#(also idk what you mean by 'given the reblog' but i& hope i& didnt do anything that offended you? šŸ˜… /g)
comic-the-adventurer Ā· 2 years
( Heads up. This one is pretty long)
Hey! I hope you don't mind me sharing my latest brainworm ( new story concept ) with you&( really, I hope it's okay, given the reblog...)! To keep it short, it revolves around characters somewhat based on a fairytale archetype or character( or both), all in a modern, kinda superhero setting( at least for now. I imagine some of these characters with powers). Anyway, I wanna share some of the characters with you& if you& don't mind( they don't have actual names yet, just titles)
The Princess: The main character,and a slight combination of the princess in the tower trope( like Rapunzel), with a bit of Sleeping Beauty and kinda Cinderella? She was put into a sleep coma ever since she was a kid, having the constant dream of being in a tower- The Tower- and constantly trying and failing to escape it and it's difficult puzzles and monsters. It was when she finally escapes at 18 she finally wakes up( she would be 18 irl too, just to clear). There's more but I don't want this to be super long. Her whole thing is running, agility and observation- it's what helped her escape The Tower in her dreams after all.
The Hunter- He is the master of weapons, known for his skills on battle and survival. However, despite this reputation,he is incredibly shy and quiet, and tends to get flustered easily. I imagine him being bff's with The Princess, as both are very socially akward ( The Princess has been asleep for years and thus has skipped a lot of social development outside of her survival instincts). Oh, and yeah, he's mostly based on the hunter character from Little Red Riding Hood.
The Prince: The least developed because I have no clue what to do with him. I don't really see him being any sort of romantic option for The Princess, rather a sort of rival? I feel he would kinda be the opposite of her, at least personality wise. Less stoic-ish, more social , but also a bit of a slacker ( The Princess is very persistent in gaining back the abilities she had in her dreams, thus a stubborn worker to a fault). I also see The Prince and The Hunter having, ahem, history. But other than that? Nothing for this guy.
The Fairy Godmother: The one who wakes The Princess up. Kept her in captivity so she would die. She's not like the Disney version of her, much more cold and strict. As of now, I don't see her as a good not bad person. I like to believe she calls her large scientist unit M.I.C.E. I don't know what it stands for, but it sounds cool.
The Witch: The "Big Bad"....maybe. Still not sure if I should make her and TFGM separate characters, but if I end up making them separate, I will treat them as a divorced couple. Anyway, as a separate character, she was the one that put The Princess into the dream coma. Why? Still working on that.
The Sleepless/ The Slumber: Same character, I just can't choose a title. This one was purely based on vibes. She based on both the princess and the pea and Snow White. The thing about her is that I see her as almost sickly? She's pretty pale, her hair is a bit greasy and she have heavy eye bags. And yet she always have this eery smile. Maybe affiliated with The Witch, idk. I just like her vibes.
Anyway, that's it! Again, I hope you& don't mind this!!!
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wishing-stones Ā· 1 month
Hihihi i saw your reblog about calcium cat recently and... thank you for that! It was eye opening and confirmed some suspicions i had... and im sorry you dont have to post this ask if you dont want to, i just didnt know where else to go. I don't use tumblr often, very sorry if i am bothering you!
So, i used to be a big fan of calcium cat's, and when i learned from your reblog that she's not someone i want to associate myself with, i remembered that she and topazshadowwolf (someone who wrote some Dadmare and Soriel fics that I liked, i think they're well known in the community but im not sure?) were affiliated with one another, and topazshadowwolf has these two posts on their blog that arent outright queerphobic like calcium cat's posts. i wanted to see what your thoughts were on it as a second opinion because i dont want to judge them too hard, but i also got an icky feeling from these posts that i can't really explain. I dont want to cause trouble for them if they don't deserve it which is why i wanted to ask your opinion on it. And im on anon in case if it really is that bad...
Uhmm yeah thats about it. Sorry, you probably dont get asks like this that much, i really just didnt know what to do and didnt see anyone talking about it and thought i was going crazy, i wanted to ask someone. I am a queer person myself and i just felt like these posts were really off but idk why :(((
Sorry this took a bit to get to Anon, I legitimately had no idea who this person was. Also had to grapple with the fact that I'm apparently a big enough figurehead here to ask about discourse? Willlddd to me. I'm not used to this LOL.
