#((ooooooo do it
your Kira belongs in the Mandela catalog
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I get that a lot! Fully take it as a compliment too, I love that series. It’s funny cause my original run of the “young Morioh” series came out a whole year earlier then Mandela catalog!
I personally just found big black vacant eyes, and the blurring of features, where it becomes uncanny, to be really spooky. So I guess I felt in some way where internet horror was heading next, which is super neat
One day I have to make my own online horror series
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tarochimochi · 2 months
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Losercake, everyday, daily
Day 83
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shhh-secret-time · 4 months
We need more of that Soulmate stuff! Can we get one with Stan??? I've such a weakness for our goth boy!
Oh and thank you for writing gn! It's such a small thing but it makes me feel good to read! 🫶
Of course you can! I love Stan and soulmate shit so literally any excuse! I'm glad my writing makes you feel good darling!
Warning: Strong Language, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, over use of the word skin and flesh, and a single shit excuse for poetry
Pairings: Stan x GN!Reader
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The most annoying habit Stan had was chewing his bottom lip, so many things of lip balm used to try and repair his lips. Little discarded tubes of flavors that were the foulest thing he'd ever tasted, it was Kyle's idea, if it tasted bad maybe he could trick his brain into stopping the habit.
The second annoying habit was drumming his fingers on his desk, he was especially bad about it when he was younger. That was before the little marking on his skin started popping up. Little words and doodles on his forearm dancing on his skin. At first it freaked him out, he was fourteen and these weird little tattoos were popping up on his skin and then disappearing.
The third annoying habit was never learning to not go to his father when he didn't understand something. One would think after it backfiring so many times Stan would learn to go to his mother when he had questions. To his credit Randy did give him an answer. It just led to a whole ordeal of him telling the entire fucking town that his son has a soulmate and that his son was just like him when he was fourteen. It was embarrassing and he hoped that whoever his soulmate was didn't hear it.
Apparently, the little doodles and grocery shopping lists on his forearm was his soulmate’s handwriting and boy did they love to draw on their arm. Stan would be out in the football field practicing his throws when he'd feel the light brush of the pen across his arm. Which always lead to him fumbling a pass. Maybe he had to thank his coach for all the times he yelled at him because it was after one practice that he finally started marking on his arm back.
At first it was just to try and get whoever his soulmate was back. Taking a sharpie to the underside of his forearm, the big blocky letters spelled S-T-O-P. He remembers tugging down his sleeve with a grumble, thinking he would be free from the torment. Little did he know this was a declaration of war.
You were sitting in the science lab when it happened, working on your assignment when the letters appeared. Up until then you never saw something like that happen, so when it did you nearly dropped the beaker. Soulmate or not, who did they think they were to send such a passive aggressive message?! You excused yourself and hurried to the bathroom, ignoring the look of your partner. You pulled up your sleeve and glared down at bright silver words.
Stan furrowed his brows as his eyes scanned over the new message.
"Who uses a silver sharpie?! Are you kidding me?!" You hissed.
Well, you couldn't take that sitting down, could you? Your hands dug into the pockets of your pants to pull out the pen you always kept on you. Dragging the tip of the cheap pen across your skin, you wrote your little soulmate a loving note.
"Eat shit."
The font lit a fire in him as his eyes narrowed. Stan took the lid off the sharpie and drew a crude middle finger on his palm. Once he was satisfied with it, he pulled his gloves back on, maybe his soulmate didn't have gloves and would have to deal with that.
From then on Stan carried that damn sharpie everywhere. He would be in the middle of talking with his friends about something when he'd feel your words sketch onto his skin again. He would stop even if he was in the middle of something just to read whatever rude thing you'd come up with. It was Kyle who finally approached him about it.
"Dude you're gonna get ink poisoning." Stan almost missed the way Kyle scolded him, to focused on writing.
"I don't care Kyle! They're insulting the Broncos!" Stan hissed back.
