#((boop! reblogging again--i updated it!))
tubbo--updates · 19 days
well well well, i think you all know exactly what time it is...
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hello 100 (and 3) of you that have joined in on following since the last little 100-people-milestone! i hope you're all having an incredible, wonderful day/night/time, but if you aren't i'm glad i'm able to lighten some moods by providing updates to keep all of you in the loop :D
once again words cannot describe how crazy this is to me (we're only 97 people away from ONE THOUSAND!?!?) i can't even comprehend that. insane.
(which, speaking of the 1000 milestone, i might have a little something figured out for that one!)
anyways, have some more pictures of my silly dog because she is silly and i love her so much (also, can't remember if i've mentioned it before, but her name is Athena :D)
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and seriously, thank you. All of you. i never in a million years would have guessed that this would be sonething i do in my free (and sometimes unfree) time, but it has been absolutely incredible and so heartwarming to engage with you guys, even if that just means getting little likes and reblogs (or getting absolutely booped to death <3)
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blazingstaro · 2 months
DotS: MMM update! (genuine)
I'm aware of the date I'm posting this, and I hope you guys have enjoyed the boop reblogs!! I've been enjoying the boop thing a ton, and I hope Tumblr keeps something akin to this as a fun little interaction thing in the future <3
Quick update for today!
I'm 2 weeks into my new job and about to enter my 3rd, and so far I'm loving this job, my co-workers, and my bosses! It's a fun, kind environment, and the customers are almost always very pleasant (I've only dealt with one genuinely unpleasant character so far, and that was nothing to me LOL). I just got my first paycheck too, and celebrated with it!
I'm still settling into this job, so a lot of my script work and comic stuff in general has been on a grand pause as I get into the rhythm of this new life change of mine. It might take me a while to fully settle into it. I'm still in shock and disbelief that I have this job, since I've been unemployed for so long! I still reel in bewilderment that this is my reality now. I'm grateful for it!
DotS:MMM is still under reconstruction in the background as I settle into this job and figure out how my energy is going to be. I've been mega busy for the past couple of weeks, and this following month is gonna be mega busy as well. I have a music gig to perform at, and I have an expo to attend later in this month on top of the job, so don't expect anything new throughout April for now!
I should be fully settling into things into May and June. Honestly I fell into one heck of a slump because of how dull my life had gotten, but now suddenly it's active and busy!
Again I'm grateful for this job, I really needed my life shaken up and a fulfilling job to serve at. I genuinely love my new job, and I look forward to serving them for the years to come <3
Thank you for your continued patience with me! This seems to be a recurring thing for me whenever I hit page 20 of every comic of mine, but hopefully things will be better going forward
Once I resume posting pages, I will have a one page per month schedule until I have a fully established routine. I probably won't resume a page a week schedule mainly because it drains my reserves so fast and I don't have the same amount of free time as I once did to restore said reserves. At most I'll post two pages a month— that's my goal 👍
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triptuckers · 2 months
hello everyone,
I'm sure some of you have noticed that I haven't been posting as much of my work as I normally do. I know things like this have been said many times before but I'm going to say it again: I am taking an indefinite break from writing and sharing my fics on here because they rarely get reblogged, and that's very demotivating.
tumblr doesn't work like instagram or another social media site. posts that you like don't show up on other people's dashboards because you like them. they show up on other people's dashboards when you reblog them, when you directly but them on your followers' dashboard. when you just like a post, it doesn't reach more people, your mutuals, or your followers.
artists on tumblr (writers, gif makers, artists, etc) share their work on here for free. they don't earn a single thing and share their work because they like it, they're proud of it, they want people to interact with it. it's different for everyone, but I spend a lot of time on my fics. even one time I tried to make a gif set and it was so complicated and such a long process, I gained a new level of respect for gif makers. and we all share our work on here for free. so you can imagine how frustrating and demotivating it can be when your post has 2000 notes and only 30 of those are reblogs. or when you get maybe one reblog a day if you're lucky.
I love writing. I love sharing my works with you. and I'm genuinely thankful for those of you who do comment on my work or reblog it. it really means a lot to me. but I've just lost the motivation to share my fics with you on tumblr.
I will probably still write but for now, I won't share it on here anymore. I don't know for how long this break will be.
so please, if you like someone's writing, art, gif sets, video edits, that are shared on here for free, the least you can do is reblog it. it's one button. I know from the boop function on april fools you all love pressing buttons. so press the reblog button if you see art that you like.
love, marit
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marvel-ousnesss · 3 years
MCU CAST AND CHARACTERS RECS (will be updated as I reblog)
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(Now that you’re at it, PLEASE read and help spread this post, my country’s in the middle of a massacre. Literally takes two minutes)
Birthday (The Avengers x reader) by @yourmcu
Why Don’t You Put On The Suit? (MCU cast x reader) by @itsallyscorner
(Steve Rogers/Chris Evans x reader)
Love her for me (S.R) by @visionspaprika
Here again (S.R )by @marvelinsanity
Mini America (S.R+ platonic!Tony) by @cas-kingdom
Moment(s) by @carpediemm-18
by @honeysucklesteve
Oscar Worthy (C.E)
Wilderness (lumberjack!steve rogers)
Mile High (C.E)
(Sam Wilson x reader)
Favorite Cake by @buckybarnes101
Smooth Talker (x fem!Rogers!Reader) by @shmaptainshada
Beneath The Stars by @aerynwrites
The First Time by @barnesnroses
Blindsided Sam Wilson x reader by @itsallyscorner
I'll Make It Short by @kingbuckyx
(Bucky Barnes x reader)
Sunflower by @softlybarnes
Little Star by @the-goddamn-queen
Double Blind by @wkemeup
Hold my hand by @chaoticarson
Upper Hand by @eurynome827
Friday Night Dates by @angrythingstarlight
Safe keeping by @mallowswriting
Bandit like me (criminal!bucky) by @summergrls
Where she is an ex-avenger, and his closest friend left after Steve’s gone by @modern-vellichor
Green by @itsapeterthing
Liability by @buckyblues
Bruises by @baroquebucky
Deeper wounds by @cunaeparker
A mutually assured attachment by @cacoetheswriting
Cool you down, Heat you up by @angrythingstarlight
Swipe right by @honeysucklesteve
Stuck Wit U series by @slyyywriting
Raw by @buckysboobs
Laundry Day by @petersspidey
I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you by @directorstarc
Movie night by @awhitewolfandhisvibraniumshield
Pretty face on a pretty neck by @whistlingwillows
Find Me by @wicked-mind
A cup of coffee for your head by @saint-bvcky
Deserve You by @sunny-reys
by @buckybarnesdiaries
I'm coming home
All good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you (Mob!Bucky) series
by @xbuchananbarnes
About last week
by @celestialbarnes
new adventures
right here waiting
Peter Parker/Tom Holland x reader
Soulmate AU (P.P) by @glossybarnes
Take care of you (P.P) by @peterspideyy
Starlight (P.P) by @that-sokovian-bastard
It still hurts (P.P) by @issa-me-addy
Tough Love (P.P) by @peterandtheparkers
Not Your Average Field trip (P.P x Stark!reader) by @spideykaiparker
Sexy (T.H) by @waitimcomingtoo
Happiness is a butterfly series (Mob!Tom) by @blissfulparker
mob!Tom x reader angst by @mrs-hollandstan
Domesticity hc (avengers x reader, peter parker x reader) by @spdersilk
by @ptersmj
Caught in the act (Teacher!Tom)
just you and me (P.P)
by @itsallyscorner
Patience (x little mix!reader)
Fanboy (x little mix!reader)
by @waitimcomingtoo
Swedish Fish (T.H)
The hint (P.P x Stark!reader)
Where We Start Again (P.P)
by @arvinsescape
Getting mobbed. (T.H)
His wife (Mob!Tom)
Thor x reader
Look at me by @marvelousmarvelimagines
the glorious gift of stir fry by @peachyteabuck
Fluff by @boop-le-snoot
(Loki x reader)
The sorcerer’s apprentice by @ridiculousn3sswrites
(Pietro Maximoff x reader)
Unexpected (Stark!Reader) by @faylor
Dyed hair by @pitubea1910
(Tony Stark x reader)
Did You Get My Memo? by @rosewrites
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a-sweet-pea · 3 years
Happy (tumblr) Birthday to Me!
Guys, gals, and nonbinary pals; this tumblr is officially three years (and one day) old!
A lot has happened in the time since I created this blog; got diagnosed with cancer, moved houses, started chemotherapy, had emergency life-saving surgery, watched a global pandemic throw the whole world off its groove, switched to an experimental medication, lost my hair, lost my job, got my hair back; its been a fuckin’ TRIP to say the least.
Through it all, I can’t tell you what a joy and comfort has been to be part of a community of cool folks creating and sharing giant/tiny content. Despite how sporadically I post, I have managed to amass a group of over FIVE HUNDRED PEOPLE who like my writing enough to actually follow me! (And probably only half of them are porn bots). If I was sixty feet tall, I would scoop you all into a big hug and boop all your noses one by one.
I’ve been brainstorming ways to celebrate this milestone, and in the spirit of encouraging me to write more things, drop into my ask box with questions about my characters or my ongoing stories, or prompts you’d like to see me drabble about, or anything you think might inspire a fun bit of G/t content I could share, or just questions about me, or comments about your favorite kind of bugs, or just say hi, or literally whatever!
(Alternatively, as a tumblr-birthday present, if you just wanted to go back and leave a comment on a story you enjoyed, that would make my day.)
Also, I’m going to search back through my blog and try to find the fanart that folks drew (back when I updated often enough to spawn fanart) and reblbog it all again, because honestly, people drawing fanart of something I wrote rockets my seratonin levels through the roof, and it deserves reblogging.
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ALSO Also, let’s celebrate with a brand new icon of Fairy Elle (aka fairy sweetpea), drawn by the incredible @remordsposthume and colored by yours truly!
(I’m going to make the background Giant Elle once I get around to commissioning someone, so keep your eyes peeled for that).
I love and apprecate all of you so much, here’s to many more years of shitposting and occasional out-of-nowhere, 2k updates to stories that everyone has forgotten about :D
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tchallasbabymama · 3 years
Troubled Waters Chapter Three
Hello, my lovelies, I’m back 🥰 Recovery is going well, so I started working on this chapter a few days ago, and voilà, c’est fini! I hope y’all enjoy the chapter but know I’m still working on some requests so these probably won’t be weekly updates. I’m shooting for every other week with requests in between, but we’ll see how it goes. Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything, and check out my masterlist to read my other stories and oneshots. There’s plenty of content for y’all to enjoy! As always, likes are appreciated, but your comments and reblogs really make my day.😘
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Word count: 5,759
Sego watched with concern from across the garden as yawns replaced Nia’s usual morning ballads. After the third yawn stretched over her usually cheery face, he set his magazine down on the metal bistro table and interrupted her daze, “You didn’t sleep well last night?”
“No,” Nia pouted as she turned to face her friend. “I kept waking up every couple of hours and then when I finally got to sleep, I kept hearing a voice talking about ‘the thinning’ over and over. I don’t even know what that means.”
“Sounds ominous. Did you ask Celeste?”
“Of course I did,” she snapped and immediately regretted it. “Sorry, I’m tired.”
“Clearly,” he rolled his eyes and she narrowed hers before spraying him with the water hose. “Hey!”
Nia giggled and went back to her plants as she pondered the message from her dream. Sego picked his fashion magazine back up and flipped through the colorful pages. He wasn’t one for clothing around the house, but when he was in public in his human form, he liked to keep up with the trends.
