your first guess. Nasty things but nothing new.
That was, until you took several steps closer and the smell of the source journeyed through your nostrils. It clicked in your head immediately. Three years of being a squad lieutenant's girlfriend can do that to you. The scent of fire is nauseating and sweet, putrid and steaky, or something like leather being tanned over a flame. The smell  of it can be so thick and rich that it's almost a taste. Kelly's words rung in your head, and  you pulled your radio to your mouth.
"Call CFD! There's a fire on the third floor!" You informed, shielding your eyes. "Stand down! I repeat –"
Things went black after those words.
"We have a detective trapped on the third floor," Voight informed the first responders. "That's where the fire started."
Wallace nodded, "Squad 3, take the third floor."
Unlike Wallace, who had found his source of information in Voight, Kelly Severide had found it in Jay, who stood on the street visibly stressed. "Jay where's Y/N?"
Jay frowned, "She went to scope ahead. She was on the third floor when the whole place just blew up…"
"She could be unconscious right now," Kelly muttered. "Squad 3 let's go!"
Kelly Severide was already in the burning building when Chief Boden found out just who was trapped upstairs. "Dammit."
Kelly's patience was thinning by the second. Knowing that his time is limited and that the place could blow in a stronger matter at any moment, he paced toward your unconscious body expeditiously.
Noticing the angry streak of blood that came from your nose had his heart in his throat. You were twisted in a way not normal for a human body to be in, catching him off guard the moment he laid his eyes on you.
Despite all that, Kelly still swooped in to grasp your limp body in his arms.
The stress of the last few days he went through didn't come close to a match with this very moment. "I'm coming down chief!"
For a moment Wallace wanted to bark back, but he bit his tongue. Love makes people do crazy things.
He knew that better than anyone.
"Get the hoses ready!" Boden announced and turned to the Intelligence.
"She'll be okay."
You were okay.
Maybe even better than you thought possible.
"Kelly wake up."
You smiled cheekily at doctor Mannig, who stood by your hospital bed, waiting for Kelly to wake up with the same thin line of patience as you.
You woke him up with a slap to his shoulder.
Natalie was beaming, her eyes sparkled despite the fact that she was the doctor to the most heavily guarded patient in the whole city of Chicago. "I think congratulations are in order."
"What do you mean?"
She winked before handing you the tablet, "You're 11 weeks along Y/N. Congratulations you two."
You shook your head wildly and pressed a palm to your mouth, acting out what your defense mechanism wanted you to do. "Oh God…"
"Really?" Kelly asked next to you. He had already grabbed your hand and gripped it tightly, holding you to the ground of your new reality. "Are you for real?"
She nodded, "The tests don't lie. I'm so happy for you two."
Natalie hugged you both closely before disappearing back into the crowded ER.
"Hey," Kelly murmured, grasping your chin with his index finger and thumb. "What's wrong? You're not happy? I thought…"
You shook your head immediately, stopping him from saying something that was untrue. "No, Kelly… I'm really happy."
Two heartbeats within one body. Your body.
A child that was going to take after you and the man you loved most in this world…
You felt so incredibly lucky at that moment.
Yet so guilty.
"Our baby could've died today…"
Fresh onset of tears attacked your eyes, pushing through until the moisture was dripping down your face, and you tried to muffle the hiccups with your hands. Everything started to make sense.
"Baby you didn't know…" He tried to calm you.
You shook your head violently, dropping his attempts into the water. "I should've known better. We didn't use protection... Then I felt so sick last week."
"But I was so obsessed with Parker Torres that-" You couldn't even finish the sentence because the guilt turned into anger. "God I'm so stupid!"
"Babe, look at me," Kelly's voice hardened yet the hands with which he cupped your face were gentle and comforting. "You didn't know, so none of this is your fault. If you knowingly went in there that's when it would have been your fault."
He kissed your tears away and gave you the softest smile ever. "Do you want to have this baby with me? Because if you don't, we can…"
You stopped him with a kiss.
