#(Constant trashing of his backstories in general)
sammisafetypin · 1 month
im enabling you rn. karin for the ask meme plssss
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ollie please tell me what dis image is . anyways KARIN TIME💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
Sexuality Headcanon: Karin has never thought about her sexuality once in her life. She has been MUCH too busy to think or care about it and if you asked her she’d interrogate you about why you care so much. Would call herself straight if you twisted her arm for an answer, but the gender section below kinda complicates that response.
Gender Headcanon: Deeply hard-boiled egg, would be a he/she trans man if there was, once again, any time to think about it. He goes on about how all of her issues with being a woman are because “men get so many more opportunities anyway”, and it’s “only natural to wish you were a man for strategic purposes”. He is not figuring this shit out without intervention, the denial goes to the ocean floor at this point.
No but seriously. I don’t care how much of a popular Reddit ship they are, their dynamic is literally perfect. Karin’s constant charging ahead VS Daan’s inherently passive nature and how they don’t understand the other person’s way of approaching life is already great, but the way they bicker is even better. It wouldn’t be nearly as interesting if Daan didn’t snap back, but he does and it makes them SO funny. I also think, despite their dynamic being predicated on being such opposites, they have the most potential to actually deeply understand each other — the less you get someone, the more you want to, and so they both kinda dig their heels into “why are you LIKE this” until it becomes “oh ok. I see. you’re still fucking annoying though >:/“. I have a hard time verbalizing why I like them so much but I just really do, they’re a bickering old married couple to me that has never actually dated, Daan just kind of became Karin’s “person” one day and he carries him around like a particularly mean purse dog.
A BROTP I have with said character: Her and Abella! In my first playthrough my party for most of the game was Karin, Daan, and Abella, so I got really attached to them as a trio. I think Abella is kind of immune to Karin’s bullshit and able to just thwack her on the head when she’s getting ass-deep in her stubbornness. Doesn’t always work, but Abella’s determined to try and get her to unwind a little bit.
A NOTP I have with said character: I don’t like Karin/Pav at all, though I’ve only seen a small handful of people ship it. I just don’t think Karin would ever feel anything but homicidal rage for Pav, much less romantic affection. I know I just went on about how much I like the conflict of Karin/Daan, but it’s different. Those two have banter, Karin and Pav is like, “I actively believe you to be a fucking pig”. Y’know? Also Pav pisses me off for literally no reason so that doesn’t help.
A random headcanon: She LOVES documentaries, and I mean love love LOVESSS documentaries. She’s such an old man about them she wants to sit down and watch his stories about World War 1 and loudly eviscerate every detail he disagrees with. Daan who would rather be watching the ‘40s equivalent of trash TV can’t stand this. When he has his shows on Karin complains but inevitably gets invested anyways. Her opinions on the Toddlers & Tiaras moms have to be known.
General Opinion over said character: KARINNNNNN MY SWEET BOY MY SUGAR PLUM!!!!!!! I loveeeeee Karin he was teh first character I beat teh game with which made me super attached to her already, but besides that shez just a great character that doesn’t get nearly enough respect in dis fandom. Do you know how many Karin centric fics dere are on Ao3?? Not enough, I’ll tell you! And itz bizarre to me bc she’z so interesting! I think she gets kinda discarded as th token bitch of th cast but if All Of That had happened to me I think I would be kind of a paranoid stubborn cunt too! Her backstory’s like actively horrifying to me it surprises me I don’t see it talked about more. But anyways Karin is my SPECIAL BOY WHO I LOVE SOOOOO MUCHES I MADE HER ATTACK GOD WITH A MEAT MALLET 
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koushirouizumi · 3 years
* D  o . N o t . R e b l o g
Adv 2020 Ep 42: Koushiro is a good person {and you were right to defend him all this time!!!}
#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi vents#koushirouizumi vent posts#koushirouizumi text#koushirouizumi text posts#(I'm Tired)#(I'm actually very tired after 6 goddamn years of fighting off antiTri stans from my blog because they can't stand Tri didnt give)#(them the ships they wanted)#(I'm very tired)#(I'm tired of seeing my fav constantly sidelined and called)#('pervert' because he had one 1 crush on a girl but it never was even meant to be canon in the end)#('disgusting pervert' because he as a 10 year old child makes goofy comments in the 2020 end card sequences with the Analyzer screen)#('doesn't care about the 02 kids' SHUT UUUUUUUP 'doesn't care about his friends' NO SERIOUSLY SHUT UP)#('everything from Tri is his fault' LITERALLY JUST S T O P)#('he's cOLD' 'HARSH' 'MEAN' 'CRUEL' 'UNFORGIVEABLE' like the f@ndom isn't obviously nitpicking his neuro-divergency traits with these Takes)#(Constant trashing of his backstories in general)#(I'm. really. tired.)#(and then ppl trying to convince me none of this ever happened with this f@ndom even though theyre STILL DOING IT IN THEIR MET@S????)#*might delete post later#(anyway I'm making 1010010021010 Koushiro gifs and also Taichi gifs this week)#(hmm maybe I'll just drop more awful Koushiro takes TM I've seen)#('gross i n c e l' comments made seriously because he likes computers and is nerdy)#(acting like he'd be someone who'd discriminate against others despite him canonically admiring Taichi FOR NOT DISCRIMINATING AGAINST PPL)#(''''joke'''' comments when 2020 first dropped about how he ''''became Xti@n'''' because of the phrases on the tablet screen)
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my-name-is-dre · 3 years
Mettaton is a False Prophet - Pt. 2
This is a continuation post from my older theory back when Undertale was still the big thing that Mettaton was a false prophet designed by Alphys and Asgore to fulfill the Deltarune prophecy, which explains all of his eerie similarities to Flowey and Asriel. Here is Part 1 if you wanna catch up!
With the debut of Deltarune Chapter 2 came a fan-favorite newcomer called Spamton, and the interesting thing about his character is that it has a lot of similarities with Mettaton, especially his secret form known as ‘Spamton NEO.’ Now, the general story behind his character is that he was once a spam email puppet account who was never able to make a deal. This was his life until he was called by a mysterious person who suddenly made him wildly successful by continually aiding his career over the phone, eventually causing his friends to leave him over their envy of his newfound success. This success eventually landed him a spot in Queen’s mansion until it all came crashing down one day, and the only remnant left of him was a dead phone line tied to him that only repeated static back at anyone who tried to call it.
As everyone’s likely aware of now, there is a hidden bossfight in which you can, once specific conditions are performed, fight Spamton NEO, a version of Spamton hooked up to a suit that unabashedly resembles the same form Mettaton took on in the no mercy route of Undertale. This suit has been referred to as ‘the machine’ which is described by Swatch as the creation of an unknown Lighter, “digitally visualizing their hopes and dreams which never came to be.” This then became an incomplete dream which was locked in Queen’s basement. In battle, the fight also resembles the fights the player had with Mettaton through Undertale, with their soul turning yellow and shooting projectiles to take Spamton down. But the similarities between the fight against Mettaton Ex and Spamton NEO don’t end there, as both fights involved taking apart components of the body gradually over the course of the battle, with Mettaton having his limbs blown off and Spamton having his strings cut.
Now, this backstory is all very important as it alludes back to the body’s origin in Undertale as a creation of Alphys to make its host proficient at killing and absorbing a human soul. The description of the body is textually different but similar, in that Mettaton NEO was designed for the purposes of killing explicitly whereas Spamton NEO’s body is described by Swatch as being an agent in which one can envision their hopes and dreams through an implicit power of determination.
It’s important to note here that, career-wise, Mettaton is quite similar to Spamton in that they both had great and newfound success upon accepting a deal that gave them some meta-knowledge of the world they inhabit, with Spamton being told that the world he lives in is a game that can be exploited (as implied by his dialogue), and Mettaton was granted some of the same abilities that Flowey possesses (changing the game’s name, being able to audibly speak, and being a monster soul possessing an inanimate object). Whereas Mettaton is a story of continued success, Spamton is a story of failure, but how does this fit into the context of the theory that Mettaton was a failed attempt to fulfill the Deltarune prophecy?
That quote from Swatch on describing the purpose of the body is important to explaining this, as it eerily resembles Mettaton’s role in Undertale’s story as a machine designed to harvest a human soul and potentially fulfill the Deltarune prophecy but was unsuccessful to do so because Mettaton is a false prophet. The theme of false prophecy and failed transcendence is exemplified by Spamton’s backstory, as the power of meta-textual awareness granted to him (by Gaster presumably) resulted in short-term success that rose him to the heavens only for him to fall down hard back into being forgotten. The fall he suffers from cutting off his strings is a dual-layer metaphor for how Spamton fell from success and how Mettaton was unable to fulfill the Deltarune prophecy unlike his parallel successor Flowey.
And if it wasn’t obvious that Mettaton’s constant desire for your soul is equivalent to Spamton’s desire for [hyperlink blocked], he goes on record describing all of the control he’d have over his life if he were to harvest your [hyperlink blocked], implying that the hyperlink is code for determination. Spamton also routinely refers to “heaven” throughout his dialogue, which could imply anything transcendental, but I believe this is also another direct allusion to the Deltarune prophecy and its description of an angel: The divine vocabulary fits. Perhaps Mettaton was trying to indirectly achieve this reception from heaven through his promulgation as an icon of monsterkind wanting so desperately to have a human audience? Perhaps this constant appeal ‘heaven’ is Spamtron’s version of Mettaton’s constant appeal to a nebulous audience? If that’s the case, it implies that the audience of Mettaton has divine power, which seems to suggest that it’s composed of far more than just monsterkind. Another minor thing to note here is that Spamton also refers to “the presses” if you defeat him by depleting his health bar: “WAIT!! [$!?!] THE PRESSES!”
“KRIS, DON'T YOU WANNA BE [Part] OF MY BEAUTIFUL [Heart]?” is a very unsubtle nod to the process Chara and Asriel underwent to bypass the barrier and return to the Surface. There must be something about the abilities that the NEO suit offers that is implicitly tied to the Deltarune prophecy. Spamton’s constant use of the phrase ‘big shot’ is another multi-layered metaphor. The ‘big shot’ in question is a triple entendre, as it refers not only to Spamton’s aspirations, but also the fulfillment of the Delta Rune prophecy and also more banally refer to the yellow soul’s newfound ability to shoot a charge shot.
After sparing Spamton NEO, he offers some dialogue that resembles Flowey’s plea to you after defeating his Photoshop form, in which he asks why you’re showing him mercy after all of the unnecessary cruelty he did to you to prove his worldview correct. He then goes on to make a reference to Pinocchio in which he asks you to cut his strings and make him a “real boy” (an even funnier phrase given that he’s a puppet). But this is also an allusion to Mettaton, as he reveals to you throughout the game that his robot body designed for him by Alphys is a form that makes him feel more like himself because it’s implied that Mettaton is an incorporeal ghost like Napstablook. He then makes one least appeal to Heaven and says he’ll live for himself and his friends, acting as a microcosm of both Mettaton and Flowey’s character arc.
In the “weird route”, Spamton also makes remarks prior to battling him that allude to Mettaton NEO’s fight in the no mercy route: “THANKS TO YOUR [Total Jackass stunts] I HAVE [Becomed] NEO.” “TO [$!$!] ME OVER RIGHT AT THE [Good part]!? WHAT ARE YOU, A [Gameshow Host]!?” “MY ESTEEM CUSTOMER I SEE YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEPLETE MY HP! I'LL ADMIT YOU'VE GOT SOME [Guts] KID! BUT IN A [1 for 1] BATTLE, NEO NEVER LOSES!!! IT'S TIME FOR A LITTLE [Bluelight Specil]. DIDN'T YOU KNOW [Neo] IS FAMOUS FOR ITS HIGH DEFENSE!? NOW... ENJ0Y THE FIR3WORKS, KID!!!” One line in particular references Asriel calling Chara’s name before Frisk lands in the bed of flowers in the Garbage Dump: “YOU MAKE ME [Sick]! MUTTERING YOUR [Lost Friends] NAMES AT THE BOTTOM OF A [Dumpster]! NO ONE'S GONNA HELP YOU!!! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR [Beautiful Head], YOU LITTLE [Worm]!”
This is an even more poignant line, as Spamton resides in Trash Zone, which is meant to resemble the Garbage Dump area of Undertale, which was a point in Waterfall where you were given a hint into the backstory of the game before landing on a bed of flowers. It’s also the area where you encounter Mad Dummy and where Alphys dates Undyne in the true pacifist route. Clearly, the symbolism of taking place in a dump is very important for connecting the worlds and stories of both of these games, given that it’s such an important spot for two major characters tied to Mettaton.
If it weren’t obvious at this point, Spamton damn near confirms that Mettaton was designed at least partially to fulfill the Deltarune prophecy but was unable to because he didn’t possess the same potential or determination that Flowey had due to his lack of relation to the original human and his focus instead turning towards an abstract human audience. The dialogue from Swatch about Spamton being the embodiment of a Lightner’s dream also implies that, keeping in line with the themes of desire in the Dark World, that Mettaton might be directly responsible for the creation of Mettaton. Perhaps this is why the NEO suit so eerily resembles the God of Hyperdeath if it’s directly tied to Mettaton’s desire to fulfill the Deltarune prophecy. If this is the case, isn’t it a bit odd that the God of Hyperdeath is also implied to be Asriel’s creation from flavor text in Kris’s room? What an interesting parallel.
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im sorry if this is bothering you but your opinion or analysis over Bakugo made me curious about what you think of Toya's past? i know you despise Endeavor (same here, i call him 'fire trash' rather than his hero name lol), but im honestly curious about your opinion here. do you think that if the .. thing ... didnt happen, Endeavor would allow him to go to hero course, or on the contrary (considering he forbid him to train anyway). let me know what you think pleease <3
so, i know this is a HOTLY CONTESTED THIGN which is why i generally haven't said much because i absolutely don't want to argue with folks or get salty angry anons in my inbox trying to fight me over Dabi/Touya and his backstory
but i'll give a little bit of my opinion on it
putting this under the cut and tagging it with multiple spoilers tags for folks who dont wanna read
so, Endeavor's whole thing was that he wanted the "perfect" child aka, a child with a quirk that was half hot, half cold. He did this through a quirk marriage to Rei, hoping to get what he wanted. This comes down to quirk eugenics, basically, which is incredibly fucked up. to keep having kids until you get the perfect one, and the others are rejects in his eyes. Touya, Natsuo, and Fuyumi weren't what he wanted out of kids until Shouto came along. If i remember the manga correctly, there's a heartbreaking panel of Rei looking absolutely broken and worn down when they find out Fuyumi's quirk and she realizes that she's going to have to have another child whether she wants to or not because it's what her shitty husband married her for.
so, Touya is incredibly complex and complicated because there's a lot to unpack there and many people have done so far more eloquently and with better meta that i could probably do, so i won't try.