Discourse under the cut
The first thing that strikes me as off is the fact that Cal commented on the ask linked in the first post you provided. Don't like that. Openly associating with someone who has been outed as an immensely bigoted trans/homophobe is.... not a good look.
However, in regards to that ask, I agree with some of what they were saying. School is a time to play at discovery, because you rarely remain who you were as a child. It's not a definitive thing. You can be adamant that you're one way in school, and once you leave it an broaden your horizons, you discover that you're another way. This ranges anything from sexualities, gender expression, to religion and belief systems. People grow and change.
As an aside, I don't agree that NM wouldn't support them if they claimed to be different from how they are as adults and wouldn't support them. No context given, but I assume the boys don't remember being adults. This means their growing experiences will be fundamentally different than they were as former adults because they are going through their childhood/adolescence in a wildly different way than they did underground. So constricting them to such a narrow scope seems... disingenuous at best.
Seems a might bit narrow-minded, but I wouldn't go screaming "transphobia" yet. Don't like the "if you feel like I disrespected you, leave" though. The correct response is to ask what you did that made someone feel that way.
Worthy of a side-eye, but unless someone presents solid proof (as with Cal's very damning twitter likes, yuck), bad vibes shouldn't be enough to try to cancel someone. I try to give the benefit of the doubt. I sincerely hope my general faith here is not misplaced.
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inknopewetrust Ā· 2 years
i read ur post. im so sorry that life hasnā€™t been treating u as well as u deserve and im sorry that tumblr isnt as kind of a place as one would imagine. as a reader myself, i think i found it very hard to understand why a lot of writers were complaining about not getting enough reblogs? and hear me out, i really dont want to offend anyone. but i didnt get it. ive had a tumblr for +10 years now, and ive only just now found myself on the ā€œfan fic sideā€ of it. and idk, i think i was very naĆÆve to think that ā€œoh well but getting 5 reblogs must be as good as anything?? like 5 people liking it enough to reblog it is insane??ā€ but then i put up my own fic about a week ago i think?? and i got like 60 notes?? which i still think is a good amount, but it also very much put be in a place of ā€œoh well maybe im just not a good writer or creative enoughā€ so much so that im not sure ill ever release something again??
i didnt mean for this to get this long, but yeah idk what im trying to say with this?? im sorry for being naĆÆve and not getting others feelings and idk i kind of hope that it will give u the tiniest bit of consolence as to why people seem a bit lazy sometimes?? that it is more out of not understanding rather than that they do not appreciate ur work?? and also this was not to say that i didnt understand why u have to reblog to support, but more of a ā€œreaders may not always understand that 5 reblogs for something u used 1 month on writing isnt always enoughā€
im not sure if my message is clear?? nonetheless i just wanted to say that im very much in love with everything u write and still reread all ur work from time to time. im so happy i stumbled upon ur tumblr bc its helped me greatly on days where i needed it. take a break as long as u want, and even if u dont want to come back - just know that u have blessed us with so amazing stories that will be my faves till the end of time. i can very much see ur dreams of screenwriting coming true!! take care of urself and im so sorry that this turned so long??
- e šŸ’–
Donā€™t apologize! Iā€™ve been on here for about 8 years and didnā€™t get it at first either. Itā€™s a learning experience for sure. I think a lot about the notes on fics also depend on the fandom.
Im very lucky and grateful for all the love and I donā€™t mean that to come off snotty or bitchy in anywayā€”itā€™s just very easy to compare yourself to other writers and see their success as perfect and yours as less than.
And I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily a reader problem, but a content problem. We consume so much and donā€™t realize there are people on the other side. People looking for support and validation that isnā€™t always given. And Iā€™ve been a silent reader before and regret it so much. But Iā€™ve been trying to remedy that with fic recs and my own reblogs.
Thank you so much. I am certain something will spark interest in the futureā€”heck, maybe it will be a show coming out soon or a movie in the next month. You never know, right?
