tsundokuspencer · 8 years
An Awkward Encounter With a Horny Couple
Request/Prompt:  (COLLEGE AU) We’re studying in the library and there are two people very obviously fucking in the stacks and we keep sharing embarrassed glances (x)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Reader Gender: No pronouns Words: 500 (it turned out more like a drabble) Warnings: an intrusive couple who doesn’t understand that libraries are for studying not for fucking, awkwardness
Also, there is a part in here which I quoted from a popular tumblr post, but the account deactivated so I put a link to the post in the text. Cool cool. 
Tumblr media
It’s four p.m., your room is too far away, and your next class starts in an hour. It would be useless to walk to your dorm and you know the library is empty right now, so that’s how you found yourself in this- situation.
The first fifteen minute of your study session were average, another student sat at the table across from you (a cute student) and there were some others searching the stacks for books. 
The library is always really quiet so you didn't have your headphones in- you really, REALLY regret that now. Just faintly you could hear heavy breathing, you didn’t register it at first. But, the kid sitting across from you looked up when you heard it too, so you knew you weren’t imagining things. 
Whatever. You brushed it off and kept reading, (which was more like forcing your eyes to scan the page than actually taking in any information). 
You heard it again, the breathing, but it was louder and accompanied by the sound of- slapping skin? You threw your hand over your mouth and made a noise that sounded like the combination of a chuckle and a gag.
The cute guy who was sitting across from you had this disgusted look on his face and was glancing towards the stacks where the noises were coming from.
“Fuck, Mike!”
You coughed to cover a laugh and the cute guy actually gags and you start laughing even harder.
Everything is silent for a moment, but then the rocking and moaning and skin slapping starts again and you start shoving your books in your bag. The cute guy does the same just as Mike starts groaning loudly.
You zip your bag and throw it over your shoulder, making your way to the entrance and the cute guy is trailing behind you. 
You hold the door open for him and once you’re both outside you kinda just stare at each other before bursting into laughter. 
You’re crouched on the ground, tears pooling in your eyes and he is bent over himself with his hand over his heart.
“Fuck,” you try and stabilize your breath but cant stop cackling. The cute stranger hold out his hand to help you up. You take it and pull yourself up so you're standing across from him.
“I’m [Y/N].”
“I’m Peter man- I mean- I’m spider Parker- I mean, fuck.”
“Hi, I’m Peter Parker,” your hand is still in his, and you look down at them before shaking it and snorting at his response.
“Were you reading the news in there?” You quickly slip your hand out of his and his face lights up.
“YES- yes, that is what I was doing. I was reading that article on- on Spiderman,” he was playing nervously with his hands. 
“Well, Spiderman,” you teased, but a look of genuine horror crossed his face and you scrunched your eyebrows before continuing, “maybe next time I see you we won’t have an awkward encounter with a horny couple.”
He beamed, “I’d like that.”
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tsundokuspencer · 8 years
yes yes i would like to go to college, i dont have a prompt or anything, but its me so its gonna be angsty af - tsun *muah*
Oh babes, you asked for it. 
Here, if you want some ideas…
“I used to think I meant something to you.”
“Go ahead, give up and run away just like last time!”
“You got what you wanted, now go!”
“Congratulations, you’ve managed to break my heart when I didn’t even know I had one.”
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tsundokuspencer · 8 years
Heheheh who are your tumblr bffs?? Hehehe
OKAY SO THIS WAS FROM AGES AGO AND I think I know who asked but it’s anon so you can never really be sure.
@winchester-with-wings @animefanatic1728 @quilliamfears @beriala @castihelloboys @talesoftheimpala @autoblocked @rnarvels @just-a-touch-of-crowley @murdochinthetardis @danijimenezv @tssweets @lacqueluster @peppermint-j @bkwrm523 @nanepic @family-friendly-villain
And there’s probably a shit ton more that I’m forgetting. I haven’t talked to these lovelies a lot lately, but they’re all amazing and make me super happy. Quality content. Kind hearts.
If you feel I’ve missed you, please feel free to message me and berate me for being a dick and glossing over the bonds of our friendship.
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tsundokuspencer · 8 years
hello lovelies. with the school year rapidly approaching, i realize i have written nothing at all for you, my faithful followers. so, after binge watching all five seasons of teen wolf, i will now be accepting requests for teen wolf characters as well. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH and maybe now with a new batch of requests, i can rekindle my love for fanfic and give you all some good reading material.
HERE’S A LIST OF CHARACTERS (and shows) I’m taking requests from: TEEN WOLF:
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Kira Yukimura
(& any other characters really but these are the characters I feel most comfortable writing)
I also accept Criminal Minds and Marvel and MAYBE DCEU requests.
