#(I'm sure that would amuse Eddie to no end!)
red-hemlock · 5 months
❓- Did they ask a lot of questions when they were younger? Did they like to explore the world?
Ask about River's Kid! @eclipscius
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Dagny's all about the questions, just like her mom was when she was younger though River is actually happy to provide answers. If she can't find it in a book or online somehow, she's going to come to someone with a big mental list; and she's not going away until each question is answered, or she's scooped-up and shepherded-away to some other room. So far, most of her inquiries still revolve around assistance with difficult words seen in a book she's reading or game she's currently playing... Dagny loves to use really big words in order to sound more grown-up and 'sophisticated' when she talks to other people.
Granted, she doesn't always pronounce them all correctly, but she tries. She tries.
Traveling isn't something Dagny really thinks about, though. Most of the traveling already done in her life was from when she was just a baby, and she doesn't remember anything much from before living in Gotham... Dagny knows she's not technically 'from' Gotham, but as far as she's concerned for now, she's always been there. Now, traveling is something she expects will happen once she becomes an assassin like her mom, and she's excited for it in that regard; but for now, she's pretty content staying in Gotham with River... Her mother is her best friend after all, and why would she want to be away from her?
If there's one place Dagny is interested in though, it's definitely the place where she was originally born. However, her mom is extremely tight-lipped about it, to the point of being a bit harsh in response; and she hasn't been able to glean a sliver of info out of River regarding the place.
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Eddie likes his walk home from work. He makes his way through the grove along the small river. It clears his head and lets him relax. When he reaches one of the many little bridges he has to cross he suddenly stops in his tracks. Someone is standing up to hip in the middle of the small river. You couldn't pay Eddie to dive into the silt but also it's the end of October?? Part curious, part worried Eddie steps closer.
The guy in the water is still completely dressed in what looks like slack and a by now very see through button down. His hair is dripping and his entire body is shivering. That doesn't stop him though from diving back into the water only to resurface an impressive amount of time late, looking frustrated and cursing quietly.
"Can I help you, man?" Eddie calls out to him and the guy spins around. Even in the dim evening light Eddie can make out the most beautiful hazel eyes.
"I'm getting a divorce," the guy calls back, like it explains anything.
"So you're what? Drowning yourself?"
"I'm not drowning myself," the guy snaps, "I can't find the fucking key."
"The key?" Eddie asks, confused before it hits him. The small bridge he is standing on is aching under the weight of all the padlocks chained to it by newly-weds who watched one too many travel documentaries about Paris and think this is the Pont des Arts. Well,
Eddie can admit that it's kinda cut to buy a padlock, engrave your initials on it, lock it and throw the key into the river, but it's also kinda cheesy and stupid if your marriage doesn't last. Case in point. The guy looks like he is about to dive in again, which is even more stupid there is no way he is going to find a key, let alone the right one.
"I can help you," Eddie blurts and the guy just glares up at him.
"You gonna come dive with me?"
"No, but I can....," Eddie hesitates and bites his lip, "I can pick your lock."
It's not something to just reveal to strangers. Especially with his aesthetic Eddie knows what it looks like. Eddie learned how to lock-pick at the tender age of eight though, when he wanted to become a magician and then he tried to pick locks just to see if he could. The guy in the water thankfully doesn't point and scream criminal!! He just gives Eddie a considering look.
"Alright," he says and gets out of the water. His wet clothes cling tightly to his body and for a second Eddie forgets how to speak because holy shit divorce dude is ripped. He shakes himself out of his stare but he is pretty sure hot guy noticed if his amused smile is anything to go by.
"So, which one is it?" Eddie asks and the guy points at a cheap, golden padlock that has SH + TH engraved on it. Not even a heart, just the letters.
"Think you can open it?" the guy asks and wraps his arms around his body.
Eddie takes a closer look. The lock is, shit he is gonna crack that baby open in no time.
"Yeah, for sure, this is quite a cheap look, so easy work," he says and takes out a hair pin before he gets to work.
"Figures he'd get a cheap lock," the guy mutters before his teeth start chattering. Without really thinking about it Eddie takes off his leather jacket and hands it to the guy.
"So you don't die of hypothermia before you can get your alimony," Eddie says and goes back to picking the lock. The guy looks very greatful and quickly slides the jacket on. Eddie very pointedly does not look because he know the sight will only distract him further. "If you get alimony."
"Oh, I will," the guy says and pulls Eddie's jacket tighter around himself. "The fucker cheated on me."
"Is he stupid?" Eddie gawks because holy shit how do you cheat on a guy like this? It makes the guy laugh and once again how the fuck do you cheat on him?? Just for that sound alone Eddie would recite vows and he never really saw himself as a marriage person.
"Yeah, he is pretty fucking stupid," the guy snorts and watches as Eddie's nimble finger work on the lock. After a very short time Eddie can feel the last bolt of the lock give way.
"So, are you SH or TH," he asks as he twists his hair pin one more time.
"SH," SH says with a soft smile. "Steve."
"Eddie," Eddie says and finally opens the lock.
"Holy shit, you did it," Steve gapes.
Promised you," Eddie grins and hands the lock over. "And I do keep my promises, sweetheart."
It feels almost symbolic that Eddie was the one to open their 'wed-lock' when he takes Steve home later that night. When they get married they don't engrave a lock. Instead, Eddie carves their names into a young tree. So their love can grow with it. They still like to pass the tree when they are old and grey, and run their wrinkly fingers over their initials, framed by a heart.
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Here's a bit from a fic I'm not sure I'll ever start writing. for context, this is Corroded Coffin's first tour and they brought Steve along (bc Eddie would never even imagine having it any other way)
Jeff and Eddie are walking towards the green room discussing the way their melodies turned out at tonight's show, when Gareth catches up to them, a little winded,
"Hey," he pants, "Freak says he wants to try that tacos place we saw on our way into town, you guys up for it?"
Jeff simply nods and Eddie shrugs, "Sounds good" he answers,
Gareth claps them in the back and says to Eddie "Awesome, I'll go ask your wife",
He goes to skip ahead between them but Eddie grabs him by the scruff of his tshirt and yanks him back, causing his head to slap itself against Eddie's waiting palm.
Jeff snorts but Gareth isn't amused.
"OW dude! What the fuck?!" he demands with wide eyes. Eddie doesn't buy it for a second, launches into the same warning he always gives them,
"I told you! if he hears you saying that he could get really pissed, and then you'll get me into serious trouble!" he still has Gareth by the scruff, so he yanks him again for emphasis,
"Do you want me to be in serious trouble, man?" Gareth shakes his head, Eddie yanks again,
"Do you want me to be in serious trouble because of you?" Gareth frantically shakes his head but holds his palms up as he weasels out of Eddie's hold, half-laughing as he turns to face them and walking backwards as they advance,
"I do NOT say it around him!" Gareth defends, Jeff scoffs beside Eddie and Eddie just narrows his eyes,
"Plus, I told you that he's into you, man!" Gareth continues, Eddie rolls his eyes at that so he can't see the significant look Jeff gives him, agreeing with Gareth.
"This again" Eddie groans, "you're delusional. Just stop calling him that altogether and we'll be good," he insists.
Gareth just sighs "Fine. Can you go ask your very platonic friend, that you share a bed with every night, if he wants tacos? Or should we not even ask his opinion?"
Eddie flicks his ear and Gareth frowns dangerously, meeting the end of his rope.
Jeff says "Okay-" and holds his hands up placatingly, but Eddie doesn't like his chances so he sprints down the hall laughing and Gareth takes off hot in his heels.
Jeff groans as Freak catches up with him,
"Children." Freak states, tutting.
When Steve comes back to the green room he finds Eddie and Gareth wrestling on the floor.
"Um-" he starts and Eddie, who had been making Gareth slap himself turns excitedly to him,
"Stevie!! What did you think?" he asks, wanting to get Steve's opinion on tonight's show, and probably very specifically, the melodies he and Jeff had been working on for weeks now.
Steve's lucky that Gareth pulls on his hair and distracts him by slamming him on the floor, otherwise Eddie would have totally noticed him blushing.
He'll never get over Eddie wanting his input, especially when it comes to something as important to him as his music, his band.
"OW!" Eddie shouts as Gareth pulls his hair again, reaching to pull on Gareth's nose.
That brings Steve back. He ceremoniously places his hands on his hips, and calls "Children!",
It startles Eddie into slapping Gareth's arm away particularly hard and Steve hears muttered apologies as the two of them sit up criss-cross side by side.
"He started it!" Eddie accuses, playing along with Steve's babysitter bit, "He said we shouldn't ask your opinion on dinner," Gareth gasps indignantly and tackles him again.
Steve just sighs, used to them buzzing with energy after shows.
He hears Jeff and Freak enter the room and turns to them as if they had been there all along, "Dinner from where?" he asks them,
Freak looks up from the boys wrestling and says "Remember that tacos place we saw on our way in? last Thursday?"
Steve's expression clears with understanding, he nods "Oh yeah! Yeah, that place! Okay. Sounds good." Freak nods and goes to their clothes rack.
"Soon as these two finish," Jeff comments.
Gareth has Eddie in a chokehold now and Eddie is trying to lick his arm while also pulling on Gareth's hair.
"I should record you and put it up on the internet," Steve threatens.
Jeff joins in "It'd humiliate our lead man, but it's a risk I'm willing to take" he claps his approval on Steve's back and goes to the clothes rack as Freak goes to change his outfit.
Eddie taps twice on Gareth's arm to be released and Gareth raises both arms above his head triumphantly.
Eddie points a finger at Steve, then Jeff and says "I'm vetoing that!"
Steve frowns. "I didn't know you had vetoing rights" he teases, tilting his head.
"He doesn't" Jeff and Gareth answer in unison,
"You just said I'm the lead man!" Eddie whines to Jeff,
"I was talking about Gareth" Jeff shrugs.
Gareth puffs out his chest and Eddie shoves him, knocking him on his ass again.
Steve can't help but chuckle at them. Eddie turns to look at him with mirth in his eyes then, extends his arms to be helped up.
Steve pulls him to his feet with his heart in his throat.
"So?" Eddie asks,
"What?" Steve asks quietly,
"What'd you think?" Eddie asks again, quiet too like it's their secret, giving his arm a little impatient tap, reminding him he hadn't answered before.
Steve doesn't remember when he started smiling so big "It was good." he tells him, just as quietly, having created a little bubble for the two of them without meaning to, but not wanting to burst it.
"Yeah?" Eddie asks, the corners of his mouth twitching up,
"Mmhm," Steve confirms, starts fiddling with one of Eddie's many chains, "I think the change you made yesterday was smart, the crowd was definitely wilder tonight" he comments,
"Well, that was Jeff, 'member?"
"Hmmm" Steve hums, letting go of the chain and leaning his elbow on Eddie's shoulder to turn to Jeff,
"Well that was a very smart change Jeff!" he calls loudly, enjoying Eddie's flinch. He has to clear his throat because his voice comes out raspy for some reason.
Jeff frowns, confused.
"The new arrengement from yesterday," Eddie clarifies, eyes on Steve. Jeff ignores him, but takes the clarification all the same,
"Oh! thanks! Man, did you see the crowd tonight?" Jeff marvels,
Steve says "That's what I was just telling Eddie!" and they launch into specifics that Eddie misses.
He's thinking he usually doesn't like being teased but his cheeks are burning and he can't feel anything other than a pleasant warmth right now, Steve Harrington broke him.
He shakes his head and comes back to reality just in time to see Steve turn to him and say, "You did great tonight, Eds. You were super comfortable using the space on stage tonight, people loved it,"
Eddie doesn't say he was only comfortable because he had a clear view of Steve in the crowd.
"Thank you Stevie" he tells him instead. Steve smiles brightly at him. It makes Eddie want to rub his face on Steve's shoulder.
He pinches Steve's waist instead, gets all up in his space, still buzzing with energy from running around on stage.
"Help me pick something out for tacos?" he requests, hopeful. He loves the idea of Steve thinking about what would look best on him.
"Yeah," Steve agrees, grabbing the hand that pinched him and leading Eddie to the rack.
Gareth rolls his eyes at Eddie as they walk past him and Eddie flips him the bird.
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formosusiniquis · 8 months
This one goes out to that old guy I saw at walmart yesterday loading up his pioneer woman cookware onto his motorcycle while enter sandman played
steddie | G | WC: 1154
“Hey baby, can you?”
Steve's sweet tone sours immediately returning to the much more familiar gently bitchy tone Eddie knows and loves. “You don't even know what I was gonna ask.”
“Twenty-five years of marriage, lawful and not, Sunshine. I know when you're about to ask me for some shit we don't need.”
“Why would I be calling you if we didn't need it?”
“Because if you needed it you would have told me about it when I said, ‘Stevie, sweetie, light of my life, sun to my dawn,’” he looks around trying to figure out where the hell they moved the oranges and why the produce section is never in the same configuration anytime he comes here. He makes eye contact with a kid wearing an artificially faded printing of his own tour merch looking at him with a starry eyed look of recognition not of the celebrity but of family.
“Did you forget where you were going with that old man?”
He decides he might as well put on a show, both halves of this conversation already know he's going to do what he's told. “‘Stevie, my one truth north, my muse, my reason to continue living, my dearest husband, I'm going to Walmart,’ I told you not but thirty minutes ago and asked if you needed me to get you anything and you said no.”
“Oh, you aren't going to monologue for your adoring public all the sweet names I called you?” Steve is amused, he can tell, he's always been able to tell. He's accepting this as his penance for not giving Eddie an actual grocery list when he left.
“Well dear heart I am in public, but if you think we can find another grocery store to go to after getting banned from this one. I guess there is the Kroger on the other side of town.” The kid laughs, tries to hide it behind their hand, but if Eddie has had anything in this life it's experience with teens eavesdropping on conversations they shouldn't be.
“Oh you're really hamming it up, huh, Teddy. Can I tell you what you're getting me yet or do you still have a couple minutes in your set?”
He's given up on oranges, moves on to the onion he actually came here for, the lone ingredient for dinner that he'd forgotten from his clicklist. If they want to actually have the roast tonight it needs to start soon. “What is it that you remembered we needed, oh song of my heart.”
“I already sent you the link so you get exactly what I want.”
It's just ominous enough of a non-answer that he pulls his phone out of his pocket, juggling it and the five things he'd already grabbed that weren't on his one item list. He doesn't have the time to regret not grabbing the cart he was sure he hadn't needed when he sees what he's been sent.
“I'm on my bike! Where am I going to put that?”
“I'm sorry, am I hearing you correctly? Was I right when I said, ‘Teddy bear, my stars, my bard-’”
“You aren't on speaker.”
“My beloved damsel in distress, maybe the motorcycle isn't the most efficient of midlife crisis vehicles. Aren't you going to want something with more trunk space, why don't you get a Caddy or a Bimmer for old times sake. And what did you say?”
“I don't recall.”
“Probably for the best wouldn't want you banned from Walmart, what would the tabloids say?”
“Nothing that would match your wit, Sweetheart. Does it have to be this one?”
“Yes, the plaid matches the kitchen remodel, so be a good boy and strap it to your bike. And remember we've still got one kid to put through school if she decides to go, don't bring home any strays with you. Do you need to do your encore now, baby?”
“I accept your quest, my dashing prince. I shall return home with my bounty posthaste.” Encore complete, audience still enraptured, Eddie dips into the sincere. It's been nearly thirty years together and he's not once ended a call without saying, “I love you.”
“Love you too, my knight in denim battle vest. I'll see you when you get home.”
The call ends with the usual dull toned beep beep, the playlist the call interrupted starts to filter back into his earbud. He realizes he's going to have to walk right past the kid to get to the side of the store with Steve's Instant Pot.
“Hear they're about to have a reunion tour,” he says gesturing down at the reprint of their Came Back Wrong Tour shirt. The faux-fading has left a crack through his own face at the bottom making him unrecognizable, not that he looks the same now as he did at 25. “Those old bands just don't know how to retire.”
“I think it's smart that they're playing up the recent tik tok fame.” The kid says, “No one's even seen their lead singer since the 90s and after their first national tour he'd started wearing that mask.”
It hurts a little bit the way the kid says 90s like it's some bygone era lost to time. Tries to appreciate instead how good the mask idea had been, he'd really been an innovator. “That was a pretty sweet gimmick, you think he'll bring it back? It's kind of Orville Peck's thing now isn't it.”
