#(also for the record LB would like to be taken care of but shes not a baby dhdksl its just bc shes 8 yrs old thus a child)
piplupod · 2 years
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itzallstardust · 4 months
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"Love is like a bomb, baby, c'mon get it on"
☆ –– (jessica alba, she/her, cis woman) who is AVERY MENDOZA anyways? ew. you don’t know about HER, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling 42 and SIP AND PAINT feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re IMPATIENT and SELF-CRITICAL because they care, but they’re also SELF-EFFACING and ADROIT in the best way. SHE works to make a little money as a(n) CREATIVE DIRECTOR/GRAPHIC DESIGNER. they’ve rented a place on cornelia street in the form of BROWNSTONE (5). THE MAN (MUSE D) & TIS THE DAMN SEASON (MUSE B) is the song they could dance to the beat of forevermore. 
FULL NAME: Avery Marie Mendoza NICKNAME(S): Ava LABEL: The Magnate AGE: 42 DATE OF BIRTH: September 17, 1981 ZODIAC: Virgo Sun, Cancer Rising, Leo Moon GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female; She/Her HERITAGE: French, Danish, Spanish, Mexican, Native American SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English OCCUPATION: Graphic Designer & Creative Director SEXUALITY & ROMANCE: Bisexual; Biromantic { strong female preference }
FACE CLAIM: Jessica Alba HEIGHT: 5'7" WEIGHT: 105 lbs. DOMINANT HAND: Right HAIR COLOR: Brunette EYE COLOR: Brown SCARS: None. TATTOOS: None.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Adroit, Self-Effacing, Humble, Wise, Alluring, Intuitive, Ambitious. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Impatient, Self-Critical, Perfectionistic, Headstrong, Guarded, Calculated, Detached. LIKES: Cafes, the sound of records playing, the smell of a new book and the smell of rain, astronomy, nature, cable-knit sweaters, the city lights, messy buns, old drive-ins, traveling, art museums, Shakespeare, Van Gogh, deep conversations, road trips, poetry, midnight runs. DISLIKES: Being told what to do, being the first to show up, being the last to show up, not being taken seriously, someone underestimating her, the cold, feeling rushed, the sensation of being crowded, being called ‘selfish’ or 'ungrateful', restriction of freedom, close-minded people, being talked over, people who sell out.
HOMETOWN: Cold Spring, NY CURRENT RESIDENCE: NYC, NY EDUCATION LEVEL: BA in graphic design and business from NYU FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: -Ophelia Mendoza - Mother {Deceased} -Reuben Mendoza - Father {Deceased}
FOOD: Trashcan pizza DRINK: Porn Star Martinis MOVIE: Serendipity TV SHOW: Morning Show, American Horror Story, Criminal Minds ARTIST/BAND: Def Leppard, Poison, Joan Jett, The Killers, Cyndi Lauper SONG: Pour Some Sugar on Me - Def Leppard, Running Up That Hill - Kate Bush
"Oh, there is thunder in our hearts"
TW; homophobia, death, illness
Born in a small town, Avery always felt boxed-in. All she really knew was the four walls of her family's home, and that religion had to be at the forefront of everything. The beliefs were strong; more so in her grandmother and father than anyone else she's ever met. It made it difficult to come out, and though she never truly came out to her father and grandmother before they passed on - it was obvious when she never brought a boy around. Her mother owned a little bakery that struggled getting by; The threat of foreclosure always taped to the front door. It's a place she always loved, but also hated. There were fond memories of baking with her mother, but it was also the center of all her mother's frustration and stress. When Avery was told she would be taking over the bakery, she refused. She wanted to make something of herself rather than grow up and die in a small town with no impact. It would haunt her dreams; the images of slowly becoming a skeleton as she swept and cleaned what seemed to be a haunted bakery. A home to no one besides herself - one that was forced on her. Avery wouldn't let it happen. She worked hard in school, and graduated as the top of the class. She received a full-ride scholarship to NYU, UCLA, and even Harvard. But, she had to turn them all down to assist her mother who had gotten terminally ill during the summer. Again, her dreams were halted and she was stuck in a limbo. It wasn't until her mother passed that Avery sold the bakery and utilized the funds to go to school. She attended NYU and obtained her BA in graphic design; a passion she always held but feared she would never be able to pursue until then. Since obtaining her degree, she's settled into her new life in NYC. She's met like-minded individuals and became a creative director on top of a graphic designer for her own women-run company. She's out, proud, and finally ready to show life whose boss.
Avery is a girl boss. Sometimes she bosses a little too close to the sun, but never learns to stop biting off more than she can chew. She's compassionate and loving. She has a knack for wine and art, and one can easily find her at the local wine and sip nights. She's slightly competitive and trivia as well as karaoke nights at bars are also experiences she holds near and dear to her heart. Avery is goofy and basically she's a cinnamon roll but has that 'can kill you' demeanor. She loves traveling and finding niche cafes that no one knows about. She loves to dance and have fun, but can also just chillax with watching Netflix. She's into art history, and never takes a single moment for granted that she's living. She's worked her ass off to get where she is, and she will get catty if there's a threat to her career. At the end of the day, she's warm and affectionate but don't let that make you write her off.
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rosalineandrosemary · 3 years
one final goodbye
hi! i wrote this for @maribat-angst-fluff-april with prompt 14, goodbye. you can check out my partner, @yoltastic09 ‘s fluff submission here. anyway, warnings for major character death and descriptions of blood and the fic is below the cut!
the video is blurry, filmed with shaking hands. when it focuses, they see a girl coated in red spotted spandex. she’s leaning against a wall, eyes closed and smiling softly, but their eyes are locked on the stab wound through her abdomen.
“thanks… thanks alya.” her voice is soft and raspy, and behind the camera, someone chokes on a sob.
“lb, please. just hold on a bit longer. chat... carapace. Someone will bring your lucky charm and it’ll be okay.” the voice, alya, trembles, and the spotted girl’s eyes fly open.
“i didn’t tell you, did i? alya, there’s no saving me. that’s why we’re recording this. I have his miraculous but my lucky charm can’t fix me. it’ll fix paris and i’ll still be here.” the camera falls to the ground with a clatter, and beyond the black screen they can hear alya’s sobs. 
“alya please, I need you to do this. I need to be able to tell them myself. I need to be able to tell you myself.”
“tell me what?” alya’s voice is thick and broken, and the camera is lifted off the ground. they see a girl, fox ears coming from her head and in another spandex suit, before the camera focuses on the bleeding girl again.
“hello viewers, hi alya. my name is marinette dupain-cheng, also known as ladybug. and this is my final goodbye.” 
the dark room where they sit is filled by the sound of things shattering, a mug falling to a ground, a wine glass being crushed in someone’s tight grip. 
“alya, i love you. it’s been an honor fighting alongside you as ladybug, and despite our ups and downs, and even how things were before you got your head on straight, it’s been amazing being your friend. i’m so sorry that this is how things turned out.” alya sniffles, and her soft words are easily picked up by the mic.
“mari, please. you can’t leave us, please.” marinette smiles and looks away, faltering. she takes a deep heaving breath and looks back at the camera. 
“maman, papa, i’m so sorry i couldn’t tell you about this. i’m so sorry that i can’t say goodbye properly. i’m sorry that i lied and i’m sorry that i kept this from you. i just didn’t want you getting hurt. you two are the best parents a girl could have and i’m so grateful to call you two mine. please don’t blame yourselves. i chose to keep this a secret to protect you, and you raised a pretty clever little girl. there isn’t anything you could have done to stop this.” marinette is crying at this point, tears streaking across the red of her mask and down her cheeks. “make sure they see this alya. please make sure they see this.” 
“of course, i promise girl. i’ll do anything.” alya’s voice is broken but marinette nods solemnly before continuing. 
when they see this, marinette’s parents wail and sob, the sounds echoing throughout the arrondissement. their neighbors tense, waiting for the destruction their akuma could cause, but hawkmoth is gone, and tom and sabine dupain-cheng are free to mourn their only daughter. 
“bruce, or, well, dad. i thought you might want to hear me call you that at least once, considering i’m not going to be able to meet you again for you to hear me say that legitimately. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you about this. i’m sorry that when i said goodbye, that when i said i’d see you again soon, that it turned out like this. it was nice being your daughter, at least for a little while.” the viewers turn to look at him with the mention of his name, and bruce opens his palm, glass shards falling to the floor. he stands up, staggering to the side, and walks out of the room.
when bruce had first met marinette, he thought she’d fit in with the rest of them. he wasn’t oblivious to the jokes his kids made about the black hair, blue eyes, and the way she held herself made him think she’d fit in in other ways too.
she was always cautious, always nervous, like she was expecting something to attack her out of nowhere. she was good at hiding it, beaming sunshine smiles and a charming yet genuine demeanor, and he could see the resemblance from miles away. he had seen her baking with alfred, laughing with dick and jason, drinking coffee with tim. she had found a slot in their family and fit herself there perfectly, and in the short time he knew her, he had grow to care for the daughter he was unaware he had.
the last time he saw her, she hugged him and smiled, a soft tentative thing, as she whispered goodbye. she turned to leave, but her back was too straight, her shoulders too tense. he swore to himself that he’d find out what was troubling her back in paris and that he would see if there was anything he could do about it. 
bruce never got the chance. 
“dick. you’re a great older brother. i’m sorry that i couldn’t be your younger sister for very long. it could have been fun. we might have done acrobatics together, or you could have showed me trapeze if you wanted. you try so hard to take care of people, please remember to take care of yourself.”
marinette, dick thought, was tiny. she was so much shorter than he was, and she looked up at him when she introduced herself. bruce’s other unknown child. she has the hair, and the eyes, clouded with the same world-weariness he had seen in all of them. he hadn’t been the first to meet her, as that honor had gone to bruce and alfred, and tim had been walking by when she walked in the door, but he had been the first to declare her his younger sister. he asked her questions and she responded, she asked him questions and he responded. 
he learned of her love of fashion and cooed as she bashfully showed off her outfit that she had sewed and designed herself. he told her of his gymnastics and trapeze skills, and she was wide eyed and nearly glowing when she asked if he could teach her. he had swallowed heavily, looked away and back at her, and told her that “maybe we can next time, marinette. i think b-man has an itinerary for you and everything.”
she had looked disappointed for a second before composing herself. “okay, maybe next time. but speaking of mr. wayne, i should probably go find him again, talk to you later dick!” he had heaved a sigh of relief, scared of bringing her so close to something that had already taken his family once. 
when he hugged her goodbye before she left for the airport, small hands clasped around his back, dick resolved that he would try to teach marinette the trapeze next time she came over. There would be nets and she wouldn’t get hurt and then there would be more memories of the trapeze that didn’t come with the bittersweet tinge of all his memories at haly’s circus. 
dick didn’t get that chance. 
“hi jay. i was making you something, did you know that?” marinette laughs softly, then inhales sharply as she aggravates her wound. and yet, she continues. “no, of course you didn’t. i didn’t tell you. it was almost done, just had a few finishing touches. you could still wear it though. it's a leather jacket. i saw that the one you had seemed to be getting worn out, thought you might want a new one. a new leather jacket for my big brother.” her tears quicken and she attempts to curl in on herself, even as her body lay against the wall. she looks so small. “even if your advice wasn’t the best you were still there and i was happy to be ‘pixie pop.’ i wish you were here. you’re safe, you know that? you feel safe, like if anything tried to hurt me you’d fix it. And i’m scared but at least other people are safe now. Thank you for making me feel safe.”
jason todd did not think he was a good man. there was too much blood on his hands for that. and even if the bastards had deserved it, it still didn’t make him a good person. so when he had seen the tiny slip of a girl who ran into him as she attempted to find bruce, his first instinct had been to stay away. she was so tiny, so pure, and no amount of washing would ever be able to clean his hands. 
but then she had flinched and started spewing out apologies, hands flying everywhere as she drove herself further down this spiral, and he saw in her what he had seen in so many of the other street kids. fear of retaliation, a desperation to appease him because she was afraid of what he might do.
and jason was furious. not with her, but with whoever had taught this girl (bruce’s daughter. he had warned them all about her, telling them to hide the objects that showed their “nightly pursuits.” he hadn’t told them she’d be so small.) that she had to apologize like this. whoever had traumatized her in this way. 
“hey, no need to apologize, pixie pop. no harm, no foul, right?” she had looked up at him, confused, and he grinned at her and clenched his fists, trying to dispel some of the anger festering in his chest. 
“who’s pixie pop?” she had said, eyebrows furrowed adorably.
“you are, of course. because you’re so tiny, like a little fairy. and all my siblings need nicknames, like dickie-bird, or replacement, or demon spawn. and since you’re my little sister now, you get a nickname too.” she had smiled and nodded, responding with a soft “okay,” and he swung an arm around her shoulder.
“so let me help you find bruce. but on our way there, is there anyone you’ve got any problems with? Any bullies you’d like big bro jason to deal with?” she had tensed, pursed her lips, and shook her head.
“there’s nothing you can deal with. it’ll be fine.” he hadn’t believed her, but he wasn’t going to pry.
when he hugged her goodbye, she had shook, clutching the sleeves of his jacket within her hands, but when he went to ask her what had happened, she said she’d tell him next time. he said he’d help her through anything.
jason never got the chance. 
“cass.” with this, she attempts to lift her hands from where they lay on the floor. she’s shaking with the effort, but manages to hold them up to her chest. slowly, she signs out every word with her hands. “i think that you could tell something was up. i don’t know how, and i’m not sure even you knew it would end up like this, but i think you could. thank you for trusting me, even if it ended up like this. thank you for being my friend, and i’m sorry i couldn’t improve my sign language fast enough to have a full conversation with you. i hope this is good enough.”
cass could tell that marinette was like them from the way she held herself. she had muscles curled under her clothing, and whenever she tripped she shifted her center of gravity if she didn’t catch herself first. 
cass hadn’t really spoken with her, standing as bruce introduced her to marinette. she could tell when marinette had processed bruce saying she preferred sign language, and when marinette’s shoulders sunk, she could tell it was with concern instead of malice. 
marinette turns to her with a small frown, apologizing for not knowing any sign language. marinette smiles afterwards though, and reaches out a hand. “i’d love to learn asl though! and i’d also love to be friends if you’d want to be. of course we don’t have to be, i don’t want to…” she trails off as cass takes her hand and nods. marinette’s smile grows wider and a small warmth grows in her chest. 
friends sounds nice. and marinette promises that she’ll try to learn asl and they’ll have a conversation in a way that cass is comfortable with, talking with that same smile. 
the last time cass sees marinette, she signs goodbye. marinette’s right hand goes up, thumb out, and she closes the rest of her fingers to her palm. she continues with the sign for cass’ name, and cass responds in turn, goodbye and marinette, and marinette leaves, excited at getting it right. 
marinette inhales, a wheezing breath, and the video is interrupted by the sound of heavy footfalls and a man’s calling voice. “ladybug? rena?” 
alya lets out another sob and the man approaches. they can tell when he sees marinette, as he stalls before sprinting towards them. 
he’s clad in blue and snake print, teal tips at the bottom of his black hair, and he goes directly for marinette, trying to press a red and black spotted objects into her hands. 
“ladybug please, please take it you can fix all of this with the lucky charm. just do miraculous ladybug and the magic will fix it.” he begs her, voice jumping. marinette clutches the object in her hand but makes no motion to do anything with it, and he speaks again. “ladybug…” he hesitates for a second before continuing. “marinette, my melody, please don’t die on me.” her eyes widen slightly before she looks away.
“i should have known you already knew, mon coeur. but you also have to know this is the end.” she smiles at him, lifts the object in her shuddering hands and attempts to yell miraculous ladybug. she’s cut off halfway through by her own coughing, shaking her whole body and sending blood spilling from her lips.
it works regardless though, and the remaining waynes watch in awe as glowing ladybugs reverse the property damage. they fix the walls and the pavement before crowding around marinette’s body, but when they leave the wound is still there. the blood is still there. 
marinette’s eyes are drooping, and when she tries to talk, it comes out a whisper. “damn it. i thought i had more time.” she coughs again, more blood dripping out of her mouth. “tim, i was so happy to be your work buddy. steph, you are so fun and so important and it was so so lovely being your sister and your friend. damian, i wish i could have been your sister without scaring you, but that won’t be a problem anymore.” her breathing is shallow but she continues going, trying to say all the words she’s scared she wouldn’t be able to. “alfred, being your granddaughter, baking with you, all of that was such a pleasure. babs, spending time with you was so much fun and i wish we could do that again, that we could be friends for longer. duke, i know we didn’t interact much but i wish we could have.” she exhales, leans her head back against the reformed wall. her eyes flutter closed. 