"How did you even get on that topic?" Kyle rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.
"I-...I don't know but I'm not going to just let them shit on my favorite team!" He looked up towards his best friend, Kyle could see the fire behind those blue eyes and almost chuckled.
"This person is supposed to be your soulmate, ya know? Like your forever partner."
"I know that! But it's like they know exactly what to say to get under my skin!" Stan groans as he caps the sharpie and slumps back against the park bench. "I mean...was it like this for you? You found yours recently."
The red head raised a brow at his friend, the question catching him off guard. "Hm...no? We got along pretty much instantly. Guess it helped they found me before I found them?"
Stan watches as Kyle presses a thumb into his palm. A warm smile plays across his lips as he rubs the golden letters. Rumors of Kyle and his soulmate spread quick, they were the talk around campus for a while much to Kyle’s dismay.
"But I get what you're feeling."
"You fight with your partner like this?"
"What? No! Not yet at least...I mean it's bound to happen eventually, but I mean the thing you said about their words getting under your skin." Kyle shook his head making the green straps on his head swing back and forth. Before Stan could respond Kyle held up his hand and continued. "They'll text me or say something to me and it just...feels like my heart is going to explode. The first time we kissed it felt like my skin was on fire, it felt intense. So... I think that might just be a side effect of having a soulmate. Everything is kinda turned up to eleven."
Stan just sat there and listened to him. He pushed his hands in his coat pocket and squeezed the sharpie, letting the words sink in. Leave it to Kyle to make him think about it more. Stan responds with a long sigh.
"... Maybe."
"Hey at least you can talk to yours. We had to go based off each other's thoughts...it's hard keeping my thoughts in control."
"Yeah, I don't know if I could live with that, probably end up cutting my hand off." Stan chuckles and looks down at his forearm.
Maybe he could swallow his pride a little and just take it easy. It certainly made sense now why your words were having such an effect on him. If everything was turned up to eleven like Kyle said, then maybe he needed to take a step back and try something else.
It wasn't until he was sitting in class bored again that he got the idea. He even went out of his way to use a different marker, one with a smaller point. Pressing the tip to his arm, he watched the bright blue ink bleed into his skin. Stan didn't really know what to write, it was hard to go from writing stupid insults and drawing crude things to something just mundane. He pressed his lips together and stared hard at the little blue dot until his hand started moving. Stan wrote best when it was in song lyrics or his poems.
Watercolor running down my skin.
It's supposed to feel cool but all it does is make my head spin.
You get under my skin like fire.
The tip of your pen bleeds me like sharp wire.
He pulls back and looks down at it with narrowed eyes. Stan can already feel the warm embarrassment spreading over his face and up to the tip of his ears. Quickly pulling down his sleeve again, he tried to push it out of his mind for the rest of the day. An hour went by before he felt that all too familiar feeling, it was something he was getting used to at this point. He looked down and his eyes widened in awe.
"Did you write that? It's good."
No smart-ass comment about his poetry. You didn't make fun of him for putting his words in a silly simple format. You just complimented it. Stan could feel his heart speeding up as he re-read the small sentence under his poetry over and over again.
"Yeah. I'm not good at communicating normally."
"Poetry is just easier for ya huh?"
"That or music."
"Really? You play?"
Stan grinned down as he started running out of room on his forearm, having to move to the surface of his arm now. His face getting closer to his skin as he hunches over his desk to keep writing.
"Yeah, guitar and a little bass. They're kinda similar."
"That's cool!"
"Do you play any?"
And soon his entire arm was covered in back and forths. Talking about music to whatever else the two of you could come up with. He learned about all your hobbies just as you learned his. You started keeping a little journal of all the poems he wrote you, all the little songs he'd write down across his. It was when you'd wake up to a poem, first thing in the early mornings. The sunlight caressing your entire body, wrapping you up like a hug.