The kid slumps, managing the impressive feat of looking desolate while standing over the tomatoes. “Probably, not that I'll see it. I couldn't manage to get a ticket.”
That is something he can fix, “Here,” he manages to grab ahold of his wallet, “as luck would have it, I've got a couple spares.”
The kid looks torn between fear and elation, it's likely at least the second strangest thing to ever happen to them in a Walmart. “Oh I can't-”
“No strings, I got it through work for my sister-in-law to go with my husband. She asked why none of the good bands ever have reunion tours so… not going obviously. And my husband insists he's too old to be that close to the stage. You'd be doing me a favor really.”
“If you're sure,” they say, the hesitance more a mannered necessity than real.
“Sure as shooting. Seriously, here give me your name so my husband knows who to make the thank you note out to.”
“Aspen, thank you really!”
Twenty minutes later when he’s got a kitchen appliance bungied to the back of his bike he’ll appreciate that something good came out of this. Three weeks later when he’s standing at the front of a sold out arena he’ll mostly appreciate another chance to be dramatic, “This next one is for Aspen who didn’t laugh when an old man tried to flirt with his husband in the produce aisle. Gareth, count me in.”
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weird-is-life · 8 months
steve request🩷🩷
soo reader is drunk and at a party. maybe someone at the party calls steve who is her bestie to come pick her up. he’s out with eddie, robin and nancy at the time and they go and pick her up. because she’s drunk she’s so clingy with steve and doesnt want to be away from him and the rest of the gang make fun of him for it. he loves it really tho🩷
Ty for the request, lovely💕! Hope this is okay, warnings: fluff, use of pet names, mentions of parties, drinking, getting left alone by friends at a party, (0.6k)
Steve finds you sitting with your head down on the stairs of the house. The closer he gets to you, the louder the music is and he winces as he remembers how he used live for these kind of parties.
Now looking at you, he can only think of it as something he hates. Sure, the dancing, the drinks are fun, but getting left alone by friends isn't. Steve can't even count, how many times he was left alone at some party. It's too many.
He hates that your friends left you alone, but he's glad you called him, because he can now make sure you're gonna be okay.
He approaches you carefully, so he doesn't scare you, "Hi, sweetheart."
You immediately cheer up, lifting your head up quickly. You smile big at him and basically throw yourself around his neck, almost knocking him to the ground.
"Woah, woah, I'm happy to see you, too," Steve chuckles and hugs you back.
"Stevie, what are you doing here?" you ask happily. You called Steve to pick you up, which you clearly don't remember anymore.
"I came to take you home," he tells you amused, "c'mon let's get you moving."
Steve stands both of you up and you don't let go off of him, even as he starts to walk you to the car. And he's okay with that, he doesn't mind, that you've leaned with almost your entire weight against him.
What gets him a little flustered are your words. You start whispering all kind of nice words, compliments to him, that he's sure, you would be too shy to say sober.
By the time, you get to the car, Steve's cheeks are burning. He curses under his breath, because he knows, he's going to be teased even before he steps a foot into the car.
And he's right. Straight away Eddie, Robin and Nancy grin at him. You notice the three of them and smile drunkenly at them.
"Hi guys, you came, too?" you ask as you plop yourself without a care in the world next to Robin sitting in the back seat.
"Hi babe, " Robin greets you, while Steve squeezes in the seat next to you.
Your attention immediately goes from Robin back to Steve. You slide closer to him, as close as you can and you almost end up sitting in his lap. They all laugh at that.
"I missed you, Stevie, " you whisper, or more like you tell him very loudly, so the whole car hears it. Steve chuckles, because you were together few hours ago.
"I missed you, too." Steve tells you and puts one arm around you. You snuggle impossibly closer to him.
"I didn't sign up for this cuddle session, when I agreed to drive," Eddie mutters from the front of the car.
"Sorry, Eds. Did you want a hug, too?" you ask innocently.
"No, no, it's okay, you just keep hugging Steve. Lord knows how much he loves it," Eddie teases Steve again and Steve just glares at him. But it's true. He loves being close to you, maybe it's because he loves you. And maybe he'd get to hold you close more often, if he had the guts to confess his feelings to you.
"I love it, too, Stevie," you state and hide your face into Steve's front. It takes you only a few minutes to fall asleep, completely at ease in Steve's arms.
Steve can only smile and hold you tightly, as the blush comes back to his cheeks. He ignores the teasing smirks and looks from everybody.
Steve will survive the teasing, if it means he gets to hold you close. Anytime.
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strangerstilinski · 6 months
𝙞𝙩 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙖 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨
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𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
word count: 2.5k warnings: none really, fluffy ending, steve is kind of a dick, mention of alcohol, gender neutral reader (pls let me know if i missed anything) based on that scene in tasm where peter spins gwen around to kiss her — with just a dash of enemies to lovers
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It should go without saying that Steve Harrington is the bane of your goddamned existence. If the two of you aren't at each other's throats, it typically just means that you're both doing your best to pretend the other doesn't even exist.
And, sure, maybe it drives you a little bit insane that he seems to get along just fine with every person in your friend group except for you. It was like you pushed buttons that Steve wasn't even aware he had.
Nancy finds the whole thing amusing, says that Steve's clearly so in love with you that he doesn't know how to handle it. Eddie swears that Steve looks at you with hearts in his eyes, though any time you've caught his stare those ‘hearts’ tended to look a whole lot more like daggers. Argyle and Robin both insist that love and hate tread a very thin line, and eventually, a little push will have the two of you stumbling head over heels into each other's waiting arms. Johnathan tends to stay out of it, but then, he doesn't really need to say anything, because you've seen that look he gives you when he catches you looking a little too long at the moles dotted along the length of Steve's throat, or that stubborn lock of hair that tumbles over his brow bone, or the way his tongue pokes out and his eyes narrow cutely when he's concentrating-
You hate it. You hate Steve. Even now, you swear you hate him, regardless of the way you shamelessly ogle the curve of his bicep when he reaches across the back of the sofa to drape his arm loosely behind Robin's shoulders. You've accepted it. At this point, allowing yourself to admire his stupidly handsome physique was merely reparations for being forced to put up with him on a near-daily basis. Compensation for the never-ending bad attitude that he seemed to direct solely at you.
“Does anyone hear that?” Steve's voice speaks louder than your own suddenly, effectively cutting you off even though you'd been in the middle of a sentence. His eyes meet yours for just a brief second before his gaze is moving elsewhere, “It’s like, this annoying buzzing sound?” He's sitting up a little straighter following his interruption, brows drawing together like he's listening intently for something.
His sudden line of questioning has thoroughly derailed your train of thought. The longwinded story you'd been regaling to the group about a customer at work is cut short, the words dissolving on your tongue as your try to work out what on earth Steve is referring to. Until his interruption, you hadn't heard anything.
“What are you even talking abou-”
“There!” He cuts you off once more, “There it is again! Did you hear that, Robs?” The fingers he nudges into his best friend's ribs makes her squirm away with a deep laugh.
“Are you seriously implying that I'm the-”
“God, you are hearing that, right?” Steve interrupts with an irritatingly pleased grin on his face, “Like nails on a chalkboard-”
Though Robin's laughter isn't actually directed at you, your face burns hotly anyway. A pity-filled smile graces her lips when she meets your gaze after escaping the wrath of Steve's tickling, and the boy's chuckles of amusement only serve to make you grind your teeth together in irritation.
“Real mature, dickhead.” You snap, snatching up the beer you'd set down on the coffee table when Eddie had actually asked you about your day a few minutes before. “I was in the middle of a story.”
“Yeah, no offense, honey, but I don't think any of us were that invested hearing you talk about the ‘big tip’ that some douchebag with a hand tattoo left you.” Steve grumbled with a roll of his eyes, “If your stories weren't so boring, maybe we wouldn't all be sitting here hoping for a hole in the earth to open up under us just so we don't have to keep listening to-”
“Steve, c'mon man-” Eddie tries, though his voice is drowned out by your own.
“Jesus, do you have to be such an asshole all the time?” You snap in Steve's direction.
“I'm just saying,” Steve shrugged, “Probably the only reason he left such a big tip was because pulled the wrong bill out of his wallet. It sure as hell wasn't 'cause of your shining personality.”
“What, and just 'cause you're a jackass that means no man could ever possibly find me appealing?” You bite back.
“Yeah, well, your pretty face doesn't quite make up for your constant need for attention.”
“My need for attention?” You scoff incredilously, beer slamming back down onto the tabletop in front of you as the rest of your friends seem to fade even further into the background. “You're the one who can't stand when the focus is on me for ten fucking seconds.”
“Well I don't care if some prick hit on you at work-” Steve argues, “So, I guess, if that makes me an asshole-”
“It does, as a matter of fact,” You interrupt easily, “Because I'm constantly listening to you whine about your conquest of the week, and I'm able to do so without acting like a fucking-”
“Careful,” Steve hums, cocky little smirk reemerging on his lips, “You're sounding a little jealous, there, honey.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“'S my house,” He returns just as quickly, “How 'bout you fuck off.”
The blood in your veins is full of fire. Your face is burning with rage and your eyes prickle traitorously with frustrated tears, because that customer from your story? That was the highlight of your day, because the rest of it had been a fucking disaster.
You'd slipped on freshly mopped floors and dropped an entire table's drink orders. You'd been forced to finish your shift with sticky, soda pop-soaked socks squelching wetly in your shoes with every step. Your boss had given you shit, even though it was one of your coworkers who had failed to put out the wet floor sign in the first place. You'd burned yourself on a hotplate, twice. And then, after all that, you'd had no choice but to take an ice-cold shower before heading over to Steve's house, because the hot water heater in your decrepit apartment building was apparently broken. Again.
“Y'know what? Fine.”
You're already rising to your feet, wiping the palms of your hands down your jeans to dry the lingering condensation from your beer. You blink furiously to push back the tears that had been pooling at your waterline, shaking your head at the ridiculousness of the turn in your evening.
“Wha-” Steve is watching you with something like concern in his eyes now, “Wh-Where're you goin'?”
“I'm leaving,” You announce, gaze steadfastly avoiding where Steve has removed his arm from around Robin's shoulders so he can sit at the edge of the couch, like he's planning to rise to his own feet at any moment. “I, um. I'll talk to you guys later.”
There are protests from everyone, but you don't bear them any mind. You're already turning on your heel and moving toward the entryway with hurried steps. The front door slams shut behind you before you've even gotten your jacket all the way on. You've still got one arm still struggling to find the hole of your sleeve when you hear the door swing back open behind you.
“Hey! Wait up.”
Steve's voice does make you slow where you've begun to move down the driveway, though you don't turn around. Your steps finally come to a stop when he calls out to you again.
“C'mon, honey wait, wait, wait-”
You blow out a frustrated breath as he finally catches up with you, your arms crossing over your chest like that might somehow put up a physical barrier between the two of you.
“I really don't want to do this with you, Harrington. Alright?” An air of defeat laces your words, one hand coming up to rub at the headache that’s begun to pulse between your brows, “Just.. Not tonight.”
You move to step around him and the heel of your boots click against the pavement once, twice. But then something hooks into the belt loop on your jeans and you're tugged back around. You lose your footing at the unexpected shift in momentum, knees wobbling unsteadily for just a moment before you're twirled back around to face him and then your palms are meeting a firm chest.
The adrenaline has your brain whiting out for just a moment, any and all thoughts screeching to a halt. There’s warmth seeping into your palms from beneath Steve’s tshirt. The racing of your own heart in your ears drowns out the distant sound of laughter and the opening trailers of a movie rental coming from inside. Your eyes are level with his chin, wide gaze locked on his lips as they quirk up at one corner with his gentle smirk. You’re still standing pigeon-toed between his own larger feet, a little off balance but held firmly in place by the wide hand splayed across your waist.
“I'm sorry.” Steve says quietly.
It’s only been a second or two since he dragged you back into his space, and to your surprise, his head dips, just a fraction. Steve brushes his nose against your own, a gentle stroke that sends butterflies in your stomach fluttering wildly. The cool mint clinging to his breath fans out over your face smelling of the gum he’s always chewing and smacking obnoxiously, but the scent this close is intoxicating. The hand he brings up to cradle your jaw is intoxicating. The loose flap of leather on his watch that tickles at the side of your throat. The way he’s leaning in-
The passion he kisses you with, from the moment your lips touch, is intoxicating. It's all-encompassing. You can’t think, and you’re not sure you’re even breathing, but his lips are moving in unhurried synchronization with your own. Your knees are weak. You’re gripping the material of his shirt in your fists just for something to hold onto, but Steve’s arm is curled tight around the curve in your spine now to hold you steady.
His tongue brushes against your lips, licking softly at the seam of your mouth like he's asking for permission. The desperate sound that crawls up your throat at just that quick brush of his tongue nestles in the depths of Steve's brain where he files it away for later. He hitches his arm even tighter at your waist, pulling your stomachs flush until your chest heaves against his own.
Your head is a little fuzzy when your lips separate long enough for you to take a breath, and you’re gasping comically in an effort to fill your lungs. Steve’s quiet chuckle meets your ears, his hand sliding back from your jaw to cup the back of your neck.
“You kissed me.” The words fall from your lips in a whisper of disbelief. Your eyes are still closed, lashes fluttering against the tops of your cheeks. You’re terrified if you open them even a crack, the entire scene will suddenly fade away around you like some kind of dream. The airy cadence of your voice is partially due to your surprise, but also thanks to the far-too-easy grace with which you've been spun and manhandled and swept entirely off your feet.
“I did,” Steve agrees just as quietly, “I did do that.”
His forehead meets your own as your eyes flutter open and he simply holds you there for a moment, nose dragging across your cheek before he presses another quick kiss to your lips. His head tilts, thumb stroking soft over the side of your throat before his mouth finds yours again, and again. These kisses are different — casual, tender, sweet and unhurried. Like he’s kissing you just because he can.
“You-” Is all you manage to get out before your words are silenced by his lips slotting between your own, but you carry on with barely a pause as you click apart once again, “Y'r still doing it.”
“Mhm.” He hums easily, the sound rumbling beneath your hands on his chest.
“Are you-”
“Kissing me?”
Steve’s breath mingles hotly with your own in the narrow breadth of space between your parted lips, “D’you want me to stop?”
“No. Hell no.”
And there's that perfect smile of his. Straight teeth make an appearance as his lips quirk up at the corner, a breathy spearmint scented laugh that sounds a little too relieved for the casual coolness that he's clearly trying to give off. His mouth opens like he's going to say something, but no words seem to come. Lips parted, throat bobbing as he swallows around the heavy silence weighing down his tongue.
He looks so pretty like this, you think. The light shining above your heads catches in his brown eyes, caramel sparking with flecks of gold and green that you've never noticed before, but you're sure you'll never be able to forget the sight of it now. You're still sharing breaths, faces so close that you can't avoid watching the way his full lashes blink at you dumbly. As if he isn't the one who spun you around and pulled you close and effortlessly gave you the best kiss of your entire life. As if, maybe, he didn't quite expect to make it this far, and now he's at a loss for how to proceed.
You release his shirt from your fist, the fabric crinkled and stretched with how tight you'd been gripping it, only to slide your hand up the back of his neck. The tip of his nose catches the bottom of your own, lips brushing faintly while your hand finds a new home in his hair. The soft strands tangle between your fingers when you give it a gentle tug and push up on your toes to draw yourself impossibly closer.
“If I'd known kissing you was all it took to shut you up, Harrington, I would've done it ages ago.” Your quip lacks its usual bite, but it breaks the silence between you, and it also seems to break Steve out of whatever spell he'd fallen under.
His tongue pokes out to wet his lips as he searches for an appropriate response, “Maybe we'll just have to keep kissing then.”
You find yourself swaying just a little on your feet at the way his eyes flick slow back and forth between your own, “Maybe we will.”
When his lips descend on your own again, it takes ages before he lets you back up for a decent breath of air, and even then he parts from you with obvious reluctance. You're both breathing heavy, lips a little swollen and shining wetly. Steve's expression has a warmth that you realize you've never actually seen directed at you before. Steve smiles at you, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and suddenly all you can think about is what Eddie has said a hundred times over.
It’s like there are hearts in his eyes.
