#(and maybe Steph coz he can't stop her)
Dp x dc idea: Haunted House
Danny goes into a haunted rollercoaster ride and unknowingly sits next to Tim Drake. They take off and Danny gets so scared at some point that he phases right out of his seat. It’s sorta ok since they’re in the dark and stuff so nobody sees him, but the ride is over before Danny can get back on and he just goes like "welp fuck this, imma dip and hope for the best". Tim finishes the ride and realizes the guy that was beside him is gone. Like the restraint and belt is still there but there’s no more guy. And Tim is like "am I going crazy right now??" And the workers don’t remember Danny coz they do this ride like 100 times a day. Maybe later on, as Tim is walking around the amusement park in a daze, he sees Danny walking around like normal but there’s so many people he loses sight of him in the crowd, and once again nobody can corroborate they even saw Danny coz y’know it’s a crowd. 
So now Tim’s convinced there’s a ghost haunting the amusement park and he’s determined to solve the murder(?) that may or may not have happened here and give the ghost some peace.
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zoeygreensimblr · 5 years
Stay Beautiful (episode 15)
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"Can I just have a tiny clue about the surprise" I beg Angus, Wednesday night after the gym, sitting in his office of blandness.
"How are your Essay's coming, there will be no surprise if you haven't finished them" He asks me, I swear he's worse than Don and Mr Landgaarb put together
"I've finished my Simlish one" I explain, hoping that will win him over and he will give me a clue
"And History? Zoey, we had a deal remember?"  He reminds me
"I'll start it Sunday, it will be done by this time next week." I promise him
"And you have to leave time to do a practice test or two, I want you to be well prepared when you take your final exams" He harps on
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, practice tests, got it. Clue please?" I think I'd sell my soul at this point just to know what the surprise is.
"I'll give you two clues" He tells me and I get so excited I jump up from my seat and run up to him for a hug, "Wow, I haven't even told you the clues yet and you're all over me."
"Are you complaining?" I ask him joking
"Never" He says, kissing the top of my head, "Ok, clue 1, You will need swim wear because the climate is warm there will be a spa", I smile at him, I wore him down
"Is that one clue or three?" I ask, still confused about where we could be going
"That was one clue but I threw in some detail to tease you" He laughs, "Now clue two, we will be flying there".
"Ive never flown anywhere before" I tell him, getting more excited
"You're too cute baby" He laughs, "What do you want to do tonight anyway?" He asks me and I just stare at him, suggestively, he just laughs and asks "What else do you want to do tonight Zoey? We could go for dinner or see a movie?"
"Don't you have to work early tomorrow?" I ask
"I have Thursdays off" He informs me, how did I not know this? Maybe it's never come up before because I'm  usually at school every Thursday.
"I'd like to go out for dinner" I tell him, "But nowhere fancy, just somewhere casual coz I only packed casual clothes" I add
"So burgers and fries is what she desires tonight?" He asks, laughing, "You're determined to make me fat" He says, shaking his head
"I'd still love you if you're fat Angus" I promise, he grabs my hand and places it under his shirt so I can feel his washboard abs
"Say goodbye Zoey" He knows me too well
"Fine, salad it is" I laugh with him.
Angus held my hand as we walked from his office to the desk at the front. Annabelle had returned to work today but still looked unwell. We stop to farewell her on our way out and I remember I had knitted her a scarf, I pull it out of my bag and drape it around her neck.
"Oh Zoey, it's beautiful, thank you" She says, giving me a hug
"It's nothing Annabelle, I was thinking about you all last week and thought it would keep you warm at work" I explain, "If that's ok with the boss of course? I know it's not uniform but I didn't like the thought of Annabelle getting more sick overtime the door opens and lets those cold, windy gushes in" I probably should have cleared it with Angus first
"It's fine Zoey, It does look beautiful too. I'm more concerned about when you found the time in your schedule to knit a scarf?" He frets and I squeeze his hand
"It really didn't take that long" I assure him, "Knitting is how I destress and writing that essay stressed me out a lot"
"I'm sorry Zoey, I didn't mean to make you feel bad about it, you destress how ever you need to, I remember it being a stressful period" He pulls me in close to him, I know he means well, he just doesn't want me to fail.
"You remember year 12 Angus?" Annabelle laughs at him
"I remember fucking it up and having my arse handed to me by Landgaarb and then again by Imogen" He says seriously, "I don't want that for Zoey"
"Zoey is nothing like you were Gus" Annabelle tries to rationalise with him and I hug him tightly
"I know she's not, I just worry, you both know that" He resolves
It's interesting seeing Angus and Annabelle talk about the past that I was never part of and for me it's so hard to imagine Angus doing anything that would warrant getting expelled in his final year, the Angus I know is always in control and structured.
On the walk home, when it's just us I feel that it's the best time to ask him more about why he was expelled, I know it's a sensitive subject and i'm hoping he trusts me enough to open up.
