#(also: the number of threads where this man has wanted to hug someone within 5 minutes of meeting them is kind of ridiculous tbh)
justashadetalkative · 2 years
Details: Diamond
Diamond is very tactile. He finds physical contact comforting, and it’s his first instinct whenever he wants to show support or affection in turn.
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bourbonbees · 3 years
Suptober Day 6- Cemetery Boys
Rating- G Jack POV
Jack has discovered there are a great deal of things that he loves about being human, he loves eating cake, taking his dog for walks, and swimming, but there’s nothing he loves more than his family. His family is not conventional, he’s got three dads, one of which is an angel, but all of them love him unconditionally. It’s rocky at first with Dean but after some quality time spent listening to Zep and going fishing together, the grumpy hunter warms up to him. It also doesn’t hurt that Jack’s first dad, Castiel, is also Dean’s partner and therefore holds a lot of sway over him, whether he likes it or not. Sam, his third dad was the best! He’s the one that establishes family movie night, Jack’s favorite night of the week!
Sam lets Jack pick the movies pretty much every week, much to Dean’s dismay. This week Jack chooses Ghostbusters as his pick. It’s great, he especially loves the jokes and the Stay Puffed Marshmallow man. He isn’t sure where the writers did their research for the movie though, his experiences with ghosts contain a lot less whimsy and a lot more salting and burning. The movie is just wrapping up when it hits him, they don’t have a name, every great team of heroes has a name.
“Hey, why don’t we have a name?” Jack poses the question, looking to Dean for a response.
“Kid, how much candy have you had? Are you sugar crashing? Remember, me Dean, you Jack, that annoying guy over there, Sam, this adorable ray of sunshine, Castiel.” Dean is concerned, he feels Jack’s forehead and looks him over, his parental instincts kicking in.
“No like a team name! Like there’s The Avengers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, uh The Fellowship of the Ring.” Jack lists off, Sam sending him a proud smile at the last one.
“Jack, hunters don’t really do teams. We’re kinda solitary, it’s our nature.” Sam explains, causing Jack even further confusion as he looks around at his family. They do everything together, live together, celebrate wins together, spend holidays together, work together, is that not a team?
“We’re not a team? Isn’t a family a team?” Jack frowns, worrying that he’s misread a long series of social cues. He is prone to that sometimes, his brain working a bit differently from his dads, neurodivergent, that’s what Sam had called it.
“Jack, oh, of course we’re a team. But more than that, we’re family.” Cas swoops in, reaching over and patting Jack on the shoulder. Cas is always the gentlest of his dads, he gives really good hugs, and is the one Jack goes to on the days where being a human is too much to deal with.
“Would it make you feel better if we had a team name?” Dean offers, following Cas’ lead. Jack doesn’t miss when Cas sends Dean a small nod of approval. Dean has a different parenting approach, sometimes he’s a bit harder on Jack. Jack doesn’t like that but he understands that Dean is trying.
“Yeah, I was thinking Cemetery Boys!” Jack says right away, looking around the room expectantly. Sam chokes slightly on his beer while Cas smiles approvingly, Dean laughs softly, shaking his head at Jack.
“Well we do spend a disproportionate amount of time in cemeteries, so it makes sense to me.” Jack defends, his cheeks feeling hot, blushing, that’s what Sam had told him it was. Sometimes Jack hates being human, blushing is embarrassing and makes him feel a bit like a baby.
“Shouldn’t we be cemetery men?” Dean questions, raising a quizzical brow at Jack.
“Technically speaking, Jack and myself are neither male nor female. So, no.” Cas supplies, shrugging his shoulders at Dean and earning an eye roll. Jack doesn’t understand why his dads enjoy teasing each other so much, maybe annoying someone was another human way to express love?
“So, you’re telling me, I came out as bisexual for nothing because, I’m not really dating a man?” Dean blanches, gently smacking Cas on the shoulder. Hitting people is another love language Jack has learned, but not too hard, he learned that after accidently punching Sam a little too enthusiastically on the shoulder. Play fighting is good, actual violence is bad, he had explained that to him.
“We’re non-binary! Claire taught me that.” Jack is happy to interrupt, always happy to share the latest things he’d learned. He loves Claire for that reason, she’s always full of new things to learn, she is an excellent big sister. “Claire, Me, Cas, and Dean, we’re all LGBLT? Or is it LGBTQ? Either way, Claire is a lesbian, she also taught me that. And Dean, you’re a bisexual! Cas, you’re gay, I think? So, you didn’t come out for nothing, you came out for your non-binary partner.” Ha! Jack is very proud, this is one area he feels confident he knows more about than Sam, Dean, or even Cas.