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lonelychicago · 5 months
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no but i can't stop about eddie finding queering the map and being overwhelmed by the amount of stories that resonate with him.
it starts with buck, because of course it does.
buck comes into the station one day, rambling about this site he found online. he's still figuring out bisexuality for himself and has been going down a rabbit hole ever since, reading endless articles and reddit stories and experiences told from so many people.
and something about it, about this particular site, catches eddie's attention. he really can't stop thinking about it, wondering if people from el paso would have any of those pins. if anyone from the place he grew up in, was raised in, ever felt like him.
he can't stop wondering if maybe he was never as alone as he thought he was.
when he gets home, he decides to look for himself— it takes him a while. there's too many black pins and he doesn't quite know how to navigate the huge map on his screen. it takes him a few minutes to get the hang of it.
but when he does— oh, when he does.
right there in el paso, people from the same streets he once rode his bike in, are sharing his experiences. fellow soldiers in the same base eddie trained at.
eddie reads these sacred, secret little messages and feels his heart expand more and more with every each one of them.
some of them makes him laugh and chuckle, teary eyed but amused, like "even the army has gays," and "from one gay cowboy to another."
others, nake him falter. make his bretah hitch inside his chest. make something beautiful and fragile and orecious uncurl from the deepest depths of his soul. make him feel seen in a way he isn't sure he's quite ready to.
messages like— "you're not the only one," and "you'll be okay." "the heaven the people from this town speak of, is not a heaven i wanna be sent to." "i should've told him when i had the chance." "stuck in a warzone, thinking about how i wasted so much time and now i might not make it home to him."
messages that hit a little too close to home. from soldiers still in the closet, struggling to accept themselves and living a lie.
messages from dumb teenagers, scared of the future— just like eddie had been once.
messages from people braver than he ever could be, sharing the stories of how they came out to their families and moved across the country to be able to live their truest selves.
eddie spends hours and hours just reading post after post, goingbthrough as many lins as he can and drinking them in as a dying, thirsting man in the middle of the driest desert. he reads until the light from the comouter makes his head hurt and his eyes burn everytime he blinks.
at the end, before closing the tab, he decides to put on his own note.
📍not sure if I'll ever be ready to say it out loud, but I love him. i'm too late. I've lost my chance. this changes nothing, my heart is still in his hands.
he clicks on add and feels the tiniest amount of weight lifting from his shoulders.
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rogueddie · 8 months
I'm so into You T | 613 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is bodies touching
Eddie frowns when he wakes up, blinking around the unfamiliar room. He almost starts to worry- until he looks to the spot beside him, where Steve is sprawled out on his front, and he finally remembers the night before. He finally remembers exactly how he ended up there- in Steves bed.
"Steve," Eddie mumbles, turning over to lay ontop of him, because he can do that now. "Hey, Stevie."
Steve hums, wriggling around for a second, before finally open his eyes to squint at him.
"Good morning," Eddie grins, pressing kisses to his bare shoulder.
His skin is littered with hickeys and fast fading bite marks. He looks like he's been mauled. It makes pride bubble in Eddies stomach.
"Mm. Morning."
"Woah, no, don't go back to sleep!"
"I's too early, Eds, 'm tired."
Fair, Eddie thinks. Their argument had been emotionally exhausting by itself, nevermind what happened... after.
Eddie glances to the clock on his sidetable and snorts.
"It's almost noon."
"Wuh... no, it's not, shut up."
He has to press his face into Steves skin to hold back his laughter. He nips at his shoulder, light and playful.
Steve grumbles, trying to shift, but Eddie shifts with him to keep him pinned under him. Steve huffs, turning to raise an eyebrow at Eddie.
"Is this usually how you wake people?" He asks, amused.
"Mmm, only the special ones."
"Gee, thanks."
"Oh, you are so welcome."
Steve wriggles around again, trying to roll Eddie off, but he just uses the opportunity to worm his arms under Steve, wrapping his arms around his waist.
"Come on, dude, get off."
"Ah, ah, ah. You can't call me 'dude' after what we did last night, it's illegal."
"Illegal?" Steve parrots, snorting. He finally gives up on escaping. "I'm so sorry to offend your virtue."
"... I don't think that's a real phrase."
"Tough, it is now."
Eddie hums, turning to rest his cheek against Steve's shoulder.
Despite his complaints, Eddie can feel Steve melting underneath him, snuggling into the pillow with a dreamy sigh.
"Comfy?" Eddie teases.
He starts kissing along Steves shoulder again, slowly working his way up to his neck.
"Don't start something if you aren't going to finish it," Steve hums.
Eddie smacks a big, wet and exaggerated kiss to Steves cheek. He laughs when Steve scrunches his face up in feigned disgust.
"Ew dude."
"You love me," Eddie sings, leaning down to kiss his cheek again. "You really, really love me."
"Yeah," Steve sighs. His smile is so dopey and dreamy that Eddie is tempted to make fun of him. "Yeah, I really do."
Eddie shifts so he's laying on Steve, cheek mushed into the back of his shoulder, mumbling, "does this mean we can stop arguing all the time?"
"Sure, but on one condition."
Steve shifts, Eddie leaning up enough to let him turn onto his back. Steve pulls him back down, one arm around his waist with his other hand bruying into his hair.
"We get more mornings like this."
"Is that it?"
"W- hey! I think that was a sweet thing to say and you-"
"You could ask for anything! Anything at all, and that's it?"
"Oh, fuck you, I was trying to be nice! As if you could do better."
"Trying to be nice," Eddie scoffs, gently nipping at his jaw. "I love you too, Steve. I would be here every morning if I could. There isn't anything that I would not do to keep waking up to your pretty, pretty face. You could have asked me to stop teasing you about D&D, anything, and that's what you went with?"
"... shut up."
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 months
Alright! So, reader has been in love with Eddie for a while, but they aren't close friends, just have the same gang. And then there's a party at Steve's and they play the dark room, and she bumps into someone and immediately says "Eddie" and Eddie is going to play a little with her and distort his voice saying "sorry, you're mistaken" but reader just says "yes, it's Eddie," and he's like
"how do you know that?"
"Because it smells like you, it smells like. (And this is just my interpretation) Old Spice, cigarettes and leather," and then he feels hands on his hair and hands "and feels like you. I would recognize you anywhere, Eddie."
And fluffy ending? Request by @somethingvicked 🥰
There's a party at Steve's tonight and you're nervous. You've known the gang for a while now and getting everyone together for the night was always something that you looked forward to.
The only major issue is that Eddie Munson would be there and it wasn't a problem because you disliked Eddie, far from it...
The truth was that you had been nursing a crush on Eddie for a while now, you were pretty sure you eere falling for him but the two of you weren't particularly close and you wanted to change that.
Not that you thought he would notice you romantically but it was nice to dream, you would like to be his friend though and not a casual acquaintance.
The party is in full swing at Steve's, it's just the usual crowd though and a few guests, Jonathan and Nancy have brought Argyle and Robin has invited Vickie.
There's been a couple of beers consumed and everyone is relaxing, quietly chatting along with each other. Steve claps his hands together to get everyone's attention.
"Okay, so let's play a game. Liven things up? How about we turn off all the lights and hide. Whoever finds one another first has to kiss. It can be a kiss on the cheek or on the lips, it's up to you" Steve suggests and everyone seems to be all for it.
Robin is avoiding Vickie's eyes and blushing, you hope these two find each other and finally hash out their feelings. It's so obvious that Vickie feels the same (obvious to everyone except Robin)
Maybe you decided to dress up a little more than usual tonight, a few times you had caught Eddie staring at you so you were hoping he liked what he saw.
He winks at you and it takes everything in you not to melt right there. It could be the beers you've consumed but it makes you bold, so when everyone isn't looking you blow him a kiss as you're walking past him.
"Hope it's you who finds me" his eyes widen, all pretty and full of shock and a little bit of desire.
Everyone is laughing and trying to find the best hiding space once the lights are off. It's tricky to navigate your way around in the dark as you're still getting used to the layout of Steve's house but you manage to make your way upstairs.
It's around fifteen minutes after you first found your hiding place when you sense him.
"Eddie?" you call out and catch the faintest hint of his cologne, you love that smell.
"Sorry, you're mistaken", he smiles impishly and decides to tease you just a tiny bit. Maybe pretend to be Steve. He would like to kiss you though, but you'd hardly want to kiss the freak of Hawkins would you, he thinks sourly. Despite what you teased earlier.
"Yes, it's you, Eddie," you say to him stubbornly and he leans against the wall, amused and pitches his voice like he uses for one of the orc characters in his campaigns.
"How do you know that?" you giggle and answer him.
"Because it smells like you, it smells like Old Spice, cigarettes and leather," and then he feels hands on his hair and hands, his heart skips a beat, "and feels like you. I would recognize you anywhere, Eddie."
Jesus h Christ, what was he meant to say to something like that?
"You caught me, sweetheart, guess it's too late to pretend I'm Steve huh? I'm sure you'd prefer that"
He doesn't know why he says this, maybe because every girl seems to like Steve so he bets you do too. The thought leaves him feeling hollow, he really hopes that isn't the case.
Honestly, he wouldn't mind feeling your hands in his hair again, he liked that a lot and judging by his reaction maybe he likes you a lot more than he realised.
"Mmm, just you is what I'd prefer" Fuck he was stupid, he badly wanted to kiss you, so how did he not realise that he liked you and that he wanted to get to know you better.
Maybe just maybe you liked him too judging by what you said?
The thought has Eddie grinning like a cat that's got the cream, he has an urge to strut around on cloud nine, he can't believe that you could possibly like him.
"Now we've caught each other, what are we going to do about it princess?" he moves closer to you at the same time you move closer to him and you press a gentle kiss to his cheek.
The kiss is so close to his lips and Eddie turns his head just a fraction so your lips meet briefly, it's like a shock of electricity or something pulses through him and you must feel it too, judging by the little gasp you've just let out.
He's never had a kiss that's felt like that. "Hey sweetheart, how about we cut the party early and go and get some late-night milkshakes?" he turns on the light, wants to see your expression.
You give him the sweetest smile, "Like a date?" you trip over your lips a little bit which makes you duck your head shyly and peer up at him through your lashes.
Shit. Why did he waste so much time when he could have been getting to know you? He was an idiot and planned to immediately rectify this.
"Yeah. A date and we can get to know each other better?" you answer by pressing another kiss to his lips, he deepens the kiss and pulls you flush against him.
Somewhere in the distance, he can hear the giggles of Robin and maybe Vickie. He hopes Robin has worked up the courage to get her girl as well.
Any other thought is driven from his mind when you run your hand up his shirt and a soft moan rumbles in his chest. Shit, what was he thinking about again? he pulls away dazed and you take his hand.
"Come on handsome. Let's ditch" Eddie's brain short circuits at the way you call him handsome and he follows you, grinning from ear to ear.
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italiansteebie · 1 year
The first time Steve is exposed to subculture, it changes his life. The sneer his mother gives ins't surprising, but Steve can't help but be entranced by the glinting silver on this random man's body.
They're everywhere, in his nose, lips, and when he flicks his tongue out, Steve even catches sight of the shining jewelry in his tongue. And maybe Steve was already 13, practically grown up at this point, but he sees this man and thinks, that's who he wants to be when he grows up.
Unfortunately, that is not how things go.
His mother sees him studying the style of the delinquent in front of them and smacks his lightly on the head. "You have a reputation to uphold, Steven," She mutters through gritted teeth. So Steve hangs his head, and his dreams of looking like the colored haired boy he saw in the grocery store.
So years later, he's still adorned in polo shirts and light washed jeans. He's snuck in some goofy hair, but it's no where near what he'd want it to be ideally.
And here's the thing, he knew his family's reputation was important, but now that he's been denied from every college he applied to, including tech, and he's been lowered to serving ice cream in a sailor uniform, he wonders just how important the reputation was.
He can't help but wonder if he's going to die like this.
Covered in vomit and blood, in a sailor outfit on a dirty bathroom floor curled up to a lesbian, who he thinks maybe his soulmate. Platonically, of course.
"I've always wanted, like- colored hair. 'Nd piercings 'nd stuff. Y'know." Steve said, letting his head fall against Robin's shoulder. "Why haven't you?" Robin asked, resting her head on his. Steve shrugged, "Reputation, I guess. I think my parents would commit homicide."
Robin snorted, "If only they could see you now," she giggles. Steve shifts to retaliate, but can only laugh along with her. Steve nods, laughing harder when an angry looking Dustin and Erica barge into the bathroom.
They make it out alive.
Somehow. But they do.
And that's how they ended up here.
"Rob, are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Of course it is! Look, Eddie is probably the only punk adjacent guy for miles, and he probably knows about all those records you think you hide in your closet."
"You've seen those?"
Robin shrugs, "When there's a box labeled 'do not open' in King Steve's closet, you take a look. It doesn't matter! I'm sure he knows who Iron Maiden is!"
The door swings open, "Of course I do."
Eddie Munson stands in front of them in all his glory.
"Told ya." Robin says, a light sneer on her face. Steve shoves her over, before looking back at Eddie, about to speak before he cuts him off. "I know Iron Maiden, what I don't know, is why King Steve is on my front porch with Robin from band. And why he's asking about Iron Maiden of all things." Eddie looks a bit like he want's to turn them away, but he steps back and opens the door wider, motioning for them to come in.
Once they're all milling about Eddie's tiny living room, Steve starts. "I know you've got this whole," Steve gestures at Eddie, "Metal head look going on and, well. I need some advice. Guidance, if you will." Robin nods along with him. "Yeah, a lot of guidance. He want's to get his nose pierced, but he only has polos."
Steve scoffs at this. "I have band shirts, Buckley. I'm just not allowed to wear them. But no more! I'm fully embracing this side of me."
Eddie watches, slightly amused, "So what do you need my help for?" He asks, eyebrow arching. "I need you to pierce my nose. Or at least tall me where to go," Steve rambles, shifting from foot to foot.
He watches as the metal head mulls this over. Eddie sighs, and shakes his head, Steve's shoulders dropping. "C'mon, Rob. He's not gonna do it, let's just go." He says quietly. "Woah, hey! I never said I wouldn't do it. I just don't uh- Why me?"
"You're the only person I thought could be helpful." Steve admits, watching as a smirk spreads across Eddie's face. "Alright then, big boy. Step into my office."
Steve follows Eddie into the bathroom, Robin hot on his heels, watching in some combination of awe and fear as Eddie pulls out. needle from the medicine cabinet. "Oh shit," Steve breathes. Eddie raises an eyebrow, but moves on. "Stay here while I get the jewelry."
"You okay, Steve? Oh my god, you're shaking." Robin frets, "Do you wanna back out? We don't have to do this." She says, grabbing Steve's hand. Steve swallows thickly, "I- I want to. I just. The needle is really freaking me out. I keep seeing that fucking syringe." Robin nods, rubbing Steve's shoulder, laying her head on his shoulder.
Eddie comes bounding back into the bathroom, "Hey- woah. Am I interrupting? No PDA in the trailer, please." He laughs. Steve and Robin jump away from each other, "Oh ew. He is so not my type," Robin groans.
"Whatever, let's do this Stevie. We're doing your septum, right?"
Steve tilts his head, and Eddie sighs "The one right here," Eddie places his hands on his own septum. "Oh, yeah. That one." Eddie nods, getting to work.
Eddie lies the needle up with Steve's nose, "Okay, breath in," Steve follows, "And breath out," Eddie instructs, and slides the needle through. In a fluid motion, Eddie slides the jewelry in, screwing on the ball and checking his work.
"Alright, we're all done, Steve-o." Eddie says, patting his cheek, before looking up at the boy. He looked a bit pale. "Steve?" He asked, before Steve promptly passed out, flopping to the floor in a boneless heap. "Oh, shit. Steve!" Robin cries, bending down. Eddie freezes for a second, "Oh shit. Okay. He probably just fainted, it happens sometimes. Lemme get him some water." He practically leaps through the trailer to grab some water.
He's back in the bathroom right as Steve comes to, "Scoops! I work for scoops, please!" He's shouting, there's tearing streaming down his face and Robin is there next to him, holding him close. "Shh, Steve. We're in the trailer, remember? Eddie's trailer? He pierced your nose." Robin soothes.
Eddie moves in closer, "yeah, I uh. I got you some water," he says, handing him the water. Steve grabs it with a shakey hand, "Thanks, Munson." He breathes, tears slowing. "Uh. Sorry. I had a long month. Y'know," Steve shrugs, and it leaves Eddie reeling. Was he just going to pretend this didn't just happen? The guy was still sitting on his bathroom floor. "Steve, seriously? Look, just sit here, I'm gonna go call someone to pick us up." Robin sighs, before making her way out of the small space.
