#(This is a very optional event fellas)
kaijutegu · 4 months
Is It Ok For An Alligator To Have Tape On Their Mouth?
Alligators make pretty amazing animal ambassadors when handled safely and ethically. And it is actually pretty safe to take them out to interact with the zoo-going public (or general public in some settings), when done correctly. Many zoos and outreach organizations do an amazing job of this! Every state has different rules, but even if a state doesn't mandate that alligators be banded... well, if you're a responsible crocodilian handler, you'll band anyways. It's a huge public safety issue! Even an accidental graze against their front teeth can cause injury. See, the alligators that are used as handle-able ambassadors are pretty small, and their teeth are razor sharp. An adult gator has sharp teeth, too, as well as blunt teeth for crushing, and they also have the additional force of their jaw muscles.
Here's what it sounds like when an adult alligator pops his jaw. (Don't worry about the hissing/gaping; this is a trained and queued behavior. The stick towards the top of the inside of the mouth is triggering the bite reflex. Chester probably got lots of chicken and fish as he learned to do this.)
Skip ahead to 0:32 if you wanna skip the guest commentary.
What's more, biting is an important reflex for crocodilians. The lower jaws of crocodilians are some of the most innervated tissues in the animal kingdom; they are more sensitive than human fingertips! Even the slightest touch triggers their bite reflex, which likely is an adaptation that lets them detect changes in water pressure that signal a snack heading their way.
Here's a pretty good video about the biomechanics of crocodilian jaws:
So yeah. They need to not be able to bite for public safety. There's just too much risk involved with an unbanded alligator (or other crocodilian). Fortunately, it's easy to get a crocodilian to not bite- you just need to band its mouth!
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(This fella is Frodo the dwarf caiman, but the principle is the same.)
This works because while crocodilians have an extremely strong bite force (claims range from 2,000 PSI to 5,000+ PSI, but I don't have time to get into that now but someday I will probably), but not particularly strong muscles to open their mouths. Selective pressure for quickly nabbing prey in murky water where there's not a lot of visibility lead to pterygoid and adductor muscles so big, they extend into the animal's neck. But those muscles only pull the jaw closed- they don't work to open it! That's why you see people holding an alligator's mouth closed with their hands.
Safe bands include:
Silicone tape- this is the best. It sticks to itself and not the gator's snout
Electrical tape
Medical tape
Rubber or elastic bands
There are other options, but these are the most popular- they're cheap, easily available, and safe. So if you see an alligator (or other crocodilian) out in public and it's got tape on its mouth, don't worry too much- it's safe for the gator (most of the time) and it's safe for you!
Here's a couple of safe tape options, modeled by a juvenile American alligator in pink electrical tape (I forget her name, these are from an outreach event a couple of years ago) and Pagasa, a juvenile Philippine crocodile wearing the white medical tape.
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So when is tape not safe? When it's the wrong kind of tape. One of the worst offenders is duct tape.
When you're banding an alligator, you need to think about how sensitive their jaws are. A band that's too tight or too sticky can hurt them badly when it's removed- and you want that removal process to be fast, so that it doesn't stress them out too much.
What inspired this post was this picture I saw on Facebook:
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That's so much duct tape! Now, this little guy is quite unhealthy; he's been loose in the Pittsburgh area all winter, and he's been struggling. What you see here is a very quick tape job done as he's getting ready for transport. The article didn't say who taped him, but given that he's in a dog crate and was found by bicyclists, I would wager that it was some harried animal control officer who was doing the best they could. And that's fine because this was truly an emergency situation. In an emergency situation, uncomfortable is always, always better than unsafe.
But if you see a tourist attraction and they've put duct tape on their alligator's mouth? That's a red flag! Banding an alligator in public is the safe, correct thing to do- you just want to make sure that it's done right.
If you want more information about alligator jaws, here's some interesting papers to read:
Erickson, Gregory et al. Insights into the Ecology and Evolutionary Success of Crocodilians Revealed through Bite-Force and Tooth-Pressure Experimentation. PLoS ONE 7(3): e31781.
Knight, Kathryn. Croc Jaws More Sensitive Than Human Fingertips. Journal of Experimental Biology (2012) 215.
Sellers et al. Ontogeny of bite force in a validated biomechanical model of the American alligator. Journal of Experimental Biology (2017), 220.
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fallen-kitsunes · 8 months
Listen. I love the little fella, I do.
But Goddamn it I hate romancing them when this ends up as the result every time.
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Every student hates you and literally gang assaults you (glancing at math classes 'go hand this to Leighton' event), so you just eventually stop going to school to avoid the very fast trauma build up after passing out seven times at school just to wake up being assaulted.
It's a horrible pipeline and I hate romancing Kylar because of it. Love the character, love the lore, but FUCK. This is why I ran away to Alex's farm on that playthrough after getting the Robin and Kylar virginity feats -
It doesn't help that my PC is also tiny and can't easily fight back (unless they're wearing heels, have pepper spray, or have the headbutt option open), and has the hypnosis effect where they beg for rough treatment instead of screaming. If I get the fucking slimes on this playthrough, I'm officially claiming it as a dead run 😭
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averagejoesolomon · 2 months
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It's here! I really am sorry about this series of events, but I think you know where I'm going with it, and I think you know it's worth it. We do have to beat up the boy to get there, though. Buckle up! And if you're new here, you can read all of Full Circle on Ao3.
Chapter Nine
This bag is a Hell of a lot heavier than it ought to be.
The strap is worn to a dull and oily black, cutting into the space where Matt’s shoulder meets his neck. His clothes rustle against the leather with each step. A voice in his head—Rachel’s, no doubt—keeps telling him this is a bad idea. She’s right, of course, even when she’s only hypothetical. But the Circle of Cavan doesn’t leave him with many options. It doesn’t leave anyone with options. That’s sort of the whole point.
His plan, if he can actually call it a plan, is still only three-quarters formed, with the final quarter dependent on how this early morning rendezvous turns out. With any luck, he walks away with a little more knowledge about the Circle, and the Circle walks away with a little less knowledge about Rachel Cameron. It’s risky business, considering the Circle don’t seem likely to appreciate a two-for-one sale, especially not when they’re on the one side. But he trusts Joe, and Joe trusts Catherine, and Matt’s just going to have to trust that this will all work out one way or another.
So he holds the bag close to his side, fighting off the mist of the morning. It’s hard to tell if this spray is coming off the white-capped river or if they’re on the front end of an oncoming storm, but either option leaves a chill along his skin. He finds himself wishing for the rubber rain gear of the surrounding workers—not only to take cover from the mist, but also to take cover from their attention. His dark cotton clothes and tennis shoes stand out among yellow and orange coveralls, jackets, boots, and hard hats. Finer agents than him have been killed for less in Moscow.
Townsend, at least, has managed to snag a reflective neon vest. He does a decent job of adopting the sluggish, heavy look of a dockman who’s already well into his shift before sunrise. Still, something in his stance gives him away. There’s an eagerness to him that none of the other workers share, the culmination of an eighteen-month hunt finally reaching its end. “Stick with me,” he tells Matt. “I’ve studied this river and its docks for months.”
Matt knows the Moskva shoreline like he knows the crick that cuts through his mama’s berry bushes, but he lets Townsend take the lead. Sometimes a fella’s got to follow a pest to find its den, and Matt wants to pin down exactly what Townsend knows and how he knows it.
Thankfully, Townsend is all too eager to prove he knows everything. “Be mindful, this girl is tricky,” he goes on. “But she’ll run out of moves someday, and my gut says it's today.”
In the distance, a flash of lightning sparks through the early morning clouds. It takes a handful of seconds for the thunder to rumble in behind, weak, gravelly, and barely audible above the river’s edge lapping against the break wall. “You’ve come up against her before, I take it?”
“Not directly, no, but I caught wind of her while I was working an arms deal in Venezuela,” Townsend confirms. “Didn’t take long to learn that she was on the side of the dealer, though she did put up a decent act for some time.”
An actress. That’s good to know. Matt’s met plenty throughout his time in the field—women, usually, who take advantage of that inadvertent blind spot his mama gave him by spending all those years teaching him to be a model gentleman. His time spent with the Cameron sisters has knocked loose a lot of his notions of damsels and their tendency for distress, but sometimes a very good agent can still play him for the chivalrous fool. He makes a mental note to keep his guard up around Catherine. “Sounds awfully lucky,” he probes, “to stumble into a mission like that, right off the bat.”
