#((and it's all because of Hyu))
astraystayyh · 11 months
skz when you are stressed and overworked
alternatively, what love languages of theirs would manifest <3 just a little smtg i wrote for anyone who's stressed,, sending you warm hugs <333
Chan : physical touch
you've been staring at your computer for the past four hours
so when you hear the front door open, you quickly run to the bathroom to freshen up
giving three quick slaps to your face so chan wouldn't notice how tired you are
but as soon as he sees you, he opens his arms wide, inviting you in with a soft smile on his face
once his arms encircle you, you feel yourself tear up
the hug is warm and comforting and it makes all your self-restraint dissolve
you start to sob, and chan tries to let go to look at you
but you only tighten your hold on him
so he bends down slowly to pick you up as he moves to the nearest couch
he sits there and your legs are straddling his lap, and he sways you gently, his hand threading through your hair
he doesn't let go as you cry your entire stress out
he just holds you tightly to him, your chest snug against his
he's just like "it's okay, you're okay honey, i got you"
when you pull away, hiccuping, he gently wipes your tears away
grabbing your face between his hands to place a kiss on your forehead
"breathe for me, sweetheart"
he doesn't let go of you the entire night
Minho : acts of service
minho can sense your breakdown coming
he notices how stressed you are
but he doesn't want to pressure you or force you to stop working
so instead, he tries to lighten your load
doing your laundry, buying your groceries for you, washing the dishes in your sink
small acts that he does in silence in the hopes that it will make you feel better
when it's 10 pm and he comes into your room
he sees you sitting in front of your mirror, staring blankly ahead, freshly showered
he gently squeezes your right shoulder and you melt into his touch, leaning your cheek onto his hand
he then sits you on the edge of the bed, kneeling in front of you to apply the products for you
when you see how concentrated he is at picking the right products and in the right order
you start to tear up
because of the stress but mostly because of how loved he makes you feel, since you notice every little action of his
so when you start crying he panics, rising up in an attempt to stop your tears from falling
"hey, hey, baby. I'm sorry I'll get the order right"
but you shake your head and grab him from the nape of his neck, pulling him closer to you
you kiss him as hard as you can, trying your best to convey how grateful you are for him
Changbin : quality time + gift (in a food form) giving
Changbin can tell you are overworking yourself
so he tries to prevent a breakdown from happening
he knows that what you need is a distraction and a way to recharge yourself
so one night when you are busy working in your bedroom
he sneakily opens the door and pulls you by your hand
he treats you like a kid, picking you up and only placing you down to slip a pair of shoes in your feet
and pulling a hoodie over your head
then he's picking you up again and running to the street with you in his arms
once he's sure you won't run away, he places you down the ground and laces his hand with yours
he takes you on a walk, around the neighborhood, and he's like "what are you craving? what do you want to eat? I'll buy anything for you"
when you finally decide on a meal he takes you to a nearby park where you're alone
"tell me about it, baby" he tells you while you're both eating
so you vent about everything's that's bothering you
he listens to you intently and when you are done he's like "do you want comfort or advice?"
if it's comfort then he's telling you how proud he is of you and how everything you are feeling is valid
if it's advice then he's trying to figure out how you can write four essays in one day
but he'll be there with you
and when you are back home you're feeling very recharged
because a break with him is exactly what you needed
Hyunjin : quality time + physical touch
hyunjin knows that when you're stressed you tend to forget to take care of yourself
so he's always there to remind you
texts throughout the day, little notes left on your desk and fridge
"drink water baby!!" "did you eat? you should eat again"
but he also wants to do something really meagninful for you to help you destress
so one night when you are coming home from the library
you open the door and you are met with a candlelight dinner
and you can see a makeshift pillow fort built in the living room
as soon as he sees you he's all rambling "i know I'm not the best cook and i understand if you don't want to eat it and we can always order takeout-"
and you're like shut up and kiss me
and when you realize he's made you dinner and dessert and ordered your favorite icecream, you're tearing up again
but he knows how good it feels to cry so he just opens his arms for you and you bury yourself in him
he gently pats your back as you cry
and once you're done he smiles so brightly at you, bopping your nose with his finger
he's like "no more crying okay?"
and he spends the entire night trying his hardest to make you laugh
Han : words of reassurance
instead of leaving you alone when you are working
han is always there
he's besides you on the bed working on a track of his own
or just scrolling through his phone
but he's there, glancing at you from time to time as if you're a ticking time bomb
as soon as he notices that your sighs are getting longer and heavier
he stands up quickly from his place
he grabs your face between his hands, looking at you with wide eyes
"baby you are so smart you got this. and i love you. and i can't believe I'm dating the smartest person in the world"
just compliment after compliment and sometimes they are so far fetched you can't help but giggle
but when you are really at your lowest point and on the verge of breaking down
he just guides you to the bed and his voice is so soft
and it takes on that low tone of his, as if he hasn't been so sure about anything in his life
he's looking you right in the eye while telling you how proud he is of you
and you can't help but tear up at his words
because it gets hard and sometimes all you need to hear is that someone is proud of you
he then pecks your face all over
nose, eyelids, forehead and cheeks, until you are smiling widely again
Felix : physical touch + gift (in food form again) giving
he's a massage fairy i will die by this hill
at the end of the day he's always there ready to undo any knot in your body
he's so gentle with you, massaging your sore shoulders and neck
all while telling you how hard you worked today and how proud he is of you
and you can feel yourself relax completely from his touch
sleep doesn't come easily to you when you are stressed
since you can't help but overthink about everything going on in your life
so he's ready for you with a warm glass of milk and honey, or tea
he lays your head on his lap while he plays with your hair
telling you again how all of this hard work will be worth it and pay off in the end
sometimes you'd lay on his chest while he hums a lullaby under his breath
sometimes you'd just ask him to tell you a story, because his voice drowns out all the thoughts in your head
but he's always touching you throughout it
grazing your arms, massaging your scalp, playing with your fingers
anything to remind you he's there
once you're asleep he'd get up to make you cookies
so you'd eat them the next day and remember him by when he isn't around
Seungmin : quality time + words of reassurance
he knows not to push your buttons when you are stressed
so he leaves you be but he keeps an eye on you to make sure that you're still okay and not on the verge of breaking down
but once he can sense that you reached your limit
either because you are bouncing your leg up and down
or your head is now between your hands
he comes up from behind, placing a chaste kiss on your temple
if you hug him tighter then that's his cue that you need a break
and he's ready for it
he orders your favorite meal, plays your comfort movie and brings out your softest blankets
anything to make you feel comfortable
your legs are propped up on his lap and he gently skims his hand up and down them
when the movie is done, he turns off the tv and turns to look at you
"what do you need baby?"
if it's venting then he's there to listen and if you need to get back to work then he hugs you tightly to him, before ruffling your hair
and if you say "just you" then he's bringing you to his chest
he won't move an inch until you let go first
Jeongin : quality time + physical touch
jeongin came home late that day
so when he enters your room he finds you typing furiously on your laptop
and he's like hey! but you don't reply
so he leans from the side to look at you and then he notices how you are crying
your tears are wetting your keyboard and yet you are still typing
so he's panicking, grabbing your hands so you'd stop working
that seems to snap you out of your haze and you look at him, eyes full of unshed tears
he's like "are you okay? that's a stupid question you are not okay"
he just hates seeing you cry and he's always flustered at first when you are sad
but then he pulls you up and leads you to bed
he makes you sit on his lap and you are burying your face in the crook of his neck
"tell me what's wrong baby? is it work, hum?"
his tone is so soft and sweet and it makes you want to spill everything to him
so that's exactly what you do
you are rambling and you're talking about the essay and your stupid boss and then about how hungry you are and again about your essay
and he's just humming and listening to you intently and patting your head gently
when you are done he makes you pull away, before kissing your tear stained cheeks softly
and then he brings your hands to his mouth and he brushes his lips against your knuckles
"let's go for a drive hum? get your head off things"
he lets you pick the music and the destination
and he doesn't drive home until you've fully calmed down
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bluejutdae · 3 months
Under the surface | Kim Seungmin x you
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notes: this is for @chvnmax, cause she deserves a sleeper build Seungmo. Wanna know something fun? I spent 20 minutes on google trying to discover if Seungmin can raise only one eyebrows because ✨credibility✨
Warnings: suggestive.
You left work late and you’re tired, dreaming of a hot bath and the soft comforter on your bed. You have promised Chanbin, though, and there can be multiple things said about you, but you have always kept your promises. So you do what you have to. You send a message to Changbin, informing him you’ll be at the gym in 15 minutes tops, and you send a message to Seungmin, asking how his day was. You only talked to him for 5 minutes in the morning, and that’s not enough Seungmin time for you.
The thing is: you’re crazy about him. He’s your boyfriend, so it’s not weird, but it’s still all so new. So you would love to go directly to his dorm, but you still keep walking towards the gym.
This gym isn’t half bad, it’s clean and bright, there’s never too many people and, when Changbin is not here, the gym instructors are always kind and professional. Today the gym is not too crowded, as usual, and after getting changed into workout clothes you can easily spot Changbin in the room. He’s not alone and it wouldn’t surprise you too much. The surprise lays on the identity of his companion.
Because the fact is that near Changbin, squatting an amount of weight you can’t even start to imagine, is Seungmin.
Seungmin in a tight gray shirt, sweaty and clinging to his back and arms, and black joggers.
He’s mid squat, hands around the barbell, his biceps are bulging and shoulders are bigger than you ever noticed. Despite being together and being attracted to one another, you have never seen each other naked. Seungmin insisted on going slow, to do things properly because when it’s right, you gotta do it right. His words, but you liked the idea of dating and courting, so you had a couple of make out sessions, clothes always on and hands not roaming too much.
Seungmin’s breathy laugh travels to you and a moment later he’s raking his weighted barbell. You might die for a moment: his biceps are to die for and you hyper focus on a drop of sweat descending on his neck.
When the fuck did you boyfriend become a muscular man? You clearly appreciate his lean figure, you like to put your hands on his forearms and caress him, making him shudder and squirm under your ministrations, but this is such a surprise you don’t know what to do. Can you just go there and steal him, apologize to Changbin for abandoning him and take Seungmin with you, hide somewhere and never let him be seen by people? He’s too hot to be left in the wild.
You must have said something or made a noise, because while you’re there ogling your boyfriend, two sets of eyes rest on you.
“Hey, you made it!” Changbin boisterous voice welcomes you, and you smile taking a few steps towards them and in lieu of a greeting, your mind comes up with: “what the fuck Seungmin”.
He wasn’t expecting this, so he bends his head on the side and raises an eyebrow in an inquisitive expression. “Hello to you too, my darling. What a pleasant surprise.”
It’s not a normal behavior and you know it, but you’re transfixed on his arms and your mind provides you with fantasies about his legs and abs and his back and whatever else he might be hiding under his clothes. Almost as an out of body experience, you see your hand reaching to his arms and squeeze.
Changbin emits a dry cough, and it seems like it’s moking you, “I forgot something important so I really have to go. I’m sorry guys, we’ll work out together another time, uh?”
Your hands are still groping Seungmin’s arms, but you’re conscious enough to answer him. “Be careful on the way home.”
“I’ll see you later, hyung”, your boyfriend's voice is laced with humor. “Are you done?”
“You’re being ridiculous. If you want to grope muscles, you should have took the opportunity while Changbin hyung was still here…”
“I don’t want to grope him!”
“But you want to grope me?”
“Of course.”
His laugh is so pretty it almost distracts you. You still manage to turn your eyes towards his face and smile at him. “Puppy, since when are you muscular?”
“No, no. Let’s not ignore when you said you want to grope me.”
“We’ll circle back to that later.” You finally detach your hands from his arms and poke at his tummy. “You’ve been hiding this from me?”
He scoffs. “I hid nothing.”
“Are you sure? Doesn’t that mean you’re gonna let me see everything?” You know you said you were gonna go slow, but thinking about Seungmin sweaty and his arms bulging made you incredibly horny and a little wet.
“Puppy” he warns, looking around at the gym. It’s true that there’s almost no one, but a couple of trainers and at least three customers are present. You shrug with a wink. But Seungmin hasn’t finished with the surprises tonight, and in a flash he bends at the knees and puts you on his shoulder, your face now staring at his back and your ass in the air. Your response is a loud yelp and a threat.
“Put me down. Put me down or I’m gonna kill you.” Truth is: you didn’t expect Seungmin to be able to lift you like this and if you were only a little wet before, you are scared you’re gonna embarrass yourself if he keeps doing stuff like this. He puts you down only when he reaches the man’s locker rooms.
“Wait here for me, uh? I’m gonna walk you home tonight.” He looks around and, having assessed you’re alone, he kisses you hungrily, nipping at your lips and panting in your mouth.
