#They KNOW we love him and they KNOW we’ll pay for it but they’re letting us get it for free and I think that’s just lovely
morganski-19 · 2 days
Chills Right to the Marrow part 36
ao3 link| part 1 . . . part 33, part 34, part 35
Steve opens the door for them before they even have a chance to ring the bell. With a large smile meant just for Eddie. They make their way through the door, Eddie immediately in awe about the height of the ceilings, for some reason. They two of them talking, if that’s all they’re doing, instead of making their way to the welcome party.
Wayne gets it. Eddie’s out of the hospital, it’s big news. But there are other people here waiting to see him.
Like the boy standing in the middle the hallway with tears forming in his eyes. Who’s waited for this day since the moment Eddie got hurt. To know that he is really alive. And will continue to be alive.
“Aw, taking pity on me, are you, Steve?” Eddie teases, making Wayne want to groan.
“Shut up.” A great retort, really.
Wayne clears his throat. Breaking the two of them out of the little bubble they’ve formed. He nods his head down the hall, making Eddie finally see Dustin.
No matter how much Wayne is happy to see his boy out of the hospital. Walking. This moment isn’t for him. It’s for Dustin.
“Hey, Henderson,” Eddie breaths out, relieved.
“You’re here,” Dustin says so softly Wayne can barely hear it. But it’s enough that his own tears find their way to his eyes.
Eddie makes his way over to Dustin. Just barely wincing with the pain, but not complaining about it. He’s got other things on his mind in this moment. He balances himself on his crutches just enough to pull Dustin into a hug. Careful to not put all of his weight on the kid.
“Yeah,” Eddie whispers. “I’m here.”
Wayne blinks away the tear that wants to fall down his cheek. Sparing a look at Steve and seeing he’s in the same boat. Somehow in agreement that this moment isn’t for them to ruin. They could hold off for the time being.
“Where’s the rest of the crew?” Eddie asks when Dustin pulls back. “And a seat, I can only stand for so long.”
Dustin snorts, wiping his cheeks. “In the living room. They’re really happy to see you.”
Eddie motions for Dustin to lead the way. Following him down the hall and into the living room. Steve and Wayne hang back. Letting their moment be their moment.
Someone knocks on the door, Steve turning around to go answer it.
“Sorry, are we too late?” Nancy asks before stepping in. Robin close behind her.
“No, you’re fine. He just got here.” He looks behind them looking for someone else. “I thought you said Jonathan was going to come?”
Nancy makes a pained face. Starting to say something but Robin beating her to the punch. “He’s avoiding her.”
“It’s not like I blame him,” Nancy defends. “I did break up with him. We’re not going to be friends again that fast. How long did it take up to be friends after we broke up?” she asks in Steve’s direction.
“Almost two years,” he deadpans.
Nancy gets a partially defeated look. “See, we’ll get there eventually.” She turns toward Wayne, hiding the shock that he was standing there the whole time. “Hi, Mr. Munson. It’s great to see you again.”
“Please, just call me Wayne.”
“How did things go at the hospital? Was it all taken care of?”
Wayne nods. “Yes. They came around in the end.”
It was a relief, really, to see the bill come out with zero. All Wayne had to do was sign the papers and set up Eddie’s follow up appointments. His twice a week physical therapy appointment. Get the prescription for his pain killers. Then, they were one their way.
Someone calls Steve from the living room. All of them migrating to the living room. There’re so many voices in that room, Wayne doesn’t know which conversation to pay attention too. What he ends with, though, is the one that Eddie’s in. Talking about the game he loves with the kids. One of them there he doesn’t recognize, but that’s not really surprising.
Sometime later, the bell rings and Steve comes back with an armful of pizza. Setting them along the kitchen island with sodas. Yelling at the kids to use a plate and to eat in the kitchen instead of the living room.
Wayne can’t stop looking at the smile on Eddie’s face. It’s like he looks alive again. Out of the hospital and back to himself. Goofing around with the kids and making jokes. Trying to make it look like he isn’t tripping over his crutches. Still getting used to walking with them.
A smile forms on Wayne’s face. The muscles straining just a bit. Like he forgot how.
Eddie catches his eye. Brows furrowed before he realizes why Wayne’s smiling. For a second, their smiles match before Eddie’s attention is brought away again.
“Steve,” Dustin asks as the rest of the kids migrate back to the living room. An argument about movie choices ensuing. “Do you think I could stay over tonight?”
Steve thinks about it for a second before shrugging. “I guess so. Just check with your mom first.”
“She already said it was ok,” Dustin smirks. Going back to the living room with the rest of his friends.
“Of course she did,” Steve sighs. Going back to cleaning up the dinner.
Robin, Nancy, and Wayne hang back in the kitchen to help clean up. The leftovers get consolidated to one box and placed in the fridge. The plates get washed and put away. They make no move to leave the kitchen. Staying in the quiet instead of the chaos in the other room.
Steve pulls out four beers and hands one to everyone. They fall into casual conversation. Or, the three of them do. Wayne just holds back. Not much of a talker right now.
Eddie comes in from the living room a half hour later. Sitting next to Wayne at the island.
“Can I get one of those?” he asks.
“Depends,” Steve answers before Wayne can outright refuse. “How much and what pain medications are you on right now?”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “I hate you.”
“Sorry for trying to keep you alive.” He gives Eddie a once over. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” he sighs. “I love them, don’t get me wrong, but they can be a lot all at once.”
“You have no idea,” Robin adds. Leaning halfway across the counter.
Nancy tosses her empty bottle into the recycling. “They’ve always been that way. And then they kept adding more people to the group. I can sometimes here them from my room. When they’re in the basement.”
Eddie winces. “Jesus.”
“No one would judge you if you wanted to turn in early. You’ve had a long day.” Steve hands Eddie a coke since he can’t have any alcohol.
“I might. The doctors woke me up at, like, six this morning for some test to make sure they could discharge me. Been up since then.”
“That’s not that early,” Nancy says.
Wayne snorts. “Maybe for you. Ed will sleep forever if you let him.”
“Like you’re not the same way.” Eddie jabs his elbow into Wayne’s arm.
“Have you seen your room yet,” Robin asks. “Dustin was micromanaging like crazy to make sure it was to your liking.”
“Really?” Eddie has a soft look on his face. “I can’t wait to see it then.”
“He’s staying the night, by the way. If that’s ok with you.”
Eddie yawns. “Yeah, that’s fine. Mind showing me where this room is. I’m beat.”
Steve sets his beer bottle on the counter, waiting for Eddie to stand. Leading him to his room with Wayne in tow.
“This is it. And the bathroom is the door right across from that.”
Eddie turns the handle, stepping in before looking at the posters on the wall. He stops for a moment, looking around. A breath of relief escaping when he finally steps all the way in. Looking like he’s back in a space that’s him.
“They did a good job.”
“Yeah, they did. Ask Dustin about it tomorrow, I’m sure he’ll tell you all about it.”
Eddie nods. “I will.”
There’s an awkward silence for a second before Steve starts talking again. “Just a few things I forgot to mention. If you’re going to smoke in the house, do it near a window, but I’d appreciate it if you took it outside. And don’t play music too loud, it triggers my migraines.”
“That all?” Eddie takes a step toward Steve. A playful tone lilting his voice.
Wayne is already getting sick of this.
“Yes,” Steve stutters out. “Just, uh, let me know if you need anything.”
Eddie nods. Reaching out and pulling Steve into a hug. “Thank you for this,” he whispers. “You really have no clue what it means to me.”
Steve returns the hug, tentatively.  “It was the least I could do.”
“That is an understatement, and you know it.” Eddie pulls back, clapping Steve’s shoulder gently before letting go.
“Have a good night,” Steve says on his way out.
Robin is in the hallway now, giving Steve a look. He sighs. “Not now.”
Wayne goes into Eddie’s room to ignore whatever that was going to be. “You going to be alright in here?”
Eddie sits down on the bed. Sighing in relief that he’s not putting weight on his legs. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”
“Well, my room right above yours. So, if you need anything, yell or something. I might hear it.”
“I will.”
Wayne nods. Just standing in the room. Not quite knowing if he’s ready to leave it. Eddie rolls his eyes, extending his arms.
“Come on, old man.”
With a chuckle, Wayne leans down and hugs his son. They were never huggers, the two of them. Never needed to be. They knew they loved each other and showed it in their own ways. But Eddie is finally home after almost dying. He’s finally getting back to himself again. Everything is returning back to the way it should be.
“You better not be crying,” Eddie jokes. “I won’t be far behind if you are.”
Wayne lets out a wet laugh. Pulling back and just looking at Eddie. “I love you, kid.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Eddie tries to brush it off, but tears gloss over his eyes. “Love you too.”
“Have a good night, I’ll see you in the morning.”
He walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Heading back to a party that’s dying down. Feeling part of something much larger than he was expecting. A giant family that he’s now roped into.
Who would have guessed that?
tag list (closed): @the-they-who-nerded, @insteviewetrust, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @jettestar,
@tinyplanet95, @steddie-as-they-go, @slv-333, @littlecelestialmoth, @thatonebadideapanda,
@fandomsanddeath, @marismorar, @wonderland-girl143-blog, @glass-bottle03, @gutterflower77,
@here4thetrama, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @jaytriesstuff, @cryptid-system, @manda-panda-monium,
@resident-gay-bitch, @anaibis, @xxsutherlandxx, @forevermineliv, @mugloversonly,
@gregre369, @n0-1-important, @different-tale-student, @spectrum-spectre, @tartarusknight,
@devondespresso, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @cheertain, @anti-ozzie, @autumncrocusandladybug,
@greeniebean911, @cr0w-culture, @stillfullofshit, @connected-dots, @daisynotquake,
@morgannotlefay, @a-little-unsteddie, @dolphincliffs, @maskofmirrors, @me-and-my-sloth,
@papergrenade, @waelkyring, @sweetheartprincess28, @katouasobj, @astercomoasflores
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starryyourstruly · 1 year
No bc Kaeya has to be hoyo’s favorite at this point. All signs point to FAVORTISM (same). The way he’s got some of the best lore out of any one else in this game. The way he’s such a dynamic character that so many people misjudge at first. The way they find ways to carefully craft him to look inconspicuous despite being EXTREMELY important to the main plot of the game as a whole. The way he’s the only one of the first 3 free characters (Lisa, Kaeya, Amber) to get a hangout quest. The way the old people of Mondstadt vote him as “best candidate for grandson in law”. And the most random mentions in any world quest/traveler voice lines?? Be so fr.
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callsigns-haze · 1 month
Could we have a part 2 of little chaser?
Little baby entrance chase
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x Reader
Summary: Tyler and Y/n welcome their newborn daughter, Hazel Grace, into the world, embracing the overwhelming love and joy of becoming parents as they begin their new journey as a family.
Chapter contains detailed descriptions of childbirth and intense emotional moments.
The evening air was cool, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves outside as Y/n and Tyler settled into their cozy living room. The house was dimly lit, the soft glow of lamps casting a warm, golden hue across the room. It was a peaceful night, one of the last calm moments they’d share before their lives would change forever.
Y/n sat on the couch, her swollen belly a comforting weight as she absentmindedly rubbed small circles over it. She was nine months pregnant, and the anticipation of their baby’s arrival was almost too much to bear. Each day seemed longer than the last as they awaited the moment when their little one would decide to make an entrance into the world.
Tyler, ever attentive, was by her side in an instant. He brought over a cup of herbal tea, carefully chosen to help soothe and relax her. "How are you feeling, babe?" he asked, his voice gentle as he handed her the warm cup.
Y/n smiled up at him, her eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and excitement. "I’m okay," she said, though her tone was weary. "Just tired. The baby’s been moving around a lot today."
Tyler’s eyes softened as he reached out to place his hand over hers on her belly. He could feel their baby’s movements, the little kicks and shifts that had become such a familiar sensation over the past few months. "Maybe they’re just as excited as we are," he said with a grin, leaning down to press a kiss against her belly. "Can’t wait to meet you, little one, whoever you are."
Y/n chuckled, the sound light and full of love. "I hope they’re ready because I’m not sure how much longer I can wait." She sighed, leaning back against the cushions as she took a sip of her tea. The warmth spread through her, easing some of the tension that had built up in her back and shoulders.
Tyler sat beside her, his arm draped around her shoulders as they both took a moment to relax. The TV was on, playing one of their favourite old movies, but neither of them was really paying attention. Instead, they were caught up in the quiet intimacy of the moment, their thoughts drifting toward the future and the mystery of the life they were about to meet.
"Do you think we’re really ready for this?" Y/n asked quietly, her voice laced with a hint of uncertainty. It was a question that had lingered in the back of her mind for weeks now, growing louder as her due date approached.
Tyler turned to look at her, his gaze full of reassurance. "I think we’re as ready as we can be," he replied, his hand gently squeezing her shoulder. "We’ve got everything set up, we’ve read all the books, and we’ve got each other. That’s what matters."
Y/n nodded, but the nerves were still there, lurking beneath the surface. "It just feels so…huge, you know? Like our whole world is about to change, and we have no idea if it’s a boy or a girl."
"It is," Tyler agreed, his voice soft. "But it’s going to be amazing, no matter what. We’re going to be parents, Y/n. Whether we have a son or a daughter, we’ll figure it out together, just like we always do."
She smiled at that, her heart swelling with love for the man beside her. Tyler had always been her rock, the steady presence in her life who could make even the most daunting challenges seem manageable. She couldn’t imagine going through this without him.
"I love you, Tyler," she whispered, leaning her head against his shoulder.
"I love you too," he replied, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "And I’m so excited to meet our little one. Boy or girl, they’re going to be perfect."
They sat there for a while longer, wrapped in each other’s embrace, letting the quiet of the evening soothe their nerves. Y/n’s eyes drifted shut, the rhythmic sound of Tyler’s breathing lulling her into a light doze. But just as she was beginning to relax, a sharp, unexpected pain shot through her abdomen, jolting her awake.
She gasped, her hand flying to her belly as the pain subsided, leaving her breathless. Tyler noticed immediately, his body tensing as he turned to her with concern. "What is it? Are you okay?"
Y/n took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I…I don’t know. That felt different."
Tyler’s eyes widened as the realization hit him. "Do you think…?" he began, but before he could finish, another contraction gripped Y/n, this one stronger and more intense than the last.
"Tyler," she breathed, her voice shaking. "I think this is it. I think the baby’s coming."
For a moment, Tyler was frozen, his heart pounding in his chest. But then, like a switch had been flipped, he sprang into action. "Okay, okay," he said, trying to keep his voice calm even as adrenaline surged through him. "We’ve got this. The hospital bag is ready, and we can be out the door in five minutes."
He helped Y/n to her feet, supporting her as they made their way to the front door. Each step was a challenge for Y/n, the contractions coming faster and harder now. She clung to Tyler, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps as she tried to push through the pain.
"You’re doing great, babe," Tyler encouraged, though his voice was tight with worry. He grabbed the hospital bag and quickly led Y/n to the car, helping her inside before jumping into the driver’s seat.
Y/n sat in the passenger seat, her hands gripping the edges of the seat as she tried to steady her breathing. The contractions were coming faster now, each one more intense than the last, and she could feel the pressure building with every passing minute. She glanced over at Tyler, who was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other gently resting on her leg, his touch grounding her in the midst of the storm raging inside her body.
“Just keep breathing, Y/n,” Tyler said, his voice calm despite the tension in the air. He kept his eyes on the road, but his focus was entirely on her, watching for any sign of distress. “You’re doing great, babe. We’re almost there.”
Y/n tried to nod, but another contraction hit her like a wave, stealing her breath away. She gasped, her hand flying to her belly as the pain surged through her. “Tyler, it’s getting worse,” she managed to say, her voice strained. “I don’t know how much longer I can take this.”
Tyler’s heart clenched at the sound of her pain, but he forced himself to stay calm. “We’re going to make it, Y/n. Just hang in there a little longer,” he reassured her, pressing down on the gas pedal a little harder. The car picked up speed, the engine roaring as they flew down the highway.
The world outside the car blurred, the familiar landmarks passing by in a haze as they raced toward the hospital. Tyler kept his focus on the road, but his mind was racing with a thousand thoughts. Was this really happening? Was their baby really on the way? The reality of it all was overwhelming, but he pushed the thoughts aside, focusing instead on getting Y/n to the hospital as quickly as possible.