"How close where you to completing before Mr Landgaarb kicked you out" I ask in a small voice. He stops walking and turns to looks at me, it's dark but I can still see his facial features in the streetlights, like he's tormented by the memories.
"It was about this time, we had just started term 3, I had spent all my holidays working on 3 assignments I had and Steph was so pissed off because I hadn't spent any time with her over Winter break. Steph was always angry at me about something so that was nothing new. I was in the top 2 of my year too but I wasn't a good kid, I'd get into fights and mouth off" He explains and it breaks my heart to hear that he was so close to finishing and it was taken away.
"Was it because you got into a fight?" I ask him, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
"I need a haircut, I should probably do that before we go away" He says, changing the subject and I decide to let it go.
"I love you Angus, you're perfect to me" I give him a confidence boost
"Starving is what I am baby, I'm tempted to get street food although I've heard bad things about the Pufferfish, that if it's not cooked right you can die" he grabs my hand and walks us to where the food stalls are, "You wanted casual" he reminds me.
We order hamburgers from one of the stalls and wait for our food, I snuggle into Angus to keep warm.
"I'm not going to tell you why I was kicked out, you have this image of who you think I am and I don't want to destroy that image. I love you Zoey but I want you to understand that this is the one thing I will never tell you. I'm not proud of what happened and if I could change it I would." He has that pained look on his face again.
"I understand, I won't ask again, it's in the past" I reassure him
We eat our burgers in front of the fire, the crackling flames create the perfect romantic aura.
"Did you like the burger?" Angus enquires
"It was so juicy, I loved it, have you had street food from there before?" I ask, knowing if he did it wouldn't be often given his aversion to carbs.
"Never, you're just a bad influence Amelia, making me fall off the wagon" He laughs
"I have a way for you to work it off" I suggest
"Where?" He asks
"Where what?" I reply, confused
"Where do you suggest we work it off, keeping in mind you can't pick any location we've done it in before, those are the new rules" He challenges me, "That rules out here in the lounge room, my bedroom and the laundry, oh and Immie's room coz thats just a world of creepy"
"We didn't really have...sex, in the laundry though" I remind him.
"You came on the washing machine Zoey, I'm counting it" He gives me that cheeky smile. Think Zoey, you can be creative
"The kitchen?" I decide, based on nothing more than that it's close to the lounge room where we are sitting and anywhere downstairs will be too cold.
"I want you to go into the kitchen, take your clothes off and bend over the island bench and wait for me" He orders me and I obey
I don't hear him walk up behind me but I feel him run his hand up my inner thigh and slip his fingers inside me
"Thats my good girl, always so wet" He praises me, moving his fingers to my clit and my breathing starts to quicken, "Are you ready baby"
"Where are you putting it" I ask, suddenly aware we never discussed trying anal and I'm not ready to be that experimental
"Same place I always go" He assures me and i feel him slide in, he settles in and starts penetrating, I instinctively push back so he can go in deeper, he spanks me hard enough to send the electric volts through my body and I can't help but let out a loud "fuck" which just spurs him on, his hand leaves my ass and slowly makes it way to my left breast, he cups it and squeezes my nipple, it's enough to send me over the edge, I collapse on the bench and feel Angus have his own climax seconds after mine.
"Sorry baby, that was over before it started but the bench was great choice" I feel him-up out of me and I still can't move, that was absolutely satisfying  and I'm spent. I slowly peel myself off the bench. I have no idea where Angus has disappeared to until I hear the bath water running, I make my way downstairs, naked and cold and find him in the bathroom, he wraps a fluffy dressing gown around me and I wait for the bath to fill up so I can put the spa on.
"Fuck that was good Zoey" He says, kissing me deeply on the lips.
"I think that was my favourite so far" I inform him and he laughs
"Theres plenty more to come, maybe even tonight" He tells me, "Just for future reference though, I would always tell you before I go up your arse, no surprise attacks I promise."
He climbs in to the bath and holds out his hand for me to follow him in, we find a corner and stretch-out, me between his legs.
"Have you done that before? Anal?" I ask curiously
"Yes and I wouldn't force it on you. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you Zoey" He nuzzles into my neck
"I don't think it's for me" I tell him
"I'm perfectly ok with that Princess, I'm satisfied with what we are doing now" He reassures me, "Can I make one suggestion though?" He asks and my heart start racing, I'm not doing this right, I should be putting in more effort
"What is it?" I ask, expecting the worst
"I want you to go on the pill, we can use it as a back up method if you want to but I would feel a little bit of relief knowing we're not going to have any accidents." He suggests
"I think thats a good idea, Tess is on the pill, she goes to our doctor in Brindleton Bay but I can't ask her to come with me, she will ask too many questions" I tell him
"Zoey I will go with you" He offers, "Otherwise if you go alone you will antibiotics for the flu all because you can't say the word sex" He jokes and I splash him, he knows me all too well.