Later, you’ll ask him to come up to your apartment, you’ll kiss wildly as soon as the door closes behind your backs and, for the first time, you’ll undress him. His shirt will lay on the back of the couch, joggers on the corridor floor. In return, he will get to have you naked too. Clothes scattered on the floor and on some pieces of furniture, it won’t matter tho. What matters is that you’ll make it to the bedroom and, most important, to your bed. He’ll show you how his biceps bulge when he’s over you, torso raised but hips fucking his cock inside you, making you bite your lips to stop the loud noises he’ll try to coax out of you. Later, you’ll worship his body, asking him to flex this or that muscle to lick it or gently nip at it. He’ll tell you about his gym adventures with Chan and Changbin, sometimes Minho, and he’ll promise you can go with them if you don’t act feral and try to get him naked.
Later, but for now you run to grab your bag from the lockers and come back to wait for him. Who would have thought your boyfriend had a sleeper build?
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haerinari · 4 months
¿What do you want me to do? — Cha Hyun-su
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pairing: Cha Hyun-su x fem!reader
genre: fluff.
warnings: tension between hyun-su and reader (?), kissing
a/n: this fic is about if it was you instead of Eun-yu in THAT scene of season2 ep8 of sweet home. when monster Hyun-su starts asking Eun-yu what should they do or, what does she want him to do.
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You were on the hospital with Hyun-Su, Eun-yu, and the soldier Chan-young. Hyun-su just had a fight with monster Yi-kyung, he was all covered in blood, and right now he was sleeping in one of the hospital rooms. This is the first time that you could properly see Hyun-su after what happened on Green Home, it has been months since the last time you saw him. You and Hyun-su had a “thing” before, both of you liked each other, but nothing actually happened.
“Is he even alive?” the soldier said standing up from his chair. “he has been lying on the floor for the past 25 minutes”.
“Maybe he is just tired, Yi-kyung noona was a very special person for him” you explained.
“Go check on him, y/n” the short hair girl suggested. “Probably he will speak to you”.
“Okay” you simply answered.
You opened the door of the room, now seeing an awake Hyun-su sitting on the corner of the small bed.
“Cha Hyun-su” you said, no answer. “Cha Hyun-su…”
He turned his head, opening slowly his eyes and looking at you. They were now a beautiful blue color, but that just could mean one thing, the Hyun-su you knew, was gone.
He stand abruptly from the bed, looking into your eyes and walking towards you. Was he going to hurt you? No, Hyun-su would never do that. You took a bar of metal that was on the floor, you know, just in case.
“Are you going to hit me with that?” he asked.
“Bring him back” you said firmly. “Bring Hyun-su back, now”
“His hurt, leave him to rest. I was just helping him out because he was hurt. Give me a break” Hyun-su said looking at himself in the mirror. His shoulder was hurt, it had an open wound and it was still bleeding. But a few seconds later, it was completely gone.
“Wasn’t Hyun-su in control?” you asked him.
“I’m also Hyun-su”
“Not you, the real Hyun-su.”
“We agreed to help each other, it wouldn’t be great for me if he died” the monster explained.
“Just leave him alone and get lost” you said without hesitation, you wanted to talk with your Hyun-su.
“Really? Would you be okay with that?” Hyun-su said coming closer and closer to you. “Would you be okey with Cha Hyun-su who is weak?”
“Yeah, i will be totally fine with that Hyun-su”
He was now inches away from you, his tall and strong figure almost covering yours. Hyun-su lowered his head in a way that now his face was on the same level as yours, his eyes were scanning your face, and you were just standing still.
“What are you doing?” you asked almost in a whisper, nervousness covering your body.
“I don’t know” he paused, a cocky smirk covering his face. “What do you want me to do?”
He came to your face even closer, his lips almost touching yours. You didn’t now what to answer, it was like your voice was totally gone. Having Hyun-su this close was a new sensation that your body was actually enjoying a lot.
“I bet that he haven’t even kiss you before.” Hyun-su said laughing a bit. “I have to admit it, we have good taste, ‘cause you’re a pretty pretty girl…”
“Then do it” you whisper softly, the words just slipping from your mouth.
“As you wish” he answered.
His lips crash directly into yours, one of his hands cupping your cheek while the other one was holding your waist. Your hands were on his neck, trying to pull him closer and feel every single part of him on your body. This was the first time you kiss Hyun-su since what happened on green home, and god, you’ve miss him so much.
You broke softly the kiss, opening your eyes now to see normal Hyun-su back, his brown eyes with a look of surprise and his cheeks getting red.
“I’m glad your back” you smiled, your hands going through his hair and pulling him into a hug.
“Did he said something mean to you?” Hyun-su asked worried.
“No he didn’t, but he did something you didn’t do before…” you answered.
“I didn’t knew if you still like me…” he said looking down, his hands now holding yours. “I needed a boost of confidence to prove it and he was the only candidate i had”
“You could just ask Eun-yu, you know she is my best friend” you said smiling.
“I did, and she told me to discover it by myself” you laughed.
“Well, now you do know how i feel about you” you told him, his head hiding on the crook of your neck. you loved how shy he got around you.
“I missed you” he said now looking at your face. “I was always thinking about you, you were on my mind all the time”
“I’ve miss you too Hyun-su, but please… don’t leave again” you told him, almost begging him not to leave.
“I won’t leave, not when i have you here with me again”
You pull him into a hug again, you could stay like this for ever, with him.
“I love you” you said to him, watching his cheeks become red again. “Why do you get all shy when i say cute things to you” you asked laughing.
“You make me nervous” Hyun-su laughing with you. “I love you too”
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valkyriexo · 2 months
Divergent x Stray Kids
What faction would they be in ? | OT8 Headcannon
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A/N : these are my own opinions! Feel free to leave your own in the comments
Bang Chan
Faction : Abnegation
I feel like this one is such a no-brainer. Chan is naturally selfless and considerate, always prioritizing others before himself and ready to make sacrifices for the greater good.
In the Abnegation faction, where selflessness is the top priority, Chan would fit right in, gladly giving up his own wants to help others and make the community better without any complaints.
I think he feels a strong calling to serve a greater purpose in life, striving to make a positive impact on people and the world around him.
Even in challenging situations, he never backs down from doing what's right.
Chan is a natural leader, inspiring others with his passion and charm in all aspects of life, including their relationships.
Helping his friends and loved ones become their best selves brings him the most joy.
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Lee Minho
Faction : Dauntless
This one is a little bit of a tricky one in my opinion. Truthfully, i think he would be divergent. Although, assuming he wouldn't want to be outed as divergent, and would have to choose a faction, I think he would be in dauntless (Hear me out!)
Minho's personality aligns perfectly with the Dauntless faction's values and lifestyle due to his adventurous and exploratory spirit.
Driven by a sense of fairness and open-mindedness, he moves through life with an encouraging attitude, motivating others to follow their passions.
His relaxed demeanor and "live and let live" attitude make him likable and popular, traits highly valued in the Dauntless community.
Beneath his quiet shyness lies an intensely feeling heart, driving him to embrace challenges and leave everything else in the dust when caught up in something exciting and interesting.
HOWEVER, I think that he could also belong to the amity faction because I wouldn't necessarily call him a fighter ykwim?
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Seo Changbin
Faction : Dauntless
Muscle man???! WHAT CAN I SAYYYYY
Binnie is very adventurous by nature
He is willing to seek out thrilling experiences.
He thrives on physical challenges and eagerly faces his fears head-on.
Binnie's social nature makes him well-suited for the communal atmosphere of Dauntless, where shared activities and camaraderie are highly valued.
He enjoys being the life of the party and knows how to bring people together for a good time.
With his keen fashion sense and eye for aesthetics, he adds his unique style to the Dauntless community, making gatherings feel like celebrations.
Despite his outgoing nature, Binnie is observant and sensitive to others' emotions, always offering support to his friends when needed.
However, he may prefer to avoid conflicts if they involve him directly, prioritizing peace and maintaining a positive atmosphere.
Binnie's athleticism and dedication to fitness further emphasize his suitability for Dauntless, as he spends significant time honing his physical prowess in the gym.
His commitment to self-improvement and fearless attitude make him a valuable addition to the faction.
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Hwang Hyunjin
Faction : Amity
Art= Amity
Although he has a quiet demeanor, he possesses a rich inner world filled with creativity and imagination, traits highly valued in Amity.
He finds solace in daydreams and storytelling, demonstrating a deep sensitivity to art, nature, and the emotions of those around him.
Idealistic and empathetic, Hyunjin longs for meaningful connections and feels a calling to help others, aligning perfectly with the core values of Amity.
In a fast-paced and competitive world, he may sometimes feel out of place, yearning for a community that appreciates his unique qualities.
Hyunjin's sincere curiosity about human nature and his compassionate, nonjudgmental nature make him a perfect fit for Amity's emphasis on understanding and empathy.
He cherishes deep conversations and feels honored to listen and offer support to those in need.
Although Hyunjin may sometimes struggle with internalizing the world's troubles and negative emotions, his desire for peace and kindness aligns perfectly with Amity's values.
He understands the importance of setting boundaries to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the injustices of the world.
In Amity, where peace and kindness reign supreme, Hyunjin would thrive, finding fulfillment in creating harmonious relationships and fostering a sense of unity within the community.
His ability to connect deeply and initiate positive change makes him a valuable asset to the faction, embodying the spirit of Amity's ideals.
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Han Jisung
Faction: Candor
Jisung follows the beat of his own drum
His direct and straightforward approach to problem-solving aligns perfectly with Candor's value of honesty and truth.
Jisung prefers to tackle issues head-on, seeking straightforward solutions rather than relying on convoluted methods.
He is authentic and genuine,
Does not conform to societal norms.
While Jisung may not be inclined to socialize beyond what is necessary, he values sincerity and authenticity in his relationships.
Although his reserved nature may make him seem steady and predictable at times, he also possesses a store of impulsive energy that can lead him in bold and unexpected directions.
Candor values willingness to challenge the status quo and embrace change.
In Candor, Jisung would find an environment where his need for freedom, space, and unpredictability is understood and respected.
He would thrive in a community that values honesty above all else and encourages individuals to speak their truth without fear of judgment or deceit.
Also he's a yapper, and Candor's love to talk.
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Lee Felix
Faction : Amity
100% no questions ask. Like, do I really need to explain myself?
He's the sunshine boi
Felix excels at creating and maintaining a warm and friendly environment for himself and those around him, fostering harmony within the community.
For Felix, life is all about shared experiences and forming deep connections with others.
He thrives in social settings and enjoys opening his heart and home to friends, loved ones, and neighbors, reflecting Amity's value of hospitality and inclusivity.
In Amity, Felix would find a supportive and nurturing environment where his dedication to creating a peaceful and inclusive community is valued and celebrated.
His ability to foster connections and maintain a friendly atmosphere would make him a cherished member of the faction, embodying the spirit of Amity's ideals.
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Kim Seungmin
Faction : Candor
He is too honest lmao
Chan, you're half 52 next year??
In Candor, Seungmin would find a community that values his honesty and straightforwardness, where his dedication to maintaining honesty and integrity would be celebrated and appreciated.
People in this faction are very unlikely to show emotion, and let's face it neither does Seungmin
While forming close bonds with those who share his values and opinions, Seungmin believes in the power of hospitality and good manners, but he also isn't afraid to say what's on his mind.
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Yang Jeongin
Faction : Abnegation
He's just like his dad (Chan) fr
His innate selflessness and loyalty shine through in his dedication to supporting and helping those around him.
Whether it's lending a listening ear or offering a helping hand, Jeongin is always there for others, embodying the essence of service over self.
Moreover, his reliability and commitment to excellence align with Abnegation's emphasis on putting others' needs before his own.
Jeongin's ensures that tasks are completed to the highest standard.
He has a keen eye for detail and genuine eagerness to make a positive impact highlight his selfless and caring nature.
He takes pride in going above and beyond his responsibilities, finding fulfillment in serving others rather than seeking personal gain.
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A/N : these are my own opinions! Feel free to leave your own in the comments
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 4 months
hi ml <3333333 can I request a ler!chan and lee!minho fic (who’s surprised by the pair I chose?)? scenario could be that chan was feeling in one of the worst ler moods ever, while Lino was also in one of his lee moods. But prideful as he is, he never admits it and instead retorts to being bratty. But it’s so BLATANTLY obvious by now because he’s used that tactic so many times that chan pins him down and only starts when minho finally begs for it. and then, when he’s in hysterics and thrashing and pleading in between crazed giggles for chan to stop, chan says « Why should I stop? You were the one begging for it anyways, so now take it and be good hmm? You still have a long way to go before being a lil giggly puddle for me~ »
bonus if the other members overhear what’s happening and all get embarrassingly flustered and all look at each other in silent agreement. never cross a chan when it is in a ler mood.
