#(and then they came in swinging with a baseball bat ruining any sort of hope i had to get out of this)
montanabohemian · 1 month
anyway i just heard back about a job i'd applied to and had three interviews for (the last one totaled two fucking hours and part of it started at 6:30am) that i didn't get it. like what in the entire fuck was all that about then. 😒😒😒
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Happy Sugar Life
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r6scaliber · 6 years
Smoxin Smash
A LONG overdue fic for a dear colleague here on Tumblr. @daretina, this one is for you. I hope I got Toxin right... ;) thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy this little bit of fluff.
(Rated G - Fluff, Comfort, Mild suggestive)
Toxin walked into the common room, shared by the SAS crew. She was beat, exhausted and sore all over her body. Their mission was a success, but only just barely. One misstep nearly cost them the mission.
She hadn't bothered to change out of her jumpsuit, and she didn't really care to right now. It wasn't even dirty, per say. She slumped into a plush single seater, and practically passed out. The female operator wasn't there more than five minutes before Smoke and Sledge walked in from the hall. Sledge noticed Toxin first, and gently backhanded Smoke on the shoulder and silently pointed to her. Smoke smiled at the sight of her, relieved that she was alright.
Sledge mumbled something about leaving a coffee machine on, did an about face, and left the room. Smoke shook his head, but silently thanked the Scotsman. He made a mental note to buy the man a drink next time they were down at the pub.
Smoke took off his fingerless training gloves and stuffed them in his back pocket as he walked up behind Toxin. She didn't even budge when he leaned over the back of the chair and gave her a peck on the forehead. That made her stir a little, but it didn't wake her up. His hands settled on her shoulders, and he gently started to massage them. This outward display of affection was both awkward, but so very welcome right now.
She hummed, as his hands squeezed at the sore and tense muscles. Some of the tension she had been holding on to immediately started to ebb away from her. He kept massaging while he leaned back down and kissed her cheek from the side. “You look a little worse for wear love. Don’t worry, I’ll get you right sorted.”
“How’s it that you know just what I need, Porter?” Imogen asked, her eyes still closed.
“Gotta keep my lady satisfied, right?” he replied cheekily.
“Oh, you do… no need to worry about that.”
“Then what’s got you so knackered?” he asked, hoping she would talk to him, and get it off her mind. “Who do I have to kill love… just say the word an’ I’ll…”
“No one, James.” She smiled and cut him off, chuckling lightly. “It was just a stressful mission, more so than usual.”
“Why’s that then?”
“Just… I don’t know. It’s like the team wasn’t meshing. Something was off, and it was affecting everything. Comms were faulty too, so that didn’t help us at all. Twitch tried to fix what she could, but…” She groaned, clearly exasperated. “We almost set the bloody detonator off, accidently even. Would have killed half the team too. I just don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
“No worries, love.” Smoke thought a moment, and came up with a solution. “Come on… Let’s get you out of your jumpsuit, into something more comfy.”
“Not now James, please.”
“No no… not like that. I mean just get you out of your gear. I want to take you somewhere.”
“Where’s that?” Toxin asked, not wanting to get up because it meant that this wonderful massage would end.
“If I told you, it would ruin the surprise now, wouldn’t it?” Smoke grinned. She was going to love this.
“Fine… I’m in.” she sighed and reluctantly got up.
He walked her to her room and then just waited outside her door, leaning up against the wall. Any other time of day, and he would have followed her in, but it was chow time, and there were operators everywhere, on their way to the mess.
“Almost ready!” came Toxin’s muffled voice from inside her room. She’d changed out of her gear, and into some relaxed civvies. The tank top she wore was a muted blue, set with her charcoal capri pants.
“Lookin’ as fine as ever, love.” Smoke grinned.
“Keep it in your trousers Porter.” she jokingly warned.
“Won’t be able to for long with you lookin so grand.” Came his husky reply.
“Seriously James…”
“I am!” he retorted, sounding mock offended. “Now, let’s go, before the others catch wind that we’re leavin. The cab’s waiting outside.”
Jumping in the waiting cab, the pair sat as close as they could in the back seat. Their hands intertwined, and it was a wonderful comfort for Imogen.
“Here we are then.” The cabby stated, as he pulled up to a curb. They were outside a nondescript building, in the middle of town.