Endeavor absolutely, at minimum, helped shape Touya into what who he is now (Dabi) and what became of him as a child. He trained and projected onto Touya to perfect his quirk, to keep going, and i'm sure endeavor wanted to see if he could produce ice or cold like he wanted. This definitely made Touya feel special and had terrible ideas behind failure and weakness. Children are incredibly impressionable and will do exactly what you tell them, possibly 10x if they think they'll be praised or receive something in return.
Touya wanted his dad to be proud of him, to be exactly what he wanted, and endeavor's constant barrage of training and no doubt palpable disappointment in what Touya couldn't do influenced him imo. This began Touya's downfall: a child wanting to please his parent by any means necessary.
but anyway, i think i'm deviating from your ask so hhhhh
do i think he would've allowed Touya into the hero course? no, i dont think so. His quirk is powerful, but we know he has Rei's constitution meaning his quirk actually hurts and burns him, cooking him from the inside out when he uses it too much. his quirk is powerful, but it has a limit, and we see this more when he's a kid and his hair starts to turn white and he's injured while training.
Endeavor would only want a kid in the hero course who he could shape into a vessel, a toy, a weapon. during the sports festival, he refers to shouto, his son, his "greatest creation". he thinks of shouto at the time solely as a vessel for his own gain and fame. Touya, with his quirk and drawbacks in the eyes of his father, isn't suitable to be in the public eye as such a vessel.
i think we could speculate all day on what path Touya would've gone down had the tragedy in the forest not happened. in all honesty, i haven't thought toooo much about it, but i think his life would've been hard either way. especially with living in the shadow of Shouto and knowing he was a rejected child in the hands of his father and he could never live up to unrealistic and cruel expectations.
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bbobafetts · 5 years
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HAPPY NEW YEAR YOU GUYS!!! Here's an official Nia ref with her Backstory!
Nia was born on the planet Ryloth, located in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. She was born not in a big city, but on a small village to her mother, Silene Aeor'Hana, and her father Andan Aeor'Hana. She also had two older brothers, Cassier and Kehel. After the end of the Clone Wars, Ryloth was under the control of the Galactic Empire. This new seige of power caused life to change on Ryloth, especially Nias. Nias father Andan, was sent off and forced to work doing hard labor for years when Nia was only a child. Leaving her mother, Silene to raise her and her brothers all by herself. Although life was hard on Ryloth, Silene tried her best to make sure her kids were living life to the fullest. Silene had Nia and her two brothers help out on their family's farm that was located away from their main village to maintain secrecy. During this seemingly peaceful time, Silene made the decision to teach Nia and her brothers the basics of self defense. Given the situation their planet was in, Silene made sure they were able to handle themselves if they were ever in a tough spot. Silene taught Nia how to be independent, and to not rely on others. She taught Nia how to be headstrong and that hardwork and dedication is necessary to achieve your goals. Although life was hard on Ryloth, Nia and her brothers made the best of it by helping out their mother and supporting each other through it all.
Sadly, this would all change when Nias village was raided by The Empire. Silene thought their isolated farm wouldn't be discovered by the imperial forces. But once she heard about their main village being raided, she desperately tried to quickly pack up her and her kids stuff so they could escape. But it was too late, The Empire had discovered their isolated farm and forcibly separated Nia and her brothers from Silene. Nia desperately cried out for her family as they dragged her away and forced her to join the other captured Twi'Leks. Silene called out to her children, fighting the troopers who her holding her down and preventing her from going after them. Unfortunately, one of the troopers grew tired with her constant thrashing and retaliation. That one trooper shot her dead on the spot. Nia didn't see this, and neither did her brothers. Nia would be about 18 at the time she was separated from her family. She would be sold into slavery, passed around until she was auctioned off to Jabba the Hutt. Nia would be one of his personal slaves on Tatooine. She would be tasked with serving drinks and meals to guests, putting on a show for the guests and Jabba to enjoy, and to really sit there and look pretty.
Nia at this point, lost most of her bubbly personality, and became bitter and resentful. She despised everyone she came across during her time as one of Jabbas slaves. One person who she couldn't stand, was none other than the bounty hunter Boba Fett. He frequented Jabbas establishment mainly on jobs and to collect bounties. But on some occasions he would make himself at home, and Nia caught him practically flirting with the dancers and slaves. That was what made her hate him the most. She wanted nothing to do with him, and actively avoided him as much as possible. Until one day when she was serving him a drink, and he tried to flirt with her. Nia of course, wanted nothing to do with him and rejected his advances on multiple occasions. Until one day, in private, she snapped at him. Telling him the truth about what she thinks of him, and breaking his bubble completely. She delivered this speech to him, and stormed off back into the main area of Jabba's establishment:
"You know why I'm upset? I'm upset because you are ignorant. You CHOOSE to be ignorant. I'm upset because when I was just 18 years old I was ripped away from my mother and sold as a slave. While my mother SCREAMED and BEGGED for her child to be returned, the soldiers turned a blind eye to her. I was forced into a cattle truck along with many members of my village where we had cuffs around our wrists. We were brought into auctions where we were reduced to nothing but objects with a price tag. While you sat in your high towers drinking vodka, I was chained to a wall. With nothing but a pile of pillows on the floor and a 5ft chain around my NECK. And yet while my people SCREAMED and BEGGED for help, you CHOSE to ignore their cries because It did not concern you. I was beaten by my owner if I stepped out of line in the SLIGHTEST. And I was nothing more to him than object he could admire and get off too. I was forced to do sexual acts against my will, and if I didn't comply I would be killed and thrown away like TRASH. I was worth nothing to him. So while you sat there, drinking and living the high life- I was being TORTURED. And while you sat there, having sex with prostitutes and flirting with enslaved women- my people were DYING at the hands of the empire. And while you sit here and party, every second, every MINUTE- My planet suffers at the hands of various crime lords. And yet you continue to ignore their suffering while KNOWING what they're being put through. You chose to ignore them because it did not concern you. So while you sit here, IGNORANT to the fact you are privileged- I will be fighting to free my planet. I will be fighting for children who were like me- who never had the chance to grow up and live a normal life. I will be fighting for the parents who had their children RIPPED AWAY FROM THEM. And I will continue fighting this battle until the day Rylothians can wake up, knowing the endless years of torture are over. Knowing they can go out and be who they've always dreamed of being... So yes, I am angry. I am angry at people like you. People who choose to be ignorant to other being's suffering. And I hope you go to sleep tonight realizing how privileged you are. And how you could've prevented this from happening had you not chosen to be ignorant."
That was the last time she ever spoke to Boba Fett. And shortly after this incident, she was sold again, this time to a general on the infamous Death Star. Surprisingly, being on the Death Star wasn't as horrible as being in control of Jabba the Hutt. Nia was mostly alone, as her owner was usually always busy. This was a blessing for Nia, as she knew as long as she was alone, she wouldn't be hurt. She did know however, that her owner had a major anger problem. This would eventually be her downfall. Nia was secretly conversing with a stormtrooper aboard the Death Star and trying to devise a plan that would free the both of them. Her owner found out about their secret nighttime meetings and was absolutely FURIOUS. So furious that he permanently blinded her by tossing chemicals into her eyes. Saying that she would "finally never see him again". Nia was feeling completely hopeless at this point, feeling it was better to die than to continue living this life. This was the first time she ever felt truly hopeless. Luckily for her though, the same stormtrooper still visited her. After they had gotten word of a rebel attack against the Death Star. The stormtrooper led Nia to an escape pod, where she thanked them, and the course was set for the rebel base. The stormtrooper knew she would be taken care of there, and would never have to live a life of slavery ever again.
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airtosted · 4 years
Just out of curiosity because your art is one of the most popular in the bitty tag-- what is the appeal of an "Edgy"? I only ever see them being mean and hurting people, it seems like they're sort of abusive. You seem to like them so I thought I'd ask.
First of all, thank you for asking nicely. Honestly, I got this question before and the persons asking weren’t very nice during the conversation, so it’s refreshing to see there’s still some civil and mature people out there. So yeah, thank you~
Secondly, I like Edgy because I find his character very intriguing and complex. I’ve seen around people posting their opinions or commenting on other people’s posts saying how they strongly dislike the Edgy bitty before, going as far as saying that they should be killed or burned because they’re nothing but abusive trash that only bites. Looking at it from those people’s perspective it does seem like the Edgy bitty is abusive and mean and uncapable of learning to behave good or having some manners and nothing more than just some wild animal or something.
But the thing is, that’s not how I see them. I see a creature, a small few inches skeletal creature, that has his own thoughts and feelings and wants to be loved and accepted, kind of like humans in a way. Lot of people see Bitties(and I don’t mean just Edgy, but all the other types as well) as a less intelligent creature or a “pet” cause of their size and their need to depend on humans for survival. They see a pet who they want to order around or control. Or as something they can use to earn money thru entertainment. But I see there’s more depth to them than that. Looking at all the things the bitties are capable of you can see that they’re capable of understanding and sympathizing with humans. I see them as creatures who are smarter(I’d go as far to say even ‘more human’) than any animal/pet. When I see Bitties I honestly think of a very little person who I could befriend if they were real and not just fictional characters. It’s just some would be easier to get closer to/along with than others.
To make it easier to understand what I’m trying to say I’ll compare them to a cat; some cats are more friendly in nature and don’t mind you getting close to it and touching/petting it, no matter if you own i or not, while others are more prone to bite you or scratch you if you try to approach them or pet them, but not to be mean, but because they feel scared, trapped or don’t trust people anymore due to past bad experiences.The first kind of cat reminds me of baby Blues. The last makes me think of Edgys which I’ll talk more below since your ask was about them not bitties in general.
Now that I covered my basic opinion of bitties, let’s talk about Edgys. You say edgy is mean and you know what there’s some truth there, he can be mean sometimes. But when he does that stop and think why he’s saying that. Usually people’s first thought is that he’s not trained good and needs to have that kind of talk/behavior punished(or worse, beaten) out of him. He’ll say you’re stupid or that he’ll kill you, but IMO he’s not saying that just for the lolz or because he’s stupid and doesn’t know such behavior isn’t socially acceptable, no, he's saying it because he’s scared. He’s trying to act tough to push people away in fear of being hurt or killed. So he insults and threatens you because he knows people don’t like that and there’s a big chance you’ll give up on your attempts and walk away. Sure he could teleport away, but bitties can’t use a lot of magic because it tires them out. The more magic they use and more often tires them out faster. And if they don’t have anything to eat to fill up those reserves back they’ll be weak. And a weak bitty could potentially be a dead bitty, as how Edgy would probably see it having his soul originate from his larger counterpart that lived in a kill or be killed kind of world. So teleporting away is out of the question or it wouldn’t help him much, and he can’t fight back(I like/support the headcanon(last paragraph of the backstory)) made by Poetax where she said that the bitties have some restrains regarding their magic), so what can he do? He curses up a storm and yells at you to back off, hoping his plan A works.
But let’s say the human isn’t listening and still tries to touch him or capture him. Proceeding like so he might go for plan B and now you’re entering the biting zone. Is biting someone considered nice behavior or fun? No. If you don’t listen to Edgy’s warning then there is a 100% chance he’s going to try to bite you. His bites the way I see it are a reaction to being small and being treated as someone small. He is anxious about being small and being controlled by those larger than him. Let’s be honest nobody would like that. Having someone huge like a giant compared to small you, with the possibility they might treat you like a marionette and/or hurt you just cause you are small and can’t fight back.... yeah, I don’t know about you but that’d make me very anxious and scared. So I see Edgy usually biting for two main reasons;
1) As a way to gain control of the situation he’s in. If people aren’t respecting his physical boundaries(which he let you know previously) then he’s going to bite you.
2) He bites as a source of his only power and influence. Because again he be a smol bean and yelling sometimes doesn’t work. But listen, I believe if Edgy feels comfortable and that he is in a place where he is respected/safe and doesn’t need to keep his guard up all the time around the person, he will respect the other person in return. Living with Edgy doesn’t have to be painful or full of constant biting, it just takes time and patience to earn his trust and show him you’re not going to hurt him. Basically if you guys are cool his biting will drop to 0, or at least will go from being painful and bloody to playful nipping.
But you also mentioned that you see him as abusive?? First I want to say I don’t support abusive behavior or abusive manipulating people. I know sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference, believe me, it took ME almost 13 years to learn it. But an abusive person and hmm let’s say a person with anger or anxiety issues(mixed with lack of trust in people) are two different things. An abusive/manipulating person will appear nice in public to trick others into believing they are this person they appear to be, and they are controlling their emotions and/or situation while doing so. They’re master actors to put it simply. Since Edgy is based of his larger counterpart his anger issues are mellowed down a bit(at least how I see him) so he is more grumpy than angry IMO, but his larger counterpart(who is actually Poe’s UF Sans named Red from her story The Skeleton Games) WOULD fall into the category of someone with anger and anxiety issues. His bouts of rage and yelling are at the moment when they happen uncontrolled and results of his emotions taking over. He doesn’t know how to control his emotions or how to express them in a more easier less vocal way, but that’s not something he couldn’t learn(with a little bit of help from a professional ofc) over time. Red doesn’t pretend to be someone he isn’t, he has a basically ‘what you see is what you get buddy’ kind of attitude about himself. He is not trying to control anyone, he is just scared about dying or worse losing his bro, anxious when he’s around humans he doesn’t trust, angry at the world and humans cause they trapped his species under a mountain and all in all in general just a big huge depressed self hating mess. But he just needs someone to help him out. He needs someone to help him work out his anger issues and to let things go. He needs someone to help him get his HoPe back.....
And Edgy taking after him has similar like issues. He is scared of being hurt, anxious around humans who he doesn’t trust cause of many encounters with bad people in the past, angry at the world and humans cause they made him so small so they can boss him around and control him. In short, the way how I see him is that he is just a big tsundere character who’s been hurt, and wishes to be accepted and loved like the other bitties by a owner, who instead of judging him based on their first meeting will try to understand him and break down his walls. He needs a owner who can withstand the storm long enough to see his mask crack and they’ll see there is some goodness in his soul. Despite him being classified as a monster, Edgy isn’t a monster. That’s how I see him and that’s why I like him. To me he is more than just some abusive, mean bitty who likes to bite people all around. There, you have my answer...
Of course, you don’t have to agree with me on this. :) You are allowed to have your own opinion or to disagree with me. I just hope that reading this might help you see things from my perspective and help you understand my adoration for the little nibbler. Or just make you stop and think a bit more about the character and see that he could be a good companion/friend(see how I didn’t use the term pet, Edgy isn’t found of being called or considered that) if you give him a chance.
💀❤ If you have patience and a lot of understanding you might make a good friend for life who will be loyal to you as long as you never betray or abandon him. 
💀❤ He will protect/guard you from dangers, despite his small size. He will protect you because you are important to him.
💀❤ You’re his owner, the only owner who he trusts and loves(though he’ll never say it out loud) and he feels safe around you.
💀❤  He feels happy around you... He feels finally like he found his home...