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i twisted it a bit...hope that's okay 😈
Hoodie - Part 3:
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again with the spicy gifs for a fluffy fic...its a sana trademark atp
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words: 1.5k tw: cuddly tickles, chan makes minmin beg for it- lee: Minho ler: Chan taglist: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33 @v–143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkytornpages @lajanaa @a-wild-seungberry this fic is about tickling, if it’s not your cup of tea pls scroll!~
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6. "Do you want to die?"
15. "Apologies mean nothing to me."
34. "Woah. I didn't expect that much of a reaction."
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Fans screamed and shouted in excitement and happiness as the two eldest members of their favorite boy group walked along the red carpet. 
Chan smiled a great, dimply smile and weaved a single arm around Minho’s shoulders. 
The two men waved and smiled, grateful for their fans and enjoying every moment of their walk. 
Chan’s fingers covered the top neckline of Minho’s shirt, clearly worried at how cold the air outside was. 
Why couldn’t the stylists choose something warm for the poor boy? 
Minho himself was shivering and leaning into the eldest for warmth, staring up at the sunset.
Chan was relieved that the group was heading back to the hotel for a while, clearly everyone needed to warm up before they all catch a cold. 
The boys all headed to their shared rooms, Chan and Lino bundling up in blankets once they reached the cozy and warm room.  
As exhausting as the concerts were, Chan found himself somewhat unable to sleep, so he resorted to playing with Minho’s hair as the boy slept. 
So peaceful and tranquil, Minho’s breathing hitched once before covering his mouth and sneezing cutely. 
Chan stifled a groan; the cat had clearly caught a cold. 
Determined to keep him warm, Chan pulled Minho closer to his chest, sharing his warmth and kissing the top of his head. 
A tiny smile made its way into Lino’s lips, and Chan gasped once before bursting into loud giggles. “You’re awake, aren’t you?!”
He slapped Minho’s head playfully as the younger burst into loud peals of giggles, the sound bouncing off the walls. 
The kitten sneezed again in the middle of his joyful laughter. Chan patted at the top of his head, covering the top of the boy’s head with the fluffy blanket. 
He playfully bit his lip and pressed his fingers into Min’s side, watching the younger squirm and smile shyly. 
Chan pressed deeper and wiggled his fingers a little bit, causing a strained squeak and jolt to escape from the other pressed against his chest. 
After a while, he let up on the poor cat, cradling his head instead and coaxing him to sleep instead. 
“Well, I can’t sleep now. Oh wait, I sound like someone…don’t I?” Minho grinned against the leader’s chest. 
“Hmmm. I know what you’re doing, Min. Do you want to die?” Channie hummed, smiling mischievously as he felt the dancer’s face warm up against his shirt. 
“I’m not d-doing anything.” Minho cursed himself for stuttering. It was giving him away. 
The two laid in silence for a while, relishing in the warmth and comfort of each other’s presence.
“Hyung…I’m a little cold, can you get my hoodie from the suitcase, please?” Minho whispered, wanting to be engulfed in the warm fabric of his favorite home attire. 
Channie whined once before getting up, shivering as the freezing air hit his skin. 
He retrieved the warm clothing from the mentioned suitcase, walking back to the half-asleep boy before handing it to him. 
Minho threw it on and sighed confortably, hoping Chan would get the hint and just wreck him already. 
Luckily for the dancer, Chan’s fingers and ears were itching to hear more of his sweet giggles again, and the older wouldn’t sleep without hearing them that night. 
Lino waited for the leader to say something, anything for him to provoke the kangaroo with. 
Finally, Chan did speak, but what he said was not what Minho expected. “I know what you want, but I want to hear you say it.”
Minho groaned loudly. There was no way Chan was doing this to him right now.
“Hyuuung...” Minho whined, squirming lightly as Chan’s fingers sent teasing pokes at his sides. 
The tiny tingly feelings were unbearable; he needed more. 
“C’mon, Min. I know you can do it~” Oh, Lino could just hear the teasing smirk on the leader’s face. 
When Channie’s fingers resorted to scratching lightly at his v-line, Minho lost it. 
“FINE! Fahahine, i’ll beg! Please, hyung, plehease tickle me…please please plehehease…” Min whimpered, throwing his head back at the incredibly sensitive tickles to his v-line. 
“Well, since you asked so nicely, and clearly hinted to me what you wanted-” Chan gestured to the younger’s hoodie. “-I’ll give you what you want.”
“please…” Minho whined again, squeezing his eyes shut and waiting for the invading fingers to reduce him into a hysterical mess. 
Fingers scribbled up his torso, and Minho burst into loud giggles, not daring to open his eyes or move his arms away from his face. 
“Awww…you’re not even trying to stop me…are you?” Chan cooed, slipping his freezing hands up the dancer’s hoodie and pressing his pointer finger into Minho’s belly button, causing the boy to let out an embarrassingly loud squeal at the sensation. 
Eyes opening in surprise, Minho shot his hands down and gripped at the leader’s wrist, causing the older to stop completely. 
“Hyung…I’m sorr-HYUNGAHAHA!” The dancer burst into hysterics when the leader’s fingers wiggled and squeezed his rib cage torturously. 
“Apologies mean nothing to me.”
Chan grabbed his wrists and pinned them his above the boy’s head, and went to town on his left armpit, which for some reason, was more ticklish than the right. 
“HYUNG! HYUHUHUNG! PLEHEHEHEASE!” Minho cackled wildly, finding one of his worst spots on show to his ruthless ler, who clearly wasn’t letting up anytime soon. 
The dancer found himself considerably weakened due to the tickling, and was unable to yank his arms down, allowing Chan to do whatever he pleased to him. 
Chan’s tickling fingers danced lightly along his v-line, and the howl of laughter that Lino let out even had Chan reeling from the sheer volume of it. 
“Woah! I didn’t expect that much of a reaction! You’re not used to light tickles here, huh?” The leader’s fingers wiggling lightly over the bare area, and Minho shrieked and whined as loud as he could through his uncontrollable laughter. 
The light tickes had his stomach bouncing up and down, and his thighs trembled.
“HYUNG! PLEASE NO LIHIGHT TIHIHICKLES! I CAHAHAHAN’T TAHAHAKE IHIT ANYMOHORE!” Minho squealed breathlessly, letting out wild cackles and arching his entire back up. 
“Too bad, kitten. You have a long way to go.” Chan smirked, diving under Lino’s hoodie and performing his signature; raspberries and nibbles. 
The raspberries and nibbles were absolute heaven torture to the poor boy, who screamed loudly before descending into yet another round of hysterics. 
He felt so carefree, so loose and happy. Like nothing else mattered in the world except how rough Chan was wrecking him to pieces. 
“CHAHAHAHANNIE! GEHEHET OHOHOUT OHOF THEHEHERE! ITS SO BAD-” Minho squealed loudly and cut off his own sentence at the end as a long raspberry made its way to his v-line. 
Tears slipped down his cheeks. He couldn't stop laughing no matter how hard he tried to muffle it.
Minho gasped and sobbed desperately through his laughter, the sound of his hysterics cutting out every few seconds and coming back even wilder. 
“HYUHUNG! IHIHITS ENOHOHOUG-NOOOO!” The boy screamed when Channie’s fingers attached to his hips. 
“Don’t you mean…yes? You did ask for this~”
“IHIHIM GOHOHONNA FAHAHAHAINT, HYUNG!” Minho screamed breathlessly.
Finally, feeling the younger had had enough, Chan stuck his head out of the hoodie to be met with a blushy, giggly Minho. 
“Aghhh…you’re so cute.” Chan is squished at the younger’s cheeks and played with his hair, all while Lino himself relished in the attention, something Channie doesn’t see as often. 
Chan’s favorite genre of Minho. He smiled fondly at the boy and pressed his forehead against Lino’s shoulder. 
“Love you, bub…” Channie mumbled, smiling when a hand came to stroke his hair. 
“Love you too, hyungie.” A soft response came from above his head. 
Comfortable silence passed between the two, warm and cozy with an aura of happiness. 
“You’re not gonna tell anyone I said that.”
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“Did you and hyung have fun, sharing a room?” Jeongin snickered at Minho. 
Minho scoffed. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Yup. Back to his sassy self. Though, Chan wished he could just wreck the younger again and bring back soft Lino too. 
“Please. We could hear you screaming from the other room. Luckily this is a private floor.” Changbin rolled his eyes. 
Blush leaked up Minho’s neck and onto his ears as he slapped Changbin’s bicep playfully. 
“Ohhh yah. I was wondering what that was.” Felix grinned, and Lee Know groaned in embarrassment, hiding his face in his arms. 
“Who knew hyungie liked getting wrecked so mu-“
”OKAY, let’s go!” Minho interrupted, grabbing their suitcases and descending in the elevator. 
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restlessmaknae · 4 months
hotel shenanigans // choi yeonjun
best friends to lovers!yeonjun + "if you asked me to marry you tomorrow, i’d say yes.“ “what about today?"
➳ Characters: best friend!Yeonjun x female reader/you
➳ Genre: slice of life, best friends to lovers, fluff, uni au
➳ Words: 1.4k
➳ Warning: one mention of alcohol
➳ A/N: This story was requested by the lovely @stories-inbetween-the-stars for my request event. I hope you enjoy it! ❤️ Also, this was partly inspired by real-life events haha @dat-town you know why
Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️
➳ Masterlist for the request event
➳ TXT taglist: @dat-town, @s00buwu, @soobin-chois, @laaylaazyy, @kuleo26, @hyu-won, @hyunjinswife, @stories-inbetween-the-stars, @wccycc, @littlestartonightsposts, @koishua, @squiishymeow, @forevrglow
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It was the first time you and Yeonjun would share a hotel room together, but not the first time you would sleep in the same bed. You had been best friends since elementary school which meant multiple sleepovers when you had been younger and multiple "laying on the bed to stare at the ceiling while pondering over life" when you had grown older. He was as welcome in your house as you were in his since you were practically family to the other.
However, this time, you had to book a hotel room together because you went to a postgraduate open day that day, and there was no way you would spend 3 hours getting there via train and 3 hours back after the scheduled programmes were over by 8pm. Since it was on a Wednesday, your parents couldn't accompany you, but there was no need since you were a 1) responsible grown-up, so you could spend two days away from them 2) Yeonjun would be there and he was someone they trusted with all their heart.
Thankfully, everything went smoothly at the open day, so there was really no need to worry. On the other hand, when you got back to your budget hotel, and Yeonjun went in to take a shower inside your en-suite bathroom, you realised that the bathroom's wall was a bit transparent. It was made entirely of glass, and the pattern over it was similar to the blurred lines in your vision when you were just trying to blink the sleep out of your eyes. Which meant that it wasn't entirely transparent, but when Yeonjun stepped into the shower cubicle, you could clearly see the outlines of his body which made you snap your head back so fast, it made a sound.
"Oh my god," you mumbled, awfully embarrassed, before you sat down on the only chair in the room, and positioned it, so you would sit with your back to the shower cubicle with Yeonjun inside it.
You wished you could say that by the time he made it out of the bathroom, you felt less flustered, but it would be a big fat lie. You were sure that your cheeks were still flushed, and not because he was wearing loose shorts and a sleeveless tee because you had seen him like that a million times before.
"Yeonjun..." You started tentatively, not knowing how to bring it up, and he could sense that you were uncomfortable, his eyebrows immediately furrowed at your tone of voice.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
"It's not anything super... uhmm... bad, but..." You faltered, feeling your cheeks burn up even more.
Yeonjun was incredibly good at detecting people's moods, and he turned from sunshine to sunshine protector really quickly when it came to those close to him. No wonder he immediately reached out to squeeze your hands as if it was about something earth-shuttering.
"You know you can tell me anything," he reassured you gently before his lips curled upwards and he jokingly mentioned: "Even if you asked me to marry you tomorrow, I would say yes."
Your shoulders dropped in ease, his joking side was always able to cheer you up. So you played along a bit.
"What about today?"
"Today, tomorrow, next month... anytime," he offered with wild hand gestures, and the lighter atmosphere helped you to pull yourself together. So you took in a deep breath before you brought it up.
"It is just that... the glass door of the shower cubicle is partly transparent. You can see the outlines of the one inside."
"Oh," Yeonjun hummed, and you saw the exact moment the indication dawned on him. His eyes lit up with a mischievous fire, his lips curling into a boyish smile. "Ooooh... so you saw me?"
"I didn't mean to!"
"I wouldn't have blamed you," he threw his hands in the air, shrugging casually. You shook your head, knowing fully well how confident he could be about his handsome face and fit body, so you didn't hold a grudge against him in the slightest. He didn't do so either. "I guess you want me to not look while you're inside, right?"