Matt leaves out the part where he and Joe were also recruited young—the exact same age as Townsend, at least in Matt’s case—for an op that was just as grinding, just as involved. Potentially the exact same op, if Matt’s gut is right. “Luck,” Townsend scoffs, not just at the word, but at the entire notion. “I spent over three-hundred hours preparing for that op, and spotted the connection to another op that was seemingly unrelated. It wasn’t luck. It was patience, and research, and damn good reconnaissance.”
Townsend ain’t actually that much younger than Matt, but the few years between them rattle like rocks in the heel of Matt’s soaked-through shoe. It’s the same distance Matt sits from Joe, just in the opposite direction, but Matt’s convinced he never looked or acted quite so twenty-two-ish—though maybe there’s something redeemable about his youthful bluntness. In a business full of second, third, and fourth meanings, it’s nice to know where a guy stands.
Matt can’t guarantee he’ll return the favor. “Sure,” he allows. “You’ve gotta excuse me. Spend enough time in the Soviet Union and you get to be a cynic about things like that.”
“Things like luck?”
Another round of lightning, and the thunder rolls in faster than before. “Luck,” Matt replies. Then, with a shrug. “Coincidences. Anything of the sort.”
Young or not, Townsend’s a smart enough agent to know there’s no such thing, and his answering sneer proves it. Maybe that’s why he changes the subject. “So you’re in this part of the world often, then?”
Or maybe Matt’s not the only one trying to get information. “Often enough.” Townsend clocks the non-answer immediately, but Matt doesn’t give him time to jump in. “But more and more it feels like my own personal game of Russian Roulette—the more shots I take by crossing the border, the closer I get to taking a bullet to the head.”
The rain picks up and Townsend takes cover beneath a steel overhang. It lands them on the wrong side of a door with more warning labels than Matt cares to count, tucked among worn life jackets, yellowed netting, and a rusting, barnacle-lined anchor. “This is your bread and butter, then,” he concludes. “All this business with stolen identities. High-stakes trades. Evenings at the Bolshoi.”
“More so lately,” Matt confesses. “Probably don’t have to tell you that the atmosphere in Moscow is changing.”
“Certainly not,” Townsend answers, in the manner of someone who very much hopes Matt understands just how knowledgeable he is. “I am curious, though, about these passports.”
Matt’s attention once again falls to the bag on his own shoulder, nearly a dozen passports tucked tight against the weight of his own conscience. They sit at the center of the morning, just like they’ve been at the center of every afternoon, evening, and night spent in Moscow. At the center of this entire op. Except, at their core, there’s nothing especially interesting about them. Rachel has already confirmed their authenticity back at the safe house—ten passports, ten identities, ten agents who get to go home safely. If Townsend is curious about them, it’s because he thinks there’s something interesting about their acquisition, rather than their actual, physical form. “Ask the question you really want to ask, Townsend.”
Matt spots the first wave of hesitance on Townsend since the Bolshoi. “Only that I heard the two of you talking,” he admits. “On the balcony, before I jumped into the thick of it. She said the two of you were on the same side.”
Small ringlets start to pound into the surrounding puddles, one raindrop at a time. Townsend’s words take Matt back to Baltimore—not with the girls, but with Henry Cameron himself. Standing in his office. Throwing accusations his way. Matt knows firsthand what it feels like to finally find a Circle lead after so long without, which is why he doesn’t take it personally when Townsend casts suspicion upon him. Only now does Matt realize Henry probably felt the same, all those months ago.
So he channels one of Henry’s tight-lipped smiles, and reassures Townsend as best he can. “I don’t know what she meant by that.”
“It’s no use lying to me.” Townsend says. “I will find out, you know.”
“Not a doubt in my mind,” says Matt, and it’s true. He even puts his hand on Townsend’s rain-soaked shoulder to really drive it home. “But I really don’t know what she meant by that. Honest.”
Townsend doesn’t want to trust him. Matt gets the feeling Townsend doesn’t make a habit of trusting anyone. But Matt’s an earnest sort of guy, which almost always works in his favor. Nine times out of ten, he can convince anyone to believe his worst lies, and he’s got a one-hundred-percent conversion rate when it comes to telling the truth. And he is, at least for now, even if he can’t guarantee things will stay that way.
“Very well,” Townsend relents. “I don’t typically do this, but I get the sense that you have information I could use. I also get the sense—largely because you’re not very good at covert phone calls, by the way—that you would like to, shall we say, bring Catherine’s dealings to an end?”
“Get to it, Townsend.”
“Whatever information you have,” Townsend promises, “I assure you, I can make good use out of it. But you’ll have to tell me what it is first.”
The way he says it, Matt realizes that this tactic actually works for him. Townsend projects enough confidence and assurance that any asset would feel lucky to find him. Thank god, they must say, that someone who knows what they’re doing has finally arrived.
But Matt has been chasing the Circle of Cavan for years—long enough to know that Townsend, no matter how confident, no matter how knowledgeable, no matter how great a spy, cannot bring them down on his own. So he takes another page out of Henry Cameron’s book and extends a helping hand instead.
“I can’t tell you what I know. And if you’re chasing the same people I’m chasing, you’ll understand why.” Matt meets his eyes, waiting for some unspoken confirmation. It doesn’t come, and Matt realizes that not even a know-it-all like Townsend will cop to knowing about the Circle. “But I can tell you I’ve been chasing them for a long time—a lot longer than eighteen months—and it has been dead end, after dead end, after dead end. Usually literally.”
Townsend doesn’t look nearly as scared as he should. But then again, neither did Matt, when he was twenty-two. Instead, Townsend just studies him as though he’s a book to be read, annotated, and tested on at a future date. “Why is this one different?” he finally asks. “Why Catherine?”
It’s a good question, and Matt can only answer with the truth. “She’s the only one they haven’t killed yet, for starters.”
Matt’s not sure how he expects Townsend to respond, but it certainly ain’t with, “I’ve noticed that too.”
Another distant rumble of thunder. “Sorry?”
“That they haven’t killed her,” Townsend clarifies. “They don’t seem to hesitate before killing anyone else, do they? Why her? Why keep this one asset alive, when CIA and MI6 have already identified her?”
Matt has been chasing the Circle of Cavan since Townsend was still in high school, but in all that time, he never once thought to ask the question Townsend asks now. Matt’s first instinct is Joe—of course it’s Joe, because Joe’s been in contact with Catherine for years, and he’s the kind of guy who takes care of his own. But Joe didn’t know about her Moscow op, and there’s no telling what else he doesn’t know. There’s something else at play. Maybe even someone.
Thankfully, Townsend’s got that look on his face again. The one that says he can’t wait to prove how superior his intel is. “I’ll bite,” says Matt. “What’s your theory?”
There’s a clear glee in Townsend’s posture, even if he tries to hide it behind a serious nature. In an effort to look nonchalant, he kicks at the rusted chain connected to the nearby anchor. “We don’t have a lot of insight into this particular group at the agency level,” he begins, straightening the chain into a loose line with his oxfords. “But we do know that groups like this one operate using a chain of command structure, so we can surmise that this group does the same.”
The patter of nearby raindrops grows louder, more urgent, but Townsend stays fully focused as he continues. “They’re very rigid structures, and it’s generally considered a faux pas to jump from one point in the chain”—he points the toe of his shoe to the chain’s loose end, then points five rungs up—“to many points above.”
“Sure,” Matt agrees, following so far. “A fella wouldn’t go over a lieutenant's head to get to the captain.”
“Ah, an Army man,” says Townsend, pleased. “Precisely. And in more dysfunctional organizations, that chain of command can be even more rigid. We’ve seen groups with agents only connected by two links—one individual above them to give orders, and one individual below to receive orders.”
“What’s the benefit of something like that?”
“Sometimes it’s simply a matter of an organization’s size,” Townsend admits with a youthful shrug that doesn’t suit his adult-ish persona. “But on rare occasions, this tactic is employed to slow the dissemination of information, or to limit different segments of information to certain individuals—an appealing practice to folks in our line of work. The result is a series of tightly-controlled intelligence cells in which everyone knows everything and, simultaneously, no one knows anything of note.”
