#(also the quilava is called Ash)
roseddraws · 1 year
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Heart Gold protag but tomboy?!
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missashketchum · 6 months
Ash as a girl has a mortal enemy which is the worst combination when talking about how cheapskate Crowley is and that enemy is cramps (in case she has really bad cramps). Luckily her Pokémon are sweethearts (and they kick the ass of anyone who calls her a drama queen) who take very good care of her.
Ash: *suffering real bad cramping during her period* (because Crowley is a stingy bastard who didn't give an allowance to buy cramping painkillers)
Cyndaquil/quilava: *laying on top of her to help ease cramps using a fire type's natural body heat*
Torkoal: *allowing its shell to be used as a oven to heat something warm for her to drink*
Infernape: *just got back from Sam's store who sent her some snacks and chocolate*
Incineroar: *bringing some cramping potions that Crewel sent her*
Ash's other Pokémon: *Chasing Crowley around who came in attempt to dump more of his work on her*
(and if Gary is around he would be a tsundere while taking care of her lol)
Gary, taking care of Ash: get better soon, who else is gonna be a dumbass just to make me fix stuff?
Also Gary, watching Ash's 'Mon chase Crowley: GET HIS ASS!!!
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neoncherryblossom · 7 months
"Anime Sinnoh Pokemon Therapy" I would like a sprinkle of context cuz this sounds hilarious. Please note I only ever watched some Black and White eps of the show (I will fix that)
Also "I am so sorry for you existing". Hm. angst.
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Know you have awakened a beast.
Honestly the only reason I watched Diamond and Pearl (and not even all of it) was because of it was on Pokemon TV but wow Ash's Pokemon there. Wow. Black and White were kind after the brutality that was that team.
Minor spoilers I suppose but I wanna ramble :3.
A lot of people (used to) dunk on Black and White and I never got why. It was a fun thing I watched a bit so I went back and finished most of B&W before checking out Diamond and Pearl and. Yeah. DP is a lot more focused and Ash is a bit more serious (still goofy though!) and there's a lot more emphasis on strategies. And the trainers there are all tough, so Ash is thinking some insane plot stuff.
But one thing that I wish was done more was the Pokemon. I'm not going to bash it and say that it was bad, but coming from B&W and X&Y, the Pokemon don't have as much as a side character presence that they do. They all have their episodes and moments, but I always loved the slow moments of Pokemon bonding more than the serious training ones and DP unfortunately has more of the latter. Not bad by any means but c'mon. You know me. You know what I like.
A stand out from this team is Chimchar and I can say this because it's been memed to hell and back but every single one of Ash's fire starters are traumatized in one way or another except for one (Cyndaquil/Quilava). The writers like their angst with this one starter type. And remember how I mentioned things were more brutal here? Tepig's abandonment is genuinely terrible, but Chimchar- we get to know him before Ash gets him. We see him with his trainer for a bit before Ash gets him. Not gonna spoil but we know how he was treated.
The anime went into this for like an ep, but I want to go into it more. Talk about the little fire monkey and just. How weird adjusting to Ash was from his previous trainer, who pops back up again and again. Chimchar is notably stronger than all of Ash's other Pokemon on the Sinnoh team. I don't think it was ever called into attention before, but you pay attention enough and by the end of the series, Chimchar (now evolved) is still stronger than everyone else. Do you know how much angst can be pulled from that? How no matter how hard everyone else trains, Chimchar is still better, but the way he got better was so terrible and horrific and they can see Chimchar is still angry and hurt and scared of his old trainer, but he's still better.
(I want to focus on one Pokemon in particular with this dynamic. One who the writers did a bit dirty near the end, but I love that Pokemon and I want to write him and Chimchar being besties and no one can stop me.)
It will be funny I hope. But also angst hell and Chimchar being a baby brother and loving everyone around him so strongly and showing them in every way he knows how and them loving him back.
Also let us all say our respects for Pokemon TV, I am sorry capitalism got rid of you, thank you for being there when I was a kid.
WIP: I am so sorry for you existing. Sips tea and waits for your reaction.
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doubleddenden · 4 months
Pt 5 of DD rewriting the Pokemon anime- or mainly just sprucing up Ash's teams and giving ideas of my own for certain story beats.
Pt1 was Kanto, 2 was Orange Islands, 3 was Johto, 4 was Hoenn and the *Sevii Island* Battle Frontier, and 5 today will be a completely custom adventure set between Battle Frontier and Sinnoh, this one is an adventure in Orre that the anime never touched.
This may be a bit texty and definitely fan fictiony, but unlike some mortals, I am cringe and I am free.
So here's a sneak preview of Ash's team by the end of Orre, taking into account he has an Aggron and Quilava in this AU so far.
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So to continue off, Shadow Lugia takes a boat- the SS Libra- from 4 Island in Sevii Islands. Sceptile and Aggron were still on the ship, as well as a bunch of captured and stolen pokemon, so Ash jumped after with Pikachu, but all were knocked out. Ash's grandpa, Silver (read the last post, the Silver from Chronicles) gives chase on Salamence, leaving Brock, May, Max, and the knocked out Slowking, Swellow, and Donphan behind with them.
Ash is out for a few hours, and his remaining Pokemon caged and stolen. Silver manages to break aboard the flying ship and fights his way through to get to Ash, and his Chikorita manages to save Pikachu as well. However, Sceptile and Aggron are too heavily guarded, and Shadow Lugia is getting testy. Silver makes a difficult decision to take Ash and Pikachu to safety on Salamence before someone gets really hurt.
They'd wake up at Crane's lab. Ash would initially yell at his grandfather for leaving Sceptile and Aggron behind, but after some tears and talking, he finally understands the situation. Professor Crane would fill them in on who Cypher is and what they'd want, noting that they probably went to the Sevii islands because its fairly out of the way and a rumored location for powerful legendary Pokemon like Lugia, noting that Cypher was initially defeated by a man with an Espeon and Umbreon a couple of years ago. Ash asks if the guy's name is Wes, remembering the man who defeated him in the Hoenn League, and the others seem surprised to hear Ash came close to beating him.
Crane and his lab decide to bring Ash in on their snagging project, telling him that they already have another kid about his age (I head canon Ash is 13 now) out doing something similar.
