#((hope this is alright orz))
cloudster-clown · 5 months
Uh, English is my main language but I know another language so...
Hola! Mi nombre es Cloud! Si entiendo español pero no tengo mucho confianza de hablar/ escribir. Perdón si hago errores o(-(
I know a bit of portugese as well, I am still learning haha
Olá meu nome é Cloud, eu não sei português muito bem, desculpe :'>
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tickles-tea · 9 months
Testing Virtues
I know I’m cutting it extremely close but the day isn’t over yet! Anyway, without further ado, merry belated Christmas to @happyandticklish !! In a very funny turn of events, I ended up being your secret Santa for Squealing Santa 2023 ^^ I hope you enjoy this fic of Izaya fucking around and finding out ~ Also, a big thank you to @hypahticklish / @squealing-santa for hosting the event!!
Summary: After realizing that Shizuo is in a rather affectionate mood, Izaya decides to put his patience to the test. Word count: 2.8k
Shizuo Heiwajima could be a difficult man to read.
Despite how clearly he expressed his rage, it could be tricky to read between the lines of his surprisingly aloof resting face. Whether he was perfectly content or one second away from snapping, one could never guess.
At least, that’s what Izaya used to think.
After what he would reluctantly call ‘dating’ the man for several years now, Izaya could decipher his expressions with the ease of someone who had dedicated their life to the art. These little tells were so clear to him now, he couldn’t believe that he’d been completely oblivious to them in the past.
Like how Shizuo’s honey-gold eyes would light up with a childlike spark whenever they’d pass by a pastry shop. His lips were unmoving but his desires were spoken loud and clear. It was without a word from Shizuo that Izaya would lead them into the shop with teases already loaded on his tongue.
And when Shizuo’s shoulders hunched tight with tension-the line of them more solid than the stop signs he crushed beneath his fists- Izaya knew to keep his jabs light but deliberate. It was a bit of a balancing act, teetering between slightly bothersome and truly irritating. However, it was worth watching that harsh line ease whenever a particularly crude quip caught Shizuo off guard enough to make him laugh.
Izaya could always tell what Shizuo was feeling or wanting or needing.
But he wasn’t always generous enough to give it to him. Not without making him put in the work first.
When Izaya awoke to warm kisses being pressed to his neck and fingers creeping up his shirt with fluttery touches, he knew what kind of day it would be. 
It was the hesitation that gave it away, really; the slow progression, as if waiting for permission when they were both far past the point of being shy.
This particular mood didn’t strike Shizuo often, but it was always fun when it did. 
Izaya did nothing to dissuade him, and Shizuo’s touches grew more deliberate with increasing confidence the longer Izaya didn’t protest. A grin pulled at Izaya’s lips, but it had little to do with the hands that lightly tickled at his waist. Because as soon as it started, Izaya was sitting up and away, stretching his arms above his head with a groan. He turned to look down at his bed partner with a sleep-heavy smirk. “It’s not like Shizu-chan to be up so early. I don’t suppose you wanted to join in on my meeting this morning?”
Shizuo blinked away the drowsy confusion at the abrupt shift, now scrunching his nose with distaste as he registered Izaya’s words. “Don’t say stupid things…” He grumbled, a frustrated crease in his brow. He waited for a beat, and when Izaya only stared back at him with a knowing smile, he clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Can’t you stay in bed a little longer? I thought you said that wasn’t until ten.”
Even though Izaya was sure it was meant to be a frown, the unhappy twist of Shizuo’s lips could only be described as a pout.
“The early bird gets the worm and all that. We can't all afford to sleep in, you know?” Izaya chirped back, keeping the banter light despite the intentions already solidifying in his mind. “If you want to stay in bed though, be my guest. I can wake you up once my client’s gone.”
It was a simple offer but Shizuo still took his time answering. He looked at Izaya for a long few moments, lips pursed on indecision and his hands still resting idle on Izaya’s waist, before he let out a resigned breath through his nose and pulled his hands away. “Mm, yeah, that’s fine.”
And though he nuzzled back into the pillow and closed his eyes without any more complaints, Izaya didn’t miss the way his restless hands twitched with restraint.
True to his word, Izaya woke Shizuo up a few hours later once his client had left with a heavier heart and lighter pockets. He hadn’t spared too much time on the task of waking him; only ducking into the bedroom with a drawled out “Shizuuuu-chaaan~” and tossing an apple at his head when he didn’t stir. It wasn’t the first time he’d done it and it wouldn’t be the last, but Izaya still couldn’t help but snicker when Shizuo exited the room a few minutes later with the half eaten apple in hand.
Izaya watched as Shizuo finished it off in a few bites and threw away the core before immediately making his way over to Izaya’s desk. Strong arms wrapped around his waist from behind as Shizuo leaned in to kiss the crook of his neck. “Good mornin’,” he rumbled, breath hot against Izaya’s skin.
“It’s noon, Shizu-chan.”
Shizuo grumbled in mild annoyance. “Then good afternoon, you pest.”
He squeezed Izaya slightly to punctuate his words. However, his groused frustration was countered by those gentle fingers tapping at Izaya’s sides again. And just as before, they were light, questioning. “You busy?”
Not even the rough edge of sleep still clinging to his voice could conceal the quiet hopefulness behind his words. 
He ghosted fluttery kisses along the line of Izaya’s throat to spread goosebumps across his skin- once again testing the waters. 