It’s another version of the same thing Joe and Henry have been telling him for years. No one knows who works for the Circle. Not even the Circle themselves. It’s what makes them so effective at infiltration. It’s also what makes them so hard to track down. If Townsend has managed to piece this much together on his own, there’s no telling what he could do with a little backup.
Matt keeps scoping the kid’s knowledge. “And where does Catherine fit into this chain?”
Townsend looks like he’s citing his ABCs or solving basic addition. This type of high-level thinking comes so naturally to him. It almost reminds Matt of Rachel. “If one agent were to break away from their chain and, perhaps, join another,” he says, kicking a bent and discarded steel loop into view, “that individual may have enough information to spot a larger picture. And if that same individual were to break away and rejoin many chains, over and over again, they may begin to understand the inner workings of that organization. Perhaps they may even understand too much, in which case, the obvious response is to kill them. Unless…”
Matt fills in the blank. “Unless they’ve become too valuable to kill.”
Townsend smiles, delighted that Matt can keep up with him. “Our dear Catherine has learned something about this organization that is keeping her alive,” he grins. “I don’t know about you, but I would very much like to find out what that is. If it’s valuable enough for them, it is valuable enough for me.”
And, Matt thinks, it’s valuable enough for Joe.
By the end of their conversation, Townsend practically yells to stay heard above the storm. The downpour comes on suddenly, rain rushing in at an angle and skipping across the concrete platform in violent waves. Lightning and thunder share the same second. The river roars. Most of the crew have taken shelter, waiting for the worst to pass, and the resulting emptiness might be how Matt spots the lone figure looking on.
Small, and soaked, with bright red hair.
She keeps her distance, but Matt can still see her features sour at the sight of him. Or, more specifically, at the sight of Townsend, who Matt realizes too late shouldn’t be here. Of course he shouldn’t be here. Of course she would recognize the man who’s been following her across the world. Of course she would expect Matt to be alone.
He holds out a pleading hand to her. “Catherine,” he says, “just wait.”
Her eyes flit between Matt and Townsend. Matt and Townsend. Matt.
And then she runs.
Matt lets out a very overt groan as he takes off after her, throwing a halting wave back toward Townsend. “Stay there,” he growls. “Do not come after us.”
“Stay here, Townsend.”
It is maybe Matt’s greatest curse in life, to be surrounded by quick and practiced runners when he himself can barely hold down a fifteen-minute pace. Matt is slow, and his body is broad, and his feet are heavy. He can either run, or breathe, but not both. Never both. 
Joe has tried like Hell to speed Matt up, but in truth, Joe started running circles around him in Basic, and he’s been doing the same every day since. Joe Solomon is a runner in every sense of the word, as quick as Matt is strong, and never is it more clear than in moments like this. Usually, it’s Joe who runs after a skittish agent, and Matt just pins them down once he catches up. But Joe’s not here and Matt’s going to have to put his own pace to the test.
The concrete is slick, which doesn’t work in his favor. It’s clear in the way she moves that Catherine was born into a natural grace—and made clearer with each container she clears and each pipe she swings through. Between the rain and the dark, he barely keeps eyes on her, relying on the orange glow from shipyard streetlights to spot glimpses of her shadow. He’s losing her. He’s not going to make it on speed alone.
So he changes tactics and goes wide. Wide enough to lose her behind massive shipping containers. Wide enough to squeeze through a corridor with no visibility. Wide enough to meet her at the other end, with the water at her back. Wide enough to corner her between him and the Moskva River.
She’s shaking when she spots him, eyes wide and breath heaving. Matt tells himself it’s because of the rain. “Catherine,” he huffs, catching his own breath. “You have to—”
“Him?” she screams. “You’re working with him? Was this all a trap?”
“What?” says Matt, but his breath doesn’t allow for more than one word at a time. “No—”
“Was Joe in on it too?”
“There’s nothing,” he says, “to be in on.”
Matt’s an earnest kind of guy, but all of his earnestness is wrapped up in his lack of air, tangled and flopping like fish out of water. Catherine doesn’t buy any of it. “Let me go, Matt,” she says. “You have to let me—”
“No.” Most of his sharp reply is born of breathlessness, but the frustration sneaks in without warning. “You say you’re on my side? Prove it.”
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
“You’re running.”
“You tricked me.”
“I didn’t—” he starts, but he doesn’t have the stamina to keep arguing. “Look.”
He pulls the leather bag from his shoulder, grabbing it by the strap and holding it toward her. She eyes it with a suspicious want. “Is that…?”
“The passports,” Matt confirms. “All of them. Take these, and you can walk away from this op like nothing went wrong in Moscow.”
She inches closer, and Matt’s pretty sure it’s subconscious. One step at a time, eyes locked on the leather bag, she approaches him with an abundance of caution. Matt gets the feeling she approaches everything with that same demeanor.
When she reaches out to grab the bag, Matt snatches it back. “One condition.”
Catherine blinks, not giving away a single thought.
“If I give you these passports,” he says, “you forget everything you saw in the city. You forget me. You forget Townsend. You forget my partners at the Bolshoi.”
Catherine sneers. “Then tell your girl to stop coming after us.”
His girl. Rachel. “She’s not coming after you.”
“Oh please—”
“She’s not,” Matt insists. “She’s coming after me. She’s coming after me, understand?”
Matt searches her eyes, hoping to find a scrap of mercy, sympathy, understanding, something. But he doesn’t spot it. All he sees is the same look he’s seen in all of his informants, right before their body washes up on the coastline—an agent in too deep, with a dangerous desire for self-preservation.
“Catherine,” he pleads. “Let me handle her. You handle the rest, but let me handle her.”
The end of Matt’s plan starts to form and, for a flickering moment, he sees everything go as it should. He sees Catherine take the passports. Sees her hand them off to whoever sits above her in the chain of command. Sees Joe spot the trade from his place within the Circle, sees the two of them chasing this new lead, sees Rachel safe and sound in Baltimore with her sister. 
But when Catherine actually grabs the bag and lifts open the flap, Matt realizes that the bag had felt too heavy all morning. He realizes that verifying the passports before a mission is the type of detail he would usually count on Rachel to prepare, and he realizes that instead of trading identities, he’s trading soggy notebooks and blank pages. Because of course Rachel didn’t leave ten passports hanging unattended on the back of the bedroom door. Of course it was a decoy.
Catherine doesn’t know any of this, which is why she says, “It was a trap.”
And Townsend’s timing really is impeccable, when he rounds the corner with his pistol in position and screams, “Put your hands up!”
It’s the perfect storm, literally, and Matt’s finally soaked through. Catherine is quick and graceful compared to his clumsy, breathless shuffle, so it’s easy for her to grab at his wet shirt and swing him toward the very edge he used to trap her in place.
Catherine runs. Matt falls. A flash of lightning cracks skyward.
Just when Matt thinks it's impossible to be any more soaked, he hits the Moskva. The impact knocks any remaining breath from his chest and the chill steals away his screams. In the gray river, below gray skies, he loses his direction and can’t find his way to the surface. Even if he could, the current would surely drag him under and away. Under and away. Under and away. The river fades from gray to black, and he’s not in his mama’s crick any longer.
He’s not sure how long it takes for someone to drag him out of the water. Even when they do, his teeth keep chattering, and his body keeps shaking, and he’s pretty sure his lips are blue. He feels heavy, heavy, heavy, as slim hands carry him by the collar. He blinks upward to see a head of red hair, dragging him uphill through the mud. The sky, like the river, fades from gray to black.
The next time he comes to, everything is red, red, red.
Hail Mary. 
Full of grace. 
The Lord is with thee.
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inverswayart · 8 months
15, 19, 37 for both of em 👀
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ohohoh that's some good questions here!
For Innocence:
15. What is your character’s most prized possession, and where do they keep it?
During the game events it was Ino’s Pip-Boy, and also her bigass Q-35 matter modulator plasma gun. She keeps both on her most of the time. After she becomes Miss Vegas, the position is occupied by her outrageously pink dressing gown - and she mostly keeps it inside Lucky 38, either hanging in the wardrobe or wearing it.
19. What does it take to motivate your character to violence? Do they try to avoid violence as much as possible, are they willing and able to instigate violence, or are they even outright bloodthirsty?
