#(any idea for a url i need to track it lol)
dewvorce-flowers · 12 days
get to know me
Tagged by @mikathemad thank you! 💙
Do you make your bed?
I would have to leave it for that, no? (Actual answer being no, unless guests come to visit since my bedroom is also my living room)
Favourite number?
3 and 5 because three represents my siblings and me and five includes my parents too lol, but I'm also fond of 7
What's your job?
Studying to become a teacher, but while the job is something I already worked as and enjoyed the studying is hell. Also working as a "children gymnastics coach" aka parents drop their kids of in an elementary school and we play games for a couple of hours.
If you could go back to school, would you?
No, it wasn't necessarily bad but I much prefer my life now
Can you parallel park?
I could do it well the last time I drove a car but that's two years ago now(the day I got my license). Since my family doesn't own a car and none of my friends have one I just never got to drive again lol
Do you think aliens are real?
At all? Yes
On earth? Eh
Can you drive a manual car?
Yes, but see note in regards to the parking answer. (Actually only drove a automatic car once and that was to get it to a parking lot, where I could swith to manual lol)
Guilty pleasure?
Social media and fanfiction, I know I shouldn't feel guilty over it, but that's far easier said than done :(
One day I will find the time to actually look at and consider design ideas. Till then the answer is no and I just have to admire them on other people.
Favourite colour?
Genuinely don't have one. Depends highly on the context.
Favourite type of music?
I like certain sounds, structures in songs but not in a way that applies to any type of music or I can describe with my non-existent knowledge. I just know I when I hear it.
I do listen to anything from opera, musicals, german 80s till 2010s, kurdish and turkish 70s to 00s, pop, rock, rap, folk etc
Do you like puzzles?
Any phobias?
Mild claustrophobia.
Favourite childhood sport?
Football(goalie) and swimming. Miss them both but might be able to start with swimming at least soon-ish.
Do you talk to yourself?
In my head. Outside only when I get so caught up I mumble silently/slightly move my lips.
Unless I am around people and we are organising stuff, then I count out my own To-Do list out loud and stuff like that.
Tea or coffee?
Cocoa. Had like two or three sips of coffee in my life lol
Tea can be nice when I have a cold or need something less sweat.
First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
Teacher and I had the dream of becoming a star goalie(knew that was never gonna happen even as a child)
What movies do you adore?
How to train your Dragon, Monty Python(both Holy Grail and Life of Brian), Rise of the Guardians and "Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel"(Czech/German Cinderella movie)
Of course there are many many more movie, but those are the ones, where I truly lost track of how often I watched them.
Thanks so much for tagging me! I'm gonna tag (if you want)
@maxkeplers @brocksfaber @tkaptains @dwisp @lovethegoalies @dream-leaf @jeynearrynofthevale
(and anyone else who sees this and wants to do this, please tag me in that case!!! Always love to get to know more people but am horrible at remembering urls)
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spooksgrove · 2 years
( hi it’s @merrymusings but tumblr shadowbanned my ability to im/message people on both merrymusings & this acc when i tried to im yall a private post so ... tagging everyone who liked the original post & praying for the best lol.  i messaged support so hopefully it’ll be restored.  for now, please inbox me your muse info and discord id as requested below so we can communicate. ) 
thanks for showing interest in my idea about a short-term rp plot based on adults staying in a haunted airbnb for their hs reunion !!
here’s how it’s going to work: 
there will be a short term writing group ( ~2-4 weeks depending on how much we wanna keep going ) about muses who are adults ( 32-55 yrs old ) renting a large haunted airbnb house together as they go back to their hometown to attend their high school reunion.  there can be angsty, dramatic, fun connections all around —we will have at least a full day to plot out connections— but all muses are loosely tied together as part of a former high school friend group.  muses can also be the current significant other of someone from that friend group who did not attend the high school but is traveling to the reunion with them if you plot that out with someone. 
here is the link to the full plot !!  my pinned post will also have a list of all the participating blogs, muse list, tags to track, and anything else relevant once we get everyone settled in here. 
basics for the closed group: 
ideally we’ll have 5-15 muns;  all muns must be 18+
muns can play 1 or 2 muses if they wish
everyone will need to make a dedicated blog for the duration of the group to keep things clean
super low pressure— the group will NOT have a traditional “main”, no formal rules, no admin oversight or activity checks
similar to indie rp  ( i will organize this and get everyone together/make plot announcements, but i will not be babysitting yall so pls be aware of that ♡ ) 
we will have a plot, tags & optional ooc discord to facilitate everyone interacting with each other in a closed group setting.  all ic interactions will take place on tumblr dash.
if you want to join, just fill out this simple info and send it to me via inbox on my muse acc @spooksgrove the end of tomorrow (10/14.)  it’s just to make sure no one is using the same fc or name.  don’t use any problematic fcs pls- if you have to ask, assume the answer is no. 
                           **all muses AND fcs must be between ages 32-55** 
— wow, i haven’t seen FIRST NAME LAST NAME in ages!  IC PRONOUNCS look(s) just like FACECLAIM now.  did you hear the rumor:  SECRET ABOUT YOUR MUSE THAT THEIR FORMER CLASSMATES DON’T KNOW.  it’ll probably come to light at the reunion!  ( OOC ALIAS/NAME  /  discord#id if u want the ooc discord server ) 
current taken fcs:  bradley cooper  ,,  aubrey plaza  ,,  tom hardy  ,,  gemma chan  ,,  tiffany boone  ,,  roberta colindrez  ,,  daniel henney  ,,  oliver jackson-cohen  ,,  jessica chastain  ,,  phillipa soo  ,,  anna diop  ,,  nathalie emmanuel  ,,  jenny slate  ,,  ben barnes  ,,  daveed diggs
tomorrow (friday oct 14) ill send out a link to an optional ooc discord.  ALL ic interactions will take place on tumblr and on the dash.  discord is mostly to keep track of everyone, offer plots & starters, and have our lil ooc chat.  ic intros can be posted on tumblr and linked in discord,  and plotting with each other can begin once i announce.
by saturday (oct 15) everyone will need to send me their blog url.  if you have 2 muses you can make 1 mumu blog for them or make 2 blogs.  ooc plotting will continue throughout the day.
on sunday (oct 16) we will begin posting starters and writing ic! 
@hcnnchmcntcnc ,, @dear-indies  ,,  @bethcassiidy  ,,  @everlightresources  ,, @wndrbcy ,,  @horrorfyed ,, @sundrunked  ,,  @isobelevens ,,  @amberlewrites ,, @vodkacherries  ,,  @cursedmusings  ,,  @juliaxescarra  ,,  @lonemoose  ,,  @nvcowrites  ,,  @rgerz  ,,  @moonlitely
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earthtooz · 1 year
Honestly? Valid, cats are above names they come when they believe their presence is needed. Good to hear there is at least no extreme weather. Cats are built strong so I believe your cat is thriving and will be back soon..
Also, tumblr mobile? Trash. I say this as someone who usually only uses tumblr on my phone, absolutely no reason to be this cluttered and bad. For some reason it also limits what you can do to your profile?? Absolutely horrid set up 👊😔
In other news though, I have settled on what I’m going to do with this blank slate blog. I’m mixing two ideas, tracking my interests/fics that I like and tracking my afterthoughts on the many books I own. That would include books I have read way to many times haha (looking at you Harry Potter and Percy Jackson) but it will just be a fun little thing to do. I also changed my user! From jarsofleaves to jarsofmoss. I like it better 😅 how are you doing Earth? - 🪷
okay sorry i've been letting this one marinate for a while lMFAO, at least i'm back with a tasteful response.
ANYWAYS. yeah i don't think that cat is coming bakc ngl i think he's out travelling the world 🌎 ... wish that were me. i just hope he's having a good time whilst doing it :,( okay let's move on from this cat talk because if i think too much abt it i will get sad and i don't like thinking too so it's a win-win for me!
also those are such lovely ideas for a blog are u kidding... crying and punching the wall i'd love to have a little virtual journal for tracking stuff ;< i would make one but i'm too lazy and i think my priorities lie on this one too much LOL !!!! ALSO I LOVE PERCY JACKSON SMMMMMM I'VE ALWAYS BEEN SUCH A BIG NERD FOR MYTHOLOGY AND SHIT, EVER SINCE I WAS YOUNG AND DISCOVERED TED-ED ON YOUTUBE!!!!
man other kids be out here watching disney channel but y'all know what i was watching??? ted-ed 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
anyways, jarofmoss is a cute username. sometimes i think abt changing my url but it just 1) never works out and 2) i don't have any users to change it to 😭 but i've been doing well thank you for asking! it's been a while since you've sent this ask so... how r u doing, 🪷 anon?