“You’re surprisingly well informed for a toddler.” Sam compliments, tipping his beer bottle at him.
“The toddler age range ends at 3, I assure you, Jack is 4. He is no longer a toddler. I read all the development books.” Cas corrects, earning a laugh from Dean and a groan from Sam.
“He did, trust me Sammy, made me read some of them as well. Babies are weird man. Glad you came out fully formed kid, it was a relief.” Dean chuckles. Jack is relieved he came out fully formed too, it’s a lot more fun hanging out with his family when he can talk to them like this.
“I’m a celestial being, age doesn’t exist for me. I am as old or as young as I want to be at any given minute. Isn’t that neat?” Jack prides himself on choosing this form, a teenage body, he likes it because he can help his family. He likes going hunting, driving cars, and helping Dean cook dinner, a baby couldn’t do any of that!
“He really is your son-uh I mean they really are your child?” Dean self corrects, Jack notices he does that a lot more lately, again he really is trying to be better. Jack admires that about Dean, it’s something he tries to emulate as best as he can, always working to be a better person and make his mistakes right.
“Oh, I’m comfortable with he/they, just like my dad! I do feel like a boy most of the time.” Jack looks to Cas who nods along with him. They’d talked about it once, Cas explained that Jack could change a number of things about himself if he wished, if it would better match his soul. But Jack is really and truly happy with who he is. So is Cas.
“Yeah that’s my son.” Cas says fondly, pulling Jack into a hug. This is a good hug, the kind that makes Jack feel safe and cared for. Cas always makes him feel like he belongs, that no matter what he has a place in his arms.
That night, Jack sets a plan into motion. He waits until everyone is asleep and gets to work on creating gifts for his family. He uses his powers to manifest a set of matching black crew neck sweatshirts with the words ‘Cemetery Boys’ embroidered on the front in white thread. He then designs a magnet, putting a little ghost and tombstone on it. Once he’s satisfied he goes through the recycling and finds a box to put the sweatshirts in.
The next part is the most dangerous. Jack, creeps down the hall to the door that leads into the garage attached to the bunker. His eyes glimmer when he finds his target, the black 67 Impala, sitting dead center in the garage. Dean had just waxed her the day before so she was extra shiny. Jack likes when Baby is shiny, it makes the sun reflect on his face, nice and warm. He takes the magnet and carefully places it on the bumper, making sure not to scuff or scratch the shiny metal. Then in a flash, he is back in his room, laying in his bed as if nothing has happened.
Dean doesn’t notice the magnet until they are packing for a hunt the next day, a simple salt and burn case in Wisconsin. The whole family is going! Dean has even promised Jack that he will take him to Wisconsin Dells if it goes well and they will go to a place called Deer Park where he could pet and feed a bunch of deer. Jack likes animals, sometimes more than people, they’re much less complicated.
“Oh my god! My Baby is a whore! You gave her a tramp stamp?” Dean gasps, pointing to the offending ‘Cemetery Boys’ magnet on the bumper.
“You like it? I made it myself!” Jack beams with pride, hoping Dean was speechless because he was blown away by his ability to create magnets.
“Also, the term you’re looking for is sex worker. You need to be more sex positive Dean, especially for someone, who from the sound I hear coming from your room at night, seems to enjoy sex a great deal.” Jack blurts out nervously when Dean doesn’t respond. Jack tends to do that, he wishes he could stop, another part of what makes him different from most people.
“Oh, for the love of Christ. Please Jack, no.” Sam is doing something Claire told Jack is a facepalm, meaning he was either embarrassed or frustrated, perhaps both?
“Do not be ashamed of our healthy sex life, Dean. But do but ashamed of your gendered slurs and generally overdramatic demeanor. The car is unharmed, it’s a magnet.” Cas steps in, doing the teasing thing again. Jack really doesn’t understand his dads, but he’s glad they seem happy together.
“I swear one day Baby and I will drive away and leave you all behind. Traitors.” Dean threatens, this is a joke, Jack measures. Dean does that a lot, uses sarcasm and empty threats, at first they used to confuse and frighten Jack but now he just accepts it’s part of his nature. Dean is grumpy. Loveable but grumpy.
“See your theatrics are quite comical. You couldn’t leave us if you tried. Who would open the pickle jars for you, darling?” Cas smirks, Jack remembers witnessing this scene, Dean saying all the “no words” at a jar of gherkins as he struggled for a good 5 minutes, until his dad took the jar and opened it within two seconds.
