#((goodbye kang! it's time for you to be free~ :')))
heavenlyvision · 9 months
Bare II
Word count: 12.8k
Pairing: Liu Kang x F!Reader
Read part one ˗ˏˋhereˎˊ˗ first !
A/N: Part 2 is finally here !! I am sorry it took so long. I lost power at home due to bad storms that came through on Christmas night and have been staying elsewhere, it’s really messed with my writing schedule :((( hopefully the power will be back on at home soon <33 Anywhos, enjoy this creation of my insanity !!!
Summary: Liu Kang pushes you on his want to train you in self-defence and you get to the bottom of why it’s so important to him. Later that night, he wakes you up from his heat… he seems to be having a really good dream.
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, angst but like not really, grinding, cockwarming, p in v sex, light edging, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, creampie, dirty talk, light burns, menace!Liu Kang, minor mention of creepy stranger
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When you wake up you’re still in Liu Kang’s bed, it’s warm and comfortable but he isn’t in it. Dragging yourself up, you sit in his bed and look around the room, which is also devoid of his presence. Your limbs feel heavy as you move, the ground is cold on your feet as you get out of his bed.
The sound of your bare feet hitting the floorboards is filling the quiet house and once you’ve reached the kitchen you can smell something good. There’s a plate of food and a cup of tea sitting on the counter, left for you, Liu Kang is nowhere to be seen but he seems to have made you breakfast and left you a note.
Looking at the note you can see that he’s… stupid. Big fire God is stupid. You skim it but essentially it has the vibes of “I have to go… we will talk about last night later.” Why are men dumb? You sigh and shake your head at the note, already exasperated with him, you wish he’d have woken you up to talk, how long would the conversation have taken.
All this note does is bring you unease, how hard would it have been to write something that doesn’t induce the fight or flight response in you? Seriously? All he had to write instead was, “Stellar sex, I am a busy fire God and have fire God shit to do but I am looking forward to seeing you later”…just something less ominous would have done wonders for you and your anxiety.
Now, you are grumpy, resulting in you eating your breakfast and drinking your tea, stewing in your annoyance. He is allowed to have doubts or whatever his note is meant to get across but leaving a weird note is, well… stupid. Briefly, you wonder what would happen if he came back and you were still here, his note said he intends on speaking with you later but that also feels like an aversion tactic.
To be fair, last night was more of a heat of the moment thing, you haven’t even considered what you would want from him. If he has no feelings for you then maybe it would be better to chalk it up to a mistake, you aren’t stupid, you like him… a lot and being a casual hook up is something you wouldn’t survive. Not from him, it would hurt too much but he doesn’t come across as having no feelings for you. He also doesn’t seem the type to do casual hook-ups.
Leaving without communicating with you properly is irritating, now you’re having to sit here and think of all the what ifs. It’s a waste of time and energy, especially since only one outcome is going to occur anyways. Still, you can’t help but sit here and wonder about what might happen, what he might want, if he would even honestly tell you what he wants.
The note is too vague and mostly conveys doubt in himself and his actions, it’s not explicitly stated but you know him well enough now to read between the lines. If he had felt completely guilt free, he would have stayed or woken you up to say goodbye. He had time to make breakfast, which means he had time to talk to you about this and chose not to.
Sighing again, you get up and clean the dishes he used for you, this day is going to be exhausting, you can already tell. You put your pants from last night back on and grab the rest of your things, ready to head back to your quarters. At the last second you remember the book he gifted you and run back to the room to grab it, it’s still on the nightstand where you left it.
Picking it up, you look it over and take notice of the copy he got. It’s the same published copy you had, which must have taken a bit to find because you got your copy some years ago now. He used some sticky notes for thoughts that wouldn’t fit in the spaces between the words, you did the same thing with yours. He’s properly read it; you can tell by the way his annotations are well thought out and eloquent. It’s such a kind gesture and it displays care for you in a way you’ve never experienced before.
A memory you have with your ex is when you’d asked him if he’d ever read your favourite book and he all but laughed in your face. You just wanted to be able to talk with him about it but obviously he never cared all that much for you. Relationships are hard and messy and now you are wondering what exactly you want. Grabbing the book and everything else you came with, you leave. Ready to walk back.
With the daylight, the trip through the Fire Temple is significantly easier to make. Nothing is obscured and you know exactly where you are, though you know you had poor visibility last night, you still can’t help but feel silly over getting lost and showing up at Liu Kang’s door the way you did.
You also can’t help but feel a little miffed by his blatant avoidance of you this morning, he gave you great sex, great orgasms, and the best gift you’ve ever received only for him to duck you in the morning. What the hell is that? You think the note wouldn’t even be that bad if he had said something less vague.
The walk back is filled with you angry mumbling to yourself, trying to understand his motivation, trying to understand how you’re feeling. Reading yourself and how you feel at any one point is hard, it’s why it took you so long to realise that you weren’t happy in the relationship with your ex. You knew something was wrong, you just took a bit to pinpoint it and by the time you had, it didn’t matter anymore.
Leaving was too difficult and you were comfortable, well, maybe not comfortable but it was familiar. The effort of moving out or asking him to move out was a hard thought and it left you feeling trapped. Clearly, he did not feel the same, having no trouble kicking you out when he was done with you.  
When you get back, the house is quiet and dark, the curtains are open but it’s still cloudy out after all the rain last night. It actually looks like you might get more. You decide to change out of the clothes you’re wearing into some fresh ones, finally wearing a pair of your own clean, dry underwear.
For a good chunk of the morning, you read the book gifted to you, reading over Liu Kang’s thoughts as you go. He has given well thought out insight into how the book has made him feel and why he thinks certain choices were made by the characters. A lot of the thoughts he had align with your own, he even picked up on a couple small things you hadn’t considered in all your read throughs.
It’s still one of the most thoughtful things someone has ever done for you and as you sit here reading how much thought he has put into his notes, you realise that being just his friend isn’t what you want, everything about him has captivated you. You aren’t sure what it is exactly you want from him but you don’t want things to go back to how they were before.
Before you lose your courage, you get up and leave to go looking for him. Waiting on him could take no time at all or too much time and you aren’t willing to wait right now. You aren’t exactly certain on what you’re going to say when you find him but if you don’t find him now, you might not ever tell him how you really feel.
Honesty is hard because it leaves you feeling exposed and open, honesty regarding how you feel is something you struggle with but you aren’t going to let your own hang ups get in the way. Not with him.  
The first drops of rain start to spit onto the ground below you and you consider going back to get an umbrella before ultimately deciding against it. Right now, finding Liu Kang is urgent, you only hope you find him fairly quickly. Especially if it’s about to rain now like it did last night.
The first stops you make are all his usual hang outs but he isn’t at any of them and you’re starting to get wet, the rain isn’t harsh like last night but you certainly aren’t dry. The last place you check is where you usually meet for tea but he isn’t here either, how is it that you seem to have the worst luck when it comes to finding him.
By the time you decide to give up your search and go home, you’re thoroughly soaked, your stomping footsteps have the water flicking back up at you. It’s chilly, not freezing, due to the fact it’s about midday or early afternoon, you can’t be certain on the exact time but either way the water has a cool bite to it without freezing you to the bone.
When you stomp your way into your house, Liu Kang is already there, seemingly about to leave after not finding you. He’s the tiniest bit damp but nowhere near as wet as you, looking to his right hand you see he’s holding an umbrella. The thought of a Fire God using an umbrella is funny to you.
He speaks first, “You need to stop going out in the rain.”
“In my defence… it hadn’t been raining like this when I left,” you shrug at him with your hands slightly raised.  
He retorts, “Was that not your last defence too?”
“Maybe,” you mumble, eyes averting his.
His tone is amused but also exasperated by you when he asks, “Why were you out there?”
“I was looking for you,” your eyes meet his again, “I wanted to talk with you.”
“I said I would talk with you later,” he seems confused.
You argue back, “No, you wrote a weird note that said you would talk with me later, which thanks for that by the way. Totally didn’t fill me with dread reading that first thing in the morning.”
“It was not my intention to worry you,” he steps closer as he speaks.
“Well… you did.” Your arms cross over your chest, still a bit cold. “How hard would it have been to wake me up and talk with me then.”
“I did not want to wake you.” He considers you for a moment, “You were sleeping so peacefully.”
You only scowl at him, it’s meant to be a kindness on his behalf but it felt cruel waking up to a weird letter from the man you slept with the night before. One that you have feelings for at that.
There’s quiet in the room for a moment, a quiet he breaks, “You should change out of your wet clothes.”
You hum at him and move across the room, slipping your shoes off first and leaving them at the front door. You’re only gone from the room for a minute, quickly changing out of your wet clothes into some dry ones, too many outfit changes for today.
Back in the living area, he’s moved to rest against the dining table, not sitting at it but waiting by it, for you. You stand in front of him and awkwardly shuffle your weight back and forth on both feet.
“What exactly about my note upset you?” He’s careful as he speaks, not wanting to upset you further.
“For starters, you left a note.” You look at him, brows raised a touch, “And secondly, your note displayed nothing but guilt or regret, it’s not a nice thing to read after a night that… after a night like that.” Your gaze avoids his again.
He takes in a breath, “My intention was not to make you feel bad…but I am not sure last night–”
“–I am gonna have to stop you right there, big guy.” You cut him off and talk before you’ve fully thought through exactly what you want to say, “I don’t want to hear about how you’ve talked yourself into thinking it was a bad idea. I liked it… I like you.” You’re internally screaming, you just admitted you liked him without thinking it through properly.
“You are making this difficult,” he sighs.
Your brows pinch at his statement, “I’m making what difficult?”
He gestures between the two of you, “Putting distance between us, this is not the most conventional situation, and I am not certain I am good for you.”
Of course, that is where his concerns lie, you tell him clearly, “I don’t want there to be distance between us.”
Initially, his voice is firm, eyes intense, “I do not have the luxury of being selfish…” And then he softens for you all at once, “…But you make me want to be.”
Your skin feels warm at his words, “You have a bad habit of saying things that make me incredibly happy.”
The beginnings of a smile are forming on his face, “Should I stop?”
He smiles full at your response; it’s tinged with a kind of smugness you would normally find unappealing but can’t help but enjoy on him.
You’re not going to let him know that though, “Don’t smile at me, I am still upset about your stupid note. Your pretty words haven’t changed that.”
“My note was… not well thought out. I apologise,” he seems sheepish, his apology genuine.
Keeping a straight face, you reply, “You’re lucky I like you.”
“I think so too,” his smile is so tender as he looks at you.
The way he’s looking at you makes you break, your mostly faux annoyance dropping from your face. You step closer and wrap your arms around him, hugging him. The action confuses him a bit, or at the very least catches him off guard. It takes him a second, but he hugs you back, pulling you closer to him and holding you firmly.
He’s warm and he smells nice, and you could stay here indefinitely, “Just to be clear, you like me too, right?” You feel embarrassed asking him, but you want clarity.
He pulls you back to look at you, both his hands reach up and hold either side of your face, his hands are gentle with you, “So much.”
The smile that breaks out across your face is large, beaming up at him. His eyes are bright, dazzled by your happiness. He leans down and kisses your cheek; you turn your face to the side slightly so you can kiss him on his lips. It’s quick, a small peck but he uses his hands on your face to adjust you, he leans down and takes your lips in his properly.
His kiss is full, heady. He moves his hands from your face to your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your arms move up to loop around his neck. The hands on your hips wander slightly, moving to your back, the back of your head before moving back down to your hips. He’s overwhelming you completely, his touch is everywhere, his lips are soft but firm, demanding in the way he kisses you.
Suddenly, you’re being lifted, he’s pulled you up and he sits you on your dining table, your legs open for him to stand between. His lips go from yours to the side of your face, pressing kisses to your cheek. He trails them down to your neck; his mouth is hot, and his kisses are wet. He lightly sucks at your neck, nipping you every now and again. He’s being careful not to leave any marks behind, but he very clearly wants to.
The gasps and small noises that he pulls from you can’t be helped, you’re sensitive, especially to his touch. He trails his kisses back up the length of your neck, ending right beside your ear. His breath against you makes you shiver and hold back a whine.
“You are such a reactive little thing,” he mumbles against your ear and he’s right; you are but you could’ve sworn you weren’t. It’s just him.
Fighting back another shiver, you go to reply to him, but he breathes on your ear and what would have been the beginnings of your sentence cut off into a small whimper. When he pulls back, he has a very pleased look on his face. You’re scowling back at him, but he doesn’t seem to mind.
One of his hands reach up and grasp the side of your face, he angles you up slightly before leaning down and planting a full kiss on your lips. One you accept and return, despite your annoyance with him.
He moves back and hums, “As much as I would love to stay here and play with you, I have to go.”
“Cruel.” You comment, pouting at him.
He has a light smile on his lips, the rest of his features easy as he looks at you, “I will see you tomorrow, I’ll come get you.”
You can’t help but be sceptical of him, his tone is hiding something, “For what?”
“I am going to begin teaching you self-defence,” his expression holds steady, he’s not asking anymore. He’s being polite but his tone has an underlying dominance to it, not willing to argue with you on this.
So, you sigh at him, displaying that you’re still not completely on board, “Fine.”
“You will do great,” his hand holds onto yours, gripping it once in encouragement.
The concerns you have don’t have anything to do with how you might do performance wise, it’s more that you don’t really see it necessary and would rather avoid a fight it you could. Like you’ve told him previously, he keeps you separate from everything for the most part, so you don’t really understand why he wants this of you so badly.
The only reason you’ve continued to be so difficult about this is because it feels like he’s keeping something important from you and you’ve been trying to push it out of him. But as you’ve just witnessed, he is not entertaining conversation regarding this anymore. Not like that will stop you though, you just have to find a better opening.
“I am not worried about that,” your own hand grasps his once in response.
He knows what you mean, he’s been aware of the way you’ve been feeling him out every time the topic of ‘training’ comes up. He isn’t going to divulge anything though, instead he smiles politely at you and kisses you again. For the final time before he departs, his absence already felt the minute he’s out the door.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
In the morning, Liu Kang keeps his promise. Which is unfortunate for you, it’s early morning and quite frankly, it’s too early for you when he’s knocking on your door. You don’t even want to get up and let him in, but you do. Which is quite the effort for you, but you manage and potter over to the front door, pulling it open to reveal him in all his glory. He looks good, he looks ready for the day… you do not.
His eyes are alight with mirth when he sees the state you’re in, still in your pyjamas, completely unkempt and unready for the day, “You look lovely,” he comments.
You groan at him, “It’s too early.”
“It is early, I can make some tea for you?” He’s trying to butter you up, since you’ve finally caved into what he wants.
You step to the side so he can enter, “I would like that.”
He moves closer to you, leaning down to kiss your cheek before brushing past your frame. He’s familiar with your kitchen and puts the kettle on, “You can get changed, it will probably be done then.”
“I will be back,” you smile at him, having him in your kitchen making tea for you makes your chest bloom with happiness.
Your footsteps can be heard shuffling back down the hall towards your room, Liu Kang can be heard opening cupboards in the kitchen. The clinking of mugs can also be heard as he grabs a couple of them for the pair of you.
In your room, you move over to your set of drawers, considering what would be most comfortable for today. You assume he’s going to have you moving around quite a bit, so you’ll have to wear something light and easy to move in. The safest bet is a pair of pants and a simple shirt, basic but should get the job done.
Once you’ve changed, you walk back to the kitchen where Liu Kang is, he’s sat at your dining table waiting for you. A cup of tea sitting across from him, for you.
You sit down in front of him, “Thank you for the tea.”
“You are more than welcome,” he answers, watching you as you take your first sip.
It’s warm and made exactly how you like it; he always makes it perfectly for you. A man of many talents. The tea soothes you, making you feel better about starting the day so early.
Your words are mostly spoken into your cup, “You better not make this a habit, I am not a morning person.”
He hums at you, “I make no promises.”
Your eyes squint at him over the rim of your mug, annoyed at the possibility of him waking you up this early regularly. He just smiles graciously back at you.
After tea, he washes up your mugs, even though you protest. Then he’s leading you out of your house and to a quiet area of the temple you have never been. It’s secluded but open, the perfect area to have tea. Not to Liu Kang though, to him it’s the perfect area to teach you self-defence.
You haven’t told him, but you actually know self-defence to a certain extent. You were single and living by yourself in the city for some time, so you had taken up some classes on it. It went fine, you aren’t skilled or anything, it’s just the basics in case you get assaulted or mugged. You know enough for if you need to get someone off you long enough to get away.
Your experience in the classes is part of the reason why you didn’t want to do this in the first place, the teacher was sketchy. He never did anything to you, but he enjoyed teaching that class a little too much and his hands lingered for just a little too long sometimes. You don’t know if it was malicious or not, but you were uncomfortable enough to never go back and not enrol in any new classes.
The idea of doing this with a stranger was a hard no but having it be Liu Kang makes it easier, you’d still rather not do it but that’s more because he’s keeping something from you. Something you will find out today, he will be answering your questions because you aren’t going to keep doing this for no reason. And you know he has a reason; he isn’t doing this just for kicks.
“Are you listening?” He asks you suddenly.
Was he talking? “Yes?”
“What did I just say?” He looks at you pointedly, waiting for your wrong answer.
You look off to the side, trying to think hard about what he may have been saying, “…Something about how… this is important, and you want me to take it seriously?” you try, your face cringing as you finish your sentence.
He looks to you and sighs, “Essentially, yes.”
A proud smile breaks out across your face, “See? I was paying attention,” you tell him, nodding your head.
One of his brows raise at you slightly, he knows you didn’t hear a thing he was saying before. He comes up to you, both his hands reach up and hold your face between his hands, his eyes looking into your own intensely. “This is important, focus. Please?”
“I will… sorry,” you feel bad, his eyes are pleading with you to take this seriously, so you will.
He leans down and kisses your lips softly, “Thank you.”
You hum at him in acknowledgement, momentarily distracted by his kiss, wanting more of him.