"Are you okay," Eddie asks, sincerely, "No." Steve answers, voice cracking as he does so. "I was in that mall fire last month, and the hospital trip involved a lot of needles. I guess I didn't realize they still kind of freak me out." Eddie nodded in understanding. "I get that. I couldn't look at a blue chevy for the longest time cause it reminded me of my dad."
Steve sighed, "Thanks for doing this, Eddie. Hey, uh. How much do I owe you?" Eddie waved his hand, "It's all good, Harrington." He dismissed. Steve shook his head, "No way man, I gotta pay you back somehow." He insisted.
Eddie mulled it over, "take me to dinner?" He asked, before realizing what the fuck he just said, "I mean- fuck. Not- I didn't" He scrambled to his feet. Steve grabbed his hand, "Eddie, wait. It's fine."
"Fine? I asked you on a date. If you hadn't just passed out in my bathroom, I'm positive you would've decked me by now!" Eddie squealed. Steve shook his head, "I- I like both, Eddie. Y'know, boys and girls. And honestly. I'd love to go on a date with you," Steve said, smiling up at him.
"Steve! Joyce's here to pick us up since you died!" Robin called from the living room. Eddie helped Steve stand, and walked him to the living room. Steve leaned a little heavier into his side, "I'll call you when I'm a little less weak in the knees, okay?" Steve said softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek before following Robin outside.
"Thanks again, Eds!" Steve called once he was in the car.
Eddie couldn't wait for that phone call.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
(dad!eddie x mom/pregnant!reader)
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𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏 ─ 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟐 ─ 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟑 • more of the pennyverse here.
Summary: . . . After your eventful labor and delivery, you and Eddie can only wait to see what fate holds for your newborn son as you two finally decide on a name. warnings: angst, a whole lot of angst, near death experience, difficult pregnancy, early labor, preterm birth, talk of loss of infants, birth defects, happy ending.
a/n: we have finally reached the rainbow at the end of the storm, my friends. wrapping this up feels so bittersweet, i'm going to miss all the interactions! i don't think i've gotten to talk to this many people here before and i hope it doesn't stop after part three. from the bottom of my heart, thank you. and a HUGE thank you to my partner in crime, @kitmon, for beta-ing this (all three parts) bad boy for me. while Wayne's World is finally over, i'm excited to continue writing for this little family. on to the next thing! word count is 4kish. happy reading! and for the people mad about the long post, sorry, had the 'keep reading' tab on but it kept fucking with the format and eating chunks of it. you're gonna have to scroll. let me know what you think? ◡̈
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While Eddie was out like a light, your doctor had also dropped in for a visit to inform you you’d be staying at the hospital for at least another day, which you weren’t too excited about. You were prescribed medication to take during your stay and so long as you felt good, you were allowed to roam about, meaning you could visit your son. 
  Wayne had also dropped by, with a bag he’d packed full of Eddie’s clothes and things he thought he would need. He hadn’t wanted to wake Eddie up, either. After making sure you were okay, he ended up taking Penny home with him. You’d debated on letting her stay, but you figured Eddie would be vehement on staying with you and she’d want to play with her toys soon. Wayne had promised to bring her back for visits.
  Then it was just you and your sleeping husband. Eddie slept through the morning, past the afternoon, and into the evening. You were just about to run out of patience—eager to see your baby—when he finally woke up.
  “Wha’ happen?” He rasped out, voice groggy and eyes squinted almost shut as he stretched, letting out an inhuman grunt. 
  “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty,” you glanced at the clock on the wall, “or goodnight, I guess.”
  “Night?” He followed your gaze, eyes shooting wide open when he realized how late he’d slept. “Oh, shit. It’s seven.” 
  “I’m aware,” you were entirely amused, “Your breakfast, lunch, and dinner are on the counter.” You pointed over to the counter and cabinets lining the wall.
  Eddie was starving, he tossed the blanket aside to get up and made quick work of all of his meals, to your surprise. 
  Watching Eddie eat was always so entertaining. He ate so chaotically, messy like a gremlin. And not just when he was starving. 
  “Where’s Pen?” He asked through a mouthful of food. 
  “With Wayne and Maude. He stopped by and dropped off some things for you.” You pointed this time to the duffel bag resting near his makeshift pullout bed. 
  The burger you’d got him for lunch was clenched in his teeth, the wrapper around it preventing its contents from falling out, as he rifled through it, pulling out a clean shirt, a pair of sweats and some boxers.
  “Why didn’t you wake me?” He asked, again with a mouthful of food as he unbuckled his pants, pushing them down his legs. 
  You watched as he struggled to get his feet out of them without using his hands, aggressively shaking them off his right ankle. He cursed under his breath once they were off and you couldn’t help but elate in the fact your husband was still a dork.
  “You were tired, snoring up a storm—’’
  “—I don’t snore.”
  “—And looking like you were in a coma.”
  Eddie snorted as he devoured the rest of his burger before he was able to go put on the clean boxers (you’d made sure to lean forward so you could get your eyeful) and yank on the sweats. Then he pulled his shirt off and you responded by clapping your hands appreciatively.
  “Now, give me a little twirl,” you swirled your finger downward, with a smirk and Eddie laughed as he threw the shirt at you.
  “Knock it off, six week waiting period still applies to you so you’d better not tempt me.”
  You whistled as you pulled his shirt off your head, holding it to your chest, “You might have had the dinner but I definitely got the show.”
  “You’re incorrigible,” but he was still grinning as he yanked the clean shirt over his head. 
  You waited until he was comfortable, with his food, on the pull out before you informed him, “My doctor came by, too. Said I’m stuck here for another freaking day.”
  Eddie pulled the fry he’d been about to eat away from his mouth so he could tease you with a pout. He was actually glad, you’d be surrounded by medical professionals so if for some reason something happened, they’d be able to take care of you. Plus, he’d be by your side every day until then. This was his last day off, but he’d call Norm in the morning and let him know he’d have to take the next couple of days off. He’d saved up more than enough paid time off at the shop, something he’d chosen this particular one to work at for offering. 
  Of course, when he’d gotten the gig as a teenager, he’d only been concerned about using that time to try out a new strain or micro dose. 
  You rolled your eyes and slumped back into your bed, “Jerk. She also said I could move around. After you finish eating, will you take me to go see him?”
  Fuck, Eddie would take you right now. He was about to set his tray aside when you hissed. 
  He held his hands up in defeat, but finished off his food a little faster. 
  While he finished eating, you’d gotten out of bed (yes, he almost had a heart attack and you had to threaten him to keep him from hovering) to freshen up. By the time you were done, so was Eddie.
  You’d dug around his bag until you found one of your favorite shirts of his and put it on, under the stupid hospital gown, along with a pair of his sweats.
  And you hadn’t wanted to, like really, really didn’t want to, but you allowed him to push you to the NICU in a wheelchair. It was the only way you were allowed to leave your room. Why didn’t you want to? Because Eddie insisted it was a game, full on running to propel the wheelchair, even spinning you around in it, when he wasn’t pretending to crash into things. It was fun, but you were sure the hospital staff didn’t appreciate it.
  When you finally got to the NICU and the nurse placed your baby in your arms, you knew everything you’d been through was worth it. Every single second you got with him was precious and worth the possible sorrow that may follow. 
  “He does look like Penny,” you agreed, lifting him up to press a kiss to his forehead. He was in better looking condition than you recalled, not pasty or almost blue, and breathing. You remembered the shock of fear that had shot up your spine when he hadn’t been after you’d pushed him out.
  He was small, smaller than Penny had been for obvious reasons, and while it made you sad that you hadn’t been able to keep him in you to develop more, you were still happy to have him.
  “Although, I think their noses are different,” you mused and gently stroked your finger over the small tip of his nose, tubeless since he’d been removed from his incubator to be placed in your arms. He scrunched it up at the contact, and you were delighted with his response, “he’s got your’s, Eddie.”
  “You think so?” Eddie was taken with that nose scrunch, absolutely entranced. He’d seen you do it in the wee hours of that very morning.
  “Oh, yeah. He’s perfect. I wonder whose eyes he has.” Selfishly, you hoped a pair of big, brown baby cow eyes, like his father’s and sister’s, were under the eye cover.
  “You can take it off,” The nurse hovering nearby informed you, he was handling another baby but he’d heard your comment, “he’s done with his phototherapy. The lighting in here isn’t harsh either, so he’ll be just fine.”
  He stopped what he was doing to hand you a couple of wipes, “Just moisten the edges and it will come right off.”
  You did as instructed, Eddie hovering over you in anticipation. Once the edges were saturated with the warm wipe, you carefully peeled the eye mask away, heart squeezing as your baby boy blinked them open. Well, that was a stretch, he blinked them into a squint.
  He glared up at you like that for a few more moments, before his blinking became rapid and then they were finally open, forehead scrunched up in curiosity as he stared, little mouth just barely parted. 
  “Hi,” you giggled out, absolutely ecstatic to see a pair of familiar dark eyes peering up at you. 
  “Guess that answers that.” Eddie’s smile was soft as he watched you press another kiss to his head, your fingertips mingling with the fluff on his head. He couldn’t help but notice how enthralled his son looked with you, little fists curled near his face.
  “You are so perfect,” you cooed down at him, finger stroking his cheek, he blinked at the contact, gave your hand some serious side eye for surprising him then returned his awed stare to your face. “I love you so much, my little grump. You’re gonna be okay, yeah? ‘Cause you’re just like your daddy, aren’t you? Gonna make it out even when you’re dealt the shorthand.” 
  Was Eddie Munson about to cry again? Yes.
  “Perfect, perfect, perfect,” You enunciated each one word with a kiss to his head, “We still have to name him.”
  The morbid image of a potential name for his son, etched into stone came to the forefront of his mind and Eddie felt a stabbing pang in his chest as he forced the image away.
  “You know, I technically chose Penny’s,” you drawled, craning your head to look up at him, “I think it’s only fair you name him. Since you won’t let me name him Eddie Jr.”
  Eddie stared back at you, gaze intense before it shifted down to the little bundle in your arms, at the face peeking out from the blankets.
  He hadn’t wanted to name his baby after him, wanted him to be more than just a namesake. With Penny, well, her name meant something to him. Unconditional love. 
  It didn’t actually translate to that, but it had belonged to the one person in his life—other than you—who showed him affection, emotion. 
  The baby’s eyes moved away from your face, catching Eddie’s stare and something about it prompted a thought, a fact really. 
  Eddie was wrong. He was so, so wrong in his thought process. The weight of the realization almost had his knees buckling as he stared back at that little face.
  For the first time, Eddie thought of his son’s name. Etched in stone or not, it was the only one worthy of him.
  You’d let the nurse know and he retrieved your son's birth certificate for you. You loved the name so much and since Eddie had been the one to decide on it, you insisted he write it on his birth certificate as well. It had to be the neatest thing Eddie had ever written.
  It hadn’t been easy to let the nurse take your baby back, away from you and you had teared up, afraid it would be the last time you’d see him.
  Eddie had been upset too, in the last few moments you were allowed with him, he’d let his little guy hold onto his finger and reminded him of their earlier talk. He had to make it through tonight, so he could go home with them. After a few parting kisses, tears and reaffirming your love to him, he was whisked away to his incubator and you and Eddie made the sullen trip back to your room. 
  He held you in your bed while you both cried. 
  And cried.
  And cried.
  Eventually, the two of you fell asleep, the sheer emotional exhaustion too much for either of you. 
  When you woke up, it was to sunlight streaming through the cracks in the curtains and the nurse taking your vitals. Eddie was still lightly snoring into the side of your head and just as the nurse finished, both Dr. Eisenberg and Dr. Houseman entered your room.
  “Good morning!” Dr. Eisenberg chirped. Dr. Houseman silently made herself comfortable leaning against the counter.
  “Morning,” came your groggy reply as you shook Eddie awake. He peaked an eye open to glare at you but the moment he caught sight of both doctors, he snapped awake.
  “Sorry to disturb you two, we just figured you’d want to hear the news. Mrs. Munson, although I know you must love your hospital bed, today’s looking like your last day here. Which means I want to hear about you doing lots of walking today. I’m gonna check on you again tomorrow, but if all is well, you’ll be discharged then.”
  Dr. Eisenberg stepped back, nudging Dr. Houseman’s shoulder enthusiastically to take her place.
  “I believe this is the first time we’ve met, Mrs. Munson,” she regarded you with kind eyes before acknowledging Eddie, “Mr. Munson. Nice to see you’ve gotten some rest.”
  Eddie tried not to feel personally attacked.
  “I come bearing news of your son. He made it through the night, with no issues. He’s out of phototherapy, responding well to feedings—that’s very important—and while his breathing is fast, it’s also a good sign. It doesn’t leave him breathless, so it may just be his excitement at being in the outside world and getting to use his lungs. He doesn’t tire more than would be normal for a newborn, either. We’re gonna keep him a little longer, let him develop a little more and ensure the hole starts to heal up, but I give it no more than two weeks before he goes home.”
  The amount of weight lifted off both your shoulders and Eddie’s was almost disorientating. Your baby made it. You’d get to take him home! You wanted to cry, jump around, do backflips, but you settled for leaning into Eddie, who was blinking an awful lot.
  “Alright, I think we served our purpose. We’ll let the two of you have some peace.” They both gave you grins as they made their way out of the room, though Dr. Eisenberg stopped, effectively halting Dr. Houseman as well, “By the way, LOVE the name you gave him. Really fits the little guy.”
  Dr. Houseman nodded in agreement before she was ushering Eisenberg out of the room.
  You held each other again as you cried, this time tears of joy and relief.
  Wayne stopped by again, this time with Penny and a bag of necessities meant for you (packed with care by Maude because Wayne was too embarrassed to go through your drawers). She’d begged Eddie, literally wrapped herself around one of his legs until he agreed to take her to see baby brother. He hadn’t wanted to, would much rather have them meet at the trailer when the two of you could finally bring him home and not when he was still in an incubator, patched up to machines, but he relented.
  Wayne kept you company while he took her to see the baby. She hadn’t asked any questions about the babies, only stating the stork must be getting ready to take them to their mommies and daddies because they were in boxes. 
  When he’d pointed out her brother, she couldn’t look away, placing both hands on the glass as well as her forehead to stare at him. 
  “My little baby potatoes.”
  “He’s not—alright, sweet pea.”
  “I getta keep him, huh, daddy?”
  “Yeah, you get to keep him.” Eddie found himself blinking away tears, comforted to know he wasn’t lying to her, didn’t have to be obtuse to avoid telling her the truth anymore. 
  “Okie dokie, les take ‘em home.”
  Eddie chuckled and pulled her a little ways from the glass to press a kiss to her cheek, “He has to stay here for a few more days, but he’s gonna come home.”
  “I promise.”
  She eyed him suspiciously, “You won’t fuwwet ‘em?”
  “Forget,” Eddie corrected but Penny didn’t amend the word like she would normally do when reminded of the proper pronunciation. She still had a little difficulty with her ‘r’s so if a word had the letter in it and she said it right the first time, great, if she didn’t, she wouldn’t be fixing it, “And that was one time, sweet pea, I came back for you like a minute later.”
  Penny maintained an impressive, nonstop commentary about all the things she was going to teach her baby brother to do during the walk back to your hospital room. At some point, she’d asked Eddie to swing her the rest of  the way, which he scoffed at because that would make him look ridiculous to the staff.
  Needless to say, by the time they got back, Eddie was sure the staff would be making fun of him.
  Wayne hadn’t asked to see the baby, he was content knowing the little fella would be coming home with you. He still had that image of him in the truck stuck in his head, and he’d rather replace it with a baby in a car seat instead of an incubator. He and Penny stayed a while. She took your doctor’s walking orders (that Eddie foolishly mentioned in front of her) seriously and demanded you walk back and forth around the room with her. It was no problem until it just got annoying but you entertained her anyways. 
  Then all your friends had shown up, waiting strategic intervals of time to slip into your room as small groups so the nurses wouldn’t notice. They’d brought tons of gifts and Eddie had to sneak them to the NICU entrance, a few at a time, so they could see your baby through the glass.
