As High King Fingolfin came down from his orgasm, he noticed his lover was frowning.
“I’m sorry, was I too rough?”
“Don’t start that again, you were tender and careful as always.”
“Did you not come? I’m a bit worn out, but I can use my hand.”
“You saw me come quite dramatically over your abs. I’m perfectly comfortable and you were in no way neglectful of my needs.”
“Than what’s wrong?”
“I just said I’m comfortable, there’s no need to worry over me.”
"And yet I do. Obviously something is troubling you, and I would hear it even if I cannot solve it.”
Celebrimbor sighed. “You called me Curufinwe.”
“Ah. I’m sorry, I know you don’t prefer that name.”
“If you’re going to pretend that you’re screwing someone else, at least call him Feanaro so I know who I’m substituting for. I’d rather stand in for someone who is truly impossible to reach rather than someone who merely requires an inconvenient amount of effort. If you want to fuck my father, you need only send a letter to Himlad.”
“I have absolutely no interest in Curufin!”
“So call me by my grandfather’s name or my own, but not his. I’m only asking for clarity, not attraction on my own behalf.”
“Celebrimbor, you have the last already. I am picturing only you when we pleasure each other, in every detail of your own beauty. I will of course use the name you wish, but there is no reason to be bitter about a slip of the tongue.”
“And yet you don’t deny attraction to Feanaro. Even if I am not a replacement, you still desire him.”
“If Feanaro were here and willing, I would still choose you.”
“But it would be a choice, weighing two options that you want but you can only have one.”
“Feanor was bright like a fire, hot and changing but impossible to spend long near. You glitter like a jewel, always having a new angle, reflecting your own beauty and that of all around you, brilliant and clear. You’re right that fire can fascinate, but I cannot hold it and do not wish to.”
“Fine, I accept that you are not wishing for another. I still don’t want to hear my father’s name in the midst of pleasure.”
“I see your point. I am not ashamed to associate with you, but still I wouldn’t like to explain our relationship to Finwe. ”
“My father wouldn’t disown me as long as I give him a reason he can approve of.”
“Oh? And what reason would he possibly accept for you fucking your great-uncle, and your esteemed grandfather’s greatest rival?”
“Blackmail,” Celebrimbor said with a sharp grin. “I seduced you so that I could steer the political fate of the Noldor. If our relationship got out, everyone would lose their trust in you, either for screwing an evil Feanorian kinslayer or you taking advantage of my youth and naivety. So you have to advance my plans or else I’ll ruin you before the whole court. And of course with so much time around you, I will learn of the secret plots you doubtless have against my family.”
The closest Celebrimbor had come to using their relationship for political favors was asking for a room on the same hall and a private smithy. Every other agenda was argued before the whole court, never spoken of in their rooms either before or after it was resolved.
“Would Curufin really ask you to sacrifice yourself so completely to his goals, using your most intimate moments and actions to cynically further an agenda?”
“It’s less than Grandfather required of him and my uncles - it would last a few decades or centuries, rather than until the end of Arda. But he wouldn’t actually approve the plan. It would make me look weak for one, to play the victim of your unwanted lecherous advances, the young innocent gave in before the crown and the personality rather than fight back. Since this is my first time before the court, I must show them I am to be respected and feared.”
“That is a lot to ask from someone in a new situation.”
“Perhaps, but my father has always expected me to be exceptional.”
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nailsinmywall · 3 months
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Family portraits: in tirion, himlath (ft. proud uncle celegorm and tiny celebrimbor), nan elmoth and doriath
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carmisse · 7 months
Simarillion random moments pt 2
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mahtariel-of-himring · 3 months
When Elrond stepped upon the ship that was to take him, Galadriel, Gandalf, Bilbo, Frodo and a few others to Valinor he was nervous. So long had imagined what it might be like, and for some time even questioned if he would ever sail.
But here he was, stood upon their ship with the undying lands finally in sight after months of sailing across the unending ocean. He might be a mariners son but he certainly had no great love for boats, he didn’t have a problem with them, but the knowledge of not having ground beneath his feet still made him uneasy.
At their arrival many awaited them, to welcome the newcomers into the blessed lands.
High King Arafinwë, in Middle Earth better known as Finarfin, and his other children had come to welcome Galadriel.
Gandalf reunited with some old Maia friends of his and then escorted the hobbits that had joined them to a nice little cottage for them to spend their days in.