You were venerable in the moment of the kiss, yet you never felt more at home. In this kiss is the promise of years of love and the sweetness of life. No one mattered at that moment. Not Parker… Not anyone. Only you two and the vow you just shared.
The next few weeks will be hard, that much you knew. You were introduced to a new reality and priorities shifted. The hunt for your skeleton will continue in the hands of the people you trust most and as months go by the light will greet the darkness of your tunnel.
But the next few years, you see nothing but light and happiness.
No skeletons to torture your life, but a baby and a soulmate to make it better.
TAGS (all posts): @fofisstilinski @short-potato @miranda0102  @httphiddlestan @caromichaela @xx-missunicorn-xx @jemmakates @lorenakaspersen @scarletsoldierrr​ @theravenclawmarauder @httphiddlestan @tclaerh @chefdoeuvre
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 4,040 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Song And Story Inspiration: Bittersweet-After 7
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @rideordiechronicles @pixie88 @txemrn @lucy-268 @shannonsaid @shannonwrote @bebepac @imturaxamara @blackkingliamstan @queenjilian @secretaryunpaid @ridgy--didge @theworldofprompts @choicesficwriterscreations
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
This series may contain spoilers. If you wish not to see spoilers, please do not read any further.
Prompt Time! Today I’ll be using @theworldofprompts prompt “What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?” it'll be in bold in black. Also I know that I can’t be the only one who’s excited that they picked the greatest Disney movie one-liner as a prompt.
(Also this series is a slight deviation of the original story. In the original story, the werewolf hunter is a woman. But in this series the hunter is a man.)
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
A/N 2: I had a time writing this chapter. Writers block and all out forgetfulness is a bitch! But I did it! *pats self on the back*
TW: paranormal activity. Communication with the dead. Reader Discretion Is STRONGLY ADVISED.
Chapter 22.) Reflection.
It′s crazy how you flaunt your passion.
When you let meaning of them worth take over you.
You stare into my soul like that.
Makes me wonder when you ain't get by the side of me.
It′s pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you, you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It′s bittersweet.
It had been 3 days since Naia was rushed to the hospital because of Wolfbane being in her system. Her parents, especially her mother, were both distraught and furious that their daughter had gotten herself caught up in the tireless war between The Pack and The Knights Of Ossory. Those three days felt like years to them. Both took turns sitting vigil over their daughter.
The only saving grace was that her condition hadn't changed. It hadn't gotten better but Laurie and Shane were thankful it hadn't worsened. They just wanted her to open her eyes. Laurie needed her daughter to wake up. She had to hear her voice again. And every moment that she didn't the more she went crazy. Laurie would just sit at Naia’s bedside holding onto her hand and pray Naia would squeeze her hand. The agony of waiting was going to kill her.
“Anything?” her husband asked as he entered the room with coffee in hand.
Laurie just shook her head no.
“It'll happen, baby. It has to. She'll wake up and we'll be able to breathe again.”
She never said a word to him. She just held onto Naia’s hand as Shane set the cup of coffee he brought her down. Laurie's eyes were red and puffy and her face was a mess. She blamed The Pack and The Knights Of Ossory but mostly she blamed herself. She swore to protect her daughter from all of this. To prevent her from going through the hell she went through over 30 years ago. And feels like she failed. A pain no mother wants to go through.
Laurie rubbed Naia’s knuckle silently, willing their daughter to wake up.
“Have you eaten baby?”
Laurie shook her head no.
“You should go eat something baby.”
“I don't want food. I want our daughter. I want her to wake up now.”
Shane sat beside her and placed his hand over hers.
“I know, baby. I want that too. I need it. You need it. But it's not good for you not to eat something.”
“I can't leave her! What if she wakes up and I'm not here?! I have to be here!”
Her frantic tone worried Shane.
“Baby listen to me! You need to go eat something. I'll be right here. I will watch over her. If anything happens I swear to you that I will tell you immediately.”
“But Shane—”
“No buts! Go eat something. Now! I won't let anything happen to her. I swear that on my life.”
Laurie looked at him before getting up and going to the door. When she looked back towards Naia, Shane smiled softly at her.
