#(COUGH henry COUGH william)
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Hollow Me Out
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ourplefever · 3 months
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reminder that scott cawthon once had a scream hyperfixation in college and came full circle with Matthew Lillard for fnaf movie
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Charlie is kindness Twisted into rage and violence after years of failure to save the people she cared about.
Cassidy is Childish anger twisted into White heart hatred and malice But years of neglect And loneliness
They both want to protect their family they both want to be happy and free. They both want to be whole in their own ways....
Cassidy just wants to be acknowledged And love to by the people she loves
Charlie just wants to protect her family And to make the person she knows cares for her the most love her the way she is.
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unicornsaures · 4 months
Redcoat OC lore dump!!
By no means is this EVERYTHING about these guys, just the base layers. I also dont go into specifics for a lot of these just because if i did it probably wouldnt line up so..yeah!
Right, starting off with Charles Gray! He was born in Maryland on April 14, 1753 to Eleanor Gray and John Gray with three sisters - Mary Gray(last name changed to Fields when she gets married), Eleanor Gray Jr, and Frances Gray. His family was originally from London but they moved to the colonies in 1750, 3 years before he was born. His parents were devout loyalists, so he and his siblings quickly picked up on their beliefs. He primarily lived on his parents' plantation, so he was pretty well off financially and he had no struggle with money his entire life. Come 1773 when Charles is 19, his sister Frances dies and they were pretty close, he struggles to cope with her desth while being in the area she died so, he decides to move out to Pennsylvania where he instead meets Henry and William who become his closest friends and help him through all of that.
Soon enough, April of 1774 comes around and he meets Charlotte Brewer(new character alert~!), who he begins courting soon after. In august of 1774 they begin dating, and in April of 1776 he gets married!! Yeah, he doesnt get happily ever after though. He joins the british army with William and Henry not but a few months later, leaving his newly wed wife behind and hes extra guilty about it. When they meet Hamilton though, he takes an instant liking towards him and tries to make him feel welcome to distract himself from the guilt he feels. Problem is, he never actually told Ham hes married. So, whoops. The rest of the story is whats already written so ah, Hamilton still doesnt know he's married.
Okayyy, William Fletcher! William was born in Newcastle on August 12, 1754 to George & Mary Fletcher. He has 6 siblings(im not writing out names.) Though 2 die before William even reaches the age of 1. This hasnt been brought up in the story, but he also can't remember most of his childhood other than the fact his father was shit. It wasnt anything too out of the ordinary for the time period, but it was a borderline abusive dynamic that sparked fights and fucked up his trust, making it really hard to keep stable relationships with anyone in the future. Ever wonder why he 'dislikes' Hamilton so much? Yeah thats why.
Anyway, his family moved to New York in August of 1765, and to Pennsylvania just a few months later. Life is pretty uninteresting for a few years until 1770 comes up(William is 16) and he meets Henry Reed!! Its almost instantaneous how fast they become friends, and in the future William HEAVILY cherishes their friendship because of how rare it was for him to open up to people, moreso with the gender norms in their time period. They bond a lot while theyre in Pennsylvania together and honestly fuck around and get into trouble like normal teenagers until, come 1773, they meet Charles!! He keeps them in check kind of, and they create this little trio. For william, it takes a lot longer to consider him a friend but it does happen, in which he also helps Charles court Charlotte in 1774!!
William is the one who encouraged them all to join the army, and Henry was quick to follow his word. When Hamilton came along in 1777, William really disliked him. He did warm up to him, and they were friends, but then ah..the whole Laurens thing..That trust was INSTANTLY broken and so that leaves us with William as we have it in modern chapters where he comes off as bitchy and rude. Yes, he is bitchy to Hamilton, but thats not his whole character and there is genuine reasons he acts so cold towards Hamilton, and sometimes even Charles. Charles less so because he's known him for longer, but Hamilton is someone he deemed as 'untrustworthy,' and therefore he sets up walls around him.
Right! Henry Reed! Out of the group, he's the most tragic. He was Born in South Carolina on January 5, 1757 to Oliver & Molly Reed. He was also raised with two siblings though one died during his childhood and the other was almost an adult when he was born, so he has little recollection of them. His family had originally been from Norwich, but they moved to the colonies in 1745. They moved again however when he was 6 to Pennsylvania, where his mother left him and his father when he was 12. His childhood is kind of shitty overall, and most of his recollection is working in a trading company with his father to support them both after his mother had left. Even before she had left she was emotionally absent though his father had done his best to make up for that loss to little avail.
After his mother had left, Henry and his father did their best to keep afloat and it worked pretty well, though Henry felt somewhat responsible for the reason his mother left. He met William when he was 13, and like i said, they became very close very fast during some of the worst years of their life. Henry became quickly attached not only because of their friendship itself, but because he looked up to William in a sense? Like i said william was 16 when they met and often did things himself and was overly confident, Henry stayed on the sidelines and tried to hide as often as possible.
Anyway, when Charles came along Henry almost saw him as a sort of 'big brother,' and also became attached to him though not nearly as quickly or as hard as he did with william. During the whole Charles-Charlotte thing he kind of stayed off to the side and watched it all happen. He didnt like getting involved with ladies and honestly, he thinks charlotte looked too similar to his own mother. I might as well add on that he ws also extremely jealous of Charles for 'taking williams attention,' but thats not too important other than the fact that he has unresolved attachment issues.
The reason he wants to join the army is mostly because life is boring and he wants purpose, but also he wouldnt have done it if william didnt offer to join first. When he meets hamilton he doesnt mind him, theyre buddies kind of. Though a small disdain grows when he realizes william doesnt like him, and again, he looks up to william so he usually listens to his judgement. This dislike only grows during the laurens fiasco, but like charles, he doesnt HATE hamilton.
I could rant about william and henrys whole dynamic if i really wanted to, but in short theyre two guys with similar traumas who found comfort in talking to each other !!! Their friendship in general isnt the healthiest, they both are overly dependent on one another with william having unresolved trust issues and henry with unresolved attachment issues but for the most part they arent miserable so thats what matters the most ig?
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scribbles-ink · 11 months
im just thinking what if mike schmidt is the son of the movie's equivalent of henry emily. i had this thought on the way home from the movie at like. 10 pm so at the time it was incoherrent, but im going to expand on it here.
point 1- garrett played a similar role to charlie emily, in that despite being watched over they were both killed by william afton.
p2- in the flashbacks, its very obvious that the entire family is in a place away from society. they're literally in a forest. it wouldn't make sense for william of all people to be there if he wasn't close to the family.
p3- the books and the game mirror eachother, so there is a chance that schmidt could be another fake name, one william recognized because, again, he was a family friend.
p4-what happens when your kid goes missing? idk probaly witness protection or an urge to seperate yourself from the incident, both reasons for the name change.
p5-(kinds joke reason) abby rhymes with charlie and looks similar to her (brown hair, brown eyes)
p6-i argue that abby also took on the role of the puppet/charlie at the end of the movie. she didn't necessarily give them life, not like what was done in the game, she shoeed them how they died. she reminded the children of the life they had before, and of who really took it. by doing that, in a way, she gave them that life back. she gave them their real personality back, one not influenced by william. she cut them from his influence, she gave them the gift (the picture) and it gave them life (their memories)
p7- in the movie, mike says his father 'couldnt deal with it' and left after his mother died. yk what that sounds similar to? book henry emily killing himself in despair. maybe mike's dad is alive maybe he's dead, we dont know. but it is similar enough, an act of completely removing himself from the equation.
p8-book henry has a sister named jen, yk what name that sounds like? jane. who was mike and abby's aunt, and we dont know which parent she was related to.
p9-'but wouldn't mike know about the pizzaria if william was a family friend?' honestly, probably. but theres also a high chance that he wouldnt. if the family lived in nebraska, (which im pretty sure they did) they wouldn't have a need to go to utah, not even for a friend's restaurant. sure, he might know that his dad's friend had a restaurant, but not that it had animatronics or anything. the family probaly moved to utah after garrett's disappearance and after freddy's closed down.
p10-'wouldn't mike know vanessa? theyre similar in age' if they didnt live in the same state, probaly not. william in the movie was a, suprise suprise, shitty father, even foregoing the stabbing of his kid. i doubt hed care enough to take her with him on like. a short out of state trip.
p11(edit)- in the books aunt jane was killed by evil charlie to get to charlie, yk what that sounds like? the animatronics killing aunt jen to get to charlie
p12(edit)-the words at the end of the movie say 'come find me' and the music playong at the end is the puppets song so i think garrett is the puppet which is. again. an emily thing
p13(edit)- mikes dad looks like a mechanic shown in the training videos [cough henry emily cough]
if i think of anything else ill add it but anywys this is why i think the schmidts in the movie are the emilys equivalent. also check out the notes on this post because theres a lot of replies n reblogs that support my theory
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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Pharmacist Lunsford Richardson made Vicks a household name throughout the nation, but his popular product did not do the same for him.
Even in his native North Carolina, where his most celebrated of chemical concoctions has been right under our stuffy noses and on our congested chests for generations, the mention of Richardson’s name elicits blank stares from all but those who study and cherish history.
Richardson’s salve, Vicks VapoRub, helped the world breathe easier during the devastating influenza pandemic of 1918 and during the countless colds and flus of our childhoods, yet most of us couldn’t pick Lunsford Richardson out of a one-man police lineup, much less a who’s who of medical pioneers.
Why didn’t Richardson — by all accounts a creative inventor and smart businessman — ever become as famous as those vapors packed into the familiar squat blue jar?
Because his name wouldn’t fit on the jar.
That’s one version of the story. According to company and family lore, Richardson initially dubbed his promising new product Richardson’s Croup and Pneumonia Cure Salve. Realizing that this name didn’t exactly roll off the tongue nor fit when printed on a small medicine jar, Richardson changed the name to honor his brother-in-law, Dr. Joshua Vick. Another account suggests the inventive druggist plucked the name from a seed catalog he’d been perusing that listed the Vick Seed Co.
The truth may never be known. What is known, though, is that Lunsford Richardson created a medicinal marvel for the ages, the likes of which may never be equaled.