And once again Izaya grinned.
“Oh~ What’s this? Did Shizu-chan need me for something?” Izaya questioned in a playful drawl, tensing beneath Shizuo’s touch. He traced mindless shapes on Izaya’s sides, veering closer to his belly to scrape the ghost of his fingernails over the sensitive skin. It took an impressive amount of restraint for Izaya to not react to the ticklish shivers that ran through his nerves.
“Izaya…” he started, shifting to murmur into Izaya’s ear to make him twitch. “C-“
He barely had a second to begin before Izaya was interrupting to answer his own question.
“-because I’m afraid I don’t have time to spare right now,” he clarified, spinning in his chair to face him and knocking his hands away in the process. The sigh in his voice was just subtle enough to pass as truly apologetic. At least somewhat. “Can it wait?”
Tipping his head up to meet Shizuo’s eyes, Izaya was met with an expression he knew well. Thick brows furrowed on growing frustration and a troubled twist to his lips because he couldn’t find a reason to be truly upset. A rarity for Shizuo, but even he could respect when someone was busy. 
He didn’t need to know that Izaya had just been playing sudoku before he walked in. It was his fault, really, for being fooled by the random document Izaya had pulled up at the last second. 
With another one of those pouty scowls, Shizuo gently knocked his forehead against Izaya’s.
It was a question despite bearing the bluntness of a statement.
Judging by the restless padding of feet across the hardwood floor and the too long-stares sent his way, Izaya knew that ‘later’ couldn’t come soon enough for Shizuo. 
He wasn’t exactly known for his patience and Izaya hadn’t exactly been making it easier on him. But that’s what was fun about these kinds of days, and who could blame him when Shizuo had such entertaining reactions? 
It was amusing to watch Shizuo clench his fists at his sides when Izaya stretched, raising his arms high above his head with a pleased groan as if he was oblivious to Shizuo’s plight. 
He’d nearly choked on his glass of milk when Izaya reached for a book on a high shelf, which caused his shirt -untucked for once- to raise and reveal a sliver of his belly. When Izaya had turned to look at him, Shizuo was staring resolutely at the ceiling as he chugged the rest of the glass.
It was terribly endearing when Shizuo thought he was being discreet. However, there was nothing subtle about how tightly his jaw was clenched when Izaya had him fetch a glass of water for the ‘tickle in his throat’.
Perhaps Izaya would feel more guilty about riling Shizuo up when he was asking for what he wanted so sweetly, but it was just too easy.
Izaya was an opportunist at heart, after all.
This secret game of his continued for another two hours, with Izaya coming up with new and subtle ways to drive Shizuo mad. Izaya was honestly impressed with how well Shizuo was holding up, but all things must come to an end, and Shizuo’s streak of patience was no exception. 
His breaking point came when Izaya settled into his chair, picked up a stack of documents, and kicked his feet up onto the desk. It must have been that it was so uncharacteristic of Izaya to ‘rest’ in such a vulnerable position that Shizuo was tipped off to Izaya’s scheming. Or perhaps it was pure coincidence that his fuse happened to burn out at that moment. Either way, Izaya wasn’t too upset when Shizuo shot up from the couch and stomped over to his desk with red-tipped ears and a snarl.
“Oi, what’s up with that pose, huh?” Shizuo growled, leaning far over the desk to meet Izaya face to face. His arms were tense with restless energy where they held his weight against the desk, bracing on either side of Izaya’s legs. 
Izaya smiled pleasantly at him. “Hm? Aren’t I allowed to be comfortable while I work?”
Shizuo glared down at him- and if looks could kill, Izaya would be six feet under. 
“You look a little too comfortable, if you ask me. Just how busy have you been, really?”
A strong hand wrapped around one of his ankles, and Izaya had to resist the urge to jerk his foot back on instinct. “Quite busy. You see, today I’m conducting an observational experiment of sorts. I suppose you could call it testing a beast’s ability to restrain itself and its needs in the face of temptation. Riveting stuff~”
Shizuo bared his teeth in an animalistic grin that sent a shiver of premonition down Izaya’s spine. “Oh yeah? What conclusion have you come to?” The grip tightening  around Izaya’s ankle might as well have been squeezing his lungs for how it caused his breath to falter in his chest. 
“That even beasts can possess an impressive level of patience and willpower, but even so, that control is temporary, and eventually they succumb to their urges. It’s in their nature, after all,” Izaya challenged with a smirk. However, his confidence couldn’t hide the way his hands clutched the arms of his chair in anticipation.
His heart was starting to thrum in his chest; because behind the irritation in Shizuo’s gaze, there was a certain glint in his eyes. Now that Shizuo knew of Izaya’s game, he was ready to play. 
Just the thought was enough to set off the butterflies in Izaya’s stomach.
“I see. If giving in is inevitable, why hold back at all then, right?” Shizuo gave him little warning before he was tugging at Izaya’s ankle to pull him closer and yanking him up by his shirt. Izaya yelped, trying not to knock over his monitors in his scramble for balance as he was pulled over and across the desk. He only had a second to be relieved that everything was intact before he was tossed over Shizuo’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
Despite knowing that struggling was futile, Izaya fisted his hands in Shizuo’s shirt for stability and tried his best to kick at Shizuo’s thighs. If he felt the hits, he certainly didn’t show it. “Wait a second! What kind of brainless logic is that?!” He shouted, trying to twist his head around to see where he was being taken. He had an idea, and a turn towards the staircase confirmed it.