“I just want you to know some self-defence, it will be basic, and I will help you,” he assures you.
You aren’t worried though, “Sounds good.”
He moves behind you, “Okay, I am going to grab you from behind, do what you think you should do and then I will show you the correct way to free yourself.”
“I am ready, just go for it,” you tell him, he’s obviously a bit nervous, he doesn’t want to upset you or make you uncomfortable.
His arms wrap around you, under your arms, normally you would try and slide down between his arms to get away but his hold under yours means you won’t get very far. Instead, you lean all the way down and pull his ankle forward, using your weight and his loss of balance to push him back. He goes down and you go with him. His hold on you lessens and you use the opportunity to get yourself free and stand back up, you’re looking down at him now.
He’s on the floor looking up to you, his eyes examining your own, “You have done this before.”
“I never said I hadn’t,” You reply, he squints at you, and you give him your hand to help him up, which he takes.
When he’s on his feet again he asks you, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why haven’t you told me why it’s so important I know self-defence?” You counter.
He sighs at you, “I want to know you can take care of yourself.”
“Yes but it’s one thing to be able to care of yourself and another to learn self-defence in case of bodily harm,” you emphasise, “This came out of left field, Liu and you know it. Something changed for you, and I want to know what it was.”
“My feelings for you changed, I want you near me, always. I want to be with you, to care for you, always… but I can’t be.” He’s frowning slightly.
You look at him dubiously, “And so your solution was teaching me how to defend myself in an attack?”
“No.” He answers quickly, “My solution is bringing you with me.”
“The champions, will be gathered soon and I will be spending a lot of time at the academy… it’s selfish of me but I would like you to come with me, I would like to have you beside me and I would feel better about that if you could defend yourself.” He’s still frowning, clearly unimpressed with his own wants.
“I will go with you anywhere,” you tell him because you would, you would go anywhere, as long as he is beside you.
He reaches for you, both his hands resting on either of your shoulders, his expression charmed by you and your words, “I would like that.”
You smile tenderly at him, “You realise you’ve been kind of silly, keeping this from me?”
“Maybe but how long did you keep your feelings for me to yourself?” He retorts.
“Not the same,” you huff at him, “And you did the same thing,” you point out.
He hums at you, a hand lifting off your shoulder to hold the side of your face, gently cradling it, “I will fix it now then, I like you and would like you to stay by my side.”
“I suppose I will come with you,” you’re pretending to be apathetic, but his words make you so happy.
His eyes lift with his smile, “I need to know the extent of your self-defence training.”
“I know only the basics; I know how to evade an attacker and get myself free of a hold. I don’t know much else.”
“It is more than I thought,” he’s smiling brightly at you.
“What?” You are confused as to why he is so happy right now.
“It means I can teach you offensive attacks,” he informs.
You frown at him, “If I am going to be with you, do I really need to know how to attack someone?”
“It would make me feel better,” he replies, his thumb strokes your cheek.
Your tone is serious as you address him, “Liu, I don’t want to have to attack someone, I hope you know that.”
“I know and hopefully, you won’t but I’d like to know you could.” His expression is serious and so is his tone.
“You’re pushy,” you complain.
The side of his lips quirk up in a smile, “Only because I care.”
“You will not be teaching me any attacks today.” He opens his mouth to protest but you hold a finger up, “No, I have to think about it, attacking someone is different from defending yourself.” You’re looking at him firmly.
You aren’t one of his champions, you are not a fighter. You learnt self-defence out of concern for your own safety and well-being, learning to attack someone is something else entirely and you will have to think on whether or not you want to learn something like that.
“I would like you to consider it, but I understand,” he says before pulling you to him, holding you firmly. You can’t tell if he wants to comfort you or himself.
You sigh against him, “I will show you all I do know today, though.”
“I would like that,” he speaks into the top of your head.
So, you show him all you know. You spend a good amount of time showing him the different kinds of self-defence moves you know, and he helps you, teaching you better ways to do things or correcting your form. It is informative and you’re comfortable with him, his hands are warm, and they guide you.
His touch is innocent, his only intent is helping you show him what you know. He has no ulterior motives, and you realise that the teacher you had was definitely just creepy because this man you’ve slept with is holding you with the innocence of a man who has never seen you naked and has no desire to, his only desire is teaching you and seeing what you’re capable of.
“What is wrong?” Liu Kang asks.
Your face has betrayed your silent moment of realisation, a deep frown set in your eyebrows that you hadn’t noticed, “It’s nothing.” You smile at him, dropping the frown from your face.
He takes you in for a moment, determining if he should push you on this but lets it go, the both of you picking up where you left off. It isn’t until late morning, almost midday that you both stop.
“You know significantly more than I thought you would,” he says.
Looking to him, you reply, “I told you; I only know the basics.”
He makes a sound of amusement, “You know a bit more than the basics.”
You’re a tad shocked, “I do?”
“You do.” He confirms.
“How odd,” you comment.
“Come on, let’s walk back,” he grabs your hand and leads you back. The walk is quiet, and you enjoy the warmth of his large hand for most of it.
Beside you, he squeezes the hand he’s holding to get your attention, “Are you okay, with everything?”
“Yeah, I am okay.” You assure him.
He isn’t sure and tries to offer you an out, “I am being selfish by wanting you with me, you do not have to come.”
“I meant what I said, I would go anywhere with you,” you smile at him and lean into his side.
He hums from beside you, “Good.”
₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
He doesn’t stay long with you; he has to leave for the rest of the afternoon into the evening, but he said he would visit you later in the night if it isn’t too late. You had told him to come by even if it is late, but you don’t know if he will.
The tail end of the day is spent doing whatever you can, mostly though, you read the book Liu Kang gifted you. The notes he left are like reading his mind, they’re extensive and you’re wondering what you could do in return. Something kind that he’d like, something he can appreciate as much as you appreciate the book, but you don’t know what exactly that would be.
Looking to the clock on the wall, you can see the time has slipped by quickly, closer to midnight now. You peel yourself from your spot on the couch and move to lock the door before deciding against it, hoping Liu will stop by and let himself in.
Instead, you potter down the hall and slip into your bed, reflecting on things, head full of thoughts. The day had taken more out of you than you expected it to, you’re still a little stunned that you know self-defence well enough to impress Liu, though he didn’t think you knew any sort of defence, so his surprise is warranted.
You suppose you took those classes fairly regularly for a while and you enjoyed learning, so it shouldn’t shock you completely that you know it well. It’s a damn shame about that teacher though, you really hope he isn’t still teaching.
Thinking about that city fills you with a sense of melancholy, so many bad memories you left behind but also some good things too. You think, you’ll want to go back soon, to see the few friends you had there, maybe go back to that café with Liu.
The plushness of your bed is calling you, and you find yourself sinking back further into it, adjusting yourself so you’re completely content. The comfort of the bed has your eyes drooping, dozing off and drifting into a quiet slumber. Your dreams are empty, thoughts clear for once and you feel warm, comforted. It’s peaceful and you don’t remember the last time you’ve had such a tranquil sleep.
But then the warmth has you getting hot, body temperature rising uncomfortably. You can’t move and eventually your body wakes you up, startling yourself slightly. When you open your eyes, everything is dark and your mind is hazy from the sleep but with what little consciousness you do have, you realise what the cause of the heat was. Liu has crawled into bed behind you and pulled your body to his, his arms keeping you close but whatever he’s dreaming about has his powers a bit out of whack. You wonder how much time has passed and how long he’s been in bed next to you.
His skin is burning up and it’s unfortunately what woke you up, he was unintentionally overheating you while you both slept. Shuffling, you turn around in his hold and put a hand on his face, he’s very hot. He unconsciously pulls you closer to him, a hand wanders down to your hip and pulls you to him. Your front collides with his and, oh? You can see now why he’s burning up; his cock is solid against you.
A sigh leaves his mouth from slightly above you, his cock grinding into you lazily. The hand you have on his cheek quickly taps at his face to wake him; you’re surprised by his unconscious desperation, and you briefly wonder what he is dreaming about.
He wakes up at your touch on his face, his eyes bleary as he looks down to you, he hums in question at you; wordlessly asking why you woke him up.
“Uhm, you…” The words trail off, you can’t seem to find out how to phrase what you want to tell him and now your sleepy brain is needy for him.
Liu grunts at you, fully aware of his own situation now that he’s awake, “Did I wake you?” His words are mumbled, still half asleep.
Your brain is a few steps behind your mouth and your response is to mutter out, “You are hot.”
His eyes close again but his mouth rises into a lazy smile, “You think so?”
You take a second to think of your words first this time, “I mean, yes but you were literally hot, your heat woke me up.”
“You think I am hot,” he teases you, voice deep with sleep.
Sighing you ask him bluntly, “What were you dreaming of?”
One of his eyes open to look down at you, eyebrow raised, “Guess.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, you don’t like guessing games, “You sure you can’t just tell me?”
He doesn’t reply, his smile is sly.
He’s the one who was so worked up he almost burnt you in your sleep, “Are you sure you’re in a position to tease?” You enquire.
“And what do you mean by that?” You’ve caught his attention now.
“I mean, you are the needy one right now,” you observe.
“Hmmm, I may be needy,” He mocks your usage of the word, “but I will make you desperate,” his hand pulls your thigh over his hip, his hard cock pressing directly into your core; it makes you gasp. “Want me to show you what I was dreaming of?”
You fight the urge to grind yourself against his dick, not wanting to prove him right. You want to show that he is needier than you, at least tonight but with the way he holds your cunt firmly to his cock without so much as moving an inch, you think you might lose this battle. He’s so hard against you and you’re itching for him to move, to give you a fraction of relief but he’s only holding you, nothing more.
His gaze is unbothered, clearly, awake Liu Kang has far more control than asleep Liu Kang, “Answer me.”
You can feel yourself growing wetter the longer he holds you to him, you’re fighting against yourself. The urge to take what you need growing, but you doubt you would even get close to succeeding.
“Love your facial expression, do you know how desperate you already look for me?”
You look away and pout, “It’s not intentional…”
A finger hooks under your chin and makes your gaze meet his again, “It never is,” his tone is amused, “You wear all your thoughts on your face,” he comments.
“I want to know,” you answer his question from before, his brow raises and you clarify, “I want to know what you were dreaming about.”
“Are you sure?” He’s straight faced as he asks.
Suddenly, he rolls over and takes you with him, he sits you on his lap. You’re sitting on his cock and you’re trying so hard not to grind down into him, though you really would love nothing more than making him cum in his pants for you. He rips your underwear and sleep shorts off, the display of strength astounding to you. Instead of dropping them to the floor like a normal person though, he burns them, he burns your underwear and shorts to a crisp in front of you.
You’re shocked, “Wh– What the hell?”
“Next time, keep your bottom half bare,” he shrugs.
“Liu,” you’re still shocked, he might be a little bit more needier than he’s letting on.
Your expression is stunned, “You could’ve just put them on the floor.”
“I could have, yes.” He confirms. “Can I stuff you full now? Or do you need another moment to scold me?”
You’re at a loss for words, torn between scolding him and wanting to be full of him. His face is unbothered, but his eyes are knowing, he knows what you will pick, and you really wish you were more spiteful, to teach him a lesson, but you want him inside you.
“Hmmm, I think…” his fingers slip to your pussy, sliding through your folds and spreading your slick all over yourself, “…You need me to fill you up right now,” his fingers are coated in your wetness when he removes them, he shows them to you before pushing them into your mouth.
Your lips wrap around his fingers and suck, cleaning them of yourself. Liu grunts at the feeling of your tongue licking at them, his eyes carefully watching the way your lips are engulfing his large fingers. His gaze is far away as he watches the way he pulls them out of your mouth, obsessing over your mouth, over your lips.
His focus comes back, and he frowns, his hands pull your shirt up and off you quickly; the action surprises you. Gathering yourself, you say, “Do not burn it!”
The expression he wears is amused and for a moment he looks like he’s considering burning it in front of you, just to see your reaction. He ultimately decides against it and chucks it on the floor, something he could have done to your shorts and underwear.
“Pleased?” He asks, raising a brow at you.
“As much as I can be after you’ve…” your retort trails off because he has completely ignored you, pulling his cock out of his pants as you were speaking.
And as you look at his big dick, you’re struck, completely wordless and salivating as you look at it and the way his hand grips himself. His thumb rubs over the tip of his cock, he must’ve been having one hell of a dream because he is incredibly hard and slick. His own precum dribbling from the head of his cock in thick globs, his thumb spreads it all over himself, hand dragging it down over his length.
His cock is shiny and coated in his own mess, you’re practically drooling, your cunt throbbing with your overwhelming need for him, “Liu,” your voice is breathy as you call out his name and it makes his cock jump in his hand.
Your hand reaches out to replace his own, holding him firmly but gently, you stroke up and down his length. Your movements spread more of his precum over his large cock, your thumb rubs at his tip, smearing it all over. His breaths are picking up, his hips twitching, holding back from fucking into your hand. His eyes are shut, savouring the feeling of your softer and smaller hand on him.
“Put. It. In,” he hisses out between clenched teeth, “Or I will.”
You hesitate, finding it an opportune time to tease him, “Why? Are you getting needy?” Your voice singsongs to him, full of mirth.
His eyes flick back open to look at you, his gaze dark and hungry and you feel like maybe, you did not have the upper hand you thought you had. Now, you think, he was maybe indulging you. His finger moves to your core, spreading your slick all over yourself again.
He avoids your clit and lightly pushes the tip of a finger into your pussy hole, only to drag it out and play with your cunt by smearing your arousal all over yourself. The action has your hand pulling back from his cock, grabbing at his wrist, holding onto him. He is working you up purposefully, not giving you any real pleasure. And it really does feel like a punishment because you already wanted him.
You go to ask him for more, “Can you–”
“–Shhh,” he cuts you off, not giving you the chance to request more from him, “You think I am needier than you?”
You don’t answer but your lack of a response is still a response.
“Hmmm, I will remind you of how fun you are to play with, how desperate you get for me,” his fingers still slide through your slick cunt. “How easy it is to have you cumming for me.”
Your pussy clenches down on emptiness, wanting so bad to be full of him. Wanting him to stop teasing you and force his cock inside your very wet cunt but you made a miss step, mistaking his directions for a moment of weakness. And while you were right about his need, he’s certainly not going to give up the control that easily.
God, you just need him to stop being so cruel, his cock is thick and heavy and slick, oozing precum still, but he’s not willing to give you the satisfaction, not now, not after your taunt.
“Liu, please– I… want you,” his fingers still avoid your clit, only really making a mess and not giving you any satisfactory pleasure, you feel like you might shed a tear.
He hums in thought at you, his gaze on your cunt and his fingers, “You want me?”
As you go to answer, his fingers slip over your clit, rubbing tight circles into it very suddenly. Your body collapses forward, hands coming out and landing on his chest to hold yourself up. He chuckles at your reaction, at the way you’re already borderline shaking on top of him. His fingers are relentless, and he was right because you’re already right on the edge and just as you think he might push you off it, he pulls his hand back. It lands on your hip, fingers wet and sticky from your cunt.
They drum against your skin, “You were saying?”
You glare at him, your voice shakes, “That was mean.”
He only smiles politely at you, his expression easy, unbothered by seemingly, everything. He’s waiting for you to speak, and you know exactly what he wants to hear but you only purse your lips and stare at him.
He tuts in response to your defiance, “Got to ask for the things you want, love.”
You pout, “I want you.”
“I am right here,” he retorts, the hand on your hip slides up the side of your body, landing on your tit.
His free hand comes up and grabs at your other tit, he fondles your chest, his hold firm. The way he’s groping you is driving you up a wall and his cock jumps against his abdomen at the way you whine for him. His index and middle fingers pinch your nipples between them as he grabs at you and another pitiful whine comes from you. He releases a mix between a sigh and groan at the sound, obviously struggling with his desire for you.
Your eyes are big and pitiful when you look to his, “Liu, please, I want you inside–”
“–Not what I want to hear,” he cuts you off, eyes stern as he looks at you.
Leaning forward, he presses his lips to your neck, your hands move from his chest to hold onto his shoulders, and you’re surprised at how hot he has gotten again. His body temperature increasing with the way he’s restraining himself; his mouth sucks a mark into your neck and his tongue is hot as it licks at your skin.
His hands grip your hips and pull you closer to him again, his mouth sucking marks into your neck, your chest. He’s working his way down, leaving hot and wet marks against your skin everywhere his lips go. Once he’s reached your breasts, he takes a nipple into his mouth, tongue flicking at it, the warmth of his mouth makes you twitch on top of him, a gasped whine exiting your lungs at his ministrations.
He pulls back but bites at your nipple lightly as he does, it makes you jump and gasp, “Liu, please…” He makes a noncommittal noise, still not hearing what he wants from you.
The grip he has on your hips moves to your thighs, he’s grabbing at your skin, enjoying the softness of your thighs, his hands are hot on your delicate skin, and you squirm in his lap. His gaze locks onto your thighs, and you think you know what he wants, probably wants to leave marks on them.
After he gets an eyeful, his eyes look to your cunt, your slick dripping down your thighs with how little he’s given you. So horny for him and he’s done nothing but edge you once and fondle you. One of his hands slips from your thigh to your pussy, fingers immediately massaging your clit, you’re so worked up that you moan at the slight touch. His other hand grips harshly at your thigh, grounding himself.
“You are so wet,” he observes, his fingers still rubbing your clit, “Why don’t you end your suffering and tell me what I want to hear?”
Your response isn’t much of a response at all, only a small broken whimper passing your lips. The pathetic sound has Liu’s abs tightening, his cock twitching, the heat he’s radiating increasing, obviously he’s torturing himself at the moment. He looks delicious and as much as you’d love to see how much it’d take to break him; you don’t think you would survive it.
“I need you, please,” you break for him, eyes pleading, wet and almost crying, so close to finishing and wanting him to let you. He doesn’t reply though, and it worries you, so you beg, “please, Liu –nngh– need you to– I–” You’re incoherent and your voice is whiney but when you look into his eyes, fuck. He looks… feral.
