#(Basically take a break if you’re Hungry Angry Lonely/Late or Tired)
Just read a post about how you shouldn’t trust a doctor who rushes you and like, yes I fully understand the frustration, so here’s what you can do to stop yourself being rushed:
-ask for a double appointment
-ask for a triple appointment
-fuck it ask for an hour long appointment if you think it’ll help
-be outright about what you want/need from an appointment. If you need more time to process information, say that. If you need the doctor to write out all information, say that. If you have a complex case/long history, say that!
-list all the reasons why you want to see the doctor/vet that day and please don’t sugar coat it. “Been vomiting” is a ten minute fix. “Been vomiting after every meal for the past two years” is not. It needs a double appointment and possibly a referral too.
Doctors and vets are overworked to fuck and exploited to hell. Help us out a little, please
#I get the frustration I really really fucking do#But I cannot stress this enough: we do not get overtime#We don’t! If you are booked in for a fifteen minute time slot and it takes 45 minutes we run late. We lose our lunch or we go home late and#We never get that time back. We already work long hours for frankly less pay than you’d expect for someone saving lives#If I run even just fifteen minutes late after one appointment it knocks on to everything and suddenly I cannot HALT#which is the acronym to encourage medical professionals to take care of themselves to reduce human error#(Basically take a break if you’re Hungry Angry Lonely/Late or Tired)#I have known other new grads who have to stay back at work unpaid for 1-2 hours every DAY#Do you know how much that wears you out?#All I’m saying is properly booked appointments are a godsend.#Also don’t sugar coat the reason for bringing a pet into the vets.#‘I want him checked over he’s old’ and ‘I want him euthanised he’s really struggling’ are two VERY different consults#I do get people’s frustrations with doctors but this website has a tendency to forget that they’re still human#If you were forced to do unpaid labour every day because you’ve got an understaffed over exploited work force you’d probably be annoyed too#And I know a lot of people are!!! But people don’t realise medical professionals are too!!!#We’re all in the hell of late stage capitalism together and that means you pay too much for a vet/doctor who does not have#The time or resources they fucking need
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oureuphoria · 4 years
Worst of You - JJK 10
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You meet him under horrible circumstances but everything feels perfect when you’re with him. Too bad you have a bitch of a best friend, anxiety and an inability to learn from your mistakes which cripples your chances to be with the man of your literal dreams. He, however, is a police officer with years worth of built-up turmoil and an inability to make attachments. Or “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know you’re moving in then.”
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy
Pairing: officer!jungkook X  collegestudent!reader
Word count: 3,477
Warnings: None I think. 
Note: P.S. thing’s start to go downhill from here. 
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |
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When you woke up, you expected to see Jungkook’s side of the bed completely empty but instead, he was right there sleeping peacefully, at 9am. “Jungkook! Wake up, you’re late to work!” You shook him lightly, your voice was still pretty quiet. He tiredly turned to face you before letting out a hoarse, “what?” You pointed at the clock, he took one look at it and went back to sleep. “Jungkook, what about your job? Are you sick?” He turned to face you once again, more awake now. “On Tuesday I got promoted to Corporal, I have Saturdays off now.” “Oh.” You were about to go back to sleep, but then you jumped up quickly and Jungkook winced at the storm that was yet to come. “Wait! Why didn’t you tell me, that’s so amazing! I knew you could do it!” Jungkook pulled the blanket over his head to block out your loud excitement and you got the hint. “Whoops, I’m sorry. I’ll let you sleep now.” You smiled to yourself as you quietly left the bed.
All the sleepiness was knocked out of you so you decided to take a shower, but you were genuinely uncomfortable with the idea of going to the communal bathrooms on a Saturday morning. They were generally filled with puke and hungover college students. You recalled Jungkook telling you a while back that you could use his guest bathroom whenever you wanted and thought you would have to use children’s shampoo because he always kept it there in case his niece and nephew had to stay for a while.
You were still in the bathroom when Jungkook woke up. You were in the middle of harshly judging your skin when you heard Jungkook’s voice just outside your door. “Mom, I told you I don’t want to. No, I don’t have a girlfriend, I’m just not interested.” That sentence alone got rid of all your rationality and soon you had your ear pressed up against the door to hear better. “You know what, fine, I’ll meet her tonight. Are you happy now?” You couldn’t hear what was said on the other line so you had no real way of telling what was really going on or who he was meeting which just made you extremely anxious.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m going out tonight to meet an old friend.” You heard him yell from his room before he came out in slacks and a dress shirt, looking very handsome. You were on the couch, reading a book you bought the other day with Jimin. “Help me with my tie, your small hands make better knots.” You rolled your eyes at the underlying insult but you helped him anyway. You couldn’t help but feel a little angry about having to hear him lie to his mother about you. “Ow! Y/N, too tight.” You didn’t mean to smile but you did and he looked at you suspiciously. “My bad.” He took one look at his reflection in the mirror he has in the living room and angrily took the tie off. “It’s too much.” Then he unbuttoned the first few buttons, his toned chest peaking out. “You seem to be trying awfully hard to impress this ‘old friend’” Jungkook leaned down to face you, pinching your cheeks tightly. “She’s just a friend.” He gave you a quick kiss before he grabbed his things and was out the door.
You went back to reading the book you had just started to read but it was growing harder to concentrate the later it got, and once he was finally back, it was 11pm. You were already asleep on the couch, the book on your lap as your neck hung to the side. Jungkook winced at the uncomfortable position and hoped you weren’t asleep that way for long. “Y/N, wake up. Come on, let’s get you to bed.” You sleepily got up, rubbing your eyes to help you see better. You unlocked your phone to check the time and saw it was 11:17. You couldn’t help but wonder what took him so long considering he left at 7 but before you could address it, the warm confines of the bed pulled you into a gentle sleep.
The next day things were extremely tense. If you didn’t initiate conversations it would often go quiet for a really long time. Jungkook was either on his laptop, on his phone or playing a video game. The cycle got a little tedious around 1pm. “Jungkook, I’m bored.” He didn’t look up from his phone, smiling as he messaged someone. “Hello? Earth to Jungkook?” He once again kept his eyes trained on his screen though this time he found the energy to formulate a reply. “I heard you the first time. I don’t know, go out or something.” You frowned, his days off were the only days you could genuinely spend time with him and yet it felt as if he didn’t want to. You weren’t going to beg for his attention, you knew it would just make him mad.
You decided to go shopping, you wanted new clothes and you were in desperate need of a new laptop charger, you were sick of getting electrocuted every time you tried to charge the damn thing. It was a warm day, significantly warmer than any other this crisp winter, you were nearing the end of February so it was natural for the weather to get warmer. “Isn’t it too cold to wear a skirt?” You heard him ask behind you as you put on your shoes. “I literally just complained to you about the weather and how it was going to be 97 degrees today. Maybe if you listened to me you’d know this.” You stuck your tongue out at him towards the end of your sentence, it was childish yet you couldn’t help but hope he would take you seriously with your complaints. “Do you want me to drop you off?” You shook your head, giving him a peck on the cheek on your way out. “Y/N take a jacket- and she’s already out the door,” Jungkook mumbled the last part to himself, shaking his head slightly at your forgetfulness, he knew it was going to get colder later and he knew he was in for an earful about how cold you were when you’d get home.
“And then the lady told me that they didn’t have any more in my size and I was so sad. Jungkook are you even listening?” On his phone, once again, even when the man wasn’t at work he always found a way to make you feel like a nuisance. You gave up, it was like talking to a brick wall accept maybe the brick wall would be a better listener than Jungkook. You were already in bed when Jungkook joined you, though you were facing the closet door and sleeping near the edge. “Jungkook I think I’m going to go back to sleeping at my dorm.” He wasn’t expecting you to be awake, the statement catching him off-guard. “Really, why?” Despite him sounding fairly uninterested, you were glad he even responded. “If I don’t sleep there then I’m basically paying rent for a horribly overpriced storage unit.” Jungkook chuckled at your joke, but he didn’t reply, you took it as a sign that he wanted you out too.
“Ew, what’re you doing here?” Ellen was exhaling a cloud of smoke when you walked in. “I live here, stupid. Stop smoking indoors!” You spoke through coughs, blowing the smoke away and opening the windows. You looked up to see the fire alarm was off, you glared at her respectively. She didn’t care about your concerns, in fact, to show you exactly how little she cared, she flipped you off as you went to your room. Ellen was a lot of things, but you didn’t think she was a genuinely bad person, she was probably just lonely and sometimes you felt bad for her, but then she would start pissing you off again and you’d go back to hating her.
Your room was still the same, untouched. You often came here to study but you began slacking off as spring break was nearing. Ellen was blasting loud music again but weirdly turned it down when you asked her to. Maybe she liked having you back, maybe your theory about her being lonely was true after all. Whatever it was, you were grateful for it.
The next day was a Tuesday, also known as the worst day of the week. Not only did you have two consecutive tutor lessons but your classes ran nonstop from 8am-3pm. After your last class ended you walked to the library, exhausted and hungry. Unfortunately, you couldn’t eat or rest because your first tutoring lesson started at 4 and you had a lot of content to organize. A couple of students showed up 20 minutes early but you refused to say a word to them and they joked about how you should become a lawyer since you refuse to give out free advice but you were not in the mood.