Croupy beginnings
A Johnston County native born in 1854, Richardson loved chemistry and hoped to study it at Davidson College. The college’s chemistry program at the time wasn’t as strong as he’d hoped it would be, so he studied Latin instead, graduating with honors in three years. He returned to Johnston County and taught school, but it wasn’t long before the young man’s love of chemistry got the best of him. In 1880, he moved to Selma to work with his physician brother-in-law, Dr. Vick. It was not uncommon in those days for doctors to dispense drugs themselves, but Vick was so busy seeing patients that he teamed up with Richardson, allowing him to handle the pharmacy duties for him. Richardson relied on his knowledge of Latin to help him learn the chemical compounds required to become a pharmacist, and that’s when he began to experiment with recipes for the product that would become Vicks VapoRub.
It wasn’t until Richardson moved to his wife’s hometown of Greensboro in 1890 that his magical salve and other products he created began to take off.
“He was a man of great intellect and talent,” says Linda Evans, community historian for the Greensboro Historical Museum, which has an exhibit devoted to Richardson and Vicks.
“Druggists at the time fashioned their own remedies a lot, and he created a number of remedies, in addition to his magic salve, that he sold under the name of Vick’s Family Remedies. He was obviously a man of such creativity.”
In Greensboro, working out of a downtown drugstore he purchased (where he once employed a teenaged William Sydney Porter, the future short story writer O. Henry), Richardson patented some 21 medicines. The wide variety of pills, liquids, ointments, and assorted other medicinal concoctions included the likes of Vick’s Chill Tonic, Vick’s Turtle Oil Liniment, Vick’s Little Liver Pills and Little Laxative Pills, Vick’s Tar Heel Sarsaparilla, Vick’s Yellow Pine Tar Cough Syrup, and Vick’s Grippe Knockers (aimed at knocking out la grippe, an old-timey phrase for the flu).
These products sold with varying degrees of success, but the best seller in the lineup of Richardson’s remedies was Vick’s Magic Croup Salve, which he introduced in 1894. And by all accounts, necessity was the key to its success.
“He had what they referred to as a croupy baby — a baby with a lot of coughing and congestion,” explains Richardson’s great-grandson, Britt Preyer of Greensboro. “So as a pharmacist, he began experimenting with menthols from Japan and some other ingredients, and he came up with this salve that really worked. That’s how it all started.”
Another version of the story suggests that all three of the Richardson children caught bad colds at the same time, and Richardson, dissatisfied with the traditional treatment of the day, which included poultices and a vapor lamp, spent hours at his pharmacy developing his own treatment.
Richardson’s salve — a strong-smelling ointment combining menthol, camphor, oil of eucalyptus, and several other oils, blended in a base of petroleum jelly — was a chest-soothing, cough-suppressing, head-clearing sensation. When the salve was rubbed on the patient’s chest, his or her body heat vaporized the menthol, releasing a wave of soothing, medicated vapors that the patient breathed directly into the lungs.
Vicks in the mailbox
In 1911, Richardson’s son Smith, by now a successful salesman for his father’s company, recommended discontinuing all of the company’s products except for Vick’s Magic Croup Salve. He believed the salve could sell even better if the company stopped investing time and money in the other, less successful remedies. He also suggested renaming the salve Vicks VapoRub, according to the company’s history timeline, to “help dramatize the product’s performance.” Richardson agreed, and a century later, the name’s still the same.
Meanwhile, Richardson intensified his marketing efforts by providing free goods to druggists who placed large orders and publishing coupons for free samples in newspapers. He also advertised on billboards and sent promotional mailings to post office boxes, addressed to Boxholder rather than the individual’s name, thus earning him the distinction of being the father of junk mail.
In 1925, Vicks even published a children’s book to help promote the product. The book told the story of two elves, Blix and Blee, who rescued a frazzled mother whose sick child refused to take nasty-tasting medicines. Their solution, of course, was the salve known as Vicks VapoRub.
Expanding and experimenting
As successful as the marketing campaign was, nothing sold Vicks VapoRub like the deadly Spanish flu outbreak that ravaged the nation in 1918 and 1919, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. Loyal Vicks customers and new customers stocked up on the medicine to stave off or fight the disease.
According to the company’s history timeline, VapoRub sales skyrocketed from $900,000 to $2.9 million in a single year because of the pandemic. The Vicks plant in Greensboro operated around the clock, and salesmen were pulled off the road to help at the manufacturing facility in an effort to keep up with demand.
As the flu spread across the nation, Richardson grew ill with pneumonia in 1919 and died. Smith took over the company. Vicks continued to grow, buying other companies until Procter & Gamble bought it in the 1980s. Through the years, Vicks continued adding new products to its arsenal of cold remedies: cough drops, nose drops, inhalers, cough syrup, nasal spray, Formula 44, NyQuil. And whatever success those products attained, they got there standing on the broad shoulders of Richardson.
Richardson will never be a household name, but his salve has held that status for more than a century — and may do so for the next hundred years. And for Richardson, were he still around, that ought to be enough to clear his head.
A cure-all salve
Vicks users have claimed the salve can cure and heal many maladies. Even though Vicks doesn’t say the salve works for these problems, people still believe.
Toenail fungus: Rub the salve on your toenails, cover with socks, and sleep your fungus problems away. Cough: For a similar fix to a nagging cough, some believe rubbing Vicks on the soles of your feet can fix the problem. Dandruff: Rub Vicks directly on the scalp, and your flakes may just disappear. Chapped lips: Petroleum jelly is one of the ingredients in Vicks, and some say the ointment can help heal cracked lips. Mosquito bites: If you smooth Vicks on the red bumps on your legs and arms, it can supposedly take the itch right out. Warts: Dab Vicks on the wart, cover with duct tape, and it may fall off in a few days.
Greensboro Historical Museum 130 Summit Avenue Greensboro, N.C. 27401 (336) 373-2043 greensborohistory.org
See historical Vicks VapoRub bottles and learn about Lunsford Richardson.
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north-noire · 7 months
you cannot convince me otherwise that your william and henry designs are literally so pretty they’re so handsome especially in their purple and brown business suits hallelujah (i feel like an orphan holding their hand out for scraps when i ask for more drawings and dialogue of them like that) cause what do you mean im gonna have to face these men for business ventures and meetings? i have to convince them with stuff? oh they’re lowkey intimidating (cough especially henry sorry i love u tho) live laugh hidden hands 💋
Thank you so much for the lovely compliments! :D I agree that both of their presences in those suits can be quite overwhelming/overpowering in the sense that they sorta take the entire room. If you want something interesting, William was the one who bought Henry the brown suit, because Henry was just going to go in his "formal" attire (aka just him in a coat and flannel shirt combo) and William just straight up tells him: "No Henry. You are not coming to our business meetings and proposals like that." Cue fashion montage with Henry at the local mall and William buys him a suit that suited him nicely. I'm glad you like my designs for them with those outfits! </3 Here's a some memes of them in said suits for you (and everyone else!) <3 It makes me happy that you like them! (love that last quote aaaa)
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yellowbunnydreams · 10 months
Bunny Ears (Part 13) ~William Afton X F! Reader~
~POV: You finish your paper and have it reviewed only to recieve 30+ comments on it dragging it through the dirt and lighting it on fire. Edit; Finished and submitted, flipped off my computer~
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Want more or something different? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tag List: @ruh--roh-raggy @h4nluv @sleepy---head @do-double-g @confiscated-peaches-main @dij-ology @viviennemuerte @robin-the-enby @shari-berri @randymeeksisafinalgirl @hallow1090 @aponia-yue @likoplays @dilflover-3 @oak-leafs @phd-in-fuckery @weirdoartist21 @nicolezghostz @fauine
Sorry if I missed you on the tag-list!
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 30's), divorce/processing divorce, Afton being a sarcastic hot ass, Henry being such a dad, grumpy x sunshine . Faz-Fuck TM. Cringe scenes ft. Henry.
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The knocking at your door on your day off stirred you from your sleep. Groggily heading towards the door and opening it whilst rubbing sleep from your eyes with the heel of your hand. The knocks were too light for William, and you weren't expecting any packages, so there was some trepidation as you answered.
Blinking against the bright light, you were surprised to see the petite and lithe figure of Sarah Emily on your step. Blonde hair tied up neatly into a ponytail and wearing jeans with a white t-shirt, looking like a casual woman around your age unless you looked closely and could see the crinkles around her eyes from years of smiling.
"H-Hey! Um...Hi Sarah." You said after a moment of confusion, looking down at yourself and realising that you were wearing William's hoodie again and some shorts. Blushing at the fact this was the second time you had answered the door to somebody you knew whilst dressed in such a state.
"Well good-morning sleephead! I thought I would stop by and come see you." She laughed, giggling more as you gestured for her to come inside and shut the door behind her. Padding into your kitchen and taking out two mugs from the draining board next to your sink, turning on the kettle and finding your instant coffee and tea.
"Tea, coffee?"
"Coffee, milky with two sugars please." Sarah replied, amused at seeing you still somewhat out of it and wearing Afton's hoodie. She recognised it from the similar one Henry had, tucked away back in his closet somewhere in case he wanted to wear it one day. Not that he, nor Afton wore those kinds of things often anymore since the opening of Freddy's.
"So um...how have you been?" You asked, waking up a bit more as you grabbed milk from the fridge, making coffee for Sarah and yourself as you placed them on the counter. Leaning against the cool lino and feeling your attention wandering as you realised that Sarah had a slightly mischievous look on her face. "And I'm guessing this isn't entirely a 'I was in the neighbourhood' call."
"Good good, Charlie's been a little terror recently, but she's sweet otherwise. And you caught me! I wanted to know if you wanted a girly day out, and then, we go on that double-date I mentioned last time?" She asked, making you choke on your coffee slightly, nose burning as the action nearly made it come up through your nose. Coughing to gather yourself, you found yourself looking at your hand and the mug.
"I don't think I've ever...had a girly day? But I'd like the date later!" Sarah raised an eyebrow before she looked incredulous, her slender hand resting over her heart as she looked at you.