Complete refusal to negotiate things and/or supporting the Legion - Ino is willing to overlook plenty of things, but not those ones. In general she does not go well with violence, even tho she is perfectly able to start it - especially after obtaining her plasma gun.  She grows a bit more cruel and coldhearted as Miss Vegas, but still prefers less-violent methods of dealing with problems.
37. How good is your character with their hands or fingers? Do they have a light, gentle touch, or are they hard or uncoordinated? Does your character have any dexterous talents?
Dexterity 7 and tagged Lockpick means that Ino got that special touch - and rather gentle one, in spite of the brain damage. She’s also really good with syringes, and in certain cases is able to make injections almost painless.
For SInclair:
15. What is your character’s most prized possession, and where do they keep it?
Sinclair thinks himself as a very unsentimental person and not ever getting attached to things, but still wears the engineer jumpsuit from his time as OSI member, even after becoming Mr.House right hand man. He also refuses to replace the eyepatch that Doc Mitchell gave him, even when there’s better/fancier options.
19. What does it take to motivate your character to violence? Do they try to avoid violence as much as possible, are they willing and able to instigate violence, or are they even outright bloodthirsty?
Very little, actually - Sinclair got short temper and strong fight instinct. While he understands that there’s other ways to deal with things, he usually considers himself unable to use them and gives up quickly when a peaceful solution isn’t working. However, he’s not bloodthirsty - while he’s prone to accidents that cause more bloodshed that he intended, he prides himself on being effective and not wasting more time and energy on fights that he needs to finish them.
37. How good is your character with their hands or fingers? Do they have a light, gentle touch, or are they hard or uncoordinated? Does your character have any dexterous talents?
Sinclair might not be the most gracious fella, but he’s still pretty good with his hands - he’s perfectly able to sort out wires in terminals or disassemble and reassemble complicated mechanisms.  As for touch, he got calloused, battered hands and a forceful manner of holding things - especially the first few months after he lost an eye and compensated for his lopsided vision. Sinclair is also pretty quick typer, and even learned to blind-type during his OSI times (which proved very useful when he had to program FISTO)
Thank y'all for the questions! <3<3
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hijackalx · 5 months
Shy!Anon reporting in, Boss! 🫡 (is this getting old? Idc I like it)
.... I'm not strong at all 😬 I restarted from the beach 😬 flushed away 8 hours of game play because neither the vampire nor rizzard wanted to kiss me. Don't get me wrong, Shadowheart is a delight. But this is my first play through! I need one of the fellas to woo and/or wow me! Next save file, I promise, the lovely Shadowheart will be wooed and wowed.
... I also am learning the very hard way to make friends with f5. It's not something I'm used to, but it's quickly becoming something I need to learn.
astarion basically just likes it when u make decisions that actually benefit the party and arent thanklessly kind (if u have the option to ask for coin or a reward pick that one 😹😹) and silly options usually get a 👍🏻 from him too. but he also has some really important events that take place in act one that contribute to most of his approval SO BE ON THE LOOKOUT !!!!
as for gale. well. i actually dont know 😭😭😭 that man is RIDING my dick no matter what i do so im not actually sure why he would reject u LMFAO maybe if u saved the grove too early and didnt explore enough beforehand is all i can think of?
also it helps a little bit to understand their alignments too— astarion is neutral evil. gale we unfortunately dont know yet but im true neutral and he wants to smash like 5 minutes into the game so im thinking his mindset is similar at the very least 😹😹😹
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
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thinking about the sister school event arc and how miyuna would have either 1. focused on pursuing the curses released within the barrier, 2. would have just sat out on all the fun altogether, or 3. more or less betrayed her classmates the minute things appeared to sway in their favor with the whole yuji situation. the third option seems most likely? just bc she wouldn't stand by and let her classmates kill someone, even if he's a vessel for sukuna. like that's a human being!! who has major golden retriever energy!! and they're just gonna listen to the old man when they tell them to kill him? hmmm no!
but miyuna isn't the type to speak up in the moment bc she knows from experience that that almost never works. she'd much rather pretend to go along with the plan and react when the time calls for it.
she's also very competitive asdfg so she'd hate for the tokyo team to win. i kinda feel like the minute she sees that todo is the one fighting yuji, she lets herself relax a little bc todo wants a good fight -- he's not trying to kill yuji ( not intentionally, at least, and she just kinda hopes yuji is a strong fella asdf ). so i can see her then going after the curse rather than worry about the fights breaking out between her current classmates and old classmates.
just!! having thoughts on this night at this time uvu
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amazingmrtwists · 1 year
Invite Mr Twist For Kids Parties Melbourne
Are you looking for someone who can keep your kids entertained during the birthday or any other event?
Organizing kids parties Melbourne is a common phenomenon in varied forms like birthday parties, functions and different festivals. For amazing events, Kids parties Melbourne and fun activities, where a good number of kids and teenagers gather to enjoy the party, no other way can be better and convenient than inviting professional mimicry artist or professional artists who can make your event better and amazing. Clown for hire Melbourne is the best option to fulfill your requirement.
Twisty the clown will have the kids in stitches – a funny loveable fella, who unwittingly performs magic in an awe filled crazy and funny way. They are brilliant and provide you with fast moving magic show packed with skilled illusions of doves appearing out of a flash of fire and disappearing again by a flick of a silk. Not to mention performance through jumping out of a painting & transformed into the cutest bunny you ever saw. There is a lot more to keep and your guests busy as you will get Percy the crazy parrot puppet (ventriloquism) upstaging the magician with his slapstick humorous tricks. The kids just love him. No, the show is not over yet. Each child will get their very own personally twisted balloon animal, designed like you’ve never imagined. Amazing Mr. Twist is a one stop name offering you the best options of enjoying kids parties Melbourne.
Choose the right package or invite the experts that will surely make your event memorable. Feel free to contact as per your requirement and leave rest of the work on experts at Amazing Mr. Twist for Clown for hire in Melbourne.
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boriqidi · 1 year
Good Date Tips
Options . looking for some flourishing date tips? That can only mean a very important factor to me my friend. You have got yourself a date, wink wink. So what do you define as a effective date? Well to get myself its a where you abandon the bar, fine dining with a smile within your face and you can be anticipating the second wedding date. But before you arrive at that stage with bagging yourself your girlfriend, my friend you need to get past what i love to call the job job interview ( The first date) So below i will list my most popular date tips that recommend you should comply with.
So here are your date tips, which can be mainly for the earliest date.
First important things first you got to help plan for the first night out. Why, because you would want to go on to start dating ? with someone who has not necessarily made an effort ın any way would you. Let me ensure that you get an example. Imagine when your date was a good vegetarian and you resulted in at a steakhouse. You not going to end up scoring any advantage points now think you're. So do certain research about a date.
Dress to help you impress, If you know what your location is going for your day. Dress accordingly, by way of example if your heading to some sort of restaurant, don't get there in some baggy tight pants or skirts and a t-shirt. Just like in the first meeting tips i afforded you, make an effort. When your date turns up in a very nice dress plus some heels and considers you in all those baggy jeans, properly put it this way a person's not going to get welcomed into opened arms.
Oh when you get dressed absorb your personal hygiene. Unhealthy breath and some unhealthy body odour merely tells your wedding date "I cannot be bothered" So before you go make certain to brush your pearly white's and have a wash.
Always bring something special of some sort for ones date. A bunch of attractive flowers is always a sexy touch, yeah it's the old incredibly dull thing to do, but sup it works together with my advice remain faithful to the date recommendations that work. In the event you still think i'm talking about old fashioned then what about a box of chocolate might tempt ones date.
The last involving my date techniques for you my friend should be to make eye communicate with on your date. Helping to make eye contact is just about the most important tips someone would give to most people is to make eye ball contact. Looking into someone else's eyes reveals a whole lot about a person and additionally complementing them on the website eyes is always a thing to do.
So i was hoping that you uncovered these date suggestions helpful. Just so that you know i can be writing an article soon enough about second night out ideas, so I undertake hope I will be capable to help you out with that too but for now appreciate your date in addition to use these tips perfectly.
