#(Get off my dick about dubs IDGAF)
jerriisspeakingnow · 2 years
I’m only just now discovering that Vinland Saga has been on Netflix dubbed and I feel like a complete dumbass.
…so yeah I’m only 5 episodes in and I haven’t even met adult Thorfinn yet but I already know this is about to become one of my all time favorite shows.
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iambecome · 3 years
Hey Berserk Tumblr
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Last year when lockdown started I was trying to get my friend to read the manga. He said he prefers anime, so I recommended the 97 anime before realizing it was good but had some major problems, most especially a very bad dub in the final episodes. So I got the crazy idea to rip the entire series and re-dub that voice. 
And so, the Arthouse 1997 Berserk Fan Edit was born. 
What started as a small project ended up being a 4 month long endeavor, wherein I executed the following changes: 
24 episodes --> 12 episodes, each with an average length of about 40 minutes, because it's 2021 and this is what the people want now.
Removal of evil Queen/assassination subplot, because it ran long and I personally think its dumb. Sorry. Bad opinion, but I do. I do miss the conversation between Guts and Griffith afterwards but oh well, needs must.
Removal of the attack on Rickerts group, because it makes no sense in the anime and undercuts the next event. 
Removal and/or Frankensteining of some minor battles to streamline the narrative.
Take your grasses off, folks! I changed the OP to be the 97 TV trailer to better match the tone.
Redub of old woman using the movie dub voice, with associated stealth edits so it makes sense.
Bit of additional BGM (all still Hirasawa) and additional SFX (particularly during Eclipse and Zodd) 
Redraw of a couple still frames that were wonky, as well as some stealth edits to cover up weird, jarring drops in animation quality. 
Lots and lots of minor edits during battle scenes, such as slowing or speeding animation, zooming, recutting dialogue etc. to make fights more fast paced (particularly Caska).
I drew in the dicks they censored. Our boys go full frontal!
Now this was just done for my own enjoyment, but after Miura’s untimely death last year I decided to share it.
Any interest here? Any takers? Anyone wanna check it out? Its not perfect, there was only so much I could do, but I promise its good. I mean... its basically the same thing as before, only now its better. Trim the fat, deepen the flavor- you got yourself a stew!
The link is here: LINK
FYI this kind of file sharing is buku illegal in my country, so upload may disappear at a moments notice! Download is OK though idgaf. 
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submissiveagression · 7 years
My birthday 2016 Your wife decides to message me after going thru our Facebook messages and all hell broke loose. I found out you hadn’t moved, y’all were not separated, you only covered the tattoo because it was crooked, you felt sorry for me and you only replied to me for entertainment only. She claimed y’all were still fucking even tho you had told me y’all were not since November of 2015 😒 the next day I think I posted to Facebook but took it down and sent her all the pictures and videos you sent me.
And before I end my entertainment career these are for you
Date missing to support your picture...videos, ok! And seperation agreement was the same one we were about to sign, but didn't! He simply printed that from offline, in which anyone can..notice the date is handwritten...no official document would be handwritten
All that is from this year. One clearly states September 16 as in a few weeks ago.
But that's neither here nor there ✌🏾️
Exactly how do I know that, knowing how you operate! You've been working your ass off to split us up...clearly because you want him for yourself! You had your moments with him, but now I'm suppose to believe they're from this year...you have your way of cutting and pasting and setting up shit to display whatever it is you want to convince someone...so if you going to present something, present it with him in my face. Because this right here, especially your "in bed" picture won't do! Call me what you want! Difference between you and I, idgaf what you or anyone else think of me! I always do me based on whats best for me and mine! Put it this way, until he tell me he don't want me, or he don't love me no more..etc..WE aren't going anywhere. You were his joke, and somewhere down the line, if you finally and actually get over him...you'll see it! Until then, keep chasing what don't want you, while he chase me! For future reference don't want, what don't want you! It fucks you over, and it reveals your low self-esteem! Find someone else! This fish won't be biting the bait no mo!
