#((Unpopular opinion I actually like Father of All Motherfuckers))
revrads · 1 year
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“American Idiots”
Have I ever told y’all how much I love Green Day? Bet y’all weren’t expecting a Green Day fanart!
Decided to let my Green Day brainrot take over for the next few days so here’s the main three!
+ Grey background + Ref image
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rillette · 1 year
I love your opinions on superheroes sooo... [choose violence ask game] 1, 3, 12, 15!
the character everyone gets wrong
i already said hal so CAROL. everyone is wrong about carol and im right because i said so. carol is MEAN!!! she's mean and selfish and cruel and it's a self defense mechanism from growing up with a misogynistic father in a male dominated industry. carol will put herself and her best interests first always, and she loves hal she really fucking does they care so deeply about each other but she's really deeply in love with the idea of the hal that gets to go out on adventures and be free. coughing up blood im soooo normal about her she's transmasc btw
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
u know. i cant remember! but there was that one post going around the mutuals circle recently where jason teaches cass how to read or some shit and its. soooooooooooooooo stupid and dumb and demeaning to cass. not everything has to involve the batbros. i say this as a jason fan, that takes away cass's agency as a character.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
THE FORGOTTEN EARTH GREEN LANTERN: CHARLIE MOTHERFUCKING VICKER!!!!!!!!!! NOBODY TALKS ABOUT CHARLIE. i love him he's such a bitch. he played hal in a tv adaptation of green lantern and aliens targeted him bc they thought he was the real GL and his brother died bc of it and charlie ended up getting a ring and the guardians sent him off the bumfuck nowhere space and charlie mopes around and goes "ewww aliens ewww these things look so weird ewww" bc he's such a fucking cunt and then through the power of doing his job as green lantern he realizes life is universal and beautiful UGH i want to draw a comic about charlie vicker being dragged kicking and screaming into becoming a #naturelover i'd call it where in the world is charlie vicker and nobody would buy it bc nobody fucking knows who charlie vicker is.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
u know i dont think theres anything in hal fanart that bothers me i just get excited seeing him! with jason i feel like there's some people that are deeply abnormal about the robin characters in a gross way, and u can tell immediately by how they draw them. luckily i dont see this very often bc i use the block button liberally and i never go in jason's tags 👍
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Unpopular opinion on Mr. Finwe?
Hi friend! I saw this yday but i knew i was gonna have to think abt it a bit and i didnt have the brainpower, but now im good :) its going under the cut bcs its LONG xD
So. Finwe. Well, first of all, i think i approached his character through what i absolutely admit was my projections and my identifying first with feanaro in canon and then lalwen in my fanon, and the way i set up her character which was more like therapy for me than anything else. so this will be very much headcanony and to be taken with a grain of salt bcs my referencing anything is scarce and far in between and very much biased to the point of pick-and-choose. i take no criticism :D
okay so we know it takes two to tango right? so what im guessing is that feanaro-born-of-fire-strongest-spirit-in-all-motherfucking-realms had to get that livefire from somewhere? im guessing finwe. idk, i mean, im all for divorce if things arent working, but im also all for fathers especially putting in the fucking work with their kids from the first marriage. now idk if finwe put too much work or too little, im guessing kinda both, and i hc him like. feeling bad abt miriel for feanor so just indulging him a lot, to the detriment of his other kids. findis especially in my verse, she resents finwe a lot for that, but she loves him, so she transfers that to hating feanaro. lalwen, on the other hand, was daddys little girl and feanaros fave sibling, and she never even saw how much her father manipulated her into self-sacrifice, not until she was dying, when stuff finally fell into place with her. i think he was a very calculated person, and i think he did love his kids, as much as he could love anyone honestly? because of such a huge responsibility, he just - idk, i think he couldn't deal with it properly, so he manipulated and played the game so that his children took up the slack that he left behind, which was detrimental to their relationship. i also think he (un)wittingly flared feanaros flames about his disdain abt his step-mother especially, but moreso even his siblings. i think finwe didn't live up to what he was supposed to be, what he was duty-bound to, which was to take care of his people but more than anything his family, but that he wasn't going to accept not being "great", so he just did that infuriating thing mentors do - let you make your own mistakes in a way that disawovs any influence of theirs which results in making mistakes. i think he was more of a mentor than a father to his kids, to every one of them, but especially feanaro (and lalwen in my verse), where he saw his kids were bound for greatness (by his own standards) and then kinda groomed them so that he could accept the accolades for their greatness, because he made sure they loved and respected him above anyone else.
i think he didnt bother that much with the rest of his kids, which resulted in resentment. for findis, it was transferrence of that resentment to feanaro which fucked her relationship w lalwen, bcs lalwen was unable to see what findis did, but findis was just wrong enough in her misdirected hate for lalwen not to even take her seriously about the stuff she was actually right about. then we have nolofinwe, who was honestly in my opinion the most well adjusted of them all. he was kind enough to know how to temper his own resentment so to think of the greater good - the people he was leading. i think he was the best leader out of all of them. he did have that fire-string in him, which showed in the despair when he challenged morgoth to a duel. i dont think finwe ever saw that. arafinwe on the other hand, him im very unsure about. he was the baby of the family, and with that came what i believe a huge influence from indis as opposed to finwe, and i hc him and findis being the closest to their mother, bcs they saw the other three being as insane as their father and went "nope. we're gonna just chill, bcs nobody else has ANY chill in this family". so im not sure about him and his character, but imma figure it out at some point. soon hopefully.
basically, this whole huge rant comes down to one thing - i think finwe shuldve done better.
thank you so much for asking!! i hope this made sense :)) <3
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margridarnauds · 4 years
for the reverse unpopular opinion meme, tell me something about... lugh
BEST bitch. 