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nectar-cellar · 2 years
Questions :3
Thank you for tagging me @pudding-parade ! I too am nosy and like to know stuff about people 😆 Let’s all be nosy together.
Why did you choose your url?
When I came back to Simblr after a long break, I wanted a new, fun, sim-related URL but all the cute and creative ones were taken. I was like, what is an adult thing in the sims universe? And my poor brain answered with the nectar cellars from World Adventures. So I was like okay I’ll go with that I guess. Then I just never thought of anything better. I didn’t even know if I was going to like the game again after so long away from it. Now we’re stuck with this.
How long have you been on Tumblr?
I started my Simblr in probably 2012 but my really really old posts have been deleted. I made my non-sims Tumblr account even earlier than that and still have it although I haven’t logged in since like 2019. I’ve been on Tumblr for a long time.
Do you have a queue tag?
No, I can’t be bothered to tag things in my queue. I do schedule my posts so that they don’t publish at like 3am which is usually when I write them.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I stumbled on the Simblr community through my non-sims blog. After liking a bunch of CC posts, I decided I wanted to make a blog dedicated to posting my sims, following other simmers, and keeping track of all the CC I wanted to download. This was like 10 years ago, when The Sims 3 was hot, when the community was huge and thriving, and most simmers didn’t hate the game/EA with the passion they do now. 
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I couldn’t decide on a sim to use as my icon so I was like fuck it let me just use a generic little picture. What is nectar made from? Done. I want to change it so bad I just don’t know what to change it to.  
Why did you choose your header?
Because it reminds me of this. 
What’s your post with the most notes?
I have no idea, probably one of my CC posts.
How many mutuals do you have?
I don’t know lol but quite a few I think 💛
How many followers do you have?
Almost 3k. Back in like 2013 or 2014 I gained a lot of followers because I posted some crappy CC that got spread around. Then I left for a few years. Most of my followers are probably not active anymore. Recently, because I learned how to make CC and have been posting those quite frequently, I’ve gained some followers through that too.
How many people do you follow?
2054. A lot are probably inactive. I like to see a variety of sims content :3
Have you ever made a shit post?
Yes ❤
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten into any conflicts with anyone.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
I’m used to seeing them.
Do you like tag games?
Yes 💖
Do you like ask games?
Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Quite a few of my mutuals who post TS4 and/or CC get a lot of notes on their posts! Some folks, I definitely didn’t expect would follow me back. 🥺🤩💞
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Everyone whose posts I’ve ever spam-liked/reblogged/commented on. 💋
I invite the following people to share their answers, if they would like to! ✨
@treason-and-plot @thesimperiuscurse @pixelbots @wannabecatwriter @descendantdragfi @rebouks @zosa95 @obscurus-noctem @erasabledinosaur @happy-lemon @aprilrainsimblr @maladi777 @keibea @lazysunjade @amuhav @plant-sim @streetlites @ellemant @emperorofthedark @hurricanesims @bastardtrait @heavensims @voidite @getboolpropped
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ybcpatrick · 3 years
i was by @nerdangels thank u amanda i am holding ur hand rn <3333
1- why did you choose your url?
he's my boy. my fucking lad. my DUDE. my little guy. he is me and i am him. i was blessed by the whoevers to have snagged this url
2- any side blogs?
TOO MANY, BRO. i have a wrestling blog, a supernatural blog, a muppets blog, a poetry blog, a nostalgia blog, and an archive for the post!ybc au (which isn't dead, i promise, im so sorry to all the anons in my inbox i love you im just so tired all the ike akskajdskjf)
3- how long have you been on tumblr?
that april fools joke blog from a couple years ago says i joined on february 22nd, 2014. but, i did have another account before this one, so i'll just loosely say mid-2013 for that one
4- do you have a queue tag?
i've tried keeping a queue soooo many times but honestly i am just like. not the sort of person to use one lol. if i'm online you'll know it, if i'm not i'm not
5- why did you start your blog in the first place?
because i needed somewhere to get all the danny phantom stuff out of my system
6- why did you choose your icon/pfp?
bc he's ybcpatrick. i am Also ybcpatrick.
7- why did you choose your header?
oh it's still my halloween theme lmao, haven't had time to make a new one. my headers are just chosen to match my themes, i loooove makin pretty themes
8- what's your post with the most notes?
that GODDAMNED green day post. im too lazy to grab it rn but it's got over 100k notes. if u follow me u have seen it
9- how many mutuals do you have?
y'all are keeping track? ajdjejfjwuri i have lots of friends on here but idk how many
10- how many followers do you have?
1239 at the moment
11- how many people do you follow?
12- have you ever made a shitpost?
babygirl that's all i do that's all i'm here for
13- how often do you use tumblr each day?
i will close tumblr and then by muscle memory i will open it again immediately. hotel california
14- did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
never with an actual person, but anons try to start shit with me REGULARLY. back in the day, some anon tried to accuse me of pretending to be canadian because i made one (1) post about liking the tragically hip. like HELLO?
15- how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
don't guilt people into reblogging shit; furthermore, even if it is important, tacking a "yOu NeEd To" onto your reblog is a surefire way to get everyone else to ignore it out of spite lmfao
16- do you like tag games?
YEAHHH i love them so muuuuch please tag me in anything and everything i don't care if we're mutuals i don't care if it doesn't seem applicable to me please. tag. me. anyways.
17- do you like ask games?
ALSO YEAHHH but i'm terrible at remembering that i reblogged one, so then i'll get distracted and forget to answer them in a timely fashion ajskajdwkndme
18- which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
bro i don't KNOW. possibly some of the fic authors? or some of my bandom mutuals? one of my mutuals (who doesn't have many interests in common with me so idk why she's still here but i think she's super fuckin cool) is probably "tumblr famous" bc like. all her posts get notes?
i think tumblr is great just bc you have NO IDEA who's "famous" and who's not. like, unless ur mutuals with fuckin setheverman or pukicho, it's just a mystery
19- do you have a crush on a mutual?
........i liked her long before we were mutuals and i'll say nothing fucking else thanks
tagging: @sleeping-dead-dying-sleep @greatesthitz @residentjoth @lunathemacron @softnsquishable @ibidflash and litchrally anyone else who wants to!!
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thyandrawrites · 3 years
tag meme
I was tagged by @haleigh-sloth. Thank you for the mention!
Why did you choose your URL?
My original url for this blog was bloodycarnations. It was supposed to be a reference to a scene in Tokyo ghoul where Kaneki bleeds onto a bed of white carnations and they symbolically turn into red spider lilies. I switched to thyandrawrites because I'm no longer a tg blog. Thyandra is my online nickname and my pseud on ao3, and I wanted people to connect this blog to my writing more easily
Any side blogs?
only one that I occasionally use, @thyandrascorner. Since I wanted this blog to stay bnha-centric, I made that sideblog to share all the cool reblogs from other fandoms / temporary obsessions. You can probably guess from the occasional HQ post on here that I failed at keeping this blog bnha-only lol
How long have you been on tumblr
counting the blog I had before this one, since 2014. this blog only exists since 2015 though
Do you have a queue tag?
I can't remember, lol. I rarely ever queue. If I did have a tag, it was probably just "q"
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Before this blog, i had a multifandom one. When my obsession for Tokyo ghoul became too big, I decided to start anew and created this blog with the intention of it staying tg-centric. When TG ended and my interest in the fandom waned due to drama, I simply switched to a different fandom (bnha) and now here I am
Why did you choose your icon/pfp
I wanted a picture of Dabi with white hair and that one is pretty
Why did you choose your header?
it changes all the time but right now is the lov in suits because that pic is badass
What’s your post with the most notes?
likely my disaster bi Kaminari post. I muted it when it got tumblr famous but holy shit. 12k notes. the bisexuals vibed with it
How many mutuals do you have?