Ash is told about Orre and its harsh environments, and how everyone fights in double battles, so he'll need more Pokemon. He tries to call Oak, who in turn has been in contact with the others. There's currently a lot of interference on his end, so it wouldn't be safe to send more than one Pokemon over through PC, and Silver recommends a weaker Pokemon that won't immediately get recognized. Quilava volunteers and is sent over promptly, and Brock and the others tell Ash they're on their way to help him save his Pokemon.
Crane takes some pitty and offers an Eevee from their research lab as well. Ash notes he has an Espeon, but appreciates any help he can get. Silver would go his own way to try and track down Cypher and the SS Libra for Ash, vowing to help find his Pokemon.
It wouldn't take long for Eevee to evolve into Vaporeon after choosing to evolve via Water Stome after Ash was knocked off of Gateon Port during a storm. Vaporeon is calm and brave, not scared by much and always ready to defend his friends, and quickly bonds to Ash and the others. I chose Vaporeon because the Orre games have you start with an Eeveelution and XD gives you a choice in what to evolve it into, so I thought it'd be neat to justify that.
As far as bringing back Quilava, Orre has a strange bond with Johto, I'd argue giving Johto Pokemon a better chance to shine than Johto, and in both games you can receive a Johto starter- in Colo in particular, you can catch the middle evolutions for all three, so I thought it would fit.
Also you bet your God damn ass Miror B is here as a recurring antagonist, and Jesse, James, and Meowth would definitely be working with him for a bit.
Eventually Brock, May, and Max would rejoin Ash at Gateon, and the gang would start a new journey through Orre.
Eventually, Ash would run into Cypher grunts utilizing his Sceptile and Aggron- now Shadow Pokemon- on their teams. It's at this point, Ash Snags his own Pokemon back after an intense fight where Quilava even evolves to Typhlosion to help fend them off. Not without help from Wes, who reappears again very briefly to help save them both by teaching Ash how to Snag Pokemon. Afterwards, he leaves as quickly as he came.
It takes time and love to open their heard again. After a trip to Agate Village, Ash and Co would meet Eagon and HIS Pikachu, and they'd learn how to heal Shadow Pokemon. Because Ash and the others already had such a close bond with Sceptile and Aggron, and through gentle patience, they finally open their hearts again and are purified in Relic Forest, which brings tears to everyone's eyes.
Along the way, Ash would meet and befriend a kid named Michael- the protagonist to XD, who would help him get his bearings in Orre and help teach the others how to use the Tempo System from Crane Labs to help purify Pokemon faster, and even has helped the lab promise to rehome the purified Shadow Pokemon.
One of these Pokemon that is purified like this is a Sneasel, who is so grateful to Ash that- he steals his hat and tries to make a run for it, but ends up in deep shit when the meet Team Snagem and Gonzap for the first time. It's a tough fight, and Ash almost loses, but with Sneasel's last minute addition to his team, they pull through. Gonzap even mentions that Ash's Snag Machine reminds him of Wes- this is when the gang find out Wes is a former outlaw who turned traitor after gaining a conscious last minute. It would confuse the gang, but Ash would decide that Wes turned traitor for good reasons, so he's no longer a bad guy.
With a full team, Michael decides he wants to test Ash and they have full 6 on 6 battle.
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This would be Michael's team, although Magmortar would be a Magmar for the majority of the story until about the last leg.
After following most of XD's story and snagging the Shadow Pokemon, Ash, Michael, and Wes would end up teaming up to fight Greevil and his two goons.
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Wes's team would see some serious upgrades, including the rest of the legendary beasts after snagging and purifying them, and Mismagius, who he'd evolve after a brief trip to Sinnoh.
Together the three would defeat the last legs of Cypher, and Ash, Michael, and Wes would combine the strengths of their Snag machines to capture Shadow Lugia and the rest of the legendary Pokemon Greevil employs, astounding Silver and the others.
However, they make use of the Tempo System to purify them, then immediately release them back to the wild. The birds and Orre are all grateful and celebrate their victory.
To end the Colosseum saga, the Grand Colosseum opens- a grand tournament between some of the strongest trainers of the region, but it is open to everyone. In the semi finals, Ash and Michael fight in an amazing fight together, and Ash eventually beats him. No hard feelings, though, because it was a fun battle, and they're friends now.
The finals would be a rematch between Ash and Wes.
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Wes actually released Entei and Suicune to live their lives how they wish, but Raikou has bonded so much with Wes that it refuses to leave him. It's a rare moment where Wes shows overwhelming joy from his team- and thus the rematch from Hoenn can begin in full.
To begin with, Wes tries to start off his Rain Dance and Thunder combo again, but Ash comes prepared with Sunny Day on Typhlosion and Solar Beam on Sceptile. Because of this, Raikou and Mantine go down much quicker. Wes's Typhlosion hits the field and wounds Sceptile, so Ash sends out Vaporeon with ITS Rain Dance to reduce the power of Wes's Typhlosion's Eruption. Mismagius hits the field and hits Vaporeon with THUNDERBOLT, but not before it gets a last minute minute on the enemy Typhlosion before swapping out for Sneasel. Utilizing strategy, Wes uses Perish Song and Pain Split between his Umbreon and Mismagius while swapping out to Espeon to survive Perish Song and take out Typhlosion, Sneasel, Aggron, and Sceptile before Mismagius finally falls down to Sneasel's Beat Up attack.
The final match up- Pikachu and Vaporeon vs Umbreon and Espeon- is intense. Wes shows off a new move called Dark Pulse, and the team work between Wes's Eons is tighter than even before. But, Ash utilizes the same Rain Dance and Thunder combo- this would then grant Pikachu the new move Volt Tackle, and with a Helping Hand from Vaporeon and Surf, Ash just narrowly beats Wes and wins the Orre Grand Colosseum cup.
Everyone is shocked, but in a rare moment, Wes smiles from the fun he had. Ash is offered a position as the Colosseum champion, but upon learning they aren't League Certified, he decides he wants to continue his journey. Wes, Rui, and Michael assure Ash that if he comes at the next league with the same guts as this challenge, he'll go even further than the Hoenn League.
With a handshake and goodbyes, the gang leave Orre, hoping to see each other again.
The Gen 3 Saga would pretty much end about as planned. Upon getting back to Kanto, Ash and May have a final contest battle and split the ribbon. Max is more than upset about parting from Ash and Brock, but they promise to see him again and always be able to talk if he wants.