3 dreadful hours later you were finally done with both sessions and you laid your head on the desk sleepily. You were tired enough to convince yourself to forget food and go home. Sure, you hadn’t eaten anything all day but sleep seemed more appetizing than food ever could. Naturally, since the universe seemed to hate you before you could even get up Jimin sat right in front of you. “There you are! You will not believe who I just saw at the cafe.” You looked at him distastefully. “Who?” You played along for the sake of getting it over and done with. “Jungkook, with a very pretty girl.” You laughed, assuming it to be Mel. “That’s just his coworker.” He looked at you with worried eyes as he shook his head. “No, I saw his coworkers when we went to the club, she’s different. She’s Asian, tall, long black hair, you don’t know her?” You shook your head, feeling the exhaustion disappear. “How long ago did you see them there?” “20 minutes ago, I would’ve told you earlier but you weren’t picking up your phone.” You recalled putting it on night mode before starting the lessons. You took said phone out to message Jungkook, asking where he was. He finished at 6pm which should’ve been an hour ago.
Where are you, Jungkook?
You waited for a reply but you can’t say you were patient, you were growing more anxious by the second and thankfully, almost 4 minutes later, Jungkook replied.
Work, I’m going to be late tonight.
Read 7:28
“What a fucking liar!” Jimin exclaimed from beside you once he read the message. He grabbed your hand and pulled you up. “Jimin, where are we going?” He speed-walked out of the building, making his way to the student carpark and very literally pushing you into his car. “Jimin, where are we going?” Once he put his seatbelt on, he turned to you smiling. “Station, we’re busting his ass.” You whined out loudly. “No, I don’t want to cause drama, he was probably with someone important for work.” Jimin didn’t reply, driving you there anyways. He went in with you and you saw Mel, he pushed you towards her and she smiled your way. “Hey Mel, I was just wondering if Jungkook was here?” You asked her politely, a little bashfully to be frank. “No, actually, he left a while ago.” You nodded, smiling though it really didn’t feel genuine, you thanked her and walked back to Jimin, telling him about what she said.
“Do you think he’s cheating on me?” You were on the verge of crying when you left the building, Jimin quickly engulfed you in a bone-crushing hug. “I’m sorry Y/N but after what you told me yesterday and what I saw, I think he is.” You started crying then, you had been cheated on before but you were 15 and you dated the boy for like 3 days. When you were finally in bed, you couldn’t sleep. You felt sick and exhausted but all you could do was dwell over Jungkook. After the phone call you overheard, the night out he had with her on Saturday and lying to you to see her it appeared that he probably was cheating.
When Jungkook left the bathroom, you had just walked out of the doors of the station lobby. By the time he got to Mel, you were gone. “Hey, did I miss anything?” He asked Mel while looking around the station. He was getting ready to leave after finally wrapping up the last of his reports. He had originally finished at 6 but the Chief called him back in because he needed some reports earlier than expected. He didn’t mind though, after finally clearing up with his old friend (the girl his mother tried to set him up with) that he wasn’t interested in a relationship, he felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. Mel paused for a moment before smiling. “No, you didn’t miss a thing.
You were having dinner with Jungkook, it was a Friday night and you had barely spoken to him all week. When he asked what was wrong you were quick to brush him off, saying you were sick. You weren’t lying, at least not entirely. For the most part, you were ignoring him because of the cheating suspicions which you were still yet to address. “Y/N, we need to talk.” Your heart stopped then and there, you genuinely believed he was breaking up with you at that very moment for someone else. “…Yes?” Your voice was small and you had barely squeaked the word out before you chugged an entire cup of water out of nervousness. “You already know I’m not a fan of this facade you put on when something’s wrong so, how about you drop it and tell me what’s wrong?” He spoke softly, in a tone that was more friendly than menacing, but you couldn’t ask him, it would hurt too much if you were right.
“Um…I think we need a break.” “We don’t need shit.” Jungkook spoke so quickly and surely after with such a casual tone, causing your mouth to let out a default, “oh, ok.” There was a silence that followed before you realized what you had said. “Wait, no, it’s not okay. I think we need a break.” You spoke more sternly this time, trying to get your point across. You believed that if you took a break, you’d be able to soften the blow on yourself when it would inevitably come. Time heals everything or so they say. “And why’s that?” Jungkook was still eating his steak, though with more vigor than he had before. “Well, I just think that we should take some time to figure out what we really want.” “The only reason we’d be taking a break is if you’re not sure you want me because I’m already sure I want you, Y/N,” Jungkook spoke monotonously, showing little signs of anger but you knew they were there. “Well, it doesn’t seem like it.” There it was, a simple mumble, a quick thought that accidentally slipped out of your mouth, the trigger to your first ever real fight. “Why do you feel that way?” Jungkook was staying scarily calm. In the past few months, you’ve only had a small number of petty fights that meant nothing but he’d always get super angry and it was generally really funny. Now, however, it seemed as if this fight was far more serious than the rest and it scared you with how calm he was.
“Well, you just never have time to do anything and it feels like you prioritise everything before me.” Jungkook dropped his knife and fork, took a long sip of wine before replying. “Going into this relationship, did I not warn you about how busy I was?” “That’s not what I-” “Just answer the question Y/N.” You nodded in reply, trying to calm yourself down in case you got mad and said something stupid. “Did I not warn you that I took my job very seriously and often put it before anything else?” You nodded, though his work was far from what you were trying to criticise. “Then tell me why the fuck you’re complaining about it now?” He was still calm, yet very stern and you felt as if you’d start crying before you let any proper reply out. You forced yourself to keep it together though, you could have a reasonable argument, you’re an ‘adult’ after all.
“I wasn’t talking about your job, I mean your days off. It seems you would much rather spend time with your phone or friends than with me and it doesn’t feel very nice.” He nodded, picking up his knife and fork again before stabbing his steak with controlled aggression. “I’ve spent nearly every one of my day’s off with you. Your comment only applies to a couple of weekends and I know you’re not this upset over that so spit it out. What’s really bothering you?” Your mind told you to keep your mouth shut but your heart desperately wanted closure and before you could realize it you had already blurted it out.
“I think you’re cheating on me.” For the first time since the argument had started, Jungkook had dropped all of his eating utensils and was looking at you. “What?” You felt judged under his stare so you diverted your eyes to your plate of food while you poked at the chicken. “It started when I overheard you talking to your mother, you told her you didn’t have a girlfriend and that you were going to meet someone for her, then the night that you do, you’re dressed all fancy and stressing over the way you look, what was I supposed to think?” Jungkook’s face hardened, his hand coming up to massage his now aching head. “You thought I was cheating because of that?” You didn’t like how it felt so trivial under his words, it seemed pretty damn important. “No, there’s more. Jimin came up to me on Tuesday saying you were out with some girl, at first I didn’t think much of it but when I messaged you, you said you were working even though Jimin swore he saw you at the cafe with a girl. Jimin and I went to the station to see if you were there and you weren’t, you lied to me.”
“No, you’re lying right now because I was at the station, I would’ve seen you.” “No! I was there, you can even ask Mel, I asked her where you were and she said you had left a while ago.” Jungkook’s face fell at the mention of Mel, she knew he was there the whole night, you had to be lying. “What time did you go to the station?” You looked at him, confused. You didn’t know why that was relevant but you answered nonetheless. “Right after you replied to me about you being at work.” Jungkook remembers he was in the bathroom at the time, but it didn’t make sense, Mel wouldn’t lie, she had no reason to, she was his best friend for as long as he could remember, there was no way she’d lie to him.
“Y/N, if all you’re going to do is lie then this conversation is over. You clearly don’t want to be with me but you’re insistent on being the good guy so you try to accuse me of cheating? Seriously? That’s it Y/N, I’m done. Are you happy now?” It was at that moment that you noticed a couple of tears had fallen down your face, you shook your head quickly, not trusting your voice but he already left before you could tell him how wrong he was, his steak half-eaten. You wanted to be with him more than anything in the world, but you were both stuck in distorted versions of the same reality, not one knowing the real truth.
Every time you saw him from then, it was always at that stupid cafe. You avoided going there as much as you could but it became hard when it was the only place Jimin and Alex wanted to go. Alex, yes. She came to you 3 days ago with. A heartfelt apology and a lot of buried confessions, you forgave her but you let her know you weren’t sure you could trust her the same way yet. Nonetheless, you and Jungkook were both still not talking to each other and every time you saw him, your heart broke a little more.
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readbeneaththelines · 5 years
Hi my angel that I love tons 💟💜💟. I would like to request, in the same scenario or whatever form you will do, fluff no.4 and smut no.10 with Shinee Taemin. Omg, can't wait to read you ❤️ If you are not inspired, just forget about it. ❤️❤️❤️ Here you go, I request it twice! 😂💟💟💟
I have no idea where this piece of pure smut came from! But damn, I love me some dominant Taemin! Here you go my Little Dragon, hope you enjoy it
Just Desserts
Characters: Taemin (SHINee) x Reader
Warnings: Pure unadulterate smut basically PWP, fluffiness, soft Taemin is nice too
Wod Count: 4196 ( okay this was supposed to be a drabble, but…
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Lee Tae-Min. The name struck a frenzied chord in every fangirl’s heart. Just the mention of the name would set girls and even guys in a mass hysteria if they thought he was nearby. But, you couldn’t blame them, I mean really, have you ever seen that man? Tall and lithe, built yet slender, eyes that could hypnotize you with a mere glance. And that voice! Oh my, the voice of a siren, sensual and luring, taking you to the verge of your sweet demise without a care. 
And he was all yours. Every inch of him belonged to you and only you. 
