#(Munday RP topics meme)
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@dcviated asked: 29. ❌ing
Munday RP topics meme - Accepting!
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Well, let's get the obvious out of the way: the bots are blocked as soon as I see them. I like to think Sonia is denying their visas for Novoselic herself.
But otherwise, there's really only a few things that make me want, or need, to hardblock someone. Mostly, I tend to just use filters as much as I can to weed out what I don't want to see. Mainly, certain ships I don't care for, excessive OOC (the OOC tag itself and some specific OOC tags on blogs because there's so much of it!), and some blogs I just prefer not to see on my dash but I don't really have a need to block. Just a personal preference.
More often, I'm just fine with unfollowing someone I either am not writing with or don't see myself writing with, usually due to inactivity or they've ignored asks and threads I've sent repeatedly. Only if there's a request to soft or hardblock in their rules will I do that: sometimes muns just want to read interactions I think, and I try to keep that in mind.
What makes me hardblock though? Usually one of these things:
Someone has pushed content, plots, or dynamics on me that I don't like or agree with, and I've brought it up to them that I'm not comfortable with the idea and it's ignored.
I've been sent hate, anonymously or by a specific blog. Whenever I'm sent hate to my inbox, I will just block the sender. When that's anonymous but they follow me anyway, that blog is blocked.
Someone has broken a rule that doesn't sit well with me, I've messaged them directly that 'hey, this isn't okay, maybe you could not do this in the future?' and it's still persisting.
But perhaps the most specific or petty, depending on how you look at it?
I tend to block chronic blog remakers/hoppers. And it's nothing wrong with a writing style, or content, or anything else. I just get annoyed when I see the same muns make and remake the same blog over and over again when it's due to the fact that they take on more threads and interactions than they can reasonably handle, get overwhelmed and/or find a new fandom they're into, discard everything, jump to a new blog, rinse and repeat.
It's understandable when it happens the first few times, especially when you're new to RP and/or tumblr. No one's perfect and it's easy to get really eager at first, wanting to write with every blog you can. But it can be hard to keep up with all of those interactions at a time. For some muns, that's fine: they like smaller, quicker threads and don't mind things being constantly dropped or deleted.
But I know my roleplay and writing style (and on tumblr, with this muse? it's been almost four years!): I prefer longer threads with a developed plot over a period of time. I may not be the fastest with replies, but I'll do my best to include plenty of detail and dialogue in them to, hopefully, give my writing partner something to work with and something enjoyable to write.
However, that approach just doesn't work with the chronic blog hoppers/remakers and after awhile, I just have to block them for my own peace of mind. There's only so many times I can send starters or asks hoping to build a storyline with them, only to have them be ignored or forgotten for a new blog/remade blog every few weeks/months.
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araneitela · 5 months
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
Prompt: The salty munday meme // @resolutepath
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❀ What has made you completely lose your chill? (Skip to paragraph 2 if you want the salt) I don't know if it would count as it being called 'losing my chill', but I get pretty Tinkerbell footstomp-y over specific issues. And as of late the whole 'women empowerment' has driven me absolutely up the wall as if I bit into 5 Jueyun Chilis and then smoked some crack during the moment of 'no brain' that came as a result. I've raged about it in DMs, I've also rambled about it twice over now in posts, and I guess I'm about to do it again here in some capacity. I think it's lasted long enough, this silence from the other side that counters the loud voices. Any society functions best when it practices the art of conversation, debate and discussion between those who disagree, but that seems like it got buried (hopefully only temporarily) by Tumblr numerous years ago, and instead we're now caught in an environment where people yell at each other, and then also make claims that some have 'no right to talk back about [topic in question]'. And I can only take so much of that. For starters, I already don't believe that the concept of people having 'no right to discuss about things' is good or healthy, because half of the experience of learning about things that are unfamiliar to you, is actively getting involved and informed about it (oh hey, I wonder who's at door; oh hello, art of conversation). Any way, I digress, but the amount of times that I see 'you're not a woman, so you can't talk about this', alright great— I'm a woman, so my voice counts when it comes to the topic of women, right? Great. So hear me: the opinion of the (female) masses blows. Sure, this whole concept of 'you have a right to your opinion' is great and I agree, but that doesn't mean that I can't call it the stupidest and most frustrating opinion that I've ever heard (and yes, you have the right to think the same of mine). God.