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tsundokuspencer · 8 years
Heyy lovey! Could someone maybe write me a drabble where Reid's been acting weird lately and after he leaves really quickly the minute work over the team are confused and go to his apartment to see whats going on and Y/N answers the door and it turns out she's been his girlfriend for a while and he didn't want to jinx it by telling people :p I'm sorry if that sounds really stupid, its just stuck in my head :p x
That sounds too freaking cute!  Anyone?
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tsundokuspencer · 8 years
Heyy lovey! Could someone maybe write me a drabble where Reid's been acting weird lately and after he leaves really quickly the minute work over the team are confused and go to his apartment to see whats going on and Y/N answers the door and it turns out she's been his girlfriend for a while and he didn't want to jinx it by telling people :p I'm sorry if that sounds really stupid, its just stuck in my head :p x
That sounds too freaking cute!  Anyone?
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tsundokuspencer · 8 years
im not crying, your crying
“I could do that, but could doesn’t mean would.” Prompt with Bucky?
“I could do that, but could doesn’t mean would.” + Bucky
Warnings: Civil War spoilers?
You’re both avoiding each other’s gaze like plague, like youhaven’t been together for the past few years, like you haven’t been more thanjust HYDRA experiments, partners in literal crime, borderline lovers thoughneither of you really admit it.
You don’t approve his choices and you make your point clear.No running away from this, no cryo.
Bucky’s lucky to have his friend supporting his choices,though just as reluctant and sorrowful as you. He even glares at you when yousay Bucky can’t run away from his problems.
You don’t blame him though because it’s partially deserved.
The man’s been brainwashed and can turn into a killingmachine at any moment, you know that,but you’re firm on your ground while saying that a fucking freezer won’t help him, that stopping his life won’t help him. And as selfish it can sound, that leaving you alonewon’t help him. Still, it seems like every word that comes out of his mouth iscoherent and fair.
Even when they reallyaren’t.
“You could live your life the way you want to.” Bucky breaksthe silence with a quiet murmur, a deep frown between his eyebrows as slumpsback against the lab’s chair. “You have good covers.”
An ironic chuckle immediately escapes your lips.
“Yeah, Bucky.” You scoff loudly, turning around to face himas you cross your arms around your chest and rest your hip against the large counterby your left. “I could do that, but could doesn’t mean would. Especially whenyou’re not with me.”
He keeps himself silent but you know that your words stungby the way his expression falls, turning his head to the side almost in shameand instantly making you regret your words. You quickly walk towards him,carefully sitting sideways on his lap and feeling his arm tightening aroundyour waist almost instinctively.
Both of you needthis moment because both of you know the outcome is inevitable.
You let aside all of your grudges and issues and heartbreak.
“I’ll miss you.” You mumble against his mouth, pressing yourforehead against his as his breath warms up your skin. “I’ll miss you so much.”
It’s honestly everything he needs to hear to finally closethe space between the two of you, burying his hand into your hair as he pullsyour body flush against his, your weight on top of him making him forget aboutthe weight on his shoulders and everything’s happened.
He pulls back and hesitates for a moment before–
“Wait for me.”
And despite everything, you don’t think twice beforereplying as firmly as you can.
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tsundokuspencer · 8 years
an update from a horrible writer
hi all. i love you all so much. just wanted to say that.
I LOVE YOU!! MUAH. OKAY, my update.
so, you probably didn't notice, but I deleted Hospital (It Wasn’t Cheating pt. 4). I deleted it because it was AWFUL. The worst thing I have ever written, honestly XD. buT, i am currently working on something to finish up It Wasn’t Cheating, because I have been a horrendous author and I owe it to all of you to finish what I started. I can’t tell you when it will be done, but it will be done. I have ideas and i have started a draft.
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tsundokuspencer · 8 years
985 and idk what I want to do to celebrate 1k but I’m compiling a list of possible things, like…
A big letter to you guys (this is for sure- it’ll be general but full of love)
Blog rates?
Headcanon drabble things?
A follow forever thing? 
Skype chat? If anyone would be interested?
Maybe a giveaway? I could do a circle drawing, find some trinkets or something. Let me know what you’d be interested in I guess.
I might sing a song? And record it for you guys? Maybe it’ll even be one I wrote myself or maybe I’ll write one (it’ll be goofy, and just lyrics) specifically for this.
A takeover? If so, who?
What do you guys wanna see come from this celebration? No promises when it’ll happen, ‘cause I’m still 15 away, but. Thoughts??
Goodness, this is probably arrogance to post this. I don’t feel like I deserve all of the followers I have, let alone 1,000.
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tsundokuspencer · 8 years
i know, me too
What happened with it wasn't cheating??? Please
i dont know, i am so sorry. please yell at me. i am horrible. do you have any suggestions, what do you want to happen?? AHH, IM SO SORRY. 
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tsundokuspencer · 8 years
What happened with it wasn't cheating??? Please
i dont know, i am so sorry. please yell at me. i am horrible. do you have any suggestions, what do you want to happen?? AHH, IM SO SORRY. 