Taemin hardly ever got a break from his hectic schedule of touring, shows, guest appearances. You knew that it came along with dating him, but sometimes, just sometimes you wished you had more time with him. He had already been gone for over two months and you were starting to go insane with missing him. The nights were getting very lonely when he wasn’t there to keep you warm. The housefelt emptywith just you to occupy it. 
By the middle of month three you had had enough and began figuring out a way to see him, even if it was just for a night. Sitting down at your dinner table you took pen to paper and started planning. It was going to take several of your mutual friends to pull it off, but in the end it would be worth it. Three and a half hours later, you had a very well thought out plan written A few phone calls and texts later, everything was set into motion.
“Taemin, sorry to call so late. Were you busy?” Kai asked over the phone. Of course he knew he wasn’t busy, it was well past ten at night. 
“No. What’s up? Everything okay?” nooone called him this late unless it was one of two things. A schedule change or a drunken friend telling him they missed him. But Kai sounded very sober. “Kai? What’s wrong?”
“Well, it’s just that Y/N was in a minor accident today. She didn’t want to call you and worry you, but they won’t release her from the hospital until the are assured that she will have someone with her twenty fours straight for two days. I called Jimin, Sungwoon, and even tried Hyuna, but everyone is either overseas or packed with schedules. I was able to go check on her, but I couldn’t stay.” Taemin’s heart began racing the more Kai spoke. His Y/N, the love of his life had been hurt and she was afraid to tell him. 
“Is she okay? Is it anything serious?” he asked, a tremble becoming evident in his voice. “They wouldn’t tell me much, except that she had a slight concussion. I told them you were busy and couldn’t be there until tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know. Do not tell her I called you.” Kai, felt bad for lying to his best friend, but he knew the struggles of maintaining a relationship when you were busy, and how much he missed seeing his girlfriend.
“I’ll be leaving here in a few. Just let me call and reschedule my guest spot for tomorrow.” Taemin thanked his friend then hung up. He immediately dialed his manager to express his remorse for having to cancel at the last minute.
“It’s okay Tae, you go take care of Y/N, she needs you right now. I’ll take care of everything on this end.” She hung up, a small grin crossing her face. She had already taken care of things yesterday when you had called her to help.Thankfully she was a good friend to you both and agreed to help you out. 
Taemin packed his bags quickly, not concerning himself with making sure everything was neat. Once he had all his things packed and ready to go, he was out the door and into a cab to the airport. He called Kai with his flight details, then called a few other friends to pick him up when he arrived. Jimin and Timoteo were to pick him up and take him to the house you two shared. Then he was planning on driving straight to the hospital to be with you. When he landed, he sighed deeply, he really did miss being home, but not under these circumstances. “Thanks for getting me. I’m sorry its so late and such short notice” he said to Timeteo. Jimin smiled and turned to face Taemin, “Hey, Y/N is like a sister to us. Anything we can do to help, you know you can count on us.” He patted Taemin’s shoulder in an effort to calm him down. “She’ll be okay. Tae. Don’t worry.” He simply nodded and laid his head back against the headrest.
They arrived in no time, Taemin thanking his friends before grabbing his luggage. They said goodbyes then left Taemin standing on his front porch, his key about to enter the lock. He was to tired to notice that it was already unlocked, or that the lights were still on. Instead, he hurried inside, only to be met by you. You were sitting on the couch, one of his dress shirts the only thing covering your body. You had a candlelit dinner on the table with a glass of wine chilling. 
“What in the hell is going on? I thought” his words trailed off as he watched you rise from your place on the couch.
“Im sorry Tae, baby. but you needed a break and I needed to see you.” You stood in your place, trying to gauge his expression. “I needed a break? Do you realize how worried I was? How all our friends were worried? I cancelled an appearance to rush home, and your sitting here like nothing happened?” His voice was a few octaves higher, and his face was turning a dark shade of red. You new he would be upset, bur you were prepared to tell him everything.
“Tae, everything was already handled. Even your guest spot was rescheduled yesterday. Everyone you talked to was in on this.” he froze in his place. “Everyone? Even my manager? Y/N, what were you thinking? I’m so angry with you right now, I can’t even see straight!” his fist were balling up tightly and you had to diffuse the situation before it got worse. Giving him your softest smile you slowly walked up to him, placing your hand against his flushed cheek.
“You’re a big teddy bear, don’t even try to act mean. You wouldn’t hurt a fly, and you won’t stay mad at me for long.” You leaned in, planting a teasing kiss to his lips. He knew you were right, and to be honest he was glad to be home with you since he was beginning to miss you terribly. His eyes fell to your hips then down to your legs that were covered barely by his dress shirt. He was mesmerized by the way your hips swayed, the hem of the shirt riding up just so to expose the bottom of your silk and lace panties. Suddenly he was very thirsty, and cleared his throat before speaking. “I can’t believe you were this conniving, just to get me home” he followed you into the dining room, pulling out your chair before taking his own seat. “You had all this ready in time for me to get here?” He eyed the food set before him. All of his favorites just for him. 
“Tae, babe. After dinner, I’m your dessert.” you cooed lightly from across the table.His head shot up, his chopsticks fell with a clank onto the plate, and he quickly swallowed his food in one vey loud gulp. 
“Wh-what did you say?” He was watching as you rose from your seat and went to the kitchen. You returned with a bowl full of strawberries and whipped cream. With a devilish grin, you repeat yourself. “I said I was the dessert tonight.” you set the bowl down and dipped your finger in the whipped cream. Without taking your eyes off of him, you brought your finger to your mouth, parting your lips just enough to slip your tongue out and lick the cream off. Then you placed your lips around your finger and sucked gently as you drew it back out. 
Taemin’s own tongue darted out to lick his lips as he watched every move you made, a low moan escaping his lungs as he felt himself growing harder by the second. This was pure torture, and he was loving every tiny minute of it. “Can I just skip dinner??” he asked, not so innocently. You simply shook your head and pointed to his plate. “You haven’t had a good home cooked meal in a while, so please eat. Besides, dessert will still be waiting when we’re finished.”
Reluctantly, Taemin returned to is meal. You shared small talk about what he had been doing while he was away, you hanging on every word with a smile on your lips. When your plates were cleared and the bottle of wine was empty, Taemin helped clear the table. A wicked grin spread across his face, his eyes turning dark with desire, “Time for dessert now?” he asked. You laughed softly, turning your eyes to the strawberries and cream on the table. “Are you still hungry?” Nodding, he made his way to the table and picked up the two bowls and motioned for you to follow him. He led you to your shared bedroom, climbed onto the bed, and set the two bowls down in front of him. You joined, sitting across from him, and took a juicy red strawberry from the bowl. Dipping it slowly into the cream, you brought it to your lips and bit down into it. Red juice ran down your lips and onto your chin. Taemin leaned over the bowl, wiping the juice away with his finger and brought it to his mouth. Licking the juice off, he then leaned in closer, using his tongue to lick the remaining juice from the corner of your mouth. 
Your lips tasted sweet and inviting. He trailed his tongue along the crease of your parted lips, kissing them tenderly as his eyes focused on yours. Swallowing hard, you returned the kiss with more fervor. His plump soft lips melded with yours, the kiss deepening quickly. You had to remind yourself that you wanted to tease him, breaking away from him slowly. “We need to finish these first.” you stated, your voice already husky with need and want. He looked down at the bowl, his eyebrow arching as an idea hit him. Using two fingers, he scooped up some cream up, then placed them to your neck, trailing a white line down the side of your neck. “Oops, I think I need to get that off of you.” Hismouth was on your neck before you had to to react. His lips were hot, his mouth warm as he licked the trail of cream down your neck. A shiver ran down your spine as he sucked the last bit off of your sensitive skin. A low moan escaped you, driving Taemin on. Leaning back, he moved the berries to the nightstand, leaving only the cream between your bodies. You watched as he repeated his actions of scooping up some cream and marking you with it. First he placed some on your lips, kissing it away, before placing more to your jawline. You instinctively tilted your head, granting him access to lick it off. All while doing this, he was getting more cream and running his fingers over various parts of your face and chest. 
“You taste delicious, Y/N.”  he muttered against your flesh, kissing and licking the cool cream from the swell of your breasts. “Mmhmm” was your only reply. It must have been the way you hummed in response that made something spark within him, because you were immediately being pushed backwards until you were lying on the bed. As soon as you were down, Taemin began drawing white lines down your arms, neck and chest. “Don’t you dare move, princess. I’ve got to get you cleaned up first, before you get this all over the sheets.” his voice had dropped an octave, becoming deeper and darker. He moved the remaining bowl aside, then brought himself closer to you. Leaning over your body, he started with your neck, his tongue and lips never leaving your skin as he lapped and sucked every last drop of cream off. 
“If you don’t mind, I believe this shirt is getting in the way.” He began unbuttoning his shirt, taking his sweet time to tease you. Once it was fully undone, he pushed both side apart, exposing your breasts to his gaze. “So beautiful.” he whispered as he dipped his head to take a hardened nipple in his mouth. Your back arched off the mattress as your hands fisted into the sheets beneath you. Taking your other breast in his hand, he pinched your other nipple between two fingers, causing you to moan even louder. Suddenly you were bereft on any contact. You lifted your head slightly to see where he had gone. When you saw him, the usually sweet Taemin was replaced by a needy darker version. His eyes were hooded with hunger, his face displayed a devilish smirk. He had the bowl of cream in one hand, his long fingers dipping deep within the white softness. You laid your head back as his fingers ran down between your breasts and towards your stomach. He stopped when he reached the waist of your white panties. Instantly his mouth was on you, following the trail he had left. You could feel the exciting mixture of heat and coolness as he moved down your body, leaving now trace of white in his wake. 