A comfortable silence fell over the two of them, and minutes passed before an idea came to Nia as she stroked a large monstera leaf. “You know, mama wasn’t much help, but someone else might be.”
Sego set down his magazine again and his face turned serious.
“Plan B?”
“Plan B,” she nodded.
Sego cracked his knuckles and stood up, “I’ll get the drum.”
Nia finished up outside and washed her hands before piling a plate full of the excess sausage and grits she had cooked with Sego in mind. He wasn’t hungry that morning, so it seemed her leftovers weren’t meant for him in the first place. Nia opened the ritual by placing the plate in the center of the altar and lighting her frankincense resin. She wafted the smoke around their bodies and Sego’s drum, opening them to the spirit world as she hummed the unnamed tune that always came to her during rituals. Once Nia set the small clay pot of burning resin back on the altar, they were ready to begin.
The two friends got into position with Sego placing the drum between his legs and rubbing his hand lightly over the head to set his intentions while Nia stood tall with her head and shoulders back as she waited for him to begin. A few moments later, Nia came alive at the first strike of the drum. She let go and allowed herself to get lost in the sacred sounds, stepping in rhythm. Her feet carried her counterclockwise as her upper body snaked forward and back, being pushed and pulled by unseen forces. When her head began to tingle, she fell to her knees, triggering Sego to pick up the pace as she swayed from side to side with her eyes closed and head tilted back. Nia’s ears began to ring with a high-pitched tone that grew louder and louder until her body grew warm and her eyes flew open. She saw a swirling aura above her, and even though she had hoped to contact Bast, she welcomed unknown spirit. She figured it had something important to say since they usually just communicate through the veil. However, this one felt the need to deliver it’s message in person. Nia’s irises turned white as she parted her lips, allowing the being to enter her body. Goosebumps appeared all over her skin as the high of possession took over her, and the spirit settled into her flesh. The room went quiet as Sego carefully observed his friend. She showed no signs of danger, but he held tight to his drum, ready to banish the strange spirit if necessary.
“Who are you?” he asked, and Nia’s head quickly shot to his direction.
“I am Oma,” she spoke in a gravelly voice that unnerved Sego. Despite the chill that went down his spine, he recognized the name as one of Nia’s distant ancestors, and his apprehension waned. However, his curiosity grew as he wondered how she was able to travel to them so easily.
“What do you want?”
“To warn you.”
“Of what?”
“The realms, they are moving.”
“Moving how?”
“Closer. Space between getting smaller and smaller,” she droned.
“What do you mean?”
“The dead will walk among the living, and the humans among your people.”
“But how is that possible?”
“Bast. Her magic weakens.”
Sego’s heart dropped into his stomach.
“Well, how-”
“You cannot stop them. Worlds collide.”
“Who is ‘them’?”
Nia’s head rolled back, and her body began to convulse as the spirit prepared to leave her host.
“No, not yet!” Sego tried to stop her, “Who is doing this!?”
“Be careful. She is precious.”
Nia’s mouth flew open, and Oma exited her body before disappearing back into the realm of the dead. Sego rushed to his friend and caught her head before it hit the floor, laying it softly on her altar pillow. He grabbed the blanket Nia’s ugogo had woven for her only grandchild and laid it over her shivering body. Confused by what he just witnessed, Sego returned to his drum and closed the ritual with his skilled hands striking the instrument in rhythm. The sound cleared the air, and the vibrations traveled to Nia’s passed-out form, waking her from her state. He played softer as her chest heaved, and she reoriented herself with the world. Nia sat up slowly when her breathing returned to normal, her chilled fingers clinging to the blanket as she looked to her friend. Sego nodded and laid his palms flat on the drum.
“It was...scared,” Nia spoke softly as she ruminated on the spirit’s emotions. “Who was that?”
Sego pointed to the photo of her great-great-great grandma and her sisters. His finger landed just above the shortest one, all the way on the left. Her smile was the brightest of all her sisters, and her wings the biggest.
“Oma?” Nia asked through her brain fog as she tried to piece together what had just happened. As usual, she could only remember how the spirit felt in her body. This one felt anxious and in a hurry. “She’s never spoken to me before. What did she want?”
She attempted to stand, but Sego picked her up and carried her to her bed.
“I will tell you later. Right now, you need to rest.”
Before she could even protest, Nia’s body betrayed her, and she fell into a deep slumber. She slept the day away and woke up to fragrant smells wafting from the kitchen. Sego knew she would need to refuel after what she had just experienced, so he had prepared a hearty dinner to build her strength back up. Nia dragged herself into the kitchen right as he scooped the stewed meat and vegetables over a large bowl of rice. No words were spoken as she slid into the chair and dug into her food as though she hadn’t eaten in days. Sego took a seat on the other side of the table and waited for her to finish. It didn’t take long at all, and when Nia’s body finally felt full, she leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath.
“So, what did she say?”
Sego’s face contorted into a grimace as he spoke, “She, uh...she said the human realm and the realm of the dead are moving closer to ours.”
Confusion clouded Nia’s face as she tried to wrap her mind around Sego’s words.
“But how? Bast-”
“Is weak. Oma didn’t say how or why, but her magic is failing.”
Nia’s breath caught in her throat, and she looked down at her hands, testing her powers and making them glow a vibrant purple.
“I don’t feel any different, though.”
“Maybe because your magic was gifted to you, she doesn’t have to maintain it like the veils?”
“I didn’t think they required upkeep.”
“I didn’t either, but they’re thinning somehow.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes as Nia thought about Oma’s message before another question entered her mind.
“Why her?”
“She didn’t say,” Sego shrugged, “but she said to be careful and that ‘she is precious.’”
He shrugged again, and Nia stood from the table with conviction, “We should go see my dad. Maybe he’ll know more about her.”
“It’s worth a shot,” he lisped as his forked tongue flickered out and his body melted to the floor. His spotted skin turned to brown and black scales as his arms absorbed into his torso. Nia left to grab her bag, and she returned as his legs melded together. Sego slithered up her body and draped himself over her shoulders. When he got settled, Nia closed her eyes and felt the atmosphere thicken as she transported them to the magic realm. It was much easier than it was the last time she visited over a week ago. Usually, traveling through the veil felt like swimming through water, but it felt more like walking through a downpour this time.
“Did you feel that?” she asked Sego, and he nodded lazily.
Nia walked out her front door and warded it up tight before turning around and facing her other world. She smiled at the vibrant blue sky and breathed in the fragrant floral air before taking the first step into the magical realm. Her stomach twisted with anxiety as Sego’s words echoed through her head, but she was quickly pulled from her trance when a little voice called out on her right.
“Sawubona, Nia!” Adana waved excitedly, and Nia couldn’t help but grin at her young neighbor as she played with her doll on her front porch.
“Sawubona, Adana. How are you feeling today?” she asked as the girl glided over and hugged her waist. Sego slid down Nia’s shoulder a little, and his tongue tickled Adana’s cheeks, making her giggle.
“Good!” she said proudly as her wings flapped behind her.
“Let’s keep it that way,” Nia chuckled as she booped the little girl on her round nose. “I see you’ve been practicing flying.”
“Mhm. Umama said I’m not allowed to fly higher than this yet,” Adana said as she motioned to the few inches between her feet and the ground.
“That’s probably best. You remember what happened last time.”
Adana nodded, thinking back to when her mother had to carry her to Nia’s late one night with a broken wing.
“Umama says she’s gonna teach me how to go higher when I get bigger, and-”
“Adana, dinner!” Zita called from her kitchen, and the little aziza’s wings fluttered even faster at the thought of whatever her mother had prepared for her. Everyone in the neighborhood knew Zita was a fantastic cook, and despite having just eaten, Nia’s stomach grumbled at the thought of another meal. Especially one prepared by Zita.
“Tell her ‘hi’ for me,” Nia called out as Adana quickly waved goodbye and flew indoors. Sego shook his head fondly at the little girl as the door closed behind her, and Nia was thankful for the brief interaction calming her nerves.
As a known healer to all, Nia was very popular among the residents of Birnin Umlingo, the Magic City. She returned waves and short greetings as she made her way to her father’s place, which wasn’t too far from her own. When Nia and Sego arrived at the baobab tree Amare had fashioned into a cozy home for himself, she found him lounging on a limb with a book in his hand. Amare looked up from the page when he felt someone near, and joy spread across his face at seeing his greatest creation. Both of them started to glow faintly as they laid eyes on each other, and his large orange wings spread out as he flew down from his resting spot. Amare enveloped Nia and Sego in a warm hug and kissed her cheek before rubbing the python’s head.
“What are you doing here?”
“What? I can’t come visit my old man?”
“Who are you calling old?” he playfully scolded her as he held the intricately carved door open for her to come inside. She looked around at all the human gadgets that filled his home and smiled warmly at his treasures. Nia had always loved his collection, but the books and records were her favorite. Sometimes, they were all she had during the lonely days of her childhood.
“Oh, nobody,” she played coy as she removed Sego from her shoulders and set him on the ground. “How are you, ubaba?”
“I can’t complain, especially today,” he winked.
“Because your favorite daughter is here?”
“Of course! And I have a date in an hour.”
“A date?!”
“Yes, he’s taking me to a restaurant opening in the town square.”
“Sounds fancy. Who is this mystery man?”
“I’m sure you’ll still be here when he arrives. You can meet him then,” Amare said excitedly before another thought crossed his mind. “Oh, and I forgot to tell you! I popped over to the human realm and got these.”
He held out his arm, and Nia marveled at his brand new kimoyo beads, “Ooooh, those are nice.”
“Aren’t they? Top of the line,” he bragged as he examined the new bracelet that he had almost no use for in the magic realm. “Enough about me, though. Is something up? You never drop by unannounced.”
Nia sighed and plopped down in her favorite high-backed leather chair.
“Something’s wrong, ubaba.”
Amare’s eyebrows furrowed, and his wings sank a little as he sat across from his daughter.
“What is it?”
Nia explained her dream and the ritual to him and watched as his face contorted in confusion and disbelief.
“-and then she was gone.”
Amare leaned back in his chair and ran a hand over his face.
“Oma, huh?” he asked, and Nia nodded. “She was a powerful medium when she was alive. I guess if she can communicate with the dead from this realm, then she can easily communicate with the living from the realm of the dead.”
Nia nodded and continued, “I was trying to reach Bast when she cut in.”
“Hm...maybe she didn’t ‘cut in.’ If Bast’s magic is failing, she might not be able to hear you wherever she is.”
“Maybe you should ask T’Challa,” Sego quipped from the other side of the room as he changed back into his human form. Nia shot him a look to be quiet, and he smirked.
“The king?”
Nia sighed, “Yeah, I forgot to tell you I saw him again.”
“Sure, ‘forgot’ to tell him,” the shapeshifter mumbled.
He put his hands up in defense, “Ok, I’m done.”
“So what happened this time? Did he recognize you? I hope you gave him a piece of your mind. King or no king, nobody hurts my baby and-”
“What? I’m just saying. So what happened?”
“A bad man tried to hurt me, but before I could do anything, he showed up. He insisted on cleaning my wounds, so I let him, and…”
“And he saw Zita and Adana, so I had to tell him about us.”
“You what?!”
“He had questions! What was I supposed to do?”
Amare sighed. “Ok, well, what did he say?”
“He was shocked, but I think he responded well. He didn’t treat me like a freak or anything.”
“That’s good. He seems like a decent, level-headed man.”
“I don’t think he’ll tell anyone. He was-” Nia was cut off by a ringing in her head as the protective wards around her home warned her of a visitor. She could tell by the low pitch that they were coming from the human realm. “I have to go, ubaba. Someone’s at my door.”