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tsundokuspencer · 9 years
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tsundokuspencer · 9 years
Link above is broken. Press the “keep reading” below to read the fic!
“Good morning crime fighters, I hope you got a good night of sleep,” Garcia smiles as everyone situated themselves in their seat, waiting to hear of this week's horrors. “I was told to inform you that you'll be driving to this week's destination.” Everyone groaned in response.
"Also, because someone," she tilted her head in your direction, "crashed a work vehicle last week. One of you will need to drive your own car, and I kindly nominate our favorite star crossed lover. Everyone in favor say-"
"I," Morgan interrupted, and shot his hand straight up in the air. You both sent him a glare, to which he laughed off.
J.J. quirked an eyebrow and put her hand in the air, Rossi mumbled a comment about ‘kids these days’ before announcing his agreement. Hotch just smirked slightly.
I guess that’s what happens when you crash a work car into a tree.
Spencer leaned over in his chair and whispered in your ear, "I'll go with you."
"Thank you," you mumbled back.
"Shh.." Garcia playfully shushed you, and pressed her remote. Gruesome pictures of women flashed onto the screen, ruining the moment, "Okay, so, six women were dumped along the same stretch of highway within two weeks. They all appear to have been exsanguinated through these," she motions to small sized holes on the women's necks.
Your heart begins to speed up and you can physically feel the color drain from your face.
"Exsanguination is a very time consuming method of ritual killing. The time frame in which they kill could mean there is more than one UNSUB. Possibly even more than two," Spencer rambles from his seat next to you.
You know what this is. And it's not any team of regular UNSUBs.
"Do you think we're looking at a team?" Hotch questions, but you keep quiet. It's been years since any sort of supernatural creature actually turned up in your radar.
"The number of abrasions on the last three women suggests multiple suspects. Some of them look to have, hesitation marks?" J.J. angles her body towards the screen to get a better look.
Newborns. Fuck.
“Alright, we’ll leave in an hour. Y/L/N, how did you get here,�� he says abruptly.
“Reid drove me,” you say, gesturing to his spot beside you with trembling hands, “But, I could go back and grab my car.”
“Okay, we leave in two hours. I’m going to be in my office finishing up paperwork. I suggest you all do the same.” Hotch stands from his chair and everyone follows in suit.
You avoid Spencer's eyes and collect your bag from the floor. Everyone had left the room except you and Spencer.
"Hey, you okay? You looked really pale," He asks, cupping your chin in his hand. You melt into his touch.
"Yeah," you whisper, careful to calm your shaking voice, “yeah, I’m okay. Not really looking forward to driving for a couple hours, you know.”
“If you want, I can go to your house and gra-”
“Nope,” you interrupt him, “I got it, I just need your keys.”
You hold your hand out and he reaches into his messanger bag and digs out his car keys.
“Be right back,” you quickly peck him on the cheek, hike your bag up on your shoulder, and head out the door.
You swerved past interns and paper pushers, walking as fast as possible, before you finally reached the elevator to the parking structure. You tapped your foot impatiently in the floor of the elevator. And once you reached the level, you ran to Spencer’s car and locked yourself inside before starting the car and backing out.
Vamps. You've got to be kidding me.
Years ago, when you hunted full time, you could've crushed this case in three days. Maybe two. But back then, you were a demon slaying, katana wielding, hardcore, bitch. Now, you wore pencils skirts a lot.
Not that you don't like your life. You love your life now. You love Spencer. But, you do miss your katana.
You pulled up to your house and rushed inside, with your go bag in hand. You unlocked the door and dashed towards the bedroom. You reached under the bed and started to shuffle through your small arsenal. Syringes? Check. Machete? Check.
You quickly grabbed a small knife from your arsenal before closing it and pushing it back under the bed. You wrapped the syringes in a towel before shoving them into your hunting boots and packing them away in your to bag.
You swapped Spencer's keys for your own and run towards your car.
"Hey, gorgeous. Wake up." Your shoulders shake lightly and you feel hair being pushed away from your face.
"Mmm," you groan, "good morning Spence."
His hair is tousled and his eyes are still droopy from sleep. You bury your face in the hotel pillow, hoping to hide the bags under your eyes from him
You'd been up all night, researching the nest. You looked for hours on your computer for abandoned houses and buildings in the area, anything suitable for someone raising new vampires.
After carefully, and secretly, examining the wounds on the women's necks yesterday, you noticed the cleaner bites were smaller than the ones that showed signs of doubt. Also, all the victims have been female, except for the most recent. Which leads you to believe most, if not all, of the older vamps are female.
You've learned from your years of up hunting that most vamps prefer to feed on humans of the same sex. Weird. You'd decided that they're probably turning men. It makes for a stronger nest.
And since the last victim was a male, the newborns must be acquiring a taste of their own.
"I already got word from J.J.. Hotch want us to go to the morgue right away and check out yesterday's victim." Spencer had already rolled out of bed and started getting dressed.