“I could eat you alive right now, you taste so damn delectable”  he growled low in his chest. 
You have never seen this side of him before. You always had amzing sex, but he was always gentle and tender with you. THis side of him, this hungry dark side of Taemin, excites you. Not knowing what he was going to do made your body shudder with anticipation. You jumped in surprise when you felt teeth nipping at your already buzzing skin. It was just painful enough to still feel amazing as he left bite marks across your lower stomach, just about your still clothed sex. Your fingers found their way to his head, fisting locks of black hair between your fingers.Your breathing was becoming more rapid, which seemed to turn Taemin on even more. The bites became a bit harder, his mouth soothing the tender spots each time. Once more, you felt a sudden rush of cold air on your bar skin, you exhaled slowly, not expecting what was to come next. You felt his hands take the fabric of your panties in his fingers, then was in shock as the fabric was torn in half. “I want to taste how sweet you are, princess. Now don’t you dare move unless I tell you to, understand?” he spoke low and deep, and all you could do was nod in response. “That’s my good girl. So willing to please me.” his voice carried a hint of laughter as he removed the remnants of your panties down your legs. Placing his hands on either of your legs, he spread them apart, leaving you bared to him. His eyes stared at your body, laid out like a meal before him. IT was almost overwhelming to him, how much he loved you. He would never be able to put into words what you did to him. But he was damned determined to show you tonight. 
“Now, remember, you’re my dessert tonight. I’m going to savor every last bit and you’re never going to forget this evening. So, princess, get ready to have your body devoured.” Your breath hitched, anticipation shooting through every fiber of your being. 
Taking the last bit of cream, Taemin drew a heart over your sex, placing a large drop onto your clit. With his hands holding your legs apart, his head dipped between them, tracing the shape with his tongue. At last, there was the last little bit, and he latched his lips around your clit, sucking the cream off. You squirmed under him, you body a writhing mess as he continued to suckle and lick and that little bundle of nerves. 
“Fuck, Tae!” you breathed out, his hands holding your legs tighter as he delved his tongue inside you, his fingers circling your clitat the same time. He hummed against your folds, sending another wave of shivers throughout you. You inhaled sharply as he slid a finger inside you, hooking it until he found that one spot. You could feel yourself already nearing an orgasm, but you held it at bay, not wanting to miss anything he had planned for you. A second finger dipped inside you, then he scissored them to stretch your walls as he quicken the pace that he was pumping his fingers in and out of you. 
“Is my girl getting close? Oh no, babygirl, you aren’t aloud to cum yet. I’m nowhere near done with my dessert.” he ran a long stripe up between your no glistening folds, finding your swollen clit and pulling it between his teeth. 
You could feel the knot tightening in your gut, ready to snap any second. You begged him to let you cum but he continued to refuse you your release. “Shit! Tae, please! I-I can’t hold back anymore!” you screamed out, all the while your entire body was aching for more. He lifted his head to look at you through his bangs. He licked his lips that were coated with a tasty mixture of cream and your juices. He groaned at the sensation between his own legs. He was achingly hard and he pressed his hips into the mattress searching for some friction. He wanted, no he needed, to be inside you. Needed to feel your wall stretch around him as he entered you only to feel them tighten back around his full length. 
You were a panting mess as he granted to a moment to catch your breath. “I’m going to fuck you now. I’m not going to hold back, and I’m not going to stop until you are begging and screaming my name.” His words lit a fire deep within you, a fire that craved everything he could offer to do to you. Resting on his knees, he lifted your body up until you were in a sitting position. He tore the shirt off your arms and threw it to the side. You were now fully naked for his eyes yet you felt no embarrassment or shame. His eyes met yours, and you were lost in his gaze. They were dark and almost sinister, hungry and burning straight into your soul. Lifting you up, he lined the head of his cock with your slick opening and lowered you onto him. YOu felt yourself stretching ten closing around him as he filled you with a hard thrust. Gripping your waist, he held you steady as he pumped into you hard and fast. TOy arms wrapped around his neck, holding yourself close to his heated chest, the heat searing into you. He fell forward, bringing you back to the bed, then lifted one of your legs to his waist. THis angle allowed him to drive deeper inside you, filling you completely. 
His eyes never left you, watching you as you inched closer to your building orgasm. YOu head fell back and your body arched, forcing your hips down to meet his thrusts. Deep guttural growls filled the room, mixing with your heavy breaths. He teeth sunk into you shoulder as he muffled a moan. It was deliciously painful, and you craved more. You drove your nails into his arms, desperate to pull him down to you. Something flashed in his eyes before he crashed his lips to yours in a forceful kiss. His hips rocked into you, hard and fast, the pace never relenting. 
“So fucking good for me!” He growled before biting your shoulder again. You couldn’t help the small scream that came out as you held him to you. This dark, dominant Taemin was in control, and he wasn’t going to grant you a moment of respice. Lifting himself to his knees, he grabbed you legs and pulled you to him. Lifting your ass off the bed, he dug his strong fingers into your flesh, hard enough you knew there would be bruises in the morning. Yoru breasts bounced as you were rocked back and forth. Your hands searched for something, anything, to ground yourself. The force of him fucking into you, pushed you forward, causing your arms to give out and your upper body to lay into the mattress. Fingers did one again into your hips, holding you still as he relentlessly pounded into you. 
Suddenly, without warning, you were left without contact. A cold wave of air washed over you. Your eyes flew open in wonder searching for him. He was smilin down at you with the wicked grin again, reaching for your waist then easily flipping you over onto your stomach. There was a sting as his hand smacked your ass, hard. The sensation was instantly replaced with a soothing rub before another sting can again. You screamed into the sheets, tears starting to form behind your lids at the sweet torture he was giving you. 
“On all fours, now!” he barked out the order. You quickly obliged, you arms and legs shaking as they held you up. Without any warning, he was thrusting into you again. 
He leaned over your back, one of his hands grabbing your hand. He led it between your legs, guiding your fingers to you swollen clit. He made you rub small circles, massaging your already overstimulated bundle. He whispered into your ear, “Don’t stop until I tell you to, or else you’ll be in trouble.”
You obeyed his command as he rose back up. He splayed one hand on your back to push you down more, while the other hand grabbed your hair, wrapping it around his fingers before giving it a firm tug. Your head lifted up as the other hand encircled your throat. 
“You ready to cum for me? Fuck, I want to watch you come undone for me.” You didn’t think he could fuck into you any harder or faster than he already was, but tonight was full of surprises. 
You could feel your thighs beginning to quiver, reaching the point where they would no longer be able to keep you up. The rhythm of his thrusts began to fault, his fingers closing around your throat with a bit of pressure. 
“I’m close, Tae! Please let me cum!” You begged. With one more forceful thrust, you were coming unhinged. Wave after wave rushed thought your body as you came around his cock.  White hot heat flooded you as you screamed his name, your voice echoing off the walls. 
He stilled his movements and you could feel his release as he came inside you. His cock twitching as his cum filled you. He fell forward, the weight of his body forcing you to fall fully onto the bed. His sweat coated body pressed against you as his hot breath fanned over your neck. You both laid there, panting, as the remnants of orgasms washed over you both. Tae rolled over, bringing your body to his as he snuggled into your back.
“Damn, babe. I- I don’t know what came over me. I hope I didn’t hurt you.” he searched your body for any remaining marks he may have left.
“I told you I was dessert, but I didn’t know you were that hungry” you laughed as your turn to face him. The dominant Taemin was gone from his eyes, and it its place was the kind loving Tae. He searched your expression for any signs of discomfort, sighing when he found none. He placed a tender kiss to your lips, relishing in the way you responded. 
“I love you, Y/N. I hope you know I would never do anything to hurt you.” 
“ I know Tae, and you didn’t. Actually, I kind of like that side of you. It dangerous yet exciting. I’m surprised I haven’t see it until now.” Yor swiped a damp strand of hair from his forehead, relaxing your body into his embrace. 
“I never knew that side of me existed.” he said innocently. As you both came down from your highs, you felt your lids becoming heavy and sleep was tugging at your exhausted and sated body. 
“Sleep now princess. I love you.” he whispered as you began drifting off. 
“I love you too, Taeminie.” were the last words you said before falling asleep, secure in his arms. His heartbeat lulling you with a rhythmic beat.
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Izumi Iori: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 2
Tsumugi: Everyone, thank you for making time today!
T: I’m thinking of collecting the ‘RADIO STATION “Twelve Hits!”’s requests for Iori-san in this group chat. I’m grateful that everyone gathered today, which is close to Iori-san’s birthday!
Anesagi: You started out so formally! I thought you were going to do a wedding toast.
T: S-Sorry! I wanted to say what I’m grateful for..!
7: So wedding toasts are kinda like this huh?
1: You don’t know something like that either?
7: I don’t! I’ve never gone to a wedding ceremony!
1: I only went a few times too.
10000: You two are still minors after all, so you don’t have many connections huh. One day, you’ll receive several invitation letters in month and you’ll feel like attending is more like a duty.
Okazaki: I’ve been receiving those a lot lately too... I have a job so I can’t participate in it all.
3: Marriage huh...
3: I wonder if Iori will get married someday too. Just imagining it makes me tear up…..
3: Nah! Of course I’m happy and I’ll celebrate with all my might at the time!
10: I get it. When your younger sibling becomes an adult, you feel happy but at the same time, you feel lonely right...