  After what a c-section was had been explained to the boys, Dustin’s respect for you skyrocketed, which you hadn’t thought would be possible considering his high opinion of you in the first place, and Lucas thought you had to be some kind of superhuman to survive that, he was amazed. Poor Will and Robin looked like they wanted to throw up when Steve’s girlfriend explained how some of your insides had been briefly removed to get to the baby.
  It had been Nancy and Jonathan who got the group out of the hospital, and just in time. Your main nurse had come to check on you with all the suspicious hallway activity. Wayne and Penny left when visiting hours were over and you convinced Eddie to sleep on the bed with you, you always fell asleep fast when you got to cuddle up to him and you needed the night to pass already so you could get discharged. 
  You were impatient the next morning, Eddie watched on in amusement as you got ready, fluttering about the room until you finally slipped into a shirt and some comfortable pants with a high waistline (nothing was pressing into your scar until that bad boy was healed), then put your hospital gown over them and climbed into bed to disguise your getaway outfit. 
  Your plan was of course foiled when Dr. Eisenberg arrived and had you walk across the room a couple of times. She’d been amused with your expectations, but stuck to her promise and a nurse was wheeling you out after you were discharged.
  Wayne, Penny and Maude greeted you when you arrived home, and while you were pleased to be in your own clothes and trailer, you wanted your baby with you. 
  “What happened to the spot?” You’d asked Wayne, at some point while Maude and Penny were showing Eddie a new dress Maude had made for her.
  You were referring to the stain you were sure your water breaking had left—unfortunately, rather bloody as well. 
  “Maude got rid of it. Took ‘er a couple ‘a days but she managed to scrub it out, ‘s why she couldn’t come see you, reckon she figured you wouldn’t wanna see it.”
  The widow from a couple of trailers away—and Wayne’s lady love—was shy as hell, but you were positive you loved her. 
  You and Eddie made sure to visit your son as often as possible. While Eddie worked, you spent most of your mornings and afternoons at the hospital, learning from the nurses about his improving condition and how to care for him. You’d learned he was fed a couple of special formulas, though they still encouraged you to breastfeed. On day seven of his hospital stay, you got to nurse him for the first time. 
  It was difficult, he wouldn’t latch properly no matter how hard you or the lactation consultant tried at first. It took him a while to get the hang of it, and it had been mildly uncomfortable for you, but eventually he did start latching. Day eight was spent encouraging him to latch each time. You knew you’d have to feed him those special formulas, but that was the extent of sharing him with a bottle you were willing to go. It was 50/50, and they’d informed you as soon as he caught up in development, and started gaining weight, the need for the formulas would lessen and you wouldn’t have to share him.
  On day nine, you and Eddie got to bring him home. It hadn’t been completely planned, Dr. Houseman had suggested it the day prior, hadn’t guaranteed it and hadn’t been expecting you to have a carseat and anything else you might need for the ride home, but when she mentioned that he was good to go—though he’d have to be seen regularly to ensure his heart was in healthy condition and healing—Eddie bolted to retrieve the car seat he’d had waiting for his little dude and came just about running back.
  “Don’t look so sour, baby,” He cooed as he tucked his little baby in and secured the harness around him. His son’s face was scrunched up, glaring at Eddie while he buckled him in. Clearly, he wasn’t a fan of the car seat, but he changed his tune when Eddie gently squished his cheeks between his thumb and index finger, the baby immediately relaxed, eyes wide as he stared up at his daddy. Then Eddie was tucking a blanket around him, and lowering the visor to protect him from the cold air.
  It was wonderfully symbolic how peaceful the drive home from the hospital with your son had been compared to how chaotic the drive to the hospital, with him, had been. 
  Wayne, Penny and Maude were waiting for you again. Penny practically attacked Eddie’s legs as soon as he made it through the door with the car seat. 
  “Whoa, sweet pea! Careful, daddy doesn’t want to step on you.”
  “I wanna see ‘em!”
  “You will,” You promised as you shut the door behind you. Wayne and Maude were perched on the couch as Eddie placed the car seat down and squatted so he could carefully take the baby out of it. Penny’s energy seemed to disappear, she was stock still, watching as Eddie lifted the visor, removed the blanket, unbuckled the baby and finally pulled him out. 
  Maude’s reaction was instant, sounds of adoration slipping past her lips as the baby scrunched his back while Eddie lifted him, tiny arms pulling up near his head. 
  Wayne laughed, relieved to see the baby looked nothing like he had when he’d first seen him. In fact, if he didn’t know better he’d think Eddie brought home the wrong one. 
  “You wanna hold him?”
  “Bring ‘im ‘ere.” Wayne held his hands out and Eddie carefully placed his newborn son in them.
  “Well, ‘yer in better shape, ain’t you?” He commented down at the little guy. As soon as those eyes were on him, he knew there had been no baby mix up. He was Eddie’s kid.
  “‘Shoot, another one with ‘yer eyes?” Wayne chuckled and Eddie’s chest puffed with pride. His next joke was directed towards you, “He’s lookin’ like Penny did when she was a baby, you sure you ain’t a copy machine?”
  “Not anymore,” You scoffed, smiling at the sight as you leaned into Eddie’s side. He slipped an arm around your shoulders, hand moving to the side of your head as he pulled you even closer to kiss.
  “He’s a cute lil’ fella. What’s his name?”
  Eddie smirked against the top of your head before he answered him, “Wayne.”
  “Hmn?” Then, without looking up from that little face, Wayne figured Eddie hadn’t heard him and was asking him to repeat himself. “‘Said what’s his name?”
  “I heard you, his name is Wayne.”
  Wayne looked up at the two of you then, eyes wide and unbelieving.
  “His full name is Wayne Edward Munson,” you had to make sure they knew Eddie compromised and was willing to allow you to use his name as his son’s middle name, the smile on your face was smug. “Wayne.”
  Wayne cleared his throat, tongue darting out to wet his dry lips. 
  “‘S really…” He trailed off, throat thick as he swallowed, head nodding a couple of times. 
  “I didn’t always imagine myself as a family man growing up,” Eddie confessed, ��but when I did, I imagined having these crazy, weirdo kids who I’d love and who would love me back. Teach them to play the guitar, how to appreciate good music, play Dungeons and Dragons with. Was already afraid I’d mess up, though. And they’d stop loving me.
  “When we had Penny and she,” Eddie pressed another kiss to your head, “suggested we name her after my mom, I thought it was perfect. Naming the baby I was afraid would one day stop loving me after someone who never did was perfect to me. I was struggling real hard on names for him, didn’t think Edward was worthy of him. Then he looked at me. In that moment, all I could think about was how much I loved him. I couldn't help but wonder if that was how you felt when you saw me.”
  Eddie wasn’t the insecure kid he used to be—well, not as insecure. He’d been unsure of it at the start of his stay with Wayne, the older Munson was never very vocal with his emotions, though he had on occasion told Eddie he loved him. It wasn’t a machismo thing, Eddie was sure Wayne just didn’t know how to express emotions. It was how he’d been raised. Regardless, Eddie knew Wayne loved him. 
  Loved him when he was a baby, born from the woman he loved and not even his own son. Loved him when he saw him sporadically throughout his early life. Loved him enough to try and fight to keep him when his mom died, though the law gave him back to his dad. Loved him when a social worker showed up on his doorstep with him in tow, a broken shell of a boy. Loved him in those few awkward first interactions as they learned how to be around each other again. Loved him when he started getting in trouble, when police officers started escorting him home, when he’d had to pick him up from the police station, when he knew he was selling things and partaking in a business Wayne didn’t particularly approve of, loved him through it all. By blood, he might have been an uncle. By all other means, that man was his father. And his name was the only name worthy of his son. No rock star could compete. 
  “So, we named him after the other person in my life who never stopped loving me.”
  Eddie could see the shine on Wayne’s eyes as his mouth set in a firm line. 
  Finally, Wayne managed to rasp out, “‘Ye’ah, you’re right. Not for one secon’.”
  Not for once second had he stopped loving his boy. 
  Wayne looked down at little Wayne, whose stare was no longer scrutinizing, “You got ‘yerself a good pair ‘a parents. ‘Couldn’ta asked to be born in a better family.”
  “Uhm, ‘scuse me, I fuwwot his name. What’s he called?”
  “Wayne, baby.” Eddie chuckled and Penny leaned against Maude’s legs, craning forward to get a good look at her brother.
  “Waynie. I like it! Can I put ‘em in my stoller now?”
  “No, Penny.”
  After the flood of emotions that your living room became that morning, Wayne and Maude had stuck around for a couple of hours before they said goodbye to Penny and baby Wayne and made their way home. So, about a three minute walk, tops.
  You settled onto the couch, next to Eddie who had Penny curled on his lap, with baby Wayne, ready to nurse him as Eddie searched for something to watch. You’d just gotten Wayne to latch when Eddie made a pleased sound and you glanced up to find out what had amused him.
  On the tv was an episode of Saturday Night Live, specifically the beginnings of one of Mike Myers’ most popular sketches as Eddie’s favorite character from the show. 
  “Just in time,” At the mention of his son’s name on screen, Eddie glanced down at the baby attached to your boob, whose gaze flickered to the side to meet his as if he was aware of gaining his dad’s attention. 
The corners of Eddie’s lips twitched as his big eyes stared at him, “Yeah, yeah. I know. Welcome to Wayne’s World.”
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cherrychilli · 7 months
Steddie x AFAB reader, exhibitionism, wet-t shirt contest(kinda), allusions to group sex(mmf), mentions of alcohol and weed but it's all consensual baby
a/n: what is this you may ask? good question. So there I was, three beers in, thinking about Steve's tits and well, I ended up typing this out real quick. Enjoy.
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"Steve, it really wouldn't be much of a contest", you tell him for the second time, rolling your eyes like it might help you get your point across better. It doesn't.
"I'm telling you I could beat you", he persists because Steve Harrington was never one to roll over so easily.
"And I'm telling you there's no way in hell"
"You're pretty sure of yourself, huh?"
"Yup. And I'll give you two good reasons why", you stick out your chest like it wasn't already obvious.
Steve scoffs, narrowing his eyes at you, showing no sign of backing down even when his knee bumps the side of the coffee table, nearly tipping what's left of both your beers over.
That's what had started this whole thing. A few too many drinks and a drunken crack about who had the most distracting tits out of the two of you. Who would have known it would have escalated into this.
"You guys know there's only one way to settle this right?", a third voice intervenes, at the end of which hangs a joint pinched between plush pink lips.
You both turn to Eddie then, noticing the way he's sprawled out on the couch, hands behind his head, looking all kinds of amused by the two of you bickering.
"He's right", Steve says, turning back to you, determination burning bright in his eyes. You challenge him with a fiery stare of your own, hands on your hips. "Outside. Now.", you grit out.
You both begin marching outside but not before you yell out to Eddie. "Eddie! get the hose!"
"Okay, so it's agreed. I'm the impartial judge and whoever wins uh...wins. We didn't really come up with a prize did we?", Eddie scratches at the day old stubble peppering his chin as he ponders.
"Just spray us man", Steve deadpans, pulling the other boy out of whatever fleeting thought he'd been occupied with.
Eddie does as he's told and he smirks while doing it, spraying the two of you down in Steve's back yard, your white t-shirt's turning translucent in seconds. You make a show of it as the water hits you, running your fingers through your dripping wet hair, your movements thick with allure, letting your tits jiggle and bounce in your skin tight t-shirt. You know how much both Eddie and Steve liked it when you made them bounce, their eyes always fixed on your chest even when you did something as ordinary as coming down the stairs or heading out for a jog.
This should be an easy win. Right?
You realize quickly though that perhaps you'd been a bit too cocky. You'd thought the win would be guaranteed yours until you got an eyeful of Steve, his glistening tanned skin and toned muscle showing through his wet t-shirt in that Grecian god kind of way. Typical.
The contours of his defined pecs and his ample chest hair showing through have you second guessing yourself, his nipples hard like yours and hair still stylish even when wet. Suddenly you weren't so sure you could clinch the win now and for a second, just a second, you didn't care. He was definitely a sight and you could tell that Eddie thought so too, his eyes darting between the two of you, managing to look both ecstatic and unsure.
"Well? who's it gonna be Munson?", Steve places a hand on his hips and you can't help but notice how his ass looks even better in wet jeans, the same way they think yours does in your wet shorts.
It's going to be a close call.
Two sets of eyes look expectantly at the dry metalhead for his verdict, a shiver running through you as the breeze starts to pick up.
"Gotta call a tie on this one", he answers in a way he hoped would be decisive, unable to pick between the two of you when truly you both looked as good as the other.
"What? no way!", you protest, folding your arms under your breasts, drawing the attention of both boys as they eye your chest.
"Yeah, you gotta pick one", Steve agrees, reluctantly tearing his gaze away and back to Eddie, clearly unsatisfied with the result.
Eddie looks thoughtful for a while, his eyes lighting up in a lightbulb moment. "If you're so hungry for a win how about you two wrestle in the mud for it?", he does a poor job of masking his obvious leering and you know too well that the suggestion has little to do with settling the score and everything to do with making one of his wet dreams come true.
Steve and you share a look then, equal parts knowing and mischievous. "You thinking what I'm thinking?", he asks you, prompting Eddie to quirk up an eyebrow as he watches your exchange curiously.
"Oh, definitely", you tell him, the both of you springing into action.
In a matter of seconds, Steve gets a hold of Eddie with ease, drawing his arms behind his back and holding them in place, the weed making the darker haired boy too slow to anticipate or counter Steve's movements.
"Hey what the hell-", Eddie's cut off when he gets a face full of water once you've grabbed a hold of the hose, mercilessly spraying him down until his black t-shirt and grey sweats turn drenched.
Surprised shouts turn to peals of belly aching laughter as each of you try to snatch the hose out of the other's grasp, chasing the remaining two down to spray them even more.
Sometime later the hose is abandoned altogether and wet clothes are discarded haphazardly throughout the yard and though there's no wrestling in the mud today, the three of you take your time engaging in a different kind of group activity on Steve's back patio -- one in which you all end up winners.
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cozmiccass · 1 year
ʀᴜɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅsʜɪᴘ
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sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ ᴇɴᴅs ᴜᴘ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴏᴏʀ ᴀғᴛᴇʀ ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ "ᴀ ғᴇᴡ" ᴅʀɪɴᴋs. ᴀ ᴅʀᴜɴᴋᴇɴ ᴄᴏɴғᴇssɪᴏɴ ʟᴇᴀᴅs ᴛᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: ᴅʀᴜɴᴋ!ᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴀʟᴄᴏʜᴏʟ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴀʀɪᴊᴜᴀɴᴀ ᴜsᴇ, ғɪɴɢᴇʀɪɴɢ, ᴄᴜɴɴɪʟɪɴɢᴜs, sǫᴜɪʀᴛɪɴɢ, ᴘ ɪɴ ᴠ(ᴜɴᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ), ᴄʀᴇᴀᴍᴘɪᴇ, ʙʟᴏᴡᴊᴏʙ, ғᴀᴄᴇ ғᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ, ᴅᴏᴍ!ᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ, sᴜʙ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, (ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ)ᴍᴇᴀɴ!ᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ, ᴍᴜᴛᴜᴀʟ ᴘɪɴɪɴɢ, ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀs, ʟᴏᴛs ᴏғ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 4.1ᴋ
ᴄʀᴏss ᴘᴏsᴛᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴍʏ ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ : ᴄᴏᴢᴍɪᴄᴄᴀss
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
YOU WERE HOME ALONE when the guy you've grown to love showed up at your door reeking of booze and pot. leave it to eddie munson to still look hot as fuck when he's drunk off his ass. his curly hair was sticking to his forehead, no doubt from the performance he just put on at the hideout.
"hey, babyyyy," he exclaimed as you opened your front door, he was leaned against the doorway with a wide smile on his rosey face. his sweet button nose the reddest of all and you just wanted to kiss it(even if you were slightly annoyed).
"hi, eddie," a less than amused tone came from your pouty pink lips as you crossed your arms. you knew he was a grown man, but you worried about him all the same.
"awe, sweetheart, please don't be mad at me..." his bottom lip stuck out with intent. eddie kicked his shoes off like he did every other time he came and sauntered towards you and you couldn't help but feel a little timid, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks.
you began to walk backwards, careful not to topple over any furniture. "i'm not mad, i just worry about you, dickhead."
eddie looked at you sadly but also with a slight glint of mischief in his eyes and let his fingers graze your jaw momentarily, "you wound me, princess" then, his right hand went to his chest while the other found his forehead dramatically. the silly boy stumbled onto your couch with a solid FLOP! nearly hitting his head on your side table.