Working my ass off to split y'all up? Cutting and pasting? Really? Is this what he tells you? O don't have that kind of time. I can clearly see he's been lying you and I both. Whether you choose to believe so. Those pictures of him are from this year. Some months ago some recent. But you know deep down He has been playing two sides of the fence. You know before I moved He was still coming to my apartment and fucking me if he wanted. You know that! You can call me the dumb desperate bitch all day long. And you can believe whatever you want. But will feed me bullshit and go to extravagant lengths to keep me around just like he does you. That why I can and have called his father to talk about what He and I have been doing. Just like you can. He is trying to live a double life through you and me. And I'm not about to continue to argue about it. You see what has been going on. There is no bait to bite. Like I told Him I'm done. I'm taking me and my children including MY son and we are leaving. I've done what the court has asked and that's to give him a 30 day notice. You know who and what a sick person you are dealing with. And if you chose to stay then you're just a dumb bitch like me. But that's your decision. I'm done!
Dumb bitch? A wife that stays loyal, takes care of home, make sure her husband is good good on many levels, can never be the dumb bitch! But a bitch chasing some married dick, can make important decisions to make sure her child has the best relationship with their dad, and doesn't put herself second to that, WILL ALWAYS be the dumb bitch! You are fighting for something that hasn't and wasn't yours to begin with, it was simply borrowed once upon a time! So lets not categorize enough to try to save me a seat in the dumb bitch section! We don't compare! The reason you have access to my father in law is simply because of his stepmom and the fact that you have your son! Sick? That would be you! No he doesn't tell me shit! Let me tell you something, if I'm the side bitch, first of all! I wouldn't be boasting about, I wouldn't be content with it, and I could care less about what his wife (the one you claim to dislike) knew about it in detail unless I was trying to break them up for my own gain! Soooo he's not telling me shit about what you want, he could care less! This is what I take from the shit you do, the way you act! The way you can't allow him to be a father because of the shit we have to say to one another! Only a bitter ass woman would pull the shit you pull! And would go to desperate lengths to try to get through to someone they dislike to try to prove some shit! You can call me whatever you want but make sure you tell anyone I'm a mother before EVERYTHING because we could break-up today or tomorrow, and he'll always have the same rights to his kids as if we were together! Its called being a woman!
You get your information from going thru his things. Because I don't post shit about what he and I do. I talked about it with him so he's either telling you or you're searching. Up until today I have NEVER come to you with shit about him unless you step to me first. I was content with the situation I was in and the lies he told that's why he went to extravagant length to lie harder. I would be content as a wife with a cheating lying husband either. You are NO BETTER than me or any other woman. You are too are BITTER and that's why YOU text my phone. YOU watched him out the window. YOU inbox me. YOU make post and shit about me. YOU do things a content wife shouldn't have to do and a comfortable and secure one would never do. And as far as MY child I'm going to do what's best for me and mine. And watching his father hug and kiss on his mother and then watch him do the same thing else where isn't it. ✌🏾️Now be the woman you claim to be and go on about your day.
No you make sure you go about your day..this time you came to me...I'm far from bitter...truth be told, you do whats best for you, not the child...if thats true, him kissing two different women in front of your son, when do you take a stand to say I'm going to make sure I don't allow him to kiss me, one because he's married, and two because him being in his fathers life is more important than me setting that example thats its ok for him to kiss both of his mothers in front of him...so don't throw these double negatives trying to teach me something...sad thing is, you don't know what the best decision is...thats why you hold onto him but don't allow your son to do the same...all of your reasons for him not having him is because of him, me, or you, never because he puts him in harms way, or he did some neglectful shit! You don't know how to seperate your insecurities, your own selfish desires, from whether or not he have a father in his life...at this point you don't have the right to complain about the fathers that don't want to be in their kids life..considering you don't have a legitimate reason to take your son away from his...you're just as much as an asshole as they are. You simply can't get over the fact that I haven't left Him...and you trying to get him to come fuck you is just to give yourself comfort when you admit to yourself that I have his heart..something you want! The fact that you were begging for his dick shows how desperate you are, shows he hasn't been giving you action, Just messages, and how you hope to mess up a good thing...he only entertain your bullshit because of your son.. Not cause he enjoyed fucking you, or want to be with you! You just don't want to stare reality in the face!