"You've never...NEVER... had a girly day out?"
"Get some pants on and get in the fucking car, we are rectifying this, now!" She exclaimed, downing her coffee and making you do the same, wincing as the heat slid down your throat before you half-ran to your room. Throwing on some deodorant, a subtle body-spray and some somewhat clean jeans and a t-shirt over your underwear. Dragging a brush through your hair and huffing as you almost tripped over yourself trying to pull on your socks and boots. Sarah standing by the door and your door keys dangling from her fingers, grin plastered on her face as you grabbed them from her.
"Why did we need to rush again?"
"Oh, no reason, but it was quite funny to watch." She laughed as you locked the front door, laughing harder as you gave her a stern look. Heading to her car and climbing inside, sighing as you rested your head against the seat and closed your eyes briefly.
"William! How're you doing buddy?" Henry called as he opened the office door, making William jump slightly as he was disturbed from his intense concentration on some of the blue-prints in front of him. Pushing his glasses back up his nose, he sighed and looked towards the smaller man. Noticing how his hair was loose and wild despite his professional appearance.
"You only call me 'buddy' when you need something Henry, what is it this time?" Henry placed a hand over his heart and pouted, dramatically leaning against the door frame and sinking against it like he'd just been shot before he stumbled into the office.
"You wound me! I don't do that! You are my buddy!" William scoffed and rolled his eyes at his dramatic business partner before looking back down at the plans in his hand. Scribbling on a separate piece of paper to note some measurements and calculations whilst he heard Henry lean against the desk. Almost hearing the smile in his voice as he spoke again.
"Anyway, me and Sarah are going on a date tonight and we were wondering if you and your little girlfriend would like to join us and make it a double date?" William sighed and set the papers down on his desk, looking over his glasses to see Henry's wild grin. Afton sucked on the inside of his cheek before replying, going to pick up the paperwork on his desk once more.
"Absolutely not, the last time you attempted something like this Henry, Sarah practically bit Clara's head off and you got so pissed you walked half an hour down the high-way before we found you."
"That was college! And secondly, you'll let your girlfriend down if you don't show!"
"I'm sure she also said no to this stupid idea."
"Actually, Sarah's gone to her house and they're having a little trip to get all dolled up for this date tonight." Henry smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as William dropped the papers and rubbed his hands over his face. Groaning loudly and leaning back in the chair, making it creak under his weight.
"You mean to tell me that Sarah, your wife, has kidnapped my girlfriend and is playing dress-up with her?" Running his hands through his hair whilst glaring at Henry, who nodded with the same, stupid grin plastered on his face. Afton groaned again and put his head in his hands.
"Fine, you sick bastard, I'll come. Just leave the address on my desk and tell me what time to be there."
"Don't forget to bring a condom William, I'm sure that afterwards you'll-"
"HENRY, DON'T BE A FUCKING PERVERT." Henry cackled at his friend's outburst, holding his hands up in defence, laughing harder as William reached into the drawer and chucked balled up paper at the man as he retreated. Leaving William to hide his face in his hands and groan in frustration, wishing his friend had at least asked him before kidnapping you via his wife.
"What about this one?" Sarah asked you, showing you a swatch of an eyeshadow on the back of her hand and you hummed in thought as you looked at it. Shaking your head after a moment. "Oh come on," she groaned your name slightly as she put back the little tester tub. "you have to like something I show you!"
"I'm sorry Sarah, I'm just not...I don't really even do my own make-up. I wear mascara and some lip gloss occasionally, I don't do..this." You gestured to the large make-up counter that you were both at. Glancing over the bold and bright colours that Sarah seemed to favour, brow knitting together as you picked up a container and opened it, looking at the dark green shade inside before closing it and putting it back.
"Maybe we're doing this in the wrong order!" Sarah clapped her hands together before grabbing one of yours, dragging you behind her and almost tripping over your feet with the force the small woman was surprisingly able to move you with. You supposed that she was a mom, so perhaps it was from having to move a reluctant child...or Henry. You could also see Henry having to be dragged away from stores a few times by his wife.
She pulled you into a boutique in the mall, blinking as you adjusted to the new lighting inside and looked around. Spotting plenty of dresses lining the walls and making you groan. You couldn't remember the last time you'd found a dress you would even consider wearing, let alone wearing one, and they all seemed so formal, you'd hoped that you could get away with a nice top and some cleaner jeans for the date. Sarah seemingly had other ideas as she began browsing the racks.
Under encouragement, and a few teasing words, from Sarah, you began looking too. Hands idly flipping through the dresses and cringing as some of the material felt awful under your fingers, others just a plain ugly colour that you wouldn't be caught dead in.
"Can I help you find something?" The voice made you jump and you turned to see an elegantly dressed shop assistant standing near to you, heart pounding in your chest as you looked back at the dresses for a second, brow furrowed and a soft sigh escaping your lips as your shoulders slumped.
"I um..I'm going on a double date tonight and apparently I have to wear a dress..so..yeah. Just trying to find something I like honestly." You say, speaking quietly as your fingers scanned through the materials before the woman cleared her throat again, grabbing your attention once more.
"Well, what colour does your date usually wear?" They asked, making you pause only for a moment before you answered.
"Well, I'm guess you're newly together, so matching might be a little much. But I can suggest some colours that work well and we'll figure out style from there." She smiled, making you give a polite smile back as she gestured towards another part of the store. Practised eyes scanning through the dresses and flickering back to you before her hands darted out to pick out a few dresses before taking you back to the dressing rooms, where Sarah was already admiring herself in a dark green dress that hugged her figure perfectly, a long slit up her leg and showing it off.
The assistant handed you the dresses and shooed you into a dressing room, pursing your lips together before you obeyed. Hoping that there would be at least one thing you liked amongst the pile.
Sarah carefully brushed your eyelids with a careful precision that you were unsure you would have ever been able to manage. Feeling what felt almost like a brush-pen moving against your lid and out before you heard the click of a lid closing. Her slender hand grabbing your chin gently before you heard another lip pop, your eyes closed as you let the older woman manoeuvre you and do your make-up as she saw fit.
You jumped slightly as you felt a cool wetness against your lips, making the woman tut disapprovingly as she tightened her grip slightly and coated your lips, letting go of you as she spoke. "Press your lips together for me dear." Following her instructions and feeling some of the stickiness dissipate before your eyes fluttered open, blinking rapidly as you glanced up at her.
"Go on, check yourself out little lady!" She squealed, helping you to stand up in the tiny kitten heels she had somehow convinced you to wear as well. Focusing intently on walking as you walked up to the mirror that Sarah had placed on the floor so that you could get a better look at yourself.
Your hair had been set loosely around your shoulders, styled to perfection and looking glossy, healthy. You were surprised by how lovely the dress looked, a soft purple chiffon with translucent sleeves and a 'v' shaped neckline, allowing the swell of your breasts to be visible as well as the dip of your collarbones. The middle wrapping tight to your body to show off your waist before the skirt flowed down, coming to your knees and floating slightly like something you saw in fancy prom movies. It looked almost a similar shade to purple that you were sure you had seen William wearing before. And Sarah had masterfully applied winged eye-liner to your eyes, darkening your lashes with mascara and the faint shimmer of nude coloured eyeshadows could faintly be made out. Your lips glossy and tasting like almonds.
Stepping behind you, Sarah's blonde hair was tied up into a classicly braided updo, two curled strands framing her face as you noticed she had similar make-up to how you had it. The dark green dress from earlier looking stunning on her as she placed her hands on your shoulders, smiling brightly.
"You look gorgeous, dear."
"I feel like I'm a little girl playing dress-up." You sighed, smoothing your hands down your dress carefully and frowning slightly, making her tut as she took your hands, bringing them up and smoothing over your knuckles with her thumbs.
"You don't look like it. William is going to not know what hit him when he sees you." She smiled, making you blush and smile back, nodding your head as you allowed her to guide you through the house and out to the waiting taxi. She'd driven her car back home and gotten a taxi back to yours, calling for one to pick you up and take you out to the restaurant that apparently William and Henry were waiting at.
You shifted nervously in your seat, watching the streets blur past before Sarah gently nudged your bag towards you, smiling as you opened it and took out a little bottle of perfume. The only expensive one you owned, it was your signature one for more 'formal' occasions, and it seemed like as good a time as any to use it. Carefully applying it to your pulse points, the smell comforting and exciting as you put away the bottle. Sarah applying her own perfume and touching up her gloss a bit as the ride seemed all too short and all too long at the same time.
You made out Henry's car parked up, frowning as you noticed you didn't spot William's, stomach sinking as you climbed out of the taxi whilst Sarah paid before she linked arms with you.
"I told Henry to pick up William, they're both at the table and waiting for us." She reassured, noticing your worried expression with a comforting squeeze of your hand. Heels clicking against the concrete as you both headed inside.
It was far more formal than any place you'd been before. And your silly plastic bracelet felt out of place in there. You felt out of place in there. Waiters in white shirts and black pants ran about with towels over their arms, the walls wood panelled and the floor a beautiful, rich patterned marble tile. Your heart pounded in your chest as you allowed Sarah to drag you along.
Henry spotted the pair of you and gestured for William that you had arrived. Watching the pair of them squeeze out of the booth as you approached, your breath catching in your throat slightly.
Henry had his hair loose, revealing all it's fluffy, curled glory that was still cropped somewhat close to his head. Clearly freshly shaven and dressed in a dark green suit that matched Sarah's dress, crisp white shirt and a black tie, he looked ecstatic that he had matched his wife, seeing him tear up slightly as he caught sight of her.
But you lost your breath with William. Dressed head to toe in black. he had put on tailored black pants that seemed to highlight how long his legs were, as well as how strong they looked. Sleeves rolled up on the black shirt, tight across his broad chest in a way that made you afraid he would pop buttons if he flexed in the wrong way. His greying hair slicked back and his eyes slightly wide behind his glasses as he drank you in. You smiled as he raised his hand and you spotted the bracelet still on his arm, feeling comforted that he had continued to wear it despite the more formal setting.
