#(but i think in the moment vince Definitely Does)
lilalbatross · 2 years
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robocoplesb · 1 year
FAMILY TIME, nikki sixx.
warnings: kissing, you and nikki have a daughter named ethel, tommy, vince and mick are uncles, heather and sharise are aunts. just really fluff at all<3
author's note: hey loves! I'm working on the requests, but I had this idea during a sleepless night and i couldn't not take it forward. hope you like it! good read, kisses<3
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one shot
you ran your fingers gently over your daughter's ribs, making the baby giggle at the mother's touch, probably feeling ticklish. you smile along with her, enjoying the sound of her laugh that you loved so much.
nikki looked at you fondly, taking in every detail of that moment, wanting to carry it with him forever. you were wearing a sundress he gave you, your curls fell perfectly over your shoulders. he thought you looked like a princess, mesmerized by the satisfaction in your eyes when you heard ethel laugh.
a soft, sudden noise echoes through the house, causing ethel to fall silent as you and nikki stare at the door. it was the bell
"— i open.” — nikki warns as he gets up, leaving his camera on top of the sofa where he was taking pictures of his wife and daughter.
your attention quickly goes back to ethel. you easily slide the diaper down her legs, humming a soft song to distract her.
you hear some muffled voices on the other side of the door. you quickly recognize two of them; heather and sharise. you automatically figured tommy, vince and mick were there too. it would be the first time they'd see you after giving birth, and also the first time they'd see ethel, who already looked excited without even knowing what was going on.
“— you hear that, babygirl? your uncles and aunts are here!” — you inform her, as if she is capable of understanding. in fact, for a moment you believe it is when you see her smile after hearing this.
knowing they were probably going there, you busily try to get ethel dressed quickly. you dress her in a white babydoll that vince and sharise gave her at the baby shower. you lean down to place a soft kiss on her nose when you hear the door slowly open. the six look at you carefully, as if you two were made of glass, waiting for you to say if it was okay to come in.
you wave at nikki to let them in, and so he does. you smile at them, thrilled. those people were your family, they were with you throughout your pregnancy and you definitely missed them.
they all greet you with smiles, not knowing exactly what to say. heather is the first to do something. you notice the tears glistening in her eyes and picks ethel up gently, cradling her in your arms as you gets up and walks over to her. heather was your best friend since you were teenagers. she was the reason you met nikki, she was the first person to know about your pregnancy. it was possible to understand why she keeps crying while you hug her, leaving ethel between you. the others watch the scene with love, sharise resting her head on vince's shoulder while feeling emotional.
after heather stops crying, you slowly back away, causing ethel to reach out her little hands to her aunt. you think she's going to cry again, but she just looks at you blankly.
“— can i?” — she whispers, asking permission to pick up her niece. you smile softly and bring ethel into her arms, trying to see if she would accept, which she did without a second thought, like she was waiting for this moment all morning.
nikki watches worriedly, paying extreme attention to the way heather holds her daughter, afraid that she will do something wrong.
“— she was excited for her favorite uncle's arrival, right, little sixx?” — tommy says looking at the baby, making everyone in the room laugh.
heather leans over to smell the baby, sighing and smiling. “— she is so pretty..."
“— she has nikki's eyes, but definitely the mom's hair” — sharise comments, making you and nikki smile.
you a greet each other happily before tommy, mick and vince join in to give nikki a tight hug, congratulating him and showering his daughter with compliments.
you all spend the afternoon together, talking about how your pregnancy and the labor. afterwards, you, heather and sharise play with ethel in the yard while the boys talk about ideas for new songs. you had dinner and danced in the living room together, enjoying the moment and also reminiscing about old times.
after a while, vince and sharise said goodbye, taking mick along since he was hitchhiking. as they approached ten o'clock at night, only heather and tommy remained.
now, you were in the kitchen, looking for ethel's pacifier (which you just remembered leaving on the table). when you take the pacifier in your hand, you feel a pair of arms hugging you from behind. you chuckle when you feel your husband leaving kisses all over your neck and shoulder.
“— hey dear...” — he whispers to you before kissing your cheek, looking at you in awe.
“— what's wrong, baby?” — you laugh and ask, vividly remembering seeing him talking animatedly with tommy and heather just a few seconds ago.
he leaves another kiss on your neck before moving his lips to the tip of your ear. you felt his arms gently squeeze you.
