#((please go follow ghosta
highflyartist · 2 years
I did digital sketches of Nicholas and Clara for @ghosta-r
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I was bored so I just drew these two on my spare time.
These two are a blessing on earth. If anybody dares hurt these two precious babies, I will find you and I'll hunt you down!
All jokes aside, these two are cute. Please go follow @ghosta-r for more of their nutcracker content. It's S-Tier shit.
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callthegbs · 2 years
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I wanted to highlight a cover for Issue 1 made by my friend @ghosta-r who has their own webcomic series you should check out, Starlight Brigade! I'll link it down below. Please go follow and support them. Some insight on this piece, ORIGINALLY, this was a piece we did for the comic back in 2017 when it was going to be a sequel series to 2016's Answer The Call with ongoing arcs and adventures, but sadly it never came to fruition, but I always loved this poster, and I had to ask them to re-do it for the version today focusing on the guys. Hope you enjoy :D Read Starlight Brigade: the Series | Tapas Web Comics Ghostar <- Social Media Links
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aquaquadrant · 6 years
Exiled Au - Part 5
surprise! i finally finished the last one-shot for the exiled!varian au i started writing ages ago, inspired by art from @ghosta-r. all the previous chapters and the art that inspired them can be found on my blogged, tagged as exiled!varian au. i’m going to start working on getting all of the chapters uploaded to my A03 within the new few days! 
also, i’m going to consider this completed for the time being, but i left it open enough that if inspiration happens to strike me again in the future, i can continue with more one-shot type chapters. however, it won’t ever be a full out fic, so PLEASE don’t ask me to continue! hope you enjoy, please reblog/comment if you do! - Aqua
Rated T for: depiction of violence, mild injury
It was two days before Varian found another town.
Two days of following a road through thicker and thicker wilderness, of snarling branches catching on his clothes and stones in the ground underfoot and glowing eyes watching him from the forest and reminding him painfully of Ruddiger. Two days of eating nothing but the odd few berries he found growing on bushes, of drinking from streams and sleeping in trees.
He almost cried with relief when he saw the town, but he managed to hold it back. He was already dehydrated, after all.
Varian tucked his coat up all the way to his chin and pulled his hood tightly over his head. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself before walking into the town.
The streets were populated but not overtly so. He got a couple glances but nothing more than that. It was a homely little town, with dirt streets instead of cobblestone, thatched houses instead of wood. A few carts were set up in a wide market square, a light chatter filling the air as people examined the wares. But Varian wasn’t interested in that as much as he was the building with a sign hanging over the door reading, food.
He hurried towards it, trying to walk casually but probably failing. Inside was a cozy sort of mess hall, warm from a large hearth against one wall and filled with long wooden tables and benches. His attention was caught by a woman standing behind a counter, taking a customer’s order.
Food. Varian quickly stepped into line, his stomach already growling at the scents drifting in the air. After a minute that seemed to stretch on forever, it was his turn to order.
The woman behind the counter looked him up and down, wrinkling her nose. “You some kind of wizard or something?” she asked, nodding at his staff.
“No, ma’am,” Varian murmured, scanning the wooden sign hanging up behind her. “Could I please get a bowl of porridge?”
The woman squinted at him, doubtful.
“I can pay for it,” Varian added quietly, reaching for the coin pouch in his bag. The coins he’d earned working for Jonathan, the ones he’d tried to refuse but Jonathan insisted-
“Hey, you there!”
Varian froze at the harsh, unfamiliar voice. Oh god, please, no-
“I’m talkin’ to you, boy!” A hand roughly grabbed Varian by the shoulder and turned him around.
Varian found himself facing a thoroughly unpleasant looking man. Angry, too. He gulped. “Yes, sir?”
The man scowled. “I knew it. You’re that criminal, aren’t you? The Alchemist?”
Varian’s heart sank. “Sir, please,” he whispered, “I’m not looking for any trouble. I just want to buy some food.”
“That so?” the man demanded, disbelieving. He caught sight of the coin pouch in Varian’s bag and grabbed it out, his features darkening. “You probably stole this, didn’t you?”
“Hey!” Varian cried, trying in vain to get the pouch back, the man holding it easily out of his reach. “I earned that! Please!”
“Yeah, right,” the man scoffed. “Come on, boys, let’s show this lowlife how we treat criminals around here.”
The next thing Varian knew, two pairs of hands wrapped around his arms, pulling him away from the counter and dragging him toward the door. He fought to get free to no avail, his legs kicking in the air. Someone opened the door, and with a great heave, the men threw Varian outside onto the street.
He landed badly on his foot, a sharp pain flooding up his leg and making him cry out. His staff landed on the ground next to him a moment later, one of the vials shattering in a spray of glass and pink liquid. A bit of it caught Varian across his face- fortunately, non-toxic. He blinked, rubbing the chemical off his face.
“And stay out!”
The door slammed shut.
Shakily, Varian rose to his feet, leaning on his staff. It hurt to put his full weight on his foot- probably a sprain. Hopefully just a sprain. He didn’t have time to check it properly, though. Wary and disapproving eyes watching him from all corners of the square, and he knew he’d worn out his welcome.
Taking a breath, Varian started to painfully make his way down the street, to the road leading out of the town.
Maybe he’d have better luck in the next town.
Varian backed against the wall of the alley, sneering men closing in all around him.
Fortunately, the next town had been nearby; not even a full day’s walk, which was especially good for his bad leg. Unfortunately, they’d been just as receptive as the last town- which was to say, not at all receptive. Varian hadn’t even made it into a building to attempt to buy food before a small mob had set after him, chasing him into an alley.