The first date is going to be an interview, excrete that and you possess girl my friend. Your names Simon Anderson and like you, We was after day tips and following answer of just what do women look for attractive in fellas. I have a weblog set up dedicated to getting advice when it comes to gals. No I'm never no love community i just know a lot of stuff. Anyways we invite you to consider my blog along with leave comments and so on Also mail myself and I will be allowed to send you a few free stuff thank you.
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acim222 · 1 year
How you can make an important Toga Accentuated Through Accents to help you Be dressed in
That having on in toga along with Etruscan beginnings therefore it's really a clothing distressed as a result of Romans with the medieval days. It's really a bench mark in citizenship and also distressed via the magistrates typically have an important black wrist band in the sides belonging to the textiles. Then again, the public belonging to the Empire acquire having on in togas an amazing hassle as a consequence primarily be dressed in togas at extraordinary activities.
Though it is not actually the court case at present simply because togas turn out to be looked upon as very important be dressed in designed for faculty fraternity 토쟁이티비 events and sorority persons. That having on in toga supplies a handy designer pattern together with a excitement manner of having on unusual wardrobe.
You can get type options at how you can make an important toga. For you to embark on how you can make an important toga, it's necessary to pinpoint a high-quality textiles and some of components in reliable to remain implemented when creating an important toga.
You fails to inevitably be required to implement the white kind of pads. Assuming that it should be contemplate to help you 5 back yards in textiles because can take around typically 3 base in the pads components to help you wind power available our waistline therefore will have to be covered available 1. 5 days that waistline well before the rest of the components is without a doubt threw with the lap.
Perhaps you can restore that pads with the waistline and to generate a very creative sort of winding the application back with the waistline, fasten and even gift wrap the application a few more for one alot more very creative pattern. Coziness want tying that textiles for the chest community with care to help you safeguard modesty in fashion.
Designed for fellas, how you can make toga is really as quick simply because gift wrapping that textiles for the waistline now that and even retain the textiles it is in place getting a flag. Then simply the rest of the textiles is without a doubt threw with the lap and even for the once again heading back with the waistline. Retain the textiles repeatedly it is in place along with a flag. Fellas in most cases be dressed in pants first before the normal.
On women, how you can make an important toga will require gift wrapping that textiles for the waistline, chest community and even back for one alot more distinct sort of fashion. Fellas in most cases demand not as much insurance policy once having on an important toga and even regularly want to generate a toga around leg amount of time primarily.
The main programs expected once discovering how you can make an important toga can be hooks and unfortunately your particular textiles. That safeness hooks are essential to remain that textiles it is in place depending on the pattern you likes.
Having on in toga designed for persons is without a doubt excitement. Not alone would it end up recommended to understand how to get a toga but probably to help you understand how to piont up the beauty and even sort of ones own toga as a result of having on distinctive accents.
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The product, named FunCam will not only feature some of the functions we all already know from action cameras, but will also have some in-built games and funny cartoon-like photo frames, all of that offered at a very competitive price. Video Recording 720p with a video resolution that is simple enough for kids to play around with and learn from, light enough for quick file transfers, the little fellas will have an awesome time taking videos of anything they wish to record. 5 Megapixels Photo Shooting Give kids the experience of playing with photography at an early age. FunCam makes the process of learning the ropes of this hobby an enjoyable event in their lives. Time lapse Video Recording Give them the ability to create awesome time-lapse. Record sunrise, sunsets, cloud movements, among others. Speed up the motion of super slow-moving objects with the FunCam, all without having to go through the hassles of doing post-process stitching. Self-timer Function Setting up the camera so that pictures are captured at a delayed time allows the kids to be part of the action. It’s their camera, after all. Photo frames and Games What better way to show kids’ pictures if not for photo decorations! Choose from a variety of frame options to match the pictures theme. And there’s more! Games! Kids are going to have a great time learning photography Selfie-Timer Function: - Setting up the camera so that pictures are captured at a delayed time allows the kids to be part of the action. It’s their camera, after all 5 Megapixel Photo Shooting: - Give kids the experience of playing with photography at an early age. FunCam makes the process of learning the ropes of this hobby an enjoyable event in their lives. Video Recording 720P:- With a video resolution that is simple enough for kids to play around with and learn from, light enough for quick file transfers, the little fellas will have an awesome time taking videos of anything they wish to record. Package Included: - 1 x Camera, 1 x USB Cable, 1 x String, 1 x User Manual [ad_2]
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akbey1913 · 2 years
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Family I attended an amazingly informative and engaging event about #ProstateCancer and #BlackMaleHealth thrown by my cousin earlier today. Key Pointers Critical to Prostrate Health - ITS NOT JUST AN OLD MAN’S DISEASE! (The largest growth is shockingly occurring between ages 14 - 40!!!) -MAKE REGULAR #HEALTHCHECKUPS AND GET TESTED SPECIFICALLY WHEN YOU HIT 35 - AVOID RED MEAT - AVOID PROCESSED FOODS - ALWAYS CHOOSE THE HEALTHIEST FOOD OPTION - EXERCISE REGULARLY! And literally FELLAS PLEASE FOR your own sake and we’ll being, BUST MORE 🥜🌊🥜…. IT’S CLINICALLY PROVEN THAT YOU CAN REDUCE PROSTRATE CANCER RISK BY 33%……. If the brother EJACULATES 21 TIMES PER MONTH! (For all my statisticians) 33% IS A MAJOR DEAL AND VERY STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT!! 🍆⛲️🐳 Ladies you might have trouble getting him to eat right, take out the trash, etc - but you can surely help him accomplish that 33% goal! — This has been a Black Male Health message brought to you by #KingKBCares! #BlackMaleProstate #Cancer #HealthisWealth #HereditaryHealthConcern #Morehouse #morehousecollege #clarkatlantauniversity #spelmancollege #spelman #auc #bust #bustmore #bustmorenuts (at Blackburn Park, Brookhaven) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiWVopkOE__/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hazbinbargainbin · 2 years
“So...If I’m all caught up...you went n’got hit by some funky magic..busted y’fuckin’ arm...caused th’death of another you...and bit not one, not two...but three’ve th’biggest money makin’ whores this side’ve th’ring?”
“You’re aware how bad that looks, ain’t ya baby?”
“Look, V I-”
“Sweetheart. Maybe you’d better come home for a few days. Lemme keep an eye on you...we could catch up proper, mm?”
“Boss, listen-”
“I ain’t askin’, sweetheart. I’ll send a lift.”
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“You can thank me later~”
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patchesenthusiast · 2 years
Well elden ring tumblr, ive finally done it. Introducing my first OC ever, Charlie and Charlemagne (yes they are the same individual before you correct me)!
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This is Charlie, the Unarmed. A seemingly innocent, armless child at first meeting, yet her social ineptness and physical inconsistency tends to alarm people that she isn't a real kid. Without the hood on that presents the face of a god, her clothes only seem like skin, since the hands of the gods are chopped off of the two banners in the front. She is Charlemagne's human disguise, a costume to blend into the world.
She is generally a wanderer in roleplays, as she desperately tries to find her companions. Because she is rather weak and fragile presenting, she will attempt to gain people's trust for them to go find her friends themselves. The said "friends" are other Godskins, which she wants to reunite with for a secluded reason. This introduces her real form, Charlemagne.
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Charlemagne of the Strewn Bishops is a Godskin Bishop. This is a higher position than Apostles or Nobles, and possesses more physical functions than the two, as Charlemagne has much more arms and a longer body. However, he usually resorts to using black flame spells and summoning the Godskins as minions, and does not actually engage in battle with his stitchers unless someone gets too close in a fight. This form is hidden away from the rest of the Lands Between because of its general grotesqueness that is an alert for anyone to kill- except for his own kind. Charlie is, of course, his disguise.
Ever since the death of the Gloam-eyed queen, the Godskin cult was disbanded as her "children" were spread across the lands between. Charlemagne is of that category, and is eternally distressed at the separation of his family. He aspires to find them all and reunite his siblings to murder gods again after re-acquiring the rune of death, and continue their gorey fun, exactly as before when Maliketh had stolen the destined death from their Queen and slain her. That being said, Maliketh is a high nemesis to Charlemagne, and throughout his game's good version of his questline (presented through Charlie), he will eventually help you with beating Maliketh.