“— well, since your daughter is the center of attention right now, i don't think they'll notice if i come check out my beautiful wife” — he jokes and laugh softly.
“— and since when you trust tommy to take care of your daughter?” — you ask when you hear tommy, ethel and heather laughing from the living room.
“— oh, it's only a few minutes” — he says as he turns you around to face him, running his fingers around your waist as he slowly approaches, kissing you. you put your hand on his cheek, deepening. it was the first time that day that you were having a moment like that. in fact, since ethel came home, you haven't had much time alone other than late at night, bedtime.
he kisses you tenderly, you both are fully aware of the longing that act carries. after a few seconds, he starts to leave pecks on your lips, not wanting to get away. you reach out to kiss him again, but end up smiling. you both laugh, enjoying the simplicity of that moment.
you hide your face in nikki's neck, smelling his cologne. he runs his fingers through your hair and leaves a kiss on your temple.
“— i love you.” he declares, breaking the silence in the kitchen. you think you've never been so cared for in your life before, hearing him dedicate those words to you so easily, as if he was made for it.
you can't help the smile on your lips again. “— i love you more.” — you say, and he doesn't argue, even though he doesn't agree. he can't believe it's possible for a human being to love someone the way he loves you, but if you do, he just appreciates it.
you enjoy that quiet moment, knowing that nothing else needed to be said. well, you missed your little copy there with you, trying to mutter words and filling your hearts with love.
and, as if she feels it, she's the next one to break that silence. ethel's loud cry spreads through the house, alerting you and nikki.
“— uh- mommy sixx, i think she's not really enjoying uncle's lap anymore...” — you hear tommy say awkwardly, as heather hums something, presumably trying to soothe the baby.
you look at each other and laugh at his comment. you take ethel's pacifier again and go to the living room, knowing that's what she wanted.
nikki sits next to tommy with a smile on her face while he watches you catch ethel in your arms. so, he knows that his family is all that moves him at that moment.
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xjulixred45x · 19 days
In the crossover between Dead Plate and My Child Lebensborn, what measures would Rody and Vince take with the Professor Solheim matter? What legal (and illegal) means would they take against him?
Ow man...
First of all, I don't think that either Vince or Rody would go unnoticed by the changes in attitude in their respective children, but definitely at the beginning they thought it was because of the Bullying issue than anything else (although they knew about Professor Solheim thanks to the bad guys). moments they put the kids through before this, you can tell they hated it before).
Surprisingly I think Rody might be the first to think that something is wrong with Klaus at school. Rody is much more trustworthy than Vince, so it wouldn't be strange if out of the blue Klaus tells Rody that he doesn't want to go to school or that he doesn't specifically want to go to Professor Solheim's classes.
Rody finds it strange at first, but soon realizes that Klaus wouldn't ask to skip school if something really bad was going on (not just bullying). this + when Klaus starts having clear PTSD episodes, make Rody not let Klaus go to school and have a serious talk with him.
When does Rody find out? God, he's devastated to hear Klaus telling him what happened and repeating that it's not his fault and he's right! It's not Klaus' fault. Rody focuses on comforting his little brother and letting him know that he shouldn't hide things like that, that he loves him and is sorry he couldn't prevent this, etc. In general, both of them crying together for a long time.
As for the actions Rody would take against Solheim, it's canon that he would hide a body for Manon, so I can see him going to kick Solheim's ass and even threatening him to never go near Klaus again. and this guy is STRONG (canonically he could break your arm by ACCIDENT, imagine what he could do on purpose), so he won't be satisfied unless Solheim has at least 5 broken bones.
(I can't go into much detail about the legality because Rody is broke bad, but maybe he could convince the other parents to file a class action lawsuit, also being the 60s I don't think Rody would want to put Klaus in that situation or re-traumatize him, SO i think that's all that he would do, not because he wants to, but bc it's all he can do).