“Please, sirs,” he begged, clutching his staff to his chest protectively, “I’m just- I’m just passing through. I- I don’t want any trouble, I’ll go, I promise.”
“Aye.” One of the men cracked his knuckles. “We’ll send you on your way.”
The first punch was to the gut. Varian keeled over, gasping for breath, his staff clattering to the ground. The rest of them joined in, and Varian’s world exploded into pain as he crumpled. The alley wall was behind him, men on every side, no chance of escape. A kick to the head, a punch to the ribs, a foot stomping on his already bad leg.
Varian didn’t resist. He simply curled in on himself and waited for it to be over.
Finally, blessedly, the men seemed satisfied with the damage inflicted. They dispersed casually, with a few parting jeers directed at Varian. One of them lingered and delivered a final kick to Varian’s stomach.
“Let that be a warnin’. Don’t show your face ‘round these parts again, criminal,” he spat.
The man walked off, his footsteps echoed off the alley walls and fading. Varian laid there for a long time, breathing raggedly through his nose, trying to string thoughts together through the pain screaming in his mind.
He’d definitely heard something snap, but the pain was all over and impossible to distinguish. With careful, shaking hands, he went about checking himself, feeling for broken bones. He winced as he touched tender, forming bruises, but he wasn’t finding anything. At least, not until his hand patted against his coat pocket; he felt two distinct shapes where he knew only one to be. Swallowing, he reached inside his pocket and withdrew its contents.
The orange crayon had snapped into two.
Varian’s breathing hitched. He stared at the pieces for a moment, uncomprehending, before his hand curled around the broken halves of the crayon. A sob welled up in his throat.
It was a small thing. A simple thing. But it was one small, simple thing on top of a lot more and altogether it was too much. It was just too much. How much lower could they lay him? He’d already lost and suffered and hurt. When would it be enough? Why wasn’t it enough?
Varian sagged into the ground, his cheek pressed against cold, hard stone. If he just laid there, the temperature might drop enough overnight to kill him- no, get up, you’ve lasted this long. You don’t get to give up, you don’t have that right. His life wasn’t his to throw away; it’d been granted to him. To cast it away ungratefully would mean being a bigger failure than he could handle.
Bracing himself, Varian rolled onto his hands and knees. The pain from the movement made him gasp, a sharp intake of breath through gritted teeth. His bad leg was in agony, and he could already tell it wouldn’t take his weight. His staff was within reach, however, and none the worse for wear. He snatched it up and slowly rose to his feet, a few tears streaking down his face.
Leaning heavily on his staff, Varian glanced around. The streets were still abandoned, nothing to impede his leaving town. But as clearly as he could see the road leading away, he could see the forest it cut through. The wild, untamed, hidden path of the wilderness.
People… were no longer safe. He knew that now. Trying the same thing over and over again while expecting different results was the definition of insanity, and he knew he had to give this up while he was still sane. Following the road to the next town over would be pointless. He had to make his own way, at least until he was far enough away from Corona that no one would know of the criminal Alchemist.
Varian shoved the broken crayon back into his pocket, tightened his grip on his staff, and started walking.
It was harder, traveling off the road.
The forest was dense and unforgiving. Rolling, uneven ground, peppered with rocks and tree roots and all sorts of things to trip Varian up. Bushes and branches scratched at him, snagging on his clothes. Animals rustling through the trees and sending him on edge. And the rougher terrain was even more unkind on his bad leg, making his limp that more pronounced.
And yet, it was still better than the alternative. Still better than finally finding a town only to get thrown out.
Varian didn’t know to what end he was traveling. So he was avoiding human civilization; now what? What kind of life did he expect to make for himself out here? He was hardly an outdoorsman. All he had was his knowledge of the chemical foundations of nature and little snippets of wisdom imparted to him by Dad-
Varian shook his head violently, cutting the thought down before it could take root. He couldn’t get distracted. He’d figure something out. He couldn’t give up now, after everything he’d been through. He had to keep going.
It was hard to keep a sense of direction. Trees and boulders and hills blurred together into one endless landscape. He was starting to lose feeling in his fingers and toes- except for his bad leg, which was burning with infection.
Varian ignored it. He ignored the stiff ache all over his body, too. He ignored the gnawing hunger in his stomach, the dryness of his throat. Humans were far more resilient than most gave credit for. They could push themselves far beyond their normal limits when their life depended on it. And if he repeated that fact to himself over and over again, he might just make it to morning without-
Something caught on his foot, and Varian nearly faceplanted, a startled yelp cutting though the silence of the forest. He managed to brace himself with his staff, hissing painfully through clenched teeth as he examined what he’d tripped on.
Curiously, it was an old wagon wheel, rusted and mostly overgrown with weeds. Varian tilted his head at it, frowning, before looking around warily. There didn’t seem to be any roads nearby, but he spotted an opening in the tree line up ahead. Cautiously, he started to creep toward it. If there was a road, he’d want to go in a different direction, lest he accidentally wander into-
A log cabin sat in a small clearing. It was modest, not much bigger than his storage shed back home, with boarded up windows and moss growing in odd nooks and crannies.
Varian stared at it for a moment, waiting for his vision to stop going in and out, just to make sure it was really there. Bewildered, he looked around, wondering if he’d stumbled into yet another town. But the cabin was the only building visible, the rest of the area filled with dense trees.