Amare and Nia stood while Sego sank back down into his python form and slithered over. The father and daughter hugged each other tightly and said their goodbyes before Nia and Sego were out the door and on their way home.
Earlier that same day, T’Challa sat on his throne and halfway listened as the council argued over trade agreements between the tribes. His attention waned somewhere between the third and fourth attempt to compromise, and his mind wandered to the conversation he had with Nia almost a month ago. He hadn’t been able to get her off his mind lately. Not just her, but what he learned that night, too. He could barely wrap his mind around magical species existing in the first place, much less within his borders.
He was jolted back into the present by a nudge on his left arm and frowned at his cousin.
“What?” he whispered under his breath, knowing N’Jadaka could hear him. The prince also had the heart-shaped herb pumping through his veins from his coup attempt a year ago, so his senses were just as enhanced as T’Challa’s.
“Quit daydreaming,” he responded, equally as low so as not to give their conversation away to prying ears.
T’Challa fought an eye roll and straightened up in his throne.
“Let’s table this discussion for next week,” he cut the conversation short. “Now, is there anything else on the agenda for today?”
“No, my king, but I have one more thing I’d like to bring up,” said the Merchant tribe elder tentatively.
T’Challa nodded for her to continue.
“There have been some strange happenings among my people,” she began. “Just yesterday, a woman wandered into the market yelling about creatures nobody had ever seen before, then she collapsed and started seizing.”
“You’re concerned about a psychotic or epileptic episode?”
“It’s not so much the episode as what came after, your highness.”
“She died before the doctor could get to her...and then she disappeared before the coroner could examine her body.”
“What do you mean ‘disappeared’?” T’Challa’s eyebrows furrowed as he leaned in closer.
“The men who transported the body were found knocked out cold...and when they woke up, she was gone.”
“Sounds like there’s a sick motherfucker around here somewhere,” N’Jadaka muttered with his signature scowl on his face. “Bodies don’t just disappear for no reason.”
The king ignored his cousin and focused on the Merchant elder. “You said she mentioned strange creatures?”
“Yes, my king. She looked deranged, and she spoke of creatures with dripping claws and visible skulls...She seemed terrified.”
T’Challa leaned back in his throne, and his mind wandered to Nia again, but this time with purpose. That didn’t sound like any creature he had ever heard of before, but he wondered if she had. His thoughts were interrupted by the Mining tribe elder.
“Also, if I may?”
T’Challa motioned for her to continue.
“There have been multiple sightings of abnormally large hyenas around our province.”
“There were some sniffing around the entrance to the lab this morning, but the Dora scared them off,” Princess Shuri added. “They didn’t look like any hyena I’ve ever seen. They were huge!”
M’Baku’s breathing faltered for a moment; he had heard of creatures like that before. When he met Nia a year prior, he began to worry about the existence of other, more dangerous magical species, and now his fears seemed to be coming true. He couldn’t just come out and say it, though, especially since several of the council members already considered the Jabari to be a backward people. He didn’t need “superstitious” added to the list of reasons not to like them. However, he felt that T’Challa might be a little more open to what he had to say. M’Baku decided a private audience with the king would probably be best.
“Hm...has anyone else noticed anything strange or unusual?” T’Challa asked the room, and two more hands went up. He nodded to the Border tribe elder, and the older man cleared his throat before speaking.
“We took a man into custody yesterday for killing his wife. He claimed she was alive when he left for work, but when he came home, all that was left was her bones. Of course, he’s claiming innocence, but the neighbors say they didn’t see her at all that day, which was unusual. But, um, we’re not sure how he was able to remove the flesh so easily. There looked to be bite marks.”
T’Challa looked to his little sister, who had a horrified look on her face, and grabbed her hand in his. He turned to his other side and saw N’Jadaka’s face scrunched up in disgust.
“What the fuck kind of sick shit y’all got going on over here?” he mumbled so only the king could hear.
“I’m not sure,” he whispered back. The king turned back to the council and gestured at the River tribe elder. “And you?”
“Sightings of strange fish in the river, your highness. Human-sized, much larger than what we are used to.”
T’Challa’s eyes shifted to his right and he noticed the Jabari chief’s nervousness, despite his best efforts to mask his feelings.
“Anything else?” T’Challa asked the council, and they all shook their heads. “N’Jadaka and I will investigate these claims further and have a report for next week. Meeting adjourned.”
The council members saluted him and took their leave—all except one.
“My king, may I have a word privately?”
T’Challa looked at M’Baku knowingly and motioned for the chief to follow him. The two of them, along with the prince and princess, retired to T’Challa’s office to continue their conversation.
“What can I do for you, my friend?” the king asked as everyone filed into the room. Shuri sat by the window and looked out at the country nervously, obviously spooked by what she just heard. N’Jadaka plopped down next to her and tried to seem unbothered, but he couldn’t stop fidgeting with his lucky knife, repeatedly flicking it open and closed in his left hand. M’Baku sat across from T’Challa at his desk, and his leg began to bounce involuntarily as he waited for the king to sit down.
M’Baku cleared his throat anxiously before he began, “We Jabari have many...beliefs that the rest of Wakanda seems to have let fall by the wayside. I only bring this up because of what I’ve seen with my own two eyes, but I believe the elders’ reports. Call me superstitious, but there are forces out there that you would not believe. Even I haven’t seen everything, but there is someone who might know what to do-”
“You’re saying you believe the crazy lady?” N’Jadaka scoffed.
“I do not believe she is ‘crazy’. I believe she saw something none of us could ever imagine.”
“Ok, and her body?” The prince challenged him as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.
“I do not know...but I know who might.”
“Who?” Shuri chimed in as she tore her eyes from the scenery.
“She lives with the Border tribe. Her name is Nia-”
“Olu?” T’Challa’s eyes lit up in recognition, and M’Baku couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“You know her?!”
“She was the woman who was almost abducted a month ago. How do you know her?” the king asked curiously.
M’Baku wasn’t sure how much he could say without outing her as a non-human.
“She wandered into our territory once when we were still separate from the rest of you. She was very...odd,” M’Baku looked to the king, who seemed to understand his meaning. He wondered just how much he knew of her identity. “She might be able to help.”
“Odd how?” the prince interjected.
“It’s hard to explain,” the king brushed him off to avoid further prying, making M’Baku nod along. The chief still couldn’t tell how much T’Challa knew, but he kept his mouth shut nonetheless. “I will go talk to her.”
Shuri and N’Jadaka shared a look. They both felt like they were purposely being left in the dark, and neither appreciated it.
Nia snuck back into her home in the magic realm and quickly threw on a headwrap before taking a deep breath and opening her door to the human realm. Her stomach twisted up again as she laid her eyes on the king and his guards standing on her doorstep.
“T’Challa, hey,” she greeted him nervously as she leaned against the doorframe with Sego still draped over her shoulders. Nia noticed the two fierce-looking women on either side of him look at her questioningly for her informality, but they said nothing.
“Hello, Nia,” he smiled before noticing Sego. “How are you today?”
“I’m alright. I, uh, actually just got back in from visiting my ubaba.”
“With that?” T’Challa motioned to Sego, and the python stuck out his tongue.
“Sego? Yeah, he likes to get out sometimes,” she said as she stroked her companion’s head. Nia backed up a little and opened the door wider for him, “Anyways, come on in.”
The king ordered the two guards to stay on the front porch, and they stood at attention, looking out at the village. Several of Nia’s neighbors had noticed their arrival and were trying their best to seem inconspicuous as they spied on her to see what was going on. It wasn’t often that the king came around, so the rumor mill started turning almost immediately.
Once T’Challa stepped into the familiar home, keeping a wide berth from Sego, Nia closed and locked the door behind him. They made their way over to the kitchen, and the king sat down in the same hand-carved chair he sat in the last time he was there.
“Can I get you anything?” Nia offered politely as she made her way over to the stovetop and started warming up a kettle she had filled up the night before. “I made a tea blend that helps calm the mind. I’m about to have some myself if you want in.”
“Sure, I’ll take a cup,” he responded with a smile. He watched her scoop the prepared herbs out of a jar and into two reusable cotton tea bags and place one each at the bottom of a mug. She worked in silence as she tried to calm the anxious feeling that had crept back into her bones after leaving Amare’s. Sego could feel her shaking and squeezed her just a little bit to get her to calm down. She relaxed at his hug and poured the hot water into the mugs before carrying them back over to the table. Nia sat down across from T’Challa and blew on her hot tea before taking a small sip. He did the same and smiled at the flavor. “This is delicious, Nia.”
“Thanks,” she gave a small smile back as her stomach fluttered at his compliment. “So...what brings you here?”
The king sighed and leaned back in his chair, watching intently as Sego slithered down from his perch and curled up in the corner. “There have been some strange activities around the kingdom, and I was wondering if you might know anything about it.”
“Strange how?” Nia’s head cocked to the side, and she placed her elbows on the table as she leaned in closer.
“First, there was a woman who was found dead in her home. Her neighbors saw her the day before, and her husband claims she was alive when he left for work, but all that was left was her bones,” he spoke carefully and observed as fearful recognition clouded her face. Nia couldn’t believe what she was hearing, but she easily put two and two together. The thinning had begun.
“W-what else?” she asked as she leaned in even closer.
“Another woman’s dead body disappeared. She wandered into the market screaming about horrifying creatures, then she seized and collapsed...but her body never made it to the coroner,” he paused to make sure she was still with him. She motioned for him to continue, and he spoke again, “There have also been reports of abnormally large hyenas and fish, but that is less concerning than the other two.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Nia mumbled as she got up and hurried to the bookshelf. She pulled out a large leather-bound book and opened it to a page near the middle before flipping a few pages forward. When she landed on what she was looking for, she set the heavy book down in front of the king. His eyes traveled to the page and widened in fright at the image of a childlike being with a mouth as wide as its face and sharp teeth on display.
“W-what is this?”
“Eloko,” Nia answered as she sat back down. “Long ago, our queen banished them to their own part of the forest. They’re harmless if you ignore them, but if you take pity on them and let them into your home...they’ll eat your flesh in minutes.”
T’Challa scanned the page, taking in every horrifying detail he could as he attempted to calm his heart rate. Not many things frightened the unshakable king, but he was completely out of his element. His mouth went dry as he attempted to speak, “And the other woman?”
“I’m not sure, but…”
He tore his eyes from the book and looked up at her. “But what?”
“I don’t want to jump to conclusions because it’s not a common occurrence, but when bodies disappear like that, there’s usually dark magic involved.”
“Dark magic?”
“Yeah...like I said, it’s not common, but over the years, there have been a few aziza who use their gifts in ways the rest of us do not approve of.”
“Like creating zombi.”
“Those are real?”
“Very,” Nia shuddered and downed her tea. T’Challa’s eyes fell back to her book, and he began flipping through the well-worn pages. It felt old like it had been passed down for generations, and he surmised it probably belonged to her family for decades, centuries even. He flipped towards the front of the book, landing on the page about aziza. He couldn’t help but smile at the much more welcoming illustration. T’Challa got lost in the description as Nia stood and went to wash out her mug, needing something to do with her hands to calm her mind. He finished reading and looked up to ask her a question, but it slipped his mind when he noticed strange markings on her back in the shape of wings. He started to ask her about the scars when he realized he had seen them once before.
“It was you…”
“What was?” she asked without turning around, scrubbing her mug unnecessarily hard. Nia heard him stand and walk closer, but kept her focus on her task.