His jaw fluttered slightly as he watched you approach. Wearing one of his favourite colours and the slight way you wobbled when you walked as you clearly tried to get used to moving in heels. He found himself feeling relief that you had worn the bracelet too, but his heart was pounding too fast in his chest as he took you in. You were a picture of beauty, and he reached out his hand as you came closer, taking your softer hand in his before he half-bowed to plant a kiss onto the back of your hand. Breathing deeply as he smelled your perfume and feeling his body aching with want.
"You look gorgeous, bunny. I should perhaps let Sarah have you more often." The teasing tone in his voice evident for the second part as you giggled, blushing and feeling the heat rising in your cheeks as he kept ahold of your hand.
"I-I don't think I need anymore make-up or dresses. But you look really nice." You swallowed, trying to change the subject back onto him. Seeing his cheeks heat up despite the stubble across his face. A lopsided grin being given to you as he gently guided you into the booth, still holding your hand as you settled in, his thumb running over your knuckles adoringly.
Henry called your name and you glanced at him, seeing his eyes still watering as he looked between you and your held hand. "You look great. I hope this isn't too short notice or strange, but I wanted to take Sarah on a date and then it occurred to me, I should invite you guys along too!" Chuckling and sniffling as he tried to not be too emotional as William remained close to you. Sarah rolled her eyes slightly, but the smile on her face told you that she wasn't really annoyed, kissing Henry's cheek before she picked up a menu to glance over.
"Thank you for inviting me, I really appreciate it. And I hope that it's as fun for all of us." You smile, seeing Henry's lip quiver at your words. Nodding his head before he looked at the menu, trying to distract himself.
William brought your hand to his lips again, giving your hand a squeeze as you leaned in and gave his knuckles as kiss in return. Smelling his warm, spiced cologne as you got closer, making you feel dizzy as you turned your attention to the menu. Still holding onto him as you browsed the options.
It was going to be a long night, but you felt a little more confident to face it with William by your side.
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schnitzelsemmerl · 2 months
redcoat a.ham au/amrev oc lore masterpost :3
if your oc isn't on here, feel free to tell me via asks or dm's :D
if you're completely new here i suggest you check out @/hamalicious-soup redcoat hamilton drawing out first!! you can find her masterlist here
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^^^^^ from noah!! @/lil-gae-disaster
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lots of oc lore
+ this
introduction to the ocs. THEIR RELATION HERE
nicholas odaisies dimitrion
adele antos (and adele lore)
frederick kenneth + august edevane
mabel "mae" walsh
zephyr williams + lawrence byrd
marko (im so sorry idk his last name) + abe everett
joseph hayes (and joseph lore) + cathy hayes (???)
giles eleison (and giles lore)
frances achilles + anderson achilles jr.
luca de salvo
dominic + nathaniel
marinella tusco + matteo tusco (and matteo lore)
benedict murphy
jay and jacques + virginia
raymond horrace
augustus krause
remi noir + harvey brooks + xavier gibble
fabian/fabienne mccarthy
henri - duc de rondeau
conan hendrix + william c. laurens
glock <3 (and glock <3 lore)
samson lytton
henry reed + william fletcher
katherine (im so sorry idk her last name)
francesca williams
lucie delaroche (and lucie lore)
and what happens after the war? some die *cough cough* anna *cough* but a ton of them move to freddies farm, here the details
other masterposts by:
sol (paradox-complex)
paper (papers-pamphlet)
rae (rae-unbeloved)
aaaalso bc this is my intro post, i wanna show off my anna :3 drawn by the talented @/toastmrlord!!
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rumpelree · 11 days
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💕Made a 1973 Mrs.Afton design and drew some doodles!! Forgot to give William his gray hair streak but oh well
Decided to make her naturally be a redhead and she just dyes her hair blonde later, because William prefers blonde (I wonder why…haha. Henry. Cough. COUGH.)
Also obligatorily mentioning this though I’m sure I have before but, she isn’t Michael’s bio mom in my AU, though she becomes mom to him very quickly all the same. In 1973 when William meets her for the first time, Michael is already 5 :3
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purplemarcell · 1 month
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The comforting lie
sup yall
it was finally not boiling hot weather that can melt anything in it's path, so i decided to draw again
for me, if henry had trouble or needed a shoudler to cry on, let it out, he always turned to william. this is the case once more, but it's after charlie's dissaperance (*cough* death). and i can just imagine william comforting him, hushing him, straight up lying to henry's face while providing "comfort" to his broken soul.
also, here's a slightly more visible version
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and enjoy!
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Fuck you. Plugs your furries into the furry machine.
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fortunelowtier · 1 year
One of the things that's always irked me with fnaf lore is how they've already just kind abandoned the Afton stuff and are going into the weird pseudo sci-fi bullshit, despite the fucking angsty narrative GOLDMINE that could be made from Michael Afton alone
Like man fuck whatever they’re doing for the fnaf movie now, I don’t rlly care abt the animatronic side of things, i wanna see the trilogy following this physically and emotionally abused 16 year old struggling with the loss of his sister, his mother, and then causing the death of his brother, then having that guilt stick with him for decades until he’s tricked into wandering into his own fathers facility where he is then gutted like a fish and piloted like a fucking mech by an animatronic spaghetti amalgamation. Only to wake up weeks later as an empty rotting husk on the sidewalk with only one thing in mind, to kill his father and end all of this
He manages to track down his uncle Henry and after months of planning he manages to lure William and everyone else still refusing to pass on into a pizzeria which is then lit ablaze.
We get an entire segment in the final act in the final movie of the trilogy (beginning with Henry’s speech from fnaf 6 cuz that shit is the rawest monologue in gaming history):
William goes out screaming, begging for mercy just as his victims did to him, his plastic shell melting to reveal the flesh and metal beneath it. As Michael feels the flames around him he sits back and accepts his fate, a small semblance of a grin on his rotting, decrepit face. But before he can pass on he sees the ghostly visage of his brother, eyes blackened and shirt still stained with blood as it was on that fateful day. He knows he has nothing to say, nothing that can fix what was done to him all those years ago, so he says the only thing that comes to mind.
“I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...”
As he breaks down into what little tears his body can produce, the structure of the building giving way as the fire grew hotter and hotter, he expects to have the full wrath of his brother unleashed upon him. In his mind he deserves no redemption, no happy ending, and no forgiveness. Instead, he feels the embrace of a hug around him, hearing a voice he never thought he’d hear again
“I know...“
Michael uses the last of his strength to wrap his arms around his brother, embracing him, as they both are engulfed by flames, being able to die in peace knowing that whatever lied beyond the veil, his father would never see it. It was over.
Reflected on the monitor is a vision of both of them as they were all those years ago, embracing as they are in modern day, almost as a window into what could've been, had everything gone right.
The camera is obscured by flames as it begins to move up, through the flames and through the smoke, “Bonnie’s Lullaby” from fnaf 3 playing in the background. as the song comes to an end, so too does the movement of the camera
cut to black
“Five Nights at Freddy's
The End”
and then nothing else happens because the story is over and resurrecting William is a terrible idea and retroactively would ruin the ending of this (cough cough security breach cough cough)
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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blackypanther9 · 10 months
Part 6 – Lizzy is back !
AN: This is the second to last Chapter, I hope so at least... This one is kinda long. *Cough, cough* I just finished it and kick it out, so if there are typos, I'm sorry I didn't check it over.
WARNING!: Semi public Sex, sex while having a phone call, pet names, degradation, cursing, vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, slight physical neglect in sexual act, marking, blood, praise kink, Master/pet kink, Willy has a Daddy kink, breeding kink AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
After a few months of work, Henry and William tested out the very first Illusion Disk and it worked flawlessly. Henry rebuilt the prototype and then installed it into Circus Baby. Elizabeth turned it on and as she opened her eyes again, she was back to her small, child self.
“I-I’m back !”, she yelled happily.
“Yes, you are. I need to find out a way, so the Illusion Disk isn’t going to run out of battery, so you still have to wait a bit, but a few more days won’t kill anyone.”, Henry told her with a small smile.
“Okay !”, she said happily.
Henry touched Elizabeth’s hair and smiled in relief. Her hair felt real. Like it was actually her. Then he went to her arms and looked if they also worked properly.
“The Disk works perfectly. Go play with Charlie, Lizzy. And tell me when the Disk died.”
“Okay !”
With that Elizabeth rushed off, yelling for Charlie to play with her.
‘First step, done.’
Henry went to the phone and dialed William’s number.
-In the Afton Household-
The phone rang and M/n growled as it did so.
“Be quiet, Bunny~”, M/n purred.
William whimpered, but went quiet. M/n picked up and then thrusted his cock harshly back inside William’s cunt, which was sopping wet. It wasn’t the first time M/n made love to William’s cunt, but to William it felt like a dream none the less.
M/n picked up the phone.
“M/n L/n, how can I help you ?”, he asked.
“Hey M/n ! Just the person I wanted to talk to.”, Henry said happily.
“Hello to you too. What is it ?”
“The Disk works ! I just need to find a solution for the battery.”
“That is great news !”
M/n slammed his cock in and out of William, who had big trouble to stay silent. Exactly what M/n wanted. He wanted William to give himself away. He knew that his Bunny got even more aroused of the thought of being caught.
“I know right ?! It shouldn’t take too much time anymore !”, Henry said in excitement.
M/n angled his hips and changed his cock’s position, then slammed back in and hit William’s G – spot harshly.
“AH~!”, William moaned out loudly.
“Sounds great, Henry !”, M/n said brightly.
William blushed a deep shade of red, while M/n gave a satisfied smirk.
-With Henry-
Henry was blushing deeply. Damn...he caught them in a bad time...
-With M/n and William-
“Oh Bunny, now you ruined our secret~”, M/n pouted playfully.
“S-screw y-you ! AH~!”, William got out.
“Did I disturb you two ?”, Henry asked with slight embarrassment.
“No, no, you didn’t. I am still playing with my Bunny, so you aren’t disturbing me.”, M/n replied kindly.
Before William could say anything, M/n slammed his cock against his G – spot again.