💀❤  He feels finally like he is worth more than his EXP now that he has you...
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aurorawest · 4 years
ten faves
Rules: name ten favorite characters from ten different things (tv, movies, books, etc.).
Thank you for the tag @thegirlwholied!
Loki (Thor, The Avengers, general MCU)
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I mean...obviously, right? He’s got it all. A sympathetic villain with a tragic backstory, a snarky, sarcastic sense of humor, The Smart One, but also, complete and utter trash fire, emotional wreck; just wants to be loved. His redemption arc hits me right in the feels and I’m here for the disaster of a relationship that he has with his big brother. His angst and dramatics make him an utter joy to watch and write about. V pretty, too; makes me wonder if I am in fact just a little bisexual. 
King Candy (Wreck-It Ralph)
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YMMV but another villain with a sympathetic backstory. The way he turns on a dime from goofy and fun to kind of straight-up murderous is great. Another one where there’s a rich trove of angst and pain to explore in fic. Alan Tudyk’s spot-on Ed Wynn imitation made me fall in love with this guy before three words had left his mouth the first time I saw Wreck-It Ralph.
Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange, general MCU, yes I’m cheating because this is 2 MCU characters)
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Okay, so my soft spot for Strange admittedly came about because I ship him with Loki, but I’ve come to love him in his own right. He’s a smartass and a jerk—plus magic! How can I not like a guy who has all the terrible qualities I love in a character, but who dies over and over and over again to save humanity? And in a weird twist, I vastly prefer Benedict Cumberbatch’s American accent to his actual English accent.
George Weasley (Harry Potter)
Though I came to be a huge Snape fan later, my first loves in Harry Potter were the Weasley twins. And George is the one I keep coming back to. Who doesn’t love the Weasley twins, right? But I appreciate kinder, gentler George, and imagining his life after Fred’s death has resulted in thousands and thousands of words of fanfiction.
Weyoun (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
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We stan one Vorta clone who presided over a genocide, got his neck snapped by Worf, eats pizza with chopsticks, and had to put up with both Dukat and Damar. Another villain for the list here. Weyoun (and the Vorta in general) are fascinating and it’s a crime that we never got to learn that much about them. The DS9 writers seemed to think we all wanted to know more about the Jem’Hadar, but I just wanted more of these weird, purple-eyed gremlins. Weyoun trying to appreciate art despite his lack of aesthetics? A+ moment from a guest star in a series that was full of them (both A+ moments and guest stars).
Megavolt (Darkwing Duck)
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Ah Megavolt, the character that I’ve loved since 1991. He’s crazy! He’s definitely committed murder (he’s been sent to the electric chair multiple times)! And yet there’s something kind of sad about Megavolt; high school bullies turned into who he is, his memory problems are...a hindrance. He’s not all bad either—he has a friend group and sometimes he even works with Darkwing Duck.
Vinny Santorini (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
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(with bonus Audrey Ramirez, because I’m not going to lie to you, it was hard to choose between the two of them)
Vinny is the snarkiest on this team of looters and he blows stuff up, so how can I not love him? Atlantis does its best to give us character development for its ensemble cast but it can only give us the broad strokes (its runtime is only 96 minutes. 96 minutes!), but it’s hard not to see Vinny as someone who uses sarcasm and humor to cover up a pretty big heart. In a way, a character with a minor redemptive arc, since the team betrays Milo.
Benjamin Linus (Lost)
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The first thing you need to know about Ben is that he spent the majority of Lost looking beat up, which is a really attractive quality in a character. Ben is another one of those villains with a sympathetic past and a redemption arc—though unlike many of the villains I love, he actually survived! So he’s an exception to redemption=death. I loved Ben, I think, from the moment he hypothetically detailed how, if he were an evil Other, he would have tricked Sayid, Ana Lucia, and Charlie and lured them to their deaths, and then looked up at Locke and asked with that dead-eyed stare over his cereal, “Got any milk?” He was the one character who continued to get interesting on Lost as the rest of the show was falling apart.
Telemain (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles)
So I couldn’t find a photo of the back cover of Calling on Dragons, which actually features an illustration of Telemain, so you’ll all have to trust me that he’s My Type. His description from the Enchanted Forest Chronicles wiki: 
Blue eyes, dark hair, and neatly trimmed beard and mustache
Plus he wears knee-high black boots and a giant, useless belt with a bunch of stuff hanging off it? Might I point you to another wizard on my favorite characters list. Telemain is a know-it-all wizard who doesn’t understand how to talk to others like a normal person. He’s very smart, fiercely solitary, and very snarky. Hm.
Éowyn (The Lord of the Rings)
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How can you not love her? The absolute shit this woman has been through. Her parents are dead. Her brother is banished. Her cousin is killed. And her uncle looks like a ghoul and is going crazier by the day, all while she’s got freaking Grima Wormtongue undressing her with his eyes at every opportunity. I love Éowyn because she’s basically in the process of having a constant meltdown but dammit, she’s going to keep it together because what else can she do? And I mean, obviously, “I am no man.”
I’ll tag...ummm @iamanartichoke, @mareebird​, and @thelightofthingshopedfor​ but no pressure! And anyone else who wants to do this definitely should! Consider yourself tagged, I’m always interested to know what characters other people like!
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
*:..。o○Ruishiro Takizaku○o。..:*
Basic : Ruishiro Takizaku a 18 Year Old Hero Apprentice who Works under the Under Hound Agency. He has a height of 6'2 with a lean and muscular build, He Prefers to Be Called Rui instead of His First Name. His Hero Name is ' Morphicus '
Appearance : He Is a Rather intimidating Young Man; if his Height and Build isn't enough to scare people then The Sharp and seemingly permanent glare he'd usually show would do the trick. He has a pair of Transparent eyes which reflects the Purest Color of an Amethyst, Short Ashy Blue Hair that's usually Styled in a Messy and Lazy Manner. He has Ear Piercings on both ears and his Fingers are filled with stainless steel Rings. His usual attire consist of a Black Button Up shirt, Black Jeans and a High Collared Jacket and finally Heavy Combat Boots. His Expressions are Rather complex but the most prominent Expression he wears is the usual Death Glare that never seems to disappear or the infamous ' Stone cold Bitch Face '
Personality : Though He may Seem Cold and Distant at First especially with his Intimidating Expression; You Better hope it stays That way because he is actually an Asshole at Heart. He's Sarcastic, Brutal and Cruel with his Words and He wouldn't even care what that person's Status is may it be a president, the no. Hero, a Family Member or His Lover, It wouldn't matter. This Trait of His Gets Him into a Lot of Unnatural Trouble since it's his Nature to be argumentative and Hostile and he seems to have a hidden world of Remarks to match his Wits. But during One of the Very Rare moments where his Asshole meter has reduced half way he is actually very Sweet but has an odd way of showing it. He lives for the chase and it's one of it. Generally he is like any human being, Complex. But if the situation calls for it he is polite and respectful to those People he hasn't formed a solid opinion for yet. If you want annoying then go To Rui; He Tests People's wits and Irritates them unconsciously just to see where their True Feelings Lies; He has a big brain so his analytical skills is beyond average, he is observant and knows How to Manipulate a situation that's being laid in front of him. So being an actor, lying and charming his way in is not a big deal.
Quirk : Umbra Morphology; The Ability To Morph into Something Inhumane By the use of Darkness or Any objects that Holds the Color 'Black'. When the Ability is used; Black Sticky Viscous Substance will crawl onto the User's Chosen Body Part for Transformation and slowly Consume that Body Part while Forming the desired form of the User. But the color stays on and unchangeable.
How it was acquired/ Small backstory: in the First Place He was deemed Useless by Society and was lesser than Trash Meaning; He was Quirkless. His Family was surprisingly accepting of his current state but He Himself did not Like how low he had stood with the constant Mockery of those people who had quirks. He wanted to acquire his own Quirk. He wanted to acquire Power for Himself and Show everyone that he was worth something and because of this selfish desire of His He began to search desperately; He searched up the Black web and Looked for any possible ways to acquire power without Having a Quirk. Sure there were sites that offered to use his body as a Lab Rat but that may possibly get him killed. So he kept searching and searching until he stumbled onto a site that offered a Mystery Box. It was Cheap; Too cheap that it was suspicious but he was curious. He wanted to know what was inside, could it be a gadget that could grant him Power? Could it be body parts instead? Whatever it is ; something urged him to buy it. And that's where he slowly began to ruin his own Life.
Fast Forward to a Few Days; The package arrived and to his utter Disappointment it was a price of Paper in a Box. He paid for something like this. A paper.... No a contract, a Black eerie paper that had letters written with white ink. He later decided that the Site he bought it from was a scam because when he searched it up again; There was nothing. He didn't bother reading the paper at all. And one night when he was answering his Assignments, his eyes drifted towards the black paper on his desk and when he took a closer look the words were not in the language that he spoke of. It was an ancient language; that's all he could confirm but judging by the output it really was a contract . So thinking that it would be fun he signed the contract and that's where things began to get scary ( I'll skip the other stuff)
He Later found out that The contract he signed was a Contract to be a Vessel of The Demon Of Darkness Umbrachus, A demon that had forced Rui To Accept it in his Body now his Body isn't his own. Sure Rui was happy to know that he had a 'quirk' now but later when he found out what price he needed to pay was the cause of his mass destruction. He had plunged himself on his own demise. The Demon craved the Flesh of and Blood of Humans and it forced Rui to eat Raw Flesh. Umbrachus was a demon associated with Wrath, Pride and Greed so if any of those emotions are triggered by Rui then there's a high chance of Umbrachus Gaining Control of his body. The Demon was Toying with Rui; Umbrachus Started Manipulating Rui's surroundings and giving him Hallucinations. Rui feard sleeping because Umbrachus could gain Control over his body whole he was passed out. And Finally Rui had enough when Umbrachus had nearly Killed His Younger sister due to Hunger; With the incident taking Place Rui Fled. He Fled and Lived in the streets, He fought the demon with all his might and when he was at his wits that's where Hellhound appeared to his rescue. Hell Hound runs a Hero Agency called Under Hound. And this Agency isn't just associate with heroes. They are also Masters of the Occult so Hell Hound who was in a similar situation as Rui took Pity on the Boy and Took him to His Agency where Rui was Given Proper Training to Control the Demon. And soon Rui was given a chance to become a Hero; not a Hero for the public or media but a Hero of The Night. A Hero Who Kills Villains not arrest them.
Trivia Facts
* He Has a Very Bad Sweet tooth And is a Fan of Spicy Food.
* He Was Given a Choice to change his name but he Kept it That way because he Thinks Being called Rui is Cool
* Has a Soft Spot For Dogs
* After Umbrachus Forcefully shared his Body he lost the ability to use Chopsticks and whenever he tries to use them he gets frustrated since it always slips.
* He may Not Look it But he is actually a Big Fan of Sappy Love stories but after Umbrachus entered his Body he started liking Hard Core Gore.
* He used to be Slender and Lanky but Having a Demon inside him had it's Perks.
* He prefers Convenience Store Food Over 5 star Meals.
* He is Bisexual
* He May Have Sadistic Tendencies . He blames it on Umbrachus but Umbrachus spoke otherwise.
* He's an Asshole But He respects Independent women; He was raised by only his Mother being present so he was Disciplined strictly .
* It is mentioned that he is a Fan of Sappy Love stories so surprisingly he is actually very romantic and loving if he ever finds a Lover.
* He is a Master of Lying but He prefers the Truth over lies since he is used to Saying unfiltered insults Opinions.
* A Seafood addict
* He may or May Not be Into Witchcraft
* Can speak Fluent Bullshit
* He can Form Umbra Claws, or even sink himself into the darkness to come deal his presence so he is mostly sent on stealth missions because of this advantage.
* Babies Creep Him out. Don't Ask. It just Does.
* He can't smile for shit and when he tries it comes out as a mocking smirk or a sadistic grin.
* Has Perfect control. Over his Facial expressions but tends to keep it Monotoned and Bitch-Like.
* An actual Dork and Goes to Animal Cafe
* a Fan of Musicals Especially Phant of the Opera.
* Surprisingly has Good Singing Voice
* If he's not pissing anyone off then he's flirting with someone without noticing it.
* Can Cook a whole feast but eats Cup noodles instead.
* Owns 2 large bookshelves filled with Books he never reads. Or even has the patience to read one.
* Has a Dog Named Cat.
* He claims to be allergic to the cold so his clothes are mostly sweaters, jackets, hoodies, anything thats warm. Even if it's in the middle of the summer with everyone sweating bullets you'll see him walking around casually with heavy clothes on.
* He has a mild Disdain for overconfident brats with flashy Quirks.
* Shameless with his Opinions
* Likes Blueberries
* Fast Food is his Only Food.
Note: I don't Exactly Have a Drawn Picture of Him since I'm still Contemplating a Few Details but I did make a Rough Appearance Idea of Him in Picrew. This Picture is Not Mine To own I'm just showing you guys what he'd Mostly Look Like. The art belongs to a Talented Artists with a Bright Future ahead. If you know them. Then give them my regards and Thanks ^^ . I Repeat This is Just an Example ^^ the Picture is NOT mine.
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Extra Note : If You Have a Few Questiona for him then Don't Hesitate to Mention Him in your Ask ^^ . You are Free to Interact with him.
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real-fanta-sea · 4 years
#18 and #19 from the fic ask, please! (Signed, your biggest fan 💕)
First of all, THANK YOU!! It’s so sweet of you to ask, @verbos-fanblog​! I can’t quite find words for how honoured I am you are my fan, especially after reading your work - it feels as if Stephen King showed up on my doorstep and knighted me the most sufferable newby 
Ok, now for those answers:
18 - What is a line/scene you are really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene Oh yeah, coming up with random scenes for my various drawer projects is my favourite pastime, along with daydreaming. I will provide you with a scene already written and a line that awaits completion. It is worth mentioning there are spoilers ahead (yeah, I am oh so smart to warn you as if you didn’t know already, right?) In Red Thread Trash, there is a scene in which Michael robs the bank where Trevor works. He storms in along with Brad, who helps him rake cash, but things get out of hand upon security guy’s arrival. Michael is forced to shoot both Brad and the security guard and flee the bank, taking Trevor hostage. What I like about this scene is how it pictures Michael’s ego in what I think the most likely way. He just stands there, watching the show, knowing the life and death of people in the bank depend solely on him as if he was a deity. If you hold your breath and listen closely, you can hear him inflate with pride and kinky joy. I am really proud of his dialogue with the security guard (Colin), right before he shoots Brad: “I’ll shoot him! Your friend’s gonna die! Put the gun down and no one gets hurt!” Colin exclaimed, trying his best to cover up shaky uncertainty in his voice. “Michael, do SOMETHING!” the stocky one pleaded, twitching in a vice grip of the guard. “I don’t wanna die here!” The short robber squeezed his gun harder, and with knuckles white, he let out a strange, deep chuckle. “You got only one thing right, son. He IS gonna die. But he never was my friend.” A loud bark of a shot. A second of silence.”