Any way, to the topic: sexualization of women and how apparently, cishet men are the ones responsible for it. Yeah, okay, and I'm Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, honk honk my bright red nose! Have you seen yourselves on X and Tumblr and wherever else? Sure, one can argue that HYV gave Kafka rather large breasts, sure, and you can condemn them for it, knock yourselves out. And you do, okay, great, and then, ladies, guess what I find scrolling through fanarts on any site? Kafka, drawn with the same large breasts IF. NOT. BIGGER. So okay, yeah, you can tell me these may be men, alright, so then what's your counter to me when I see in the bios of these artists, that they're women or female-identifying? Hmm? Go ahead, I'll wait, I'll be patient. Honestly, I need you to take your accusatory little fingers and point them at yourselves, because a huge part of this problem? Lies with you. Do you need me to say it again? It lies with you. But hey, at least you're consistent, for you don't sexualize just women, you also sexualize the hell out of men.
It's the same in RP in so many cases. There's so many complaints about 'my female muse gets no attention' combined with 'I can't believe I'm only approached for ships', I'm sorry, hold up— what are those shipping memes I see reblogged? The NSFW-tinted ones? What are these suggestive memes in my inbox? And again, it's not just female muses. Because that's the part of the problem that I think people aren't looking at: the exact same is done with male muses, except for some reason, women have a hard-on for M/M ships in writing, and graphical art, as much as we say that men have a thing for F/F porn. But it's okay, we'll condemn one and forgive the other, because one of those objectifies women. Yep, I got it. As a fellow woman, I'm here to say that you're doing good, girls, keep up the sisterhood, I'm proud of you.
... I lied, it makes me lose my damn chill.
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sharpsuite · 2 months
4 & 30!
4. what made you choose this muse?
For Chishiya, it was a FAMILIARITY with the character type. I tend to write a lot of characters that are similar to him in a handful of key ways so I felt that I could do him justice as a muse to pick up. ( and I hope that this is a goal I'm succeeding with 😅 ) I also sort of just....wanted to bring back the fact that despite how well loved Chishiya is, he's a rather cold and ruthless person. I know a lot of characters when they end up as fan favorites can get stripped of a lot of their core characteristics. But I also just thought he would be fun to play as well and see how his dynamics would fall into place if people would write with him. And, to my delight, i've been very welcomed and I can't thank everyone enough! 🥺💖
ANN was more to challenge myself while still having topics I am familiar with. She's smart and calm like Chishiya a lot of the time, but we see a lot more emotion show from her as the series goes. And she has a very strong sense of morality and ethics she follows. ( Unlike Chishiya, who is an apathetic manipulator. ) I mostly write villains or morally grey characters, and if they're on the good side they're likely their for a selfish motive. Ann on the other hand is genuinely a GOOD PERSON doing what she can in the situation. She has a strong motive to do what's right...but it's also fascinating because we see how taxing it can be. How she loses hope in the world working on all those crime scenes but still keeps working. It's not a very big venture from my usual type but it's enough to be new. Also she does not get NEARLY enough love that she deserves.
30. what are your favorite RP tropes to play? (angst, hurt-comfort, etc…)
Ohhh that's a good question. I am a BIG sucker for angst as well as hurt-comfort. And I think that's because a lot of depth and development tends to happen in those sorts of tropes. Don't get me wrong! It certainly can happen in other tropes and genres too. I have had it happen and I do have it happen ( I'd say especially here with these muses ) but it's been a lot HARDER in other fandoms to get development. I like the serious threads and discussions between muses ( or inner dialogues, be it my muse or a partner's muse! i love seeing different mindsets ). Also big fan of bad / horrible muses only having one or two others they can really lean on, be it romantically or platonically. My brain is blanking because i can think of character tropes but rp tropes is just static right now. Don't get me wrong, i love some good fluff threads as well and other kinds of genres. Holiday ones can be hilarious & fun or deeply touching; but i definitely gravitate towards the heavier things.