He himself recognized many of the faces in the small crowd. First he spotted Gil-Galad, who welcomed him with open arms. Then his beloved Celebrian, who pulled him into a hug the moment he saw her, she was much better now.
A few soldiers of Rivendell were there as well, happy to see their Lord again.
Elrond ended up settling in Tirion with all the others and moved into Celebrian‘s home. It was a nice house with a good view and easy access to the marked and other nearby shops and market places.
Tirion was flawless. The white towers with their pointy roofs, the elegant guards with their silver spears, the marked place with its various stalls and merchants.
He met many of his ancestors, some he got along with and some he didn’t.
The first he met was Turgon, it took half an hour for them to end up in an argument about the moralities of handling delicate situations within one‘s own city and when to help those in need.
Luckily his second meeting went much better. His great grandfather, Fingolfin, was much more sensible and they got along quickly due to their shared knowledge on leadership and experience of hardships throughout their lives. Though the late High King did comment to his wife Anairë later about how he was sure he‘d bite his teeth out on Elrond eventually, comparing his stubbornness to someone else’s.
When he at last met Fingon it took the elf exactly five minutes to ask if he had been raised by Maedhros. To this day Elrond didn’t understand how he did it, for he himself wasn’t aware of the small details. Like how he did his hair exactly like the fëanorian had or that he held himself with something of Valinorian regalness he definitely didn’t pick up in Lindon.
But as time went on Elrond began to realize something.
Tirion was truly perfect.
Too perfect.
Everyone seemed to have collectively decided to ignore any pains and hardships experienced in Middle Earth or Beleriand and live their lives as if everything was perfectly fine.
When bringing this up to Gil-Galad he just said that they preferred it that way, even if it wasn’t perfect, not everyone had made the journey and seen war, and those who didn’t weren’t comfortable of discussing or displaying it.
The more time Elrond spend in the white city the lonelier he felt. It seemed as if he was the only one prepared to speak of or even mention anything of the things that happened to so many of them.
The more he realized that the more he felt out of place.
Because he wasn’t perfect, he was far from it actually.
He had gone through things most couldn’t imagine in their worst nightmares and had seen horrors he wished he could forget.
He had seen his city attacked, had been kidnapped, even though that did turn out positively in the end. Had witnessed war and bloodshed from young on, had served as Herald and later taken on the mantel of Lord. He had seen so much that he just couldn’t ignore.
So one day he mounted his horse and rode out of Tirion. He didn’t have a destination or any idea where he was going but he just kept riding until he was exhausted.
When he looked up he saw a large city with high towers, but no pointy roofs were atop them, instead there stood guards. The walls weren’t made of white stone and marble but steadfast and resistant cobblestone and tall pillars.
The front guards let him in after he explained his situation, and the moment he stepped through those gates it was as if he had entered another world. No excessive jewelry was worn, but rather detailed braids and head dresses or simple circlets.
Scars of all types were openly portrayed instead of covered up and hidden as if they were sometimes to be ashamed of.
Elrond saw elves with walking sticks and missing limbs and crippled bodies. They were warriors, they were survivors, they were the ugly but real truth, and it felt so relieving too see them.
He had no idea where he had ended up in, but he already knew it was much better than Tirion.
No one was putting on a fake mask of perfection and instead just acted as they truly were.
Elrond walked through the streets, talked with some of the locals and listened to their stories.
He heard everything from ex soldiers to healers like him to guards and even some escaped thralls of Angband.
It was so much better than the flawlessly perfect white city. It wasn’t fake.
Elrond ended up in what seemed to be a throne room. At the end of it stood a elf, dressed in a long robe, his hair littered with many braids and a elegant silver hammer in hand.
His eyes were of piercing grey and his hair as black as the night, but his gaze familiarly gentle.
Elrond knew before he spoke.
Elrond knew before he looked up.
Elrond knew before he stepped closer.
Elrond knew before he even acknowledged him.
He knew where he was, and he knew he would stay.
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Think You Can Warm Me Up
[Elves and Cockwarming x reader]
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Request: What elves do you think would like cock-warming? - anon
A/N: This was a lot of elves to think for since I've added more over the months gone by. Enjoy!!!