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persnicketypanacea Ā· 2 years
hi so i havent posted anything or been online in so fucking long, sorry about that. but thank you to everyone for all of the love youve given my posts/reblogs it means a lot to me and makes me feel better. im so sorry if you relate to anything i post here and i hope that one day you can get the help/recovery you deserve. im not usually this sappy but ive been going through some shit and i wish someone would say these things to me even though i havent rlly opened up to anyone in a while. next week is going to be really rough for me since im going on a long road trip and its really stressful for me since im meeting a new relative who im very nervous about meeting bc idk what theyre like or if they will like me. i usually slip up and say dumb shit i regret and end up making a bad impression on people. i dont want to change myself for anyone but the relatives were visiting are pretty religious so im going to have to change some aspects of my personality which im also stressed about. ill try to post more often from now on but i cant guarantee that because ill be with my family and they obviously dont know about (or most likely approve of) this account. anyways i know this post isnt very well written or structured and i apologize for that but i have no energy right now so ill probably edit it in the morning or just leave it. tumblr has been a great safe place for me to express the more negative and off-putting parts of myself and im so grateful for that. speaking of negative, dont expect too many more super long posts like this. i do ramble a lot but itll most likely be more vents and random reblogs. sorry if thats what you came here for, thats just not me. if you took the time to read all of this i love you. so much. even if you didnt i still love you.
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pigstepmp3-moved Ā· 3 years
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holy hell, gamers, i finally reached one whole thousand followers! how bonkers is that! when i first made this blog in december 2018, i was just trying to start over in a new fandom. ive been active on tumblr for a looong time (since i was like 11, which is. not great, but we wont get into that). i cant remember quite why i decided to remake, but i never imagined getting a higher following than i did before, but i did! 1000 followers is bonkers, iā€™ve never had a thousand of anything! i seriously cant thank each and every one of you enough, whether you followed me for 911 or for mcyt or for whatever!
now, since ive reached this absolutely bonkers milestone, im feeling particularly sappy! so under the cut, i have some friends and mutuals tagged who are super great n who are always an absolute pleasure to see on my dash! <3 again, thank you all so much! (ps, if weā€™re mutuals and i didnt tag u in this, that doesnt mean i dont love and appreciate you!! i mostly am just picking people to tag based off how often i see them on my dash! i love all of u so much <3)
ā™” 911 FRIENDSĀ ā™”
(aka the ogs, aka the fire fam)
ā™” @lovelessmotelĀ ā™” emily!! god, where do i even begin with how much i love and adore you!! i know youre one of my big sisters, but wow i am so proud of how much youve discovered yourself since weā€™ve met!! like wow, look at this epic, gorgeous person whos one of MY close friends! im so lucky to be friends with you! thank you so much for being my friend, i appreciate you and all the sisterly advice youā€™ve given me more than i can ever put into words!
ā™” @eddiediaz-buckley ā™” sav!! mom!! i love u so unbelievably much!! i am so unbelievably grateful for you and everything youve done for me! all the advice youve given me and all the times youve let me vent to you have been so important to me and i cannot thank you enough for all that. im soso appreciative of you and im so glad that i have someone as amazing as you as my mom/big sister (weā€™ll never really figure out our fams family dynamics, will we?) (ps, whenever i go outside and have my keys with me, its always so comforting to feel the keychain you got me! its like my moms with me everywhere i go!)
ā™” @liesoverthec ā™” bonbonbonbon!!! i love you so much, you wouldnt BELIEVE how much i love you!!! im so glad we met bc you are so unbelievably kind!! there is a very good reason a nickname for u is bonbon bc you are just as sweet as candy!! maybe even more so!! i love having you as one of my big sisters, you give such wonderful advice and talking to you always makes me feel a million times better!! i love you and i am soso glad i get to call you my friend!
ā™” @marauder-girl ā™” sabsabsab!! i love u so much, u funky lil future lawyer!! im so proud of u and i can hardly believe ur gonna be my Lawyer big sister!!! thats so awesome!! i cant believe such a rad person is one of MY friends!! how lucky am i!! i love having you as one of my big sisters, youre so kind and funny and talented and your advice has always been so helpful to me too! thank you so much for being my friend and for always being there for me!!
ā™” @nighting-gale17 ā™” cait, my love, my wifey!!! wowowow i love u so much!!! im so glad weā€™re friends, you are so unbelievably lovely!! youre also so unbelievably talented like??? hey queen wanna hand some of ur writing ability over to the unfortunate (like me). iā€™m so glad weā€™re friends, youre so sweet and even tho we dont talk as much as we used to, i still have SO much love for you in my heart
ā™” @africaneuropean ā™” rae, my father!! i love u so much!! i know we havent talked at all in. who knows how long. but i still have so much love for u in my heart!! you are so iconic and cool and funny, im so glad i met you n became friends with you!! ur one of the coolest people i know, i hope i can be as cool and mysterious and wonderful as you one day
ā™” @evaneddie ā™” DHYL!!! dhyl pickle i love u so much!!! whenever u pop into my inbox with random nice messages, every part of me lights up!!! u are so kind to me and for what!! i miss talking to u as much as we used to, you are so sweet and you are such a good friend!! i love u n im SO proud of how far youve come with gif making, i still remember when u first started n youve gotten SO amazing at gifs lately!! i love u soso much n im so glad weā€™re friends, youre so awesome!!!