“goodbye.” she says, one last word before her chest stills and marinette dupain-cheng dies.
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markftmingi · 4 years
sit down! - part one
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sit down! masterlist
summary: the king of south korea hires you personally to become the prince’s personal bodyguard after he receives death threats but still continues to life his life dangerously.
pairing: prince!badboy!jaehyun x bodyguard!badass!reader
warning(s): mentions of smoking/drug use, gang activity, and some other crime stuff, swearing, jaehyun’s an asshole tbh.
a/n: this was almost a yugyeom story on wattpad over a year ago (excuse any typos pls) but i’ve been in my jaehyun feels recently. i also really want to make this a social media au🥴. also this is my basic “y/n” kind of story but like “y/n”’s gang code name is siren, cause like you lead men to their deaths, get it? 
you took a deep breath before knocking on your boss's office door. his right hand woman, joy, opened the door with a smile.
"miss siren, he's been expecting you," she bowed politely.
you bowed back, "you can call me by my real name you know... i've known you for most of my life."
joy blushed slightly but before she could say another word, your boss interrupted.
"she was instructed to call you miss siren and she will do as such,” he ordered as you sat in the chair across from him.
"whatever you say, yuta," you said mockingly, "what's my job now?"
"you were hired by someone to keep his son out of trouble. his son has a pretty bad record: fighting, smoking, drug use, gang activity, sleeping around frequently, and the list goes on. your job is to make sure that he never does anything like this again... he has a major reputation to manage. he'll be disowned if he doesn't."
"okay... and how am i going to do that?" you questioned.
"you'll be living with him, watching his every move. he lives in seoul palace in south korea." he said sliding the case files over to you.
you raised an eyebrow, "seoul palace? who is he? the prince?"
yuta let out a small laugh, "yes, actually."
you held back the urge to scoff. what kind of prince doesn't respect his father –the king– enough to listen to what he says? especially if it's for his own good. if he keeps up the recklessness, he'll be dead by 25.
"a prince... needs me... to babysit him so that he doesn't get into anymore trouble?" you said slowly to make sure that yuta wasn't losing his mind.
he gave you a hard look, "a prince with a really rich king father that's willing to pay us 500,000,000 yen to babysit him so that he doesn't get into anymore trouble. the prince has been receiving death threats too and he just continues the recklessness.”
500,000,000 yen? that’s nearly 5 million dollars... you could do a lot with that kind of money. you could retire with that kind of money.
"okay, deal."
"great because i already had joy pack your bags and call the jet to south korea. your flight departs in less than an hour." yuta smiled brightly as your face dropped.
although he wasn’t family, yuta was all you had left. he was more of a relative than your boss. it was his father’s company before he took over. his father raised you to obey every single word that came out of his mouth and keep your guard up at all times. sometimes yuta could overstep his boundaries but hey, at least you were getting paid and weren’t an orphan anymore.
you sighed before standing up, taking the files with you. joy followed you out of the office and into her car.
"miss siren, the jet takes off in..," she glanced at her phone, "roughly 40 minutes."
you nodded, "you packed everything i needed?"
"i got most of your clothes, toothbrush and other necessities, your laptops and chargers, and your favorite weapons. the usual things i pack." joy explained as she drives.
you nodded once more before opening your client's file.
name: jung jaehyun (sometimes goes by yoonoh)
nationality: korean
birthday: february 14, 1997
zodiac sign: aquarius
height: 180 cm (5’11")
weight: 63kg (138 lbs)
blood type: A
hobbies: piano, basketball
languages: korean, english, and some japanese
as you continued to read his file, you couldn't help but to want to laugh. the way yuta talked about jaehyun made him sound like public enemy number one. he seemed like a normal man... until you got to his police reports:
seven charges of aggravated assault, four charges of drug possession, two DUIs, and three charges of theft. all of which was pardoned because he was the prince. you didn’t get why the prince himself would do anything of these things. jaehyun could have anything he wanted at anytime but he was acting out.
"he's handsome." joy smirked slightly as she pulled up to the airport.
you looked back up at his picture. she wasn't lying. jaehyun was gorgeous. definitely has the looks of a prince. she laughed once she caught you staring at the picture.
"true, but not happening."
"i'm just saying, y/n - i mean siren. he's handsome, you're beautiful. i saw his friends' profiles too. they all looked like pieces of heaven. something is bound to happen." she said teasingly.
you rolled your eyes as you got out the car, "no romance, no relations. besides he's a prince. he probably acts like he has a stick up his ass."
“you act like you have a stick up your ass too sometimes. maybe he can take it out for you,” joy laughed as you slammed the car door shut and walked away. the jet ride from osaka international airport to seoul, south korea was only about two hours, so you took the time to rest up for what awaits you.
when you got off the jet in seoul, you weren’t expecting four men to pick you up from the airport. nor were you expecting to be riding in a limo. you usually didn't talk much when you were working but this awkward silence was killing you and you think the other men knew it too.
"so how long have you been working under mr. nakamoto?" the man on your right questioned, trying to break the ice.
"majority my life basically."
he turned to you with wide eyes, "how?"
"well, it's the family business. i’m not blood family but they adopted me in. from the time you're able to walk, you're trained to fight. you don't actually work serious jobs until you go through all the training."
"when did you get your first serious job?"
"i had just turned eleven,” you stated.
the man didn't say anything after that and you were relieved. you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as you all drove to a gate. as if expecting you, the gate slowly opened. you’d been to korea on other jobs before but you never saw this palace before. the building was tall and stretched for yards. it was surrounded by various ponds and small gardens. guards with guns were in a line at the front door. you adjusted your backpack straps as you walked through the main door. the palace was rather modern looking from the old architecture on the outside. it looked like it could house hundreds of people. when the door shut behind you, two women and two men rushed to greet you.
"welcome back, mr. kim!" they all chorused as they bowed slightly.
"staff. this is siren, don’t ask for her real name. she's head of security over jaehyun along with johnny and taeyong. she'll be living here for awhile. treat her with respect." the man you spoke to in the car explained. guess he was addressed as mr. kim.
"yes, mr. kim. welcome, miss siren." they chorused and bowed once again.
do they practice being in synchronization like that?
"uh, thanks." you mumbled, adjusting your bag straps again.
you heard a door open, followed by seven men jogging down the stairs. all seven pairs of eyes locked on you.
"oh don't tell me she's the one who's going to be keeping jaehyun out of trouble," one of them said as a smile grew on his face.
five out of the seven started laughing. something you didn’t take lightly. you didn’t like being laughed at or taken as a joke.
"i'm trained in eight styles of fighting, i have a perfect aim with the gun on my hip, and a few other skills that you'll quickly find out if you laugh at me again." you said calmly.
that shut all of them up. mr. kim gasped, sending an elbow into your side. you didn't flinch at all.
"this is siren and yes, she'll be assisting johnny and taeyong in keeping jaehyun out of trouble which includes limiting the visits of the four of you. siren, this is jung jaehyun, the prince of this kingdom. these are his friends – dong sicheng, prince of china. huang xuxi, prince of hong kong. wong kunhang, prince of macau. chittaphon leechaiyapornkul, one of the princes of thailand. they may be princes but only sicheng acts like it." mr. kim said, giving them a fake smile.
one of the seven came up to you, "i'm sorry for kunhang's comment earlier, i'm johnny– the head of security, and that’s taeyong, other head of security. you can call him ty though." johnny introduced himself and taeyong, holding out his hand.
you shook his hand shortly. joy was right about his friends... they all looked amazing, especially the one locking hands with you. mr. kim looked between you and johnny with a shocked expression and you didn’t know why.
i made a mental note of each of their appearances so i could remember their names quickly. one of the most important things about being on a job was to take note of everyone around your client.
"i'm jaehyun, the one you'll be keeping out of trouble,” jaehyun said copying mr. kim's words.
they both glared at each other. the tension in the room was almost sickening.
"we're gonna go." taeyong announced before ushering the remaining boys to another part of the house.
"bye, siren!" sicheng smiled brightly.
i waved goodbye as they walked away.
"well, you got your wish, doyoung. i got a babysitter now and you ran my friends off again. you happy?"
"very happy."
"good, so get the fuck out." jaehyun said angrily.
you didn't know that much about the royal family but you were shocked. princes were supposed to be respectful or at least act like it. yet you could hear how much hatred jaehyun had in his voice.
mr. kim, doyoung as jaehyun called him, scoffed but looked at you, "siren, be careful. he's a tricky one," he stated before leaving.
you turned to look at jaehyun who was already staring at you.
"johnny really respects you."
you shrugged, "a lot of people do. what's your point?"
"he likes you for some reason and i don't know why and its bothering me."
"you're a big boy. you'll get over it."
jaehyun smirked, "yeah, i'm a big boy alright."
you rolled your eyes and walked past him. had to walk yourself into that pun, didn't you? you felt his eyes on your ass as he followed you up the long spiraled stairs.
"tenth door on the right is your room. next room over is my bedroom in case you get lonely."
ignoring him once again, you walked into your new room. it was huge: a king-sized bed with black silk sheets, dresser, nightstand with a flatscreen TV positioned on the wall. you took out your laptops and phones to charge them.
"why do you have two laptops and two phones?" jaehyun asked, reaching to pick one of the laptops up.
however, you grabbed him by the wrist before he even got the chance.
"don't touch anything that doesn't belong to you... that's rule number one. don't ask me anything business related or too personal. my job isn't to befriend you. my job is to keep you out of trouble, got it?" you asked angrily, “good, don’t make me tell you again.”
"you're so fucking sexy when you're angry." jaehyun whispered, staring at the grip you had on his wrist.
you rolled your eyes and let go of him, “it’s my job to keep you alive and out of trouble. why are you already making it hard for me?"
"didn’t they tell you how bad i was, baby?"
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westcnbrccks · 2 years
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personal information
full name : weston samuel brooks
nicknames : wes, west, w, brooks, westy ( acts like he hates it and only people he considers family are allowed to use it on rare occasions )
birthday : 01/12/1998
age : twenty-three
birthplace : san francisco, california
pets : golden doodle puppy named maple
hair color : brown
eye color : brown
scars : has one on upper back and back of arm from a severe childhood burn
tattoo : parents birthdays over his heart
height : 5 foot 10 inches
weight : 165 lb
build : athletic
faceclaim : alex fitzalan
quick stats
parents : charles brooks (†) & kennedy brooks (†)
relationship status : taken (cassidy)
education : b.s. in mathematics & b.a. in secondary education
occupation : high school math teacher, cross country & distance track coach
+ traits : excitable, ambitious, patient, social
- traits : stubborn, loud, sarcastic, indecisive
health information
eyesight : he is very farsighted. pretty much unable to see anything in front of his face without glasses or contacts. he usually wheres his contacts but is not uncommon for him to opt for his glasses
allergies : penecillin, kiwi
medical conditions : none
mental disorders : ADHD (super well managed)
backstory (fire tw & parental death tw & burn/scar tw)
 Weston’s parents didn’t have a lot, but they loved him more than anything and would do whatever was needed to keep him happy & healthy.
(fire tw & parental death tw & burn/scar tw)They kept this up until at the age of five years old the family’s apartment broke out in fire due to faulty wiring.  Weston made it out with only a burn on both his back and the back of his right arm, but his parents had to be transferred to the hospital where they eventually died due to complications of the fire.
Weston was devastated and was sent away from his only known home to live with his Aunt Nancy in Pine River. His aunt lived next door to the Whitfield family who had a daughter his age, Cassidy, and she quickly became his best friend. Soon after meeting her Weston started to return to his normal self and begged his aunt to start signing him up for sports which she happily did.
As he went through high school in Pine River, he continued to show an excellence in sports. He ran both cross country and track field and was able to be put on Varsity from day one. He loved the sports and did everything he could to keep excelling in them. Through high school he was able to hold both school and state records for his best races.  His talents lead him to be scouted for college and ended up obtaining an almost full ride offer from USC if ran cross country and track there.
Weston finished his secondary education degree at USC, he made the decision he wanted to come back to Pine River. The high school hired him as both a Math Teacher and to be the Cross Country and Distance track coach. He was ecstatic for this next chapter of his life and moved back to the town he knew to be home.
Today, no one would ever guess what had happened to him as child. The only indication that something happened to him is the scar from the burn to his back and arm. Though, scars are there he is insecure about them and doesn’t talk about where they came from unless he is very close to the person.
he is this super kind and bubbly ray of sunshine. he loves being around people and helping others when they are in need. he just has a huge heart. especially when it comes to his students/ athletes. he will rearrange his entire schedule to give someone extra help if they need it.
but he does tend to hold grudges if you hurt him or someone he cares about. his trust is easy to gain but it is also easy to loose. & once you loose it you may never get it back
he is the type of person you never hear complain and are the firsts ones to show up & the last ones to leave
he got a golden doodle puppy 4 months ago named maple and is OBSESSED with her. he brings her everywhere with him and will talk about her constantly.
he is super social and loves going out and meeting people. he will go up to random strangers and just rope them into conversations.
he is very smart but some times can lack a bit of common sense when comes to making decisions. if you dare him to do something i would give it a 99% chance that he will go through with it. he is what i like to call a smart idiot.
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alexiessan · 4 years
Never alone - Chapter Two - Soulmate AU
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Hello! Faster than ever before, I present you the second chapter of Never Alone!
I chose to not describe Marinette with her clothes or hairstyle so that you can imagine her as you want! In my mind, since she's a fashion designer, I imagine her always changing her clothes and very fashionable. I don't see her with her pigtails either. But it's up to you as to how you see her!
Also, I'm French, so if there are any grammatical mistakes, do not hesitate to tell me so I can come back and correct them!
Two months in the new school year, and Marinette was already exhausted. While she had a very calm summer filled with outings with her friends, she was now drowning in work. Jagged wanted her to design his newest album cover, and Clara Nightingale has asked for a new outfit for a music video.
 At school, Alya and Marinette were doing their best to find a good trip for the end of the year. The school had a decent amount of money that was set aside specifically for their class trip, but they would need to organize an event or two if they wanted to go somewhere outside of Europe. They were lucky enough that their class’ trip was set for their first year of high school: Mrs. Mendelieiv’s class’ trip was set for the next year, right before the first set of exams for the baccalaureat. 
 Along with all that, there was also her duty as Ladybug. Hawkmoth has been relatively calm during the summer, but as soon as school started again in September, he released his akumas again.
 Except, now, they were more brutal than ever before.
 Ladybug cursed as the Akuma managed to deeply cut her on her left side. She watched as Chat jumped in as she collapsed on the roof they were battling. True to his promise, Chat took his job more seriously and only joked during patrols now. He also stopped to jump mindlessly in front of her to save her from a hit and actually tried to get both of them out of the way.
 The Akuma they were fighting was a dangerous one. His arm has been transformed into two big shears, and they hurt like hell.
 Ladybug watched with fascination as her hand was tainted with her own blood. She couldn’t remember if an Akuma had hurt her that much before… She knew for sure that she was bleeding too heavily and she was getting a bit dizzy. They would need to end the fight very soon.
 Standing up, she took advantage of the distraction Chat provided to trip the Akuma with her yoyo, succeeding in tripping him. Quickly, Chat snatched the man’s bow and used cataclysm on it.
 As she cleansed the Akuma and watched the light heal Paris and herself as she cast the cure, the red-clothed superhero couldn’t help but think it was time to contact the Justice League again.
 Back when they got their miraculous, she and Chat had contacted the Justice League of Europe to ask for help. They were just teenagers without any training entrusted to protect a whole city as big as Paris, and it was clear to them they couldn’t possibly do that alone.
 The person they had talked to at the moment had listened to them, took note and told them they would come back to them after informing the heroes of the issue in Paris. It was a month later that one of the heroes contacted them, informing them they would not intervene in Paris, as they have been doing a good job up until now and the miraculous cure healed everyone and repaired everything. They then give them words of encouragement before they cut the connection.
 Ladybug had then wanted to contact the Justice League of America before remembering they wouldn’t be able to do anything as France was certainly not under their jurisdiction. 
 And thus, there they were, still two untrained teenagers, acting on instinct against people with magic powers.
 She let Chat take care of the victim, still feeling the pain on her left side, even though it was healed and there was not a trace of blood left on her person.
 “Are you ok?”
 Ladybug watched as the victim was taken care of by some policemen and turned her attention to her partner.