I don't keep count so I have no idea. Likely a dozen, maybe 20ish people? Idk, I have a lot of friends from the ctabb server but I always forget to track down their socials and follow them back
How many followers do you have?
lemme check... 6633
How many people do you follow
437 but my dash is populated by the same 10 people lol. most of them must be inactive
How often do you use tumblr each day?
I usually scroll the dash for half an hour each day when I'm not distracted / busy with something else. Whenever a good chapter drops tho I can spend even a couple of hours on here, either writing meta about it or reading trusted mutuals' takes
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
mmh, I can't remember any actual fight but I admit that I haven't always been on my best behaviour. I sometimes get snappy and very defensive when I can't parse tones well, and that led to a couple of confrontations with anons over the years (some of which were actually people trying to start shit, others were people whose tone I misread and attacked myself). It's an issue I have. I'm working on it! I'm already a lot better at letting things sit without assuming the worst than I used to be. Also because now I have severely crippling confrontation anxiety, but that's another can of worms lol
I once got vagued by a popular blogger who tagged the post with "die bitch" tho... we used to be mutual until then but that opened my eyes to how toxic she was
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this posts”
I have a strong dislike for guilt-tripping. It feels very manipulative, especially when that holier-than-thou attitude is performative. A reblog about a sensitive topic deserving attention doesn't substitute actual activism and guilt-tripping people into thinking so is straight-up shitty
Do you like tag games?
It depends on the game! But in general, yes
Do you like ask games?
Same as above. I never shared any of those super long lists of personal questions for example. I don't like talking about myself
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I feel like all my meta blogger mutuals have pretty big followings. @/linkspooky @/hamliet @/transhawks to name a few. I'm also followed back by some big-name artists somehow...??? How did that happen (not mentioning them because hello social anxiety my old friend...)
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I used to! I go from being a misanthrope to crushing very easily on people. No in between. The person in question was an author whose writing made me feel seen and gave me the illusion of seeing them in turn. I ended up crushing on them for a short while but it was just a parasocial relationship I created by assuming things on them from the way they described the world in their writing. Kinda dumb in retrospect, lmao. Silly old me, what did you expect from an internet relationship
Tagging: uhh I haven't been online a lot in the past days so idk who's already done this...? any mutual who wants to do it can consider themselves tagged by me
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stargazing-enby · 3 years
Tagged by @solarishashernoseinabook — thanks! 😊
1. Why did you choose your url?
That's between me and God
2. Sideblogs?
I have three, but I'm only active on one 😂
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Since 2014! I was inactive for a couple of years though, and I only came back because I read Harry Potter and the books made me so angry I urgently needed fanfiction to fix them 😂
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Yup! I tag my queued posts as #q
5. Why did you start your blog?
Because I kept googling pics of 80s bands and half the results were tumblr blogs, so I got tired of googling and decided to create a tumblr blog and search for them directly here instead 😂
6. Why did you choose your icon?
Because it's a drawing of us my girlfriend surprised me with and it made me really happy 🥺
7. Why did you choose your header?
Because it's a commission and I loved it so much I couldn't not use it as a header
8. Post with the most notes?
My anti-gatekeeping banners
9. How many mutuals do you have?
A lot 😂 but I have no idea who's a mutual and who's not (except for my online friends) because I don't keep track of who I follow 😅
10. How many followers do you have?
2.888 😊
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Ever made a shitpost?
Yeah lol! Here are a few
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
... That's also between me and God
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
Not that I can remember, but probably 😂 I have had fights and arguments with Tumblr users before, that's for sure—I just can't remember any that happened on Tumblr itself. It's always somewhere else lol
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I will immediately block the OP (or whoever said that). If I don't even recognise the blog who put it on my dash, I'll also unfollow them. I have zero patience for guilt-tripping.
16. Do you like tag games?
I love them!
17. Do you like ask games?
I also love them :D
18. Which of your tumblr friends/mutuals do you think is famous?
No one, we're all gremlins 😌
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I— yeah, actually fjsjfj
Tagging @pauleonotis @azaharperezoso @dusiashipsthings @kayos-incarnate @lou-isfake @cassiaratheslytherpuff and anyone else who wants to do this! Please don't reblog this post, but tag me on yours so I can see! 👀❤️
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iwalkonyourwater · 3 years
tagged by @mariathorpe 🥺🧡 ty!!!
tagging @theashenphoenix @arnault @heartoferebor @vindicia @torahime @hidden-blades-and-tomahawks @kaschra @infernalwarlock @entreri @lockescoles + anyone else reading who wants to do this!
1: Why did you choose your url? i’m so uncreative at choosing usernames, so i used a random name generator thing and this is what it spit out lol rip
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them. just one ( @cyberpunkedd ) which is a general gaming blog where i make and reblog gifsets for games other than Assassin’s Creed. tbh i’ve been more active there than here lately, relatively speaking.
3: How long have you been on tumblr? i had another blog for a while, starting back in 2011. took a long break because life got hectic and then came back with this one a few years ago.
4: Do you have a queue tag? it’s #resting in the bureau (q), which is basically me taking Malik’s advice. I’m doing it quietly man, i swear!!
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place? because despite it all Assassin’s Creed will always have a special place in my heart 🧡 and i wanted to start making gifs of my fav games again
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp? i yoinked it from the AC Origins comic. i saw Aya in it and knew i had to make her into my icon, i love her so much!!
7: Why did you choose your header? Bayek on a horse, what else is there to say?!? it’s a pretty screenshot taken by @theashenphoenix
8: What’s your post with the most notes? this gifset of Ratonhnhaké:ton 🧡 even his voice actor reblogged it aahhHH!! 😳😳
9: How many mutuals do you have? i don’t keep track specifically but there are lots and they are all so lovely!
10: How many followers do you have? i have no idea…. looking at those numbers gives me a bit of anxiety so i avoid it lol
11: How many people do you follow? a couple hundred or so.
12: Have you ever made a shitpost? nah, i’ve made some shitty posts tho.
13: How often do you use tumblr each day? hmmm maybe once every other day? i don’t come here as often i used to, hence why my blogs mostly run on queues rn. i just don’t have much free time with work and school 😔
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? not really a fight, just some really uncomfortable moments where i’ve messaged users who have reposted/stolen some of my gifs 🙃🙃🙃 (not with stuff on this blog tho, it was my other one). Only one of the situations resulted in me having to report the user and afaik they’re gone now. so idk is that a win? felt more like poop all around tbh 😤
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? so imma be real witchu, i don’t do discourse and don’t get my news headlines from tumblr dot com, and i really don’t have the time or inclination to read long text posts when i’m here. So 99 percent of it just goes right past me.
16: Do you like tag games? yes!!! i love being remembered and i’m just so very sorry that i don’t respond to them quickly……. 💀
17: Do you like ask games? i do but since i’m not on here as much as before i don’t really reblog them anymore.
18: Do you have a crush on a mutual? each and every one of them!!
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Tag Game! Tagged by one of my faves, the ever lovely @stealing-jasons-job
1. Why did you choose your url?
My username is so weird lol I get asked this all the time and I wish I had a better answer but I literally just love videos of those hairless cats taking baths. I also think the word nakey is really funny which pretty much tells you everything you need to know about me. I didn't plan on posting fic when I came up with this name and now I'm too attached to it to change it to something practical or more poetic.
2. Any side blogs?
None currently but there are some old ones lingering around...
Somewhere out in the universe is a hipster blog filled with poetry and short stories about boys who didn't like me back in high school but it is long lost and I have no idea what it is called. It is probably a repurposed to scam people into clicking RayBand Sunglasses links by now. There's also a really really old Dramione fic blog running around somewhere that I used when I wrote in the Harry Potter fandom.
No need to talk about my "fitness" blog that was basically thinly veiled orthorexia
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I think since just before the height of the popularity so like 2010? I fell out of it with everyone else and was really pleasantly surprised to find that people are still hanging around here when I came back two years ago haha
4. Do you have a queue tag?
No. I'm highly impulsive and a terrible planner. If you see posts on here, I am here haha I don't have that kind of foresight.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Honestly I have no idea, I was having a tough time and wanted to write and the rest of this has just been a really happy accident.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It's real cute isn't it?! It's so hard to find aesthetic faceless pics with brown skin so I had to take the opportunity. It's just so vibey, isn't it?
7. Why did you choose your header?
Yellow is such a joyful color!