"I hate that," you push off your covers and walk towards your bag. You pull out a pair of jeans, a black shirt, undergarments, and your favorite jacket.
"Hate what?" You turned your back to Spencer as he spoke and started taking off your pajamas and slipping on your clean clothes.
"Yesterday's victim, I feel like I failed."
"We've only been here for three days, statistically speaking there is no way you could have physi-" you walk toward him, only in your jeans and a bra and shut him up by pressing your lips to his.
"I like it when you shut me up like that," he says, pulling a purple sweater over his head.
"Mmm, and I, like you in purple." He laughs at your compliment and you resume getting dressed.
You and Spencer walked side by side towards the door to the morgue. When you reached the door, he stepped away from you  and opened the door.
You walk up to front desk and wait for the doctor's assistant to guide you. She walks in from the hallway and you smile gently at her.
"Well, I just led your friends back there, down the hall and take two right. The door is labeled." She smiles gently at you, and sinks into her chair, probably very tired.
You start down the hallway before Reid turns to you, "J.J.?"
"I don't know," you say, "Maybe Hotch too. He's always impatient." Spencer laughs and you two turn the first corner together, eyeing all the door labels.
After turning the other corner, you see the door labeled 'Morgue' and you push the door open.
You eyes widened and at the sight of a tall man you recognized immediately. You gasped, louder than you wanted to.
Both brothers turn around and their eyes widen.
"Spencer, can you-" you turn and block his view into the room by pressing yourself against him, "can you go wait. Outside. You have to trust me."
"Y/N who are they? Do you know them?"
"Yes, Spencer," you started pushing in his chest gently, trying to get him out the door, "I know them. They're friends. Spence I need you to go. Please. Can you go to the car?"
"No, Y/N. I won't just leave you here. That is not Hotch and J.J.," he wraps his arms around you, and tries to turn you around. But you stand your ground, you're stronger than him.
"Spencer! Please, just trust me." He drops his hands and his head in defeat.
"I'm going to go talk to the nurse. I'll see you when you're done." He walks out the door with a huff.
You stare at the door for a minute longer before finally turning to face the Winchesters. Without second thought, you walk towards Dean, pulling your silver knife out of your boot. You swiftly wrapped your arm around his neck and pressed the blade to his throat with the same hand, turning your bodies to face Sam.
"The Dean Winchester I know, is dead. And has been for years," you spat, then turned your head to his ear, "Who are you?"
"Y/N, please. Calm down." Sam held his hands up towards you.
"Shut up." You reached forwards with your free hand and grabbed Sam's arm, letting go of Dean's neck. With one swift swipe, you sliced into Sam's arm and waiting for a reaction.
"Okay, not shifters" They both simultaneously pulled down the collars of their shirts to reveal their anti possession tattoos, and you didn't even have to say the word. "Hand over the demon’s knife, will you Sam? I know you have it." Your voice dripping with anger and sass.
He reached into the inside pocket of his cheap suit and pulls out the all too familiar blade, resting the metal in his hand so you can grab the handle.
You reach over to Dean and quickly cut into his arm. Similar to ripping off a band-aid, the faster you cut, the less pain. You waited for his arm to glow orange, but the only thing you saw was crimson blood pouring from the wound.
"Oh my god," you breathed out, dropping the knife and slowly stepping backwards in shock.
You couldn't believe this. Dean Winchester is alive.
"We have a lot of catching up to do," Dean says, throwing you a smirk.
You just stand, taking in the sight of him afters all these years. Your best friend had died and here he was standing in front of you years later.
"You're damn right, Winchester." You walk towards him again, and punch him on the arm. He playfully winces and kneads the skin where you hit him before he pulls you into his arms.
Sam stood awkwardly in his spot a couple feet away. His presence made your skin itch, but you've gotten over it. You've gotten over him.
For years before you met Sam, you’d hunted on your own. Taking down werewolves, and vamps, and demons all by yourself. And then you met the Winchesters. Those boys were a mess, Dean, the oldest, having just sold his soul and Sam, the youngest, trying to find anyway to stop his brother from going to hell. You knew that you would never be able to fix them, so you just stood by their side through the madness. Dean was like your older brother and Sam was your best friend. You cared for him, and he cared for you. So no one was surprised when Sam finally made a move.
You were there for Sam after Dean died. You helped him bury Dean, despite yours and Bobby's protests, and you helped him through the hangovers after he drank himself to sleep. You cared for him, but one night after he disappeared, to a bar you thought, he started acting strange.
He'd leave for days at a time, claiming to have been taking cases. So, you'd decided to leave him be, and finish some hunts of your own. A wraith in Northern Michigan, a rugaru in Massachusetts, and a skinwalker in Wisconsin. Small fish.
When you'd heard through the grapevine of Sam hunting demons a couple of states over, you figured you tag along. You missed him.
It had been only two months since Dean's death and you'd expected him to be in pretty bad shape. Probably almost killed himself in a couple of hunts. But you let him do it, it's how he mourns.