When I was writing this, I could feel the tension building up, even trough this short part of the whole scene. I sought some kind of unexpected relieve and struggled with it, and then it occurred to me - let Michael be the badass quoting cheesy old movies he has always been. Give him a line that turns tables because that works. And there is was - one of my favourite lines so far: “You got only one thing right, son. He IS gonna die. But he never was my friend.” Whenever I re-read it, I hear Michael’s voice in my head. I still can’t believe it came out this good, but thanks to whatever muse kissed me when I was writing it. I owe them a lot. Another thing why this scene is so close to my heart - awe struck Trevor, who feels better being Michael’s hostage than living his ordinary life. Isn’t it exactly what we all are dreaming of when we commute to work through yet another grim morning? Of an unexpected journey, we set onto, not knowing where we are going, with who but we don’t give a flying fuck because we are finally free to do whatever we want? Yeah, Trevor is the lucky one and he knows it. I felt terrible, writing about the abuse he had to withstand, about the numb state of mind his meds induced and I was quite happy when Michael threw him into his van and took him away.
The line not published yet: well, this is a part of the unnamed project I had in my drafts for ages and I refuse to give up on it for this line:
"Are you this bitter ‘cause you haven't had a dick to ride on for five minutes or because you still haven't gotten used to the taste of my penis on your husband’s lips?"
To give you a brief, Michael finds out he is terminally ill. Trevor refuses to let his friend fade away in a lousy hospital bed and practically kidnaps Michael to go on their last road trip. This particular line is taken from a phone call between Trevor and Amanda when she refuses to tell him Michael’s whereabouts. Given how snarky Trevor is along with his tendency to make people spit take after any of his statements, I can totally see this happening and I can’t wait to get back to the project.
19 - Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? why?
For me, the more canon backstory there is, the harder it is to write about the character. There are purely stereotypical people in GTA, like Michael’s children, who are easy to grasp. It is still a challenge to make them act and speak in character though. Who I find particularly tricky is Trevor simply because he is unpredictable. He is in a constant mood swing, his mental health is falling apart and he snacks crystal as if it was candy. I easily relate to his depressed side, but the rest of it is just a big fucking question mark hanging somewhere in my head. Michael is an entirely different chapter. We all know he is a narcissistic control freak living in denial and that makes him immune to progress. I often find myself wondering whether the progression of the story leaves enough time for him to change naturally. The last thing I want it to force him to something too soon because it is simply not him. Generally speaking, characters who tend to reply with sarcasm in conversations and joke around a lot are my favourite to write. They basically write themselves, all I do is project them into their little worlds. On the other hand, full-fledged, oldfashioned antagonists are very challenging to write simply because they have no other characteristics besides being evil and after world dominance. Can you imagine a Tinder profile of such a person? Hi, I’m Derek and I’m bad. All I think about is ruling the world, with occasional thought about my electricity bill. I want a hot chick or stud who has no other options besides me because I am a fucking shadow of a complex human-like character and whoever brought me on this godforsaken place deserves to suffer.
Oh my, I didn’t know writing long answers would be such fun! Thank you again, feel free to ask me anything, anytime! :)
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crybatty · 4 years
When I first made the Crybatty au, I didn't have a story in mind. I was just listening to Melanie Martinez songs and thought "what if I made an adorabat au based on these songs" and then I did, drawing The first Crybatty picture that same day. Then I started to develop it further to the Au you know today.
However, Those early pictures weren't as story focus as the pictures today so you don't know the full story.
After some thinking, I've decided to explain how each song from the crybaby album fit into the story and I'll do the same for k-12 when I finish all the k-12 pictures.
There will be some retcons and things that seem like they don't fit, but that stuff happens when you add ideas to a story that weren't intended from the beginning.
Adult themes mentioned, so be warned
Here is her story in semi chronological order.
Pretty simple, this is a general song about Crybatty herself: she's overemotional, unpopular, and cries lot. Now here is her full backstory:
Born to rich parents Eugene and Sonara, as a baby she was ignored and raised by her older brother (dun dun dun!) Despite him only being 5 at the time. When adorabat was 4, both Eugene and Sonara were killed by a monster. Since her parents were cruel to everyone, non of her relatives wanted to take Crybatty or her brother in so they were Both sent to the orphanage. Soon, her brother was adopted but not her, so she was left alone there. The Orphan keeper and the other orphans were cruel to her because of how easy it was to make her cry or lash out. She dealt with this torment until she was 13. A new sheriff and his wife moved into pure heart valley and decided to adopt her.
Now she can live a happy life, right?
It's because of this song that I decided to explain Crybattys backstory and I had to rewrite some stuff to make it fit.
Despite being adopted, she didn't gain rest from conflict. While Mao Mao and Badgerclair weren't mean to her, they argued constantly and their behavior reminded her of not only her birth parents, but also the orphan keeper. Badgerclair drank alot like Sonara, Mao Mao was constantly sleeping with other women like Eugene, and they wore the facade of being a perfect family.
These memories brought up more memories, some about her brother. She remembered how her brother started smoking weed at only 7 to deal with the stress. She also remember how on the day her brother was adopted (by drug dealers), the orphan keeper wanted Crybatty gone, so she tried to force the parents to adopt both her and her brother, but they refused and only took her brother. All she had to remember him by was a small bat doll he gave to her as a baby.
Tag, you're it/Milk and Cookies
These songs go hand and hand both in the album and In the Crybatty story.
Sometime after her brother was adopted and before she was adopted, Crybatty was forced by the Orphan keeper to take a big trash bag to the dumpster across the street at night. While walking back, she was approached by the King of pure heart valley, Snugglmange. He previously saw Crybatty when he visited the Orphanage and when he saw her, he was instantly obsessed. He couldn't rest until she was his. He approached her in the dark and when she ran away in fear, he chased and captured her, taking her away to his castle and locking her in a secret room. The only other person who knew she was there was the Royal alchemist Camille. She was horrified by the kidnapping but because she was in love with the king, she kept her mouth shut.
The king didn't want her to be his wife or even for sexual reasons. He wanted her because just the idea of her being his was like heaven for him. She was his, he owned her. He eventually made her get her now famous tattoos, the tear drop and the triangles above her eyes, as proof of his ownership of her.
Days after he took her, she had enough of his outbursts and found a way to escape. However, she knew he'd find a way to get her back, so she had to take drastic actions. She baked a batch of cookies and put poisonus chemicals in them that she stole from Camile. She gave the cookies to the king and she watch as he died from the poisoning. Then, she left.
When she got back to the orphanage, the orphan keeper didn't seem to care, or even know, that Crybatty was missing for days. However, the Orphan keeper and the other orphans noticed her new tattoos and of course, would tease her about them (although, some did like them). At first, Crybatty hated them as they were a reminder of the king. However, soon she began to see them as victory scars. Even though he did kidnap her and forced these tattoos on her, she did end up killing him and these tattoos were proof. She even began to embrace her the name that all the kids would call her as a insult, Crybatty, because the king called her by her real name Adorabat in a creepy way.
Although still emotional, she decided to not take shit from anyone anymore.
Pity party
Pretty simple song with a simple placement in the story
Crybatty had finally been going to school after being adopted. She decided that she would try to be nice to everyone as a way to make friends. And a week before her birthday she tried to plan a birthday party and she invited everyone she thought she was friends with. However, come the day of the party, no one showed up. Despite her trying to see the bright side, this was Crybattys emotional breaking point. She realized trying to be nice would get her nowhere, so she would close herself off from everyone so no one would hurt her again. However, suddenly there was a knock at the door and when Crybatty answered it, she met a girl named Honey
Honey went to the same school as Crybatty, however she didn't get an invitation to the party because Crybatty didn't notice her. Honey though, noticed that all of the kids that Crybatty gave an invitation too either ripped it up or threw it away behind her back. Honey grabbed one of the crumpled papers and went to the party anyway, the only person to show up. Crybatty was overwhelmed by emotions and hugged honey, instantly wanting to be friends with her. They shared a slice of cake (as Crybatty threw her cake on the ground in anger earlier) and enjoyed the small party together.
Sippy cup
Story about the things Crybatty sees around her.
She sees the constant conflict between Mao Mao and Badgerclair due to Mao Mao constantly sleeping with other women. Mao Mao even cause Penny and Benny to divorce. And even though Badgerclair wants it to stop, she doesn't leave Mao Mao because she feels like only he would ever love her.
She sees how insecure Honey is about her body and appearance. Honey's guardian, who Crybatty would later learn is Camille, was always making honey feel bad about herself and so she became taking unhealthy diets.
Both if these problems Crybatty had no control over, she all she could do was watch.
Mad hatter
Crybatty eats a strong edible and trips out
How Crybatty meets someone special.
Crybatty went to a pop-up carnival one day. She went on a few rides, not really enjoying herself. Until she go on the carousel where while waiting for it to start, she sees a cute boy she immediately gets infatuated with. She's had small crushes before, but there was something different about him. He got on the seat in front of her which is a good metaphor because he was so close yet so far. When the ride stopped, he got off and she was unable to catch up to him. She spent hours trying to find him at the carnival, but she couldn't. She gave up and decided to ride the carousel one more time before leaving. However, when she got on one of the horses, she saw that on the horse next to her was the boy. She talked to him and they became quickly attached. She learned his name was Edwin.
So that was part one, I promise part two won't take like 5 years to write, I hope. Hope you enjoyed reading this long explanation.
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feelhuman · 4 years
ʻ   /   wow ,   i  am  so  excited  to  introduce   jessica delaunchy   to  our  current  students  at  cape  coral .   she  is  extremely  excited  to  join   track / field  &  latin .   coming  in  as  a  twenty one  year  old   junior  ,  they  shouldn’t  worry  about  fitting  in .   the   cisfemale  leo   has  always  reminded  me  of   zoë love smith   ,  but  some  people  don’t  see  it .   trying  to  keep  the  fact  that   she was under witness protection    from  getting  around  this  school  is  going  to  be  tough .  no  worries ,   though ,   cape  coral  will  create  a  new  life  for  them ,   i  assure  you .  ʼ 
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                     hiya  beans  !  i’m  nae  (   she  /  her  ,  twenty  ,  australia  gal  /  acst tmz !  )  and  i’m  real  pumped  to  get  crackin’  &  introduce  you  to  this  walking  tragedy !   ──   this  is  my  gal  jess  ,  who  is  rlly  smthin  else  ,  phew .  i  truly  am  in  love  with  her  tho   &  i  hope  ya’ll  like  her  too !  click  ....  the  ....  read  more  ....  now .
basic stats .  
*    find  her  full  stats  here !
current  legal  name  :  jessica  blaire  delaunchy.
nickname  /  alias  :  jess  ,  jj.  /  none.  
gender  /  pronouns  :  cisfemale  ,  she / her.
dob  /  age  :  august 13 1998.  /  twenty one.
place  of  birth  :  long  beach  ,  california.
currently  living  :  portland  ,  maine.
ethnicity  :  curaçao  ,  indonesian.
nationality  :  american.
languages  spoken  :  primarily  english  ,  learning  latin .
religion  :  her  father  was  christian  &  her  mother  was  muslim  ,  so  she  was  exposed  to  both  growing  up  (  her  dad  wanting  her  to  feel  closer  to  her  mother  in  a  way.  )   jess  doesn’t  really  know  which  bracket  she  falls  in  ,  if  at  all  ,  so  instead  she  respects  both .  does  this  make  sense ..... no.
sexual  /  romantic  orientation  :  pansexual  ,  panromantic.
occupation  :  self - employed  ,  ig ?  she  takes  odd  jobs  wherever  possible  ,  and  the  $$  is  always  under  the  table   :  house / pet / baby sittin’  ,  deliveries  ,  written  papers  /  tutoring  ,  even  ...  dare  i  say  it  ...  gambling.  
education  :  scholarship  student  at  cape  coral  international  school.
major  :  archaeology. 
biography . 
*    tw  :  parental  /  family  death  ,  murder  ,  gang  activity  ,  &  nae’s  obsession  with  rlly  bad  tragic  backstories .
the  unfortunate  beginning  to  this  story  is  this  :  a  girl  understands  death  before  she  understands  life  ;  a  sad truth  ,  a  lost  mother  on  the  birthing  bed  as  they  try  reviving the  infant  &  succeed  ,  a  broken  family  from  day  one  ━  she’s  born  novi  ovard  ,  with  a  head  of  thick  raven  hair  &  a  set  of  lungs  you  can  hear  three  floors  down  ,  but  healthy ,  alive  ;   her  mother  meets  a  much  more  grim  fate  that  very  hour  ,  and  it’s  almost  as  if  she  carries  that  misfortune  as  a  stain  for  the  remainder  of  her  childhood  ,  because  if  she  wasn’t  here  ,  maybe  her  mother  would  have  been . 
her  father  is  a  stern  man  ,  strict  &  abrasive  ;  he  loves  his  daughter  though  ,  that  is  crystal .  nora  grows  up  wanting  little  ,  and  some  could  say  that  is  her  father’s  way  of  over - compensating  for  the  lack  of  maternal  parent  in  the  household  and  the  way  he  works  long  hours  at  the  police  department .  he  remarries  when  nora  is  twelve  ,  to  a  woman  with  a  couple  of  daughters  &  a  son .  it’s  not  a  bad  thing  ,  no  evil  step - mother  or  new  step - siblings  horror  stories  ;  nora  likes  the  feel  of  a  feminine  presence  ,  likes  having  siblings  to  confide  in .  most  importantly  ,  she  sees  her  father  smile  for  the  first  time  in  years  ,  and  that’s  more  than  enough .  it’s  a  family  ,  not  entirely  by  blood  ,  but  it  feels  just  as  close  ;  like  pieces  that  finally  form  a  whole .    