1: Because of the age, wouldn’t Nii-san be before me?
1: I’d be lonely but if it is a person Nii-san chose, surely they’ll be a wonderful person....
3: Iori! I won’t leave you behind!!!
3: [Thumbs-Up Pudding Stamp]
1: [Pouting Kinako Stamp]
5: Umm, so basically, when Mitsuki-san gets married, Iori-kun will also come with him...?
8: Izumi-otouto will have a coming-of-age ceremony first right. Even with that, Izumi-ani would cry hard.
2: Somehow I can imagine other people who would cry too (lol)
7: I was a little moved and am crying now...!
1: Please don’t imagine it on your own and cry!
1000: Iori-kun, please understand. Everyone wants Iori-kun to be a DK forever. [T/N: DK is a Japanese abbreviation for “danshi koukousei” which translates to “male highschool student.]
1: DK forever…?
100: Being a DK is strongest huh~! The uniform is a weapon for them!
1000: You can wear it too can’t you Momo?
100: Darling~! The children are watching! (*ノ▽ノ)
2: Hey, Yuki-san, please don’t say weird things in front of our young ones.
1000: Eh? Just me?
8: DK?  Why are you suddenly talking about the layout of a house?
10: I thought that too!
9: It doesn’t mean dining kitchen, it means male highschooler.
8: Eh
10: Ohh, I see...!
9: [Huffing Pudding Stamp]
4: Yukirin, what about me?
1000: Tamaki-kun too. ^ ^
4: Yay!
1: What are you happy about?!
9: Um, excuse me.
9: What did we gather here for?
T: I-I’m sorry! The subject wandered off…!
1: Kujou-san, thank you for the accurate indication and course correction.
9: You’re welcome.
7: As expected of Tenn-nii!
1: Nanase-san, please stop being a bro-con everytime there is an opportunity.
9: The bro-con is you isn’t it. Izumi Iori.
7: Yeah! I don’t want to be told that by Iori!
1: These brothers...
7: Even though you were just crying and saying, “I’ll be lonely when Mitsuki marries~”!
1: I wasn’t crying! (Mad) (Mad) (Mad)
1: And you dramatize it too much (Mad) (Mad) (Mad)
7: Huh? Was I wrong?
1: You were totally wrong!
1: I’m afraid to say this while our respected senpais are here but, I worry about what kind of requests will be coming in this situation.
1: Please don’t be hard on me.
*T: I think you’ll get some fun requests!
1: Right. I want to believe that too.
100: A request to DK Iori huh~! Momo-chan will try hard!
T: So then, I wanted to ask for requests soon so was everyone able to think of one?
4: Yes! Yes!
4: I want to say it!
3: Oh! Tamaki, you’re eager huh!
4: I decided immediately! Deffo this!
2: So then, shall we go from Tama? Just starting from the youngest is fine right?
Anesagi: Isn’t it? It’s easy to understand that way.
Okazaki: Right! Since we will just be listening.
10000: We were answering questions last year but we won’t this year huh.
T: Then, from Tamaki-san, we’ll ask from the youngest!
1: I worry about what your unhesitating response but, Yotsuba-san, please take it away.
4: [Please forgive me for spilling red mabo tofu on the P.E. jersey I borrowed from you.]
1: Hah?!
1: You were eating your bento like that with a jersey of mine?!
4: It was after PE, on lunch break. I was sooooooo hungry.
4: Stomach grumbled
4: “Changing afterwards is fine riiiight” I thought.
4: I’m sorry.
4: [Bowing Kinako Stamp]
1: [Angry Kinako Stamp]
1: Anyways, before the jersey, what kind of request is that?!  What should I do if I pull that request on the radio?!
4: Shouldn’t you forgive me?
1: You don’t regret it at all (Mad) (Mad) (Mad) (Mad) (Mad)
4: [Sweating Pudding Stamp]
1: Anyways, please show me the jersey. We’ll talk afterwards.
4: Okay. I’ll bring it to Iorin’s room.
100: Lending and borrowing jerseys is cute lolololol DK’s conversation is heartwarming!
10000: It’s such an adolescent thing!
100: Yes! It’s so adolescent, negative ions are coming from them!!!
1000: I feel the negative ions from Momo too
100: Darling~! (*>ω<*)
T: Seems like there is a situation going on, but anyway, I’ll continue collecting requests…!
T: We need to get a request from the person in charge too, so can I hear from Iori-san too?
1: I want to do a request like “Play a memorizing game.”
T: When you say memorizing game, it’s like memorizing pi during the show?
1: It’s not showy but if we come up with the things to memorize, we would make it interesting enough. We could manage it only with sound, which also has variation, so I think it’s a valid game.
7: Yes! I have a good quiz!
7: How about remembering all the names of the Usamimi Friends? Somehow, there have been a lot of new bunny friends added recently right?
7: Lately, you’ve been eating a lot of Usamimi Friends snacks with Tamaki right? I was curious if it was that tasty.
1: It’s quite different from my public image; that doesn’t suit me at all.
1: I’m just eating the snacks with Yotsuba-san, also I can’t tell the difference between those kind of animals, so how about not making a quiz about it.
5: I’ve had it too but those snacks are pretty good huh. I was impressed by how recent snacks are so well made.
T: The content of the quiz will be a secret till the day of; the staff will think about that!
T: So then, continuing with Riku-san, please say your request.
7: Okay! [I want to hear Iori’s mistake stories!]
10: I see. If people could feel a gap from the usual Iori-kun, they would feel affinity! I want to hear them too.
7: I know right! Also hearing confessions is somehow exciting!
9: I was also thinking of the same type of request as Riku.
7: Tenn-nii too?!
9: [Confess one secret to your fans.]
9: I think Izumi Iori’s fans would also be happy and feel special to hear something secret.
1: I see. I can’t think of any mistake stories or secrets but I’ll think about it.
9: You have it right, at least one. Like you can’t sleep without a body pillow or something.
100: Like you dive into the tub when you are taking a bath?
2: Or maybe you write poems in the middle of the night.
1: I don’t!!!!
T: Thank you to both of you for your requests! I’m curious about Iori-san’s confession but, next is Nagi-san please!
6: So it’s my turn now huh. :-D I got tired of waiting.
6: From me it’s [Rokuya Nagi PRESENTS IDOLiSH7 Quiz].
6: I’ll give Iori many kinds of quiz questions that are related to us. I’ll make you suffer.
1: If it’s about IDOLiSH7, I don’t think there’s a quiz I can’t answer.
5: It seems Iori-kun could really answer anything huh.
6: Don’t worry. I won’t let you. I’m planning to set quizzes that even the person himself couldn’t answer.
3: Why does Nagi know something that the person themself doesn’t even know…?
1: Go ahead with any quiz. I’m confident that I think about the members the most. I’ll accept the challenge.
6: Seems like I don’t need to go easy X-D
T: I’m looking forward to you two’s serious game…!
T: So then, next can I ask for a request from Sougo-san?
1: Sorry, before that, can we take a little break?
1: There was more red on my jersey than I thought. I’ll clean it with Yotsuba-san.
1: Because I have PE class first thing in the morning tomorrow.
1: [Glaring Pudding Stamp]
4: [Shivering Kinako Stamp]
T: The log became a little long huh! Let’s have a break!
T: After a little while, I’ll call everyone again. Please take care of it!
1: Please don’t be hard on me.
T: What kind of request would make you happy?
1: I’m happy with anything if it’s common enough that I can start the recording with a calm feeling.
100: A request to DK Iori huh~! Momo-chan will try hard!
1: Please don’t be hard on me.
T: The show will hyped up!
1: I want to make it a good show so I would try anything unless it’s something that I can’t broadcast...
100: A request to DK Iori huh~! Momo-chan will try hard!
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bornsingerwiththem · 6 years
Men Who Can’t Love (Final)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader Genre: Angst Word Count: 4.3k
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Summary: You are finally doing okay without Jungkook in your life, but he can’t be happy without you.
A/N: Hello guys! I’m finally done with my first story! I want to thank everyone who’s been following along. This is the angstiest chapter so, hope you enjoy! 
It’s only been a few weeks since his life took an unexpected turn but it felt like years. Jungkook was genuinely trying to work things out with W/N in hopes to give his child the best life he could. Some days he would treat her to breakfast in bed, give her foot massages, and even do every chore there was. If his wife was now carrying his first child then he had to treat her with utmost care making sure she didn’t do too much.
Things were going well with his company too. With the new marketing strategies that his partner suggested they’ve seen an increase in their revenue. They were doing good financially but things were more stressful than before. Employees were being more demanding and having to deal with this along with his personal problems were taking a toll on him. Not to mention Y/N. He couldn’t stop thinking about her as much as he tried.
Every morning his thoughts are full of Y/N while he gets ready for another day of work. Just remembering her warm smile was enough to get him through the day. He missed her so much but he couldn’t bring himself to visit her.
 Knowing he had no self control when it came to Y/N, he tried to stay away. He has been working too hard to restore his relationship with his wife to let it all go to waste. His child did not deserve that.
“Hobi get up” you nudged him until you scared him awake, “I’m starving let’s go get dinner. My treat!” you shot a smile while getting dressed. Today he came over unexpectedly like always and you hadn’t even eaten lunch yet.
“Aghh Y/N.. can’t you give me like ten more minutes?” he groaned and pulled the sheets back over his head. “I’m so tired, those kids always wear me out so much.” He had just recently started working at a dance academy that focused on hiphop which was his specialty since he’s been dancing all his life basically.