Chewing his lip, Varian hesitated. The cabin looked completely abandoned- but what if it wasn’t?
But if it was, he might’ve just found a way to avoid freezing to death.
Making up his mind, Varian carefully approached the door, trying to stay as quiet as possible despite his limp. He came to a stop, swallowed, and tentatively knocked on the door.
“H- hello? Is there anyone in here?”
No response.
Taking a deep breath, Varian grabbed the handle and pushed the door open. It gave with no resistance, seeming to not have a lock, and it creaked as it went. The cabin’s interior was dark, illuminated only by the light Varian let in. And most importantly, it was empty.
It looked like it’d been empty for a long, long time. Dust coated the floor, cobwebs tucked into the corners. The only furniture was a rickety wooden bed with a ratty mattress, straw spilling out of rips in the fabric, and a small tabled pushed up against the wall, with a barrel for a seat. But most important was the stone fireplace on the far wall, coated in old soot.
Fireplace. Fire. Warmth. Not freezing to death.
Varian stumbled inside, pulling the door closed behind him. The light in the room immediately decreased to almost nothing, but luckily, he had the faintly glowing vials on his staff to light his way. His mind started racing as he examined the fireplace. He was in no condition to go foraging for firewood, but he had a wooden bedframe that looked about ready to fall over at a sneeze.
Painstakingly, Varian pulled the mattress off the frame and set about taking it apart. He was right in guessing it was structurally unsound; he didn’t have to pull hard at all to snap the wooden planks into smaller pieces. He carried them to the fireplace and dumped them inside, easing himself to the floor as he tried to light it with two thin strips of the wood.
Finally, there was a spark, and the wood caught fire. In a few minutes, the fireplace was roaring away, filling the cabin with a warm flickering glow and the soothing sound of crackling wood. Varian breathed a sigh of relief, sinking onto the straw mattress.
A safe, warm place to sleep. On a mattress, not up in a tree or on the ground. This was just what he needed; a good night’s sleep to rest and heal, and then tomorrow he’d be ready to move, go foraging for food. Once he was stronger, he could…
Well, where else could he go after this? Should he go anywhere else? The cabin would keep him protected from the elements and wild animals, but away from people. Maybe… this was exactly where he was supposed to be.
Varian pulled the broken crayon out of his pocket, studying the two pieces. He’d tried moving on, starting over. People clearly didn’t want him around, despite his best efforts, despite how sorry he was, despite how much he wanted things to be different.
Only now did he understand that he was right; the king sparing his life might’ve been out of misguided mercy, but his true punishment was to live out the rest of his days alone. It was exile in the deepest sense of the word; not just from a single place, but from everywhere, everyone. An exile from the world.
Varian tossed the broken crayon into the fire.
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blairette-on · 6 years
Can You Feel My Heart? [OS]
Well, I saw that some people published here some of their writting while they do so on other site (such as AO3 or ff.net) and I tought, “Why not?”, so there it is! 
For your information, I a not an English speaker, but a french one, and I’m not used in writing in a foreign language, so this stuff must have a LOT of mistakes within but I hope it won’t bother you during your reading!
So, this OS is a SongFic based on the song “Can You Fell My Heart” by Bring Me the Horizon, which takes place after the events of Secret of the Sun Drop,. It’s a Moon!Varian AU, an AU originally created by @ghosta-r.
So, basically, I own iterraly nothing, the characters belong to Disney, the lyrics to the singer and the AU to its original creator. You can found this OS on AO3 !^^
Oh, yeah, the lyrics will be in... Huh, I don’t have the english word but in french we say “Gras”, which can be translated by “fat”... Yeah, I jnow, but I don’t have the english font’s vocabulary so! x)  And the thoughts will be in italics! ^^ 
Enjoy! o/
Rapunzel was running through the wood. The night could have been pitch black if it was not for the full moon that illuminated the sky.
Looking around her, she tried to find the prisoner who escaped earlier this day. The frightened boy with big blue eyes, her friend…
The Moondrop…
When the cell blows up, it had taken every single occupant of the castle by surprise. No one had understood what just had happened.
No one, except for Rapunzel.
She had felt the magic flows through the walls of the castle. A magic far different from her own but also so complementary to it. She was the first to arrive at the cell that once held the very infamous alchemist. She saw the hole in the wall where Varian had escaped, but also all the black rocks that had appears all over the place. But unlike the one which threatened the Kingdom, these ones were still glowing in the dark, projecting on the walls a warm silver-blue light.
Yes, warm. Some could have said they find this color cold, just like it was for her until this moment, but Rapunzel, deep down in her heart, feel that these rocks weren't a danger for anyone. For years, her Father -the King, but also Quirin, Varian'father, feared the power of the Moon… She had feared the power of the Moondrop too.
But it appears that the say Moondrop was in reality just a lonely child just desperate to make his father proud.
Varian never wanted his father to be encased in amber.
Varian never wanted to hurt so many people.
Varian never wanted to become the monster he was during the event of Old Corona.
Varian only yearned for love and trust. In his pain, he transformed his guilt into anger toward her family because, in his mind, it was their fault, right? Because Rapunzel said that she'll always help him in his time of need. Because she broke this promise because her kingdom needed her help. Because she hadn't stop the gossip about how Varian had « attack » the princess…
Because she never tries to find him, to help him after the snowstorm.
She let him built a wall of anger and bitterness all around himself and turn his anger toward her family and her kingdom…
Because if the only person he could have blame at this moment was himself, she had the feeling that Varian would have surely let himself die in the snowstorm.