His hand speeds up for you, his grip on your thigh loosens just the smallest amount, enough so you can grind down onto him a bit. You’re leaking down his hand, down his wrist, your nails dig into his shoulders and right as you’re about to cum again, he pulls his hand away… again.
The sound you release is a borderline sob, your pussy is throbbing with need, and you’re so confused as to why he didn’t let you cum. Your eyes fill with unshed tears as you look at him, your voice is small when you ask, “Why?”
He wears a large smile on his face, eyes still feral but he seems to have found a new kind of resolve, “Something wrong?”
You’re speechless, are you still being punished? Why didn’t he let you cum, did you not give in to him? “What did I do wrong?” Your brows are pulled up, worried.
“Nothing, you have been perfect,” he smiles assuredly at you, but his expression has an underlying wicked hunger. He taps your thigh, so you hold yourself up, “I’m going to stuff you full now,” he informs you and at his words you hold yourself up for him.
You don’t want to get your hopes up, now feeling like his show of mercy will come with conditions but you are really hoping he will fill your cunt. He grips his cock in his hand, pulling you closer to him, when you’re in reach, he rubs the messy tip of himself through your folds. The pair of you already a mess in your own rights, the action mixing the two together.
“Take the tip,” he directs, voice firm, warning you to only take the tip of him.
“Yessir,” you murmur in response as a joke, but his dick twitches the smallest bit in his hold.
For your own sanity, you don’t tease him for it, fearing you may not survive anymore edging. You do as you’re told, lowering yourself onto his cock and taking only the tip of him, with how wet you both are, it’s an easy fit. You take his tip well, but you are slightly concerned with taking the rest of him; right now, you think, if he slammed up into you all at once, you’d cum on his dick alone.
Your thighs are burning slightly at how you’re having to hold yourself up, trying not to take anymore of him. He’s breathing heavily, his skin getting hotter again, his hands move to your thighs and grip them, pulling at the supple flesh. Your pussy is pulsing around the tip of him and he’s doing everything he can to hold back, having a specific plan for how he wants to fuck you tonight and doesn’t want to ruin it by losing control here.
His thumb slips to your clit and rubs into it, flicking at it, it makes you moan and has you itching to sit down on him. Wanting to feel completely stuffed full, “Liu, I want –nghh– I want all of you.”
“That’s too bad because I want you to do as I say,” he replies harshly, voice hissed between his clenched teeth. His commanding voice and the attention he’s giving your clit makes you clench down on him, he continues talking, “I want you to cum, that’s what I want.”
Something about him tonight is driving you crazy and you were already so close to cumming before he spoke but now, after hearing him tell you what he wants, you’re a split second away from cumming. The final straw is when you look down to where you’re taking just the tip of him, your own arousal sliding down the sides of his cock, the mess is obscene, and it makes you cry out.
Your nails dig into the skin of his shoulders again, needing the leverage as you cum on him. The feeling of your walls fluttering on the head of his cock makes him groan, loudly. His head falls back on the headboard and his eyes close, needing a moment to recover before making his next move.
The breaths you release are huffed; he’s finally let you cum and it makes your previously unshed tears slip down your cheeks. The relief you feel is euphoric, your head dizzy with how good it felt. He only edged you twice and you just about lost your mind, if he ever tries to do that properly, he might kill you. Or drive you actually insane.
He opens his eyes to look at you, “Crying over the tip of my cock?” His tone is cocky, knowing he’s pulling you apart so well.
“No,” you lie, a hand moving off him to wipe at your cheeks but one of his own hands stop you, grabbing your wrist.
“Leave it, you look cute, crying over my dick,” he muses aloud to you.
You look at him sceptically but don’t wipe your face all the same, letting him have his way. When he’s sure you won’t wipe your face, he drops your hand.
“Sit down,” he says, “Take it all, for me.”
You feel yourself flutter with excitement, looking forward to finally being full of him. You slide down his length, taking more of him, slowly as you do. The stretch of him is delicious and you think, even if it hurt, you wouldn’t stop, your need for him outweighing any pain. You want him in you, want his pelvis grinding into your clit, need, you need his pelvis grinding into your clit.
The both of you are so slick and sticky the sounds can already be heard in the room, a soft squelching as your cunt sinks down on him. His hands hold your hips, helping guide you down onto him fully, you’re taking your time, wanting to be careful. Your hands move to his pecs, open palms splayed on his chest, there’s heat radiating from him, hotter now than when he almost overheated you in your sleep.
“You’re –nngh– really h–hot, Liu,” you tell him, concerned by it.
He smiles at you suggestively, and if you weren’t still trying to take all of his cock, you would roll your eyes at him. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” he reassures you, knowing you are worrying for him and his wellbeing, even with his cock a few inches in you.
He’s getting impatient at how long it’s taking you to get all of him inside you, his frustration reaching a head. Instead, he takes control and shoves you down on him, filling you all at once, the shock of it, of being so full suddenly, the slap of his pelvis against your clit, it makes you cum on him very suddenly. Small whimpers falling from your lips, your hips unconsciously keep grinding into him, riding out the high. Your cunt clenching down on him, hard, with your orgasm.
A guttural groan comes from Liu, you can feel it rumble in his chest under your hands, “That’s it– mmph– love how easy you cum for me–” he sighs out, relishing in the way you’re gripping his fat cock.
Your hips come to halt, done grinding down into him but his hands on you keep moving you against him. Encouraging you to keep grinding, it makes your stomach do flips, barely even coming down from your high before he’s trying to get you to cum again.
“It’s too much–”
“–I thought you needed it,” he counters.
You shudder against him, already on the edge so quickly after your last orgasm. You try to tell him how it feels, how it’s so overwhelming. Having his cock grinding so deeply inside you, having your clit drag against his pelvis, it’s so much. But nothing leaves you, nothing but a few more tears and small whimpers.
His expression as he watches you is sure; he knows what he’s doing, and he knows what he wants from you. You play right into his hand, and nothing brings him more joy than that, “You want to know what I need?” He asks you.
You shake your head at him, not really paying attention.
“I need you to cum again,” he tells you and he’s serious, his hands grip you harder and drag you against him firmer.
The added pressure has you cumming on him again, your cunt squeezing him tightly as you cream around him, again. He moans pleasurably, overjoyed at you doing as he says and at the way your cunt cums messily around him. He twitches inside you, sensitive and needy for you but having too much fun playing with you to stop.
Even as your body jolts from overstimulation, he doesn’t stop dragging you against him, still forcing your hips to grind down, “Liu, I need a moment–”
“–No, you don’t.”
With the way he’s filling you completely and the stimulation on your clit, he’s going to kill you, or have you passing out on his cock. Your arms struggle to keep yourself up, shaking against his chest. One of his hands leave your hips to pull you to him, your bare chest pressed to his own. He’s so hot.
How he’s holding you now, he leans back slightly, feet planting on the bed. Using his leverage to grind up into you as he forces you down on him, it has you moaning into his skin. The hand on your back slides up and grabs at the back of your neck, holding you to him.
“I know you’re already close again,” his voice is breaking, holding back his own sounds of pleasure until they only come out as whiney breaths.
You whinge against him, “I can’t–”
“–You can, and you will.”
His skin is so warm, so firm, all his muscles moving against you. His large cock fills you so well and you want him to actually fuck you, but you’re concerned you might not be able to take it. You’re drooling on his skin now, just from his incessant grinding, the thought of him actually fucking you has your cunt clenching and brain short circuiting.
“Come on, love–” his words are cut off by his own gasp, you’ve cum at the sound of his voice. It’s low but pitched with need and he sounds so fucking good that you cum on the spot, your pussy choking his dick harshly.
He groans at the way you grip him; his hands stop dragging you down onto him, but his hips chase yours, his own desperation showing in the way he’s rutting against you. His arms wrap around you, holding you to him tightly. He keeps grinding up into you and it makes you whine into his neck.
He’s breathing heavily next to your ear, borderline whimpering at the way you wrap so tightly around him, at the way you came so nicely for him.
“Liu, you –hah– feel too good –mmph– too much,” you mumble against his skin, his shoulder wet from where you’ve been drooling against him.
“–Hah– I am not even close to done with you yet,” he huffs in response, his hips still grinding up into you. With how he’s holding you, you have no choice but to take what he gives and what he’s giving right now is desperate grinding, still not fucking into you properly.
He moves his face into your neck and licks at the length of it, it makes you shudder against him, "Last one, and then –mmm– I’ll fuck you.”
You’re dazed as you check with him, “Promise?”
He hums at you, “Promise.”
His hips keep grinding up into you, his hand on your hip encouraging you to do the same, wanting you to finish for him. Your body is tired, but you rut down against him, it makes him hiss and then he bites your neck. The sounds he would have made muffled by his teeth in your skin, the feeling has your cunt spasming on him.
He pulls his mouth back from you just to lick and suck at your skin and then he’s biting your shoulder. The small pain driving you up a wall, it makes your pussy leak for him, your breaths are stuttered and you’re going to cum again.
He mumbles against your skin before pulling back a bit so you can hear him, “The way you’re gripping me, fuck–” He’s about to moan but instead bites your neck again, harder this time. The shock of the pain goes straight to your cunt and you cum on him, again.
You’re lucky he’s already pressed you completely to him because you would’ve collapsed onto him. Whines and whimpers are pulled from your chest, more tears slip down your cheeks and you feel so far away from your body, you don’t even feel like you’re on Earth anymore.
Liu is groaning into your skin, he pulls back and lathes over his bite mark with his tongue and when he looks at it, he hums in contentment. Pleased with the impression of his teeth in your soft skin. His hips have stopped grinding up into you, giving you a needed break, you’re slumped against him, breathing heavily.
“Been doing so good for me,” he compliments. You can only hum in response to him, you’re out of it.
He lets you catch your breath; his hands stroke up and down your back, his lips press kisses into your skin, over the bite marks he’s left. He’s giving you a quiet moment to gather yourself and you really appreciate it because at this point, you don’t even know how many orgasms he’s given you, but your body does and you’re feeling fucked out.
Once your breathing is normal, you tell him, “You’re going to kill me.”
He chuckles at you lightly, amused, “No, I’m not.” He pulls your head back so he can press his lips to yours, taking away any chance of you disputing him.
The kiss is kind and tender and a stark difference to how he’s just pulled multiple orgasms from you. He kisses you softly, his tongue slips into your mouth, and you melt against him. Your thighs spreading open further on him unconsciously, it has his cock inching just the tiniest bit more inside you and it makes you moan into the kiss.
He grunts against you; his hands grip at your hips. His body heat is still hot, he’s itching to fuck you but being as patient as he can be. When he pulls back from the kiss, he nips your lip lightly and it makes you gasp. He only smiles easily at you when you glare at him for it.
“Need you to move, want you on your hands and knees for me,” he taps your thigh, and you start pulling up, it has you releasing gasped whines. Just as you’re at the tip of him, his hands hold you on him, “Look at the mess you’ve made on me,” he practically growls out the words.
When you look down, the mess is obscene, so much of your cum coats his cock. Creamy ring at the base of him, you look to Liu but he’s looking at his cock and how messy it is. His dick jerks at the image, his hands hot on your hips.
“You are such a messy little thing, love the way you cum for me, so fucking easy to have you creaming on me, fuck–” he closes his eyes for a moment, he’s working himself up. He takes a breath and looks at you, eyes dark, “Hands and knees.”
Taking the hint, you pull yourself off him completely and shuffle around on the bed. You face the headboard and sit back on your knees, feeling a bit embarrassed at arching your back for him and hesitating to do so. He gets off the bed and stands up, removing his pants properly. He moves to the foot of the bed and points in front of himself, giving you wordless instructions.
You do as he indicates and move in front of him, he tells you, “Hands, knees,” and makes a spinning motion with his hand, instructing you to turn your back to him.
Turning around, you lean onto your hands, you feel sheepish as you do. Liu’s hand pushes your upper back down until your chest is on the bed, his other hand pushes your thighs open for him. You arch your back for him, your ass and cunt on full display. When he pulls away to look at you, he groans.
His hands play with the globes of your ass, pulling them apart and staring at your pussy, “Perfect, stay like this.”
Faintly, you can hear shuffling from behind you, you aren’t sure what he’s doing. But it shocks you when Liu drives his cock into you all at once, your body jolts forward and you moan. Liu curses lowly at the feel of you around him again. His curses are hissed and breathy, and he holds his hips to your ass for a moment, collecting himself.
Once he’s taken a second, he pulls out of you and forces himself back in. His initial choice in pace is already so devastating, his thrusts are harsh, stuffing his cock into you with each one. All you can do is take it though, so you do, because as overstimulated as you are, the way he’s finally fucking you has you feeling so blissed out, you wouldn’t rather be doing anything else.
He fucks into you so deep the tip of his cock kisses your cervix, your moans are pitiful, almost whimpers from how well he fills you, from how well he fucks you. He has you seeing stars and you would be embarrassed at how close you are to cumming on him again, but it feels so good, and you’ve been far gone ever since he stuck his dick in you completely the first time.
Liu’s moans flow more freely from him like this, letting himself indulge after robbing himself of the pleasure he desperately wanted from you. He was torturing you before sure, but he was also balls deep in your tight cunt, not doing anything but grind into you, his self-restraint is godly, and he thanks all that is good for it because he really does love making you coat his dick in your cum. He loved having you cry for him, overstimulated and needy, he’s going to cum at just the thought of it if he’s not careful.
Your moans hit a higher pitch and his thrusts pick up pace, knowing you’re close and still wanting another couple orgasms from you before he finally fills you with his cum. His hands on your hips fuck you back onto him as he thrusts forwards and you’re clenching down on him, a small pathetic whimper exiting you as you cum on him.
If you hadn’t already been arched the way you are, your arms would have given out and had you face planting into the bed below. Instead, you whimper at your unknown numbered orgasm and drool into the sheets. Mind swimming with thoughts of him, of his large hands, how hot they are against your skin, about the thick drag of his heavy cock against your walls, how easily he pushes you off the edge, so sure in his actions, so sure you’ll cum for him when he wants it.
Your pussy throbs around him, he grunts but doesn’t stop fucking you, he own need overwhelming him, his spoken thoughts not all that coherent anymore, “G –hah– you feel so fucki– feel so divine –nngh– mm going t– hah– to fuck all my cum inside you, fill up your –nngh– tight little –fuck– cunt,” his breaths are whiney, and his head is lost in the feel of you.
His hand reaches around your front to rub at your clit, the stimulation has you shrieking and trying to crawl away from him, “Liu– I –hah– can’t please–”
You keep trying to crawl up the bed away from him, but he pulls you right back with no effort, “Yes you can– I need you to –hah– fuck–”
He holds you back easily, you have no chance to escape his punishing thrusts and relentless fingers. He’s still mumbling nonsense but not only is he barely coherent, but your thoughts are barely coherent, all the blood rushing to your head. You can’t understand what he’s saying but it’s a mix between praises and curses.  
His fingers don’t stop and you cum on him, he’s effortlessly pulled another orgasm from you, and it makes your moan border on a yelp. Tears flow down your cheeks onto the bed sheets, you’re so sensitive now, your mind so far gone. He’s growling behind you at the way you pulse around him, the noises he makes barely human.
His hands are so hot on you, his skin burning up, he grabs both of your hands and pulls them back. Using you as leverage to fuck into you, he’s also making sure you can’t try and crawl away from him. His thrusts are wild, the wet noises in the room are so obscene, you think you’d die of shame if you had even half your wits about you.
You’ve heard the phrase fucked dumb and you thought you had been fucked dumb, last time Liu fucked you, but this is insane. He’s going to send you to an early grave, and you don’t even care, not with how delicious he sounds, the moans and grunts he’s letting out have you ascending to a higher plane.
His grip on your wrists are firm but he drops them and grabs your hips again, just to pull you back, your legs drop to the floor in front of him. Lucky he’s holding you up because you are not capable of it at the moment. Your front half is still pressed completely into the bed, Liu holds your lower half up, your tippy toes just barely grazing the floor. His dick is hitting everything inside you that has you folding in on yourself and insides twisting, he might make you cum again, you’re going to need some kind of higher being to take mercy on you because you are fucked.
He's animalistic behind you, focusing on his own high, at least you thought he was, but his hand reaches for your clit again and you try to squirm away from him. You are unsuccessful, you’re so weak and he’s got you in the palm of his hand and he knows it. You can’t even verbally protest, only wiggle and whine below him.
“Want you to –hah– fuck– I need you to squirt for me,” his voice is deep, laced with so much hunger.
You try to tell him, “I don –ah– ’t th –mmph– ink I–”
“You can.” He’s steadfast, certain you can and that he will make you.
His fingers slip over your clit, everything is so slick, both your lower halves slippery from all your orgasms. He’s not gentle, his thrusts are harsh, and his fingers are determined, his cock is bullying its way into your cunt, hitting so deeply inside you, you go cross eyed.
The build-up is making you crazy, everything he does is pulling you apart by the very fibre of your being. Your cunt is clenching down on him like a vice, the pleasure feels like too much and you squirm against him, trying to get away again. Nonsensical words fall from your lips trying to warn him, but he only laughs deeply at your attempts at evasion; he’s happy he’s getting what he wants. A particularly deep thrust sends you over the edge, you cum… everywhere.
Liu groans at the sight of you squirting for him, on him, his thrusts don’t slow, if anything, they speed up. Chasing his own high now, so ready to fill you to the brim with his cum. He’s trying very hard to keep his powers under control, not wanting to burn you but his hands are hot against you and the closer he gets to his high, the less control he has over himself.
You’re crying from the pleasure, it’s been so intense, you don’t even feel like a person anymore. You can’t even moan, the noises you make are small whines and cries. Liu is obsessing over how your cunt swallows his cock, how well you take him. He’s also enjoying the small sounds you’re making, his ego inflated hugely tonight.
Everything about you right now has Liu just about losing his mind, the sounds he lets out are wild and unrestrained. All you can do is take it and wait for him to finish, and you really want him to finish. You want to hear him cum, want to feel him twitch inside you as he finishes.