 “I’m fine Chat. Sorry I had to let you handle everything.”
 “Hey, you were hurt and losing a lot of blood. It’s a wonder you could even stand up afterward.”
 The girl smiled. “Should we try to contact the JLE again?”
 Chat Noir sighed. “Even though they won’t intervene, they are watching closely what’s happening here. If they haven’t decided to step in yet, contacting them won’t change anything LB.”
 Ladybug sighed. “You’re right. Of course. I should go Chat, I’m about to transform back.”
 “Sure thing. I’ll see you later, then.”
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                                                                                               Back in her room, Marinette winced as she sat down on her bed.
 “Are you really ok Marinette?”
 Tikki was looking at her with her big, wide blue eyes. She was obviously worried.
 “I’m fine, just a bit sore. I’m lucky that the cure healed me, but I think I’ll still feel the pain for a few days.”
 While the cure healed her, the pain stayed for some time after, varying on the severity of the injury. Since her latest injure was pretty severe, it would hurt for a little while.
 “Alright, I still have some homework to do for tomorrow. You should eat something and go to sleep Tikki, you must be tired after today. There should be a cookie or two on my desk.”
 The kwami looked at her for a moment before flying over her desk, knowing it was useless to insist and there wasn’t anything she could do anyway. Even if she wished she could take Marinette’s pain away.  
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                      “Alright girl, you said you found something for the trip?”
 It was early December now, and Marinette had asked Alya to join her in the school library to discuss the trip. The fashion designer took the laptop out of her bag and opened it to show her what she found.
 “So, you know how the trip also has to be educational? This is the Wayne Career Program. It’s designed for high school students. Each one of us would shadow someone in the firm as a sort of internship to learn about different professions.”
 “Putain, girl! That’s amazing. Wayne Enterprises have a lot of different sectors. I could totally work with the PR team if we can manage to secure a trip there. Plus it’s in Gotham, in America!”
 Alya literally squealed at the idea of traveling overseas.
 “Yeah, I’m a bit worried about that actually. You know it’s not really the safest place on Earth.”
 And what an understatement that was. Gotham was probably the city with the most crimes in the world. It would be a miracle if the school allowed them to go. But then again, the school board would do anything to up their reputation and a class winning an internship at WE… The principal would boast about it years after they had all graduated.
 “There is an essay we have to write to apply. I suggest we write it before we present the idea to Ms. Bustier. We also need to prepare arguments for her and the school board.”
 “No problem girl, I already have tons of arguments there.” The reporter showed her her notebook where there were two pages filled with arguments. The class president nodded, those were really good. She could really rely on her friend.
 “Well, that was quick. Those should be enough to convince them. On to the essay, then. ‘How do you think you can change the world?’”
 They spent hours after that, taking notes and making several drafts of the essay. It took them a week to have the actual final product and when they handed it to Ms. Bustier, she was delighted. It was decided they wouldn’t announce the destination of the trip to the class until they were sure it could be a possibility.
 Alya and Marinette had dropped hints about the destination though, to see if the class would actually like to go to Gotham.
 After a week or so, they knew they had chosen well.
 On Marinette’s birthday, on the 16th of December, after lunch where the whole class sang Happy birthday to her, the class president and the class deputy had a meeting with the principal and the board of the school.
 It was tough to convince them, and the meeting actually lasted the whole afternoon, but at the end of the day, they had all signed the papers that confirmed that the trip would happen in Gotham, should the two girls won the contest. They even agreed to unfreeze some more funds for it. This program would really look good on the school’s record. 
 It was with a bright smile that they returned to class ten minutes before the end of the day bell and announced to everyone that the trip to Gotham has been confirmed. Using the classroom’s computer, the whole class witness as the two girls applied to the Wayne Career Program.
 Now, all they had to do was wait for an answer. 
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                                                                                 Life after that was a bit calmer for Marinette, if you didn’t count the Akumas. She worried that they were more and more violent, and more often than not, she had lingering pain from injuries she got at Ladybug.
 But life was good. Lila had even stopped lying and was herself. Even if it means that she wasn’t very kind to anyone, even mocking all of them at times, the class would just scoff and roll their eyes at her antics. The designer still wouldn’t talk to her, but the atmosphere in the class was lighter than the previous year, and for that Marinette was grateful.
 They were all at an outdoor ice rink at the end of January when Marinette’s phone beeped with a notification. 
 “Oh fucking shit, guys!”
 It caught everyone’s attention as the tiny Dupain-Cheng was not one to curse like that.
 “I just got an email for Mr. Wayne’s secretary! Our class is among the nine others to have won the contest! We are going to Gotham in May!”
 Everyone cheered at that, hugging each other and even going as far as carrying Marinette and Alya around, as it was their doing.
 “America, here we come!” shouted Kim.
 “You do realize that you will have to work extra hard on your English, right?” teased Max.
 “Oh, shit.”
 Everyone laughed at that, but it was agreed among themselves and their English teacher that they would all stay for an hour and a half after school to learn the language, up until their trip.
 “I can’t wait to see Gotham’s heroes in action!” squealed Alya.
 “Aren’t they vigilantes?” asked Mylène.
 “Same thing!”
 “Not quite, babe.” grinned Nino.
 Even Lila was smiling with them, and it was huge progress in their book.
 Marinette smiled, “We’ll be there for two weeks. The first week, we’ll be visiting around, and the second week will be dedicated to our internships. I will have to send a list of all our careers of interest to Mr. Wayne’s secretary, so they can organize who we will be shadowing. So, I’ll need you to send me those pieces of information this weekend, so I can send it on Monday, okay?”
 “Roger that, boss.”
 As Alya took her hand to skate with her around the rink, the baker’s daughter couldn’t help the huge smile on her lips. A year ago, there was a lot of tension in the class, and here they were, all laughing together and talking excitedly about the upcoming trip that their class president and deputy won them.
 She could hear Rose talking excitedly about the things she wanted to see in Gotham. She watched as Kim challenged Alix on God knows what and laughed as Max stated that he had a two-percent chance of winning that bet. She smiled as Adrien, with them at an outing for once, fell on his butt and Nino laughed as he helped him up. She even grinned as she watched Lila having a conversation with Nathaniel without being mean or mocking him once.
 She had thought a year before that Lila would never change, but she was wrong. And she was happy that she had been, because even though Lila wasn’t very nice, well, all her classmates were kind enough to make up for it.
 Yeah, Marinette thought with a smile, life was good. And she had a feeling that it would be even better.
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Tag list: 
@bigpicklebananatree @animegirlweeb @crazylittlemunchkin @northernbluetongue @cutechip @justafanwarrior @iloontjeboontje @resignedcatservant
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
immj2 28+29.12.20 lbs
ok we just gonna skimmmmmmmmmmmmm through these eps real quick, coz i wanna get back to reading my Bridgerton books.
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aaaaaaand she’s disappeared.
................... coz angre got his hands on her. angre i swear to god if you don’t unhand her and go back to just simping for your wife...........
lmao she bit him and ran away.
................ straightttttttttt into vansh’s arms.
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oh shit. i ship this too????? fuck, this show is just too chock-full with ridiculously good looking people and i need them all to kiss each other’s necks.
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anyway, ahaana’s got a brain and just started screaming her head offfff for riddhima. which is what a normal person (read, anyone NOT RIDDHIMA) would do.
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hein who this curly haired girl????
anyway, ahaana like i gots a secrettttt to tellll you. ABOUT VANSHHHHHHHH.
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kabir a messyass bitch like me and is like ooooooooooooh ab aayega mazzaaaa.
iss sab ke beech ishani like heyyyy, this is my dress!!!!!! SIS, NO ONE CARES, WE ABOUT TO GET SOME HELLA GOOD GOSSIP. JESUS. PRIORITIES!!!
ahaana like someone wants to killllllllllllllllllll meeeeeeeeeeeeeee, and riddhima is like huh what who why they wanna kill you???? and sis, i think you know from living in this murder-house that ppl don’t particularly need a reason as such to wanna kill you. they just like homicide as a hobby.
vansh like I SHALLLLLLLLLLL PROTECT YOUUUUUUUUUU, YOU SHALL LIVE HERE. sir, i’m pretty sure it’s YOU that she’s talking about that wants to kill her.
riddhima like uhhhhhhhhh??? the fuck is going on? why you promising security to this chick who wanted to phodofy your bhaanda????
anyway riddhima like WHOOOOOOOO IS SHEEEEE, YOU KNOW EACH OTHER FROM BEFORE????????? like damn, your psycho murderous ex is living in this house thanks to you, and vansh can’t even know a woman that’s not you????/
ahaana going on and on about this stupid SECRET and omg just spit it out or gtfo. i have 8 books of regency era sexy shenanigans to read, and i’m wasting time here on this nonsense.
ok. she saved his life. and did “seva” it seems. lmao the mental image i have.
“vansh, apna vaada yaad hai na? ki tum mera karz chukaaoge; keemat ya shakl jo bhi ho.” oh???????? big promise from vansh, if true.
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vansh beginning to regret making such lofty vows.
(also mmmmmmm, what else dat pouty mouth do, baby???)
dadi has taken over and is like you saved my vansh‘s lifeeeeeeee, i shall make sure vansh keeps his promise, blah blah. lord WHAT IS THE POINT OF ALLLLLLL THISSSSSS?!?!?
riddhima like, why did you call me if you wanted to get in touch with him? why not just call him directly????
shaaaaaady reactions from vansh/ahaana at that. lightttttt goes out.
comes back on, and angre like fuck all this, let’s celebrate the new yearrrrrrrr. not sus at all. y’all are alllllllllllllll so fucking shady man. god, ahaana, just bust my girl ridz outta here and go to alaska and eat spaghetti together. iykyk.
and they all just started ballroom dancing as if they’re in beauty and the beast. attention span of a fucking gnat these ppl have. ek baat pe dhyaan nahi tiktiiii.
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i’m here for this also. i just want all the sexy ppl to be with each other. idc who is with whom. just put any two of them together and i’m happy.
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these two throwing some chabayaa hua dhamkis at each other. I DON’T CAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE UNLESS YOU SPILLING SPECIFIC DEEEEEEEEEEETS.
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iske dimaag ke ghode kentucky derby mein daudne lage hain.
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and hubs fullllllllllllly knows. he wanted exactly that.
she tries to ask questions and as usual, he shuts her down with ainvayi ki philosophy. MAN WHAT WILL IT FUCKING TAKE FOR YOU TO ANSWER A QUESTION STRAIGHT?????
big talk about pyaaaar and vishwaaaas and bro, i fully know what you’re doing here, you fucking bastard. bloody gaslighting her into ignoring her own instincts in the name of trusting you. like yes, she’s like extraaaa with the jasoosi, but she’s asking RELEVANT, PERTINENT QUESTIONS.
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meanwhile this rakshason ki toli has got their hands on the “yes okay i’m a spy!!!!!!!!!!!!!” recording that siya had. great. wonderful. best.
they decide to wait for right moment to use it and show vansh. oh you fucking dumbasses................... he already knows. this is the problem; no one bothers to fucking communicate in this family. 
kabir trying to get the goss outta ahaana, but vansh ne mundi se ishaara kiya and angre just threw a drink on K, so he had to leave to go change.
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i like her.
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lol she called him a loser. never has a character been more right about all the men of this stupid show.
ahaana staring at vansh in a real strange way. oh bro, kya kaand kiya tha iske saath????? sach sach bolllllllllll.
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these two seem have slid into each other’s inboxes already???? oh yeaaaaaaaaah.
ishani has come back with one V for Vendetta mask and is smirking some more about how riddhima is going down. *sigh* same old, same old. 
more ainvayi ka dancing. man, what a waste of a filler episode.
at the dinner table, riddhima finds a chit saying your life is in danger, come meet me out in the backyard. ishani and aryan and chachi making real weird faces. did they send the note or did ahaana???? either way, this not gonna end well for riddhima. as per always.
it’s got to the point where EVEN riddhima is calling out the plotholes in the damn show out loud; saying ahaana said HER life was in danger, now how the fuck is this all about MY life being in danger???
anyway the dumbass goes to investigate.
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she got shoved into a car by V for Vendetta (that’s what they should call the show.) which is now filling up with smoke. wonderful.
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she’s so fucking stupid. there’s no way the car doors can be locked from the outside in such a way that they cannot be opened from the inside. peeche ke doors pe child-lock hain bhi, toh she can just climb to the front and open the front doors and jump out. honestly riddhima.
ishani trying to distract vansh from going to look for riddhima with chocolate cake.
vansh is me. cake pakda diya toh duniya ki koi parwaah nahi. it just meeeeeeeeeee and my cake, made for each other, truuueeeeeee loveee.
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riddhima still choking and struggling like a dumbass.
cake done, vansh off to look for his wife. gotta say, he’s got his priorities straight.
ishani making shady faces with Guy Fawkes mask. godddddd. who cares who cares who caresssss?
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after 19023019283092130912390 moments of suspense, he finally found her and broke her outta the car.
some loving scolding for wandering off without telling him. dude’s she’s a grownass woman, not a toddler/pet.
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anyway she told him someone shoved her in the car and he’s clenching his jaw most magnificently mmmmmmm that jawwww.
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ab yeh kaunsi nayi musibat hai???
he’s promising to find and punish whoever and she’s thinking omg it kabir?!?!?!!!!!!!! as if noooooone else in the house wants to murder her.
she’s like you saved me again!!!!!!!! and he’s literally like stop playing khatron ke khiladi up in here every day and i won’t have to, bitch.
ishani literalllllly flaunting that mask on her arm and riddhima like OUFF YEH KHOOONI NANAD BAAZ NAHI AATI.
side mein dekha toh kabir also has one like that.
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lmao everyyyyyyone has one of these masks.
R like i need to gtfo here from the presence of all these assholes, k byeeeeee.
she’s confronting ahaana ki why you call me outside and not show up yourself????
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ahaana like, bitch tf you talking about? i didn’t call you or send any chit??!?!! get used to it ahaana, iss ghar mein rahogi toh yeh hourly occurance hai, aisa random chutiyaapa. tumhein toh aadat hogi hi, pichle janam mein oberois ke saath jo rahi ho.
riddhima bringing up vansh and ahaana like YOUR MAN SHADYYYYY AF. YOU SHOULDN’T TRUST HIM SO MUCH. iss ek line se hi i have gotten it ki ahaana has been planted by vansh and he’s trying to see if riddhima falls for anyone else’s hearsay again.
riddhima is giving speech about how much she trusts vansh and they’re each others’ parchhaai or some such shit, and lmaoooooooooooooo ahaana’s face......
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same, sis. absolutely saaaame.
ahaana like “zindagi mein har bimaari ki dawaai hai, par galatfehmi ki nahi.” snortttttttt.
ahaana going heavy on “vansh don’t love you, he wants to killll your ass” speech and ouff....... ofc riddhima won’t listen. dumbass.
there is not ONE wrong thing ahaana is saying about vansh. not ONE. literally all of it is true. i mean, maybe he does “love” her or whatever, but kya hi karein aise bekaar roz roz life ruin karne waale pyaar ka? isse achcha toh naa hi kare pyaar.
aaaaaaaaand she got slapped for truth-telling. fuck. riddhima, you are such a fucking dumbass. where all this slappiness for your damn husband who was lying to your face for monthssssss, huh????
ugh mera pati mera ishq bhashaan. this chick deserves to be murdered. blindass.................. she’s doing the exact same shit she did with kabir, total blindddddd faith without listening to any reason. she deserves to be fucked over if she refused to learn anything from that kaand and won’t use her fucking brain even now.
honestly this sanctimonious speech she’s giving ahaana........
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but for once she’s using her MAALKIN OF THE HOUSE rutba and telling to ahaana to gtfo the house.
lmao ahaana like tell vansh to throw me out, and i’ll go.
cut to......... riddhima is randomly staring at a ladder. as one does.
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helllllllllllllllllllllllo. 😏😏😏
riddhima trying to tell vansh ki ahaana is off her rocker and....
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well okay then! no more talking about ahaana! 🥰🥰🥰
great. all that was buttering up for the trust test he has set up for her.
climb the ladder, it seems. oh boy. i know what’s coming............
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lmaooooo she climbs it and is like ok now you know that i trust you??? can i come back down now??? LOL DUMBASS HOW DID YOU NOT GUESS WHAT HE WANTED FROM THE MOMENT HE TOLD YOU TO CLIMB???????? dimaag ghutno mein hai iss ladki ki.
he’s telling her to jump. ofc. fucking asshole. tereko shauk hai random high places se chhalaang maarne ko toh you’ll make everyone do it or what?