So, here she was, looking for Varian in the dark woods, trying to help him.
Because she couldn't let herself failed him a second time.
Still running, she didn't try to think where to go, she let herself feel the right path to follow.
After long minutes running in the wood, her feet lead her to the cliff where she discovered for the first time the black rocks. She saw a faint light.
A faint blue-silver light. Turning around the cliff, she saw several moon rocks glowing in the dark and surrounding protectively one lonely figure.
His head was in his arms. Those said arms were upon his knees that were pressed against his chest. She heard muffled cries coming from him and she felt her heartbreak at this sound.
« Varian…? »
She saw the alchemist's shoulder tense at the sound of his name as his head jerked up, showing a face ribbed with dry tears.
Rapunzel was surprised to see that his hair didn't have their natural brown color anymore. They were now as the same shade of blue as the rocks which were surrounding him. Her emerald eyes locked with his own. Their color had changed too. From the somber blue, they took this unnatural shade of silver-blue and she saw genuine fear in them.
« Rapunzel…?
Yes, i-it's me. I come to help you » she approached him slowly, one hand in front of her as if she was trying to tame a wild animal.
Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel, can you feel my heart?
« Don't come any closer! »
The voice was harsh, cold and the young woman stop dead in her tracks.
« Varian… I-I know that I'm not the one you want to see right now. I know that you don't trust me anymore but please, listen to me… Let me help you… »
His icy blue eyes were as deadly as weapon and anger filled his voice when he talked.
« Help me? You want to… Help me…? It's too late now, Rapunzel, far too late… »
Can you help the hopeless? Well, I'm begging on my knees
« Tell me, why now ? » murmured Varian after a moment with a tired voice, « Why hadn't you do this before? Where were you when I really need you… ? »
If the blow struck hard in her consciousness, Rapunzel didn't show how shaken she was.
« It's… It's not too late Varian! If only I could mend all my mistakes, if only I could go back in time to prevent all of this from happening, I would ! I want to save you, Varian…
« You really think that you could… ? » he shook his head and chuckled hollowly, « Well, if you say so… Do you really think that you can save me now… ? That… » his voice broke and he didn't finish his sentence.
He took a shaky breath.
« Just… Look at me, Rapunzel… I am truly a monster now, don't you see it…? All this time, I could have controlled this rocks because… Because I bear the power of the Moondrop since the very beginning… ! But I didn't know it before, and now it's too late. People hate me, Rapunzel. They see me as the one who tries to kill the royal family and destroy the entire kingdom. And I know what is going to happen to me from now: a life of hunt and hiding, because of what I am… The Moondrop and a monster…»
Can you save my bastard soul?
Will you ache for me?
Rapunzel said nothing at this and, after taking a shaking breath, put one knee on the ground to be at eye-level with the alchemist.
« Varian I… I don't think that you are a monster… I don't think because you are the Moondrop that you are automatically one…»
He snorted.
« You say so, but you saw what I could have done back then at Old Corona… I hurt Eugene… »
I'm sorry brother
« I try to crush your mother and Cassandra… »
So sorry lover
« I am the reason why my father is now stuck forever in amber… Because of my experiences… »
Forgive me, father
« All my life, I only was a failure… I still am… Maybe that's why mom leaves me with dad all those years ago because I'm just a mistake… » at this words, Rapunzel saw a tear make its way down on Varian's cheek.
I love you mother
« When I didn't know about my power, I nearly became truly a monster. Now, with all that happened these few last hours, how can you say that I am not already one? I have the power to destroy all the kingdom like I could have all those months ago. But don't want to, I'm just tired to be good, to trying to please people or to make my father proud. I just want to… » he closed his eyes, « I don't know anymore… »
He chuckled a little
« I suppose its fate wich strike back for all bad deeds I did before… After all, I failed everyone in my madness… My father… Old Corona… All the kingdom… All my friends, but most of all… »
His teary blue-ice eyes locked with the princess's ones.
« I failed you… »
Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Rapunzel fought back the tears that threaten to flow out of her eyes at this words. The moon rocks all around them were still glowing with the power of the Moondrop but Rapunzel could feel the atmosphere fill with something else.
Pain, and grief, and sorrow.
All those feelings, Rapunzel could sense them. Her Sundrop power was resonating with those of the Moondrop. In a way, she was connected with Varian.
And maybe she always was.
Maybe it's because of this fact that the young alchemist reacted so violently when she refused to help him the day he lost his father.
Suddenly, a thought came in her mind, a simple question. Maybe she souldn't have heard it but it was not really important at this moment.
« Can you feel my heart? »
The thought had a voice that sounded exactly like Varian. It was at this moment that she saw that her own hair began to glow too as if her power were responding to Varian's. With a small, sad smile, she cupped the alchemist's cheek with one hand and said
« Yes… I can feel it, Varian… I can feel your heart... »
It was as if she had pulled a lever. One second he was in front of her, looking straight into her eyes with a confused look. Then she saw relief and guilt in his blue-silver orbs and before she could really understand what was happening, she had an armful of a sobbing Varian. The young alchemist clung to the princess as if she was his lifeline and he was apologizing again, and again, and again against her shoulder.
Rapunzel put her chin upon his head and, with one hand, drew circles on his back, as the other held him against her chest, trying to soothe the emotional mess that Varian was at this moment.
And, surrounded by the warm glowing blue-silver light of the rocks and her own gleaming golden hair, as their power was connected together, Rapunzel could hear all the insecurities that lied for several months, if not years, in the bottom of Varian's heart.
