#(also can they please do roskilde too)
dreamings-free · 7 months
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taylorswifh · 4 years
Dear Taylor
I decided to write you this letter on behalf of all international fans to speak with you about what we swifties are facing with the organization of the European festivals. We understood your decision to cancel the festivals and given what’s happening we support you and thank you for thinking of our safety and yours. However, we can’t understand why you only spoke about the American and Brazilian shows in your statement, as if the European shows didn’t exist and didn’t count - as well as international fans, meaning all the fans around the world that aren't Americans, don’t seem to exist when it comes to events, meet and greets, shipping costs and prices.
Most of Lover Fest shows are European. Ten, precisely. And for the first time after so many years you decided to visit countries that have supported you all along, such as: Belgium, Germany, Norway, UK, Denmark, Poland, France, Spain and Portugal. International fans bought tickets - including me - in the hope of finally seeing you after years, even fans with financial difficulties who have been saving money since forever for the tour, sacrificing other things. But no one, including you, could have predicted something so bad as this global emergency which is not only causing health issues but also financial issues, as you could see. Despite this, American and Brazilian fans have the certainty to see you next year because the shows are confirmed, they will be reorganized and fans can even keep their tickets because they will be valid for next year. This won’t happen for European fans tho, because you didn’t mention our shows, so the only words we can count on are those coming directly from those who organized these festivals and unfortunately they aren’t giving us any kind of hope to either see you or getting our money back, money that we could really use in a tough moment like this.
Here’s what we know about the organization of the European festivals:
⁃ WERCHTER BOUTIQUE, BELGIUM: they’re giving everyone a voucher to use in 2021 and 2022 exclusively for this festival. If we don’t use it within those two years, they won’t give us our money back. Fans bought this ticket because you were the special guest, they did it to see you and listen to your music, so they’re hoping you’ll reconfirm your presence in 2021 for this festival so that they won’t lose their money. ⁃ THE WALDBÜHNE, GERMANY: also Germany made a law that all concert tickets may be refunded as vouchers so that's what we're expecting for this event too; ⁃ OSLO SOMMERTID, NORWAY: tickets won’t be used for 2021 but fortunately they’re giving fans their money back. ⁃ GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL, UK: they’re giving the deposit back or the deposit can be reused for 2021. ⁃ ROSKILDE FESTIVAL, DENMARK: fans can use the ticket for 2021 or ask for a refund. ⁃ OPEN’ER FESTIVAL, POLAND: they’re waiting before cancelling the show. ⁃ FESTIVAL DE NÎMES, FRANCE: fans can use the ticket for 2021 or ask for a refund. ⁃ MAD COOL FESTIVAL, SPAIN: they didn’t cancel the festival and you can get the money back only if you certify you’re sick, otherwise you lose the money. ⁃ NOS ALIVE, PORTUGAL: they haven’t decided anything yet. ⁃ BST HYDE PARK, UK: fans can get a refund.
As you can see we don’t have much hope of either seeing you in 2021 or getting our money back. We want to write you this letter in the hope you’ll be able to read it and change things. We European fans, just like American and Brazilian fans, want to be included in this narrative and want to be equally considered. You are a global artist and the whole world loves you. You have so many international fans and you get more and more of them every year. We deserve more. We deserve a pop-up shop when you release a new album. We deserve more than one secret session, because we are so many. We deserve events and opportunities to meet you like the Chicago event because it’s your dream to meet us. But above all, we deserve to be part of Lover Fest because it’s our dream. Please, if you read this letter, do something, give us hope.
We love you and we hope you’re staying safe and healthy!
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fiveknivesdates · 5 years
How dirty, wild, blurry, juvenile (Chapter 2)
After running for half an hour, then a whole hour of a panic attack behind a dumpster, I finally managed to find a place to sleep. It was early spring in Denmark, which meant short days, and it was safer to sleep when normal citizens were still outside.