Y/n’s breathing was ragged now, each contraction pulling her deeper into a haze of pain. She tried to find something to hold on to, some anchor to keep her grounded, but it felt like the world was slipping away from her. The pain was so intense, so all-consuming, that she could barely think, barely breathe.
“Tyler…” she whispered, her voice trembling as another contraction tore through her. “I’m scared.”
Tyler’s heart ached at her words, and he reached over, squeezing her hand tightly. “I know, babe. But you’re the strongest person I know. You’re going to get through this, and I’ll be right here with you the whole time,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.
Y/n nodded weakly, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. She leaned her head back against the seat, trying to focus on Tyler’s voice, on the steady rhythm of his words. It was the only thing keeping her from spiralling into panic.
The hospital was still a few miles away, but to Y/n, it felt like it was on the other side of the world. The contractions were coming almost back-to-back now, each one more powerful than the last. She could feel the baby moving lower, the pressure building to an unbearable point.
“Tyler, I don’t think I can wait much longer,” she gasped, her voice barely a whisper. “I think the baby’s coming now.”
Tyler’s heart skipped a beat, panic flaring in his chest. But he forced himself to stay calm, to keep his focus on getting them to the hospital. “Just hold on, Y/n. We’re almost there,” he said, his voice steady even as fear clawed at the edges of his mind.
The hospital loomed in the distance, the bright lights shining like a beacon in the dark. Tyler’s grip tightened on the steering wheel as he swerved into the emergency entrance, the tires screeching as he brought the car to a sudden stop. Before the car had even fully stopped, he was out of the driver’s seat and rushing around to Y/n’s side.
“Hold on, babe, I’ve got you,” Tyler said, his voice frantic as he helped Y/n out of the car. She leaned heavily on him, her legs barely able to support her weight as the contractions continued to rip through her.
The hospital doors slid open with a soft whoosh, and the bright fluorescent lights of the emergency room flooded over them. Nurses rushed forward, immediately assessing the situation and springing into action. Tyler stayed by Y/n’s side, his arm wrapped around her waist as they wheeled her toward the delivery room.
As they hurried down the hallway, Tyler’s mind was racing. This was it. This was really happening. Their baby was on the way, and in just a few short moments, their lives would change forever. But even as fear and anxiety threatened to overwhelm him, he looked down at Y/n, her face contorted in pain, and felt a surge of love and determination.
“We’re almost there, Y/n,” he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. “Just a little bit longer, and we’ll meet our baby.”
Y/n squeezed his hand, her grip fierce despite the pain. She could barely think, could barely breathe, but Tyler’s presence beside her kept her grounded, kept her fighting. As they entered the delivery room, the pain and fear faded into the background, replaced by a single, overwhelming thought.
The doctor arrived, checking her progress. "You’re fully dilated—10 centimetres. It’s time to start pushing."
Y/n’s heart pounded. She knew this was it, the moment they had been waiting for, but the fear and pain were almost too much to bear. The first contraction came, and the urge to push was overwhelming.
"Push, Y/n!" the doctor instructed.
Y/n bore down, pushing with everything she had, but the pain was so intense that she couldn’t hold back. As she gripped Tyler’s hand, she felt another wave of pain hit, and a surge of frustration bubbled up inside her. The pressure was unbearable, and the pain was unlike anything she had ever experienced.
"Tyler, I can’t do this!" she cried out, her voice filled with desperation.
"Yes, you can," Tyler replied, his voice soft but firm. "You’re the strongest person I know."
But another contraction hit, and Y/n felt as if her body was being torn apart. The intensity of it all made her snap, her frustration and fear spilling over. "This is all your fault, Tyler!" she screamed, tears streaming down her face as she pushed again, her body trembling with the effort. "You did this to me!"
Tyler’s eyes widened in shock, but he quickly recovered, his expression softening as he realized she was in the throes of labour pain. "I know, baby. I’m so sorry," he said, squeezing her hand. "But you’re doing so great. We’re almost there."
Y/n gritted her teeth, pushing through the next contraction. The pain was unbearable, and she screamed again, this time more from the sheer effort than from anger. "You better not ever touch me again, Tyler!" she yelled, her voice hoarse with the strain.
Tyler tried to keep calm, knowing she didn’t mean it. He leaned in close, his voice soothing despite the chaos. "I promise, I won’t—if that’s what you want. But right now, we need to get our baby here. You’re doing amazing."
Y/n pushed again, her body wracked with pain, but Tyler’s words gave her something to focus on. She locked eyes with him, and despite the anger and frustration, she knew he was right there with her.
"The head is crowning!" the doctor announced. "One more big push, Y/n!"
Y/n let out a primal scream, using every ounce of strength she had left. The pressure was searing, and she felt as if she couldn’t take it any longer. "Tyler, I hate you!" she screamed, but even as the words left her mouth, she knew it wasn’t true. She was just desperate for the pain to end.
"I know, baby," Tyler whispered, tears in his eyes as he held her hand, his heart breaking for her. "I love you. You’re almost there."
With one final, monumental effort, Y/n pushed with all her might. She screamed again, the pain and frustration pouring out of her, but then—suddenly—the pressure eased. The baby’s head emerged, followed quickly by the rest of the body.
The room filled with the sound of a newborn’s first cry.
"It’s a girl!" the doctor announced, holding up the tiny, wriggling baby for them to see.
Y/n collapsed back onto the bed, utterly exhausted but overwhelmed with emotion. Tears streamed down her face as the nurse placed their daughter on her chest. The pain, the fear, the anger—it all melted away as she looked down at the tiny, perfect life she had just brought into the world.
Tyler’s eyes were filled with awe as he leaned down to kiss Y/n’s forehead. "She’s perfect," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "You did it, Y/n. I’m so proud of you."
Y/n looked up at him, her eyes still wet with tears, and despite everything she had screamed at him moments before, all she felt now was love. "I’m sorry I yelled at you," she whispered, her voice hoarse.
Tyler smiled, his eyes filled with love and understanding. "You have nothing to apologize for. You were incredible."
As they both gazed down at their daughter, Y/n’s heart swelled with a love she had never known before. The pain and frustration were now distant memories, replaced by the overwhelming joy of holding their baby in her arms.
"Welcome to the world, little one," Y/n murmured, brushing a soft kiss on her daughter’s forehead. The room was filled with a quiet, reverent awe as they held their daughter for the first time, soaking in every detail of her precious face.
The room was quiet, the air filled with a soft hum from the machines surrounding them. The bright lights had been dimmed, casting a gentle glow over the small, sterile space that now felt like the most intimate place in the world. Tyler sat beside the hospital bed, his hand tightly holding Y/n's as they both gazed down at the tiny bundle cradled in her arms.
Their newborn daughter, wrapped snugly in a soft, pink blanket, slept soundly, her little face scrunched up in that way newborns do, her tiny fingers curled into delicate fists. She was perfect, every detail of her small features already memorized by her parents as they looked at her in awe, unable to believe that this little person was truly theirs.
Y/n felt a rush of emotions as she looked at her daughter, an overwhelming love that she had never experienced before. It was as if her heart had expanded, filled to the brim with a love so fierce and all-encompassing that it brought tears to her eyes. Tyler noticed, reaching up to brush a stray tear from her cheek, his own eyes misty with unshed tears.
“She’s beautiful,” he whispered, his voice filled with awe. “I can’t believe she’s really here.”
Y/n smiled, her heart swelling with pride and love as she looked up at him. “We did it, Tyler. We really did it.”
Tyler leaned down to press a tender kiss to Y/n’s forehead before moving to place a soft kiss on their daughter’s head, her fine, dark hair just barely peeking out from beneath the blanket. “She’s everything, Y/n. I didn’t think I could love anyone more than I love you, but she’s...”
“Perfect,” Y/n finished for him, her voice full of wonder as she gently stroked the baby’s cheek with her finger. The baby stirred slightly at the touch, letting out a tiny, contented sigh before settling back into sleep.
Tyler smiled down at their daughter, his heart bursting with a pride and love he had never known. “What do you think we should name her?” he asked softly, his eyes never leaving the tiny face that had already stolen his heart.
Y/n looked down at their daughter, considering the question. They had talked about names throughout the pregnancy, tossing ideas back and forth, but nothing had felt quite right. Now, though, as she looked at their baby girl, she felt like she knew exactly what her name should be.
“I’ve been thinking,” Y/n began, her voice trembling with emotion. “How about Hazel? It’s sweet, timeless, and it feels like it fits her.”
Tyler repeated the name in his mind, letting it settle. “Hazel,” he whispered, as if testing it out. He smiled, nodding slowly as he looked down at their daughter. “Hazel. It’s perfect, Y/n. Just like her.”
Y/n smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over her as she looked down at Hazel. The name felt right, like it had always been hers. “Hazel Grace Owens,” she said softly, her voice filled with love and pride. “Welcome to the world, little one.”
Tyler gently placed a hand on Hazel’s tiny head, his fingers brushing against the soft hair. “Hazel Grace,” he echoed, his voice thick with emotion. “We’re so happy to meet you, sweetheart.”
For a moment, the world seemed to stand still as they both sat there, basking in the quiet, profound joy of the moment. The room was filled with a sense of calm, the kind of peace that only comes after a long and difficult journey. The exhaustion of the labour, the fear, and the pain had all melted away, replaced by the overwhelming love they felt for their daughter.
Y/n leaned back against the pillows, her body tired but her heart full. She watched as Tyler gently stroked Hazel’s cheek, his eyes filled with wonder as he took in every tiny detail of their daughter’s face.
“Can you believe she’s ours?” Y/n asked softly, her voice filled with awe.
Tyler shook his head, a small, incredulous smile on his lips. “No, I can’t. But I’m so glad she is.”
He leaned down to kiss Y/n again, his lips lingering on hers for a moment longer than usual. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against hers, their daughter cradled safely between them.
“We’re going to be the best parents we can be,” Tyler whispered, his voice full of determination and love.
Y/n nodded, her eyes brimming with tears once again. “I know we will. We’ll figure it out together, just like we always do.”
As they sat there, holding their newborn daughter in their arms, the weight of the moment settled over them. It was the start of a new chapter, one filled with uncertainty, challenges, and a love that was already deeper than they could have ever imagined.
Hazel shifted in her sleep, a tiny smile tugging at the corners of her lips as if she could sense the love surrounding her. Tyler and Y/n both smiled, their hearts full as they watched their daughter, knowing that no matter what the future held, they would face it together as a family.
The night outside the hospital was quiet, the world still turning, but inside that little room, everything had changed. The three of them sat there, bound together by love, as they began the journey of a lifetime.
Requests for Tyler are open be free to send in as much as you wish!
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
always struggling
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'struggling'
rated t | 971 words | no cw | tags: steddie, post-break up, modern era, open ending but assume they get back together, pre-famous corroded coffin
“How are we still short?” Jeff mumbled under his breath.
Eddie heard him, though, and his heart sank in his chest.
“We don’t have enough.” It wasn’t a question.
Jeff shook his head.
They both looked at Gareth and Frankie unloading the van. Usually, they all took care of their own equipment, but all of them had been too impatient to find out how much they made, so Jeff and Eddie rushed inside their house to count.
They needed $268 more to pay for their travel to the festival that could actually put them in front of the right people. That’s it. $268.
And they only made $197 from their show at the bar downtown.
“So we can’t go.”
Jeff shook his head. “Not unless you can come up with $71 by tomorrow morning.”
Eddie knows if he went to Wayne, he’d find a way. He’d break open a piggy bank or withdraw from his retirement savings. He’d ask for an advance on his paycheck. Whatever it took to help Eddie achieve his dreams.
But he’d done that enough.
Jeff’s parents already covered the cost of Jeff to go, and Frankie’s parents had refused to encourage his ‘rockstar behavior.’ Gareth’s mom didn’t have anything left over after paying for his twin sisters’ back to school supplies and clothes.
“You could call-“
Jeff nodded solemnly. “Right.”
Eddie couldn’t call Steve. Steve had helped buy him a new guitar and fix his van before their inevitable crash and burn when Eddie decided to move to Chicago and Steve wasn’t ready. He hadn’t spoken to him in months. He couldn’t call him up and ask for money.
“Maybe I could take a shift at the diner tonight. If I take the big tables, it might be enough in tips,” Jeff offered. “We could busk?”
“You know we never make good money doing that. Nobody likes the noise.”
“Maybe we’ll just have to try again next year. We can keep playing the bars.”
“Yeah. Guess so.”
Neither of them noticed Frankie or Gareth standing behind them, listening in to the dilemma.
“We didn’t make enough?” Gareth asked somberly.
“Sorry, kid. Just a bit short,” Jeff said over his shoulder.
“This is bullshit!” He yelled.
“Gare-“ Eddie started to say, standing to try to comfort him.
“No! I’m sick of struggling so much. We’re good. We deserve to be there.” Gareth continued. “We’re going.”
“Dude, we can’t just print more money.”
Gareth turned to Eddie, fire in his eyes, hands clenched into fists.
“Suck up your damn pride and call Steve. He told you if you needed anything to call him. Call him.” He stormed to his room and slammed the door.
Eddie would do anything for his band, his friends. He knew missing this festival could be one of his biggest regrets.
“Eddie, it’s fine. Gareth-“
“Is right. I should call him.”
Eddie didn’t wait for them to try to convince him otherwise. He walked to his room and closed the door, trying to figure out how to have this conversation with a man he was definitely still in love with.
No way to prepare, really.
He pulled up Steve’s name in his contact list and pressed call before he could stop himself.
It rang three times before Steve answered.
“Eddie? Are you okay?”
God, he’d missed his voice.
“Hey Steve. Sorry if I’m interrupting anything-“
“No! It’s just family movie night, but they’re all arguing about what movie to pick anyway. How’s everything?” The sound of a door closing and silence in the background followed his question.
“Um. Well.” Just spit it out. “We have a really great opportunity at Iron and Metal Fest? It’s in Seattle, and we’ve been trying to save up to go, but we uh, we fell a little short and the deadline to let them know we can play is tomorrow morning.”
“Oh. How short?”
“I’ll Venmo you. Will that be okay?” Steve sounded like he’d switched the phone to speaker, probably to open the app on his phone.
Eddie didn’t deserve him, never did. A man who was willing to give up happiness so Eddie could chase his dreams, offering to help make them happen despite Eddie breaking his heart.
“Steve, I-“
“It’s okay, Eds. It’ll be worth it when you’re on a sold out tour someday, right?”
Eddie ignored the vibration of a notification as his eyes welled up with tears.
“I hope so.”
There was silence for too long.
“You still wanna be a rockstar, right?” Steve asked hesitantly.
“I do!” He really did. “I just didn’t think we’d have to struggle this much in a city made for bands like us.”
“It’ll be a great interview for Rolling Stone.”
“How do you have so much faith in us?”
“I have faith in you, Eds. Always have, always will. You’re gonna make it.”
“You’re too good to me.”
“Nah.” Someone knocked on the door and Steve whispered something to them before speaking to Eddie again. “Hey, I have to go. But I hope you wow everyone at that festival, okay?”
“Yeah. Thanks, Stevie.”
When he checked his notifications, Steve had sent him $500.
He cried for 20 minutes before he went and told the guys.
The show was incredible and Eddie had never been more miserable.
The guys were on a high no drug could match, but Eddie was sinking further into a pit of despair.
“Never known you to look this sad after a show.”
Eddie’s head shot up to see Steve standing against a few extra speakers backstage.
“Steve? What’re you doing here?” Eddie walked closer, worried he was seeing things.
“Couldn’t miss your biggest show yet. Hope it’s okay.”
“Of course it is. I’m glad you came.”
Eddie smiled, feeling some of the heavy weight lift from his shoulders. “Yeah.”
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
Bucky and reader on a long mission where they’re a married couple attending their new “friends” wedding reception. Bucky asks the reader to dance with him, because what kind of husband would attend an event like this and not dance with his amazing wife?
Dance With Me » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Female Reader
Summary: You and Bucky attend a wedding as a fake married couple for a mission.
Warnings: Fluff, language, fake marriage, kissing, pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creator.