Like, people think that I HATE Lugh, because he’s a homicidal bitch who has an “Ends justify the means” mentality, but, actually, I ADORE him for exactly those reasons. Every time he shows up in a text, you know you’re in for a good time, usually because Murder. Never 5get that, when he shows up in Bail in Scáil, he literally? Tosses his spear at Conn? Just for the Hell of it? When he decides to kill Bres, he doesn’t just poison his cup or anything, but creates THREE HUNDRED VATS OF FAKE POISON COW. Like. That was SO UNNECESSARY, but he did it anyway. The motherfucking HAWK OF ACHILL adores Lugh because of how many bodies he left behind him? THE HAWK OF ACHILL, aka The Bird Who Doesn’t Like Anyone And Is Notably Homicidal, ADORES Lugh because of how many people he killed. I love it. I love that his response to the Fomoire tax collectors in Oidheadh Chlonne Tuireann is to say “I have a strong desire to kill these men” and that he then proceeds to say it again. 
For someone who’s generally accepted to represent order and law (the invention of assemblies, for example), Lugh has this inexplicably CHAOTIC energy that I adore. Lugh....he’s always front and center, he’s always stealing the spotlight. In the Early Modern recension of CMT, Nuada even POINTS IT OUT, saying that he’ll take all the spotlight while the Tuatha Dé will get no glory of their own. This is something people NOTICED even at the time. 
Also, Lugh, despite coming off as quite cold and single-minded, actually cares DEEPLY for those around him, to truly tragic results? Like, the entire boys’ troop of Ulster’s killed and he doesn’t care because his son’s safe. His wife cheats on him and he kills the son of one of the most powerful men of the Tuatha Dé. His father’s killed and Lugh BREAKS DOWN at his grave and then is willing to tear the Tuatha Dé in two to get his revenge, regardless of the collateral damage. Lugh...loves, deeply, painfully, and, for those he loves, he’d let the world burn, and that’s a trait of his that is DEEPLY under-appreciated. 
And, in one of the bardic poems, there’s a very distinct implication that Lugh wasn’t always beloved by the Tuatha Dé - Gray interprets it as him having been bullied, I think it might be a reference to the Early Modern recension of the 2nd battle, either way, it implies there are Reasons for Lugh being Like That, and it gets more deeply tragic when you consider that he’d have been growing up IN BRES’ REIGN. Of COURSE Lugh would feel ostracized. Of course Lugh would do everything to prove that he’s in with the Tuatha Dé, even if it involves kinslaying. Even if it involves murder. Because the Fomoire aren’t really PEOPLE, are they? They’re not like him at all. Because he’s Right and Good and they’re not, because if he was to have that idea challenged, if he had to admit that there was anything he had in common with them, it’d break him. Because that’s how he survived. 
Honestly, I can’t love Bres and hate Lugh, simply because they WORK with one another - I can’t love Bres for being complex, dramatic, and flawed and then hate Lugh for exactly the same reasons. The two of them are the other’s mirror image, they fit. And, really, while both of them would HATE the comparison, they were both used by the Tuatha Dé and then tossed away, the tragedy is that neither of them ever FULLY realized it. (Cú Chulainn also fits in this mold.) Lugh did everything he could to become the shining hero, to fit into the societal ideal - Bres decided to break the system. They both tried to adapt to the world as best as they could and, the tragedy for both of them is that they were doomed anyway. 
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crushpdf · 3 years
Ronan Lynch and Joey K for the character asks
First impression: mmm i see you edgy punk bad boy. sirius-black-renegade-rich-boy motherfucker. i see you.
Impression now:  talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before. seriously, though, he’s one of my favorite characters in any fiction i’ve consumed.
Favorite moment: oh lord. there are a million and one moments, so i’ll choose something that lights a fire in me every time. 
“It's only you," whispered Orphan Girl. She was holding his hand crouched down next to him. "Why do you hate you?" Ronan thought about it. The albino night horror swept in, talons opening. Ronan stood up, stretching out his arm like he would to Chainsaw. "I don't," he said. And he woke up.
Idea for a story: I think once I have more free time I’m going to write some stuff with Ronan in the midst of the dream pack, and that whole side of him. because surprisingly, we don’t really see that much of his criminal history. but it’s there.
Unpopular opinion: i don’t hate niall as much as other people do. i think entering the story through ronan’s pain made it so that i will always sympathize with him in that respect. and i dont want him to grow to hate his father as much as declan does.
Favorite relationship: RONSEY. But also, I love the Ronan+Declan relationship if we’re talking non-romantic.
Favorite headcanon: gansey was the one to shave his head, ronan crying in the dark, hair spilling onto monmouth’s floor 😔 also they’ve kissed
First impression: typical meathead jock (seriously, the way i pictured him was SO different than the way the fandom draws him). also, until i later thought about it more, i was CONVINCED. from like the VERY first line that he and ronan had been secretly hooking up. like i read the whole book with that in mind 😂
Impression now: complex, tragic character who was intrinsic to the plot of the subsequent 2+3 books happening, i want to analyze him under a microscope
Favorite moment: on a meta-level, i love that one-sentence chapter that’s just: something about the car and ronan blowing dick iii. I also love all his names for gansey. I think that final conversation they have (is it the final one?) is beautiful and desperate, with kavinsky kind of being like “well maybe you just dont like me because you dont like boys?” and then realizing no. ronan actually just doesnt like him. it’s one of his more humane moments.
Idea for a story: i’ve been reading so much dream pack fic and i just. there’s SO much potential with his dreaming and all the fun sexy shenanigans that can happen. i would love to explore kavinsky’s dreams.
Unpopular opinion: i mean the unpopular opinion is that i like him, right? 😂 also, though, as much as i love him and want more of him, i think it narratively felt justified that he died in the way he did.
Favorite relationship: i actually like the (completely fucked-up) relationship between him and proko more than his with ronan. oooh now i also want to explore his dynamic with declan.
Favorite headcanon: his pack of dogs are all in a big gay polycule
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argyle-s · 4 years
All the women currently on Supergirl and Winn.
I’ve already done Kara and Nia, so...
How I feel about this character
Alex is my second favorite character in the show.  I love her.  She came out as a lesbian the same year I came out as bi and trans to my family, so seeing her journey there had a deep emotional resonance for me, and I love that she’s broken but still functional, still capable of loving and being loved in return.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Kara, Maggie, Kelly, Nia, and Sara
My non-romantic OTP for this character
J’onn.  He’s a better father to her than Jeremiah ever was.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think she’s better off with Kelly than she was with Maggie.  I think Dansen is a healthier and happier relationship.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Therapy.  Seriously, I want Kelly to drag Alex to a therapists office.