Gary would show up as one of Rowan's research assistants as usual. Upon meeting Electivire, Ash would have a battle with it but this time come to a draw instead of losing (I hated that he lost originally). Ash and Gary have some time to kindle an actual friendship without antagonizing each other, and Ash tells him all about his journey through Hoenn, Sinnih, and Orre. Gary is more than impressed, and tells Ash a bit about Sinnoh, saying that THAT would be the place to really his mettle.
With that, Ash and Pikachu say goodbye to their Gen 3 teams again, although Sneasel refuses to be left behind. Ash decides to let Sneasel accompany him.
And yes, Sneasel replaces Aipom this time. Aipom was a neat Pokemon, but I don't like that it was traded only to be released after evolving, and honestly Ambipom... is ugly, lol.
And now, pt 6 will be in Sinnoh. That will probably (hopefully) be shorter.
Thank you for reading so far. Tune in next time
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alolanrain · 4 years
Any Raihan/Ash HC you’d like to share? Maybe some cute fluffy ones or angst ones.
it takes a long time for certain friends of Ash to come around and like Raihan in general
a very near and dear HC of mine is that it’s a long process for Ash to date anyone that he actually likes and that he also sees the risks and cons are much, much linger then the pros
By “long process” I mean that the S/O has to get along with at least the majority of his friends, his family has to like them, and also his Pokémon. It’s tough and Very much excessive but Ash does this for the sake of his Pokémon/friends/family
He’s the Chosen One, and add in a bunch of other legendary titles, along with being a two title Champion. He has the TR Trio after him where ever they go and sometimes people get hurt in their schemes to steal Pikachu away, and sometimes he’s not actually facing off the Trio but someone else from TR, and that’s also adding in the target he’ll somehow get on his back with what ever evil organization he pisses off. (Also add HC) Ash gets kidnapped once in a great while and even though he always gets himself out Ash doesn’t want his S/O to be added into the mix as well
Ash doesn’t even know why, but Raihan want him. He wants Ash and only Ash, Raihan is absolutely willing to jump through every hoop and meet every friend just to put Ash at ease
It isn’t until much later that Raihan confides to Ash that his family isn’t the... greatest, to our into words. To be put bluntly their mean, cruel, sniving fuckers that Raihan wants nothing to be apart of. Ash’s family that he made himself radiates warmth and Raihan can’t help but stare in amazement that he gets to be apart of this for however long Ash still wants Raihan to be apart of his life
Ash’s pokemon are actually the easiest to deal with over all
Buizel, Quilava, and Bulbasaur love and adore him. Buizel especially
Buizel was abandoned as just a young pup, only two days old, by his parents so he kinda see’s Ash as a “mom” to put into sense and quickly sees Raihan as a “dad”
Ash coo’s over how much Buizel loves Raihan, even so much is to commission Dawn/May/Zoey into making Buizel a little outfit that’s practically a mini me! Of Raihans gym uniform. He definitely gets Raihans reaction on camera and so many photos
Ash gets the occasional panic/anxiety attack and there not really... caused by any “set” thing like certain volume of noises or people swinging something to fast in his general location. It’s either sets in slowly or hits him full force suddenly
Raihan kinda gets a sixth sense for Ash’s panic/anxiety attack after being together for a few months, Ash is forever grateful that Raihan takes the time off for a call at like 3 in the morning when their across the world from each other. He always greets Raihan with plenty of kisses afterwards when they finally get a chance to meet up again
They usually end up in bed with Ash laying on Raihans chest most nights. It’s easier because Raihan as a tendency to grab who ever is sleeping with him and squashing them underneath him in Raihans sleep and Ash spreads out like a starfish. So they get the both worlds kinda with the added bonus of Ash hearing Raihans heart beat
Ash indulges Raihan in his impromptu photo shoots. It usually only happens when Ash actually decides to dress up a little for the day instead of his normal jeans and sweatshirt/Hoodie
Speaking of hoodie, Ash steals Raihans hoodie for the entire duration he’s with him except for Galar since the hoodie is apart of Raihans Gym uniform
Kukui gets weirdly parental towards Raihan, just like he did with Ash, when Ash brings him to Alola when both their schedules were free and both home Regions were freezing cold. Ash and Burnet find it funny while Raihan is just... so confused
No but like back to Buizel and Raihan because I absolutely ADORE the thought of them together. Buizel kinda becomes more Raihan’s Pokémon then Ash’s and Ash doesn’t really have the need to feel jealous since Buizel always chooses Ash when he wants to battle over Raihan
Like Buizel things Raihan is so fucking cool, like the entire definition of cool, and he always stays up to watch the re runs on any Galar channels Ash has on the Tv before bed. Bouncing on the couch/bean bag and waving his paws in the air and wagging his tail in excitement. Anyone can usually find Bulbasaur and Quilava curled around Buizel, happily sleeping away while keeping the water weasel company
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pinpuku · 5 years
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pokemon partner+team, trainer class & region for @burningiceplanet
original request & description under “keep reading”
Hi! Can I please request a partner/team? I’m a Taurus and a ISTP.
My fav colors are yellow-green, pastel yellow, pumpkin orange, cobalt blue, turquoise, scarlet, white, jet black, ash and charcoal grey. My favorite animals are foxes, wolves, rodents, otters, big cats, ravens, octopuses, orcas and sharks.
I’m sort of Cold & Hot person, because I either care too much or don’t care at all. I may come off as stoic, somewhat scary individual, but it’s actually just me being a shy, awkward bean. With friends I’m motherly, sometimes to the point of being annoying/possessive. I have dark sense of humor and can be very sarcastic. I’m bad at taking care of my moral health, tend to bottle up feelings and then blow up and go into berserk state and feel sorry for everything I’ve said afterwards.
My interests include art, music, biology and archeology. I want to learn to play bass guitar, dance swing and start to take a fencing class (I’m really into swords). I like cute and creepy things, and like to watch/read either something beautiful and philosophical or just a pure horror.
Ah, and my favorite types are Fire, Ice, Electric, Psychic and Ghost!
