#(I need you all to know that the repressed impulse is there 😂)
justashadetalkative · 2 years
Details: Diamond
Diamond is very tactile. He finds physical contact comforting, and it’s his first instinct whenever he wants to show support or affection in turn.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years
Ok so I have been think about this for DAYS but was sorahiko ever hit with a quirk that messes with this emotions so far he’s been hit with quirks that change his appearance but has he even been hit with one that makes him clingy ?😂 nanahiko 💖
'clingy quirk' is like two degrees to the left of 'sex quirk', y'know. unfortunately for you i fell more to the ‘pre-relationship’ period of nanahiko, so there’s less failed repression of lust. x)
wc: 1,044
“I heard the villain got a hit on you,” says Chiyo brusquely, hooking the lip of her oversized syringe’s plunger at Sorahiko’s collar, yanking him down so she can inspect the fading bruise on his cheek. He suffers the treatment with only a grimace.
“Yeah,” he says. “Don’t think it did anything. No new appendages to report.”
“Thank goodness. And I don’t think you look any older or younger, so there’s another blessing.” Chiyo presses a dry kiss to his forehead and shoves him back up. The drain on his energy is… odd. Sorahiko feels his heart judder in his chest; a wheeze escapes him. “Eh? What’s wrong?”
“Dunno. Aren’t you supposed to be a doctor or something?”
She squints up at him and calls for Nana, who immediately makes her excuses to the policewoman in charge of arresting the villain and bolts for their location. Nana sidesteps Chiyo and, in a fit of theatrics, starts patting Sorahiko down.
“Is he alright? Did he sprout a dog’s tail again?”
“Let that go,” Sorahiko gripes, cheeks flushing.
“Only if there’s nothing to let go,” Nana shoots back, and pivots to face Chiyo. As her hands leave, Sorahiko experiences the incredibly damning impulse to reach out for them. He smothers this desire with long-practiced ease.
Chiyo asks, “Did you catch what the villain’s Quirk was, by any chance? Why he’s being saddled with a Quirk misuse ticket?”
“He’s part of a burglary outfit. They’ve all got Quirks that help them pull off the perfect heist. The guy who slapped Gran Torino,” Nana recites, ticking points off on her fingers, “is a non-combatant. His Quirk is, uh… Gran Torino? You good?”
Sorahiko blinks. One of his hands is clutching a handful of Nana’s cape, a tight fist forming creases in the white fabric. Under Sorahiko’s flight suit, his skin is crawling. He doesn’t feel right.
“The Quirk,” he says. “The registry called it ‘Holdfast.’”
“Gran Torino, if you glued yourself to my cape, I reserve the right to smother you in it.” It’s said jokingly, but the worry in her eyes is real. 
“Can you let go?” asks Chiyo. She plants the tip of her syringe on the pavement and drums her fingers on the plunger’s flat top. The keen stare unnerves Sorahiko; his fist trembles and refuses to listen to him. Actually, what happens next is: Sorahiko shuffles closer to Nana and ducks his head.
His throat is dry.
“I’m guessing that’s a solid no,” says Nana.
“The people who got robbed,” Sorahiko rasps. “I’m pretty sure this is why they never reacted in time to prevent it.”
“It must be a psychological thing,” Chiyo muses. “If Heal didn’t cure the effect, then Holdfast isn’t a physically-impairing Quirk. How long did it last for the previous victims? Three days?”
He cringes at the thought of being like this for three days, especially considering the fact that a fourteen year old brat hovers around Nana the exact same way. Sorahiko reassures himself that there’s no way Holdfast lingers that long. The witness statements had been taken individually, and within twenty-four hours of the crime.
“A couple hours, if that,” Nana says absently, and she checks the scene. “I took care of the hand-over, and they know to send the paperwork over to Sky High. Recovery Girl, need us to stay for anything?”