Smoke payed the man, and they both got out. He grabbed Toxin’s hand again and let her down a set of stairs, and through a doorway. There was no signage, or anything.
“Where the hell are we James?”
“Patience love. Almost there now.”
After walking down a well-lit hallway, they came to the front counter. Behind it, on the wall were the words ‘Rage On!’ in an angry, red font.
Toxin’s eyebrows furrowed and she looked at Smoke, confused. He winked at her and took out some cash, to pay the teen behind the counter.
The kid looked up after sorting the change. “Smocks are over there, goggles on the counter. Suit up while I go set up for you.”
The pair walked over and Smoke handed her a suit. It was pretty much a hazmat suit, but not as contained, like the kind the clean-up techs wore after Rainbow had cleared a building. True to the teen’s words, there were some lab style goggles on the counter. They each grabbed a pair, and put them on. The teen walked out a few moments later, and motioned for them to enter through the door he was standing in.
Smoke let Toxin go first and she walked in.
Inside, the room was filled with objects. Breakable ones. Plates on little stands, mugs, vases, even an old tube TV… There were more things in here than she could count.
Hanging on the wall to their right was an assortment of bludgeoning objects. A baseball bat, crowbar, hockey stick, lead pipe and even a sledge hammer. Not quite as big as Sledge’s, but still pretty hefty.
Smoke crossed his arms and nodded his head to the wall. “Pick your weapon.”
Toxin just stood there and stared for a moment. “What?”
“Grab something, and start swinging. This is a rage room. Everything in here is meant to be destroyed. Take your frustration out on the things in here. Scream, yell, vent away love.”
Catching on, Toxin smiled and walked over to the weapons wall. She looked at each of them and settled on the crowbar. She picked it up and hefted it, testing its weight. Turning around, she gazed at the objects. Pulling the crowbar behind her, she swung low. Three plates fell beneath the blow. Smoke just stood in the corner and watched. This was all for her.
With a yell, she swung for a nearby vase. It was obliterated, shattered pieces of ceramic flew everywhere. The crowbar became a blur.
“Stupid technology.” A mug soared across the room and shattered on the wall.
“Fucking terrorists!” Two small figures met a swift end.
Her next yell devolved into an incoherent garble as she headed for the massive TV. The curve of the bar split through the screen, and the crowbar wedged inside. She put her foot on the TV and wrenched the bar out. She went back to the wall, set the crowbar on its hook and grabbed the sledge.
Her ferocity picked up again, and she barreled for the TV, hammer trailing behind her. With the momentum she had gathered, she swung the hammer up, and brought it down satisfyingly hard, crushing through the plastic of the casing.
Again, and again, she swung, destroying the old electronic.
When she couldn’t heave the hammer anymore. She set it down, head first on the ground. Her hands came to rest on the base of the handle. “Now I know why Sledge loves his hammer.” She told him, between pants and huffs of breath.
“Feel better now?” he asked her, taking the hammer and placing it back along the wall.
“I do, actually.” She breathed a sigh of relief. She put her arms around Smoke’s waist and snuggled in. “Thank you James. That was exactly what I didn’t know I needed.”
“Well, you said it yourself… I always know what you need.” He remarked, holding her close.
“Do you know what I need next then?” she quipped, looking up to his eyes through the silly goggles.
“That, I do, love… but we can’t do that here.” He replied with a wink.
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Birthdate: January 10th, 1991 ( 27 ) Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him Hometown: Los Angeles, California Neighborhood: Greenwich Village, Manhattan Occupation: Little League Baseball Coach Faceclaim: Zac Efron Trigger Warnings: Alcoholism, Child Abuse, Drugs.
Born to wealthy parents, Riley was defined as the kid who had everything he ever wanted. He was born with a built in best friend, his twin brother Kyle, and celebrities as parents. Gerard and Agatha were picture perfect in every way. It wasn’t until Riley and his brother’s childhood turned into a nightmare that his unfortunate reality kicked in. Riley was far too young to even have understood what such beatings meant, but after watching Kyle get in trouble for the first time, the memory was burned into the front of his mind whenever he closed his eyes at night. With his mother being a crack addict, there seemed to be no hope for either of the Henderson boys. When their mother overdosed, it was like Riley snapped. Like Kyle, Riley couldn’t stay quiet during the whole ordeal – his mother’s death and his father’s abuse only made him angry. It’d land him in more trouble, as well as drag Kyle into his own misbehavior even when the other had nothing to do with it. Riley had no friends – save his brother – and it showed in the way he tried to seclude himself. He couldn’t bring himself to trust anyone, and everyone received the cutting edge of his bad temper every day.