Even though I managed to calm myself down that day, Erika and Aiden kept haunting me. And not just in dreams and thoughts, but in the real world too. I kept seeing them in the crowd. Sometimes walking, sometimes standing, sometimes sitting, but always, always, looking. I knew they were looking for me. Maybe they were undercover cops or social workers. I even thought they were long lost relatives, trying to find me, but I highly doubted that. My mother’s family disowned her and any relatives from my father’s side would have spoken Danish to me.
Or maybe they were my mother’s relatives, come to collect what she left behind. Jokes on them, I am not going with them, no matter who they are.
I am very used to hiding from someone. When I was young, still living with my parents, I went to a small public school. I didn't get along with any of the kids there, so I’d spend every break hiding behind the trees on the playground, reading books or playing with sticks. Sometimes just sitting there, thinking. I don't remember what I thought about, I just remember the feeling of it. Life felt infinite, but yet so small. The whole world existed in that corner of the playground, and the whole world existed inside my thoughts.
I still feel like that sometimes, but now it leaves me sad. It's a cruel memory of the kid I used to be, who still lives inside of me. I guess this is the price of living as I do.
Seeing Erika and Aiden again today, I sigh in annoyance. They are standing in front of the fast-food joint where I had been hoping Stuart might be working. The old man sometimes gave me a box of chicken nuggets when there were leftovers.
Instead of approaching the pair, I snuck into the shop beside me. It was one of the mint-white colored shops, with a big sign on the front saying Normal. This place was like heaven for a homeless kid with little to no money. I didn't like begging, but when I did, I usually ended up spending my finds inside of this shop. It had everything, from rows and rows of every kind of soap, maxi size and travel size, there were toiletries, underwear, snacks, and tampons.
Those last two were what caught my eye. I had woken up today with a stain in my sleeping back and only two tampons left, and for the snacks, well I was always in the mood for pringles when my period hit.
Staring at the items of my desire did little to no good since I didn't have the money to buy it. In fact, I only had a couple of kroner in my pockets, not even enough for a pack of gum. So I did what I always did, I took them. Shoplifting was a skill I had as good as perfected. It was all about blending in with the other customers. I took two packets of tampons to compare them, but only one of them ended up back on the self. The other was smoothly placed in the worn-out net that I had taken with me today. I did the same thing with deodorant and pringles but stayed a bit longer to browse the shelves. Better not to rush out and raise suspicion.
After a minute or two, I left the shop with a confident smile on my lips. I couldn't wait to go back to where I hid my backpack and sleeping bag, so I could open up my Pringles can and devour them, one spicy chip after the other.
I wasn't that lucky, however, because as soon as I left the shop, I ran face-first into an old friend of mine. Officer Sunglasses. I didn't know his real name, never intended on finding out, but the truth was that he was the worst of all the pigs who patrolled the area. Officer Sunglasses had something against me personally. He knew I was homeless and had tried to help me get back into the foster system when he first took me in stealing a jacket, but I ran away from him successfully. One escape became twenty, and Officer Sunglasses' hatred of me grew more and more.
“Din lille-” He said. You little. The start of an insult he never got to finish, for I ran as fast as I could as soon as I saw him. Judging by his angry tone and the footsteps behind me, he had followed me.
I followed the quiet streets with fewer people to run into and fewer cars to run me over. I was fast, faster than him, so I used that to my advantage. If I was completely honest with myself, which I rarely was, I enjoyed this. I could feel the adrenaline inside myself, it felt like it drowned out every molecule of blood in my body. The wind felt nice too, it wasn't windy today at all, but as I ran the air cooled me down pleasantly.
It didn't take me long to shake Officer Sunglasses off my tail, but then I ran into another misfortune.
As I rounded a corner, I was suddenly standing in an alleyway, with Aiden standing in front of me, smiling.
“Hey, glad you made it.” He greeted me like we were old friends. I tilted my head in mock confusion and prepared to fight. I was sure that if I turned around, I’d see that Erika girl standing behind me.
“Let us talk, okay?” Erika appealed. Just as I’d guessed, she was standing right behind me. I turned halfway so I could keep an eye on both of them.