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“You ready to do this?” Bucky asks as the two of you stood in front of the entrance to the venue.
“I’m ready whenever you are…” You looked up at him. “Husband.” You say.
“Let’s do this, wife.” He says.
You linked your arm with Bucky’s right arm and walked with him in the venue.
You and Bucky are on a mission as a fake married couple attending a wedding of two new “friends”. You two weren’t actually going to pay attention to the wedding festivities, except say hi to the bride and groom you two became “friends” with. You two are actually there for a flash drive that has very useful and important information on it for the Avengers.
“Look ahead.” You tell Bucky, seeing the bride and groom walking towards you guys. “Act natural.” You say.
The bride practically squeals when she sees you and Bucky, greeting you guys with a hug.
“How are you guys?” She asks. “We haven’t seen you two in a while.” She says.
“Sorry about that.” You apologized. “We were so busy with our kids that we forgot that we have a social life and friends.” You tell her, making something up.
“That’s ok.” She smiles. “We’ll catch up sometime soon. In the meantime, I hope you two enjoy our wedding as much as us.” She says, holding onto her husband’s arm.
You and Bucky gave them a nod and a smile as they walked away. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“We have kids now?” Bucky teasingly says with a playful smirk.
“It was the first thing I came up with!” You say.
“I’m not making fun of you.” He said. “I actually thought it was clever.
“Thank you.” You say with a proud smile.
“You’re welcome.” He smiles back. “Now, let’s get that flash drive, wife.” He says.
“Let’s do this, husband.” You say.
You and Bucky managed to slip out of the room the reception is in without no one noticing and walked down the hallway, looking for the room you two are looking for.
“Bingo.” You two stopped in front of the office you two need to search. “This is it.” You say in a whisper.
You put your hand on the doorknob and turned it, only to find out that it’s locked. You huffed quietly and turned to face Bucky.
“The door is locked. How are we going to get the flash drive?” You asked.
Bucky stared at the locked door for a short moment before smirking to himself. He put his vibranium hand on the doorknob and turned it just enough to break it, opening the door afterwards.
“After you, doll face.” Bucky says, gesturing for you to go in the office first.
You walked in the office while Bucky stood guard at the door. You rummaged through every filing cabinet and every desk drawer, but couldn’t find the flash drive. You were about to ask Bucky for help, but you discovered something. The desk drawer you were looking through had a little secret compartment. You opened it and found the flash drive with ease. You grabbed it and put everything back the way it was.
“Here you go.” You say, handing the flash drive to Bucky.
Bucky put it in the pocket of his suit jacket and you two got out of there before someone saw you guys. You two managed to sneak back in the room the wedding reception is in with ease. You two looked around the big room to make sure no one was looking at you before making your way to the exit.
“The coast is clear. Let’s get out of here.” You say.
“Wait a minute.” Bucky said. “May I have this dance?” He asks when a slow song began to play through the speakers.
“What?” You asked, blinking a couple times.
“What kind of husband would I be if I didn’t dance with my wife at a wedding?” He says.
You could sense his 1940s charm coming through, which made you smile. You happily accepted his offer for a dance. You two made your way to the dance floor and tried your best to blend in with everyone else. You wrapped your arms around his neck while he put his hands on your waist. You two swayed to the slow beat of the song. You two gazed in each other’s eyes while swaying to the music. Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. Your lips moved against his in sync.
“Mmm…” You hummed against Bucky’s lips before pulling away from his lips. “Let’s not steal the spotlight from the bride and groom.” You whispered.
“Good idea.” Bucky says with a small chuckle.
You and Bucky continued dancing while you thought to yourself. You’ve always heard about Bucky’s charm with the ladies in the 1940s, but never seen it until now. You have to say you definitely like this part of Bucky and you most definitely want to see it more often.
“What’s on your mind, doll?” Bucky asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Hmm?” You asked, humming in response.
“I asked you, what’s on your mind?” He asks again.
“I was just thinking.” You answered.
“Thinking about what?” He asks.
“You and your 1940s charm.” You answered. “I love this side of you and I would like to see it more often.” You say.
Bucky dips his head down so his lips are near your ear.
“I’ll show you this side of me anytime you want. All you have to do is ask, doll face.” He whispers in your ear.
“I can tell you what else I want from you.” You say.
“Oh yea? What might that be?” He asks.
Instead of telling him what it is, you kissed him passionately. Bucky immediately kissed you back. You pulled away, looking deep in his blue eyes.
“I have to say…” You started. “Being fake married is fun.” You say.
“I agree.” Bucky says, agreeing with you.
Bucky kissed you once more before you two realized that you two are accidentally stealing the spotlight from the bride and groom.
“We’re stealing the spotlight from the bride and groom.” You say with a small giggle.
“I don’t care.” Bucky pecks your lips softly. “I enjoy kissing you.” He admits.
“I enjoy kissing you too.” You admitted.
“Then we should get out of here.” He says.
“Let’s go.” You say.
You and Bucky walked over to the bride and groom to say goodbye to them before leaving.
“We’re going to have to cut the night short. We have something to do tomorrow and we have to get up early for it.” You say, making it up.
“Oh ok. Well, thank you for coming. We should catch up sometime when we’re not busy.” The bride says.
“Sounds good to us. Don’t you think, doll?” Bucky says.
You hummed and nodded in response. You two then left the wedding and got in the car.
“I’d like to dance with you again sometime.” You say.
“We can dance again when we get back to the hotel.” Bucky says.
“Sounds good to me.” You say with a smile.
Bucky leaned over the center console and pecked your lips softly.
“Wife.” Bucky says.
“Husband.” You say.
-Bucky’s Doll
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hysteria-things · 7 months
can you do a nate fluff w/ some smut where it's him and the triplets little sister and theyre dating and he keeps wanting to be close to her in but they're in a video so he has to wait and the fans notice when the video comes out? this wasn't specific at all so sorry 😭
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SNEAK AWAY (part one)
read part two here
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: soft dom!nate x sls!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: six of you are on a trip in hawaii! the only downside is that your triplet brothers don’t know you’re dating their best friend.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, FLUFF, swearing, praising
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,208
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: i need this man (biblically)
ALSO i have not forgotten about promise it’ll be continued i just want to get through some of my inbox first!
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hawaii is a beautiful place. you truly never want to leave.
this trip is for madi’s eighteenth birthday, and you were practically begged to come. not only you, but nate came along, too.
the thing about nate is that you’re in love with him. literally.
you guys have been dating for roughly seven months, and nobody knows about it. it’s only a thing between you and him.
it genuinely feels nice for it to be you and his thing, but it does get annoying because you have to sneak around.
personally, you wouldn’t mind if your brothers never found out. they can’t kill you, but they will hawk nate and kill him.
glancing around the store, you fidget with the straps of your tank top. “nate, come on.”
he glances at you and then back at the condom boxes. the triplets are vlogging the trip thus far, and you guys walked away to come over to this section.
he sighs, grabbing a box. “you worry about them too much, baby. we’re fine.”
“they can turn down one of these aisles any second and we’ll be busted.” you whisper-yell, pointing around the store.
he chuckles, leaning down to kiss your cheek. “they’re loud. i’m sure we’ll hear them coming before something bad happens.”
he continues to look at you and smiles.
you cross your arms, bumping a hip out. “what?”
“you’re cute when you’re mad.” he takes his finger and flicks it under your chin before the two of you walk over to the counter and place the condoms on it. you’re still looking around, but there are no same-faced people in sight.
the woman working eyes the both of you, a subtle smirk on her face before scanning the box and putting it in a bag.
he pays for it, and just as you guys turn around you hear voices. “hey guys.” nick greets, looking down at the bag. “what’d you get?”
“some deodorant. i forgot mine at home.” nate answers, nudging your arm softly.
the man-children are recording themselves playing with a ball in an open grass area by the hotel, you and madi watching them from afar. you sigh annoyingly, looking down at your watch.
“i’m going to go up to the room,” you yell, cupping your hands around your mouth so they can hear. they stop playing, focusing now on you. “need to go to the bathroom.”
they give you the okay, and before you know it you’re walking into the hotel suite.
you scroll on your phone, a few minutes passing by before the door opens. you grin widely, nate shutting the door behind him.
he comes over to you and snakes his arms around your waist to pull you close. “i missed you.”
you giggle. “you just saw me.”
sighing, he pulls you into a kiss. the way your mouths move in sync has you craving more. this is the first time you guys are alone, let alone a kiss that’s not a millisecond long.
he pulls away and lifts you, your legs dangling on his sides so he can take you to the bed he’s sharing with chris.
sorry in advance, chris.
he lays you down, kissing your jaw before taking off your shorts. “how much time do you think we have?” you ask.
he shrugs. “like i said before, they’re loud. we’ll hear them coming.”
you blush at his boston accent, one much stronger than yours and your brother’s. even though you’ve heard him talk a hundred times, it’ll always make your heart flutter.
he leaves wet kisses up your chest and neck while he pulls down his bottoms. his kisses finalize on your lips. “i love you a lot.”
you bite your lip, smiling. “i love you too.”
he reaches into the plastic bag he put on the nightstand and grabs the condom box. he rips off one of them and opens it, putting it on when he throws the wrapper somewhere on the ground.
your hands run along his back as he starts to thrust into you, low moans leaving your body.
nate’s thrusts are soft and slow, but it feels more intimate and comforting. you hate the phrase ‘making love’, but it seems like you’re doing just that.
he leans down to kiss you passionately again, his hands flat next to your head. he pulls away, his nose rubbing against yours.
breathing heavily, he moves his hips at a medium pace, going deeper inside of you and just about hitting your g-spot.
your sounds are more high-pitched now, with some profanities flowing through the air as well.
“na—” you begin but get cut off by a gasp once that spot is hit. you throw your head back and arch, balling your hands up to fists. “oh my god.”
“wait just a second, okay?” he rasps out, followed by a groan of his own. “you’re so fucking pretty.”
he hits inside you harder since he’s close to his orgasm and you whimper at how good it feels.
“i’m cumming, baby,” he says before jutting his hips one last time and releasing into the condom.
one last moan and you’re spilling around him. he pulls out, laying on top of your chest as you guys breathe in sync. “imagine they walk in right now?” he jokes.
you slap him on the chest. “better knock on wood, nathan, or we’re going to have some serious issues.”
madi’s birthday rolls around the next day, and it’s the late morning as you guys sit on the couch. your legs are crisscrossed as madi is on her knees.
the four boys are doing some activities outside before all of you go out later for birthday dinner, but you girls want to stay inside in the cool air.
face masks are on your faces, still dressed in pajamas as you guys also paint your nails. “i’m so happy to have another girl around. growing up with four older brothers was not easy.”
she looks up from her painting and gives you a toothy smile before she clears her throat. “can i ask you something?”
“are you sleeping with nate?”
you pause mid-stroke, now looking at the girl across from you.
you chuckle nervously, putting the brush back into the polish. “why do you ask?”
“by the way he ran after you yesterday when you were going back to the room, i knew something was up.”
you hesitate, but you have to tell at least one person. madi you can trust with anything. “not… entirely.”
“what?” her eyes bulge out of her sockets, not expecting you to admit it. “are you like in love with him or something?”
you try to hide your smile, but your face turning beat red gives you away.
her mouth hangs open. “no. way.”
“we’re dating.” you start. “we have been for about seven months. we started talking on my birthday last year, and it escalated from there.”
“omg!” she squeals. “this is the best birthday gift i’ve ever received and it doesn’t even involve me.”
you laugh. “please don’t tell my brothers. they’ll have a heart attack if they find out.”
she zips her lips and throws the key. “my lips are sealed, unlike your le—”
“quit it.”
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @sturnolio-luvs @sturniolho @suga-daddy-69 @tworosesblackthorn @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloslurps @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @flowerxbunnie @imaslut4kehlani @sturniolosandmoree @hertvgirl @whoreforchrissturniolo @r4iyaa @sturniolotriplettoplover @mattybswife @freshsturns @loverrsposts @saturncanyon
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sluttywonwoo · 7 months
do you have any thots lately? nothing big, just a little prompt if that’s all you can muster 😊 kaili always has the best brain rot
seok in nana has had me 😵‍💫 for weeks atp so ahem…
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“i need you right fucking now.”
seokmin’s eyes widen and he gulps before looking around frantically to see if anyone could have overheard you— luckily, all of his friends are still in the pool, playing some game with a beach ball, completely oblivious to the conversation he’s having with his girlfriend.
he looks back to you, eyebrows raised. “what, now?”
“yes, right now,” you whine, taking his hand and putting it between your legs so that he can feel you over your swimsuit.
seokmin hisses and yanks his hand back as if it’s been burned. “baby, there are people around!”
“they’re not paying attention,” you assure him. “let’s go inside real quick, they won’t even notice we’re gone.”
“yes they will,” he sighs.
“you wanna do it right here then?”
“why are you torturing me?” he whines as he watches you toy with the ties of your bikini, tempting him even further.
“because you’ve been torturing me!”
“what?! i haven’t even done anything!”
you make a face and cross your arms over your chest. “you’re kidding, right? your arms are out, your thighs are out— and you’ve been wearing that stupid backwards baseball cap all day!”
“that’s what’s got you so horny? me just… wearing clothes?”
“like you don’t get horny for the same reasons,” you scoff and he knows you have a point. “please, baby, i’m aching for it.”
seokmin sighs again, this time because he knows you’ve got him. you had been really wet when he felt you over your swimsuit and now he was rock fucking hard as a result. “fine, but we have to be quick.”
“you’re the best boyfriend ever!” you gush, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the house. “i love you so much. we’ll be so fast, i promise.”
it’s a promise he knows you can’t keep. but he can’t bring himself to mind because he knows once he starts, he won’t want to stop either.
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ragingbookdragon · 9 months
Someday We'll Be All That We Need
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Word Count: 1.7K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author's Note: I made a new friend so I made that friend a fic. @temeyes <3 -Thorne
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Other than the shivering, Simon doesn’t so much as twitch in the corner they’re huddled in. She’s cold herself, but nothing feels as terrifying as losing the man wedged in between her thighs, head resting against her chest. The bleeding has stopped though, the bullet wound plugged well enough that him exsanguinating is the least of her worries—it’s the ever-dropping temperature and the broken-down cabin that scares her.
It was thirty degrees Fahrenheit when the mission started; the last reading was ten and dropping. The cabin they’d taken shelter in was worn down, broken windows and missing ceiling allowing streams of frigid winter air and snow to fall in and continue to chill their bones. Simon had sealed his wound and managed to stay awake but with the blood loss he’d suffered and the stress, fatigue had set in, and that’s when she’d found herself curled up in the corner with the emergency blanket from her kit wrapped around his torso, his body wedged up against hers, trying to conserve energy and heat.
The comms had gone down, Simon’s radio busted in a skirmish of hand to hand with an enemy, and she had only managed to get one SOS out before the line cut off. They were alone in the middle of enemy territory, in a temperature-dropping environment, wounded and unable to call for help. Her worst fears were coming alive.
She swallowed thickly, shaking the thoughts away, and readjusted her grip on Simon, jostling him awake in the process. “Alrigh’, love?” he murmured lowly, tongue lazy and slow; he only called her love when they were alone and serious.
“I’m fine,” she whispered. “You?”
“Back’s killin’ me.”
She huffed a laugh. “I bet it is. You’re folded like a pretzel.”
Simon shifted, or tried to, and rested his head on her shoulder. “How long’s it been since I feel asleep?”
“Maybe an hour?” she blinked, looking around the room; snow was beginning to pile up where the holes in the ceiling dropped to the floor. “I haven’t really been paying attention to the time.”
“Hmm.” He breathed into her neck. “I can’t feel my toes.”
Her eyes shifted to his feet, and she let out a breath, a mixture of shock and fear. “How bad is it?”
“Bad,” he admitted. “‘s bad, love. Spreading up.”
“Motherfucker,” she laughed in disbelief and wrapped her arms tighter around him. “Price heard the SOS. He’s coming, okay? Just…just keep it together until then.”
Simon swallowed thickly; his eyes still shut as he nudged her neck with his mask-covered nose. “Got a safety deposit box back in Manchester,” he muttered. “Key’s in my nightstand back at base.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Got ‘bout five-hundred thousand pounds in’it.” He shifted again as if trying to get into her skin to be warmer. “Deed to a property in Herefordshire. Got it a few years ago when I was staying with Price.”
