#(*Barad Eithel whoops)
As High King Fingolfin came down from his orgasm, he noticed his lover was frowning.
“I’m sorry, was I too rough?”
“Don’t start that again, you were tender and careful as always.”
“Did you not come? I’m a bit worn out, but I can use my hand.”
“You saw me come quite dramatically over your abs. I’m perfectly comfortable and you were in no way neglectful of my needs.”
“Than what’s wrong?”
“I just said I’m comfortable, there’s no need to worry over me.”
"And yet I do. Obviously something is troubling you, and I would hear it even if I cannot solve it.”
Celebrimbor sighed. “You called me Curufinwe.”
“Ah. I’m sorry, I know you don’t prefer that name.”
“If you’re going to pretend that you’re screwing someone else, at least call him Feanaro so I know who I’m substituting for. I’d rather stand in for someone who is truly impossible to reach rather than someone who merely requires an inconvenient amount of effort. If you want to fuck my father, you need only send a letter to Himlad.”
“I have absolutely no interest in Curufin!”
“So call me by my grandfather’s name or my own, but not his. I’m only asking for clarity, not attraction on my own behalf.”
“Celebrimbor, you have the last already. I am picturing only you when we pleasure each other, in every detail of your own beauty. I will of course use the name you wish, but there is no reason to be bitter about a slip of the tongue.”
“And yet you don’t deny attraction to Feanaro. Even if I am not a replacement, you still desire him.”
“If Feanaro were here and willing, I would still choose you.”
“But it would be a choice, weighing two options that you want but you can only have one.”
“Feanor was bright like a fire, hot and changing but impossible to spend long near. You glitter like a jewel, always having a new angle, reflecting your own beauty and that of all around you, brilliant and clear. You’re right that fire can fascinate, but I cannot hold it and do not wish to.”
“Fine, I accept that you are not wishing for another. I still don’t want to hear my father’s name in the midst of pleasure.”
“I see your point. I am not ashamed to associate with you, but still I wouldn’t like to explain our relationship to Finwe. ”
“My father wouldn’t disown me as long as I give him a reason he can approve of.”
“Oh? And what reason would he possibly accept for you fucking your great-uncle, and your esteemed grandfather’s greatest rival?”
“Blackmail,” Celebrimbor said with a sharp grin. “I seduced you so that I could steer the political fate of the Noldor. If our relationship got out, everyone would lose their trust in you, either for screwing an evil Feanorian kinslayer or you taking advantage of my youth and naivety. So you have to advance my plans or else I’ll ruin you before the whole court. And of course with so much time around you, I will learn of the secret plots you doubtless have against my family.”
The closest Celebrimbor had come to using their relationship for political favors was asking for a room on the same hall and a private smithy. Every other agenda was argued before the whole court, never spoken of in their rooms either before or after it was resolved.
“Would Curufin really ask you to sacrifice yourself so completely to his goals, using your most intimate moments and actions to cynically further an agenda?”
“It’s less than Grandfather required of him and my uncles - it would last a few decades or centuries, rather than until the end of Arda. But he wouldn’t actually approve the plan. It would make me look weak for one, to play the victim of your unwanted lecherous advances, the young innocent gave in before the crown and the personality rather than fight back. Since this is my first time before the court, I must show them I am to be respected and feared.”
“That is a lot to ask from someone in a new situation.”
“Perhaps, but my father has always expected me to be exceptional.”
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absynthe--minded · 4 years
hi i'd LOVE to hear your thoughts on the quenya ban (diffrent anon than the one who asked about sindarinized names) 💖 also 100% agree that it's pretty wild they translated their names, like just. why
oh boy.
everything that I am about to say is 100% My Opinion. there are other ways to interpret the canon, and other ways to frame this decision that Thingol made. we don’t get a lot of discussion in-text for his motivations or emotions. if this is not how you, the reader, interprets the Ban, that’s perfectly fine and I have zero interest in quashing discussion from other viewpoints. I have a lot of reasons for thinking what I think that tie into my perception of Thingol the character, the geopolitical situation in Beleriand, banning languages as a rule, etc. everything that I think feeds back into my own takes on the canon.
okay. below the cut because uh. yeah.
I fucking hate the Quenya Ban.
gonna open with that because I don’t really have another way of putting it? I think it was a rash, harsh decision that Thingol made in a moment of anger and then couldn’t back down from/refused to back down from out of pride. My reasons for thinking this stem mostly from the fact that Thingol has a history of making stupid snap decisions and then being like “oh fuck whoops I gotta uh. back down from that.” and then not being able to. (see: Lúthien)
I think that there were probably some legitimate concerns that he had about preventing elves who were technically Sindarin subjects but living in/around Noldorin land from being mistreated? but also it’s - to me it reads like baiting people you don’t like into starting a war. language, and names, and naming? all these are central to elvish identity. they named themselves the Quendi before all else, for fuck’s sake. these people cling to their mother tongues. they love learning new languages and new ways of speaking? but by choice, not by force. I am going to refrain from my Spicy Thingol Opinions here because I have many of them, but I will say that I don’t personally think that worrying about the people outside Menegroth who called him King was very high on his list. I tend to see Thingol as someone who responded to the chaos of the outside world by closing the borders and focusing on only those inside.
but I think the Ban was the dumbest fucking move he could have made. what, exactly, is accomplished by banning a language? by forcing people to change their names or risk war? yes, they did murder your relatives, but if you’re mad about that, challenge them to a fight! don’t passive-aggressively ban their language and only tolerate some of them and then use your daughter’s boyfriend as a targeted missile designed to throw their whole family into chaos, fuck that noise. be frank about how you feel and if you cannot stand them just say so. reach out to their king and not their family of seven hotheads and get information on what’s going on. hear the whole story. the majority of the Noldor who were involved in the Kinslaying weren’t there because “fuck the Teleri” they got swept up in the greater conflict and while they’re still culpable and responsible there are degrees of subtlety here!
I don’t think the Noldor adhered to the Ban in private. I think that in places like Barad Eithel, you had Quenya spoken privately and Sindarin used in official business, as well as speaking Sindarin with any visiting dignitaries or with humans or dwarves, while in Nargothrond or Minas Tirith (not that one) on Tol Sirion you probably had solely Sindarin spoken bc Arafinwëans and all that. Anywhere in the northeast with Fëanorian leadership except maybe the Gap (artists’ colony and all that)? uh, what the fuck is Þindarin and how do we þpeak it?
he was “Lord Nelyafinwë” or “my lord Maitimo” in Himring. not Maedhros.
that’s all.
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