ā™” @basil-the-writer ā™” des!!! i love u so much!!! i know weā€™ve never rly talked all that much but im glad we have interacted in the ways that we have!! u are so sweet n so talented!! like the fact that u have the patience for those lil video edits u do?? that is so cool!! all ur edits are so cool, i cannot imagine being able to make stuff like that without dying every single time. u are so cool n i love being able to call u my friend!!
ā™” GRIFF ā™”
(aka griff)
ā™” @yawnralphio ā™” u get ur own section bc u are my only 911 friend who isnt an og, but thats ok bc u are so swaggy!! i love being friends with u griff, u are so cool and funny and i am so glad that u still want to be friends with me despite all of the horrifying things uā€™ve learned about mcyt from me jdhfajkdhfa. i love u so much n i am so excited to get to know u more n get closer to u!!
ā™” FRUITBLR ā™”
(aka mcyt friends)
ā™” @fear-epidemic ā™” atlas u are so swaggy and funny!! tumblr funny man!! im so glad weā€™re mutuals, i love u a whole lot. that one time u me n wilby played bed wars together was so fun even if weā€™re really bad! n that one time we played on the fruitblr server while on vc was so fun, i loved talking to u n playing with u so much, we gotta do that again sometime. i love u so much chapin n im so glad weā€™re friends!!
ā™” @netheritedream ā™” hari my beloved... i love u so much. like literally so much that its really embarassing. i am so glad u tagged me in that one follow forever post n put the offer on the table to let me join the server. i love being ur dumb lil husband!!! jus like actual fundy, i would risk it all to watch treasure planet with u. i love u sososo much, i wish i could live closer to u so i could actually talk to u more often </333 im going through severe withdrawal, pray for me. im gonna stop talking for now bc if i kept going on, this post would be several miles along n nobody has time for that </3 just know that i love u so much and i love having matching icons n i love being ur husband, i love u so much
ā™” @sootswilbur ā™” tommy... i care you so much. little bromther!!! im sososo glad weā€™re friends bc u are so kind to me all the time n u are so easy to talk to!! ur also so talented, ur writing n ur gifs are so amazing n im so proud of all the awesome stuff u make!! seeing u experiment more with ur gif sets n trying new things is so awesome n inspiring and i love seeing ur experiments work out!! i love u soso much n im so happy to be ur big brother!! (or one of them at least)
ā™” @fruitbur ā™” virgil my Other beloved... i love u so much!! u are one of the kindest people ive ever met n im so glad i met u!! i know ive already told u this before but ur tagging system is so sweet n i love seeing u reblog my posts bc im likeĀ ā€œyay alastair is gonna tell me that he loves me in the tags :Dā€ i also lovelovelove ur theme, i love the soft pink and the lil aesthetic board that u have pinned, its so nice to look at!!! ily sososo much <333
ā™” @theartofmining ā™” hey fruit ily. like genuinely, u are so unbelievably funny that u make my ribs hurt so much. i know weā€™re like never rly that serious but i love u so much. as much as i joke about hating u, i really am glad weā€™re friends n i really look forward to becoming better friends with u. i love u a whole lot rain, i love seeing u on my dash bc ur full of good takes n funny posts
ā™” @sapnaplive ā™” dream.... bonks our foreheads together... i care u so much. my other half!!! i love u with my whole little heart. u are soso cool and im so lucky to be able to call u my friend!! ur themes are always so cool, i wish i could be half as cool as them!!! ur art is also so epic like??? u are a triple threat: good at art, tumblr themes, AND minecraft building. and ur also so kind!!! u are one of the sweetest people i know, i love u so much and im so glad im friends with u!!