However, both Charlie and Charlemagne are highly triggered by the fact that Godskins are usually being hunted by the Tarnished, and this plays a significant factor in their questline. Charlie will give rewards like Smithing Stones or Talismans if the player does not kill off Godskins and instead tells her their locations, because Charlemagne will recruit them back into the Godskin cult instead of the Tarnished actually having to do the bossfight. If the player talks to Charlie after the Godskin Duo fight at Farum Azula, she will understand why you killed them (since they were trying to release destined death themselves) and suggest you summon her to fight with Maliketh to do the job yourselves. However, may the player choose to kill off optional Godskins instead, it will lead to the third Godskin fight (aside from Farum Azula) being replaced by a fight against Charlemagne. The events leading up to this are Charlie being very disapproving of your actions, and eventually breaking down to accuse you as a murderer.
I should mention, the good ending of Charlemagne's quest is that all the godskins reside in the Nameless Eternal City, and live there to plot out their madness for another period of time. Charlemagne thanks you dearly with the Godskin Duo Summon, a legendary tier Spirit Ash. All Godskins become non-hostile towards the Tarnished at this point in the quest, and any bossfights will be already cleared if the player has not done them, with the scripted rewards in the middle of the empty room.
Anyway this was literally just a huge summary of the two, and I thank you for taking interest in these silly fellas. This is my first Elden Ring oc, and im kinda happy with how they turned out, considering one of my friends actually got inspired to make their own Godskin because of it :)
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manygalaxiesinone · 2 years
I spent the whole day watching animal fact videos so...here’s what I learned:
1. Dolphins are assholes. As in straight up. They’re the dicks of the sea, especially orcas or killer whales.
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There’s a reason Sonic run from these guys. Dolphins are known to bully other animals like sharks, seals, and even sting rays. Sometimes they don’t even pick on them to eat. They do it just for the fun of it. While it is possible to befriend one, keep in mind they are highly intelligent and while they probably won’t eat you, they can mess with you. It’s even possible they might find you attractive and...
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yeah. Keep in mind, unlike other animals, dolphins mate for pleasure, not just for reproducing.
2. Speaking of weird mating habits, Adelie penguins would fuck just about anything during mating season, and I mean anything. Even the ground.
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They’re Panty Anarchy’s spirit animal. “Standards” is not a word in their dictionary. One time scientists tested a penguin by making putting it against some rock with a weird head on it to see whether or not it will try to mate with it. Not only did the penguin go for it, it did so to completion.
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Don’t let this song fool ya. In fact narwhals are probably having a worse day than you. Narwhals are shy creatures and very prone to panic attacks, which can lower their heart rate. While they are gentle towards humans, you need to proceed with caution because stressing it out in anyway might send these poor fellas to an early grave.
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Meaning that this scene right here got a bit more traumatizing.
4. Kangaroos fucking hate dogs. This is a result of being hunted down for many years and being fed up with their shit. Sometimes a kangaroo would try to convince an unsuspecting dog to follow it into water only to drown the poor fucker. They do this to humans too, but it is possible for humans to befriend a kangaroo only after it warmed up to us and see that we’re not too bad, but if you have a dog, you might as well throw that idea out the window.
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Meaning that sadly a Kangaroo Jack/Clifford crossover is probably never gonna happen. Even if it did it would more than likely result in a traumatizing event that someone as sweet as Emily Elizabeth should never have to go through, even though Clifford would most likely live in the end.
5.Echidna and Platypuses are in the same family.
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Makes sense to me.
6. Gorillas are afraid of chameleons. I’m not making that up, along with centipedes, gorillas are honestly terrified of certain lizards for whatever reason, and among their biggest fears are chameleons.
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So literally all Mario had to do in his very first game
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was to hire Espio to show up for like a few seconds.
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Spongebob might be a hermaphrodite. If he’s not, he’s an extremely rare case as most sea sponges are hermaphrodites meaning that they carry both male and female reproductive organs.
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As he has shown here, they can reproduce by budding, although this is mainly because sea sponges don’t move, but since Spongebob can this might not be his only option.
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I would now like to take this opportunity to remind you that not only was the original idea for Sandy was to be Spongebob’s girlfriend, not just friends, but because of that one episode, they’re technically married. Yeah it was a play, but guy who played the priest was an official one and had no idea it was a play, so... And before anyone says anything sea sponges share DNA with pretty much every other animal on the planet, making them the Mews of the sea. What I’m trying to say is...
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Sandy’s going to enjoy the best of both worlds in bed. You’re welcome for that image.
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This movie actually gets down a lot of accurate details about animals. Obviously not the penguins because they would die of heat stroke the moment they landed on the island but there are difference species of lemurs on the island of madagascar, including
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rat lemurs, which are not only the smallest land mammals on the planet, but they also have some of the smallest brains, making them as smart as a toddler even in adulthood, which would explain Mort’s personality even though he’s like 50,
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aye aye lemurs, which fun fact are known for having really long middle fingers so Julien will definitely know when Maurice is 100% sick of his shit
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and of course ring tail lemurs. Some of you may know another rather famous ring tailed lemur who sadly lost his life a few years ago.
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I’m of course talking about Zoboomafoo, the star of the classic kids nature show with the same name. R I P to a real one. But here’s a detail that Madagascar actually got wrong about ring tailed lemurs.
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To put it simply, King Julien...should’ve been a woman. Lemurs, including ring tails operate on a female dominate society. I don’t know what’s scarier, the thought of this guy having tits or the fact that this actually one of the few details the movie gets wrong.
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Yeah even the fossa they got right. They are real animals on they island, hunt lemurs, and are on the top of the food chain, meaning that if someone were to drop off a lion there, they would be in serious trouble. Keep in mind that in the first movie, Alex gave into is natural instincts for a while, which is especially bad news for fossa. Why?
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Fossa are related to hyenas and lions naturally hate hyenas more than anything. Literally their only hope was if Gloria managed to knock him out.
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Speaking of Madagascar, you remember Marlene from the TV show, right? Yeah consider her lucky. When it comes to mating, sea otters are among one of the most aggressive creatures on the planet. The males not only completely wreck the females...in a bad way, but females usually get gangbanged against their will. Be glad she doesn’t have any roommates...except for that one episode, but that wasn’t an otter.
9. If anyone tells you homosexuality isn’t natural, just point them to a koala bear.
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These fuckers are quite notorious when it comes to woman on woman action. This is because, like with sea otters, the males are pretty aggressive when it comes to mating, so instead of dealing with that, the koala would just reject the male and do it with females.
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Koalas would even have lesbian orgies with each other. Despite this, they have to reproduce, so every so often a guy does get lucky, but after that, it’s back to the women. Oh and koalas aren’t the only ones.
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Some male lions would have sex with other males because the females are much more aggressive in bed. After all, lionesses can demand sex with their partners up to 40 times a day and if the male doesn’t compensate, the female would start biting the balls.
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Someone better warn Killia before he decides to seal the deal with Lieze.
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It’d be like getting it on with Haru. It may seem nice and sweet, but once you go under the bedsheets, you’d better be ready for a world of pain.
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You remember this scene in the Jungle Book, right? Mowgli befriending Hathi’s son? A little cute moment for the audience, right? Welp, prepare to cry.
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Elephants are among the most intelligent animals known to man alongside crows and dolphins. They’re capable of tricking rhinos to stop their charge by throwing objects in their way in order to confuse them and even understand the concept of having a reflection, which is something even dogs and cats have trouble with.
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They’re also emotional creatures, capable of forming actual bonds with other animals, including humans and are aware of the concept of death, meaning that once a friend pass away, they’ll mourn their loss and even hold funerals.
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There’s one case where elephants befriended a man named Lawrence Anthony after he protected them from poachers. Lawrence sadly passed away back in early March of 2012. Somehow, despite not being around for it, the elephants managed to find out about his passing and they marched their way to his home much to the surprise of his family. They all gathered there to hold a funeral to their fallen friend. Not only that but since then, every year on the same exact day that he died, the elephants would come back, sometimes in even greater numbers in order to have a memorial service. As touching as that is, why am I pointing this out? Well the average life span of an African rainforest elephant is 70 years.
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Meaning that there’s a chance this guy right here would not only outlive Mowgli if life did him dirty, but he would also be among the first to find out about it and show up for the funeral.
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And you think the fact that Shere Kahn dies like Mufasa in the original story was dark.))
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pose-at-play · 2 years
bare notes!!