You clamp down on him harshly, the sudden tightness of your cunt has Liu keeling over slightly, moans breaking off into whimpers as he fucks his cum into you. His hands burn you and he fucks your hips down against the bed so it holds you up, wanting to remove his hands as quick as he can.
He grabs at the footboard of the bed, the wood smouldering under his hands, he’s burning his handprints into the wood. He humps into you for a while, riding out his high, rutting into you to keep his cum inside your pussy. You’re pressed to the bed, completely absent.
When he’s gathered some control back, he leans down over you, “Are you okay?”
“I– I think so,” you slur out, mouth mostly pressed into the mattress.
He hums and slowly pulls his cock from you, he takes a moment to watch his cum leak from you, wanting so badly to stuff it back in but knowing you’re already so sensitive and he doesn’t want to push you.
“Did I go too far?” He asks, scared he’s broken you.
“Mm good,” you singsong out, shakily giving him a thumbs up, “Worth it.”
He scoffs at you in amusement, eyes tracing over your fucked out body, landing on the light burns he’s left on your hips. Red handprints left behind; the sight has his ego inflating but he also feels guilty.
“Need to give you a cold shower,” he comments.
You murmur out to him, “Bit late for that.”
“For the burns,” he clarifies.
“Hmm?” You didn’t think they were that bad, you remember him being hot, not burning you. Getting up slowly and with Liu’s help, you twist to look at your hips, “Well, I’ll be.” You smile stupid at the burns, “I like ‘em.” You say before flopping back onto the bed.
“Need to run them under cool water,” he presses you.
You only groan at him, “Can’t move.”
He sighs at you and picks you up, carrying you to your bathroom. He has to hold you up in the shower but he’s happy to. Your legs are like jelly and you’re barely conscious.
You remember why this happened and ask him, “As good as your dream?”
“So much better,” he kisses your cheek, “In my dream, you only came a couple times, this was way better.”
You gape at him, “What?”
He just smiles happily at you, pleased with himself.
₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
A/N: THANK YOU FOR READING!!! I know it took me way longer than usual and I really appreciate all of you <33 As always, if you have any thoughts, questions, requests, my inbox is open ! P.S. the discord server got snippets of this way more and were updated more frequently, if you’d like to join send me a dm :))))
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sillygoosealert · 6 months
Good day Daisy! Can I request angst?
Warning: contains miscarriage and character death so please feel free to reject this if you're uncomfortable. But I'm feeling angsty today so here it is...
Imagine Reader and Bi-Han are in an arranged marriage and they're estranged to each other, yet somehow they still sleep together and eventually Reader gets pregnant. She grows emotional by time and wants to feel Bi-Han's love. Yet she feels rejected when her husband doesn't reply to her confession one night and leaves for a mission one day.
Her mood goes down due to this to the point that she barely has the energy to go by the day. She fails to take care of herself that it affects the baby and on the day of her birth she loses it and dies afterwards due to her body's weakness.
Bi-Han is called back from the mission due to this and comes back to see his wife and son dead :3
Hey cutie pie !! I’m comfortable with anything really lol
Where is my wife? No..
Bi-Han angst no comfort, miscarriage, death, AFAB, and implied female reader, like 4 lines talk about light NSFW but it's vague
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You were born for the sole purpose of an alliance
A peace treaty, for the Lin-Kuei to have
You are not someone of value, it's more of what you symbolize
Obedience, submission, and loyalty
Nothing more and nothing less
This is why you are with him, this is why you were given a purpose at birth
His doll to show, not to care for though
The night of your marriage he caressed your cheek and laid you on your his bed
Gently thrusting into you, while holding you close
It wasn't intimate though, maybe more of what he felt to be right for your wedding night rather than an act of love or lust
It was nice though, it felt good
He would talk to you when you had to meet for the night, nothing much but more to keep the peace
You had your own room, but on nights you would sleep together you stayed in his
No matter if he said nothing to you or the bare minimum, you would feel flustered every time he was in your proximity
He was good-looking, fit, and a leader
A well put together man
You tried to connect more, eat with him, sit with him
Nothing really worked out
But the nights you let him ruin your innocence grew your belief that there was something there
So the night before he left, you told him your true intentions
You are lying in your own bed tonight after his late-night visit
‘Does this mean anything to you?’
‘What are you talking about in specific..?’
‘I think that the marriage was a good choice and you are a respectable woman. Is that the answer you are after?’
‘No, I want to know if I mean anything to you’
He brushes your hair behind your ears and presses his forehead against yours
Then he walks away, and closes your door
His lack of words speaks, and you take it as a no
He leaves the next morning to meet with Lord Liu Kang, with no note, no goodbye
While gone you are sick to your stomach, most likely from your rejection
But when you go to the Doctors out of concern for your morning sickness, they do an ultrasound
You are pregnant with Bi-Hans child
It makes you scared, how could you have a kid with somebody who doesn't love you?
You can't sleep that night
And in the morning you're bedridden, throwing up and crying the whole day
Then you didn't eat
Or shower or brush your hair and teeth or anything
The next day you manage to stomach lunch, but everything else makes your stomach churn at the thought
This continues for much too long
You're now pale and frail, with no will to even live
As months go on with Bi-Han returning and leaving you do not tell him you are with child
To avoid him even noticing your weight gain, you stop seeing him entirely
But while you are struggling to get to the doctor he catches you
‘What are you doing? I haven't been able to talk to you in a while..’
‘I’m not feeling well, I was going to get some medication..’
‘For a stomach ache?’
‘They told me you are pregnant, why did you not tell me?’
‘I didn't know how you would react, and you're always on missions I just-’
He puts a hand on your shoulder
‘I am not mad at you. But you don't look well, I'll walk you to the doctor but I want to talk about this when I get back tomorrow.’
You nod.
He takes you to the doctor and leaves you to go meet with a sorcerer
As you talk with the doctor, you pant and shake
The baby is not in good condition, and you are recommended to have an emergency C-section to have any chance of you and the baby surviving
It does not go well, you lose a lot of blood, too much blood
You are very aware you are not going to make it, but you worry for your baby
Everything happened too fast, you just talked to the father that you've been avoiding
Now you're losing your baby and yourself
By yourself
He has just left, and you now have to have a C-section just to maybe live
You didn't want to live, but you don't want to die
Maybe you just wanted something different
But none of that matters, as your baby is stillborn
And you're dying
Around a bunch of people, you don't know
But you know you really died a long time ago, when you were given away because it was for the sake of keeping the peace
Bi-Han goes to your room the next day
He brought you a flower and some vitamins
He knew you had to get better if you were to start a family together- and for your own sake
The flower was just to give you something nice
But when walking around looking for you, he is met with a talk from your doctor
You didn't make it through the night, neither did your baby
You are gone
Your child is gone
He has no wife, he has no family
He is alone again
You are alone again
There was truly no hope for either of you, you were doomed from the beginning
Just as it was written by the elder gods..
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Idk where I was going towards the middle 🎀
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curiousgworge · 2 months
꒰‧⁺ the very last night *ೃ༄
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*ೃ summary: how txt would spend their last day as your boyfriend with you
pairings: txt!ot5 (individual) x reader
word count: 0.5k (total)
warnings: angst, no happy ending
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꒰‧⁺ choi yeonjun *ೃ༄
Yeonjun would definitely take you on a fancy date, just to see you all dolled up for him one last time. And he would be such a gentleman, opening the door car for you and pulling the chair for you to sit at the restaurant. He would order an expensive wine and even more expensive food, wanting to spoil you while he still could. And when he arrived back at your house, he kissed you inside the car, the taste of his tears mixing with yours, as he held you as close as he could before saying good night and leaving you by your door. 
꒰‧⁺ choi soobin *ೃ༄
Soobin kept overthinking his plans over and over again, until he decided on a quiet night indoors with you. He would order food from the restaurant you guys always liked, make a pillow fort on the living room with cozy blankets and your favorite plushies, and set the TV for a movie marathon, for which he made a well thought selection of your favorite flick chicks, animations and some horror movies (just so he could have an excuse to hold you close). And when it became very late, he would ignore whatever was happening in the nth film you watched, focusing on holding you close and loving you for the last time, your shared kisses bittersweet and tasting like goodbye. 
꒰‧⁺ choi beomgyu *ೃ༄
Beomgyu would just pretend that everything is fine, taking you to your favorite arcade and playing all the games you wanted, even the ones he was terrible or that he disliked deeply. He would spend a lot of money- and time- trying to get you a cute plushie on the claw machine, his smile faltering as he saw the way your eyes watered as he gave you the toy. And before leaving, he would insist on taking you to the photobooth, choosing the most ridiculous props and making the silliest poses for the pictures, as he wanted to keep them as a last happy memory of your relationship. 
꒰‧⁺ kang taehyun *ೃ༄
Taehyun would plan a whole day of things he wished he had more time to do with you: going to the movies to watch the new comedy you excitedly showed him the trailer months ago, trying out that new restaurant you guys never had time to go, ending the night in your favorite bar, where you would drink together and talk and maybe, if he was lucky, he could take you to his house, where he would put a soft song on his phone and you guys would dance together on the living room, and he would hold you close and cherish the last moments he could have by your side. 
꒰‧⁺ hueningkai *ೃ༄
Hueningkai would take you for a picnic on the same place he took you on the first date, laying the same fluffy blanket on the ground and taking the snacks and drinks he prepared from the same basket he used on that day. And he would cry as both of you watched the sunset, feeling the way your fingers were intertwined and the heat of your body next to his, and cry even harder when he felt the way you tried to dry his tears with your free hand, whispering sweet nothings to try and calm him down.
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
Am I allowed to request a Johnny Cage brother figure? Or Even a Kenshi one? Ofc I understand that you’ll only do one but no rush ~👻
Actually i have a good idea! I know this is more like a headcanons type thing, but it helps answer both of those!
Two's Company
Johnny Cage/Kenshi Takahashi x Siblings!Reader
TW/CW: None. Mentions of some violence, some petty sibling crap, Kenshi's history and injuries.
Kenshi Takahashi
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• You were one of the reasons why Kenshi wanted from beneath the Yakuza's thumb. The day you were born, Kenshi vowed he would be the best big brother he possibly could to you, from the very second your tiny fingers first gripped his and you cooed at him, innocent of the evil you and he were born into thanks to generations of necessity to hide.
• Growing up, Kenshi would tell you stories, myths, and fables. But some of his favorites to tell you (and reenact under the safe watch of your mother) was the stories of the Taira clan.
• Kenshi always stood up for you. When you were bullied in school? Kenshi was there. The bullies always came up and apologized shortly after, sporting bruises, cuts, and the occasional missing tooth.
• Some asshole stood you up on a date? Kenshi would pay them a visit. He wouldn't kill them or injure them like he would have in his youth, but he would make it well known that they were no longer allowed to come near you.
• When one of the Yakuza would get too close to you, Kenshi was forced to act violently, much to the delight of his "overseers" as your mother would call them, always with disdain. It was one of the only times he genuinely enjoyed inflicting pain on someone, it was a way of striking against your oppressors.
• Kenshi has your name tattooed over his heart, or inside his wrist, so that way you were always with him, the bright light he refused to let be snuffed out by the Yakuza. The hope for the future of the Taira.
• When he told you of his plan to break the Taira free of their chains, you supported him, but you feared for your big brother's safety.
• You supported him when he told you he knew where he could find Sento, your family sword. It was in the hands of some big shot Hollywood has-been.
• You cried and hugged him goodbye, wishing him safe travels and good luck.
• Kenshi had pleaded with Liu Kang to let him tell you what his new arc in life would be, what he was doing with the Wu Shi, what he was training for.
• Liu Kang agreed, standing off a ways as Kenshi came home, arranging a meeting with you in one of the (few) Taira safehouses to give you the rundown.
• To say you were shocked, and skeptical was an understatement. Liu Kang grinned at you, the corners of his eyes creasing at the edges when you told him that if your brother got hurt--or died--he would be "very sorry" and that yes, your brother kept you largely out of the wrongdoings of the Yakuza, but you still knew how to fight.
• But when Kenshi returned from battle, blinded, with Sento strapped to his back? All you could do was hold onto each other as you cried, your mother sobbing as she held the two of you, her babies, her most precious gems.
• You helped arrange the split from the Yakuza, helping relocate somewhere safer to rebuild your clan, occasionally working with the Shirai Ryu when you needed to. After your clan's history, you needed to build bridges. And the leaders of the Shirai Ryu, Kuai Liang and Tomas Vrbada, were welcoming and warm to your family and clan. They earned your respect by fighting alongside your brother against some evil man named Shang Tsung.
• Kenshi fell to his knees in laughter when you slapped Liu Kang, for not keeping his promise that your brother would come to no harm.
Johnny Cage
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• One Cage was bad enough, but two? Liu Kang didn't find out Johnny had a younger sibling until it was brought it to his attention. Right when you walked into Johnny's mansion. Gawking at him, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Kenshi Takahashi.
• You had even begun to try and wail on Scorpion (Hey! That guy and his friends were trying to beat up your big brother! What did they expect, you to just sit by and chill?) before Liu Kang stepped in and told you who they were...
• He knew Johnny had an older brother, but you? Yeah... He was certainly surprised when he found out. When he asked Geras why he never mentioned it, Geras merely smiled and said "You never asked, my friend."
• That attitude runs in the Cage (Carlton) genes, that's for sure.
• You were a hothead, always ready to punch first and ask questions later when your big brother needed you to.
• As kids, you and Johnny were thick as thieves. (Some would call you Dumb and Dumber, however, with the antics you got up to. Like the glitter bomb booby trap you'd put in your neighbor's mailbox)
• You guys were so close, when you were little, your parents would always find one of you not in your bed, but instead in your sibling's room, clinging to a stuffed animal and blanket as you two snuggled, snoring softly.
• Johnny had a typical big brother attitude when it came to certain things. When you had your first heartbreak? Johnny didn't have to even touch them, instead giving a verbal lashing so good the school talked about it for months.
• But when some girl had cheated on Johnny? Oh, you were downright diabolical. You had slipped Nair in her shampoo so when she came back from cheerleading practice, she'd be in for a nasty surprise. When she came running out of the shower, hair in clumps? You leaned against the lockers in the hall, a smug smirk on your face. "Geez... Looks like Karma got you good! Now stay away from my brother, bitch."
• You never knew why you didn't get in trouble, after that.
• When Johnny made it big, you made it to all his premieres, even if his parents didn't like his career choice. You were his biggest fan, and best critic.
• Johnny adored bringing you on set and listening to you give unabashed, unfiltered critique on his skills. It always made him laugh and stoked the fires of improvement.
• When he fell on hard times, you were there to lend an ear for him to vent, providing comfort when he confided that his marriage with Cris was falling apart.
• Johnny ignored his companions' complaints about keeping you in the dark, spilling everything to you about what was going on, and how he'd planned on using the stuff he saw to turn his career around.
• You hugged him tightly, clinging to his shirt as you bid your goodbyes.
• He sent you texts and selfies everyday, as well as lengthy--and I mean lengthy--paragraphs of the "crap" he was doing. It always brought a smile to your face when you'd hear a ping and saw it was from him.
• The moment he told you that he'd be going to another world? You were skeptical. Until he started sending you the pictures and videos. That Raiden guy shot lightning from some kinda plate thingy!
• You still had that one promoter friend who could help build hype from the recordings and pics he sent you, right? Of course you did.
• When Johnny came home, you hugged him. And punched him in the gut for making you worry and going radio silent for weeks. His friends, Kung Lao and Kenshi laughed.
• Johnny had even surprised you with one of the lead roles (which you turned down in favor of a lesser one).
• But it was when Johnny showed you some moves he learned from the Wu Shi, that you learned you both had the same power.
• And from somewhere in Earthrealm, Liu Kang felt a chill run up his spine.
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odditycircus-2002 · 2 months
A/N: I enjoyed writing that latest request with Hanzo Hasashi Scorpion and Quan-chi's daughter reader insert. I wanted to expand upon their relationship within the events of Mortal Kombat 11, but unfortunately, I ran out of space in the last post here. So have this one instead!
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When Grandmaster Hasashi was alerted by the revival of the Cyber Lin-Kuei due to the Time Disruption, he rushed to join the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster in destroying the Cyber LIn-Kuei production before they could attack the revived Shirai Ryu. Before departing, you gave Hanzo a passionate kiss and wished him the best of luck, opting to stay behind to fortify the Compound's defenses. Hanzo promises you that he will return alive.
To your relief, your husband returned to you in one piece, bruises aside, of course. Hanzo tightly embraced you, as he usually does whenever he can return to his home, grateful that you and your clan were there to greet him.
While treating Hanzo for his minor wounds and preparing some tea, your husband caught you up on everything that happened. Including Sub-Zero's former disciple, Frost, becoming cyberized; Noob Saibot's revival; freeing Cyrax from his enslavement program; Sektor's defeat; the destruction of Sektor's factory.
Hanzo noticed your look of apprehension at hearing his old enemies' revival. He gently asked, in a low voice, if you were anxious about the possibility of Quan-chi's revival. You nodded in answer.
"I do not regret taking part in the Necromancer's death... He's taken so much from you, your clan, your family. Quan-chi was never family, nor did he treat me as such... So wh-what if-if he returns and takes our home?" By then, Y/N's eyes stung from tears that threatened to spill. Hanzo frowns at your distress, although your blatant love for the Shirai Ryu deeply touches him deeply. Your husband then gently cups your face so you focus completely on him. "Then we'll kill him again. We did it once and succeeded because of the clan and you. Whatever may happen, know that I and the clan will stand by you. Your enemies are now our enemies." Hanzo's heart began to melt when he saw traces of your radiant smile. You then wrap your arms around the Grandmaster's neck, with the latter followed by kissing your forehead.