“It's okay baby, I'll keep her safe.”
Laurie nodded sadly before walking out the door.
Shane turned his attention back to their daughter, his worry, resentment, rage, sorrow, protectiveness, and anxiety all on high. His little girl. His flesh and blood. She hadn't moved or spoken since he last saw her. He was thankful for the hospital staff. They were able to get her allergic reaction to Wolfbane under control but she was still unconscious. None of the meds she was on seemed to be working.
It′s so easy to listen.
When your tongue is an innocent prisoner of war oh yeah.
And it might bе wrong but we never еnd that.
Damage is done, always pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's bittersweet.
It didn't take Laurie long to come back from the cafeteria. When Shane looked up she walked in with food for them both.
“I'm not the only one who needed to eat.”
Shane smiled softly as she handed him a sandwich.
“Still nothing?”
“Still no change. But I'm not giving up.”
Laurie smiled at her husband's resolve. They sat together and ate their food in silence. Their eyes went from Naia to the IV drip machine she was hooked up to.
“Don't worry baby. Our girl will wake up.”
“I know she will. She has to. And when she does…we have to tell her the truth.”
Shane looked at his wife confused.
“Are you sure? Are you sure you’re ready to do that?”
“Look at her Shane! She wouldn't be here, hell we wouldn't even be here if she knew the truth. It's time. So when she wakes up and is lucid enough to hear it we'll tell her everything.”
Shane took his wife's hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Okay. If you’re ready and you're sure. Then I am too.”
Laurie offered him a small smile.
Yeah I know you know me.
That′s why you the only one can push my buttons.
Sometimes it's like you speak another language.
Got me like adios buenas noches baby.
Oh it′s pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's always bittersweet.
While her body was still, Naia was subconsciously awake.
Naia slowly opened her eyes, and looked around frantically and confusedly. She couldn't see anything or anyone.
“What? Where am I?”
That's when she heard a woman's voice.
“I've been waiting to meet you.”
When Naia turned around she saw a figure she didn't recognize.
“Who’s there? Who are you? What is this place?”
The figure in front of her soon materialized into an elderly black woman. One that she recognized.
“Oh…my…God! You’re…you're…Delia?”
She smiled at Naia.
“Hello, my dear. It's wonderful to finally meet you.”
Naia’s jaw dropped.
“But how?!”
“I thought you…you died a long time ago!”
“I did. 3 years ago.”
“Wait! Am I dead?”
Delia laughed softly.
“No dear, you’re not dead. You are in the world between worlds.”
Naia blinked in realization.
“I was here with Roman. Where is he?! Is he hurt?! Did Trent shoot him?!”
Delia placed a calming hand on Naia’s shoulder.
“All will be revealed shortly. I promise.”
Naia took a shaky breath then nodded.
“Now come sit with me. We have much to discuss.”
Naia followed Delia to a bench that appeared out of nowhere. When they sat down Delia cocked her head to the side at Naia curiously. Making her feel super awkward.
“Is there something on my face?”
“No. I’m just curious about you. You’re as beautiful as I imagined you’d be.”
Naia couldn’t keep the blush from creeping up on her face.
“A ghost just called me beautiful. I must be hallucinating.”
Delia chuckled.
“You said we had much to discuss. What are we discussing?”
“You, my dear. Your connection to the town, the people, and especially Roman.”
“I mean I’ve been in town for a few months. I don’t know anyone outside of my uncle Trent and the Pack.”
Delia nods.
“And what are your impressions of them so far?”
Naia chewed the inside of her cheek.
“Can I be honest with you?”
“Of course dear. That’s why we are here.”
“I understand why my mom doesn’t want me around Roman. Because to be honest, he’s terrifying. But at the same time…I can’t stay away from him. I can’t get enough of him. He makes me feel safe. And loved. And wanted. And I…”
“I care about him. A lot. But I don't know if I'm ready to give up my life for him. I don't know if I'm ready to be his mate.”
Deli nodded.
“It is a lot to ask of a young woman. I would know.”