HE’S ACTUALLY GETTING MAD AT HER HESITATION AND ALL I’LL CATCH YOU, DO YOU NOT TRUST ME?????? main hoti toh kehti ki bro, it’s not you that i don’t trust, i just know gravity as a force is more powerful than you are.
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how self satisfied she looks. fucking dumbass.
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while his face is like ‘i can’t believe the twit actually did it.’
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some more talk about how she trusts him mosttttttttttttttttttttttttt in the world, while he gets horny for it. god, what a pair of boring dysfunctional fucks. i liked it better when he was vihaan and had a bondage kink.
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bharosa talk bharosa talk and oh my god it’s sooooooo fucking obvious he’s planted ahaana to test her and her trust. aaj yeh toh bas level 1 tha. the chutiyaapa just gonna go up from here.
she’s like i don’t like ahaana, why does she have to stay here? he’s turning it back on her and saying if we trust each other, what does it matter if she stays here or says whatever????? which ....... is just some reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy manipulative BS.
he’s saying she has some “issues” that he’ll handle. oh lord. ahaana in danger of getting murdered by this fucker too.
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riddhima giving some more vaasta of her neverending trust.........
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while this asshole makes these very TRUSTWORTHY faces.
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aaaaaaaaaaaaand someone watches them. as per usual. no wonder vansh made sure to go far far far far away from this house to get some nookie. idhar karte toh it would be like those olden days royal weddings, where the whole court would come and sit and watch the marriage being consummated.
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cookiedoughmeagain · 3 years
Haven DVD commentaries: 5.17 - Enter Sandman
Notes on the commentary for 5.17 with Lucas Bryant (director for the episode) and Shernold Edwards (writer for the episode)
This is a fun one and is by far the highest serious-to-ridiculous ratio from Lucas I have ever heard. Really lovely to hear him talk about how much he loved directing this episode. (As always this is not necessarily direct word-for-word quotes but hopefully captures the nature of the conversation.)
SE: So this was fun. I didn’t think it was going to be fun, but it was. LB: Wow - you were scared? SE: I was nervous! Because you’ve been working with this character for much longer than I have, and you guys are so tight you know your characters so well, you know the show. I was a fan of the show before I started, but you guys are /inside/ the show. LB: Right, interesting. SE: So I was writing it for you and I wanted it to be good. And I wanted it to be emotional but also I felt like it was a bit of a departure. LB: Totally. SE: And I was nervous too that the fans might be upset. LB: Right. Well personally this is one of my favourite episodes ever. SE: Oh me too. LB: Not necessarily because of what I did, but just reading it, it was fan-freaking-tastic. SE: So this [dream!Audrey on the phone] was one of the first shots that came through in the dailies and I looked at that and I was like; Lucas is a director! Look at the window, and the view, and she looks great. And we had looked at wardrobe and decided the short jacket looked great. And then seeing this I was like; That isn’t the short jacket I picked! But then I was like: Ahhh what a good choice! Because it flows! LB: Oh I didn’t know that I was breaking the rules. SE: No, you weren’t. I thought the short one was pretty but you made a better choice. LB: Oh good. I’m glad you think so.
LB: So this scene [Nathan finding Audrey on unconscious on the classroom floor] we actually shot this with the previous episode that was directed by Rick Bota, and thankfully he let me shoot this scene together with the end of the last episode where Audrey finds Grayson unconscious. SE: So how long before you guys did that did you know that you were going to have to shoot this scene? LB: It came up in scheduling, just because I thought it made sense because we were going to be in there already and set up to shoot a similiar scene. And it actually was awful because I was working that day, shooting - I mean working as an actor - and then I knew that this was coming in the afternoon. And it was totally sort of frazzled, and I was back and forth between planning the shot and being in the shot. And it was totally uncomfortable and awkward and weird. And I remember thinking, I do not want to have that experience for the rest of this thing, so it was great to get that out of the way. Because that happened, it happened for like an hour and then it was done and I got a couple days to think about what had happened and what I could do better and everything. So it was this sort of perfect trial by fire. But then at the same time I had Rick there to watch when I was on screen. Because that was the worst, I think, trying to do …. SE: Yeah like in the thing and watch the thing LB: Yeah. SE: So I’m sad because I love Kris Lemche [who plays Seth]. LB: So do I. SE: He’s so awesome. I think he just got cast in a CW pilot playing a role that’s very similar to this. So I’m just going to go on record and say that Kris Lemche should be thanking Nick Parker who originated this character. But I’m sad because I wrote this whole thing about his lustrous hair that ended up getting cut out. And I just thought somebody should pay homage to the lustrous hair. I tried but, the scene ran long. LB: I know, it was so good. It was funny and it was great, but that was part of the sad reality I realised of doing this - because it ended up running long, then any piece of anything that could possibly get taken out, got killed. SE: Yeah, I know. And it’s usually the fun stuff. LB: Yeah. SE: But a lot of the fun stuff did stay in this and I’m so glad. And I’m so glad you directed this one. But I wanted to ask you, because it feels like you didn’t have a lot of lead up time, between knowing that you had to shoot that scene that you were in and actually doing it. LB: Right, it didn’t. SE: So was that weird? Did you have to block yourself? LB: Yes. So we, Rick and I were shooting in that location the week previously, so thankfully I had a bunch of time between scenes to walk around, so any time I wasn’t shooting I go and nervously write things down. So I talked about it with Rick, and he told me what he was thinking, and I decided that those lines - those visual lines - could work for where our characters were going to be. SE: Oh yeah of course becuase that was a direct follow on from the previous episode LB: Yeah because Audey comes in the room, so I was like; Well Nathan can just come in the same way so we don’t have to light that again, we just do the same thing. SE: So going in to this I was aware that you were going to be directing and that we’d want to lighten you up as an actor LB: Yes! Thank you! SE: But I was also sad about it too because scenes like this one between you and Charlotte, we don’t get to do that a lot. We’ve got all this mythology stuff that needs to come in and case of the week stuff LB: Right. SE: And the fans, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, kind of like your face. And when your face is not on screen I kind of feel like they blame me. *Some joking around about who is actually in charge of the show and who’s fault it therefore actually is* SE: When this thing airs, I’m taking my name out of the phone book LB: Everyone - Shernold did all of us a favour by keeping my face out of this a little bit, so dial back the hate mail. SE: Goodness, and then also upset at Audrey even thinking about marrying anybody else. I’m going to keep my dog inside, and close all my windows, and hunker down. LB: It’s a TV show, people! Everyone knows the love story, the true love story, OK? It’s just … give Shernold a break? SE: Yeah let’s give Shernold a break. OK this guy [playing Sandman/Henry] was awesome. LB: Amazing. This whole experience was the coolest thing in the world for me. I absolutely loved it. And I got incredibly lucky in so many ways, it felt like it was divine at every turn. The actors, the guest actors; Rossif [Sutherland who plays Sandman] is a fantastic actor and was totally game for everything, I think he was incredible. Tim Beresford who plays Grayson I thought was fantastic. SE: Yeah he was really good. He’s a friend of yours, right? LB: Yeah, he is. And Emily and Laura and everyone who had to go into this illusion just went in, really went for it. SE: Yeah they all totally went for it. And - our show is always very emotional, and serious things go on too so there has to be a level of seriousness to it. But I feel like because we got to do dreams, that we got to go in a different direction. LB: Totally. SE: And I don’t think I’ve ever seen Emily, or the Audrey character, as relaxed, or as buoyant, or affectionate - I mean there’s obviously a lot of affection between Audrey and Nathan - but as affectionate or unencumbered, as unencumbered-ly in love with someone. But I think a lot of that came from you. LB: Hmmm. Well. I think it came from you, from what you wrote. Because Audrey Parker is always encumbered by the weight of the world. She has all these things to deal with; her identity, her lack of identity, what is going on, saving the world. So for her to get to play a woman who doesn’t have a care in the world, this is the most perfect life possible. I think that she just embraced that. And it wasn’t a vapid character, because that was a concern. But it was really amazing. When we first see them together in that world, it made me - this whole experience made me love actors so much more as well. Because so often when I’m acting, you feel sort of powerless, you feel like this meatpuppet in many ways, you’re being told what to do. And a lot of times you feel this frustration of not being able to really have this voice that you think you should have. Now, getting to watch actors, as the director, I was like; That is so freaking not true. And I am going to try to never feel like that again. Because from the moment that I said ‘Action’ until ‘Cut’ we were completely in an actor’s world. Like there would be scenes where I’d be thinking; I don’t even know how I’m going to do this or what I’m going to tell them. And they would just come in and bring it to life. And it was joyous to watch. To the point that there’s all the stupid pictures of me with my mouth so wide open leaning in at the monitors like a freaking idiot. SE: I think you should post those because I think people will want to see those. LB: *laughs* But I was really just so joyously appreciating getting to watch these performances. Because when you’re in it, it doesn’t feel good, it feels yucky. I mean these guys are fighting about the loves of their lives or potential deaths and imminent doom … SE: This guy [Sandman] is scary as shit LB: … so it was such a nice experience for me. SE: I have to say, this was one of the times where I regret not going up to set this season. Going up to set is not easy, because everyone works really hard, we have long hours, and we’re away from a lot of the amenities of the city, it’s not easy. What makes it good is the great people, the Haven crew (and the delicious food we get to eat.) The bugs, I’m not into. The ticks, I’m not into. LB: Yep. They’re lame. SE: The heat and the cold simultaneously, I’m not into. So, I wasn’t heart-broken when we were told that writers wouldn’t be going up to set for season five. Except for this episode. I wanted to be there for this.
LB: So this week, those first couple days, thankfully you kept me mostly out of this and the way it worked out schedule-wise was that other than that first bit that we shot a couple days earlier with Rick, I got to just direct for the first four days. SE: Oh that’s awesome. LB: So it was three days at the mansion, in the fantasy world, and then one day at the school where it was all Dwight and Sandman stuff. So for the first four days I didn’t have to put on any make up or get out of my own clothes. So I just got to focus on these guys. So this, look how gorgeous this is [as Audrey and Henry greet Grayson in the dream world]. And a couple days before this, it was freezing. And a couple days after, it was freezing. And when Emily first came out in the dress later on, it was so stunning. And we were outside and she had this wrap on, and we were thinking it would be nice if she took the wrap off, but it’s so cold out here. So I’m like; Great, I’m now the guy that gets to go and talk to her and ask if she’ll take the wrap off. And I’d been out there days before and it was freezing. Initially we wanted to put her on the dock, but I was just like; That’s going to be awful. So she said she’d try it. And it was like as she removed the wrap, the sun came through the clouds and I swear it was like 12 degrees warmer, the wind died, and we got this amazing shot - you’ll see it later - where the sun’s directly behind her, and it just seemed like we had done the best planning you could ever do. But we just got totally lucky.
SE: This was one of my favourite scenes [where Duke first gets Seth to remember Haven]. Kris is so funny. And I loved those words when they were on the page, but the little pauses that he puts in, in the delivery. LB: Yeah, he is one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. SE: And so nice. It sounds really cliche, but this dude is really nice. LB: Super sweetheart. Fantastic actor. Hilarious, lovely person. And the two of them together [Kris Lemche and Eric Balfour], it was like, again, I just watched. And laughed, and enjoyed. And I was like; I don’t have anything to tell you guys, other than; you’re awesome. And one of these scenes with them - or maybe they got cut in half, but one of them was like four and a half pages or something. It was a pretty long scene of the two of them going back and forth. So I was like; Do you guys want to rehearse one? But they were like; Let’s just shoot it. And I swear to god, the first take, boom, they had everything down. I was like; Thank god.  And that’s when you really see the difference between what makes a pro actor. Because you don’t have time for someone to be; Sorry, what was that? And that’s me, all the time, forgetting my lines. Thankfully Nathan doesn’t say much. SE: Which is not my fault either. Nathan is a man of few words. LB: I actually usually ask for less. Like; Can I not say that? SE: You do! Can I do that with a look? Can I just frown at that? Can I convey all that with just a frown? And then you do. LB: Right. Let’s just let Audrey talk, and I’ll observe her. But yeah when you have those huge scenes which Kris and Balfour did that day with those big scenes just the two of them, they just killed it. I had to do nothing.
[As Charlotte is talking to Sandman] SE: This scene was fun. We don’t usually get much sexy on this show. And I like how you’ve got Dwight there [through the window behind], looking in at his lady. LB: Yeah this was a little sexy. And she totally went for it. SE: She did. And that squeal that’s coming up? I didn’t think I was going to be allowed to do it. LB: I know, I remember we were sitting in this office, having that conversation. I think you wrote it in the script as ‘sorrority girl squeal’. And I was like ummmm, is that for real? But then I got on board, and we were like; Let’s do it and see. And she did it and SE: And she did it, but I thought for sure it was going to get cut out. I thought it just wouldn’t make it - at every turn. I thought the network would cut it out, I thought the studio would cut it out. LB: I think there were a couple voices that were wondering about it but I think the amazing thing about this episode was you could say, well, it’s an illusion. It’s not real. That was just a really good go, if someone was wondering; I don’t know if in Haven, we should …? It’s like; You have to remember this is an illusion. SE: Yeah, this is not Haven. [Charlotte doing her sorority squeal] SE: Oh Laura Mennell, you make me so happy. And then Emily’s face lights up as well. It’s just nice to see that character, even though she’s completely in a place where she shouldn’t be - if she had any power over herself she wouldn’t even touch another man except for Nathan - but to see her just being so free, and happy.
[Charlotte helping Henry with his cufflinks] LB: I thought he was hilarious in this scene. And when he tries to snap her back .. when he … SE: You’re still directing! Oh my gosh, you guys couldn’t see but Lucas was looking at Laura Mennell’s close-up, going; Oh there’s a thing there … LB: When he’s calling her back to the illusion here I love this. So again, we had zero time for these scenes because this was six days, this episode. SE: Oh yeah, you had to do this in six days! LB: So Eric Cayla, who is amazing and held my hand through all of this and was incredibly supportive and insightful. SE: He’s the most manly gentle man, and he’s a gentleman, but I mean he is gentle, and yet so macho at the same time. LB: He is, absolutely. SE: Like standing on set eating a wheel of expensive delicious cheese with a knife. LB: Yeah, that he takes out of it’s own holder. But so, I wanted to do something visually special for the illusion that differentiated it from the world of Haven, so part of it was in the colour. But we were also talking about frames; like frames within frames within frames. So you’ll see a lot of square symmetrical shots, or like this [Grayson coming to see Audrey in her wedding dress] through doorways SE: That was kind of menacing [Grayson’s hand on the door handle], I didn’t intend that. LB: Because you don’t know who’s hand that is SE: Yeah. Nice work! And look at that [wedding] dress. That was the first choice, right? That was the first dress any of us saw. LB: Yes, and I was like: Oh god, they’re going to go try on wedding dresses, this is going to be the biggest shit show, the decision of which dress to wear. SE: Yeah I thought it was going to be a hideous conversation. LB: And so I thought I would defer to the ladies and just shut up. So they sent out five pictures, and I think every single one of us picked the same one. There wasn’t even a question. SE: I think it’s one of the only unanimous decisions on the show. LB: Ever.
SE: So I had suspected it watching the dailies, but then also I was talking to some of our production managers up there and, the entire crew came together for you. LB: Yes they did. SE: In a way that was just special. LB: It was so special. SE: Everyone wanted you to do well, everyone was trying their best. And it worked. And I know you brought 80% of it, but I think if you weren’t the kind of person that you are, and the kind of professional that you are then people would have been just like; … yeah good luck LB: Well yeah totally. They could have completely sunk me. And I can’t say it enough, I spent basically two weeks on the verge of tears, just from pure joy. It was so incredible. And every single step from you guys here in LA, the production team in Nova Scotia and all of the crew - every single person totally supported me. Told me that they were going to support me. Made me feel supported. It was incredible. And then to see what a group of 150 people working together can do in 10 minutes? It’s amazing. SE: Yeah I mean I tried to write to the six day schedule, but I was not convinced. I was not sure it was going to be possible to get all that done in six days. LB: I think that’s just the way TV is going now that people are just squeezing more … Oh this is a nice shot of the two of them [Henry and Grayson] silhouetted in the doorway. It was all so beautiful and I was so freaking lucky. It was overwhelming, the love and support. SE; That was great! [Grayson’s body disappearing from the dream world] That was terrific!! LB: Oh good. SE: I hadn’t seen that but that is exactly how I had written it. Thank you! LB: Oh no, thank you. Although we should thank the post production people. SE: That was great that was the first time I’ve seen that. LB: Oh good.