Vincent, on the other hand, would take longer to notice the warning signs, since while he is observant, he is also constantly busy during the events of the game, so probably the closest thing he would have to a direct signal would be a of Karin's nannies said that she is acting strange.
and Vince begins to notice these more abrupt changes, how Karin is now more reserved and even rude, how she almost doesn't talk to him anymore (it would take an EMBARRASSING amount of time), etc.
although the definitive warning sign for Vince would be 1) that Karin doesn't want to be bathed and 2) that she doesn't even want to eat. He knows that SOMETHING happened and that Karin is too traumatized to say it, but she is giving him quite direct signals, which leads him to realize what happened, horrified.
Vince is definitely more clumsy when it comes to comforting Karin, but he doesn't lack desire. He mainly tries to comfort her by giving her her favorite foods and giving her a free pass to do whatever she wants (skip school, eat outside food, etc.). and even trying to be more physically affectionate (mainly giving her more hugs, this experience definitely made him realize how much he misses that side of Karin).
As for Solheim...he will be lucky if Vince decides to take the LEGAL route (if that were the case, Solheim would never come out of it, since with how well-known Vince is, public opinion would definitely DESTROY Solheim if Vince don't do it first). Vince tends to be erratic at times like this, so it would be very easy for him to get rid of Solheim PERMANENTLY, it's better that way, he wouldn't have to worry about it hurting Karin anymore.
I think Vincent would feel more guilty than he lets on, precisely because Karin doesn't even feel comfortable telling him what exactly happened (she probably explains it with drawings) and would try to improve his pedagogical skills based on this.
Rody is really just doing his best and still doesn't feel like enough, plus he's probably going to dump all this guilt and bad feelings on Solheim (with a good beating), and ressure Klaus about that 1) it's not His fault and 2) he loves him nonetheless.
Mind you, I don't think either of them will let Karin/Klaus go to school anytime soon, good luck with that.
In general, they both react differently, but they will do ANYTHING to get Solheim out of the picture and give the kids peace/closure.
She would definitely be the one who found out first! (whether being with Rody or babysitting for Vince), she has both Rody's sweetness and Vince's questionable methods (time to make Rody hide the body...)
primero que nada, no creo que ni Vince ni Rody pasarian por desapercibido los cambios de actitud en sus respectivos niños, pero definitivamente al principio pensaban que era por la cuestion del Bullying que por otra cosa(aunque ellos sabian del profesor Solheim gracias a los malos momentos que hicieron pasar a los niños antes de esto, puedes decir que lo odiaban desde antes).
Sorprendentemente creo que Rody podria ser el primero en pensar que algo anda mal con Klaus en la escuela. Rody da mucha mas confianza que Vince, por lo que no seria raro si de la nada Klaus le dice a Rody que no quiere ir a la escuela o que puntualmente no quiere ir a las clases del profesor Solheim.
Rody lo encuentra raro al principio, pero pronto se da cuenta de que Klaus no pediria faltar a la escuela si realmente algo malo estuviera pasando(no solo el Bullying). esto + cuando Klaus empieza a tener episodios claros de PTSD, hacen que Rody no deje que Klaus vaya a la escuela y tenga una charla seria con el.
¿cuando Rody se entera? dios, esta destrozado de escuchar a Klaus decirle lo que paso y repitiendo que no es su culpa ¡y tiene razon! no es culpa de Klaus. Rody se centra en consolar a su hermanito y hacerle saber que no debe ocultar ese tipo de cosas, que lo ama y lamenta no haber podido evitar esto, etc. en general ambos llorando juntos un buen rato.
en cuanto a las acciones que tomaria Rody en contra de Solheim, es canon que el ocultaria un cuerpo por Manon, asi que puedo verlo llendo a patearle el trasero a Solheim e incluso amenazandole con no acercarse a Klaus nunca mas. y este sujeto es FUERTE(canónicamente podria romperte el brazo por ACCIDENTE, imagínate lo que podria hacer adrede), asi que no estara sarisfecho a menos que Solheim tenga 5 huesos rotos, por lo menos.
(no puedo profundizar mucho en lo legal porque Rody esta en quiebra, pero talvez podria convencer a los demas padres para presentar una demanda colectiva, igualmente siendo los 60s no creo que Rody quisiera poner a Klaus en esa situación o re-traumatizarlo).