“Simon, stop,” she warned—she knew exactly what he was doing.
“Want you to get out and go live there. You’ve served long enough to get pension. You’ll be set for the rest of your life out there.”
“No. Not without you I won’t.”
He shook his head. “I don’ think I’m comin’ back, love. Not this time.”
“Don’t say that,” she stressed, turning her face to his. “They’re coming. We’ll be okay.”
Simon didn’t bother to open his eyes. “Want you to buy one of those big black Corso’s. Name her Morrigan. Let her take care of you and the land.”
Tears began to gather in her eyes. “You’re a bastard,” she whispered. “Quit it.”
“I want you to listen. I want you to be taken care of. I want—”
“I want you alive,” she cut off. “Now shut up and save some energy.”
Simon cracked an eye open and simply gazed at her. “I love you. I know I didn’ say it enough. ‘m sorry, love.”
She clenched her jaw against the wave eating her chest inside out and inhaled deeply. “Simon, stop and rest. I won’t say it again.”
He let his eyes close and laid his head back down. “Alright, love.”
It was at least another two hours before noise echoed outside, and it drew her from a slumber she hadn’t realized she was in; she jolted up, Simon jostling with her. “Simon,” she whispered. “Someone’s outside.” He didn’t respond to her, and she pulled away, looking at him. “Simon?” he was asleep, unresponsive to any of the stimuli around him. “Fuck, Simon?” the noise outside grew louder, and she pushed past her fear and shifted from under him, tucking him against the wall as she grabbed her gun and rose to her feet.
Kneeling down, she put a hand against his face. “I’ll be back, okay? I promise.” She swallowed. “I’m coming right back, Simon.”
She rose again and headed for the door, cracking it open and slipping outside as a vehicle pulled up; tucking behind the railing, she breathed deeply and lifted her head, catching sight of a few men exiting.
Before she could even raise her weapon, she heard, “Contact!”
Ducking again, she cocked her rifle and listened as the others did the same, obviously hiding behind shelter themselves. It had to be the rest of that enemy squad that she failed to take out when Simon got injured. Fuck, she only had one mag left and she was running on fumes herself. She had to be quick. She had to be careful. She had—
“Identify yourself, or we will shoot!”
Wait, that sounded like—
“I will not say it again! Identify yourself or—”
“Price!” she called and peeked over the railing. “Price, it’s me! It’s me!”
Soap and Gaz appeared on the other side of the SUV. “Athena?”
She felt tears gather in her eyes as she stood up and lowered her gun. “Holy shit, I’ve never been so glad to see you guys.”
Price stopped in front of her, pulling her into a quick hug. “Good to see you. Where’s Simon?”
Her heart dropped. “Fuck.” She turned on her heel and sprinted back into the cabin and to the corner, the men on her heels; she got to him first and dropped to her knees, shaking him. “Simon! Simon, wake up!”
He didn’t move.
“Simon!” she called again, lifting her cold fingers to his neck. Whether it was her own anxiety or him, she couldn’t feel a thing and she started panicking. “I can’t get a pulse!” she turned to them. “I can’t wake him up!”
Soap pulled her back as Price and Gaz got to work and she thrashed in his arms. “LET GO!”
“Lass, calm down!”
“LET GO! SIMON!” she screamed, her own vision beginning to haze, exhaustion weighing taking its toll.
“We’ve gotta start compressions,” she heard Gaz say and he looked at Price. “He’s not going to make it back if we don’t do something now.”
Price looked back. “Soap, get her in the SUV, we’ll prep Simon for transport.”
“Aye, sir,” Soap said and hefted her up against her thrashing.
“Lass, you can’t help him even if you wanted to.”
Her body felt like lead and she felt her limbs going numb as her breathing kicked into a wildness, head light and heavy all at the same time. She kept trying to get out of his arms when Price tossed a syringe his way, and a prick to her arm drew blackness into all sides of her gaze, the last thing she saw was Gaz yanking open Simon’s gear to press his hands to his chest.
There was an impossibly annoying beeping going off on the side of Simon’s bed and she had half a mind to kick him in his hip and gripe at him to turn it off; she managed to mumble something akin to it but when the beeping didn’t stop, she managed with great effort to crack her eyes open, only to be met with the sterile walls of a medical room.
It all came back in an instant and she sat up straight, yanking the IV out of arm, the oxygen tube from her nose, rolling from the bed. Her knees kissed the floor and pain seared up her legs as she scrambled for the door, only to fall again, but she crawled on her hands and knees to the handle. Lifting herself, she pulled the door open and leaned heavily on the wall of the hallway as she stumbled down, looking in every room for her lover.
“Simon!” she called weakly; the mission had taken its toll on her. She was weak, far beyond her own capacity and she was barely standing as it was. “Simon!” she yelled again, and Soap stuck his head out from a door about five doors down.
“Athena? Holy shite, you shouldn’t be up!” he made it to her, trying to help her, but she pushed past him.
“Where’s Simon?”
“Love, you need to go back to—”
Soap recoiled and recovered, gently wrapping his arm around her. “He’s down here. Still asleep.” His grip was steel. “I’ll take you to him.”
“I can—”
“You either let me help or I take you back to your room.”
She fell silent and let him, that was until she turned the corner of Simon’s room, and darted from his arms, barely managing to avoid face-planting into the hospital bed railing as she clambered onto the bed with the man.
“Simon?” she whispered, grabbing his face in her hands; he was so warm now. Tears seeped down her cheeks. “Simon, sweetheart?” she said again, pressing her head to his chest to feel his steady heartbeat thumping beneath; a choked sound of happiness escaped her, and she looked at Soap. “He’s alive.”
He smiled at her. “Yeah, love, he’s alive.”
“He’s okay?”
“Eh, we’re a little worried about his toes, but so far yeah.”
She buried her face in Simon’s chest, crying into the gown he wore, and grabbed one of his hands; she squeezed it tightly, relief flooding her as his fingers tightened around hers in his sleep.
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thewritetofreespeech · 7 months
Can I request an hold me back scenario with gojo, where someone is like being cruel to reader and gojo has to protect his soft girlfriend? Pretty please
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Gojo sighed, long and loud, as he leaned back on the bench with his legs stretched out in front of him. “This is boooorring…..”
Gojo hated these co-academy events. ‘Goodwill Event’ his eye. There was no goodwill between any of them. Kyoto sucked, and was just a bunch of puffed shirts, and he couldn’t understand why they came all this way just to get their asses kicked.
Still, it was a nice break outside of classes.
“They’re gonna start soon.” Geto told him. Handing his best friend a melon soda, as sugar usually helped calm him down. “Would it kill you to be patient?”
“It might.” Gojo quipped back before sipping his soda. “You’re not a doctor.”
“No. I’m not. Speaking of, where’s Ieiri and [Y/N]?”
“They went to the bathroom I think?” Gojo replied. “Or something girl related like that.”
The Tokyo team this year was just the 4 of them. Which honestly meant it was just going to be the 2 of them. Gojo loved Ieiri and [Y/N] but their combat skills were no where near what his and Geto’s were. They were better at ‘behind the scenes’ stuff. Healing, cloaking, super sneaky stuff that was really of use to him because he always just smashed in since he was the strongest.
Still, he wasn’t worried about them against the curses they caught for the game. Nor anyone on the Kyoto team for that matter.
“Oh. There they are.” Geto commented dully as he saw girls faces come up over the hill. They had iced drinks. So they must have left and come back before the start of the ceremonies.
Just as they crested the stairs, however, a male blocked their path and started talking to them. Gojo didn’t recognize him. But based on his dumb, old-timey outfit he was wearing he figured he had to be from the Kyoto team.
The conversation goes on for a little while longer, before the man pushes into [Y/N]’s shoulders with two fingers. “Oy!” Gojo snapped. Jumping to his feet. Who the hell did they think they were touching [Y/N] like that?? They did it again and Gojo took a step forward before Geto caught him. “Let me go! You think I’m gonna let some goon touch [Y/N] like that!”
“If you kill him now, we’ll get disqualified.” Geto told him. Face pressed against his ear as he held him in a near choke hold.
“Like I care about that!”
The boys struggle for a moment longer. Gojo trying to break free and Geto desperately trying to hold him back from doing something stupid (like always), until they both stopped as the man suddenly fell to his knees with a groan of pain and the girls walked over to them. “What are you guys doing?”
“Trying to save Satoru from getting expelled.”
“What did that guy say to you?!” The boys reply over top of one another.
“I don’t know. Show of dominance I guess? I wasn’t really paying attention until he poked me. Which was just rude. I told him not to do it again and he did, then asked ‘what are you gonna do about it, so I kicked him in the balls.” [Y/N] took a sip of her drink before she added. “You really shouldn’t ‘assert dominance’ with your legs open like that.”
The boys flinch in sympathetic pain, then look over to the guy still on the ground, before they both laugh. “Well, I guess the Kyoto team is gonna be a man down, eh?”
“Let’s get going before we miss the opening ceremonies. Or he rallies and starts to pick a fight.”
“Trust me. No one is gonna ‘rally’ after a full kick from [Y/N].” Gojo replied. Before he linked hands with her and the 4 of them ran away.
Maybe it wasn’t going to be such a boring day after all.
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thesassypadawan · 4 months
Puck Slut 2 (Hayden x FemReader)
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Summary: It’s yours and Hayden’s favorite time of the nhl season, when your teams faceoff against one another. And, as usual, you two have a bet in place, loser pays for the tab. Along with yet another interesting little twist…squeeze and tease.
Warnings: 18+ (mdni), because there sooo much of the smut. Hockey, fingering, public sex, and, as always…Hayden’s big dick.
Notes: Hope you lovelies also enjoy Puck Slut .5 and Puck Slut 1!
- First of all, no hockey game would be complete without tasty food and ice-cold drinks. Especially when they’re being enjoyed at someone’s favorite sports bar.
- “I’m surprised you picked here; thought you hated their wings.” Hayden says with a small smirk, taking the drinks from your hands.
- “I do, worst I’ve ever had.” You’d reply all sassily, playfully smacking the brim of his hat. “But you like them and…I figured they’d help lessen the blow when the Leafs lose.”
- Gives your shorts a tug, pulling you down into the booth beside him. “Oh, yeah? We’ll see who’s picking up the tab later.”
- Rolling your eyes; you reach for a nacho, making sure you push them tities against his arm. “Come on, we both know you were going to do it either way.”
- You bet Hay’s going to give your nipple a small tweak for that one. Snatching your chippy the second you squeak and jump. Stupid moose.
- But then he’s all cute and smooth, wrapping his arm around you…resting his head on top of yours. “So, should we make things interesting again?”
- Besides getting to drink to your heart’s content while spending a night out with your man… All right, you’ll play along. “Sure. What dirty idea do you have in mind?”
*Game Time*
- Normally you’d really be into the game. Cheering, hollering, cursing, the whole nine yards. But it’s kind of difficult to do so when your team hasn’t made a single goal and…his big hand was cupping your pussy underneath the table, yours palming his dick.
- Neither of you were allowed to move or try to stimulate yourself. Those were the rules. Only when your boys scored, did you get to be ‘squeezed and teased’.
- The third period had just started with the Leafs up by two. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy ‘squeezing and teasing’ Hayden; those stifled groans, chef’s kiss. It was just…you wanted a turn too, dammit.
- Unfortunately, you do have to wait long. In fact, it isn’t until about five minutes left in the game that the siren finally went off once, twice…and you could feel his finger press softly down.
- A smirk crosses his face, and he chuckles in your ear. “Two? Back-to-back? You’re in for one hell of a ride, angel.”
- Kissing your cheek innocently, he starts to slowly grind his palm against your little cunt. Kneading it so good, that thumb circling your clit through the denim perfectly. Even giving it a hard pinch…you force back a moan when he did so.
- You’re growing wetter and wetter. Whole body heating up, walls fluttering like cray. Just as you’re really getting into it, hips rocking and everything. The buzzer rings and… “End of third; looks like we’re heading to OT.” …Hay stops, pulling his hand out from in-between your squishy pillows.
- “Bullshit.” You’d sit there, pouting and huffing. Legs shut tightly together; rubbing them desperately, trying to get the sweet friction back. “What now, Mountie Boy?”
- Flashing you that damn panty dropping smile. Hayden pulls your into his lap, placing you right on top of his huge bump. “We up the ante. Winner gets to ask the loser to do one thing…no objections.”
- Wiggling excitedly, you can’t help but grin yourself. A wicked request coming to mind. “Okay…bet. Anything else?”
- “Yeah, let’s have a shootout.” Wrapping a strong arm around your waist, he ruts against your booty. “First to ‘shoot’ has to pay for dinner too.” Hand sliding up your thigh, the hem of your shorts. “Deal?” Fingers slip under your panties, dipping into…
- You let out a small squeal, hands gripping the table. While Hay’s thick digits pump steadily, thumb pushing down hard… “D-deal.”
- As soon as OT begins, it basically ends. Literally, not even three minutes in and the final buzzer rings out. With neither of you ‘shooting’ and the Leafs coming out on top.
- Hayden can’t drag you out of the booth fast enough. Down the dimly lit hallway. Into the cramped bathroom. Bent over the dinky sink. Panties and shorts around your ankles. “Cashing in your ask already.”
- Cock pressed to your lower back, he mutters smugly while looking at you in the mirror. “You know it. Now on your tiptoes, we got to move quick.”
- Nodding, you eagerly do like he says. Biting your lip as you watch him still have to slouch a bit to line up. Impressive length running between your soaked folds, coating himself thoroughly.
- He only teases for a moment before he’s slamming into you. Hands gripping your hips firmly, yanking you back to meet each powerful thrust. Your sensitive bud grinding into the cold surface of the cracked porcelain, making you whimper and mewl.
- Hooking an arm under your breasts, he hauls your upper body up. Fucking you fast and deep. Bullying and bruising your poor cervix with every bounce. The sound of skin slapping fills the small space, along with your combined pants and grunts. “So wet…so tight. Such a good little puck slut. Going to…”
- “…cum!” That got you clenching hard, gummy walls flexing and squeezing around him. Moans flying from your lips as you crash completely, gushing all over. Followed by him letting out a low growl, painting your insides white. Bucking weakly while he comes down from his high.
- Once your feet are flat on the floor again. Hay pulls you against his chest, tucking you easily under his chin. “About that tab?”
- You bust out in a fit of giggles, swatting his arm playfully. “Yeah, yeah…let me at least get my shorts back on first.”
*Post Postgame*
- You don’t know how, but not only are you able to stand…you can also still walk. Plus, you two ended up managing to not get caught.
- So there you are, leaning on the bar rail. Impatiently tapping your card, waiting to settle the tab. While his cum slowly leaks out of you.
- Hay comes up behind, sporting a cocky grin. Pressing into you, one hand rests on your butt and the other reaches over your head…passing the bartender his card instead. “Don’t worry, I got it. Just make me breakfast tomorrow.”
- Shivering, you feel his sticky seed start to trickle down your leg and your lips turn up into a wicked smile. “Called it…totally knew you would.”
- You got a solid smack for that…worth it.
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16, @loverforoldermen
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shiftingparadise · 1 month
Only an idiot loses a girl like you (Gojo x you x Nanami)
Hi guys! This is just a quick idea I had in mind. I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: none
Word count: 1295
“Why?”, his head dropped.
Because you never have any time for me.
“Satoru-“, your eyes low. You didn’t mean to hurt him like this, to be insensitive toward his work, but you deserved more. “Are you in love with someone else?”. His voice never sounded so broken. This wasn’t the Satoru you knew. It was only a shell of the man you used to know. “No”, your grip around your bag tightened. “Where are you going?”. “To my old apartment”.
Your mind was made up. You wanted more than this; than what he could give you.
“Don’t do this, please”, desperation fell upon him. He didn’t want you to leave. He loved you, more than anything. “I’m sorry”, a silent tear fell from your cheek. “Don’t be, just stay”, he finally looked up, “We can work through this”.