“It was one time! And I swear I loosened it!” Dean glowers, clearly ashamed by the great pickle debacle of last week.
“Dads, stop. I will remove the magnet.” Jack decides it’s his job to play peacemaker, he steps up and gently takes the magnet off baby’s bumper, Dean visibly sighs in relief. Jack tries to hide his disappointment, he’d meant the sticker as a gift.
Cas notices his mood shift and is by his side, pulling Jack into a side hug. “Hey, you can put it on my truck.” He offers, rubbing Jack’s back and making him instantly feel better, must be magic dad powers Jack figures.
“Thanks dad, this is why you’re my favorite.” He says without thinking, Sam and Dean giving him matching offended expressions.
“Uh-what about me, I’m the one that sneaks you candy when Cas isn’t looking.” Sam makes a good point, he is exceptionally good at sneaking. He and Jack have so much fun together, that’s how they ended up with Miracle the dog. Sam had helped Jack smuggle him into the bunker and once both Jack and Cas had bonded with the dog, Dean couldn’t kick him out. Though Jack knows that Dean loves the dog just as much, he’s caught him slipping Miracle some of the good bacon when he thinks no one is looking.
“No Dean is the one that gives me candy. You help me pull pranks!” Jack laughs as Dean, flinches, quickly busing himself with packing all their bags in the trunk along with the weapons they’d need.
“Dean!” Cas says in his low, ‘oh no you’re in trouble,’ voice. “We’ve dicussed this, Jack’s intake of high fructose corn syrup is frighteningly high. He needs to eat real food.” He adds. Nougat is a food, Jack thinks privately, nougat might be his favorite food in fact.
“He’s a kid, he’ll be fine. Dean and I lived on that shi-stuff as kids and we turned out alright.” Sam, usually the vegetable police, surprisingly comes to Jack and Dean’s rescue, earning a matching raised brow from them both.
“Did you though?” Cas challenges, hand on his hip, sometimes dad gets sassy. Jack likes when dad gets sassy because it’s funny, makes him laugh.
“Well damn, don’t sugar coat it or anything babe.” Dean says in disbelief, opening the passenger door for Cas, Sam climbing into Baby’s backseat before Dean motions for Jack to come sit behind him. “Do I even want to know?” He sighs as he spots the box Jack is carrying.
“Well you’ve all been distracting me, I almost forgot.” Jack pauses as he opens the box and holds up the Sam sized sweatshirt. “I made us all shirts! Team shirts, we’re the Cemetery Boys!” He says proudly, shoving the shirt at Sam, then two at Cas, one for him and one for Dean. Jack pulls on his own shirt right away, stretching his arms and modeling it for them all.
“Can you all wear them for me?” Jack pulls out his trump card for this one, using the ‘look’ that Sam had taught him. He made his eyes big and kept them open just long enough so they were watering slightly, then bit his lip.
“I really screwed myself when I taught you my secrets. Really, using my own puppy eyes on me. Really short sighted of me to teach you that.” Sam sighs as he pulls on the sweatshirt, Cas doing the same.
“Nope, still not doing it. I don’t do matching shirts.” Dean holds firm, shaking his head at Cas when he holds out the sweatshirt to him as they pull out of the garage.
“Dean, the couch in the library is awfully uncomfortable. It’d be a shame if you had to sleep there.” Cas is firmly on team Cemetery Boys, pulling out the big threats to get Jack his way.
“Ugh fine, but no one can ever find out about this!” Dean groans, waiting until he’s at a stop sign at the end of the road to pull it on. Jack lights up, his team is complete, all three dads are wearing his shirt!
“It’s funny how easily emasculated you are Dean. Life is a lot more fun when you stop caring about gender expectations.” Cas smirks, Dean rolling his eyes at Cas and mimicking his know it all expression.
“Dean is sensitive, dad, and he’s really good at making pies! I think he cares less than you think he does.” Jack pauses, pleased when Dean makes eye contact with him in the rearview mirror and smiles. “Besides, I saw the pink underwear he hides when I helped with that laundry that one time.” He adds, Dean’s smile quickly disappearing, his eyes wide as he tightly gripped the steering wheel.
“Jesus Christ, kid, stop selling out all my secrets.” Dean grits between his teeth, now he is blushing. Jack knows Dean hates blushing just as much as he does.
“Oh that’s good! Can’t wait to tell Claire that one!” Sam barks out a laugh, taking his phone out of his pocket.
“You wouldn’t!” Dean hangs his head in shame when they stop for a train.