Vincent, por otro lado, tardaria mas en darse cuenta de las señales de alerta, ya que si bien es observador, tambien esta constantemente ocupado durante los eventos del juego, por lo que probablemente lo mas cercano que tendria a una señal directa seria que una de las nannys de Karin dijera que ella esta actuando extraño.
y Vince empieza a notar estos cambios mas bruscos, el como Karin ahora es mas reservada e incluso grosera, el como casi ya no le habla(le tomaria una cantidad VERGONZOSA de tiempo), etc.
aunque la señal de alerta definitiva para Vince seria el 1) el que Karin no quiere que la bañen y 2) que ella nisiquiera quiera comer. el sabe que ALGO paso y que Karin esta muy traumada para decirlo, pero le esta dando señales bastante directas, lo que lleva a que se de cuenta de lo que paso, horrorizado.
Vince es definitivamente mas torpe a la hora de consolar a Karin, pero no le faltan ganas. principalmente trata de reconfortarla dandole sus comidas favoritas y dandole pase libre para hacer lo que quiera(faltar a la escuela, comer comida de afuera, etc). e incluso tratando de ser mas afectivo físicamente (dandole mas abrazos principalmente, esta experiencia definitivamente le hizo darse cuenta de lo mucho que extraña ese lado de Karin).
en cuanto a Solheim...tendra suerte si es que Vince decide tomar la ruta LEGAL(si fuera asi, Solheim no saldria nunca, ya que con lo conocido que es Vince, definitivamente la opinión pública DESTRUIRIA a Solheim). Vince tiende a ser erratico en momentos como este, por lo que seria muy facil para el deshacerse de Solheim PERMANENTE, es mejor asi, no tendria que preocuparse de que le haga daño a Karin nunca mas.
creo que Vincent se sentiria mas culpable de lo que deja ver, justamente porque Karin nisiquiera se siente comoda diciendole que fue lo que paso exactamente (probablemente lo explique por dibujos) y trataría de mejorar sus habilidades pedagógicas apartir de esto.
Rody realmente solo esta haciendo todo lo que puede y aun asi no se siente suficiente, aparte de que es probable de que vuelque toda esta culpa y malos sentimientos en Solheim (con una buena paliza).
eso si, no creo que ninguno de los dos deje que Karin/Klaus vayan a la escuela en un BUEEEEN tiempo, buena suerte con eso.
en general, ambos reaccionan de forma diferente, pero haran LO QUE SEA para sacar a Solheim de la foto y darle paz/cierre a los niños.
¡definitivamente seria la que se entero primero!(ya sea estando con Rody o siendo niñera para Vince), tiene tanto la dulzura de Rody como los metodos cuestionables de Vince(hora de hacer que Rody oculte el cuerpo...)
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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Maybe the biggest gift is the friends we made along the way 🎂
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Happy Birthday, V!
Was staying up way too late and getting way too emotional over these fictional gonks last night, but yes... I've wanted to do a bigger scene like this for so long, and what better occasion than male V's canon birthday today!
These aren't all my favourites from the game (the sofa wouldn't be big enough for it xD), but the people Vince would like to invite over for the occasion for sure, let it be a year or two down the line when they all actually are in the same area at the right time and come together like this (and uuuhhh... obvious problems with one certain ex-bodyguard set aside and solved because I said so!). It would really be a special thing to have everyone there that's been with him during one of the worst times of his life. Thanks to them (amongst many others) he even gets the chance to celebrate another birthday.
Some more ramblings about some of the interactions I'm picturing here and why I placed everyone the way I did under the cut xD And some more pics to come in a separate post later :3
Front and center obviously Vince and Kerry and Judy, my faves, my loves <3 I think this would probably be one of only a handful of times Kerry ever meets Judy in person. He only ever hears her over the holo and knows her from what V told him, because she left Night City before they got a chance to meet prior to the game's endings. I think they would go along so well though, and besides Kerry, Judy is the person Vince feels closest to out of the group pictured here, and he'd be so excited to know Kerry and her get along as well.
Then Judy and Panam... I lowkey ship it so hard, and I mean, they would make one power couple, but at the very least I think they'd become good friends, maybe Judy even travels with the Aldecaldos for a while or joins them, like in the Star ending when she's romanced.