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chibitantei · 2 months
@townofcadence sent:
5 for the munday meme!
A number for an RP topic
5. dash commentary
Dash comms feels unique to tumblr and it’s one of the reason why I joined and stayed in the first place. It has some goofiness you wouldn’t get in a discord RP or the ungodly IC social media style of RP. I remember the first one I saw live was the P4 gang debating if water was wet and it lasted for two days, which is amazing honestly. Compared to when I first joined, it feels like there’s less of them now or they’re only short lived. I wouldn’t consider these interactions ‘canon’ to anything developed between muses, but I think they put the community back in the RP community, if only for a little bit.
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helluva-hazbins · 3 months
What is the best way to interact with you? Is there anything in particular you are looking for in an RP partner? That is like worthy of a gold star.
Munday rp meme: Ask me Anything
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Oh, sure, this one is real easy. Now I'm not too sure what ya mean by "goldstar worthy" because we're all here to mostly be silly and have fun, I know we angst and we get into serious topics but at the end of the day it's all about the immersion, in my opinion. So I guess what I'm getting at is that I'm not thinking in terms of "worthiness".
Now for the actual questions being asked, I write with anyone, like, I'll give anything a chance for the most part. It's my lack of focus and time restraints that sometimes prevents things from continuing on at a faster pace when it comes to the lengthier threads. And I mean, really as long as my guidelines aren't breeched numerous times, things should remain 'all good'. If we're following each other, I still wanna write together or have small fun interactions at least like sending each other mun asks or joking around in comments!
As for what I want to write, hm, I enjoy expanding on canon stuff. I like writing things my writing partners are excited for and have motivation for, the best way, honestly to keep all of that flowing and to get me amped for writing with others is to reach out and express that it's being mutually enjoyed! Yeah, I do think that's a key component here on tumblr, for me. Whether in dm chat, comments on posts, being tagged in dash commentary things or chats on disco.
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wexarethewalkingxdead · 4 months
What do you feel most fulfilled doing? Who is someone you admire? When is the right time to say no? How important is getting to know a mun when writing with them?
MUNDAY RP MEMES - @lunarruled
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4. What do you feel most fulfilled doing?
Taking care of my family and being a good human being. And being good to animals.
25. Who is someone you admire?
I admire my Mom. We didn't always get along when I was younger, but now, she's one of my favorite people. When she lost my Daddy, she went through a lot of heartache. And she survived and stayed strong for all of us. Then she lost her son last March, and she knows what it's like to lose it all. So she's just the strongest person I know. And I admire that strength so much.
33. When is the right time to say no? (Choose your topic)
It is always the right time to say no whenever it doesn't feel right to you. That goes for roleplay, life situations, etc.
56. How important is getting to know a mun when writing with them? 
I absolutely love, love, love getting to know my partners. There will always be some that are more special than others and easier to get closer to. So it really depends on the person behind the character. But I do love to get to know them. It helps when talking about plots and characters and things we might want to happen.
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demonsfate · 4 months
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munday topics ! // accepting // @electricea asked . . . 6, 7 and 8
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6. excessive ooc
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Honestly... for the MOOOST part, I don't care about "excessive ooc". even though I tend to worry that I post too much ooc LOL. yes, ppl can have "personal blogs" to post ooc stuff to but like. I just understand that behind the muses, there is a real person with real feelings who might wanna share lil details of their lives. Especially when they have more followers on their rp blogs who are more likely to listen & respond than their personal blog does.
There are a couple scenarios where I will draw the line. That being if there is just no in character content. Like they've been logging on every day for weeks just to make several ooc posts and nothing more. Then I may unfollow just because, at that point, I question if I'll ever be able to actually write with them because they're not giving any ic stuff lol. Or when like they just SPAM the dash with reblogs that have NOTHING to do with their muses. I'm not saying musings or aesthetics posts - because those still pertain to the muse. I'm saying when they reblog stuff from other fandoms that have zilch to do with their blog. For example, it'd be like if I were to start reblogging lots of Death Note, lots of Supernatural, and lots of Bluey despite the fact that my blog is Tekken lol. Now that I find annoying bc I'm wondering really WHY can't you use a personal for that? Of course, ppl are always free to do what they want with their blogs - but that's one thing I don't get.