“Already did!” Sam sing songs, holding up his phone. Jack is sometimes thankful that Claire doesn’t live with them, living with your sibling seems exhausting sometimes, if Sam and Dean are any indication.
“Alright that’s enough Jack, don’t spill all the coffee. Your dad is allowed to have his secrets.” Cas intervenes, gently patting Dean’s thigh.
“Tea, dad, its spill the tea!” Jack sometimes can’t handle how out of touch his dad is. Guess that’s what happens when you’re millions of years old.
“Oh right, what’s the difference?” Cas sighs, laying his head back against the headrest as if he’s exhausted, Jack knows it’s just for dramatic effect because Cas doesn’t sleep.
“Cas, there’s big difference! One is the nectar of the gods and the other is glorified leaf water.” Dean defends, holding Cas’ hand, it’s meant to be a private gesture, but Jack can see it and it makes his heart happy.
“Tea is good.” Sam tries.
“I rest my case.” Dean counterpoints.
The case is a rough one, it turns out to be a bit more than a simple salt and burn. The ghost, a family annihilator was coming from beyond the grave to try to kill his son who had survived his attack. They had split into two groups, Dean and Cas at the cemetery burning the bones and Jack and Sam with the victim, trying to keep him safe.
“Do you think maybe we can take a photo together in our shirts?” Jack asks offhandedly as he and Sam roam the house looking for any objects that might still tether the ghost to the house.
“Why do you care so much about these shirts and taking a photo together?” Sam asks curiously, making Jack pause to think for a moment.
“Because, I’ve been watching a bunch of shows and movies, and all the families in them, they have all these photos together. They make all these memories together and they display them in their houses for everyone to see. I want that. The fact that we don’t have that makes me kind of scared, like this isn’t real. Like you all are prepared to run at a moment’s notice if I go nuclear.” Jack explains, using air quotes around the word nuclear.
“Oh. Oh. Jack, hey, it’s not like that. I guess, well we’ve been so busy saving people and hunting things, we’ve lost track of normal family things. You’re family Jack. Promise.” Sam says right away, pulling Jack into a crushing hug. Sam is strong, Jack hopes to be that strong someday.
“Can we take a photo then, a family portrait?” Jack asks hopefully.
“Family portrait? Family portrait. Shit! Jack, the family portrait!” Sam gasps, letting Jack go and looking around the room with wild eyes.
“Huh?” Jack is trying to catch up before he spots the family portrait hanging above the fireplace, both the victim and his evil departed dad in the photo. He rushes to grab it off the wall and tosses it into the fireplace. Sam pulls out a container of salt and lighter fluid, coating the portrait, then Jack tosses a match, lighting it on fire.
“Good work kid.” Sam grins as the ghost appears and then bursts into flames. “I think you’ve earned that portrait.”
True to his word, the first thing in the morning, Sam helps Jack use the laptop to find the closest portrait studio. It happens to be a JC Penney portrait studio, making Dean groan and complain about cheesy backgrounds and awkward poses that they’d likely endure. With much coaxing and further threats from Cas to relegate Dean to sleeping with Miracle on the dog bed, he agrees to the photoshoot.
Jack gets several copies of the photos made. He hands out wallet sized copies to Mary and Eileen who both coo over how adorable they look. Cas gets it framed and hangs it in the library, Dean never admits he likes it, but Jack catches him stopping to look at it every day, a proud smile on his face.
This is Jack’s family. His team. His Cemetery Boys.
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addictedtomanga · 4 years
Shoujo manga recommendations - one shot
1.      Adele to Darius
Adele was just another maltreated slave girl being sold at the country market. She was sold one day to become an addition to the harem of the country’s King of Cruelty. Rumor has it that the once the King takes a slave girl for the night, he then executes her in the morning. Once in the harem, she sees that all girls who are called into the King’s chamber really do not return. To fight against this fate, Adele resolves to volunteer to be called to the King’s chamber and find out the truth. But things are not what they seem…
2.      Ao no Rhapsodia
There's a legend about a lost continent of gold and only one man has successfully made his way through the treacherous waters to that continent. The man entrusted the map to the lost continent to his daughter, Allegra Reese, making her the prime target for every pirate on Edythe Island.
3.      Banken Toki Doki Ookami
A lamb surrounded by wolves gets a guard dog. But is the guard dog the most dangerous wolf of them all?!
4.      Bitter Trap (Takagi Shigeyoshi)
Nanao came from a rich family before their business failed. Now the only hope for her family to pay off their debts is if she can cement a marriage with the prestigious Takatsuki family within a week. How will Nanao overcome this problem when one of the three eligible Takatsuki men is her former arrogant schoolmate, Yoshito, who completely distrusts people? And did we forget to mention that Nanao is already the ninety-ninth candidate for the position of future wife?!