What you didn't expect was to find him exorcising demons, with his mind. He was standing next to a short brunette who was egging him on. Telling him to focus, as he held his hand up towards the demon who was tied to a chair in the middle of a devil's trap.
Black smoke started pouring out of it's mouth, and you watched as it kept coming until it formed an orange circle around the body. You mouth hung open, and you watched as the person started to wake up. Sam helped him up and through the front doors of the warehouse, thankfully, you were watching from around back.
You followed Sam and the girl to the hospital and the back to their motel. You could faintly hear their conversations from your car as they stepped out of the Impala.
"Sam, you just need a little more juice." Juice? 
"That's all you've been saying from the moment we started this, Ruby!" Ruby? That demon bitch. Maybe, it's just another girl named Ruby.  Maybe.
Once they were inside the motel room, you screamed and slammed your fists on the steering wheel. You left Sam alone for barely a month, and he's killing demons with his mind.
You watched them through the window of the room. She shed her jacket and Sam stepped closer to her, too close for your liking. He brought a knife to her outstretched arm and cut into it, attaching his lips to the wound.
You sucked in a sharp breath and your stomach dropped. Ruby's eyes flashed black, confirming your suspicions of demon activity. But the real gut punch, Sam detached his mouth for a brief moment to pull her shirt over her head, then his.
His lips were still coated in blood when he grabbed her head, and kissed her rough, passionate.
You choked out a sob. Salty tears started rolling down your cheeks and you saw Sam draw the curtains closed through blurry eyes. You turned around in your seat, facing the road.
With your hands holding the steering wheel, you calmed your breathing. Once you were lucid enough to see clearly, you reached into the back of your car and grabbed your sword, a napkin from the bottom of your car, your flask, and the pen you always keep in the console.
Opening the door, you barely missed hitting the car door right next to you. You walked a few cars over and set your katana and flask down on the hood of the black muscle car.
You began to write on the napkin, a strongly worded letter to Sam. A final fuck you.
You always loved the sword. Have it. I'm done with hunting, and with you. Maybe you can give it to your demon bitch. She seems to like taking things from me. I also gave you the holy water, to wash down the demon blood. For your sake, I hope you never see me again.
Fuck you Sam Winchester :)
That was the last you'd ever seen of Sam. Until now.
"Hi, Sam." You say, trying to ease the tension. Dean released you from from his arms. 
"H-hey, Y/N," he stuttered, not looking you in the eye. Dean stepped in between you and his brother, obstructing your view. He gave you a sympathetic look.
"Sammy said you'd left the life." Dean stepped towards you and bent down, picking the blade up off the floor.
"I did,” you mumble, still shocked by his existence.
"Then what are you doing here," He asked, handing Sam the blade.
"I'm working," they both sent you questioning looks.
You proudly reached into your back pocket and pulled out your badge, flipping it so they could see 'FBI' written across in large black letters.
Their mouths hung open, "and that, was Spencer Reid. A part of my team and uh- my boyfriend," you explained.
They both faced each other, probably talking in hushed voices.
"I guess we really do have some catching up to do, huh?"
"Yeah, we do," you shift on your heels.
"But, listen boys,” you know that Reid is freaking out outside, and you need to get the brothers out of here, “I was aware of the true issue here when we were assigned the case."
You start walking towards the man outstretched in the table, explaining what you've concluded as the boys followed you, "I'm thinking that the nest has at least six vamps. Fours or three are women and the rest are newborn males. Also, I've been checking out local abandoned buildings, and I found a couple houses near the highway where the nest might be."
"Houses?" Sam asks timidly, crouching down to get a closer look at the man's wounds.
"Yes, the nearest warehouse is a couple hundred miles away. So, I believe that these women are trying to start their own little, sick, twisted, disgusting, vampire family in some deserted house."
"Okay, well. How should we tackle this?" Dean asks, straightening his posture.
"Can you boys check out those houses? There will probably be someone guarding the nest at all hours, so I would suggest long distance surveillance," you snag your phone from your pocket and hold it out to Dean, "type in your number. I'll send you addresses. And we do need to catch up, I've been out of the loop for so long. We should find a time to meet up. But as of now, you two are private investigators that I knew a while ago. Spencer, he doesn't- know ab-”
"Hey, it's okay. Private investigators. Right Sammy?" Dean looks back towards his brother, who nods silently.
Later the same day, after returning to the station and hashing out a few more crucial details about the UNSUB, you’d explained the whole situation to Spencer, well, almost.
You told him about your relationship with Sam, and the cheating, and the almost physical tearing out of your heart. But, instead of disclosing the fact that she was a demon, you told him that she ending up being the murderer behind the case they were investigating.
And that barely did her evilness justice.
You knew he would be upset, but you never expected so much jealousy. It took you an hour to convince him that you were over Sam. That you had joined the BAU to forget about him and put your pent up rage to good use.