"i wound you, huh? i'm the one that has to take care of your dumb ass when you get like this. nearly every weekend, i might add," your eyes rolled at him as you sat between his legs, one up on the couch and the other lazily draped off the cushion. you couldn't believe him, you loved him; you would never do anything to hurt him. truthfully, you'd do just about anything for him.
"i wouldn't want anyone else to, ya' know," suddenly serious chocolate eyes bored into yours before a wide grin appeared across his pretty features. "i may be drunk, but i'm not stupid, well, i am, but you get it!"
"you're not stupid, eddie." one of your hands found his thigh and you squeezed lovingly, earning a little jump from the metal head. "let me get you some water, okay?"
you walked the short distance to the kitchen, noticing that eddie was staring ass. a smirk played upon your lips, "what was that?" eddie wasn't the only ornery one around here and flirting with him was one of your specialties. it always surprised him when you made the first move.
"hmm?" he quickly decided to play dumb, rubbing his eyes and trying to pull off a horridly fake yawn that ended up turning into a real one.
"you got caught, eddie, no need to lie to me." you laughed lightly, "i know my ass looks great in these shorts."
"yeah, no kidding, 'ts like you knew i was coming over here or something." it was hardly loud enough for you to hear, but boy did you hear it.
and you definitely did wear them for him. every saturday night he would play at the hideout, he would come to you, drunk as a skunk, and you would make sure he didn't have a hangover the next morning, or at least baby the hangover that was to come. so yes, you wore the smallest shorts and the most see-through top you owned.
all for eddie.
"and if i did?" you found your way back to the sofa and kneeled next to him on the floor. you looked up at him through heavy lashes. your mind was screaming, retreat, retreat! but you stayed. you didn't know where the sudden courage had come from, but there you were, so close...
"well then that would be fuckin' awesome, sweetheart," a goofy grin appeared once again; he was still decently drunk. his ring-clad hand covered his blushing face, "but you're wayyyy too pretty to do that for lil' ole' me!"
"that's not true, now drink your water," eddie sat up on his elbows before you handed him the cup. you watched him take gulp after satisfying gulp, adam's apple bobbing, and some droplets coming from the side of his mouth. you wanted to lick them up desperately. 
he let out a refreshed "ahh" before handing the cup back to you with another cheesy smile. you accepted it back and got some more for him, but only this time came back with some tylenol and crackers. this was practically a ritual by now.
you enjoyed that eddie came to you every weekend. it gave you a certain satisfaction knowing he wasn't going home with anyone else.
"you're too good to me, sweetheart. what did i do to deserve you?" he sat up fully before taking the items out of your hand graciously and downing the medicine before looking at you with soft eyes. an emotion you couldn't read was displayed within those chocolate irises. "seriously. no one has a better best friend than me."
the words stung, but eddie was a free soul. you didn't ever want to stop him from being who he was, so you never told him how you felt. little did you know, he felt the same way about you.
"best friends forever, right?" a bruised tone left your lips and eddie picked up on it instantly. you could hide nothing from that boy nor did you necessarily try to in that moment.
"hey, what's that for?" he strummed your bottom lip sweetly as he frowned.
you brushed him off with a half laugh that wasn't nearly believable enough and he was forced to pry it out of you. "if you don't tell me, i'll have to make you tell me," he playfully threatened, but it only added to your ever growing frustration. a heat rising in your belly and headed straight to your warm gushy canter.
the way he spoke, how his hair fell somehow perfectly and so messily at the same time, the light freckles that sprinkled his pink cheeks and nose; it was all too much for you to handle. too much for you to pretend to not be obsessed over.
"if i tell you something you don't know about me, you have to tell me what's going on in that pretty, brooding brain of yours, mmkay?" he tapped your forehead and then your nose, finally making you crack a real smile. "or i can just tickle it out of you and we all know you just love that."
the way eddie could make light of any situation would always be something you loved so dearly about him.
"i'm so not brooding, but fine," you huffed like the complete brat you are. "it better be a good secret then."
"oh, it is, but you have to swear you won't be weird after." the flirty smile he gave you made your heart do a thousand flips. he'd probably just tell you he jacks off to farrah fawcett or something.
eddie, already feeling a little more sober, readjusted himself on the couch, " okay, so," he clapped his hands together dramatically, "when we were both seniors... i had, like, a massivecrushonyou. okay! now you!" the words came out as one, hoping you would just not understand him somehow.  it failed royally.
but it was true, he'd had a crush on you since your senior year/his second senior year. you had always been so kind to him and never made him feel less than you in any way. it was refreshing and he only wished he had gotten to know you sooner.
it wasn't until you turned twenty-one and him twenty-two that you became more closely acquainted. you and your other friends would go to the hideout on the weekends just to watch eddie play in his band. you thought they were the coolest and you were peer pressured into talking to him by robin buckley. she would always claim that you were "oogling him." you definitely were, but you'd deny it til you were blue in the face.
you got a little bit older and decided you would much rather stay home than party, but eddie had a reputation to uphold and a stage to rock. of course, that didn't stop him from visiting when he could, ie., that night and every other saturday. it was like a bootycall, but less sex. much less sex.
you were happy to take whatever he gave you though.
stolen not-so-secret glances, light touches that felt like flames dancing on your skin, harmless kisses on the cheek when you said your goodbyes and hellos. you could've been happy with the little things forever...
until that fateful night, that is. the way he was sat there, sappy eyes practically begging you to make the first move.
but still, your running mind hadn't entirely processed what he just said, so you were a little dumbfounded. "you what?!"
"yeah, yeah, you were pretty and nice to me and i thought you were cool as hell, so whatever. it's cool. your turn." he tried brushing it off so quickly that it made you wonder if he maybe still had that crush... but no way.
"you liked me?" the blush formed quicker and much hotter than you anticipated and eddie saw. not to mention the wetness that was forming between your thighs as you tried not to be too obvious about rubbing them together.
"well, how could i not?" his thumb softly stroked your chin and your heart was beating out of your chest. "you're a catch, princess."
the sly smirk eddie gave you made you certain he knew the effect he had on you. eddie got shamelessly flirty with you when he drank which was a very big reason you kept allowing him to come over like this. that night felt so different though.
he leaned forward so his lips came dangerously close to you, "now, it's your turn, tell me what's got you so grumpy, baby."
eddie started to pull away, but the eye contact had engulfed you so intensely that you didn't even realize that you had reached for his face.
there was no going back now.
with a sudden surge of confidence, you caressed his cheek, "i don't just want to be your best friend, eddie." just as quickly, your lip quivered in anticipation of the rejection you felt you were going to receive.
eddie's eyes flicked to your mouth as he gently grabbed your hand and brought it to his mouth before he kissed it, "then what do you want to be?"
"i want to be everything," your breath staggered and your faces were so close.
"do you know how fucking long i've waited for you to say that?" his eyes screamed of hunger and lust.
"so do something about it,"
it was almost embarrassing how quickly you were ripped into the metal head's lap, but at that point you couldn't give a fuck less.
your legs were on either side of him while his hands gripped onto your love-handles. your cunt throbbed at the way his dick was pressing against you, only a few layers between you. the need to kiss him was almost unbearable, but passing that threshold meant changing everything forever. but who were you kidding? everything was already changed forever.
luckily, eddie didn't seem to mind as much as you did as he crashed his lips into yours; the movement was that of an ocean, not rough, but also not quite calm either. the taste of tobacco and beer, but so much more delicious and just as addictive. you felt as though your purpose in life was to kiss this man, to feel his tongue dance with yours, to mold your lips to his plump ones.
eddie's grasp on your hips went from secure to deadly as he made your clothed clit drag along his very prominent hard-on. the back and forth was delectable, but you could see him growing more and more impatient.
being on top didn't last long for you when he swiped you at the back of your knees and landing rather roughly onto your back. one of his silver-clad hands traveled heavily down your body and back up to your lips. he put his thumb at the edge of your mouth, "you're so fucking pretty, you know that? i don't know what you're doing with me."
instead of trying to reassure him with words, you took his thick thumb in your mouth and sucked, flicking your tongue around and around. neither of you dropped eye contact and you don't think you'd ever been so turned on in your life.
eddie let out a shaky breath, "fuck..."
he slowly dragged his thumb to strum your bottom lip and moved his hand to your throat and you basked in it. "you really want this, baby?"
all it took from you was a nod and eddie was ready to go. a split second and he was practically mauling your neck, but it wasn't sloppy. the kisses were deliberate and placed with the utmost care, hot and wet. his breath made you shiver as you brought your hands to his back making scratches through his hellfire shirt. you were practically begging for him to take it off, but it wasn't good enough. he needed words.
"what do you need, sweetheart. tell me and i'll give it to you," the devil was in his eyes at this point, they went from that beautiful dark brown that reminded you of hershey syrup to obsidian.
"i need this off," you huffed. "now, please!"
eddie laughed, throwing his head back, his brunette curls bouncing with him. he obliged, though, with no objections whatsoever. in one swift movement you could see his perfectly pale skin, scattered freckles and beauty marks, his do it yourself tattoos that you loved so much, and even a few scars that you weren't sure how they got there. you made a mental note to find out later.
"take a picture, sweetheart. it'll last longer." eddie smirked and you bit your lip. your nails scraped down his now bare chest and he hissed.
you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him close and whispered, "i want you to touch me, eddie, please."
"how can i say no when you asked so nicely?"
eddie slid down your body painfully slow, stopping at the hem of your tiny shirt. he pulled up, giving you time to protest, but you wouldn't dream of telling him no. 
why would you? you felt like you've been waiting your whole life for this moment. this had been a fantasy that you never thought would be made a reality. eddie was the forbidden fruit and you were eve.
he slid your shirt carefully off of you and stared in awe.
"take a picture, sweetheart. it'll last longer," you mocked.
"i'd like to see you mock me after this,"
eddie started at your neck again, leaving bruises with his mouth, trailing to your breasts. he sucked your left nipple in his mouth, teasing you with that talented tongue of his, all while palming your other tit. he made sure to give the same attention to the right.
he made sure to make you squirm as he licked all the way down past your navel. his teeth scraped against your hip bone causing you to squeal.
eddie's head rested between your thighs, so very eager to please. the view from above was heavenly; big glossy button eyes staring up at you like you were the most beautiful, longed for being on earth, an angel sent down just for him to devour.
and devour he did.
he placed hot kisses to both thighs, getting closer and closer to your core with each one.
he wasted no time in stripping you of your underwear before taking that long tongue down the middle of your sopping cunt. the sensation was surreal. you knew you'd been deprived, but one touch had you uncoiling so quickly that it was embarrassing. eddie took it as a win.
your clit was first on his hit list, making sure to learn your body as quickly as he could. he saw which angles contoured your face in pleasure, perfect o's forming on that pretty mouth of yours.
with your fingers tangled in his hair, the tingling feeling built up until you felt that dam in you about to break, "fuck, eddie, i'm-i'm coming."
and just like that, he stopped.
"what the fuck?" you whined.
"do you trust me?" eddie smirked.
"this is going to feel so good, i promise." and for some reason, you believed him.
he took his two most middle fingers through the slick of your pussy and put them in his mouth, moaning at the taste of you. "how did i know you were going to taste like fucking peaches? such a perfect girl."
his same fingers then plunged into your core, moving at an unforgiving pace. they were curling in the most perfect way, hitting your g-spot every. single. time. the moans you were letting out were near pornographic. mewling, squeaking, sighing. and you felt like you were going to piss yourself.
"you feel that, sweetheart? that's it, keep chasing that." he encouraged you until you finally felt that white hot release. liquids gushed from between your thighs, covering eddie in you. you felt like you could pass out from the intensity as you shook. your brain was empty, no words could be formed.
"awe, poor thing, never squirted, have you?" you stared up at the ceiling, completely dumbfounded. when he got no response he chuckled. "i'll take that as a no."
you smiled weakly and covered your face. you'd never came so hard in your life and odds were that more was yet to come(cum).
"well, baby, i'm just getting started, c'mere." he grabbed your waist harshly, pulling you into his face and dug right in again, thus came your second orgasm of the night.
"wanna take care of you too, eddie..." your bottom lip stuck out, exhausted from overstimulation but so ready and willing to please eddie.
"it would be rude of me to decline such a pretty girl, wouldn't it? show me what that mouth does besides talk shit." eddie pulls you up by the nape of your hair and onto your knees on the couch as he stands in front of you. he unbuckles his belt effortlessly and drops his pants and boxers revealing a very pretty cock coming up to slap his stomach.
you couldn't help but gawk. it was nine inches, easy, just the right girth, veiny and such a pretty pink. good enough to fucking eat.
through heavy eyelashes, you look up at him and lick a stripe up the underside of his dick. you give the slit on his swollen head a kitten lick causing him to jolt and moan so quietly, but it still made your thighs clench together.
before you even think about giving anymore attention to his dick, you take his balls in your mouth and suck. eddie takes in a sharp breath, "are you even fucking real, holy fuck."
he groans as your swirl your tongue around being sure to make him feel just as good as he made you.
you replace your mouth with your hand, spitting on it before palming his balls and taking the head of his weeping cock in your willing mouth again. only this time you don't stop there. spits spills off your tongue, making sure to be sloppy. your eyes met eddie's that were already boring into you before you take most of his length into your mouth, almost choking on it.
"fuck, you're so good at that." his ring clad hand finds its way to your hair again and pulls. hard. eddie shoves you back down, his head hitting the back of your throat making you gag. you press your thumbnail into your palm as he face fucks you. tears were streaming down your face.
when he finally pulls you off of him, you're a slobbering mess. your mascara that you had put on just before eddie got there was rubbed into your skin and made you look like a raccoon, but he thought you'd never looked so beautiful. to have you under him with his dick in your mouth, spit running down your chin, shining in the dim light of your living room. he could get used to having you like that.
"my turn." he said and scooped you up to take you to your bedroom. this made your heart fucking pound out of your naked chest. oral was one thing, but actual sex was another; a line that would change everything for the rest of time. you were fooling yourself though. things were already never going to be the same. you both knew that and eddie couldn't have been happier about it.
it felt so right for both of you, like you were finally letting go of all of the worries and doubts you ever had and just leaned into one another.
your metal head kicked the already slightly cracked door open all the way in a truly eddie fashion that made you giggle. he tossed you lightly on the bed and kissed up your thighs, yanking you to the edge of the bed. your legs were hiked up on his chest, spread wide open for him as he spit onto your clit and rubbed it with his thumb. you jerked from the contact on your already sensitive bud.
"you ready, pretty girl?" he smirked and you nodded sheepishly.
eddie lined the head of his dick to your hot center, but not before giving it a gentle slap, and slid in gently. you both moaned as he slid back out and plunged back in harsher. your tits bounced with each thrust he made, his balls slapping against your ass. you were addicted, that much was for sure. you needed eddie's dick every day for the rest of your life.
the sloshing noise your cunt made with each impetus made eddie groan, "so tight, baby. fuck, i can't hold out much longer. you feel too fucking good."
eddie suddenly takes his cock out and flips you over the edge of your bed, ass perfectly aligned to his waist. he grabbed a fistful of your hair with one hand and pushed himself back into you.
the thrusts started out slow, but he knew it was for naught. it wasn't long before his hips were stuttering, "where do y—"
"inside me, eddie. please. been wanting you so bad for so long," you whined, pressing yourself into him. you needed to feel him fill you up to the brim.
"oh, shit!" one final, exasperated pump and he was spilling his warm cum into you and you came with him: a truly ethereal experience. eddie let go of your hair and leaned over you, beaming from ear to ear; post-nut euphoria.
his hands rubbed along your sides sweetly, a contrast to how he was handling you seconds ago. humming in your ear. kissing your shoulder. you definitely felt like you were dreaming.
"you're just so fucking pretty," eddie cooed. you looked over at him shyly about to cover your face with your shaking hands. "don't hide from me, sweetheart."
"i just never thought you felt the same way." you pouted.
"and how do you feel, doll?" long fingers reached to move your hair from your face.
you thought carefully before you said your next words, face completely red with vulnerability, "i feel like i don't wanna do anything like that with anyone else ever again." your eyes shifted from his intense eyes to his chest.
eddie grabbed your chin and forced you to look him in those big, beautiful, now full of passion and love, eyes. his hand cradled your face and lips met yours once more, only much softer.