“AH~! HA~!”
“Now do you have anything else you wanna tell me, Henry ?”
“Uhm...I am looking how long the battery goes on the Disk right now and then I will go from there. I will call again later, to inform you further.”
“Okay, Hen. Bye, bye~”
And Henry hung up. M/n chuckled, while William was beet red and moaning as M/n slammed into him without breaks.
“At this rate, you will carry soon again, Love~ I thought you wanted to wait for a few years~”
“F-fuck you ! AH~! UGH~!”
“Is my cock really that addicting, that you want a third pregnancy so quickly~?”, M/n purred.
“NA~! AH~! Shut up ! UGH~!”
William got a lot of images in his head, that he shouldn’t have. His pregnant belly, a third Baby. Why was he in such a Baby fever right now ?! Why did he want more ?! He just gave birth !
“You gonna cum, Pet~?”
“HAH~! YES~! MMNN~!”
“Alright, Bunny~”
M/n gave one last thrust and William came screaming all over his cock. M/n released his load inside William, moaning softly.
“You did take that pill I gave you a few hours ago, right, Honey ?”, M/n asked.
“Y-yes...what does that do ?”, William asked confused.
“It prevents you getting pregnant again. After all, you don’t want a third Baby yet.”, M/n explained.
“A-and you ?”
“Honey, we live only once and I LOVE kids, but I am not forcing you to have more children, just because I want more. I don’t CARE if Mike, Evan and Lizzy were mine. I love children in general. If I could, I would have every child that exists and raise them with you. We are getting old fast and with a certain age we can’t have kids anymore, but that doesn’t mean that you have to be a Baby Machine. I am happy with what I have, but I am always happy to produce more.”
William felt relieved that M/n made it very clear that he will NEVER force William to have another child, if he doesn’t want to, but he was also surprised to hear that M/n loved children in general. So that’s why he didn’t want William to abort, as he was afraid he will die.
“So you love children and you love me, that’s why you went such lengths to keep both, me and the kids.”, he concluded.
“Of course. I have an undying Love for you, Honey. Children mean to me, that they are the result of the love, two people share and the more kids the more it shows how much they love one another. It is weird, I admit it, but that is me. And I am always weird.”
William gave M/n a smile. Yeah, M/n was VERY weird. But he loved his Lover weird.
“So...our little wedding...when do you think we should have it ? We planned everything out, I have the perfect people to prepare everything. All we need is a date and I can arrange everything.”, M/n explained.
Since William told him that at the birth of Alex and Penelope, he called M/n his Husband in his mind, M/n set heaven and hell into motion to get them married. M/n proposed 2 months after the birth of the two Babies, even made the Bedroom nice for it, decorated everything, while Mike and Evan helped their Father taking a bath.
Evan just sat on the lid of the toilet and chatted with William, while Michael washed his Father’s parts, where William couldn’t reach, because of the size of his belly and the pains he had from time to time. M/n dressed up the whole Bedroom into a romantic atmosphere and as William came back inside, with Evan and Michael by his side, M/n was on one knee and popped the question, which William instantly accepted. It was a beautiful moment... And his Sons supported him.
“Oh...uhm...maybe on...March ? Next year ?”
“So March 1984 ?”
“Yes ?”
“Hmmm...okay. Any day in mind, Love ?”
“Maybe the 5th of March ? That was when we became a couple, remember ?”
“Good idea, Honey !”, M/n said with a bright smile.
William smiled brightly at M/n. He planned everything with him, never without him. He was so much better than his wife was. She chose everything and all in all the wedding was a fucking nightmare. M/n chose everything with William and this time...it felt right.
“I will do some calls then. Go to bed, Love, and rest. I will join you soon.”
“Okay, honey.”
With that William carefully pulled his boxers back on and went to their shared Bedroom.
-Time skip-
A few days went by and Henry finally made a battery that never discharges. FINALLY !
He called M/n and told him the news, in which he rushed over and looked at his work. There she was, Elizabeth. No sign of CB left. But they all three knew that they had to tell William at the very beginning what happened to her and where she was.
“Will will so kill us...”, Henry said slightly scared.
“He won’t, but he will yell.”, M/n assured.
“When will we tell him ?”
“Tomorrow, I suppose. The sooner the better.”
“Where will we bring them to reunite ?”, Henry asked.
M/n hesitated.
“We bring her home. Will would want that. No beating around the bush, Hen. Willy needs his daughter.”
“Okay then. I hope you know what you are doing...”
“I do, but will he understand everything when we explain ? That is another thing.”
Henry sighed.
“This is not gonna be easy, is it ?”
“Not in the slightest.”, M/n chuckled out dryly.
-Time skip-
M/n arrived at home and heard small whimpers coming from his and William’s bedroom as he came close to their door. As he opened it he smirked. William was riding a dildo, while he had a plug in his ass. He seemed frustrated.
“Can’t cum without me, Bunny~?”, M/n asked.
William yelped and stopped everything, ripping his eyes wide open and staring at M/n, like a deer caught in headlights. Then he blushed furiously and sighed.
“It seems not...”, he answered sheepishly.
“Why would you use such awful toys, when you can just ask for the real deal, Pet ?”, M/n asked.
William whined and looked away in shame.
“I’m so needy all the time... I wanted to give you a break...”, William replied softly.
M/n tutted and undressed himself, in front of William’s hungry, needy eyes.
“Get that filthy dildo out of your sopping cunt. That is my place to claim and mine only.”, M/n commanded darkly.
William whimpered submissively and did as M/n told him to. He groaned as he pulled it out and M/n scoffed.
“That small thing, you chose to ride ? I am disappointed, Bunny. Get the stupid plug out too.”
William did as told. Both items were pretty small. Was this man trying to torture himself on small things ? M/n locked the good stuff away from William, but did he really get that desperate, to buy himself such small toys ? M/n tsked.
He grabbed his belt and approached William, pushed him harsh enough to make him fall on his back and then he bound his wrists together and onto the bedpost. William whined at that, but was quickly shut up, by a slap on one of his thighs.
“Did you take your pill, Bunny ?”, M/n asked.
“Yes, I did.”, William lied.
William didn’t take his pill. He wanted another Baby and he knew he could have asked, but he was too afraid to. He thought that M/n would tell him no, until the Babies were a bit older, so he decided to lie instead. He wanted his Master to give him another Baby. The last time he was pregnant it was such a beautiful and magical time, he couldn’t resist.
“Good, because I will not use any condoms, nor mercy tonight~”, M/n purred out.
William whimpered softly and felt himself gush more.
“I’ll fill both of your holes up, beyond imagination and plug them up nicely all day long. I will fuck every hole you have and mark every part of your body, so you will remember who you belong to that you don’t need silly sex toys to please you.”, M/n said darkly.
All William could do was blush and whine. With that M/n got off of William and left his side, making his Bunny confused. M/n got out a key and unlocked his drawer, pulling out the best toys they had. He took out a blind fold and wrapped it around William’s head, tying it behind his head. With that he was blinded, which made him have higher senses.
“Open your mouth, Pet~”
William did as told and opened his mouth wide. M/n gave his hard cock a few strokes and then slid it into his mouth, William instantly started to suck and lick at his Lover’s cock. He let a few small moans slip here and there too.
“Such a pathetic slut, fucking yourself on pathetic useless toys~ I’ll teach you to never use these disgusting things again~”
William relaxed completely, feeling that M/n will go rough soon. And he was proven correct. M/n’s hands both gripped his head and he forced his cock down his Bunny’s throat. It made William gag slightly in surprise, but M/n made his head stay there, forcing him to keep his cock in his little throat. He trashed a bit around, trying to make M/n let go of his head, so he can bob it.
“Be a good bitch and cock warm me~”, M/n ordered.
William stopped his slight trashing and just took it. Tears escaping his eyes at the sudden stretch, it stung, but he loved it. They both had a safe code, William just had to knock three times against the wall and M/n would stop, he didn’t do it though, so M/n knew he was okay. His Pet’s tears soaked the blindfold, but that just made M/n coo.
“Aww, is my little Pet Bunny in slight discomfort~? Aww~ Did his Master stretch his little tight throat to quickly~?”, M/n teased with a purr.
William wanted to whine so badly, his legs quaked and he rubbed his thighs together for a bit of relief on his clit.
“Believe me, slutty Bunny, I will split you open like this in every hole you have tonight~”
His clit throbbed, his entrance twitched and his butthole twitched too. Good he was so turned on, he wanted it all. He could feel M/n’s cock twitch, ready to cum deep into his throat.
“Your tight little throat closes around me so nicely and squeezes so perfectly, Bunny~ I’ll cum down your throat~ Swallow every last drop of your milk, yes~? Don’t disappoint your Master~”
William couldn’t reply, but M/n knew that his Bunny would never refuse him. Not long later M/n did cum with a soft groan. William could feel his Lover’s cum running down his throat, painting it white, claiming it as his. And fuck, William loved M/n claiming him as his own personal sex toy.
“Such a good slutty Bunny~ Good Pet, Willy~”, M/n praised.
Then he pulled out of his tight throat and panted. His cock was still rock hard, but he still needed a second to calm down enough for the second round. As he was calm enough he stroked William’s hair.
“Bob your head, Bunny. Make Master cum yeah~? Make me feel really good~”
More he didn’t need and he started to bob his head, taking M/n all the way down his throat and then back in his mouth, licking the head from time to time and then bobbing his head again. It didn’t take long for M/n to shower William in praises again and at the same time to degrade him, but he didn’t give his Bunny any sort of relief.
“Such a good Slut~ Good Bunny~ That’s a good whore~”
William felt like he would cream himself by just the filthy words and praise at that point, but he knew he couldn’t. He could never cum, without M/n’s vocal permission. And M/n knew that.
William continued to suck M/n off, until he could feel his Lover’s cock twitch. M/n grabbed his head and made him take him all the way down his throat again, then released with a deep groan. It made William proud, but also really horny.
M/n and William stayed like that for a while, then he pulled out of his mouth entirely.
“Such a good little Slut~”, M/n praised the panting Bunny underneath him.