7. DNIs in rules
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I'm like what you were saying, I will follow them if it's somebody I know I'm not gonna end up writing with anyone due to different fandoms or having never followed each other. Or if like, they have concrete proof that this person is to be avoided. But liiiiike... when ppl just drop a username in a DNI and has no other available information... I just can't help but wonder if that person did anything or if it was a personal spat between the two muns. Especially because I've been a personal "victim" of ppl telling their mutuals to not interact with me, that I should just delete, and saying just horrible untrue garbage about me. All because I wrote with sb they didn't like. (Though they were also infamous about pretending to be somebody's friend, then dropping them and suddenly acting like they're the Worst Person Ever with no actual evidence)
I understand if muns wanna set boundaries even if they simply don't like the other person, or they had a personal drift or whatever. But like... I'm gonna be honest, there are def ppl in the RPC that I don't care to see on my dashboard. But I don't think I'll ever have a DNI. I just use X-Kit, X-Kit Rewritten, and the Tumblr block feature to avoid them. Which yes, sometimes they might still "slip through" but like... if I just see them once in a blue moon, it's not gonna matter much to me. And this even applied to those who bullied me as I mentioned above.
So yeah, I do try to follow DNIs if it's one of my mutual, but I do often question the validity (sorry but with the past, I can't help but to) and well... I also have to apologize if I end up writing with sb in a "DNI" because I swear it feels like more and more ppl are having DNI lists now and it's like... when you're following nearly 200 people, it's probs hard to remember who's in a DNI and who's not, y'know? But like I also said, usually those in DNI lists tend to be in different fandoms than I am, anyway.
8. reblog karma
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I don't follow it. I mean, of course, I'll always reblog posts from the source & send people in one (WHEN it's applicable. Obvs I'm not gonna send a smut / ship meme to somebody who my muse has no relation with) But like... people rarely follow reblog karma so I just see little point in enforcing it lol. Like even IF somebody does reblog from the source, you can always tell they reblogged it from you without sending you one. And honestly? I don't get wtf people even do that for when it comes to munday asks or headcanon asks. Like why? There is literally zero excuse for it. Shy? Send it through anon. It doesn't fit your character? It doesn't have to because it's just asking my character / or the mun a question. Like literally. That shit actually annoys me but again. What can you do? I'm not gonna demand ppl ... but I still never understand it.
And I understand some ppl say it clogs up the activity if it's reblogged straight from them. But honestly... I've just never had that problem before lmao. Like I've had personal blogs reblog memes I've made and those memes can get up to 20+ notes, and it still never bothers me. (Especially when a lotta times in Modern Tumblr Age, notifs for a single post tends to become one block)
I could actually complain more about this but uhhhh. I think I'll leave it at that. djfndjsf
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king-and-his-consorts · 4 months
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Anxious Munday Meme! | still accepting
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This is actually an incredibly difficult question to answer.
The short answer is the best way you'll get to know me is if we share fanart we find of our muses because that gets me to talk about our muses, which is how I tend to open up to people about other topics and grow friendships.
the long answer is:
I can be a bit of a difficult person to connect with, I feel. This is because even though I love to talk to other muns, I have a very difficult time making the small talk that is needed to make friendships. I tend to suffer from an inferiority complex. I feel like all my RP partners are so fucking cool and awesome but have a terrible tendency to see myself as annoying and pointless. I always want to talk to my partners but often feel like I'm going to be an annoyance and a bother if I reach out so I just don't talk to them.
I am trying to work on finding more of a backbone but it's hard, especially with my mental health the way it currently is. I tend to click open the messenger or discord thread I have with another mun and stare at it. I'll spend a good ten minutes debating on sending a message because I'm desperate to strengthen those friendships but by the end I usually talk myself out of it and close the messenger again.
But, bouncing off all that, I would actually say that the easiest way to get to know me is to ship with my muses (especially Sanji, I love talking Sanji dynamics). I tend to let my mouth run when talking about shipping dynamics (or friendshipping in the case of Ikkaku and Herbert). I LOVE to talk shipping dynamics and scenarios. Talking ships actually helps me open up and connect with the other mun quicker than talking other subjects because my brain stalls on small talk. Then once that bond grows, I'll actually start talking about other subjects with the mun I now have a deeper connection with.