How I feel about this character
I love Kelly.  I love how kind and gentle and caring she is.  I love that she’s a little broken, but she finds strength in helping other people.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Alex, Kara and Nia.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
James.  I really liked their sibling dynamic, and it actually made me sad when Mechad left the show.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think Kelly is a better partner for Alex than Maggie.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I want an episode that gives us a lot more detail about Kelly’s fiance and her time in the military.
How I feel about this character
I know it will surprise a lot of people, but I don’t actually hate Lena.  I just hate the way she treats Kara.  I think she’s a deeply flawed person, and I hate the way fandom acts like her shit don’t stink.  I think Lena is a fucked up victim of abuse, who uses that as an excuse to treat those around her terribly, and avoid any culpability for her actions.  I think Lena would be an amazing character if the narrative would actually treat her like the shady motherfucker she is, and fandom would acknowledge that Lena brings a lot of the bad shit that happens to her onto herself by being a shady ass bitch.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Winn. Brainy, Andrea, Eve
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Sam.  I loved their friendship.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think she had romantic feelings for Kara, but they are entirely one sided, and that Kara is aware of them and they make her uncomfortable.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I’d like to see Lena lose her fortune and have to work a minimum wage job for a while.
How I feel about this character
I like her.  I think she’s interesting, but I want more development.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Lena, William
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I really want her and Kara to become friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think she’s a deeper and more interesting character than Lena.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I want her to join the Superfriends.
How I feel about this character
I love M’gann, and wish she was a series regular
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Maggie, J’onn
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Kara and Alex
My unpopular opinion about this character
I sort of wish they had kept the parental relationship between J’onn and M’gann and M’gann had stepped into a kind of sister roll for Kara and Alex.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I want a scene where M’gann shape shifts into J’onn’s human form.
Lillian Luthor
How I feel about this character
I think Lillian is a much more compelling character than either of her children, and I wish we got to see more of her.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Honestly, I don’t really have any ships for this character.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Kara.  I love it when Lillian and Kara interact.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I would trade Lena for Lillian in a heartbeat.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Honestly, I kind of want her to be the one to kill Lex.
Eliza Danvers
How I feel about this character
I love Eliza
All the people I ship romantically with this character
J’onn J’onzz, Cat Grant, Wonder Woman
My non-romantic OTP for this character
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think Eliza is a really amazing mom.  Not perfect, but much, much better than fandom gives her credit for.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I want her to adopt Nia and Kelly.
How I feel about this character
I miss Winn terribly and wish he could come back full time.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Lena, James
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Kara and Cat
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think he got WAY more shit than he deserved in season one, and I don’t think he ever really fell into the whole “entitled nice guy” trope the way people claim.  When Kara rejected him he needed a bit of time to deal with it, but he did, and he moved on, and of all the people on the show, he treated Kara the best in season one, and I am including Alex in that.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I want him to admit he’s bisexual, because that boy and his man crush on Clark...
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agameoftragedy · 5 years
I LOVE this game! Stan the man?
How I feel about this character:
Staaaanniiiiis ;.; Let me project all of my lesser younger sibling angst onto yooou! But for real, I can empathise with him quite a lot and so I can really feel why he thinks the way he does and considers the things that he does. He has gone quite (and will go) dark, but you can still see some good, in his relative egalitarianism and honesty re how worthless some nobles are vs Davos. He’s emotionally constipated, of course, but if we see him being sweet with Shireen I might actually cry (and then again when he burns her >.
Romantic ships:
Oh man, Stavos is just too tempting not to ship on some level, Davos is so loyal and dedicated, and Davos is one of the few people he smiles at and listens to...
Non-romance OTP:
Can I say Davos again? Even without the romance, I think Davos is just so morally and emotionally good for him - I bet Davos never thought that much of Robert, but Stannis? Stannis is his god. Stannis needs validation and a moral compass in these dark times, Davos can do that without flattery.
Unpopular opinion:
So I know several people like to headcanon Stannis as gay, but I am asexual and here we have another place where I can project like a motherfucker. Sure he can and very occasionally does have sex, but it’s not clear he’s ever really that into it or overly attracted to anyone. He could probably pass for being aromantic as well, but I’m not so I’ll leave that to people more in the know. Also: some degree of autism (like me probably)? It’s all just interesting headcanons, I don’t expect anything to be confirmed.
One thing I wish would/had happened to him in canon:
I’m not sure whether this could have been argued to have happened with Cressen, but I feel like he needed a (new) father figure when he was younger to take him under his wing and validate who he is. Forget who Robert is, they each have their strengths, and he is valid too. If he could feel more self-assured he might not feel so pressured to go overboard proving himself, and so miserable constantly comparing himself to his popular brother. And for the love of god, keep Proudwing - making her so good from a difficult start is way more impressive than getting a healthy strong hawk who can do what you would expect.
Staaaaaaaannnnnniiiiiiiiiiiisssssss ;.;
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rhywhitefang · 4 years
I would love to hear one of your unpopular opinions but for some reason I am unable to get emojis into your ask. Can I get one for free? "^^
Sure, my dear, here’s a few of them:
Books: Tbh, The All for the Game Series by Nora Sakavic, The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, The Captive Prince trilogy by C.S Pacat, and a Little Life by Hanya Yanagahara are the four fucking horsemen of queer men being portrayed badly by authors who aren’t queer men. And I get to say that because I have unfortunately sold part of my soul to Stiefvater and love the Raven Cycle, but like, that doesn’t stop the books from being problematic af (not just with the queer rep, but also with the feminims and the racisms and all that), and like critique what you love and all that. Still, all those books get hyped up exponentially for... not so good reasons imo. 
Also, Brandon Sanderson is not the king and savior of fantasy. Is he a good writer? Sure. But I need y’all to stop acting like he’s the second coming of fucking Shakespeare. 
Dragon Age: Anders was right. Not about everything - I fucking hate the way he treats Merrill, and he is pretty wrong and uninformed about elves (though I believe that the infamous approval at selling out Fenris is... bad writing, illogical, and completely OOC) - but other than that? Hang that manifesto up my wall, motherfucker.