5.      Black Coffee (Nakano Emiko)
How does a girl declared by her childhood friend to be gloomy and anti-social transform into a cutie “as sweet as sugar” and every boy’s dream? And does every boy really dream of girls “as sweet as sugar”? Or is the rich and deep taste of coffee better than sugary glitter? The story of a girl who may not be sweet, but sure is as addictive as black coffee!
6.      Defense Bakari No Koi Ja Dame
Nao is seen by her classmates as the "Cool Queen", however, she is just extremely shy. How will she deal with suddenly becoming the basketball's temporary manager?!
7.      Egaku Nara Happy Ending 
It's a story about Makoto Nosu and Yusuke Moriyama who have been together for 6 years since junior high school. They are about to finish high school and enter college so they decided to break up since they will be going to different colleges that's far from one another.What happens to their relationship then? 
8.      Fly High! (Mitsuki Kako)
Asuka, the ace of the volleyball club is training to become the best. But there's the devil coach, Nagano...
9.      Gyu... tte shite ii?
I just clean up the club room and threw away trashes! but then he hugged me and "Become my pillow" is what he suddenly ordered me to do...?!
10.  Itazura na Ningyo
The love story between two childhood friends and the magical legend of a mermaid can grant a wish of unrequited love
11.  In the Chocolate
A collection of oneshots.
12.  Kaibutsu-san ni Rei
At the Christmas training camp, Yuzuki was paired up with no other than... that guy?!
13.  Kimi wa Tomodachi
He was always by my side. ... So, I thought that I certainly won't fall in love with him.
14.  Kira Kira Namida
Yuuma is taciturn and no one knows what she’s thinking. But then, she’ll meet someone that will change that…
15.  Kiss to Koukai
A collection of oneshots.
16.  Koakuma no Jikku
She was an accomplished fashion model, but her blunt, straight forward attitude drove wedges between her and the rest of the world. She just didn't know how to lie in the least, and when she caught the eye of a famous stylist seeking the face for a new major brand of cosmetic, it promised to be the beginning... or the end... of everthing. Can she manage to not alienate the presumptuous company 'nobility', because if she does, this time it's her whole agency that's going to pay.
17.  Koi wa Beniiro
Beniko, an old fashioned high-school girl is suddenly forced to eat lunch with the new teacher in charge, Nomoto-sensei…
18.  Meikyuu Yaburi no Hananusubito
Arisawa Kei’s life seems rather bleak until she notices a strange man staring at her on the way to school. Hakamada Ryuuhei, an En specialist who can see and tie or cut threads of fate, tells her that she has “death-bringer” threads on her hands. But what does that mean to Kei, who doesn’t believe in En or luck?
19.  Melodramatic Library
A teacher at Kanae's school has been fired for having an affair with a student. Then, a hot new librarian comes in… Kanae falls in love with the new librarian. However, she sees a ring on his finger...?
20.  Mijuku na Bokura
Even if they are only friends, she wants to be something else... Can it change the relationship that they have? Or will she be conformed to be just friends?
21.  Mitsubachi Hakushaku to Hana no Dress
Dahlia is the only female dressmaker in Galleria. She kidnapped and commissioned by the infamous "Honeybee Earl", who is known to jump from woman to woman like a capricious bee jumps from flower to flower, to make the ultimate wedding dress for his fiancee. Can Dahlia complete the dress without getting stung by the Honeybee Earl?
22.  Murasame-kun na Tawagoto
Chika has always seen Murasame-kun as a rival who manages to constantly piss her off. While wondering out loud to herself, her sister whom overhears Chika, gives her a perfume necklace which supposedly able to capture a guy's heart. The next day, Chika bumps into Murasame-kun and spills all the perfume. As she begins to apologize, he suddenly asks her out!?
23.  Once Again, I'd Like to Love You/Mou Ikkai
A high school girl runs into her ex-boyfriend at a train station and the two reconnect.
24.  Narabuna Kiken
Miku and Natsume have always been fighting with each other until Natsume suddenly asks Miku to pretend to be his girlfriend!!! At first, Miku is quite opposed to the idea, but slowly… This mismatched couple, of a super tall guy and a girl often mistaken for an elementary student, fall in love.
25.  Seinaru Yoruni Oshiete Ageru 
Sakura is childish and doesn't get why everyone wants a boyfriend. A few days before the Christmas Eve, her handsome childhood friend suddenly kisses her and makes her heart race. What will she do?