The problem there in lies with getting to the shipping stage. I'm usually too anxious to ask people to ship with me. I don't want to overstep boundaries. For example, LuSan is my favorite ship but it's not a very popular ship (from what I see). So, I just like never ask to ship it but I also enjoy them platonic or queer platonic. All the people that I play the ship with, my partners all asked me if I would like to play it once they found out I liked it.
So I kinda live in a sad little limbo of always wanting to ship but never having the nerve to ask. Which in turn leads to me struggling to connect to muns I really, really wanna connect with.
It's dumb and I hate it.
My work around I've found to getting to know me is to send fanart or aesthetic pics back and forth because those spark character, aesthetic, or topic discussion. Which I honestly love because I got a lot thoughts rattling around in my brain.
TL;DR - Discussing shipping our muses or discussing fanart we share back and forth.
@ikkaku-of-heart @lovehungered
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enruiinas · 4 months
Do you focus more on talking role play first or talking casually about anything first?
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Anxious Munday Meme! // accepting!
I don’t necessarily make a point of doing this, and it’s certainly not a requirement because I enjoy chatting to other muns in general (whether it’s RP/interaction related or not), but historically, I think I tend to more comfortably start out with off topic or just general fandom things when I’m first getting to know a mun.
With my particular brand of social awkwardness, it’s easiest for me to be outgoing/less shy when I’m lighting up over something I know both muns are interested in - whether that’s a ship we both enjoy (I met @climatact and got into RP in the first place because -thanks to yours & her fics!- I got interested enough in the LawNa ship to write about it and we hit it off just talking about them 🥹), a shared unpopular opinion in a fandom, or even off topic stuff! I have had amazing “hitting it off” first conversations with muns over shared loves of organization and spreadsheets, sloths, random “okay but… how do you feel about” inboxes and everything in between.
So for a tl/dr: both, I think? I’ve had awesome results & made amazing friends and writing partners both ways! Mostly I’m just gonna be excited that anyone wants to talk at all so my “yes okay we’re friends now” energy will generally make itself known regardless. 🙈
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monmuses · 9 months
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nebula-drcams asked: ♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise? ; the salty af munday meme
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god, i've had... a lot of things happen over the course of my years, but i can definitely say that the main mildly annoying thing i've had happen has been the disrespect towards @hollehi and our ships & writing together.
i don't know who sent me these anons and i still dont to this day. i think for the entirety of 2023, drama suddenly kicked up at least 5 times when we spoke to one another or shared stuff about our ship on my blog. i have been """warned""" when we publicly discussed college together when i announced i was returning to it. our ship has been trashed on by random anons who WANT my Sebastian specifically and wanted us to drop our ship so they could write with me.
even now, i'm still appalled that it happened as often as it did. i probably won't know who sent me the anons or who sent them to my mutual Holly, but it irks me still. that alone is genuinely why im so hesitant towards anons or people asking questions.
and to add onto that: the anon that tried to "joke" about me using COVID in a headcanon post. just the word half-mentioned in the name of the South Park special they did. i didnt know what they censored and was confused and assumed they were being passive aggressive in a way that i didnt understand because the joke made no sense to me.
and what did i get out of that? that same anon running to a numerous amount of partners i wrote with and "warned" them about me writing about "sensitive topics and not tagging them", all because i used the word "COVID" for the title of a specific episode from a show. that same day, i received hate anons at 4 am in the morning, trashing on me as a person, my interests, and bragged at the fact that they blocked me first.
i still have those emails. whats funny is i had a horrible nightmare that same night, so theres no doubt there was some form of connection between those two. ironic, isnt it?
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dandeliicnsarchiived · 8 months
51. How do you think the RP/Fandom community has grown or changed since you started?
When I first started the rpc was very forgiving and brutal at the same time. This was back in like 2013-2015 time frame for me. Back then the trend was really tragic characters, hard to interact with and plotting was more of a thing that was rare and world building was kinda coming into light? I unfortunately made a lot of mistakes trying to follow the trends and trying to popular by making people like my characters.