Warning: smut, cockwarming
More: Brat Taming
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Loves it – sometimes when they’re too busy to have sex with you but you want to feel them, they’ll suggest you sit on their lap, only to feel them raising your body slightly to slide themselves into you. When you lift your hips to move, their hands will be planted firmly on your waist with a stern look on their faces warning you to stay still. They’ll keep their hands on your waist, using it to pull you closer to rest against their chest and hold you down. Some use it for punishment when your bratty side comes out. They’ll rile you up by making out with you, having you grind on them feeling as though you two are about to have sex, but then when you’re about to ride them, they’ll lean in to whisper, “Not so fast love, no moving, sit right there and stay still or I’ll leave you empty. You thought I’d just give in and give you what you wanted, my poor confused little one” Other times, they’d use it to literally warm themselves up. When you two are relaxing as such, they’d throw the suggestion out to you and once you agree, the two of you will just be lounging about with their cock buried in you, staying warm. There are times you’ve fallen asleep with them buried in you. “You feel so warm and tight love, stop shifting so much, just stay still. This feels good, now we can cuddle.”
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Hates it – the first time you suggest the act, they were down to try it, but once you sank your warm hole onto their cock, it was over for them. Their hands would immediately shoot out to grab your waist, urging you to move but you’ll simply push it away and lean into their chest informing them that you’re not supposed to move. “It’s called cockwarming for a reason. Now stay still. Don’t get mad, remember you agreed to this, so sit and enjoy it.” This was absolute torture for them, they couldn’t take it anymore. Knowing that if they moved their hips right then, you’d probably hop off and that wasn’t part of their plan. Waiting till you were settled in and comfortable, with ease, their hands would sneak around your waist holding you firmly to their chest and without any warning, begin thrusting into you. You’d admit that this was not how you planned the session to go but with the way the tip of their cock was brushing against your soft spot, your moans gave it away. Now whenever you suggest it to them, they’d smile at you saying that they’ll behave, only to abuse your heat as soon as you sink down on their cock. The longest they’ve ever lasted was five seconds. “If you really thought I’d sit through all that torture, you’re absolutely wrong. Now be a good girl/boy and enjoy my cock.”
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Mixed feelings – one minute it’s torture for them the other it’s blissful. It just all depends on their mood not so much yours. If they’re tired and just want to be warmed or you want to feel them, they’d let you go ahead without interrupting you. They’d simply wrap their arms around you and pull you in closer, pressing a kiss to your forehead and drifting off to sleep. Other times it’s when they’re busy doing paperwork and could do with a little relief. Letting you sit on their lap with the table hiding their cock buried deep in your heat, they’d let you lean into them so they could continue their work. “This feels good, didn’t think I’d be needing this, but after I’m finished here, I’d bend you over this table for a good fuck, hmm.” When you’re teasing them all day and acting up and then decide it’s time to kick it up a notch by making them feel you were about to ride them after your tedious torture only to sit still on their cock, now you’re just asking for it. They’d be grinding their teeth the entire time when you tell them not to move while pretending to do something important, informing them that when you’re finished then you two can go at it, they’re not going to listen, not when you were suffocating their cock. They wouldn’t care at that point, so say goodbye to whatever it was that you were doing. “Don’t you think this is a little too much love, don’t you think this has gone on for too long because I think so as well. How about we change that by having me fuck you, now.”
Maedhros, MAGLOR, CARANTHIR, Amrod, Fingolfin, FINGON, TURGON, FINARFIN, Finrod, AEGNOR, Glorfindel, GALDOR, Egalmoth, ROG, ERESTOR
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @lilmelily
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gardensofthemoon · 4 months
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whosthatsilmcharacter · 2 months
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(All art used with EXPRESS permission from the artist)
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mxliv-oftheendless · 5 days
Listen I am a simple person I just wanna know what sort of conversations Frodo would have with all the First Age legends in Valinor and if they would be healing for him—
Would he talk to Fëanor about not giving up something despite knowing you should, and would he realize that he isn’t a monster for his mistake? Would he and Fingolfin talk about facing evil alone and would Fingolfin point out to him that he set out because of hope instead of despair, and that is why he was able to survive? Would he bond with Maedhros over their physical injuries—a missing finger and missing hand respectively—and would Maedhros tell him from personal experience that he was lucky to have someone who loved him beside him even when he sank to his lowest? Would he talk to Finrod about giving their lives for those they care about, and would Finrod tell Frodo he fought Sauron just as fiercely as he did? Would he meet Eärendil and would Eärendil share his own trauma sustained from setting out with only the monstrously foolish hope that he would be able to save everyone he loved?