FAMILY  OF  FIVE  FOUND  MURDERED  IN  LONG  BEACH  SUBURBAN  HOME  :  nora  comes  home  from  a  night  out  with  friends  to  find  strange  men  in  her  house  &  bloody  stains  on  the  carpet .  they  don’t  see  her  ,  if  they  had  perhaps  she  wouldn’t  be  breathing  right  now  ,  but  she  see’s  them  and  that’s  just  as  bad  ━  the  lights  flash  bright  red  &  blue  as  the  cops  ask  for  a  recount  of  the  events  that  occurred  ,  but  she  can  only  describe  faces  and  remember  a  few  names  shouted  as  the  culprits  ran  from  the  crime  scene .  they  presume  it’s  connected  to  the  L.A  mafia  ,  looking  for  justice  from  a  cop  that  did  them  dirty  a  few  years  back  ,  but  there’s  not  enough  evidence  yet  &  they  say  her  safety  is  at  risk  now  .  so  ,  they  offer  her  protection  ,  say  it’s  for  the  best  if  she  leaves  her  california  life  behind  ,  leave  everything  behind  and  start  anew .  
portland  is  a  big  city  ,  not  entirely  ideal  but  it’ll  do  for  now .  she  leaves  california  as  novi  ovard  ,  and  is  reborn  as  jessica  delaunchy  in  maine   ━   no one  remembers  a  jessica  delaunchy   ,  or  at  least  ,  no one  truly  knows  who  she  is .  she  lives  with  her  aunt  ,  no   ;  her  parents  work  overseas  so  she  lives  alone .  she’s  from  somewhere  in  west  virginia  ,  except  she  doesn’t  sound  like  it  ,  so  maybe  it  was  oregon  ?  apparently  she  got  expelled  from  her  last  school  for  setting  fire  to  the  gym  ,  or  was  it  trashing  the  headmaster’s  coupé  ?  in  truth  ,  not  much  truth  is  known  about  jessica  delaunchy .  she’s  only  at  cape  coral  because  the  thought  of  getting  a  free  ride  to  an  expensive  school  sounded  appealing  ,  and  a  refreshing  change  from  a  life  of  constant  camouflage  ;  she  only  joins  track  ,  because  everyone  hates  track .  she  only  joins  the  latin  club  because  who  really  has  the  patience  for  it  ?  jessica  blends  in  ,  jessica  is  just  jessica  ━  an  enigma  ,  hell  in  heelys  ,  possible  undercover  secret  agent  (  ?  )  and  a  heck  of  a  lot  of  fun  to  have  by  your  side  on  friday  nights .  
other  tid  bits .
phew  ,  where  do  i  begin  .  .  .  in  general  she’s  a  pretty  fun  gal  !  knows  how  to  let  loose  &  have  a  good  time .  we’re  here  for  a  fun  time  ,  not  a  long  time  ,  homeboys .  
this  is  also  her  downfall  because  she  will  literally  do  ANYTHING  to  have  fun  ━ jump  from  a  moving  car ?  sounds  cool .  jump  into  a  tank  full  of  piranhas ?  best  idea  she’s  ever  had  ,  get  the  camera  ,  tony .
does  NOT  understand  boundaries !!  at  all  !!  she’s  not  sorry !!
bit  of  a  compulsive  liar  too  tho  ??  she’s  one  of  those  people  that  you  never  rlly  know  if  they’re  telling  you  the  truth  or  just  mucking  around  ,  which  she  is  like  99 %  of  the  time  ,  and  no  -  matter  how  much  you  pester  her  ,  she  will  just  come  up  with  more  extravagant  ways  to  deter  you  from  the  truth  because  she  has  some  sort  of  .  .  .  allergy  to  sincerity  ,  ig .  
for  ex  .  don’t  ask  abt  her  family  unless  you  want  a  5  hr  presentation  on  how  she’s  related  to  the  lost  romanov  family  &  was  disowned  because  they  were  too  intimidated  by  her  big  dick  energy .  
really  in  denial  ??  over  everything  that  happened  ??  she’s  been  ignoring  the  truth  for  years  &  tries  not  to  let  her  thoughts  wander  too  close  to  family .  which  is  # yike !  
as  much  as  the  portrays  this  too  cool  for  school  persona  ,  she  actually  enjoys  it !  she’s  v  smart  &  studious  ,  loves  history  ,  philosophy  ,  literature   ,  loves it .
a  complete  DORK .
rlly  bad  attention  span  tho  &  one  of  those  annoying  ppl  that  waits  until  a  person  finishes  talking  and  says  ‘  u  say  smthin ?  ’
lives  on  her  own  w/  her  cat  larry  ,  who  she  uses  as  a  judge  of  character  but  he  hates  everyone  so  its  ....  useless  ,  but  one  day  this  asshole  is  gonna  like  someone  and  she’s  gonna  be  STUNNED .
has  a  big  heart  ....  somewhere .  she  just  forgets  she’s  supposed  to  have  one  sometimes  dfkjlhhfdhg 
will  always  do  the  unconventional  way  of  doing  things  because  she  hates  following  the  norm  or  being  labelled  as  a  stereotype !! def  one  of  those  ‘  i  liked  it  before  it  was  COOL  ’  bitter  ppl  too. 
i  think  that’s  iT ?? I  THINK .
wanted connections .
*    find  her  wc  page  here !  if  nothing  floats  ur  goat  tho  ,  pls  hmu  &  we  can  figure something  out !  (  either  here  or  on  d*scord  :  i’m stu pedasso #7836  )
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sir-adamus · 5 years
Jack was always awful
so there’s this general (and frankly bizarre given there’s plenty of easy access to the context) consensus in the fandom that Jack was actually a decent guy until the Pre-Sequel (and that everything is Lilith and Moxxi’s fault blah blah blah, yeah yeah, we get it you’re very transparent)
but here’s the thing like, the series itself doesn’t agree with you, so let’s put things in chronological order:
Before Borderlands 1
- murdered his first wife (oh sure he claims Angel did it, unable to control her powers, but he’s also a self-serving liar and canonically gaslights her, “he’ll try to guilt you, to make you think it’s your fault”, so calling bullshit on that), and oh how convenient that now he gets to exploit Angel’s abilities for his own ends afterwards
- Jack forces a very young Angel into a ‘chair’ and forces her to use her abilities for his own gain in climbing the corporate ladder by having her pretend to be an AI, using the death of her mother as an excuse - she is in there for the rest of her life until her Vault Hunter assisted suicide and she is under his near constant control (she’s not even allowed to swear)
- murdered his second wife (oh yeah he claims she ‘bolted’ in TFTBL but the first time we heard about her, in the mission “Get to Know Jack” in BL2, it’s stated that she disappeared after finding out about Angel, and Jack strangles the guy who brought her up)
Borderlands 1
- made Angel manipulate the BL1 Vault Hunters so they’d open the Vault and unleash the Destroyer (and release Eridium, which he was planning for); when she questions him he yells at her to shut up - to put that in full context, he used Angel to trick the Vault Hunters into releasing an alien superweapon that would’ve killed everyone on the planet if they hadn’t killed it
Before Borderlands The Pre-Sequel
- used the eye of the Destroyer to construct the Eye of Helios, a wave motion gun, with the intent on using it to commit genocide on Pandora (yeah just an FYI - building a giant laser powerful enough to nearly blow up the moon to target ‘bandit camps’ when Jack defines a bandit as anyone he doesn’t like - doesn’t make him look like a good person)
- briefly dated Moxxi, she dumped him when she realised what a sociopathic monster he was beneath his ‘nice guy hero’ facade (he also blew up her Underdome for this, though whether that was before or after the Pre-Sequel is left unclear)
- started hiring for body doubles, like Timothy Lawrence, who had their bodies reconstructed to be identical to his and bombs implanted in their faces to prevent tampering with the permanent alterations, and forcing said doubles to sign NDAs preventing them from even saying their own names
- begins mining Pandora for Eridium (and refining it - the Slag runoff from the refinement is used to charge the Eye of Helios), which reduces part of the landscape into a craggy wasteland spewing lava, volcanic ash constantly raining down (the Slag runoff of Eridium refinement is also just dumped all over the place, polluting the planet further)
this was all before Jack made his first chronological appearance
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel
okay here we go, Jack makes his chronological debut here
- loses his temper and murders the Meriff after the latter tries shooting him in the back and misses, yells “I was gonna let you live you dumb bastard, what is wrong with you?!” before commenting that it felt invigorating
- gonna just make a whole sub-thing for Felicity:
when Felicity starts having doubts during the ‘build a robot army’ plan, Jack dismisses her like he’s not even listening because he’s more focused on getting what he want, he then proceeds to casually threaten Gladstone Katoa (”By the way, last guy who double-crossed me's got nothing but a bunch of bullet holes and a stupid look on his face. Get me?”)
later when Felicity suggests just copying her because she’d find it much less terrifying than being uploaded to the Constructor, Jack asks her to clarify how much less terrifying - “It's the difference between brain surgery and being scanned.” - Jack just says he’ll ‘think about it’
Felicity complains that she doesn’t enjoy killing, he just waves that off by saying he doesn’t enjoy it either
he then orders Felicity’s mind wiped because copying her would take too long, offers a half-hearted apology when he says Elpis can’t wait, and then tells Gladstone to “Keep the military stuff, anything that can help us in a fight. Trash the rest.” Afterwards he doesn’t even care that he’s just had Felicity killed because he got his cool robot army
- ejects Gladstone and a couple other innocent scientists into space because one of the scientists still working in R&D might’ve been a traitor, so he killed all of them just to be sure (well he had his Vault Hunters do it but same diff) - what a hero. he then immediately tries to turn it around like he did everyone a favour - “Y'know, if I hadn't airlocked those scientists, one of 'em mighta turned those defenses back on just as you were walking through. Woulda fried you like a skag steak. Think on that.”
- this is the point in the story in TVHM where Athena admits she’d been suspecting she’d been working for the bad guy for a while
- kills Zarpedon because he gets bored of listening to her when she’s trying to explain what’s in the Vault on Elpis
- Moxxi tricks Jack and his Vault Hunters into blowing up the Eye of Helios, telling Jack she should’ve done it a long time ago because he’s a “power-hungry psychopath” - “I've been watching you, Jack. And behind that smile, behind that hero complex, there's something wrong about you. If you come down from Helios alive, a lot of decent people will live to regret it.” Jack screams that she, Lilith and Roland are no better than bandits because they destroyed an alien superweapon that he wanted to use (so i really don’t get why anyone was sympathising with him on this)
- Jack grows increasingly savage and unstable following this as the metaphorical mask starts slipping; ranting about how he’s going to ‘deal with them all’, threatens his boss just for asking for an update, then talking about how he wanted to use whatever’s in the Vault to kill Roland, Lilith, Moxxi and “all those sons of bitches”. he then loudly threatens Tassiter’s life after he calls to say he’s fired again (and like, okay, Tassiter’s an asshole, but he’s ‘dickhead boss’ asshole, he’s not ‘strangle you for talking shit, being in the same room or just for breathing’ asshole, which Jack is). it all comes to a head after he gets the treasure in the Vault and it shows him the Warrior and how to get to it (use Eridium to charge the Vault Key using a Siren as a catalyst), before Lilith punches the relic into his face, scarring him and destroying whatever restraint he had left - he plans to scorch Pandora in fire
- Jack makes good on his threat to Tassiter, strangling him to death and taking over Hyperion
- Claptastic Voyage - Jack sends his Vault Hunters after the H-source code that was buried in Claptrap’s virtual mind by Tassiter. full of access codes, prototype schematics and all sorts of Hyperion secrets. he uses it to destroy Claptrap’s product line and to add insult to injury, kills our Claptrap - who’d been retrofitted into a Vault Hunter. only reason he survived was the Shadowtrap (the true AI behind Vaulthunter.exe that Claptrap’s base AI overrides) keeping him functioning, his own incredibly robust chassis (as a result of being INAC and the Fragtrap) and Hammerlock finding him
Before Borderlands 2
in no particular order
- kidnapped Tannis and tortured her for days to make her give up the Vault Key
- started injecting the Eridium he’d refined into Angel to increase her power in order to charge the Vault Key faster - this also left her so reliant on Eridium that cutting off her supply would kill her in less than a minute
- started forcing his scientists to experiment on the population of Pandora (’bandits’), often by threatening and blackmailing them, like he did Dr Samuels by holding her wife hostage. this experimentation resulted in Psychos like Krieg, as well as other mutants
- the aforementioned experimentation also makes up Tiny Tina’s backstory - her family was taken there and while she escaped, her parents are dead or worse
- he destroyed New Haven, a central location from the first game, trying to flush Lilith out. Helena Pierce was forced to relocate her people to Sanctuary - she didn’t make it, and Jack made fun of her face scarring for good measure, and a number of New Haven citizens in the process
and a lot of others that i can’t remember the specifics on
Borderlands 2
oh jesus christ
- literally blows up a train to try and kill the Vault Hunters at the beginning of the game
you know what there’s just too much in BL2, i’ll just stick to the main ones
- captures Mordecai’s beloved companion Bloodwing, mutates the crap out of her and then blows her head off - later puts her decapitated corpse on display in his city Opportunity
- forces Angel to manipulate the new Vault Hunters into taking down Sanctuary’s shield so he can blow it up
- when Angel gets sick of him and communicates with the Vault Hunters against his orders to try and help them stop him, he starts torturing her
- kills Roland, steps over Angel’s body to gloat and then caps that off by capturing Lilith, hooking her up to Angel’s Eridium injectors and starts stabbing her because the Eridium makes her heal quicker
- summons the Warrior intent to kill everyone on Pandora so he can ‘civilise’ it
Tales from the Borderlands
- first thing he does is threaten to kill people
- second thing he does is to try and strangle Rhys
- everything following that is trying to manipulate Rhys into doing what he wants; he only cares about Rhys so far as he cares about his own continued existence (i mean he outright tries to kill Rhys as soon as he’s not in his cybernetics anymore)
- he actually becomes even more of a textbook abuser here, because he’s constantly trying to isolate Rhys from the others
- if Rhys trusts him, he’ll goad Athena into attacking Cassius, which he’s very excited about - and makes sense when you consider how she reacted to him killing Gladstone and those scientists on the possibility that one might be a traitor. he wants her to attack someone who had nothing to do with the order to kill her sister to make a hypocrite out of her
- nearly everything he says is a lie to manipulate Rhys; he never means a word of it and it’s always serving his own interests
- right up to the end he never accepts responsibility for his own heinous actions and is constantly pawning off blame and fault to others
and that’s not even nearly all of it. tl;dr, just cos a guy says he’s a hero, doesn’t mean he is one. actually, if someone has to point out what a great person they are all the time? that just means they’re full of shit
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storytell · 5 years
a guide to my muses!