“What do you fucking want?” I raged. I had a pocket knife in my sleeve, and I was itching to pull it, but I had a suspicion that they might pull something worse on me, like a gun. I was completely sure that they were not afraid of fighting me, and I was afraid that I could not take on both of them. I could run, but I was also tired of them. It had been a week since they first approached me, and whatever they wanted to say, I wanted to hear. That last realization was scary.
“I know Aiden here came on a bit strong back in the library,” Erika started.
“Okay in my defense,” Aiden cut in. “We have been looking for her for years, and finally we find her in fucking Denmark!”
I glared at Aiden but didn't bother saying anything.
“Aiden please, we agreed that I’d do this.” Erika pleaded, then looked directly at me with her dark, dark brown eyes. “Camilla, this might sound really strange, and it is, but Aiden and I are a part of an underground…”
“Cult,” Aiden helped.
“No!” Erika yelled at him. “No, it's not a cult. It's like an organization of humans with special abilities.”
“Just say mental disabilities, for helvede.” I cursed, already knowing that this wasn't something I wanted to hear more of. I tried to push away, but suddenly Aiden’s hands were on my shoulders and my back was against the wall.
“See! I said kidnapping her would be easier. She is a stray cat, Erika,” Aiden laughed. I kicked him but that didn't seem to help me at all, as his grip on me got tighter.
“Yes, she is.” Erika agreed. “She is a stray, and we have to feed her before we take her back home.”
“You guys are fucking sick,” I said with disgust.
“I am sorry.” Erika just said. “But if you would just listen to us, we could explain. You are one of us.” She said the last part like it was supposed to mean something to me. I took the liberty of interpretation and shot back with “A fucking psychopath? Stalker? Kidnapper?”
“No,” Erika said while trying to calm me down. I could see that she was getting a bit frustrated with me. Good, I thought, let her feel what I have felt all week.
“Ever wondered why things just,” Erika began explaining, searching for the right words for whatever she wanted to say. “Go your way?”
“Things don't go my way,” I said, gesturing with my restricted hand movement to our surroundings, both indicating my current position between Aiden and the wall, but also my life as of lately, living on the streets in the bold age of nineteen.
“No, not that,” Erika pushed away. “Smaller things. How do you survive out here? And for so long? Without ever being caught?”
I didn't bother to say anything, so Erika continued. “Me, Aiden here and a few other people on this planet, we have a connection to the forces of life.”
“Like a Jedi,” Aiden explained as if that helped me the slightest.
“Yes,” Erika agreed. “Aiden, for example, is very good at controlling heat and can even make fires. Show her.” Erika bumped Aiden with her shoulder.
“Really?” Aiden grinned, letting go of me and pulling up his sleeves. I reached for my knife quietly, as Aiden took a few steps back.
I didn't know what I had expected. That he brought a lighter and started a fire? That he didn't do anything at all? I surely didn't expect him to light his own hands on fire. As soon as I saw the bright lights, I ran, getting a hit on Erika’s shoulder with my knife as I disappeared.
It wasn't the first time I had seen what drugs could do to someone’s mind, but it was the first time I experienced it myself. I couldn't figure out when I had taken them and figured someone must have slipped them into my food or water without me noticing.
As soon as I was sure they were not following me, I headed towards my temporary camp, just wanting to curl up in my sleeping back. Tomorrow I’d be starting my journey out of the capital and heading for another city, maybe Roskilde or Helsingør. Or perhaps this was a sign for me to do the things I had feared for years. Traveling out of Denmark and through Europe. Because of my Italian mother, getting Italian citizenship would be easy, and the prospect of living down in the warmer country sounded delightful, but the journey was what scared me. I didn't even have enough money to buy food in Denmark, let alone a ticket for any kind of train. I’d had to rely on sneaking into places I wasn't supposed to be or walking for hours on end.
I rounded a corner and saw the familiar sight of my baggage hidden behind a trash can, and almost sang in relief. I had enough time to take one step more towards it before I saw the boy sitting on the ground between me and my goal. In his hand was a baseball bat. Never a good sign. He stood up and looked at me, then his watch.