Would he receive an apology from Celebrimbor, whose head is bowed in shame, for all that he has been through, and feel his body let go of something when he tells him there’s nothing to forgive????
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 4 months
Share this so I can get more opinions!
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batsyforyou · 2 months
You Lack a Seat. The Elves + Guest Stars React
Tags: uh, random nonsense?
Author's Note: This is what I did for the 'other' and I attempted the style I've seen @a-contemplation-upon-flowers use sometimes. So, let me know how I did! Also, disclaimer, I am a firm believer that most of these characters would actually just get you a chair or offer you theirs because the elves are traditional and well mannered folk (most of the time).
Taglist: @asianbutnotjapanese
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Would find you a chair 
Feanor, Maedhros, Carathnir, Erestor, Curufin, Elrond, Ecthelion, Finrod, Turgon, Fingon, Gil Galad, Namo, Fingolfin
Would kneel on the ground to prop his leg up as a makeshift chair
Glorfindel, Fingon, Elladan, Beleg, Irmo 
Would have you sit on his arm rest 
Celegorm, Curufin, Thranduil, Namo, Sauron
Would offer you their chair 
Celebrimbor, Maglor, Elrond, Elrohir, Erestor, Eonwe, Lindir, Glorfindel, Maeglin, Finrod, Fingon, Legolas, Mablung, Manwe, Ulmo, Gildor, Finarfin
Would set their cloak out for you to sit 
Mablung, Glorfindel, Elrond, Maglor, Maedhros, Elrohir, Finrod, Gil Galad, Gildor, Celebrimbor, Finarfin, 
Would have you sit on their lap
Glorfindel, Elladan, Celegorm, Sauron, Thranduil 
Would have you sit at their feet 
Melkor, Sauron, Eol, Thranduil,
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feanoryen · 27 days
House of Finwe ranked by how much they look like Finwe
Uncanny resemblance tier:
Lalwen - Literally just her dad but genderbent. Same facial structure and blue-grey eyes and gorgeous raven black hair. Only difference is that her hair is wavy rather than pin straight like Finwe’s.
Fingolfin & Argon - Exact same facial structure and eye color, Fingolfin is almost as tall as Finwe but not quite, Argon is taller than Finwe (& the same exact height as Maedhros). They have a very dark brown shade of hair instead of black however.
Aredhel - 60:40 blend of Fingolfin & Anaire but looks more like Fingolfin and therefore looks a good deal like Finwe. She gets her black hair from Anaire rather than Fingolfin but it still adds to her resemblance with Finwe.
Gil-Galad - Finwe’s genes may have almost skipped Angrod & Orodreth entirely but somehow he ended up 57% Finwe.
Maeglin - Looks mostly like his gorgeous mother except he has Eol’s eyes and somewhat of a sharper bone structure than Aredhel though.
Very similar but still notably different tier:
Aegnor - Looks the most like Finwe out of all the Arafinweans. He has the same smile, a very similar face shape, & the same nose. He’s around 55% Finwe, 40% Earwen, & 5% Indis.
Maglor - 53% Finwe, 40% Nerdanel, 7% Miriel. His body type, his eye color, & his freckles are from Nerdanel. A lot of his facial features are Finwe’s but he has a heart shaped face like Miriel and a similar eye shape.
Finarfin - Exactly 50% Finwe & 50% Indis. Some of his facial features are a lot like Finwe’s except people (including both Finwe & Indis) focus way more on his Vanyarin coloring to realize it. His hair is also loosely curled along with being gold like Indis’s rather than straight.
Finrod - Looks just like Finarfin with Earwen’s eyes.
Curufin - Read Feanor’s and then come back. Unlike Feanor he does get his eyes from Finwe but his are more silvery & sparkly.
Feanor - Barely behind Finarfin in terms of resemblance to Finwe but several people would dispute this and say he looks more like Finwe between the two. He’s 50% Miriel, 47% Finwe, & 3% something original entirely. Neither Finwe nor Miriel have his radiant shining eyes that look like they have shards of pale jewels within them but some argue his eyes are a variation of Finwe’s grey ones. His silky raven hair is undeniably Finwe’s but his is wavy. His stature & body shape are similar to Finwe’s but like Fingolfin he’s still a little shorter. His face is a mixture of Finwe & Miriel’s most beautiful features, but he has a little more of Miriel’s.