“Are you sure you should be mouthing off like that? Ah, but maybe you don't care since you’ve been asking for it all day,” Shizuo almost murmured to himself, his anger having faded to an infuriating breeziness.
Izaya’s cheeks flushed despite the absolute ridiculousness of that statement. “Me? Have you forgotten how many times you-!” His words were interrupted by a yelp when Shizuo gave a warning squeeze to his thigh. 
“Shut up.”
Any further protests from Izaya were met with more squeezes to his thighs, each one making him jump more than the last. Shizuo knew very well how sensitive his thighs were, and he was giving Izaya this chance to back down before he used that information against him. And while Izaya was not the kind of man to give up, every once in a while he could accept when he needed to concede. 
He had been orchestrating the setlist all day after all, and now it was time to face the choir. 
He wasn’t, however, expecting to be part of it, and the pitch his voice reached could put the star sopranos to shame. 
“Nahahaha! Shizu-chahahaha-!” His voice cracked on a cackle as Shizuo drilled his thumbs mercilessly into his hips. Upon entering their bedroom, Shizuo had wasted no time in tossing Izaya on the bed and relinquishing the control he’d been holding onto for the past few hours. And he seemed to be making up for the lost time if his zealous start was anything to go by. 
Izaya shook his head back and forth, frantically trying to pry Shizuo’s hands off of his waist, but there was no give to his iron grip. Izaya couldn’t help but wonder which would be easier to free yourself from: a bear trap or Shizuo’s merciless hold.
He quickly settled on the bear trap when Shizuo began kneading at his lower belly, sending sparks of sensitivity crackling across his nerves. “AH! Shit! Stahahahap, you beheheheast!” Izaya threw his head back on shrill laughter, his legs kicking wildly behind him in a stark contrast to Shizuo’s smug composure.
“What do you mean ‘stop’? You were showing off this spot earlier, weren’t you? You think I’m too stupid to notice you untucked your shirt before you stood up?” Shizuo drawled with a satisfied smirk. He suddenly switched from kneading to scratching lightly at Izaya’s belly to pull frenzied giggles from his lips. “It was like you were saying ‘please, please, please, tickle me here’.”
Izaya’s face lit up with a brilliant red flush at the realization. In teasing Shizuo over how much he wanted to get his hands on Izaya and tickle him to tears, Izaya had practically been asking for it the entire time without shame. What was even more mortifying was how-underneath the amusement at Shizuo’s struggle-he’d been just as eager for Shizuo to break. 
He’d choke to death on his own laughter before he ever admitted that though. 
“D-don’t blame me for your lack of self-control!” He scolded before falling into a fit of giggles when fingers skittered along his waistline. “Ehehehe! Wait, wait, wait!” 
His eyes widened into saucers when Shizuo suddenly caught his hands and pinned them above his head, learned anticipation thudding his heart against his chest.
“You were showing off this spot too, weren’t you?” Shizuo asked casually, impervious to the way Izaya tugged at his wrists like his life depended on it. “Can’t be helped then.” He followed his words with a shrug before spidering his fingers under Izaya’s arm with a practiced skill. 
The response was instantaneous; Izaya shrieked, arching his back in a desperate attempt to protect himself and failing to gain any reprieve. Shizuo knew all of the ways to drive Izaya up the wall and he wasn’t afraid to utilize them now. He was surprisingly thorough in moments like these- taking the time to try everything from rubbing his thumbs into the dip of Izaya’s underarms to lightly scritching at his biceps.
The latter had seemed merciful at first, as Izaya’s biceps weren’t normally that ticklish. He quickly learned that wasn’t the case, though, when Shizuo lingered there long enough for the sensation to become absolutely maddening. 
It took an embarrassingly long time for Izaya to find his words again, but of course he found a way to talk through the flood of mirth.
“Ahahaha! D-don’t try to act like this isn’t-“ his words were interrupted by a loud bark of laughter when suddenly Shizuo pinched at his upper ribs. “Like this isn’t whahahat you’ve been begging for all day!”
That seemed to finally get under Shizuo’s skin enough for him to scowl and lean in close. If Shizuo had to fight to keep that scowl from twitching up at the corners, neither of them mentioned it.
“Well, if this is what we both wanted, I guess I should go all out right?”
A shiver ran down Izaya’s back, and despite the squeals and protests that soon echoed through the apartment, Izaya couldn’t say that he minded it all that much. He could handle the fingers dancing along his skin, no longer restless now that they were focused on the goal of making him wheeze out desperate laughter. He could handle the lips pressing sweetly against his own, turning that same laughter muffled and breathless.
Shizuo had earned this fair and square, and in a way, so had Izaya.
Now all that was left was to enjoy the fruits of their labor. 
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pompompurin1028 · 1 year
hi!! since i love your analysis and comments, i want to know your opinions on the latest ep since you’ve watched it too! i’ve seen a lot of people finding fyodor’s ending kind of abrupt and undeserving, the plot twist being anticlimactic and all. do you think his death should’ve been different? hope you are having a great day also!! you are one of my fav blogs 🥰🥰
Hi Dear anon, thank you for sending an ask! I am very honored you think my opinion is of value orz
I honestly also thought it was rather abrupt and anticlimactic because honestly multiple things.