LB: So a lot of trying to get through those days of blocking and scheduling stuff in the dream sequence in particular was we were trying to find lighting set ups, or share locations. And I’ve got to give it up to these guys [Adam as Dwight and Rossif as Sandman in the principal’s office] because I think this was the fourth day of shooting and it was all these two, all day. SE: Did you do it chronologically. LB: Yeah they went chronologically and they went from the first scene to the last scene non stop SE: No way. LB: Yep, so we would sit on Adam and he would do …what is it, 12 pages? SE: The whole thing? What! LB: Yeah. A 22 minute take. So to the camera guys; Thank you, and, I’m sorry. Because they were like; If I didn’t like you, you would be fucking dead right now man. Because it was hand held. So they’re holding the camera and shaking. They did an incredible job and it was just about letting these two guys go for it, and they wanted to. It was totally awesome to see, It was like theatre, we would watch it for 20 minutes.And again, totally pro. And Adam who only started being a TV actor a couple years ago, came and did this super professional badass shit. I was so blown away by him. I think he is excellent in this episode, I loved directing him, and he yeah, would go from start to finish, 20 minute take, killing it every time. Amazing. SE: That’s incredible. I had a lot of fun writing those two. One of my favourite things to write, for some reason, is a grumpy white guy. And that was a lot of fun, these two guys threatening each other. And for this two [Charlotte telling dream!Audrey about the Troubles]. I’m always interested in our Troubled people, but can’t always spend that much time with the Troubled people because they’re not the stars and they’re not what people want to see. But because of the way this was structured, and because you were directing and didn’t want to be on screen all that much, then I got to spend a lot of time with Dwight and our Sandman. LB: Totally. And I loved how he got a really character-y episode.
SE: Look at that hair. LB: He’s got good hair. SE: Beautiful LB: Are we talking about Balfour’s hair? Or Lemche’s hair? SE: I take the fifth on Balfour’s hair but he’s a handsome man. LB: I like that hair. And Lemche does ...- I missed the mustache though.
SE: Hey, did our crew make that? LB: Yes, that is fake. We are standing in front of the studio, we were in the parking lot of the studio for this whole day. So yes that entrance there used to be a … SE: And the gas thing and whatever? LB: Yes, that is a fake gas thing, no gas comes from it.
LB: I love this; it’s a very loud van [Seth driving away from Duke claiming the engine’s too loud to hear him] I apologise for letting them, but I let them ad lib whatever and whenever they wanted. SE: That’s fine. They were funny.
SE: Oh and this is the shot when the sun came out? [Emily sat on the bench in the wedding dress] LB: This is when the sun came out. And I wish, ideally my hope for that sequence was as a much longer shot that started further back and would go super slowly up towards her. But the constraints of the fact that we can’t just let it be an hour and ten minute episode meant that had to get trimmed. But yeah it was just so stunning. SE: I’m not a big wedding person, but I was wildly invested in that tiara. LB: I remember SE: I was a bit of a beast about the tiara LB: You were totally serious. You were like; I am talking freaking Cinderalla, with the white gloves, the tiara, the whole thing. SE: I wanted something with height. And to Joanne I have to say, you do a beautiful job, and I know you resisted, and I will say - you were right. We did not need a tiara that was a foot high.
SE: Oh I hadn’t seen this [montage flashback of Naudrey moments]. This is cute! The feels! Oh you guys can’t be mad at me, look at all this Nathan/Audrey stuff. Stop tweeting me! LB: I don’t think people will be mad. This is one of the coolest Nathan and Audrey … SE: Wow! That [montage] was longer than I thought too. LB: And that was one of those things that was conceived in editing, really. Because we had talked about the possibility of some flashback moments here. And Shawn Pillar was instrumental in creating that.
[Seth driving along rocking out to the radio] SE: Look how cute he is! LB: It’s hilarious. SE: It is really funny. And look we’ve got foliage finally. LB: Yeah, the colours [on the trees[ SE: We got to shoot in fall! LB: I saw a bit of the next couple episodes when it’s full on fall. I just did ADR SE: Oh is that the one where they’re outside LB: Yeah and the yellow house.Stunning. The fall was beautiful. I mean, it wasn’t that fun shooting, but I knew at some point it was going to look totally gorgeous. SE: I’m looking forward to seeing that one. I haven’t seen much at all from 5B because we were writing like demons and everything so it’s going to be all new to me.
[Audrey and Henry talking on the bench and he puts his hands to her throat] SE: Woah. When you did that, I was like; Whaaat?! That’s powerful. Because I thought, is he going to strangle her? And how can she be so calm. LB: Well he started doing that, because he started touching her and holding her face. And there was something sinister about it, so I was like, yeah, let’s go there. SE: Yeah and I mean normally - I don’t know I didn’t even intend this - but what I’m thinking is that because we’re still partially in the dream world. Because I think normally in that situation Audrey would be like; What? Get your hands off me! Punching him in the face LB: Absolutely SE: But this is a little different, this is still so intimate. I mean she’s not feeling it, obviously, because it’s all Nathan for her. LB: But she’s still not completely out. She’s still not Audrey Parker yet. SE: It’s really powerful. LB: Yeah it was an interesting line to try and figure out. Because yeah, when she remembers is she herself again? But she’s still in this world, he hasn’t fully released her.
[As the dream world starts to fracture around them] SE: That’s really cool. That’s what I pictured when I said it turns into a bit of a nightmare for him. That’s really good. LB: Good. SE: And I didn’t really expect this from the actor either. Because I think I put something lame in there like; ‘He screams in frustration’ or something. Which I know no actor wants to do but I had to put something in there for people who read scripts and don’t necessarily know what it’s going to look like when it’s done. LB: Totally. And that was just him in front of a green screen by himself. And he just went for it. And Emily wasn’t even there. He was just standing there doing those final moments on his own and I just let it go, and let him do it over and over. He did like 20 different takes, but so beautifully vulnerable and angry and lovely and lost. And that’s what I thought was really wonderful about his performance that you ended up carrying about him. And this song [that’s playing as Audrey and Charlotte wake up] Adam turned me on to it a long time ago and told me; Whenever I hear this I always think of Audrey and Nathan. SE: Ah that’s so sweet LB: So when it came to my episode I listened to it again and thought we’d throw it here in the end. SE: That’s a lovely image [Henry on a bench in the empty dream world]. I wasn’t quite sure what that was going to be like with him alone. I never really settled on what I thought that should look like and I think you made a good choice. It’s nice to see these two [Audrey and Charlotte]. What’s fun for me is that we didn’t have a lot of just Audrey and Charlotte stuff, even though we knew that they were mother and daughter. So I tried to use the dream sequence to bring them closer. LB: Yeah, I think that really worked.
SE: This was fun LB: It was! SE: You did a good job man. LB: Thank you.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever felt a baby kick? Yeah, when my mom was pregnant with my brother.
What color pants/shorts are you wearing? I have red shorts on at the moment.
When is the last time you did something truly fun, and what was it? Last Friday, I’d say? Hahaha. Counted down the hours and minutes before the Butter MV drop, celebrating and freaking out with Army when it finally came out, watched the OT7 VLive that happened that afternoon, and streamed the video for nearly 24 hours straight so we could break some records, all of which we ended up achieving. It feels great to stan a group again after being out of the loop for so long lol.
What was the scariest moment of your life? A few men have lunged towards me - just to get attention, I guess? - in the past, while I was just peacefully walking. I always hear them snickering once I’ve flinched, and I always ended up crying once I’ve processed the situation.
Have you ever heard of Leonard Cohen? I know of the name, but I have no clue who he is or what he does (did?).
Pancakes or flapjacks? I don’t even know what flapjacks are, so let’s go with pancakes.
What kind of computer are you on? I’m using a Macbook Air.
Do you eat Chinese food? If so, what's your favorite dish? Yes. Minced pork with eggplant.
What are you usually doing at midnight? On weekdays, I spend it in bed, either watching videos or already reading fanfics to get ready to turn in. On Friday nights and weekends, I will usually be found on the rooftop taking a survey or two.
Have you ever developed feelings for a friend, but you were already with someone? No, I’ve never developed feelings for another person while in a relationship.
If so, how did it turn out?
Give me your brief definition of love. I will always stick by this quote, “Love never says, ‘I have done enough.’”
What is the most beautiful part of the human body, male or female? This is subjective, of course, but personally I find it to be thighs.
What kind of shoes do you wear? I’m not wearing any at the moment; but in general, I like to wear sneakers.
What is the worst thing you've ever done when you were really angry? Physical violence.
Are there any pills you take on a daily basis? If so, what? Nope.
Do you like the smell of coconuts? Not so much. I like coconut milk, though.
What is the heaviest you think you can lift? I think my personal best was like 60 or 70 lbs, back when I had weight training classes for PE in college. I remember being in so much pain once I gave the 80 lbs barbell a shot.
Do you take Tums? No.
Have you ever walked on a pier at the beach? ...Ugh. I’m pretty sure I’ve taken this survey very recently but I might as well just take it again because I don’t feel like searching for another. Anyway, I haven’t... at least not that I can remember.
How about under one? Definitely not.
At what age do you first remember feeling butterflies in your stomach around someone? I was around 12 when I was starting to feel confused about getting nervous around Andi.
Do you feel that way around anyone now? I don’t.
Do you ever talk to yourself or think deep thoughts while on the toilet? No haha but I usually bring my phone with me to keep me company.
Do you ever sing to yourself? Pretty often.
What is a sound that relaxes you? Ocean waves.
How hard has it been to reach your main goal in life? I don’t have a main goal set in life. I just live in the now and try to do things or make decisions that would keep me consistently happy.
Do you remember the song about hoes in different area codes? HAHAHAHAHA definitely took this recently; this is so embarassing. No, I still don’t know about this song.
What is your main heritage? Filipino.
What kind of pickles do you prefer, if you like pickles? I hate pickles and I find them absolutely nasty, but there are other pickled things I like, like radishes.
What kind of cheese do you prefer, if you like cheese? Mozzarella and feta.
If you could have a sea creature as a pet, what would you want? No thanks. I’m not capable of providing them proper care.
How about a farm animal? I would just stick to dogs.
So, do you have hoes in different area codes?
What is the most annoying song you can think of that came out recently? I’ve been in a BTS bubble for a solid month or so and I honestly can’t tell you my opinion about songs that have recently come out, because I literally don’t know any.
What is a song that you hate to admit you like? There isn’t any I’m guilty about.
What inspires you to get off your bum and do something productive? Knowing I’ll feel accomplished once I do it.
Do you ever use Urban Dictionary? Never anymore. I used to browse through it only when I was a lot younger.
Do you find the definitions on there to be generally funny or stupid? Both.
What comes to your mind when you hear the word 'transformation'? The Transformers series, lol.
What was something you regularly played with as a child? I always liked clay and I never really graduated from that interest, since I find the texture fascinating and fun to play with.
Have you ever given in to peer pressure? Sure.
If so, what did you do? I had my first sip of alcohol at Kaira’s 18th birthday and I was feeling left out since literally everyone else was drinking. For vaping, Gabie introduced it to me; and for smoking, it was another case of FOMO that made me want to try it out.
What part of your body have you had the most problems with in your life? My back.
Do a lot of people check you out when you're in public? Idk? I don’t take note of that kind of attention, anyway; I would find it creepy.
How many people do you know for sure to be interested in you right now? Zero.
What is a good name for a turtle? I think it would be the same process as the way I think it would be for any other pet; it would depend on their personality, their aura, etc. 
Can you imitate any accents well? If so, which one(s)? Not really. I can read Hangul and am familiar with the different tonalities used in Korean but I wouldn’t say my imitation would be considered spot-on.
Do you like having your ear nibbled on? Yes.
What makes a good kisser a good kisser? When they know how to use their tongue in a teasing way, for one. Eugh it’s too early for this lol
How many times a year do you have a family thing? What even is a family thing?
What are the best things to put in a smoothie? I don’t like smoothies.
Do you ever eat with your eyes closed and just focus on the taste? Yup, especially when I’m either eating somewhere pricey or when I’m eating at one of my favorite restaurants.
What do you dislike most about where you live right now? It’s a pretty uneventful city, and if I want to have some fun I always have to go to Manila.
Has anyone ever given you a rose/roses? Yup.
Are you watching your weight? No.
Have you ever became really good friends with someone you found online? Yes. Aliyah and I are still friends and I’m glad we’ve been able to maintain our friendship even after mine and Gab’s falling out. It’s a shame the three of us didn’t get to meet in real life though, and it will 100% never happen now. I also used to have a group of Twitter friends back in my wrestling stan days but it’s been a very long time since we’ve gone our separate ways. I have yet to find friends on Army Twitter but I really doubt I would get to build established friendships any time soon because EVERYONE IS SO YOUNG OVER THERE
What makes your best friend your best friend? They understand me better than anyone else does.
Do you have a drunk uncle? I have a couple of them.
Do you hear weird noises in your house at night? Nope.
What is something you do that is generally more like something the opposite sex does? Ignoring this question.
What is the girliest thing you do, if you're a girl? Also ignoring this.
What is the coolest tattoo you've ever seen? I find line tattoos to be pretty cool and beautiful in general. The minimalist look it goes for works really well.
Have you ever created anything artistic that you're proud of? If so, what? That vase I molded during my Vigan trip :) It was the first (and so far) only thing I’ve made from scratch, and even though I didn’t get to take it home, I’m still glad I had the opportunity to try pottery.
Do you only eat the middle of the oreo, if you eat oreos? No? That’s pretty wasteful. I eat the whole cookie.
Do you know anyone with a huge ego? Hahahahaha. Yes.
If so, is there anything else about them you actually like? Not anymore, no.
Have you ever used a racial slur, even jokingly? Most likely as a stupid teenager when I didn’t know any better.
Do you have any friends who are more like siblings to you? Angela and Laurice.
If so, what about them do you like most? They’re very easy to talk to, and they’re both selfless and generous.
What is everyone else in your house doing right now? My mom is making dinner while I believe everyone else is just on their phones waiting for the dish to be made.
What is the most money you've ever had at one time? I don’t remember the exact amounts anymore but my mom used to hand me cheques and regularly assign me to pay for me and my sister’s tuition back in grade school and high school, since she had work during the day and didn’t have time to stop by the school herself.
How long do you think it would take you to run a mile? I don’t know but definitely longer than what would be considered a decent duration for a fit person.
Look down. What do you see? I can see my legs but just barely since it’s dark out.
What is a subject that makes you uncomfortable? Topics I don’t know too much about.
What is a subject you can talk on and on about and not get sick of it? BTS, my field, and history.
What kind of mood were you in most of today? Comfortable. We had the aircon on all day and I just watched BTS MVs and live performances, and I don’t really feel bad about being unproductive for once.
Has anyone ever walked in on you naked? Just once or twice.
Tell me an inside joke you have with someone. Togepi.
What is the worst thing someone could do to you emotionally? Tell me hurtful words.
What is the worst thing you've ever done to someone emotionally? Idk...maybe cut them off unexpectedly? I'll usually have no problem doing this with people who make me uncomfortable.
How do you feel now about the first person you ever dated? Nothing. She’s not in my life.
How about the last person (your last ex)? She’s the same person.
What is the best invention ever invented? The internet.
What is something that needs to be invented? Not a completely new invention but I wish programs that can identify songs for you, like Siri, can be more improved to be able to recognize songs just by humming the tone. So far they can only name songs if you play it clearly for a few seconds, but it can be a hassle if I wanna have access to a certain song but only remember the melody and otherwise have no idea what the lyrics are or who sang them.
Describe your eyes. I don’t think they’re anything special. I don’t count them as a striking feature of mine.
What always makes you burp? Eating quickly. And beer.
What is something you hate doing that most couples do? There isn’t anything.
What's your astrological sign? Taurus.
What are you doing tomorrow? I wanna finally watch the Friends reunion special since I didn’t feel like watching it today. I also have a press release to write for one of my clients – they requested for it Friday and want it by Monday :(
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cashasideas · 5 years
I’ve recently become obsessed with MLB x DC, especially the idea of Marinette and Jason being long lost adoptive siblings (I can’t remember who came up with that but they’re a genius)
So anyways I had an idea. It’s that type of situation but instead of meeting via field trips or any of that, what if it was sometime after the whole hawkmoth situation?