That was about two hours ago, and now you’re with Winchesters outside of the run down motel the are shaking up in. You’re loading up the Impala with the necessary supplies.
Over the past hour, Sam and Dean have been chronicling their life since you left. Dean was saved by an angel named Castiel, whom they promised to introduce to you one day.
They also told you about the apocalypse. But, what really made you lose your shit, was when Dean told you Ruby betrayed them. You almost choked on your beer.
Then, they told you about Sam going to hell. He was soulless for a year, they he was in a mental hospital. You felt bad, which made you feel even worse. Dean was wrestling with the Mark of Cain, and he had been for a couple months, but you were confident he could survive. Apparently, the Winchesters could do anything.
They laid out their whole life, up until this very moment. And so did you.
You told them about leaving the life, moving to Virginia and joining the force. You wanted to keep helping people as you had been, but you couldn’t deal with literal demons anymore. So you stuck to bad guys.
You explained to the you’re profiling career and what it is, You also told them about all the monsters you had to hunt while with the FBI.
You were currently twisting a small bottle of 'vamptonite' in your hands. Dean said that it was the only other way to kill a vamp besides beheading.
You quickly filled three small syringes full and tucked them into your pocket.
"We have something for you," Sam said, derailing your train of thought, and reaching into the backseat. He pulled out something very familiar.
"Oh my god, you kept it," You reached forward with greedy hands and relished at the cool leather sheath under your fingers.
You slipped the strap over your shoulder, noticing that it was still the perfect length, before you reached back with your better hand, grabbing the handle and quickly unsheathing the sword. You held it up in front of your face, before bringing your free hand up and dragging it across the cool metal.
Still sharp.
"Easy, tiger," Dean stepped beside you and opened the driver door, "you ready?"
You slipped the blade back into its sheath and shrugged, "As I'll ever be."
"You're sure this is the place?" You whisper in Dean's direction. The house you were in was damp and dirty. Probably the most run down of all the houses you'd sent the boys to survey.
"Positive, but we think they're holed up in the basement," he walks closer to you so he doesn't have to speak so loud. Sam is a few step in front of you.
You nod in understanding, "Okay, the newborns should be here now. They sleep at night till they learn how to hunt in their own."
"How do you know so much about newborn vamps?" Dean asks as Sam starts down the stairs.
"I used to go on a lot of vamp hunts," you say, before holding a finger up to your lips. Signaling him to be quiet as you descended the stairs.
Your hand was secured around the handle of your sword, as you stepped into the basement. Three mattresses came into view and you slowed your steps.
There looked to be no hostages or females. You thought they might be out this late, but night is the only time you can hunt.
You looked up towards the brothers and you all shared a knowing look. You walked silently over to the mattress in the far end of the dirty room.
Dean held his hands up and counted from three. Three. Two. One.
Instead of beheading him, you stuck a needle into his neck and pumped him full of vamptonite. You waited with your hand resting on the sword. His body twitched, but he was dead.
Sam and Dean were glaring at you from across the room. "I'm here with the FBI, they need a criminal!" You whispered as loudly as possible.
They nod in understanding, but a small cry rips your attention away from the bodies.
You all snap towards the sound and find four women standing in the stairwell, one of them crying on the floor. The three behind her charge in your direction and you quickly pull your sword from its sheath.
With ease, you subdue the vamp running after you. You hold your leg up and kick her in the chest. She stumbles back and with a clean swipe, her head is rolling across the ground.
You can hear Sam and Dean fighting behind you, but you walk towards the vamp crouched by the stairs. You slip your sword back into its sheath.
You grab her hair and pull her to a standing position, uncapping a syringe from your pocket and holding it to her neck.
"Are there more?" You hiss, threatening to pierce her skin.
"That won't kill me, foolish girl," she taunts you, wiping a tear from her face.
"Really? I beg to differ. Some human blood, mixed up with the Levithan's secret sauce." You release her hair and pull her into head, turning her to face the dead bodies of her nest.
"Levithan?" She whispers. You didn't know much about Levithan, so you ignored her pathetic whimper.
"I said, are they're more?" You speak a little louder as to grab Sam and Dean's attention. They both turn your way and just their grip on their own weapons.
"No, but my family will fi-” you cut her off by jamming the needle into her neck and injecting her with vamptonite. You let her body fall to the ground between the brothers.
The ride to the motel was short, but you used that time to change your bloody shirt and explain the game plan to the boys.
They were to burn the bodies of the decapitated vamps, and leave the other two. You instructed them to chose their least favorite gun, shoot the male vamp in the head and chest however many times please them, and the put the gun in the woman's hand and shoot her in the head. Then, leave the gun. Dean wasn't too fond of the last part.
As the Impala rolled into the motel parking lot, you saw, through the driver's side window, a tall figured pacing in front of your car. You unbuckled and slid to the opposite side of the back seat, you pulled in the locked door and slapped your palm to the plastic frame, "Let me out."