HE has 1 mother and you are not it
I disagree.. But whatever make you sleep
Bio and bonus mother
I am his biological and only mother
Whats understood don'tvhave to be explained! Thats my son too dammit!
You a motherfuckin lie
If you say so
That's my son my blood you dubbed him a maybe
The blood shed is the only difference
He was a maybe to you remember
Where were you when he had surgery
What medical bill did you pay
Which tit you feed him from the right or the left
Bitch fuck out my face with that bullshit
Bitch at home tending to his siblings..duh..fucking dumbass and everytime he does anything for him, just keep in mind. Iys comes from both of us...as in OURS, SAME HOME, SAME ACCT, SAME EVERY FUCK THING...he 's under the roof of the home WE pay bills at...I feed him OUR food, and when he's sleepy he cries for me and lays on my chest and cuddles up under me in OUR bed. Next time, January, I'll be there for his surgery since you were looking for me! Now I know! Dumb bitches make my ass itch! I swear
Well thank you for the rent money. He has. I surgery in January. And you should get your ass checked.
Rent money ? Girl what you know about that? Considering you're no longer providing a roof over your lil familys head. Surgery, I just told you I know when its is. I got you girl. And as far as my ass, your bd eats it often even when he was fucking with you, you know, around the same time he was fucking with you. None of these arguments have been about you having an std or anything. So I think I can pass on seeing my doctor..just an occasional itch from having irritable bitch syndrome, you should know all about that. Now run along! Now that the kids are settled, and I've showered. My side of the bed is empty and hubby don't like that! So I have to go! You kiss our son for us since your feelings didn't allow us to do it tonight! Nite bm✌
My bad, I meant to say kissing you! My fault!
Because my lease was and I moved. Since you share accounts you know he was paying it while I was pregnant. Idk what surgery you're talking about because my son doesn't have one scheduled and as far as eating ass he ate mine too and probably went home and kissed you. Just like he ate would like my pussy in the parking lot outside your aparatment when I picked my son and he went. Back up stairs to you! Hubby don't care. Because half the time hubby was texting me. Had you not popped in my inbox for my birthday he would still be texting me. You can go in the room and kiss your own son. The same son that was crying when his daddy was fucking me instead of helping me move. The same son that used to go out to the park with us while you were away. You're not special. No go to be with your cheating ass hubby. And you him both can drink bleach, swallow the barrel of a gun, or decide to become ceiling decor. The choice is yours. And as far as rent. Maybe you should embezzle some more money so you can stop being a unlawful detainer every other month. Goodnight!
Once again a bunch of made up bullshit! Feel better bitch? Night hoe! Go get raped again...you know the one you practically brag about! Sad ass bitch!
It's called public records do no it's not made up bullshit. And bitch kill yourself
Bitch I wasn't referring to my public records...can't be embarrassed about some shit I didn't do...I own every fucking thing I do...glad you took the time to research me...were planning on sucking my pussy like he did yours? Whats the importance in that? And kill myself, I live for my kids and our son...you're the bitch on fb looking suicidal..what you waiting for?
I guess you need my entertainment too huh both y'all asses miserable
No bitch you're miserable thats why you need his attention for your miserable, lonely, ass comfort! Good night! I have some marital dick to go sit on!
Yet you always on my facebook looking thru my shit
Martial cheating dick don't forget cheating
And make sure you tell your hubby it was your fault
Girl everything you just said was a fucking lie even down to the in laws...misery loves company...and bitch it take a sad ass bitch to allow a man to cheat on their wife...everybody has a fault in this except your dumbass! You don't own shit and wonder your life is so fucking miserable! Bitch you're the fault! Poor kids! Don't teach them about nothing! Clearly you're one big fuck-up right along with the person you claim to be the big fuck-up...you ain't no better than the trash you throw on his name
And if you believe that something is clearly wrong with you. And I thought you had duck to sit on why are talking to me?
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jerriisspeakingnow · 2 years
Summer Time Rendering got released in the US and I’m losing my goddamn mind.
Couldn’t have come at a better time because I’m nauseous and I haven’t been able to hold down anything I’ve eaten since last night.
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