The poems spoke of things like how he was excited to talk to you throughout the day. Asking you if blue was starting to become your favorite color. Did you think of him when you saw it? Things like how he was so happy to see you respond and that he thinks of you every time he strums on his guitar. You were just thankful he couldn't hear your heartbeat or see the way he made your face flush.
But there was that longing to finally see this person. You learned your partner was a he but the thought of asking him his name didn't seem to matter. It was like you'd known him your whole life, and because of him blue was starting to become your favorite color. So one night as you sat at your desk, you decided to just go for it.
"Hey. I just thought about how I don't know your name!" You had to move to writing with your non-dominate hand which made your handwriting a little shaky.
You giggled at the little doodle that came up next to your statement. It was a horrible drawing of Kirby pointing at the writing, but his face was scrunched up in disgust.
"I dunno. Didn't think about it."
You waited after reading his sentence, thinking he was going to continue. Nope. Nothing.
"Well, what is it??" You asked as you doodled next to the Kirby, a little frog wearing a hat joining the fray.
"It's Stan."
"What?! No way!"
You circled Stan's name with your pen and drew a bunch of exclamation marks. You knew a Stan; he was the quarterback at your university! He had three little friends that always seemed to follow him! He was the kid who brought a guitar to-
He brought a guitar to class sometimes.
He wrote in his notebook when he thought no one was watching.
He made your heart beat and the butterflies in your stomach flutter.
He was your soulmate.
Did he even notice you like you did him? Did he know you sat across the room from him in history? Or that you were his soulmate? Of course he didn't! He doesn't even know your name.
You break out of your spiraling thoughts when you see the blue ink across your skin again. "Pretty sure way. That's the name my mom gave me."
"You know what I mean dick! I know you! You're Stan Marsh! You live on that farm that's like an hour away from here in South Park!"
There was nothing for a while. Maybe you shouldn't have said all that, but the faster your heart sped the faster you wrote. You didn't think to slow down until you looked back at how hastily everything was written.
"You go to my university, don't you?" He asked.
"South Park college. Go cows." You doodled a little cow next to the response hoping to relief a little tension.
"Go to Stark Pond in an hour."
"What?! Dude it's like 6:30! I can't just leave this late!"
"I wanna meet you and I don't wanna wait. I'm already in my truck."
You could tell from the way the letters were spaced out and slanted. It was almost gibberish, gibberish that had your blood pumping. In a manner of seconds, you learned the name of your soulmate and you were actually considering going out. It would be around seven thirty before he actually showed up. You bit your lip and looked over at your car keys but only for a moment. When the thoughts of how he wanted to meet you were so bad he was willing to drive out again to see you. To see who you were. The fear of disappointing him did cross your mind, what if he hyped you up too much.
You knew Stan Marsh. You knew how pretty he was and how he could make a group of people follow him. You knew he had those beautiful baby blue eyes that seemed to go forever.
God you loved the color blue.
With a huff you grabbed your keys and put on some decent clothes. You waited at Starks Pond for that hour, you could have stayed home to wait but your anxiety wouldn't let you. Not the way your heart was still pounding, every minute that passed felt like agony. Pulling your jacket closer to your body, you almost leapt out of your skin each time a car would pull up; only to be disappointed when anyone that wasn't Stan got out or drove off.
When finally, a beat up brown truck pulled up next to yours. Your breath hitched when you saw movement, breathing out when you saw a familiar pair of red shoes. A blue hat that looked well-loved over shaggy black hair.
He was standing by the water looking around, he looked as nervous as you felt. Just when he thinks you're not coming do you finally find the strength, the feeling, in your legs to step out of the car. The cold air nipping at your skin, it felt like ice right now from the way your skin set ablaze. The sounds of your footsteps crunching against the snow makes him look back and his jaw drop.
"It's you."
"It's me." You respond with a little smile, your voice barely above a whisper.
Stan takes the initiative and meets you halfway, the two of you meeting on the worn out walking trail. It isn't until he steps into the moonlight that you realize he's not wearing his jacket, but you notice the ink going up and down his arms.