“Two minutes,” he commented. “That’s pretty damn fast.”
Then he swung and everything disappeared. <- Previous chapter // Next chapter -> Chapter index
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hetmusic · 5 years
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TMR TALKS TO... HôY LA | The Most Radicalist
In this interview feature, we get to know the most radicalist up and coming stars on the planet. This time we spoke to explorative electronic producer, songwriter and singer Hôy la. Over a year ago, we found ourselves inexplicably drawn to the spacious, minimalistic sound of Danish creative Ingri Hôyland, aka Hôy la. Our journey began with ‘Please’, a compellingly melancholic affair with generous nods to trip-hop and this artist’s distinctive and carefully crafted eerie atmosphere. From here we fell for ‘Purple’ and ‘Roses’, both of which featured in the X Heads EP. It’s no surprise that Hôy la is tracking the path of many contemporary pop Scandinavian names, such as MØ, Chinah and School of X, with an appearance at Vega’s chosen ones earlier this year. She’s also performed at Spot Festival and Roskilde Festival this year. Those of you who have joined us in following Hôy la will know that she recently released heartfelt single ‘Kids’. It’s a slomborious and minimalist track housing a topic that’s close to home for the artist - mental health awareness. Below we speak about the story behind Hôy la’s latest song, as well as production tips, her favourite albums, the X Heads EP, and what’s to come next. 
TMR: Hi Ingri, so you’ve just released a new single ‘Kids’, which has a personal backstory and strong connections with mental health awareness. Can you explain the inspiration behind this track? I wrote ‘Kids’ to my good friend’s parents, who couldn’t acknowledge how much their son was struggling with life. There are just in general so many young people that are struggling, and yet so many find it so shameful and taboo to talk about. You can’t necessarily see how much someone is struggling based on their looks, appearance, workload etc - so we need to get better at asking one another! Our friends, sisters, lovers, parents need to know they are not alone. TMR: ‘Kids’ is akin to the minimalist style we’ve come to know as signature Hôy la. Have you always been drawn to eerie, spacious soundscapes? Yes, it has been an important starting point for me, right from the start. When I was younger I played the guitar and some piano, but I never really connected with the sounds and melodies I was able to create. But when I started working electronically and with soundscapes, it was like I was able to convey my feelings and moods into sonic atmospheres. TMR: Which artists continue to inspire you? I often listen to a couple of artists at the same time, and I listen to their albums on repeat for a month and then carry on to a new one. Probably not the most healthy way to listen to music haha, but I guess I feel the need to get it all in at the same time. There are some albums though, that I never get tired of. I can listen to Johan Johanssons album Jazz på Svenska a million times; it’s such a timeless piece and it’s such an inspirational atmosphere to be in. Also James Blake’s album from 2011 keeps inspiring me, the minimalism in it is genius. TMR: Is there a track on your personal playlist that would really surprise people? Haha, maybe ‘I Love You Always Forever’ by Donna Lewis? It’s such a quirky, good pop track! And also, Abba - people always find it surprising that I love, love, love Abba - sad people need some happy music too! TMR: Your music has many trip-hop traits, especially tracks like ‘Please’ and ‘Purple’, was this a purposeful choice? And what other genres do you blend into your sound? Hm... it wasn’t a direct choice, I guess all my first tracks are some kind of natural improvisation over feelings, melodies, rhythms and instrumental choices. I have never had one specific genre in mind when creating music. But I was very drawn to the trip hop genre around 2010-2011, and it was about that time I really started to get interested in music so maybe it has set a bigger imprint in me then I thought. But since then I’ve also found a lot of inspiration in genres such as soul, electronica and experimental too. TMR: Speaking of ‘Please’, the first track to appear on TMR, would you say that your writing and production style has evolved since then? Yes definitely, I think it evolves every time I make a new track! I’ve also been working with a lot of different people since then, and they have all inspired me in different ways. TMR: How did you get into producing your own music? Do you have any tips for anyone who wants to get into production? Download logic or just start with garageband - midi is super fun and you can do things just as you like, there are no rules and you don’t need a specific skill set to get started. And also YouTube tutorials are gold! TMR: Not so long ago we mentioned your X Heads EP in our review of ‘Roses’, did this debut feel like an important landmark for the Hôy la project? Yes I think so, I had released the tracks as singles, which felt like the right thing to do because they all represent different stories and moods. But collecting them and releasing them as an EP and cassette definitely felt like a landmark, realising that they represented me as an individual and also my first steps as a musician and producer. TMR: Are you planning to release more singles or another body of work this year? Yes! Stay tuned! TMR: Where can Hôy la fans see you play live next? I just played Roskilde Festival which was a major experience, and next up is Øya Festival in Oslo, August 6. We’re playing at Blå, which is a dark alternative kind of venue and it fits the music perfectly. Hopefully I can play at a venue like that in London sometime soon. If you know the right place, hit me up!