Also, if it’s not too bothering, could you do a trainer class and region? ☆w☆
And sorry for my grammar, English isn’t my first language…
Hi! This request was pretty fun to do! Let’s meet your new team~
♡ I think a fitting partner for you would be Quilava. Quilava is known as the “Volcano Pokemon”. It can be an explosive pokemon, both literally & personality wise. Although this line naturally gains more confidence & power as it evolves, they aren’t aggressive outside of battle. Quilava is a calm & somewhat shy pokemon most of the time, but it can burst into violent fits when in a heated battle or under severe stress. Upon evolving, this power is greatly increased & they serve as pretty good battlers. When well trained, it is an easy pokemon to raise, and as a starter pokemon they are generally loyal, well behaved & intelligent compared to some other pokemon species. The first in their line, Cyndaquil, is a timid pokemon that will appreciate a trainer with a parental nature who also understands their evolutionary lines slightly more introverted nature. While they have an aloof demeanor, this line will enjoy physical affection from their trainers & their fine fur is both soft & warm.  
♡Fennekin is another fire type starter. Fennekin has a little bit of a temperamental nature, but it always means well. They can be sensitive, but they also have feistiness to their personalities & work very hard to please their trainer. They have weak but present psychic abilities which they will grow into as they evolve, with these psychic powers being closely connected with their fire. Fenniken has soft & warm fur like Quilava, but they are a bit more fluffy. Their ears are especially fluffy & they can heat up to high temperatures when battling or defending itself, and some Fennekin might not like you touching them too much. Interestingly, this line has a diet mainly consisting of twigs & small tree branches. They will usually have a favorite twig they also keep in their fur, which might switch out as they grow.
♡ Froslass is a pokemon that seems very elusive, since it is rare in the wild & lives in pretty harsh environments. It is actually a pokemon that becomes easily lonely, and they work very well under the ownership of a trainer. There is old lore that states wild Froslass will target people lost in snowstorms to feeze & “collect” them etc... This is almost never happens, but when it does it is mainly because they want friends, with some rumors stating they also target men they deem handsome. Froslass does have some clinginess in regards to its loved ones, but captive Froslass will virtually never display this type of predatory behavior. While some ghost-type pokemon are very mysterious & potentially dangerous for the common trainer, most are just misunderstood. As ghost type pokemon are probably the most difficult pokemon to study with the science we use, many pokedex entries will consist of local legends & stories passed down from old times. Froslass is a loving & social pokemon when trained, even if it is a little shy and socially awkward. 
♡ Alolan Sandshrew is an icy variant of the regular Sandshrew, looking almost like a tiny igloo-mouse. It has an extremely strong shell & great defense, but this does come with the drawback of not being able to roll up into a full ball anymore. They aren’t dangerous to humans, but their evolved form is equipped with very large & powerful claws. Unlike some other ice type pokemon, they can’t alter the temperature around their body very well & might not do too great in particularly hot areas for extended amounts of time, like direct sunlight during the summer months. As long as they have a cool place to hang out in the summer, perhaps with a cooling pad, they will be fine. They’re also pretty entertaining to watch in the snow! 
♡ Meowstic (M/shiny) is another aloof pokemon, with their default external moodlet being almost emotionless at times. This is in part because they’re holding back great, explosive psychic powers that constantly emit from their ears. Now fully evolved, Meowstic does have a much easier time holding this power back than Espurr, utilizing incredible self control. Male Meowstic is considerably more mellow compared to their female counterpart ,even though they both hold the same potentially dangerous powers. They greatly enjoy attention & affection from their trainer & are non-aggressive by nature. They can be skilled in battling techniques that utilize their evasiveness & trickiness. 
♡ Zorua (shiny) is a mischievous, intelligent & playful pokemon. It can also be elusive, shy & hard to find. They have the ability to cast an illusion over themselves to appear as other pokemon & sometimes even human children. This power greatly increases upon evolving, which is why finding a Zoroark/Zorua family in the wild is very difficult. This line has a strong familial nature, especially in regards to parental bonds. Zorua might like to adventure around a bit, but they do not stray far from their parent/trainer. Once evolved, it grows out of being the baby into a more parental figure itself. It will be very attached & protective with its teammates, and might even show this parental attitude towards their trainer. Zorua/Zoroark will nevertheless view its trainer as the leader, however. They will go to extreme lengths to protect their family & home if they have to, and they are very capable battlers, defenders & escape artists.  
For trainer class, I give you the “Psychic”. Calm & intelligent, Psychics also have duality & many uses in their abilities. Their pokemon are often trained to be both offensive & strategic, using many creative or unusual ways to gain the upper hand in battle. A fitting region for you would be the Unova region. Unova has rich & diverse cultures. Music, the arts, nature & technology are all thriving in Unova, with both modern & traditional aspects depending on where you go & what you’re interested in. Even outside of the large cities, the environment is very diverse. There are notable archaeological sites & even archaeological towns, with a particularly high number of unique native pokemon species. Music & entertainment is especially popular here. This might be because Unova is culturally & historically tied to the mythical melody pokemon called Meloetta, being basically the embodiment of music in all its forms, including dance.
I hope you like your team decently! ^~^ 
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ianmrid · 5 years
I think it is fair to say that there aren't any pokémon in the first three generations that I dislike, but I did find my Hoenn list a little harder to create than either Kanto or Johto. I think this is partly down to there simply being a large amount of new pokémon in Hoenn (135). In addition, there were more Gen 3 games which meant more final teams with which to bond. Still, I managed to narrow it down to my Top Ten. As before, I included both the original Gen3 standard sprite as well as the shiny sprite - not that I caught any shinies, despite over 100 hours of game-play! #notbitter
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10. Altaria
Number 10 on this list was a very difficult choice, with Altaria just about edging out some of my other favourites, such as Zigzagoon, Medicham, and Hairyama. I think I like Altaria because it is just such a weird-looking Dragon-type pokémon! It shares a typing - dual Dragon- and Flying-type - with Salamence, which is all cool and tough, whereas Altaria is some sort of cheery-looking cloud duck. It is more of a defensive pokémon - with Defence and Special Defense stats and although it has a quad-weakness to Ice-type attacks, this is offset with a resistance to the core Grass-, Fire-, and Water-types, as well as a very useful immunity to Ground. This came in very handy as my Altaria, Floof, was a part of my XD: Gale of Darkness team. This meant it was primarily fighting in the doubles format where Earthquake is very prevalent!