"You actually came. I didn't think you would."
"I almost didn't...it's cold you know." You shoot him a little smirk, changing the tone in your voice to a lighthearted tease.
Stan let's out a breathy chuckle, you can see the little puff of air that escapes his lips. He takes a step closer towards you. You can feel the heat coming off him, radiating around your body. "Yeah guess it is. Forgot my jacket."
"Were you that excited?"
"Are you kidding? Yeah! It's not fair you knew what I looked like!"
And when you giggled Stan felt himself walking on air. The way you made his heart soar from that alone. He'd never write something funny on his arm again, if he had something funny to say you'd hear it just so he could hear that laugh.
"Then I hope you're not disappointed."
"Wh... what? Of course I'm not disappoint- You have no idea how much I'm trying not to throw up right now."
"No! Hold on! That came out worse than I meant! I mean I'm nervous because- because you're so beautiful and-....and I'm fucking this up, aren't I?" You watch the panic in Stan's eyes as he scrambled to try and find the right words.
You broke his mind when you laughed again. If your hands didn't come out to take his he would have bolted, ran off to find hole to crawl into. Instead, your hands anchor him to that spot, your smile brings him back down just for him to get lost in your eyes.
"You do suck at communicating." You whisper and press a kiss into his cheek.
"Uh...yeah well...you're the one kissing me. So ...I must be doing something right." Stan mentally kicks himself for that comment, but he can't help that little competitiveness in him.
Stan doesn't let you get whatever you're about to say out, his lips meet yours eagerly. He knows whatever you're about to say is only going to make his face turn a deeper shade of red. When he pulls away and sees your eyes are shut and your lips still slightly parted from the kiss, he knows he's already in deep. Especially when you cupped his face and brought him in for another.
Everything felt like being turned up to eleven. Everything felt right. You felt right being in his arms like this. He never wanted to come down from this feeling and he was sure you felt the same.
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starpaw0007 · 2 months
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i cant get this stupid ZNation crossover idea out of my head. It takes place during an alternate version of Season 2 Episode 9 "RoZwell"
Several months before the zombie outbreak, ZIM is captured by the government and transferred to Roswell, New Mexico. Just before the outbreak, he is put in a kind of stasis chamber for observation- the scientists never get a chance to come back for him when all hell breaks loose and he is soon forgotten.
Three years later, the Murphy gang arrive in Roswell and while exploring the underground base for supplies, come across the lab where ZIM has been in stasis for the entirety of the zombie apocalypse. He's let out, and ends up joining the Murphy gang since he has absolutely zero zombie apocalypse experience (minus mall zombies). He's kind of like a stray cat who just keeps hanging around.
Doc and 10K have a running bet for a while on whether or not ZIM's alien race is here to take over the Earth or not. Of course the gang eventually find out about ZIM's mission (pretty early on) and Warren tries to kick him out of the group since, you know, they're trying to save the human race and that's a huge conflict of interest.
His mission to destroy Earth is put on hold as he decides to help the gang find a cure- the zombies are taking all the glory of destroying the human race and ZIM can't have that. He has to SAVE the Earth so he can DESTROY it.
On top of all this, ZIM is trying to get into contact with his Tallest and dealing with PAK malfunctions as a result of government experimentation.
If you want more context, here's the entire RoZwell episode on youtube for free!
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heymacy · 1 month
hello @galladrabbles and welcome back ��� here is a continuation of last week's installment using the lovely @crossmydna's prompt "trapeze" (albeit very loosely)
[part 1]
Mickey raises an eyebrow.
“Fuck kinda line is that?”
The music switches from electro-pop to something bass-heavy. Mickey feels it in his bones. He eyes the redhead up and down, taking careful note of the way his t-shirt stretches around his upper arms.
“Not a very good one, apparently,” the man says. “I’m Ian.” He extends his bottle. Mickey eyes it warily. Lifts his beer. Clink.