He gave William a deep kiss and then he left his side again and, minutes later, was between William’s feet. M/n kissed his lower legs and gave some harsh bites here and there too, making William whimper and moan in desperation and need. M/n could see his Bunny’s cunt sopping and crying from that angle and he found it absolutely delicious.
He was so wet, so needy and M/n didn’t even touch him there yet.
“Such a needy little Bitch, aren’t you, Bunny~?”, M/n said with a chuckle.
“Mmmm~! Master, please~!”, William begged.
“Please what, Bunny~?”
“P-please fuck me~!”
M/n chuckled and shook his head.
“No Bunny. We will make slow and sensual, passionate Love tonight and I am going to take my sweet time to mark and claim every inch of you. So you have to suffer with that little sopping pussy of yours.”
William whined at that loudly and bucked his hips, but he couldn’t get any friction.
M/n continued to create love bites and marks on William's lower legs, scratching his nails over them, making red angry lines appear, biting him, leaving pricked and slightly bleeding bruises on his lower legs and sucking purple and blue marks into them. William was sobbing as M/n finally was done with his lower legs, his cunt leaking so much arousal that the mattress was already having a small dark pool formed.
M/n moved to his Bunny’s thighs and did the same things there, not leaving any room unmarked. When he was done with his legs and thighs, he looked like a painting, covered in red nail lines, some small lines of blood and purple and blue sucked in bruises, like teeth marks.
“God, Bunny, you are such a Master piece~ Only my little slutty Rabbit~”, M/n purred.
William whined and bucked his hips, sobbing in pleasure and slight discomfort. His cunt HURT from all the neglect. M/n decided to have mercy on William and leaned down, opening his mouth, then he latched it onto his cunt, tongue parting his lips and going right for the swollen nub.
“NAH~!”, William cried out, hips bucking up.
M/n put his hands on his Bunny’s hips and pressed them down, holding them there forcefully. Then he continued to ravish his Pet’s clit. He licked it, wrapped his lips around it and suckled it, making William moan and whine uncontrollably under him.
“AH~! HAH~! M-Master~!”, William whined.
M/n stopped.
“What is it Bunny~?”
“M-may I come~?”, he asked.
“Cum all you want, Bunny.”, M/n said and went back to ravishing his Pet’s clit.
William didn’t need more, he moaned louder and at one last flick of M/n’s tongue, he came screaming, toes curled in pleasure. M/n opened his whole mouth and engulfed William’s whole cunt in it as his love juices came flowing out. William could feel how his Master slurped it all up eagerly.
It made him whine and moan again, he wanted more, so much more. As M/n finished cleaning William’s messy cunt, he pulled away, making his Bunny whine again.
“You smell breed able, you know that, Bunny~? I hope for your own sake, that you took that pill. Otherwise, I will not support abortion.”
“I-I took it, Master~ I took it, I promise~”, William moaned out.
M/n then kissed William’s sides and stomach, even his hips. He shakily moaned at all the attention, M/n gave his body. Then he let out a high pitched moan, as M/n bit down on William’s left side, making him bleed slightly and have another new mark there.
“D-Daddy~!”, William moaned out in need.
“Let Daddy do, what he has to do, Bunny~”, M/n purred.
William whined, but didn’t say anything anymore, besides let moans and whines slip past his lips. M/n took his sweet time, marking William’s stomach, sides, hips and chest up in love bites and scratches. God, William loved this treatment, but he really needed more attention on his pussy. It was soaking again and ruined the bed sheets again and M/n still wasn’t finished. He still needed the shoulders and arms marked up nicely.
“Daddy~! P-please fill your slutty Bunny with your cock~ P-please~”, William begged.
“Almost done, Bunny~ Daddy, only needs a few more spots marked~ Be good for Daddy and stay patient~”, M/n soothed and bit his Pet’s left shoulder, making William scream in pleasure and need.
He nibbled and sucked on his right shoulder another mark, bit both sides of his neck, making big, obvious bruises there and then he took William’s arms and marked every inch in bites and sucked in bruises. His Bunny was panting, whining and sobbing when M/n was done with his whole front.
“Spread your legs, Bunny~”
“Y-yes, Daddy~”
William spread his legs and M/n was instantly adjusting William’s position, lined his cock up and without warning, slammed all the way inside, kissing William’s cervix.
“AAAAAHHHHHH~! DADDYYYYYY~!”, William screamed in pleasure and slight relief.
“You like how Master split you open in one go~?”
M/n pulled his cock out and slammed it back inside harshly, making William moan loudly again.
“That’s good, Bunny. I will fill your slutty pussy with my cum, cream inside your womb and make you have more Babies~ When I’m done with your womb, you will have a round little belly~”
M/n started to ram his cock in and out, angling his cock, so it will abuse his slutty Bunny’s G – Spot with brutal, precise and powerful thrusts. William was a begging, moaning mess as M/n continued to abuse his G – spot.
“Then cum for me, my little Cum dump~ Cream yourself all over my cock, make that cervix of yours open nicely for my cock to greet your empty womb~”
All that dirty breeding talk got to William and he came screaming, all over M/n’s cock, who angled his cock anew and slammed through his Pet’s open cervix, into his womb and then groaned, releasing deep inside of it his love juices. He softly bumped William’s womb’s walls as he shot rope after rope inside him, riding out his orgasm.
His Bunny was panting and whimpering as M/n was balls deep inside him and practically filling his needy womb with what it needed.
“Fuck~ Your cervix is so tight, it won’t let me go~ You think we can both cum, while I’m stuck in your little baby creation area~?”, M/n asked.
“Yes~! Oh, please do it~”, William moaned out.
M/n started his pace, pulling a bit and then pushing back in, slamming William’s womb’s walls harshly, it made William groan loudly in pleasure. M/n set a fast and harsh, almost punishing, pace as he fucked into William’s womb. It made William see starts, just as he did when his G – spot was getting abused.
“C-CLOSE~!”, William moaned after a while.
“Me too, Bunny~ Cum for me~”
William had a hard orgasm and screamed in ecstasy. His cervix opened a bit further, making M/n slip in a bit more, before it tightened again and all of William’s love juices came flowing out. M/n in the meantime creamed into William’s womb again.
“Gonna fill my slutty Bunny up, nicely~”, he groaned as he filled William with another load.
 William came again as he felt M/n shoot his hot love juices into him. Fuck if his Lover continues this, he will get his wish to come true and get another child. He couldn’t wait !
This whole filling continued for almost two whole hours, then the both of them were sure that William couldn’t take anymore, so M/n pulled out and grabbed a big plug, he lined it up with his Bunny’s still soaking and happily twitching cunt, then shoved it inside, making his Pet whimper loudly. Now his seed was secured and stayed were it belonged. Until tomorrow that was...
He looked at his Pet’s belly. It was showing and nicely round. He pumped so much of his love inside him and he was proud of it. His Bunny’s cunt and womb ? Secured as his, marked as his, claimed as his and his cum won’t leave until tomorrow in the shower. He was more than happy with that.
M/n grabbed William’s hips and made him turn around, knees bent, so he will be on them instead of his stomach, the left side of his face was in the pillows. William moaned and whimpered at the movement, still very sensitive from getting his womb railed for so long.
M/n looked at his Bunny’s twitching manhole and was eager to split him on his cock. His cock was wet enough from William’s love covering it, so he lined it up and then pushed it inside, a bit slower than he did on his Bunny’s cunt, but it had the desired effect.
His Bunny was keening and moaning loudly, whimpering when it got deeper, pressing against his full womb.
“I told you, I will claim all three holes of yours~”, M/n purred out.
William was in awe at how much stamina his Lover had. He started to moan and whimper as M/n started to move in and out at a normal pace. After his Bunny got used to it, M/n set a faster pace and aimed at his Pet’s prostate. After he slammed into it, William screamed in pleasure and M/n continued to slam into him.
“CUMMING~! C-CUMING~!”, William screamed and felt himself gush, but it didn’t drip out.
The plug was too big, it blocked everything, which made William whine. M/n suddenly shoved himself deeper inside and groaned loudly with a slight growl as he shot his love deep inside his Pet’s ass.
“MINE. Only mine~ You hear me, Pet~? Mine~”, M/n growled out possessively.
“YOURS~! YOURS~! ONLY YOURS~!”, William babbled, drunk on pleasure.
M/n started to smack William’s ass, which made the male moan high pitched, in pleasure. M/n leaned over his Lover’s back and started to mark whatever he could of his back, leaving the back of his neck alone for now. He scratched down his Lover’s back, with his nails, making red angry lines appear on it. His Bunny enjoyed every little second of this.
Then M/n started to move again, another round of passionate love making and it made William lose all his focus. All he could think of, was the need to be bred, the need to be filled and the need to cum himself. Nothing else mattered.
M/n slapped William’s bum from time to time, while he dove in and out of his Lover’s hole, with his cock. It stung and William loved it, it made him feel a thrill, he didn’t know existed. M/n and Will were reaching their climax pretty fast and M/n bit into the back of William’s neck, making his Pet freeze up and he shoved his cock all the way inside again, filling him with his love juices, while William came himself, voice lost, mouth open in a loud fucked out moan.
“T-tired...”, William rasped out softly.
M/n couldn’t agree more with his Bunny. He was tired too. He pulled out and let William fall onto his left side, careful with his filled tummy. He plugged his hole up, which made William whimper and feel fuller than he was, then he cleaned himself and his Pet up, put a towel over the wet spot William’s cunt made, laid down, pulled his Bunny into his arms and then pulled the blanket over them.
They went to sleep fairly quickly. And the both of them had no idea, that William had a fertilized egg cell yet again. They would find that out in a few weeks from now.
-The next day-
William was still in bed, as M/n woke up. He smiled at his Love and stroked his hair, which made him stir and wake up too.
“Morning, Bunny.”, M/n said softly.
“Good morning, Love.”
“Me and Henry have a surprise for you today. But you have to let us explain a few things.”, M/n told him softly.
“A surprise ? What do you have to explain by a surprise ?”, William asked confused.