He removed the mug from her hand and rinsed it out. Before she could protest, he spoke softly, “I said they looked like wings.”
Nia stilled as she remembered her tube top left her back exposed.
“Yeah…I remember,” she murmured without looking up at him despite their closeness.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged, “I just didn’t think it was important.”
T’Challa smiled, “Of course it’s important! I never forgot that day…now I know how you appeared out of nowhere.”
“Heh, yeah,” Nia responded as she pushed past him to grab her tea kettle. She filled it up again, but still wouldn’t make eye contact. T’Challa looked at her, confused by her change in attitude when it clicked for him...
“You know, I wanted to see you again-“
“Then why didn’t you come back?” She snapped and he realized why she didn’t seem to like him that much.
“I did. My baba took me on a trip with him that night. We were gone for two weeks, but I came back looking for you.”
Nia paused again before setting the kettle back on the stove. She turned to face him, and he could see the confusion all over her face.
“You did?” She asked apprehensively, and he nodded in response. “I went back every day for a week before ubaba made me stop. He didn’t like seeing me so sad.”
T’Challa’s face fell and he took a step forward, “Nia, I-“
“No, it’s fine.” Nia moved away from him and his heart sank as he watched her go over to her herb pantry. She rummaged around for a while before she came back with yet another tea blend.
“So, I’ve been meaning to ask you,” she began to change the subject, “have you spoken to Bast recently?”
T’Challa didn’t want to upset her more by pushing the conversation, so he went along with her train of thought.
“Uh, no. It’s been a while. Why?” he asked as he leaned against the counter, eyes tracking her as she moved to sit back at the table. Nia noticed he had been reading about aziza and smiled internally.
“The veil is thinning. That’s how the eloko got through…and who knows what else.”
“The veil?”
“Yeah, it’s like the border between realms.”
“How is that possible?”
Nia shrugged, “Only Bast knows.”
“And she’s not answering you,” he mused as he sat next to her. She wanted to move away, but forced herself to stay still.
“Nope. I tried this morning, but one of my ancestors came through and told us about the veil.”
“Me and Sego.”
“The snake?”
“Python,” Nia chuckled and shot Sego a look to warn him to behave.
“My apologies. So what did they say?”
“The realms of the living and dead, and the human and magical realms are colliding…they might overlap soon. That and ‘she is precious.’”
“Who is?”
Nia shrugged, “Bast, I guess.”
“But you think she’s disappeared…” T’Challa thought aloud.
“Yebo. I don’t know what can make a god disappear, though. Another god maybe?”
T’Challa’s mind wandered to his Avengers colleague, Thor, but he had no way to contact the god while he was off-planet.
“I could try contacting some.”
T’Challa nodded as the wheels turned in his mind. “There are smaller cults around the country that worship other gods. We might be able to-“
“Well, yes, I was hoping you would come with me. I’ll need someone with your expertise. I know nothing about all this, but you do…I need your help.”
“I don’t know, I-“
“Please, Nia,” he begged as he grabbed her hand in his. The silence was thick as they looked at each other, but neither was able to look away. “I need you.”
Nia stopped breathing for a moment as he trapped her in his puppy dog eyes. She wanted to say no, she really did…but she just couldn’t.
“Ok, I’ll do it.”
Next Chapter
Taglist: @maddeningmayhem, @theblulife, @motheroffae, @love-mesome-me, @toni9, @bribrisback, @dersha89, @impremenior, @ljstraightnochaser, @love—life—passion, @yourstrulybrii
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jamesdeerest · 5 years
my favourite ginger
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PAIRING: ron weasley x reader
REQUEST: anon asked “Can you do a Ron x reader where you are meeting his family or friends for the first time and it's just all cute and fluff and maybe at the end he admits he's in love with you”
WARNINGS: tooth rotting fluff
NOTES: this gif. rupert grint, how dare you be so fucking adorable. kind of a blurb?? shorter than normal
WORD COUNT: 457 (ooofff thats short)
“You’re my favourite ginger, Ron. You know that?” you mumbled sleepily, watching the countryside rush by through the windows of the Hogwarts Express. Ron snorted, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You just offended a whole lotta Weasleys, Y/N.” You shrugged, snuggling closer to him. “Don’t care. It’s the truth. Even if Dumbledore went ginger, you’d still be my favourite.” He laughed, softly kissing you. “You’re my favourite h/c, Y/N. You know that?” You frowned, fisting his shirt. “Well, duh. All the rest suck.” Ron laughed, shaking his head. “You’re something else, L/N. You really are.”
You fell asleep again soon after that, using Ron’s chest as a pillow. After a couple hours of rest, Ron gently nudged you, as you came into London. You opened your eyes to see Ron smiling at you, pushing a strand of your hair out your face. “Morning sleepyhead. We’re back.” You nodded, and wrapped your arms tighter round your boyfriend, clinging onto him as he stood up. You stretched, yawning, before picking up your bag and climbing onto the seat, waiting for Ron to turn around. 
He rolled his eyes, laughing as he bent down so you could climb onto his back. You squealed slightly as he stood up, your bag slipping slightly from your shoulder, before you grabbed his bag and you left the carriage, filing out the train onto Kings Cross. You looked around for a second before catching sight of your mother, smiling at her as you turned to say goodbye to Ron. 
You hugged him, ignoring Fred and George’s teasing, and kissed him, before yanking his hood over his head, laughing. He laughed, and was about to chase after you when Molly spoke. “Is this the girl you’ve been telling me about, Ron?” Ron flushed, and pulled you to him, burying his face in your neck. “Mum!” 
You laughed, and smiled at her. “Hi, I’m Y/N.” Molly beamed; you could see she enjoyed embarrassing her kids. “We’ve heard a lot about you, Y/N. He won’t shut up in his letters, Y/N this, Y/N that! You have to come over in the holidays, I insist.” Ron groaned, going even more red. “Mum!” You grinned, nodding. “Absolutely.” You hugged Ron once more, and were about to turn away when he said something, making you freeze.
“Love you, Y/N.” he said casually, his eyes going wide seconds later. “Shit.” Molly smacked him, muttering ‘language’, but still fixed on the two of you. 
Still in shock for a few seconds, you then broke out of it and kissed him again, booping his nose. “Love you too, my favourite ginger.” You turned away, and started walking back to your mother, Fred gasping behind you. “Y/N! I thought we had something special!”
hi guys! sorry i havent updated in a while, im writing when i can :)
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! send an ask if you wanna be added to my taglist!
tags: @blackpinkdolan @shadylittlewonder @hoewkeye @sassy-specter @im-eating-rn @knowledgeisthebomb
requests are closed at the moment, stay tuned!
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alyas-ladyblog · 5 years
A Not So Brief Hiatus P.5
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Hey! Sorry for the delay. Here’s the update for ANSBH! Hope yall enjoy. As always likes/reblogs are always appreciated!
Alya choked on her tea.
“Rena? As in Rena Rouge?” She squeaked. “Sorry you got the wrong girl. I’m way too busy with my siblings and the Ladyblog to be–“
Fu raised his hand. “It’s alright Alya. Your secret’s safe with me.”
Alya sputtered. “There is no secret! I’m not Rena Rouge!”
Fu chuckled.
What tipped him off? Was it her voice? Her look? Did he just say it as a joke but her horrible poker face it away? Oh Ladybug was going to be horrified.
Fu cleared his throat.
“You can come out now,” he said. “It’s just Rena and I, her friend is in the kitchen.”
Alya looked around. “Who are you–“
An orange blur flew out of the phonograph, and buzzed around her head, coming to a stop in front of her face. It booped her nose.
“Heya kit!”
Alya’s eyes widened in shock. Floating by her nose was Trixx, face split with his signature cheeky grin.
“Trixx? What are you doing here?”
“Fu is an old friend of mine,” Trixx said, zipping over to the old man and sitting on his shoulder. “We’ve been friends for well over a century.”
Alya looked back and forth between the kwami and Fu.
She crossed her arms.
This was just like Trixx. He constantly tried to pull a fast one over her. And she’d only been a temporary holder! She couldn’t imagine what a permanent holder would have to go through.
“Trixx I know you’re joking. Tell me what’s going on.”
“Alas, he’s not,” Fu said.
Trixx stuck his tongue out at her. She rolled her eyes.
“Trixx and I have been friends since I was a boy,” Fu began. “I’m a member of The Order of the Guardians, an order dedicated to protecting, distributing and retrieving the miraculous jewels, as well as guiding those who hold a miraculous.”
He sighed. “I’m the last of my order,” he said sadly. “And as such, I’ve been so focused on protecting the miraculous, that I have let the other tasks take the back burner. Ladybug distributes the other miraculouses and retrieves them, and I have not made my presence known to the other holders. Until now.”
Alya’s mind raced a mile a minute as she tried to process the new information.
“So if Marinette brought me here...does she know who I am?”
Trixx coughed.
Fu took a long sip of his tea. “Your identity has not been compromised if that is what you’re asking,” he said. “The only people who know your identity are Ladybug, and me.”
Alya nodded, relieved. “Okay.” She took a breath. “You said you guide miraculous holders.”
Fu nodded. “That is part of my job, yes.”
“But,” Alya swallowed. “I’m–“
“Not a miraculous holder anymore, yes.”
Fu poured more tea into his cup. “Ladybug alerted me of your decision when she returned the miraculous to my possession.” He took a long sip of his tea. “I thought there must have been some mistake. You were a wonderful Fox. But Ladybug told me that you were experiencing personal turmoil, and thought it best to retire Rena. Ladybug and Trixx respect your decision, and so will I.”
Alya chewed on her lip.
She was happy with her decision, and she knew it was the right thing to do but...being here, hearing Master Fu’s disappointment and seeing Trixx again, she missed it.
“But,” Fu continued. “I am still here to counsel you if that is something you want. My counsel–drink some of your tea, while it’s still hot–is not limited to current holders.”
Alya took a sip of her tea. “So what would we be doing?”
“Meditating mostly,” Fu admitted. “I have found that guided meditation can be extremely useful for connecting with the spirit.”
“It’s good stuff. You should see when Ladybug does it, she really gets in the zone,” Trixx aside and Fu shushed him.
Alya giggled. The mental image of Ladybug meditating was funny. Especially if she stuck her tongue out the way she did when she was concentrating.
“Okay, that doesn’t sound too bad. Anything else?”
Fu tilted his head. “Guided self reflection, perhaps some acupuncture to help with your restless mind if you’re up for it,” he said.
Alya could admit, both sounded pretty appealing.
She sat up straight. “Hey you know, Marinette would make a great Fox!”
Fu cracked a smile. “Would she now?”
Alya nodded, excited. “Yeah! She’s creative, and brave, and not afraid to stand up for what’s right. She’d be perfect for the Fox.”
“I’m inclined to agree with you,” Fu responded. “But alas, the new Fox has already been chosen.”
Alya deflated. “Maybe another miraculous then,” she said.
Fu smiled wryly. “Perhaps. I will be sure to pass that recommendation on to Ladybug.”
Alya beamed. If she could hook her girl up with a miraculous, she knew Marinette would be amazing.
“But back to the matter at hand. I don’t expect you to decide if you want my guidance right away, but know if you ever want it, my door is always open.”
Alya nodded. “I would like your guidance,” she said.
Fu smiled. “Then let’s begin.
Marinette paced back and forth. “I don’t know Tikki, what if it was a bad idea to bring Alya here? What if she thinks I discovered her secret identity, or figured out I’m Ladybug and gets akumatized because I’m her best friend and didn’t tell her and then Hawkmoth knows my identity and then he begins targeting my family and friends until I’m forced to give up the earrings in order to protect the people I love? I can’t let Hawkmoth win!”