It seemed at the time the only way you get interactions was if your character was severely traumatized and didn't really have development/overcoming said trauma. If your muse was hurt in the worse way possible then that character was worshipped and you were applauded for it.
My mistake/biggest regret was taking aspects of writers lore that they made for their character specially and applied it to my own. Basically copy and paste and I was rightfully called out for it. Callouts were very big, up to the point of light doxxing, tracking ips and basically warning Fandoms to not interact with you and they didn't give you much more room for apologizes or improvement.
How that's changed? We do our research, we credit the inspirations even if it's something little as locations, traits or other writers that helped you come up with the lore. I love that now, and I've learned from my past mistakes/regrets. I credit everything, from songs, to TV shows, movies and video games. I cover all my basis. As for characters, we no longer torture our characters or make them hard to interact. We establish a real story-telling aspect of beginning, the conflict, the climax and the resolution. We actually want our characters to grow and develop but still acknowledging the shit we put them through.
In addition, we also use our characters to talk about topics that need to be addressed. Writer over at @anomalouss and myself tackle Mental Health and illness. I focus more on the recovery of it, normalizing that it's okay to spiral but you can always crawl your way back up if you have a system that works. While Kat, she focuses on the various mental illness/diagnosed conditions and protrays them in a way that's VERY realistic compared to the water-downed verison that media shows us. She makes it known that certain characters are bad for this,that and the third but also making them intractable that they have their good/amazing days.
Another note is the face claims, proper casting, making sure that the characters background matches the actor/actress to include names. I'll be honest the best example would be @indigodreames . Jem took the time to educate me on an OC/NPC that I had for Victoria's best friend - I gave her a generic Hispanic name, and she educated me that the fc I picked had a different background. She also took up that OC, gave her a cultural accurate name and background that does her justice. In addition to her Asian muses from South Korea, I believe the Philippines and Japan? Jem, please correct me if I'm wrong! The same also applies to you ! @shchvnts reading your lore on the vampires that are native to your characters country was very enlightening ! It actually inspired me to go into my own vampire lore so be on the lookout for that later on today!
Overall, the RPC is constantly evolving, educating and taking accountability for actions. Some like myself learn from young and dumb actions when they first started and others? Well, I hope they catch up with the times and understand you can still have fun, take it seriously but at the end of the day as long as you're not disrespectful, making drama, and ruining the experience for everyone; everything should turn out fine.
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naturally-recklessly · 5 months
What advice would you give to a new RPer? What does your URL mean?  How involved are you in your rp community?  What do you do when you get writer’s block? What has made you completely lose your chill? 
1. What advice would you give to a new RPer ?  My best advice would be to just have fun ! To truly experiment around your blog —write all sorts of plots that bring you joy, post little things about your muse(s) (be it edits, headcanons, playlists, etc...) or even customize a template that really fits your muse. Just never feel pressured to do things only because the majority of people are also doing them — what matters is if you enjoy them ! Otherwise, you might find yourself burned out pretty quickly. Speaking of which, whenever you feel like writing is more of a chore than something that brings you pleasure, by all means take a break — the rp partners that truly value you will understand. And last but not least, never be afraid to communicate and reach out ! As an introvert, I know this is better said than done, but trust me that for the most part, you'll only end up regretting the times you didn't. 😊
2. What does your URL mean?  Back when I started this blog in 2019, I only had two muses — Nana (an OC heavily inspired by Ai Yazawa's manga and its respective anime, which was and still is very dear to me), and Rupert (a canon muse from the movie "Sex Doll", who was so mysterious in his source material that I had to rely on headcanons to build his backstory 😆). So the url and blog's name was a direct reference to them & their personalities — Naturally Nana, Recklessly Rupert.