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I'm not very tech savvy I have no clue how to figure this out? It's probably a moodboard of some kind! I'm not big on text posts haha
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I have literally no clue. But I have made sooooo many truly incredible friends on here. I'm infinitely grateful for all of them. Y'all have become such a genuine source of joy and support in my life, I truly cannot express how much you mean to me.
10. How many followers do you have?
982 and I suspect a significant percent of those are porn link accounts and spam because at least one of those follows me a day. Idk what the point of follower counts on here is, but I love all of you, even the Pornbots. This account is also super old so some of them might be dead blogs too.
11. How many people do you follow?
and none of you are pornbots and I love y'all even more.
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I've made crackposts?
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
I notoriously hate my phone and I have this app that lets you grow a tree if you don't use your screen. It's very cute, I grew 5 peach trees today. But long story short, it's not super often, maybe once a day. I try to check notifications every day though because I do absolutely love interacting with y'all.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
Hahahah I wish I was bold enough to do this because I've been tempted to do it more times than I can count but conflict makes me squirm and also cry. I do get intensely annoyed when I see tone-deaf discourse about mixed race people though so I'll always go to bat for that one.
I did lose my shit one time and tagged something as "nakeycats has fucking snapped" which haunts me in my tags to this day and makes me laugh now.
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
I get it. I mean, I'm not one to tell people what to do and I don't always love the tone it takes on but the general sentiment of it isn't unfounded. There has been a general shift away from reblogging even though it's the only way content gets traction on this site. From a content creation standpoint it's disheartening to put work out there and know that nobody is seeing it. So much love and work goes into writing and it really does suck sometimes. That said, people are going to do what they're going to do, it's not going to stop me from putting work out there.
16. Do you like tag games?
I adore tag games! I love everything about them! Every time I get tagged in one it's like "me? really?" and then I consider us to be besties haha.
17. Do you like ask games?
I really like them and I used to love doing them when we did BWC! Some of the games get hard to keep track of now but this was such a good way to meet people and I'm grateful for it. That said, I LOVE ASKS. If you ever need to vent or rant or tell a joke or chat or practice your emoji usage HMU I'm always down.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Is Tumblr famous still a thing? I would probably just tag my friends in this since they're all famous to me and I'm convinced a lot of them will be famous one day for writing or creating in some way ( @stealing-jasons-job and @queenemori specific point to you in particular)
I will give a special shout-out to @burninghoneyatdusk because I was a massive fan of her writing and then we became mutuals and I was like "omg!! the author of this fic love! A star is following me back!" haha so that was a fun moment when I was first dipping my toes in the fandom and it did feel like someone famous followed me. Also she is rad and very humble considering how talented she is.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I can't even bring myself to have a crush on someone in real life.
Plenty of friend crushes though.
20. No-pressure tags:
@elora-lane . @natassakar . @ninappon . @burninghoneyatdusk . @obviesbellarke . @queenemori . @franklyineedcoffee . @carrieeve . @infp-with-all-the-feelings and anyone else who wants to do it
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cluelesslesbian · 3 years
Check-In Tag✨
AKA a very long post about moi and this account bc I was tagged by the lovely @katelfiredemon <3
IF YOU SEE THIS, PRETEND I'M TAGGING U like this is completely optional (and long omg) so I don't wanna FORCE anyone to do it but asjhkl I think it's cute
1. why did you choose your url?
My og url was something dumb bc I only used tumblr to keep up with artists and writers I admired… this one is revamped to be ~relatable~ bc I wanted something that I felt comfortable adding on my art?? But ok-
lesbian = bc I’m not out to my family but my sexuality is something I like about me,,, so I wanted to acknowledge it somewhere (and the anonymity of tumblr = ideal tbh)
2. any side blogs? if you have them: name them and why you have them
I made one like yesterday lol! It’s @blue-dragon-shin-ah and it’s for Akatsuki no Yona (an anime and manga I TOTALLY rec! It’s like a historical themed fantasy, comedy, romance WITH a found family trope it’s so good)
but ngl I have no clue how to keep track of more than 1 blog so it'll be a lot more inactive than this one asdhkl
3. how long you’ve been on tumblr?
hmm according to my tumblr account it’d be 2016 since that’s the oldest post I’ve kept (I deleted everything and revamped this acc in december 2020)
BUT I did the math and I would’ve made this account in middle school so around 2013-2014 lol I don’t think I used it much until voltron was booming in like 2016-2018.. Then I lowkey stopped… until now!
4. do you have a queue tag?
oof no
……...I probably should? like 90% of my blog is queued or scheduled… but ngl I barely remember to tag posts at ALL some nights so I probably won’t (rip if that’s annoying,, but I don’t make much og content so I figure anyone following me is chill with this lol)
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
In middle school?? To see funny posts and not be pressured into having an ~online presence~ tbh. That’s literally it lol
6. why did you choose your icon?
Matching with @lesbianklance rn! and keith's expressions r hilarious
Before I just,,, chose sokka bc I love that blue boi and the edit of him had a yellow bg that I LOVED (and matched with my pink theme)
7. why did you choose your header?
Matching with @lesbianklance rn! and klance sdjfhk
Before it was just a colour palette bc I wanted my blog to be my fav colour: PINK
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
My zukka art omg- like I did one that I put effort into which I KNOW is my top post (it’s got like 600 notes??? I still can’t believe it I love that!! 🥰)
9. how many mutuals do you have?
…...listen I’ve literally never had mutuals until this year (minus my one irl.. I love u bitch!! but u know that bc we text on other platforms too)
idek am i supposed to be keeping track??? I just smile a lot when i see the darker-tinted notifs in my activity feed
10. how many followers do you have?
hmmmmmmm ok i lowkey don’t want to answer this bc my whole love for tumblr is that followers don’t matter? You could follow me today and unfollow tmrw bc i ship something you don’t and life moves on??? So yeah no answer here
11. how many people do you follow?
1807 babeyyyy
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
...wait define shitpost- technically any original post under #yeetidk might be a shitpost cause they’re all just?? my shitty rambles tbh???
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Sometimes i’ve got the app open allll day long but other days?? I’ll go on like once in the morning or at night just to check my notifs and then that’s it
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
lmaoo bold of you to assume i interact with anyone enough to have a fight (AKA no)
If i did tho?? I’m the type to try and come to some middle ground before dropping the issue so idk- i’m more likely to lose bc i’m willing to (づ ̄3 ̄)
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Wish-granting/curse stuff: no.
Politics/Donation posts: depends! I try to only reblog posts like these that I know a bit about bc I don’t really wanna contribute to misinformation ykno?
I did start tagging these posts as #important but I’m not like?? gonna be mad at anyone for not reblogging political posts (also a heads-up if you wanted to block #important: I also tag some lgbt+ stuff under there so you’ll likely miss those too, not a huuuge loss but just an fyi yknow??)
16. do you like tag games?
asdfghjkl this is honestly the first tag game i’ve ever been part of so i have no opinion 😭 tho formatting this post has been a bitch asdhjkl I gotta get back to my homework when I'm finally done this
17. do you like ask games?
I've done a grand total of 1 and I felt so?? ashgjl awkward and bad for asking people to talk to me about myself- maybe if I do one that isn't about me I'll like it more
I do love sending other people anons to compliment them when they do these games tho 😌
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
....this requires me to pay attention to people I follow more than I have been so I literally have no idea??