ā™” @dreams-little-kitten ā™” corn u are so weird and i mean that in the kindest way possible. u are so cryptic n i love that so much about u. ur like the wilbur to my philza sometimes and i think thats so awesome. that one time u came into my inbox to talk shit about that one cuphead boss was so funny and absurd, i loved that so much. i love You so much. i love how ur just so effortlessly funny, n im so glad i can be friends with u
ā™” @dreamsmp ā™”Ā  JEL!!!! i love u so much holy cow. u are so sweet!! all the time!!! ur also so talented, ur gifs always look so good!!! i love being friends with u, ur always so nice to me n u always leave rly nice tags when u reblog my gif sets that make me so happy!!! i think about that one time u rbed my fundy gif set n saidĀ ā€œFUNDY GIFSā€ andĀ ā€œGIFS BY FUNDYā€ it made me so happy!!! i love u a whole lot, im so glad weā€™re friends :)
ā™” @leaguelol ā™” damien!! i love u so much u funky little cryptid!! i love when u pop into the gc just to share cryptic thoughts, u are so strange but i think thats so cool of u!!! i honestly see u kinda like a lil sibling, im always so proud of u when i see ur art on my dash!! u are so talented at art!! i love u so much n i love being ur friend, ur rly sweet n i love seeing u on my dash and in the gc!!
ā™” @its5undy ā™” idk why im putting u on this, ur my mortal enemy. jkjk, i actually love u a lot clay! i love joking around with u, ur so funny and for what. im so glad u joined the gc bc i love talking to you so much!! i still love that one time u reblogged that fwt gif set n tagged me in it moments after I reblogged it. i love that u thought about me, that rly warms my heart! i love being friends with u sososo much
ā™” @cavalreee ā™” oh hey, another great big fruit!! i dont think we talk all that often, which is a shame, bc ur so sweet!! and also so fucking funny, why is everyone in this friend group so fucking funny, its not fair. i love seeing u on my dash talking with ur other friends, u always have the funniest convos ever. also? ur desktop theme is SO epic, it threw me off the first time i saw it but its so swaggy, just like u!! i love u soso much azzie, n i hope we can talk more in the future bc ur so cool
ā™” @technosoot ā™” i love u even tho ur a br*t /j /j /j. jannat u are so unbelievably sweet. im so glad u joined the gc bc u are such a kind presence both in there and on my dash! u radiate very Warm, Friend energy. ur friend shaped. i love u so much n i love being friends with u!! im very eager to become closer friends with u bc u seem like a really amazing friend to have
ā™” @sortasortaspicy ā™” les where are u in the gc i miss u </3 i love u so much, u fit in so well from the very beginning n brought so much more fun and laughter into the gc. i dont know u all that well n i dont think weā€™ve talked one on one like. at all. but id love to get closer to u bc ur so rad and ur so sweet!!
(aka mutuals who are so cool n id love to be friends with u pls talk to me)
@eurytherm ā™” @vampkings ā™” @weelbur ā™” @wilburtheesoot ā™” @quackityskarl ā™” @wimblrscoot ā™” @technofarmer ā™” @wooteena ā™” @bloodforblood ā™” @smpsapnap ā™” @literallynotfound ā™” @hearty-an0n ā™” @enderanboo ā™” @springbonniecpu ā™” @pandascanpvp ā™” @tommylnnits ā™” @strawberrygogy ā™” @timedeo ā™” @nymika-arts ā™” @h-isforhome ā™” @eboykarl ā™” @joe-alkaysani ā™” @betwecouldmakesome ā™” @squirrelstone ā™” @maddieandchimney
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weishenkun Ā· 3 years
Ppl were saying fendi only invited ten and they stuck lc there but what about yy? Iirc he was there too so they put him there on purpose as well or they wonā€™t mention him because heā€™s not the one in trouble here? Iā€™m not trying to give an attitude but if it sounds of it Iā€™m really sorry. Idk thereā€™s so much back and forth and ngl to that hardcore cbar fan and revealing all that info, if you saying he was such an a-hole throughout his entire career you didnā€™t bother leaving his fandom earlier and saying nothing? Idk that really irks me that this only came out because of what has been happening. Idk if you agree with me but I want to rant and I have so much to rant about but idk who to turn. Everything is being picked about from the littlest thing he has done or said and ppl are saying those interviews the 3 groups he in esp wayv ones have done were they praise him all must be fake. We donā€™t know his side of the story and in honest truth we will never know because how these things are handled through the west and Asian entertainment is so different. But I have I guess I have some reservations about what one of the victims said because of apparently who she is and it has made me think about some things. I still believe he was wrong for some of the things he has done because he needs to understand cheating and manipulation isnā€™t good. Idk idk idk my heart is heavy and people using this as a lololol ahahah moment to his fan community hurts too like going on and on how all along he was a douche and they always knew and we didnā€™t. And honestly I feel like there has been so much bandwagon hopping on the hate train because before this most ppl apart from the wayv fandom didnā€™t give a two cent shit about wayv. They never cared when sm mistreated them or that they got scrapings and were not treated like how 127 