“And he won’t,” Tikki said firmly.
She popped a cookie into her mouth. “I’m sure Alya won’t find out your secret identity. And even if she did, she couldn’t be too upset with you, because she kept her identity secret from you too!”
Marinette’s paused. “But if she gets akumatized again, then Hawkmoth will know, even if I’m not the cause of it!”
“She won’t figure it out Marinette,” Tikki chirped. “Alya’s clever, but your story checks out. You did stop in during an akuma attack, and that’s when you met Master Fu! Trixx would be proud of that one,” the little god said with a smile.
Marinette sighed. “You’re right,” she said, flopping onto one of the stools. “I just can’t help but feel like something is going to go terribly wrong.”
Tikki hugged her cheek. “I’m sure everything will be fine Marinette.”
The two sat in comfortable silence, quietly munching on their cookies.
“Truth or dare?”
Marinette smiled. The two had finished their homework, played some video games, and were sitting together on Marinette’s balcony.
It was only a matter of time before someone brought up truth or dare.
Alya grinned. “I dare you to scream that you love Chat Noir at the top of your lungs.”
Marinette’s eyes bulged. “Alya it’s midnight. I’ll wake up my neighbors!”
Her friend grinned. “It’s Paris on a Friday night. Not even my sisters are asleep.”
Marinette chewed on her cheek.
He wasn’t the worst person to be declaring her love for but...with everything that had happened with her dad and Chat, she wasn’t so sure.
She exhaled. “Fine.”
Marinette stood up, and walked over to the railing.
She took a deep breath in.
“I LOVE CHAT NOIR!” She screamed.
A voice sounded from below.
“Me too, you’re not special!”
Marinette and Alya looked at one another.
And burst out laughing.
The two laughed so hard their ribs ached, and their eyes teared.
They laughed so hard that they gasped for air, and Alya got the hiccups, which prompted a new wave of hysterics from Marinette.
And at the end of it, Marinette was hunched over, still holding onto the railing for balance, and Alya was sprawled out on the sling chair catching her breath.
Marinette stood, and leaned back on the railing.
“Your turn.”
Alya pursed her lips. “Truth.”
Marinette grinned. “How’s it going with Nino?”
Alya’s cheeks flushed. “It’s going good,” she said with a soft smile. “We’re settling into being together, so I think we’ve been communicating better lately than we have in the past.”
She hummed.
“I’m working on being kinder to him,” Alya added. “Growing up in a big family, teasing and empty threats were a way to express affection you know? But that’s not how every relationship works, and I need to keep that in mind.”
Alya sat up in the chair. “Anyways, your turn.”
Marinette tapped her lips. As tempting as it was to try another dare, she didn’t feel like getting a citation for disturbing the peace, or doing something too stupid this late in the night.
Alya chewed on her lip for a second.
“If you could be any hero in Paris, who would you be and why?”
Marinette felt her heart skip four or five beats.
She pondered for a second.
The obvious choice for most people would be Ladybug. She was the hero of creation, and a Parisian icon. But would choosing her increase the chance of Alya putting two and two together?
Chat Noir would be another good option. His baton, fun costume and power of destruction made him a force to be reckoned with. But at the same time, she couldn’t imagine anyone but Chat being the Black Cat.
Rena and Carapace were interesting, but unbalanced. Rena relied on distance and deception: the second you know she’s there, the jig is up. Carapace was almost entirely defense, which would limit her involvement in the fight.
Queen Bee...
Marinette shuddered.
Queen Bee was Chloe.
Bunnix was fun, but time paradoxes were messy and anxiety inducing.
Pegasus’ weapons and powers combined would make her a formidable foe, and a good ambush hero. But her clumsiness sometimes carries over with Ladybug, and teleporting while clumsy sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
Viperion’s ability was cool, but his weapon was a lyre.
“I think I’d have to go with Roi Singe,” Marinette said. “The powers seem cool, I love the costume, and the staff allows for both close and medium range combat.”
Alya nodded thoughtfully.
“Ok, truth or dare?”
“What did you do with Mister Fu?”
Alya sat in silence for a second, and Marinette began to panic. What if her nosiness was suspicious and Alya figured out she was Ladybug? Oh god.
“We just kind of talked,” Alya responded. “He asked me some questions, I answered them, and we kept doing that. It was actually really soothing,” she admitted.
Marinette smiled, and the pressure in her chest loosened. She was glad that Alya found Master Fu useful. Hopefully, that guidance would help her find peace.
“Your turn.”
“How do you feel about Adrien? You know, with the whole Lila thing and him not backing you up.”
Marinette rubbed her neck. Wasn’t that the question of the hour.
She’d spent the better part of a month pondering that, making excuses for him and letting Lila walk all over her. Plus, Adrien was her friend. He’d never do something that would hurt her.
But seeing Alya’s reaction the other day when Marinette said Adrien knew and hadn’t bothered to back her up...
It muddied the waters a bit, validated that little voice in the back of her head that told her that what Adrien was doing wasn’t right, wasn’t fair.
That she deserved better.
“Honestly I’m conflicted,” she said finally. “Adrien’s heart is in the right place, but what he’s doing to keep the peace is hurting those around him. The promise he made that we’d be there together...I don’t think he took it seriously. I feel...a bit betrayed? I don’t know if that makes sense.”
“It makes perfect sense,” Alya said, getting up and leaning forward on the railing near Marinette. “He broke a promise. I think you’re right, I think his heart is in the right place. But Adrien is naive,” Alya said, resting her head on Marinette’s shoulder. “He wants to see the good in people, even those who don’t deserve his kindness. What you’re feeling is valid.”
Marinette nodded.
“Truth or Dare?”
Marinette looked Alya dead in the eye. “What was the appeal of Lila?”
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midnightsdarkangel · 5 years
The Woes of Duality (3/?)
Summary: Patton always sees the good in everyone, even in someone such as Deceit. But while he slowly helps the dark sides to see the good in people, something else is changing, and not for the better
Notes: and we’re back again peeps! slightly longer update this time round as we get the other sides now coming into the story~ 
Taglist:  @hufflepuffgirl01 @septic-fallen @sanders-sides-rebloger @notveryglittery @quantumducky @warnadudenexttime @devil-towne/ pm if you wanna be tagged in this)
Patton had no problems going home that night, slipping back through the door to the warm embrace of the hallway he had grown so accustomed to. He followed the trail back to his room only to notice that when he passed the living room the TV was on and playing rather quietly. Virgil was curled up on the sofa, a hand on his cheek as he was dozing off. Smiling softly, Patton knew he could take a detour as he walked up to the anxious side quietly. Nearly half-asleep, Virgil hadn't noticed Patton take a blanket from the basket beside the couch and wrapped it around him, taken back by the sudden warmth as he looked up to see Patton wave at him quietly.
“Pat…? When did you get home?”
“Oh just now, I was busy doing some errands today.” He whispered taking a seat next to Virgil. From observation,Virgil was playing one of Patton’s favourite films, which made his heart swell with happiness as he took the blanket and shuffled himself inside so the two of them could share the heat together. Their knees pressed together as Virgil hummed at Patton’s response, trying to look for the remote to pause the TV.
“Did you sort it all out?”
He asked quietly grabbing the remote from under the pillow behind him and paused it leaving nothing but the soft glow from the tv to illuminate their bodies. Patton focused on his breathing as he smiled gently;
“Yeah…I think I’m starting to get a break through.”
Virgil stared at him quietly. He was quick to notice Patton’s dreamy look as he sighed and curled his knees to his chest. A part of him wanted to question what he had been doing all day since Virgil couldn’t find him in the kitchen at any point of the day, and the others hadn’t seen him either. But it was already midnight and Patton looked exhausted from an observing glance. Shaking his head, he sat up and turned the tv off,extending a hand out to Patton.
“Come on, it’s getting late and you need rest.”
“What about you?” Patton asked taking his hand and was lifted onto his feat.
“I couldn’t really sleep so I was trying to distract my mind; I might take one last walk around the place and call it quits for the day.”
He could tell Patton was giving that same look of concern per the norm on his habits of avoiding sleep. It wasn’t as if Virgil was doing it on purpose however; being anxiety meant a normal task became ten times harder for him to cope with. Even sleeping alone brought too many thoughts he didn’t want to deal with. Fears that while sleeping something might happen to Thomas, or what if he makes one wrong move that ruins everything, or that he might forget something they needed to do the next day. It left him tossing and turning restlessly, feeling guilty that he could even think he could sleep…Patton knew this also; he had tried many attempts to help Virgil sleep at night and while it would work when the moral side was around, Patton couldn’t just babysit him every night. Virgil had to find his own method and so far it seemed walking was a good cool off to get all his troubling thoughts out of the way before returning to his room.
Sighing, Patton nodded and walked out towards the door. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow kiddo, make sure you rest well tonight!” He said, booping Virgil’s nose teasingly before turning the other direction and walking away. He wasn’t aware that Virgil was looking at him questioningly as he turned a left and began his route to his room that he memorised many times before. However, something felt odd when he took the second right; normally at this point he’d be passing the kitchen, but he was in a hallway filled with doors untouched by the other sides. Confused he decided to backtrack and perhaps take the left instead- but the same result happened. Patton KNEW where his room was, it was easy, it was one left, two rights and straight on. So what on earth was going on?
Feeling a headache coming on Patton stopped and leant against the wall in thought.
“Are you lost?”
Screaming in shock Patton jumped up almost whacking Virgil in the face who quickly had to dodge out the way. “Virg...?”
“Yeah, you almost hit me there. Are you alright?”
Patton opened his mouth, wanting to laugh it off and give an excuse but honestly, he was just so…taken back that he couldn’t find his own room. Virgil had seen his lost expression and shook his head taking his hand tugging him along. Patton didn’t argue and helplessly followed along behind the anxious side. He kept looking at his feet in thought. The ground below him wasn’t glowing and he was certain he wasn’t still in the dark scape, so then why was he getting lost now? His hand gripped Virgil’s tighter and a second later he felt his hand squeezed back, which helped him feel grounded.
Taking the second left, Virgil led Patton to his door which glowed softly with fairy lights around the border flickering on and off. He took a step to the side to allow Patton to go through but paused when he saw the side looking at the door in thought, his expression stern as if he was taken back that Virgil would lead him here. Before Virgil would ask Patton what was up, that once troubled expression switched back into a cheerful smile;
“Thanks kiddo, I’ll see you tomorrow!”
And with that he was quick to hurry inside and close the door, leaving the taller side to stare in confusion. Virgil shrugged his shoulders, making his way back to his own room. Whatever the problem was with Patton, hopefully it would be sorted by the next day, right?
“How about we play twister?”
Roman had held up a box in front of the others the next day rather proudly. Patton had finished cooking breakfast for everyone and it was one of those days when no one had to really run off to any pressing matters. Patton was surprised by Roman’s outburst, imagining that he would just slip back into his room after food and do his own thing- normally it was Patton who suggested doing a family activity together. Yet all he was thinking about was when he could see Deceit again, though it wasn’t fair on the others if he kept slipping away. And while he wouldn’t say it out loud, he knew Virgil caught on that something wasn’t right yesterday- and this morning! Once again Patton found himself frustrated trying to navigate his way to the kitchen, managing to get there in half an hour through persistent running. Luckily Virgil hadn’t brought this up to him, most likely respecting Patton’s personal issues and hopefully chalking it up to perhaps being clumsy and tired since he came back to late.