There wasn’t a moment of his childhood that Riley missed. Leaving with Kyle was always his only option, having realized as a young boy that he was nearly apathetic to everyone but his twin. It was hard to care about anyone when he felt so alone all the time, making him a miserable brat to deal with while they spent their last few years as teenagers fighting Gerard every step of the way. While his brother got into fighting, Riley could only deal with his anger issues by swinging a baseball bat. He channeled all he could into hitting a baseball instead of bashing someone’s head in. Riley was a great pitcher - that much was obvious. Throughout his college years, he strived to be the best of the best, however, he lacked in the academia while he strived in sports. He did all he could, but he left the smarts to his brother while he focused on his own life towards the major leagues, hoping to bring some kind of redemption to the Henderson name. It was his big shot – fighting to be known as the up and coming Rookie of the Year, not one of the sons of the late Agatha and still living Gerard, celebrities who gave him most of the fame he tried to ride off of.
It was then that he met someone - another baseball player whom he simply connected with on the spot. In Riley’s mind, there wasn’t anyone worth talking to or getting to know besides Kyle, but this boy caught his attention almost immediately. Riley was always someone who cut ties, and while their on and off relationship only lasted less than a year, it had a negative, lasting effect on Riley. It took place during his last year of college, when everything was on the line. He’d gotten drafted by the Yankees, having a contract to play in the minors before he’d get a chance to pitch in an MLB game. His time never came, however, since he and his “boyfriend” never seemed to get along after the first four months. Riley was always volatile - a naturally angry person with far too much pent up rage, and his partner happened to be so as well. Their arguments would include broken furniture or whatever they had close to them, but it didn’t take long for it to get physical. Riley had always vowed to never hit someone he cared about; it was part of the reason he hardly went to watch Kyle fight or do anything of the sorts. It wouldn’t take more than one punch at his brother for him to try and kick that stranger’s ass.
During one violent altercation between he and his “boyfriend”, Riley’s wrist was snapped in three different places, ultimately ending his baseball career. It never healed properly, and it only ruined his valuable pitching contract with the Yankees. It was back to being nothing but a college student at NYU, and he slid by the rest of his year, barely earning his degree as the depression kicked in. He felt like he was played a fool, destined to crash and burn like his parents had once the fame and money had caught up to them. He did whatever it was he thought he wanted; parties and New York City were like his own personal hell, and that’s the only place he could thrive. Riley had refused physical therapy, pushing himself to throw a perfect curveball like he used to. In the end, nothing he could do would get him back in the game, and after trashing the last apartment he was in with his bat from college, it was easy enough to leave California behind. Riley settled for coaching little league baseball instead of trying to do anything with his psychology degree. Kids calmed him down, and he still got to play baseball to some degree. However, his drinking problem started almost immediately after he’d lost his deal, and Riley has yet to stop. His fear is becoming anything like his father was: drunk and abusive, but instead, he treats the drinking as his pain killer. Constantly having some alcohol gives him a sort of escape, and while he’d still do anything for his brother, he can’t find any motivation in him to care about what people think of him.
( + ) charming, loyal, straightforward. ( - ) aggressive, erratic, indignant.
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Steve Harrington Masterlist *updated 2/15/21*
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NONE OF THESE ARE MINE!!! I did NOT write any of these! I believe they are amazing fanfics, written by insanely talented people, and deserve to be shared. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHORS!!!
Steve x Billy
Bad by flippyspoon (Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington)(Billy Hargrove & Eleven)(Billy Hargrove & Max Mayfield) Billy hates the cold but he takes walks in the snowy woods anyway. Never know who you’ll meet there.
Pain, Will You Return It? by shocked_into_shame (Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington) When Billy gets beaten to a literal pulp by his dad, the police get involved. Billy has to come to terms with what he has done to those around him. He doesn’t want to be like his dad. Especially when he sees Steve Harrington. When he sees Steve, he wants to be good.
Marquee Moons by flippyspoon (Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington) Billy helps out with some demodog bustin’.