She broke her promises to the young alchemist once, and it leads to horribles consequences. This day, she promised herself that she will never fail the younger ever again.
And to seal this promise, she answered silently to every Varian's fears.
« I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone.
I promise you that until my last breath, you'll never be alone. I will be here to help you, to support you. Eugene, Cassandra, my family, all the kingdom, I'm going to change their mind about you. I won't turn my back on you ever again. I promise you'll be able to trust other people.
I long for that feeling to not feel at all.
I promise you that you would never yearn for feeling nothing anymore. I promise you that you'll be free to feel all the feelings you want to feel. I promise that you could feel love and trust for someone and get this feeling back.
The higher I get, the lower I'll sink.
I don't think so. I think that now, now you had the feeling that you reach the bottom, you can just climb all the way back. I promise you that you'll be able to fly.
I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim…
Everybody has demons within their soul. I have my own and I know they'll never leave me alone. But I promise you that wouldn't have to fear them anymore. »
Finally, Varian's sob calmed down a little and he broke little out of Rapunzel embrace to look into her eyes.
As their powers shine through the woods, her blond hair and his blue-silver one glowing and enveloping them in a soft blanket of light, she could see in his eyes that he heard every single of the promises she had made to respond to all of his fears.
« But… But how…? »
How can I trust you after you betray me…? How can you trust me when I was ready to destroy all your family and kingdom?
Rapunzel smiled sadly.
« I… Don't know… I broke your trust once in the past and I can understand that you don't want to trust me again. And I know that I should feel betray too for all of your deeds but… » she put one of her hand against his chest, « But maybe… Maybe your heart can tell you the answer… » when she saw the puzzled look on his face, she said « My heart tells me that I have to trust you. We are connected, our powers complement each other. I know that I can't solve the mysteries of the black rocks without your help. Because you are an alchemist, but also because you are just like me… »
It was Varian who finished her sentence.
« Because we are just two lonely droops… »
They smiled at each other, their glowing hair floating all around them. She put her forehead against Varian's and laced her fingers with him. They close their eyes in unison as if they were one person and found comfort in each other presence.
The Sundrop and the Moondrop. Just like two separated twins, they have been reunited once again.
They were a family again.
And even if new dangers lie ahead, even if darkness threatening to destroy everything they clung to, they knew that from now on and until the end of time, they had each other.
They will break the mysteries of the black rocks, the secret of the power of the sun and the moon. They will free Varian's father from the amber and save the kingdom…
Because they were the Sundrop and the Moondrop.
Because they were brother and sister.
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ted-hyung · 7 years
as a b1a4 supremacist, what do you think one should do to get to know them? i only recently kind of got into them because i didnt really know them until sandeul released his solo album
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that’s CNU, btw, used to invent long hair before nuest ren or seventeen jeonghan.
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also used to rock hipster glasses before it was cool. kang daniel the shoulder gangster? idk her. it’s CNU.
where should i start? BUT a major note to take about B1A4 is they went from this:
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to this:
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hallelujah. read more here.
listen, friend, i go way back with B1A4. i literally cried watching this subbed video lmaooo skip to 43:40.
it’s from MTV MATCH UP B1A4 X BLOCK B eps 8. rip me wyd. let’s talk about B1A4 and block b. they were the shits back then yo. 2011 was their debut year; two boy groups from unknown agencies tackling two different genres and images and MTV GOD BLESS MTV GAVE THEM A MATCHING VARIETY SHOW. you can watch B1A4 cuts here and you will see the legendary dread!zico tryna to win over gentle jinyoung-hyung and FAILED BIG TIME who’s crying with me.
block b will always hold a place in my heart. do you know who invented hep hap? it’s block b. their “new kids on the block”, “welcome to the block”, and “blockbuster” albums have no fault. none. but then they’re hep hap no more and i lost them.
B1A4 KOREAN DISCOGRAPHY + PERSONAL SONG REC, from latest to newest. i believe you can find the newest albums on SPOTIFY JFC why can’t day6.
LET’S FLY (2011): please listen to “only one” lmao. “only learned the bad things” was so, so, so sweet for my skinny freshman ass. i love it.
IT B1A4 (2011): lbr “beautiful target” was the best. watch them grow from you zoom zoom my heart like a rocket to CNU’s iconic everybody say la la. also “chu chu chu” was super chill. “fooool”? you’d find yourself singing along upon first listen.
IGNITION SPECIAL EDITION (2012): “baby goodnight” is so iconic i’m still side-eyeing newer idols who aren’t singing it to the camera while they’re preparing to go to sleep LMAOOOOOOOOO.
IN THE WIND (2012): yes they graced us BANA with 3 albums back in 2012. “TRIED TO WALK” HANDS DOWN ONE OF THEIR BEST SONGS. TOP 5. i’m the president of na honja ireoke opening line. i have a shrine for that line. the most impactful opening line of all songs, korean or not. amen. listen to all tracks please please. you’ll find the B1A4 distinct flavor on “what do you want to do”. like. go. now.
WHAT’S HAPPENING (2013): B1A4 wore fancy stuffs during this promotion. me ghosta. but DO YOU LIKE BALLAD? “good love” had me on the floor. then i read the translation and i died.