"Yes, please."
"Don't worry. I won't look," he promised with a big grin, reaching out to ruffle your hair. You faked semi-annoyance at this gesture, trying to bat his arm away as you took a step back. Which meant that you horribly miscalculated your steps, and managed to fall onto the bed. Yeonjun tried to catch your arms, but he wasn't fast enough, and fell right onto you.
It wasn't like in the movies, how the boy could react in time and put his hands on the two sides of the other's face, and then, they just kept staring at each other. No, it was proper falling onto each other, bodies squished together, heads knocking. You both let out a yelp of surprise when you collided, and both of you immediately tried to find a way out, so you rolled to your left while he rolled to his right.
Still laying in bed, still in shock over the incident, Yeonjun started laughing beside you. You rolled onto your side to look at him, and he did the same, his eyes laughing alongside his lips.
"This is so us," he pointed out, and you couldn't help but agree. You were both on the clumsier side, so something like this wasn't unheard of, even as you got older.
When you both laughed your heart out, the boy broke the momentary silence.
"Actually... I did have a dream once. It was on the night of your aunt’s wedding, and I dreamed that we also got married. Maybe it’s because of the booze that night or the fact that you were a bridesmaid, but I had it all pictured in my head,” he recounted with a nostalgic smile playing on his lips, one that made your heart race. He was so painfully beautiful and somewhat fragile in that moment, and you wished that you could freeze the time.
Your heart picked up its pace the more he talked, and you were sure that you were flushed like hell. You remembered that day as if it had been yesterday. You did so because the same thought had crossed your mind back then: you had wondered if there could be anyone you would love to tie your life to, and when you had realised it was and had always been Yeonjun, you had known that you had fallen for him for good.
However, it felt like a dangerous limbo with one foot on the side of friendship while the other was on the side of a romantic relationship, and you feared that if you crossed the line, you could easily lose him altogether. So you kept your feelings to yourself, and it was almost easy because Yeonjun was naturally flirty, his love language was physical affection, and sometimes you forgot that you were merely friends because of the way he acted. Yet, sometimes, it was painstakingly obvious that you were only friends.
“Yeah? And did you… did you like that dream?” You blurted out, your voice coming out raspy. Yeonjun didn’t appear struck by your question, instead, his lips bloomed into one of the most beautiful smiles you had ever seen on him.
“How could I not when I like you like crazy?” He semi-answered, semi-asked before he reached to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You shivered under his touch, but it was only the good kind of shiver. “The question is, do you feel the same? Do you like me like that?”
When he emphasised the expression ‘like that’, you knew what he meant by it, you just didn’t quite want to believe it. Before his smile could freeze on his lips though, you answered with all your heart:
“I do.”
Maybe it was not quite your wedding vows, but you sure felt like it was something special with the way he reached out to embrace you, and being in his warm, safe arms while listening to the sound of his heartbeat, you knew that you were in the right place with the right person.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this story of mine! Let me know what you think.
If you want to read more stories of mine, let it be for TXT or for other artists, consider signing up for my taglist here.
Hope you have a lovely day/night! Take care! ❤️
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Having Higgs thoughts.
First of all, it's absolutely hilarious that Oggie calls him kid even though Higgs is literally a first-generation Jager. Incredible. This must be the Jeger equivalent of being 40 but having such a bad case of baby face that you look like a teenager and no one takes you seriously.
Secondly. I read a fic with one (1) interaction between Higgs and Lilith/Judy and decided it would be very interesting if Higgs had been the one to 'raise' her (and Punch/Adam too I guess?). But then I really thought about it and it makes at least a bit of sense. Visibly they were created as adults, but the emotional and mental maturity and humanity had to take a while to set in. And who better to teach them how to act human, how to be human, and how to fake being a socially acceptable non-mechanicsburg person than the guy who's not human but whose job is literally to blend in with them? Plus, Dimo said that Bill and Barry didn't like the Jagers being with them because it was bad for their reputation or something but Higgs doesn't look like a Jager so he was probably on Heterodyne-sitting duty way more than the rest of them because he's way more subtle and less réputation-damaging than the others.
Point is. Higgs being the one to teach Punch and Judy How To Be Human When You're Not, Really and then he ends up catching parental feelings which is... Interesting. Never happened before. When Punch and Judy are good enough at passing for human and don't really need him for that anymore he goes back to his job but they keep in touch sporadically. He's really worried when they "disappear" but he can't search for them because he's in a deep cover operation. Plus, signs points to Punch and Judy being very good at hiding if no one found them and Agatha in all those years.
Higgs learning that Judy and Punch were 'killed' and just..... Disappearing from the airship for a while to destroy a forest or two. Only to discover them in Gil's secret lab during his routine patrol of all the secret places in the airship. From then on he tries to visit them as often as he can without compromising his cover.
Obviously he probably learns about the Agatha thing early, but then he learns who raised her and gets confusing grandfatherly feelings. Give him a break, he's just gotten used to the idea of having children, he wasn't expecting a grandkid :/ he goes to Oggie (grandfather many times over) about it. Oggie, surprisingly, takes him absolutely seriously, gives him advice, and only teases him a little ("out ov all de grandkeeds hyu chust had to get de most troublesome one uh ?")
It still takes a while for Agatha to learn that she's got a sort of adopted grandpa (who isn't evil !) who looks barely 20 years older than her and is one of her subordinates oh that's awkward..... But at least he's very trustworthy and now she has to adapt to the idea of her best friend dating her grandpa (Zeetha thinks it's absolutely hilarious).
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thatcryptidinthewoods · 9 months
Strap in boys, this is a long one.
So I was looking back through the pages of the manga and I noticed something very interesting about Hyuse. It's a really subtle thing but it's been blowing my mind all the way to Saturn and back.
I had to split this post up because of the Tumblr picture limit so if you want the full version you can find it here.
When we first meet Hyuse, he's in the Aftokrator Away Ship, dressed in Aftokrator's military uniform, surrounded by fellow soldiers. And he looks like this:
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Look at his hair. It's neat and tidy, slicked back to be smooth and out of the way. It's very round and flat and well-behaved, almost like it's been polished.
Soon after this, Hyuse is instructed to go out and fight Tamakoma-1. So he does. He goes with Viza and he fights Tamakoma-1.
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But Tamakoma-1 isn't easy to beat. In fact, they're quite hard to beat, and Hyuse is encountering some difficulties. Their techniques and weapons are new, unusual and unknown to him - he's being exposed to how Meeden works for the first time. And his hair... scruffs just a little bit.
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Just a little bit messier, not a lot to really matter. Could be just the effect of an intense fight.
Then he meets Jin.
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And then he fights Jin. And after fighting Jin and learning that his fellow Aftokratans have left, he looks like this:
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Those back spikes weren't like that before, were they? No, after having fought with Jin and being told he's been abandoned by his comrades, Hyuse's hair is definitely scruffier. (Also, doesn't that crack look weirdly like he's... crying? Food for thought.)
So Aftokrator loses and Hyuse is taken prisoner, and when we next see him, it's here:
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Posture slouched, hands in his pockets, hood over his head. A very clear anti-social stance. He doesn't want to be here, he doesn't want to talk to these people, he's pretty much doing this against his will. So he's reluctant, and he's hiding.
This is a common thing with Hyuse. It's how Ashihara communicates the distance between Hyuse and other characters to the audience; if he doesn't want to be there, he puts the hood up and he hides. And it's kinda interesting that the behaviour that is associated with Hyuse hiding is also the behaviour where he covers his hair.
His hair, which went from almost-uniform neatness in Aftokrator's ship to a ruffled mess after being on Meeden.
Do you see where this is heading? Let me keep going.
After the Aftokrator invasion, Hyuse spends some time among Tamakoma Branch as per Border's way of keeping him prisoner. He barely talks to any of the people there, but that doesn't mean he doesn't interact with them. He's still in the same space as them, sharing the same environment, so he continues to gain exposure to Meeden and its people, and he bonds particularly with Yōtarō.
Following this, the next major event in the story is the Galopoula invasion. Towards the end Hyuse meets with one of the Galopoula soldiers (Reghindetz) and demands to be taken with them so he can return to Aftokrator.
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Hyuse fakes stabbing Yōtarō in order to convince Reghindetz of taking him with them, but Reghindetz flips out a completely grills him.
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Chapter 135 is the first ever chapter to be titled with Hyuse's name; it's incredibly important to his character, and this panel is the centre of it. It takes up half the page it's on. Ashihara wanted to make it very clear to the audience that this moment for Hyuse is absolutely critical - and it is, because this is a major turning point in Hyuse's character growth. He's just had the blatant truth of what it means to be left behind by Aftokrator thrown right in his face.
And you wanna know what Ashihara chose to highlight in such an incredibly crucial moment for Hyuse's character?
His fucking hair.
His messy, fluffy, scruffy hair that looks absolutely nothing like it did when he first arrived in the Aftokrator ship. His hair, which has gone from neat and orderly and controlled to wild and free just from being on Meeden.
But the absolute wildest part? Hyuse looks like a teenager now. The more his hair fluffs up and gets scruffy, the more Hyuse looks like a normal everyday teenager who just grew up on Meeden/Earth. It's insane. It's surreal. It's absolutely off-the-walls batshit bonkers and Ashihara is a bloody genius.
It doesn't stop there either, because the very next thing that happens is the first time the audience gets to see Hyuse put on Lambyris. And lo and behold...
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Hyuse, using Lambyris and wearing Aftokrator's military uniform, has scruffy hair.
Ashihara could've just made it so that Lambyris automatically gives Hyuse neatened hair, and excused the previous scruffiness with "he was in a fight". But he didn't. Instead he chose to show us Hyuse putting on Lambyris while looking like a normal teenager, and have his trion body load in with god damn scruffy hair.
What happens afterwards? Well...
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Hyuse hides again.
Notice how he took the hood off when facing Reghindetz? He was confident then, self-assured. He had a plan and he was gonna act on it. Now, that's all been crushed. He's back to square one and worse, he's been confronted with the fact that he's been abandoned.
There's a distinct pattern to Hyuse's hiding. Whenever he's faced with something that shakes his world view and/or hurts his pride, he puts his hood up. He creates a second shield for himself and he uses it to cover up his key defining features. This isn't just anti-social behaviour, it's a defence mechanism.
The Aftokrator invasion? No hood, but the moment he's taken prisoner of war it's there. Aftokrator lost and then left Hyuse behind, and he's hiding how he's hurt by that. On top of that, he's being manhandled by Border.
Confronting Reghindetz? No hood, he didn't feel like he needed it. Post-Galopoula invasion? Hood up, head down, won't sit near anyone but Yōtarō. He's having to rearrange his whole perception of himself, Aftokrator and Meeden and it sucks.
And thirdly, confronting the Border Executives. In order for Hyuse to get back to Aftokrator, he needs to join Tamakoma-2 as their second ace, and help them get onto the Away Mission team. To do that, however, he needs approval from the heads of Border - which means he needs Osamu to plead his case.
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Notice how, by having him sat down, Ashihara made Hyuse shorter than Yūma in this panel? How Hyuse, who's normally the tallest out of Tamakoma-2, is depicted as smaller than their smallest member? And even more than that, how Osamu is now the tallest?
Where Hyuse is normally the guide, the advisor, the more experienced one that the others turn to, in this situation he is the one reliant on them.
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And look, he's regressed. He's gone back to that flat-eyed stare he had when we first saw him in the hoodie, sat in the back of the car.
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He's been placed into a situation where he is basically powerless and completely dependent on others to survive, and in response all of his defence mechanisms have gone back up. He refuses to emote properly and only talks when he feels it's absolutely necessary, and the hood stays firmly on - hiding not only his hair but his horns as well, the key defining feature of his Neighbour heritage.
But Mikumo succeeds in getting Hyuse approved for Tamakoma-2. And Hyuse, incidentally, goes back to being depicted as the tallest of the four of them.
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From this angle, it also appears that he's no longer slouching. His confidence is slowly coming back.
So at long last, in Chapter 150/151, Hyuse joins Border. He rocks up at the induction ceremony in a customised C-Rank uniform, hair fully exposed and scruffy as ever.
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xxstar-girl · 2 months
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lee minho x spider-woman!reader
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➸ han y/n: a 21 year old girl, who attends jyp-university, she also has secret identity, spider-woman.
➸ lee minho: 22 year old, best friends with y/n since middle school, doesn’t know her secret identity.
➸ han jisung: 20 year old, brother of y/n and he does know her secret identity.
➸ yang jeongin: 20 year old, classmate and project partner. the two grow close because of being project partners. does not know her secret identity.
➸ shin ryujin: 19 years old and the neighbor of y/n and jisung since they were all kids. doesn’t know y/n identity.