Firstly, I feel like it's just such a waste to kill of Fyodor, especially when there is still so much mystery surrounding him and things about him that we hadn't even scratched the surface about yet? I just feel like there's still so much to Fyodor we can continue to explore and it just feels like a bit of a waste and for shock factor idk :(. Though I must say, I'm not sure how the current arc, well Mersault specifically can be solved without one of them dying, especially when Asagiri built it up to Dazai and Fyodor always upping one another.
Though I did like that that scene showed the difference between Dazai and Fyodor, something which I had expected and speculated on in a previous analysis. I don't really like the way in which they handled it. Similarly to this final episode, I expected Dazai and Fyodor's different on trust and relying on others vs distrust in other humans and the lack of need to rely on others will be revealed, I just felt that it's kinda done in a sloppy way idk :(. Especially the Chuuya was actually disguised as a vampire reveal, I just don't see how Fyodor wouldn't have known beforehand. Plus I wish that Sigma would have played a bigger role in that since to me, the previous builds up of the arc seems to suggest it. But that's just my opinion since I have wanted that for quite some time orz
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foundationsofdecay · 10 months
@kaddyssammlung OHHH yeah that’s a really cool way to think of it, both visually and in terms of its function!! My initial thought had been along the lines of specifically the full-on parietal/pineal eye that some vertebrates have, but encompassing the pineal gland as a whole introduces a lot of different angles of approach 👀
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coollyinterferes · 11 months
trick or treat (dio needs a good trick....or two....or many)
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Trick or treat! 【accepting only tonight, so come get your candies while you can】 @rejectshumanity divider credit
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Of all people Jonathan and Speedwagon would have expected to see trick or treating, Dio was definitely not one of them. Today is not a day for fighting, and Jonathan assumes Dio is simply allowing himself to have harmless fun for once. And so, the gentleman gives Robert a look that the man can immediately read and recognize as "Please, no fights". Robert just slumps his shoulders a bit, silently acknowledging Jonathan's request and resigning to being civil towards Jonathan's brother, if only this time.
"I hope you like these." Jonathan is the first one to speak, giving Dio a small can of potato chips.
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"I heard these are quite popular overseas." Not a lie there. However, what he is not going to tell his brother is that there's a little trick inside: The good old Snake In A Can prank, to be more precise. The snake comes with googly eyes and all. And, since Jonathan is a fair guy, while there may not be any potato chips inside, there is a small baggie of Halloween themed gummies at the bottom of the can.
It's now Robert's turn…
"You can thank Jonathan for this, otherwise you'd be gettin' a bag of shit instead." No pranks from him, just the honest truth as he reluctantly gives Dio a packet of cookies. Chocolate chip ones.
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"I personally put razorblades and rat poison in 'em." He adds, deadpan. Of course, he's only joking...
Or is he? :)c
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merimuses · 2 years
@queenofthegalaxxy​ continued from here.
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“I don’t think I’m the... Right person.” As confusing as the answer was, Mercphobia still tried his best to make a sense out of it. “Though if you were to accept an old dragon’s company, I guess I can play the role of the right person for now.” It would be a difficult to form a friendship with someone who lived in basically another world. As old as dragons were, what felt like ages for humans and people like them were mere blinks to dragons.
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earthbovndmisfit · 4 days
What do you think of the Dio/Speedwagon pairing? Do you have any headcanons for it?
Not my thing tbh. I used to like some aspects of it a long time ago but I don't ship it anymore. Partly because some doodoo head made me kinda just not vibe with the ship and also bc that same doodoo head also made me care even less about Dio than I ever did. There's also the sad fact that most of the Diowagon stuff I've seen almost always follows the wrong af mischaracterization and woobification of Speedwagon that I despise so so so gd much: that horrid "uwu crybaby boy so pure and innocent who spends all time crying and blushing and is 100% submissive and is basically nothing more than a wuss" and whatever other bullshit Jojo fans who probably have never even touched PB not even with a ten ft pole say. Not all of the stuff about the ship is like that of course, but almost all of what I've seen from it falls under those horrid takes.
All that salt aside, I still can see some of the appeal the ship can have, especially prior to the encounter at the mansion. I've seen people mentioning before that Dio and Speedwagon can come across as bitter exes in some ways, which could add to the vitriol between them when they meet (again) at the mansion during the confrontation we see in the og story. A relationship that went real sour to the point they ended up loathing each other's guts lol. If you follow that or a similar narrative plus the fact that Dio visited Ogre Street not long ago, you can easily come up with headcanons about Dio visiting Ogre Street every time he wanted to see Speedwagon throughout the duration of their relationship.
In general, I prefer them as enemies or just them antagonizing each other and being very vocal every time they see each other, which is quite often due to Speedwagon having a relationship with Jonathan.
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
Meowdy Saint! ^^ lolol hello hello o/ hope you are doing good!!
So this masterpiece of a game has been invading my mind with ZERO chill lately which directly translated to me coming up with a TON of questions orz I really didn't realize how many I ended up compiling lol
If you don't feel like answering this many please feel absolutely free to ignore this ask or only answer the ones you like the most, the last thing I want is for you to feel overwhelmed! ^^
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™?
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol
-does he know how to give massages? :00
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name?