Runaway by ohmbgosh (Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington)(Billy Hargrove & Jim Hopper)(Billy Hargrove & Eleven) Jim Hopper just wants to find a Christmas present for his telepathic daughter. He didn’t ask for all these extra teenagers in his home.
Holiday’s at the Henderson’s by ohmbgosh (Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington) For some reason Steve really wants Dustin to get along with Billy. Since it’s almost Christmas, Dustin reluctantly gives it a shot.
To Build a Home by inkyreveries (Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington) In which Neil Hargrove dies and Billy and Steve go back to Hawkins.
Saint Anger by maikurosaki (Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington) Hopper sighed and scratched his beard. “Look, kid, the reason why I'm offering you a second chance is because you need it. You don't deserve it, but you need it. So I got your back.” Or how, on his harrowing road to redemption (because second chances don't come easy), Billy Hargrove loses a good-for-nothing father, but gains a tough little sister, a giant older brother, a preppy boyfriend, and an obnoxious pack of nerds, not necessarily in this particular order.
Angels Come To Us Disguised by AuthorsBane (Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington)(Protective Parent Jim Hopper) It's a quiet night in Hawkins. That is, until Chief Hopper receives news he would have been able to live without. What follows is the worst night on call he can imagine once Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington get involved.
"It's like the Body Snatchers!" by ChangeTheCircumstances (Billy Hargrove & Max Mayfield)(Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington) Max wonders if her life will ever be normal again, if anything can be normal in a place like Hawkins. She doubts it but there's at least one thing she's sure of: the last person to ever realize what's really going on in this crazy place will be Billy. No way would anything supernatural ever happen to him.
Don't Tell Me There's No Hope At All/ Together We Stand, Divided We Fall by Straight_Outta_Hobbiton (Billy Hargrove & Max Mayfield)(Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington) Billy's used to being afraid of his father, and he knows he's not the only one scared. But it's one thing to know your stepmother gets smacked around every once in a while and another thing completely to find her body on the bathroom floor.He's a mess, Max is even more of a mess, and Joyce Byers is a queen among mothers, she really is.
Hargrove by petersnotkingyet (Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington) “Chief?” “Yeah?” Hopper responded. It was barely eight o’clock; he’d just made it to the office. “Principal Wallace needs you down at the high school. The Hargrove kid’s sleeping in his car again, and they can’t get him to wake up.”
stand (in the place where you live) by Boardingschooled (Billy Hargrove & Max Mayfield)(Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington) After the gate is closed, Billy Hargrove has to face the consequences of what he's done, and it's all thanks to Hopper and his habit of taking in strays. Alternatively: Billy becomes a good big brother, learns how to apologize, and makes some very gay mixtapes, not in that order.
Holding Out For A Hero by TumbleTree Billy had never cared for the kids Steve called his own. He had already started tolerating them for Max’s sake and not because she almost busted his nuts that one time with the baseball bat. But when Steve had looked at him with those big brown eyes, begging him to keep an eye on the kids while he was on some ‘vacation’ with his asshole parents Billy couldn’t say no.So fuck Steve for putting him in all the situations that followed that conversation. He owed him a ton of blow jobs for all the shit he had to put up with now.—Five times Billy protected their kids and the one time they protected him…sort of.
We Slip And Slide by CallieB It came from the Discord, y'all.Pure indulgent post-S3 fluff, including but not limited to the discussed concepts of: - Billy moving in with Joyce - The Jonathan/Billy friendship we all need - Grouchy Hopper - Jonathan and Billy smoking weed together and arguing about music. Because punk and metal are two different things. BUT they unite against Steve’s taste - Robin and Jonathan being excellent wing-persons - Hop and Billy teaming up against Mike to protect El - Shovel talks all round - Robin being clever and eating popcorn - The you rule/you suck board
the greatest adventure is the family you’ve searched for coming alive by ThePackWantstheD Billy spends a night fighting monsters with a crowbar in his hand after Harrington knocks him into the Byers’ fridge.In the aftermath, he and Max call a ceasefire.or: Billy Hargrove gets the family he deserves in the form of three children taking up the seats of the camaro, in the form of Billy teaching Max that she can be as badass as she wants without being less of a girl because Billy taking care of himself doesn’t make him less of a man, in the form of the blood and bruises and broken bones that Eleven and Billy share, in the form of Will Byers learning that he’s not the only boy in Hawkins who wants to kiss other boys.