CW for all the events of bare and use of caps in some notes
- Peter was So Small…just a Short Little Guy. i love him
- Matt was so Sweet Lovable Awkward Nerd Trying So Hard and like i had no issue with him??? even during promise he didn’t seem mean he was just truly at a breaking point
- Tanya and Krya were SO funny. Unfortunately they were whitewashed but the actresses were very funny and had such a great dynamic. They gave the preshow announcement in character.
- This ensemble was so incredible like obviously everyone was but oh my god Lucas…I love him so much. He had The Energy.
- Something about this production really enforced how hurt Peter felt after Ever After. It was so clear that Jason felt so bad the rest of the show and all he wanted was Peter back.
- They played Potential Breakup Song during intermission and it made me giggle
- Ivy and Lucas gave each other the sign of peace (kiss on the cheek but not actually touching just like the motion) They r besties ur honor
You and I
- They were DANCING like “you take my hand” and they would hold hands and Jason twirled Peter into his arms (I hope I’m explaining that decently)
- They would also like hold both hands and kinda sway with each other as they stepped closer so it was a fun little dancey thing and adorable
- Vocal influence from LA I could just Tell
- Jason kept like holding Peter from behind and also a lot of it was directly in front of me
- Peter had a jealous little thing after the Zack part and pulled Jason’s hand down from waving.
Role of a Lifetime
- Peter my BELOVED
- Definitely took vocal influence from Payson’s ROAL /pos
- I just know this is this man’s dream role
- Peter and Nadia besties
- Peter encouraging Nadia to step in and audition while Ivy was singing her part
- Them looking at each other like “what :O” when Jason showed up
- Matt looking extremely nervous when Jason showed up and trying so hard to get Sister Chantelle to look back at him
- “Lady Capulet, Tanya Garrett” *Lucas does a celebratory fist pump and then thrusts*
- Nadia flipping of Sister Chantelle behind her back after “you’re gonna need a nurse”
Plain Jane Fat Ass
- sibling hug sibling hug sibling hug sibling hug
- They genuinely looked like they could be related which was cool
- “All we needed was beer” *fist bump* *Ivy looking disgusted* so true she would hate beer it tastes gross
- So fun !!!
- LUCAS THRUSTING AT “meet in Tanya’s room on Friday night” and Tanya giving a like “hell yeah that’s me” look
- “ALL MY LADIES” “Huh???” “…All my ladies?” *Tanya starts the woo bc she is Lucas’ #1 fan* “TO MY FELLAS” “YEAH!!” “TO MY PEOPLE!!!!!”
A Quiet Night At Home
- Ivy taking a cropped sweater out of the trash that Nadia put in there for the “some of my clothes are missing” line
- “Wow!! Are you performing?” “If you’re lucky” Nadia, sighing and very quick: yeah i’m not going.
- She was not dealing with that shit. Love her
- Nadia played the keyboard instead of cello
- I cried a little I think that’s the first song that did it for me??? Nope typing this I remembered I also teared up at ROAL
- Lucas throwing it back in leopard print joggers.
Best Kept Secret
- He didn’t seem upset by it or anything just slightly surprised and like “what do I do in this situation” confused
- After the little outburst Jason like rubbed Peter’s arms to calm him down and they just stood together breathing for a second it was cute
- Me and my girlfriend were front row holding hands and Peter and Jason were standing LIKE TWO FEET IN FRONT OF US (blackbox theatre) ALSO HOLDING HANDS. very cute.
- Lucas beforehand talking to Tanya like “I don’t wanna do this I’m not fucking confessing anything I don’t wanna fucking confess” and her basically being like “It’s not optional u know this by now”
- Ivy trying to help everyone find the note in rehearsal afterwards while also working on her sketch
- After Nadia’s “joke” Peter was like “alright let’s go” and made her leave with him
Portrait of a Girl
- Ivy did the thing where she tears out the picture and crumples it up at the end
Birthday, Bitch!
- Alan, helping set up: THE TABLE LOOKS GREAT *party horn*
- Matt was so grateful for the brownies…man had no idea
- Peter hearing “Mary Jane made some brownies” and being like “who??????” was so funny I love the take on that of like he heard them say it and was just genuinely confused thinking “we have a classmate named Mary Jane????”
- Ivy seemed sad hearing the song
- Nadia said “*idk* since you ran out of teachers to fuck!!!!”
- Everyone left the party pretty early. Someone (I think Lucas?? There was a crowd) drank all of the alcohol and they were like “u suck”
- Matt stayed and took Ivy to the piñata, she closed her eyes and spun around and he watched her try to hit it.
Are You There
- Peter almost falling over when he first tries to stand and going “shit” so Matt hears and asks “who’s out there?”
- Matt starting to look confused when Peter’s like “one day he’ll wake up and realize all he needs is me”
- Very good Matt and Peter friendship
- They hugged before dancing
- Matt didn’t seem aggressive asking “who usually leads” it was more like he was trying to discreetly let Peter know he knew but then he got a real response and didn’t know how to handle it
911! Emergency!
- They replaced Diana Ross with Beyoncé Knowles (I see u LA reference)
- Peter sitting on the floor staring up like WOAH
- Peter dancing w “Mary”
- At one point she was behind him like moving him to do the choreography with the “angels”
Reputation Stain’d
- Sister Chantelle giving Matt a death glare after he calls Jason a slur
- I think this was the rehearsal where Lucas, Zack, Tanya, and Kyra all showed up very disheveled. Lucas was basically just in his underwear and trying to put on pants during the dance, Kyra had her shirt undone and one shoe off. She did the dance holding her (sparkly pink) shoe up.
Ever After
- Jason IMMEDIATELY regretted “no such thing as heroes who are queer” but just didn’t know how to backtrack because Peter had already been hurt by it
- Peter seemed hopeful at the end when Jason said his name but then so disappointed when it was followed by “Promise that you won’t say anything”
- Peter was packing a box then just left angrily when his mom got there. Jason took his shirt out of the box and just held it.
- Matt almost went up to Ivy before then saw she was waiting outside Jason’s door/debating knocking so he left without saying anything
- Jason threw the shirt aside sorta panicked and trying to hide it when Ivy came in
This note is about to be very NSFW so feel free to not read it
- Amazing performance by all actors involved tho
Wedding Bells
- Sister Chantelle looking around in wedding bells and basically going up to every person in front and some guy did a thumbs up and she went “he’s good”
- “Where are we?” “June 26th, 2015”
- They changed Denzel to Taye Diggs
- Ivy wore a wedding dress
- Zack also walked out with her and Claire and he was the one to pull Peter away
- The ensemble pulled Peter out by his ankles
In The Hallway
- Instead of leaving after “I miss you” Peter and Jason had like a hushed conversation
- Matt was not onstage for the Megan Lloyd line so I guess we’ll never know about that relationship
Touch My Soul
- Ivy was SO hopeful before Jason finished his verse
Pilgrims Hands
- Diane (whitewashed 😐😐) going full heart eyes and Forgetting Everything Else
- Lucas was laughing with Zack nooooo ur bisexual
- Nadia watching with so much love
- Kyra giving Ivy a dirty look when she came in after and saying something to the other ensemble girls
God Don’t Make No Trash
- So wholesome I teared up
- Sister Chantelle made Peter stand up and dance with her
- The hug was very sweet I love them so much
All Grown Up
- Peter and Jason sitting in bed having what looks like an important conversation. Jason had his arm around Peter and was kinda holding him. Then y’know things happened.
- This is when I fully started crying and my heart hurt and I realized this show was about to break me cause there was so much left in it
- Ivy motioning up to like god on “follow someone else’s vision”
- Matt motioned to Peter and Ivy at “keep everyone on the same page”
- When the boys were in their chaotic moment Nadia stood off to the side with Ivy and they kinda like distracted each other it was sweet
- After Peter says he told Matt Jason looks so hurt and just genuinely betrayed and was like “Peter…you…..why…”
- Jason immediately just collapsed crying when everyone left, Nadia came back in and he was still just crying on the floor but grabbed her hand and let her sit by him.
Once Upon a Time
- He came out and he and like walked with Jason and they did a little twirl type thing and just held hands and like Jason looked down and Peter put his hand on his face to make him look up at him
- The lights all going red and “NO!!”
