#(Alas it was forgotten about)
cometrose · 29 days
i always forget sojo was an evil scientist like dude was probably incredibly smart but it got completely overshadowed cause he had a parasocial relationship with chihiro's dad
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rexscanonwife · 1 month
Hey guys, sorry I've been quiet for a few days! I've just been really low energy and if I'm being honest just catching up on some rest 😅 I paused the queue cause I didn't feel like tagging anything and I don't like posts queueing untagged but it's up again now! So it won't feel like I'm so underground ajfjfkgk
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sigurdjarlson · 1 month
Give us uh…idk legendary quest line where we bring him back with Med or something blizzard I’m begging
(I’m in denial)
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anglerflsh · 1 year
do you celebrate halloween?
not culturally, in Italy we celebrate All Saint's Day on November first, not Halloween - however, because of general globalisation, some stores do put out Halloween decorations and some kids do go trick or treating. I've never done that nor do I really plan to ever do something for Halloween tho? If my friends want to, sure, but on my own I'm not doing much
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grimowled · 4 months
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; ooc
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
Is there anything in the series that hints when Fintan joined the Neverseen?
Fin would probably be a better person to ask, but from what I remember, he was part of it for at least a few decades, prior to meeting and training Brant. However at this point he was the leader, so he had to have been around longer to get it established and get to the top--I can't recall if by saying he didn't cast the first sparks but was willing to fan the flames (Exile) he meant he hadn't formed the organization, or if he meant he'd taken the sparks and formed the organization (flames) from it.
We do know that after agreeing to the pyrokinesis ban and stepping down, he did try and live with it for some time. But then it became unbearable and he realized his error, then turning towards alternatives and finding the Neverseen. It's hard to get a specific time window with ancients, but I'd guess he joined a few thousand years ago? That's not to say everything was established then as it is now, just that he started turning that way and that snowballed into what it is now
But again, this is a surmise based on what I know and I've never paid particular attention to Fintan, so take it with a grain of salt
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gregmarriage · 6 months
the thing about being chronically ill, is that i currently have a cold, and i’m in bed, playing smash, but it’s not really that different from any other day
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alullinchaos · 1 month
sometimes I think I’m just a writer and then I randomly plan out the concept for an entire musical album/record and then just like. forget about it. anyway guess what I’ve done
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rigaudon · 11 months
I want people to play valheim with. Every time I see the extra seats on my little boats I get so sad.
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radjerda · 1 year
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Please accept an old drawing (nearing a year ago, wow) of one of the Brigmore Witches because I was thinking about Dishonored again (and also because I was going through my art folders to stall on making something new)
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californiaquail · 10 months
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mother sent me some of my old diaries from circa 2010-11 for some reason and i was really 12-13 entrenched in purity culture writing "who needs guys anyway" and "it makes me sad that a girl would think she needs a guy to complete her" and these little gems. brother.
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aria0fgold · 5 months
Thinkin bout Soleil. I wanted to talk bout em after I drew the art but but I wanna talk bout em noooowww. Though tbf there aint much info I got rn. Sol is just gonna be one of the NPCs that the cast can meet, it'll be known as "The Forgetful One," their name also is just something it took from a book, they liked the word so they made that as its name. When it was still living in The Country, they were one of the loyal worshipper and avid follower of The Universe (until they found a copy of The Cursing of Chateau Castle which led to its journey of travelling to Vaugarde to find more-- in their defense, The Universe led them to the book so...)
When The Country was forgotten, they got hit with it the hardest as most of the stuff it knows are about The Country and The Universe. Basically, A LOT of their memories got forgotten so it tends to appear as absent-minded and pretty laid back. They lived in Bambouche (to feel closer to The Country, though now they don't even know Why they're living there now, it just knows that they prefer to live there than anywhere else).
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kitnita · 1 year
i started binge rewatching the glee project last night because my mom mentioned she wanted to rewatch actual glee and??? was VIOLENTLY reminded that my first ever foray into reading rpf was because i was obsessed w the Vibes of two contestants on the glee project of all things, when i was fully in middle school. horrifying rediscovery of the self. unfortunately my tweenage shipping lens still exists in my brain so the Vibes were still there upon rewatch. 
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josecariohca · 6 months
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madaracore · 10 months
im bitter im very very bitter but j think today i will allow myself feel like this instead of pretending i dont. we can stop repressing everything for a bit. as a treat.
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nametakensff · 8 months
Just wanna let you know I am eagerly awaiting ur next installment in the Di//sco El//ys//ium fic series (the sequel to Revelation). Obviously take your time cause I know you have a life and I want the fic to be good not rushed. But just know that I am so hype for when it arrives cause your writing is fantastic!
Ahh thank you SO much!! 😭💕 I'm so glad you're enjoying my little series so far, it's been a blast to write and I'm basically ready to start on the last one of them. Like you said though, having a life does interfere with fetish fic output lmao. Don't worry, I'm incapable of rushing anyway 😂
(Also. Given my history of writing for fandoms I fuck with there will definitely be more after this next fic at some point)
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