Alas, maybe it would be nice to do something with the others since it had been so long since they really had any time together. Logan looked up from the book he was reading to see what Roman was holding only to sigh and fix his glasses. “I’d prefer something along the lines of scrabble, we don’t even have the space for you to set up the game-“
“I’ll do it!”
Both Patton and Roman called out in unison as they looked to each other with a grin. Thank god also, Patton thought, cause moving the sofas was never an easy task and thankfully Roman was the stronger one of the two. Skipping over to the Prince’s side,they took both ends of the sofa and lifted it up to move it to the corner of the room. Virgil watched them move furniture back and forth as he sighed and stood up, grabbing the game and starting to lay it on the floor. Once everything was set up, Roman beamed proudly at their work and patted Patton on the back before taking his boots off and throwing it across the room.
“Ok someone has to be in charge of the wheel, whose doing that first-“
“I’ll do it!”
Logan called out quickly knowing Virgil was about to do the same thing. Virgil pouted that Logan got there before him as he reluctantly took his own shoes off and placing them against the wall. Patton had already kicked his shoes off and was bouncing from one foot to the other grinning. Knowing how this game was going to go, it was clear it was going to get competitive fast. Roman was too prideful to lose and Virgil’s goal was both to throw Roman off and to survive for as long as he could. Meanwhile, Patton only found the whole thing enjoyable and didn’t mind losing. Logan took the board and sat down on the floor in front of them spinning the wheel;
“Ok, left foot red.”
Roman, having to be extra, already threw his foot down on the nearest red spot. Virgil followed but made sure to give Roman a quick nudge as the game started off simple at first. It wasn’t until the tenth spin that limbs were now entangled in each other’s. Patton was the lowest to the floor,with both his hands stretched out on the two marks. Virgil and Roman were just above him in a tangled mess with their arms and legs; scowling at each other the entire time taunting the other one to fall over. Honestly Patton couldn’t help but laugh at how silly the two were being. He started to wonder what it’d be like if Deceit would play with them. No doubt it would become hectic as the other side would most likely sneak his way around the matt and slip the others up. Patton could only imagine the playful smirk on his face watching Roman fall over in victory.
He missed Deceit…Patton wondered how he was holding up from the last visit. No doubt he must have had a lot on his mind…. Speaking of mind…
He knew Logan was speaking but it was starting to get muffled out, a ringing headache forming in his head as he took one arm that was free again to rub his temple. The room was slowly starting to spin as he kept blinking to get rid of the black spots. Why was he feeling so dizzy…?
Patton had tried to put his hand back on the same spot but managed to slip up and lose his balance falling face first into the mat. This caused a ‘oooh’ from Roman who watched Patton fall over, he was about to reach out to see if he was ok, but Virgil took the opportunity to quickly trip up Roman as he soon tumbled over as well, making Virgil the winner.
“Hah, should’ve been looking at what you were doing princey.”
“No fair, it wasn’t your turn!”
Roman exclaimed sitting up frustrated as Logan cleared his throat to get his attention; “Actually, it was. Virgil wins this round.”
Patton grumbled, feeling the plastic cover smush against his face. He could faintly hear the muffled argument between the two sides above him as he slowly sat back up rubbing his eyes. The headache soon fading as if it was never there in the first place. He felt a hand on his shoulder soon after as he turned around to see Logan standing above him looking concerned. “Do you want to sit this one out?” He asked curiously as Patton took a moment to gather his thoughts together. After a moment he nodded and stood back up wobbling slightly before getting his footing and giving Logan a warm smile;
“Yeah…I guess I don’t want to fall-ter again now do I?”
“Oh my god. Just sit over there already.” Logan grumbled handing the board over to Patton and grabbed the other two sides by the collars yanking them up and away from each other. Roman flailed his limbs about demanding a rematch to which Logan rolled his eyes and told him they were. Patton sat down on a chair that was moved away from the action as he sat on his legs and curled up spinning the board resuming the game. The game carried on for an hour or so as Patton was starting to get tired and distracted, his hand pressed against his cheek bored calling out the colours. In the corner of his gaze through something was bothering him; every time he wasn’t paying attention he swore he could see something moving, very faintly without a noise. Yet every time he took a quick glance nothing was there, apart of him thought it was a mouse but there was no such confirmation yet as it was starting to bother him;
“So, What was all that food you cooked yesterday Patton? I don’t think I saw any of it today.”
Patton snapped back into focus to see the others seemed to had been in a conversation while all caught up in each other. Roman was looking at him expectantly as he fumbled to quickly spin the wheel. “Right hand blue- I had it yesterday, no need to go to waste really.” Roman was quick to get ahead of the others and literally dove towards the nearest blue spot causing the others to groan knowing they weren’t fast enough and had to twist their bodies around for a more inconvenient spot.
“While I do agree with you Patton, food shouldn’t be left alone for too long. It is curious that all the food you cooked yesterday was eaten by you alone, seeing as you had served for nearly a dinner of three that day.”
Logan muffled out hidden underneath Roman at this point trying to perch his glasses back, up on his face from slipping off. Virgil was barely keeping balance at this point, sweat falling down his cheek as his arms were trembling from the awkward position he was in. Patton was fumbling, wondering if he should spin the wheel again seeing how one of them was going to drop soon, and once one did they all would. Roman noticed and groaned irritatedly, being determined to keep steady while the other two were already starting to wobble from the strain.
“Well…” Patton thought about how he was going to answer it but decided to quickly spin the wheel once more resulting in both Logan and Virgil shouting No in horror as the next spot was certain to topple them over.
“Left foot green!”
And with that Patton saw the evil glint in Romans eyes; he was quick to thrust his leg in the air, avoiding the two and grabbing the green spot closest to him, causing the other two to scramble and fall over with a thud. This ended the game once and for all resulting in a chorus of groans from Logan and Virgil helplessly face down on the floor. Chuckling softly, Patton stood up and skipped over to them, lending a hand so each of them could get their balance back up again.  Thankfully after that stunt, Roman and Logic had forgotten all about the food and instead had to listen to Roman boast about how he had been training building up to this day (And by training he meant he was cheating since he was on quests almost every day while the other two didn’t have the time nor energy to do such dangerous stunts.) And while although Virgil didn’t bring it up at first either, it was clear to Patton that he was looking at him questionably knowing Patton purposely threw that game in early.
It wasn’t too hard however to dismiss everyone after the game, offering to cook up lunch for them when they wanted it. Roman and Logan nodded in agreement and went off to their own respective rooms, while Virgil hung around afterwards, his hands in his jacket pocket looking awkward as if he wanted to speak up but wasn’t sure how to go about it. Patton smiled softly at that and gently walked over taking his arm into his linking them together. “How about you help me cook something today?”
He had enough time to kill before he tried his little trip again, and seeing Virgil visibly relax when Patton understood his intentions warmed his heart significantly. The two shared a bond that Patton never wanted to see be forgotten, to see the anxious side soften up around him. The two had an unspoken agreement that sometimes words weren’t needed between them, that their presence alone was comforting to the other one. Out of all the sides, they had clicked rather fast the moment Virgil began to lighten up around the others and be who he really wanted to be inside. Sure, they had their ups and downs, no friendship was always sunshine and rainbows- despite how much Patton would’ve loved that. No, compared to Roman and Logan, Virgil was someone special and as different from Patton as he could get. There was times Virgil thought Patton’s overly affectionate manner was a bit too much to handle, and sometimes, while not intentionally, Patton felt upset when Virgil thought that he could do everything on his own without consulting the moral side.
This…This was why also Patton hadn’t bothered to bring up his trips to Deceit just yet. While it wasn’t said between the sides, it was known that Virgil was once a dark side. Before he was friends with the others, he used to live in the dark sides mindscape and visited on occasion. Patton could still remember the days he’d come at night for a water in the kitchen only to see Virgil curled up on the chair with his knees up holding a cup of coffee. When he saw the moral side he’d initially panic and promise he’d leave, but Patton shook his head and took a seat beside him, offering to bake him some sweets to go with his drink. This was before he had his revelation with the other sides however, so Virgil at the time wasn’t so kind to the others in the way he spoke or held himself; always hunched up and glaring as if he was ready to attack at any minute. And yet the two always shared a cup together at night for a while, Virgil not being ready to come to the mindscape during the day as he felt more at ease, he used to say;
“It’s nice…the darkness, I can slip away easily if I think something might go wrong.”
But it was Virgil who knew it more than anyone else how terrifying the darkness could really be.
While he never spoke about the dark realm when he lived with the others, he thought about the place with a sense of disgust and fear. As if there was something there that wasn’t natural… No doubt if Patton told him he was going there he’d have a heart attack. Virgil took the dark sides and their home very seriously, telling the others there was never any worth for any of them to go over there, and if anyone did need something from that side, Virgil would offer to go in their place having known the place for years and how to navigate the area with ease.
There was something however that interested Patton now that he thought about it as he tugged Virgil to follow him to the kitchen.
Virgil was the only side to be able to navigate both realms with ease.
It was never something Patton thought he’d have to consider, but after his trip and how much struggle he had just finding Deceit, he wondered what really the nature of the mindscape was. Could you easily just swap just like that? If so…could Patton, then be able to navigate the place with ease without needing Deceit to help him? Beaming with the idea he managed to get to the kitchen rather easily this time and pulled Virgil a seat.
“You want your coffee black right?”
“Just like my soul.”
Patton giggled at Virgil’s response as he made small finger guns as he got himself comfortable. Pulling the cups and saucers out, he made sure to separate the tea from the coffee and let the hot water boil. While he was doing this he couldn’t help but tap the counter in thought; maybe he should bring some of his old equipment with him? When he stopped to pay attention, there was a lot of trinkets he didn’t really need in this kitchen per se.
Virgil was observant to notice Patton starting to collect some pans and plates and putting them on a pile in the corner.
“You uh…doing ok there Pat?”
Patton spun around to him confused but looked down to where Virgil was pointing as he felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. He was balancing a plate and a couple of wooden spoons and spatulas in his hand that he was shoving to a corner to collect later.  “Ah this? I um…. Oh! Silly me I should’ve told you sooner, I was thinking of painting some of my utensils. I realised I have so many and it’s so boring if they’re all the exact same.” He explained, putting them neatly in a pile together and turning to Virgil with a small smile, waiting for his approval.
Squinting slightly at Patton’s lie, he eventually shrugged resuming to drink his coffee. Breathing out quietly Patton resumed to collect all the utensils he was going to bring with him in a neat pile. Once he was satisfied Patton tapped his foot in thought, a hand covering his chin as he hummed wondering what he should cook today. It had to be something short and simple, mainly because he did want to go to the other side before it got dark out and, he wasn’t feeling too adventurous today. After a moment, he snapped his fingers together proudly; why not cookies?
Rolling with the idea Patton was now back in his element, collecting everything he needed and throwing it on the table in front of Virgil.
“Let the cooking, begin!”
It had taken them at least two hours to bake the cookies, probably because during the process Patton and Virgil ended up play fighting by throwing flour at each other and laughing when the other looked white as a sheet. The cookies were finished baking in the oven as Patton pulled them out, giving a noise of content of how good they smelled. Virgil was not too far back either, closing his eyes and embracing the delicious aroma as he reached out to grab one from Patton but was stopped when Patton patted his wrist shaking his head; “Let them cool off silly! You’ll burn your hand. Now shoo, back to the table and I'll give you one.”