19. do i have a crush on a mutual?
yes. the one readings this. love u, sweetheart 😘
I don't?? usually get crushes? idek.. thought I was aromantic for a while bc of that lmaoo (but then I got a crush on someone irl and I was like "oooh ok so maybe im just gay then")
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melsie-sims · 3 years
check in tag ✔️
thank you for tagging me, @cyazurai!
why did you choose your url? 
my irl nickname is mel and the first initial of my middle name is c. smooshed together it sounds like “melsie”. i thought it was pretty clever at the time, and i still really like the username.
any side blogs? if you have them name them and why you have them. 
not at the moment. i used to have a blog i rarely ever used back before i made a simblr. it hasn’t been touched in over a year. 
how long have you been on tumblr? 
my blog anniversary was at the end of last may, so a little over a year!
do you have a queue tag? 
i don’t think so? what does that mean? xD
why did you start your blog in the first place? 
i was posting some casual, unedited screenshots on my “main blog” (the one that hasn’t been used in forever) and realized i liked storytelling and sharing my content. i wanted to make a blog that was way more organized and actually completely sim-related... so melsie-sims became a thing!
why did you choose your icon/pfp? 
i change it pretty frequently. right now it’s just a random sim i made posing in sulani. it’s supposed to be summer-themed. 
why did you choose your header? 
same as above.
what’s your post with the most notes? 
ummmm probably part two of my dog bandanna cc with 217 notes. it’s hilarious because part one only got 16 notes and they’re basically one big set.  
how many mutuals do you have? 
am i supposed to count them all? probably at least 100 since i follow a lot of active simmers that follow me. 
how many followers do you have? 
how many people do you follow? 
have you ever made a shitpost? 
depends on what qualifies? probably. i won’t say no.
how often do you use tumblr each day? 
depends? i try to keep my queue pretty long (at least a week or two in advance if i’m good) so unless i get burnt out on the sims for a considerable amount of times, i’m at least active once a day. do i check tumblr every day? probably not. maybe once every few days i’ll go on a huge binge of liking shit and getting back on track with stories i’m following. 
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? 
lol i’m way too awkward for that shit. i keep quiet and move on if i disagree. i will reblog things sometimes that could result in some fights but so far i’ve been pretty lucky with a nice, supportive community.
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts? 
idk? depends on what they are? 
do you like tag games? 
they’re fun!! personally i love getting tagged, but i hate tagging other people because i feel like i’m being annoying. XD
do you like ask games? 
yes, same as above!
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? 
idk? honestly i have no idea. i don’t keep up with the amount of notes other people have.
do you have a crush on a mutual? 
maaaaybe ;) 
if you’ve done this already just ignore me. i always feel awkward tagging people so i’ll just tag the last few peeps that liked my shit. 
@micrathene-w, @dresdendarlin, @kbeefinds, @daisydezem, @thetiasaan, @bordelinski, @skywardoasis, @liwia-sims 
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filantestar · 3 years
interview tag uwu
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
tagged by the incomparable @ocheeva, it's an honor. :) I'm sorry it took me a while to fill this out. And hello!
- nickname: Is it weird that my nickname is more like my "work name?" My friends and family just call me by my full name or first and middle.
- pronouns: she/her, they/them
- star sign: Aquarius
- height: 160-ish cm on a good day
- time currently: 12:30
- when is your birthday: 10 February
- favorite bands/groups: Panic! At the Disco and The Cranberries were honestly the first groups that popped in my head. I also like Against the Current at PVRIS. And Nirvana is a staple.
- favorite solo artists: Uh...the most recent ones in my music history are Sufjan Stevens and girl in red.
- song stuck in your head: The Mii Channel music, because I have to think so much to answer these
- last movie watched: I re-watched Moonlight last night
- last show you binged: Probably Supergirl in preparation of the final season (in case my reblogging activity hasn't queued anyone in lol). Also Shadow and Bone
- when you created your blog: I made this Tumblr in 2012, good lord.
- last thing you googled: I was boring and looking for possible new jobs. Who does that on the weekend? Me.
- other blogs:  None other, but I do have a Pillowfort under the same name.
- why you chose your url: Partly from my own name, and also partly due to a character Otozuki Kei played way back when. I still love Takarazuka. :)
- do you get asks: Rarely, but I don't really mind. Also, I know the messaging system is wonky, so I honestly have no idea if I'm getting asks and never seeing them.
- how many people are you following: 318
- how many followers do you have: 703. I need to be better about following people back, I'm sorry :(
- average hours of sleep: I'm proud to say 7 hours on average, but that's mainly due to the fact that I have sleep apnea and my doctor can track how much I'm sleeping via my CPAP, and I don't want a stern talking-to from her.
- lucky number: 4 and 7
- instruments: I was a timpanist and I also play the mandolin.
- what I’m currently wearing: Comfy lounge shorts and the ol' university t-shirt
- dream job: Actually, I'm happy to share that I'll be moving to Dublin in the fall to pursue further education, so we'll see where that goes.
- dream trip: I don't have anywhere in mind, but a food tour anywhere sounds fun. Or a train trip.
- favorite food: I really love all kinds of food in an inhuman way, but if I had to choose one item, it would be buns. Any kind, bao, manapua, siopao, give them all to me.
- favorite song: One does not simply have a favorite song.
- top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: 1). Thinking about buns made me think the Jade Empire universe would be cool, after the Spirit Monk takes care of the whole Water Dragon thing. I also think the concept of the Celestial Bureaucracy is fantastic.
2). Any Studio Ghibli movie, because I need that tranquility and food in my life.
3). Probably something cyberpunk? Like, I guess the Cyberpunk franchise. Maybe not necessarily 2077, but definitely in the tabletop iterations.
TAGGING: Lol, I am not choosing 20, I'll just go with 5: @irishcoffeycake, @afragmentcastadrift, @wildbynature, @talkingfiction, and @joanofarchetype. Feel tree to ignore it, of course :)
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tagged by: @so1987​  thank you!!!
1. why did you choose your url?
I had just watched nge and wanted an asuka url and this was available lol. I have desperately and deeply wanted the single dash version for literally years but its never been available :// if you are hoarding it then pls know we are mortal enemies on this earth and i can and will fight you for it
2. any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
well, first of all, this is a sideblog lol. my main is @paradoxspaces​
I’ve had various sideblogs over the years but at this point the only active one (aside from here) is an mcr/music sideblog @so-ingestible​. Once upon a time I ran @isgeorgehwbushdeadyet which is uhhh obviously now defunct but remains my pride and joy
3. how long have you been on tumblr? jfc since literally 2011 :/ ive seen it all and somehow stuck around which idk is probs in the dsm somewhere
4. do you have a queue tag? Is just ‘q’ right now, but back in the day I did used to have one of those dumb punny ones bc it was The Thing To Do
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? Started this blog bc I’d finished nge and was absolutely out of my mind about it and needed somewhere to vent that lol. Also I’d gotten this URL and it seemed a shame to waste it.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? this asuka has been one of my go-to pfps for yeaaars across various platforms. I like how judgemental she looks.
(tho just between you and me i have been thinking of changing it soon so mayhaps watch out for that)
7. why did you choose your header? I like the ‘red sea’ image and it’s not super obtrusive/obnoxious
8. which post of yours has the most notes? I have no idea lol I dont keep track of that. like i said i’ve been here since 2011 and have had multiple sideblogs in that time so is more work than its worth
9. how many mutuals do you have? is there a way to find this out that isn’t literally going through and counting? bc im like. not doing that.
10. how many followers do you have? 10k on here
11. how many people do you follow? 688
12. have you ever made a shitpost? lol yea sure whatever that even means
13. how often do you use tumblr? uh god probs too often? its really the only social media I use tbh
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog? who won? lol no, not really and especially not at this point. i just.....dont take tumblr seriously enough to muster the kind of energy to get into the maladjusted social thunderdome that goes on here. obvs i have been known to get snippy w anons and post about disagreeing w certain opinions bc i am, at the end of the day, a bitch, but i dont think thats the same thing lol.
however i will say that on my main (and off tumblr as well, unfortunately) circa 2012 I used to throw myself passionately and heroically into the most god awful unholy trenches of the vriscourse bc idk apparently i had nothing better to do back then and thought it was my mission from god to argue w people on reddit. if you know anything about the relationship between any given unmedicated 14 yr old prelesbian meangirl and vriska then you can probably guess how i acted--which is to say like an absolutely rabid fucking animal. 
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to share this’ posts? i ignore any posts longer than two sentences as a general rule
16. do you like tag games? (+) 17. do you like ask games? yes to both!
18. Which one of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? o christ once again i have no fucking clue. if youre famous lmk
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? nah lol none of you are real
20. tags (no pressure!) o geez i will come back and edit this when im home xoxo
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hearttoshu · 3 years
check in tag ✅
tagged by @shuaway (thanks for the tag lee ! <3) and @hongminchy (ik you tagged me on my side bom :o but i did one over there so i thought i’d do it on this blog i hope you don’t mind ;-;/ <3 thenk you for the tag lovely ^~^) 
why did you choose your url?
“heart to you” but it’s a cheesy pun and it’s “heart to shu(a)” LOL 
do you have any sideblogs?