- There was no confessional screen so Jason stood and looked down at the priest and he just turned his head away and looked down.
Two Households
- Theere were like two circles of friend groups with Peter and Jason off to the side. Ivy tried to join a circle but they were like ignoring her and so she just went and sat alone and I felt that in my bones.
- Nadia noticed and went up to her. She sat beside her and put an arm around her for the “you look great” “don’t feel great” “I know” then they hugged and got up and she like kept her arm around her.
- When Peter told Matt “it’s done” he hugged him.
- When Lucas said “you know we’re still cool right” you could just tell Jason was too hurt from everything else to even actually listen. He seemed very out of it
- They were back to back for part of it
- Got closer throughout and were holding hands but still back to back on “I’ve never been this bare”
- Eventually facing each other
Queen Mab
- Jason stumbled towards Peter before collapsing. His last words were literally “…Peter”
- One of the ensemble girls (Rory?? Possibly an extra girl this production added??) screamed
A Glooming Peace
- Nadia, Peter, and Ivy went offstage together and the others carried Jason off
- Father Flynn started sobbing too, he was crying at “I’m sorry, Peter”
- Peter stood up and looked down at him on the “And I forgive you, Father.”
- They hugged after. Peter is more forgiving than any of us
No Voice
- I realized a lot of Nadia’s verse rhymes with gay
- Jason came in from the house doors in all white and joined the others onstage at the end and I gasped then cried harder
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therealvinelle · 3 years
What would happen if Katniss was stuck in a time loop from the beginning of Mockingjay to the end ?
I’m afraid I don’t remember Mockingjay well enough to give you an especially detailed answer to this one. I forgot Prim died while writing this. I’ll try, though.
Round one
Katniss finds herself thrown back through time, and she’s just tired. She’s been so much already, Mockingjay depleted her in every sense. At the end of the book she’s broken in a very irrevocable sense of the term. She just wants to retire with Peeta and be safe and left alone for the rest of her life. Waking up in a District 13, then, to find that Peeta is captive and being tortured all over again, Coin is alive, Snow is alive, and the Rebellion is back and she’s their figurehead... on its own, this is all bad enough, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she broke down completely.
But then she sees Prim again, Prim who is alive and healthy.
Finnick, too, is alive again. He’s a mess, just as he was originally, but he’s alive.
For them, Prim above all, Katniss can’t give up.
She pulls herself together, or tries to. She’s hollowed out after the events of Mockingjay, and to go through it all again? Unimaginable.
More, how is she actually going to save these people?
Prim wants to help people, she’s not going to agree to stay out of the Capitol when the invasion comes about.
Gale hates the Capitol with every fibre of his being, he’s not going to stop making weapons because Katniss told him people will get hurt. I think even if she laid out the scenario of «say that Prim goes to the Capitol to help and your bombs fucking kill her» he’d remain resolute - that’s not gonna happen, Katniss. (And even if he silently agrees there’s the possibility, this won’t change his mind. Prim will be a casualty of war, the important thing is to defeat the Capitol.) As for Finnick, he was pure bad luck. There was nothing Katniss could have done there, save for maybe keep him home. But if she does, someone else may die in his place.
But, Katniss isn’t going to sit back and say «yup, nothing I can do to save these two people I care about. See y’all in heaven, fellas». As she goes through the motions of Mockingjay, doing the photo-ops and listening to Finnick’s interview, Katniss comes to fear that there’s just no road ahead that will lead away from Rome. All she can do is tell Prim about Gale’s bombs and plead with her not to go in when the Capitol is invaded.
It’s no surprise, not really.
The Hunger Games is not about Katniss Everdeen the brave heroine taking up the mantle of revolution, it’s about Katniss the girl becoming a game piece in someone else’s chess match. And so, her prescience won’t make as much difference as it would someone like Harry Potter or Bella Swan, as her choices simply don’t matter all that much.
This is what she’s forced to realize.
Peeta is rescued, it’s easier and harder than last time. Easier because she knows what to expect, harder because she’s seeing him suffer all over again, just as original timeline Peeta was returning to himself.
The invasion of the Capitol comes around, and Katniss is no more able to save Finnick than she was last time.
Prim refused to stay behind. Then, seeing her fellow medics rush towards bombs she knows could go off at any second, and injured people lying helplessly nearby, she runs in hoping to stop her colleagues and maybe drag someone away from the scene before it all blows.
She fails, and Katniss watches her die all over again.
The time loop doesn’t stop there.
Katniss goes to see Snow, only to go through the motions, and then shoots Coin. There’s no point to any of this if she doesn’t still shoot Coin, right?
More broken than ever, Katniss returns to District 12 with Peeta.
She just wants to rest.
Round two
A part of Katniss isn’t even surprised.
Her sister is alive again, but not for long. Katniss almost wishes they could skip to the part where Prim is dead, just so that she wouldn’t be in this horrible limbo of wanting to save her sister but not knowing how.
This time, Katniss devotes all her energy to Prim.
She neglects all her other duties and relationships, everything else that mattered. She never develops her friendship with Finnick.
She’s going to save Prim.
She tells her about the time loop, about what will happen if Prim isn’t careful. Prim listens.
This time around, Peeta isn’t rescued, and when Katniss invades the Capitol he’s the one who kills her.
Maybe Prim survives this time around. She hopes so.
(This is the timeline where Finnick survives: with Annie never rescued from the Capitol, he never became well enough to participate in a military operation.)
Round three
Katniss tells Prim about the time loop again, leaving out what happened at the end of round two. She befriends Finnick and campaigns for Peeta to be rescued. On the night of the invasion, Prim tells her teammates what she learned about the bombs before they land in the Capitol, leaving out how she found out. She’s accused of espionage and leaking military grade secrets, and shot. Her body is left in the streets, and Katniss is told the Capitol did it.
Katniss suspects what happened, and she hopes she’s right, because the other option is that her interference did this, that Prim died because of something she did.
Finnick dies, of course, which tastes all the more bitter now that Katniss knows she saved him in one timeline.
She speaks with Snow, or more to the point she walks into his room of roses and says nothing.
She shoots Coin.
Round four
She kills Coin on the first chance she gets.
She’s swiftly executed.
Round five
She waits until the night of the Capitol invasion before killing Coin.
Again, she is executed.
Round six
She makes it all the way to Snow’s office. Prim and Finnick are dead again. Peeta, too, this time around.
She tells Snow about the time loops. He seems to think she’s lost her mind, but she doesn’t care. She asks him about poisons.
Round seven
Coin dies suddenly.
Things are better in some regards, but the invasion still happens. Once again Prim and Finnick die.
Round eight
Katniss has nothing more to give.
She spends the round in her hospital room, curled up in her bed and refusing to be disturbed by anyone who isn’t Prim or Finnick.
Round nine
She has nothing more to give this time either.
She tells Finnick everything, about the time loops, the bombs, and the invasion, and asks him to try to save Prim and himself.
Finnick dies pulling Prim away from the bombs, and Prim succumbs to her injuries shortly after.
At Snow’s execution, Snow is shot.
Round ten
Katniss tells Haymitch.
They still end up in Rome, with Finnick and Prim dead, only now Haymitch is dead too.
Round eleven
Katniss for the first time starts to wonder if maybe this has all been an elaborate torture brought on by the Capitol. Or maybe her own side, who knows.
Because, really, how does she know she hasn’t been hijacked?
Katniss starts telling the people around her that she knows they’re not real, and quickly gets herself locked up in a psychiatric cell.
Round twelve
Still convinced she’s been hijacked, Katniss quickly gets herself locked up in this timeline too.
Round thirteen
Katniss poisons Finnick, Peeta, and Prim, not much, but enough to force them to stay behind when the invasion happens.
This time it works.
They’re all safely at home, and Katniss knows the invasion well enough by now that survival isn’t as hard as it once was.
She shoots Coin, then returns to them after.
This time, Peeta can’t trust her again after this. Nor, for that matter, can Prim or Finnick. They still love her, but Prim chooses to take a job in District 3 a little too easily, and Finnick quickly becomes a friend who stays in touch nominally, but never visits. Peeta moves back to District 12 with her, but they live in separate houses and the intimacy and trust between them is now gone.
Katniss, for better and for worse, is alone now but surrounded by people.
There are no more time loops.
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