“How did you decide Delia? Or was it decided for you?”
Delia chuckles softly.
“It wasn’t my intent to be Xander’s mate when I first came to Hunt’s Peak.”
Naia blinked in confusion.
“You’re not from Hunt’s Peak?”
“No. Originally from the Pittsburgh area.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“I grew up in foster care so it wasn’t like many had missed me when I left.”
“So what brought you to Hunt’s Peak?”
“I was hired as a 5th teacher. I loved my job. Teaching children became my passion.”
“And how did you meet Xander?”
“I’ve always been a Wolfkin and I knew it was my destiny to become the mate to a member of The Pack but I never thought I would be Xander’s mate. But to answer your question, I was walking along the creek when I saw him and his father Ferdinand. We were smitten at first sight.”
“Oh…did his father accept you?”
“Yes, he did. And after some convincing so did his mother Cecilia.”
“When did Xander become Alpha?”
“Shortly after we met. Maybe 6 months or so.”
“Is that when you became his mate?”
“Yes. He courted me until he became Alpha.”
“Courted how?”
Delia smiled as if lost in a memory.
“He would come by the school. Regale my students in wild tales of werewolves as knights and kings and sorceresses and sorcerers. That sort of thing. But the biggest thing he did for me, was he planted a single night flower and let it blossom into a field full of them.”
“Sounds like he was a romantic at heart.”
“He used to be but when he became Alpha, responsibility and obligation replaced flowers and romance.”
“Was it hard?”
“No. Not at first. I always understood my role as The Alpha’s mate. And I cherished it. Becoming a sort of Den Mother gave me a purpose.”
“What changed?”
Delia looked at Naia with a new curiosity.
“He met your mother.”
Naia swallowed.
“Mommy told me how she met him.”
“I remember that. I remember when he told her no at first. I was furious at him. So I not so subtly encouraged him to reconsider not protecting her and your uncle.”
“Why did you do that?”
“Your mother was a child at the time. And your uncle couldn’t protect her as he should have. Only Xander and The Pack could do that.”
“She also told me about the day he offered her The Pack’s protection.”
“I remember when Xander told me about Bobby Giles threatening her. He was furious and I was disgusted. But we both knew that he couldn't just charge into town and rid it of him. Well, he could but it wasn't in his nature at the time. So he sent a few wolves in their human forms to investigate.”
“She told me that too. And the time that Bobby pulled a gun out on Xander.”
Delia snickered.
“The fool. He believed that his gun would scare Xander. But he learned the hard way that day.”
Naia shifted in her seat.
“Mommy showed me the necklace that Xander gave her.”
“I know about that. He gave it to her on her 18th birthday.”
“She also said that she was bonded to him.”
“She's right. She was bonded to him until he died.”
“Are you angry about that?”
Delia went quiet
“To be honest, I was very angry with her. Jaded and bitter even. But I realized after she left that my anger was misplaced.”
“Misplaced how?”
“After she left I found out that Xander was telling her that she was to be his new mate. And at that time your mother was a young impressionable girl.”
“He was manipulating her?”
“Yes, he played with her heart and preyed on it.”
“My God. Why did you stay with him for so long?”
“I was bound by Pack Law to stay with my mate until his death.”
Naia shuddered.
“Will that happen to me?”
“If you choose to be Roman’s mate you are bound by Pack Law to be at his side until his death.”
“Well, that explains what my mom said about you and Xander being married on paper.”
Delia nodded.
“If I was the mate of any other Pack member I could leave. But I was Xander’s mate. As was your mother. As yet…”
“She ran away.”
“Can you tell me about Xander?”
“What would you like to know?”
“What did he look like?”
Delia waves a hand and a picture of Xander materialized in front of them.
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“That is Xander in all his glory.”
“He and Roman look just alike.”
Delia smiled softly.
“Yes. He has his father's looks and stubbornness but he also has my heart.”
“Will I meet Xander?”
“No my dear. You won't.”
“Crisis averted.”
“So, will you be Roman’s mate or will you go back to your life as a human woman?”