When you heard the sound of thunder within the Fire Gardens, you joined your husband in welcoming Raiden and his ally's refuge within the gardens. All too soon after The Thunder God shared news about the Elder gods, including Kronika being Shinnok's mother and the state of Outworld forces, Hanzo had to depart once again. This time, seek Kharon in the Sea of Blood so the Ferryman may hopefully tell them the location of Kronika's Keep. And again, you both exchanged your goodbyes, and your husband promised to return to you. If only you knew what happened next, you would've savored the taste of your husband's lips and warmth more.
Instead, Sub-Zero returns with news that Hanzo has found Kharon's location. When you approach The Lin Kuei's Grandmaster, he assures you that your husband is still alive before you could even ask. While this helped somewhat assuage your anxieties, something in you told you this wouldn't be the case for long. Meanwhile, to keep yourself from going stir-crazy, you keep yourself busy by switching between acting as the best hostess to Raiden and his allies, fortifying the Shirai Ryu's defenses, or playing your shamisen. Granted, you played the instrument so hard that you snapped the strings and nearly took your eye out.
You were walking beside Lui Kang and Sub-Zero, confirming that the Shirai Ryu were ready for battle, when Hanzo reappeared. Although the Hanzo that appeared before you wasn't your husband, but Scorpion. You grabbed your Shamisen from your back, ready to fight if needed.
When Scorpion told you that Hanzo was dead, you immediately denied that your husband couldn't be gone.
"So I have taken Quan-chi's daughter as a bride..."
Scorpion whispers under his breath in disbelief. Meanwhile, Y/N's ears rang in her ear as the news of Hanzo's demise started to sink in. Y/N didn't feel Sub-Zero gently pushing you back behind him nor his sympathetic look. The former demoness held her face in her hands, but no tears spilled; instead, the heartbreak within her gave way to the fiery rage that blazed within.
You commanded Sub-Zero to stand aside, pushing him back with you, now, long claws with hellfire in your eyes, as you began to transform right before Scorpion into your more demonic form, bony armor, and everything. Yet, because of your blind rage, Scorpion defeated you, with Sub-Zero following soon after.
"Know that I am truly sorry for your loss."
When you regained consciousness, you found Raiden attacking Scorpion with Shinnok's amulet. Without any thought, you played your instrument to push back Raiden, who easily overpowered you and broke your instrument in half. When Raiden raised his amulet to electrocute Scorpion again, you used your body to take the Thunder God's lightning to the back. Hearing your screams of agony urged Lui Kang to finally step in between you and the furious Raiden.
Thankfully, the Shaolin monk gets through to Raiden, who finally puts down Shinnok's amulet. The Thunder God then goes to you and the Scorpion to heal the both of you. Raiden profusely apologizes as he helps you up off the ground.
The vengeful specter looks at you in surprise, questioning why you didn't just let Raiden finish him off. You took a deep breath before answering that you love your Hanzo and accepted him even with his past, which included Scorpion. This takes the wraith aback at your confession, leaving him without a doubt that you loved his future self.
Scorpion then told you the message that his future self wanted to tell you.
"I'm sorry that I couldn't return."
As you hang your head and will yourself not to cry, Scorpion vows that he will honor his future self's vows to you, for you are Shirai Ryu. You thanked Scorpion for his kind words before leaving to go cry in a corner and allowing yourself to briefly grieve.
Your grief, however, did not prevent you from fighting beside Scorpion and Sub-Zero to protect Kharon as his fleets ferried the armies they carried. You used your abilities to disable the Cybernized Lin Kuei, short-circuiting their systems and tossing them into the sea of blood. You also let yourself go a bit nuts at one point by tearing one Cyborg's spine out and using it as a makeshift whip to decapitate another cyborg.
You and Scorpion continued to stick close to each other when all of you finally arrived at Kronika's shores, all while leading the Shirai Ryu through the endless demon hordes. With your abilities, you ripped through waves of demons, sending shockwaves with your instrument that cut through the enemies' flesh. You used magic to fight and your demonic form to rip and tear through even more demons, decapitating five at a time with a flick of your tail alone. Scorpion even used your back's dorsal spines as a diving board to dive into a group of demons, swinging his flaming kunai as he became a fiery twister.
Yet you, Scorpion, and all of your allies save for Lui Kang, fall prey to Kronika's power as she reverses time, thus undoing all your progress. All isn't lost, though, if Lui Kang succeeds in killing Kronika and restarting history. In Lui Kang's new era, while you may not end up with Hanzo Hasashi, he will ensure you will have little ties to Quan-chi.
However, if you manage to gain control of the Hourglass, it will be up to you to decide how to rewrite history.
When you first gain the Hourglass, you immediately think about reviving your Hanzo, but then your mind turns to Scorpion. A tragic figure made by wicked God and his Arch Sorcerer because, in their twisted logic, Death is the legacy of Life. Thanks to your late husband, you knew that was not true. Although you love him dearly, when you restart time, you ensure that Hanzo never loses his family and clan to Quan-chi. Now, his clan has joined forces with the Lin Kuei, led by Grandmaster Kuai Liang, to defend Earthrealm. Meanwhile, you became the Netherrealm's Ruler, having overthrown Quan-chi and Shinnok, where you keep watch over the Netherealm's denizens and the damned. Every so often, you would return to Earthrealm to take part in their festivities in celebration of life and the life of those who have long since passed. In your New Era, you sought to teach the realms the gift of life, the good and bad.
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soobibabe · 4 months
only you chapter one
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series masterlist / next chapter →
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pairings: chairman's grandson Taehyun, ceo!reader trope/genres: enemies/academic rivals to lovers, fake dating, forced proximity (?), not arranged marriage but something close enough perhaps? warnings: none for this chapter wink wink
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"Whichever one of you gets married first, gets the company" Never in Taehyun's 23 years of living had he ever heard something more ridiculous. "What do you mean marriage? You said I was the heir no questions asked the last time we spoke." he tried to keep his tone calm, but every fiber of his being was engulfed by utter betrayal. Marriage? First of all, he's only 23. Secondly, he had never openly been in a serious relationship before. All his life he put every effort into work and what he deemed beneficial for his career growth, his grandfather knew this didn't he? It's been established that Taehyun was a workaholic since he could speak. "Well, my boy, I'm 76 now. I won't be getting any younger any time soon and neither will you. Before I come to the culmination of my life, I'd like to send lineage off well. My daughters all have their own... pursuits. I'd like to see my grand follow an ever better path. For the four of you, I'd like to see you succeed beyond just work life."
Taehyun already knew all of this, his grandfather saw his kids' love lives crumble beyond his comprehension. Too caught up in work and greed that they neglected their partners. Yura (the eldest of the three) failed at three marriages altogether, Yuna (his mother, the middle child) was too busy with her corporations to tend to her husband or son, and Yejin (the youngest) was unsure if she was even attracted to many anymore after her ex-husband. What Taehyun didn't expect, or better yet underestimated, was his grandfather's determination to get him to open his heart to someone. It'd been written in stone that Taehyun would inherit the company, so is this some sort of bluff? Taehyun is the eldest grandchild, the smartest academically, most responsible, and more importantly, the chairman's favorite. "Whatever" Taehyun begins to walk off "We shall discuss this further at the next meeti-" his grandfather is cut off by a harsh slam of the door.
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[one week later]
"You've sure got some sense of humor, Chairman Kang, but I'm afraid I'm lost. Why are we talking about this? I thought you came regarding last week's trade affairs?" he's not being serious, is he..? Oh but he is, Chairman Kang and my father have been business partners for as long as I've been conscious. However, right now, the man sounds absolutely unhinged. What does he mean by MARRY Kang Taehyun? As in my primary school, high school, and even university academic rival? I thought I was free of him since graduation. Like all enemies do, we promised to never willingly cross paths again outside of reunions, possible business endeavors, or events. Of course, to my father like many other things, this was a business opportunity. His daughter + possible heir of one of South Korea's biggest car companies = dollar signs beyond his imagination. Before I could say anything further, I was dismissed? ME? FROM MY OWN MEETING? Defeated, I make my way outside with my head facing the floor when the unthinkable happens. I bump head-first into the infamous Kang Taehyun. If that wasn't humiliating enough, he scoffs, pays me no mind, and walks off as though I wasn't there from the start. "fuck you too" I mumble to myself. "I'm sorry, can you repeat I didn't quite catch that" he's behind me. not just behind but pressed against me, my back to his chest. "Now you know how to say 'sorry' ?" "Yeah, your turn." "What?" "You heard me, say it." "Say what? sorry? why would I?" is he insane... "For one, you bumped into me. Two, you swore at me. and three, I'd say that was a pretty rude first impression after not seeing each other for so long, Ms. L/N" he hasn't changed one bit. "Goodbye, Kang Taehyun." I turn around, flipping him off in response, taking my leave. "I'll see you soon, y/n" huh? he'll see me soon? he's out of his mind.
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It seems as though I am the only sane one here. And by here I mean in my Chairman Kangs house. In his living room. With papers held in front of me which read "marriage certificate", Kang Taehyuns signature at the very bottom. Allow me to elaborate, I was summoned here for another "meeting". This time I expected something out of the ordinary again, BUT NOT TO THIS EXTENT? Did I mention that Taehyun is here too? That's what the sly son of a bi- No. I should maintain my composure. "I'm sorry but isn't this a bit too soon chairman" I mutter through my teeth with the most unsettling smile I can muster.
"Your father and i have talked about it extensively, I assume he hasn't communicated it to you? the subject of the matter remains that Taehyun and you also uphold well-respected public images. The media would go feral if they found out there was something between you two and coincidentally, our companies launched a collaboration. What better PR than marriage?" he's got a good point, i guess. still, this is kang taehyun. i can't do that to myself? he's beautiful, sure but he's also insufferable. once was the bane of my existence. "y/n shall we continue this conversation privately?" there's a wide fake grin plastered across his face. "if we must, Mr. Kang" The chairman leaves, smirking to himself.
"You're actually following through with this Kang Taehyun?" this has to be another of his twisted games. "I don't doubt you've picked up on it already, yeah? My grandfather wants me married before he writes off his will. You're a smart girl, you understand how far I'll go for my work, right?" he's being... serious. "Still, what does that have to do with me?" "As far as my grandfather knows, you are the woman I've known more than half my life and happen to be one of his dear colleagues' only daughter. As ironic as the situation is to you and I, it makes total sense to him," Why does he always have to be so calculating "The marriage would benefit both parties and the people involved. Since we already established our relationship and views of each other, I don't have to pretend I love you to make this work and vice versa. So. what do you say?" "I say that you're an idiot. Unfortunately, my father is quite adamant about this and I'd have to put much more effort into changing his mind than what it would take to comply. Hence, I choose the latter." "That's all it took? i thought you'd put up more of a fight like the old days" "Some of us have matured, Kang Taehyun." "Anyhow, when's the wedding, Mrs. Kang" "Don't call me that. Furthermore, we have to discuss conditions first before any wedding discussion."
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[2 weeks later] Kang Taehyun: We're going out tonight. You: that's how you ask a woman out? no wonder you're 23 and never had a girlfriend Kang Taehyun: How can we convince anyone that we're in love enough to get married if we've never once been spotted together? You: whatever. when and where? please say somewhere nearby I'm not interested in driving anywhere beyond the city. Kang Taehyun: Be ready by 7. Dont worry too much about the details, what kind of man would I be if I didn't pick my lady up? outgoing phone call... "7 pm Kang? Isn't that during your product launch event?" "My smart Fiancee's caught on," although his tone's condescending, the fiancee sounded almost endearing "You're my date. Wear something navy blue." he's never brought a date to any party, let alone a large event like this one. That's a lot of pressure to put on a woman.
"I'm gonna hold your hand on the entrance carpet where the photographers will be. Don't look too startled" Gee thanks for the heads up. what makes him think holding hands would make me falter? what am I, 13?
[the next day] timeline 432 new messages... 24 missed calls 1 new message from Kang Taehyun- Kang Taehyun: success ;)
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A/N: I kid you not, this was only supposed to be pwp but then I got carried away and now I'm making a series... I'll be doing drabbles/requests for this story so feel free to send in ideas, I'll respond to ask many as I can!
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© all rights reserved soobibabe on tumblr. do not cross-post, copy or translate etc.
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gizkasparadise · 1 year
Top five cdramas? And Chinese webnovels if you read them. Or novels in general if you're a reader. Oop. I think they became way too many questions. 😂 Feel free to ans whichever you want!
yaaay drama!! ty for the ask :D
top 5 cdramas
okay, not counting lost you forever since it's still airing, but if it continues the way it's been going it's def on the list! otherwise:
love and redemption. boy meets girl. girl is the reincarnation of the god of war who is angry at heaven. boy is forbidden to love anyone and lives in a sect of theatre majors. turns out boy has already met girl in 9 different previous lives and this one is their last shot to actually be happy. surprisingly queer, feminist, and just pure crack fun. best theme song!!!
love between fairy and devil. boy meets girl. girl is an orchid fairy who has been sheltered from the world. boy is the superpowered devil leader of the fairy's enemy. girl does not know this and frees him from mystical magic space jail on accident. sometimes they swap bodies, but only if they kiss. really pretty, everything you wanted from a fanfic when you were 13 but executed well. great supporting characters and plots
monarch industry/the rebel princess. girl is a spoiled sweet princess. Man! is a general who rose up from nothing. both of them get involved in a revolving door of monarchs as everyone fights for the throne. if you want mature, solid relationships this is the one for you! and palace politics that are super interesting from start to finish
go ahead. modern drama about 2 single dads who raise 3 children and just. really really good ;;
goodbye my princess. you want tragedy you want drama you want the most interesting murderbastard male lead in existence?? here you go!!! this would be #1 but the palace politics can sometimes feel a little too bloaty for my taste. absolutely stunning OST, costumes, and scenery
bonus, because i feel they should be included: love like the galaxy, le coup de foudre
top 5 novels?
off the top of my head, here's 5 i really loved (i need to read more 8|):
human acts by han kang (this one HAUNTS me)
going postal by terry pratchett
monstrous regiment by terry pratchett
this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone
good omens by terry pratchett & neil gaiman (guess it's terry day!)
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Among the Wildflowers (Part 2)
Kang Haerin x Reader
You can read part 1 here
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GENRE: fluff, angst
TYPE: Two-part series
Haerin is older than her actual age in this story
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Time weaves its intricate threads through the universe, gathering atoms together and generating the cells in your body, while the rest of them slowly fade and wither away. It ensures balance, ensuring that new life enters the world to fill the void left by those who departed. Goodbyes are always tinged with sadness; perhaps winter embodies the Earth's sorrow, mourning the flowers and life that have departed as leaves transition from green to brown.
Time is an enigma, often slipping through your fingers without leaving a trace, while at other moments, it seems frozen in place, as if the clock's hands have come to a standstill.
Moments spent with Haerin always carried the gentle caress of a spring breeze, imbuing your body with warmth as the days rushed by. But unfortunately, you are situated on the other side of the hospital from where Haerin is, sitting on a hard cold bench, waiting to run another Echocardiogram test.
Fatigue kept you from tending the flowers you cared so dearly about, yet, severe heart pains in your chest kept you awake every night. You shivered in the winter air, wearing nothing but a thin hospital gown, before your name was finally called and you were brought to the testing room down the hallway. 
It was another busy day at the hospital, and Haerin was relieved that her lunch break had finally arrived, even though it was two hours late. Carrying a bag of food you had packed for her the previous day (you insisted on including some leftovers from the dinner you shared, emphasizing the importance of Haerin incorporating vegetables into her diet instead of her usual instant noodles), Haerin proceeded down the east wing of the hospital.
Her customary break spot was the rooftop on the opposite side of the hospital, as it was the only place where she could find peace and quiet (and finally have the opportunity to smile as she texted you, free from Hanni's playful teasing). Although you two were not officially a couple, it felt as if you were already in a long-term relationship, minus the physical affection and formal label. Haerin, however, was actively working on changing that, working on planning the perfect date and eventually asking you to be her girlfriend (or asking you to elope with her, but she felt that it would be too soon for you).
She missed you every second when you were not there with her, so when she saw you leaving one of the rooms of the hospital made her double take, unsure whether it was really you or just a figment of her imagination for missing you too much at work. 
“Y/N?” Her voice reached out, urging her steps to hasten, closing the distance between you two. 
Your heart jumped when you heard your name spoken by your favorite voice. Under usual circumstances, you would've already locked gazes with her soft brown eyes or pulled her into an embrace. Yet, in this vacant hospital corridor, your instinct was to vanish, to merge with the cold marble beneath, erasing the present.
You paused, inhaling deeply before pivoting to meet Haerin's gaze.
A feeble smile graced your lips. "Hey, Rinnie."
"Why are you here?" Concern etched her features, her fingers lightly grasping your arm. Her eyes flicked to the door you had exited, realization dawning. It was her father's office.
"Why are you seeing a Cardiologist?" Anxiety tightened her voice, her mind racing, thinking of the worst-case scenarios.
 A sigh escaped as you observed Haerin's thoughts whirl, her brow furrowing with worry. This, precisely, was why you had hesitated to tell her about your condition.
“Is there somewhere we can talk?” 
Haerin took you to the rooftop of a building. The view wasn't much to write home about – just plain wooden boards and an empty dirt area posing as a garden. A small shack, probably for storing cleaning supplies, sat nearby. A bench adorned with cushions and blankets stood beside it. On a table nearby, a small frog plushie and a few books were neatly arranged. You couldn't help but smile at the sight; it seemed to be Haerin's secret hideout, and she had clearly tried her best to make it cozy.
She gently nudged you to sit on the bench, wrapping you in a thick woolen blanket before settling down beside you. Her furrowed eyebrows had been a constant during the conversation, and her worry was starting to bother you.
“I’m fine, Rinnie. Really.” Your fingers brushed her mocha-colored bangs aside, smoothing away the furrow between her eyebrows.
Her eyes fluttered shut, leaning into your touch. “Tell me, please.” she whispered. 
"I was born with a defect in my heart.” You admitted, “The hole is getting bigger, so my parents had me move to Seoul for a higher chance of getting a donor. I’ve been waiting on the list ever since.”