I put River in the back and center cause he's the biggest of the bunch and I think he'd love being there, watching over everyone in a way (and keeping an eye on Takemura, cause he doesn't trust him xD). I'd like to think him and Viktor get talking about boxing, workouts, maybe make plans for a friendly sparring match. Maybe they've even met before on some occasion, only just realizing it now. Viktor is btw out of the whole bunch the person Vince has know the longest, almost as long as he knew Jackie in my background story for him.
Goro keeps himself in the back because he definitely is the odd one out of the bunch (probably didn't wanna come in the first place), but maybe he's starting to realize this moment that a life without Arasaka is not the end of the world after all. That there's always room for new beginnings, no matter how unlikely it seems (but he's still gonna give V shit, and V is gonna give him shit, obviously XD they're bickering like an old couple probably, much to Judy's and Panam's amusement who previously were rather wary of Goro).
Then a pair I only really got thinking about when I set this up were Misty and Kerry because... It does kinda make sense, and I think they'd get along really well? Like, Vince and Misty have known each other for a few years, and he likes her a lot, but he's not as close to her as he was to Jackie for example. She was definitely a positive guidance throughout the whole mess in 2077, and he really appreciates her for always seeing the good in everything. And I think Kerry would be a bit confused about her in the beginning, but since he also has spiritual leanings I think they'd find a lot of common ground. I also think Misty would just treat him as Vince's partner, some guy, not be all in awe about him being famous - aware of it, but ignoring it, because it does not matter in the grand scheme of things how rich and famous you are but whether or not you're a decent human being.
And Nibbles is there because she lives there, obviously, this is her penthouse, her sofa xD Needs to make sure everyone behaves!
I had been thinking about including Rogue in the scene, but then I also thought... she probably wouldn't come xD Be like "nah kid, thanks, but you do you", and she's not that close with Vince on a personal level. Same goes for Claire, I love her so much, and while I think she and Vince get along very well, they're not as close (or maybe she just didn't have time).
I was pondering also if I wanted to include Jackie and Johnny in some way, because they can't be there physically for known reasons (and even though Vince wouldn't have invited Johnny just to annoy him, Johny would have come anyway to annoy him back, so there's that XD). Decided against it in the end because the ideas I had would have meant more editing than what I was ready to do just now, but I have some more ideas with Vince and Jackie and Johnny that work better in a different setting anyway.
if you've read this far, here's a piece of birthday cake 🍰
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wombywoo · 4 months
🤝 1, 10, 18
💓 3, 20
all ears kicking my feet giggling
thank you boo 😘
🤝Community and Relationships
Does your character prefer company or solitude when sick?
I think they both generally prefer to stew in their aliments alone, but now that they have each other, they recognize the benefits of seeking out company for comfort--lots of sympathy and soup and hair petting, etc (I can attest because I'm sick rn 😔)
10. Is there a habit your character has that they learned from someone else?
Vincent tends to emulate those around him, something he does subconsciously to 'fit in', so he often expresses sentiments or behaviors similar to those closest to him (considering his best friend is a 79 year old, this can potentially be a comedy gold mine)
I don't think Quinn has actively learned habits from others, rather he adjusts his own behavior out of spite--if he sees someone he despises behaving a certain way, he'll usually do the exact opposite on principle. He has tried to incorporate stricter and more professional practices from officers he actually respects, but his personal life doesn't really reflect that
18. What is your character's favorite form of affection?
Vincent really enjoys talking--this can be causal banter or long, deep meaningful conversations. He expresses his emotions most effectively when he can vocalize the issues at hand, so having someone sit and listen and engage is something he considers affection in itself. For physical stuff, he just likes being close; holding hands, leaning on each other, sleeping side by side, etc. To show affection, he loves pampering his partner; giving little gifts, one-sided sessions in bed, giving them all the attention~
Quinn's not an outwardly affectionate person and it takes him a really long time to even open up to that sort of thing. But, hypothetically speaking, he loves getting his hair played with. Also cuddles 😤. As an ordinarily 'aggressive' lover, in order to show genuine affection as opposed to lust, he tends to slow things down a bit; long, deep kisses, spending hours just holding each other and letting the passion speak for itself
Hmm. I see I took the horny route instead of saying 'they call each other cute names' or whatever... 🤷‍♀️