Ian smiles.
“Mickey,” he repeats.
Mickey ignores the funny feeling in his chest; first a flip, then a fall. It hits his stomach with a nervous swoop.
“So, who do you know here?”
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starryyourstruly · 11 months
No bc Kaeya has to be hoyo’s favorite at this point. All signs point to FAVORTISM (same). The way he’s got some of the best lore out of any one else in this game. The way he’s such a dynamic character that so many people misjudge at first. The way they find ways to carefully craft him to look inconspicuous despite being EXTREMELY important to the main plot of the game as a whole. The way he’s the only one of the first 3 free characters (Lisa, Kaeya, Amber) to get a hangout quest. The way the old people of Mondstadt vote him as “best candidate for grandson in law”. And the most random mentions in any world quest/traveler voice lines?? Be so fr.
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ruthytwoshakes · 5 months
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cicadas are fun to eat if you are an animal , or a person, nom nom nom crunch crunch. They only come out every couple of decades though, so you’re gonna have to wait a long time before you can see them again. Gorge yourself until then. Decorate your windowsills with their shells, record their buzzing to listen to while you sleep. Don’t forget, you can’t forget. okay bye.
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moon9931 · 1 month
using picmix is pretty fun tbh
i made some things 4 my mutals using images of them I have in my gallery uh tw maybe: eyestrain, a lotta colorz
i just wanna be safe I don't wanna trigger anyone
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everyone included @whereismyhat5678 @oddpizza @noodletime @marclef @cyberrw @misdreavusplush @fluffygiraffe @ijusthavefun @little--critter @the-little-knight oh and here's a bonus thing I made ab me
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jus for fun also hey hey hiya hi hello hi mutals hiya hello hola if you want your gif to be less eyestraining/less colorful just tell me, cuz I want everything to be perfect or I will die /silly also if you wanna see, my picmix account is riiiiiiiiiighhhtt.............here!
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sneeb-canons · 11 days
soul can do the same tricks with his trident that you can do with a flag
i'm not sure if australians have color/winter guard at their schools or an equivalent to that, and if they do, whole learned some stuff there, and if they don't, soul wanted to do something cool and binged youtube videos
his favorite tricks are those that involve a lot of wrist flicking and look super trippy from an outside perspective (aka the ones i can't do) and he likes tossing really fucking high (think triples for fun)
and for convenience his trident is weighted similarly to a flag bc logic doesn't exist in headspace (sorry mindie)
- sincerely, a guard kid who needs to project and make it her whole (haha) personality
Headcanon #571
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holysaintscathedral · 6 months
You mean there's men out there who truly think they have authority over women and are the superior gender unironically and not at all in the kinky, consensual way?
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i NEED qroier to become a cop just to see qcellbit’s reaction. cellbit’s dislike for prisons vs his affinity for men in uniforms FIGHT
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lemm-moxx · 2 months
*VIOLENTLY slams into the window like a bug* Concept designs for an au in the works named Under sculpt. ALSO info (in detail wowie)
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Though this is more post events of the au as the scrimbly scrambled (egg) would of been wearing basic ass Cinderella style rags as his creator absolutely fucking despised him, but kinda had to keep him around as he was the only successful "recreation" of his creators deceased loved ones. (bros au was in fact destroyed) And in true Cinderella fashion clay was kinda just given housework and threatened with death if he didn't comply. (jeez) Kinda for nothing considering his creator tried to kill him anyway (don't worry clays fine, his creators un-filed taxes did in fact catch up with them)
Also fun fact due to the manner of his creation he's insanely good at working with clay (pottery throwing, sculpting etc) any finished project has a small chance of gaining a weak amount of sentience, but clay had the shit scared out of him by his creator and knows not to play god and create shit.
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yazzdonut · 2 months
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i made my first matcha/chocolate queque (pound cake ???) ever and without an electric mixer 💀 it turned out delicious !!!!!!