➸ lee felix: 20, ex boyfriend of y/n, they dated for a year and broke up on mutual terms, still good friends. he doesn’t know y/n real identity.
➸ aunt hana(song hyu-kyo): 39, the aunt of both jisung and y/n. she took them in after their parents death. does not know y/n secret identity.
➸ kang yeosang: 21, someone who has a crush on y/n for the past 2 years. he doesn’t not know her secret identity.
➸ bangchan: 29, the professor and scientist that y/n looks up to. he does not know her identity.
➸ choi san: 25, her mentor and also a cop who helps her. y/n sees him as an adult figure in her life, so he knows who she is and her secret identity.
➸ kim jennie: 26, partner of san, meaning she is also a cop, but doesn’t know y/n identity.
➸ jake: 19, ryujin’s boyfriend and does not know y/n identity.
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hearted-anon · 9 hours
my fav fic of urs is def pillow fights by 2min like it’s so scrumptious and well written😝😝 but tbh i live for anything lee seungmin or minho
Mong Mong!!
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Words: 1123 Note: Originally meant to be a headcanon, but...yea. T/w: None, yay Lee: Seungmin Ler: Minho
“Seungmin-ah, bark.” Minho commented dryly across the room, seemingly without intent. Seungmin sat across from him on the plush bed, raising an eyebrow at his request; a clear refusal of what he wanted, it made Minho pout in annoyance.
His eyebrows furrowed, but retained that wide smile he had whenever he was planning something devious, sending a shiver down Seungmin’s spine. He really had to tell Lee Know to stop making such weird faces, he knew it crept everyone out, well except him. The silence ensued for awhile longer, the cat growing impatient at the puppy’s denial to fulfil his much needed request. Minho didn’t like it when people denied him.
Suddenly, the bed creaked in agony as Lee Know pounced onto Seungmin, slim fingers digging into his sides gently to coax out some noise. What he didn’t expect was to hear breathy giggles that came from the younger, coming out in intervals with a wide smile that they all know and loved, who could resist tickling Seungmin with a smile like that?!
“Sta- Stahap it! Hyung!” Seungmin begged through sweet giggles, eyes crinkled in hopeless laughter as he pushed and tugged at the unrelenting fingers that wouldn’t leave him alone. It was clear the cat had finally found its newfound obsession with its discovery, if they both had tails one would definitely be wagging faster than the other. Minho was having a blast, a dimpled and happy grin on his face as he admired the growing flush on his target. Fruitlessly trying to stop the fingers, Seungmin decided to let his airy laughter fill the room, knowing he couldn’t stop it at all.
“Please worry for yourself, because I want to hear more.” Minho smiled innocently as he blunted stated his threat, making the younger shudder under him. He really thought there was a reason why Lee Know was in paboracha, at least he had one now. Spidering fingers that felt like an eternity explored the vocalist’s tiny body, wanting to find a spot that made him squeal. Using the same spot every time was boring in the dancer’s head, he wanted to find something more fun to toy with.
He had found himself zero luck, until he hit the sides of his tummy, earning a shriek that echoed throughout their bedroom; they prayed that Jeongin and Felix weren’t awoken by that. They stared at each other in a tensed silence, a reddening Seungmin locking eyes with a smirking Lee Know, a deadly combo for sure. He tapped onto the pale skin for a second or two, earning squeaks and pleads of giggles that were telling him not to do anything, too bad, Lee Know loved disobeying instructions.
“AHHHAHAHAHA! HYU- HYUNG!” There came that breathy laughter again, just in ten times the volume and higher in pitch. The older’s fingers were rapidly kneading themselves into the thin strips of skin, precise enough that it landed right onto his worst spots. It wasn’t fair how slender his fingers were, it barely took effort to tear the vocalist apart in a matter of seconds. Minho smiled happily as he noticed that the puppy also stuttered through his laughter, just like Changbin, how cute! He fondly stared down at the mess he was creating, not much caring about the amount of noise he was making.
“What? Don’t call me without a reason.” The older blankly replied, as if he wasn’t aware of what the younger wanted. Nonchalant enough, it flustered Seungmin to no end, making him kick out in hysterical laughter. He looked just like a puppy who had belly rubs, Minho could’ve sworn on his life he was going crazy from all the cuteness aggression that tugged on his heartstrings, oh poor Seungmin, he was going to be destroyed in a matter of seconds.
“STA- NOHOHOAHAHA! PLEASE- PLEAHAHAHA!” Forget asking Seungmin to bark, he would rather hear his screechy laughter all day until his ears bled. What heinous crimes did Minho commit this time you ask? Slipping his head under the vocalist’s shirt, he took a deep breath in, both to calm his quelling giggles from hearing all that contagious laughter and to blow the longest and hardest raspberry he could right on top on Seungmin’s navel. To say he went crazy was an understatement, his fluffy hair sprawled over to his ears, flopped over completely. His cheeks were burning in red, jaw open with a smile as he cackled away.
He pushed and kicked at the older’s body, and although he couldn’t see his younger’s face, Lee Know could tell that he was reaching his limits, it was a privilege to know his partner that well. He released his claws and lips off the younger, giggling mischievously as Seungmin gasped for air like he was suffocated in chains and ropes. He curled up into a tight ball, it took everything in Lee Know not to start up his antics again, he had boundaries to respect after all. Crawling over beside the tired puppy, he wiped away the tears of mirth that were threatening to fall, snuggling him close.
“Thank you for satiating my need.”
“…? Stop talking like that, I swear.”
“…will you still bark, then?” A long, long sigh was then heard across the room, before Seungmin planted his face into the pillow, completely and utterly done with Lee Know’s shenanigans for the night. He didn’t understand how Jisung put up with such a menace, but as they say peas in a pod he assumed. It wasn’t often that the reserved cat liked to show his more vulnerable side, so Seungmin was sure to take advantage of it, purposely snuggling his head into the older’s chest, bringing his arms to wrap tighter around his waist.
“You asking for a round two?” Minho chuckled softly, pressing his fingers lightly into the fleshy skin of the vocalist’s stomach, where his fingers were tightening around the tiny waist he admired dearly. Seungmin squeaked, shaking his head rapidly, but of course he knew the older didn’t mean it, it was all in their playful banter.
“Ahh..aha..ahh..” Seungmin made an overdramatised his airy and puffy like giggles, squirming lightly in the older’s hold. They both cuddled under the prolonged silence, Minho’s head buried into the messy hair of the younger’s, inhaling its scent as they both dozed off without fail. Although it was almost striking midnight, neither of them seemed to mind the dying fatigue they had to deal with the following morning, having been cheered right up with happy smile and loud giggles, or breathless to say.
The next morning, two very grumpy sunshines who looked like they slept barely barged into their room, and it was safe to say they were breathless in no time.
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washcdsociety · 3 months
hi all ! making a long term partner call ! i'm looking for people who have the same vibe as me so we can actually keep things interesting and going for a long time ! here's a little of what i'd love :
• write on discord ! i no longer do dash stuff just because it feels less personal • willing to use tupper / gifs ! i'm such a visual nerd that i tend to lose muse without them • i'm okay with writing males, but also sometimes prefer writing females ! so dont just expect my males from me ( even tho 9/10 that's what you'll get ) • i primarily use influencer fc's ! i just vibe with them more • i love to mix in angsty and smut ! but my heart belongs to fluff as well so a good mix of the three would be great ! if this feels like ur vibe give this a like and ill hyu !
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hwaightme · 1 year
Your fan, Wooyoung (part 2)
(part 1) (your fan masterlist)
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🍰 pairing: wooyoung x baker!/cafeowner!reader 🍰 genre: romance, fluff, social media vibes, very soft 🍰 summary: a bulletpoint-style wordstream of what it would be like if wooyoung was stanning you 🍰 wordcount: 4.6k (popped off on this one I guess) 🍰 warnings/tags: language, social media couple, protective father, paparazzi trying hard, hongjoong and seonghwa parents, mentions of food/eating, ateez members teasing woo until the end of time, wooyoung being LOUD, established relationship 🍰 a/n: Hello there wonderful people <3 here is pt.2 of Your Fan, Wooyoung!!! Hope you enjoy, big hugs and all reblogs, asks and likes appreciated <3 (p.s. can you guess who is next? hint is: fashion ;))
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When Wooyoung woke up, both Hongjoong and Seonghwa were standing in the room, looking like they were about to whoop him into next week.
Suddenly he was wishing that it was his actual parents and not his hyung-parents.
He contemplated just falling back asleep stressfully.
Mainly so that if they did exterminate him he wouldn't have to deal with all that with his brain on, but neither were having it.
"Jung Wooyoung."
"Ooh, government name. What's happening this fine morn?" He put his hands behind his head, pressing himself into his pillow to the point where it could nearly absorb him. If only this was Portal 2.
"Nothing much. If you don't count a certain someone trending on Naver. Would you look at that..." Hongjoong pushed his glasses down slightly to demonstratively peer at the screen of his phone, "you got your first solo win. Want a congratulatory pat on your back?" He hissed, knuckles turning white as he gripped his phone tighter. A smile still remained on Hongjoong's face, making him appear a smidgen deranged.
"Not when you look like you are about to break it."
"Aren't you even a tiny bit curious as to what this is?" Seonghwa muttered, quietly seething.
"To my room. Jung Wooyoung. In one minute or SO HELP ME." Hongjoong commanded, blinking furiously. When Wooyoung did not move, it was as though a bubble of rage had exploded within the captain, as he slammed the wall beside him with his fist and yelled: "MY ROOM. Hwa BRING HIM TO ME." The change in tone as he spoke the other's name was borderline comical, making Wooyoung's lips twitch into a ghost of a smile.
But he knew better than that. Apparently it was shitstorm hour that he had not been made aware of.
This was confirmed when as he walked out and locked eyes with Jongho, the latter took to stabbing a pair of chopsticks into rice and leaving it standing upright.
As he walked past the bathroom, where San was fixing his hair, he received a "boy you are going to get it" to 'cheer him on'. What was going on?
The final nail in the coffin was hammered in when he had already placed a hand on the doorknob to what felt to be his torture chamber for the next unknown period of time. Yeosang, sauntering past him stopped, placed a hand on his shoulder, shook his head once, and stated:
"Rest in peace bro."
Then going on his merry way, leaving Wooyoung to be pushed into the room by Seonghwa, who had been his shadow, or guard, this entire time.
The eldest members really wanted the full effect. Hongjoong was standing, arms crossed, next to the window with the curtains closed. a solitary chair was put in the centre of the room, to which the captain gestured, with an irritated nod.
Seonghwa decided to sit on the bottom bunk, opposite Wooyoung, balancing his elbows on his thighs.
"Right. Now, you might ask why I gathered your remaining brain cells here today-"
"HERE TODAY, it is because of a certain thing called the internet, and a certain someone losing all sense of self. Here you go, take a gander."
And a gander he took. As Hongjoong approached him with his phone on, the screen frozen on some article on Naver, Wooyoung's heart began to sink faster than the Titanic.
His intuition finally decided to wake up too, and all gears were set in motion. What was something that he did differently as of late? Visited you. What was something that he did differently when visiting you? Changed up the times, since his members were sick of his shit.
What was something wrong with the time he picked? It was busier.
What happens when there are more people around and you are a celebrity who had their hair dyed to become one third of a traffic light trio?
You are much more likely to get recognised, and thus end up in the news.
And that's the moment Wooyoung knew, he fucked up.
Sure enough, the glaring screen was taunting him with a picture of himself, exiting your cafe at an... interesting hour, suffice to day. Not too bad, only two hours after closing time, but still. A pain. He had to think of excuses, and fast.
"Oh, indeed. Do you have ANY idea how dangerous that could be? What conclusions could people come to? And for goodness' sake, if you don't care about yourself, do you care about your crush?"
"Girlfriend, actually."
"Okay girl- WHAT????" Hongjoong's eyes widened as he froze mid-step, having begun to pace back and forth upon starting his mini-monologue.
"You know what, Woo, that's impressive. Big up." Seonghwa nodded a couple of times in approval and extended his hand for Woo to shake.
Hongjoong interjected by cutting right between them.
"Do you condone this behaviour all of a sudden?"
"What? Better than pining with no purpose, this is a man of action right here."
"Ugh, Hwa, please be on my team at least for a second while I try to rearrange this kid's synapses so he learns what CAUTION IS."
Wooyoung attempted to be serious while listening to Hongjoong's tirade, but it was challenging since in his mind, he had determined that the offense wasn't even an offense and there was no way to really frame him for anything. Done and dusted. It was only a matter of sitting through the Seongjoong dual-scolding manoeuvre.