"and you'll never have to if i have anything to do with it."
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴏɴᴇ 🩷
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libraryofgage · 11 months
Mermaid/Pirate Steddie Five
One | Two | Three | Four
*slaps top of the fic* this bad boi has everything: mermaids, fluff, reunions, Eddie being a simp, protective mom Steve
Anyway, stick around to the very very end for a meme hot off the presses about this part lmao
as always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;P
It takes Robin and the guppies three days to reach the ship Erica mentioned. They're all irritable, and the only thing that keeps them from snapping at each other is the idea that Steve might be hurt or in danger. Robin thinks they might have torn each other apart otherwise, and she can't even say for sure that she would have stopped the guppies from engaging in a full-on brawl.
So, to say she's beyond relieved when they finally catch up to the ship is an understatement.
But now they need to plan. The ship is way too close to a port city; close enough that any of the pirates could survive long enough to swim that way and spread the story of a murderous pod. Which, honestly, wouldn't do much for keeping all mermaids safe and on good enough terms with humanity that regular humans don't hunt them for sport. It does nothing to stop the pirates, but still.
"We could just make sure to drown everyone," Max suggests, watching the bottom of the ship with narrowed eyes.
Robin almost agrees, but then she stops. Because she knows Steve. If even one person on that ship wasn't an asshole to him, he'd say to spare them, and that could result in the aforementioned spreading of murderous pod stories. But after he's been trapped for so long, Robin wouldn't be able to argue with any request. She's already imagined him dead and strung up like a trophy more than she'd like to admit. She couldn't stand to see him frown after that.
So, she shakes her head, a frustrated bubble pattern flaring from her gills. "We need to be smarter about this," she says.
"We didn't strategize before sinking the other one," Will points out.
"That one kidnapped him. This one might have rescued him, and we should show mercy if that is the case," El says, stretched out and floating on her back. She's the most relaxed of them, and Robin wonders if it's because of that sixth sense she's got going.
"El is right," Robin says, crossing her arms and studying the ship. "We should be more careful about this."
"We could try signaling him," Dustin suggests. "Like, uh, dolphin noises or something."
"If we do that," Lucas says, "we'll need to give him enough time to respond without anyone around."
Robin nods, agreeing with both of them. "Okay, here's what we're gonna do. I'll swim closer while you guys stay here. We have that dumb screech system Steve made us memorize, so I'll use that to signal him. Then we'll wait until the sun rises tomorrow. That should be enough time for him to respond. If he doesn't, we'll sink the ship," she says.
"What if he's not on it?" Mike asks.
"We'll keep one human alive for questioning," Will says, looking at Robin and flashing a tiny, relieved smile when she nods in agreement. "We'll probably have to drown them either way, though."
"Well, we don't need to tell them that," Erica says, snorting as she reaches out to pet a fish that swims by. It's tiny enough to weave through her fingers twice before swimming on.
"Yeah, definitely won't be telling them," Robin agrees, trying and mostly failing to hold back an amused smile. "Okay, stay here. I'll be back after a few minutes. While I'm gone, Erica is in charge."
A chorus of protests chases after Robin as she swims away, heading toward the surface. The sun shines brighter the closer she gets, and she winces when her head finally breaks through the water. It reflects off the ocean, sparkling and blinding as the water shifts and flows.
Robin huffs and sinks down until only her eyes are above the water. The ship is a few yards away, and she can't see anyone moving around on the deck from this distance. She slowly moves closer, her ear fins straining as she tries to listen for any sign of life. Or Steve. Actually, she'd love to hear any sign of Steve from the ship.
Unfortunately, she doesn't.
Once she's close enough to touch the ship, hiding in the shadow it casts over the water, she circles it once. There are a few windows along the hull, but none of them are actually open. That could make it harder for Steve to hear her, but Robin will just be extra loud to compensate.
Robin clears her throat, rolls her shoulders, flicks her tail, and rises until her chin is above the water. She then lets out a sound that can only be classified as the dying shrieks of a dolphin and seagull's abomination of a love child. She makes this noise twice, but each one lasts a few seconds.
Robin can't risk any of the humans seeing her when they investigate the noise. If they are holding Steve captive, they might hurt him even more if they know another mermaid is around. So, she dips below the water, completely submerging and waiting anxiously for a response.
Steve has discovered the wonders of just sprawling on a solid surface, his arms thrown to the side and his tail stretched out as he stares up at the ceiling. It's oddly calming, and Steve can almost trick himself into thinking the bobbing of the ship is the ocean itself.
That's what Steve is doing now, forcing himself to relax and brace himself for telling Eddie that he has to leave for a while to find Robin and the guppies. His eyes are closed, and he's running through every possible outcome of that conversation. The second best case scenario (Eddie decides to come with him in a tiny boat) is playing out when he hears it.
The Emergency Shriek.
The last time he'd heard it, Dustin was desperately crying out for help as he struggled against the net that dragged him to the surface. Steve's reaction then had been the exact same as his reaction now. He jolts, his eyes wide and all of his fins flaring in preparation for the fastest swimming of his life, and his lips are pulled back in a vicious snarl to display his fangs and scare off the threat.
But he's on a boat, in the captain's cabin, and that window is way too small for him to climb through. Steve doesn't really think (he can't, actually; his brain has officially gone into Guppies and Robin In Danger Mode). He drags himself to the door of the cabin, digs his fingers into the space beneath, and uses all his strength to rip it off.
The wood groans and the hinges shriek and then the bottom half of the door comes off in his hands. Steve tosses it to the side and crawls through, his tail twitching and flopping in a vain attempt to move faster. If anyone were to actually witness this, they'd probably find it somewhere between utterly terrifying and unfortunately hilarious. A giant fish is dragging and flopping along the floor, but it's also exuding the most intense aura of bloodlust most creatures have ever encountered.
And that bloodlust only gets worse when Steve comes to the stairs that lead to the deck. He stares at them, anger building in his chest at the obstacle they present and just how long it will take to climb them. By the time he reaches the top, Robin and the guppies could be dead, and Steve will have wasted time by uselessly trying to climb some stupid stairs.
He grits his teeth, claws digging into the wood beneath him. And then Steve suddenly realizes that he doesn't have to climb the stairs himself. He takes a deep breath, his gills flaring some to pull in more air, and screams as loud as he can, "EDDIE!"
Steve is absolutely going to reward Eddie for his speed (later, after his guppies and Robin are safe) because he immediately hears something crash above him, followed by swearing and frantic footsteps that stop at the stairs. "Stevie, what the fuck?" Eddie asks, panting as he hurries down the stairs.
"On the deck," Steve says, pushing up onto his tail and wrapping his arms around Eddie's neck when he starts leaning down. "Right now, Eddie. Actually, two minutes ago. As fast as you can. And to the edge of the ship. The railing. Now!"
Eddie, his wonderful and incredible Eddie, doesn't question him. He just scoops Steve up and carries him back up the stairs, fingers digging into Steve's waist when he nearly trips over the final step. He finds his balance again, barely, and strides over to the railing.
Steve can't see anything wrong with the water, but he knows the surface doesn't actually tell him anything useful. He frowns and looks at Eddie. "I'll be back," he promises before letting go of Eddie's neck and twisting to place his hands on the rail.
In one swift motion, he launches himself over the side, grimacing when he feels the edge of his tail fin smack Eddie's cheek along the way. But Steve doesn't let himself linger and focuses on the rush of water around him as he dives below the surface. His gills flare and he breathes for the first time in a while, his hair and body familiarly weightless, and Steve fully realizes how much he fucking missed being in the ocean.
But he can't linger on that relief and joy either.
Steve shoots through the water, swimming to wear he thinks the Emergency Shriek came from, only to be tackled as he rounds the edge of the ship. He yelps, his breath knocked out of him as he goes careening, arms wrapping around his waist like he's going to disappear. It takes exactly one second for him to recognize Robin, her hair floating in front of his eyes and her claws digging into his back.
"You're okay!" she shouts as their momentum starts to falter.
Steve wraps his arms around her and holds her close, one hand on the back of her head and the other around her waist. "Where's the danger?" he asks, scanning the water around them and frowning when he sees nothing.
Robin laughs and pulls away, grinning at him with relief clear in her eyes. "There isn't any, dingus. I was trying to see if you were on that ship," she explains.
Before she can say anything else or Steve can respond, several bodies crash into him from behind. "STEVE!"
They all go careening through the water again, and Steve can't help laughing this time. He tries to hug as many of the guppies as he can, running his fingers through their hair and over their shoulders to reassure himself and them that they're together again. They don't let up, though, and Steve is getting pulled deeper and deeper as they pile on top of him, each trying to get closer as Robin wraps her arms around his neck and buries her face in his nape.
"Okay, okay!" Steve says, a stupidly happy grin on his face, "I'm fine, I promise. I'm not hurt."
"But you were!" Will shouts, managing to push forward long enough for Steve to see the red in his eyes from crying. "We saw your scales in the other ship."
"I healed," Steve promises, gesturing at his tail. This gets the guppies to back off long enough to inspect his tail, all seven of them circling around and inspecting for new injuries.
"What's this?" Erica asks, pointing at the new scar.
"That's the wound that healed."
"I'm so glad you're okay," El says, finishing her inspection first and grabbing Steve's hand.
"Yeah, now we can wreck that ship!" Max says, her eyes lighting up with a vicious glee as she looks at the Corroded Coffin in the distance.
Steve blinks. "Wait, what?"
"This has been healed for a while, Steve," Max explains, gesturing to his tail, "So, they must have been keeping you captive, right? Let's sink them."
"I bet they've got some great treasure on there," Dustin says, lingering closer to Steve's shoulder even as he looks at the ship, studying it with the same face he studies squids he wants to try trapping.
And, yeah, Dustin would be right. There is some great treasure in the Corroded Coffin. Steve's treasure. Eddie. "We are not sinking the ship," he says, his voice firm. It's his official Caretaker Voice, and it makes all the guppies stiffen slightly as they look at him. "The...humans there saved me."
A few seconds pass, and then Robin behind him gasps. "You fell in love!" she shouts, using Steve's shoulders to brace herself as she pushes up and leans over his head. "With a human!"
"Wh-how could you tell?!" Steve asks, looking up at her as the guppies start clamoring for his attention as well.
"Was it the captain?" Will asks, eyes a little brighter but also warier.
"Is he ugly?" Mike asks, his tone implying that he already believes the answer to be yes.
"Dude, how could you fall for a human?!" Dustin shouts, his nose wrinkled up in slight disgust.
"Have you been courting a human the whole time we've been looking for you?" Erica asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Yeah! How long have you been healed, then?" Max adds, moving next to Erica and glaring at Steve.
"Wait, so we're not sinking the ship?" Lucas asks, failing to cover his disappointment as he gazes at the ship longingly.
"Congratulations, Steve. I'm sure he's very nice," El says, smiling at him, and Steve almost cries at her simple and accepting response.
"I want to meet him," Robin says.
And her words get the rest of the guppies to quiet down. They all share a few looks and then nod at Steve in sync. "Yeah, we need to meet him," Dustin says, apparently the spokesperson for the group.
Steve blinks, looking at the guppies and Robin. He wanted Eddie to meet his guppies and Robin, of course, but he's a little worried about what they'll do to Eddie. "Only if you promise not to drown him," he says, shooting each of them a hard look.
"I'm insulted you think we would," Robin says, scoffing as she swims to the guppies, facing Steve. "Now, go get your soft and very drownable human down here."
Steve rolls his eyes and motions for the guppies and Robin to follow as he swims toward the surface. He doesn't plan to let them out of his sight, and he knows the feeling is mutual.
Exactly twenty minutes and 13 seconds have passed since Steve threw himself over the rail of the ship, and Eddie hasn't moved. He knows his crew is a little concerned, especially when they notice the red cut across his cheek, but he waves them off when they try to pull him away from the railing to focus on something else.
He just can't risk Steve surfacing and not seeing him.
And his paranoia feels validated when Steve does surface and immediately smiles brightly at him, looking somewhere between relieved and ecstatic. "Eddie!" Steve shouts, waving like he doesn't always have Eddie's undivided attention, "Jump in!"
Here's the thing. When a gorgeous merman that Eddie has spent a bunch of time courting (and then kissing) tells him to jump into the ocean, Eddie is going to jump into the fucking ocean. "Just a second," he shouts back.
He kicks off his shoes, waves off Asher and Jeff when they try to convince him to not jump off the ship, and then launches himself over the railing. For a brief moment, Eddie feels weightless, and then he hits the water. His legs sting a little where they broke the surface, the cut on his cheek practically screams in protest, and a cascade of bubbles block his vision just as much as the salt that stings his eyes and makes everything blurry.
The blurriness does nothing to keep him from recognizing Steve when he swims closer, though. Steve is still grinning at him, and Eddie's grin in return falters slightly when he tries to kick to the surface and Steve stops him. Before Eddie can try to signal that he cannot, in fact, breathe underwater, Steve kisses him.
As they kiss, Steve's tongue pushes against Eddie's lips, carefully prying them open. Eddie leans closer to Steve, figuring he doesn't mind dying like this, and falters when he feels a bubble of air roll down his tongue and lodge in his throat. Steve pulls away, and Eddie inhales on reflex. The bubble in his throat gets a tiny bit smaller, and Eddie doesn't get any water in his lungs.
"Tug my arm when the bubble gets too small. You won't be able to talk underwater, but you won't drown." And then he notices the cut on Eddie's face. His smile drops some, and he leans forward, gently tracing his finger along the wound. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Steve says, his voice echoing and surrounding Eddie in the water.
Eddie shakes his head, waving his hand dismissively. It's at this point that he notices some blurry shapes a distance away, but he doesn't pay them too much mind. He focuses back on Steve and takes his hand, squeezing reassuringly before kissing his palm.
"It doesn't hurt, right?" Steve asks, his voice a little softer and slightly muffled but still one of the most beautiful things Eddie has ever heard.
Eddie shakes his head again and wraps his free hand around Steve's waist, pulling him closer. This is much easier to do in the water. He kisses Steve again, tasting salt more than anything else, and Steve takes the chance to replenish the air bubble despite its minimal use so far.
When he pulls away, he looks more relaxed. "Promise you'll let me know if you need more air?" he asks, his tone insistent and firm. Steve waits for Eddie to nod before grinning. "Great, because my guppies and Robin want to meet you. And, uh, they're really disappointed about not getting to sink your ship, but don't hold that against them."
Eddie blinks, suddenly wondering if maybe he shouldn't have jumped into the ocean at Steve's beck and call. But then he notices the way Steve moves so naturally in the water, how his hair floats and moves around him, how bubbles rise from his gills as he speaks, and Eddie knows he'd jump without thought all over again.
So, yeah, he guesses it's time to meet some guppies and Robin.
Tag List (the tag list is full! I wasn't able to fit everyone, so if you aren't on here, I'd suggest following #high seas steddie. I think you should still get updates on your dash if you do)
@mugloversonly, @raisedbylibrarians, @thegirlwiththelibrarybag, @savory-babby, @vankaar, @beckkthewreck, @itcanbepalped, @imfinereallyy, @finntheehumaneater, @mightbeasleep, @weekend-dreamer7
@whenindoubtb72, @troublemaker2azz, @just-a-tiny-void, @upallnightogetloki, @mxmakessense, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @haelreadsshit, @y4r3luv, @starman-jpg, @littlewildflowerkitten, @estrellami-1, @stevieschrodinger, @gaelicblue, @they-reap-what-we-sow
@5ammi90, @noodle-shenaniganery, @acrolius, @hallelujahimatheist, @rainbow-freckle, @desidrarry-wolfstarshipper, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @79chevyimpala, @aliea82, @hopefulcookieoperatorpersona, @sani-86, @queenie-ofthe-void, @goosesister, @hello-fellow-nerds, @luthienstormblessed, @xtkxkrzrizir, @potato-of-the-lord, @geekymagicalpotato, @child-of-cthulhu, @aizawa-emma, @m-owo-n, @newtstabber, @cartercaptainofthemoon, @spectrum-spectre, @a-little-unsteddie
And, if you've made it this far, here's a little meme for your entertainment
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epicbuddieficrecs · 5 months
Weekly Recap | April 22nd-May 5th 2024
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I'm back!!! You get two weeks worth of fic since I went on vacation last week! :)
up down jump around by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (7x06: There Goes The Groom, Karaoke | 1,6K | Teen): Buck appears out of nowhere, crashing into the seat next to him and landing half on top of him. “We should go,” he says. Eddie frowns. “Go where? I thought you wanted to party?” Buck rolls his eyes, exaggerated in a way that tells him Buck is not on his first beer. “No, I mean, we should go next,” he says, and makes a sweeping gesture in the direction of the karaoke setup.
hold your breath and feel the tension by chromatophorica/ @chromatophorica (9-1-1/Lone Star Crossover, Getting Together | 17K | Teen): Following the arson attack at TK and Carlos' apartment, some of the 126 decide to visit LA for a while to unwind, hanging out with the 118 crew. Buck absolutely is not having feelings about the friendship between Marjan and Eddie. No matter what TK might think he knows.