The Great Escape by flippyspoon  Hopper’s been in a cell in Kamchatka for three months. He’s got a routine and he takes it one day at a time. And then a certain blonde bad boy from Hawkins shows up.
Limits by That_Is_Americas_Ass Everyone has their limits.Max has just finally hit hers.She’s done with hiding behind closed doors listening to her step-father Neil hurt her brother, his own flesh and blood son, beyond reason and without remorse. She’s done watching her own mother cower in ignorance behind a mask of indifference. She’s done hiding in the dark while Billy takes the abuse to try and save her from the heartless man who dared call himself their father.Of all the monsters lurking in Hawkins, who would have guessed the worst of them all was living in Max’s own home?
Shovel Talk(s) by Invaderdumbass Max wasn’t a great sister, hell she wasn’t even a decent sister until recently. It took her brother dying, El spilling the secrets that lurk in her home, then him coming back to life for her to shape up.Or a bit of a Max Mayfield character study and everyones got an opinion on Billy and Steve getting together.
Steve & The Kids
A Chance To Heal by usa123 (Steve Harrington & The Stranger Things Kids)(Protective Parent Jim Hopper & Steve Harrington) Missing scene from the end of 2x09 The Gate in which papa!Hopper is in full swing, Eleven believes Eggos can (help) cure any injury, and Steve gets all the platonic love and affection he deserves.
Found Families by darkangel86 (Jonathan Byers x Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler)(Protective Steve Harrington)(Steve & The Kids) One year and six months had passed since Lonnie had last set foot in Hawkins and in everyone's opinion that was still too soon for him to show his face again. So, of course the first time he shows up at the house, its Will who's home. Alone. For one of the first times since he'd been back from the Upside Down.
Misplaced Kids by StrangerStars (Steve Harrington & The Stranger Things Kids)(Protective Steve Harrington) In which Steve can't find the kids and freaks the hell out.
The King of Hawkins High by el_spirito (Steve Harrington & The Stranger Things Kids) (Protective Parent Jim Hopper) Just some missing scenes/an episode tag to the season finale because Steve got the crap beat out of him and there were just so many opportunities for our strange little family to bond and angst and persevere together. Featuring slightly-delirious-but-still-a-mom Steve, protective Dustin, snarky children, and paternal Hopper, among other things.
Common Cents  by StrangerStars (Steve Harrington & The Stranger Things Kids)(Parent Jim Hopper & Steve Harrington)(Joyce Byers & Steve Harrington) Making a will at eighteen seems incredibly morbid. The lawyer stares at him long and hard the entire time. She acts like he's contagious, like she might catch her death from him or maybe he'll ruin her rug by dropping dead in her office. Steve figures she has nothing to worry about. If anything's going to kill him, it's probably going to be a monster from the Upside Down. In which Steve hunts monsters, becomes a deputy, makes a will, and finds a family. Among other things.
The Steve Harrington Guide to Babysitting by UnoriginalToast (Steve Harrington & The Stranger Things Kids) Steve has been tasked with babysitting El after the Gate is closed, which sounds like an easy enough job. After all, she's too tired to be much trouble, right? But what Steve doesn't factor in is the trouble her four nosey friends and that girl with the shitty brother can get themselves into.
Icebreaker by futureboy (Steve Harrington & The Stranger Things Kids) Steve’s annoying new eighth-grader friends officially induct him as an ally to their party. It’s a prime opportunity for him to get to know that superhero buddy of theirs who keeps saving their skins.
"It's like the Body Snatchers!" by ChangeTheCircumstances (Billy Hargrove & Max Mayfield)(Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington)(Steve Harrington & The Stranger Things Kids) Max wonders if her life will ever be normal again, if anything can be normal in a place like Hawkins. She doubts it but there's at least one thing she's sure of: the last person to ever realize what's really going on in this crazy place will be Billy. No way would anything supernatural ever happen to him.