💓Mind, Body and Soul
3. Is your character more prone to fight or flight?
Both are more inclined to fight. If threatened, I think both of them would instinctively try to attack and defend rather than retreat. Quinn has some anger issues and would definitely prefer to punch someone out in the heat of the moment than walk it off. Similarly, Vincent also has some uncontrollable bouts of rage, so yeah...he's a fighter 💪
20. Is there a fear your character wants to learn to overcome?
So..Quinn had previously been deadset on being a pilot (something he'd wanted since he was a kid), but at a certain point in his application process, he dropped out and joined the regular army. Turns out he has a real, deep-seated fear of flying (due to trauma, as per usual) Embarrassed and ashamed, he took measures to overcome this throughout his career--sure, he can jump out of a plane, but he still has this weird fear of being the one in control of an aircraft. Maybe one day Vince will teach him how to fly 🥺
Vincent has a rather valid fear of being used as a science experiment and thus stripped of all humanity. He'd been subjected to some gnarly examinations at some point (once vampirism was exposed, he was one of the first to admit himself as an 'example' and yeah--the British govt had no qualms in doing some pretty dubious shit to test his physical and mental capacities) As such, he still has this lingering fear of medical personnel and usually forgoes any kind of treatment unless necessary. He'd prefer to overcome this at some point, but it might take some time...
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delayed-affection · 2 years
Into the Boards
Navigation   Oneshots
Trevor Zegras x reader
Warnings: arguing (if you could call it that)
Word count: 1.1k
You wait for Trevor at the end hall, not liking the hustle and bustle by the locker room. Too many people going in and out, along with families waiting for their dad, son, brother, uncle, boyfriend, or husband.
Being down here also lets you rerun the game in your head. However with this game there was only one play running through your mind and it was Trevor being checked into the boards.
From what you heard, read, and seen he was quite the shit talker on the ice and the other teams had it out for him. The more games he plays the more hits, slashes, and checks he takes.
It’s only a matter of time before he ends up in an actual fight and it will probably be with one of the bigger guys.
An arm slinging itself around your shoulders breaks you away from your thoughts.
“Hey, are you ready to go home?” Trevor asks placing a kiss on your forehead.
You nod.
“Did you enjoy the game?”
“Yeah, if you guys keep playing like that you might just make it to playoffs.”
He laughs, “A man can dream.”
The two of you make your way to the car. You wonder if you should bring up the hard hit, you know he’s fine, he texted you when the period was over.
It’s just the fact that it’s been happening a lot more recently. Yeah it comes with the job but you still worry.
When you get to the car you make the decision that you’ll ask when you get home, knowing that if anything was wrong its best to be handled at home.
A freshly showered Trevor joins you on the bed. Pulling you over to him, he places his head on your chest.
You gently run your hands through his hair, “How’s your head?”
“It doesn’t hurt as bad as it did.” He says lifting his head up to look at you, “But I’ll be fine.”
You nod but sit up, making him do the same, “Are you fine?”
“I just told I was fine baby, there’s no need to worry.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about.”
“What are you talking about?” He asks
You think for a moment wondering if you are ready to bring it up.
You sigh, “Why you’re so hotheaded on the ice? It’s like you’re looking for a fight every game.”
He gives you a confused look, “What are talking about? He came after me.”
You sit up straight, “Trevor, I’m not talking about just tonight, you will chirp anyone on the ice big or small. You probably spend the same amount of time on the ice as you do in the box.”
He sighs clearly not liking this conversation, “It’s part of the game. It’s what we do.”
“You picked a fight with Vince Dunn, he’s a fighter. He would’ve had you on your ass before you even got your gloves off.” You tell him, “And when you played Boston you had Brad Marchand going after you more than once. Then the unneeded cross checking when you played the San Jose. All you do is pick fights.”
“Vince said slashed me first so I returned it, and I would not have been on my ass.” He scoffs
You roll your eyes, “You cried when I accidentally hit you too hard when we were play fighting, you definitely would’ve been on your ass.”
“I was just messing around, you didn’t really hurt me.” He claims
He gets up off the bed, “And why does this matter now? What’s the point of this conversation?”
“It matters because I care about you and every time you step foot on that ice I worry about you.” You stress getting out of the bed, “And the point is that your team won’t always be there to protect you the next time you decide to pick a fight. I can see that it’s taking a toll on you, mentally and physically.”