“I know, I know. But I also know how I get when I don’t get my daily dose of food so.. SEE YA” you said and ran out the room. He immediately jumped up and started collecting his clothes from the floor, “Noooo wait I’m hungry too! Don’t abandon me!!” he rushed and got dressed before you left him.
Lately that’s been your life. Go to work, come home, and meet Hobi later in the day. You forgot how funny he was and having him around really helped you keep your mind off Jungkook.
Hobi always has the most interesting topics to talk about and it honestly motivates you to get your life together. He found a job where he gets paid to do something he loves and you couldn’t be happier for him. He also keeps talking about this certain girl he just met at the academy. You knew his frequent visits will eventually stop once he finds the guts to ask her out.
Right now he’s keeping your lonely self company which you’re completely grateful for, but if he ever settles down with someone you would be happy for him. He’s a great person and deserves nothing but the best, and sadly you’re not the one destined give him that.
“Hey baby?” W/N calls out for Jungkook who is downstairs vacuuming, “Are you hungry?” she asks as she hears him coming up the stairs.
“No not really I already ate at work. Why? Do you want something to eat honey?” he says and sits down on the couch in front of their bed taking a break from cleaning.
“Well I was kind of craving a chicken sandwich. Lately chicken is the only thing on my mind” she laughed into the pillow to hide her face of embarrassment and Jungkook couldn’t help but smile. He was reminded of old times.
“Don’t be shy it’s okay. Our little child wants it so I’ll go get it” Jungkook said as he stretched his back before getting up “I know a good place.” he walked towards the closet to grab a coat. “I’ll be right back, okay?”
The line at Chick-fil-A was ridiculous! ‘I mean I get it, it’s Friday night and everyone is out but today of all days it had to be packed’ Jungkook complained to himself and pulled out his phone. 
He was scrolling through his Instagram feed looking at all his friends post and seeing how happy they looked. ‘Why can’t I be happy too?’ he sighed and looked up from his phone. For a second there he could have sworn he saw your face further ahead in the line. Was he imagining things now?
You used to always drag Jungkook to this place because chicken was what you lived for and this was your favorite spot to eat at when you wanted something quick. Even now.
‘Some things just don’t change’ he leaned back on the wall as he reminisced. He just wanted to walk up to you and ask how your day was or something. Anything just to talk to you. But wait.. Who was that next to you?
You were standing next to Hoseok and he was making you laugh like always. Perhaps looking a bit too comfortable with you to Jungkook’s liking. The line moved up but you didn’t notice so Hobi lead you forward with his hand low on your waist. Jungkook rolled his eyes at the gesture.
“What are you getting Hobi?” you asked but he wasn’t paying attention to you. 
Hoseok caught Jungkook glaring but tried to not be obvious and simply looked away. “Hobi?” you nudged him.
“Oh you said something?” he asked and looked up at the menu.
“Yes I asked you what you were getting dummy.”
“Well I don’t really come here often now do I pretty lady?” he booped your nose, “So I’ll just get whatever you get.” he said looking back but Jungkook was nowhere to be found.
Jungkook was fuming. He couldn’t bear staying there a second longer and stormed out opting for the drive thru instead. He still had to get his wife that chicken sandwich she craved. 
But why was he so angry? He couldn’t understand it. Sure he missed you but what what this feeling? It wasn’t even something he should be mad about.
Seeing you with another man made him want to go and yank you from his arms. Who did he think he was? Touching you like you were his. What he hated the most was that he couldn’t do anything about it. You weren’t his girlfriend to begin with and he already had too much on his plate. Why couldn’t he just be happy?
Jungkook finally got that damn sandwich that his wife so conveniently craved today and headed back home. He was so not concentrating on the road and had a heart attack when he nearly rear ended the car in front of him. “Fuck! What’s up with all these red lights!?” he hit his steering wheel.
‘Music always helps, right’ he turned up the radio in an attempt to calm down and distract himself. It sure as hell wasn’t working but he was already pulling into his driveway anyway. He quickly made his way to the house not wanting anything else but to sleep.
W/N heard the door shutting loudly announcing her husbands arrival. “Hey he’s here. I’ll talk to you later okay? Bye, take care.” she hung up and made her way down.
“Here’s your sandwich.” Jungkook grabbed the brown bag and tossed it on the table making his way upstairs.
“Aren’t you gonna eat with me?” she looked back at him “Let’s eat toge..” Jungkook cut her off.
“Do you not listen to me?? I told you I already ate. And I hate chicken sandwiches!” he slammed the door behind him.
Of course he doesn’t like them. He only liked them when he ate them with you. But now you’re doing the same things you did with him with another guy. ‘I guess she already forgot about me’ he sighed and leaned against the door.
“Are you serious?! I can’t believe she made a move before you Hobi!!” you hit the table and continued your laughing fit that brought tears to your eyes.
“Okay, okay laugh all you want” Hoseok said looking around at all the people that were now staring at you. He leaned closer to tell you something privately, “but don’t you think that’s hot as fuck tho?” he shot you a smug smile when you finally looked up and took a sip of his coke.
“I mean yeah she’s my hero and all but what happened to you? Did you forget about all the messages you sent me?” you noticed his lightly colored cheeks deepen in color.
“I know but that’s another story Y/N. I actually feel nervous around her you know?” he said looking out the window. “Just the way she carries herself. She’s so confident and it makes me want her even more.” he touched his forehead dramatically. “You should see how much patience she has with the little ones we teach. I wonder if they ship us?”
“Oh my God Hobi I’m sure they do now eat your sandwich before it gets cold.” you pushed his untouched food closer to him. “So where is she taking you?”
“I don’t know actually. She said it’s a surprise so that’s exciting..” he said before taking a bite, “Wow Y/N this shit tastes better than you!”
“Did you really just compare me to a sandwich?” you shot him one of those looks he does when he’s disgusted. “Speaking of that.. I don’t think we should fuck around as much anymore.”
“Why is that?” he said looking a bit surprised, “You don’t love me now?”
This kid. Why is it so hard to have a serious conversation with him? Boy were you gonna miss him.
“No Hobi it’s not that but I think you should dedicate yourself to her. And only her.” you said giving him a serious expression.
“Yeah i guess you have a point there. BUT HEY!! We’re still gonna be friends forever right??” he was actually serious this time. “You’re honestly one of my coolest friends..”
“Of course Hobi!” you said and started throwing your trash away, “Are you done? Let’s go.”
The next day Jungkook wakes up to an empty bed. ‘Hmm where is she..’ he thought as he went to the bathroom to wash his face. It was supposed to be his day off but he doesn’t feel like staying at home trapped with his thoughts.
He decides to go make breakfast for him and W/N. But wait.. the door is locked. Did he accidently leave her out last night? ‘Ugh I’m such a dumbass.’ As he makes his way downstairs he sees the brown bag where he left it yesterday. She didn’t even eat it. W/N was downstairs too laying on the couch.
He walks up to her sleeping form. As much as he nudged her he couldn’t get her to wake up. ‘She must of not gotten a good night’s rest’ he says and carries her bridal style up to the bedroom. She’s as light as ever, is she not eating enough?
Jungkook goes back downstairs and cooks up enough eggs and bacon for two people. While eating he contemplates sending Y/N a message but quickly stops himself. He was already an asshole to W/N last night, he didn’t have to do this to her as well.
“I should get her flowers sometime.. maybe she’ll like that.” he said and put on coat, getting ready to leave.
Just like you thought, Hoseok stop coming over as often. And when he did it was to chit-chat and catch up which you were totally okay with. His company was the only thing you wanted anyway. Although he rarely came over because now he had other priorities.
Honestly you were not as lonely as you thought you’d be. Of course having your family far away didn’t help but at least you were doing well on your own.
Jungkook still crossed your mind every now and then but you weren’t sad anymore. Closure would have been nice.. yeah, but now you were over it. You didn’t want to see him. That would just break you again.
What would you even tell him anyway? Hey why did you leave without saying anything? That’s kind of fucked up.’ Noooo that’s stupid. You would sound crazy. He probably doesn’t care about what you have to say.
Jungkook was so excited and couldn’t wait to go home. He bought the biggest and prettiest bouquet of flowers for W/N and he felt like he was finally doing the husband thing right. Perhaps things could actually work out and he can be happy with his child and W/N. He felt proud of himself because now his baby will have a happy family to be raised in. That’s all he wanted.
He arrives home earlier than usual to surprise W/N and quietly makes his way to their bedroom hiding the bouquet of flowers behind him. Midway through he hears her talking. ‘Did she invite a friend over?’ he thought and kept getting closer until he could make up the words she was saying.
“Yeah I can’t believe how easy it was Jenny. He fell for it with no questions asked!” he heard W/N laugh and stopped walking up the stairs. What is she talking about?
“What do you mean why? I don’t have or want a job and his company is finally reaching the six-figures! Best believe I’m not saying bye to that!” she said and got up to grab her glass of wine from the coffee table.
‘Wine!? How can she be drinking wine right now??’ Jungkook was about to go in and confront W/N about drinking wine but stopped when he heard her speak up once again.
“Well I don’t know when exactly. Once I have him wrapped around my finger again, I’ll fake a miscarriage or something. I mean I can’t come out clean Jenny.” Jungkook had enough and walked into the room to sees W/N in her silk robe sipping on some wine, and talking on the phone.
He drops the flowers to the ground and the thud got W/N’s attention. She quickly tries to hide the glass of wine like Jungkook hasn’t already seen it.