“Do you know how many more people are before you?”
You nodded, “Yeah, it’s quite a long list.”
Before Haerin could offer her suggestions or propose alternate treatments, you gently placed your forefinger against her cupid's bow-shaped lips, effectively silencing her.
“I’m okay, Haerin, please stop worrying.” You giggled at the way a faint blush crept onto her cheeks at the feeling of your finger on her lips. “What you should be worrying about is that sorrowful garden sitting there.” 
“I’m really bad at keeping plants alive.” Haerin shrugged and grinned her catlike smile at you, appreciating your effort in lighting the mood. “Plus, it’s the middle of November.” 
As she enveloped you in a warm embrace, you nestled into her, feeling the softness of her breath on your cheek as her face nestled against your temple. In her embrace, time seemed to shift, pushed by a magical force as Haerin summoned the essence of spring during the midst of winter.
“Maybe we should plant something when it gets warmer.” You said, “If I recall correctly, an adorable cat with glasses mentioned something about planting me a sea of blossoms.”
At your teasing, Haerin blushed a deep shade of red. She didn't quite understand how she had let such a mushy statement escape her lips; she decided to attribute it to her love for you.
“Wait and see.” She braved herself and pressed her lips to your temple. “I’ll get that blossom garden to you in no time.”
The sensation of her lips against your skin felt electric, sending shockwaves through your already erratic heartbeat, leaving a sense of warmth as your heart raced. You turned around to face the girl that you adored so much, your emotions nearly overwhelming you. 
"Let's start with something simpler." Leaning closer, you planted a kiss on the tip of her nose. "Especially since I've seen how you managed to 'take care' of my cacti." (They all died a tragic death)
Haerin's long fluttered as her eyes closed, an image of the prettiest butterfly. “What would you like me to plant for you then? I’ll start planting them as soon as spring is here.”
“Why?” She whispered, leaning closer to you. 
“Because they have this simple beauty that is only noticeable when you look closer. They also symbolize the beauty of living in the moment, and…love.”
“Love, huh?” Haerin asked, her breath mingling with yours in their proximity.
“Love.” You confirmed, lost in the soft depths of her affectionate brown eyes.
Unable to resist any longer, Haerin bridged the remaining space between your lips. After months of longing, she finally felt as close to you as she had ever hoped. Reveling in the softness of your kiss, she closed her eyes, pulling you onto her lap and wrapping her arms around your waist. Your hands found their way to her shoulders, fingers tangling in her hair as your breaths intertwined and your tongues met.
As the need for air grew more pressing, you reluctantly broke away, your faces still mere inches apart. You chuckled softly at her dazed expression, your fingers grazing her slightly swollen lips.
"And also, wildflowers are incredibly low-maintenance. It's hard to kill something that thrives even in the harshest conditions."
Haerin threw you over her shoulder and ran around the open space at your taunt, making you scream in laughter before nearly throwing up.
Time is both a cure and a curse. 
For those in pain, time is a cure, mending wounded hearts and stitching together fragmented souls. The hurt is carried away by the clock, just as the first spring rain washes away the chill of winter. The agony fades, to be replaced by the soothing embrace of passing moments.
Time, however, becomes a harsh conjurer of longing for those in love. Lovers long for the capacity to stop time, to relish every shared smile, every whispered word. But time, unyielding and uncaring, quickens its pace whenever happiness enters their lives, passing in a flash and leaving only a wistful trace.
Winter used to be a season of disappointment for you, when wildflowers faded and the beauty of snow escaped you. You didn't see the allure of chilly winds nipping at your cheeks and staining your nose crimson growing up in the country. 
But with Haerin by your side, winter is warm. 
Winter is now filled with her warm body snuggling you under the covers, with the mugs of hot chocolate she would make for you before your movie marathons, with her hot breath mingling with yours as your lips meet, and with her arms encircling your shoulders as you take late-night strolls down the bustling streets of Seoul.
Life was better with Haerin by your side, but to say everything was better would be a lie. 
Although you tried to hide it, Haerin could tell that your condition was getting worse as the days pass by. She knew it would go against your intentions, but she found herself breaking down in front of her father, tears flowing as she begged him to find a way to improve your health, to expedite the search for a donor. She was desperate, worried that she would lose you just when she spent her whole life looking for you. 
You could no longer take care of the flowers in the greenhouse. You claimed it was because the flowers had trouble growing in the greenhouse due to the cold, but Haerin knew that your heart could no longer keep up, struggling to pump blood through your veins as it fought with failure. So she did everything she could to keep you happy; she learned everything she could to keep your precious flowers flourishing, tending the garden for you after her long work shifts. She would choose the prettiest flower that bloomed every time and bring it back to you, dramatically declaring her love to you along with another frog fact of the day to make you giggle.
The sunlight spilled into the room and onto Haerin’s face, stirring her awake. She turned around on the bed to pull you closer into her arms, watching your sleeping face in content. After pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, the young doctor got up to get ready for a long shift. She had another surgery scheduled for later in the evening, which would probably last until midnight if everything was successful.
On the upside, she had three days off after the surgery and was planning to go on a romantic camping trip with you to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Spring was just around the corner, and the weather was slowly beginning to warm up. Smiling at the thought of cuddling with you next to a campfire and roasting marshmallows, Haerin made her way towards the hospital.
The familiar feeling of your heart skipping a few beats before restarting its pace woke you up with a start. Despite the slightly painful awakening, you felt better. In fact, this was the most energetic in months. Deciding to take advantage of this feeling, you headed towards your second favorite place in the world, the greenhouse (the first being in Haerin’s arms). 
It’s been a while since you last stepped foot into the glass garden, and you were amazed at how well the older girl took care of your plants and flowers. You knew the girl had been overworking herself just to keep the flowers you loved so dearly healthy, watching countless YouTube videos to learn how to take care of each kind of flower. She really loved you, as you loved her. 
Checking the time, you hurried towards the market to buy a few supplies. You had decided to cook dinner and bring it to the hospital for Haerin. It’s been a while since you had the strength to cook, and you were worried that the girl would go back to her habits of eating a few pieces of junk food or skipping food altogether. You decided to cook her favorite, smoked salmon with lemon, and shrimp fried rice; taking note of how Haerin was really like a cat, enjoying seafood over anything. 
After stopping in front of one of the other flower shops in the city, you made your way to the hospital in light steps. The setting sun painted the world in a breathtaking display of orange-red hues, casting your elongated shadow across the road.  Despite the walk to the hospital taking longer than anticipated, requiring occasional breaks to catch your breath and steady your irregular heartbeat, the excitement of seeing your favorite person in the world continued to course through your veins. 
"Y/N? Baby, what are you doing here?" Haerin's voice carried a mixture of surprise and concern as she encountered your presence. Her brow furrowed in worry. "Are you okay? Where does it hurt?"
A soft giggle escaped your lips, finding the concern etched across Haerin's face adorable. Her unwavering care for you never failed to touch your heart, always leaving you with a warm sensation. "I'm perfectly fine, Rinnie. I just wanted to bring you dinner. And flowers – I got you flowers."
Haerin’s gaze softened and her face broke into a smile, happy to see you feeling better. “Thank you, love.” She wrapped her arms around you and pulled you into a kiss. “What flowers did you get me?”
“My favorite wildflower, Forget-Me-Nots.” You said, giving her the bouquet of baby blue flowers. 
Haerin chuckled, a brief kiss landing on your lips before she examined the flowers. "You're always on my mind, baby. Forgetting about you? Impossible."
"Still, you should keep them in your office," you suggested, unwrapping the paper and arranging the flowers in a vase on Haerin's desk. "So that when a beautiful patient tries to flirt, you'll glance at them and remember I'm here, waiting for you."
The doctor playfully flicked your forehead, a snort escaping her. "Feeling a little jealous, are we?" Her tone was affectionate. "I only have eyes for you."
"Good," you whispered, your lips brushing against hers.
After a quick dinner and numerous kisses, you gently urged Haerin towards the surgery room. Promising to be there when she returned, you watched her leave. As you headed back home, weariness, which you had been fighting off, began to seep back into your body. Your steps grew slower, breaths a touch shallower. The chest pains resurfaced, a gradual burn coursing through your veins, winding its way back to your heart. Perhaps a quick nap would help, you reasoned. Yielding to your heavy eyelids, you settled onto the bed, nuzzling into Haerin's pillow. Inhaling her scent, the persistent ache within your chest began to wane with the slowing of your beating heart.
The surgery went without a hitch, with the team successfully completing it within the originally estimated time. Despite her fatigue, Haerin was in a fantastic mood, eagerly anticipating going home and spending the remaining few days with you.
Observing you today, radiating happiness and good health, Haerin felt a renewed sense of hope. Her father had reached out to her before the surgery to inform her that you were now next in line for a healthy heart, and she was overjoyed to share this news with you.
"Baby?" Haerin's voice echoed through the house as she stepped in through the front door. No response greeted her.
Assuming you had dozed off while waiting, she walked softly down the hallway, eventually entering the shared bedroom. A small laugh escaped her lips at the sight of you nestled against her pillow, lost in peaceful slumber, still wearing the clothes you went out in. 
“Baby.” She called again, “Y/N. Let’s get you changed.” 
That’s when she knew something was wrong. You were still. Too still. 
"Y/N?" Panic laced her voice as she rushed to shake your shoulders. "Please, wake up."
The body she had always nestled close to for warmth was now cold. Her beloved pair of eyes were forever concealed beneath your eyelids, no longer capable of providing her with solace and affection. You were gone. 
A searing pain ripped through Haerin's heart, shattering it into shards of agony, crashing like relentless waves against the unyielding rocks of her being, leaving only a mist of shattered thoughts behind.
Was this the agony you felt? Had the hole in your heart inflicted you the same torment that losing you was doing to Haerin? If she could, she would have given you her heart just to keep you at her side. Yet it seemed that love alone lacked the power to keep someone from slipping away.
"I don't think I could ever forget you," Haerin sobbed, her entire body convulsing with grief as she curled up beside you. She hoped that you would remember her, in the afterlife and in your next one.
Time, Haerin decided, was neither a curse nor a cure. Time was only the canvas on which fate's intricate designs were created. She was fated to love you, and was fated to lose you. The ache in her heart did not fade with the passing of time, nor did her love.
She wondered if this constant ache would serve as a poignant reminder of your existence for the rest of her life. And if it meant keeping you closer to her, she'd embrace that gentle simmer within her heart.
Lowering herself, Haerin gently placed your favorite necklace onto the soft freshly watered dirt. Stepping back, she nodded her head in approval. You would’ve been proud of her.  The once dusty and barren hospital rooftop had undergone a metamorphosis, transforming into a vibrant sea of wildflowers, as she had promised.
The spring breeze danced through the blue forget-me-nots and swayed the white daisies, before caressing Haerin's face, leaving behind a subtle trace of the sweet, familiar floral scent – your scent.
“A sea of wildflowers, for you to remember me by.” Haerin whispered, a few drops of tears escaping her eyes,
“and for me to never forget you.” 
As the sun set below the horizon, throwing a warm glow over the blossoms, Haerin remained there, her heart heavy but comforted by the idea that your memory would bloom eternally among the wildflowers.
And that's it 👀 Hopefully, this meets your expectations of angst.
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dayscapism · 1 year
K-Dramas recommendations & short reviews
Because I've watched way too many to not make a list. Warning: I like romance and fantasy a bit too much.
These shows made me cry. 10/10. Five stars. Recommend to anyone. They live in my mind rent-free:
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022) - Attorney Woo is such a wonderful person, I love her character. I can't say much about the representation, but I like that it opens up the conversation around autism & neurodivergence, discrimination and prejudice, particularly in work environments. I rarely like shows about law or lawyers but I was surprisingly engaged with the cases and the story. It deserves a second season. (The only thing I don't like about this show is they're pushing for a MinWoo and Choi Su-Yeon ship. Which huh--disrespectful.)
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Hotel Del Luna (2019) - A great place to start with k-dramas if you like paranormal fantasy. This show has such a special place in my heart. I wanted a different ending but I am okay with it because it was a tight narrative. The main character is iconic (Man-Wol please step on me). The show has amazing sets, AMAZING costumes, an amazing OST, amazing and heartbreaking performance by Yeo Jin Goo. The main couple is so soft; like they're such good friends and coworkers and gentle with each other (eventually). It's enemies to reluctant friends to lovers. It's perfect for asexual viewers who want more than physicality in their romance shows. Cons: the secondary characters' goodbyes and backstories left a little to be desired. A few other nitpicks like Chang-Seong is the one to suggest the main character a new hobby instead of her just discovering it by herself.
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It's Okay to Not Be Okay (2020) - Also a good place to start with k-dramas. This show is a lesson in good narrative; this has perfect writing & storytelling. The cast is so good. The female lead is an icon. The character work I excellent. The mental health issues are so well addressed and it taught me a lot about mental health I wasn't aware of. Each small minor character plays a very important thematic role. (The villain isn't the best thing ever but she serves her role in the themes and plot.) The production and the storytelling with the children's book animations are just *heart eyes*. The OST is so good too. You need to watch this to understand how good a k-dramas can be. A must-watch.
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Goblin: The Lonely and Great God (2016) - This is the most iconic fantasy/paranormal k-drama ever. A lot of current tropes were started here I think (including the weird k drama last-episode time jump separation of the main couple). This show broke me. You will cry. The bromance and comedy are amazing here too. Gong Yoo and Dong Wook Lee have great chemistry. Main female lead is so cute and her character is so heartwarming. The ending felt a bit rushed. The death, existential related stuff with the grim reapers and such is so good tho.
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Business Proposal (2022) - Best rom-com ever! (Well, it could be gayer tbh.) It's my new comfort show. I already watched it twice. It's campy, hilarious, chaotic, iconic and messy in a way that feels like real life (but obviously played up for drama and comedy). Excellent character work. The love interest is definitely written by a woman. Gorgeous cast (Sejeon omg I have a crush, but also the others). It was too short! I would have loved another episode, and more of Grandpa and Ha-Ri. Warning: this has the weird kdrama last-episode time jump couple separation.
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W: Two Worlds (2016) - A young resident medic accidentally finds her way inside the webcomic her father created. Like, that premise is killer. We have Lee Jong Suk at his finest here; the character fits him so well. He was born to play a lead. This show has amazing meta-commentary on writing, authorship, and existential crisis. The confrontation between the webcomic character Kang Cheol and the author is insane! The main couple is an epic pair. Would rewatch. High wump value. Cons: The second part could have been more swoony with the romance, Kang Cheol kind of became a bit cold. (A warning: this show also has the k drama weird last-episode time jump couple separation.)
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Would recommend with popcorn, I rate them 8/10:
Crash Landing on You (2019) - Really good. The main couple has the best chemistry I've ever seen. It's not that much of a personal fave show, but still pretty awesome and will tug at your heart. It got a bit overly dramatic in the last episodes and again, has that k-drama last episode weird time jump couple separation, but here it actually makes sense. And sort of mirrors the separation and eventual unification of the Korean Peninsula. It was very interesting to see the contrast between North and South Korea.
Shooting Stars (2022) - Aside from the terrible, horrible, insulting Africa storyline (where the male lead goes to 'help' African kids with water scarcity, not even a country name is called, he just goes to *gestures vaguely* Africa to help goddammit he's such a beautiful soul! /s) There's a weird creepy sugar mommy wannabe side storyline and it's weird and out of nowhere. But the rest of it is good and campy and the main characters are so cute. All the couples are cute. The male lead is a cute disaster. Female lead is also a capable cutey but a disaster when it comes to romance. It's hilarious. I love all characters. It's fun. It's great. It shows a very interesting side of the entertainment industry.
While You Were Sleeping (2017) - A man and a woman who don't know each other have precognition powers and after they meet, they use them to take down a corrupt lawyer. The show isn't very heavy on the romance, tough the pair work pretty well together. I liked the main actress. Lee Jong Suk has chemistry with anyone. The male role was not exactly a good fit for Jong Suk. He's so much more naturally charming than the character. It's a fun show to pass the time. The found family is nice and all the characters work great together. The mom is great.
The King's Affection (2021) - I'm going to be honest, I didn't finish watching this. Ups. I got bored after episode 15. It's a very slow show but what I watched was quite good. It was just not a show for me. Having a bisexual male lead was awesome, I appreciate that he falls for the main character while he thinks she's a man. (Could be gayer tho, just saying.) Pretty good discussions and reversals of gender cliches. It has complicated parent-child relationships that are very well written which gives a lot of heart and heartbreak to this story. The political stuff gets very convoluted. I really wish the queer part was bigger though, and not limited to the main couple. We could even have poly representation! I still have half a mind to finish this but I don't know There are so many other shows I'd rather watch instead. (Boy, I really need to get into the actually queer side of k-dramas because the side I'm currently on is giving me crumbs.)
Lovers of the Red Sky (2021) - The premise was so cool. This has so much lore I like and the setting is beautiful and rich, but it also has so much lost potential. The plot is very weak in the second half and could be restructured. I loved the atmosphere, costumes and the actors and their characters: the blind cursed scholar nobleman, the female genius cheeky painter and her friend trio and the prince are all great characters. Ahn Hyo Seop is pretty good in it and looks very pretty indeed in historical costume (but the design of the villain creature he's possessed/cursed with is so, so bad omg). Great premise failed execution. Good first half but it went over the rails quickly. Still entertaining if you like historical fantasy.
Romance is a Bonus Book (2019) - It's a bit slow and could have done so much more with the female lead and her child. She's a bit underwhelming and her daughter is barely in the story. The second female character played by Jeong Eu-Gene was awesome, I love this actress now. Lee Jung Suk is always looking hot and being an excellent actor with what he's given; he's very charming here. He could have chemistry with a piece of wood and yet I wasn't that fan of the romance. Maybe it's just because friends to lovers isn't my cup of tea. There's a weird out-of-nowhere backstory between the male leads. The commentary of ageism in the workplace is a bit surface level (it's not that big of a deal for the company if you're overqualified for a job, the point should be that is an issue for you and your career, who is too good for the company). You can tell the writers really care about books; it's definitely a love letter to editors and an interesting window into the world of book publishing; you can feel the love editors put into making books. Bonus: the founding members of the publishing company have very funny moments.