Don't Tell Me There's No Hope At All/ Together We Stand, Divided We Fall by Straight_Outta_Hobbiton (Billy Hargrove & Max Mayfield)(Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington) Billy's used to being afraid of his father, and he knows he's not the only one scared. But it's one thing to know your stepmother gets smacked around every once in a while and another thing completely to find her body on the bathroom floor.He's a mess, Max is even more of a mess, and Joyce Byers is a queen among mothers, she really is.
proud by mercytio (scundtrack) (Billy Hargrove & Max Mayfield)(Steve Harrington & Max Mayfield) max graduates and steve tells her exactly what she needed to hear
Steve x Reader
I Want You To Show Me by v_writings (Steve Harrington x Reader) Steve finds you in your secret place after dropping Dustin off at the Snow Ball, and talking about how he’s feeling leads you to do something neither of you could have expected.
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westportroleplay · 6 years
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Birthdate: January 10th, 1991 ( 27 ) Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him Hometown: Los Angeles, California Neighborhood: Midway City Occupation: Little League Coach Face-claim: Zac Efron Trigger Warnings: Alcoholism, Child Abuse, Drugs.
Born to wealthy parents, Riley was defined as the kid who had everything he ever wanted. He was born with a built in best friend, his twin brother Kyle, and celebrities as parents. Gerard and Agatha were picture perfect in every way. It wasn’t until Riley and his brother’s childhood turned into a nightmare that his unfortunate reality kicked in. Riley was far too young to even have understood what such beatings meant, but after watching Kyle get in trouble for the first time, the memory was burned into the front of his mind whenever he closed his eyes at night. With his mother being a crack addict, there seemed to be no hope for either of the Henderson boys. 
When their mother overdosed, it was like Riley snapped. Like Kyle, Riley couldn’t stay quiet during the whole ordeal – his mother’s death and his father’s abuse only made him angry. It’d land him in more trouble, as well as drag Kyle into his own misbehavior even when the other had nothing to do with it. Riley had no friends – save his brother – and it showed in the way he tried to seclude himself. He couldn’t bring himself to trust anyone, and everyone received the cutting edge of his bad temper every day. 
There wasn’t a moment of his childhood that Riley missed. Leaving with Kyle was always his only option, having realized as a young boy that he was nearly apathetic to everyone but his twin. It was hard to care about anyone when he felt so alone all the time, making him a miserable brat to deal with while they spent their last few years as teenagers fighting Gerard every step of the way. While his brother got into fighting, Riley could only deal with his anger issues by swinging a baseball bat. He channeled all he could into hitting a baseball instead of bashing someone’s head in. Riley was a great pitcher - that much was obvious. Throughout his college years, he strived to be the best of the best, however, he lacked in the academia while he strived in sports. He did all he could, but he left the smarts to his brother while he focused on his own life towards the major leagues, hoping to bring some kind of redemption to the Henderson name. It was his big shot – fighting to be known as the up and coming Rookie of the Year, not one of the sons of the late Agatha and still living Gerard, celebrities who gave him most of the fame he tried to ride off of. 
It was then that he met someone - another baseball player whom he simply connected with on the spot. In Riley’s mind, there wasn’t anyone worth talking to or getting to know besides Kyle, but this boy caught his attention almost immediately. Riley was always someone who cut ties, and while their on and off relationship only lasted less than a year, it had a negative, lasting effect on Riley. It took place during his last year of college, when everything was on the line. He’d gotten drafted by the Dodgers, having a contract to play in the minors before he’d get a chance to pitch in an MLB game. His time never came, however, since he and his “boyfriend” never seemed to get along after the first four months. Riley was always volatile - a naturally angry person with far too much pent up rage, and his partner happened to be so as well. Their arguments would include broken furniture or whatever they had close to them, but it didn’t take long for it to get physical. Riley had always vowed to never hit someone he cared about; it was part of the reason he hardly went to watch Kyle fight or do anything of the sorts. It wouldn’t take more than one punch at his brother for him to try and kick that stranger’s ass.
During one violent altercation between he and his boyfriend, Riley’s wrist was snapped in three different places, ultimately ending his baseball career. It never healed properly, and it only ruined his valuable pitching contract with the Dodgers. It was back to being nothing but a college student, and he slid by the rest of his year, barely earning his degree as the depression kicked in. He felt like he was played a fool, destined to crash and burn like his parents had once the fame and money had caught up to them. He did whatever it was he thought he wanted; parties and Hollywood were like his own personal hell, and that’s the only place he could thrive. 