26.  Sekai wa Kirai de Afureteiru
Ten and Rio are friends from the old days. they will become high school students starting from this spring, Ten stills carries a certain memory in her heart....?
27.  Shounen Aromatic
Kabuki Takitsugu is a boy who has the family trait of smell. He can smell anyone's fragrance and find their perfect match. One day, a mysterious girl named Hatsune appears before him, asking him to find a match for her. But, for some strange reason.. Hatsune doesn't have a scent.
28.  Takarazora
Yuuchi is a girl that has a passion for art.... or rather, HAD a passion for art. Because of her mother, Yuuchi had to give up her talents and love for painting. Still, she had made a promise to her baseball-loving friend, Natsu, that she'd paint a picture of him. With all hopes lost for her dreams, Yuuchi now must find the "hope" within herself to continue.
29.  Tokubetsu ni Naritai
It’s only during rainy days that Kae can get closer to Ichi, the most popular guy in the school, because he always gets under her umbrella. But Kae wants to be close to him everyday, not only during rainy days. What can she do to be special to him?
30.  Tsuki to Himawari
Asahi-kun is a carefree junior-high student, never attaching to girls even though he enjoys going with them. But when the school's number 1 honor student Mitsuki "cyborg" Konno asked him to a 1-month date, in exchange for the front row ticket to his favorite singer's concert, he was forced to accept. He only has to show her what it feels like to date, right? He is ready for that...however, what he's not prepared for was his heart's reaction...
31.  Watashi no Suki na Souma-kun
Sena is working as a maid to look after her younger brother and sister. But her employer turns out to be a guy at her school! Will she get a new job or will she get a new love?
32.  Wish Upon a Glass
Find a piece of red sea glass and your wish is sure to come true. Sachiko is searching for her own piece of red sea glass. Can it make her romantic wish come true?
33.  Wonderful Cafe ni Youkoso
A dog shop love comedy! The place where hot men and cute dogs come together!
34.  Yuuwaku Honey
To get someone as cool as you to look my way, I'll do my best with my first attempt at seduction!!
35.  Zannen Nagara Chigaimasu
He wasn't even that handsome, but when I saw him, I was captivated. He said "meet me upstairs". it seems he also feels the same because we're now signing a marriage registration form?!
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A Week’s Time
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Wonho is my child and I enjoyed writing this, thank you for the request.  Tbh, he’s my ult. bias from any group ever, so writing anything for him is fun. (I have another story with him as an au in the works, not gonna lie).  Anyway, I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy it! ^^ 
Genre: Fluff mah dudes
Monsta X: Wonho
Words: 2.3k
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Monsta X.  A K-Pop group of 7 boys with unbelievable talent.  Each handsome, talented and skilled in their own ways.  Ways of singing, dancing, speaking, how funny they are, how active and physically fit they are, something of each of them makes them stand out from each other, but the balance is perfect.  They’re not just a group of 7 boys, their a family.
They had just finished practice for the day, as they all were sitting or laying on the floor of their practice room with a wall lined with mirrors.  They breathed hard as they were also dripped in sweat.  Shownu had stopped and picked his phone from his pile of things off in a corner and noticed a text that had been sent to him from his mother.  
Apparently, his cousin who lived in the Nam District of Incheon, would be visiting Seoul in a few days and she’ll be there for a weeks time.  Shownu was fond of his cousin, F/N. She was probably to use his room as his house since most of the time he stayed at the dorms with the others, but he’d make sure to visit her, or even have her visit him and meet his team.  
Minhyuk, who had glanced in the leader direction, noticed the sudden glee on his face as he seemed to perk in curiosity.  He, rather dramatically, willed his exhausted body to move over to where Shownu sat against the wall and poked at his sides until he got his full attention.
“What’s with you?  Something happen?”  The younger boy wiggled his brows in a playful manner, speaking just loud enough to get the attention of a few other members who weren’t on the floor contemplating ever moving again. Shownu, not liking the sudden attention, smiled and shook his head.
“It’s nothing, just a text.”
“Oh, a text huh?  Text from whom?  What’s the occasion?” Minhyuk’s smile never faltered as he pressed on about what his dear leaders smile was about.
“What’s happening?” Kihyun, who sat away from the two, taking occasional sips of his water bottle, spoke up, not holding his curiosity back.  
“It’s really noth-”
“Shownu got a text and smiled at it.” Kihyun looked at the giddy boy.