Virgil pouted at that slouching in defeat as he made his way back to the table patiently. When Patton eventually placed them in front of him, he could feel himself almost drool at how the steam gently came off the cookies, the melted chocolate imbedded inside oozing out on the plate. Not wasting a second, he was quick to eat as many as he could, earning a well-earned laugh from Patton, who was pleased that they came out well. With that sorted, he looked under the sink to grab a bag from the cupboard and started to pack the pots and pans into one bag, and another for the tiny equipment as he hoisted them both up trying to balance.  
“I’m off to paint kiddo, I’ll see you later.”
“Don’t make too much of a mess.”
Virgil hummed in response, waving as the moral side hurried away. Though he had a lazy smile seeing him go off, the smile soon faded into a concerned look. Standing up he took the baked goods into his hands and peered around the door.
It wouldn’t hurt to see where Patton was going, would it?
Today was irritating. Deceit had found himself tapping the table in front of him impatiently as his snake had decided to accompany him today, coiled around his fingers and moving ever so slightly to get accommodated. He was summoned by the other dark sides that morning for a ‘meeting’. It seemed Thomas was falling into a dangerous territory in real life due to the actions he was taking, even if he himself was not aware of it. Now while the light sides would be over there fixing the problem, it was the dark sides job to see if they could spark the fire of  the issues further. They were currently sitting in the living room which had one long oak table in the centre and some chairs while the floor and walls were pitch black, making it look like they were in the void of space in this meeting. Shadows perched themselves around the table, their eyes glowing with their respective colours. No one was truly distinguishable in this realm; all their forms were blurred to the other and looked like a blurred image.
Deceit had offered that perhaps he should take the helm and make Thomas lie to his friends. It would buy them time and would mean no one had to do any arguing today. An idea he hoped they would just agree and end this meeting for the day, but one spoke up in retaliation;
“Lying can only get us so far Deceit. Its clear we must let Thomas act before they have a chance to have a go at him.”
“Why even is Thomas acting like this anyway? I know we cause him shit at times, but it seems he’s actively decided not to care about his friend’s dilemma because it didn’t seem important. When we all bloody know fully well how much he cares for his friends.”
Another side spoke up, dragging their finger against the table irritably. It wasn’t hard for the sides to notice Thomas’s lack of care as of late was something they all didn’t expect, and from countless hours of arguing. It was agreed that none of them had done anything to provoke this situation. Now Thomas was dealing with a pissed off friend because of how insensitive he was towards them. Deceit couldn’t deny he also was intrigued by this sudden shift; it wasn’t anything major, but it was enough to cause concern from all of them, though he had no doubt that the light sides would probably fix the situation before they could even conclude.
No doubt Patton could fix this problem with ease-
That made Deceit pause internally at the very notion that he was thinking of relying on Patton on this occasion. But when he did take a moment to think about it, Patton was perfect for this job- he was Thomas’s moral side. No doubt he could find out what was troubling Thomas’s faster than the others. Meaning….He would have to see the light side soon. That didn’t exactly bring a bad feeling in him this time around, he had slowly come to terms that Patton just simply was a new experience Deceit had to endure with now. Even if the other sides mocked him relentlessly over the ‘acclaimed’ friendship, he was curious what would Patton do now with this new development.
Groaning lowly under his breath, he was irritated that he couldn’t get his mind off the moral side. The others were arguing around him and yet he was more impatient that he couldn’t go to the light side and just find out the root of the problem.
And stare into those ocean eyes once more-
Okay. Now he needed to stop that.
“Got a problem there, Deceit?”
Deceit snapped back, hissing as he crossed his arms and glaring at the side in front of him. He needed to wash those thoughts away now, it wasn’t the time, especially if the others were now wary of him. Taking his hat off for a moment to readjust himself, he brushed the hair from his face with his gloved hand before putting it back on and leaning forward on the table. His elbows were planted firmly as he looked up into the mirage of shadows with a glare.
“It’s clear isn’t it? We watch and see what happens. Thomas is going to solve this situation easily and it certainly won’t escalate. Something we wouldn’t want to see happen to the light sides now do we?”
His tone brushed with the lies he was so accustomed to spill with such ease.
The others failed to speak up at that moment, but it didn’t matter cause there was a sound of clanging and crash sounds deep within the halls causing them all to stand up cautious. None of them spoke in that moment, waiting to hear if there was more crashing, but soon their tension let up when they heard a voice faint from down the hall.
“Ahh its all over the floor…”
Deceit felt his eyes widen when he realised who it was as he was quick to leave the room, ignoring the snickering from the shadows. Down the hallway, he sprinted towards the sound till he was brought to the kitchen, his hand gripping the door way hoping to god he didn’t get caught or hurt-
“Oh hey Dee!”
Deceit looked up out of breath to see Patton was laying out the equipment he brought onto the kitchen table, however some of it had fallen to the floor. He was on the floor currently trying to pick it all back up but was fumbling and making quite a lot of noise. Knowing he wasn’t in any real danger let him sigh and sink his shoulders in relief.
“What are you doing?” He asked walking inside now lending a hand to pick up a pan from the floor and handing it to the moral side.
“Well, I had an idea today. I thought I’d give this place a little touch up- Don’t worry, I’m not going to completely change everything. I was thinking of just giving you guys some of the spare kitchen equipment I barely use anymore and perhaps cleaning up the mess around the counter so that it’s a bit easier to cook in here.”
He said proudly, putting both hands on his hips waiting for Deceits reaction. He honestly looked like a puppy in that moment, waiting for approval to continue what he was doing as he rocked back and forth on his heels excitedly. Chuckling softly, Deceit nodded, “I won’t lend you a hand.” He murmured causing a squeal from Patton who was already starting to scan the area for places he could put the pots and pans since the structure of the kitchen was different and the drawers were filled with dust and cobwebs.  
Taking a few plates himself, he went to the nearest closet and wiped the dust away from the surface before putting them in.
“So, you didn’t make it here on your own then?”
“I was so relieved let me tell you, I did get lost for a few seconds but then I remembered the route you showed me, and I was able to make it here in one piece!”
Deceit looked to Patton surprised; there was no fixed route- so how did he…?
“God these dishes are dirty! I guess you and I have a lot to work out, today don’t we?”
He supposed that had to be a question for another time.
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justinayka · 6 years
How Jacksepticeye and Markiplier Comunnity looks like? {Demographic/Statistic}
I remember this question very clearly.  
How our community looks like?
Not Mark’s or Jack’s separately but as one big fandom of both. I was curious how many people have problems with making friends in here and as also who have a lot of them. How old they are. From which part of world they came from, everything. So around May I decided to make a questionnaire, with few questions about you know, basic stuff.
You have no clue how scared I was.
You may think what was the cause of that, but I am gonna tell ya. I was afraid of being ignored, still I am but then Jesus Christ I was prying for this project to worked out.
And it worked.
Not by my preys, but thanks to you and your power.
Yes, you have an incredible power which you don’t know about, yet.
And together, you are amazing. You are able to defeat all inconvenience, that you can make other person more alive, bright and confident about themself.
Because of you and your will, you made this project even possible. Without you and your encouragement, nothing like this would ever happened.
I didn’t do anything, it’s your work and you should be proud of yourself. Like for real!
Thank you so much, If I could, I would hug every one of you!
Now I will show you how each one of us, is wonderful, beautiful and astounding in on own way.
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I apologize that some of charts look differently from each other, but I assure you that data in them is accurate.
Role in Comunnity
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I honestly never made someone I could call bestfriend or just friend. I have people I know, but not that I would tell them my biggest desires and secrets. No I am non an agressive person, I have problems though. I hope that doesn’t make me look bad.
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It wasn’t a new thing for me to see, a lot of people can’t afford trips to another city, country or to just buy one ticket. I had even on mind creating a post, thing which was supposed to be about not mentoning that you, as a person is going to tour, posts like “Hey guys I am going to Jack show tonight!”, I mean cool that you or someone else can be there but I think about the others. I don’t mean in it in rude way, I am just afraid that because of posts like that, somebody will think of themselves as a pathetic person, get more depressed. I remember how many times I cried because of that, I blamed myself that I am not good enough, I deserved to be not a part of it and other horrible things . Although I didn’t do anything about this idea, cause I was scared, scared that people would yell at me and call me evil. And again I didn’t have any bad intentions in mind, I just thought about those who couldn’t and still can’t go see Jack or Mark.
Sexual Orientation
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I was up again, surprised especially with the male part. I thought that it will be 50/50 but nope, it seems that we, fangirls, rules in comunnity. Just kidding everybody no matter  what gender, sexuality is, they are also an important member of comunnity.
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Disorders, illness etc
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t was the toughest part of chart to make, not only I had a problem to put this in some logical way, but also having number before my very eyes. I am myself an Aspie (person with Asperger Syndrome) so contacting with people can be sometimes not at easy tasks, not mention that I can’t it (depends on second person) hold relations for very long, but I am learning you know, I am trying to be more confident or social, but sometimes Social Anxiety, gets on me.
I am in shock, how many countries are here. In some cases one person belongs from one country and another one from different one. I wasn’t surprised to see U.S at top, but seeing few people from Poland made my heart fluttered.
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I hope that what I said earlier made any sense, my hands were shaking full of excitement while writting it.
And here are people which made this project real, who decided to take their time to do questionnaire. Hug them, respect, reblog their stuff, like support, show that they are a great people.
((Sorry guys that I tagged you but I have to make sure that you get a notification about it and not everyone has open PM or Ask Box))
@rainbowcookie666 ( Good old’ Czech pal go subscribe them ) 
@verobrunhi (Thank you so much for your suggestion for the design of charts buddy. You know that I should seperate them by topic/theme ^^)
((I am so so sorry if I forgot to put someone’s name on the list ;-;))
People who are amazing not only for what they do but also for who they are and I think they would like this project a lot. 
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SANTA CLARA, LEVI’S STADIUM (May 11, 2018) – Masterpost
Below you can find everything about this specific tour date – videos, reviews, impressions, pictures… Also, you will find links to other awesome masterposts people have made. This will be a constant work in progress and I will continue to update this post. If I missed something important, please feel free to point it out and I will update.
You can find this materpost, as well as those for other dates, on REP Tour page on my blog. Enjoy!
Intro/…Ready For It? video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5
I Did Something Bad: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 – video 6
Gorgeous: video 1 – video 2 – video 3
Style: video 1 – video 2 – video 3
Love Story/YBWM: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4
Look What You Made Me Do: video 1 – video 2 – video 3
End Game: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 – video 6
King Of My Heart: video 1 – video 2
Delicate: video 1 – video 2 – video 3
Shake It Off: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 – video 6
Wildest Dreams: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 – video 6
Dancing with Our Hands Tied: video 1 – video 2 – video 3
Blank Space: video 1 – video 2 – video 3
Dress: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5 – video 6 – video 7
Bad Blood/Should’ve Said No: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4
Don’t Blame Me: video 1 – video 2 – video 3
Long Live/New Year’s Day: video 1 – video 2
Getaway Car: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4
Call It What You Want: video 1 – video 2 – video 3
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together/This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: video 1 – video 2 – video 3 – video 4 – video 5
Other videos: walking through crowd – putting on the dress for “Dress” – Why She Disappeared – Taylor’s speech about being grateful – people talking about their impressions – close-up of girls during “Shake It Off” – closing – walking through crowd – speech before Long Live – welcome to reputation Tour (Taylor beaming with happiness) – blooper reel – Taylor saying “I put on my own” by accident – blooper reel – YBWM clap clap – part pf Delicate speech 1 – part of Delicate speech 2 – part of Delicate speech 3 - Taylor waving goodbye to fans
*** Also, taylorswifthongkong is once again doing God’s work and saving all the videos. She explains HERE how you will be able to access them.