“You will see, Bunny. Let us just say, Hen and me went through hell, to get this for you.”
He hummed and then moaned.
“What is it, Baby ?”, M/n asked.
“The plug in my cunt...hit a good spot and my body aches everywhere...We should get up and shower then, if Henry will come over soon...”, William said softly and got up.
He looked at his full tummy and smiled, putting a hand on it, almost lovingly. M/n got up to and wrapped his arms around him, rubbing his tummy gently, kissing the back of his shoulder.
“You look good in my marks, honey.”, M/n mumbled.
William looked at his arms and chest, scoffing. He looked worse than when someone beat him up.
“I look horrible.”
“You don’t. Those are my marks and I am proud of every single one of them, that I gave you.”, M/n said.
William looked at him and then smiled gently. Then they went to the bathroom and into the shower. William moaned as he bent over and let M/n pull out both plugs. But William needed help to get all the cum out and flowing.
“Hold still, Baby.”, M/n said gently.
M/n wettened his fingers on his right hand and then stuffed them inside William’s cunt first, as deep as he could. It made William moan softly and clench down on his fingers. M/n curled them up and as he felt some of his sticky liquid, he fingered around there more and then pulled a bit of it out, with that a flow started and all the cum dripped out of William, making his Bunny moan and pant in arousal.
The next was William’s ass and there M/n did just the same, until a small flow started. William was panting and excited again, but M/n insisted on waiting for everything to flow out of his body, then he wanted to wash him and himself.
His Pet had to agree with distaste. They quickly washed each other and then M/n took William against the shower walls again, ramming his cock in and a out of his sopping wet cunt, making his Bunny scream in pleasure and ecstasy, until he creamed all over his Master’s cock again and M/n coated William’s walls white. They washed him down there again and then got out of the shower.
As soon as they were dressed and ready for the day, the doorbell rang.
“That must be Henry.”, M/n stated.
They went down the stairs and saw that Mike already let Henry inside and...no way...William couldn’t believe his eyes.
“E-Elizabeth ?”, William asked softly, tears near.
At the mention of her name, she looked around and her face split into a huge smile as she spotted William. She ran over to him.
“Daddy ! I'm back ! I’m home ! Daddy !”, she yelled happily.
William fell onto his knees and opened his arms, the little girl running right into them and hugging him tightly. William hugged her back just as tight.
“My Babygirl. My sweet little girl. Where have you been ? What happened ? Are you alright ?”, he asked, voice breaking and tears falling.
“I am now, because I am back home.”, she replied with a big smile.
He looked at Henry.
“How did you find her ? Where was she all this time, Hen ?”, William asked.
Henry shook his head.
“I didn’t find her Will. M/n did.”, Henry answered.
William looked at M/n, who decided to stand next to Henry. He looked at Michael.
“Mike, go get Evan. Living room. We will tell William what happened and where Lizzy was. He will need all the support he can get.”, M/n stated softly.
“What about Penelope and Alex ?”, Mike asked.
“Get them too, if you want to.”
Elizabeth parted from her Daddy and looked at her Papa.
“Who are Penelope and Alex ?”, she asked.
“Your new siblings. I bet you saw how different your Daddy looks. Let us just say he gave birth to two more siblings. You missed a few things after you went missing, Lizzy.”, M/n answered.
She made an o shaped mouth and her eyes lit up with understanding.
“So, I’m a big Sister now ?”, she asked.
“You are, Lizzy.”
“Cool ! Can I meet them ?”
“After we explained everything to Daddy, yes.”
“Okay !”
With that she gave her Daddy another squeeze and rushed into the Living room. William got up and stared at the two men.
“What is going on here ? Why are you making this such a big deal ? Just tell me who took her and got jailed.”, William said irritated.
M/n and Henry looked at him with guilt written faces.
“Willy, Baby Bunny, this is so much more complicated and complex, than you think. Believe me...it will all make sense when we explained everything to you, but right now, trust us, it is not going to be easy to understand, Love.”, M/n said gently.
“What do you mean ?”, William asked worried.
Henry looked at William and hugged him tightly, then led him to the Living room.
“We will explain everything, old friend. Just...try to relax and prepare to get your mind blown.”, Henry said softly.
Then they sat William down on the couch, while the others stood, besides M/n, he sat in the armchair across the couch. He looked at them all in confusion and worry. What is so complicated about Elizabeth’s return ?
“So you understand the whole thing first...Evan, can you PLEASE tell your Dad what you saw on the day, Lizzy went missing ?”, M/n asked the boy softly.
Evan held his plush Fredbear tightly to his chest and looked at his Dad, uncomfortable, while Lizzy looked at the floor in shame. William didn’t understand anything. Evan saw something and didn’t speak up ?
“A-at Circus B-baby’s...L-Lizzy went n-near B-Baby, D-Dad.”, Evan stuttered out.
William’s eyes widened and he stared at his daughter, who looked even more ashamed.
“You didn’t listen to me ?”, he asked her in shock.
“I’m sorry Daddy, she was just so pretty and shiny ! You said you made her just for me, but you never let me go to her, while the other children were allowed to play with her.”, she said in sadness.
“That is not all of it, Will. Evan, continue please, take your time explaining, no one is angry.”, M/n said with a soft voice.
Evan had tears in his eyes and looked at his Dad.
“I-It ate L-Lizzy. Th-The C-Clown a-ate L-Lizzy, Dad !”, Evan got out sobbing.
M/n opened his arms and Evan ran into them. M/n pulled the boy in his lap and gently ran his fingers through his hair, while he cried.
“It’s okay. Shhh...”, he tried to soothe Evan.
M/n looked at William, who was in utter shock and disbelief.
“Baby ate Lizzy ? But how is she still here then ? How did she survive that ? Baby is a machine, not an empty costume, the gears would have killed her.”, William said out loud.
“Not like that Will. Baby offered her Ice Cream and Lizzy went to grab it, Baby malfunctioned and tore her inside her stomach hatch.”, M/n explained.
William stared at his daughter in horror.
“WHAT ?!”
He stared at M/n.
“Why didn’t Evan say anything ?!”
“He was scared to say anything. Mike was there too, but forgot his medication, he thought he just hallucinated, while Evan saw it happen. He was afraid no one would believe him, so he stayed quiet. He told me a few months ago, after you gave birth. After you finally fully recovered, I went to Circus Baby’s again and went to CB. I opened the hatch and found Lizzy. But...”, M/n hesitated.
William grew impatient.
“But WHAT ?!”, he pressed.
“Will, just know that it was for me and Henry also hard to believe that it was possible...”, M/n said softly.
“What are you on about ?!”
Henry sighed.
“Do you remember the day were M/n didn’t say where he went and you got worried ?”
William nodded.
“That was the day he went to Circus Baby’s and he came back with...something. He sought me out for help. And at the same day, I presented to you the Illusion Disks, you remember ?”, Henry asked.
William nodded, confused what all this had to do with Lizzy. M/n took a deep breath. William looked at him and just then he realized that all of his kids had a saddened mood. It scared him.
“William, when I found Lizzy inside CB...she was a rotting dead body.”, M/n revealed.
His world stopped turning and he stared at Lizzy...or at least what he thought until now, was Lizzy. He let tears run down his face as he glared at M/n and Henry.
“So you thought it a good idea to replace my daughter with a robotic version ?!”, he accursedly yelled.
“No, that is not what we did.”, M/n and Henry said at the same time.
M/n took the lead again.
“I was mourning her and already thinking of how to break the news to you, as Circus Baby moved. I didn’t turn her on or anything and I remember that her eyes used to be blue, right Will ? They were blue. NOT green, like Lizzy’s.”
William looked at M/n in confusion and slight anger.
“They were blue, yes. Wait...they were green then and there ?”, he asked after he processed the whole info.
M/n nodded.
“Yes, they turned green. But that wasn’t the weirdest part, Circus Baby talked and moved more like a human. Not robotic anymore, nor did it talk with pauses, like the coding made them out to be. And she begged me to bring her home to her Daddy. She recognized me, Will. She knew her name, Elizabeth Afton, her Family Michael, Evan and you. She was scared and confused and all she wanted was to get back home. She knew a lot about you and as I brought her to Henry, he was just as convinced that this was Lizzy, POSSESSING Baby.”
William stared at M/n in shock. M/n looked away and at Lizzy, who gave him a wobbly smile.
“I decided to take the risk and believe it was really Lizzy, for you, Will. With the time, she proved more and more, that Elizabeth was in fact, possessing your Animatronic, but we didn’t want to frighten you, so I asked for Henry’s help, to cover the Machine up and give Lizzy her body back. That’s where the Illusion Disks came in, that you helped to perfect. One is installed into Circus Baby and that is why Lizzy looks normal. She can turn it on and off by will. Until we find out how to free her soul from the machine and get her to stay around still, she will have to wear it.”, M/n explained.
William covered his mouth in horror and looked at his daughter, tears were leaving his eyes. He did kill his own daughter by his own creation, without meaning to, nor knowing about it. Now she is stuck in a Circus Clown.
“P-prove it.”, William demanded and looked at his daughter.
He hoped they were pulling a cruel joke on him, that Lizzy wasn’t dead and that she couldn’t transform into a giant piece of scrap metal, but he was proven wrong.
Elizabeth closed her eyes and in a flash, she was gone and Circus Baby stood there instead, with her vibrant green eyes, the same ones, Elizabeth had. He let out a choked sob, covering his mouth again with his hands, tears running down his face in horror, disbelief, denial and grief. Elizabeth transformed back and went over to her Father. She got on the couch and onto his lap, hugging him tightly, while he broke down in tears.
“It’s okay Daddy. I didn’t listen and she malfunctioned. It was a stupid accident and I’m not mad. I’m still here after all.”, she tried to cheer him up.
William hugged his daughter tightly and let out loud and ugly sobs, that shook his whole body.
“My Baby, I’m so sorry ! I should have had my eyes on you better ! Now look at you ! I’m so sorry ! I let you down !”, He cried out.
Elizabeth got tears of her own into her eyes and sobbed.