Also, Cullen has NOT redeemed himself, sorry not sorry.
Pathologic: I actually prefer Eva’s patho 2 design better than her classic design. It actually communicates something about her character and delivers an atmosphere in 2, instead of just being generic hot woman. 
What else? I think Isidor was a bad father, and a lot of his actions seem harmful and manipulative, not just in regard to Artemy.
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theacerbicprince · 5 years
Answering Harry Potter Tag Questions
So my darling @xweofmanyfaces answered this in video form but I don’t do videos because I don’t know how to edit and stuff. Really, all I can do is type and prance so I’m going to type out my answers to these questions. It may be long, I apologise in advance. If there are any other questions you’d like to ask me that I haven’t answered then let me know. 
What house are you in?
I am a Gryffindor which surprised me initially but if I think about it makes a lot of sense because I am very loyal to the people I care about and I don’t think I’m brave but I know people who would disagree with me just based on the challenges in my life. 
What is your Patronus?
My patronus is a white stallion according to pottermore. I read up on what it meant on the lexicon and it was amazing how similar it was to me. 
What is your wand?
My wand, as on pottermore, is Pear wood with phoenix tail feather, 13 and 3 quarter inches, slightly yielding flexibility. According to pottermore, there has never been a recorded instance of a pear wood in possession of a dark witch or wizard. 
Favorite book?
I liked the Deathly Hallows because it gave us so much and it wasn’t as badly paced as some of the other books were and it moved me emotionally, very much so and it revealed so much of my darling boy. 
Least favorite book?
Probably the Chamber of Secrets if I’m honest. 
Favorite movie?
From an aesthetic point of view, the Half Blood Prince. Overall favourite movie in terms of soundtrack is the Deathly Hallows Part 2 but overall, tying everything together would probably have to go to Order of the Phoenix. I live for Imelda Staunton in that movie and ugh, just that bit where Alan manages to inject that much snark and sass and condescension into the one word ‘obviously’. 
Least favorite movie?
Goblet of Fire, I think a lot of people might agree with me on that one, it’s not universally that well received. 
Is there a movie you preferred over the book?
The Chamber of Secrets movie is better than the book for me. I actually feel very emotional about the ending of that movie probably because of Chris Columbus to be honest and some of the shots are amazing and the music too, John Williams excellent. 
Favorite quote?
I love this so, so fucking much. 
“It is good to see that six years of magical education haven’t been wasted on you Potter; ghosts are transparent.” 
Favorite character?
Severus without a shadow of a doubt. He’s my boy even when he’s being a total jackass and he just brings so much joy to me because he makes me laugh so much. 
Least favorite character?
Ron. I hate getting on the ship in that sense but yeah, I don’t like Ron as a character although a lot of that comes from the fact that I just don’t see him ending up with someone like Hermione. This does not mean I don’t want to write with Ron because Molly loves all of her children regardless of their flaws but I don’t personally like him. I like him even less in the movies because they took away some of his kinder, more human moments and he was like 95% jackass. 
Favorite professor?
Minerva is an absolute boss, always, that never changes. She teaches the kids so much and she’s so supportive but at the same time she doesn’t take any shit. I will always have to defer to my home boy though because he’s an amazing teacher even though he is a giant asshole about it. He is multi talented because he can teach more than the one subject and he can teach them well. He fully understands his subjects and he takes them both so seriously, more seriously than his other professors I would say. He doesn’t express it the right way but he cares a lot about the welfare of the students. There’s a reason he loses his shit when Neville fucks up so badly at Potions that Severus is practically apoplectic, because the boy is dangerous and he doesn’t want to be responsible for a death or severe disfigurement. 
Favorite villan?
Bellatrix Lestrange. She’s a great villain in that she is so unstable and you don’t know what she’s going to be doing next really. She is the sort of villain where you are constantly on edge around her and we actually get to see her in action properly and we get a full, real sense of why she’s so terrifying. A lot of that was missing as far as it went for Voldemort because we didn’t get to see much of him or how he earned his reputation. 
Favorite weasley?
Molly, she is my girl but she is also super strong, super loving and she has dealt with so much in her life and so deals with it all with barely any complaint. She is so giving to everyone, she takes everyone in and is so welcoming and approachable and it’s not something that she thinks about doing, it’s just natural to her. 
Favorite marauder?
Remus because he isn’t a giant douche. Remus is also the one that seems more understandable to me. I think we’ve all been there at one point or another where we have seen an injustice and we have to decide what we are going to about it. He didn’t actually want to kill anyone, he didn’t take a savage delight or really any delight in what was going on and he’s apologetic about it. He doesn’t come up with excuses for his actions or lack of actions, he accepts the responsibility of what he’s done. 
Are there any characters you felt differently about in the movies versus the books?
Gilderoy Lockhart and that is just because Kenneth Branagh is just amazing, he is a stunning actor and I admire him greatly as a professional and he made Lockhart far more likeable.I actually enjoyed watching him in the movie whereas I hated reading him in the books. 
Which character do you think you’d have the closest relationship with?
Probably Molly if I’m being honest, we are quite similar in some senses. Severus would struggle to tolerate me but I think he still would put up with me. 
Which class would be your favorite?
I am a huge history fan so yeah, History of Magic would probably be quite high up on my list. I think I’d like DADA too, combat you know. 
What would your boggart be?
My daughter (from my dreams) desperately wanting my attention because she needs me but I’m too out of it to be able to help her, my darling Penny with my health conditions. Oddly specific I know but it is a massive fear. 
What position would you play in Quiddich?
Seeker probably, I have good eyesight and good hearing too. 
Would you be a pure-blood, half-blood or muggle born?
I would be half blood, just makes sense for me. My mother is Scottish and my father is English so it makes sense that I’d be half and half magically. 
What job would you want to have after leaving Hogwarts?
It really depends on what my specialisation would be to be honest. I might teach for a while, I really enjoyed being a tutor (which was my job up until September last year). 
Which of the Deathly Hallows would you choose?
The invisibility cloak. I don’t need great power in my life and my loved ones would drive me insane because I would want to see them so often, to touch them and I couldn’t. The invisibility cloak is remarkably useful. 
Which spell would be the most useful to learn?