Do no recommend:
King: Eternal Monarch - Couldn't even finish this. I was so, so confused. The dialogue, narrative and backstory make no sense! Everything is so unnecessarily confusing. There's no chemistry between the main couple. The king and the bodyguard had more chemistry. Lee Jung-Jin (playing the villain Lee Lim) & Woo Do-Hwan (the bodyguard) carried this show and are pretty much the only thing good about it. The female lead is sidelined. It had an intriguing premise but failed execution.
What's Wrong With Secretary Kim - Skimmed most of the second half. It's a mess. The love interest CEO is such a narcissist and asshole he wouldn't be able to keep a working, healthy relationship with his partner without some serious therapy first. The female lead seems to be repulsed by him most of the time even when together and even looks scared when they get intimate. There's an unnecessarily convoluted plotline about the main lead's brother and a kidnapping in their past. It has tonal issues and it's cringy rather than funny. The secondary characters are just a lot of useless filler. The female lead sacrifices her independence and dreams to be with the main guy. Just go watch Business Proposal instead.
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo - The only pro of this show is IU. The romance went the undeveloped route. Cheap-looking production, with too many episodes, melodramatic, characters pivot in place instead of naturally developing; it's definitely a telenovela. The point that the female lead is from the future doesn't even matter for the story (should have made her a Goryeo historian instead of a random cosmetologist). Pass!
Tomorrow - Could not finish watching. Please, please don't watch it if you're dealing with depression, bullying or suicidal thoughts. Please don't. By episode 2 I was just screaming at the screen. Problematic? This show invented the word problematic. The supernatural task force that's supposed to save people with suicide risk is terrible at therapy and suicide prevention. They tell the person trying to commit suicide, literally on the edge of a building about to jump, that they should do it, that they're weak, they should just jump, go ahead! Like ... what????
Mystic Pop Up Bar - Didn't capture me by episode 2. Got bored. Some say this is better than Hotel Del Luna but I don't agree.
Abyss - It's a weird tonal mix. Would have preferred if it leaned further into the absurd (go all in with the humour or don't at all), the sci-fi or the murder mystery. Instead of just revealing by episode 3 who the murderer is, quickly changing the plot into a chase after the villain, even though he's so lame. But also he is keeps killing people and it gets dark. And then we cut to the main couple being silly and cute. It's so jarring. The leads have a great dynamic and Ahn Hyo Seop knows how to differentiate his characters really well, give them their own flavour., but in the end it's just a cool premise, failed execution. Very average.
Currently watching:
The Crowned Clown - Very interesting concept and gorgeous, gorgeous visuals. Plot drags a little. Has some tonal problems and oversimplification of politics. The best part is when Yeo Jin-Goo acts with himself haha. He's such a talented actor.
The Uncanny Counter - Get's a bit melodramatic sometimes but all four main actors are insanely good.
Tale of the Nine-Tailed - The main romantic relationship needs a lot more development, but the entire show is worth watching just for Dong Wook Lee and Kim Bum as brothers.
Alchemy of Souls - 6/10 so far. Currently watching season 2/part 2. Aside from the prince, I don't particularly care for any of the characters. Unpopular opinion but the main romantic pair have no chemistry. Mu-Deok has more chemistry with Yul and the prince, and the prince has more chemistry with Jang-Uk. The lore is confusing and inconsistent: it breaks its own rules. (Two souls in one body what?? when was this established as a thing?) There's not enough foreshadowing and setting up the rules of magic in this world (the Ice Stone comes up as a deux ex mahcina big plot point in the last second). It also drags; the episodes are too long. There's a lot of saying and ultimately the show doesn't deliver. The narrative structure is straight out of a fantasy Wattpad. The set and costumes are fun and cool for a fantasy world, and the first episode was great.  
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holdontohopelove · 11 months
I think my biggest issue with the whole thing is that while the Season 2 finale is exceptional, it's only exceptional in the context of Season 2.
Let me explain.
I saw on X last night that people were raving about the finale, calling it the best Marvel work in years, the "Andor" of the MCU. And it was a blockbuster finale especially compared to some of the other studio projects lately.
HOWEVER, it's a good end for Season 2, if it was an anthology. Or if you came into Season 2 without much knowledge of or emotional investment in Season 1. Because Season 2 and Season 1 barely seem like the same show.
The new characters. The time splitting and the multiverse and the overall weirdness of the whole thing. Sylvie basically being a side character. Mobius and Loki being the dynamic duo of the season (Not bashing, just observing). The extra time spent on Timely and Renslayer and Ms. Minutes. Whatever was left hanging in Season 1 stayed hanging in Season 2 as Season 2 went in a totally different direction with totally different vibes. Quite literally, it felt like different branched timelines of the same fucking series.
So with that being said, the finale went perfectly with Season 2. It was, in some ways, exactly what was supposed to happen if you only look at Season 2. Loki saves his friends. Loki completes his "villain to hero" arc. Loki becomes the true god he was always capable of being.
But if you try to connect Season 1 to Season 2, the finale falls short immensely. Because no matter what or how you ship, very little of what went on makes sense in the context of the Sylvie and Loki connection. Yes, he sacrifices his life as it was and could have been for her free will and for her to live her life. Yes, he loves her too much to kill her. But everything else that Season 1 laid down - the nexus event, the "you go, I go", their magic being stronger together, Loki's obvious temptation at the two of them together on the timeline - Season 2 never picks any of it up. With the possible exception of Loki making the final choice so that Sylvie can be "okay" (and this is NOT said, just an inference on my part), none of it really connects.
Yes, he's a hero. Yes, he sacrifices himself for his friends. Yes, he loved Sylvie too much to kill her. Yes, the TVA is revamped and ready for Kang. Yes, Sylvie and Mobius get to live life with free will. But where, where was any of the resolution needed from Season 1? Like so many other people have said, even if EVERYTHING ELSE stayed the same, having Sylvie and Loki have a deeper moment when time was frozen, or a more meaningful goodbye, or ANYTHING that addressed the connection from Season 1 would have bridged the seasons. And truthfully, I think the strongest bridge between the seasons would have been if Sylvie chose in that moment of her own free will to stay with him. How do you spent one season building up these two characters as being so deeply connected and then basically have them never address that connection in the next season?
Separately, each season is amazing. But to try to put them together as one cohesive, satisfying series doesn't work at all.
Is it just me here? (No hate, please, I come in peace).
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beomgyuslilracha · 2 years
txt imagine ...
summary for context: for the past couple years, you had been temporarily assigned to work alongside the team for the popular group, tomorrow x together. in a matter of no time, especially thanks to your closeness in age, it was very easy to develop a friendly and playful relationship with one another. unfortunately, some of the other staff thought maybe you six were a little too close after a while.
eventually, the managers decided it was time for you to transfer back to your original job position. you were given a full week notice of this matter and you thought it gave you plenty of time to prepare your goodbyes with the boys, seeing as you had begged manager jisoo to let you be the one to break the news to them. you came to realize later that this was a terrible mistake ... because now it was your last day and you had less than a few hours to tell them.
‣ pairing(s): kang taehyun x gn! reader
‣ genre: slice-of-life .. maybe ?
‣ wc: 1.7k
‣ warnings: a little “sad” for a split second, i guess, but it’s not angst
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TAEHYUN { 태현 }
you had fought with yourself for hours about whether or not to just call in sick, but knew better than to do so because then that would mean that you’d miss out on your last day seeing the boys. by the time you arrived at the company and stood outside the studio room doors, you really did end up feeling sick to your stomach.
of course, by that point, it was too late to call in.
after the most useless pep-talk to yourself, you finally walked through the doors to be greeted with the bustle of activity from everyone in the room. some staff were setting up the scene for filming, others were setting up the cameras for the best angles to shoot from, and the boys were off to the side getting last minute makeup touches and set up with the microphones.
the lump in your throat felt much bigger than it did a second ago from just looking at the five dorks teasing each other. you weren’t ready to say goodbye.
in just the short amount of time that you’ve gotten to know them, they ended up meaning so much more to you than you could have possibly imagined. since you were close in age with them, it came so easily to just tease and joke with each other ... and now you were expected to leave? to go back to a lonely office without five adorable puppies there to keep you company?
at first, you wanted to convince yourself that maybe it wouldn’t be that bad, that maybe you’d still be able to find time together whenever they were free. of course, having experienced their hectic, busy schedules firsthand, you knew it would be near to impossible. if they weren’t filming, they were in dance practice, if they weren’t at dance practice, they were recording, and if they weren’t recording, then they were probably doing something else that kept them from you. there was no chance that you’d be able to see them the way you have been for the past few years.
you were going to go from seeing your favorite boys for every waking hour of the day ... to not at all.
you hadn’t realized that you had just been standing at the doors, staring over at the boys, for a few minutes now until another staff came up to you to ask for your assistance.
you were thankful for it, though, because it gave you an excuse to be distracted from the problem at hand. maybe you’ll magically find the right words to say while you were working ... or maybe you’ll just waste time until it’s too late and you end up never being able to explain to them.
who knows? because you sure didn’t.
what made things worse was knowing that taehyun, with his sixth sense, was bound to find his way over and ask what was wrong. it wouldn’t be the first time either, seeing as he had asked you about 50 times this past week.
no matter how hard you pretended to act like nothing was wrong, taehyun somehow knew that there was something you weren’t telling him.
he knew this especially because you would normally tell him everything. you didn’t know what it was, but, as you two grew closer to each other, you found it to be so easy and comfortable to trust him with absolutely anything that bothered you.
just being with him always put a smile on your face.
this was why it was hurting you so much more to be hiding something so important from him, and knowing that he knew it too.
he’d ask if you were okay, and you’d lie and say yes. he’d ask if something was bothering you, and you’d lie and say no. he’d even ask if there was something you weren’t telling him, and you’d throw in a fake laugh and lie right to his face that there wasn’t.
of course, despite all your lies to reassure him, he never believed a single word. he’d come right back over, a few minutes later, and repeat the same questions again.
“y/n, have you been paying attention to what you’re doing?” a voice suddenly broke through your thoughts.
“what? yes, of course i ...” you looked down to see that the banner display that you were supposed to be writing out was merely just a mixed jumble of shapes and lines. you could only stare at it in horror, unable to believe the mindless mess you created while you were deep in thought.
“so are you done lying to me yet?”
you quickly turned to your left, now realizing that it was taehyun who had come up beside you. had you been paying any attention, you would have tried to do a better job of avoiding him.
“what do you mean? i’m not-”
“y/n.” the seriousness in his tone was enough to finally make you give in.
what was the point of lying this long? he knew there was something wrong the entire time, and all you did was risk him being upset with you. so what was the point?
... because you never wanted to have to say goodbye.
“taehyun, i’m sorry, it’s just that ... today-”
“is your last day with us, right?” he cut you off, causing your eyes to widen and look up at him in shock. so not only did he know something was wrong, but he knew exactly what was wrong.
tears began welling up in your eyes, and your bottom lip began trembling as you stared at the boy in front of you. when you imagined this moment, you wished that it could have been so much easier. now, because of your own actions, it only felt so much worse.
“i’m ... i’m so sorry,” you choked out between sobs, your head falling into your hands as your body began shaking. “i- i never wanted to lie to you.”
“i know you didn’t, don’t worry,” he hushed you, his hand softly bringing your head down to rest on his chest as he wrapped you in a hug.
you stood that way for a minute, the both of you basking in the comfort of holding each other. you never wanted to leave his arms, and you especially never wanted to leave him.
suddenly, a thought came to you. you slowly pulled away from him despite how much it pained you to do so, and looked up at the beautiful boy. “wait, how did you know today was my last day?”
he shrugged. “i just asked manager jisoo. he said that you wanted to be the one to say goodbye, but i don’t understand why. did you not want to see us anymore?”
“what?! of course, i do! i wish i could see you every day - more than anything,” you responded immediately, your hands unconsciously reaching over to grasp one of his hands.
taehyun’s lips perked up in an adorable smile, taking note of how quick you were to admit how much you wanted to see him. “then why are you saying goodbye?”
you blinked, confused. did he not get it? “well, because- because you’ll be too busy. with your schedule and all...” you trailed off, tilting your head in confusion when you noticed that he was chuckling as you spoke.
“i’m not that busy,” he assured you, his hand coming up to ruffle the top of your head. “i’ll make any time to see you.”
your heart was racing at that moment, and the smile on your lips felt like nothing in the world could take it away from you -- and as long as you got to be with taehyun, you were sure that nothing ever could.
much to your surprise, taehyun truly kept to his word. any time that he had free in his schedule, you’d see his name pop up on your phone ready to ask where you were. you often grabbed lunch together every day, whether in or outside of the company and sometimes it ran longer than it should and you’d both end up running late back to work. he never wanted to bother you while you were up in your office, but you always made sure to visit him during dance practice or filming shoots whenever you rushed to finish your work early. he even invited you to monitor his lives, but you eventually had to stop because he kept blushing and too many moas were beginning to spark rumors that the staff definitely wanted to put a stop to. during weekends was when you both really got to spend more time together - either on dates in the city hanging out or in his dorm for movie binges. you’d either cuddle up on the sofa together or cuddle in bed watching youtube videos on his laptop. of course, you’d have to separate whenever kai came in and threw a plushie at the two of you and told you to get a room, which you secretly wished you could but, unfortunately, tyun and kai were roommates.
one rare occasion had allowed the two of you to finally be alone in the dorm, while the others had their own separate schedules back at the company. you and tyun were laying in his bed, cuddled much closer together than usual since you were watching videos from his phone. his hand that wasn’t holding the phone was wrapped around you, while your head rested on his chest. at first, you really were focused on the video he was showing you, but then you suddenly got sidetracked when you felt his fingers slowly brushing up and down against your arm. you began hoping that he didn’t notice the goosebumps that were trailing behind everywhere he touched. your heart began to pound harder against your ribcage, your mind wandering as you began thinking how soft and amazing his touch felt. “y/n?” he had asked quietly, bringing you back to reality only to wonder how long the video had been paused and how long he had been looking at you for. you tilted your head to look up at him now, your cheeks heating up 10 degrees. “can i try something?” he had asked. you nodded slowly, your heart racing as he leaned in and allowed his lips to softly meet yours. you felt yourself ascending, wondering how you could have lived this long without the feeling of his lips against yours.
it was beautiful ... up until the door flew open and kai let out a loud “YEONJUN HYUNG”, forcing the two of you to finally pull away from each other and rush to explain yourselves before the eldest member came in and started scolding you guys.
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coming up with the ending made me laugh, i don’t know why i pictured it but i had to include it the second i did. anywayyyyyy pls enjoy this blurb and wait shortly for kai’s to be posted sometime soon <3 thank you everyone for reading, reblogging, liking, and just anything to give my little imagines attention. i appreciate it so so so much, even if they’re not all that great to begin with.
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brsb4hls · 11 months
Welp, judging from the possible spoilers, predictions and interviews I actually think the finale will go fine for every character, except maybe Sylvie.
That would suck, since she truely got the short end of the stick basically the whole show. I still hope for a decent conclusion for her arc, but you'll never know.
To me she is the only wild card.
What I think will happen:
*Loki will take over for HWR and stay at the citadel. I'm absolutely sure. He won't die, the MCU will keep him as an asset and for possible cameos.
The only thing that could go wrong here would be not giving him enough power to make it awesome.
*the tva will continue to exist. But just for monitoring. I'd be ok with that for the sake of the characters (not for the tva itself).
*the variants will get a conscious peek at their time lines and decide to stay at the tva, it will be bitter sweet and melodramatic.
(Mobius might see that his boys are thriving with another Don, OB loves the tva science anyways, Casey well duh, B-15 might stay out of responsibility or because she was meant to die on the tl or whatever).
B-15 officially takes a leading role, Mobius stays in middle management and keeps up morale. He's great at that.
*the multiverse will be free. We still didn't fully get to that yet, and one spoiler tweet claims that the 'lie' from the trailer is indeed the loom. The loom is pointless (in regards to keeping lines stable) and will not be fixed. The multiverse will expand.
The time lines will be stabilized by Loki himself.
*I like Brad as a character, but am ok with whatever might happen to him (possible death)
*Ravonna could get eaten or put back on the time line. Given her recent action she most likely will be an Alioth meal, unless they have one last surprise for her character. We did get a glimpse at her actual life though, so she might make it.
*Kang will have forseen everything up to Loki revisiting the citadel, but will not 'win' there.
The general speculative consensus is that the MCU can either keep him or exchange him for Doom as future villain, so it will be an ambiguous ending for Kang, where it just looks as if he'd won at first.
*Now Sylvie: narratively it would make sense to have her stay with Loki at the citadel. Kang asked both of them to take over.
They have been arguing over different philosophies the whole season, so both of them together would mean balance.
Sylvie is referred to as 'meaningful' and described as having 'a deep connection to Loki' in interviews.
But: the MCU doesn't exactly do couples (with few exeptions).
If the MCU wants to keep using Loki for cameos or even as Avenger prime (hey I can hope ;)), would they have to include her? Could they?
Loki by himself seems easier.
Sophia talked about saying goodbye to her character. (So no reprise of that role).
So Sylvie could either die (fuck that tbh) or get her own mission elsewhere (I'd be ok with that).
Or get reset in favor of little Sylvie if that would work logically (well, fuck that too).
(There will be a 'sacrifice' in the finale, but that could be anything tbh, it could also mean Loki saying goodbye to her and conciously erasing their meeting, if her life gets reset. Great for Sylvie, who would start over with no memories, very sad for Loki, convenient drama insert)
So yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy the finale, but that could be the only shitty thing.
It wouldn't matter much, of course. It's just a show and they hardly end the way I want (not you 'Lost girl', you did great. SPN also).
But I would love to be wrong in my pessimism and get pleasently surprised with a perfect ending.