Celebrimbor - Almost looks exactly like Feanor except his eyes don’t burn with quite the same intensity. There’s also a little something of his mother in his smile.
Caranthir - Canonically got his hair from Finwe, but also got his complexion from Nerdanel. I see him as as 45% Finwe, 50% Nerdanel, & 5% Miriel.
Fingon - He looks very similar to Aredhel but he’s 60% Anaire and 40% Fingolfin whereas she’s the opposite. He looks more like Anaire but also eerily resembles Maglor in some angles due to specifically inheriting a very similar set of features from Finwe (not sure if this makes his relationship with Maedhros more or less weird depending on your interpretation).
A fair deal of resemblance but also looks quite different tier:
Turgon - 50% Anaire, 30% Fingolfin, 20% Indis. Looks the most Vanyarin out of his family, no wonder why he’s the closest to them. Still looks very clearly Noldorin at the same time though. His hair is still the lightest brown out of his siblings.
Elrond & Elros - 30% Finwe, 10% Earendil, 60% Luthien. Due to genes skipping generations like with Gil-Galad, they look more like Finwe than Idril & Earendil do. If you look closely they kind of resemble Maglor despite how far apartly they’re related to him. Maedhros sees a lot of Fingon in them though.
They have about 1 notable feature in common with him tier:
Galadriel - Same eyes as Finwe, she gets her smile from him too, which she also shares with Feanor. She’s 55% Earwen & 45% Finarfin, but she got more of her dad’s Indis features than his Finwe features.
Maedhros - His diamond face shape & high bridged nose are Finwe’s.
Amrod & Amras - They have his eyes, both the blue-grey color and the shape. Nothing else though.
Findis - She’s almost entirely Indis but she has grey eyes and caramel hair between brown & gold. Her Noldorin heritage shines through due to those 2 things but she doesn’t look her dad particularly.
They just don’t look like him tier:
Celegorm - 95% Miriel, 5% Nerdanel. Almost the spitting image of his grandmother but he gets his height, eye color, & freckles from Nerdanel. His hair is straight so maybe 0.5% of him is Finwe but does it really count?
Idril - Takes a lot after both Elenwe & Anaire but she didn’t get Finwe or Fingolfin’s features.
Earendil - Around 60% his mom, who doesn’t look like Finwe, & 40% his dad, who isn’t related to Finwe.
Angrod - Olwe with Vanyarin hair.
Orodreth - Has grey eyes, but he probably got them from his mother rather than Finwe.
Finduilas - Looks almost like a female version of her grandfather and a golden haired version of Earwen.
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serene-faerie · 8 months
After watching the Lay of Leithian rock opera, I was inspired to make this poll:
Please reblog this poll for more answers!
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a-hundred-musings · 8 months
You know, here's a small rant from me: I hate it when Celebrimbor is shown to be a "softie-boy" or a "naïve child" or just... someone condescending and stupid. Like, yeah I'm guilty of it too (who isn't?) but it just makes me wonder why he's presented as that in fics anywhere.
I read this fic on AO3? Celebrimbor is a stupid duck. Or he's just very naïve and easy to prank. I read another fic? Celebrimbor is a whiny baby who can't stand up for himself. I read another one? He's a man-child.
Look, I get why he's presented in that way, but can we not do that? Especially considering the things this boy has gone through which really wouldn't make him a "child-like" person, but more of a mature adult who has experienced things no one should ever experience.
Before and during the First Age, he's experienced so much:
Nerdanel and Feanor falling out -- that basically messed up entire Aman back then, but mainly their kids, so imagine how Curufin would have reacted to that.
The feud between Feanor and Fingolfin and Finarfin
The time when Feanor threatened Fingolfin
The time when the Two Trees were destroyed
The time when Melkor killed his great-grandfather Finwe.
Feanor going Mad™
The uprising of the Noldor
The First Kinslaying
His grandfather going feral and his father and uncles swearing an oath on a literal suicide-mission
One of his youngest uncles getting burned and basically died (or lived, depends on which version you follow)
A time of literal darkness. Like, no light at all. It really messed up the psyche of so many people.
Feanor abandoning his brother on the shores of Valinor -- that would mess up anyone really.
A literal battle. Like, more blood is being shed -- not only of elves, but of other creatures Tyelpe has probably never seen or heard of before.
His grandfather being so consumed by his fire and spontaneously combusting. That too, he either saw or heard of Feanor literally bursting into flames -- that is pretty traumatising.