When Kyle got a contract with CNN in Atlanta, Riley packed up his bags and followed him almost immediately. A new city was a new start for someone who could barely throw a baseball without making his hand shake a mile a minute. Riley had refused physical therapy, pushing himself to throw a perfect curveball like he used to. In the end, nothing he could do would get him back in the game, and after trashing the last apartment he was in with his bat from college, it was easy enough to leave California behind. 
There was no easy way to adapt to the life in Westport - yet Riley settled for coaching little league baseball instead of trying to do anything with his psychology degree. Kids calmed him down, and he still got to play baseball to some degree. However, his drinking problem started almost immediately after he’d lost his deal, and Riley has yet to stop. His fear is becoming anything like his father was: drunk and abusive, but instead, he treats the drinking as his pain killer. Constantly having some alcohol gives him a sort of escape, and while he’d still do anything for Kyle, he can’t find any motivation in him to care about what people think of him.
( + ) charming, loyal, straightforward. ( - ) aggressive, erratic, indignant.
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jenhoney1hunnit · 7 years
If You Do - YugBam
It had been so long since BamBam had seen Yugyeom. The younger boy had started to focus on his studies, which BamBam was proud of, but it left him alone more often than not. He hadn’t seen Yugyeom in nearly a month, so he began to invite an older boy, Mark, to keep him company. He never expected to have a sort of relationship with the older male. He’d merely expected a friend, but Mark had become interested in him and offered a physical relationship. Who was BamBam to turn down the only male willing to stay with him when he was so alone? 
Thus started BamBam’s taboo relationship with Mark. Mark knew of Yugyeom, in fact, he was the one to tell BamBam excuses to give to the younger boy when he couldn’t meet up with him. BamBam’s heart hurt for Yugyeom, it truly did, as he still loved the boy. But he felt so very alone, and Mark was there, so he felt obligated to follow his hyung’s commands. For now, he told himself. Yugyeom could never know. 
Within minutes of starting this relationship with Mark, BamBam felt sick to his stomach. He spent days on end trying to talk Mark out of the relationship, telling him someone was sure to like him for him and not use him as a replacement, but the older wouldn’t listen. He would mock BamBam, telling him he’d agreed in the first place, and it wouldn’t end until his whole reason for starting the relationship returned. Only too late did BamBam realize that Mark said the same things over and over. 
Except, BamBam became sloppy. His excuses - Mark’s excuses - became less believable as time passed. He reused the same one’s on Mark’s order again and again until it had gotten to the point that Yugyeom would call him out. This only resulted in Mark’s excuses becoming obvious lies. Just last week, BamBam’s cat died. He didn’t even own a cat! Yugyeom was not naive enough to believe this, telling BamBam he would come, unannounced, sometime during the week.
Yugyeom kept true to his word, and so when he finally came, Mark and BamBam had been making out heavily on the couch, BamBam in Mark’s lap and Mark lacking a shirt. Yugyeom could see this, albeit distorted, through the peephole just below the number of BamBam’s apartment. He gripped the doorknob and turned and, finding the door was locked, began to beat on the door, calling out BamBam’s name. He felt sick to his stomach, knowing now that his boyfriend had cheated on him after being alone for less than three months. 
BamBam had hurried off of Mark, fear filling his mind as he realized he’d been caught. This was temporary, he told himself, it meant nothing to him, he just missed Yugyeom so much it became unbearable. He wanted to explain this to the younger boy, but his heart raced, a lump built in his throat, his dry mouth couldn’t move. He couldn’t do anything, his body shocked still. Mark stood, raking his fingers through his messy hair and sighing as he grabbed his shirt to slip it over his head. He wouldn’t be able to leave as long as the younger boy blocked the door. 
The pounding soon stopped, Yugyeom letting out a sharp exhale mixed with something reminiscent of a broken sob, before he turned his back to the door and let his headfall against it, his head creating one last loud bang. His eyes shut as he held back angry, hurt tears. BamBam was in there, and the boy didn’t even want to see Yugyeom’s face. This hurt him deeply, causing a tear to escape his eye before he straightened up and wiped the stray traitor away. He turned to the door once more, his voice shaky and filled with hurt. 
“So this is how much I meant to you, Bam-ah? You couldn’t wait just a while for me? Don’t wait up for any calls or texts. I don’t know if I can even think of forgiving you yet.” With that, Yugyeom left, tears threatening to escape his eyes and betray the cold front he’d hoped he’d achieved. 