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anakirui · 2 months
i think we ALSO need to talk about this unit thematically (the sequel)
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(someone needs to make me stop talking about Project Sekai Units)
i think this unit is very obviously the counterpart to mirai toshi (does that make them parallel units??? like how leo-vs, mmj-vbs, and niigosho are??? uhhhhhh idk im getting off topic)
but also i think this lineup is interesting because of the shared themes i can think of off the top of my head between minori touya and tsukasa
the first thing that comes to mind is their passion and how thats central to their characters. minori with idols and how we know what happens when she loses her hope to become one in the 2022 april fools au, while for touya and tsukasa, they (according to theirselves) "saved" eachother— without tsukasa, touya's passion for music would cease to exist, and without touya, tsukasa would've given up on his passion to make others smile.
i think i need to elaborate on the reason why touya's passion here is music because that just became a big thing with the first concerto which was the last event we had— so without spoiling too much, touya had genuine passion for classical music and actually wanted to be like his dad at one point, but it got complicated with yknow. harumichi. being a guy. that exists. and that isn't. the best of parents. yknow.
if touya hadn't met tsukasa, then touya wouldn't have stood up to his dad, meaning touya would've never met akito, meaning touya would've never continued his innate passion for music. that's basically what i wanted to say, yeah
so then another thing i think these 3 can be grouped together on is their work ethic. minori is always extremely hardworking, continuing to strive to be an idol even after getting rejected time and time again. uhm.
when it comes to hard work i think i don't need to explain tsukasa. towards the phoenix at the sky's edge is an event that exists.
and the first concerto is basically the same event but in a different coat of paint. so, erm. tota's not free, either.
idk this is more of me going on a tangent than me having a clear idea like mirai toshi. but maybe i am onto something
you may be wondering, "but wait ace anakirui #1 vbs lore defender— how does miss hatsune miku relate to these themes?"
well, my friend, i believe that since miku is the biggest vocal synth of all time— she can represent the vocal synth scene as a whole. and the vocal synth community is built on the passion of many producers and artists and writers and editors and all kinds of people— something that also requires hard work.
or something inspirational like that, i don't know. maybe i'm not cooking with this one. goodnight
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wormshirt · 4 months
The Doctor needs one of those classes they give to expecting/hopeful parents but for humans. Get their ass enrolled in a parenting course. And everytime they get a new companion he has to retake the course.
#doctor who#dw#the doctor#inspired by the deleted scene of her just pushing amy out of the tardis doors into space#while amy was having an anxiety attack. YOU CANNOT DO THAT!#they have access to all of time and space the doctor has to be able to find a human parenting/caretaker course#bonus points if he ends up taking one for human children.#imgine youre travelling with the doctor and he leaves and comes back one day and says they enrolled themself in a human management course#and youre like 'oh thank god finally'#and then she just starts bubble wrapping the entire tardis and locking off entire rooms and giving you coloring sheets and stim toys#when you get bored#and starts taking you to like. fucking parks to play with other humans.#and starts carrying like fucking snacks like lunchables and shit everywhere and giving them to you at regular intervals#and you're like 'hey what the fuck.'#and you ask them what the hell they're doing and you find out they were learning to care for human TODDLERS.#and you're like. jesus fucking christ. explains so much. mildly disconcerting how much stayed the same though.#and so obviously you ask 'do you see me as a child?' and the doctor is like. ah. interesting question.#you know what else is interesting. OOOOOOO TELETUBBIES LETS LOOK AT THE TELETUBBIES OOOOOO EDUCATIONAL GAMES OOOO!!!!#LOOK AT THE SMALL HUMAN ON THE SCREEN WHICH PAIR OF SHOES MATCHES THE DRESS??? CHOOSE FAST!!!!!!#this could also open the door for an amazing bit though#where you start doing all of the same things back to the doctor and it works even better on them than it did you.#turn their ass into an ipad kid. they start arguing too much put his ass on minecraft pocket edition.#she just sits there for 1-3 hours. dead silence. you walk over like. 