At some point, he began to zone out, his mind travelling back to the events of yesterday and just how worth it everything was. That sparked the urge for him to retaliate, regardless of what part of the 'reasons why Wooyoung is a menace' topic lineup Hongjoong was on.
"OH AND since we are on this whole thing of 'ah stop we're gonna get in trouble', who the hell kicked me out of the dorms?"
"Under your supervision, MOM AND DAD." he emphasised, glancing at both members in turn. This, they could not deny. It was funny doing what they did at the time, but definitely was not the best decision in retrospect.
Maybe they had hoped that the younger member would not have the courage and the lack of boundaries. But really, that had been a hope equivalent to assuming that air resistance was negligible all the time. Good in theory, shit in practice.
"Woo, I think you are going to have to hold off on seeing her for a bit."
Seonghwa finally spoke up, when Hongjoong had run out of steam and was nearly mumbling to himself.
"Wouldn't that be even more suspicious, like oooh the guy got caught doing something spicy and now he can't show face~"
"But if you come back there, the likelihood of Y/N coming under fire increases colossally."
"Right now there is a chance for this entire thing to blow over, and as Seonghwa said, we are used to the whole media stalking us thing, and even though Y/N is big on social media, the way the media treats us is still... slightly different. You don't want anyone bad on her case, do you?" Hongjoong's voice was now level, and horrifically calm. This was his most enraged state, and the scariest for Wooyoung.
He could handle screaming and even when someone threw things around in a fit, but not the calm-angry contrast. Anything but that.
"No I do not want that, no. But can't there be another way? She is my girlfriend after all-"
"Boy, you better stop or KQ will send you on a permanent voyage." Seonghwa threatened, hands folded.
"HEY HEY Woosanhwa? Come on, Woosanhwa for life!?" Wooyoung was desperately trying to find an ally in one of the two members carrying out the scolding session.
"NAH NOW IT'S SANHWA, you are the child of Dispatch."
"OUCH? And damn did you just say that in front of Hongjoong? Hongjoong you gonna welcome your cheater home or what?"
"Jung Wooyoung you are going to be the death of me. Can you please just, for a week at least, be on best behaviour? We have so many things scheduled and I really don't want to have another conversation with our manager about this."
Wooyoung had totally forgotten about the staff. Curious as to what the manager had said, he sat a little more forward in his chair, leaning in and craning his neck towards the captain.
"Luckily, he said this wasn't too bad, and since you were in Goyang-si it is easy to spin a story about how it was family quality time or something. Actually we got some people doing that for us already."
"Oh my word a special digital operation?"
"Don't get too excited, the manager does want a one on one with you, to 'discuss things'."
Long story short, Wooyoung was banned from going anywhere near Goyang-si for the next couple of weeks, with him instead being flung into different projects, as if they had been invented to take up all his time and make him forget about you.
But that only backfired. Upon revealing to his manager that you were his girlfriend (he could not stop repeating the fact, since he was proud of himself for having asked you out and to be official) and receiving a formal "I don't give a shit dude just stay in your lane and don't do anything more chaotic than your normal", he turned into a spoiler hazard.
He would call or message you during filming. Call or message during practice. Call or message in the dorms. He would be sending you feedback and comments about your content, watching it like the dedicated and diligent boyfriend he was.
Roasting you if he spotted something funny or out of place.
Purposefully, he dialled up his sickeningly sweet petname talk and language that somehow certain couples can survive using without curling up into a ball of cringe.
Progressively, the names got more and more ridiculous, but the scary bit was that he could REMEMBER what he had called you the last time you talked, so he could add cringey chaos like stacking Jenga.
Thanks to his perseverance and disregard for time and space, you and him talked even more often than before.
So often, that even your father, who was another regular visitor to your cafe, had caught on to something.
Whilst he was sitting at one of the tables in the cafe, sipping the coffee you had made him, he was observing how you were smiling like a fool while texting someone, thumbs dashing across the screen.
Then, your phone rang - Wooyoung wanted to video call. Deciding to answer, since there were no strangers in the store, you accepted, and you began to chat.
He shared with you that once a couple of more shoots were done, he could maybe even take you out on a proper date - somewhere outside of Seoul so you could walk around and really enjoy time together. You were bashful, especially since your own father was listening in on the fun with the classic 'who is this boy and let me have a word so I can show him that he can't mess about' face.
Soon enough, Wooyoung noticed that you were a little less flirtatious than usual, and that your eyes kept on darting off to the side. And he was not the one to let such things slide, so he began to question you until you finally gave in.
"Uh... well... say hi to... my dad? Though you guys already know each other so-"
The way in which Wooyoung switched up made you erupt in laughter as you struggled to hold the phone level and show your father walking up. You swore you heard some of the other ATEEZ members cackling in the background, with San being particularly loud.
Because of course Wooyoung had pestered all the members to officially introduce themselves and chat with you. They had been in awe of how oddly similar you were to Wooyoung in terms of upbeat disposition and ability to brighten a room with some wonderful comedy.
But that at the same time, it was as if a couple of components were switched out. You were disciplined and organised, and Seonghwa auto-approved you when you had equated your general approach to life as measuring out baking instructions. Sure you liked to have fun and experiment, but you had a time and place for that.
Hongjoong had congratulated you on becoming Wooyoung's new mommy, much to the latter's embarrassment. But you only picked up on that and K.O-ed your boyfriend with just the remark: "Kinky? But anything for my baby boy I guess" that sent the group rolling. You felt like you just started an inside joke that Woo would not be able to live down.
As your father walked up to the barista counter and looked into the camera, Wooyoung, at lightning speed, had moved seats to have a neutral background behind him, and was sitting like he was ready for a work ID photo. Stifling a giggle, you tilted the phone so the two men could speak.
"So, Wooyoung, how have you been?"
"Very well, thank you sir."
"Practicing cooking?"
"Yes sir."
"And saving room for dessert I see-" your father glanced over to you, raising an eyebrow. You could see Wooyoung's cheeks starting to go red.
"I am beyond grateful for having the opportunity to try my best and care for your daughter, sir."
"I will make you into meat for jeongol if you do any less."
"Got it, sir. I will try my best-"
"Not try. Do. And I will see you tomorrow." Your father finished off with a signature chef smile - the one you had seen in magazines that had covered his work and interviewed him. The one that screamed 'I am the boss here'. Way to go, trying to scare your poor baby.
"Wait... what's tomorrow?" you asked as your father returned to his seat.
"Uh... we have... filming... together... a master class." he explained slowly, his whole face scrunching up as though he ate a lemon. It felt as though someone kept on playing a laugh track behind him.
The culprits made themselves known soon enough, as a beaming Yunho wrapped one arm around your boyfriend's neck and called out to you.
"Oh yeah that is going to be one hell of a time. You should totally come, Y/N. We are all going to be there in the background."
"Is that even allowed?"
"HONGJOONG!?" Yunho immediately shouted off-call, and followed up with a question. You heard shuffling and some low mumbles. You looked over to your dad, who was also pondering the matter, and suddenly took out his own phone.
Just as you overheard Hongjoong say he was not sure whether it was possible to invite anyone in since technically, you were not an insider by any means, your dad called someone, greeted them, and began to converse about... the filming? You shushed Wooyoung and company, mouthing that there was an important call being made.
"Mhm, yes. Yes, my daughter. Yes... that successful young lady that made Jung Wooyoung a little reckless. Yes... no, we have known each other for a long time, come on. You know I wouldn't suggest anything out of line. Yeah? Okay. Great. Then she'll come. Okay, okay I'll pass that on. See you. Bye."
Well that was one short conversation. You looked at your father, expectant, but not having one sliver of an idea at what exactly he had just managed to pull off.
"Y/N, how quickly can you get a catering order ready?"
"Like a couple hours?"
"Okay good, early start tomorrow, and under that pretense, you are in." he said, purposefully louder so the guys on the call could hear.
With a satisfied grin he listened to their claps and cheers, whilst you contemplated whether your father was a mafia boss in an alternate universe.
This was bound to be one exciting shoot to do. Especially since it would be the first time since the not-really-a-scandal-but-a-scandal-nonetheless had happened, leaving Wooyoung totally work-bound.
And you desperately wanted to catch a glimpse of what a professional set looked like, as before this, the majority of what you were exposed to had been your mini ring light, reflectors and a stand for your phone. A little more than most and functional for you, but still felt amateur.
As instructed, you were up early. Earlier than you had ever managed to before. The adrenaline threw you out of bed as you rushed to 'dream-ity' that was located closer to the company.
After having been cleared to join, you had received a message from staff to arrange for a time when they could arrive to help you with transporting the delicious goods, so time was not your friend.
Moving around the kitchen you were baking fresh goods as though your life depended on it, recalling your time as a line cook, when orders would be coming in by the second and the only thing in your ears was slamming of pots and cursing.
For that part in your culinary journey you were grateful. You had become a lot more resilient and were not phased by this time pressure.
This enabled you to go all out. You did not know if they had ordered from any other place, but you wanted to be the one all staff and ATEEZ remembered. You wanted to show Wooyoung just what you were capable of, and wanted to show your father that you ALWAYS meant business.
Even though you had made up some time ago, that competitive and judgmental edge had never quite gone away. But, that was what gave you your business-savviness and, quite frankly, was the thing that taught you to not give up on anything.
If it were any different, you were confident that you would not be able to match so well with Wooyoung. He was a force of nature that was not subject to change unless he himself wanted to do so. And only because you had the power to absorb some of that energy while simultaneously giving your own in return, you had this unique synergy.
Regardless of distance, or of external circumstance, this exchange stayed strong, and though both of you wanted nothing more than to be able to spend time together and thrived off in person contact, you were not afraid, nor insecure. It was the ideal flow state.
So when you strutted into the large studio and kitchen at the time you had been appointed, together with two staff who had come to help, each of you carrying two large delivery bags each, you made sure you were glowing and every bit the glorious bringer of nourishment who totally had not just dressed up to spend an entire day behind the camera line.
It seemed to have the desired effect, as Wooyoung, who was having some touch ups done, had his jaw drop (which may or may not have earned him a glare from your father and a few chuckles from the other members who had been splayed out on some sofas, but shot up as you and the catering crew greeted each other and got to setting everything up.
As you began to unpack the sweet and savoury, standard and unique, light and heavy items - whatever anyone's heart desired, you heart a few cheers. Food really did bring everyone together.
"Y/N can you live with us please?" Mingi came up to you, eyeing the goods and picking out something that suited his fancy.
"THANK YOU THIS IS GREAT!" San raced across the hall to to go in for the steal, nearly running into Seonghwa, who was admiring the intricacy of the mini-cake assortment you had decided to throw into the mix on a whim. It had been a hit on TikTok, so surely it had to have the same effect here.
The staff also pulled up to the feast in record time, relieved at the much needed break and the delicious accompaniment to it.
Once everyone's attention was either on the food or on their phone that was paired with the food, Wooyoung sauntered up to you, a dopey smile on his face.
"I am so excited to see you I could kiss you right this instant." he whispered, leaning closer to your face. A shiver ran down your spine as you could feel his breath brush against your ear.
"You are cute, and I want to keep it that way and not have you filming with a black eye." You nodded at the man, your father, who was inspecting and rearranging some of the utensils on the set.
"Can't I get some attention~ I missed you!" Wooyoung whined playfully, and pouted at you.
You looked around to make sure that no staff members were paying attention (though the majority definitely knew at this point that you two were an item - no thanks to Wooyoung advertising it, first to the stylist who he had proclaimed to be a matchmaker, then to his manager even though he already knew thanks to the brush with paparazzi, and it kept on going). Once feeling that the coast was clear, you tugged at the sleeve of the dress shirt he was wearing, beckoning him.
Your own voice sultry, captivating, you winked and responded with:
"If you'll be a good boy, you can get all the attention in the world later."
"Y'all are nasty." you heard Hongjoong mutter right behind you. You had not noticed that he crept up to steal a pastry bite.
"You did say I am his mommy now, so I'm just following captain's orders."
"Oh no no Wooyoung you are rubbing off on her with this disrespect."
"Rubbing off you say?"
You shared a laugh with Wooyoung. It was good to be back.
Filming continued, and you took great pleasure in seeing your father and Wooyoung interacting and attempting to not set the kitchen on fire. Two times Wooyoung had nearly knocked some glass bowls off the counter, only with your father's professional reflexes saving the day.
You were nearly in tears from trying too hard not to laugh so loud as you watched your father going a little red in the face as he held in every curse word known to man while watching Wooyoung stir fry something. You had to admit, your boyfriend was a LOT better than you had imagined, but your dad was a notorious perfectionist and the contrast between him and Wooyoung was too glorious of an entertainment.
You would be lying if it did not make you dream of what it would be like if Wooyoung were to become part of your family, but you swatted that thought away.