Weeks passed, and now BamBam stood in a junkyard with a baseball bat in hand. He needed to destroy something, anything, in order to hate himself a little less. An abandoned car, in relatively well physical condition, seemed like the perfect victim for BamBam’s self-hating wrath. He walked to the car, dragging the baseball bat along the concrete before scraping the aluminum bat against the metal of the hood. He swung the bat at the driver’s side mirror, effectively breaking the protruding object. Afterwards, he’d stepped onto the hood of the car, bringing the bat down hard against the windshield. 
A few more swings of the bat and the windshield looked as though it was going to collapse into the vehicle if it received anymore damage from the seething boy. BamBam tossed the bat to the side, stepping down from the car. His breath came in heavy pants as he tried to calm himself. With the majority of his rage out of his body, he could only feel more hatred toward himself fill his heart along with sadness at his own selfishness. He’d lost what meant most to him because he was greedy for attention and affection. 
Making his way back to his apartment, BamBam could feel his heart ache within his chest, his mind scolding him time and time again for his stupidity. He knew it had been wrong, should’ve stopped it before it ever happened, but he hadn’t thought of the consequences. Now, he was alone, the one person he loved probably more hurt than BamBam could imagine. He shuffled up to his apartment door, his head low and his keys in hand. He reached for the keyhoole, being stopped by a firm hand on his wrist. His eyes never left the ground as he spoke. 
“Mark-hyung, haven’t you ruined my life enough? I’m so tired, I just want to go to sleep. I miss Yugyeom, can’t you just let me rot in peace with this one thought? You made me lose the one thing I loved, after all.” BamBam’s eyes finally raised to meet deep brown eyes. Eyes that did not, in any way, belong to Mark. He stumbled back against his door, panic filling his veins as he realized Yugyeom was in front of him, looking as distraught as BamBam imagined him being when he’d found out. Quickly, BamBam lowered his eyes in shame. 
“I won’t let you rot, but I still don’t forgive you entirely, BamBam-ah. That really hurt, knowing you’d been cheating on me. Did you not think about me? Or did you not care to?” Yugyeom’s hand loosened around BamBam’s wrist, sliding down to hold the older boy’s hand lightly, comfortingly. 
“I didn’t think about anything, Yugyeom-ah... I’m so sorry... I didn’t even want him... I kept trying to break it off, the second it happened, but he wouldn’t let me... I’m so sorry, I don’t blame you for hating me,” BamBam held back the tears which threatened to spill, his hands reaching up to rub furiously at the traitorous tears. Yugyeom’s hand reached for the keys, gently tugging them from BamBam’s grasp and unlocking the door before pushing it open and leading BamBam inside. 
“Were you waiting for me, Yugyeom? I’m so sorry, I was... out. Honestly, I was busting up a car, but that sounds really bad...” BamBam kept his head low as his sentence trailed off, feeling ashamed of himself and slightly unworthy of even being around the younger boy. Yugyeom’s arm wrapped around him, giving his shoulder a light squeeze. 
“Breaking things? Bam, vandalism isn’t good. Did you leave any evidence? If so, we need to go get it,” Yugyeom’s fingers ran through BamBam’s hair soothingly, albeit they were tense. BamBam nodded slowly a shiver crawling up his spine at the familiar yet unexpected action. 
“Yeah, I’ll go get it later today... I don’t really feel up to it right now. I’m exhausted,” BamBam explained, his voice barely above a mumble. A gentle sigh escaped Yugyeom’s lips as he pulled the slightly shorter boy into a hug. 
“I’m really angry at you, Bam. That hurt me more than anything I’ve experienced. But I love you. And I’m going to try to forgive you. I love you, so I put up with you. I fell in love with your confidence, so don’t let it disappear, alright? We’ll get your bat later. For now, just stay with me.” Tears finally escaped BamBam’s eyes, his hands gripping at the blue of Yugyeom’s uniform. His body shook with his silent sobs, slender hands moving to rub his back soothingly. 
That night, BamBam’s bat was stored in the closet once more. That night, Yugyeom went to sleep clutching Yugyeom close, his hand resting over the younger boy’s heart. That night, BamBam realized that, without Yugyeom, he’d go mad. 
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