“Fake a miscarriage? W/N what are you talking about, are you not pregnant?” Jungkook said in a soft voice trying to choke back his tears.
“No Kookie of course I am, why wou..” she was cut off.
“No don’t even try to cover it up. I heard you!! I heard everything you had to say. What a disgusting bitch you are.” he said surprising himself with his choice of words while W/N was incredulous to what was happening right now. Did she really just admit to everything?
“Here I am like a dumbass trying to work things out with you for OUR CHILD that doesn’t even fucking exist. Just because you want my money? You’re pathetic. Worst than I thought.”
“Jungkook please let me explain” W/N said  getting closer “you don’t understand!” she tried clinging on to him but he just kept backing away from her.
“Get off me already! I don’t want you!!” Jungkook walked to the bed and grabbed W/N’s phone throwing it at her feet. “Call your friend Jenny again. Tell her how your plan just backfired and that now you need a new place to stay in.” he told her with the darkest gaze she’s seen on him. This was the first time she’s ever been scared of Jungkook.
He went to grab a leather jacket, “Pack your things. You better be gone by the time I get back.” he said as he put it on, walked down the stairs and slammed the door. The walls trembled with the force he closed the door with. W/N could hear one of their wall decorations fall on the ground breaking and she throws her glass of wine to the wall.
Why? Why did Jungkook have to find out and ruin everything! Only if she wasn’t stupid enough to be speaking it out loud. Even if she thought Jungkook wasn’t home. But she can’t call Jenny. How embarrassing would that be?
W/N began packing her bags. She didn’t know where she was going but she couldn’t bear seeing Jungkook again. She felt so humiliated and seeing him would only make it worse. She grabbed everything in sight that belonged to her and put it in her luggage.
She couldn’t help but get nostalgic while packing. With a blurry vision she looked around the room that felt so empty without her things. She loved this place so much.. It was hard to think this would be her last time seeing it.
Before heading out the door she stops and slowly gives the house a final scan. Everything was designed to her liking. It was so simple and minimalistic. But now it’s not hers anymore.
Jungkook had left his home without a destination. He just couldn’t stand being in her presence anymore. He was slowly achieving happiness until it all came crashing down like always.
How could W/N do something like this to him? He was right all along. She wasn’t the same person she was when they got married. She no longer had life goals. Always wanting to stay home and do nothing. So used to an easy life and having everything laid out for her. How can someone live like this?
Tears started rolling down his face. The betrayal of his life sinking deep within him. He didn’t have a place to escape to anymore but all he wanted right now was to hug you and tell you how stupid he was for not reaching out to you. If only you knew how pathetic he’s become.
Deciding he’s given W/N enough time to pack and leave he heads back home. His headache was killing him and he couldn’t stand driving aimlessly anymore.
There’s a deafening silence in his home that makes him feel suffocated. He’s not used to this. Everywhere he looks reminds him of how he imagined his little child running around having the time of their life. His creation, so tiny and beautiful. But it was all a lie. That only makes his heart hurt even more. He was so used to the idea of being a father that he had anticipated his child so much.
No he can’t do this. He needs to get out of here.
Jungkook mindlessly texts you.
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You jumped up when you saw his contact name pop up in you screen. He was the last person you expected to message you on a Tuesday night. What does he want? By the looks of it he seems sad. Why didn’t he talk to his wife, was she out of town or something?
And he wanted to come over?! You didn’t know how to feel about that. You’re not his toy that he can use whenever he pleases. But he said he wanted to talk.. maybe that’s not a bad idea. Ugh what should you do??
Before you regretted it you sent him a text giving him permission to come.
Oh but look at you! Your hair is a hot mess and your lounging outfit wasn’t the cutest.. Well whatever. Who were you trying to impress anyway.
“Y/N!” you heard a broken shout from the living room, “Where are you?” you peeped from your room door.
“Oh it’s you? Omg you almost scared me to death Jungkook! Ever heard of knocking?” you said sitting down on your favorite spot of the couch. “Whatever you need to say, make it quick. I’m busy watching my drama” you said trying to sound as uninterested as you possible.
Jungkook couldn’t believe his eyes. It was you, finally. Everything about you was perfect right now. Especially your messy bun with the random strands falling effortlessly on your face. Just the sight of you was enough to let him breathe peacefully for once.
Giving him the cold shoulder after not seeing him for so long was honestly the hardest thing ever. He looked so good in that white t-shirt and his fluffy hair, ugh you loved his fluffy hair. You slowly looked up at him and noticed how swollen his eyes were.
“Jungkook what happened to you? Why were you crying?” you suddenly forgot about your facade and walked over to him. This was your first time seeing him like this and it broke your heart.
“Y/N.. I missed you so much. How could I have left you? I’m so stupid. And for what? That crazy bitch?” he said as he dropped onto the couch averting his gaze from yours. You had no idea what he was talking about but did he just say he missed you?
“She lied Y/N! She trapped me with her lies! And my baby.. ” his eyes were starting to water again. “My baby wasn’t even real!” he said throwing his head at his hands in defeat. He didn’t want to break down in front of you.
“Jungkook calm down” you said sitting down next to him and rubbed his back. He was very distressed, you thought it’d be better for him to get some rest so he can properly talk. “It’s okay we can talk about it later. You need some rest right now” you said guiding him to your bed.
It felt silly tucking him into bed but he was already drifting into sleep. You didn’t really feel like it was right to stay with him so you made your way out the door, but before you got further away you felt him tugging at your wrist.
“Don’t leave Y/N..” he said quietly but you continued walking instead. He didn’t let go of your wrist so you looked back at him. He looked so cute in his sleepy state, almost like a child.
 “Please?” you heard him say.
A loud bang startled you awake. You give yourself a big needed stretch on the bed before sitting up and looking at the clock that read 11:36pm. When did you even fall asleep? There’s another loud noise coming from the kitchen so you decide to get up and investigate.
You find Jungkook trying to work the oven, “Jungkook why are you making so much noise?’ you say before yawning and rubbing your eyes.
“Oh sorry Y/N did I wake you? I just got really hungry so I helped myself to one of your frozen pizzas” he gave you a cheeky smile, “but how do you work this thing?” he said looking back at the oven like it was alien technology.
He was like a completely different person than from earlier. You help him turn on the oven and prepare the pizza together. He seemed to be enjoying himself, smiling at you often. You both sit down on your dining table to talk while you wait for the pizza.
“So you’re saying that your wife faked a pregnancy?” you say, shock evident in your face.
“Don’t call her that. I’m filing for divorce as soon as possible.” he said with a serious tone. 
“I was so used to the idea of having a baby on the way. That’s why I didn’t contact you. I was trying so hard to prepare myself for my kid.” he said looking down at his hands.
It was hard to think of something comforting to say. You could only imagine how much pain he had to go through.
“It broke my heart to know that I was waiting for nothing all along” he sighed. 
”All this time without you made me realize how much I need you in my life Y/N..” he grabbed your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours.
You weren’t over what he did to you despite the situation so you were about to let his hand go but you heard him speak again.
“Y/N I love you.” he looked at you with sincere eyes.
Your heart started to beat faster and you were suddenly nervous. What just happened? Is this a dream?
He squished your hand a little to get your attention. He wanted a response. What should you do? Of course you loved him back but he’s a man who can’t love. Was he serious right now? You can’t confess your love to him this quickly.
“Jungkook I..” you were about to say it but the oven timer interrupted you, “Pizza’s ready!” you quickly got up and ran away.
“Damn baby this pizza tastes amazing!” Jungkook said with his eyes closed as you focused on the drama you were watching earlier. “But not as good as you..” he said looking at you with a smug face.
You laughed harder than you intended to, “Stop comparing me to food!!”
“But this is the first time I do?” he looked over at you with suspicious eyes, “By the way, who was that guy you were with at our usual place?”
“Huh? What place?” you said trying to stall.
“Our chicken sandwich place Y/N!” he whined like a child, “I saw you there with another guy. He wasn’t even as cute as me.” he said pulling one of the pettiest faces.
“Ohh Hobi? Haha he’s just a close friend of mine.” you told him nervously and took another bite of your pizza. You weren’t about to admit how he fucked you in the same bed Jungkook just woke up from.
“Hmmm a little too close I’d say.” he drops his pizza and makes his way over to you, “Now c’mon we got a lot of catching up to do” he smirks down at you before picking you up and giving your ass a spank playfully.
“Jungkook my pizza!” you say as he drags you away.
“The pizza can wait baby, but I can’t.”
He carefully put you down on the bed and passionately kissed your lips like his life depended on them.
You thought you were over him but having him close to you one more time made you appreciate him that much more. Finally he was yours, and yours only.
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careerguy · 7 years
“In all chaos, there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”
-Carl Jung
“Waiting to exhale” is a phrase many are familiar with, if not from the movie of the same name, just the experience of life as lived.  Stressful events in our lives and the world can cause a virtual breathing disorder.
Big changes in our world or our own lives (e.g., career shift, relationship changes, “midlife crisis”, etc.) can have us almost holding our breath. Such feelings of personal or planetary chaos may attempt to deflect our attention and hope from what Thoreau calls our individual versions of “the direction of your dreams…the life you’ve imagined.”
Though any change is always, at first, discombobulating, in The Back Forty we offer that any “crisis” can also be seen as an opportunity.
Yet, while in the midst of the crisis-come-opportunity, we do need to stabilize and get grounded. In that process of getting back to basics, the most basic of basics is to remember to breathe…into the apparent disorder.