0 notes
Chapter 6: The perks of being a Truman
You guys are A-mazing and make me really happy. So here is another chapter for you.
Remember that Anastasia has her own Instagram and you can follow it to know her more and have a few hints about the story.
Remember to leave your feedback!
Read chapter 5
-          Wake up! – Mandy said pushing Anastasia – Wake up! You need to see this! – She said with a hint of alarm in her voice.
-          How can you be so drunk and wake up so fresh? – Anastasia asked trying to open her eyes but failing.
-          You are trending on Twitter because everybody thinks you and Galvin are a thing – Mandy said and Anastasia opened her eyes fast and big.
-          What?! Why?!
-          Look! – Mandy gave the phone to her friend.
A pink magazine website was shown on the screen and the article read “Galvin leaves Courtney Sky for Anastasia Truman”, the shot he uploaded to Instagram with her was there, and Mandy’s snap from last night too. The article also cited that he played one of her songs at an after party. Besides that, paparazzi style pictures showed the two at the festival and later at the club.
Anastasia was angry. This was the kind of things she had to deal with her whole life. She tried hard to fly under the radar and be as invicible as she could to the media but things like this followed her no matter where she went, thanks to her last name.
-          This is so stupid – Anastasia said after a long silence.
-          Can’t you have a male friend because that means you are automatically dating him? – Mandy said taking her phone back.
-          This is what I’ve been running from my whole life. I’m mad! – Anastasia said hitting the bed.
-          Calm down. In a day or two it will disappear – Mandy said trying to comfort her friend.
-          This is why guys like Josh won’t be with me, because thanks to this stupid last name I’m Hollywood’s property.
-          First, that is stupid and second, that last name has given you great things too. You have worked hard to keep you out of the spotlight.
-          Not hard enough.
The girls heard three knocks on the door and Mandy opened. Nick and Eric entered the room.
-          Thank you for the publicity. Great way to start a tour – Nick said taking a seat in Anastasia’s bed. She threw a pillow to him.
-          Carl wants to see you. He’s coming right now – Eric said. Carl was their manager.
-          I fucking hate this – Anastasia said.
Anastasia took a shower and got dressed before leaving the room. She walked through the aisle to call the elevator, the doors opened and she felt her heart beating fast when she saw that Josh was inside.
-          Hello – she said with a smile but he only made a gesture with his hand. No smile. That shocked her but she tried not to make it uncomfortable – I’m on my way to talk to Carl. Apparently there aren’t enough problems in the world to deal with so people focus on my love life - she said speaking fast because of her nervousness. Josh didn’t answer, he was drowned in his phone screen.
The doors opened again and he left without saying a word. In that exact moment she knew that every possibility between her and Josh was over.
Carl, a tall guy wearing a flashy cap, was waiting for her at a table at the hotel restaurant. He was smiling, so that had to be a good sign.
-          Good morning headline maker – he said while she was taking a seat.
-          You know none of that is true.
-          I know! You are drier than the Sahara desert.
-          Wow. Respectful and classy joke. So smooth Carl.