Here’s the basic idea;
-So they had basically adopted each other as kids on the street but then there was an accident and now it’s years later and they believed each other dead, Mari got adopted by her parents, Jason by Bruce, etc. (as it tends to go)
-after hawkmoth is taken down, Lila doesn’t get caught so the lies continued and got much worse. Adrien is still reeling from Gabriel being hawkmoth so even though he’d gotten better/him and Mari became good friends he can’t help her here. He might be out of school getting put into the system or in the process of having his bodyguard obtaining guardianship cause you can’t tell me he doesn’t care about the kid
-ANYWAYS! Lila goes a bit too far, probably lying about something having to do with the final battle and her playing a key role in the hero’s saving the day, maybe even saying something like she saved ladybug when she made a mistake and lead her and chat noir to hawkmoth. Something along those lines, maybe even throwing Adrien under the bus like ‘I’d been tasked with infiltrating the agrestes to help LB get to HM’ and Mari just kinda snaps a bit and mutters to herself about ‘yeah, that’s totally what happened, like you weren’t willingly aiding a terrorist’ but says it a bit too loud and it spirals from there, Lila turning it around and uses the fact that Mari is the only one in the class outside of HM’s own son to never have been akumatized, making it look like she was in on it or something.
-long story short the fact that Alya was recording at the time just made everything worse and now Mari is on the run. She has friends, Adrien, Chloe, Luka, Kagami, Max (I refuse to believe the one who was smart enough to create AI would ever think a napkin could gouge out his eye- glasses or not), Alix, Kim, and probably Nino mainly (yes Alya’s his GF but if he stood up to Gabriel for Adrien then he can disagree with his partner. Besides, if Adrien’s uncomfortable with Lila hanging off of him then he’s gonna side with whoever is supporting his bro). Also, the others in the class don’t bully mari or anything, they all care about her (barring Lila) but the fact that those claims were live on one of Paris’ most popular blogs? Well there wasn’t much anyone could do to help
(I’m a lover of fluff, we’re focusing on found family/sibling fluff here so in my head salt is kept to a minimum)
-skip to a month or so later and she’s made it to the states, living on the streets for the first time since she’d been put into the system and to say she’s rusty would be an understatement. Mari isn’t doin so hot and suddenly, someone offers to help her out
-she isn’t dumb, she’s skeptical and careful about how she goes about this. It takes about 2-3 weeks of getting to know this person before she finally agrees. (I don’t know who I’m not a DC buff, I just know they’re gonna be on friendly terms with either Jason or a member of his family)
-yet another time skip and she’s meeting the person’s friend(s?) and BAM, wouldn’t you know it they just so happened to know her long lost brother. And if they don’t and it’s one of his family members instead then she ends up befriending them too and then later, while visiting said family member at the manor with the person who’s helping her, Jason crashes the party and just kinda freezes cause ‘HOLY SHIT’ and it’s beautiful and chaotic cause just imagine
He burst in the room, ready to be a nuisance (like all siblings are), and suddenly locks eyes with this smol child mid sentence and stop, and just doesn’t know what to do. Cause he’s like 99% sure that’s the kid he though was dead for years and she’s somehow here and wtf how???? So a million questions are going through his head and the same is going on in Mari’s mind cause, once again, HOLY SHIT THATS MY SUPPISEDLY DEAD OLDER BRO WTF IS HE DOING BARGING IN LIKE THIS?!?!?! And it takes another person in to room clearing their throat just kinda like ‘y’all good???’ For them to act and they just end up shouting at each other like “ I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!” “I THOUGHT SO TOO!” ‘Well one of you isn’t exactly wrong’ (the other persons comment was ignored) “HOW DID YOU FIND ME?!” “I WASNT TRYING TO BUT I GUESS I DID UNINTENTIONALLY???” “YOU’RE REAL RIGHT?” “I MEAN I’D HOPE SO” “CAN I HUG YOU???” “YES????” And just, awkward long lost siblings don’t know what to do with themselves but are happy they’re back together now. After the initial shock wears off there were most likely tears, they either went off to catch up in private or get bombarded with questions of how they know each other Etc.
-I’m not sure what happens after that, probably her friends tracking her down via news about yet another Wayne. There were no pictures of her in the articles but they’d know that description anywhere and just had to check it out, not like they had any other leads. They may or may not know that Mari is ladybug, and by this point I don’t know who all would be considered permanent holders. Maybe all of them, maybe it’s still just LB and CN that get to keep theirs but either way they will reunite
it’s just a rough idea, anyone can take it up and tweak it if they want though!
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ofvagabxnds · 4 years
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( DEWANDA WISE. THIRTY FOUR. FEMALE. SHE/HER. ) in texas, SELENA MARTEL is known to most as LENA. they’ve been living in stratford for 6 YEARS and currently CON ARTIST/GYM OWNER (ATLAS). some say they are EXTRAVAGANT & VINDICTIVE but i’m more inclined to believe those that say they’re LOQUACIOUS & INSIGHTFUL. if you walk by their house, you can sometimes hear TEAR YOU APART by SHE WANTS REVENGE playing from their window. ( haphazardly strewn passports lining the bottoms of drawers, the telling clicks of a stubborn safe lock, half signed adoption records, broken compasses. )
Full Name: Selena Martel
Nickname(s): Lena
Age: 34
Date of Birth: November 10
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Place of Birth: Dallas, Texas
Nationality: American
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual with a preference for women
Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic
Religion: Practicing Bhuddist, but no formal religion
Occupation: Gym Owner; Atlas
Language(s) Spoken: English, Spanish, French, Romanian, Porteguese 
physical appearance
Face Claim: DeWanda Wise 
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5’6 or 167 cm
Weight: 128 lbs or 56 kg
Positive Traits: Loquacious, Insightful, Determined, Crafty
Negative Traits: Extravagant, Vindictive, Dishonest, Self Serving
Goals/Desires: Selena is trying to raise her daughter away from all of the chaos she left in her wake. Having conned many influential and dangerous people, she knows their lives are always in danger.
Fears: Someone getting the best of her, losing her daughter, Grasshoppers
Hobbies: Yoga, Kickboxing, Martial Arts
Quirks: Never, ever remembers to throw the milk carton away when it’s empty
Winifred Banks was born to a relatively normal family on the outskirts of Dallas. She had two sisters and two parents who seemingly adored each other, and from the outside looking in, the public was able to see a family living the American Dream in vivid color. That, of course, wasn't’ the whole truth, so help anyone’s god. Winnie’s mother, Yara, only married her father because she thought she was hitting the jackpot. Ricky Banks was a popular investor, a result from a fluke of a windfall, and Yara was just tenacious enough to make him fall for her so she could pull herself from the gutters. Things were good for a while. The couple married, had their three girls, and they lived in a nice suburban home in the nice part of the city. Yara participated in PTA meetings and gushed over her perfect life right up until federal agents showed up at her door with a warrant to search the entire house. As it turned out, Ricky had been dabbling in touching things that did not belong to him, and after an intensive trial, he ended up spending a little less than five years in a federal lock up. 
Yara and the girls had to move in with her sister’s family a few hours away, and though Winnie and her sisters were relatively taken care of, their mother didn’t leave bed for months. They pieced together enough of what had happened through news outlets and overheard conversations, and though her sister’s were scared, Winnie decided then and there she would never be desperate enough to ruin her family like her father had. In fact, Winnie decided that she would only be taking care of herself from that point on. Her father was released around the time she was starting high school, which meant moving again. As if nothing had happened, the family fell right back into the pattern of keeping up with the Jones’. Yara was back to being the stepford mother and her sisters seemed content to have their lives back. It was only Winnie who questioned it all, and when the cops came knocking again, this time months later, she realized her parents would always be so reckless and desperate in their lives. 
Ricky was in prison again when she graduated, and though she told her mother she was leaving for college, Winnie had other plans. Freshly eighteen and full of a hunger to do more than what she’d been exposed to, she drove west, hitting the highlights and lowlights of each state she passed through, and as the days wound on, she realized her parents hadn’t left her with nothing to go on. The gift of playing a persona to cover her own ass was as easy and natural as breathing, and so in each new place she became a new version of herself. Every lie was gobbled up thanks to her infectious smiles and absolute conviction, and with each story she told, the rewards of her actions grew tenfold, until finally she hit the big jackpot. In a bar fifty miles from the coast the persona that was Winifred Banks officially died to give way to the first opportunity to be someone completely different. She managed to swipe not only his cash and cards, she also managed to pilfer the keys and title to a very sleek sports car that she sold for ten grand less than two hours later. 
And that was how the lies began. 
She began playing on the gullibility each human owned, crafting entire lives catered to a certain job in order to deliver the most damage when she struck. A web of contacts, invaluable wit, and a tenacity hardly matched allowed the nameless woman to get close to people in order to take the very things they valued most. All she had to do was drop the dead weight of a family who did nothing but disappoint her, and with each passing year her abilities grew exponentially. Eventually she grew adept enough to go international, hitting various countries for long enough to do small jobs before she returned home on her falsified documents. She began to think she was unstoppable, an unmovable force to be reckoned with, but as with all things, life had a curveball that stopped her dead in her tracks. Vacationing in the middle americas, she met what she would later refer to as her kryptonite. Though the stakes were higher than they had ever been, it began as any other job. She collected information and crafted the persona of Selena Martel, and with that persona, she seduced her way into the inner folds of a cartel family. 
Though this job started off as any other, one thing was instantly and very obviously different. Selena found herself attracted to the target in more ways than just how big her bank account was, and without even noticing, she found herself growing comfortable in the life she was pretending to built there. Months in she realized she was in over her head, but it was already too late. She loved the other, and the plans they had made became more important than nearly anything else, so when she heard herself suggest they adopt, suggest they start a family, there wasn’t any shock to be had. Only unbridled happiness. 
That, of course, came to a screeching halt months before the adoption was to be finalized. An atrocious act hit too close to home, killing many and injuring even more, and in that moment Selena felt a pang of fear for the family she was building. Just like her parents, her own desperation was putting a child in the way of her own dreams, and though it killed her to leave, leaving was the only option she could think of. So Selena bribed the courts to push the adoption through without the other mother’s signature, and when the baby was placed in her arms, she cleaned out her mark (as was always the plan) and left without looking back. Selena moved back to Texas, finding a small, out of the way town, and with the money she stole, she opened her own business. Though she was smart enough not to put the gym in her current alias, she kept Selena as a name because it was what she signed the adoption papers as and she didn’t want to slip up and lose her daughter. For the most part she’d finished with her con life for now because she’s trying to be a good enough mom to make up for her past, but she can’t help herself from slipping into routine every now and then. 
Selena has been in Newton for 7 years with her daughter.  Her daughter’s name is Mireya (which means miricle), but Selena calls her Mimi Is stinking wealthy bc she stole it all from her ex/last mark She teaches various classes at her gym (yoga, kickboxing, martial arts). Told her daughter and the general public that her partner died.  Loves collecting art. When stressed she eats sweets like crazy.
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ladyofpurple · 5 years
here it is: the post Literally no one was waiting for. i'd put it under a read more thing but i'm on mobile and can't be assed to get out of bed so fuck it. we air our dirty laundry on main for the world to see like men.
so waaay back in february or something, i started seeing a psychologist again. i'd been seeing a psychologist for a while last year, but she had a private practice and got too expensive over time, so i had to stop. now, however, i finally got a referral to the public mental health offices in my county. which is nice, because norway has this neat thing that means when you go to the doctor, public health care facilities, refill prescriptions for medications you have to take daily, etc, the money you spend on those things gets recorded and after you've spent like $260, you get a free card that gets logged into your medical records and you don't have to pay for any of those things for the rest of the year.
anyway, i mentioned a couple of years back that i finally got put on antidepressants for the first time. they helped a lot, but then i just... stopped taking them. there wasn't a reason, really. i just forgot to take them one week when i was stuck in bed with a headcold, and then it was hard to get back in the habit again. i tried to get back on them off and on for a long time, but i'd inevitably just forget again. until, like, i wanna say november/early december last year? i started taking them again. there were still some slip-ups every now and then, but for the most part i took them almost every day. any gaps were no longer than two, maybe three days at the most, and those gaps were maybe once a month or so on average. averages aren't really useful in this context, but i hope you get the idea.
anyway, i finally convinced my doctor that, no, seriously, i really need to see a psychologist, i've always needed to see psychologists my whole life, seeing psychologists help me, i can't afford a private psychologist so i need a public one, and after a lot of begging and insisting on my end and a lot of hemming and hawing on her end she finally agreed to refer me. except she forgot to actually send the email she'd been typing in front of me, and then she quit, so there was a lot of confusion and time spent sorting things out until i got my first appointment.
i didn't like my psychologist at first. she was way older than i'm usually comfortable with (that's a personal me-problem that i know is irrational, and i'm not gonna go into the why but yes i'm working on it), and very blunt in an exasperated sort of way. she made me angry sometimes. she made me feel like i wasn't trying hard enough. but she helped me get shit done, so i guess she was doing something right.
in june she called in a psychiatrist to help adjust my medications, so i started taking zoloft in addition to the other medication (remeron, aka mirtazapine) that i was already taking. the mirtazapine was helping with my depression, but my anxiety was still pretty bad. the zoloft helped.
by my second appointment with my psychologist, she asked me whether i could have adhd, or if there was a history of it in my family. now, i have a lot of family with adhd (how closely related we are by blood is a bit of a mystery to me, my family tree is more like an overgrown hedge and who knows who fits where), and my grandma used to joke that the women in our family "all have a little bit of that adhd brain in us", but as far as i knew, nobody in my immediate, direct bloodline had such a diagnosis. i had my suspicions about myself, of course — i knew that not every focus or attention related problem necessarily has a specific attention disorder source, but i also knew that what i was experiencing couldn't be "normal," in the sense that if i walked into a room with 100 people in it, 86 of those people wouldn't necessarily look at a list of my symptoms and go "oh same hat." i've had add on my about me for a while now. maybe that was silly of me; i hadn't been diagnosed with it, and what i knew about the specifics of it were picked up piecemeal off the internet. you know, that super-reliable place where everyone is honest and factual all the time?
anyway, this began the process of investigating the merits of such a potential diagnosis. research was begun. questionnaires were taken. my mom was invited to one of my sessions, in which she revealed that, oh yeah, bee tee dubs, she's always suspected i have adhd. did she mention that she has also apparently always suspected ocd and that i'm autistic? no? whoops, well, she has now.
end of june i was referred to the neuropsychologist devision of the public health care place. over the course of a little over 6 weeks i went in for 2 interviews, in which i answered several questionnaires, talked about my life and childhood and traumas and what my mom had told me about her pregnancy and labor, every possible symptom i'd ever had, and was sent home with even *more* questionnaries. in addition to these, i went in for two rounds of "testing," in which i was tested on my memory, pattern recognition, reaction time, impulse control, and probably a dozen other things. i was nervous. it was exhausting. i wanted answers but was terrified of what those answers would be.
end of august, my mom came with me for the big reveal. and guess what? she was right. primary diagnosis: adhd, special emphasis on the attention deficit part. bonus diagnosis: asperger syndrome. surprise! i'm autistic, i guess.
it was hard to come to terms with. which sounds really silly, since i wouldn't have even been taking those tests if i didn't think the outcome was a possibility. and it's not like the diagnoses were surprising either. the adhd part was easier to accept, mostly because i already felt pretty confident i had it. but the asperger diagnosis was harder. having to unlearn all those ingrained ableist stereotypes and social stigmas is hard, especially when you had some you didn't even realize were there. it's very surreal to think a thought and be like "no, wait, i do that. that joke is about me." it's a very surreal and slightly upsetting experience to realize how biased you are as general rule, but especially about a facet of your own identity you weren't aware of. and the feeling of everything and nothing changing all at once. i've always been like this. a doctor telling me i have two cognitive/developmental disabilities isn't an event that magically gave me these disabilities. my brain has always worked like this. the only difference between me now and me a year ago is that i have an official, medical reason for Why now.
that's another thing: coming to terms with the idea of being "developmentally disabled." it's not like i'm suddenly a different person — i have to constantly remind myself that my brain has always been like this. but having a piece of paper confirming that i am legally entitled to special allowances in the workplace or at school because i have not one, but two "disabilities" is absolutely buckwild to me.
it makes me reevaluate my life and my past. how many situations did i make worse because i did not have the capacity or knowledge about how my own brain works to self-reflect? was i high-functioning in the past because life was simpler? was it because i subconsciously had a better handle on what works for me and what doesn't, and somewhere along the way i lost that? or was it simply because i didn't have the option to be anything other than high-functioning? it's confusing.