@haknew for the boyz ! i use it the most often so it’s kinda more like my main blog than here haha :p i make gifs and rb stuff ^^ 
@getawaymp3 for verivery / personal ! i make gifs and dump multi group rbs and personal posts there loool it’s super messy tho :’))) (i’m so sorry to anyone who follows me there hhh </3) 
@sunnhoon​ for enhypen ! more gifs and rbs :] 
how long have you been on Tumblr?
on the kp0p side ... about 4 ? or 5 years :o ! 
do you have a queue tag?
yep ! here’s it’s “i adore queue🌷” after adore u ! and on getawaymp3 it’s “invitation just for queue” after gyehyeon’s line in get away ^^ 
why did you start the blog in the first place?
i had no carat friends at the time so i really made it to get to know other carats ! and then later on i eventually learned how to make gifs and i turned this blog into only svt and made getawaymp3 for multi group stuff (that wasn’t the original url lol it’s gone through a few changes ^^)
why did you choose this pfp?
i think shua and dongheon are neat ... my 95z loves <3 so yea :o ! shua cute selca icon for here and heoni sprout icon for getawaymp3 
why did you choose your header?
i made this one a long time ago :o ! and i just really wanted a retro-y windows / vaporwave pastel pink header with shua ^^ for getawaymp3 it’s a group shot from the get away mv but with sparkles :’)) bc i have no personality outside of being a get away enthusiast  
what’s your post with most notes?
for this blog i have no idea it’s probably that random oty in la recoloring i did HAHA i think ?? it has 3k notes or smth for some reason and on getawaymp3 it’s this jaehyun poetic beauty set i posted randomly for fun and somehow got 1.6k notes bc ... jaehyun pretty 
how many mutuals do you have?
a lot on here but a good portion of them are probably inactive ..? and only a handful on getawaymp3 i have a lot of moots on haknew but i don’t really keep track :’)) if i rb from you regularly i consider us moots LMAO 
how many followers do you have ?
like two...
285 ? yea ... 
do you make shit post?
if tag rants count then yes on all my blogs </3 i’m pretty annoying :D, but yea i will on getawaymp3 but only bc the least amount of people follow me there (excluding my enha blog bc it’s like a week old) and i brain dump my sadness there sometimes LOL 
how long do you use Tumblr each day?
an unheathy amount </3 
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
hmm i don’t really indulge in drama usually so no >.< there was that one time deobiblr boolied me into admitting i bias kevin moon if that counts u.u (and i lost obviously) 
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
they’re my blogs, my safe spaces ;;;; so i ask people understand i rb what i want to... (even tho i feel guilt every time i rb anything that’s not content content... lmaooooo) 
do you like tag games?
i do bc i really love hearing from moots / friends ! but i always feel bad about them bc a.) i get tagged in a lot and sometimes i just forget and leave them in my drafts, b.) don’t want to spam too many personal posts (bc people follow me for content ?? i think so spamming personal posts makes me feel bad T-T) and c.) idk which mutuals to tag bc i don’t want to be annoying (and i’m too scaredkjfgdkj) so i sometimes don’t do tags bc of that 
do you like ask games?
yes ! but same logic as above point b.) LOL tho i really like rambling / talking and interacting with people i think a good portion of my followers just don’t care for that so i keep it to a minimum where i can ;;;; s*dly 
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
a lot of them actually fdkjgkdfg i always consider myself a small blog or outsider in the communities i claim to be a part of ;;; but i get really lucky and people like my gifs ! like on my enha blog even tho it’s like 9 days old there are some what i would consider “big enha blogs” that follow me ^^ (and then of course tumblr users @ shuaway and hongminchy are so famous i’m honored to be moots with them :p) 
do you have a crush on a mutual?
did you mean all of them :p ? no but i do have ... like ;;;; cc or friend crushes ... people i really like content / tags from and want to be friends with but i’m just too s0cially anxi0us to initiate conversations so i end up just admiring from afar <3
i’ll tag @minatual @bloomblooms and @baejoonyoung ! (only if you want to do this tho no obligations feel free to ignore !) (OH ALSO pls no one feel obligated to follow any of my other side blogs ;-; i am not joking when i say i am a bit of a nuisance u.u HAHA) 
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rpbetter · 3 years
what's the nicest possible way to tell a close friend their roleplay blogs suck and if they want followers and interaction like they keep complaining about they have to actually put effort into it instead of just making blog after blog and slapping a character on it like that's they need to do. I've tried to suggest this to her before by comparing other blogs that play her muse but she just feels inadequate instead of inspired to emulate them which I understand but it's very frustrating when I suggest a million ways to make her blog better and she brushes them all off for one reason or another and I don't want to say anything because she's like a sister to me. sigh.
Unfortunately, the short answer to this is that there really isn't any way you can make her see this unless she's ready to see it.
But, I don't like giving those sorts of answers, they feel hopeless and shitty, so, let's try this...
Understanding what the problem with your friend and her connecting with this information is, is important. It might help in talking to her about the issue.
What I find in these instances, and a lot of similar ones, is that the mun is unhappy about the results but quite happy with the process. She's enjoying some part of this, it's just not the lack of interaction, obviously. It's the very things she's doing to turn people off of her muses.
I think a lot of people get kind of addicted to new muses. I mean, the entire process of having a new muse:
interest to outright fixation, no matter how short-lived, in a new, inspiring muse
who is almost certainly in a new fandom, and probably, one that is very busy and popular at the moment
"someone stop me" phase, even though they've already decided
picking the perfect URL, creating the new blog, making the graphics and batches of icons
reblogging All The Content about the new muse, at least, the visual content and maybe, a couple of "oof, right in the feels" style short meta posts
plugging the new muse on the old blogs, through friends, etc.
mass follows
new mutuals! Shiny new meme asks in the inbox! New threads!
It's about the newness, the excitement, and the irrationally promising feeling that damn it, this time, the blog and muse is going to be successful, popular even, beloved, the actual favorite iteration of the character in the RPC. Like anything exciting, it's addicting for people. And like anything addicting, it can take hitting rock bottom and going several more feet down, a few times, before they're over it and want to change.
Which is, of course, where you come in with your as-yet failed RP interventions.
What makes what you're trying to do here very difficult is that there isn't a total bottoming out she's going to reach. There will always be something new and exciting coming out with a new and exciting muse that'll fix the problem, in her mind. There will always be the option and availability to create another blog, slap another muse on it, rinse and repeat. With shampoo and conditioner that never runs out.
You definitely had the right idea by trying to get her to contrast between why what she is doing isn't working the way she wants and why what someone else is doing is working out that way. It's just, as you found out, often not the best idea, no matter how well-intentioned it is. With her blogs constantly failing for reasons she refuses to believe, it's incredibly likely she's already done some comparison in all the wrong ways, ultimately going back and forth between blaming the other iterations, finding nothing but errors in the way they write the character and set up their blogs, and feeling depressed that she's not good enough, but they are.
So, you might have unintentionally inflamed all of this! She could be in a place where she's even more likely to believe that what she's doing is great as a defense mechanism for being hard on herself.
I'd also like to say that I'm aware the "right" advice here is, "there's nothing you can do, you'll just make her feel bad, people have a right to RP however they want." But, you're also her friend, and you have to be around the complaining and upset when this just keeps happening.
Furthermore, when we have very close friends like this, we automatically keep trying to fill in the gaps for them at cost to ourselves - every time they make another blog/muse, we get roped into writing things we know are just going to be dropped, making them things we know are going to left on a deserted blog, and so on. Eventually, it makes you feel bad about yourself because your efforts aren't good enough, either. It can really ruin the hobby for you, sucking away enjoyment and creativity you could be spending elsewhere.
I don't think you're wrong in trying to help both her and yourself.
Keep being honest with her. When she complains, be honest about why this is happening. And you can, indeed, be kind and honest!
Let's say that she says something about how she wrote all these opens and no one is going for them.
You could say something like, "that sucks. I liked this one, it's the one that feels and sounds like the character to me. What were you doing when you wrote that? You should rewrite the others to be a little more like that, I think people are looking for more of the character like we saw them in the series."