or dream were treated. But suddenly everyone who has never cared is up and arms about him in the group because when wayv is going to do their next projects I want to see if all these ppl are going to be cheering them on as loud about you cheering on about whatā€™s going on currently. like I can guarantee you wonā€™t watch an interview or stream their music. And there has been this post going around about what was revealed yesterday and it was about that cat and someone said to the girl well he didnā€™t give you the cat cause you ainā€™t his fav and sheā€™s like go ask him on bubble cause that wasnā€™t what he told me yesterday and idk what it even means because everyone is jumping on it and going lololol heā€™s still in contact after the apology. Idk she had said it sarcastically and Idk if sheā€™s being truthful or not but everyone is adamant he is still doing all this regardless. And honestly IF he did do that and you let him contact you like that i feel like itā€™s on her esp since everything has been going on for days. He was dumb for all of this and rn his entire career isnā€™t surviving so I canā€™t even tell if she is serious or not and given how this is going on I canā€™t imagine his devices not being taken away from him cause thatā€™s dumb or someone watching him like a fucking hawk cause I would. Cause on top of everything ppl are saying he mistreats the animals/pets and itā€™s like wtf is going on?! Oh And with the surfing coach confirming they didnā€™t flirt but were just friendly, you could have said something earlier but did nothing for hours until you were asked directly because everyone was saying sheā€™s number 5 but apparently in reality she wasnā€™t but you let it go on. Everything is plaguing me rn and I have so much more to talk about but Iā€™m just so frustrated.
okay this is a long ask so let me just go through each point
1. i saw the fendi story and yeah, yangyang was there too but people are more 'forgiving' towards him cause hes not badmouthing other members like allegedly lucas is. also, labelv was basically trying to get more members into the thing than the organizer originally wanted to, so yangyang, since hes less popular, is pretty logical but lucas? really? he had his own shit almost always so what was the point
2. about that hardcore cbar fan, true, they did only come out with the rant after the stories came out but like they said - they were a hardcore fan. probably theres some money involved or even it was just ignoring stuff cause youre a fan. we did know about most of the things they mentioned, it was just over a long period of time so there were big gaps between each of the incidents and people forgot? idk
3. i agree, there's been a lot of analysis of every little thing he did, but like i said earlier - it was happening over a long period of time and people were blaming it on idk, the culture or the lack of knowledge of some language. now, when theres a chance it could be something more, because of the alleged badmouthing, people will bring that stuff up šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
4. he had a chance to say something in the apology letter. he said literally nothing instead :D
5. there has been a lot of bandwagon hopping on the hate but theres also been a lot of just straight up ignoring everything. i saw a fan acc on twitter share a list of translators so the fans could block those, cause they've been spreading false news šŸ¤” like, he was trending for days so people will get interested in whats going on and they will have opinions, thats how world works. and yeah no one will give a single fuck about future wayv project for example but i just hope it will be because they wont care and not because there wont be any future wayv projects :DDDD cause wayv was never big lol, lets be realistic, and this scandal isnt helping them at all and also the fact its happening right when there's that social media/fans campaign going on, i think its even worse :D
6. the bubble thing... labelv isnt the brightest so idk if its that unrealistic. and i think theres the other girl who also said he was calling them non stop when they released their story so idk idk lol
7. wheres the cat :/ we all saw the pic of him getting it, i think i reblogged it with something like 'omg omg ot11 soon' lmao and we havent seen it ever since. it is weird, just like in general. i want to know wheres the cat
8. the coach šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” idk idk her story was weird but i think it made another person release their story so thanks i guess :DDD even if he didnt flirt with her, wow, omg, hes so brave for this, wow, bare minimum :)
okay i think i went through everything, thanks for letting me write a whole essay back to you, i will call it an english practice in my brain šŸ˜
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synthwanderer-archive Ā· 7 years
@eximperial said: (i put under read more cause its long)
(1) When it comes to making gifs, it's literally a catch 22. I've had gifsets that have gotten so many notes it's surprised me. On the other side, I've gotten few notes on a gifset I was hoping would get a lot of notes. It's literally like dropping your fishing line into the lake and not knowing what will come up. My suggestion is to actually keep making them. It sorta gets your name out there.