Eddie's Housewife by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Getting Together | 2K | General): Eddie buys Buck an apron and dish gloves. Accidentally makes Buck his housewife. Realizes he's in love with Buck. All in that order.
know all the ways to appreciate your design (I'm a damn good lover) by extasiswings/ @extasiswings (Bachelor Party, Buck/Tommy, PWP | 3K | Explicit): He’s a beautiful man, don’t you think? Have you ever wondered what it would be like? Even a little bit? You have, haven’t you? Or: the one where Tommy is here for a good time, not a long time; Buck really likes it when he runs his mouth; and Eddie...well, Eddie doesn't have a clue
just another deathbed confession by actualalligator/ @actualalligator (Near Death Experience | 2K | Teen): Buck ends up buried when the floor gives out underneath him on a call. He calls 9-1-1 and demands to speak to Maddie.
Both Bermuda and Golden (Lost but Doing Just Fine) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Threesome, BuckTommyEddie | 39K | Explicit): In which everyone has two hands and two holes and is keeping their options fluid. (Or: a collection of threesome fics.)
5. You Knew We'd End Up Here (Daddy Kink): Eddie was raised to say 'thank you' when someone gifts him nice things like ringside seats and helicopter rides. Buck likes honorifics and being good. And Tommy likes when men who look like Buck and Eddie do as he tells them. (Or: three scenes in the evolution of Buck, Eddie, and Tommy's relationship, all united by one particular word.) 6. But Mr. Pilot I Don't Have Any Money: Buck might not have the money to spare, but he's sure he can find a way to pay Tommy for a helicopter lesson... In completely unrelated news, Eddie has a key to Buck's apartment and a habit of dropping by.
yeehaw [revisited] by brewrosemilk/ @gayhoediaz (BuckTommy, PWP | 2K | Explicit): “Do you have a trampstamp?” Buck asks, looking at where the sunlight hits his skin perfectly, highlighting the faint, small, black text - too small for Buck to see exactly what it says from here. Tommy merely huffs a laugh into the crook of his neck, eyes still likely closed as he places a deep, languid, lazy kiss to the base of Buck’s jawline. “Mhm,” he hums. “I was wondering when you’d notice that,” he adds with another exhale of amusement.
🔥 If You Said I Do I Would Too by giselleslash/ @gigi-gigi (Fake Marriage | 5K | General): Eddie starts telling people Buck’s his husband to get out of annoying flirting situations on calls. Buck starts to like it a little too much.
this could be the year for the real thing by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Coda, 7x06: There Goes The Groom | 1,7K | Teen): His face is still a smear of soot, and Chris giggles. “Buck. Your face.” Buck frowns in confusion and Eddie steps over to him, hand already reaching to wipe the soot off his face, just like he has a hundred times at work. Except Tommy’s already there, licking his thumb and rubbing firmly at Buck’s chin, a gesture so familiar to Eddie that watching it happen separate from him feels like getting punched in the throat. or, eddie thinks about his best friend at a hospital wedding
tell me all the things that i wanna hear by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (7x06: There Goes The Groom | 1,3K | Teen): Or: Eddie realizes something at the bachelor party, but he doesn't remember until later.
take a chance (lay all your love on me) by bptlmevyemtc (Not Actually Unrequited Love | 35K | General): “You’re in love with me?” Buck asks, like a laggy computer system that just finished booting up. “Er. Yes?” Eddie says. “I thought we established that.” Buck nods, once, glacially slow, and Eddie sees when the synapses of his brain snap into place. “... But I’m straight?” the one where it takes eddie a while to get over buck, and it takes buck even longer to figure out he doesn't want him to
🔥 the ravi fic by archerincombat (Ravi POV, S4 | 15K | Teen): “Hey,” Ravi says. “Scale of 1 to 10, how bad would it be if I assumed Eddie Diaz’s girlfriend was his wife in front of him?” Lee groans. “Did you do it in front of Buckley?” “Yeah?”  “A hundred,” she replies, turning the other direction before Ravi can demand to know why. At three in the morning, it hits him. He bolts upright in his cot. Oh my god, he thinks. Buck and Eddie are divorced, and everyone forgot to tell me.
tried and true blue by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (There Was Only One Bed | 4K | Teen): or, sharing a bed with your best friend is fine, usually, except for when your best friend is the particular combination of tipsy and stoned at his sister’s wedding that transforms him into 200 pounds of cuddlebug
🔥 does he love you better than i can? by diazchristopher/ @captain-hen (Post-7x05: You Don't Know Me, BuckTommy, Tommy POV | 10K | Teen): Nothing has ever happened between us, Evan had insisted. You have absolutely nothing to worry about, Eddie had told him unequivocally. There’s no reason he shouldn’t take them both at their word, Tommy thinks, decisively. or, buck and eddie insist that there's nothing going on between them. tommy wants to believe them. he really, really does.
put my heart inside your palms by markofalover/ @markofalover (Getting Together | 3K | Teen): Buck’s speaking again, telling him, “Go dry your hair, baby.” And like, he’s stuck in his daydream. Completely crazy about it. So it’s not exactly his fault that he doesn’t register what Buck said until he’s in the bathroom again. He straightens his shoulders out and looks at his reflection like maybe he’s actually lost it, but, no, those were real words coming from Buck, who is also real, so— ...or, how an accidental pet name, a thoughtful dinner, and a shared shirt makes them get their shit together.
written all over your face by bucksclipboard/ @excuseme-greentea (BuckTommy | 2,5K | Teen): A completely smitten Buck decides he wants to keep Tommy all to himself for just a while longer. When an accidental goodbye kiss exposes their new relationship, the 118 wants to be respectful – but when has that ever worked? or: buck and tommy try to keep their relationship a secret and fail adorably
with a smile and some hope by iriswests/ @fcntasmas (Established Buddie | 6K | Mature): or; five times buck wakes up before eddie, and one time eddie wakes up before buck
🔥 as easy as defusing a bomb by iriswests/ @fcntasmas (Sexuality Crisis, S5 | 7K | Mature): or; buck moves in with eddie while taylor finds a new place, and prompts what feels like puberty 2.0 for eddie diaz.
Kiss Me Once Cause You Know I Had A Long Night by I_still_dont_understand_13 / @sherlockcrossing (Prompt collection | 31/? | 20K | Teen): 100 kiss prompts.
Chapter 30. 70. what if i told you none of it was accidental: An accidental kiss that confuses you both, but only a moment passes before you crash your lips back against each other's Chapter 31. 72. Accidentally bumping noses 
waiting for this moment to be free by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (Getting Together | <1K | General): Eddie opens his eyes to the dim flickering light of the TV, turned down low but not quite muted on one of those Ninja Warrior things that Buck loves. He's tilted sideways, cheek pillowed against the outside of Buck's arm, and he's apparently been drooling a little, which would be more embarrassing if it were the first or even the twentieth time it's happened. Or: Eddie, and Buck, and another couch.
you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Established Buddie, Amnesia | 1,7K | Teen): Eddie is pretty sure the only person he's ever been genuinely attracted to, is Shannon. So, he is very confused when he wakes up in a hospital bed with temporary amnesia and the inability to look away from the pretty, hot guy in a firefighter uniform. And then, procedes to have the second gay panic of his life... because of the same person.
This Old Love Has Me Bound by allyasavedtheday/ @littlespoonevan (Post-7x04: Buck Bothered and Bewildered, BuckTommy, Pre-Buddie | 9K | Teen): In an attempt to better understand his newfound bisexuality, Buck tries to figure out if he ever missed any signs with guys before. The universe keeps interrupting every time he's about to think about Eddie.
all I want (your eyes on mine) by bigfootsmom/ @bigfootsmom (PWP, BuckTommyEddie | 10K | Explicit): Buck is lying there, Eddie instantly recognizes the head of honey blond curls resting on the arm of the couch. But the head of short brown curls between Buck’s shaking thighs takes a second longer to place. But then they look up, blue eyes going comically wide as they lock onto Eddie. Tommy Kinard is on Buck’s couch. He’s on Buck’s couch between Buck’s thighs with his lips wrapped around Buck’s cock. ~ The one where Eddie yearns, Buck pines, and Tommy just wants to have a good time.
of want and need by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP | 2K | Explicit): Buck and Eddie fuck for the first time. That's it, that's the fic. (sequel to slowly getting sober from the taste of your skin)
🔥 change the prophecy by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Alternate Timeline, Curse/Magic | 7/11 | 17K | Mature): Buck has never felt secure in any of his relationships; he’s been searching for someone to see him the way he feels he’s meant to be seen, but after things start going downhill with Tommy, he thinks that person might just not exist. Eddie cannot figure out what’s wrong with him when it becomes clear things with Marisol aren’t going to work out. But what if they’re both forgetting something?
🔥 Any Other Way by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, S2 | 10/18 | 53K | Mature): In a switcheroo alternate universe, Buck spends young adulthood in the military, while Eddie, who has no idea Christopher exists, spends his twenties messing around, finally enjoying freedom away from his family’s expectations. When they both end up in Los Angeles, at the 118, some things are different, and others will be the same in any universe.
🔥 Steal My Sunshine by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Altered Memories | 4/9 | 15K | Mature): Memories hazy and unreliable, Eddie Diaz wakes up every morning in a house at the end of a cul de sac, goes to his office job at a petroleum engineering company, and comes home to his wife and son. But something is missing, and the more Eddie begins to put the pieces together, the stranger the predicament he finds himself in. 
some things fall when they're meant to fall by sibylsleaves/ @sibylsleaves (Post S7E5 | 2/4 | 11K | Teen): or, Buck tells Eddie some news. Eddie has a realization and breaks up with his girlfriend. Not necessarily in that order.
🔥 stuck now so long, we just got the start wrong by Daffi_990_ao3/ @daffi-990 (Canon Divergent, Different First Meeting | 3/10 | 24K | Not Rated): Probational Firefighters Evan “Buck” Buckley and Eddie Diaz meet on a call which ends with them at odds with each other. As the months roll by, they keep running into each other on the job, much to Eddie’s dismay and Buck’s delight. Can they put aside their first opinions and misunderstandings and allow the seeds of friendship, and possibly something more, to take root?
🔥 Cowboy With a One Track Mind by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergence, Not A Firefighter Buck | 3/4 | 16K | Mature): Spin-off Sequel to Evan Buckley & the Coma-Verse of Madness - Chapter 7 (Land): Grieving and tortured, Evan Buckley has been living alone in Montana in a remote cabin for nearly a decade. After an incident that leaves him missing six months of his life, and suddenly in connection with a group of strangers from Los Angeles, Evan must decide whether to remain in his self-imposed exile, or take a chance at life again.
🔥 for all the haunts and homes of men by euadnes/ @kananjarus (Canon Divergent, Post-Apocalyptic, Station Eleven Crossover | WIP | 14/? | 126K | Mature | Warning: Violence): The year by the old calendar is 2025. Home is gone. Home is a failed rescue mission and an echo of a memory. Home is a lost boy living in a wooden house by the sea. But first, there was a promise. Christopher, when it's safe, I'll take you back to your father. Buck had all but given up on keeping it after the world had died and everyone in it. But just as some oaths refuse to be forgotten, so the same can be said about the endurance of love.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, S7 Spec | 126/? | 393K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
🔥 Leave The Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by Mad_Lori/ @madlori // fic by @hmslusitania (Post-S5, Missing Presumed Dead, Amnesia | 4.5-5h | Mature): An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is... missing presumed. While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home.
[podfic] Chimney's Guide to Dating a Buckley by Howard Han by Matriaya (Getting Buddie Together | 3-3.5h | Not Rated): And how stupid is it that reading 10 chapters of a guide to dating a Buckley by his coworker is how Eddie finally got his shit together and asked Buck out for a date? But, Eddie’s happy and so is Buck, so Chim might have had a point.
[podfic] Karen's Guide to Dating and Marrying a Firefighter with a Kid by Matriaya for KatieWrites (Getting Buddie Together, Karen POV sorta? | 1-1.5h | Not Rated): OR Buck's in love with his best friend and doesn't know how to figure out if Eddie shares his feelings.
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sourw0lfs · 9 months
dance with the devil - part four
Words: 622 | Rating: E (not this part but previous parts so consider it as a whole) | CW: mentions of blood and death, past alcohol consumption/hangover
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || part nine || part ten || part eleven || part twelve
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Steve scoffs. "Magic isn't real."
"No?" The stranger's eyebrow raises and his eye light up in amusement. "Then how did I get rid of your hangover just now, genius?"
Rolling his eyes, Steve's ready to fire a smartass answer right back, but he pauses. Because he doesn't actually have an answer to the question. There's no logical explanation for the blinding light, the glowing eyes, the sudden lack of hangover. At least none that his brain can find. Which leaves him with the illogical answers, like fucking magic apparently. Huffing, he crosses his arms over his chest. "Not magic," he mutters finally but the response is weak and lacking conviction.
Honestly, though? He doesn't have time for this. There's a body in another room not even twenty feet away from him and he's still covered in blood. The hangover being gone is the least pressing of his worries.
The stranger in the doorway clicks his tongue in thought as one of his hands moves up to absently twirl a curl around his finger. "I suppose not magic is actually probably more accurate," he muses. "It was just the first thing I thought of that you might understand."
Which helps Steve's confusion exactly none, but he decides it doesn't matter as he moves to push past the stranger with a gruff "whatever, dude", finally feeling up to dealing with the murder scene he woke up to but with no clearer idea of how he's doing that. As their shoulders brush when Steve passes by, a jolt of electricity shoots down his arm, ending painfully at his fingertips and leaving him reeling to the side as the stranger does the same. Two sets of wide eyes stare into each other, and finally the stranger looks as confused as Steve feels.
"I am so having words with Joyce later…" the stranger mutters to himself as Steve gets control of himself again and continues down the hallway.
There's footsteps following after him, stopping a couple of steps back as they reach the threshold to the living room. "I can help with this, too, you know. If you want," the stranger offers and it's enough to get Steve peering over his shoulder.
"What? Gonna magic it away too?" he sneers, because a hangover is one thing, but a dead body? Surely this guy has people that will miss him if he stops showing up. Making it all disappear would solve nothing.
Stepping around Steve and pointedly making sure they don't touch again, the stranger looks around the room for a moment before it lights up in the same blinding way as the bathroom. When it clears, leaving Steve blinking away spots from his vision, the blood splatters across the room are gone and the mangled body in the center of the room is noticeably less mangled. "I can't bring him back, but I can make it look less like a murder," the stranger says as he turns back towards Steve, wide, dimply grin back in place.
Steve gapes at the scene in front of him, brain desperately trying to process what just happened and coming up blank. Because blood doesn't just disappear and bodies don't just suddenly knit themselves back together, right? It's impossible. But so is everything else Steve has come across this morning, so maybe he's just missing some very vital world information. "What the fuck?" he mumbles so softly he can barely hear himself. "What are you? Who are you?"
Something in the stranger's gaze softens as he looks at Steve this time, replacing the (admittedly kind of asshole-ish) amusement that's been dancing around his features all morning. "Name's Eddie," he replies. "And the easiest explanation, I suppose, would be that I'm your guardian angel."
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tags: @chaosgremlinmunson @soaringornithopter @hbyrde36 @shares-a-vest @dreamwatch @quevadilla @tboyeddie @penny00dreadfull @momotonescreaming @stevesbipanic @dawners @little-birch-boy @steddiejudas @just-my-latest-hyperfixation @estrellami-1 @vthx @lolawonsstuff @gleek4twd
i tried to tag everyone that asked, but a couple aren't pulling up, sorry! if you want added, just let me know <3
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