You're acknowledging that she's right, it does suck, it's a shitty feeling no matter how at fault for it she is. While pointing out something she did good (and, okay, maybe she didn't, maybe they all categorically sucked lol but find one that was even a tiny bit better/that has elements you can use to both boost her confidence and show her what is right, not just wrong). Then, giving her an idea - whatever she was thinking, watching, listening to at that time, she tapped into something more like the actual character, and she could do it again. And telling her what the problem is, at least with this, that people don't want a cardboard cutout muse, they want the one they like from the fandom book/show/movie.
No need to actually compare with another active mun and muse, or tell her that it's because what she's doing is terribly and driving you nuts. Even if both are true.
If she's the one that compares herself to another blog this time, seize the opportunity!
"Well, people like that the muse is developed and like the character they know. When you interact with another canon, don't you want them to be like the character you liked? You liked -current muse- for a reason. When I've felt like that, I reminded myself of why I was drawn to the character and worked harder on writing them accurately and getting their voice down. I think this other blog has done that and you haven't yet."
It's a little harsher, but she may very well only be looking for validation from you that this other blog actually sucks and she's doing great. A lot of complaints on tumblr are that - seeking validation, not help. The entire culture of that shit is not at all helpful. You don't want to try to sort of shock her out of it by being too harsh, but you do want to make it clear that you're not going to just give ass pats and tell her what she wants to hear.
You're telling her why this other blog is more successful, that the muse comes off as the character and is enjoyable to write with. Because the mun put in the effort to make them both accurate to the character and a muse that's fun/interesting/engaging to write with in RP.*
*Not all characters transfer over well to RP, either, and this might also be some of her problem. For whatever reason, some people are deeply drawn to the worst possible choices for them. They will find the least applicable character in a whole series, one with a billion characters that spans decades of material, plenty of viable options all around, but no, it's got to be this one. The one that's impossible for them to pull off, boring or disliked by the fandom, is incredibly difficult to interact with (think manic pixie bullshit, villains that are extreme loners, incredibly quiet and reserved characters, or those who are only ever seen in their canon to be bantering with friends and enemies - people they have established relationships with, unlike someone else's muse, even if that muse is a canonical friend or enemy), or is an active turn off in RP, like an outrageously overpowered character whose entire existence is based on being OP as fuck. That's going to be what they go for. Every. Damn. Time.
If you notice she's doing this, she could be compensating without even realizing it by turning the string of muses into identical and empty clichés she thinks people want to interact with, but that she can still handle writing. And unfortunately, your job is even harder, OP, because everyone has a character type...and your bestie's is Fucking Impossible to RP for 90% of the RPC Population Type lmao I'm...I'm so sorry.
Maybe if this is the case, you can get her to try out a different character that has some of the traits you've noticed she seems to always be drawn to, but without the complications. Work smarter, not harder, though! Propose this as you desperately wanting your muse to interact with x. Some people react very badly to being told "you'd write a great -muse name," others are flattered by it. If you don't know for certain that she'd be flattered, or at least not offended, that she doesn't hate this character or anything, do not say this. Just tell her that you love this character, you think she could handle them as a NPC in a thread, could she please try?
And make that the single most interesting thread in the history of threads. Specifically, for her. Give her tons of engagement with this NPC of the sort she tends to want the most. It might stick and reset some of her perspective on the types of characters she keeps choosing.
You're reminding her that she's a RPer, too, which sounds like a crazy thing to have to remind a RPer, but we do weirdly lose track of this. We get very invested in what we're putting out more than what we've successfully been given, especially when we're not being given much of what we want. So, you're prodding her to recall that there are two parts of this equation, she's been on the side of it - she's wanted to interact specifically with a canon muse because she loved the character/ship with hers/whatever, and has, as we all have, experienced both the disappointment of running through a ton of them who just are not that character and also finding the version that very much is.
This helps to put other people back into perspective in a way that isn't just "interactions." (Read as "desired attention." Which isn't a slam, it's true. It's also not a problem, we all are here to interact, we all enjoy having devoted mutuals and such. It's only a problem when we stop seeing them as anything other than a means to an end for ourselves.) She might be able to relate to them, thus, why they don't like her muses, if she can put herself back into their shoes.
You stick with that and transition it into why she picked the current muse. It's the same deal, there was something about the muse that sparked interest, creativity, etc. What was it? Something that isn't there, or there enough, in her writing. In all the excitement of muse-creation, she's probably let whatever it was slide right out the door. If you can get her to recall that feeling of interest and identify for herself what all triggered it, she might be able to stick with it.
And you've encouraged her again to give people what they want if she wants interactions by developing her muses. You've also done so, if it all applicable and true, by using yourself here, making it feel like not just a common problem, but one experienced and overcome by someone she cares about and trusts.
She might have an issue with needing a lot of high-interest, high-reward scenarios, too.
This is a high-effort, minimum reward situation for her. A lot of us in the RPC have shit like ADHD that can really make this difficult once we're experiencing it in this way, but even those who don't absolutely fall into it as well. So, you'll need ways to make it fun, but...I think if you can sort of kindly trick her into experiencing the effort as its own reward, it'd go a long, long way.
I can't really say what I do, having this problem with high-effort, minimal reward because I don't tend to experience that in RP. The writing is the reward for me, as much as I lose it utterly with happiness every time a writing partner is loving what I've given them. My reward system is set up around the writing and exploring characters. Hers seems to be set up around the reaction to it and amount of engagement with it. You need to try to use the latter to give her some of the former.
If she likes Halloween or Christmas, Fall or Winter, this could be your way into doing it!
Get her hyped about a seasonal prompt list you're doing. This does, yeah, mean you will have to do it, too lol but in the end, any time you aren't able to produce something daily like these lists usually are set up for, you're showing her that it isn't a job she's got to fulfill - the rules are only as strict as she wants to make them for herself. And if you keep yours short and fun, she'll feel like it's perfectly fine and good to do it this way as well. That it doesn't need to be a damn masterpiece or anything, just fun, something different to show off her muse.
While what she's actually doing, in addition to that, is getting in touch with and developing her muse. Importantly, when we write in a way that is just for ourselves like this, we tend to kind of...bond, for lack of a less weird sounding way of putting it, with a muse. It makes them stick with us longer, raising their importance and easier availability to us.
Let her know you're doing this, pick one out you genuinely like, and don't expect her to be down with it immediately. It's work with no foreseeable reward. Except, it's very hard to listen to our friends be excited, proud of themselves, enjoying themselves without wanting to join in. It'll be especially helpful, though, if you think people you interact with will like the posts and comment on them, or even try to turn them into threads if you include their muses (with their consent, of course, and no pressure). If she sees that, it might make it even more interesting to her. You might also have to pose this as her helping you out, that you don't think you'll get more than two done if she isn't doing it as well, as a sort of a challenge she can hold you to.
Whatever you think might work best for engaging her, you know her well, you can do it!
Be there to help her out with ideas if she goes for it. Throw out some easy, fun suggestions you think she might like, that even give her some opportunity to write something with her muse that she doesn't get a chance to. Pull from the muse's canon, is there something in their canon that goes with the prompt word "snow," for instance? Is it something she enjoyed about the canon story? Suggest it. Thinking about both the muse and your friend, is there something else that came to mind about that prompt you could suggest? Do it!
Again, whatever she's most into, it's an angle. Humor? Her serious muse is forced into a ridiculous, funny situation that involves the snow. Angst? A sad memory associated with the snow. Shipping? A romantic, fluffy scene (or steamy one). And so on.
Be there to express interest and encouragement while she's doing it. Don't do things that are going to come off as pressuring or helicopter moming her, of course! Like, asking how much she's gotten done, did she start working on it yet? That's a bad idea, unless she enjoys that sort of thing. Instead, tell her how much you can't wait to see this, ask about how it's going, tell her about yours to encourage her to talk about it.
And be there to be her audience when she posts it. This really seems to be her highest reward, so give it to her. Like the post, comment on the post, tell her in messages. Not individually, all of those things. If you can find a way to that doesn't mess up what you've got going on with your blog, mutuals, other friends, etc., mention it on your blog.
At this point, people might be both aware of her RP habits and wary of engaging with her, but someone might bite if you're enthused and go like the post. If it's applicable, make some jokes about it on the dash, turn it into a moment of inside joke-like crack for people to see. Mention that she wrote this and you loved it, link it or outright reblog her post. Hell, mention that you and her are doing such and such prompts for whatever holiday or season before the fact, that way, it doesn't come out of nowhere to your mutuals, either. Again, if applicable, you can ask to turn it into a thread.