(2) I've made a tagged link to my gifs on my main page. And I noticed that when I was more frequently posting gifs, people would reblog other gifs that I made weeks/months ago. IE: One of my first gifsets I made was in....December 2015 or so? I haven't checked in awhile, but I'm pretty sure it has at least 900 notes or more. And it was also a gifset that I didn't expect to get a lot of notes to begin with.
(3) On top of that, if a gifset is from something that not a lot of people might know, it tends to get less notes in general. I usually make disney gifsets - a /wildly/ Ā popular fandom of course. But I want to make Studio Ghibli stuff and something from a historical tv show as well. Looking at tags and stuff that has come across my dash, I know a number of those will probably not get a lot of notes when I post them. And that's ok, I'm prepared for that possibility.
i mean you arent wrong, you never know what will happen when you post a gifset....that one with T/rico that has over 11.000 notes???? that was unexpected, given that i didnt even worked on it so much, in 15 min was done....while i work on the coloring of other gifsets....they dont get lots of notes
and tbh recently i only made Fall/out gifsets, cause yea...i did received many notes on them, thats why i continued, but recently....idk...maybe are people that dont care anymore about my gifsets? i stopped making TFT/BL gifsets months ago tho some received good notes...and tbh i miss doing R/atchet and C/lank gifsets, but half the fandom blocked me since i said an opinion...or i cant find good AC records to make gifs...
maybe all i need is a break from gifs, and motivation will come again, but rn...im too angry on this site, now with the new system,it flagged some of my gifsets....
my own page with gifsets and screens are too on my blog, so are easy to find...
i understand what you say, and tell me to continue, but i may be too tired in real life and i lost patience with gifsets, maybe later when i will be calm, i will continue gifing....but rn? nope
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faorism Ā· 7 years
so, #long post, and like. irl friends pls dont cause trouble, reblog, or bring up that i have negative feelings about this at all to anyone (also dont try to sabotageĀ the project covertly because i dont really want that either) but...
immmm kind of annoyed. after weeks of going back and forth with the alumni office for my college, i got approval to make a zine for alumni of colorā€™s reflections, that will be given as a gift to the graduating POC at this really special graduation ceremony for POC. i got the approval on a tuesday night. i spend the next 48 hours OBSESSIVELY creating the form, making sure that it was comprehensive and inclusive and from the heart. i released the info the 13th/14th, with two weeks for calls for submissions to be open and only about a week and a half to layout and print, which is bonkers but i was willing to do it because i care. a lot. and i wanted to do this for well over a year, but it finally came together this time around.
the alumni office person ive been talking to mentioned that it was helpful for her to see my process, so that she can maybe replicate it for the future.Ā 
i thought maybe next year. nope!
two volunteers and her are slapdashing a zine for alumni who were first generation college studentsā€¦.. and they took basically my whole application form (with some updates, some that made it easier to fill out w/e, but the heart was the same). like yeah whatever, take the generic form language (even though it robs me of the effort and intentionality i ached over pulling together)ā€¦
but? they even took the questions i specifically curated for poc. yeah, ā€œwhat does hope mean to youā€ may sound like a general feel good that thing to ask, but. that was something i SPECIFICALLY knew poc need to hear and talk about. like,, i dont care if you were struggling to come up with something because you arenā€™t creative enough to think of your own. but its incredibly rude to have those questions there even as a filler while you ask me to review the form.
i had a talk with the main organizer, and i told her she must change the questions. and i strongly suggested that instead of shorter submissions, like what i ask for, she asks for longer ones, so that we can have a different experience for the zines. then, i offered to having a visioning session with her because i canā€™t help myself, because i care about the graduating poc and/or first gen studentsā€™ experiences and they have NO TIME to pull it together... and during said visioning session, i ended up editing all her questions/giving her new questions to ensure that there was no overlap between our themes.
i didnt express how upset i was about anything because immmmm a coward and would rather spend the 30 min we had visioning to make the first gen zine better instead of being spiteful. maybe ill say something to the alumni office lady. but...
i dont want to be greedy with the idea of a zine for alumni anything (i desperately dont want to be petty), but god. i also want to be greedy (and i desperately want to be petty)? i feel fucking awful for feeling greedy by wanting my zine to be ~special but... i had a plan for it and now someone took that work (and all my achingly put together intentionality, specifically geared toward poc) without permission. why jump on my haunches like this. and the alumni volunteers are poc, and a lot of the first gen ppl end up being poc, hell im first gen so i care about this butā€¦. still. god, its wild how quick poc-for-poc-only shit gets repurposed. and i do Not Doubt For A Second they might be try to do the same with the lgbtq ceremony. the difference may be that those ppl wont reach out to me first to review before the post goes live.