That’s what you said last time, and the time before that, and before that…
“Satoru, I’m sorry but I… I can’t do this anymore”, you looked into his eyes. “What about Jujutsu High?”, he grabbed the counter behind him. “What about it?”. “We’ll still see each other”. “So?”, your brows pulled together, “Is that all you can think about right now? Work?”.
God, you were so sick of his obsession with his work. Sure, he was the strongest sorcerer and the students needed him, but so did you. Where was he when you needed him?
“Y/N-“, he realised his mistake. “Always thinking about your work”, you chuckled, “You know, I once admired that”. “Please-“, his hand reached out for you knowing it was futile. “But there’s more to life than work. I want someone to take me out to dinner, to surprise me, to go out on dates together. Someone who I can share my life with”, your voice broke. “I will-“, Satoru moved toward you. “It’s too late”, you walked to the door, “You’re too late, Satoru”.
“Are you serious?”, you tilted your head. “You have to believe me!”, Yuji practically jumped from his seat, “It was Gojo-sensei who stole my book. He said he wanted to read in it”.
The worst part of it all was that you knew your student wasn’t lying.
“And your teacher didn’t think about asking a copy from me?”, your words died out as you realised why he didn’t.
The two of you barely spoke to each other after your breakup. Let alone he’d asked you in private for your copy.
“Why did he need it anyway?”, you placed your own copy on your student’s desk. “Let’s see…”, Yuji looked to the ceiling, “Oh, right! He said he needed to know a bit more about certain cursed objects”. “You can give him my copy”, you looked to the whiteboard behind you, “Now pay attention”.
“You seem tired”, Nanami’s voice reached your ears.
You were resting your head on your desk. You didn’t realise, however, that one of your students left the door open after class.
“Those kids… They’re a handful”, you forced a smile as you straightened your back. “You seem a different kind of tired”, he coldly added as he stood in the hallway. “I guess I am”, you softly chuckled as you massaged the back of your neck. “I heard…”, Nanami seemed to doubt for a second, “About you and Satoru”. “Everyone has by now”, you sighed. The blonde stayed quiet, unsure whether to continue. “It’s fine”, you noticed his internal struggle, “It’s better like this”.
“Don’t forget to write your essays!”, you yelled after your students, “And don’t let Gojo-sensei distract you with his stupid missions! Knowledge is important too!”.
You pinched the space between your brows as you heard their ‘yeah yeah’s’. It was obvious they enjoyed Satoru’s course more, but yours was important too. It was wrong of them to disregard your course like this.
“They are a handful”, Nanami’s voice startled you. “They need to study more”, you shook your head, “I understand that Satoru’s style of teaching is more hands-on and fun but they need to know about cursed techniques and cursed tools, about the history… It’s important”. “Give them time”, Nanami entered the classroom. “Here”, he placed a bag on your desk. “What’s this?”. “Food”, he looked to the ceiling, his hands in his pockets, “You’re skipping meals”. “You noticed?”, your eyes widened. “You’ve lost weight”, he brushed through his hair, “Eat”.
You stayed quiet for a second. This was the first time that someone had paid attention to you. That someone had put in the effort to notice you.
“Thanks”, you softly answered. He grabbed a chair and placed it in front of your desk. “Thought we could have lunch together. If you don’t mind”. “N-no, not at all!”, you hastily answered, “I’d like that”.
Satoru wasn’t the only one who noticed the amount of time you spent with Nanami. Even his students noticed.
“Look, look!”, Nobara almost jumped in the air, “Y/N-sensei and Nanami-san are walking together again!”. “They’re just having coffee”, Megumi sighed, “Mind your own business”. “Are they dating?”, Yuji matched Nobara’s energy.
Megumi was the only one who knew about your relationship with Gojo. It wasn’t a secret to the others that worked at Jujutsu High, but it was for the students.
“Gojo-san?”, Megumi tried to distract him, “Can you give me more tips to attract Shinigami?”. “Of course”, Satoru ripped his eyes away from the two of you, “Well, let’s see… Where to start”.
“Everyone did well”, you happily handed them back their assignments, “Please, keep up the good work”. “Y/N-sensei?”, Yuji raised his hand. “Yes?”. “Gojo-sensei gave this back”, he handed back your copy. “Thank you”, you smiled, “Now go on, enjoy your weekend”.
You watched as your students left the classroom.
“Finally, weekend”, you sighed as you picked up your copy. “Huh?”, you watched as a piece of paper fell to the floor.
“I’m sorry about everything. I miss you more than I can take”.
Your heart ached as you recognised Satoru’s handwriting. “It isn’t enough”, you softly whispered to yourself.
“Ready?”, Nanami smiled as he leaned against the door. “Ready”, you hastily put the note away. “You look lovely”, he held out his hand for you to take. “Liar, I look like a mess”. “I’m serious”, his touch felt soft, “You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen”.
Your cheeks reddened. It was the first date you agreed to go on. Nanami had been asking you for weeks now, but you always refused. That was until yesterday when he showed up with a bouquet full of your favourite flowers. You still didn’t understand how he knew.
“Nothing too fancy, right?”, you watched as he opened the door of his car for you. “I promise”. “Really? Because I just got off work…”. “Don’t worry”, he sat down behind the wheel, “Here”.
You watched as he grabbed a bag from the backseat.
“We’ll stop at your apartment first. You can change”, he smiled, “If you want too, of course”. “What’s this?”, your heart raced.
You carefully opened the bag, only to find a beautiful dress inside.
“You got this… For me?”, you barely whispered. “I’m sorry”, he started to panic, “I didn’t mean to offend you. You look perfect but I knew you wouldn’t feel comfortable going out with your work clothes, and I wanted to surprise you that’s all-“. “It’s perfect”, you tried not to cry, “I… I don’t know what to say”.
You felt his hand on your thigh. His touch felt kind. Kinder than Satoru’s ever did.
“You can start off by promising me this isn’t our last date”, he gently joked. “You’re an idiot”, you chuckled. “No idiot has a woman like you sitting beside him”, he softly pinched in your thigh, “And only an idiot loses a woman like you”.
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onceuponastory · 1 year
protective - bucky barnes x reader
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Plot: Bucky gets protective over Y/N during a mission. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: A guy being creepy, reader being slightly uncomfortable and Bucky wanting to fight the guy. As always, if I miss any triggers please let me know! Notes: This is very loosely based on El Tango De Roxanne from Moulin Rouge because I love that scene & that song. Also I was thinking about a Moulin Rouge AU so lemme know your thoughts. Not beta’d, so any mistakes are my own. Thank you to @staticscreenwriting for my divider!
“I don’t like this.” Bucky hisses, throwing a hard stare across the room. Nervously, he taps his feet. Although, when he sees Y/N standing there, leaning against the bar as she sips from her drink, his face softens ever so slightly, and a small smile grows on his face. But once he remembers what they’re doing here, his hard stare returns. He really doesn’t like this. Not one bit.
“Don’t worry Buck. She’s got this.” Steve’s voice crackles over the headset. “Besides, she has a wire on, so we’ll be able to hear everything, and we can step in if we need to.” Despite how his words are trying to be supportive, Bucky doesn’t feel comforted at all by his words. 
Tonight, they’re on another mission, ready to stop some corrupt agent intent on causing chaos. And Y/N was sent undercover to charm him and try to extract information because she’s not as publicly known as the other Avengers. It’s not the first time Y/N’s done something like this, but this time, Bucky hates the thought of sending her out there alone. From what Bucky’s heard, despite the man’s kind facade, he’s extremely cruel when he needs to be, and he has no issue with stepping on people to get what he wants. And no doubt he would do just the same to Y/N if she ever got in his way. Despite how experienced she is, the thought of Y/N stuck there with him alone makes his stomach churn.
“Sam, do you have visuals on Y/N?”
“Yes, Bucky. I did the first time you asked, and I still do now.” Before Bucky even asks his next question, Sam answers it. “Yes, I’m keeping an eye on her.”
Bucky knows his two best friends are worried about Y/N too, but he also knows that they think he’s overreacting slightly that Y/N is going to be perfectly safe. Bucky just hopes they’re right. Y/N is incredibly skilled at going undercover, and there’s no doubt she’ll do just as well today and get the information they need. It’s just that Bucky cares too much about her to let her go into these dangerous situations alone. At least not without her knowing that he’s there on the other end if she needs him. He’s been in love with her for as long as he can remember, and the last thing he wants is for her to be put in danger. His gaze goes back to Y/N, and he sighs. She looks gorgeous tonight, dressed to the nines. But that’s not too difficult. To Bucky, Y/N always looks gorgeous. Maybe one day he’ll actually find the guts to tell her the truth, instead of standing here all forlorn and lovesick, as Sam and Steve call it.
“Showtime.” Sam whispers, cutting through his thoughts. Bucky watches as the man enters the room, making a beeline straight to the bar. Y/N notices him too, and makes a point of brushing up against him slightly as she requests another drink. The man looks over her, pointedly staring at her chest and her ass. Bucky’s jaw clenches.
“Let me get that.” The man grins, placing his hand on Y/N’s wrist and reaching out with his card before Y/N can do anything. “Can’t let a pretty girl like you pay for your own drink now, can I?” Bucky suppresses a desire to vomit. Creep.
“Thank you.” Y/N smiles, batting her eyelashes slightly. The sight makes Bucky’s stomach flutter, the same way it usually does when he sees Y/N. Sometimes, Bucky likes to imagine that Y/N’s flirting is for him, and that she feels the same way he does for her. But for real this time.
As Y/N and the man find a table and start chatting, Bucky continues to watch, hating every moment. The way the man leers at her, a sick smirk on his face the entire time, makes Bucky’s stomach churn even more. He knows what assholes like him do, and he hates every part of it.
“Can you cool it with the glare, Buck? I’m not even in the same room as you and I can feel it burning through the wall.” Bucky ignores Sam’s comment and instead works through an action plan. A way to rescue Y/N in case she needs help. As he does so, he keeps a cautious eye on the pair, just in case. As she laughs along with the man, Bucky can pick up on the awkwardness in her laugh. He swears the noise makes his stomach twist. When the man presses a kiss to her cheek and a small flicker of unease crosses Y/N’s face, Bucky swears his heart almost stops.
In a moment, he jumps up, ready to charge in, to peel the man’s arms off of Y/N and drag him away from her. But before he can, Y/N takes control once more, changing the subject. Yet still, Bucky keeps a wary eye on the man. He flexes his metal arm, ensuring he’s ready to jump in and protect Y/N.
Whatever the cost.
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Thankfully though, only a few hours later (albeit longer than Bucky would’ve liked), the agent suddenly has to leave, bringing the mission to a halt. And soon, Y/N is back safe and sound in the compound with the others. 
“Well done Y/N.” Steve praises, and Sam nods.
“Yeah. Great job.” Bucky murmurs, his tone causing Y/N to raise a brow.
“Guys, can I speak to Bucky alone for a moment, please?” she asks. Glancing at each other, Steve and Sam nod and leave the room. “So. What’s up with you?”
“Nothing.” he shrugs. Scoffing, Y/N rolls her eyes. 
“Bucky, there’s no point in lying. I know you.” She’s right, she does know him really well. Sometimes, Bucky swears that Y/N knows him better than anyone else. Even better than Steve. There’s no way he could even try to hide his feelings from her. “And besides, you were staring daggers out the window the whole ride back. Now, tell me what the problem is.”
“I just… when you were with that guy, I was worried about you, okay?!”
“Aww Bucky, you really do care about me!” she grins, giggling like it’s just a joke. But little does she know, Bucky doesn’t see it that way.
“I do care about you! Fuck Y/N, I care about you more than anything in this world, and the thought of that… that sicko being anywhere near you, o-or laying his hands on you makes me feel sick!” He exclaims, the words slipping out without another thought. “I know how good you are at going undercover, but the last thing I want is you getting hurt.” Y/N’s eyes widen.
“Oh… oh.” As silence falls amongst the pair, Bucky’s heart pounds. Why did it all have to slip out like that? Maybe keeping it in for so long has finally taken its toll. Y/N stares back at him, still silent. Bucky blushes, his cheeks turning scarlet. Now he looks like an idiot. A total lovesick idiot. 
“I’ll, um. I’ll go.” 
“No, wait.” Y/N stops him as he starts to leave, reaching out and touching his arm. “I-I never knew you felt that way about me, Bucky. Thank you.” she smiles, and Bucky nods.
“Y/N, I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember.” he admits, chuckling slightly. “You’re very special to me, Y/N.”
“And you’re special to me too, Buck. I’m so glad to have someone like you looking out for me.” Before Bucky can even respond, she presses a kiss to his cheek, his stubble lightly grazing against her lips. This almost sends Bucky’s heart into overdrive, and he swears his skin tingles from where she kissed him. “I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember, and I had no idea you felt the same way about me.” she whispers, her words making Bucky’s mouth drop open. “I need to go type out my mission report, but maybe we can grab dinner afterwards? I think we have a lot to talk about.”
“Yeah, yeah, that sounds good.” Bucky nods. And then she heads down the hallway, waving goodbye. Even after she disappears from sight, Bucky still stares down the hall. He cups his cheek, still feeling it burn from when she kissed him. Still dumbstruck at how Y/N likes him back. A goofy grin overtakes his face. 
Despite how badly tonight started, he’s never been as happy as he is right now.
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destinyisastar · 9 days
Static Death
Summary: In Static Heart you died in your sleep but how? How did you die if it wasn't from sickness? What lead to your death?
This could be read as a prequel from Static Heart, this won't be a series, but I'll go back to it every now and then.
Alastor x Wife Reader
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Alastor died three days ago. He was shot in the head with his body ripped apart by the hunter’s dogs. He was supposedly found next to a corpse of a local man. There was a shovel and an open grave nearby.
You had no idea what was going on when you awoke from the sounds of knocking. Two police men were at the door.
“Are you the Wife of Alastor Hartfelt?” The taller of two said.
“Yes, did something happen? Is my Husband okay?” you asked worriedly.
 The two men looked at each other, “Its better if you come with us Mrs. Hartfelt.”
Once you arrived at the police station you were immediately questioned.
“Where were you two hours ago?”
“At home getting ready for bed.”
“Where was your husband?”
“He told me he would be working late at the radio station.”
“Are you sure about his whereabouts?”
“Yes, I’m sure, what are you implying?”
“I’m saying can you confidently tell me you knew where he was?”
“Yes, I’m positive! Where’s my husband?”
“Your husband was found dead alongside another man!”
Your eyes widen, your breath is knocked out of you.
“We have reason to believe that your husband was the Bayou Butcher, we have people over there right now searching for more bodies, along with your property!”
“NO! No there’s no way that he…he’s that serial killer, my husband is a sweet gentleman. He would never do such a thing!”
“You say whatever you need to make yourself feel better! We know the truth and we’ll have the proof soon enough!”
The police searched the area where Alastor was found and located over 50 bodies.
While you were being questioned, the police searched your house. In the basement of your humble adobe, the home you shared with your loving husband, were blooded knives and a long sleeve tainted with dried blood.
The police kept you at the station till they finally figured out that you had no idea of your husband’s evil deeds.
Now its three days after his death.
You wanted a funeral for him but of the two funeral homes in your area neither of them wanted to host a ceremony for a serial killer.
Serial killer.
Your husband is, no… was a serial killer.
You begged and begged, shoved money in their faces until one of them looked at you with pity.
It was just you and the priest. No one else showed up. He was buried near a tree across the bayou from your home. Away from anyone that could damage the grave
After the priest left, you stayed near the grave. Kneeling down resting your head on the cold stone, placing a final kiss you stood up walking away from your dear husband, your dead and buried husband.
Making it home you went straight to your bedroom, collapsing on his side of the bed. You immediately began sobbing.
“How could you do this?!”
“Why did you do this?!”
You eventually cry yourself to sleep.
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In another part of town, a woman was cleaning her shotgun.
“Disgusting, horrible man. He deserves more than death, hell… I hope he’s in hell forever.”
The woman grabs a photo on her nightstand.
“Don’t worry my love,” she caresses the man’s face in the photo, “I won’t let that filthy broad walk on this earth.”
She presses a kiss on the photo. “Neither of them deserves to live!” she places the photo back on the nightstand. “That filthy woman knew what that killer was doing!”
“I’ll make her pay.”