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09. Swellow
The standard Normal- and Flying-type regional bird of Hoenn, I'm a big fan of Swellow. It is a little frail, but it is lightning quick and can hit pretty hard due to it's excellent ability, Guts. Guts increases the Attack stat by 50% whenever the pokémon has a status condition, turning a respectable Attack into a very powerful one. My Swellow, Amazon (because of Swallows and Amaons, geddit?), was on my Ruby team and came in clutch many times with the move Aerial Ace - a move that cannot miss. Swellow was a big part of Ash's team in the animé, another reason I really like it as a pokémon - especially for the battle between Ash and Winona, the Flying-type Gym Leader. This gym battle came down to Ash's Swellow vs. Winona's shiny Swellow and was definitely one of the more memorable clashes. I really like the colours on shiny Swellow and I would love to get my hands on one, one day, although I think I still prefer the classic red and blue plumage of the original.
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08. Vigaroth
Something a little unusual in my eighth slot: a middle-stage evolution. Usually the middle-stages of any pokémon line get a little overlooked. The first stage is usually extremely cute and the final stage is super-powerful and cool, leaving the middle-stage as a weird htbrid of the two that never quite works. However, Hoenn seems to manage pretty well with the middle-stages - the starters have Combusken and Grovyle who are both excellent, although the less said about Marshtomp the better. The Slakoth line is another three-stage evolution line, and I used my Slaking, Naps, on my final Emerald team. Although Slaking is extremely powerful, it is let down by the awful ability, Truant, that is shares with Slakoth - causing it to skip every other turn due to 'loafing around'. Vigaroth on the otherhand, represents relentless energy with it's ability, Vital Spirit, preventing it from ever being put to sleep. Much more fun! Also I prefer it's design to Slaking's creepy old man in rcline pose.
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07. Cradily
I didn't really realise until looking at my Gen3 graphs, that I hadn't used either the Rock- or Grass-types at all in Gen2. Well, with that exact dual typing they are back in Gen3 and into a spot on my favourites list. Like Altaria, Cradily is another weird-looking pokémon that at first glance looks rather derpy, until you realise the eye-like spots on it's head are just markings and it's actual eyes peer out from the dark inside it's head. Way more sinister, although that is offset a little by the dildo-like tendrills waving about everywhere - although they did earn my Emerald team member the nickname Craydildo (ther shouldn't be a 'y' in the name - I just always spell Cradily's name incorrectly). Cradily isn't the most useful pokémon as it is built to be defensive but without many resistances, however mine still worked well as a primarily special wall, although it has a good defense as well. It was my first go at using substitute as a way to defend while using stat raising moves like Amnesia and Ancient Power to boost both the mergre damage it could do and it's already solid defences. Cradily's pink shiny is also very nice - many of my favs this generation has fair better in shiny design that last time out!
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06. Grumpig
Being a big fan of pigs, Spoink or Grumpig were always going tot get onto this list. I like Spoink, but it has some weird in-game lore about the fact it can never stop bouncing or it's heart will stop, which is a bit creepy and doesn't make sense, even in the pokémon world. I definitely prefer Grumpig, and I'm a huge fan of both the normal purple and shiny yellow - it's definitely another pokémon that I would love to shiny hunt one day. On top of all that, my Grumpig, WYSIPIG, saved me from a humilating defeat against Wally late in the game. I was under-prepared and his Gardevoir would have destroyed me if I hadn't had also had Calm Mind and a super-effective Shadow Ball on Grumpig. That alone would have been worth a place on this list!
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05. Kyogre
Another unusual sight on one of my lists: a Legendary Pokémon! Although I didn't actually use Kyogre on any of my teams, it is still one of my favourite pokémon in Gen3. It is a massive blue Orca whale with weather summoning abilities - what is not to like? I think it's design is very cool indeed, and it's shiny is also OK - although I am a bit bored of blue pokémon that turn a hot pink for their shiny colouration. I would love to have Kyogre on a team one day - although it is way too over-powered for a standrd play-through since it has phenomenal stats and wuld absolutely destroy most opposition. However is I one day put together a team just for battling then it would bee an ideal fit!
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04. Wingull
Wingull is probably a bit of an usual choice for this list a I think most people just consider it pretty unremarkable early-game pokémon, and they wouldn't really be wrong. However I am a big fan of this evolution line as I really like Pelipper also. Their designs are kinda basic, but still appealing and theh dual Water- and Flying type is not bad if you can play around the quad weakness to Electric. The shinies are also decent - the blue parts on both Wingull and Pelipper trning a nice green instead. But I think the real reason I like them both so much, is that I associate them with travelling somewhere new. When I travel in real life, I love seeing the new wildlife in an area that really underlines that you are somewhere else in the world - and birds are often the first things that I notice in this regard. In the animé, when Ash travels to Hoenn, the boat is surrouned by Wingull and Peiipper which did a really good job of capturing that same feeling which means I will always love this pokémon family!
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03. Ludicolo
Much like Miltank in Gen2 - and indeed at the same spot in it's respective list - Ludicolo is one of those pokémon that I wanted to own because I hated playing against it. The Water- and Grass-typing is so useful as it's weaknesses - Flying, Poison, and Bug - are not that commonly encountered. They can also keep themselves healthy by carrying leftovers and using the Rain Dish ability which restores health in the rain. On top of this, Ludicolo is nicely balanced with good SpDef and SpAtt so if you aren't prepared with a strategy to take them out they can really hurt. One of my favourite opponents in Colosseum and XD, a disco-themed guy called Miror B who has a giant afro coloured like a pokéball - uses entire teams of Ludicolo which gave me a lot of trouble. Design-wise, it is yet another weird looking pokémon that is a kinda cross between a duck and a pinapple with a few Mexican stereotypes thrown in for good(?) measure. It's shiny is also great with the sight colour changes giving it a more tropical look - ideal for the Hoenn region. I just love it!
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02. Sableye
This entry is proof that using a pokémon can really change your opinion of it. Before plaing Pokémon XD, I would never have expected Sableye to get anywhere near my top ten, let alone the number two slot! I only chose it because I wanted a Ghost-type for my double battles since it would be immune to Explosion either from my side or the opponents, and this was incredibly useful. This alone improved my Sableye views, along with the fact that it has no weaknesses with the unique Ghost- and Dark-typing. I always liked the design well enough, but seeing it in XD - a game which has 3D models rather than the basic 2D sprites of the main series - really sealed the deal. I loved how tiny it was, and how it moved so creepily! If it han't been quite so frail, there would have been a good chance of it making the top spot!