Social Media/Fun stuff
Levi’s changing its name on twitter – the show is sold out – the look of the sold out show – meeting Amos – Scott in club Meredith – behind the stage – Taylor’s smile – Nathan Hubbard’s thread about the show (CEO of Ticketmaster) – thank you for understanding – joking around with Amos – giving Scott the gift for Taylor – becoming a fan after watching the show – which song are on which stage
Mercury News – Taylor Swift delivers a near-perfect pop show in Bay Area – May 11th – article
ABC7 News video report – Tales from Taylor Swift concert in Santa Clara – May 11th – video
San Francisco Chronicle – Taylor Swift battles public foes, personal demons on ‘Reputation’ tour stop in Santa Clara – May 12th – article
98.7 The Bull – 7 Reason You Need To See Taylor Swift’s Reputation Tour – May 15th – article
REP Room/meeting Taylor
inside the REP room – she’s a human Barbie Doll – inside REP room – backstage tour from Andrea – fans getting REP room – what dreams are made of – jazysccott with Andrea – Taylor was everything and so nice – inside the REP room – Taylor complimented my make-up – You’re not a wax figure – Scott told me Taylor see everything on Tumblr – costume was a look – Andrea Swift is a legit a Queen – apologizing for smelling like beer – meeting Taylor – around 50 people were in REP room after show – fans with Toshi and Jake – telling Taylor that we miss her vlogs – we chatted about our hair and her music and some mutual experiences – “Golden” as written by Miss Taylor
REP room stories: littletownst – JeremyR_13
Pictures with Taylor: yep.thatsreallymylastname – catelynchrystel – redunderlined – supersillypants – quanecel – JeremyR_13 – scientificadventuresforgirls – lizzillian – sfswift – raynewakeupcall – orphanandrew
All the updates on REP room from this night in Santa Clara HERE and HERE.
Taylor, her team & friends
Taylor’s quotes from this night – opening - Long Live - Delicate
Taylor – it’s a Love Story
Charli XCX – day 2 of REP Tour – thanking Taylor – show 2 is done
San Francisco 49ers – welcoming Taylor with 13 jersey - end game
Reputation Stadium Tour crew on social media – masterpost
Taylor’s reblog on Tumblr – about Taylor’s team – Scott on segway
Camila Cabello – REP robe
Lorrie Turk – Instagram Story
Levi’s Stadium – donating to foster youth in Taylor’s honor
Crowds in Santa Clara – GIF – picture
Blooper reel – GIFs – BOOP video
GIFs - Blank Space - DWOHT
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hyukorkook · 7 years
A/N  hey guys this is writer aish I’ve decided to keep all my scenarios and au’s on this blog so my main @yeol2bean can only be for my fangirl stuff and reblogging stuff. so in celebration of JJ project’s comeback, here’s boyfriend!jaebum you can find the rest of my boyfriend series here
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The kind of frustrating boyfriend who’d never accept his feelings or acknowledge them in front of you, for fear of letting himself be loved.
Jaebum’s biggest issue in the ordeal of finding and staying in love, is just himself. Everytime he finds himself around someone that he actually wants to spoil and spend his life with, he always forces himself to consider his career or all the troublesome things that could lead to a happy ending. His default setting is pessimism. But it’s really impossible to do that around you
You find yourself backstage at one of got7’s concerts. Your friend was an intern at a management company that helped out during events and honestly you were just there to drop off some juice and food for her and her coworkers. You had heard a lot of tales about how the backstage of a concert looked and felt like and you knew it was no easy feat. But you hadn’t expected your friend to barrel at you when you saw her and drag you to the waiting room because one makeup intern hadn’t showed up and there were 7 minutes left to the stage and one of the got7 members had just woken up and there was no one to do makeup for him because everyone was going crazy.
You held her hand and tried to assure her that it really wasn’t your place and you didn’t wanna mess with the idols and get yourself (or worse – her) kicked out because of some mistake. But in her words, “it’s like code red right now and me talking to you just might get me kicked out y/n PLEASE SAVE MY LIFE” ofcourse a friend in need must be helped so you find yourself with a huge (alarming) makeup set and in front of a sleeping jaebum
You tried to get some instructions from the girl working on youngjae next to you, trying your best to understand everything in whisper yells, trying not to wake up jaebum or anyone sleeping behind him. Jinyoung occasionally looks up and eventually passes his manager’s phone with a picture of their last stage with jaebum’s makeup as a guide. You whisper a quick thank you and get working but the minute your fingers touch his skin, jb jerks awake and holds your wrist tightly and dazedly asks
“who the hell are you?”
Though rolling your eyes is a very good option, you don’t have time for that. So you tug your wrist out, murmur a quick ‘the makeup girl’ and keep working on his face. Every few minutes, his eyes keep darting around him, still suspicious. He even tries to ask youngjae for help but youngjae is too busy belting out songs and warming up his throat and eventually jb resigns back into his seat and people are yelling @ you to finish this quick because THE MC IS ON THE STAGE ALREADY GUYS
You can see that every minute makes jb even more nervous so while you’re adding the last bit of mineral powder to set his makeup in place and surveying his hair, you hold onto his wrist. His eyes dart back to you, absolutely shit terrified and he looks at you warily. But you manage to smile at him and go “you can’t go wrong when you look like this ok? Im putting my bets on you.” And while he’s perplexed as hell, you boop his nose and walk out to find your friend
Jinyoung obviously smirks to himself behind the script to his new drama
By the time you’re out, your friend is in the clear and the concert begins and you say your goodbyes and promise her you’ll meet her later for gossip and coffee or something
And nobody mentions anything of that evening except that one time your friend asked how you managed to be in such close proximity with jb and didn’t scream because she knew you were a fan and you were like ‘listen I was tyna d e a l but also the poor boy was so nervous I really couldn’t scream and scare him even more. He looked like a cat dreading a bath’
But is that the end of it???? No because jb just can’t forget this cool and chic girl who walked into his life (aka dressing room) and did his makeup, gave him a smooth af pep talk and walked out just as suavely. But ofcourse he’s got a team to lead and performances to perform and concerts to do and like he can’t possibly ask his manager to track down someone amirite so he keeps mum
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But jinyoung cannot handle how passive aggressive jaebum has become because everytime he sees a new female staff at a GOT7ing shoot or a photoshoot or around the office, he does a double take and creepily stares at them from afar because he keeps expecting you to show up again out of the blue. So jinyoung takes it upon himself finally and he pops up by your friend at their next music bank stage like ‘hey who’s that friend of yours that keeps giving you juice and stuff?’ and your friend is so flustERED AF because jinyoung the prince is talking to her but she gets her shit together soon enough like why she’s just a mom friend why do you wanna know
And jinyoung being the absolute savage he is, SPILLS.
So jinyoung and your friend get into a secret (unnecessarily elaborate) mission to bring about a natural meeting between the two of you and jinyoung basically drags jb to a café you were supposed to meet your friend at, late in the evening. It’s a weekday and most of the crowd has gone home for dinner and the café is nearly closing and you are sending the last of your emails and finishing up work (maybe updating tumblr idk) and jinyoung and jb walk in and you don’t notice them because who cares your friend will find you but jaebum just yells “MAKEUP GIRL” and you legit wanna put your head down like guys it’s been a long day don’t @ me (a/n this is me in real life guys) but you look up anyway to see JB STALKING TOWARDS YOU LIKE A PANTHER AND HE JUST
“what do you mean place your bets on me? You just walked off like that?? What was I supposed to think??
You are quite shook at this point and you’re just watching jb glare at you confused and sit back because he’s also confused about why he’s behaving like this, next to a very smug jinyoung and your friend who carefully slinks into your booth and you’re just looking from one person to another and you’re super low on human strength to communicate so you just make out a bare ‘wait what?’ before jinyoung and your friend decide to SKIDADDLE and leave the two of you to maybe  get something to eat? Drink? Make it a date? Idk you guys go crazy!
Jaebum, who by now has finally realized that you are very lost, offers to buy you food and you refuse out of habit and he just shakes his head and gets up and offhandedly mutters over his shoulder ‘if you don’t come along I’ll just order whatever for you’ so you fucking get off your arse and follow him like a lost puppy.
When your order is all settled and the barista gets to work you just turn to him and ask him what the hell is he doing here and wow why is this so comfortable? You just spoke to him like he was some sot of long term friend you hadn’t seen in a while? And he chuckles under his breath because you said all of that out loud and he replies, ‘honestly I don’t know what’s happening to me either but I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again’
And wow im jaebum we did not know you could flirt so well and he just shrugs like well I didn’t know either.
You guys get to talking and exchange numbers and meet up often for casual food dates blah blah you guys know the drill but that’s not even the fun part
Jb is CONVINCED that he’ll never get a normal life of just being a boyfriend with you, out in the sun, enjoying the day and you’re like CHALLENGE ACCEPTED and you take it upon yourself to plan dates with him where you can take him out but he won’t be stalked by fans or anything and that is. Hard
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So you come up with the weirdest date ideas and you have to pull a lot of strings to make that happen like the time you asked one of your lawyer friends if he could help you sneak onto the terrace of his building so jaebum and you could have a picnic and look at the skyline from there and jb is just like ‘how did you manage to do this??? I can see everyone but no one can see me??’
And on days when there is a baseball match or like graduation in schools, you decide THIS IS THE DAY and you take him to spots that are frequented by high school kids like lets say a famous café strip or some quaint little beach drive and nobody there really cares about him because the kids are at their graduation and he’s so shook because this was such a brilliant idea why did he never think of this
One time you guys took a late night bus to a small coastal town and spent the day in the most remote places that were only frequented by locals and the fisherwomen cooed over how you and jaebum looked so cute walking by the sea, holding hands and trying to take care of each other and jb is so happy because even adults that aren’t related to him, approve of you
But as your relationship progresses you realise that jb is just a very simple man like his idea day is just perform for his fans, have a successful practice day, maybe get inspired and write some lyrics and make progress on the album, and come home + strip to his shorts + make dinner with you
He’s so domestic, he loves making dinner with you. He doesn’t care if you’re good or if you’re making Korean food or whatever. He says that just cutting vegetables in the same space as you, without any words and just jazz playing in the background makes him calm. On really bad days, he looks forward to this time and if he is too tired he’ll sit on the kitchen counter with a carrot or a cucumber and just watch you cook and listen to you talk about your day because he doesn’t have the energy to talk but he thinks listening to what each other has to say is the most important part of a relationship
Such a random hand holder like you won’t even see it coming. He would love it if your hands are smaller than his and everytime you hold hands his brain just explodes with ‘OHMYGOD THEIR HANDS ARE SO SMALL AND CUTE MUST PROTECT ASDFGHJKL”
Nsfw time. Jaebum is bed is a force to be reckoned with because this man is feral, let me tell you a definite strong dom with the most simple but sensual kinks like he just loves neck biting and tracing your collarbone with his lips. Absolutely adores tummy kisses and will put in all his efforts to kiss every inch of your skin but hopes for nothing in return
Will worship the very earth you walk upon if you change things up a little and press kisses to the inside of his elbows and behind his ears and trace your tongue over the outline of his bellybutton and will fucking lose it if you graze your nails down to his navel and he’s just like smh just let me do you already
Not very patient.  Not very quiet. Always moans like he’s seething in anger but he’s just legit trying to keep himself in check from BITING INTO YOUR SKIN and like taking you from here to Neverland wow
A sucker for forehead kisses, especially in the mornings when he’s barely awake but he can feel every inch of your skin next to him
Jb is such a warm pessimistic angtsy sweetheart he deserves all the love guys.
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