ive just put so much time and thought into this zine, and idk. i anticipated that the zine idea was going to be repurposed by the alumni office because my contact said they were going to; i just thought for the first year the poc zine would be a super special standalone and now im feeling bad and petty for being disappointed with how my labor is being used.Ā 
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gothicrosediamond Ā· 7 years
Reminder that being a minority doesnā€™t exclude you from being a bigot. Or: Fucking Neurotypicals Hate AutisticĀ People
So I few weeks ago I had a Tumblr message conversation with a user who was one of three people to be a giant dick to me that day. What happened is my autistic wife made a wording mistake because she is fucking AUTISTIC, and this rude asshole mocked her, openly, in fucking reblog! So I politely asked her to just back off. This is the response I got:
fujoshi-kianna-leigh hi. you don't know me but can we chat a minute?
fujoshi-kianna-leigh since i'm doing other thing and i'm short on time, i'm just going to get to the point.
fujoshi-kianna-leigh you made a post to which another user reblogged and added nah iā€™m too gay af, and you reblogged it from her with her text in quotes with the tag "white people please don't"
fujoshi-kianna-leigh I'm just letting you know, if that comment was about her questionable use of slang, it's because she's autistic, not white. it was sort of shock for her to be so openly mocked about something so tiny.
fujoshi-kianna-leigh I'm just letting you know, if that comment was about her questionable use of slang, it's because she's autistic, not white. it was sort of shock for her to be so openly mocked about something so tiny.
killthebeatlesofficial I'm sorry she was shocked but its not even slang it's aave and she should think twice about using it if she cant speak it because it makes her look like a racist" jackass. " I'm hoping she learns that. I'll delete the post and I'm sorry if she was triggered but please let her learn what is and isnt acceptable in terms of race to avoid anything like this in the future.
fujoshi-kianna-leigh you mock an autistic person and say she has a lesson to learn? i can see this isn't going to be a productive conversation. you think advice about future conduct needs to be given out? here's some. don't mock autistic people and blame them for their small mistakes. it makes you look like an ableist "jackass".
killthebeatlesofficial I didn't know she was autistic before making my comment which was literally putting the mistake in quotes. that isnt ableism thats me pointing out "god white people use aave wrong" they need to learn more about that stuff i did delete the post bc i dont want them to get worse but i still dont want them to just go around saying stuff like that because another person? would be harsher than me a friend of mine already jumped on the post and i told them to take it down im actually am sorry about it but im still trying to get the point across that they need to learn more about what theyre doing obv on their own time. i dont want to be ableist like idk if what and how im saying this is coming across correctly brown and black tumblr usually has no time for if you're autistic or not if you're helping to perpetuate racism
fujoshi-kianna-leigh quick question for context: do you actually know that girl's race? or did you assume it because of the mistake. besides that, my point was not the publicly mock strangers. it's rude.
killthebeatlesofficial i know its rude but like, being rude in the face of racism is a typical defense. also no i didnt i just assumed because most non-black poc that speak aave (like myself) and black people know what theyre saying
killthebeatlesofficial the way white people use aave is always a ... thing i guess. also i can see how you'd think i dont care bc like 5% of what i said was apology but im also trying to address the issue of what was done
fujoshi-kianna-leigh okay, let me explain something. this is not about racism. i am sorry you think it is. an autistic person made an honest mistake that had nothing to do with racism, even unintentionally. you are jumping the gun and need to take a step back. one more time. AUTISM NOT RACISM. alright? there's something call nuance.
killthebeatlesofficial I never called autism racsim? im not blaming their mistake on their autism i thoroughly understand what u just said do you understand what i mean when i say they should learn about it though so that the mistake doesnt occur again?
fujoshi-kianna-leigh .... the mistake was because of her autism .... if you blamed the mistake on her autism you would be correct. that is the point. if you can come to terms with that, this conversation is pointless. thank you for your point of view, as flawed as i think it is. let's end this. good bye.
killthebeatlesofficial okie dokie. bye
TL;DR: this person would rather think a stranger is perpetuating racism than think that they made a social mistake due to autism even when they are told the person is autistic.
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