WHO AM I (2014): jesus lord and savior. this album. jesus f christ man THIS ALBUM. LISTEN TO EVERY SINGLE THING HERE PLEASE. “baby” further wow me about baro’s voice. “too much” WHICH IS SANDEUL + GONGCHAN’S DUET? fuck lmao we’re talking about heartbreak here and mine’s bleeding whenever i listen to “too much”. “DRUNK WITH MUSIC” tho. wow CNU-hyung. killed. this. concept. i can’t. you’re lying if your shoulders aren’t moving along and if your head isn’t nodding along. it’s THAT good. you’ll feel the swag. seriously.
SOLO DAY (2014): summer means “solo day”. period. it’s my summer jam. it should be YOURS. “drive” is so so so good. it has asphalt in the lyric. honestly do listen. also if you’re JYP stan do realize B1A4 had collaboration with min and suzy and in this album, sunmi. awesome.
SWEET GIRL (2015): oh my girl visual slash vocal slash handsome girl jiho is in the music video for the title track “sweet girl”. life’s good. in “wait” BARO IS SINGING I REPEAT BARO IS SINGING AND BANA prolly cried everywhere. and jinyoung wailing i can’t stop thinking about you girl everyday, everyday? LMAO BYE.
GOOD TIMING (2016): “a lie”, undoubtedly quenched BANA’s thirst after one whole year. have you watched “a lie” live on music shows? if the ‘touch my cheek tell me i’m not lying’ isn’t the best point of all dance point then idk what to trust. yes, i’m that supremacist LMAO. “crushing on you again” is so sweet, so very winter season love song aka B1A4’s very own color. they should be dubbed as winter season kings because their releases during fall/winter (in the wind, who am i, good timing) are the be(a)sts. “nightmare” paved the road for winner’s “really really” LMAO i’m joking. but not really. i mean baro and mino are practically brothers. “in dreams” sounds so fucking dreamy, like i said, totally winter season love song. “i’ll find you” makes me long for someone it shall inspire y’all. “together” is the one last song that leaves you wonder if these singing strangers are really worth our money and time and dedication and the answer is YES BECAUSE B1A4 RECORDED THIS SONG WITH KOREAN BANAS. jesus.
it’s july 2017. my bro baro is acting in a drama now. sandeul, your man, has collab with a starship kid. does it mean we’re going to have another winter season album? i’d say amen.
bonus: this is my fave pic of them.
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if you’ve heard of it jinyoung is a composer. he’s well noted by other idols and important people in the industry lmao. he also acts. wow. i don’t follow girl groups, but LMAO THIS SONG? “AT THE SAME PLACE” MADE BY JINYOUNG HELPED B1A4 TO GET MORE RECOGNITION. this time i gotta thank mnet for the opportunity. and for the girls who were so sweet fangirling towards my hyung jung jinyoung.
listen to my ult oh my girl’s “one step two step” here and say yes that you can hear jinyoung’s magic there. i’ll just link to the BEST FANCAM EVER.
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i cry a lot. but promise this is the last time. i cried watching sandeul’s music video for his solo debut “stay as you are” but y kno it already. help my bro reach 1 million views before a year please.
fun fact: been with them since 2011. never got into shipping business, just here purely for the music and the people. they’re like friends that i’ve known for a long time; we don’t necessarily stay in touch but i always think of them fondly, y feel? i find new friends as i get older every year, yet i’ll always be the first to congratulate them if they reach another milestone in their respective lives y kno? moral of this story: don’t ship for a long lasting stanning TROOLOLOLOLLOLOLO.
this is comprehensive.
i hope i helped.
everyone please have a good weekend.
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aquaquadrant · 6 years
Exiled AU - Part 3
heyyy so yall remember a certain exiled au by @ghosta-r that i wrote some stuff for a while back?? the last one i wrote is here, and there you’ll find links to the first drabble and all the art that inspired them.
well!! it’s high time i checked back in with my exiled boi!! without further ado, please read on and enjoy the next part, and remember that comments and reblogs are my lifeblood. - Aqua
The sun was setting.
With it went the warmth of the day, shadows eating up all the light. The buildings in front of Varian had a sinister look to them now, adding to the anxiety already building in his chest. All throughout the day, he’d debated his coming here. He knew nothing about this town, the people…
But he had nowhere else to go. True to the guard’s word, there had been nothing else along the road leading away from the kingdom. Just wilderness. He’d had a lot of time, during his trek, to think about his way forward from here; where he should go, and what he should do when he got there. The idea of just… settling in a town, finding work, starting over… it made him nauseous. But ultimately it had boiled down to one point.
Why not?
He’d been judged worthy of living, for reasons that were beyond him, and cast out from the only place he’d ever known. He might as well follow the guard’s suggestion. This seemed as good a place as any, and he still had enough sense to know that traveling in unfamiliar land at night should be avoided whenever possible.
Which was why Varian forced his feet forward, into town. There was a large building in the center of the square, a wooden sign declaring them open. He came to a stop right in front of it, hesitating.
Behind the door, he could hear the muffled clamor of voices. Warm light flooded out from beneath, flickering with shadows. Despite himself, Varian’s heartbeat quickened. Human interaction. Right. He could do that. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed the handle and pulled.
Varian stepped inside. The noise automatically increased tenfold. Everywhere he looked, people laughed and talked loudly and drank, the musty smell of mead hanging in the air. He realized, absently, that this was a tavern, not an inn (as if he had enough coin for a room, anyways).
A few people glanced in his direction, but most were too drunk to notice or care. Varian kept his head down and walked to the bar, leaning his staff against the counter and climbing up on a stool too tall for him.
A portly man in an apron sidled over, raising a pair of thick eyebrows at him.