"Can we go tomorrow?" I ask
"We can go tonight if you want? There's a late night clinic just up the road, it's designed for people who need to see a doctor but not for anything serious outside of business hours and the doctors there are good too." He explains
"Is that where you go?"I ask him
"Yeah, when I need to, I do get sick sometimes." He tells me, "Do you want to go tonight or wait until tomorrow" He asks me
"Go tonight" I reply, "The doctor isn't going to poke me with anything right?" Ive seen way too many episodes of Grey's Anatomy at this point where people go in for simple health issues and the Doctors end up putting a tube down their throat or sticking a giant needle in them. Angus starts laughing at my completely rational fear.
"They're not going to poke you with anything" he says trying to keep a straight face, "I am, but they won't" He gives me that cheeky smile
The clinic is a small space placed between two giant retail stores. Theres 1 other person waiting when we arrive, we check in at the desk and the receptionist hands me a form to fill out, questions about previous medical history. Our wait is short and a female doctor calls my name and ushers me into a smaller office than the one Angus occupies at the gym but unlike his, this room is way more decorated.
"Hi Zoey, my name is Doctor Evans" She introduces herself, "what can I help you with tonight?"
My nerves kick in, I know what I'm here for but I can't say it, she's going to judge me and give me a lecture about how I should never of lost my virginity, Angus can see I'm struggling and takes me hand
"It's alright Zoey, you're in a safe place here, Dr Evans isn't going to make you feel bad" He comforts me, "Zoey is a highly anxious person, she finds it hard to talk about certain subjects, that's why I came in with her tonight" Angus explains to the doctor and I can see Dr Evans starting to understand what's going on
"Is this your boyfriend Zoey?" she asks me and I nod yes, "And are you sexually active?" she continues
"Yes" I say shyly, preparing myself for the lecture
"Zoey there's nothing to feel ashamed of, a lot girls become sexually active around your age and it's natural. My only concern is that your protected and safe."She reassures me, "Have you been tested?" She enquires and I look at Angus, he promised no needles tonight
"Zoey was a virgin before we started having sex, we use condoms every time too" Angus answers for me, Dr Evans turns her attention from me to Angus
"And when were you last tested for STIs?" she questions him
"After my last sexual encounter, I'm clean" He replies and I sit there thinking that these should have been questions I asked him before jumping into anything, I didn't even consider it. Dr Evans turns her attention back to me.
"Zoey would you like me to prescribe the pill for you?" She asks me in her concerned doctor voice.
"Yes please" I reply, my own voice is soft and shy
"I can do that tonight, I'm going to also prescribe a low dose of anti anxiety medication too" She tells me, "The pill must be taken at or around the same time every day for it to be effective and it can take up to 7 days for it to become effective so please keep using your back up form of contraception. Also I must warn you that antibiotics can make the pill ineffective so be aware of that if you are prescribed antibiotics at any stage" She says as she types and prints out two prescriptions, "Also Zoey, don't ever feel ashamed to talk to a medical professional about being sexually active, we are here to help you, never judge you" She smiles warmly at me
"Thank you Dr Evans" I say. We leave the clinic and find a late night chemist near by, I put my prescriptions in with the pharmacist and we sit and wait, Angus takes my hand and gives it a little squeeze.
"Proud of you Princess" He says
"I really didn't do anything, you did all of the talking, my nerves just took over" I'm ashamed that I couldn't speak up
"Zoey it's all good, I know you have anxiety and thats why I went with you tonight and maybe the medication for anxiety will help keep the nerves away." He comforts me
"I should have ask you that question before we did anything" my mind is going into overthinking mode
"I would of told you if you had anything to worry about, I knew I was clean and yeah, maybe we should of had that conversation, that falls on me more than you not asking, I didn't think about it honestly because I knew you were clean" He reassures me, "You're safe with me Zo, always", I feel it too.
We walk back to the apartment, past the food stalls that are packing up for the night.
"Do you want a cupcake Princess?" He asks me
"You ask me like you don't already know the answer will always be yes" I laugh
He orders 2 red velvet cupcakes and we eat them in front of the fire.
"I feel bad for Joanna" I randomly blurt out
"Why, she earns $165 a day here, I think she's not doing too bad" He laughs
"Yeah but what do you think she thinks now that she has to empty your trash bin after we've, you know?" It's only just dawned on me now that, apart from Dr Evans, Joanna would be the only other person to know Angus and I are sleeping together and I've never even met her.
"Zoey I don't give a shit what she thinks, I'm an adult" He tells me, "You worry too much about what other people think" He states the obvious. I see his point though, it's no ones business what we are doing and it's not shameful either
"I'm going to tell Tess next time I see her" I announce
"Only if you're sure? I can be there with you if you want me to be?" He's asks knowing I may need support
"Thank you, I appreciate it but I think it's best I do this alone, Tess has been my whole world for so long and now she shares it with you, I love you both but I don't want to make her feel like it's now you and me and she's been pushed out. I need sister time." I explain and then a panic sets in, I don't want Angus to feel I''m pushing him out either, "Is that OK?" I ask
"Of course thats OK Zo, you never have to feel like you're choosing Tess over me, she's your sister and your best friend" He says, kissing my head
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