'hey. um. you good.'#no answer. you look ove rher shoulder. she has recreated ancient rome in minecraft in exact replica and is the reigning emperor.#they are roleplaying the roman senate with sheep and villagers. okay. can you please save the world now. please.#this is not to infantilize the doctor. he is old as shit. they are an adult. but by god can they be easily entertained.#not to mention that a key factor of the doctor IS their eternal childishness.#but they ARE a fully grown adult. beyond that even. ancient 'were you alive to see the dinosaurs grandpa?' ass motherfucker.#they are just also a masive loser. who would love minecraft pocket edition and lunchables. probably. who doesn't though.#bangers
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*crawls through window* imagine... the entire Liyue arc and Osial plot getting derailed because Foul Legacy refuses to fight. you're a friend of the Traveler, someone who offered to accompany them on their journey around Teyvat to have an adventure and meet new people- despite your lack of a Vision, you're determined and good with a weapon and like helping the Traveler fight, so they and Paimon allow you to come with. you also happen to be acquainted with some of their allies, like Zhongli and Baizhu and particularly Childe, who quietly confesses to the Traveler that he's been trying to win your heart for some time. unfortunately you're wary around the Fatui, like the rest of the Harbor, and try to keep the relationship more formal despite how much you secretly like his company. you take the reveal of his betrayal quite hard. from the outside you look angry and steeled for a fight, but internally your delicate heart is crushed, knowing you were just another pawn for him to play with. he looks almost sad when his gaze lands on you, eyes softening slightly and fingers twitching like he wants to reach out, but soon the battle commences and you're left with Paimon on the other side of the burning hot barrier. bitterly you scold yourself, muttering that you shouldn't have become involved with a Fatuus, much less a Harbinger, in the first place, but your stomach still twists into cold knots when you think about it. it's your fault for staying, for hoping you could actually befriend him, and you despise yourself for it. then the floor gives way and crumbles, leaving you to fall painfully into the belly of the Golden House, hurting you physically as much as you're hurting mentally. you groan in pain and pull yourself to your feet, head sparking with aches. there's no barrier anymore. nothing between you, the Traveler, and Childe, who has transformed into a wretchedly beautiful, otherwordly form, and you know you're probably going to die here- there's no way someone like you can survive lashing lightning and waves. at least you got to see something wonderful before you left. but the battle never starts. when you manage to look up, the Traveler's standing still as stone, watching Childe, unmoving, watching you. the creature he's turned into tilts his horned head, almost like he's curious, piercing you with an intense stare. it's cute, in a way, but you're also terrified to your bones and freeze in your tracks as Childe observes you with a crystalline blue eye until you muster up the courage to speak. "...Childe?" the lilac fur around his neck suddenly poofs, his azure eye lighting up, and Childe swiftly darts across the arena and scoops you into his much-larger arms, pressing you against his chest and making purr-like sounds. you yelp in surprise, hastily clinging to his cloud-soft fluff to keep from falling as Childe spins you around in midair, seemingly overcome with joy. your eyes screwed tightly shut, you only feel him lower and sit on the ground, then an odd sensation, like something pushing into your hands, and when you open your eyes you're greeted to the sight of Childe insistently nudging his head against your raised hands. hesitantly, you settle your palms on his plated cheeks and feel the purring noise rumble throughout his entire body as he melts into your touch, even emitting soft chirps and coos every now and then. this isn't happening- this can't be happening- is all you can think, but Childe confirms reality by leaning his head forward and plonking it on your shoulder, trilling blissfully when your hands start trailing up his horns and under his chin. some tiny, miniscule part of Childe is protesting, reminding him of the Fatui's plan and the false Sigils of Permission and the Overlord of the Vortex waiting, but he dismisses that thought with a hiss, because who cares about the Fatui and the gods and Liyue when he's with you, more precious than mora, battle, and even all of Teyvat?
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