A healing spell of some sort, always useful. 
Do you have any unpopular opinions about the series?
MY HOME BOY IS A GOOD MAN! It is not creepy that he was in love with Lily for that whole length of time. Stop having a go at my man, he’s not a creeper. 
Either or/if, would you rather:
Wash Snape’s hair, or listen to Lockhart ranting about himself for a day?
Do you even have to ask that question? I would massage that scalp aaaall day.   
Duel an elated Bellatrix, or an angry Molly?
Angry Molly would be terrifying but an elated Bellatrix is guaranteed to torture me to the point that I am desperately crying out to die. 
Travel to Hogwarts via Hogwarts Express, or a flying car?
Hogwarts Express, you can get up and walk around the train, stretch the legs which is good for me because of my nerve damage and pains in my hips etc. 
Kiss Voldemort or give Umbridge a bubble bath?
Kiss Voldemort, I do not want to see Umbridge naked. 
Ride a Hippogriff or ride a Firebolt?
Probably the Hippogriff, I think it’d be far more comfortable and I could actually talk to the Hipprogriff and not feel like a lunatic. Who talks to their broomstick eh?
Hallows Or Horcruxes?
The horcruxes are a fascinating and interesting concept especially when you look into the whole process and splitting the soul. Is the soul split every time that you kill? 
If you could own one of the three Hallows, which one would it be and why?
Invisibility cloak, this was addressed earlier. 
If you could bring one character back to life, who would it be?
This motherfucking question right here. I’ve been thinking about this question for hours, honest to Lords hours. You’d think I would want to bring Severus back to life but there is one person in particular who comes to mind because it’s just so tragic and I would want to change it so badly and that is Tonks. I want Teddy to grow up with his mother and Andromeda to not have to deal with the loss of her daughter as well as her husband. 
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fabiosofabz · 5 years
For the character ask meme, Hazel and Jien
favorite thing about them: He’s such an over the top little shit villain, and quite frankly I am a sucker for that kind of flamboyant. Also, he’s a sassy motherfuck.
least favorite thing about them: I mean he is kind of a huge douche. I love him, but he is a douche.
favorite line: “Y’all can’t ignore me once I’ve seen ya.” (aka the time the Ikkou NOPED lmaooo)
brOTP: Does Hazel/Filbert count even tho it’s a father/son thing, bc I don’t think I have anything else platonic, I’ve made him my second fandom bicycle here
OTP: Tecnically HazGat, if we’re going for the one I’m rooting for most. If we’re going for what my trash brain /reads/, Hazel/Ukoku, Hazel/Sanzo, Hazel/Sanzo/Gat, and Hazel/Hakkai for reasons. But again. Fandom bottom bicycle. I’m a horny bitch.
nOTP: Idk probably sexual Hazel/Filbert, or anything based off him in the anime which probably exists but I’ve blacked it out. I’ll preemptively say Hazel/Lirin if it is a thing after that one episode, but. It’s not common enough.
random headcanon: He’s a southerner with a southern accent, and you will never convince me otherwise. Also. A bottom. Cannot top a single person. Ever. He out bottoms the other characters I see as bottoms. (Also like I’m p sure he’s exclusively into men but technically not canon)
unpopular opinion: He’s great and I love him? That’s not entirely unpopular, I just have that opinion.
song i associate with them: Idk, but I’m gonna go with “It’s Raining Men” just bc he GAY. Or “Man, I Feel Like a Woman” by Shania Twain bc country. Thank you goodnight.
favorite picture of them: this one. Also, the one with him and the cards and the glove thing? And the one with him and Gat and Sanzo that’s real hella gay. (Bc ot3 don’t look at me)
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favorite thing about them: Big brother??? Good???? Feels???
least favorite thing about them: That he left Gojyo, tbh. I know why but also boi u a big idiot??
favorite line: Can I say that time Sanzo schooled him, and then Yaone agreed, bc even tho he was being a fuckin’ moron and I didn’t care about /his/ lines it was kind of a great moment? And the alternative is his last few scenes before -spoiler- and then I’ll just cry.
brOTP: Gojyo/Doku, ofc. Also Doku/Kou
OTP: Yaone/Doku. But also, Sanzo/Doku. fIGHT ME (don’t really bc you’re not gonna change my heathen mind)
nOTP: can I technically say the thing in his past, does that count. (Technically I guess you could say Gojyo/Doku as anything other than brotherly, but like you do you)
random headcanon: In a universe where they get to be friends he actually is a good bro figure to everyone. But also is very capable of pulling a Hakkai and knowing how best to kill a man secretly and quietly. (Boy has some fuckin issues, he’d be good in the mafia) 
unpopular opinion: Honestly probably my ship preference counts LMAO. That’s what I’m putting here. Also there should be more Yaone/Doku thanks.
song i associate with them: I would find something sad here to troll everyone but then I’d be sad so I’ll just say I don’t know and we’ll all just wait for him to wake up from that nap.
favorite picture of them: That one where they’re in old school uniforms, but also this one, just because all of them… lmao dweebs.
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valiantsilver · 5 years
bnha and neon genesis evangelion for the anime asks!
oh shit I haven’t watched EITHER of these
well guess it’s time for assumptions
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation 
fav characters: midoriya. he seems pure. also that guy with skin sewed on his face for purely aesthetic reasons.
least fav characters: GRAPE MAN
fav relationship: that banging father/son relationship between midoryia and all might (what it doesn’t have to be romantic)
fav moment: isn’t there a bit in the first episode where all might changes the weather with a punch? cause that’s gotta be pretty high up on the list of awesome shit.
headcanons/theories: idk man
unpopular opinion: bakugo is a dick. I don’t even know who he is but I’ve seen him and I can sense the assholery.
how’d you find it: again, no idea (maybe I’ll come back to this after I’ve watched it)
random thoughts: bold of you to assume I think
Neon Genesis Evangelion
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation 
fav characters: idk any characters but if there’s a badass female character it’s her
least fav character: that emo-ass bitch motherfucker that everyone has to yell at for him to actually do what he’s supposed to do. like stop moping about your tragic backstory and get into the fucking badass robot. this is probably a character from a different anime I don’t even know
fav relationship: if there are any wholesome gays then I’m down
fav moment: robot. big robot. any moment including big robot is my favourite
headcanons/ theories: nothing
unpopular opinion: probably my feelings about whiny boi. he’s probably the fan favourite
how’d you find it: honestly I’d probably love it if I watched it
random thoughts: refer to first answer
I’m sorry this probably wasn’t what you were looking for, I haven’t seen many anime lol
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honestlyconkus · 6 years
Unpopular opinion? (Talking about Markus here) But like Cyberlife created one of the most attractive androids ever, with a fucking body of a Greek god, and they decided to give him the ugliest fucking vest ever?? No wonder Markus’ style changed a lot after he went deviant, he wanted out of that shit and express himself pals!