“Okay?  What’s so strange about that?”  Shownu silently thanked Kihyun for basically being on his side of this, making Minhyuk be as dramatic as usual and flop over and groan.  Kihyun looked at him like a disappointed mother and just cradled his forehead in a sigh as Shownu held back his laughter.  
“Look,” Shownu was starting, earning Minhyuk’s attention again, “it’s really not a big deal.  My cousin is visiting Seoul for a week in a few days.  That’s it.”  That earned enough attention.  I.M had, literally, slid on his ass across the floor next to Minhyuk, now intrigued and the rest just opened their eyes or sat up.  Needless to say, all eyes were on Shownu now.  
“She’s coming to visit you?  Will we get to meet her?”  I.M had perked up.  Shownu shrugged slightly and hummed.  
“I’m sure she’ll be busy.  She wants to sight see, you know?”
“We are the sights.” Wonho muttered from where he sat on the floor, earning a chuckle from Jooheon next to him, along with a slight shove. Shownu only shook his head and put his phone back down.  
“What happens, happens.  If she has the time, I’ll let you know.”  Knowing that was the most they would get out of him, they all just accepted the terms and finally started gearing up to go.  Of course, having to nudge the half asleep Hyungwon in the back of the room, struggling to stay awake.
Soon, day after day passed and along them were randomly timed questions coming at Shownu like bullet about his cousin.  The boys had managed to get a least a bit of information out of him.  From what he’s spilled, they know the follow:
The cousin was a girl.
She was interested in the city
She kept her hair long, as per Shownu’s request
She loves to read
Her age was 23 years old
It may not seem like much, but every other question they would ask, he would give a half-assed response, avoid the topic by talking about something else, or would ignore them completely. Shownu wasn’t annoyed, even if he acted like it, he just enjoyed watched the boys time their questions.  He always held back a smirk when he saw the look on someone’s face as they strolled up and started talking to him before blurting out a question, in what they thought, was a casual manner.
Now, it was the middle of the day and the boys all sat in practice room, sitting around before actually starting their scheduled practice.  However, the practice was pushed back even further when a knock on the door surprised them.  They all looked at each other as the door cracked open and a small head peeked in.
“Um, this is the room where Hyunwoo is, right?”  The small voice of a whispering girl and the head of a girl with her hair pulled back showed through the space of the door.  They were all in awe, until Shownu had leapt up and took the doorknob, opening the door further.  The girl, without warning, had jumped on Shownu’s chest, wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.  Luckily, Shownu didn’t fall and only laughed at her.
“When did you get here!  Why did you tell me you’d be here today?”  Shownu had unlatched the girl from him and set her back on the ground.  She laughed up at him as she brushed back the loose threads of hair in her face. She was shorter than him, by quite a bit, only standing at his chin.
“Why would I tell you?  I knew Auntie had already told you I was coming, but that doesn’t mean I you need to know the day I arrive.” Shownu playful flicked at her forehead before he heard someone behind him clear their throat.  The girl peeked around his broad form and he looked over his shoulder, revealing you. The baffled looks of his team, made him remember about introductions.  
“Right, okay.  This,” he stepped aside to let you be seen more, “is my cousin you’ve all been asking about constantly.”  He looked to you and put his hand on your shoulder.  “Say hello.” You grew a bit shy, but tried your best to push it off. Politely bowing to the boys, you began to introduce yourself.
“Uh, Hello.  I’m Y/N Y/L/N, Hyunwoo’s cousin.  Oh, but you know him as Shownu, don’t you?  Ah, whatever, anyways, I’ll be in Seoul for a week staying at his house, but I hope I can spend the week with you guys with some occasional pop bys.”  Your smile did well to hide her nervousness as Shownu rubbed your back, giving you a silent ‘good job’.
Shownu stepped away from his cousin and ushered the boys to stand so they could properly introduce themselves and Monsta X.  They did so, and as they stood in their line, they all gave their names and if they were feeling a bit extra, a fun fact about themselves.  So, once they were done introducing themselves, they all flocked to you, wanting to get to know you, but Wonho.  He stayed back for a moment, just taking it in, taking you in.
You were adorable.  Shorter than him, hair pulled back and resting on your shoulders as it hung from your ponytail, your smile and laugh captivated him and your voice sounded better than any of his own singing.  However, to him, he knew your would just see him as another idol, another man who works with her cousin.
However, over the shoulders of the rest of the boys, you kept your eye on Wonho. You watched as he stayed while the others crowded you and watched as he soon joined them, or rather joined Shownu in keeping the other 5 a more comfortable distance from you.  You laughed as he called it ‘his job as the number of the hyung line’.  