“I’ll make sure they’re both in hell”
The woman stands up with her shotgun in hand and looks into the mirror.
“I’ll kill that bitch.”
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The woman stands at the door of the Hartfelt household. She reaches for the knob and finds that it opens easily.
She maneuvers through the halls quietly and finds a door ajar.
Pushing the door lightly, the woman steps into the bedroom. On the bed lays a disheveled broad clutching on to a pillow, her face dried with tears.
“I hate you.”
The woman loads her gun.
“You are filled with the same evil as that husband of yours.”
The woman raises her gun, pointing it at the figure on the bed.
“Burn in hell!”
A blast is shot through your head, blood splatters across the room.
Your life among the living is no more.
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Hope you all enjoyed!
destinyisastar 2024
Word Count: 737
(no one asked for this, but I just wanted to make it :D)
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skylarsblue · 5 months
★RDR2 Incorrect Quotes★
(If you see duplicates from my COD version of these? Shh, no you didn't) ★Border made by @fairytopea★
Ms.Grimshaw What are you doing, you oaf? Young!Arthur, staring at Y/N: They’re pretty. Ms.Grimshaw …and you’re ugly, now get back to work.
- (Pre-joining the gang) Abigail, trying to get paid: What’s your favorite color, John? John: Blue. No, green. Abigail: Awesome! I love learning about you. John: I fucked up, it’s yellow.
- Arthur, cutting a huge knot out of John’s hair: I fucked up, we gotta go bald. *head locks him still* Young!John, flailing violently: WAAAAAHHHH-
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Seán: Psst, Lenny, ay mate, wake up! Lenny: Huh- Wh-what? What is it? Seán: I heard something outside the tent. Lenny: What? Seán: Like a woman crying in the distance, but I couldn’t hear her footsteps. Lenny: Okay?? What do you want me to do? Seán: Come look with me! Lenny: Hell no! Seán: Why not? Lenny: I got too much melanin and too much sense for that white people shit. You wanna let demons get you, be my guest, leave me out of it.
- (John HAD to have SOMETHING that captivated her, for humor’s sake? We’ll say he had jokes)
Abigail: You have to find my darling husband, I’m so worried about him. Arthur: Seriously, what do you see in that guy? Abigail: He makes me laugh.
- Micha: I've got the urge to say something. Arthur: And what's that? Micha: The N-Word- Arthur: WHOA-
- Bill: But seriously, is it your whole emo thing that she’s into or what? John: …yeah, long flowing straight hair, very emo.
- Karen: This- Hmm. Tilly: Be nice. Karen: I’m findin’ it. Mary-Beth: …it takes you that long to find- Karen: It does, it does.
- (O’Driscoll troubles) Kieran: Arthur we’re going to get murdered. We’re going to get murdered by a man who can’t tie a fucking bow tie. Arthur: At least he won’t torture us, can’t tie a rope either.
- John: Ugh, you know they’re gonna make us do one of those tacky family happiness photos that comes in the restaurants shitty frame. Tilly: Why are you so fucking negative all the time? John: Wh- uh- I just- Arthur: *slowly sucks tea through straw*
- Seán: Someone just said; “You’re a criminal!” Seán: *handkerchief on, gun in one hand, bag of money in the other* Seán: Well I’ll tell ya what, Sherlock Holmes. You are unbelievable.
- The Gang: Arthur is dying and Micha is a rat! Dutch, dancing with money: *insert that audio that goes “I don’t give a fuck cause I’m a ✨millionaire✨, I do what I want, middle finger in the air!”*
- John, drunk: You think the wind is ever tryna tell us something and we don’t know how to hear it anymore? Charles, loading up a drunk Arthur into a wagon: I just want you to stop saying odd shit.
- Abigail: If we lose, I’m gonna cut the judge. John: Wh- you brought your switchblade?? Abigail: Mhm. John: But they patted us down on the way in, where did you hide i- ohhhhhhh.
- Arthur: …you ever wish you could just, turn into a bird and fly away from everything? Charles: I think we need to get you to a therapist for depression. John: I’d wanna be a wolf. Charles: And we should get you psych evaluation for Autism.
- Sheriff: You seem like a reasonable and good natured person. Arthur: *looks around* And you look like you need glasses.
- Abigail: What would your father say?! Jack: Uhhh “I’ll fix it!” And then make it worse until luck comes around and makes it work, and then act like that was the plan the whole time? Abigail: …that’s my bad, I should’ve used a different phrase to express my disappointment.
- (I dunno why but John being super mean to some people is so fucking funny to me. I don't hate Bill, but bullying him is fun)
Bill: You enjoyin’ the wife everyone else paid to have? John: You mean the woman I never had to pay for? The woman who liked me so much, she didn’t ask for any money to sleep with me? In fact; she liked me so much, she married me? The woman who makes me a warm dinner and kisses me everyday? Mother of my child? John: I am enjoyin’ yeah. What about you, Bill? Bill: John: You enjoyin’ your lonely life, you unlovable sorry sack of shit? You enjoyin’ having to pay for someone to pretend they like you? Cause they never actually do. They hate you actually, like me. I hate you. Eat shit and die, Bill.
- Arthur: …him? Really? Mary-Beth Don’t be mean! Arthur: He looks like a rescue dog, Mary-Beth. Mary-Beth: I know, I like that! Arthur: ….you like that?? Mary-Beth: His pathetic wet eyes and general wimpy stature have captivated me. Arthur: *sigh* Whatever makes you happy.
- Bill: At the end of the day, Arthur. I am a MAN. Arthur: A MAN WHO’S GAY. You like fellers GETTHATTHROUGHYOURHEAD!
- Dutch: I have a plan. Hosea: You haven’t planned shit. Dutch: I’ve planned it.
- Hosea: Arthur! What on earth are you doing?! Young!Arthur: Getting rid of this demon. Young!John: *screeching and trying to get out of Arthur’s grip* Hosea: And why do you plan to get rid of him? Arthur: Because, Hosea! He woke me up by leaning over me and whispering, “I know what death feels like, it’s cold. Have you felt death?” Arthur: HE’S CLEARLY EVIL, HOSEA Hosea: That’s just how children are, Arthur. Dutch: He’s right son, put the boy down. Dutch, leaning and whispering to Hosea: But maybe we should buy a Bible just in case. Hosea: And a cross.
- (Modern au and suicide joke)
John: It’s not a phase! It’s a lifestyle, you just wouldn’t get it! Arthur: You think I didn’t go through the “I can’t tell if I want to kill myself or everyone around me” phase? Come on. John: What? I don’t wanna kill myself at all. Arthur: … John: … John: Should I- should we go talk to Hose- Arthur: We should forget this conversation happened. Take this Nirvana CD and keep your mouth shut.
- Abigail: …John. John: Yes, my angel? Abigail: You forgot something. John: No I didn’t! I took the list with me, checked it three times, even crossed things off when I put it in the cart! See, look. Apples, frozen hamhocks, cranberry juice- Abigail: John. You took Jack with you. John: Abigail: John: Abigail: John: SHIT I LEFT HIM BY THE PASTA SECTION Abigail: STOP STANDING THERE AND GO GET HIM!
- Jack: Pa, how did you get mom to marry you? John: Well son, I- John: John: I have no idea. Jack: Should I ask mom? John: I’ll be honest, I don’t think she knows the answer either.
- Charles: You did good back there. Arthur: Oh? Heh, nah, you did all the fancy stuff. I just helped. Charles: Don’t undersell yourself, Arthur. I wouldn’t be complimenting you for no reason. Arthur: Oh yeah? And here I thought you were just trying to fluff up my ego. Charles: Wouldn’t hurt to do when you work so hard, no? Arthur: Now you’re just being’ sweet- John: Can y’all wait til we’re done before you start your spiritual dick sucking? Arthur: Can you repent to the lord fast enough to save your soul in the time it’ll take me to throw you into the damn ocean, Marston?!
- Arthur: Do you even have a brain? John: Do you even have someone that loves you? Arthur: John: John: I heard it that time, I’m sorry. Arthur: This is what Abigail hears sometimes, just so you know. John: I heard it that time, I got it. I- I’ll just- Arthur: Whiskey, full bottle. The nice kind. John: Apology alcohol, got it.
NPC: My husband’s parents are so crazy. In-laws always are, huh? Abigail: Well, uh-
*John being an orphan* *John’s adoptive dads being criminals, one particularly off his rocker*
Abigail: ….aha, yeah;;
- Abigail: John Marston, you useless, foolish, stupid man! Bill: To hell with John! Abigail, suddenly with a very large gun: NO ONE INSULTS MY HUSBAND.
- Arthur, holding up a proper painting he actually put time and effort into: Could a depressed person make this? Charles: The painting: *a wolf in the rain laying it’s head over the body of a deer shot with an arrow* Charles: I’m, in fact, more convinced you have depression now. Arthur: …yeah this wasn’t the best evidence for my argument, huh? Charles: No. Not at all.
- John: What are you talking about? That’s completely normal, it’s like having opinions. just cause it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean- Tilly: No, John! No. It’s not normal to have that reaction to the sound of hearing metal on metal. John: No look, uh- Arthur! Arthur come here! Arthur: What now? John: What happens when you hear metal on metal? Like, a can bein’ rubbed with a knife. Arthur: Ugh, I hate that sound. It makes my damn skin crawl, like I got beetles underneath. Makes me wanna skin myself to get’em out. John: Right! See, Tilly? It’s not just me! Tilly: ????
Charles: …and you never got them evaluated? Hosea: In hindsight, an autistic diagnosis probably would’ve made more things make sense. But, what can ya do.
- Arthur after a dog didn’t positively react to him: Maybe this is my final straw. Charles: No. Arthur: It might be. Charles: It’s one dog. There are twenty that you stopped to pet along the way here, plenty more for you to pet after this. Arthur: You don’t understand, this is devastatin’. Charles: Arthur, please- Arthur: Utterly devastatin’, Charles.
- Arthur, tipsy: Just cause you’re gorgeous don’t mean I’ma do whatever you say. Charles: Drink the water, Arthur. Arthur: *grabs the glass* Yes, sir.
- (Got a Y/N one, also, modern Au)
Arthur: That’s the Aberdeen farm. Y/N: …what’s wrong with it? Arthur: What’cha mean? Y/N: The vibes, they’re off. Arthur: …the…vibes? Y/N: The energy, Mister Morgan. The vibe of the place. They’re off, they’re weird, wack even. I sense insidious and wretched wavelengths wafting from the aura of that property. Arthur: I see…well, to answer your question, it’s cause they are weird. And I ain’t even confirmed why cause I don’t really wanna know. Y/N: I see you can also sense the vibes are rank. Arthur: …sure, whatever that means.
- Micha: Well I think- Y/N: Well I’m certain no one fucking asked, Micha! Not a single damn person asked what the hell you thought, ever! In fact, I’m pretty sure you don’t think. I’m pretty sure your skull fills with all the bullshit in your organs, and it just spills out your mouth! Micha: Micha: I- Y/N: Shut up, Micha!
- Arthur, after Albert explains some super dangerous plan in order to get wild animals near him to photograph: You’re stupid, I like that in a man.
- Y/N: Bye Arthur, bye Karen, bye Hosea, bye Arthur. Sadie: You said ‘bye Arthur’ twice. Y/N: I like Arthur.
- NPC: Lovebirds, eh? Sadie: Arthur: Sadie: I’d rather eat a poison ivy plant with Holly Berries for dressing. *looks at Arthur* No offense. Arthur: No no, none taken. All things considered, I’d rather dive into a pit of tar and then drag myself face first through a plain of rotten chitlins. Sadie: Completely fair!
- Bill: I need you to realize you ain’t in charge here. Y/N: I need you to realize I don’t give a shit.
- Arthur: Hey Charles, uh, I got an Uhm…a spiritual question. Charles: Any particular reason you chose to ask me? Arthur: Uh well- I didn’t mean for it to be like that- I just- Charles: *sigh* What is it? Arthur: Do you know what it means when an elk stands up on its back legs? Charles: That means- Charles: WE SHOULD LEAVE, we need to leave, that’s what that means!
- Jack: …why are your boobs so big? Charles: They’re not boobs. Jack: Do you have to wear a brasier? Charles: *sigh* Arthur: He asked me the same thing a couple weeks ago, don’t think to hard bout it.
(Story spoilers!!) Y/N: I'm sorry, let me get this straight. Y/N: You picked up that man when he was a destitute child, grieving and starving. Taught him almost everything he knows. Y/N: Then, you did that with, what? Three others? In similar circumstances? Y/N: Created a sense of family and community, a strong bond between so many misfortuned people. With your trustworthy long term friend by your side. Y/N: And then. Y/N: One RAT. WHO IS OPENLY ANTAGONISTIC AND REEKS OF SUSPICION AS MUCH AS HE DOES HORSE SHIT, SOMEHOW CONVINCES YOU TO GO OFF YOUR ROCKER AND HARM YOUR GANG?! Y/N: Explain! Dutch: Dutch: Dutch: He praised me- Y/N: YOUR PRAISE KINK GOT YOU TO AIM A GUN AT YOUR SONS????
- Arthur: Naaah they’re an angel. Lenny: They punched Bill in the face. Seán: They told Strauss he was a waste of human material, in his own language, which they’re not fluent in. Mary-Beth: They framed Micha for a crime and got him put in prison again. Arthur: Like I said, an angel!
- John: Woman. (Translation: Darling.) Abigail: Moron. (Translation: Lovebug.)
Arthur: You tellin’ me they’re being affectionate right now? Jack: Can’t’cha read subtext, Uncle Arthur? Arthur: ???
(Insert Alcohol is truth serum reference)
Drunk Bill: Not to be gay, but you’re gorgeous bro. Kieran, afraid: You don’t have to be gay to appreciate a man’s beauty. Absolutely shit-faced Bill: Nah, like I’d fuck you, bro. Kieran, terrified: Okay, never mind!
- (How I imagine their first couple years together went)
Dutch: Dutch: Dutch: Dutch: How do you feel about me? Hosea, naked & beside him: ….we’re sharin’ a bedroll, Dutch. Dutch: Yes, but what are we, Hosea? Hosea: ….we’re both naked, alone, in a tent, Dutch. Dutch: That doesn’t answer my question. Hosea:
- (This one's sad, not funny, sorry-) John: You’re such a hypocrite, why is it that anything I do that you’ve done before that you get so bent outta shape?! Arthur: Because I’ve done it before you, John. John: So why do you think it’s fair to tell me not to?! Most people are proud when their younger brother ends up like’em. You don’t want anyone like you, is that it? Arthur: John: John: …oh. Arthur: Now that you got my point, will you take my god damn advice without a big fuss…please.
- John: She drives me insane! She somehow managed to make me the angriest I’ve ever been almost daily. NPC: Then leave her. John: The fu- no. What? She’s the wind beneath my wings, my darling wife, my beautiful angel. How the hell could you even think to suggest such a thing? NPC: But- John: Get outta my sight, you fuckin’ disgrace.
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lainiespicewrites · 1 year
Coach Syverson Part 2
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I really didn't think I was going to finish writing this so soon but ya'll loved the first part! and I love writing this so here it is the final part with all the good stuff! Also it's 4 am and I probably should have proof read this. but I didn't. Iwas so excited to get it posted because You guys BLEW UP the first part so THANK YOU!!!
Warnings: SMUT at the end, Oral (m and f receiving), (p in v), lots of cusring in the end , so much praising because you know he would!!
Sy was in coach mode with the team as I looked over the sign in sheet and greeted the students that were traveling to watch the game. Most of the students were loaded onto the bus now. Thank God because I was so distracted by him. There was something about seeing him like this, he was so in charge and in control. He had their full attention and he never had to work to get it. He had those boys respect the first time he walked out to the field. But he earned it too. He was such a good coach. I loved listening to the way he spoke with them.
“Alright boys,” I listened as he pulled the team into a huddle before they got on the bus next to ours. “Listen first and foremost I want y’all to go out there and pay hard. That’s what we’ve been practicing. We’ve watched their tape. These guys are a little bigger than you but that doesn’t matter. We’re faster. You come at ‘em low and fast they’re gonna go down. Matt I need your eyes on that ball at all times man! We just about lost some points last week because of misdirection and we ain’t gonna let that happen again right?” 