(I am not sure if this⬇️ questions falls under character deaths, if it does I really apologize and absolutely feel free to ignore it ^^)
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl)
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100%
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao
ALRIGHT THATS ALL IM SO SORRY FOR ASKING SO MUCH THE REN BRAINROT HOURS ARE SO REAL IM LOSING BRAINCELLS orz Remember to take care of yourself drink water and take breaks!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
(Also sorry if some phrases don't make sense, english isn't my first language as I am 🤌 lolol)
✦゜ANSWERED: Under da cut because this got long >:3
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™? Ren's memories remain intact!! I mean... He remembers each time you get a bad end and sometimes says something different... >:3 There is also an in-universe reason as to why he has his abilities — I won't spoil anything, but his real name (along with River's and one other character) have a reeeeally big tell. But what this tell is is for me to know and you to find out >:3
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰 Ren (and by extension [REDACTED]) knows not to harm anyone if he knows you won't like it — and even then — he won't actively show that murderous side of him in the first place. To Angel, Ren is just a timid, normal guy.
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol Ren is actually good at cooking, he's just a bit out of touch since he doesn't normally cook for himself! It's normally microwave meals or takeout for him... ^^; And yes, Ren did burn and burn the pancakes in Day 3 — he was distracted by something on his phone :3
Bonus cut Day 3 content: I took out the scene where Ren started to profusely apologise for burning the pancake because he often had to cook when he was younger. Given the dynamic of his family and the environment he grew up in, Ren didn't have much room to make mistakes ;n; I cut this scene out because I felt bad ksgskd So y'all get to have flustered, happy Ren instead!!
-does he know how to give massages? :00 If that was one of Angel's interests or desires, then sure!! ^^
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao Someone else likes flora too, and it sure would be funny if Ren (eventually) starts to mimic certain traits and interests of the person you have the highest affinity/relationship points with in order to make himself look more appealing… >:3c
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀ It was mentioned in Jae's lore post (I'll link it here once I find it), but Maple is a Labrador! (Leon would be Jae's Australian Shepherd hehe) In my mind, Maple is only 2 or 3 years old, but that wouldn't really fit the official timeframe... ^^; Jae adopted Maple during high school so he wouldn't feel lonely at home, and it's been over 6+ years since then.... hgdshjg
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name? Angel affectionately calls Ren a puppy during the scene in Day 1 where they meet up after work, so that nickname definitely could work!
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl) aaa I think you might be mistaking that ask for something else? ;v; [REDACTED] would NEVER harm Angel in any capacity, and they're a very patient person. Even if it took decades for Angel to fall in love with him, they'll wait.
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈 You're fine!! And I'm open to doing that! I'll add it to my list hehe
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100% I've shared a spreadsheet that lists all the available choices, the points you earn from each of them, and the endings you can get — however it's only available on Discord and I don't really want to share it outside of the server and potentially put it in the hands of minors. Sorry!!
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao Hehe >:3 There's a loooot of lore that won't ever be mentioned in the game (since it doesn't seem fitting/I don't see a reason to), so I'm happy to provide it here!
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merakiui · 10 months
I'm glad your bday went well :D!! Always very nice to hear. So so sweet of everyone. Also glad you're doing alright woooo!!!!
Ough I love catboy Floyd that's so good. Honestly thinking about it Floyd really would be one of those strays with like a bite taken out of his ear and stuff he's going through it out here 😭. but also it reminds me of that "if you're cold, they're cold. let them in your home" joke people make about silly creatures, cryptids, etc. I'd let Floyd in, catboy or not tho,, the silly goose. Could never go wrong ever actually. Totally not.
Riddle so would chase him away poor thing </3 but I see omg :0 I don't actually think I've heard that vocaloid song... I'll have to give it a listen soon !! But ough I love catboy fish <33
That's so exciting w/ the tmdg stuff though! I can't wait to read it when it's posted :D!!! I should go through your tag or something for it on here and see what you have shared because I have caught very little I fear 😔
Yeah but no the vision is just Like That sometimes. I'm sure it's a banger though.
- :3 anon
Omg catboy Floyd with a bite taken out of his ear,,,, AAAAAAA T^T I'm adopting him in a heartbeat. He can live happy and safe from now on. <3 that meme is so perfect for him. Nothing will ever go wrong when you bring the sweet stray catboy into your home. He will definitely not get unhealthily attached and develop separation anxiety that compels him to be glued to your side at all times. Definitely not. :) he will be a normal, sane catboy (he won't). "Ah, it's a wonderful cat life" is a very catchy song!!! I hope you'll enjoy listening to it. It's a fun concept for our beloved catboy eel!!! >w<
And The Vision has such a grip on me... orz it truly is Like That sometimes. I couldn't help getting carried away with this story. It's just such a fun plot!! I had to write it unrestrained!!!!! Thank you so much for looking forward to it!! It will indeed be a banger. >:D I've posted a lot about it throughout various months, so I hope you can enjoy the previews I've posted in the meantime!!
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cloudster-clown · 3 months
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Lullah's model is finished :D She's playing the flute hehe I had a hard time with her hair orz I tried looking up low poly styled curly hair for reference but I couldn't find any :') So I winged it lol, hope it looks alright!
I have also animated her dancing the same dance as Chayanne :3 Once again the ninji jump party dance is heavily referenced :D She looks a bit smaller here, I tried makeing her bigger but her model would cut out of the gif TwT
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riderofspades · 5 months
(yet another...) WIP Title Tag Game!