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01. Mudkip
This is the first time a starter pokémon has made number one in one of these lists - although Bulbsaaur and Cyndaquil came close. Mudkip is adorably derpy and is the face that launched a thousand pokémon memes, plus it is a line that eventually evolves into Water- and Ground-type, which I've often said before, is one of my favourite combinations. However, unlike the Cyndaquil and Bulbasaur lines - where I like Quilava, Typholsion, Ivysaur, and Venusaur a lot as well - my Mudkip love is mostly focused on the first stage evolution. The middle-stage Marshtomp is very odd-looking, but not in an appealing way, and the final-stage Swampert is pretty cool, but for some reason just doesn't quite click with me. It's definitely Mudkip all the way here - although I definitely prefer the original blue as it is yet another Water-type that turns a pinky-purple - boring! To summarise; you herd I liek Mudkipz.
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And that is that! Generation 3 was an absolute epic to complete; more than doubling my time spent, the total cost, and the number of games played once all of the side games and remakes were accounted for. It also meant way more blogs were needed to document everything and even the animé felt very extended! On top of all that, with so many more final teams, there was a lot more art to commission to celebrate each group. I'll be posting these in one big go once they are all completed, but for now, with Hoenn, the Kanto re-makes, and Orre all finally in the books, I can look ahead to Generation 4: Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum!
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zdbztumble · 6 years
A writing prompt from the Pokeshipping Discord run by @lightningenergy and @waterrflower.
This is set in the continuity of a group fic I work on, so some context before we get started: Ash now has an Alolan Sandshrew. His Lycanroc’s picked up the nickname Sunset, and Sunset’s mate is Midnight, a Shiny Midnight-form Lycanroc that belongs to Miette and lives on Oak Ranch. Ash also gave Misty and Eevee for Christmas.
("OK, Uncle!") Azurill called. ("I'm ready!")
("Me too, Azurill!") Pikachu replied. ("Go for it!") He spread his arms wide and readied himself. The little Polka Dot Pokémon scurried back to the end of the log, bounded forward in three great jumps, and dove straight into Pikachu's arms. The force knocked them both into the water, and they came right back up, laughing.
In the water around them, and on the lakeshore nearby, Ash's other Pokémon broke into cheers and applause. Buizel and Oshawott swam over to pat Azurill's head. On the shore, Misty's Psyduck waved his flippers, Pidgeot flapped his wings, and Donphan trumpeted. Bulbasaur reached out with his vines to lift Azurill back onto the log they were using as a makeshift diving board. And Misty's Eevee, who stood in the water up to the tops of her paws just to the left of the log, cheered again and again: ("Yay, sister!")
("Awful lot of fuss to make over a two-foot dive,") Pikachu heard Torracat say through a yawn. The fire cat was draped over a high branch in a tree well back from the waterline, while Ash's other Fire-Types sat or lay around it. Charizard gave rough grunt at all the noise, but Quilava smiled and shook his head.
("Lighten up, you two,") he said. ("The kid's still getting used to the water ahead of the day she becomes a Marill. And besides, how often do we have Pikachu here?")
("That's right,") Infernape agreed. ("You should come to the ranch more often!") he called out to his friend.
("Maybe I should,") Pikachu chuckled. There was nothing stopping him, not since he and Ash permanently moved back to Pallet Town. He liked seeing all of his friends, and on beautiful summer days like this, there was always plenty to do at the Oak Ranch.
("Where's Ash?") asked Sunset. He was sprawled out on the sand, with Midnight snuggled up over his back.
("It's Saturday,") Pikachu replied. ("When he and Misty are done being even more cuddly and gross than you two -")
("He has to spend all day with May and Dawn getting measurements for the wedding while she works with Miette and her sister. Ash'll be back around six; he and Misty wanted to do some training here for the Indigo League.")
("Ah, the wedding,") Oshawott sighed. A starry-eyed look crossed his face as he flipped onto his back. ("I can't wait! Our Ash, at the end of the aisle, looking his best, and getting married to the greatest, prettiest girl in the whole wide world!")
Charizard rolled his eyes. ("Of course the love runt loves the water freak.")
("She's the best and you know it!")
("I still can't believe Ash proposed,") Bulbasaur chuckled. ("I thought for sure Misty would have to do it herself.")
("What, propose?") said Pikachu.
("No - buy her own ring, write out a proposal, and tell Ash exactly what to say and do.")
("And he wouldn't have realized what he was saying until a minute later,") Charizard snickered.
("Oh, give him some credit,") said Sunset. ("He pulled it off, didn't he?")
("With my expert advice,") Pikachu added. ("But yes, he did.")
("And it'll be the most spectacular wedding on the face of the earth!") Oshawott shot out a weak Ice Beam to give himself a pedestal on the water's surface, the better to let him pirouette in joy.
("They're doing it outdoors, right?") wondered Pidgeot. ("How else would they fit us all in?")
("And Misty's Pokémon, too - how will they see it?")
("What time of day will it be? Have they decided yet?")
("We're not going out-of-region for this, are we?")
Everyone fell into discussing the wedding, in some way or another. There were five different conversations going about at once, in as many groups, and they all had questions for Pikachu. And his answers to all of them - that no, he really didn't know what the plans were for the wedding, that he doubted Ash and Misty had anything set beyond the date and their tailors, that if it wasn't for May and Dawn and the other girls' prodding they probably wouldn't have even that fixed - wasn't satisfactory.
("Come on, there has to be something more by now!") whined Oshawott.
("They at least have a guest list, right?") asked Noivern.
("And colors, and decorations, and floral arrangements - they know what to do about those, don't they, hey hey?") said Corphish.
("No, no, and no!") Pikachu cried. ("And can we slow down a minute? I can't keep track of -")
("Uncle, what are 'floral arrangements?'") asked Azurill.
("Flowers, Azurill. Now, if everyone can ask their questions one at a time - ")
("Do Mommy and Daddy need flowers?")
("For the wedding, yes. But that's still a long ways away, and -")
("Summer's end? That's only two-and-a-half months,") said Buizel. ("They'd better start getting prepared.")
("Do you think we could be involved with planning it?") asked Torterra. ("I could do some landscaping!")
("Me too!") Bulbasaur smiled. ("And Bayleef could help too - right?")
("Not this again...")
("This Misty isn't the type of girl who wants birds flying around, is she?") Staraptor frowned. ("I don't know why humans go for that, but there's no way I'll agree to something that silly.")