“No, sir! I got you coach!”
“Atta boy! Derek, you keep throwing that ball like you’ve been in practice this week and we’ll be in good shape!” Derek just nodded. Sy smiled. “Alright, now boys I don’t want any messing around in the locker room. You go in, and be respectful, I want them talking about how great of character our team has just as much as they’re talking about how good we play, understood?”
“Yes coach!” The boys chanted in unison. 
“Alright, load up let’s go!” The boys started cheering. I smiled. I loved watching him with them. The way he got them all fired up. And he matched their energy. He was so adorable right now. Joking around with the boys and 
“Hey Miss Plummer!” right, I’m not a teenager watching my crush, I’m an adult, I have a job to do. 
“Hi Caitlyn! Are you ready for the game tonight?” I smiled at her. She was all decked out with the eye under eye black and Tyler's jersey number painted on her cheek in the school colors. She and a few of the other girls made t-shirts and were wearing them to support a few of the players they were friends with. 
“So ready!!” She squealed, bouncing a little on the balls of her feet. She looked over toward the buses where the team was loading the bus with their equipment, where I had been staring off earlier. “He’s so cute isn’t he?” She said, I raised an eyebrow and smirked a little. 
“Are you excited to watch Tyler play?” I chuckled. 
“Yeah, But I meant coach Sy, are you two finally together? He totally likes you! Everyone knows it! And you two would be so cute together!! The students talk about it all the time. I mean you’re wearing his hoodie Miss Plummer!” Wow that girl talks fast. He likes… no. But if the students see it? Am I really that blind? He bought my dinner, He brings me coffee, he called me his work wife. But I’m not his body type. These things don’t happen. Are my insecurities really that deep rooted that I can’t take the advice I give my students? But still. When I was in school I remember rumors spreading about teachers seeing each other all the time and they usually…. Well actually. Now that I think about it. They normally ended up being true. Some of them were even scandals. I shook my head. 
“Slow down sweetheart,” I managed to let out a chuckle even though I kind of felt like I was having a crisis. “Coach Sy and I are friends, I’m just borrowing his sweatshirt because I didn’t have one. It’s sweet that you all care about us so much. I love that. I do. But well, that’s all it is, honey.” She nodded sadly. And looked back at the other bus and over at Sy. He caught us looking at him and smiled. 
“Miss Plummer,” She sighed exasperated, like me not understanding my own love life was exhausting for her.   “I don’t wanna over step but I overheard him and Mrs. Spencer talking. She came into his class at the end of the day Wednesday smiling and stuff. And like I wasn’t TRYING to eavesdrop but I heard them talk about you and I just couldn’t resist ya know? Anyway, she said she had this idea, she could back out of coming today so he could hang out with you and well…. Nevermind.” I raised an eyebrow. 
“Caitlyn, what have we said about gossiping?” I said. 
“Girl, It’s true though, that man’s got it bad for you Miss P.” I shook my head and smiled
“Get on the bus Caitlyn,”  
“Okay fine, But when you guys get married, can I be in the wedding?” I rolled my eyes. “Guess that’s a no.” She said and stepped on the bus. I looked over one last time. Sy was double checking something on his clipboard while the boys finished up. He looked up and we made eye contact. He winked and I blushed, giving him a little wave before I followed Caitlyn on to the bus. Things took off fast when we got to the other school. Sy took the boys straight to the locker room to gear up because we got a little stuck in traffic. Myself and the two other chaperones led the students to their section in the bleachers and about 15 minutes later we were at kick off. Sy was completely in his comfort zone out there. 
Our boys had the ball first. Sy had his couch voice on shouting a couple of corrections from the sidelines. The team made a good play but in the end the other boys were bigger and their defense was strong. We had to settle for three points instead of a touchdown. 
The whole first quarter of the game stayed that way. The boys managed to keep the other team out of the end zone. The start of the second quarter the other team had the ball. They made a play and when one of our boys Zach Owens went to tackle the player he lost his footing. It had rained earlier in the day and the  He slipped but still grabbed the player by the ankle. He got him down but he ended up at the bottom of a dog pile. Another player reached out to give Zach a hand to help him up, but he fell back immediately when he tried to stand. He was hurt. 
I immediately looked to Sy, I was on the first level of the bleachers standing against the railing. I was close enough to see him curse under his breath before running onto the field. The medic followed him out. I walked out to the sideline. Sy and the medic got Zach up but he couldn’t put any pressure on his left ankle. Everyone cheered for him while they walked him off the field. Poor kid was going to be out the rest of the game. 
“You’re gonna be alright man,” Sy said as they got him to the bench. “This guy’s gonna wrap that ankle and then you just chill here. Just breathe,” He clapped him on the shoulder and turned back to his place on the sidelines. The boys were starting the next play and already the other team scored a touchdown on us. I walked up to him hesitantly. He shouted something about tightening the defense. I jumped a little. I'd never been this close to him in coach mode. It was kinda hot though. What was I saying? I came up next to him brushing my shoulder against his.  He looked over and his shoulders relaxed a little and he smiled when he saw it was me. “Hey Sugar,”
“Is he gonna be okay?” I asked. He nodded. 
“Yeah, It’s not broken but he sprained it real good. He’s gonna be down at least a couple weeks. He’s our best tackle.” He sighed softly and his lips quirked up into a sad lopsided smile
“I know, that’s gonna kill us. But the boys can pull through. They’ve got you as a coach.” I smiled. He threw his arm around me and pulled me against his side squeezing my shoulder. 
“You’re so damn sweet,” he said. I blushed and turned into his shoulder to hide my face. “You’re freezing, darling,” He ran his hand up and down my arm for a minute “shit,” he mumbled. He pulled out a 10 dollar bill from his pocket “I told ya I pay for coffee tonight, meant to give this to you earlier.”  He looked down at me, his blue eyes briefly holding my gaze as he grinned. 
“Logan you don’t have to do that,” I said trying to push his hand away. He raised an eyebrow and shook his head. 
“You say that an awful lot. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t want to. Now quit arguing with me and take it.” He narrowed his eyes at me and nodded down at the cash in his hand. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
“You know, you can be a real diva when you don’t get you’re way.” I said taking it from him. 
“Are you complaining about free coffee?” He smirked and pulled me close to his side again keeping me warm. 
“No,” I chuckled softly. I looked back at the bleachers watching some of my kids for a second. A few of them were a little two close for comfort. “I’d better get back up there,” I said sadly. I really liked being next to him. 
“Yeah, I guess you should.” He left his arm around me a few seconds longer before he finally let me go. He was such a teddy bear sometimes. As I was making my way back to the bleachers I heard. A few of the boys on the team talking, 
“OOOOH Coach you look at you,” One of them said
“That was smooth. Can you teach me how to do that?” 
“You gonna be gettin some later coach.” The last one spoke. Logan’s voice was stern but still playful. 
“Y’all wanna match zach on the bench next week? I won’t hesitate. Watch it! What is that an extra 3 laps to the 5 you were already running on monday Tyler?” He smirked. 
“Damn Coach!! You Savage!” One of the other boys piped in. 
“You wanna join him, Jake?” He mused. 
“No Sir, I’m good!” He spoke quickly and I laughed to myself as I walked back up the bleachers. 
I sat with the students for a while breaking up a few young couples trying to get a little too close while they were away from mom and dad. I hated to be a buzzkill but they know the rules. 
Sy was back on high alert. At the start of the third quarter the boys were down by 10 points. They shouldn’t have been the refs missed and obvious penalty against the other team for shoving one of our guys. I was definitely part of the crowd that was screaming at that point. But right now Derek, our quarterback had gotten the boys down the field and they were set up for another touch down. They made the play. He threw a complete pass to tyler and they got the points! Every was cheering. With the extra kick good the boys only need one more touch down to get ahead. 
The rest of the quarter went by and then only 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter. The team was still down by 3 points. The clock was running out they had 45 seconds left we had the ball but we were only at the 40 yard line. We needed a miracle. But Sy taught our boys well. Derek found an opening and through a perfect pass down the field to Matt. The whole crowd was on their feet. He Caught the pass at the 20 yard line and ran the rest of the way down the field into the end zone with 10 seconds left. We got the touch down. The student section was shaking the bleachers jumping around. The game finished and we let the kids run down to wait by the gate to make  a tunnel for the team to run through. I walked down to the side lines to wait in a crowd of people to see the winning coach. 
While I looked over keeping an eye on the kids while they celebrated with the team. I held my coffe close to my chest too keep me and my hands warm. I loved seeing Sy like this. This is totally where he belonged. He looked famous talking with the other coaches and people asking him about what he was working on with the team. I over heard two ladies having a conversation a few feet infront of me.
“Their coach is so handsome,” The first one said. She was tall, Thin long blonde hair. Wearing some sporty leggings the looked super expensive and the other teams spirit wear.
“Oh I know! You think he’s single?” The other said she looked similar to the other woman but a little shorter and her hair was darker. 
“I don’t know I saw that lady with him earlier but, he’s gorgeous and well, I mean I don’t wanna sound rude but she seemed a little big to be his type.” The blonde said. 
“No I know what you mean when I saw him with his arm around here I was like… if that’s his wife… well he could’ve done better.” My heart dropped. I knew they were talking about me. I felt like I was going to be sick. I knew it. Everything, I’d always felt, every reason I told everyone they were wrong. These two just confirmed it. Logan would never see me as anything more than a friend. My insecurities just kept bubbling to the surface the way I felt about my body and what I’d worked on for years all came rushing back. I ran right passed them missing the shocked look on their faces. They hadn’t realized I’d been so close. It didn’t matter they were right. 
I didn’t hear him either. Excusing himself from the other men he’d been talking two and calling after me. I ran into the bathrooms locking the door behind me and took a deep breath. You’re not crying not here. You’re a big girl. Hold it in until you’re alone. I calmed myself down and took one last deep breath before walking back out. 
Logan was leaning on the wall outside the door waiting. 
“Hey Sugar, you alright? You looked like you were gonna be sick? Feeling okay?” Shit I didn’t even know he’d noticed me walk by. I nodded taking another deep breath and staring at the ground. 
“Yeah, just um, felt a little off for a second.” I said. “I’ll be alright. You’d better get back to the boys.” He put his hand on my shoulder and I shrugged him off. I looked up and saw the confused look in his eyes.
“I’m meeting the boys at the bus, it’s a late night so we’re headed straight back.” he stated. “You sure you’re okay sugar, why don’t you ride back with me, I can keep an eye on ya. And the boys wanna thank their good luck charm for being here.” he smiled. 
“No, I mean. No that’s sweet of them. And nice of you to offer but. It’s not fair to the others. I said I’d chaperone I can’t just leave them short like that.” I said. 
“They won’t be Carol will be …”he paused and groaned.
“What do you mean Carol will be there? She couldn’t come tonight.” I was confused now. 
“Damnit this isn’t how I wanted to do this. She was always going to be here. Uh she was helping me out… with…” 
“Caitlyn was right,” I cut him off. 
“I thought she was listening,” He chuckled and shook his head. “She told ya huh? Well cats out of the bag then, I uh,” He laughed and let out a shaky breath rubbing the back of his neck. “I really like you Darlin’, I have for a while.” He smiled sheepishly and bit his lip. My hands were shaking and all of a sudden I felt sick again. This is what I’d always wanted but I didn’t feel real. I couldn’t be here right now. Surely there was a punchline waiting there always was. This was a joke right. Those women from earlier are right around the corner somewhere recording. How could I be so stupid. I shook my head. Tears were welling up in my eyes. 
“I, I have to go, they’re gonna need my help loading the buses.” I said and ran past him toward the parking lot. He called after me but I kept walking. When I got to the parking lot only one of our buses was still there. I let out a slow breath and then sighed. “God I’m a fucking idiot,” I groaned. 
“I uh.. Sent the other bus ahead” I heard Sy say from behind me. I stood there for a second quietly and then just nodded. “Wait here, I gotta talk to the boys and then we’ll head out,” He said. 
I watched him walk over. Some of the boys started to whistle and holler. I couldn’t hear Logan but he shut it down quick. The boys loaded up into the bus and gestured for me to follow. He gave me a soft smile and followed me on sitting in the seat across from mine. Other than the boys celebrating the game in the back ground it was a silent ride home. How did I screw this up so bad. He planned out this whole thing. But, somehow I still don’t believe this. My phone lit up with a text from the girls. 
“How was the game? I saw you guys won!” Skyler sent. I needed them right now. I looked over at sy he was scrolling on his phone, or looking out the window, I didn’t know what to say right now. I texted the girls back. 
“The game was good, But I’m an idiot.” I replied. 
“How so?” Hayley texted back quickly. I poured out everything into the text. They knew why I felt he shouldn’t like me, even if I never said it. So I’m sure that was no surprise to them. I told them about what those women had said. And my little panic attack. Sy telling me how he felt and how I ran off. And when I finally clicked together that he had put this together so he could ask to take me out. And How I royally fucked it all up. 
“Oh Alayna, I’m sorry. That really sucks. But have you tried talking to him about any of this.”  Skyler said. 
“I didn’t have the time, and I can’t, He probably already hates me now and realizes I was never worth it anyway.”
“Stop it dude! I don’t wanna hear that from you. Clearly he thinks you are. He went through all that effort because he wanted to make sure he got the right opportunity. So he would care if you told him! You need to tell him what you’re feeling. I know it’s scary but you have to.” Hayley sent back. 
“She’s right Alayna, I know this is hard, but he’s not in this to hurt you, I know people have before but girl, You can’t believe for the rest of your life every man is the same. Pull him aside when you get back. You can fix this. We love you!!” 
I knew they were right. But I didn’t have much time to muster up the courage to do anything. When I looked up from my phone we were pulling back up to the school. The team got off the bus. “Alright boys! Get home safe, I’ll see you Monday morning for practice,” Sy said before letting them go. I grabbed my things from the bus and headed to my car. But when I got there I noticed something wasn’t right my shoulders slumped. I’d left a light on when I was searching for a jacket. God I hope it didn’t drain my battery. I got in and tried to start it. But of course. What’s that saying. If it can go wrong it will. I got out and slammed the door shut. “Fuck!” I shouted. I couldn’t help it now the damn broke and I couldn’t help but start crying “I’m so stupid!” I kicked at  tire and slammed my fist on the hood of my car. “Ow fuck!” I held my hand that was now throbbing. 
“Woah, Hey, What’s going on?” Sy asked coming up behind me quicking after hearing me shouting. 
“It’s nothing, I'm sorry. My… battery died. I left a light on. My car won’t start.” I hiccuped trying to control my breathing. He pulled me into his chest and hugged me.
“Okay, It’s gonna be alright. Breath. Good girl. Calm down.” He spoke softly. “Now,” he pulled away slightly to look at me in they eyes. “Do you have jumper cables?” I shook my head 
“No I, had some old ones and I threw them out and never replaced them I… forgot.” he nodded. And let go leaving me against his car to go check the tool box in the back of his truck.
“Shoot. Yeah, I thought so,” He mumbled to himself, “Sorry, sugar. I left mine in my garage.” He said. I nodded. “It’ll be fine here tonight, I can take you home.” Again I just nodded. I heard him let out a deep breath. “Did I,” He paused. “Did I do something wrong? I, I just thought... Maybe I was reading it wrong. I was just sure that you felt…”
“I do,” I said cutting him off. “ I do feel the same. I just don’t understand why, you feel the way you do. I …” I didn’t know what else to say I just kept staring at the pavement.
“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I? You’re gorgeous. Shit, I’ve been flirtin’ with you since I met you. You really couldn’t see it?” I shook my head. 
“No,” I said finally looking up at him. “I wanted to. I really wanted to, but I just couldn’t believe that a guy as good looking as you would find me attractive.” I said. He chuckled softly. “Don’t laugh at me!” I pouted. 
“I’m not, it’s just, baby, you might just be the dumbest smart girl i’ve ever met. Seriously, that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. And I coach teenage boys!” I smiled a little. “There she is. You wanna tell me what’s goin on in that pretty little head of yours? He asked. I took a deep breath. It’s now or never. 