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i’ll basically be summarizing my muses’ general personality and then adding important info like age, sexuality, gender identity, etc. this is so people who don’t know a lot of my muses can get a general idea for each muse as well as learn whether or not a certain muse is compatible for platonic or romantic ships! i highly encourage people to reach out to me if there’s any specific muse that catches your interest!
twain: dumbass sniper with a heart of gold, loves adventure and all things fun. 22, very bi, male (he/him).
tetcho: stoic swordsman with no social skills and a thing for justice. 29, demiromantic asexual (preference for men), male (he/him).
margaret: kickass woman who will criticize your fashion sense with no holds barred. 20, bi, female (she/her).
gogol: violent idiot clown with constant mood swings and neverending bloodlust who likes guessing games. 28, gay, male (he/him but will accept they/them)
natsume: cat who is actually a man. 65, demiromantic ace (with no desire for romance, he just wants to be a cat), male (he/him).
ranpo: genius detective, very childish and will call you stupid. 26, gay, male (he/him).
mushitaro: very dramatic and demanding but honestly is not a bad guy. 26, bi, male (he/him).
ayatsuji: another genius detective but less childish and more of a doll collecting asshole. 28, demi, male (he/him).
kajii: mad scientist/bomber who really really likes lemons. 28, demi, male (he/him).
lovecraft: ocean man take me by the hand lead me to the land. 29(????), ????, ???? (????)
katai: recluse hacker who basically lives in his futon. 23, bi, male (he/him).
shibusawa: awful. 34, bi, agender (he/she/they).
topaz: traumatized child who needs to be saved from the port mafia. 15, aroace, male (he/him).
agatha: sophisticated woman who will offer you everything you want so she can use you easier. 30, bi (but good fucking luck), female (she/her).
gide: trash man with PTSD who is apparently not afraid to kill children, i hate him. 32, gay (but why would you want that), male (he/him).
lucy: tsundere to the maximum with a tragic backstory, basically tsun annie. 19, biromantic demisexual, female (she/her).
ochi: commander of the hunting dogs and just as excitable as an actual dog. 45, bi, male (he/him).
dogra magra: if you’re not q you might as well just die. 13-15, aroace, female (she/her)
akutagawa: very homicidal, once compared someone’s face to a broad bean, only eats to satisfy hunger. edgy. 20, demiromantic ace, male (he/him)
yuzu: a small girl in a gang. probably has a knife. 13, bi (i cannot stress enough that i will not ship her with anyone older than 15), female (she/her).
steinbeck: communist grape man who desires to kill the wealthy. 21, gay (closeted), male (he/him).
poe: goth author with a pet raccoon and a flair for the dramatic. 28, gay, male (he/him).
genji: cyborg ninja who was a playboy, then he was edgy, and now he is not as edgy. 35, bi, male (he/him).
tracer: mate it’s hard to explain mate it’s just like one day you’ll just be wif your mates having a look in jd and you might fancy curry club at the ‘Spoons but your lad Calum who’s an absolute ledge and the archbishop of banterbury will be like ‘brevs lets have a cheeky nandos instead.” and you’ll think “Top. Let’s smash it.”. 26, lesbian, female (she/her).
widowmaker: minimal feelings, will snipe you with no remorse. 33, aroace (was bi pre-conditioning), female (she/her).
ashe: rebel cowgirl who is very rich and full of spite. 39, lesbian, female (she/her).
momiji: WINE AUNT. 23, bi, female (she/her).
gentle: youtube criminal who just wants attention and to be remembered, has a heart of gold. 32, bi, male (he/him).
pixie bob: cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats!!! 31, bi, female (she/her).
manga: comic boy, a good boy, a good hearted good boy. 15, bi/ace, male (he/him).
roland: church man who wants to share the lord’s love with every vampire. is definitely a vampire fucker. 24, gay, male (he/him).
all of love: perfect and good servamp who loves everyone and adopts abused or abandoned children so he can give them a good life, so very good and deserving of love. appears 27, bi, genderfluid (he/she/they).
the mother: has resting bitch face but loves jokes and is generally very confused. appears 23, bi, female (she/her). 
tsurugi: will do anything for money, can talk to crows, very sad but very memey. 26, gay (but will go on dates with girls for money), male (he/him).
belkia: STABBY. appears 25, gay, male (he/him).
ray: very very extremely in love with gil. appears 24, gay (but will ONLY be shipped with gil), male (he/him).
tetsu: stupid but well meaning. 14, gay, male (he/him).
gear: a sad man who lives in a sick church basement with his bitter thoughts. appears 19, bi, male (he/him).
niccolo: very frightened mafia boss. easily startled. 31, bi/ace, male (he/him).
iori: to quote himself he is single and living with 2 hamsters. 36, bi, male (he/him).
minami: fanboy who just wants to have a fun time skating. 17, bi, male (he/him).
seung-gil: he seems like he’s being rude but he is actually just kind of socially stupid. 20, gay, male (he/him).
shiroe: epic gamer moment! 23, gay, male (he/him).
maryelle: she’s like mom but disaster mom. 28, bi, female (she/her).
tatara: reclusive swordsmith who likes being cool and making swords. 25, lesbian, female (she/her).
dinkuron: a SWEET BOY who loves to travel and is picky about his friends. 21, bi, male (he/him).
rieze: tries her best to be prim and proper but secretly likes to mess with people. 26, bi, female (she/her). 
KR: filthy rich idiot boy fluent in 4 languages and also a massive kamen rider fan. 29, bi, male (he/him).
souji: sword BOOOOOOOY! he’s very spicy when he gets angry. 29, bi/ace, male (he/him).
kinjo: not very good with expressions and is the epitome of neutral good. ignore that i have him as true neutral in his bio. ???, demi/ace, male (he/him).
alibaba: chaotic good boy who just wants the world to be a nice place. 19-22, bi, male (he/him).
koumei: very tired let him sleep. 27-30, demi/ace, male (he/him).
lan wangji: mm. estimated around 34 or older, gay (but will only ever be attracted to wwx), male (he/him).
jin zixuan: kind of entitled rich boy, well-meaning asshole who is only mean because he is very socially inept. 22 (at death), bi (but there is a LOT of internalized homophobia due to the time period, he has a hard time accepting it), male (he/him).
a-qing: pretends to be blind so she can steal money, likes to curse and fight. 12, i won’t be shipping her, female (she/her).
mo xuanyu: too gay to function, actually deserves better. 25-ish, GAY, male (he/him).
nie mingjue: he died because he got too angry and that’s all you need to know. 31-ish, bi (but with a lot of internalized homophobia, would have a hard time acknowledging it), male (he/him).
fukase: snarky android kid who will not stop sticking his tongue out. made to look 16, bi/ace, male (he/him).
jack: winter spirit who likes to have fun and have more fun. appears 14, questioning, male (he/him).
monika: she has 3 verses and it varies wildly from verse to verse so ask me about it personally or don’t. 18, bi, female (she/her).
yuri: delinquent teenager who believes that he can do nothing to make life less shit until suddenly he doesn’t. 17, bi, male (he/him).
KT: small experimented-on girl who wants to see the world and make friends! 13, lesbian (will NOT be shipped with muses over 15), female (she/her).
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ultraericthered · 6 years
Underrated Bad Guy Blurbs - Reiji Miyabi
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This series of posts isn’t close to finished by Valentine’s Day liked I’d initially hoped, but I’m sure to have them all done by the end of the month. But to make up for this, I’ll precede Valentine’s Day with a villain who has a troubled history with love and is one of my favorite characters in his series - Tokio Tsunashi, AKA Reiji Miyabi AKA Head from Star Driver!
- I’m sure I’ve said it before, but I loved how Reiji was portrayed as something more than just the Big Bad Guy who leads the main antagonistic group. He’s a very troubled, complex yet easily understandable, multi-faceted and believable person with displays of redeeming qualities and good moments here and there…but still absolute trash as a human being and a true villain who needed to be stopped. I find him so damn compelling because, whether we like to admit it or not, I think all of us have BEEN this guy at more than one point in our lives. We’ve all gotten super nostalgic for the good ol’ days of our pasts and at times feel we’d give anything to go back in time and relive those days, either to do things differently than before or just to enjoy ourselves and satisfy our nostalgic yearning. But this line of thinking tends to be fleeting, and then we all go back to focusing on the present and looking to the future. Reiji, however, truly WOULD “give anything to go back in time and relive those days”, with that “anything” being, well, everything in existence. No one sound of mind and with a properly functioning moral compass would ever think to sacrifice the lives and futures of literally everyone else alive just so that he or she could forever live in the past, making it their eternal present with the future ceasing to exist, yet that’s exactly what Reiji wanted to do because he is just that self-absorbed. And he’s all too clearly positioned as being wrong for this since Takuto and his friends’ mentality of constantly looking forward rather than always looking back, and the theme of “though something beautiful and amazing could fade into the past, the future could always hold something even more beautiful and amazing in store for you” expressed symbolically via a sunset and sunrise, are what ended up prevailing in the end.
- One of the best episodes in the series’ last stretch was the one that showed us some of Reiji/Tokio’s backstory with Ryosuke and Sora, ‘cause damn, what a captivating backstory. It also ended with one of the best lines in the entire series, and one that perfectly captures what Reiji/Tokio’s core problem is - Ryosuke thinking “Tokio, your heart is stuck in Zero Time.”
- Speaking of Ryosuke, he and Reiji’s relationship is also fascinating, especially as it even has a real life parallel - Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero. Their whole story is similar - Ryosuke is immediately drawn to Tokio upon first meeting him, becoming entranced by his various quirks and standout qualities and feeling a need to get to know him better. The two men bond and end up becoming inseparable friends...but Tokio proves to be a toxic influence on Ryosuke, is majorly lacking in empathy, and is just plain awful in general, and Ryosuke recognizes this. Yet Ryosuke can’t bring himself to break things off with his friend and sticks by him as his constant confidante no matter how bad he is. Greater or perhaps lesser men than him wouldn’t be able to stomach being acquainted with Tokio for too long, but this guy is committed, even after his own fiance had cheated on him with Tokio. That’s some friendship!
- The other great friendly relationship Reiji has is with Sakana, the North Maiden, who Reiji calls “Fish Girl.” He made her his prisoner and has her literally in a big birdcage where she has to sing for him or pleasure him with her words, so that’s a pretty effed up, toxic foundation for a relationship to be built on, and yet this dynamic ended up probably the least toxic one that Reiji has with anyone on the show. Sure it’s twisted - he has Fish Girl serving as sort of a friend, sister, daughter and mother to him all at once, and she actually doesn’t mind this ‘cause she likes the guy. He does treat Fish Girl less like a pet and more like a person each time we see them interact, he never preys upon her or takes advantage of her (sexually or otherwise), and he always takes great interest in every part of the story that comes out of her mouth. When her story is finally over and Reiji finds himself triggered by the ending, he just lets her go free. No getting physical, no personal insults, he just says he’s done with her story and tells her “get out.” And she does, because her cage was never locked and her hands were never bound. As Reiji put it, “they were free from the beginning.” I could’ve watched those two live out their weird but nice Stockholm Syndrome/Lima Syndrome dynamic forever.
- By far the most toxic relationship Reiji has with anyone has to be with Shingo. Shingo is a younger, more innocent person than Reiji, and Reiji essentially preys on him and readies him to be a lamb to the slaughter all while pretending to love him the same way Shingo loves him. Think about it - Shingo gives his mark to Reiji. Without his mark, Shingo will surely perish when Reiji enacts his plan that will literally kill the entire world. A plan that Shingo was manipulated into helping Reiji bring to fruition. Reiji exploited this boy’s feelings for him so that he could basically “pump him and dump him” - take what he needed from him and then leave him behind like thrown out trash to be disposed of when the world got destroyed.
- When you think about it, Reiji tends to use anyone as means of giving personal comfort and pleasure to himself while being unwilling to ever take the next big step and commit to something in his present ‘cause he’s in favor of always looking back to his past and basing his personal wants on that. He casts aside the people he loves because he refuses to change his ways or make any adjustments to his current lifestyle and way of thinking - unwilling to abandon his selfish plans and his lust for power. But the tragedy here is that he does not recognize this - he genuinely did love both Sora and Fish Girl, and consistently failed to ever entertain or recognize where he went wrong in his relationships with them. He did not understand that he didn’t “lose” those ladies, he drove them away with his total self absorption and poor life choices, yet that very self absorption keeps him from seeing this, ensuring that he just keeps on making the same mistakes. His takeaway from his life’s self-inflicted hardships is “But if I became truly powerful, I could get back everything I lost. No, I will get it all back!” I feel for this guy, understanding and sympathizing with his goals, while also seeing all too clearly how self-defeating he was in how he was choosing to go about it. That is a compelling villain character and the kind I really enjoy watching, learning more about, and delving into, and that they could write their story’s villain as a person with such a relatable quality at his center yet whose mindsets and actions lose us so much and make us want to see his desires thwarted at all costs was one of Star Driver’s finest accomplishments.
- Since the series’ story concludes on an open-ended note, thus leaving Reiji’s fate also open-ended, we can only headcanon what happens to him from where we last left him and Ryosuke. Personally, I’m of the opinion that while Ryosuke needs to shape up and get less passive, Reiji needs to get more passive. Him acting on his desires has been nothing but trouble for so many lives, his own included. Losing heart in his aspirations and being made to feel utterly crushed within his present by those who fight for the future’s right to exist is the best possible thing that could happen to him. From this position, he could start to re-evaluate things and, while I find it highly unlikely he’d ever truly change, he could come to see the value of looking towards the future rather than always looking back to the past, and apply this mindset to his paintings (he could look at someone or something in the present and paint how he’d visualize it looking in the future), which is a way of life he’d become content with, living his remaining days as a reclusive painter who just kind of enjoys life as it comes to him. Ryosuke could still hang out/collaborate with him, and even Fish Girl might visit time to time.
- The last thing I’d ever want to happen with Reiji, even in headcanon? Him getting ultimately taken back by Sora and getting a second chance at a happy family with her as his wife and Takuto as his son. That would be just...no. This guy abandoned the mother of his child, can’t even remember when it was that she left the island and why, was never once there for his son in his life, and when his son finally came to the island, he still avoided him and even tried to have him killed multiple times without giving a shit or even acknowledging that Takuto even was his son, as that would mean acknowledging a present day consequence of a fling he had in his “glorious past” and would make him feel older than the overgrown kid he wants to stay. There’s no going back to what he passed up on after all that. Reiji/Tokio has no big place in these people’s lives, and both Sora and Takuto can do better than him. I can see him and his son burying the hatchet before going their separate ways. I can see him and Sora having an unspoken toleration of each other. I can even see Sora and Ryosuke possibly wanting to give each other another chance at being together. But Tokio getting accepted as family? Never.
- Reiji’s VA is Akira Ishida, who like usual does a killer job with the performance. The series was never dubbed into English, so I can only imagine a VA who’d be able to replicate that sort of performance - one with the star power to really give the character presence, charm, and depth. The VA I’d choose would be Andrew Rannells, as can be seen in this video post.
- Fun fact: Reiji got his face on a Specialty Sandwich served somewhere in Japan. I have no idea how or why this is a thing that happened, but it happened. So... KIRABOSHI!
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Transformers: Skyfall. Like Real People Do
((Mun Note: So I wrote this forever ago for @light-edge-with-a-blog​. Before the boy got himself a blog. I still REALLY proud of it and thought I would share it with everyone else too.))
The time got away from me. I don’t know how. Normally, I was pretty good at keeping track of my day. However, when I was with the Autobots, on their base, with Light-Edge and his adopted family; I don’t know… Something about them eased me. Team Prime eased me. Unbelievable. I had read Decepticon intel upon Decepticon intel on how ruthless and traitorous they where. Yet, they were so close. All of them. They where a family.
The Decepticons were never that close. We were comrades, partners, brothers-in-arms and team mates; never anything that could be considered a risk. Yes, there was pairing offs. Pits, Night Glide and I got bonded during the War. However, we were the odd balls. Most of the time, it was aggressive bots just trying to...blow off steam.