I actually like Markus’ vest, lmao the rolled up sleeves is just 👌🏼 but I also agree, Kamski could’ve designed him so that Markus could unlock his full potential in his looks once he deviated ((cuz we know kamski wanted that shit to happen anyway #SecretEnding))
He was instantly drawn to long, flowy coats. Something about the hugeness of them and the way they dramatically flair behind him just screamed Markus
Plus he looks fucking godly when he fought then soldiers am i right
*Kamski is nodding in approval in the background, gucci shades on and lounging on a lawn chair*
You guys literally cannot tell me he DIDN’T take after Carl Manfred’s style are you kidding-
(Another reason why Kamski designed Markus the way he did; he knew Carl would take good care of such a handsome robot man AND make him look good af)
Markus ended up knowing which colors went with which (a fashion king for recognizing how well soft earthy colors went with his skintone) and how to draw out his eyes
“Markus you have beautiful eyes; I want you to accentuate them someday.”
Carl probably took him to stores to dress him up but Markus always declined, still acting more machine but also remembering he felt kinda guilty for denying his father’s offers
(He made up for it by dressing the way he does now)
He probably got Jericho the outfits too ngl
I mean North definitely chose her own things, but Simon and Josh were just like whatever
(Markus got Simon those fingerless gloves jus sayin-)
Everyone in Jericho agreeing simultaneously on his outfit to Stratford Tower.
I mean
Come on that suit and tie? That coat? His motherfucking shoes a bitch is nuttin’-
Such an Iconic™ outfit
I bet if Connor saw the suit first thing instead of the worker’s uniform he would’ve deviated immediately
“Connor what are you doing-” “I’m sorry Lieutenant but Markus is calling me-”
All the androids deviating not because of the emotional shock Markus gives them, but because this android given to them from ra9 themselves was asking them in such a gentle voice while looking like a 5 star yelp review, the full course meal and dessert and everything to deviate
like bitch
It’s not that hard to make a choice
In conclusion; if Markus had realized the power of his fashion style before, he would’ve deviated everyone within a 100 mile radius, easy
hmu with some rad headcanons/prompts fam
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pokemonruby · 6 years
rank the regions from favorite to least favorite, and tell us a little abt why if u want!! :D also the name+theme of the region u made!!! (i mightve missed it earlier hehe)
hoenn, of course! it’s the generation that truly got me involved with pokemon as a whole - the games, at least. honestly i could write a full-length essay on why hoenn is my favorite region and how precious it is to me but i don’t want to put anyone through that kind of torture so. long story short? motherfucking Trumpets  (also i already elaborated on why hoenn is my favorite region in the past and it was INCREDIBLY lengthy) 
unova! not only is it home to my favorite games in the series, but the region itself is just... incredibly well-made? i honestly believe they put more effort into making every location memorable into this region more than any other in the series. i think unova embodies the truest sense of “adventure” featured so far - which is saying something since pokemon itself is based around the concept of, well, going on your own adventure! not to mention it has the best variety of pokemon to select from in my personal opinion, especially the bug-types. i was discussing this with my boyfriend last night but unova made me, someone who normally detests bug-types, absolutely love each and every one it had to offer. leavanny is my fucking BABY. also the vanillite and trubbish lines are valid anyone who thinks otherwise is probably a genwunner. 
sinnoh! definitely one of the fan-favorites from what i’ve noticed.... like... y’all really want those remakes, don’t you. then again i was in the same position prior to oras was announced so, yeah, i totally get it. but sinnoh itself is an incredible region jam-packed with fascinating lore and i just love how... mellow it is? the snowy aesthetic is definitely one i can get behind and i am literally on my KNEES begging we’ll see another cold region here soon, because i am downright tried of tropical locations. honestly platinum is the game i pick up whenever i want to feel relaxed since... that’s the whole vibe sinnoh just gives off, i suppose? aside from its outrageous difficulty like what the fuck is that pokemon league 
now here’s an unpopular one: kalos! i love the overall aesthetic of the kalos region and while x/y definitely suffered in many departments, i think it made up for them with its amazing landscape and the wide selection of pokemon you’re able to obtain. not to mention it introduced fairy-type pokemon which i absolutely adore so, i think all this kalos hate should stop to be honest. yes it lacked in some areas but the games were overall good in my opinion. but that’s an entirely different topic i can tackle on a later date fkgflgskdfj
johto! though it’s tied with kalos if i’m being honest, i love the johto reigon! it’s simplistic but not to the extent it’s unbearably boring like kanto is - really, it’s just an improved version of it. also i have more nostalgia for johto than i do its predecessor so most of my adoration for the region stems from that fact. i don’t have much else to say other than the fact i love hgss but why is red’s team in the 80s when you’re barely level 50 after defeating every single gym in the game. Why. 
with alola, i do think it’s a feel-good region in general but i don’t possess the same fondness for it as i do the others i’ve mentioned so far. it’s not necessarily forgettable but sumo just aren’t games that i replay often so... i don’t think much about alola, i guess? but i do like the positive vibe it gives off as a whole! also why did only gen 1 pokemon get alola forms - oh wait, because nintendo is constantly baiting people’s nostalgia :/ 
and lastly, kanto... i don’t think i need to go into too much detail on why i personally dislike this region but, to put it simply: it’s boring. like, unbearably boring to the point i can’t bring myself to touch any of the kanto games because it fails to keep my attention. understandably they’re the first games in the franchise but nintendo has failed to make improvements with the remakes - though lgpe is more blameworthy of this than frlg, which i actually don’t mind that much. still, it’s this excessive kanto pandering that’s driven me further and further away from the region as a whole... like, yes... there’s definitely nostalgia but it isn’t enough to cure this region of how utterly monotone it is. at least the pokemon are good, with raichu being my favorite of all-time and pikachu a close, CLOSE second, but i don’t really count the pokemon because they’re a different circumstance altogether. 