-          Since you don’t have a publicist or any of that I want to ask you how you want to deal with it. Do you want to say something? Do you want to remain silent?
-          What do you think?
-          Well your Instagram is private so we can ditch that, but your Twitter is still public, right?
-          Yes I’m still writing stupid shit there to piss off people.
-          That’s why I love you. Why don’t you tweet something?
-          But if it’s not true… why write something?
-          Cut the thing off. Say that is not true. Attach the article and call it bullshit.
“I would like to know the source of these so called journalists. I call it BS” she tweeted next to a link of the article she read earlier.
-          In other news, the reviews from last night’s set were amazing – Carl said after reading the tweet – people loved Dead Curse.
-          Well something nice for a change.
Josh approached to the table and greeted Carl. The manager invited him to take a seat and have breakfast together but Anastasia realized it was a weird situation so she excused herself saying that she needed to finish packing for London.
Anastasia owned an apartment in London and between festivals the band will stay there.
-          So Josh officially hates me – Anastasia said once she was at her room with Mandy and the guys.
-          Because of your relationship with Galvin? – Mandy asked.
-          I don’t have a relationship with Galvin! – Anastasia said angry throwing herself to the bed.
-          I know I just wanted to piss you off – Mandy said and the guys laughed.
-          Why do you say that? – Eric wanted to know.
-          Because I ran into him in the elevator and he didn’t say a word to me.
-          Maybe he was having a bad day – Nick said.
-          At eight o clock in the morning?
-          Maybe he was having a bad morning. You never know.
-          I will talk to him – Eric let know.
-          No! Please. I had a lot already. Just leave it like that. We leave for London at two pm so we better finish packing.
The band arrived to the airport and the Chili Peppers were there waiting for their flight at the VIP area, Anastasia and Mandy took a seat next to Anthony, while Nick and Eric sat next to Josh.
-          Antonio of my heart – Anastasia said greeting Anthony and he laughs.
-          I though your heart belonged to someone else. Certain crappy DJ – he said with a big smile on his face. Josh didn’t look at her.
-          You know that’s not true! – She answered kind of angry.
-          I know! When I heard about it this morning I told Flea that you must be so angry.
-          The perks of being a Truman – she said smiling.
-          Are you going to Novarock? – Chad wanted to know.
-          No. We are heading to London while we wait for Roskilde in Denmark – Mandy answered.
-          Cool. We are going to play there too – Chad talked again.
-          We know Chad! – Mandy and Anastasia answered at the same time making big smiles afterward.
-          Why London? – Josh asked looking only to Eric and Nick.
-          Anastasia’s family got properties there so we can stay there for free. It’s cheap for the record label and closer to our next destination.
Anastasia would have liked to talk to Josh but he didn’t give her the opportunity. Their plane took off first. She was tempted to send him a text but Mandy took that idea off her head.
-          First you don’t want anything with him – she said taking her seat on the plane – now you are looking desperate. Calm down An. Damn it! We don’t know why he is upset; wait until he talks to you.
-          For you everything is so easy, right?
-          No is not. For you everything is complicated – Mandy answered faking a smile.
London days went by fast. The band did a little bit of press and some appearances before heading to Denmark for the Roskilde festival. There was no sight of Josh or the Chilies because they played a different day than Dead Curse.
Then it was time for Poland and the Open’er festival. Before their set, one of Anastasia’s and Mandy’s favorite bands was playing: Tame Impala, so the girls didn’t miss the opportunity to see them. Eric and Nick joined them from a side of the stage.
An and Mandy were singing and dancing like crazy but suddenly Anastasia felt the need to look back and there was Josh with Eric and Nick laughing at them. She smiled to him feeling shocked by the situation. The last time she saw him he wasn’t speaking to her, not even looking at her and there he was now: laughing at her for jumping and singing along to Tame Impala songs. She was relieved but annoyed.
-          Are you laughing at me? – She said to him in one of the band’s intermissions.
-          I’m laughing at the whole panorama – he answered like the Netherlands thing never happened.