i also lost my spot at college. i can still reapply next year if i want, but at least now i know why i was failing out lmao
anyway, by my birthday in september we started the process of adjusting my medication again. upping my zoloft, getting me off remeron, and as of 6 weeks ago or so, beginning ritalin.
it was a rocky start, but i'm up to 60mg now. two pills in the morning, one in the afternoon. i have a goddamn alarm for 8am every day, even weekends. my sleeping is still wonky, but at least im genuinely tired by 8pm every night. the psychiatrist still wants me to try melatonin for a month (even though i told her multiple times it has never worked for me, and my problem has never been "i'm not sleepy enough"), so i'm on a whopping 2mg of melatonin for the next 30 days. norwegians are fucking WEIRD about melatonin, don't even get me started.
a slightly unexpected side-effect (on my end) of these medication changes: remeron made me gain weight. like, a lot of weight. and i was constantly hungry all the time, overeating to ridiculous amounts. why did nobody ever tell me that weight gain and metabolism changes are a side-effect of anti-depressants? i was more active this summer than i'd been in, like, three years and i just got fatter. which was incomvenient because i kept outgrowing my clothes. anyway, a side effect of ritalin is a loss of appetite and general weight loss. the combination of regularly taking ritalin and dropping remeron entirely? i eat a fraction of what i used to before, i've almost entirely stopped snacking, and i've lost 15 lbs in less than a month. i've already noticed my face is slightly slimmer now. maybe by christmas i'll be able to fit into my old tshirts again.
anyway, my psychologist quit, so i have a new one now. i've only seen her a few times, but she's veeeery different from my old one. i can't decide if i like her or not.
in the middle of all this, i've been going to the social security office as well to kind of get some of my own money, possibly help me get a job at some point in the future. my caseworker is super nice. if she's over 30 i'd be shocked. i relate to her really well, she's very helpful and understanding, and she's very patient with me and my bullshit. she's the kind of person where if we met at a party or something we could probably hang out.
anyway, she's helped me get out of the house sometimes. she introduced me to this youth club volunteer group thing called the fountain house, designed for young people who've dealt with or are currently dealing with mental illnesses and such. i hung out there yesterday and the day before and did some basic office work. it's nice. and then there's a work placement place that can either give you a job on site in one of their four departments, or help you get a job at an actual business elsewhere with more support and leniency than you might get if they just hired you off the street. i'd start in their second hand store. they clean and restore all donations they recieve, and they're super fucking cheap. i treated myself to my literal lifelong dream of owning a vintage typewriter (!!!!!) yesterday, because it's almost christmas and goddammit, i've been doing so much shit the past couple of months i deserve it. do i have space for it? not really. do i have a plan on what to use it for? no. was it heavy and miserable trekking through the snow and rain yesterday back and forth? was it worth the backache in the morning? fuck yeah it was.
a fucking lot of things are happening all at once. diagnoses, medications, lifestyle changes, work placement, social clubs, dealing with bureaucracies on all sides just so i can feel like a person again, not to mention juggling hobbies like writing and drawing and maintaining my irl friendships. i'm getting as many balls rolling as i can while i have the opportunity and mental/emotional capacity to, but i'm worried i'll burn out again. i'm stabilizing and slowly building my life back up, but jesus christ it would suck if this stupid house of cards collapsed again. but i'm tentatively optimistic. who knows, maybe it's not to late to course-correct my mistakes.
so long story short, that's why i've barely been active on tumblr for months. that's why i haven't been writing, drawing, or reading fic. it's coming along, but it's slow.
i guess the most important thing is that it's coming along at all.
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Be My Lois Lane (Marichat May) Chapter 3: Kittens
@marichatmay I don’t know if you’re still reblogging these now that it’s June, but I’ll tag you this time and see what happens :)
"Look! Look, Alya! I may faint. Gorgeous."
Alya looked up from her phone to the runway. "The girl or the clothes?"
Marinette couldn't tear her eyes from the model. "I meant the clothes, but both."
The Gabriel fashion show was exactly the distraction Marinette had needed after her first day as a Junior Reporter. It wasn't even time for lunch yet when Chloe had heard through the grapevine that she had "taken" Marinette's job. Marinette had been sorting through the records of past articles on Chat Noir when Chloe stopped to talk to (more like corner) an intern about how some other person almost got her job and how narrowly the paper had avoided disaster by hiring her. She just "happened" to talk to the intern loudly, and three feet from Marinette's desk. The day had gone downhill from there.
"You wanna go backstage after?" Alya asked, returning to texting.
"Nino can swing that?"
Nino had gotten Alya two tickets to the fashion show to celebrate Marinette's promotion. He hadn't told Alya how he had gotten the tickets, but he did mention that they weren't a job perk.
"Apparently. He says there's a surprise."
Marinette groaned and leaned her head on Alya's shoulder. "No more surprises. Today and last night were enough surprises. No more, just for a little while?"
Alya gave her a quick side hug, then went back to texting. "I'll see if I can get it out of him for you."
Marinette meant to thank her. However, she seemed to have lost her voice. It had been stolen away by the sight on the runway. All she could do was grip Alya's arm and try to catch her breath.
"What?" Alya asked, still not looking up.
Marinette was vaguely aware of Alya teasing her, but she didn't care. The single most attractive person she had ever seen was stopping at the end of the runway and smirking at her. With a tip of his hat- and was that a wink?- he turned and walked back up the runway, giving her a view of just how well the back of his black, shimmery suit fit him.
"Starstruck." Alya's singsong teasing finally made its way into her brain. "That was Adrien Agreste, wasn't it?"
"This is his second appearance since going to Japan for university," Marinette said.
Alya snorted. "Good to know your celebrity crush is alive and well."
"Can you blame me?" Marinette asked. "Oooh, look at the way this jacket drapes on her shoulders!"
"Don't change the- Oh, you're right. I want one like that."
"Thank you, Nino!" Marinette hugged him and, being Marinette, almost knocked them both over.
"Ready for your second surprise?" Nino asked, setting Marinette on her feet.
"Is it a good surprise like the fashion show? Or a bad surprise like you getting a picture of me with that stupid super-cat and giving it to the paper?" She crossed her arms and pursed her lips as he opened a door for her and Alya.
"Marinette, bro, I can't apologize enough. The fashion show was a 'yay promotion' present. This is a 'sorry I sold a picture of you and Chat Noir before figuring out that you were the one in the picture but in my defense, you can only see a little of your face but I'm still sorry anyway please don't me be mad at me' present."
Marinette looked around the room. It was a private dressing room for a model, with a person behind the curtain tossing clothes onto the couch against the wall. Whose dressing room was this? Was the surprise that she was getting to meet one of the models? She looked closer at the clothes. Was... was this Adrien Agreste's dressing room?
"Alya was saying how you've been feeling a little lonely lately, so I figured I'd introduce you to-"
Adrien stepped out from behind the changing curtain in jeans and a plain black t-shirt, looking even better in casual, everyday clothes than the runway pieces.
And then a squirmy, sleepy mass of fluff was shoved in her face.
"-these kittens!" Nino finished.
"Oooh..." Marinette breathed, holding out her hands for the kitten. His fur was pure black, with a little pink nose and big brown eyes. He cuddled into Marinette's chest and began purring the moment she pulled him close.
"These are your friends?" Adrien asked.
"Yeah, hey bro!" Nino walked over to slap Adrien on the back. "This is my girlfriend, Alya, and my childhood bestie, aka Alya's college bestie, Marinette. Lady-bros, meet Adrien Agreste. He’s the one who got me the tickets for you."
"Any friend of Nino's is a friend of mine," Adrien said, shaking both girl's hands. "I hear there's a promotion to celebrate?"
"Ugh, don't remind me," Marinette said, bowing her head to drop a kiss on the kitten's ear.
"She got pushed out of the job she wanted," Nino explained, picking up a second kitten from the small, towel-lined bin. "Our fashionista is gonna be reporting on our local hero cat-boy. That part's my fault, I told you about that."
Adrien turned to Marinette, eyes widening. "You're the rescued-by-Chat Noir girl?"
She narrowed her eyes. "Let me tell you about how that cat ruined my life."
Adrien watched Alya, Marinette, and Marinette's new kitten, Shadow, head to Alya's car an hour later.
"So that's Marinette?" Adrien said to Nino.
"That's Marinette!" They gathered their things, heading out for the celebratory drink that Adrien had promised Nino for his picture in the paper.
"She really doesn't like Chat Noir," he said.
"Nah, she's just mad that she has to report on him."
"She's also really into fashion," Adrien said. Marinette had had three topics: Chat Noir, her new kitten, and fashion.
"Yeah, she's got her finger on the pulse of the city's... fashion... stuff. That's why she woulda been perfect in the junior reporter position for that department."
The wheels in Adrien's head started turning. Before he could talk himself out of it, he asked, "Could you give me her phone number? I've been looking for someone- a designer. Marinette knows fashion and has investigative journalism skills, so I figured-"
"Why can't you ask around work?" Nino asked. He was pulling out his phone and opening his contacts as he spoke though.
"I don't want word getting back to my father. If he thinks I'm looking to leave the company-"
"Say no more."
Adrien's phone pinged with a text, and he had Marinette's number saved in his phone a moment later. One step closer...
They settled in at a bar before Nino let his curiosity get the better of him.
"So, who is this person you're looking for?"
Who indeed?
"Well... there was this girl..."
Six Months Ago
"Sorry, but this is probably smaller than you're used to," the nervous designer, Jakob, said, guiding Adrien to a small, curtained dressing area.
"This is more than enough room," Adrien said, looking over the rack of clothes. "And I'm excited to work with you."
The fashion show was a small one for new designers and students finishing fashion school to get the attention of bigger name labels. Adrien and a few other models had volunteered to work with the designers to help their labels find new hires.
Someone sneezed in the dressing area to the right of Adrien's.
"Bless you," Adrien said automatically.
"Thank you," A raspy voice replied. "I've been working so hard to prepare for this show, the second my work was set, this cold hit."
"That's unfortunate," Adrien said. Jakob started handing him pieces of clothing and helping him adjust the clothing for the right fit.
"I'm happy to be here, though," the woman in the other area said. "What about you? Have you been in fashion long?"
"All my life," Adrien said. "My name's Adrien Agreste."
The woman cleared her throat. "Oh. Um. Wow. Yeah, you have been in fashion your whole life, huh?"
The model working with her snorted. "Don't let Agreste fool you, he's a dork."
"Oh, hey, Chelsea!" Adrien called, recognizing the model's voice.
"This your first show since you got back last year?" Chelsea asked.
"Yeah, I figured I'd start with people who were actually happy to see me," he joked.
Someone closer to the stage yelled something barely comprehensible, and the flurry of activity picked up. Designers made their final adjustment and the first few models headed to get in order for the catwalk.
"What's your name, Miss Designer?" Adrien asked before Jakob could pull him out of the dressing area.
Adrien stopped dead. "Excuse me?"
Chelsea giggled. "Ladybug here won't tell anyone her name. We've all been pestering her, asking for it, but that's her thing, not sharing her real name."
"My brand is my identity," Ladybug said.
"Adrien, you need to get in line!" Jakob said.
"I'm gonna ask about that in a minute," Adrien said.
Between turns on the catwalk, Adrien and Ladybug got to know each other, as much as Ladybug would let him know her. She had one semester left of school, she had an online boutique for her brand, she had always felt drawn to Ladybugs, and yes, she had had a celebrity crush on him as a teenager. Whenever Jakob wasn't in the dressing room with him, Adrien was giving Plagg significant looks from where he had nested in his messenger bag.
Adrien was working his way up to asking Ladybug to get a drink that night when he heard her gasp.
“Ladybug? You okay? Stick yourself with another pin?”
“It’s- it’s my mom,” she said. “She slipped on the ice on the sidewalk and hit her head. She’s in the hospital.”
“What do you need, hon?” Chelsea asked.
“I need, um…” Adrien could hear the tears in her voice, even with the cold she had. “I need to go to her.”
“But the show! You’re doing so great!” Jakob said.
“We can take care of it,” Chelsea said. “Jakob, Adrien, and I can get your last two outfits on me and I’ll speak to the labels on your behalf, okay?”
“Absolutely,” Adrien said.
“Yeah, we’ve got this, go,” Jakob said.
Ladybug sniffled. “Are you sure? You’ll have to do two models at once-”
“LB, you got me through sophomore year in one piece,” Jakob said. “The least I can do is this.”
“And then she was gone,” Adrien said. “I never saw her face, and I didn’t get her name or number or anything.”
“Dude. That’s some fairy tale stuff there,” Nino said. “Chelsea didn’t have her contact info?”
“She didn’t,” Adrien said with a sigh. “And while I trust her not to let word get around, I don’t trust anyone else not to let my father know I’m looking for another designer.”
“Well, if anyone can find her, it’s Marinette,” Nino said.
“I can hope,” Adrien said. He rested his hand on the pocket of his blazer where Plagg was napping.
I can hope I’ll find my Ladybug again.
And maybe… maybe Chat Noir could use this phone number to find out more about the woman assigned to be his personal journalist. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but no one said anything about cats and a little bit of teasing.
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midnightxhuntress · 4 years
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repost,  don’t reblog
full name: Harley Jean Bishop. pronunciation: Just like the motorcycle. nickname: Harls, Blue, Gunner, Lee, Bishop. gender: cis female. height: 5′6″. age: verse dependent (generally anywhere from 16-31+ ). zodiac: Gemini. spoken languages: English, French, some Latin for spell/exorcism reasons, some ASL.
hair color: dark brown, nearly black, tinted burgundy on occasion. eye color: brown. skin tone: soft caramel. body type: slim/fit. accent: American, she can mimic pretty well when she speaks French or Latin, though. voice: low, quiet, short. dominant hand: right, she can use her left to fire a gun, if she needs to. posture: decent, she slouches unknowingly but if she’s on alert, her posture improves greatly. scars: few small ones from hunts, her most noticeable are the claw marks across her left shoulder blade that she is extremely insecure about. tattoos: an anti-possession tattoo on her right hip, the dates “08.10.93” and “02.14.97” on her left shoulder. birthmarks: none. most noticeable feature(s): wavy dark hair mainly worn up in a bun, her father’s dog tags around her neck, she smells of vanilla most of the time.
place of birth: California, United States. hometown: San Francisco. birth weight: 7 lbs 20 oz. birth height: 26 inches. manner of birth: natural. first words: no. siblings: 1 older brother, Levi, deceased. parents: James and Lydia. parental involvement: amazing, her parents loved her and Levi; her father was an Army man so he would be gone for long stretches sometimes but it was always a shower of love when he came home; James and Lydia doted on their kids whenever they could and taught them valuable life skills and other right-brained skills
occupation. hunter of the supernatural. current residence: she has a small apartment in Illinois but she’s rarely there during to her job. close friends: none, the one friend she managed to make died. relationship status: single, she has a few flings here and there but nothing concrete. financial status: she does alright enough to survive, hunting doesn’t pay but she bartends when and where she can and uses her musical skills to make money occasionally. driver’s license: yes. criminal record: a few juvenile charges, nothing major. vices: alcohol, sex (when she can get it).
sexual orientation: heterosexual (Although, I’m open to writing her bi if muses have chemistry). romantic orientation: heteromantic (Also open to change). preferred emotional role: submissive  |  dominant  |  switch. preferred sexual role: submissive  |  dominant |  switch. libido: moderate, she can control it and handle things herself when she can’t find a partner. turn on’s: dirty talk, light choking, public sex, body worship, handcuff play, any kind of talent is a turn on for her (working with hands, musically, artistically, etc). turn off’s: low intelligence, degradation, extreme bondage, being blindfolded. love language: quality time and physical touch. relationship tendencies: Harley tends to be caring and nurturing in her relationships, she will put her partner first at all times to make sure they are taken care of; she’s generally a distant, more cold person but if she loves someone she’s the babiest baby there is
character’s theme song: Knock ‘Em Dead Kid x Mötley Crüe. hobbies to pass time: reading, playing guitar & piano, knife throwing, boxing, ballet. physical illnesses: none. left or right-brained: right. fears: being alone. self-confidence level: pretty confident, she’s good at what she does and knows it. vulnerabilities: her family (even though they’re dead, any mention of them gets to her), being closed off to any connection, pushing people away
tagged by: @fourmarksmage​ :)
tagging: you!