We don’t often regard the practice of breathing – whether it be literally, or figuratively (e.g., stepping away from everything to gain perspective) – as a first-blush consideration in living life. Yet, too often that invisible or unappreciated practice becomes highly regarded after a scare of one type or another.
I recently wrote about the opportunity to invent reasons to stop ourselves and breathe before something else stops us (health scare, relationship upheaval, financial sideswipe, etc.).
If we subscribe to The Back Forty belief that each of us has yet to do what we came here to do, then that means we want to take the long view…because we’re ideally going to be around for a very long time.
So, whatever it takes to focus on breathing – literally and figuratively – into whatever disorder we stir up in our purposeful pursuit of a second half of play, passion and purpose is worth every last minute it gives us…because it may be that last minute of this life when we accomplish what we came here to do.
Here’s some thoughts to help you take a breather from world or personal events, and be inspired (latin inspīrāre, to breathe upon or into ):
“True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced. A truly stable system expects the unexpected, is prepared to be disrupted, waits to be transformed.”
-Tom Robbins
“One way to break up any kind of tension is good deep breathing.”
-Byron Nelson
“Smiling is very important. If we are not able to smile, then the world will not have peace. It is not by going out for a demonstration against nuclear missiles that we can bring about peace. It is with our capacity of smiling, breathing, and being peace that we can make peace.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh
“Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.”
-L. Frank Baum
“I wake up every day and I think, ‘I’m breathing! It’s a good day.'”
-Eve Ensler
“I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.”
-Maya Angelou
“The only reason I would take up jogging is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.”
-Erma Bombeck
And here’s a few deep breaths to keep in mind as disorder may, for the moment, continue to wave its frazzled, fearful head:
You can’t help anyone in any worthwhile way unless you have applied your own oxygen mask first.
First and foremost, be sure you’re getting the rest, nutrition and mental relaxation necessary to keep coming at your work, your life, your world with the highest functioning of your full faculties.
There’s a phrase that says, when things get a bit crazy, HALT: never get to Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired.
There are many phrases from many cultures which say the same basic truth: things will look different in the morning.
Realizing that, if we give ourselves the self-care to step back for a moment, a bit of rest and NOT thinking about the issue at hand can actually open up new perspectives from which can then be seen new actions to take.
Take a breather from the urgency of the moment. Step away from the machine.
Actually realize the blessing of the fact that you are, right now, in this moment, breathing, with the health, and ability, and food in the fridge, and people who really do care all around you, and opportunities to contribute…all right now available in the present.
There is a next step. This is a life to be lived. There is something yet to unfold to have you be who you came to be and do what you came to do.  And you need to keep breathing to get there.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
-Albert Einstein
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darrellgurney · 7 years
“In all chaos, there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”
-Carl Jung
“Waiting to exhale” is a phrase many are familiar with, if not from the movie of the same name, just the experience of life as lived.  Stressful events in our lives and the world can cause a virtual breathing disorder.
Big changes in our world or our own lives (e.g., career shift, relationship changes, “midlife crisis”, etc.) can have us almost holding our breath. Such feelings of personal or planetary chaos may attempt to deflect our attention and hope from what Thoreau calls our individual versions of “the direction of your dreams…the life you’ve imagined.”
Though any change is always, at first, discombobulating, in The Back Forty we offer that any “crisis” can also be seen as an opportunity.
Yet, while in the midst of the crisis-come-opportunity, we do need to stabilize and get grounded. In that process of getting back to basics, the most basic of basics is to remember to breathe…into the apparent disorder.
We don’t often regard the practice of breathing – whether it be literally, or figuratively (e.g., stepping away from everything to gain perspective) – as a first-blush consideration in living life. Yet, too often that invisible or unappreciated practice becomes highly regarded after a scare of one type or another.
I recently wrote about the opportunity to invent reasons to stop ourselves and breathe before something else stops us (health scare, relationship upheaval, financial sideswipe, etc.).
If we subscribe to The Back Forty belief that each of us has yet to do what we came here to do, then that means we want to take the long view…because we’re ideally going to be around for a very long time.
So, whatever it takes to focus on breathing – literally and figuratively – into whatever disorder we stir up in our purposeful pursuit of a second half of play, passion and purpose is worth every last minute it gives us…because it may be that last minute of this life when we accomplish what we came here to do.
Here’s some thoughts to help you take a breather from world or personal events, and be inspired (latin inspīrāre, to breathe upon or into ):
“True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced. A truly stable system expects the unexpected, is prepared to be disrupted, waits to be transformed.”
-Tom Robbins
“One way to break up any kind of tension is good deep breathing.”
-Byron Nelson
“Smiling is very important. If we are not able to smile, then the world will not have peace. It is not by going out for a demonstration against nuclear missiles that we can bring about peace. It is with our capacity of smiling, breathing, and being peace that we can make peace.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh
“Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.”
-L. Frank Baum
“I wake up every day and I think, ‘I’m breathing! It’s a good day.'”
-Eve Ensler
“I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.”
-Maya Angelou
“The only reason I would take up jogging is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.”
-Erma Bombeck
And here’s a few deep breaths to keep in mind as disorder may, for the moment, continue to wave its frazzled, fearful head:
You can’t help anyone in any worthwhile way unless you have applied your own oxygen mask first.
First and foremost, be sure you’re getting the rest, nutrition and mental relaxation necessary to keep coming at your work, your life, your world with the highest functioning of your full faculties.
There’s a phrase that says, when things get a bit crazy, HALT: never get to Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired.
There are many phrases from many cultures which say the same basic truth: things will look different in the morning.
Realizing that, if we give ourselves the self-care to step back for a moment, a bit of rest and NOT thinking about the issue at hand can actually open up new perspectives from which can then be seen new actions to take.
Take a breather from the urgency of the moment. Step away from the machine.
Actually realize the blessing of the fact that you are, right now, in this moment, breathing, with the health, and ability, and food in the fridge, and people who really do care all around you, and opportunities to contribute…all right now available in the present.
There is a next step. This is a life to be lived. There is something yet to unfold to have you be who you came to be and do what you came to do.  And you need to keep breathing to get there.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
-Albert Einstein
0 notes
darrellgurney · 7 years
“In all chaos, there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”
-Carl Jung
“Waiting to exhale” is a phrase many are familiar with, if not from the movie of the same name, just the experience of life as lived.  Stressful events in our lives and the world can cause a virtual breathing disorder.
Big changes in our world or our own lives (e.g., career shift, relationship changes, “midlife crisis”, etc.) can have us almost holding our breath. Such feelings of personal or planetary chaos may attempt to deflect our attention and hope from what Thoreau calls our individual versions of “the direction of your dreams…the life you’ve imagined.”
Though any change is always, at first, discombobulating, in The Back Forty we offer that any “crisis” can also be seen as an opportunity.
Yet, while in the midst of the crisis-come-opportunity, we do need to stabilize and get grounded. In that process of getting back to basics, the most basic of basics is to remember to breathe…into the apparent disorder.
We don’t often regard the practice of breathing – whether it be literally, or figuratively (e.g., stepping away from everything to gain perspective) – as a first-blush consideration in living life. Yet, too often that invisible or unappreciated practice becomes highly regarded after a scare of one type or another.
I recently wrote about the opportunity to invent reasons to stop ourselves and breathe before something else stops us (health scare, relationship upheaval, financial sideswipe, etc.).
If we subscribe to The Back Forty belief that each of us has yet to do what we came here to do, then that means we want to take the long view…because we’re ideally going to be around for a very long time.
So, whatever it takes to focus on breathing – literally and figuratively – into whatever disorder we stir up in our purposeful pursuit of a second half of play, passion and purpose is worth every last minute it gives us…because it may be that last minute of this life when we accomplish what we came here to do.
Here’s some thoughts to help you take a breather from world or personal events, and be inspired (latin inspīrāre, to breathe upon or into ):
“True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced. A truly stable system expects the unexpected, is prepared to be disrupted, waits to be transformed.”
-Tom Robbins
“One way to break up any kind of tension is good deep breathing.”
-Byron Nelson
“Smiling is very important. If we are not able to smile, then the world will not have peace. It is not by going out for a demonstration against nuclear missiles that we can bring about peace. It is with our capacity of smiling, breathing, and being peace that we can make peace.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh
“Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.”
-L. Frank Baum
“I wake up every day and I think, ‘I’m breathing! It’s a good day.'”
-Eve Ensler
“I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.”
-Maya Angelou
“The only reason I would take up jogging is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.”
-Erma Bombeck
And here’s a few deep breaths to keep in mind as disorder may, for the moment, continue to wave its frazzled, fearful head:
You can’t help anyone in any worthwhile way unless you have applied your own oxygen mask first.
First and foremost, be sure you’re getting the rest, nutrition and mental relaxation necessary to keep coming at your work, your life, your world with the highest functioning of your full faculties.
There’s a phrase that says, when things get a bit crazy, HALT: never get to Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired.
There are many phrases from many cultures which say the same basic truth: things will look different in the morning.
Realizing that, if we give ourselves the self-care to step back for a moment, a bit of rest and NOT thinking about the issue at hand can actually open up new perspectives from which can then be seen new actions to take.
Take a breather from the urgency of the moment. Step away from the machine.
Actually realize the blessing of the fact that you are, right now, in this moment, breathing, with the health, and ability, and food in the fridge, and people who really do care all around you, and opportunities to contribute…all right now available in the present.
There is a next step. This is a life to be lived. There is something yet to unfold to have you be who you came to be and do what you came to do.  And you need to keep breathing to get there.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
-Albert Einstein
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