Just as Naia was about to speak another panel appeared in front of her and Delia.
“What's this?”
“Roman. He's trying to connect to you through your bond. We are about to look at life through his eyes. These panels that appear are what life is like.”
“Why can’t he connect with me?”
Instead of responding, Delia put a finger to her lips then pointed to the panel. When Naia looked at the panel she was transported into Roman’s mind.
She and Delia were looking at a memory of them.
She had convinced Layla to let her turn Buck’s into a mini-movie theater for the pups and their parents. To give them something fun to do. When Roman heard about it he was both curious and thrilled. The girls decided on watching Lion King. With Gino and popcorn in hand, Naia snuggled next to Roman.
“So this movie is about…cats?”
“The circle of life. And lions.”
“…lions are cats are they not?”
Naia shook her head at the memory before turning to Delia.
“I remember this.”
“Do you?”
“Yes. It was the day I learned that your son doesn’t like my impressions.”
Delia chuckled. They turned back to the memory and as they did, they came upon Naia’s impression of one of her favorite scenes in the movie.
“Hyenas. I hate hyenas. So what’s your plan for getting past those guys?”
“Live bait.”
“Good idea!…hey!”
“Come on Timon, you guys have to create a diversion.”
“What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?”
Roman groaned.
“Are you going to be like this the rest of the movie?”
“What? Gino likes my impression. You don’t like my impression?”
“Everyone’s a damn critic.”
Roman rolled his eyes. But he would soon find out which scene is her favorite scene in the whole movie.
“Hey! Who’s the pig?”
“Are you talking to me?”
“Uh oh! Did he call him a pig?”
“Are you talking to me?”
“Shouldn’t have done that!”
“Are you talking to me?!”
“Now they’re in for it!”
“They call me: Mr. Pig!”
And just as she got Pumbaa’s yell Roman clamped a hand to her mouth.
“Beloved…how am I to enjoy this movie you’ve chosen with your incessant talking?”
Naia just giggled as the panel changed to a more recent memory. One that Naia didn’t recognize.
“Yes, my dear. This was just a few days ago.”
“But I don’t remember this.”
“Because you aren’t there.”
“What?! What do you mean?”
Delia pointed to the panel as it showed Roman walking into her room. He looked distraught as he looked around. Naia could feel his anguish in her chest. When his eyes fell on Gino sitting on the bed, she felt tears on her cheek as he held Gino close to his chest.
“I don’t understand.”
“The one he considers to be his mate is missing.”
“His mate? You mean me?”
“Yes, my dear.”
“But why is he looking for me?”
“Because your bond with him is disrupted. He’s trying to reconnect with you.”
“But why?”
Delia turned back to the panel as it showed Roman in wolf form curled up on her bed with Gino under his jaw. She felt his agony and his pain as well as his longing as he whimpered. He was missing her. He was needing her. Her presence. Her smile. Her laugh. It broke her heart. She stood up shouting to the panel.
“Roman! Roman! I'm here! I'm right here!”
Delia put a hand on her shoulder.
“He can't hear you. This is only a vision of what has already been.”
Naia turned to Delia with pleading in her eyes.
“You said that he couldn’t connect to me, why can’t he connect to me?”
With a wave of a hand another panel appeared. This one showed Naia lying in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV with her mother at her side.
“I–I–I…it can’t be! You said I wasn’t dead!”
“You aren’t Naia. You’ve been injected with Wolfbane. It’s a toxin that can be deadly but thankfully you were taken to the hospital in time to save you.”
“Injected?! How?!”
“You don’t remember?”
Naia stood there confused until it hit her.
“The tranquilizer dart! The one that Trent was using! Am I right?”
Delia nodded.
“If I’m on an IV then why haven’t I woken up?”
“Because the spirits aren’t ready for you to wake up yet.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Delia looked at Naia.
“Answer this. Why do you think you’re here?”
Naia didn't know how to answer that question.
“I don't know.”
As soon as those words left her mouth another panel appeared. This one was of Trent after he left the hospital. He was in his boss’s office going off about Wolfbane.