“If you’re certain the Quirk won’t last any longer than that,” says Chiyo. She waves them away. Sorahiko thinks he manages a casual goodbye, but Nana hooks an arm around his waist and heaves him with her to the skies.
“Seventh Wonder!” he curses, legs kicking out a Jet to stabilize their trajectory. 
“Yeah, yeah. ‘Warn me next time! I can’t read your mind!’ Well, I could tell you wanted out of there, so I got us out! Can I get a thank-you instead?”
“I don’t want to find out that Holdfast gets progressively worse mid-air!”
“What’s the worst that could happen?”
The worst, as it turns out, is Sorahiko being incapable of detaching himself from Nana’s side, even as she experimentally readjusts her hold--his brain thinks ‘Oh no, she’s abandoning me,’ and then his nerves go on the fritz. He redoubles his grip without thinking.
“Too tight!”
They flail for a bit, until Nana drops to the flat rooftop of a commercial property, at which point Sorahiko’s new clinginess topples them over. Small mercies: not only is Sorahiko being the one pinned to the roof, but also his burning face is tucked between her neck and shoulder instead of anywhere inappropriate.
“Okay,” Nana says frankly. “Let’s reassess.”
“Holdfast isn’t something that can be healed. It’s not even a Quirk you can loophole your way out of, which means that you have to ride out the effects for the next several hours. What’s your body telling you right now?”
“That I need a drink.”
Nana huffs, and thumps her fist against his waist, right over the belt. “Real funny. I’m serious, Gran Torino. If we can’t fly back to the agency, then we need to be able to fly somewhere, or else we’re sitting ducks on this roof.”
“Can’t you just carry me back?”
“What, like--like over my shoulder? Piggyback? Bridal?”
Sorahiko scowls and thumps his fist against her back, even as his fingers struggle to unclench and grasp at her cape. “The second option. Full-body contact helps, skin or not.”
“Ah-h-h,” says Nana like she’s had a revelation.
“I got this,” she says, completely ignoring his question. “Okay, I’m gonna call Iwata-kun. He has the set of back-up keys to the office, and can close if we’re not back in a few hours. Then we’re going to your place, and we, Gran Torino, are going to cuddle.”
“Gross,” says Sorahiko reflexively.
“Hush.” Nana’s arm shifts; she’s pulling out her phone, unzipping the pocket hidden in her red half-skirt, and soon enough, he hears the blunt thud of a gloved thumb pressing hard against the reinforced glass screen. Their secretary’s voice comes through clearly, but with all of Sorahiko’s senses attuned to Nana, it fades to mere background noise.
She’s got him. She’s not going to let go.
“Gran Torino? Torino, did you just fall asleep on me? Or, well, under me, but--hey!”
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thiswontbeforever · 2 years
I can’t judge if people relate to Wille more and just adore him as a character (I like him too). But it’s truly interesting how just like in the show, in real life people are way more willing to forgive and justify his actions than they would do to Simon. I don’t think that Simon doesn’t understand willhem’s struggles, the whole issue with Simon this season is that he has been hurt and needs space to heal himself and when he’s with Wille (season 1) he always has to be “grown up”, the one who has to be there for him and get what he’s going through. I think that’s the beauty of the series, all the characters go through stuff that makes them act way older than they actually are, but in this season we could see Simon and Wille show that they also are just teenagers who don’t know how to properly express their feelings, get jealous, change their minds, act recklessly.. I loved this season, for me it was very coherent how the building tension between the characters was done. Simme is my favorite and I think people forget his just a teenager who’s been criminally exposed for the whole world (I have soooo many thoughts on how unfair the treatment to Simon is but I don’t want to annoy you😂❤️)
!!! you said this very well. i think it’s one of the biggest beauties of the show and the actors have expressed this as well is how true it is so how complex humans are. edvin himself has explained how he views wille and his decisions this season and yet certain fans are still defending wille to the bone even though disliking some of a characters actions and decisions doesn’t mean you can’t like or support them anymore.