Dean unlocked the door while the car was still rolling into the parking spot, and you snatched your bag, opened the door and jumped out, quickly slamming the door behind you.
"Spencer?" He turned around and faced you as you called his name.
He took huge strides towards you and immediately cupped your face in his hands, checking your face for injuries.
"You were gone when I woke up," his voice was quiet from fatigue, "I-I thought the worst so I called Garcia and she tracked your phone from her own computer. I was about to call Hotch."
"Oh Spence," you lean into him and wrap your arms around his neck. He buried his face in the crook of your neck.
You jumped and your eyes shot open when you felt Dean pat you on the back as Sam unlocked their motel door. Spencer pulled back from you at sudden noise, following your glance to the boys.
"Y/N? Are they why you left?" He searched your eyes for the answer he wanted, but he knew that wasn't it.
"Yea, Spence," he stares at the open door, watching as Sam walks in. You can feel his muscles tighten, "Please, Spencer. Don't."
He let go of you and walked into the door frame of the boy’s motel room, you followed after him.
“Sam, right?” He say, his voice angry yet quiet at the same time. Sam turned around, seeing you standing next to Spencer, he stood up a bit straighter.
“Yeah,” Sam breathed out.
“You are the one who cheated on her with a murderer, yeah? But, please, correct me if I’m wrong." A faint blush rose to your cheeks as he repeated what you told him. You knew you could stop Spencer, so you just stood behind him.
"Listen, buddy. I don't know what Y/N told you bu-"
"She told me just enough to know about your abominable disregard for your partner's emotions," Spencer stepped farther into the room, but you walk along him and stand right in front of him
"Spence," you put your hand on his chest, he ignores you and continues to look over your shoulder, "Spencer, there's no need for this."
"How is that fair, Y/N?" He looks at you finally, resting his hands on your waist, "How is it fair that he broke your heart and- and violated your trust in ways I can't even imagine, and I try so hard to love you but you're still so afraid I'm going to leave you." He was speaking in harsh whispers to you, trying to avoid anyone else hearing.
You reach up and mimic his actions from earlier, cupping his face. "It's not Spencer, it's not fair. Not to you, not to me. But, I'm over it, Spence. I-I do trust you."
"You're lying," he states, like a fact. You drop your hand from his face.
"Stop profiling me, Spencer." You feel blood rush to your face with anger. You didn't have time to deal with this shit. You had to hide half of your life from Spencer, and now it was catching up with you.
You looked over his shoulder, checking the clock. 3:42.
"Spencer, we need to leave. We can work this out back at the the hotel." He glanced towards the clock too, and nodded.  He turned and started towards the still open door.
You mouth I'm sorry, to Sam and Dean. Dean sends you a sympathetic look and mouths text me back at you. You nod and walk out the door, pulling it closed behind you. You grab your bag from the ground and walk to the driver side of your car.
The drive back to the hotel was silent, you wanted to talk to him, but you were both fuming. The walk into the hotel and to your room was similarly painful. And it was 4:10 when you were both finally settling into bed.
He wasn't touching you, and that scared you. Usually he would curl up to you or vice versa before either of you could fall asleep. He was on his side facing away from you and you were lying on your back staring at the ceiling as you finally broke.
You looked at his back with tears pooling in your eyes, "Spencer, I love you."
"Do you trust me?" He whispers, almost to quiet for you to hear. He turn to face you.
"With my life," you look over your shoulder at him
"But, you're not telling me something." He rolls onto his back as he speaks and lays a hand out.
"It has nothing to do with trust. I just- I just want to keep you safe.”  You crawl over to him and lay your head on his chest.
"From what?"
"From me." You hold back your tears.
"You can tell me anything," he runs his finger through your hair, his chin pressed again the top of your head.
"I know, Spence. I know."
Request/Prompt: (id-rather0be0sleeping95 asked) Hi! Can I please get a crossover of spn/cm? Y/n used to be a hunter but after a messy break up with Sam she moves on and settles down and becomes a member of the bau and begins dating reid, during a particularly gruesome case y/n begins to notice certain supernatural elements in the case and she and Reid run into the winchesters and you can take it from there :) maybe make it dramatic with sassy Reid:) thanks so much doll!! 
Pairing: Spencer x Reader (past Sam Winchester x Reader) Reader Gender: Female pronouns Words: 5K Warnings: violence, blood, swearing, poorly written love triangle…
A/N: I’m soooo sorry this took so long to get out! It’s a lot longer than i expected, but I got really into the story. I hope you like it!! (Sorry, the title is awful too!!)
“Good morning crime fighters, I hope you got a good night of sleep,” Garcia smiles as everyone situated themselves in their seat, waiting to hear of this week’s horrors. “I was told to inform you that you’ll be driving to this weeks destination.” Everyone groaned in response.