("She's not gonna ask for that!") Pikachu snapped.
("Er - everyone?") Sandshrew said softly. Pikachu heard, but couldn't respond over the ongoing chatter.
("Summer's end could be hot, or the start of fall weather. They might need a bonfire...")
("Where can they go for their honeymoon? Ash has been, like, everywhere on Earth, hey hey!")
("What we really need to do,") said Pidgeot, with a pointed stare Midnight's way, ("is to find a way to keep this one's Trainer from pulling any funny business.")
The blue Lycanroc lifted a brow. ("And what's that supposed to mean?")
("Come on, dear,") Sunset yawned. ("You know what she's like.")
("Don't you start too,") Midnight grumbled. She nipped at her mate's ear before nestling her head down into the fur on his back. Pikachu fought off the urge to gag.
("Um, excuse me, but -")
("You'll probably get to sit with his mom,") Charizard snickered to Torracat. ("I'll bet she'll get you a bowtie, too.")
("Hmmph. I'd never wear such a thing.") The Fire Cat Pokémon quickly busied himself with personal grooming.
("You're right - she'll probably get her new Growlithe to do it.")
("Wha - but what's wrong with me!?")
("Ah - I'm sorry, everyone, but I really need to -")
("I'm sorry, everyone, but this is important, and we need to -")
("QUIET!") Pikachu screamed. For good measure, he shot a Thunderbolt off into the air. All the Pokémon still in the lake with him shot daggers his way, but everyone finally shut up. Thank Arceus. I couldn't take another minute of that...
Bulbasaur nodded approvingly and turned to his assistant. ("OK, Sandshrew. What did you need to tell us?")
The Alolan-form fidgeted uncomfortably where he stood. ("Er...Misty's Azurill and Eevee are gone.")
("What? Don't be silly. They're right over -") Pikachu pointed to the diving log, but his hand dropped down to his side. There was no sign of Misty's two baby Pokémon. ("Where'd they go?")
("They were just there,") said Charizard. He, Pidgeot, and Noivern took to the skies and circled around over the lake, but they came back down almost immediately. ("We can't see them.")
("We can't see anything through all these trees,") Noivern added, nodding to the woods nearby. ("But they can't have gone far.")
("Azurill!") Pikachu hollered, as loud as he could. ("Eevee! Where are you?")
("They go for flowers,") Psyduck said. He was prodding a fallen apple with his bill, and hadn't even looked up from the fruit. Even as Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Sandshrew, Charizard, Torracat, and both Lycanrocs closed in around him, he still didn't look up.
That's just perfect, Pikachu thought with a shake of his head. The only one of us who noticed is the unfathomable. ("Psyduck,") he said. ("What do you mean, they went for flowers?")
("You say Mistress and her Ashboy need flowers,") the duck replied. ("For wedding. Babies go for flowers.") He waved a hand down a cleared path leading into the woods. ("That way.")
("THAT WAY!?") Bulbasaur gasped. He looked pale.
Psyduck nodded. ("Eevee smell flowers that way. They be back soon.")
("Forget that!") Bulbasaur snapped. ("Charizard, head down to the clearing! Sunset, Midnight, in after them! Sandshrew, Torracat - with me! We'll cut through the shortcut!") Everyone rushed to obey. Charizard cleared the treetops in under two seconds. The Lycanrocs darted down the path, vanishing into the shadows of the trees. And Bulbasaur knocked aside some brush to their right to expose a rough, beaten dirt trail. He let Torracat lead the way, and had Sandshrew take up the rear.
("Bulbasaur, what is it?") Pikachu asked, following them in. With his visits to the ranch being so rare, he didn't know much about how things worked in the place, but he always assumed that it was peaceful, safe, and happy. That's how everyone always made it sound. No one ever said there was anything dangerous on the ranch. Certainly nothing that would cause Bulbasaur to hurry down the hill after Azurill and Eevee. With his speed, it wasn't hard for Pikachu to keep pace with his old friend, but he was still amazed at how quick they were going. ("What's wrong?") he asked again.
("Two things,") Bulbasaur said quickly. ("First - there is a flowerbed at the bottom of this hill, but there's a big Moss Rock down there.")
("So what? What's the big deal about a mossy old rock?")
("Mew, you sound like Ash right now. Not a mossy rock, a Moss Rock. Understand?")
(A Moss Rock? You mean...oh!") Pikachu's cheeks sparked with fright. ("But Misty still has the Water Stone Ash gave her!")
("Exactly. But the other problem is that that flowerbed is where - they live.")
Eevee liked the smell of roses best out of all flowers. The tickseed, the lavender, and the daylilies were nice too, but there was something special about roses. They were so rich; it was almost like a meal through the sense of smell! And there were so many kinds of roses - red, white, pink, lilac, yellow, and even...
("Look, Azurill!") she trilled with a hop. ("Blue roses! Mommy loves the big blue water, and Daddy always wears blue. Don't you think they'd love these? They smell so pretty!")
Azurill buried her face into one of the flowers and took a big whiff. She closed her eyes and let out a happy sigh. ("They do. But I heard Mommy and Daddy teasing Auntie May's boyfriend about his roses. Maybe we should get some of these other ones?")
("The daylilies? Auntie Daisy would like those, but I don't know how much Mommy likes Auntie Daisy...")
("Don't say that!") Azurill chided. ("She's a lot nicer now. And if Mommy wins her big fight and gets her new job, Auntie Daisy might do all the Gym Leadering from now on.")
("Hmm...maybe some of those, then. And the blue roses, and the red ones for Mommy's hair, and the white ones, and the -")
A shadow fell over the two of them from behind. Instead of turning around, they both craned their heads back to look up. Three large Pokémon surrounded them in a half-circle, a Rhyperior, a Machamp, and a Granbull. None of them looked very nice, but Mommy and Auntie Milotic always said not to judge people by how they looked.
("Well, well, well,") said the Rhyperior. ("What do we have here?")
("Hello,") Azurill said pleasantly. ("We're picking flowers for our mommy!")
("Is that right?") Rhyperior looked back and forth between his companions. ("Here that boys? They're picking flowers.")
("On our turf,") grunted the Granbull. ("You're a long ways away from the big house, ain't you kids?")
Azurill smiled and bounced around to face them. ("It's OK. Uncle knows the way back!")
("Your uncle, huh?") The Machamp cracked his knuckles. ("I don't see him around now.")