there’s a lot of wille i relate to just as there is a lot of simon i do as well and i very much agree with you! simon did what he NEEDED to, what he thought was best for him to heal, like you’ve said, because wille betrayed him, not because he didn’t understand wille’s situation or where he came from. there’s also the clashing of simon has always taken care of everyone and still tries to, but who really takes care of him? wille hasn’t ever really had anyone to take care of or to take care of him (saying he’s always been lonely even when erik was alive but at least he was THERE) & so neither of them are being looked after or comforted correctly after all of this has gone down & truly only they can understand each other but (as edvin said) wille backtracks and is selfish for a while before he begins to try and understand simon’s situation and emotions and reactions. them being complete teenagers because when emotions run high, as mature as one is/has had to be at a young age (both of them for very different reasons in their respective lives), you resort to not being able to keep things in check and impulsiveness (that wille already heavily struggles with) and it’s so understanding for how they go through the emotions, repression, fights, jealousy, etc. that you mentioned! i agree that i cannot believe people are so willing to defend wille and judge simon (well, that’s a lie, i’m sure we all have a few ideas as to why) and while i love wille’s story line and character arc (even tho i hated his actions and choices at times/things he did or DIDNT do but that’s a whole other plot/writing discussion) i love how edvin portrayed a sixteen year old just absolutely going through it. same for omar. his portrayal of simon was raw and real and is exactly how a sixteen year old, exposed and left on his own, who was falling in love and then slammed into solid ground, would react. anyways simon defender to my grace bby boy did nothing wrong and omar is an incredible actor and anyone who says else is wrong 🥰 as frustrating as it is the season was to show wilmon are never gonna be how they used to, and they both still have a lot of problems with communication, and there was a lot that didn’t happen that i’m still upset about (conversations, softer in between moments, a few more pieces of dialogue in the scenes they did have as they started to be honest with each other, wille standing up for simon) but there was growth to a certain extent and simon was right in asking for honesty and more from wilhelm and people need to realize he’s not the same simon anymore. who would be after all that?? i could keep going to it’s hard to really write it all down but i’m sure you’ll get me! also you’re not annoying at all!! love talking about it <33
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yunhohours · 2 years
Aww I'm glad to hear that and thank you so much for the analysis, it was soooo interesting!!🥺❤️
I legit read the first sentence and already felt so called out lmao. But really, I could relate to so much of it! I definitely think, in comparison to Dino, I'm a little less carefree and more earthy & shy and maybe a little conservative (I never thought I'd EVER use that word in relation to myself lol). I'm also really indirect and don't like to tell people what's on my mind in a very straightforward way haha (my 7th house stellium probably influences that too). But the pisces venus one was so accurate🥲 my friends recently told me that I always see the best in others and overlook red flags and it's so true. The scorpio mars bit was spot on as well, I definitely would rather be desired and seduce others than let someone know I'm crazy about them. I feel more comfortable if I feel like I'm in control of things😂 My mars - saturn opposition represses my sexuality quite a bit though (plus having mars in 4th), so hook ups and anything casual is a big no for me. But other than that - basically when I'm in a committed relationshio with soemone, yes, I definitely agree with everything you said about Scorpio mars (also cool to know we share that placement!🥰)
And needing reassurance that my s/o loves me whole-heartedly and that I'm the only one they want really hit home. I get anxious quite easily that friends are mad at me/don't like me anymore or in a relationship I'm anxious that my partner suddenly loses interest, so the reassurance is so important. 🤧
So yeah, all in all, this was amazing and so relatable to read!! Thank you so much for this analysis🥺✨️❤️
Aw, I'm so glad you could relate to so much of it! I definitely think the differences that you pointed out were some of the ones I'd expect with your moon signs being so different! All the virgo moons I've met have been exactly as you described. Definitely not as impulsive or direct as Dino haha.
You sound like such a sweet person. I really hope that you're surrounded by loved ones that make sure you feel their love <3
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