Keep reading
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tsundokuspencer · 9 years
me too mama, me too....
hehe, daddy kink -tsundoku
Okay @tsundokuspencer you can’t just ask this little thing.
No | Rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | [often] Fuck yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
Send me a kink and I’ll rate it!
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tsundokuspencer · 9 years
Oh. My. God. This. Is. So. Cute. Mama, the feels.
Inspired by a post from @sabriel-otp Tagged by @winchester-with-wings Also tagging @tsundokuspencer and @synergygabriel
Prompt: Gabriel gets super whiny about not getting hints on what Sam gets him for Valentines day.
W.C. somewhere in the 700s
“Sammich, c’mon, please, not even one little hint? One itty-bitty morsel of what you got me for the holiday of love?” Gabriel pesters, and Sam grins, shaking his head at the short archangel.
“Gabe, babe, I’m not telling. It’ll be a secret until the time is right.” Sam promises, and Gabriel huffs, pouting.
“You’re no fun anymore Sasquatch.” Gabe grumbles, scuffing his shoe on the floor, and Sam takes it as a personal challenge, picking him up and carrying him to the living room, where Sam flops Gabriel onto the couch and proceeds to tickle him, pulling laughs and cries for help from him until both stop, breathless.
Gabe stares up at his boyfriend just a moment, then pulls him down, crashing their lips together in a frenzy. Gabe’s hands slide up Sam’s torso and tangle themselves in Sam’s hair, tugging gently. Sam lets out a growl low in his chest and Gabriel grins. “Tell me now Sammy?” He asks softly, placing feather-light kisses along the man’s neck.
Sam makes a strangled noise then pulls away, glaring playfully. “You’re trying to seduce me into telling. That isn’t fair.” He pouts, and Gabriel chuckles.
“Caught me, huh? C’mon cupcake, don’t be too mad. I just wanna know.” Gabe says with a sigh. It’s Sam’s turn to smirk, and he shakes his head as he stands up and walks away from his boyfriend, who yells after him about Valentine’s Day presents.
Sam furtively looks around the hallway then dashes into his and Gabe’s room, shutting and locking the door. He pulls out Gabe’s present, making sure it’s untouched otherwise, then hides it again in the one place Gabe would never look: the healthy snack drawer.
Dinner rolls around and once again, Gabriel is at Sam’s shoulder, trying to distract him and discover what the big gift is.
“Sam, please, no hints again?” Gabriel complains, frowning. Sam nods, biting back a smirk, and Gabriel pouts.
“Later Gabriel. You’ll love what I got you.” Sam says softly, and Gabe gives in with a dejected sigh, slumping into a table chair and mumbling under his breath as though Sam doesn’t hear him.
“Watch yourself Gabe. You may be an archangel, but I still don’t allow back talk.” Sam warns, his voice steely, and Gabriel shuts up, flushing as Sam finishes up cooking dinner and getting it set out, simple spaghetti.
They make it through the meal relatively unharmed and comfortable, though Gabe slips in a few queries about his gift, which Sam refuses, ignores, and chastises. Gabriel gets the hint and lets it go, staying quiet the rest of the evening, right until they go to bed.
Gabriel sits on the bed, peeling his shirt off this back and crawling into bed. Sam goes to his desk and pulls out the box, then walks over to Gabriel and gets down on one knee. “Gabriel, you would make me the happiest man in the universe jf you’d say yes to being my husband.” Sam proposes softly, shifting nervously  the longer he stares.
“Oh! Shit Sam. Yes, yes, of course! I’d love to be your husband!” Gabriel cries, hugging him tightly, and Sam, ever rational,grabs Gabriel up and lays him on the bed, Sam curling behind him while they cuddle.
“I knew you’d give me something amazing.” Gabriel gushes, though Sam hadn’t actually thought of anything until yesterday. Sam grins and kisses his fiancee’s forehead,
Sam growls softly, rolling his eyes at the archangel beside him.
“Who knew my mountain man could growl like a chainsaw?” Gabriel teases, and Sam bares his teeth playfully, growling again, which makes Gabe grin widely. “Mmmm mountain man indeed.” He mumbles, and Sam shakes his head, nipping at Gabe’s ear gently.
“I love you Gabriel.” He whispers, and Gabe lets out a breathy laugh, turning to face Sam in bed. Gabriel puts his hands on either side of Sam’s face and looks him squarely in the eyes.
“And I love you, Samuel Winchester, not only for being a selfless human, but for loving something as weak and broken as I am.” Gabriel declares, and Sam pulls him in for a heated kiss, which leads to a night full of Sam showing Gabe just how perfect he really is.
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tsundokuspencer · 9 years
And I think you should ;)
Gabriel gets super whiny about not getting hints on what Sam gets him for Valentines day.
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tsundokuspencer · 9 years
ummMMMM, WHAT?!?! You are gorgeous and I didn't even know?!
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Whoops sorry guys here’s some selfies. Sorry for my weird faces and large forehead.
@beriala the promised selfies.
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