WEW! that got lengthy, i apologize. in regards to my fan-made region, it’s called “fairel” and it’s primarly based off fairytales/myths instead of a real-life country like the usual trope is. though i have taken slight inspiration from greece because it’s pretty much the paragon of mythologies and all. the best way i’d describe this region is like studio ghibli aesthetic - a sense of endless adventure and mystery waiting to be unraveled. there’s a reason the champion is an archaeologist, after all! 
.... that being my sweet little angel, victor. he’s my main pokemon oc and i would die a thousand deaths for him. also, with my story taking place several years into the future - his boyfriend is the son of lance. who’s also a dragon master but unlike his father his team has actual variety & doesn’t own three illegal dragonites. 
the main plot summed up is that the multiverse is real and you should trust no one, not even your true self. 
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karalizzy · 6 years
Safsee Breg
What is your full name?
Safsee Breg
How did your parents decide on your name?
Safrees was Nana's name. She thought it would be a respectful thing to do. My Nan was a killer bitch. I loved her
How tall are you?
What color is your hair?
An auburn-y brown color
What color are your eyes?
One is red and one is bright blue
How much do you weigh?
28 lbs, bebe
What is your birthday (month, date, and year)?
January 23rd
What is your father’s name?
What is your mother’s name?
What are your grandparents’ names?
I don't know much about my Pap's side, but my Mam's parents were Safrees and Berk.
Do you have any siblings? What are their names, birthdates, and birth order?
Got a brother, Oz. He was born a couple years before me, November 13th
Do you have any medical problems, diseases, injuries?
I was a damn healthy bab. Had a spear go through my right lung once so I can't run for long but...
Do you have any distinguishing marks on your body (a mole, a birthmark, a missing finger, a tattoo, etc.)?
Got a couple scars. The lung one which is under a tit, one across my right shoulder, and one on my neck I don't wanna talk about.
What kind of house/apartment do you live in?
I currently live with my partner, she sweet as fuck. She did the decorating, so it's pretty cutesy and shit. I guess you could call it a loft?
Do you have any pets?
We have Hermes. He's my girl's falcon. He's kind of an asshole but I love him.
Are you married? If so, what is your spouse’s name?
We ain't married, but I'm with my girl Bresha. She's my flower.
Where did you go to school?
I learned all my mechanics with my Papa in garage
How many times have you moved in your life?
The fam crossed Arcaylia probably a dozen times
When did you move to where you live now?
Bresha and I moved in together 3 and a half years ago
Who is your best friend now?
An angel. Don’t ask.
Who are all of the people whom you have dated?
Gettin personal... uh, another goblin called Teets (I Know), a human called Aarin, and a half-elf girl called Antalia... some others.... and my sweet flower.
Why did your relationship with each person you dated not work out?
Well fuck, didn't realize this was my fuckin life story. Okay, I guess it didn't work out with Teets because I kept laughing at his name. The human was a one-off, he knew that. Antalia was... woo, that girl was just too much crazy for me.
What is the worst thing that ever happened to you?
Don't wanna talk about it. Let's just say that the cleric was the traitor, not me.
What is the best thing that ever happened to you?
I met my beautiful girl, Bresha.
How did you meet your current significant other?
I was at the pub, having some brews and this beautiful, long-haired, half-orc lady sat down next to me. We started talkin' about the area and smiling and laughing and just.... *sigh* then some jag-offs came in and threatened her. Before I could even say anything she cut one in half. I'd never had such a rock-hard lady chub before.
Who important to you has died in your life and how did you cope with their deaths?
Jesus. *snortles* No, uh, well.... I have-... had a good friend called Remliel. They were one of the most... selfless people I could hope to meet. I don't think I did... COPE really. I just didn't deal with it. Shut up, what's the next question?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite book?
My flower and I read "The Tales of Murph Brittlebrass" to eachother. It's about a swashbuckler badass. If she was alive, my love and I would totally rock her world, you know?
What is your favorite food(s)?
I actually really like rations? Unpopular opinion, but fuck man, prunes with uncured beef sausage? AND homemade bread?? Makes me moist just thinking about it.
What most annoys you about (your mom, dad, brother, sister, wife, son, daughter, best friend, boss, co-worker)?
Mama is always in my business about pollunating the world with my seed, but jokes on her. Papa has never done anything wrong in his life. Oz is a cunt but I love him.
How often do you exercise? What are your exercise goals?
Ex-.... I'm sorry what is that word? Is it Elvish? It's not translating well, sorry.
Which of your buttons does your mother like to push that sets you off?
Just the wee babey one.
Do you believe it’s okay to tell a lie and under what circumstances?
It's okay to tell a lie if someone's safety is at risk and the lie will protect them.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I'd say I'm like... 86.4% extroverted
What things might you be asked to do that you hate doing but do anyway (attend birthday parties, weddings, do chores for your elderly aunt, etc.)?
Oh, watchin my brothers brood. Those kids are little bastards but they're my nephews so I gotta put up with them a little I guess.
Have you ever been arrested and why?
Cleric tried to arrest me once for pissing in public three days after I saw him do it. Fuck that guy.
Who would you lay down your life for?
My flower.
Who would you really like to tell off?
Byron. He's a cunt that I know that needs to get his goddamn, motherfucking priorities straight for his own cunting sake. Or at least he's gotta get laid.
What are your spending habits?
I spend what I gotta. Food, supplies. Bresha buys a little more than she should *snickers.
Do you enjoy hot weather, or do you prefer colder temperatures?
Gimme that sun bby.
If you could describe yourself in one sentence, what would you say?
King Bitch of Fuck Mountain
If your (best friend, wife, daughter, boss, neighbor etc.) were to describe you in one sentence, what do you think he/she would say?
She better say the same thing. It's a running gag. We love eachother.