Once it had calmed down enough, you had to solemnly tell the boys you had to leave.
“Are you going back to the house?” Shownu asked you.  You shook your head.
“Not yet.  I need to stop by somewhere first, then I’ll head home.  Oh, but would you mind if you’d text me when you’re done with practice.”  You pulled your phone from your pocket as you held it up and tattered it around to emphasize your point.  “I’ve taken up enough of your practice your time already, but it’d be nice to eat dinner with you.”  You looked at everyone else.  “Of course, all of you are invited.  Thankfully I have more than enough to feed 7 growing men”
“That’s a lot of money,” Hyungwon started, “are you positive you have that much?”  He teased her as he rolled her eyes and pulled her wallet from her small bag she had on her hip.  You waved it around, almost mockingly testing its weight.
“Gee, I dunno,” you sucked in a hiss and rose a brow at Hyungwon. “Maybe you should just pay for yourself, long legs.” The smirk you offered after your remark made Minhyuk silently laugh as he clapped like a fool. Shownu had a proud smirk as the others just slapped Hyungwon’s shoulder and chuckled at him. The tall man nodded, defeated.
“Okay, okay, I get it. You win woman.”
“Perfect.” You placed your wallet back and turned to Shownu, a proud smile on your lips. “Text me later?”
“Understood.” He gave you one last, quick hug before you began to leave. You stopped short as you turned around quickly once more.
“Hyunwoo!” The man jumped at your raised octave.
“Give the boys my number. I need friends!” With that, you bolted out of the room and your feet echoed in the halls until it was silent and they disappeared. So no was the quickest to whip out his phone, unlock it and ready it for a new contact.
“You heard the woman. Cough it up!” Within minutes they all had your number and we're sending you texts notifying you of who was who, no doubt blowing your phone up with notification after notification.
The mood of active positivity stuck with the boys through the entirety, and exhaustion, of practice, to the dorms, through the showers and make up and change of clothing and all the way to the point where they met with you for you to treat them.  The atmosphere stayed vibrant through it all, until it was time to say goodbye.
You had left the boys at their table as you stood to leave, having to get home after such a long day.  You were well ready to just lay in bed and scroll on your phone for hours until you pass out. You had finished paying up front, not waiting for the boys and you didn’t manage to get 5 feet out the door before someone’s grip latched your wrist, turning you a bit.
“Wait,” Wonho had stopped you and slowly let your wrist fall from his palm.  “Let me walk you.  It’s late.”
“And the boys?”  
“They’re big boys, plus they have Shownu.”
“He’s such a dad in training!”
Just like that, the week seemed to blaze by.  You made it to the boys’ practices everyday with food or a delivery of fresh water for them.  You’d sit and joke with them for as long as you could, but it never seemed to be long enough.  It was too short a visit, too short a trip, especially to Wonho.
Everyday, for the last seven days, Wonho’s mind would wonder to you each and every free moment it got.  He couldn’t get you out of his head.  Now, you’d be coming by the practice room for the last time before you hop on your bus back to your home.  Back to Incheon.  
When Wonho thought of you leaving and not knowing the next time he’ll get to see you in person again, a large pit seemed to open in his stomach.  He already missed you so much, and you hadn’t even left yet; let alone shown up at the practice room.  Of course, the rest of the team noticed his behavior towards you, offering him as much support as they could.  
When you showed up, bags in tow, the muscle man’s stomach sunk further.  You were really leaving.  As you gave each boy a hug goodbye, Wonho fought with himself to let you go.  But, when you left the door, he found himself running after you.
“Y/N!” You stopped as he caught up with you.  You had turned on your heel to face him as you started again.  “Next time you come to Seoul, let me take you out.”
“What?  Like a date?” Needless to say, you were baffled.
“Yeah,” he nodded easily.
“And why would you do that?”
“Because I like you.   O-or at least I think I do.” You chuckled as you held your hand out towards him.
“Hand over Yezzy.” You referred to his phone, which he called ‘Yezzy’ after the current phone case he was using.  He was confused, but did as you asked.  You stood there, punching something into his phone until you returned it back to him. His notes app was opened and you had entered an address of sorts into it.
“My home address.  It’s my apartment  It’s your turn to visit me big guy.  Then, I’ll see what we can do about that date.” So, with that, you sent him a playful wink and finally left.  He stood, smiling as he opened his messages and sent you a text before running back into the practice room, more than ready to work after such a spirit lifter.  He’d have to see when his next opening for free time is, and boy did he hope it was soon.
Wonho: You’re on.
All gifs belong to their respectful owners!!
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