“What is wrong with you Moses?!”
“The tranquilizer! You said it was harmless!”
“It is harmless! It effects those beasts and their ability to shift!”
“What about humans?”
“It doesn’t effect humans!”
Trent eyed him with an intense yet calm fury.
“What is Wolfbane?”
Bernard blinked in confusion.
“Where did you hear that name?”
“Answer the question!”
“It’s the name of the tranquilizer. It doesn’t effect humans.”
“Yes it does.”
“No it does not!”
Trent pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Naia was hit by one of the tranquilizer darts.”
“The young woman you brought here the other day?”
“Yes. She collapsed after being hit and is now in the hospital fighting for her life. According to her mother Wolfbane is a poison that you and Xander created.”
Bernard looked at Trent genuinely confused.
“Her mother?”
“I didn't stutter.”
“What was her last name again?”
“I knew someone with that last name but it was a he not a she.”
“Probably her dad. Her mother’s maiden name is Roberts.”
Bernard’s face lit up.
“Roberts? As in Laurie Roberts? Zane Roberts sister?”
“I knew that girl looked familiar!”
“What are you talking about?”
“I know her mother. Which means Xander was right. She did run off with Evans. I can’t believe she finally came back home.”
“Is what her mother said true? That you created this with Xander?”
“Yes it is but he took it too far. It wasn’t designed to be lethal. I tried to stop him but you can see what good it did.”
“So Xander truly was a monster?”
“Ohhh yes my boy. A monster indeed.”
As she watched with Delia, Naia wasn’t entirely convinced that Bernard was totally innocent.
“I don’t like him. I don’t trust him.”
“That’s Bernard Sayre for you.”
“Has he always been this way?”
“Oh yes. Even when I was amongst the living he and especially his motives were always questionable.”
“Why does the town let him do what he does?”
“Only the town can answer that.”
“I guess…”
The panel showed Trent in his cabin sitting on his couch with a bottle in his hand. Naia could feel his guilt and shame as well as his anger. His anger at his boss and anger at himself. He didn’t mean to hurt her. She just came out of nowhere. By the time he pulled the trigger it was too late. He didn't see her at first but when she dropped to the ground his heart dropped when she did. He wanted to be there at the hospital with her. To tell her how sorry he was. How much she means to him. How he wishes he could take it all back.
But at that moment he couldn't. All he could do was wallow in his festering grief and simmering anger. The same as Roman. This war had taken away a lot for both of them but this was the final straw. Trent wasn't about to lose to Roman again. And Roman had finally had enough of Trent being a thorn in his side. Both had subconsciously decided that this was an all-out war.
All of it broke Naia.
“They aren't serious are they?”
“Yes. Both are hurt and angry. Both at themselves and each other.”
“But I don't want this! I don't want them fighting!”
“Then you've found your reason for being here.”
“What do you mean?”
“You asked me why you were brought here. My dear, you were brought here to heal what is broken.”
“You mean Roman and Trent?”
“And your family. Your mother, especially.”
“Yes. She is hurting. And angry. And confused. And you are the key to healing her wounds. And theirs.”
Naia nodded.
“How do I do that?”
“You can start by answering your mother’s prayer.”
Delia turned back to the panel that showed Laurie. When Naia looked up, her mother was holding the necklace that Xander gave her. She looking out of the window to the moon in the sky.
“Spirits of the earth,
I don't know if you can hear me or that I even have the right to ask this. But I come to you with a simple prayer. I ask you to heal my daughter. She doesn't deserve to be here. She doesn't deserve this. She's innocent. If you're angry with me for abandoning The Pack and my duties as Xander’s mate I understand. But I beg you! Don't make my daughter suffer because of me. I beg you, please bring her back to me. Let her eyes open again. Let her speak again. I just want my little girl back. I need her back. Please! Heal her.”
Delia turned to Naia with a question.
“Now that you know your purpose, are you ready my dear?”
“Yes. I am ready to heal all that is broken.”
Delia waved her hand and the panels disappeared. They were replaced by a doorway.