-          I thought you were mad at me.
-          No! Why? -  He asked.
-          I don’t know I felt you weird at Netherlands.
-          No. Forget about it – He hugged her. His warm arms around her make she felt peace.
-          Oh my god! I love that song – Anastasia said when Tame Impala started to play “The less I know the better”. She didn’t wanted to break the hug but decided to join Mandy to keep singing and dancing with a little more enthusiasm this time.
Read chapter 7
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sentrava · 6 years
What’s On in Copenhagen: July 2018
We’re deep into summer and there’s something to do in Copenhagen almost every day and night of the week. From great music festivals (including Copenhagen Jazz Festival!) to films to flea markets and so much more, your diary is about to get very full. Make sure you’re getting in as much summer fun as possible while the sun is still high in the sky until the wee hours.
Here’s the best of what’s happening in Copenhagen in July:
Saturday 30th June – Saturday 7th July
Roskilde Festival
Northern Europe’s biggest rock festival is back, including their excellent arts, non-profit, and sustainability projects. The line up this year includes Nine Inch Nails, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, St Vincent, Vince Staples, and more. Check out our playlist to get pumped!
    Sunday 1st – Tuesday 10th July
Before Sunrise at Cinemateket
Need summer romance inspiration? Richard Linklater’s class, quiet European backpacker romance, “Before Sunrise” spawned two sequels, but the original is the best. Just try not to fall in love with the sweet innocence of both Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke. The film plays every evening at Cinemateket for ten days.
    Sunday 1st July
Stefansgade Loppemarked
Go have a browse around this cool Nørrebro flea market from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. You can pick up clothes, accessories, home goods, and hopefully enjoy the nice weather.
    Tour of Assistens Cementery
Ever wondered about the history of Assistens Kirkegård in Nørrebro? Take this tour to find out all about it, including how it was previously used and what the public usage is like today. Tickets cost 50 DKK and the tour starts at 2. There’s another tour being held on the 29th of July.
    Friday 6th – Sunday 15th July
Copenhagen Jazz Festival
Copenhagen has an excellent jazz scene, and it doesn’t get better than this time of year. Many of the larger concerts sell out quickly, so be sure to take a look at the smaller events too
    Friday 6th July
Carlsberg Friday
From 4 – 10 pm, enjoy beers, hotdogs, music, and laid-back atmosphere at Carlsberg’s monthly Friday bar. It’s free entry and there’s a free shuttle that takes you to Carlsberg Byen from Vesterbrogade 6 at 4 pm. Easy-peasy way to spend a summer’s night!
    Wednesday 11th July
Call Me By Your Name at Cinemateket
See why this incredible film, based on a book of the same name by André Aciman, has received worldwide acclaim for its beautiful writing and acting. The coming-of-age story tells the story of the complicated romantic relationship between a 17 year old and a 24 year old in northern Italy.
    Friday 13th – Saturday 14th July
Copenhagen International Choreography Competition & Gala
If you’re into dance, check out this competition starting at 7:30 at Dansekapellet. The organisation supports emerging modern choreographers; you’ll get to see the finalist performances.
    Friday 13th July
Scandinavia Standard App Launch Party
We’re so excited about the launch of our new travel app that we’re throwing a party, and everyone’s invited! Mark your calendars for Friday after-work drinks: more info to follow very soon.
  Friday Rock at Tivoli: Kim Larsen
Danish rock star Kim Larsen will be playing his hits at Tivoli’s Friday Rock. Usually you can see the concert for the price of admission, but this concert has an addition fee of 95 DKK.
Sunday 15th July
Rita Blå Loppemarked
From 12 – 5 pm, have a wander around this flea market at Kulturhuset. Entry is free and there will be lots of stands where you can buy clothes, home goods, and more. There will also be food stands, including pancakes and Moroccan food.