3. How involved are you in your rp community?  I'd say that at the moment I'm not too involved in the rp community — I only rp on this blog and keep a small circle with meaningful interactions (mostly because I've recently came back from a hiatus and I'm taking baby steps before venturing any further 😆). But speaking of meaningful interactions, I'm the kind of partner that gets super invested in our muses' little universes and absolutely loves to create edits/moodboards & playlists for them ! I also run a memes and resources blog for the rpc — Mimi's Memes — which has been somewhat inactive lately, but I do plan on starting to create things again. 😊
4. What do you do when you get writer’s block?  Most of the time, I just take a break and try to entertain myself with other activities. More often than not, inspiration will come, sparkled by a scene from a movie/series or some lyrics from a song. 😊 Speaking of which, I find it really helpful to write listening to some music ! I've got a few songs that I associate with the muses (mine and/or my partner's) or the scene I'm working on, and it really helps setting the mood and getting those replies flowing !
5. What has made you completely lose your chill?  I must say that in all these years, I've been lucky enough to avoid any unnecessary drama and toxicity, and therefore my experience has been mostly positive. So thankfully I don't really have anything to comment on this topic. 🙏
( Thank you so much for sending these, @niragixpsych ! I wish you a wonderful week ! 💖 )
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reiiishii · 9 months
@icybreaths said: ♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?☀ What's your rp pet peeve? Salty AF Munday Meme // Accepting!
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♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise? Oh so talking about how someone gaslit and godmodded an entire server full of people and continued to do so for two more servers and no one was brave enough to call them out on their bullshit while they continue to abuse their mod powers and their server positions? And how they're still on Tumblr under asimplemulti like the cockroach they are with a muse who had NO consequences for their actions? Or how I was gaslit by another writer on discord who guilt tripped me and the rest of the server 9/10 to write with their *really* shitty muses and when we called them out on it they guilt tripped us. OR HOW I WAS IN AN ABUSIVE FRIENDSHIP FOR 10 YEARS AND THEY STRAIGHT UP ABUSED ME MENTALLY AND EMOTIONALLY ON DISCORD TO WRITE SMUT WITH THEM, TO BASICALLY KEEP MY ATTENTION ON THEM 24/7, THOUGHT WE WERE IN A RELATIONSHIP *WHEN WE WEREN'T*, AND MORE. THIS ONE WAS A PIECE OF WORK.
☀ What's your rp pet peeve? for the love of christ.....research your muse and topics to do with your muse....do not go into that shit blind. Nothing drives me nuts more than a poorly written muse. On a smaller pet peeve- trim your damn posts. I don't wanna have to scroll for an eternity to get to the next part of my dash.
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therapardalis · 10 months
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[Munday Meme from @honorhearted.]
🎹 the worst roleplay trend i ever saw
Bad RP trends? On Tumblr??
OK jokes aside, and skipping over things that aren't trends but just bad mun behaviour, I'm not sure I have anything that's bad enough for 'worst'.
Really crappy ones, though - the old 'complex background images with links that blend in with it and you have to wave your cursor around the screen for 5 minutes just to find the rules page' is still a great contender.
(I'm tempted to mention pornbot followers too since I just got another one, but again those aren't 'RP trends' XD!)
🔑 my favorite type of threads
As I've said a lot here and there, I roleplay for the Happy. By 'Happy' I mean either pure fluff and fun, or more serious topics (action, adventure, mystery etc) but with a 'the muses against the problem' feel rather than a 'muses against each other'.
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more-than-a-princess · 4 months
2, 4, 6 and 8
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OOC RP topics meme - Accepting!
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2. drabbles
I like drabbles when they serve a function, mainly. Considering how much I tend to write in threads, some of those replies could be drabbles on their own! But I like drabbles that move the plot forward. Maybe it's covering a time when the muses are apart when I've plotted with the mun about their reunion later and we want to show what happened to them in the meantime (I can think of at least two ships where this has happened or will happen in the near future. RIP my other writing partners but that drabble series will take some time to do!). Or maybe it's a fully-realized scene from an ask that will play into a future thread.
But yeah, drabbles take time so I want to write them for a reason. But I love reading them! Fill my dash with your drabbles, especially if they accompany interactions my muse has with yours!
4. multiple people threads
If it's multiple muns in one thread, that's not my thing. It's too confusing to keep track of turns and replying to everyone.