Tagged by @krizariel, thanks for tagging me! Rules: Reveal the titles of the documents in your wip folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit! I... have so many, many WIPs, both titled and untitled, art and fic, that I'm fucking scared of looking at them ala ticking-heart-underneath-the-floorboards-style (*orz) So let's just look at the ones I still have a hope of finishing sometime, alright? They are: Fanfic WIPs
A Soldier Boy (Can Never Go Home) [Tokyo Revengers]
I Rise, A New Life in the Heart of Death [RasTim]
I Breath In The Atmosphere (Let It Wash Over My Fear) [JayTim]
A Bloody Love Story [TsukaSen] Fanart WIPs
以后,我(前)死对头的徒弟得叫我夫君 (From Now On, My (Former) Nemesis's Disciple Must Call Me Husband) [DiFang]
先生们,在大厅观众下也太耀眼了吧 (Get a room, you two) [DiFang]
Untitled TsukaSen art
Untitled Sefikura art
Untitled JayTim vacation art
Assorted Commissions and Gift Arts 😬😬😬
Tagging: @godotismissingx @szfiction @difeisheng @meggie-jolly @ladytauria; I am going to cheat by saying it's ok to tag just 5 people instead of goddamn 10 😂(Not tagging Raven so you can do it, Meggie-Jolly.)
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kanasmusings · 1 year
[Tsukino Picatrix] VAZZROCK + infinit0 Cast Introductions
Hello, hello~! I have some free time this month, so I'm slowly getting back into posting www I miss working through tweets, and I definitely have lots to catch up on orz
Anyway, AGF is soon, which means a new TsukiPro AGF theme! We have Tsukino Picatrix (TsukiPika) this year, and it's like TsukiPro meets Promise of Wizard! 😂 The cast of characters look really cute though, and the lore sounds interesting~! I can't wait to see more of the designs!
🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
O caelestes stellae, O venerati apostoli, quaeso, viam nostram in hoc itinere terreno ducite et illuminate # TsukiPika # Tsukiuta # AGF2023
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Characters and quotes under the cut, enjoy~!
🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[VAZZY] MAMIYA TAKAAKI "Welcome to Neptune's Headquarters where mysteries and secrets govern all. I guess you could call me the Mediator. (wry smile) … Stick close to the light and don't delve in too deep. Go back while you still can." #TsukiPika #VAZZROCK #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[VAZZY] KIRA OUKA "Neptune HQ is stationed on a hidden island accessible only through this ship. Your ticket to ride depends on whether you can defeat me first." #TsukiPika #VAZZROCK #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[VAZZY] KIDUKU ISSA "Man, what a pain in the ass. They'll tear pampered brats like you apart here, and I'd rather stay out of that mess." #TsukiPika #VAZZROCK  #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[VAZZY] KIDUKU FUTABA "Not all is gifted with the power to heal, but through my research, I hope to create a potion that can benefit everyone!" #TsukiPika #VAZZROCK #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[VAZZY] OYAMA NAOSUKE "HAHAHA! The renowned artefact hunter is up for hire! Oyama Naosuke is at your service, folks!!! You better remember that name!" #TsukiPika #VAZZROCK #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[VAZZY] SHIRASE YUMA "Wisdom, power, and even magic. I will use everything I can as I am destined to be King. You shall heed me from this day forward." #TsukiPika #VAZZROCK #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[ROCK DOWN] ONODA SHO “Despite appearances, I am one of the Seven Sages. I oversee a major Magical Union research lab, you know~❀ Amazing, aren’t I~?” #TsukiPika #VAZZROCK #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[ROCK DOWN] KUJIKAWA HARUTO “I’m “Open Sesame’s” supernova in the making. Jolting Bomber Kujikawa Haruto is ever at your service.” #TsukiPika #VAZZROCK #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[ROCK DOWN] AMAHA REIJI “Someone of my caliber definitely belongs to the Union. Alright, where’s my next assignment…? Oh-ho, a research lab, huh. Sounds fun~” #TsukiPika #VAZZROCK #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[ROCK DOWN] TACHIBANA AYUMU “I’m embarrassed to admit that I ended up here due to my poor communication skills. But it’s alright, I feel right at home here. People here aren’t keen on talking, so no superficial relationships either.” #TsukiPika #VAZZROCK #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[ROCK DOWN] OGURO GAKU “Heya! I’m a field mechanic in charge of lab inspection and repair~♪ You can catch me here, there, everywhere! Danger is part of the job, but who could say no to treasure waiting to be found!” #TsukiPika #VAZZROCK #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[ROCK DOWN] NADUMI RUKA “I’m in charge of developmental research in the lab! And nothing is impossible with me on the job!! Probably!!! I’ll work hard for the betterment of magical research and society!! ALRIGHT~~~!! I’ve got an idea~~~~!!!✨” #TsukiPika #VAZZROCK #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[infinit0] SUKIGAWA REI "Counting me, I believe that there are more Venusian guardians who work for Venus, a mutual-aid corporation, than for the Union." #TsukiPika #infinit0 #AGF2023
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🌌 TSUKINO Picatrix 🪄
[infinit0] MIKAZE ROA "It’s my dream to make Venus bigger together with Rei! No shade to the Union, but a biased single-minded organization will only lead to corruption and stagnation~♪" #TsukiPika #infinit0 #AGF2023
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pinkiepiebones · 7 months
Renfield prompt: how did renfield feel/ react to having his own place for the first time in almost a decade? What was the feeling/process of nesting until it felt like home and safety and hope?