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oc-rehab-centre · 5 years
[HNK OC Review] Sapphire
Hey there guys, gals and other gendered pals! This account has been rather quiet as of late, wouldn’t you say? A shame indeed, although we received our first public OC review request today. While the user would prefer to be left anonymous on this post, this review is available for you and them to read through. So sit down, relax and let’s do a quick review of this Houseki No Kuni OC!
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Part 1 - Biography Analysis
+ some quick words in advance!
What there was to read of Sapphire’s bio was admittedly scarce. The amount of information chalked up to about 1 page and just over 500 words. While shorter character biographies are quicker to read and easier to get through - I’m a firm believer that when it comes to telling your OC’s story and telling us about them, more is always great! I would definitely suggest adding more to this bio and there are several templates for OC bios available on platforms like DeviantART and Amino.
Also, apologies if I’m mistaken, but it looks as if this and the other piece of Sapphire sent to me were created in an avatar/anime dress-up game. I’d advise instead of doing this, perhaps drawing your OC yourself or requesting/commissioning artwork from an artist instead. It just adds something more original and personal to your art and OC, plus there’s more creativity that way!
Name: Sapphire Nicknames: Saphy, the Blue Angel, Jewel
There is already a canon “Sapphire” in the Houseki No Kuni universe. However, this isn’t a huge problem. Perhaps add a colour, shade or type into her name to distinguish her from the canon character. For example, there are various diamonds in Houseki No Kuni: Diamond, Yellow Diamond and Red Diamond. Perhaps you can distinguish your Sapphire from the canon “Sapphire”. Below is a picture of some shades of sapphire and I think “Cornflower” or “Kashmir” might fit your character the best.
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Credit: SpiralMuse.org
As for your character’s nicknames, perhaps add some more context, like:
Who refers to Sapphire by these names? 
How did she earn these nicknames?
Does she like these nicknames?
I believe doing so would add some more dimension to your character. It would show the reader how she fits into the universe and can even allow them to determine things about their character before even reading through the entire bio. Also, I don’t think that the Gems would know what an “angel” is, given they don’t seem to have much of a grasp on human religion albeit mythological creatures stemming from these religions. 
Age: Between 200-250 years old
Species: Sapphire
While I can’t say a straight-up “no” to this being an answer to this question, sapphire wouldn’t qualify as your character’s species. For this category, I’d suggest writing “Gem” or “The Bone”, as those are the most common names for the species’ of the crystalline characters in Houseki No Kuni. My apologies, just a nitpick!
Strength: 9
Sexual Orientation: Straight
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Appearance: Sapphire is a blue gem with long flowing hair tied up in a ponytail. Everyone likes Sapphire’s hair because it is very sparkly and shimmers a lot in battle, making them hard to miss when they fight the Lunarians. Sapphire’s eyes are also blue. Sapphire has markings on her face which appear when she’s very angry at the Lunarians, and they don’t go away until Rutile comes to calm her down. Sapphire doesn’t like these markings but Sensei says that they make her special, but it doesn’t make her like them any more though. Sapphire has large wings made out of wax and pieces of silver that were made by Rutile, which she uses to fly and cut through her enemies with. 
To begin this, in the two images that I was sent with this biography, there is very little consistency in the design, which I reckon is because the customization options varied between the two used games/apps(?). Nothing hints to this character having a wardrobe of outfits and I believe that more care should’ve gone into at least ensuring the design didn’t change so drastically and like this. Like I said, drawing it yourself or asking for art from another person can make a larger difference than you may think!
Now as for what is stated here in this portion of the bio, it is admittedly very cluttered and rather disorganized. The sentence structures are rather awkward in nature and seem to jump from one topic to the other. (eg. Rutile calming her down and Sensei’s opinion on her markings.) A few pieces of this information could definitely be removed from the “appearance” section and placed into another, like “personality” or “relationships”. Please stay true to the fact that this is an “appearance” description and not a description of everything under the sun.
There is a strong emphasis on Sapphire’s beauty and strength in this portion, which is alright, although it comes off as just slightly conceited. (Though I think I’m alone on that stance, nor was mentioning that opinion truly important lmao.) I have a slight problem with her two most apparent traits, I will confess. Sapphire’s facial markings and wings. 
What struck me as odd about the facial markings is that such things have never been seen in the canonverse, it just seems so alien and frankly unnecessary. The markings are cited as only showing up when she is angry and sound as though they serve no sense or purpose other than displaying this single fact. While there is a potential for some interesting OC lore, I would personally suggest removing this feature unless you have a logical way of explaining their presence on her face/body.
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The gems also wear thick coats of powder across their bodies, remember? If these markings were anywhere, I imagine they’d exist within/on Sapphire’s crystalline body and would struggle to show up through this powder... This concept is just very confusing and I can’t think of any logical reasons/examples to give you that would make them work. 
Now for the wings, it’s obvious that this was inspired by the Greek tale of Icarus. I personally think that your concept is interesting but it brings up many questions, both for the sake of character-building and well, science.
Why would Rutile create Sapphire a set of wings? How come none of the other Gems get their own wings? Did it take Sapphire time to learn how to use their new wings? In Houseki No Kuni, the laws of physics are constantly defied, but seeing a character flying with wings made from a metal that is 655 lb per cubic foot seems like science the creators wouldn’t push against... Ahem, anyways, I believe these are questions you should explore if you plan on keeping the implemented features there. 
Personality: Sapphire is an emotionless character who is very strong and works alone whenever she can. She thinks that she is too dangerous to work alongside other Gems because she could hurt them when she gets angry or made in battle. This is why Sapphire asks to work alone. Sapphire also wants to protect her friends very much and that’s why she’s always so angry at the Lunarians for taking away the other Gems. Sapphire also competes a lot with Phos because they’re both strong Gems only Sapphire is more loyal and useful to Sensei more than Phos was. Sapphire also doesn’t like Padparashadda very much because Padparashada isn’t helpful to Sensei either when he’s asleep all the time, and because he makes Rutile really upset which Sapphire doesn’t like.
Emotionless, hm? Given the fact that she supposedly have markings that trigger as a result of an emotion (anger), I would hardly go to say she’s emotionless. In this paragraph, she’s listed as: angry, protective, competitive, loyal and passionate - all of which are emotions. 
Just like in the “appearances section”, there is information in this paragraph that would fit better elsewhere, like her relationships with the listed characters, whose affinity and history with are never explained in this bio. 
I think that there are definitely more traits you could add to Sapphire’s personality. She is rather simplistic and I believe there is a lot of potential for her to be much more. Perhaps read about sapphires and find out what they symbolize for some inspiration or even randomly generate personality traits/attributes in online generators! Spice things up a little, make this OC more personal, make them feel more real.
Likes: Sensei, killing Lunarians, blue roses, King, her wings, being strong, the night time Dislikes: Phos, Padparashadda, when the lunarians get away, seeing broken gems, getting very angry
Powers: She has wings that let her fly and attack the Lunarians in order to make sure they cannot return back to the moon. Sapphire is stronger than Phos
Another useless piece of info, but you’ve spelt Padparadscha wrong a number of times. It’s not so hard to do a quick spellcheck! I probably sound like a broken record, but the wings continue not to make much sense to me, and I think you need to revisit the concept a little more. Given how you explained them, they sound very very powerful, seemingly strong without consequence. Also, the fact that Sapphire is stronger than Phos would be more believable and intriguing if Sapphire had clearer motifs and a more developed personality. 
Her likes and dislikes are rather generic, which admittedly broke my interest a little. I’d suggest adding some likes and dislikes that reflect Sapphire’s character a little better than her love for murdering the Moon People. 
The characters she likes and dislikes also may leave the reader curious. Though you went into slight detail about why Sapphire and Phosphophyllite aren’t besties, seeing more info on relationship with Sensei, Padpa and the aforementioned Rutile would be great. 
Backstory: Sapphire was born on the Cord Shore and taken to the school by Sensei. Sapphire liked to cling to Sensei because she saw him as a father and always wanted to please him. When Sapphire was growing up, Sensei could tell that she was powerful when he saw Sapphire’s markings, which showed up when she got mad after seeing some gems return to the building broken by the Lunarians. Sensei let Sapphire fight earlier because he knew she could protect the gems with her hardness and her ability. One day, Sapphire was in battle but the Lunarians escaped too quickly, making her very angry. Rutile gave Sapphire a gift which was a set of wings made out of wax and silver so that the Lunarians could never escape her again. Sapphire’s wings were so powerful she didn’t have to use a sword anymore and could take down even more Lunarians every day with only her wings. 
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Oh boy. 
Ok, uh, I feel as though Sapphire’s backstory makes her seem like a very very special snowflake - something you should never strive for with a character. Sensei and Rutile both seem to be out of character, as both seem to feed Sapphire what she wants with a silver spoon... She seems like a bratty chosen one and I can’t say this backstory will sit well with everyone. 
There’s so little here that it makes me question a lot, and it frustrates me that’s there isn’t more to justify the choices and thoughts of Sensei and Rutile. Why did Sensei see such potential in Sapphire? Why would Rutile craft wings for Sapphire? Why did Sapphire get away with working alone?
There’s just so much left unanswered and unexplained... Please, if you ever decide to work on this, please add more and fill in these enormous holes. Adding a timeline would help with the pacing because when all of this is happening and at what ages Sapphire was when these events happened isn’t specified, adding to the confusion. 
Fun Fact
Sapphire has never gotten broken before but she is curious about what it feels like. 
Sapphire wraps herself in her wings when she sleeps.
Haha that first piece of trivia is rather cute. It reminds me of being young, seeing a friend with a cast and wondering what it feels like to break an arm or a leg. I think that’s really cute! The second - well, you already know my stance on the wings ^^’
Notes + Summary
If there is one thing that always sucks about fandom OCs, it’s that the fandoms always impose restrictions on creativity. In the case of Sapphire, I feel that a lot of the creative choices would definitely work to her benefit, but in the world of Houseki No Kuni, several aspects of her character feel unnatural and vague. 
Anyways, here’s a reiteration of my main points from this review.
Please add more to this bio! There wasn’t a whole lot of information in this bio, certainly not enough for Sapphire to be considered a fleshed out OC. As a result of how short this bio is, there are a lot of holes and a lot left unexplained. There is a lot of potential for this OC to be bettered by filling in those holes wisely! You can look online for a template to find section headings you’re missing, like: relationships, statistics, etc.
Getting your own images would be pretty great! Artists are always better than doll maker games!
Altering her name just a little by a colour prefix (eg. “Cornflower Sapphire”, “Kashmir Sapphire”, etc.) would differentiate her from the canon blue Sapphire. 
The removal or better explaining of the facial markings and wings would definitely be beneficial if you want to make her fit better into the series. 
Sapphire is written like a special snowflake, she’s practically written like a protagonist and seems to directly challenge Phos. Perhaps tone down the amount of special features she has, there’s nothing wrong with being just average. Sometimes, looking and behaving like a wallflower can make an OC better?
Explaining Sapphire’s connections with her peers in greater detail would be beneficial, considering they seem to baby her a fair bit. 
Overall, I’d give Sapphire an overall rating of 3.5/10. There just wasn’t a whole lot to work off of from this bio and what’s there is admittedly not superb. I hope this doesn’t discourage you from creating OCs and encourages you to make some changes to Sapphire. As I said, I see a lot of potential in her, as long as you fill in those holes in her bio and correct what is flawed in a way that makes sense and seems natural. 
That’s all for this review, Ciao!
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garden-uprooted · 4 years
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FULL NAME.  Spinel, Facet-10AZ, Cut-0AZ (full official name/title, never ever used in actuality)
NICKNAMES. Spinny (hated, Diamond use only), ‘Nel, Spin, Pinky Slinky (tolerated by only two people)
TITLES. Pink’s Little Playmate, Pink Diamond’s Best Friend, Spinel Facet-10AZ Cut-0AZ. 
HEIGHT.  5′3″
AGE.  8,567 years old
ZODIAC.  None! Hypothetically, if she was made on Earth, she’d likely fall under Sagittarius. 
LANGUAGES.  English, Gem, and... countless others. 
HAIR COLOUR.  Faded magenta 
EYE COLOUR.  Dark, almost red, pink 
SKIN TONE.  Pale pink
BODY TYPE.  Athletic and skinny, slightly curvy. Exaggerated, cartoony, proportions.  
ACCENT.  New Yorker undertones 
DOMINANT HAND.  Right/Ambidextrous 
POSTURE.  Slouched/Straight- depends on situation 
SCARS.  Technically her black tear marks count as scarring. 
MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURES.  Her wild pigtails and oversized, pointed shoes
PLACE OF BIRTH.  A lone moon, floating just outside of The Garden.
HOMETOWN.  Homeworld, by affiliation
BIRTH WEIGHT / HEIGHT.  Height was 5′0″ exactly. Weight, as in her gemstone’s weight, was and still is 10 lbs.
MANNER OF BIRTH.  Created using The Diamonds’ essence. Popped out the ground!
FIRST WORDS.  “I’m SO excited to meet you!” 
SIBLINGS.  None! Only Spinel ever made! Steven is, unofficially, though.
PARENTS.  By sheer technicality, Yellow, White, and Blue Diamond.
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.  When she was first created, The Diamonds put love and care into her in order to assure that she would last. They didn’t want a repeat of Pink’s first Pearl, and they didn’t want to have to keep making new playmates for the littlest Diamond. Other than that surface level care, though, Spinel was forbidden from setting foot on Homeworld or in the Palace. She was considered to be a nuisance by everybody but Pink (to start out). 
OCCUPATION.  Former Royal Court Jester, and former best friend of Pink’s. Currently The Diamonds’ best friend, and is the Head Ball Officiator. Unofficially the honorary “fifth” Diamond. 
CURRENT RESIDENCE.  Homeworld- The Diamond Palace. She also stays in a cave a little ways from Beach City, when visiting Earth.
CLOSE FRIENDS.  Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond, White Diamond, Pink Pearl, Blue Pearl, Yellow Pearl, The Pebbles, Steven Universe (all canon/main verse). Others (verse dependent- can be found on her relationships page). 
RELATIONSHIP STATUS.  Single (canon/main verse). Taken in other mini verses.
FINANCIAL STATUS.  Gems don’t use money and lack a currency, but as far as Gems go, she lives like royalty (because she is, as far as The Diamonds are likely concerned). 
DRIVER’S LICENSE.  None, and do not ever let her drive, oh my g-
CRIMINAL RECORD.  Never officially charged, buuuuuuut: Child Endangerment, Assault, Attempted Murder, Murder, Attempted Destruction of a Celestial Body, Poisoning a Celestial Body, Property Damage- the list could go on
VICES.  Wrath, Pride, Envy, and Greed
PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  submissive |  dominant  | SWITCH | unsure
PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.  submissive | dominant | SWITCH |  sex-repulsed (but would be willing with a partner she respects and trusts, so long as she’s walked through everything)
LIBIDO.  Pretty much nonexistent! Gems don’t reproduce sexually, and she lacks... all of those parts, so-
TURN ON’S.  She just likes being touched/being close to people, in general. I wouldn’t really call that a turn on at all, but given the context, maybe.
TURN OFF’S.  Being a complete stranger and trying to do anything weird to her, right off the bat. Other than that, anything she isn’t prepared for/isn’t expecting from one of her friends can immediately be a “turn off”, as well. 
LOVE LANGUAGE.  Hugging, gift-giving, and a want to include you in activities often
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Spinel can be VERY possessive of her friends, regardless of if she means to be or not. Years of isolation and loneliness have kind of made her afraid of starting new relationships and friendships- worried that they’ll all just end the same way her last one, did. However, she latches onto people unbelievably easily, and once she considers you a friend, she’s attached to your hip until you die, sorry m8. She is ABSOLUTELY a hugger, and craves physical affection from people she feels safe around. Catch her always leaning into you or clinging onto you, even in casual settings and situations. In spite of her sometimes explosive temper and reluctance to share your company/attention, she can be one of the very best friends you’ve ever had!
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. [x] (you know what this is)
HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME.  Playing games, exploring new places, spending time with her friends/”family”, baking and cooking, collecting Earth things that she finds neat and interesting 
MENTAL ILLNESSES.  Depression, PTSD, OCD, BPD, Psychosis, Anxiety
PHYSICAL ILLNESSES. Being off-colored technically counts, as it affects a whole lot more than her physical appearance.  
FEARS. Isolation, abandonment, being hated, being used, being deceived 
VULNERABILITIES.  Her guilt from her actions in the past, her traumas, her short temper, and the people she cares about 
Tagged by: @thewanderingsunset​
Tagging: s..... steal it from me and say i tagged u, kisses ur face
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