After wrapping up filming and beginning to gather your things, the director decided to approach you, simultaneously calling Wooyoung and some staff over.
"So, first of all I hope being here wasn't too boring for you. Thank you so much for the amazing food and for the company."
"I am glad you enjoyed, and boring? I was crying laughing in the back, this was great! I am beyond honoured for the invitation."
"Well then, how would be invited back sound? This time in front of the camera?"
"Well both Wooyoung and Mr. L/N had advertised your skill, and Wooyoung had shown me some of your content, and I must say, I would be very interested in working with you! Plus I think your," he looked at your boyfriend and then back at you, "dynamic, will bring good chemistry."
And he was more than right. The episode where you had become a special guest and taught Wooyoung to make that same strawberry shortcake he had revealed was the first think he had seen you bake on social media, had amassed a considerable number of views and likes, with both ATINY and your audience raving at the collaboration.
Some of the fans who had been speculating about Wooyoung's appearance at 'dream-ity' also had their curiosity satisfied, saying that it had been Wooyoung being the classic 'spoiler king' for the collaboration.
As the view count grew and #bakerwoo and #dreamitywoo grew on trending, in a matter of days your cafe chain had become a popular Instagram spot among fans, with the one in Goyang-si being the peak location (for obvious reasons).
In light of not being able to continue your dates in the same style, you and Wooyoung changed tactics, and began to travel, just as you had wanted. For some videos, he had become your camera man, and for some of his social media updates, you had become the photographer.
In some of your videos you had even included snippets of you chatting to an off-screen Wooyoung, which sent ATINY into a frenzy as they had screamed in the comments about the "VERY FAMILIAR LAUGH" and about "WHY ARE THEIR POSTS KINDA SIMILAR THIS IS SUS GUYS"
It was thrilling to visit new places together, see how far you could push it before Dispatch was on your case. Even Hongjoong and Seonghwa had given up on you at that point, sighing harder than your own father and just saying 'young love'.
Together, you decided that if the spotlight was going to be on you, then so be it. Both of you were public figures in your respective fields, and being under constant scrutiny was part of the job. And this approach turned out to work in your favour, as the gradual introduction of one another in posts and content had become golden nuggets of wholesomeness for fans to search for and find.
The casual treatment of your relationship, looking at it not as something monumental but something natural, intrinsic, had turned what could have been a scandal on its head, making it a celebration and something to support.
Both you and Wooyoung had met thanks to social media, and had managed to use it for support and as a buffer zone for when FINALLY, one lonely paparazzi had caught you two out on a date, thinking he would be getting the juiciest content.
He was in for a shock when both of you turned to face him, at the same time, and pose like it was a red carpet event. When the photos were published, you two were sitting in the ATEEZ dorms, having a blast looking through the meme reactions at ATINY calling the journalists 'internet explorer' and quite simply, being happy for you.
Though having taken the path of being more public did come with its challenges, both of you were ready to overcome them, for many anniversaries to come. Whenever life was not too sweet, Wooyoung and you had taken to lightening things up by saying the 'dream-ity' pantries were always within reach. You embraced each other's chaos, and shared it with nothing but pride and adoration.
As Wooyoung sat in your newest addition to the 'dream-ity' chain, which you had yet to open, and was studying you as you rushed about, guiding two construction workers, he recalled how he had found you, had become your fan, and had fallen for you.
TikTok really did work in mysterious ways.
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jeonginsdiary · 5 months
hiii loveee <333
can i request lee changbin, ler minho with prompts 3, 9, 13, and 42? you dont have to do all of them hehe 💗💗💗
thank youuuu 💗💗💗
- Honorifics
- Lee! Changbin | Ler! Minho
“aww, you’re blushing!”
“you have such a cute laugh!”
“you’re usually so tough…”
“if you laugh, you lose.”
Minho groaned, rolling his eyes when Changbin had once again refused to call him ‘hyung’. It was getting on the dancer’s nerves and he knew he had to do something about it.
Changbin noticed the boy’s frustrated stare. He knew exactly what he was doing.
“What, Minho? Is someone getting mad~” He teased, not expecting the older’s reaction.
In a matter of seconds, he was dragged off of the couch and to the floor, his wrists taken in one hand and pinned to his chest while Lee Know’s other hand roamed around his stomach. “You’re really asking for this, aren’t you?” He asked over the younger’s giggles, clawing at the boy’s sides and watching his laughter jump up an octave.
“Stohohohop it! Gehet off Minhohoho!” Changbin squealed when Lee Know let go of his pinned arms to poke into his sides. “Ahahahah! You’re such a cheheheater!!”
“Cheater!? Did no one teach you to respect your elders?” The dancer retorted. Changbin just threw his head back, lost in a stream of giggles as he tried fighting the boy’s wrists off of him.
“NO NO NO! STAHAHAHAP!!” The rapper screamed when he felt drilling thumbs in his hip hollows. “HYU- I MEAN MINHOHOHOHO!” He arched his back, twisting around in fruitless attempts to escape.
The older’s mouth lay agape. “You’re doing this on purpose! Just call me hyung!!” He shook Changbin a bit before worming his fingers up to his armpits. He didn’t get that far in because, immediately after, the younger’s arms were clamped to his sides as he let out a ticklish squeal followed by more hysterical laughter. Lee Know wiggled as much as he could, which wasn’t very much considering the little space he had. But either way, it seemed to drive the boy crazy.
“STAHAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE! MINHOHOHO! I’LL TELL CHAN HYUHUHUNG!” The rapper threatened, laughter cutting out for a second before coming back even louder.
“Why does Chan get a hyung and not me?” The older complained, watching Changbin go ballistic under him as he shook his head and tried to curl up, doing anything he could think of to get those hands out of his hollows. “I’ll tickle you until I hear honorifics.” Lee Know deadpanned.
Grabbing the boy’s pecs with his first two fingers, he rapidly massaged and squeezed the area, eliciting shrieks and whines from the rapper. “Look how helpless you are~ You’re usually so tough… yet here you are under me,”
Changbin screamed. He really couldn’t handle teasing. “SHUT UHUHUHUHUP!!” He cried out, that being only thing he could manage. He was too busy laughing to think of a proper retaliation.
But when he thought about it, this was kind of fun… maybe he could hold off a little longer without honorifics. Although, he could feel his cheeks heating up rather quickly at the thought, color bleeding to his ears and neck.
“Aww, you’re blushing!” The dancer cooed, making the rapper whine through his hysterics. Lee Know brought his fingers back to the boy’s pits, kneading in with his thumbs and watching the younger buck his hips up desperately.
Changbin wiggled around, pushing at the older’s arms but only causing them to wiggle further up his armpits. “MINHO!! STAHAHAHAP IT YOHOU ASSHOLE!” He cried, trying to sound intimidating, his giggles and wide smile preventing any hopes of doing so.
“You did not… I guess this punishment isn’t strict enough.” The attacker said, taking Changbin’s strong arms and pinning them to his chest with difficulty. “If you laugh, you lose.” With that, he leaned down, blowing a raspberry to the small bit of skin on the younger’s lower tummy which had been exposed from all of his thrashing.
The victim threw his head back, a cute smile etched onto his face as he tried everything in his will to keep silent. He arched his back when he felt another raspberry to his navel, trying to rip his arms out of the older’s grip, but finding himself too weakened to do so. “Not breaking yet?” The older positioned himself above the boy’s lower tummy, making Changbin arch as high as he could in anticipation. “Ready~” Minho teased. He took a long, agonizing breath before blowing the biggest raspberry he could muster right under the rapper’s belly button.
“S-stahp!” Changbin pleaded as light huffs made their way out of his lips. He tried keeping his composure, but all hope was lost when the dancer drilled into his back ribs while still keeping up the attack on his belly. “NOOOHOHOHOHO HYUNG HYUHUHUHUNG HYUHUHUAHAHAHA!!” The sensitive boy finally broke, bursting into his iconic laughter, kicking his legs out, and grappling for Lee Know’s tickling fingers.
“You have such a cute laugh!” The older exclaimed, blowing again at Changbin’s stomach as he was thrust into a long round of silent laughter. The rapper squirmed desperately, weakly pushing at the hands digging into his torso and the head buried into his stomach. “I heard honorifics, I knew you would give up eventually. You’re just too ticklish~” Minho cooed at the younger, lifting his fingers and watching the boy pant heavily with flushed cheeks.
“S-shut up! You’re ticklish too!” Changbin retorted, shuddering at the glare he received in return.
“Don’t even think about it.” Lee Know replied. He knew revenge was coming his way…
I know @itzsana-kiddingmenow birthday was two days ago but this is made for her! If you’re reading this, ty for being my first tumblr friend and ilysm!!💖
Stay healthy!
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daegall · 2 years
Only you.
pairing: badboy bf!hyuck x reader
genre: reverse hurt comfort, fluff-ish?!, angst?! i dont even know
warnings: injuries, mentions of a fist fight
word count: 856 words
a/n: LOL HI LOOK I KNOW IT'S BEEN A MONTH AND I PROMISED TO RELEASE A FIC FOR HYUCKS BDAY BUT UGHGHGH I GOT A HUGEE WRITERS BLOCK THE MOMENT THIS MONTH STARTED SO I HAVENT BEEN WRITING MUCH :(( i promise i'll get back to writing as soon as i feel like it's over!!!! enjoy some badboy hyuck now ^3^
ps if you know that this was a repost form something i deleted a while back bc it flopped i want to reward you with a veteran medal <3
networks/taglist: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @ficscafe @kflixnet @k-radio @nct-writers + @soobin-chois @markhyuckselca
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Donghyuck winces as you press the cotton absorbed with ointment to a cut on his cheekbone, hissing and turning his head the other way.
"Hyuck come on, you've dealt with worse." You sigh exasperated, your hand reaching up to place it on his shoulder, rubbing comfortingly. It feels a bit weird though, instead of warm, smooth skin you feel cold and hard leather grazing your fingers, but you've grown used to it anyway.
Donghyuck grunts, but obliges to your instructions of not moving, locking eyes with yours for a moment before you focus on his bruised and cut cheeks. You never get why he gets into meaningless fights.
He never really tells you either, so all you have to conclude is for entertainment, or maybe small petty things. But you know Donghyuck knows better than that.
You gently place a bandaid on his cut, smoothing out the moomin themed plaster on his skin. Renjun had gifted you a moomin themed first aid box for Christmas, claiming he heard of your struggles of cleaning Hyuck up every time he showed up in front of you hurt.
"Why did you even fight them anyway?" You ask after patting lightly on the plaster, moving to take care of the other cut on his chin. Donghyuck peers down at you with uncertainty, hesitating to tell you the truth.
Truth be told, it was always the other person's fault the fight starts, either they want to take on the famous bad boy of campus or maybe they were the ones who wanted entertainment. It was never him.
It was never him, but this time.
Your boyfriend huffs out, avoiding your gaze as your eyes land on his, trying to read the emotions hidden behind those mysterious brown eyes you find yourself falling in love with every time you take a glance into them. "I-It's nothing."
"Donghyuck," you whisper desperately, placing the first aid kit on your lap aside. Your hands envelope his, fingers delicately dancing over his blue and purple mess of his hands, pulling them into a lock.
You softly tug, a silent plead to look at you.
He finally glances at you, growing guilty at the look on your face, eyebrows scrunched up together in worry, eyes glistening with barely any patience as you wait for his answer.
"They just…" Donghyuck looks away from you, instead staring at the lock of your hands, how your clean and soft looking hands hold onto his beat up and slightly bloody hands, wondering how he got such an angel to care for him. "they said stuff."
"Donghyuck, that barely helps with anything. Please just tell me already! I've been waiting for weeks, and I really don't want to pry on you, but seeing you like this-"
"They were talking about you, alright?!"
The rest of your sentence instantly dies down from your throat, growing speechless at your boyfriend's annoyed tone. His gaze on you is just as hard as his voice, revealing everything beneath them, no longer hiding from you anymore.
They soften the moment they notice your own hurt eyes, absorbing the shock from them and filtering it into guilt. "They were talking about how stupid you were for choosing me."
"Hyu-" your attempt to talk is quickly shut down as Donghyuck's eyes grow desperate, his hands tightening their hold on your own palms.
"I fought them because they called you dumb and crazy. I fought them because it hurts to see someone say such filthy things about you so carelessly. Then even say I don't deserve you, which hurts the most…"
Beads of tears burn at the corner of your eyes as Donghyuck's own also welled up in tears, his nose quickly growing red as he holds in a choked sob. "if everyone thinks I don't deserve you, why should I?"
"Fuck that, Donghyuck," one of your hands release from the pile of tangled limbs on your laps, cupping his face to bring his tearful face back up to look at you. "I don't give a shit about what they think. I only care about what you think about me."