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penny-nichols · 2 years
For the AA ask game: 27, 30, 32, 41, 42, 60, 71, 90, 94 (sorry ik it’s a lot but im so curioussss)
I love answering questions DW (Putting a read more because HOLY SHIT this got away from me fast)
27. What character do you think is overrated? God I feel. So mean about this but Edgeworth. I mean, I still think he's cool, still enjoy him, still ship Narumitsu and all that but like... He's kind of a bitch and I think we need to acknowledge that more. Like in game one it's understandable because he's the designated antagonist but I think we all forget that he like... says that he doesn't care if Adrian kills herself???? And he treats Sebastian and Gumshoe like SHIT btw it just makes me sad. Same for Larry, honestly. Like he immediately turned on Larry when he found out about the lunch money like. my dude it was SUCH a small incident to you that you literally did not remember it. (I want Larry to have friends goddammit). That got.... a bit mean tbh but I'm just not Edgeworth's #1 fan. Not even in my top 3 prosecutors honestly 30. Character you’d push off a cliff with no hesitation? Hotti. BYE BYE BITCH. (I don't understand why HE of all people was brought back for AJ. Did they REALLY need a doctor and just. not want to make another doctor sprite?? He's not even a real doctor!) 32. Character you wish to see return? Literally anyone from Global but I'd have to say at this point ESPECIALLY Cody (Since he's the one innocent character from the trilogy to not return in the series). If we're barring my obvious choices though... Wocky. I wanna see Wocky motherfucking Kitaki living his best lil baker life. 41. Honest opinion on Athena Cykes? I... I mean she's fine? I have issues with her but I think they mostly stem from the fact that she was introduced WAY too early (in the sense that Apollo should've had a full trilogy like Phoenix did and literally nothing is gained from her involvement in SoJ). Like. Her design is cool. Her lawyer mechanic is uh..... Fucking weird tbh. Like excuse me but HOW am I supposed to tell people's emotions <-autistic. And the "pick out what element is causing the emotion" doesn't really make any sense and it's just... augh. Also I like her concept designs so much better it's unreal (especially the ones where she looks like a little victorian orphan boy or like a 1940s ish lounge singer or something) For reference:
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^1940s Lounge Singer
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^Victorian Orphan Boy (upper left)
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^PENNY NICHOLS????? (lower right) Actually please give Athena glasses please please please. 42. Unpopular opinion? Larry Butz is good actually the writers just failed him after game 1 60. Character you relate to? ...Penny. But also AA1 Maya because of the "never feeling good enough as your sibling" as someone who is too overwhelmed to do college when her brother started college at age 11.... yikes 71. New Games or OG trilogy? Which do you prefer? As a whole? Trilogy. They're a standard level of good. 456 level out to a slightly lower standard of goodness but that's just because AJ is literally just the game of all time (gimme that sweet sweet playing card symbolism baby). 5 and 6 are not BAD (as much as I complain about them) Like. they're bad examples of Ace Attorneys but the rest of the series is so good that it's hard to accurately rank them against other games. 90. Your NOTP? Phoenix slash Apollo. There's just. there's SO much wrong with that. And there was this one artist back when I was on Amino (that long ago, yeah) who CONSTANTLY got featured with their Phoenix and Apollo art and then they posted a defense on here saying that they were into older men? It's just like.... OK but he's literally the adoptive father of his sister you don't think that's not even a LITTLE weird. Bonus points go to Cykes//Quill(the young ones, Aura and Metis slaps) and Apollo slash Trucy (which someone told me was a common ship when I asked how old Apollo was at first?). I love this fandom but the number of people who don't know shit is astounding 94. Your first ship? First ship was definitely Narumitsu, got hooked on that like DIRECTLY after playing game one. uhhhh.... The next big one for me was Kay and Penny which I now regret (it was based off one line in AAI2 and the fact that I was big into tumblr roleplay at the time as Penny and I had a Kay. TO BE FAIR It was 95% Post SoJ or DD era) THEN Klapollo because for a Solid While I absolutely hated Klavier (but I still wrote about him in my now-deleted stories because if you have an Apollo casefic you HAVE to have Klavier, right? That eventually lead to Trucy going on a rant about reptile facts because Klavier called the defendant [who was Penny] a cold-blooded killer. And then she said "they don't call me Trucy 'reptile-facts' Wright for nothing". ...Kinda wish I still had that fic archived somewhere..... I might... if I can get back into my old amino account) SO! sorry for the lengthy answers and hot takes
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kyojuuros · 7 years
First impression: Well I don’t want to count his first appearance as Beast Titan since I didn’t know who he was then, so I’ll go with his appearance at the end of Uprising and basically my impression was like... “grandpa daddy” because I was 90% sure he was at least middle aged and probably Grisha’s brother or father or uncle or something XD But those abs...
Impression now: Zeke is a shady motherfucker and I find his character very interesting, but I’m also really frustrated about the situation revolving around him right now because I have no idea what’s going on and it’s taking so long to get answers and I am not a patient person lmao. I hope that I continue to appreciate him after all is revealed though. He’s a very intriguing character! 
Favorite moment: getting rekt by Levi Recognizing Eren and the whole exchange he had with him in Shiganshina and promising to save him. I’m still so interested in what he meant by that and where it’s meant to go by the end of the story. Oh and also “Eldian asses” and “as expected of Pieck!”
Idea for a story: Casually tacks this onto the delinquent idea I mentioned in my reply about Eren but Zeke as delinquent Eren’s like older corrupt cop brother who covers up for all of the unsavory stuff Eren and his friends do lmao
Unpopular opinion: He’s done some pretty bad shit but I don’t see him as a totally irredeemable character either. I feel like he ultimately wants to do good but has had to do some really bad things to get there. What is it, “the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions”?
Favorite relationship: He seems to have a pretty endearing relationship with Colt actually and that’s something I wouldn’t mind seeing expanded on (probably won’t happen tho). I also love his relationship with Pieck for meme-ably predictable reasons LOL
Favorite headcanon: idek man. I think his hair was long when we first met him because he was probably hanging out in or around the walls for quite a long time while waiting for/trying to find RBA and then the month between Uprising and RtS arc. Does this count? lmao
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