Now, if it's multiple muses in a thread, such as my muse and multiple side characters/NPCs, I don't mind writing this. However, these replies tend to take much more time to write instead of an average thread reply. For me, these feel much more like writing fanfiction or original fiction work instead of roleplaying: multiple voices, actions, and personalities to play off each other while keeping in mind who the main character (presumably my muse) is, and sticking with their vantage point.
(I may be taking a break from one of these threads right now to do this meme! Shh...)
6. excessive ooc
No. I don't like seeing it, I don't want to see it, and I do take this into consideration when deciding to follow a blog.
Now, what counts as 'excessive?'
To me, it's the difference between sharing some Munday content (a meme, what you're up to, your reports from anime conventions where you may or may not have cosplayed because I love seeing other cosplayers who roleplay. I'm sitting on so much cosplay content I've never shared over here tbh!) and 'I just got back from work and this is what I'm having for dinner' every day.
I do like getting to know the muns behind RP blogs, especially if they're someone I write with often, but there's a limit. Personally, I'm not a fan of seeing OOC content every day that has nothing to do with your muse(s), fandom(s), or RP.
That said, the OOC content I'm least fond of isn't even necessarily excessive: it's when muns project all of their interests onto their muse and make them their muse's interests as well. It's the difference between the muse commenting on something the mun is engaging with OOC and the mun insisting that because they like this hobby, it's now the muse's hobby too. The latter just feels a bit too self-insert for me for comfort, but that's me.
For example: Sonia would never be a Bridgerton stan, despite it being a big love and fandom of mine. She would not be into all of these Rich People Problems when that's literally her life (also see: Downton Abbey, The Gilded Age, The Crown, etc.).
She would, however, be a fan of ACOTAR because of the heroines and morally gray love interests. Sonia would probably call Tamlin out on being a terrible partner in the first book, like Lucien save for the 'You're my mate' scene, and immediately decide Azriel is the Best Bat Boy for being the token Shadow Daddy.
(She is wrong about this because the least problematic of the Bat Boys is Cassian, and I still have some beef with him after recent book events)
tl:dr - Romantasy is goth and romance enough for Sonia to be a fan. She likes horror, anime, and romantic J-dramas, it's not too much of a stretch!
8. reblog karma
My take on this is a little complicated, please bear with me:
I feel like mutuals should engage in reblog karma with OOC/non-thread starter memes if they are questions they haven't asked a mun before and those questions aren't already being answered. They aren't creating anything new on your writing pile if it's already too high/intimidating and you're showing interest in your mutuals, that's a win-win! For long-time mutuals though, it can feel repetitive not to send in the same OOC questions about RP and/or their lives, so I understand if they don't want to send in something every time because they'll get the same response.
For IC memes, especially thread starters, I'm okay with people reblogging the post from source and not sending me anything. If a mun doesn't really know how any of the meme options would work with their muse or just doesn't have an interest in that particular meme with my muse, I would much rather have them reblog the meme without sending me anything than to send an ask for a thread they don't have any interest writing, just to fulfill reblog karma.
Dropping threads after one turn or not even replying to a starter? This annoys me much more than not fulfilling reblog karma ever could. Major pet peeve of mine, for the most part (uncomfortable content aside. This is a good reason to drop a thread!). Please don't do it.
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starscrxssed · 8 months
What are some things you worry about in terms of new people?
Anxious Munday meme | Accepting
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[OOC] - My biggest concern is typically how others might feel if I follow/interact with people who write the same/similar muses as they do, and feel that I may only be following them to 'collect' those characters. I have never, and will never do such a thing, and I feel like there is a huge misunderstanding when it comes to those who follow a lot of blogs with the same character. I just love to read and discover different viewpoints and headcanons and theories that other people have. It's always been such a fascinating thing to me to see just how different people's views on a single topic or character can be.. I'm often blown away by just how different one person's portrayal can be from another, and tbh it makes RP SO much more fun.. It's like having two friends who like dipping sauces for pizza, while you like it plain. One person might like ranch, the other likes garlic butter -- and tbh they're all valid?? Either way, I don't want anyone to even think I'm just 'collecting' muses. I am just a curious person who likely adores your writing and wants to see more of it, even if we end up never writing together. I think you're neat, so I follow.
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