The crossing of the Helcaraxe -- no seriously, that would mess anyone up knowing that people they love are literally walking on glaciers and over deathly waters with a 50% chance of survival.
Maedhros being crowned King of the Noldor, and an unspoken fact that there is more than one king of the Noldor -- the political implications here...
The abduction of Maedhros. Need this be explained further?
His uncles and father being concerningly close to starting a whole world-war
The rising of the Sun and the moon (like, what are those big spheres in the sky? Are they something from Melkor? Are they a sign of the End™? What is it?)
The arrival of Fingolfin's group, with more dead and furious people.
The mental health of everyone deteriorating. No, I won't explain because this era was filled with bad times.
No one knowing what to do now, since Maglor was naturally crowned the Regent King of the Noldor, and he has his own problems.
After 34 years of wondering what on earth has happened to Maedhros, he returns scarred with no right hand, and presumed torture marks.
Everyone literally holding their breaths for what will happen next.
Maedhros surrendering his crown to Fingolfin. That would hurt bad like a blow.
Literally only a few years of peace filled with tension.
Fingolfin decides to kick Melkor's arse and dies.
The Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
The Second Kinslaying.
The Fall of Gondolin
Making the decision of abandoning his father and uncles, going on his own separate path.
The death of so many of his family members and father and uncles. That is messed up. The amount of psychological trauma he's already been through...
Like, imagine his guilt of not being there with his father, imagine how much he second-guessed his actions...
The Third Kinslaying. The deaths of more elves, his uncle (or uncles), and really, just more death.
The crown of the Noldor being passed on so many times until it reached Gil-Galad. Imagine the humiliation and just the shock of the realisation of the number of people who have been crowned within a span of a few centuries.
The kidnapping of Elrond and Elros. While it probably wouldn't harm Tyelpe's psychological health, it must have been pretty messed up to find out that your two remaining uncles have committed a few more war crimes.
The War of the Wrath. Now, while it was mainly against Men, there is no doubt that some elves have been killed due to the war (given Gil-Galad's camps etc), so imagine him getting into some stray fights with the orcs or those Men who follow Melkor.
The Fourth Kinslaying. No need to further elaborate.
The death of Maedhros, and Maglor becoming a cryptid. Who wouldn't that mess up?
Surviving the First Age. Like, give this Tyelpe the recognition he truly deserves. Give him a few rings and trophies for enduring so long and he still hasn't gone down to insanity. That too, all this happened within the span of like, 600 years.
The Second Age:
Beleriand is under the sea
His "cousins" (Elrond and Elros) going their separate ways
The death of Elros (I think this is pretty self-explanatory, given the numerous HCs on the twins and Celebrimbor)
No one has any idea what has happened to Maglor. Is he alive? Is he dead? Who knows.
Rumours of a sinister evil lurking in the shadows and really, some tensions are visibly arising.
He finds this very powerful and alluring stranger who knows quite a bit about the art of smithing. They collaborate despite warnings from Galadriel, Gil-Galad, Elrond and a few others.
After giving thought to make powerful rings, Annatar watches over as Celebrimbor makes the rings for Men and Dwarves.
Newsflash: Annatar wants the rings, and he tainted them.
Celebrimbor makes the 3 Elven Rings in secret so Annatar can't get to them, but he gets kidnapped and tortured.
Like, really badly tortured. Annatar wants those 3 rings.
Celebrimbor eventually is killed, and is impaled on a spear, then given to Gil-Galad's camp after years of torture.
He went straight to his family. Can't tell if this will add to his trauma, but still.
While he didn't survive the Second Age, this boy went through so much pain, and... really, I feel like he doesn't get much of the appreciation he deserves.
Thank you for coming to my little rant as to why we need more fics that paint Celebrimbor as someone who isn't a stupid and naïve child, but more of a wiser version of Feanor and Curufin. He is not a tantrummy baby, for Ilúvatar's sake!
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carmisse · 5 months
Random moments from the Silmarillion PT 3
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kitcat22 · 14 days
Ok, which real life people (modern day celebrities, historical figures etc) do you think silm characters as similar to?
I’ll go first, Princess Diana and Elrond.
Do i have an essay to back this up? No. I feel like it speaks for itself
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fran-3 · 1 month
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Cuando una obra maestra literaria está tan bien hecha que sabes quién es quién sólo con puntos de colores.
When a literary masterpiece is so well done that you know who is who just with colored dots.
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