“I was waiting to talk to you after the game, and I heard these women talking. They were talking about how handsome you are. And if you were single. One of them had said they’d seen me with you on the sidelines. She made a comment about my weight and that there was no way I would be your type. And The other girl said some things too. I felt really insecure. I already didn’t believe that you would be into me but when I heard someone else say it, it solidified it for me. And then when you told me how you felt. It felt like a joke. I felt like I was in high school again and everyone was going to gather around and start laughing. And to be honest. My experiences since then haven’t been great. I haven’t been with good guys. I just I was afraid I was going to be hurt. Honestly sometimes I don’t even know how I do this job because I can’t even take my own advice.” I looked down again. It was a relief to let it all out but if I looked him in the eye I was going to start crying again. I was already weak enough in this moment. 
Sy stepped back around the car to where I was standing. He gently put his hands on my hips and pulled against him. He brought one hand up brushing the hair out of my face and resting it on my cheek. “I wish you could understand how wrong they are. I know you don’t not right now. But I’m gonna help you see yourself the way I do Sugar,” He didn’t hesitate any longer. He pressed us further against the car and leaned down pressing his lips to mine. His lips were soft and his body was warm against mine. He kissed me slowly and soft his beard tickling against my jaw. I snaked my hands around his neck pulling him closer. And I felt him smile against my lips. He pulled away slowly eyes fluttering open still holding me against him. “Baby you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that. I don’t know what other people have said to you. Or what you’ve been through. But when I tell you you’re beautiful I mean it. And when say I wanna take you home with me, it aint no joke baby. Do you trust me?” He askes staring down at me holding my face in his hands. 
“I trust you Logan, so much that is scares me.” I admitted. 
“I’d never hurt you like that Darlin’ that’s a promise.” I pulled him down and kissed him again. Harder this time. He groaned against my lips and squeezed my hip pulling me closer. He slid his hand into my hair holding me there as he started to gently suck on my bottom lip. We pulled away to catch our breath and had big goofy grin on his face as he leaned his forehead against mine.  “I’d love to do this all night baby,” He chuckled. “But its late and its only gonna get colder out here, I need to get you home.” I blushed. 
“Yeah, it’s almost midnight. We really should get going.” 
He  opened the passenger door of the truck for me and made sure I got in okay before he shut the door and got in on the other side. He started the truck and we pulled out of the parking lot. 
“Sy?” I spoke softy. 
“Yeah baby?” He looked over just for a second to let me know he was listening. 
“Did you mean it, when you said you wanted to take me home with you?” I asked. He literally snorted. 
“What do you think?” He smirked taking one hand of the wheel and resting it on my thigh. I could feel my heart rate speed up and I was blushing. How the hell was it so easy for him to turn me on?
“I want to.” I said. He looked like he was about to choke. 
“Yeah? You don’t have to Sugar, I didn’t mean… I mean I want you to. But I don’t want you to fee like I’m pressuring you or anything. Shit I ain’t even taken you out yet. Not really.” I grabbed his hand and squeezed it softly. 
“Logan, I really want to.” I said. He just smiled. 
“Alright, baby.” 
He drove us back to his place parking the truck in his drive way. “Right this way Darlin,” He smirked leading me up the front steps and unlocking the door. I followed him inside and he quickly shut the door behind him backing me up against it. “You really have no idea what your doing to me do you baby?” He licked his lips looking me up an down hungrily. I’d never seen him like this. The look in his eye was almost, animalistic. And it was so. Fucking. Hot. “Here I was thinking you were an innocent little thing.” He pinned my against the door holding me there in his hands. He leaned down crushing his lips against mine. This was different than the kisses we’d shared earlier , slow and sensual, this was hungry, needy. “Practically begging me to bring you home. You know how long I’ve been thinking about this? Getting you home with me? Under me? Fuck.” he breathed
He pulled me away from the wall and pulled at the bottom of his hoodie I was still wearing. I lited my arms and let him pull it over my head along with my shirt leaving them in a pile on the floor. We walked a little farther into the house. He pulled his shirt off tossing it next to us as he pulled me into his lap on the couch. I leaned back to admire his toned chest running my fingers throught the soft curls there. He slid his hand into my hair groaning into my mouth as he pulled me in for another kiss. He bit my bottom lip slowly dragging it between his teeth. He started. Peppering kisses down my jaw before leaving wet kisses along my neck. 
His hands were everywhere roaming over bra squeezing my breasts, running them down my sides and around grabbing my ass. I felt his hand move around my back plaing with the clasp of my bra. “Need this off baby.” He mumbled against my chest. He managed to undo it and I let it fall tossing it to the floor. “Mm fuck yes,” He moaned dipping his head down taking one of my nipples into his mouth and teasing the other with his thumb. I moaned and rolled my hips against his. I could feel his hard cock straining aginst his jeans. He groaned against me giving the other nipple attention. 
“You’re so fucking gorgeous.” He said stood from the couch picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. 
“Sy!” I Squealed. He carried me to his bedroom setting me on his bed. He crawled on top of me. His hands were already on the waist band of my leggings. 
“Is this okay,” He paused. I nodded eagerly and he chuckled. “Good girl.” He pulled them down swiftly with my panties leaving me completely bare infront of him. “Fucking beautful” he said as he starting kissng down my stomach. He nipped at my thigh leaving wet kisses there.  He pushed my legs open a little further and pulled me to the end of the bed. I was completely exposed to him but I didn’t care. I trusted him completely. He met my gazed and ran his and up my thigh before brushing his fingers through my folds. I moaned as his fingers brushed across my clit “God damn baby, all this for me? Fuckin soaked. “ He smirked He pressed his thumb to my clit rubbing in rough circles. 
“Fuck!” I moaned “Logan please!” I grabed his wrist the sensation already feeling overstimulating. It’s been so long. 
“We’ll get there baby.” He teased. Finally he kissed down my inner thigh and brushed his tongue against my clit.
“Oh my god!” I whimpered ran my fingers over his hair as he sucked on my clit. He slid two finger inside me pumping slowly. I squirmed against him but he used his other hand to hold my hips down. God he was so strong. 
“Keep still sugar. Don’t make me tell ya again,” He said before going back to work on my clit and curving his fingers in side me pumping them a little faster. I was seeing starts. I pushed his head down holding him there. 
“Oh my god, don’t stop!” I moaned. I came hard around his fingers and he slid them out and licked them clean. 
“Mm you taste so good baby. So fuckin’ sweet.” He stood up from the bed finally ridding himself of his jeans and boxers. His hard cock rested against his stomach. He was huge. I bit my lip and he chuckled. 
“I’ll go easy on you baby,” he said as he started crawling on top of me again.
“Mm wait,” He stopped raising an eye brow. I pushed him back against the pillows and kisses his lips softly. I kissed down his chest and finally settled between his legs. I bit my lip and looked up at him innocently “Just wanna taste it,”  He smirked. 
“Dirty little girl ain’t ya, mm” he pulled my hair back guiding me down. I licked the length of his cock. He groaned softly. I loved the sounds he made. So deep and almost feral. I finally took the tip in my mouth and slowly started to suck him off. I took him as far as I could letting him hit the back of my throat. He growled. “That’s it baby, good girl.” I kept bobbing my head on his cock and wrapped my and around the base where I couldn’t fit him in. I felt him tug on my hair and pull me up. “That feels amazing baby but I’m not gonna last if you keep that up.” 
He kissed me again and laid me down pulling leg over his shoulder. He ran the head of his cock up and down my folds getting it nice and wet. “You ready baby girl?” I nodded. He slowly pushed in. He held him self up bracing him self on one arm. He pushed in slow inch by inch letting me adjust to him. When he bottomed out he stayed there for a minute. “You okay baby?”
“Logan, it’s sweet that you’re asking but please fuck me.”  He let out a low growl and pulled almost all the way snapping his hips back into me. I moaned feeling him deep inside me. He grabbed my hip pulling me closer and kept thrusting into me. He moaned as he reached between us finding my clit with his thumb. The rythem of his thrusts and hitting just the right spot had me seeing stars. I came again around him moaning his name and other obscenities falling from my lips. “That’s it good girl.” He pulled out and flipped me over onto my stomach. He pushed back inside of me this new angle hitting that spot over and over again but I was so sensitive. 
“Come on baby, you got another one for me?” He growled against my ear. 
“Mm I can’t sy, It’s too much,” He reached around rubbing my clit in cirlces with his thumb.
“One more baby, please for me?” He picked up his pace hitting that spot over and over. I Moaned pulling at the sheets beneath me. 
“Fuck I’m cumming!” I moaned letting go around him
“That’s my good girl, cum on my cock.” His thrusts were becoming erratic and he stilled and groan cumming inside me. He kissed my shoulder and layed down beside me. He pulled out slowly and pulled me to lay on his chest. “Holy shit,” He breathed. He fingertips brushed up and down my back. He smiled down at me. “You’re incredible. I don’t deserve you.”
“Shut up Logan,” I blushed Hiding my face against his chest.
“I mean it, your too good for this world Darlin’,” He smiled and kissed my head. “I’m gonna marry you someday, I know I haven’t even really taken you on a date yet. But baby when you know, you know,” 
“Yeah?” I smiled  “I think I know what you mean.” He pulled the blankets up over us and held me for a while. 
“Good, now get some rest Darlin’” He said running his fingers through my hair. I smiled snuggling up against him. 
“Goodnight Sy,” I smiled. 
“Goodnight sugar.”
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Summer Love
(Long Hair Harry Styles x Reader)
Warnings- smut: Slight hair pulling, nipple play, p in v, oral (female receiving), breeding kink, spanking, daddy kink
A/N- I know what you’re thinking. Smut?! Em! I never knew you had it in you! Yeah well surprise!
Summary: Harry surprises Y/N with a picnic yacht date while he’s on break from tour. But he has other plans. Smut, if you don’t like it, please see my masterlist for my non-smut work!
“Hurry up, Y/N! Let’s go!”
I giggle and shake my head at his eagerness. He grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards the dock.
“Harry, why are we even doing this? What’s this big surprise?”
He turns and gives me a sheepish smile before he lifts me into his arms and carries me the rest of the way, walking onto a yacht he rented. With a kiss to my cheek, he sets me down on my feet again.
“Get yourself comfy, Y/N. Just got to get a going and then we’ll get to your surprise. And before you ask- no, I don’t need help. I got it love. Just sit there looking beautiful as always.”
I blush and giggle as I sit down on the cushioned seat, eating for him. As soon as we get far enough away from the shore, Harry begins to pull things out and sets them up on the floor. When he’s finally done, he runs over to me and takes my hand excitedly. He pulls me over to the front of the yacht where he has a little picnic set up.
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I tear up slightly and throw my arms around him, to which he hugs me.
“Harry! You didn’t have to do this!”
He lifts me up and spins me around just a little before he sets me down.
“I know, but I wanted to. You’re so supportive when I’m on tour and I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you.”
He guides me to sit down on one of the cushions, and I remove my sandals as he takes a seat across from me.
“I do it because I love you. You know that.”
He opens up the champagne bottle before he looks at me.
“Yes, but to matter what time zone I’m on, you stay up to talk to me after the show… You never miss our goodnight call.”
He pours champagne into 2 flutes before he pecks my lips and hands me one. I smile and take a sip of my champagne.
“I’ve got all your favorites, minus sushi. Wouldn’t do so well being out like that. And-.”
He pulls out a small bouquet of Daisies and hands it to me.
“Picked them myself. Hope they look okay.”
I smile and nod before I lean over and peck his lips.
“They’re beautiful! You did a great job.”
He smiles and fixes me a plate with all my favorites. After a couple hours, he cleans up and we lay cuddled up on the blanket. I’m about to fall asleep when Harry pulls me on top of him, and I look at him in surprise.
He smiles and pecks my lips.
“I’ve missed you, Y/N… So much. I know you’ve got work and you can’t tour with me but… I’ve just… I’ve missed you. All of you. And I never have the alone time to do what I really want…”
He adjusts me in his arms and something becomes very apparent to me. He’s hard.
“Tell me to stop, Y/N. Because if we start I don’t think I’ll be able to.”
I lean down and kiss him, Harry immediately melting into my lips. His grip on me remains sure as he flips us over. He pulls my sundress up and throws it behind him, leaving me in the matching set he has bought me a couple months before.
“Fuck look at you. Wear this for me, did you love?”
I giggle and shrug.
“Maybe. But you know, I think you’re wearing too much and we need to fix that.”
I unbutton his dress shirt and he slips it off before slipping off his shorts, leaving him in his signature Calvin Klein boxers. He unclips my bra and as soon as it’s out of sight, he begins to kiss and nibble down my body.
He pays extra attention to my breasts, his teeth biting at my nipples before he sucks slightly, moaning on my sensitive tits as I squirm underneath him.
“H-Harry… Please… Wanna taste you…”
He lifts his head up and smiles, shaking his head.
“You know how I love giving you everything you want, but that’s the one thing I just can’t give you right now. Now, sit up. Take off your panties. Then come sit. You know where.”
He lays back and I sit up, doing as he instructed. I slip off my panties and sit on his chest, one leg on each side of him as I wait for further instruction. He slaps my ass rather harshly and I can’t help but moan at the contact.
“That’s not what I said, baby. Sit. Now. Don’t make me tell you again.”
I nod and scoot up a bit, hovering my sopping wet core over his mouth. Another slap hits my ass and I squeal, collapsing out of reaction. He wraps his arms around my thighs, securing me in place as he begins his attack on my clit.
“F-fuck Harry!”
Another slap hits my ass and I squeak. He growls and scolds me from between my legs.
“That’s not my name right now, love. Say it right or you won’t say anything at all.”
I bite my lip and nod as he continues to lick and suck on my clit, biting lightly every little while.
“D-Daddy! I can’t! I-I think I’m gonna come!”
He slaps my ass again and pulls me down more, sucking and licking as I moan and pant.
“Come for me, Y/N. Do it baby. You can come.”
I lean down and grab his hair, lightly pulling as I start to come undone.
“Fuck Daddy! Y-You’re tongue! Mmm!”
I pant as I come down from my orgasm, Harry rubbing my thighs to soothe me.
“Up, baby. I’m not gonna wait anymore.”
My legs shaking, I scoot myself back down before I roll myself off of him to catch my breath. Before I catch my breath, Harry is already rolling on top of me, pinning my hands about my head.
“You know… We wouldn’t be so frustrated if you were on tour with me. Maybe I should just- put a baby in you. That way I can keep you with me. How’d you like that baby?”
My eyes widen and my mouth gapes.
“Y-You’re kidding. You want a baby?”
He nods and leans down, pecking my lips.
“I want a little you. And a little me. I want it with you, Y/N. Can I..?”
I bite my lip and I nod with a blush.
“Do it. Let’s have a baby.”
He smiles and kisses me fiercely. He moved his hand down to my clit and I grab his hand to stop him.
“Don’t. I don’t need it. I want it hard, Harry. I want you.”
He smirks and spanks my ass again. He lines his cock up with my clit, rubbing his tip against a few times before he pushes all the way in, hitting my g spot almost immediately.
He smirks and jerks his hips, causing me to cry out.
“That’s right baby. Gonna make me a daddy, aren’t you? Gonna look so perfect, big and round with my baby. You want that sweet girl?”
He starts thrusting at a steady pace, groaning as he thrusts.
“Fuck! Daddy! H-Harder!”
“Yeah baby? Think you can handle it? I can feel how close you are. Hold it for me, sweet girl. No coming until I do.”
He starts to thrust harder, hitting my g spot with every thrust.
“Gonna be such a good mumma, aren’t you baby? Gonna look so beautiful feeding our baby… God I get so hard even thinking about seein you nice and pregnant. Never gonna stop fuckin’ my sweet girl.”
He continues to thrust, going harder with each thrust when eventually, he starts to groan loudly and pant.
“Fuck Y/N! Baby! I’m gonna come! Come with me, baby! Come with daddy!”
I cry as I ride out my orgasm, clinging on to Harry as best I can as I feel him spill into me, burying himself deep inside.
“F-fuck… Harry…”
He pulls out and he keeps me in his arms, kissing my forehead a couple times and he cuddles me.
“I love you Y/N. So, so much. It’s just you and me.”
I smile and peck his cheek softly.
“Don’t you mean us three?”
He smiles devilishly and holds tightly onto me, knowing that it really was us. Just Harry, our baby and our future.
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