Your thumb carefully rubs gentle circles on his skin, making sure to avoid the bruises scattered on his cheek. His eyes gloss over and over as more of his tears trickle down his cheeks. You catch a few between your thumb, caressing them away with pure endearment.
"You're the only one that counts, okay?"
Donghyuck sniffles quietly, leaning slightly into your comforting touch. He's never felt such a soft and gentle sensation, he wants more of it, to drown in it and bask in the love he never got growing up.
"They could think anything about me, think I'm dumb, crazy, stupid, anything, Hyuck. As long as you don't think so I'm okay."
Donghyuck realizes that he feels the same way. He's labeled as Haechan, the schools flunker and trouble maker, but to you he's Lee Donghyuck, the hard working and playful human who only wants to bring a smile to his friends' faces.
They can think whatever the hell they want, if you have each other they mean nothing.
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reporterleroux · 6 months
ermmm guys wyd if i hyu with my ad astra opinions in the format of a powerpoint because i did it for a powerpoint night would you still love me for my opinions
they are ranked from worst (5) to best (1) based on their actions and i may or may not have a slight bias and i may or may not have an ego so high i feel my opinions are correct 🔥
the profiles on the side are because my friends i'm delivering it too know nothing about the game at all 😘
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restlessmaknae · 1 year
love roulette | p1h hyung line
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It's a casual uni party, and you meet three very different guys that night: Keeho, the chatty bartender; Jiung, the cute vocalist of the band that's playing that night; Taeyang, the guy who's there for the gig just like you.
Who ends up walking you home depends on your choice.
🎲 Are you ready for the love roulette? Spin it & see it!
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♦️ Pairing: female!reader/you x p1h hyung line
♦️ Genre: fluff, romance, uni au
♦️ Warning: mentions of alcohol, a dude who doesn't understand no
♦️ Word count: overall 9.9k (each boy's own story is around 2.5k)
♦️ A/N: This series is like a 'choose your own ending' kind of series that starts out with a general setting, but you can decide which boy's story you would like to read further as each boy has their own seperate ending.
♦️ Dedicated to: @dat-town ❤️
♦️ P1Harmony taglist: @tranquilpetrichor, @laaylaazyy, @americanokisses, @kuleo26, @hyu-won, @bamboongi, @syrxiee2, @wccycc, @littlestartonightsposts, @sunooslover, @chang-ryul
You knew that this was a bad idea.
You knew the moment your friend slash roommate said that it would be a nice little university party. University parties were neither nice, nor little. Not that you had ever been to one. It's just what you had heard of. Someone always overestimated their drinking capabilities, girls were frequently hit on by rude guys who didn't understand no, and wild stories were going around campus even weeks after the little gatherings.
However, Gaeul's boyfriend, Intak, would be performing with his band at this music venue that was somewhere between a club and a bar. She didn't really beg you to come with her, but she also didn't want to go alone because a douchebag had tried to hit on her last time, and almost ganged up on her with his friends. If it hadn't been for Intak showing up right then, things might have gotten out of hand. So after that experience, you willed yourself to accompany her, at least until her boyfriend's band would finish, and you could go back to the dorms. That was the plan, at least. However, just like with everything at university parties, this didn't work out quite like you had imagined.
Not that the band was bad or anything. In fact, they were pretty good. At least, according to your standards, they were. You didn't really know a lot about music theory, but they were said to be a punk-rock band, and you had your punk-rock phase once.
"They don't really like to identify themselves as only one genre. Just like their name, Evergreen, they are trying out all genres that are well-loved by the people. Punk-rock, pop rock, British pop and so on," Gaeul had explained to you after you had arrived at the venue, and you had been standing by the stage, waiting for the band to start. She had sounded like their manager or PR person or something. She liked to pride herself in the fact that she had done their logo and helped out with their social media sites, so it was no wonder she was so up-to-date with such stuff.
The problem wasn't with them. What's more, standing so close to the stage meant that you had a good enough view of them. Intak was the bassist and rapper, Jiung was the guitarist and vocalist, Hyunsuk was on the drums and Doyum was on the synthesiser. Your eyes kept going back to Jiung with his fluffy, chestnut-brown hair, cute dimples that popped off whenever he was smiling (and he was smiling a lot!), velvety voice that seriously touched your heart when they played a ballad song, and his shy interactions with the audience. At one point, you felt like he was looking at you, right at you. They were singing a song called Lovestruck which was about a boy confessing to a girl that caught his eyes, but he was afraid to approach her as he had never done anything like this before. Maybe your eyes were playing tricks on you, you told yourself, but matched with the lyrics, it felt oddly... fluttering?
Either way, when the band took a break, and Gaeul went backstage to meet up with Intak, you told her that you would go and get some drinks. There was a bit of a queue for the drinks, and you didn't want anything strong either way (one of the reasons you didn't go to parties was that you didn't necessarily indulge in alcoholic drinks).
No wonder the bartender looked a bit bewildered when you asked if they had plain water.
"Uhmm... I mean, yeah, we do have. But if you're bored of plain water, we have some non-alcoholic drinks, too. Not that I want you to have them, but you know, if you're here, it would be a shame to miss out on my very own Winter Wonderland cocktail," the bartender chattered gleefully, and he leaned closer on the counter as if he was telling you a secret when he continued. "Don't tell anyone, but I just call it the Elsa cocktail in my head," he admitted, donning a boyish grin, and you couldn't help but follow suit, your lips curling into a genuine smile.
"Okay, I guess I have to try that Elsa cocktail."
"Sshh, I've told you it's a secret name," the boy shushed you, but there was mischief in his eyes and childish excitement in his smile, so you knew that he was joking.
"What is in it though?" You asked before you would say your final call. You could only guess that the cocktail had such a name because it was white and maybe blue, too.
"Oh, there's some curaçao for the blue, and it also has elderflower syrup, sparkling water, some mint extract and coconut flakes.”
"Oh, okay, that sounds intriguing,” you noted, quite impressed that someone came up with the combination of these ingredients. While you were waiting for your cocktail to be ready, the chatty bartender introduced himself as Keeho, and shared with you how he had come up with the said cocktail himself. He and his friends had this chill sleepover at some campsite after their first semester where there was this do-it-yourself bar, and that's where he had made his Elsa cocktail for the first time.
"It's a good proof that you can have pretty good things when you least expect it," Keeho concluded after winding up his story and finishing your drink.
"Yeah, I agree," you nodded with a friendly smile, not even expecting to bump into such a fun stranger at this place. Even though Keeho seemed like the jokester type, he took his job seriously, and you saw it in the way he was ever so precise with his measurements. However, he couldn't miss the opportunity to do a little shake dance when he was mixing the ingredients in his cocktail shaker.
When you tried the drink, you were pleasantly surprised. It was a bit sour, a bit sweet, but it had such a nice aftertaste, you actually really enjoyed it. Even the blue stuff didn't throw off the balance.
"It's really good," you smiled at the bartender genuinely. He did a little courtesy, then laughed it off, telling you that he was glad to see you enjoying the drink, especially after your plain water request.
You did actually start feeling yourself at this point, but you knew that the break for the band was about to end and there was already a queue behind you too, so you paid and thanked the bartender for your drink. After manoeuvring between sweaty bodies for quite a while, you managed to get back to Gaeul.
"What's that? It looks super cool," your friend immediately beamed at the sight of your cocktail, and you shared both your drink and your funny encounter with the bartender with the girl. She got so pumped up that she asked you to remind her of ordering one for herself once the concert would be over.
As you looked at your watch, you noticed that you still had a bit of time until the break would be over, so you asked Gaeul to hold your cocktail for you because you needed to head to the restroom. There was a bit of a queue, but you managed to finish just in time for the first song. Or you thought so...
"Hey, honey. Are you lost?" A random guy by the wall asked as you were craning your neck to see above the heads of people around, to see if Gaeul was still around the same area of the dance floor or she moved closer. Given that your best friend was quite small (she would behead you if you said that she was adorably petite), you didn't have too much luck this way.
"No," you shook your head confidently, hoping that the guy would get the message. However, instead of doing so, he grabbed your wrist and made you turn towards him.
"Why are you in such a hurry?"
"I'm heading towards my friend, so if you excuse me..." You tried your best to stay composed, but the guy's grip didn't loosen around your wrist, and the noise around you with the band starting on their song heightened, so it was more difficult to gain anyone's attention around you.
You tried to yank your arm away from the stranger, but to no avail. You had all kinds of thoughts going through your head, one more frantic than the other. Should you scream for help despite the loud music around? Should you kick him? Should you bite his arm?
However, in the next second, a tall, similarly unfamiliar boy with clearly dyed, slightly longer burgundy hair stood by you, and peeled the other guy's fingers off your wrist. It was in such a swift moment that you didn’t even have time to think or to protest. Not that you would have protested, to be honest.
"Who the hell are you?" The first guy hollered, quite frustrated, but the burgundy-haired one stayed calm.
"I'm the friend she was heading towards, so if you don't want me to file a complaint for harassment, I advise you to leave," he suggested with a semi-warning tone, but before the other could speak up, he continued. "There are CCTVs operating in here, and you can bet that anyone seeing her clearly wanting to break free from your grip would take her side."
Despite the fact that he wasn’t the friend you had been referring to, his tone was so firm that it didn’t leave room for any doubt. You didn’t even know if there were CCTVs around, but given his unwavering confidence, you wouldn’t have dared to go against his words. Neither did the rude guy, it seemed, as he backed off without apologising, but at least, he was out of sight in the next minute. Your shoulders immediately easened, and you let out a long, long sigh that you had been suppressing so far.
You turned towards the stranger with the chin-length, burgundy hair. Under the neon lights of the club, and with the catchy beats of the love song that was blasting through the speakers as the background music, he seemed like a dream. A dream that came suddenly and a dream that would go away all too soon, slipping through your fingers before you could hold onto reality.
“Are you okay?” He exclaimed over the music around, and despite the stern edge to his voice from earlier, his voice was gentle this time. He also had surprisingly soft features when he didn’t throw daggers with his almond-shaped eyes and when his lips weren’t pressed into a thin line.
“Yes. Thank you so much. For both the question and for helping me out,” you justified after clearing your throat, looking up at him expectantly. You didn’t know why you just stood there still, but your body wouldn’t budge, and due to the loud music around, you needed to be close to each other to understand what the other was saying, so you should have felt a bit nervous so close to someone like him.
Yet, you weren’t nervous.
“It was nothing. Guys like him need to learn a lesson,” he huffed, semi-annoyed, and your heart did a little somersault. It was silly, you knew that all too well. He probably said so out of courtesy, but still, the fact that he had been willing to step in and help you out meant a lot to you. “Are you actually with a friend or alone?”
“Oh, I’m here with my best friend for real. She’s probably close to the stage because her boyfriend is playing in the band that’s on, I’ve just gone to the restroom, and I bumped into this guy when I came out,” you answered him, probably unnecessarily long-winded, but the boy didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he bobbed his head rather seriously, looking around for a moment before his eyes settled on you again.
“I’ll help you find your friend. It’s best if we go together after this. The crowd is also pretty tight closer to the stage,” he offered nonchalantly, and if it hadn’t been for him helping out before, you might have thought that he had ulterior motives. Given the circumstances though, you merely nodded, and made your way to Gaeul while squeezing yourself between sweaty bodies and checking over your shoulder every once in a while to see if the boy was still following you.
When you arrived beside Gaeul, she was so into the current song that she barely realised you were there, so you tapped her shoulder to gain her attention.
“Oh hey, you’re back!” She shouted over the music, and gave you a wide, dazzling smile. Happiness indeed looked good on her, you thought, as you smiled back.
When Gaeul’s chocolate-brown eyes darted from you to the boy beside you who just looked back at her, probably noting the fact that she was the friend you had been referring to without saying anything, you felt like the beat pulsating through the room and sending waves under your feet was in stark comparison to the atmosphere that fell upon the three of you.
The thought crossed your mind that the stranger would definitely leave because he was done with what he had offered to do, so he probably had no reason to stay, and it was awkward either way. You meant you showing up with a total stranger, and coming up to Gaeul as if you had known each other. Yeah, it was for the better if he left…
“Oh hi, I’m Gaeul! I’m her friend and dorm roommate,” the bob-haired girl introduced herself, still shouting over the music to get her message across.
“I’m Taeyang,” the burgundy-haired boy replied in an instant, his voice coming out stronger and more hoarse now that he was also raising his voice to be heard. Your friend nodded, then directed a knowing glance in your direction. However, before you could ask what was that for, a roar of applause reverberated through the place as the song came to an end, the band halting to talk a bit about the next song.
If you thought that was it for the unexpected events happening that day, you were in for a surprise. The rest of the night was even more surprising.
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