“Then go. Your mother is waiting for you.”
“Thank you, Delia.”
Delia smiled at her.
“You're welcome, my dear. Tell my son that I miss him and that I love him and that I'm sorry.”
Naia smiled at her.
“I will.”
Naia stepped through the doorway and was transported back to her hospital room, just as her mother finished praying. She had moved her head slightly which both startled and excited Laurie.
“Naia? Naia baby are you awake?”
Naia’s eyes fluttered open and when she spoke her voice was weak.
Laurie had tears in her eyes.
“I'm here baby. I'm right here.”
Laurie was overcome with joy and relief.
“You came back to me!”
“I missed you, mommy.”
“I missed you too, baby girl.”
Laurie nodded resolutely.
“Yes, we do. It's time for you to know the true reason why I left.”
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devilfic · 2 years
Hey its me again!!! I read your dm but for some reason i cant reply?? Like, i wrote and clicked the send button but my message just... disappeared??? Tumblr is so weird so uhhh im just gonna reply through here, if you dont mind!!!
First of all, you're welcome!!! Like i said in my previous ask, i have a very specific taste in fanfics so when i finally do find the stuff i like (which is rare), i always try to express how much i love it!! Because im just so thankful to have it!!! Also because i cant keep this giddy feeling to myself!!! Other than that, im also aware of how much these comments affect writers so yeah, its a win-win situation!!!
Anyway, you've been writing for 13 years?!?!?!?! Thats.... thats a really long time... no wonder you're so great!!! You've written for longer than my nephew has been living lol!!
Oh and im not sure if you've seen that i love that riddler fic too, but i just wanna say again that its just SO GOOD. Here's some of my fav parts that i forgot to put in my reblog tag!!
[You’ve acquired a shadow. He had stomped out the one you were born with and fit himself into its place.]
[You imagined what it would have been like to be Commissioner Savage in that rat trap, the agony of a thousand teeth tearing into the veins of your throat, all while this voice read you your sins.]
[“Have you given up on salvation already, detective? And after all our progress! Why, it’d be a shame if you accepted defeat so soon.” 
The mocking lilt to his voice does irk you a bit. “What do you expect me to do, exactly?”
“He’s too smart for that.”
“Lie better. Isn’t that what your precious Lieutenant taught you to do before I dropped him in the harbor?”]
I just love how in the movie, the riddler's whole deal is like 'no more lies' but then in your fic he encourages reader to lie so like hfdsjgfsjh idk my brain loves it a lot!!! I thought eddie munson is the only one that can be on my mind right now, but you brought back my feelings for riddler and now i just dont know what to do with myself.... ugh... sorry this ask is getting very long... well then, here's an actual question: what is your process of writing?? like how does it usually go?? okay thats it, love you!!!
OOPS that’s my bad. I had dms turned off for blogs I don’t follow but I thought that got negated if I messaged the other blog first, sorry!! and that’s so very sweet of you!! I know some readers are a bit shy about commenting but yeah, it’s great to see. also oh boy, that makes me feel so old LMAO but yeah, it’s been quite a while. thank you ;-;
ALSO YES!! I’m happy you picked up on the way he switched up about lies. I really liked the idea of edward trying to do things differently, realizing he cannot necessarily purge the evil in gotham, but he can try to use it for his own benefit. he’s got this weird obsession with the reader’s guilt and sees himself as less of a executioner and more of a savior this time around. if I were to continue it, I probably would have talked more about the lore behind it but I had the idea that edward uses the reader as his sword in a way? and tries to prove to them that he’s right about the way he goes about punishing people.
and that’s a good question 🤔 I’ve had a habit of writing my stories chronologically. I start with an idea, then I try to find a good beginning and end, and then feel out if I can write a good middle. I never do outlines unless I have a lot of ideas or I’m planning on writing more parts.
then I just sit down and literally write everything from the title to the ending in order akdhsks (of course editing comes into play later, and I end up changing things, but I like being able to follow the story from start to finish). I’ve never been a… scene by scene person sndhsjs
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