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fevermedia · 9 months
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✧ ⁺ ⁺  keep an eye out! the following muses have reached 4+ days of inactivity and are in danger of having their roles reopened!
✧ Bang Chan (5 days) @fivestarchan ✧ Dermot Kennedy (6 days) @fleabagboy ✧ Tara Yummy (6 days) @supernintendhoe ✧ Miles Wood (Rolehogging) @woodsy28 ✧ Tommy Cannon (4 days) @tommymaccaroni ✧ Ten Lee (4 days) @jurassicrat ✧ Andrew Bazzi (4 days) @shaniabrain ✧ Iris Kim (Rolehogging) @lilnashex ✧ Huening Kai (Rolehogging) @penguinplushies ✧ Jake Oettinger (6 days) @star-otter ✧ Ashlee Simpson (6 days) @midnightbluecitrus ✧ Jeon Wonwoo (4 days) @buzzmarbles ✧ Tobias Forge (4 days) @marygoorewantsout ✧ Lenora Delavaux (5 days) @leviismadeofjade
✧ ⁺ ⁺  time to say goodbye! the following muses have reached 7+ days of inactivity and are now free to be reserved. if you feel you have been mistakenly listed, please feel free to reach out!
✧ Phoebe Bridgers ✧ Seo Changbin ✧ Octavia Rhodes ✧ Bishop Briggs ✧ Randy “Brakence” Findell ✧ Aaron Matts (dropping) ✧ Joakim Karlsson (dropping) ✧ Esmeray Schafer ✧ Elijah Jamison ✧ Violet Page ✧ Courtney LaPlante ✧ Viviana Mckee ✧ Lee Siyeon ✧ Kang Yeosang ✧ Han Choonhee ✧ Luke Hemmings ✧ Ashton Irwin ✧ Calum Hood ✧ Mark Lee ✧ Matthew "Yung Gravi" Hauri ✧ Hana Kang ✧ Maggie Lindemann ✧ Ty Dellandrea ✧ Henrietta Everhart ✧ Octavia Weir ✧ Katie Gavin
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bex-pendragon · 11 months
It's been a while since a piece of media let me down quite this much, but I guess I was overdue for it.
That Loki season finale (and the whole season really) was a major letdown.
I think on some level I get what they were trying to do, but it did not land for me. I'm glad Loki gets to level up as a hero. I am! He deserves it! But at what cost? No one will ever know what he's done. He'll probably never see his brother again, or his best friend, or the love of his life. He didn't get a chance to say a proper goodbye to anyone. After all the time this season spent spinning its wheels, the ending felt rushed.
The whole season just felt off for me. Season 1 set a high bar. I don't even know what this is.
I mean yeah, maybe I didn't manage my expectations. Maybe I've got my shipping goggles on too tight. But it's not just that. I was a Sylvie stan as much as I was a shipper and while I'm relieved they didn't kill her off, it didn't feel like a satisfying end to her story. She's such a compelling character and they didn't do enough with her. We got the beginnings of some character development, but it really feels like they benched one of their MVPs. And for what? Because they couldn't handle an angry female character?
Of course it wouldn't be the first time this franchise has wasted a compelling character or a capable actor. They didn't do nearly enough with Gugu either. (At least we got that gorgeous 1890s Victorian outfit though!) I liked that we got to see B-15 come into her own as a leader. OB was a fun addition. If I could only keep one thing from this season, it would be him.
But what was the whole point of Brad? Of Dox? Why all the fuckery with Miss Minutes? They'd better recast that creep Majors if they intend to keep Kang as the next big bad. (Seriously. Get Aldis Hodge in there! Or David Ajala! Instant upgrade!) Ugh. So much screentime that could have been spent elsewhere.
You could tell there was turnover on the creative team too. It felt the the two seasons weren't even in conversation with each other. Why the hell was Eric Martin going around liking tweets about Sylki? What an absolute troll. The queer baiting was just plain mean. Now the shippers on both sides are in the same shitty leaking boat. So much for you go, I go.
This whole season was a waste of time. But I'll look forward to how the fanfic writers write their way out of this one.
Onward and upward, fans. Take it from a millennial fangirl who's been through several major fandom disappointments: At the end of the day, these characters belong to us now. They're finally free and so are we.
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All Nasty <D&D roll fic.2>
Kang Yeosang x Fem!reader
comedy sprinkle
word count: 1195
TAGS: edge/overstim, caught, slight breeding, slight jealousy
“Have fun with Uncle Yunho! See you in a few days.” You kiss the top of your son’s head and wave him goodbye. The second the car pulls out the driveway Yeosang tugs you inside the house, pushing you up against the closed door. Playing with a piece of your hair he whispers, “We have all weekend. We should start it off on a high note right?” He lifts you and drops you down over the back of the couch, which makes you roll backwards right onto the floor. You lay there laughing, Yeosang falls to his hands and knees next to you laughing with tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Wow, I never knew Wrestlemania could be foreplay. Very ingenious of you.” You smack him on the back.
“I’m so sorry! That was just so funny.” He tries to regain his composure. “I’m seriously sorry though. I got too excited about having my girlfriend all to myself for the weekend, no distractions.” Yeosang crawls over you, trapping you underneath him and begins to mouth at your neck. 
“If you wanted someone all to yourself you should probably start dating women without children.” Giggling and carding your fingers through his hair he grabs your hand and brings his face to yours
“Don’t do that.” He pulls your chin up, planting a small kiss on your lips. “You know that’s not what I meant.” He kisses you again, and again, continuing to place little pecks all over your lips and moving back down to your neck. “Don’t joke like that or I'll think I'm doing piss poor job of showing you how much I love you. How much I love both of you.” He reaches up your dress, pulling your panties off. “Now let me open you up, make you cum. I’ll get you all prepped to get knocked up again.”
“Seriously, that’s where you want to take this right now? Really starting off strong, huh?” Your chuckle turns into a moan as his fingers find their way to your clit and start rubbing small circles.
“Let me do it. I want to.” Yeosang brings his fingers to your lips, moaning as you suck them deep into your mouth. The feeling of his bulge pushing against your thigh has you shutter with excitement. He’s never talked about anything close to this before and the look in his eye is serious, unwavering. You gasp as he pulls his fingers from your mouth and slides them inside you, deep, as far as you think they could possibly go. He places his free hand on your stomach, just about your pelvis and pushes down gently. “This is the last place he had you and I haven’t. It isn't fair.” Your breathing gets heavier, your mind foggier. You hate and love this trick of his. It takes sometimes as little as seconds for you to cum, even with no warm up. He sends you careening into pleasure and pulls your right back so gently, winding you down just enough so he can do it all over again until you’re nothing more than a melted, incoherent mess. “I’m jealous, I won’t pretend I’m not.” Continuing to hook his fingers into you, he isn’t even sure you hear him anymore and he doesn’t mind. He loves the look on your face, your head thrown back, mouth wide open because of what HE is doing to you. You feel so good because of HIM. “Let me. Please. I’ll beg if I have to.” His fingers move faster, in time with your clenching. You are so close, he can tell. A battle goes on in his head. He isn’t sure if he should give you as many orgasms as possible or should he continue to deny you until you beg him to finally relieve you. He come to a decision and moves his fingers even fast, pushing on your tummy a little harder, determined to make you squirt. He’s fairly certain you won’t be upset about the mess since it’ll be easy to clean up on the hardwood as opposed to the bed. He discards his shirt, not wanting to get a new shirt after. 
“Just let me cum and you can do whatever you want!” your words make him still, his face just a breath away from yours. “Please don’t stop. Please!” You’re near screaming at this point, desperate for release. He continues his movements slowly just to give you a little something, he needs you coherent for just a few seconds. 
“Look at me.” His hand moves from your tummy and grabs your jaw, forcing you to turn towards him. “Look me in my eyes.” You obey, opening your eyes as much as you could manage. “If you don’t want this, tell me no.” He kisses you, pulling your lip into his mouth and nipping at it. You nod, giving him your consent. “No baby. That’s not enough. I need to make sure you actually want this.”
“I am one million percent sure I want you to cum inside me.” You begin to pull at his pants, working on the zipper, his cock finally free. “I want it. We can talk more about it later.” 
“Fuck yes! The idea has me so hard, it fucking hurts.” The moment he slides into you there is a shriek coming from above you. 
It’s your brother and his always impeccable timing. A long sign comes from Yeosang and you groan loudly, annoyed that it hasn’t even been ten minutes. You hear Yunho gag, panting. Yeosang puts himself back into his pants, letting you sit up from the floor. Yunho has his back turned, eyes covered with one hand and head against his arm leaning against the wall. 
“Seriously! You could have knocked!” You yell, throwing a pillow at his back. 
“Well, I’m sooooo sorry that I didn’t think I would walk into you getting all nasty on the floor. I figured I could have closed my ears and grabbed what I forgot quietly because you would be diddling up stairs like NORMAL PEOPLE!” 
“I’m sorry you saw me diddling your sister.” Yeosang smacks Yunho on the shoulder, disappearing into the kitchen to grab the forgotten bag. 
“We’re adults, can we stop saying the word ‘diddle’?” You sit on the couch and begin scrolling through your phone. 
“Sorry. Yunho I’m sorry you saw me railing your sister.” Yeosang shoves the bag towards him and pulling his hand away from his eyes
“Oh… Oh my god. I’m gonna throw up.” He gags again, refusing to look at Yeosang shirtless and fresh out of the act. “Thanks for the bag. I think I need to see a priest or something. Maybe he can have god erase this whole situation from my brain.” Yunho practically runs out of the house, not even closing the door all the way behind him. Yeosang closes and locks the door before looking over to you with one eyebrow raised, undoing his button and zipper on his pants once more. 
“So, where were we?” 
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hisnowbie2 · 2 months
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¤ Once a month, all male students will have to test out their knowledge, entering early the harsh society as those who are in the top of the chart will be treated differently. A brutal ranking system whereby some used their money to score high, and the fact that the low ranks mysteriously died as a rumor, will Kang Taehyun, the first in the rank, solve the harsh school rule together with a transfer student? ¤
Ladder masterlist
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TW //
Yandere Simulator game style (locked up), mentioned and watched a b*llying scene, blood cuts (NOT self-h*rm), description of screams, i try not to get too much into it since there are still some basic rules on gore
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SIX : 【 Mister fking Suh Hojin 】 (1.7k)
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Today marks your sixth day studying at SIBH. You are gradually adjusting to the casual classes and early dismissals compared to your previous school, but the occasional news of students being eliminated during tests is unsettling. You once witnessed a student's scream before death, followed by the announcer's grim declaration.
It happened when Jaemin, Jay, and Taehyun left you alone with some other students as you watched the timer reach zero. The lights went out, the screen went dark, and a blood-curdling scream echoed through the room. You couldn't discern where the test was held, and Jaemin didn't tell you, but the scream was abruptly cut short, leaving an eerie silence.
It's horrifying to recall that this test took place after your first class today. The piercing scream still echoes in your mind, even after your second class has ended.
Despite your notes and the answers from previous test questions, you finished your task just a minute ago and are now taking your time packing up in the library.
Yes, you are alone, and Jaemin was extremely hesitant to leave you, considering that a bully you have yet to meet might still be lurking around the school grounds, possibly seeking a victim. Fortunately, he had to leave for a business call, apologizing repeatedly and reminding you to call him if you encounter Hojin. You watched him worry like a mother, but you waved goodbye, your smile growing bigger as he finally left, freeing you from his watchful eye.
It's time for you to go home. Hearing that an unknown student's test is coming up, you decide to skip it for today and give yourself a break.
As you step out of the library, busy untangling your earphones, you hear a scream. You freeze, surprised, especially since you had heard the announcement about the upcoming test.
You gulp, not ready to find out what the scream is about, but you don't want Jaemin to rush to your side for a scream that isn't yours. You take deep breaths, trying to calm yourself, and continue walking forward, ignoring the scream.
You slowly put on one side of your earphone, and a second later, you hear a chorus of desperate screams. This stops you in your tracks, as you realize these screams aren't part of the test.
The dilemma is whether to investigate or not. You feel that it's none of your business and that avoiding the situation might save you some trouble. However, checking it out might save a student from misery.
Biting your inner lip, you turn around, cursing yourself for potentially making a foolish decision, and decide to search for the source of the screams.
The screams continue, and you are about to thank the student for guiding you closer when you make a right turn and collide with someone larger than you.
You apologize and try to move around the student, but he suddenly grabs your shoulder tightly, spins you around, and shoves you harshly against the wall. You wince in pain and cautiously look up to see an unfamiliar face.
He smirks at you, a sinister look in his eyes. Your instincts scream at you to run, but you're frozen in place.
"You're the transfer student?" he asks.
You glance at his nametag: Suh Ho Jin.
Just your luck—to meet the bully right when you're completely alone.
In all six days at this school, fate chose today, after Jaemin left, to introduce you to the worst student.
With no way to back off, your back pressed against the wall, your palms start to sweat.
He seems to see right through you, his smirk widening as he realizes how infamous he is, even to a transfer student like you.
"Looks like Jaemin and Jay have filled you in on my details," he says, pausing. "Though I have to say, out of all six days you've been here, I've been targeting you here and there and finally got to see you alone."
You were right: being alone on one of those six days was the worst fate. It’s not just fate messing with you; he explicitly said he's been waiting for this moment. Cursing your curiosity that led you into this situation, you regret not ignoring the screams and going straight home.
Meeting him is far from an honor, and you wish you could peacefully call Jaemin, but you know that’s impossible.
The stereotype of a bully immediately targeting their victim without distraction seems like a universal truth, and you know trying to call Jaemin would only provoke him further.
Now that you're stuck with Hojin, your eyes are fixed on him, but you can still hear the desperate pleas from the other student, urging you to be the hero and save them.
Hojin seems to notice this, as he smiles and points in the direction of the screams.
"Oh, that? That came from the test."
"The test hasn't even started yet," you retort.
The audacity of your sudden response surprises even you. You curse yourself for speaking up without thinking, blaming your bravery for getting you into more trouble.
He seems momentarily shocked by your response but quickly regains his composure. "A smart underling shouldn’t care much about a scream. It's not like you, a rank 20 student, have much to say about it once you see it." He tilts his head in the direction of the scream. "Wanna go check it out? I can bring you."
The invitation sounds reasonable, but the underlying threat makes you want to reject it. As he said, a rank 20 student like you doesn't have much authority to intervene.
Yet, you unconsciously nod.
His smile widens at your response.
"Right away," he says, acting like a butler welcoming royalty. He leads the way, and you timidly follow, keeping a safe distance in case you need to run.
He finally stops in front of a door, and you can hear the screams at their loudest. This is the room you were looking for. He casually opens the door without a signal and stands to the side, gesturing for you to enter first.
"Just step inside. I can just take a peek, and that'll be enough," you say.
He chuckles deeply. "I don't bite, after all. I don't get my hands dirty." Yet, he steps in, following your lead. "There you go."
As soon as Hojin steps in, the screams abruptly stop, replaced by desperate pleas of "Please, let me go." He ignores them, his eyes fixed on you as you muster the courage to enter. Your face contorts in horror as you take in the scene—it's worse than anything from movies or dramas. Blood is everywhere, but the victim is still clinging to life.
You're not sure how Hojin got behind you, but his hands land on your shoulders, rendering you immobile.
"Just simple cuts here and there. It's already a gift that they didn't go too far," he says, pausing for effect. "It's his fourth day in this dark room."
You slowly take in each cuts on the victim's skin, deep enough to sever veins and let the blood flpw unchecked. The realizatiom that he's been here for four days sets off alarms in your mind, understanding that this prolonged torment could easily lead to brainwashing.
How did no one notice he was missing? How did no one discovers this room?
"Thankfully, it's an abandoned room. Oops, rather than say it's abandoned, it's actually owned by me. I used momey to get this room for my satisfaction. No one dares to disagree with me. Well, except Taehyun, but he's ignorant to anything except his business, so it shouldn't be a problem."
The sinister ease with which he describes his actions sends chills down your spine.
He's right; with your rank being 20th, you can't do much. You watch as the victim whimpers, eyes perhaps still holding onto some hope. You wish you could help him, but given the circumstances, you know your actions wouldn't change anything. You helplessly watch as he cries dry tears while two of the bullies leave the victim to stand next to Hojin. One of them even greets you cheerfully, as if he hadn't just tormented someone.
Two taps on your shoulder make you freeze, and you feel Hojin's presence close to your ear.
"Don't worry, I won't mind you speaking up to the staff. I won't disturb you for now. But after he is done, who knows? Maybe you'll be my next toy," he whispers, followed by a soft chuckle. He then whistles as he exits the room. "I'm sure you're finished checking it out, but be my guest."
You quickly leave the room, watching Hojin lock the door before turning to you.
"See you soon."
With that, Hojin and his minions move off, leaving you standing there, staring at the door, your mind replaying the horrific scene you just witnessed.
You remain in a daze until your phone buzzes in your pocket. You pull it out and see Jaemin's name. You slowly press accept.
"Hey," you say first.
"You sound bad. Where are you?"
You start walking, trying to stabilize your voice and breathing. "Just walking towards the school entrance."
"You still haven't gotten out of the school? Gosh, such a nerd."
You laugh, though it sounds insincere, hoping Jaemin doesn't catch on.
"Anyways, I called because I just finished my work meeting, and the boys want to hang out." You hear papers flipping as he prolongs his moan. "If I didn't have any emergency meetings, I could fetch you from the school gate."
"Oh, yeah sure, I'll wait for you."
"Yeah, in the meantime, take your time. I might need some time since I just got in the lift."
"Oh, okay then."
"You sure you're okay?"
"Oh yeah, I'm fine."
"Just asking, you actually sound not fine at all, but I'll drop it if you prefer that."
"I'll... rather tell you in person."
"Okay then."
The call ends, and you sigh, looking at your phone screen before doing what you should have done from the start. Now that you wish to erase that particular memory, you hope that hanging out with your old friends might help you forget. At least for today.
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