    Love Tour at Assistens Cemetery
This wonderful tour, which takes place at Assistens Kirkegård in Nørrebro, highlights the great romantic poets buried in the cemetery. The tour guide, storyteller Christian Kronman, will be reciting wonderful poetry and sharing the love stories of the poets. Tickets are 50 DKK and can be purchased in the information centre before the tour.
    Tuesday 17th July
Bas at Lille Vega
See the Parisian-born, New York City-raised rapper Bas in the intimate setting of Lille Vega. His strong lyrics and exploration of both his past and what it’s like to work in the hip hop music industry make for consistently powerful albums.
    Thursday 19th – Saturday 21st July
Musik i Lejet
This music festival takes places in Tisvildeleje, but it’s a real summer treat. Pack a beach bag and head up to the north coast of Zealand to see the likes of When Saints Go Machine, CHINAH, Marie Key, and Turboweekend.
    Wednesday 25th July
Ziggy Marley at Store Vega
Catch reggae and dub star Ziggy Marley performing at Store Vega. He always puts on a killer show and the beats will be excellent.
    Thursday 26th – Sunday 28th July
Summer in the City Festival
This free summer festival is held in the garden of Huset KBH. It begins at 3:00 pm daily and runs into the night. See acts like Rebecca Lou, Ida Kluo, PRUNES, and Silent Laika – this is a great chance to see fantastic performers for free in an ultra-cool setting.
    Friday 27th – Saturday 28th July
Carpark Festival
Located at Under Bispeengbuen in Nørrebro, this festival mostly features electronic music and emerging acts. It’s basically a big dance party for the weekend, and it’s all about good vibes and killer beats. The festival is free and open to everyone!
    Friday 27th July
Lunar Eclipse at Amager Strand
Enjoy a viewing of the gorgeous lunar eclipse on Amager Strand. The event is free and it will be fun for the whole family.
  Friday Rock at Tivoli: A-ha
The 80s are back! Or maybe they never went away! Norwegian superstars A-ha will play at Tivoli’s famous Friday Rock. Get ready to…take this on. Sorry, we had to.
    Monday 30th July
Open Air Cinema: E.T. at the King’s Garden
Watch the classic film E.T. in the beautiful setting of the King’s Garden. Bring blankets and gather a group for a fun evening. There will be food served from SULT restaurant, music from 4 pm; the film starts at 9:45 pm.
    Tuesday 31st July
Greenland in Tivoli
Take part in a celebration of Greelandic culture with this full day of events at Tivoli. There will be Greenlandic music, dance, theatre, food, and more. Simply buy regular admission to Tivoli and enjoy the festivities!
    Ongoing in July
“VERY: Ed Ruscha on Paper” Exhibit at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
See 54 paper works by living legend American artist Ed Ruscha, together for the first time thanks to the UBS Art Collection. Ruscha’s sly take on American culture, and particularly the LA landscape, is a real treat.
A selection of Ed Ruscha’s books, © Ed Ruscha. Courtesy of the artist & Gagosian as well as UBS Art Collection.
  High On Luxury: Lost Treasures of the Roman Empire Exhibit at Glyptoteket
Silver, gold, gems and luxury items created during the Roman Empire, celebrating artisan craftsmanship and decadence. If you’re in the mood to party, but in a super-cultured way, this is the exhibit for you.
  “Vogue Like a Painting” Exhibit at GL Strand
Explore the connections between fine arts and fashion photography with this lush, gorgeous exhibition in the lovely GL Strand space. There are over 60 works – all painterly in nature – by 28 fashion photographers. A real treat! On until the beginning of September.
  “MAJ 68 -The French Posters” Exhibit at Designmuseum Danmark
Celebrating 50 years since the student rebellions in Paris of 1968, this small selection of posters highlights what the protests were about as well as the artistry that can come of protest. The posters are to-the-point and attention-grabbing; it’s a study of both function and form. On until the end of September.
  If you’re a business or organisation that would like us to add your event to next month’s calendar, please contact us at hello [@] scandinaviastandard [dot] com. Thank you!
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  What’s On in Copenhagen: July 2018 published first on https://medium.com/@OCEANDREAMCHARTERS
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