I was going to say "I've written a lot about this" but wow aside from the one where he takes a shower and has Emotions about it, I actually haven't dug in to this subject... And then I wrote something barely related to the prompt orz
"I, uh. I moved out."
Renfield doesn't tell the whole group right away. But he has to tell someone. It's exciting, and terrifying. Everything lately is exciting and terrifying, really. He opened up more about his 'boss' and everyone encouraged him to focus on himself. To 'grow to full power.'
He tells Mark after most of the group has left. Mark stays behind to tidy away the folding chairs and pack up the unborrowed books. Mark startles when he turns to see Renfield standing there, not quite as hunched over as he had been in the months past.
"You moved out?" Mark repeats, a little confused. Renfield nods, then moves his hands to help Mark with the box of books and as he takes the box he says "out of my boss's place. I'm- I mean, I was, I was a sort of live-in serv- service, aid, um, assistant, but not any more!" He grins nervously, but expectantly.
With his hands free, Mark claps. "Well alright Renfield! Look at you, out on your own!" Renfield feels suddenly shy and ducks his head, greasy hair falling in front of his pale face. Mark gives him a comforting shoulder pat, then gently motions for the door of the gym. Renfield dutifully walks alongside the group leader.
"So, how is the place you moved into?"
"It's really nice. Small, I guess, but it's better than where I had been." He smiled. "I spent the whole of yesterday cleaning it. Can't remember the last time I got to do something like that for myself."
Mark smiles softly. Renfield had started coming to the DRAAG meetings months ago, and barely spoke until just recently. It was hard to discern just what sort of relationship he had been in, but judging by the facts (Renfield always came in wearing the same hastily mended clothes, he smelled like a high school science class on pig dissection week, he looked like he had spent most of his life indoors, and he was always highly aware of his surrounding), Mark assumed it had not the sort of relationship he frequently saw in his group attendants.
Outside, Mark unlatches the trunk of his car and Renfield sets the box inside. Mark shuts the trunk and sees Renfield looking around, nervous, as though anticipating his newfound joy might come crashing down.
"Hey," Mark says, and Renfield glances at him. "You know what you should do? You should paint your new place. Check with your landlord first, of course, and if he says 'yes'- Really make it yours, y'know?"
"That- I never thought of that."
Mark spreads his hands. "So, what colour -or colours!- will you go for? What colour says 'this is Renfield'?"
Renfield picks at his cuticles and looks at his shoes. Despite being so tall, he looks small, now.
"I really never have had a chance to think about these things, Mark."
Mark hmms in thought and leans against his car. "Okay, well, what would be the polar opposite of your boss?"
"Bright," Renfield says immediately. "Cheery. Hopeful. Warm. Friendly." He makes a little choking laugh sound. "Modern."
Mark nods. "So go with that! Surround yourself in the opposite of what you've been dealing with."
Mark helps Renfield navigate his new phone (a refurbished old model, but to Renfield it is the pinnacle of technology) to find a local home goods store. Then, realising the time, Mark and Renfield say their goodbyes. But-
Mark says, "you'll tell us all about it at next week's meeting, right?"
Renfield smiles.
"Of course."
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thebeautyoffanfics · 5 months
I saw your post about requests please something with zukka massaging the other (not sexually just like after some hard training or smth, you know when your body hurts or you pulled some muscles, are sore) please please let it be fluffy
sokka x zuko
a/n : thanks for requesting !!! i’m sorry it’s short , but i hope this turned out alright <3!! i hope it was fluffy enough btwww, i made them playfully bicker a lot but it’s one of my love languages so i hope it’s good orz warnings : none word count : 600
“I told you jumping right back into training after a break was a bad idea,” Zuko teased, staring down at his miserable Water Tribe boyfriend sprawled out across his bed. Well, no matter if he was given a guest room, Sokka being around meant it wasn’t really “the Fire Lord’s bed” anymore. It was “Sokka’s bed (plus Zuko).” 
“Don’t scold me,” Sokka groaned, pouting slightly, “can’t you see I’m dying? Horribly? And you’re just gonna make fun of me while my arms fall off.”
“I’d never make fun of you… if your arms actually fell off.”
Sokka groaned again, loudly and dramatically (as his entire personality was), moving his leg to kick Zuko, who dodged it swiftly. “Your kicking is almost as bad as your swordsmanship.”
“Hey, don’t say that! I’ll kick your ass after I get another warmup.”
“Like you kicked my ass yesterday?” Zuko questioned, reminding Sokka of the training session that has left his arms and shoulders immobile. When no response, other than a very pointed glare, came, an idea formed in Zuko’s mind. Honestly, he didn’t like seeing Sokka hurt, but he was no stranger to sore muscles, lotion on his bedside table a reminder of that.
“Here, sit up,” Zuko ordered, grabbing the bottle of lotion, and taking a spot on the bed. Sokka raised an eyebrow, sitting up, and watching as Zuko dumped a bit of the lotion onto his palm. 
“Tell me if it hurts too badly,” Zuko stated, before smoothing the lotion across Sokka’s left arm. Zuko’s hands, somehow both refined and masculine, massaged Sokka’s aching muscles, causing the boy to furrow his eyebrows and heave a sigh. He worked the muscles with a firm love, making sure to take glances at Sokka’s expressions in case the massaging was doing more harm than good. Much to his content, Sokka’s expression never turned to one of too much pain--instead, Sokka made sure to tell Zuko that he appreciated the actions. Zuko didn’t mind, of course, he’d take any excuse to have his hands on Sokka’s muscled arms.