The Great War molded Team Prime into something greater than anything the Decepticons could have imagined. And slowly, I was being integrated into it. ‘Slowly’ was the key word here. It was still pretty split when I would show up. The younger members; Bumblebee, Smokescreen and Light-Edge (along with Optimus Prime) had pretty much welcomed me since day one. The others not so much. I was still very much a Decepticon to them.
Maybe this was part of Optimus Prime’s grandmaster plan. To show his team that the War was really over. I thought that at first. I thought that the Prime was just using me to get the closeted and shy Light-Edge out more.
Poor kid. He was from Earth, supposedly in status throughout the whole war. Of course, the ‘Cons had no documentation of the mech. Something to do with the human military force finding him first. I’m not to sure. I was never got much on Light-Edge’s backstory. It was clear that he was hurting though. Ratchet and Arcee followed him around like a pair of hawks. He was sick or something to the like. I was never told what it was. It wasn’t my business to know.
Light-Edge was so dissociated when I first met him, all those months ago.
Yet, upon Prime’s secret orders, I started coming to the base. I started to get to know Light-Edge. I started to get to know the members of Team Prime. Everyone began to open up and enjoy my company. And I was enjoying theirs.
To the point where I was steadily powering down on Light-Edge’s shoulder one late and stormy night. The solar winds had brought the summer heat from the Sea of Rust over Metroplex like a blanket; making everyone hazy in function. The first really muggy summer since we all returned. Most of the bots where readjusting. Expect for Light-Edge. The humans pulled him out of a desert on their planet. The mechling was used to it.
I felt my helm dip one last time. It clinked off of Light-Edge’s shoulder plating with a quiet ‘tink’. I finally gave up and yawned. The mechling I was sitting on chuckled in amusement as I lifted my arms over my head to stretch.
“What?” He asked, smirking softly, “Earth cinema not good enough for your Cybertronian palette?”
“It’s not that.” I yawned once again, “Gamera: Guardian of the Universe is clearly a masterpiece that needs to be preserved for generations to come.”
I slowly slid down his outstretched arm to look at him face to face. I smiled wearily and added, “It’s late, kiddo. I don’t know what you do all day, but I have work in the morning.”
There was a crack of lighting outside the base. I could hear the rain pounding off the roof. I didn’t need to look out the mechling’s cramped room window to know that the rain was pouring down in sheets. He looked at me with great disapproval.
“You’re going home? In this?” Light-Edge said dryly. He gestured to the downpour blowing pass his window.
“That? You?” He continued, “You’d get blown away.”
“I can walk.”
“You’ll get swept up in the streets.”
“Then I’ll call for a pick up.”
“Night Glide will get hit by lightning.”
I smirked. “You have an answer for everything, don’t you?”
The blue mechling huffed. He crossed his arms and tried to give me a tough face. However, the mechling was still a mechling. It came out more like a pout then anything resembling a threat.
“I just don’t want you to go home in this. It’s too dangerous, Sky.”
“I agree with Light-Edge.”
My helm swiveled to the door where Ratchet, the Autobots head medic, was making his way into the room. Medical kit in hand.
Light-Edge’s nightly diagnostic. I scampered to Light-Edge’s other arm as Ratchet didn’t skip a beat and began to set up for the mechling’s tests.
“I haven’t seen winds like this in eons. You’re too small to make the journey across the city on your own.”
“Jeez, thanks for the vote of confidence, Ratchet.”
Ratchet didn’t even look at me as he lifted a digit to silence me. “I’ve repaired enough Minicons before the war to know what their physical limitations are.”
The old bot took Light-Edge wrist and plugged in one of his scanners. Ratchet paused for a moment before added briefly, “As Light-Edge said; we don’t want to see you get hurt, Skyfall.”
I smiled softly upon hearing that. Ratchet was a bit of a hard bot. Four million years of war made his bedside manners less than to be desired, but underneath all that flaking plating was a spark of gold. Even when he didn’t want to admit it.
Ratchet waved me off; trying to shoo me off of Light-Edge’s shoulder. I took to the air to avoid his servos.
“You two sparklings can finish your movie once I finish here.” Ratchet said, “Now, shoo. You’re a distraction.”
“Sparkling? I’m only 400,000 years younger then Arcee.”
“Well, you’re a sparkling compared to me. Shoo, will you?”
Ratchet continued to bat the air in front of me. Light-Edge was finding this very amusing. He was laughing by the time I retreated to the doorway. Light-Edge waved at me. I waved back. Ratchet grumbled as he returned back to the blue mechling’s side.  
“Really now. Minicons.”
Outside Light-Edge’s dorm, I stretched out my arms and wings. I turned on my peds, walking towards the common area of the base. The large hanger was filled to the brim with the rest of the other Autobots; lounging around to avoid the summer storm outside.
Bumblebee and Smokescreen where sparring while the rest of Team Prime watched and chatted among themselves. The clashing of fists was almost as loud as their trash talk. I couldn't help, but chuckle. Mechs would be mechs. The two rounded pass me as I entered the room.
“Hey, Sky!” Smokescreen said cheerfully, pinning Bee’s arm painfully by sitting on the poor mechling, “Not going home in this, are you?”
The bots started tumbling once more. I sidestepped out of the way. Bee gave his partner a swift kick. Smoke fell like a bundle of bricks.
Bumblebee added, “Need a ride home?”
“I'm staying here for the night. Doctor’s and Light-Edge’s orders.”
The sure fire sound of Optimus Prime’s peds came echoing throughout the chamber. The roughhousing nearly stopped when he came into the room. Almost. Prime looked fondly at his team, then his optics fell onto me.
“Both Ratchet and Light-Edge are wise to think that.” Optimus said, “We have plenty of space for you to stay until the storm passes, Skyfall.”
“Oh, hell yeah,” Smokescreen remarked. The mechling’s doorwings were bouncing with excitement. “I always wanted to do a sleepover ever since the kids ever talked about!”
Bumblebee’s servo shot up straight into the air, “I call first pick for movies!”
Somewhere down the hallway, Light-Edge retorted. His answer echoing off the metal walls.
“We’re still watching Gamera!”
Ratchet also sighed. Seemed like wrangling three energetic young mechs was a full time job. My spark swelled up, once again amazed by the seamless family they had all became. I giggled, but it quickly because loud and clear with delight.
I had not felt a something like this since I was with Jetstream and her trine.
A wave of bittersweet washed over my spark; making it heavy with the memory. Sure, I was bonded. And yes, Glide and I were a family. However, it was just the two of us against the world for such a long time. Something deep in my coding always longed for more though.
Night Glide was raised a Vosian Seeker. He was cool and distant. Affectionate, but never openly showed it. Ever since we came home, he worked long days. He was a cop, after all. Even with the battles over, there was still grudges that would arise.
I was working a lot myself. Immigration and all that. A lot of my free time, I was responding to emails from off world colonies or here. Helping with Light-Edge’s reintegration into our society.
Our schedules never quite lined up anymore.
I don’t know. Maybe I was overthinking this. Maybe I was lonely. Or maybe I was greedy and wanted more. Whatever it was; I pushed it down and enjoyed the rest of my evening.
It went as well I one would expect what three mechs would think would be entertaining. It was a B-movie marathon. I was introduced to a wide array of Earth films; ranging from slashers to spaghetti westerns. All of them equally trouble in their own unique ways. I don’t think I’ve laughed as hard in a long time then listening to Smokescreen’s and Light-Edge’s constant commentary.
At some point, Knock Out came and joined us as well. Another follow fan of the art form. The medic would regal about his time sneaking into the parking lots of Earth’s drive-in theaters with his partner, Breakdown; watching the local picture show. The former ‘Con seemed a little down over the memory. He was hiding it though through wit. I knew that he and Breakdown where close, but I guess the scars of war hadn’t healed just yet for the red sportscar.
Slowly, as the night and storm dragged on, one by one; the mechs turned in for the night. I was set up in a spare dormitory next to Light-Edge’s room. That’s where I found myself just unable to sleep. Not for the reason I thought I would either. I thought I wouldn’t sleep being so close to the Autobots, but in reality, I couldn’t sleep without my carrier.
I was just used to being held in my carrier’s deployer compartment. I had not (or at least very rarely) ever just recharged on my own. I was used to the warmth and feeling of safety that being in my carrier provided. It also was a good way to mentally unwind too. Hooking up to my carrier provided me a safe way to ‘unload’ my emotional stress as well. It was easier to share the anxiety between two, then to suffer alone.
As another hour clocked by, I finally gave up. I shifted from my alt. mode (my prefered charging state) and sat up in the massive berth I was provided. I looked towards the wall where I could hear Light-Edge sleep peacefully. I groaned in embarrassment. I had two options:
Ask for help with this predicament.
Or risk not getting any charge and crashing at work.
Ask for help with this predicament.
Or risk not getting any charge and crashing at work.
I swallowed my pride. I hopped out of berth, crept into the hallway and peeked into the blue mechling’s room.
The kid was powered down, breathing softly as I tip toed closer to his berth. On cue, like he knew I needed something, his optics dimmed online. Light-Edge yawned and lazily stretched. My wings hung close to the floor. I immediately fault stupid over this and regretted my actions.
“Hey…” He mumbled, “What’s up, Sky…?”
It took me a moment to answer. My mouth suddenly went dry. I also felt so much smaller. Light-Edge tilted his helm in concern when I didn’t say anything right away. Though, he waited until I was able to piece my words together.
“I have the dumbest question...”
“It’s not a stupid question if you were willing to wake me up in the middle of the night to get an answer.” The mechling gave me a haft smile. He lowered his servo to allow me to hop up onto his berth and sit next to him. “What’s wrong? You seem upset.”
“Not upset. Just...embarrassed.” I looked up at him. I smiled weakly. “I can’t sleep.”
Light-Edge chuckled, “That all?”
“Yeah. Normally have Night Glide around.”
“Used to having another person to share the berth or something?”
“More like used to sleeping in the other person.”
Light-Edge raised a puzzled eyebrow. A tired chuckle escaped me. I leaned back. I rested my helm against the larger bot’s shoulder plate. Light-Edge shifted and curled an arm around me. I smiled weakly. That helped a bit.
“It’s a Minicon thing.” I explained, “I link up with my carrier every night and power down with them. I’ve been doing it for so long that it just feels...weird not charging like that.”
“So, you just need a box or space like that to sleep in?” Light-Edge said.
“Something like that. Yeah.”
“What about my trunk?”
I blinked. Wait? He was going for it? Actually?
He chuckled. My confusion must have been plain to see. He pointed over his shoulder with his spare arm.
“My trunk.” He repeated, “It’s on my back. Do you just want to charge in there? You’re not going to bother me. I’ve slept through much worst.”
It took me a moment for his words to actually sink into my mind. Slowly, I felt a chuckle creep up my throat. My turbines whirled to life as Light-Edge sat up. He offered me a servo to land on while he smiled. With a click, the hatch between his shoulder blades opened. Light-Edge rested his forehead against mine.
“Night, Skyfall.”
“Night, Light-Edge.”
He pulled away as I took off from his servo; transforming into my jet mode. I rounded his shoulder and landed squarely in the back of his trunk. It closed behind me. I settled in the darkness; feeling a hundred times better. Comforted in the metallic blanket I was wrapped in. Soothed by internal hums and machinery.
I found myself listening to the consistency of Light-Edge’s sparkbeat. Every spark had a different rhythm then the one next to it. Every bot was it’s own little song. It’s own little record spinning through the cosmos. Light-Edge’s spark was no different. His spark steady and calming. Melodic. Much like the bot it belong to.
It ended being my own personal lullaby. I was asleep before I knew it.
I missed my home. The one that was thousands of millions of light years away.
On a blue, glassy planet was my home. The only one that I had known in my short life. The sand and rock of Jasper. The vistas and the nearly endless expanse of the desert skies. How quiet and peaceful it all was.
I missed my family. My mom and my friends; Raf and Miko. I hadn’t seen them since I came here. I missed watching movies, playing video games, working on my bike in the garage...the warmth of my mother’s hug.
I missed so much of my homeworld. So, so, much.
I wasn’t this. What I become. I was a monster now; a mess of wires and metal and energon. Ratchet made me like this to keep me alive. Yet now I had to keep up a living lie. I couldn't become what Optimus wanted me to. Now I'm stuck. In between something I am and something alien.
My name was Light-Edge.
I am Jack Darby.
We were Skyfall.
I gasped for air as if I was drowning in mercury. No. It was Ratchet’s cybermatter. Or at least the memories of it. I floundered. My frame felt slow and sluggish; my processors trying to catch up with the rest of me. My interfacing cables unplugged themselves as I began to realize what was happening. I had plugged myself into-
The kid was screaming. I knew why. Oh Primus, I knew why. From the bottom of my spark, all the way through my wiring; I realized with crystal clarity was if I felt every fiber he was feeling that he felt every inch of mine. And I had four million years of wars, surgery and abuse on top of his meager nineteen.
“JACK!” I yelled once more, but the bot- boy- kid, was still screaming.
He probably couldn’t hear me under all the plating. I went to eject. Yet, the way was firmly locked. Jack was on his back. He probably woke up from a dead charge like this and didn’t understand what was happening.
Against better judgement, I did the only thing I could do while trapped within my carrier. I plugged myself back in.
Somewhere between our two minds was the meeting point. Every carrier/deployer had one. It was the space where our two hafts became one; where the passing of knowledge was seamless. I knew he was there. What I didn’t expect was to find the human; not the mech, doubled over in pain and sobbing.
“Sweet Solus Prime...”
I came over to him; finally eye to eye with each other. I set a servo on his back and traced it along his spine. Jack sputtered out a gasp. Wild blue eyes looked up at me with both confusion and relief. I smiled weakly; pulling him into a hug. Jack grabbed onto my back plates like it was the last things on Cybertron. In our combine minds, they might as well be. I continued to rub his back to calm him.
“I know…” I cooed softly, “I’m so sorry… You’re ok now, kiddo. It was just a bad dream-”
“No, that wasn’t.” I heard muffled against my plating, “That was real. That happened. To you.”
Slowly, his shaky hands wrapped themselves around my helm’s filigree. I had thought I was used to Jack’s striking eyes by this point. Yet, his steel blue eyes looked so heartbroken. So, concerned for me. Let alone his own well being.
I think that hurt more than the fact I just traumatized him with eons of my memories.
“Why didn’t you tell me about any of this?” He asked.
My breathing hitched. I tilted my helm to nuzzle into his palm. I gave Jack the only answer I had.
“Cause I’m still working through it.” It wasn’t a lie. “It hurts, but not as much as it used to.”
My servos brought him closer in the hug, “I’m sorry that I dragged you into all of this, Jack. It’s-”
A pop up window flashed before me. I felt my face scrunch up as I pulled myself away from Jack to read it. Jack swiveled his head to see it as well; looking as completely lost as I was feeling. His eyes flickered as he tried to read what I had already finished.
Primus, no.
“Sky?” He questioned, “I’m not up to date on my Cybertronian. What is that?”