The point, at this juncture, isn't to attract people to her blog and posts, it's to demonstrate to her that this is fun and rewarding. If you can get people to go like the posts, great, but you can only count on yourself to do it at first.
Most people enjoy those sorts of prompts on their dash from mutuals, though. You're always going to have some who feel like it's annoying because it wasn't strictly a RP reply, but whatever, they're not the majority in most fandoms anymore, thankfully. Point is, it's literally showing her mutuals that she's capable of thinking as her muse and working on her muse. It's showing off good things and making her muse more interesting and uniquely hers in a good way. And it's totally possible that she's going to organically generate likes, people wanting to use this as a plot with her for RP, and mutuals who are increasingly following along with every post made.
The hope is that she experiences the beginnings of more interest in the muse than she does making muses, gain some confidence in doing this with the enjoyment of it, and stick with a muse longer than five seconds so that she can actually end up with the interactions she wants.
There are definitely other ways of doing this, the prompt thing just came to mind because it's major prompt season. You've got a prompt list floating around for literally every popular point of interest right now, from whump to extreme fluff to horror to humor. And it's going to keep going until January. It's also something that can be as short as a paragraph or as long as several thousand words, and that a hell of a lot of people don't do all of. So, it's easy, so long as she's got a reason to find it interesting and stay on course with it even a little bit.
You could also try getting her into doing something like moodboards for her muse but with little additions of writing that go along with them. Nothing major, just things like a quote from her muse or a sentence from a starter, thread, whatever.
So long as you can get her to start refocusing on RP being enjoyable from the inside and not just the outside, it's valid as hell to try it! She seems to be experiencing RP as instant gratification and basing that gratification on things she can't control, like popularity.
Right now, even giving her the sober truth that one can write the best version of a canon muse there is to be found, be someone enjoyable and interesting in OOC interactions, and be an amazing writer without that being enough to garner popularity, or even the plots that are wanted. That being a very popular RPer and having more interactions than you know what to do with (honestly sucks ass) isn't a set of absolute values, but rather, variables that are always in flux and often, totally mysterious. It's usually a mixture of total luck, visual appeal, and both mun being on point with what people want to see right this second and muse being the mixture of fanon that is desirable, also, right at this exact second. It is seriously not within anyone's control, no matter how much effort, quality, or even outright bullshit they have to put out there.
If she's ever going to stick to a muse and not find herself envious, upset, and bored it's absolutely got to come from herself. She's got to be popular with herself, enjoying herself regardless of what others are seemingly achieving or want to give her. It's not going to be recognized no matter how harsh or sweet you are about the problem, unless she's capable of really looking at those problems as problems, and I don't think she's going to get to that point through negatively bottoming out. She might get there through the opposite, though!
It's...just going to take a lot of effort and patience from you, with no expectation of reward yourself.
Because it's still likely as hell it's just not going to happen. And while it seems like you are the kind of friend who would find the effort worth it because you care and are invested in her, please know that there's no shame in merely contemplating this and noping right out.
You've got a life and are trying to enjoy the hobby as well! And if it seems like something that could sour your friendship? It's not worth it. You're better off just accepting that she'll inevitably tire of doing this and move on to another hobby, maybe decide to do fandom blogs or something instead that you can support her in.
It's definitely an unenviable and frustrating position you're in. All you can really do is try not to let this negatively impact the friendship, to keep refraining from just outright telling her things she'd find hurtful, and try your best to show her that it's rewarding to develop the muse and stick with it, not a task. That there are improvements she can make to her blog, and that it isn't a negative reflection on her that they can be made. You can try all the compassionate trickery in the world to lead her there, but it's ultimately up to her whether she brushes this off as well, don't let it hurt your feelings or exasperate you too much!
Also, it's totally possible that even if you met through RP and/or it has been a big part of the friendship, you might have grown in different directions in the hobby.
Growing within the hobby is inherent to any hobby you stick to for long enough, especially if you started out in it young. Some people seamlessly just keep growing to things that make them happy, others experience a lot of growing pains along the way as they're maybe ready for change, but only in select areas they have to discover for themselves. Still others grow in a way that doesn't make them very happy, but they're both not ready (or willing) to approach why and what they can do, and also still too attached to the good times they had to reassess whether it's still something they want to do, or if it's something better moved away from into something else.
That's always very difficult as a friend. Difficult in watching your friends not go the same directions as you anymore, even in something as comparatively silly as a hobby, in seeing them not enjoying themselves, and in the possibility that it could signal the end of enjoying the hobby with them. It's sad and frustrating, and can feel lonely, but if you're close enough friends, you've got so many other things to still be good friends over, so keep that in mind!
She might need to keep doing this with her blog and muse situation until she comes not to the realization that she needs to change how she's RPing to get what she wants, but rather, that she wants to stop RPing. That could be the burnout that happens here eventually, but again, not only can you still be great friends, if it makes her happier, it's good.
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albonium · 3 years
I was tagged by Em @schwarzevulkan and Celine @querencva, thank you !
Ask game under there ↓
1. Why did you choose your URL?
I like Toto (even if i feel like he may end up on the naughty list by Christmas ?) and I love dogs : tadaaaa
2. Any side blogs?
I was going to say no because I'm not used to it but ... I have one : @hornyhorner 😭. It started as a joke but I really want to do more. I don't have any ideas at the moment (and when I do I give up pretty quickly or it ends up being really bad and I don't post it), if anyone has an idea or a request I'm all ear (no s, I only have one functioning ear).
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
I just checked on my old blog and I've been here since July 29th 2012 and apparently my first post was about Depeche Mode. I've been looking at the f1blr side of things since Spa last year and started posting after Abu Dhabi (not logical to start when the season ends I know)
4. Do you have a queue tag?
5. Why did you start your blog on the first place?
I kept rambling about F1 to my friends, they love me (or at least I hope so) but there's only so much they can take. I first went on reddit but .... reddit is reddit and even if I like some aspects of it it's not the same as here. (I'm still out there btw, I'm enjoying the best of both)
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I have a dog pun as my url, I wanted to keep it related to dogs and F1
7. Why did you choose your header ?
I like McLaren and it was a pretty picture that went well with my winter related theme on desktop... It'll soon be summer in the northern hemisphere and snowy McLaren sign is still here, oops.
8. What’s your post with the most notes ?
I don't care about notes but :
this one about a formulino press conference but it really took off thanks to the amazing fanart that was added
I have a post on my old blog that has a little over 1k and it's something really dumb (basically it's a I'm sad post and people were like bitch me too!!!! low effort but apparently very relatable)
9. How many mutuals do you have ?
I have no idea, I don't really keep track of this (or care lol)
10. How many followers do you have ?
195 (same thing, I don't care)
11. How many people do you follow ?
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
Never heard of it (all of my posts are shit posts)
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
It depends, I don't really know. Tbh I've been home because of COVID for over a year now so A Lot. I try to limit my screen time (if I'm succeeding or not is another problem) and I still have a lot of things to do (I take care of my grandparents)
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog ?
I've only said something under a post once. I see a lot of things that make me angry but I contain myself. I'm here to have fun, so I unfollow and block people and that's it.
15. How do you feel about the “you need to reblog” posts ?
It depends what kind of posts we're talking about but the short answer is I don't do it. I do whatever I want with my blog.
I'm not superstitious so I won't share posts that are like "rb this or you'll fail all your exams. Regarding the more serious side of things, I've said it before but when I'm here it's to unplug my brain and think about anything else than real day to day life and its Big Sad Problems.
16. Do you like tag games ?
Yes but I'm always writing too much or being a bit awkward and I never know who to tag because I'm shy.
17. Do you like ask games ?
See above 😭. Also I'm not really a big fan of the "put a star in your mutual's ask box" etc things. It's just not something I like doing and find a bit weird.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is mutual famous?
Who cares about being famous we're on Tumblr in 2021
19. Do you have a mutual crush?
I don't know any of you IRL so no
As I said like 7 lines ago, I never know who to tag and I've seen that a lot of people have already done this.
I'll ask @formulol and @slaveofimagination and not step out of my comfort zone sorry sorry, you're my go to "victims".
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