“Well, hello there!” he greeted Varian. “I’m afraid there’s not much on the menu for you, my boy.” The corners of his bushy mustache turned up in a smile. “What can I do for you?”
“Work.” Varian winced at the harshness of his voice. “I’m, uh, looking for work. Sir.”
The barkeep gave him a curious look. “Well, I’m not hiring at the moment, but I know a guy who was looking to take on some extra help. Hey, Jon!” he called towards a round table in the corner of the room, where a couple men were engaged in conversation. “Jon!”
A redheaded man with a short beard glanced over, raising a hand in acknowledgement. After a parting word to his companion, he made his way to them, sidestepping oblivious revelers in his path.
“I think I’ve found someone who can help you out,” the barkeep said, patting the man on the shoulder. He nodded at Varian before excusing himself to deal with another customer.
The man turned to Varian, sliding onto the stool next to him. “That so? Well, hey there, I’m Jonathan.” He looked to be in his late twenties, muscular and broad-shouldered. The hand he held out expectantly was thickly calloused. “What’s your name, son?”
Varian just barely stopped himself from flinching at the word. “… Varian,” he said, shaking Jonathan’s hand hesitantly.
“Varian.” Jonathan took in his appearance, lifting an eyebrow. “From out of town, are you? What brings you here?”
“I’m trying to find work, sir.” It was an obvious deflection; Varian couldn’t exactly get into the details of his situation. Thankfully, Jonathan let it pass.
“So I hear,” he said kindly. “Well, I’m a carpenter by trade. Own a shop just down the marketplace. But my wife, Alice, is pregnant with our second, and I don’t want her working too hard. Truth be told, we could use some help picking up the slack, around the house and in the shop. Sound like something you’d be interested in?”
“Yes, sir.” Varian kept his eyes just shy of the Jonathan’s gaze. The thought of looking him straight in the eye didn’t sit right.
“Great! When can you start?” Jonathan asked.
“Right away, sir,” Varian said. Idly, he realized that if Jonathan wasn’t ready for him yet, he’d be spending the night on the street. Or in the outlying forest. Either way, not good prospects.
“Fantastic.” Jonathan stood, and Varian hastened to follow suit. “We’ll get you settled in tonight; you can meet the girls, see where you’ll be staying, and I’ll take you by the shop first thing tomorrow morning.”
Varian nodded, grabbing his staff and following Jonathan out of the tavern. Well, that’d been a fortunate stroke of luck. Now, he just had to make sure he didn’t mess it up.
The streets were a hair darker than before, but not empty anymore as fellow tavern patrons headed home for the evening. Jonathan and Varian took a path away from the main square, until the road turned to dirt and the buildings became more homely. The one Jonathan stopped in front of was a modest two-story, the wooden foundations sturdy and plain.
He rapped on the door twice before letting himself in, as a way to announce his presence. Varian hesitated only for a moment before following.
The entrance led right into a cramped kitchen, a polished wooden dining table in the middle of the room flanked by four matching chairs. Two doors on one wall, and the bottom of a staircase on the other side, leading upstairs. The floors were wooden, and the walls were painted a soft yellow. There was a coat rack by the door that Varian leaned his staff against, for lack of a better place to put it.
A woman glanced over from the cast-iron stove, strands of strawberry-blonde hair escaping from a messy bun and hanging in her rounded face. Light brown eyes filled with warmth as her gaze fell on them, a glimmer of curiosity when she noticed Varian.
“Well, hello dear!” She leaned into the kiss Jonathan pressed to her cheek, resting her hand on her round stomach. “Who’s your little friend?”
“Remember how we were looking for someone to stay with us and help out, Alice?” Jonathan introduced Varian with a wave of his hand. “This here’s Varian.”
“Hello, ma’am,” Varian said quietly.
Alice smiled brightly at him. “Nice to meet you, sweetheart! You’re just in time for supper. Bathroom’s through there if you want to take those gloves off and wash up.”
Varian blanched, automatically curling his hands to his chest. His gloves had already been taken from him once before- metal shackles pressed against his bare skin, hands small and cold and vulnerable- but you’ll get them back this time, don’t panic, don’t panic-
“Or, if you’d prefer to leave them on that’s fine, too.” Alice’s smile had become slightly strained, a hint of confusion in her eyes.
Varian swallowed, ducking his head against the scrutiny of both adults. Get a grip- he didn’t want them thinking something was wrong with him. Shaking his head quickly, he turned to the washroom, slipping through the door without a word.
Taking a steadying breath, Varian tugged his gloves off and shoved them into his coat pocket. There. No problem. He turned to the wash basin and grabbed the lever sticking out of the wall, working the pump to fill the basin with water. It was a simple system, likely drawing water up from some underground well. The water was cold, with a metallic scent. A blueprint flashed across his mind’s eye- his design for an automatic water heating system.  He quickly pushed it away, burying the emotions it brought up deep in his chest.
Varian made use of the bar of soap that was set out, scrubbing his hands thoroughly, and was mildly surprised at the color the water turned. He hadn’t realized the prison had been so filthy. Drying his hands on a ratty towel, he pulled the stopper out and watched the dirty water drain away.
Okay. No more freak-outs. The last thing Varian wanted was questions- he didn’t know if he would be able to lie his way out of an explanation, and that would likely land him in more even trouble in the long-run. But he had no idea how they’d react if they knew why he was there; he doubted they’d want an exiled criminal living with them.
Forcing any traces of worry from his expression, Varian pushed the door open.