I let the boy go quickly. A hissed slipped through my teeth. I closed the window. Then opened one of my own. Jack finally got to his feet as I began to furiously type on a holoboard.
“Sky?” Jack’s fear was starting to creep back into his voice.
My screen crashed. The keyboard disappeared. I looked quickly at the boy before Ratchet forcefully ejected me from my current carrier. Both carrier and deployer where screaming with my removal.
Ratchet should have known better. With our two minds linked like that; it was similar to a psychic patch. It was mutual. A symbiotic process. A respectful partnership.
It wasn’t as abrasive as the patch. However, a forced deployer ejection was just as dangerous. Luckily, (or out of the medic’s skill) it didn’t outright kill the both of us. It just felt like our bodies where being ripped in half.
Though, I have a feeling that the old medic was pressured into it.
I could barely figure out what was happening before I was unceremoniously dumped onto the main hanger’s floor. Ratchet’s voice was coming down the hallway; trying to calm down Jack. I was caught under the seething gaze of Jack’s guardian, Acree.
“What the frag where you thinking?!” The blue femme screamed at me.
Terror ripped through my body. My intakes hitched as I backed off from the femme. Arcee closed the gap between us. My mouth hung agape. I was shaking; from my helm to my wings. A crossed Arcee was a dangerous one. I had read about it in Decepticon reports. She was quick; precise and more often than not, vindictive when concerning her partners. I think out of all of Team Prime’s warriors, besides Prime himself, I feared her the most.
“Are you going to say anything, ‘Con?”
The two-wheeler was looking for answers. Ones that I didn’t have. My mind was blank. My mouth was as dry as those solar winds that brought us this horrible summer storm. I couldn’t even breathe. I was just staring up at Arcee. Like an complete idiot.
Maybe I was just a dumb Decepticon.
“Arcee, leave her alone!”
Thunderous peds falls came crashing down the hallway. I couldn’t figure out who it was at first until they were right on top of us; wedged between me and Arcee. The bot did cause Acree to back off slightly.
Light-Edge was standing over me. The mechling had his shielding on and firmly pointing it towards his partner. He was glaring. I had never seen him like that. Arcee had a look of surprise. So, it must have been a rarity. I, on the other hand, felt tears roll down my cheeks. It was as if an invisible servo was squeezing my spark.
...What was I doing here?
“Arcee, I know that you’re scared.” Light-Edge said calmly. Yet, firmly. He was making a point to her. “Hell, I’m weirded out too. I’m still getting used to all of this Cybertronian head probing stuff, but I don’t think Skyfall intended this to happen. It was a mistake.”
Light-Edge looked down towards me. His face softened once he noticed I was crying.
“Isn’t that right, Sky?” He said gently.
I nodded. Slowly, at first. My processor unable to anything more than that. I croaked on a sob. My helm nodded faster. Oh Primus, if I could speak, it would have been a long string of apologizes. Instead, I just pulled up my knees to sob into them. The only thing I could do. My spark ached. I couldn’t tell from what anymore. Fear, guilt, the reopening of old scars. All things where equal in my mind.
Arcee seemed to understand my complete lack of vocal communication. The femme’s stance shifted. Her shoulders sank. Her optics went distant with thought. After a moment, she vented out a sigh. Light-Edge straightened out; putting his shield generators away. Carefully, the mechling lifted me off the floor. And in an ironic twist of fate; it was now my turn to cling to him for dear life.
The stalemate between Light-Edge and Arcee only lasted a moment. Ratchet came stomping towards us. The older mech simply glared all three of down in complete disappointment. Like a sire scolding his sparklings. That made me feel even smaller in Light-Edge’s grasp.
“That’s enough from the three of you.” He hissed lowly, “You’re going to wake up the whole base if you keep this up. The heat is getting to you.”
He jabbed an accusing digit at Arcee first. “You know better. Skyfall has been coming here for months. Optimus even approved it himself.” The old mech flattered for a moment as he glanced at Jack, “She was bound to find out about all of this. Sooner or later.”
Ratchet’s optics fell on me briefly. He opened his arms towards Light-Edge and gestured, “Give her to me. I need to look her over. And go back to bed.” He eyed Acree again, “Both of you.”
“But Ratchet-” Light-Edge started to protest as the medic plucked me from his hold. Ratchet shot him another glare.
“That’s enough.” Ratchet retorted.
With a defeated sigh, Light-Edge nodded. He made his way back towards his room; disappearing into the dark corridor. Arcee didn’t leave right away. She was simply staring at where Jack had ventured. Ratchet shifted me in his arms.
“He’s fine, Arcee.”
She hummed softly in thought. Finally, Acree broke rank. She walked passed us; patting Ratchet’s shoulder plating as she did. Perhaps as a way to either thank him or apologize. The femme went down another hallway. Ratchet huffed a sigh out of his vents.
The old medic walked over and set me on to a table to properly examine me. I was surprised how careful Ratchet was in doing so. Even to a Minicon like myself. After taking my vitals and running a few tests, Ratchet sighed quietly in what I would like to believe was relief.
“Everything checks out. Would you like some help getting back into bed?”
There was a beat of silence between us. I looked back up at the old medic and whispered, “You saved his life...”
Ratchet was caught off guard by my comment. He hid it well. He ignored me at first; choosing to pack his equipment. Though, it slowed until he sighed heavily. There was regret in his eyes when he looked over his shoulder to see me.
“...Did I?” Ratchet mused, “You would know better then I would. You were the one that was linked to him, after all.”
I hummed. Newly adopted memories of Earth flooded my mind. That feeling of loneliness. The feeling of homesickness. That feeling of being trapped on a completely alien world in all sense of the word.
That feeling of being loved by a family. Both biological. And found.
I smiled weakly.
“You did, but he needs an outlet.” I looked up at the big mech, “He needs something to do. You can’t keep him locked up in here. He’s a good kid, Ratchet. If you were worried about him not fitting in, keeping him sheltered from Cybertron isn’t going to help. Let him help us. Let him help us rebuild. And let him go back to Earth and see his family.”
I chuckled softly and added, “Though… I have a feeling that I didn’t need to tell you any of that…”
Ratchet’s big shoulders sagged slowly. The silence fell between us once again. The rain outside was not as vicious. The winds not so harsh. Ratchet turned on his ped and offered a servo to climb onto. It was a moment before he spoke again.
“Sometimes I need a reminder…”
I smiled a little bit more and stepped into his hand.
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jounetsulovers · 6 years
Top 11 Inazuma Characters
Tagged by @blueberry-pastel! Thank you so much. <3
11. Senguuji Yamato.
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For all my talk about the villains of Inazuma, it feels fitting to have some kind of rep on that list, even though he’s more of the final rival than anything else. The first season of Go holds a special place in my heart, and I think Yamato is an especially fun and thematically appropriate final boss. His Avatar his cool, his relationship with his dad warms my heart, his design is nice, and the way he’s animated, especially when using King Fire, always looks really nice! He’s my go-to goalie in the Go games, and on that basis alone it didn’t feel right to have a list without him.
10. Raimon Natsumi.
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Natsumi was my favorite manager for a long, long time, and there’s a lot of things to absolutely love about her. Her arc, tracing from the beginning of the original series to the very end, where she slowly lets her defenses down and engages earnestly with soccer and the team. Her extremely sweet friendships with all of the managers. Her relationship with her dad, which is an often-underlooked but no less important part of the entire story. The little background details, and how we learn throughout the Chrono Stone games that she’s become the chairman of Raimon after Fifth Sector collapses. Her recent appearance in Orion had me grinning the entire time. For sheer character growth, it’s hard to compete with her.
9. Kidou Yuuto.
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Somehow, Kidou Yuuto exists, and the show is better for it. If someone were to ask me who had the best and most complete character arc, I’d point to Kidou without question. He’s the complete package: great and memorable character design, strong personality, growth, excellent moves, great character dynamics, downright iconic scenes. His backstory and everything involving his and Haruna’s family makes me cry every time, no matter what format it’s in. From enemy to rival to best, best friend, Kidou Yuuto is stellar character work on the part of Level-5.
8. Teres Tolue.
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The anime does not do Teres Tolue justice. For all the brief but excellent scenes he does have, they are nothing compared to the wonderful scenes he gets in the third Inazuma game. This is a shoutout to the defender who isn’t afraid to speak his mind, even at the cost of sounding callous. Who cracks jokes at the worst of times, but also has a heart of gold. Whose confidence is genuinely matched by excellent work on the defense line. Liocott Island is full of captains with big personalities and sad backstories, and it’s a shame Teres seems to often be left out of the conversation, because he was my favorite back in 2012 and now, finally getting to play the games in full, he’s even better than I remembered.
7. Yamana Akane.
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If the anime did not do justice to Teres, they did an absolute disservice to Yamana Akane. Much like Teres, she has wonderful moments in the anime. But they are limited, and do not capture the true delight that is her personality. Everything she is, she’s even more in the games, and I genuinely think she has the best one-liners in perhaps the entire series. Even if she isn’t the deepest manager, she’s the one that makes me smile the most. She’s funny, she’s creative, she’s bold and not afraid to speak about the things she likes. Yamana Akane, best manager.
6. Saginuma Osamu.
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Saginuma Osamu is a character that exists in a constant duality. He’s a terrifying, imposing presence as Desarm, but also an admirable rival. He’s absolutely unmatched on the soccer field, with the technical know-how and talent to easily slide into three positions on the field, but also one of the hardest-working characters in the entire series. He’s also a huge, huge dork while at the same time being inspiring to his team when he’s in the captain role. He was my favorite Aliea captain, and continues to be my favorite kid to come out of Sun Garden. I’d personally choose him as the greatest rival in all of Inazuma, as he perfectly captures the thin, thin line between serious and ridiculous the series so eloquently toes.
5. Kira Hitomiko.
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Best coach, hands down. Not the most skilled, or the nicest, or the one with the best teams or most effective coach. But the best one. She’s complicated, and maybe her apology at the end of Season 2 doesn’t begin to make up for the bad calls she made. But the fact she’s allowed to make those bad calls... the fact that she’s part of a larger, extremely sad and complicated backstory that almost feels like it should come from a drama, and not a sports anime... the fact that she spends a lifetime of penance for it, actually doing the hard work of trying to do right by her own mistakes and continue to watch over Sun Garden... Man, I love Hitomiko. Ares didn’t even begin to do her justice.
4. Amagi Daichi.
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Amagi Daichi, best defender. Enough said.
...Okay, no, there’s more than that. I love everything about Amagi, from his character design, to his moves, to his personality and how much he brings a strong, brotherly presence to the team. I love his dynamic with Hikaru, and with the other third years, and how much he cares for his friends in general. But I think I love his story most of all, because it’s extremely relatable. It’s simple, but effective, and the presentation of his flashback--the sound design, the visuals, hell, even the editing--is some of the best Inazuma’s ever done. Episode 33 of Go is my favorite episode of Inazuma Eleven. Amagi Daichi, best defender.
3. Giris and Meia.
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Is this cheating? I don’t think so. Giris and Meia are two characters that demand to be taken and analyzed as a pair, and, well, you don’t really see them apart, ever. They are my pick for the most terrifying and interesting rivals in all of Inazuma, for their unique combination of memorable visual aesthetic combined with the encroaching fridge horror that is the true nature of the SSC. Two kids, whose entire aesthetic revolves around young love and death in all aspects: their avatars, their signature move, even the soccer team uniform, which could easily be reworked into something for a period piece. And yet, they’re also overdramatic. They get distracted by each other to the point where they forget to finish trash-talking the opposing team. They dance on the soccer field to summon their avatars. They’re ridiculous and tragic in equal amounts, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them, or the Second Stage Children, since I watched Chrono Stone.
2. Megane Kakeru.
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Not only is Megane one of the funniest characters in the series. Not only is he one of the most important and yet underappreciated side characters in the franchise. Megane Kakeru is the perfect example of the profound impact Endou has on everyone he comes in contact with, and here’s why: Megane Kakeru is a coward. That’s a fact established in episode one. He talks a big game, but as soon as Teikoku gets serious, he runs off in tears. And even if the anime will never let him live that fact down (seriously), he never runs from another match again. Without him, Raimon’s victory streak would have ended with Shuuyo Meito. With him, we see a self-centered nerd come out of his shell, and genuinely grow to love the game of soccer, even as he knows he isn’t cut out to play and cannot match the skill level of his peers. Even while he’s terrified, he still steps out onto the field against Zeus when his teammates are injured. He stands against Aliea, even as other teammates find the situation hopeless. In season 3, his easy out, what does he do? He joins the team as a manager. He supports the Resistance numerous times in Go, both in the anime and in the games. Even as the chips are down, Megane Kakeru does not run, because he loves the game just as much as everyone else. He’s got a protagonist’s heart. I just love this kid.
And now, some honorable mentions, because there’s far too many to list:
I initially intended to have a member of the Earth Eleven on this list, but I genuinely could not decided between Morimura Konoha, Kusaka Ryuuji, and Nozaki Sakura, so I decided in fairness to not pick any, as an omission would be doing a disservice to them. The same could be said for several Protocol Omega members. Senguuji Daigo and Saryuu Evan are excellent villains and I love them, even if one is significantly more developed than the other. Matsukaze Tenma is one of my favorite protagonists of all time, and I love him a lot. Edgar Valtinas would have taken Teres’ spot if I didn’t choose him, and it was a very close choice. Kudou Fuyuka and Seto Midori were also this close to taking one of the manager slots. Fei Rune and Nanobana Kinako bring me unending joy and tears in equal measure. Domon Asuka, Sangoku Taichi, and Mahoro Tadashi are wonderful side characters whom deserve more love than they get, and I don’t think anyone is surprised to know how much I love Kousaka Yukie. I am deeply enjoying Ares and Orion’s characters, but considering their story has yet to finish, it did not seem fair to include them on the list, so for now they’re relegated to this one. But I adore Haizaki Ryouhei, Kozoumaru Sasuke, and Goujin Tetsunosuke. Zanark Avalonic should just be on every list ever because he is the best.
1. Nishiki Ryouma.
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No character in Inazuma can make me smile like Nishiki Ryouma does. No character brings me quite as much joy as Nishiki Ryouma does. He is not the deepest, nor the strongest, nor the user of my favorite hissatsu or owner of my favorite Avatar. But he’s the complete package: relatable, funny, courageous, and even inspiring in his own goofy way. I love his passion, and how he tries not to sweat the little things, and that he isn’t afraid to do things in the name of trying, no matter how ridiculous he may seem. He has a large heart that is open to the world around him, and even for his enemies. He has stellar moves, a genuinely awesome aesthetic, and a smile that’s infectious. I knew pretty early on in my watch of Go he’d be a favorite, and every time since my love for him has grown more and more. I can’t even explain in adequate enough terms why I love him so much--I just do!
Not directly tagging anyone, but if you haven’t done it, DO IT. You know who you are.
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