("No...but he's right up the hill.") Whatever Mommy and Auntie Milotic said, Eevee didn't like these Pokémon. She wanted to walk away, but Azurill was still smiling up at them as if nothing was wrong.
("Do you wanna help us pick flowers?") she asked. They all laughed.
("Sure,") Rhyperior replied. ("We'll help you pick the flowers. But first - ") he shuffled back a few steps, and his friends backed away from him - ("either of you two squirts know how to battle yet?")
("Oh no you don't!") Two blurs - one orange, one blue - barreled into the Rhyperior, taking him off his feet. Another orange blur came down from the sky to crash into Granbull. Machamp was brought down by a pair of vines around his legs. Following the vines to a clearing in the trees, Eevee saw Daddy's Bulbasaur at the other end, looking very angry. On his left, the icy Sandshrew and Torracat looked just as mad, and on his right, Uncle Pikachu was bristling with sparks.
("Oh, goody!") Azurill cheered. ("We get to watch battling!")
("You can watch battling,") Eevee frowned. She didn't like battles outside of Mommy's Gym. They were too messy. ("I'm gonna start picking flowers.")
She turned away and started into the meadow. The racket of the battling followed after her, but there was nothing to do for that. She tried to focus on the scent of the flowers. They all smelled wonderful, but she had to pick the absolute best ones for Mommy. The red smell the strongest, but the blue ones are nice and cool, and these lilac ones...what's that other smell, though?
It was wet and earthy, like the garden at Daddy's mom's house. But there was something else about it; something old. Eevee held her nose up high and followed it through the meadow. It wasn't far; just a few feet in, near a big old tree, she found it: a rock, almost as big as Uncle Starmie, with funny green stuff all over it.
It smells...good, Eevee thought. And there was something else about the rock, too. Nothing about the smell, or the look, or any other sense, except a prickly feeling up and down her back that something would happen if she just reached out with a paw to touch it...
("Now hold on there, young missy! What do you think you're doing with that old stone?")
They were called the Boxer Boys. The Machamp of the group new the sport, and had taught it to his friends. No one knew just who their Trainer was, but he must have been some piece of work, because all of his Pokémon were dirty fighters and bullies. Bulbasaur said that a huge part of his job when he first came to Oak Ranch was keeping them from making trouble, and Pikachu could see why. It's my own fault for taking Play Rough head-on, but...OW!
He was done with the fighting. Despite the Play Rough, he and Torracat had managed to reduce the Granbull to a sparking, charred mess on the ground. Bulbasaur and Sandshrew had chased the Machamp off, though the jerk had gotten a knock-out over on poor Sandshrew. Charizard followed after the Fighting-type, blasting him from the air with Flamethrowers. Rhyperior was all that was left, and with his immunity to electric attacks, Pikachu could only sit back and nurse his aching tail while the Lycanrocs handled him.
They'd taken their share of blows, Sunset and Midnight, and the Rhyperior's defense was insane, but they wouldn't let up. Sunset used Rock Slide to cut off any retreats, while Midnight worked away with Counters and Reversals. Pikachu had to admit: gross as they are together, they made a pretty good battling couple.
("Isn't it amazing, Uncle?") Azurill asked. She'd watched the whole thing, utterly delighted; she was bouncing up and down at the finale. ("And I get to do that some day?")
("Yes,") Pikachu sighed. ("You and Eevee both get to...where's Eevee?")
("She didn't wanna watch the fight. She went to pick flowers.")
("Where?") Pikachu whirled around, the pain in his tail forgotten. ("Where is she? Where's the rock!?")
("What rock, Uncle?")
("We can't let her touch that rock! Bulbasaur, where is it!?")
("I-I can't remember!") The Seed Pokémon had been tending Sandshrew; now, he was looking around as frantically as Pikachu. ("It's in the meadow, but -")
("Don't just stand there!") Sunset snapped; he and Midnight had finally brought Rhyperior down. ("Fan out and let's find her before -")
("Looking for this?")
They all turned at once. Eevee was walking toward them, a small bouquet of roses in her mouth. At her side was a hobbling old Alolan Raichu with a patient chuckle to his voice. ("She was sniffing around the old rock. Of course, it wasn't so old the first time I came here. Not that I was ever here all that much. Still ain't, 'smatter of fact. Oh, but there was this time back a ways when all sorts of trouble came up over that thing, and Vee and I had to -")
("I think we got it,") Bulbasaur said quickly. He extended his vines to embrace Eevee and gently bring her over to Azurill's side. ("Thanks, Pika.")
("Friend of yours?") Midnight asked, with a rather suspicious sniff.
("He's an old-timer,") said Bulbasaur. ("Pops in every now and again, handy with some things.")
("Yessir.") Pika leaned back, his paws held at his chest. ("Like the time all those Tauros got loose the day old Oak and the other one were sick. Of course, that was nothing on some of the things I used to get up to. Did I ever tell you about the time when we were on that airship and I -")
("Thank you, Pika,") Bulbasaur said firmly. ("I need to get Sandshrew to the house, and we need to get these little ones away from that rock.")
("No patience for an old-timer, eh? Well, fine then.") He frowned, but he didn't sound truly angry. As he turned to go, he looked over his shoulder right at Pikachu. ("And good seeing you again.")
("...I'm sorry? Have we...wait a minute.") Pikachu put a paw to his chin. ("The New Years party...the Poke Ball...you're -")
("On my way!") The old Raichu gave a final wave, then headed into the trees.
("What was that about?") asked Bulbasaur. Pikachu just shook his head and slumped down onto his bottom. What a way to end a play day...
("So, Uncle,") Eevee said through her mouthful. ("Can we give these flowers to Mommy and Daddy?")
("Yeah, flowers for Mommy and Daddy!") Azurill cheered.
("Girls...") Pikachu sighed. ("Ash and Misty need flowers for their wedding. That's still a while off.")
("Oh.") They both looked disappointed. ("But - wouldn't Mommy and Daddy like some flowers now anyway?") asked Azurill.
("Please, Uncle?") Eevee pleaded. ("I already started. Help us pick some more, please?")
("I don't think -")
("Summer blooms only last so long,") Bulbasaur chuckled. Torracat and the Lycanrocs were chuckling too.
("...Let's wait for Charizard to get back so he can take Sandshrew. Then we'll pick some flowers.")
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