Jonathan and Alice were talking in low tones, but they looked up when Varian entered. That did nothing to reassure him, but he tried not to let it show. Before the potentially awkward silence had a chance to settle, there were footsteps from above, thudding lightly down the stairs.
“Daddy!” A young girl hopped off the last step and ran up to Jonathan, hugging his leg. She looked to be about three years old, her bright orange hair done in pigtails.
“Hey, there’s my little sunshine!” Jonathan lifted the girl up, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Cate, this is Varian. He’s going to be staying with us, and helping your mommy and daddy around the house. Go on, say hello,” he encouraged her.
Suddenly shy, Cate peeked at Varian, half her face hidden in her father’s shoulder. “Hi,” she said softly.
An unidentifiable emotion gripped Varian’s heart. He raised his hand and gave her a little wave.
“Alright,” Alice clapped her hands together, “I’ve got food that needs to be eaten. Go ahead and have a seat there, Varian, and we’ll get you a plate dished up.”
Varian hesitated. They… wanted him to eat with them? At the dinner table? He’d assumed he’d be taking his meals in his room…
The family settled down to eat, Cate sitting in the chair between her parents. A couple of pillows had been placed on the seat, to help the toddler reach over the top of the table.
The sight was an unexpected punch to the gut. Varian had been a small kid- was still small- and growing up, he’d had a hard time fitting all his dad’s big furniture. It wasn’t so much the case now, but he had vivid memories of Dad setting him down onto a stack of pillows so he could reach the table, their little table set for two-
Varian abruptly realized he was still standing, and quickly took the empty chair. He accepted the plate they put in front of him with a mumbled thank you, his mind spinning at the amount of food on it. He doubted he’d be able to finish it all; he hadn’t been eating well as of late, too concerned with his plans to free Dad, and his stomach had suffered for it, shrinking in size. He didn’t have much of an appetite, either, not after what’d happened.
He hated to waste food, hated the thought that this family was wasting it on him, but he couldn’t eat more than a few bites. As the family talked and ate, Varian picked at his plate, pushing the food around and hoping no one would notice.
In fact, he was so keen on not being noticed that it took him a moment to realize Cate had called his name. He looked up in surprise at the toddler.
“S- sorry, what was that?”
Cate pointed a small finger at something behind him. “What’s it got colors for?” she asked.
Varian glanced over his shoulder; his staff, with its brightly colored vials. “Uh, it’s for seeing in the dark,” he replied quietly.
Cate nodded seriously, a bit of gravy dribbling down her chin. “I’m scared’a the dark, too. That’s why I sleep in my mommy and daddy’s bed when the moon’s gone.”
“I’m…” Varian almost explained that he wasn’t afraid of the dark, but quickly realized there was no point in debating with a three-year-old. “That’s good,” he said simply, lowering his gaze again.
The rest of the meal passed without anyone attempting to make conversation with Varian, which he was grateful for. Varian stood as soon as everyone was done, automatically going to gather up all the dirty dishes. Alice beat him to it, though, giving him an amused smile.
“Oh, nonsense, you just got here,” she said, waving him off. “I’ll take care of them tonight.”
Varian pulled his hands back, flushing. “Sorry, ma’am.”
An unreadable emotion flashed across Alice’s face. “No need to apologize,” she said gently. “Jon, dear, why don’t you get Varian settled in his room?” she suggested, carrying the stacked plates over to the sink.
Jonathan nodded, rising to his feet. “Right this way, son.” He opened up the door beside the washroom, stepping back to let Varian peek inside.
The room was probably even smaller than his cell had been, but without the stone floors and metal bars, it felt cozy instead of claustrophobic. It looked like its former function was a storeroom- there were still a couple of barrels shoved in the corner. A bed took up most of the floorspace, the only other furniture a small bedside table with a built-in cupboard.
“I’m sorry it’s not much,” Jonathan apologized, scratching the back of his head. “I’m going to have to build an add-on in a couple years, when the baby gets too old to share Cate’s room, but for now this is all the room we’ve got.”
Varian dipped his head appreciatively. “It’s fine. Thank you.” More than fine, considering his only alternative would be sleeping outside. But Jonathan didn’t need to know that.
“Good.” Jonathan seemed relieved. “Well, if Cate doesn’t wake you tomorrow with all her running around, I’ll come get you, and after breakfast we’ll head to the shop. You get some rest now.”
“Thank you, sir. Goodnight.”
The door closed, Jonathan’s footsteps fading away and up the stairs.
Varian exhaled shakily. Bending over, he pulled his boots off and placed them at the foot of the bed. He slipped off his satchel, coat, and goggles, tucking them into the bedside cabinet, but not before retrieving his gloves from his coat pocket.
He didn’t always sleep with his gloves on; usually it was a matter of falling asleep at his workbench, too focused on a project to get to bed. But now, the thought of being without them distressed him. He tugged them on without another thought and climbed under the covers, staring up at the wooden ceiling.
Okay. So he’d found himself a place to stay, and a way to get food. Not bad in a day’s work. Now, he just had to make sure he didn’t do anything to screw it up. Don’t do anything to make them suspicious, or give them a reason to kick him out.
No problem.
A/N: heads up, this won’t be a full-length story. i’ve got about two or three more drabbles planned for this au, just to catch up to the timeline of the first one where varian’s living in that cabin, and then that’ll be it (i’ll prob transfer them to my A03 at that point, too). at least, unless i get inspired again :3 lemme know what you think! - Aqua
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