“Gaahh, you’re the best, the best ever,” Sokka spoke, as Zuko’s hands moved from Sokka’s other arm to his shoulders. “I love you so much.”
Zuko’s heart fluttered, a smile spreading on his face. “I love you too,” He responded, a slight chuckle in his voice, “I’m glad to be the best. Especially since I’m also the best swordfighter.”
“Get your hands off of me, mister Fire Lord. I want nothing to do with your monarch-iness.”
Chuckling again, Zuko wrapped his arms around Sokka’s sides, placing his head on his shoulder. “I guess I’ll never help you after practices again,” He sighed, biting back his smile and puckering his lips into a pout. Instead of responding, Sokka leaned back, causing the two of them to lay back on the bed.
“You don’t mean that,” Sokka said, copying Zuko’s pout, and looking up at him with his big, blue eyes. 
“Hm… yeah. You’re right.”
Sokka grinned, adjusting himself to lay on his stomach, moving to be halfway on Zuko. “Really, thank you though. My arms feel better,” Sokka praised, stretching out an arm, then draping it over Zuko’s chest. 
“I’m glad… are you going to get up?”
“Whaaaatt? No, I’m asleep. Don’t you know rest is so important in healing? You want your boyfriend to get worse?”
Zuko blinked, not bothering with a response. He moved a hand to play with Sokka’s hair, another resting on his upper arm, rubbing his thumb lightly against the skin. Sokka hummed happily, closing his eyes and nuzzling further into Zuko.
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chintato · 2 months
Hi hi ! I Hope you're doing okay ! ✨
I was wondering, would you be okay if I draw your PC with mine as friends ? 🥺✨ Yours is so cute and they would be adorable together orz ✨ If you're not okay with that, i totally understand ! 👌✨
Hello !! Im doing alright :DD
Also i dont mind art of my PCs ^^ i always love how ppl draw them and i always want to see how other PCs interact with mine hh💖💕
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direwombat · 2 months
Hi! I hope you’re doing good! I got a couple questions for you!
1. What is your favorite part about writing
2. What’s your favorite bit of OC lore
3. Adelaide, Joey, or Butch Jacob, who’s strap game comes out on top?
one of these days i'll be better about responding to asks in a timely manner orz i'm so sorry
hello!!!!! sorry it's taken me so long to respond! I'm doing quite alright, thank you for asking! i hope you're doing well yourself! and oooooooh these are such fun questions!
my favorite part about writing will always and forever be the plotting process. the only thing i love more than thinking about my character's actions is the consequences of those actions. i tend to view anything i write as an elaborate domino design or rube goldberg machine where all it takes is a little push to get things chain reacting. i love figuring out where little details can become incredibly plot relevant later on; for example: in katc, the first time jacob captures syb, he has a tracking chip implanted under her skin (without her knowledge) so he can keep track of her, and later on that tracking chip leads him to her after she gets shot with a bliss arrow but is swept away by the henbane before the chosen can take her in. i love figuring out how each scene builds off the next and figuring out how they fit together like a puzzle. the unfortunate part about this is that i tend to throw myself into outlining so hard that i lose steam to work on a project because...well...i've essentially told the story to myself...sometimes it's hard to actually put it into words in a cohesive way lol
and omg. ok. so. it has absolutely zero bearing on her story whatsoever, but i always imagined that syb would have loved sailor moon. she had a hard time making friends during her school years, and while she would have been 11 when it started airing in the united states. she wouldn't have been allowed to watch it at home, but i feel like she probably had at least one friend who tape the broadcast so they could watch it together. baby syb probably took one look at haruka and was like "i wanna be like her!" without completely understanding why. also i think she fantasized about having superpowers so she could defeat the villain in her life (her father) and craved the strength and connection of having a group of friends (rather than the one or two she had.
and 3 is going under the cut because of nsfw headcanoning :)
hilarious question. i'm obsessed with it. but i'm gonna say, in order of best to worst it's
adelaide. she has decades worth of sex and orgies under her harness. she for sure knows her way around a strap. and knows how to make her partner feel good using one. she's 100% pegging xander so good that the single braincell he has is rendered completely useless.
joey. what she lacks in adelaide's experience she makes up for with technique. she is all about precision and trying to find the spot that makes her partner's eyes roll back into their skull. it's maybe a little awkward to begin with; some trial and error while she's experimenting with different angles and depths, but once she finds the spot that makes her partner's moans go up an octave, she is fucking them so good that their legs start trembling.
(cis) butch jakey. sorry, but i'm a jakey (jackie?) is bad at sex truther. she understands the mechanics of it well enough (the dick goes in a hole) but her technique is. mmm. well...it's befitting. it's either all long, rough, hard strokes with little regard to her partner (because that's how men do it right?) OR she's just laying back and having her partner do everything while she just watches ("c'mon honey, if you want it so bad you're gonna have to work for it"). it's a dominance thing but also. she's a lazy domme. she wields the strap with the finesse of a club :/
sidenote: ngl i love thinking about butch4butch jakesyb because tbh? absolutely nothing about their dynamic and very little about their sex life would change <3 (same applies for t4t jakesyb)
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