“No, Daddy. You didn’t let me down. I let YOU down. I didn’t listen. You knew that she was not done yet and I refused to listen. I’m so sorry, Daddy.”, she sobbed out softly, hugging him tighter.
Michael stepped near his Father and knelt down, so he can make direct eye contact with his Dad. William looked at him, with teary eyes.
“I’m sorry too, Father. I was supposed to watch her that day and I didn’t do a good job. I fucked up and now...Lizzy is...she’s possessing a machine...”, Michael sobbed out.
William was shocked into silence, only hiccups leaving him. He remembered that day so well... The day, he as a Father...FAILED to be a Father.
“Father I’m sorry ! I didn’t mean to-!”, Mike got interrupted.
“You can’t do anything right ! I told you to watch your Siblings ! I asked you for one thing ! Only one, Michael ! And even that simple task you fuck up !”
“Dad I’m sorry !”
Michael stared to his right, a red angry handprint already forming. They were dead silent, William death glared his Son.
“I hope you are happy with yourself, Michael. I ask one little thing of you and you have nothing better to do, than to hang out with your friends ! You can do that almost every other day, but noooo, you had to do this today, when I needed you !”
Michael was still silent, just listening to his Father, still just sobbing and hiccupping. William turned away from him in anger, offering no apology for his outburst, nor comfort.
“I wish you were never born.”, William said and then left, never seeing his Son break down into shattered pieces.
Never seeing, that M/n picked up all the pieces and put Mike back together, bit by bit.
-End of Flashback-
William let another ugly sob rake through him and he pulled his Son onto the couch and hugged him tightly to his left side too, kissing his cheek.
“No, no, no, Mikey. You didn’t fuck anything up, don’t apologize, okay ? I-I was an idiot that day and I’m so sorry for my outburst and the things I said to you. Don’t think these things, okay ? It’s my fault. I couldn’t see that you were suffering and in trouble and then I made your life even harder when I blamed you for Lizzy’s disappearance. I am the adult, I should have watched over her, but I didn’t and now...”
William was sobbing again, squeezing his two children into a tight embrace, muttering apologies over apologies. Evan got up and off of M/n’s lap too, joining his siblings and Father, hugging him tightly.
M/n looked at Henry, who was just as sad and heartbroken, as M/n was at the moment. The kids told their Father, that it wasn’t his fault, not all of it and that they forgave him for hours, while he apologized to them for hours. M/n and Henry took care of Penelope and Alex in the meantime, leaving the four be, to sort everything out.
“Do you think it was the right choice to tell Will ?”, Henry asked M/n with worry.
“I don’t know if it was right, but he had a right to know. Letting him live a lie, wouldn’t have been good either and one day he would have figured out that something was wrong with Lizzy. Hen, she wouldn’t have aged at all. He would have known one day anyways that she was dead.”, M/n replied softly.
They stayed in the Baby room with the two infants for a few more hours, giving the rest of the Family time, to recover from the whole rollercoaster.
After a while, M/n went downstairs and saw that a Movie was running. He looked at the kids and William, they seemed to have made up. They were all asleep on the couch and M/n had a small smile on his face.
‘Hopefully they will get better soon.’
M/n left again for Henry and he saw him sleeping too. He sighed, but understood why they were all exhausted.
Too many emotions at once, stress, adrenaline and then the nervousness of how it all would end. M/n looked at Alex, who was slightly awake.
“Welp, Mommy was a bit on an emotional trip, eh, Alex ?”, M/n said softly.
Alex held his hands out and made noises. M/n chuckled and held his small hands, making the Baby smile and giggle.
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tylerxrbtwhp · 8 months
Personal Favourite Fanfics | FNAF |
NOTE: This is entirely my favourites so if it offense any of you, I don't care. It might seem mean, but this is how everyone is. P.S: ISTG I'm actually nice 💀 Five Nights at Freddy's Steve Raglan/William Afton: New Year https://www.tumblr.com/jokeringcutio/738319099369865216?source=share Curious https://www.tumblr.com/fandomwritingbit/739432557821722624/this-is-almost-filthy-and-i-fucking-loved-it?source=share Regret (Platonic) https://www.tumblr.com/gh0stsp1d3r/735508718468349952/okay-so-imagine-steve-raglanwilliam-x?source=share Christmas Present https://jokeringcutio.tumblr.com/post/737626229094645760/stepdadwilliam-afton-x-reader-christmas-present
Pregnant {1} https://www.tumblr.com/jokeringcutio/738423315311493120/eeeek-i-love-this-idk-why-but-i-do?source=share Discovered {2} https://jokeringcutio.tumblr.com/post/738589200255975424/stepdadwilliam-afton-x-reader-discovered Newborn {3} https://jokeringcutio.tumblr.com/post/738766532152328192/stepdadwilliam-afton-x-reader-newborn Paternity Test {4} https://jokeringcutio.tumblr.com/post/738947769202524160/reader-x-stepdad-william-afton-drabble His Princess https://www.tumblr.com/charlottecutepie/739802423190798336/%E0%B1%A8%E0%A7%8E-his-princess-william-afton-x-femreader?source=share Tabbo https://www.tumblr.com/bratphilia/733098668839862272/taboo-w-afton-x-reader?source=share Job Offer {1} https://www.tumblr.com/cozymaples/734295038620794880/job-offer?source=share Job Offer {2} https://www.tumblr.com/cozymaples/735535339306942464/job-offer-part-2-steve-raglan-x-reader?source=share Three Simple Wishes https://www.tumblr.com/florence-nomachine/735979940369072128/three-simple-wishes-william-afton-x-reader?source=share Sweet Girl https://www.tumblr.com/fandomwritingbit/735344063499452416/sweet-girl?source=share Run Rabbit Run https://www.tumblr.com/ruh--roh-raggy/736380152312938496/run-rabbit-run-william-afton-x-fem-reader-smut?source=share Birthday Girl https://www.tumblr.com/ahsxual/738736837026316288/birthday-girl?source=share Only His https://www.tumblr.com/brightcosmos/737006060148260864/william-afton-x-freader?source=share Henry Emily x Reader: https://www.tumblr.com/florence-nomachine/708441636294754304/project-emily-henry-emily-x-gn-reader?source=share Henry's Nightguard https://www.tumblr.com/theyanderespecialist/703453824818528256/henrys-nightguard-headcanonsscenario-henry?source=share Steve Raglan/William Afton x Reader x Mike Schimdt: Doctor's Orders https://www.tumblr.com/florence-nomachine/734524663831642112/i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-im-not-a-sucker-for-mike-but-but?source=share Triptych https://www.tumblr.com/oftenwantedafton/740328436343635968/triptych-stepfather-steve-raglanwilliam-afton-x?source=share [No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/itsbuckytm/733025902691287040/having-a-relationship-between-mike-schmidt-and?source=share William Afton x Reader x Henry Emily: [No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/toraochi/675318916162191360/cough-cough-this-is-a-personal-opinion-might?source=share [No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/ffauthor/708986241097547776/william-afton-x-reader-x-henry-emily?source=share
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Springdad AU Headcanons Up For Grabs
Why? Because I can? Credit for the AU to @skeletoninthemelonland as per usual! While trying to figure out how my OC would fit into this universe my love of worldbuilding got in the way… So these headcanons may not even be accurate or confirmed by the AU’s original creator. They are just ideas I’m throwing at the wall.
General Headcanons
For some reason, (cough cough this mysterious hunter character cough cough) I suspect there is a dark history of how humans treated these sapient humanoid animals in the past.
Perhaps hunting them used to be a lot more common? Perhaps they were sold to rich humans or circuses once upon a time? (I am talking like a hundred or so years ago, here…)
I imagine the two groups coexisting or having blended families is relatively new in society at large, only happening in the last century. Maybe some on both sides are still hesitant about it or outright against it.
Not to get too political, but I can see their being a lot of bigotry around it in cities at least. The rural areas were likely founded by the sapient humanoid animals, so they would be more tolerant.
Orphanages end up with a lot more orphans like Evan and Micheal than they do human orphans for this reason. There is still a lot of shady stuff happening underground that these kids end up being rescued from.
On a more positive note, I imagine these blended families are the best sorts of families: bound by love and not blood. The best family is the one you choose after all! They typically seek out rural communities to live in peace.
Staff at these orphanages have a lot of methods to weed out suspicious figures who may want to harm the orphans, and they especially look out for any human only wanting to adopt an animal orphan.
Parents like Henry and William are beloved by the orphanages for giving any child a chance at a good home, regardless of species. Even if they may only adopt one or a few, those kids have a good family now.
Lots of seasonal festivals happen in the rural communities and raise money for any nearby orphanage, as many residents build their blended families through adoption. This is mostly lower level though, and doesn’t reach those like the directors.
Rebecca Backstory Headcanons
She was taken from her biological parents by humans. Perhaps hunters? After they killed her parents, they had planned to sell her off to the highest bidders who could do with her as they wished.
The little rabbit was neglected emotionally. Though all her physical needs were met to keep her alive, she wouldn’t have anyone come comfort her if she cried, or show her actual genuine love.
These humans were soon discovered and charged with kidnapping, leading to Rebecca ending up at the orphanage. This was around the same time Micheal and Evan arrived as well.
The only other orphans she really warmed up to were Evan and Micheal. They were the new arrivals and got lumped together often, especially Evan and Rebecca, who had to share a bed to save space.
During the orphanage fire, Rebecca was one of the few children unaccounted for. Her instincts to hide made her impossible to find until after the fire was completely extinguished.
She did go to the hospital briefly for some minor injuries, then returned to the orphanage to find Evan and Micheal were gone. This led her to feel more afraid even as the other orphans tried to help.
This little bunny is observant and timid, always on alert. She enjoys blankets and stuffed animals/pillows. She cries quietly due to her past teaching her nobody comes if she cries loudly.
Springdad doesn’t know her past just yet, but he could always ask someone who does. Micheal knows the general idea of her past since he helped watch her and Evan at the orphanage.
Rebecca only started to trust William after Evan showed how comfortable he was. From there, the other rabbit instantly became her new guardian. She is slowly bonding with Elizabeth and Alice, too!
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