You stand in front him, “So why do you keep doing it?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs, “Maybe to seem cool. To make people take me more seriously. I don’t know.”
“You think people don’t take you seriously?”
He runs a hand through his hair, “Everyone thinks I’m a bust, that I’m no good. I just want to prove that I’m enough, that I’m good enough to be here.”
He sits on the bed, “I want people to see me the way they see Jack or Cole and if they don’t see me that way then I want to be a person they’re scared of. The person they don’t want to mess with on the ice.”
You place your hands on his face, “The only person you should be comparing yourself to is your old self and how far you’ve come. You, Jack, and Cole are different players. You all have a different perspectives and ways of playing.”
You place a short but sweet kiss on his lips, “And you’re not a bust, Z. You’re one hell of hockey player and you deserve to be here. You are enough.”
He smiles softly, “We’re dating, you’re supposed to say that.”
“I would tell you that even if we weren’t.” You say, “But do you know how many people would say the same thing? Or how many people look up to you?”
He takes your hands from his face and holds them, “I just feel like I could do better, be better.”
“And you can.” You tell him, “But to be better you have to be yourself, not what you think others want you to be. You have so much potential, Z. And it hurts to watch you waste it on stupid fights and time in the box.”
You straddle him and push back the hair in his face, “You deserve everything that this world has to offer.”
He smiles and gives you a peck on the lips.
“Even when you’re a jackass.” You mumble
He laughs, “Look, I’ll try my best to stop but I don’t know about the guys who have it out for me.”
“Well you better or else.” You threaten
“Or else what?”
You pat his cheek, “Keep being stupid and you’ll find out.”
He lays back taking you with him, “Am I a jackass or am I stupid?”
You smile, “You’re both.”
“You can only pick one.”
“Well you’re a jackass on the ice and stupid all the time. So really, you’re just stupid for being a jackass.” You reply
He gently pushes you off of him, “If you’re going to be rude I’ll go sleep in the couch.”
He sits up but you pull him back down, “You’d be back after an hour.”
“I would not.” he argues
“Oh, but you would. You’re a big baby, who just wants to be loved.”
You pepper his face with kisses, but make sure to leave a lingering kiss on his lips.
You grab his face, “I love you, you know? That’s why I worry.”
“I know.” He answers, “I love you too, baby. And I’m sorry for making you worry.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Bo Sinclair x Reader || Oneshot
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I finally re-watched HOW without someone talking at me the whole time!! and I don't feel like Bo gets enough fluff in this fandom- so- I wrote something...
Plot: Lester has made a new 'friend' recently, a drifter who doesn't mind the smell of rotting flesh and doesn't get attached, and the rate at which the two are going at each other lately is making you and Bo look like an old married couple that haven't so much as slept in the same bed for 15 years.
Warnings: Sexual references, shenanigans, etc
Finally there's silence, no more banging from upstairs, and you relax; The book in your hand starting to make sense as you read and are no longer having to hear what is definitely- the sound of Lester having a damn good time upstairs.
Huffing out an awkward chuckle, you shake your head and lean back in the old couch. Were you and Bo ever that bad? Damn, you hope not...
Vincent comes up for air, then, and you give him a little smile and a waive as he goes into the kitchen. Just before he's able to breach the doorframe, though, the sound of a bed frame hitting and grinding loosely against a wall starts up all over again upstairs.
He gives a startled jolt, before turning and heading right back down to the basement; Shaking his head.
You, on the other hand, give an exhausted groan- smacking your book up onto your face. No, no you were never this bad. Surely. Bo's little brother has definitely got more stamina than he does, you think. It’s best not to say that to him, though.
"Wh- they're still at it!?"
You're startled by the front door suddenly clicking out of the lock and a box falling with a loud clatter to the ground- and Bo's 'annoyed voice'. Lifting your head out of your book, you look over to him and give a helpless shrug.
"They took a fiver for refreshments a moment ago... but... it looks like they, uh... reconvened… yeah."
"Reconvened." Bo looks disgusted and horrified at you, and you just give a quick shrug. Promptly he turns to the stairs and goes for it. "I am gonna- "
What? What, he's going to what!? No- Discarding your book you hop up after him, and grab his arm just as his foot lands on the first step up. "No you will not! Lester's finally made a friend- aren't you happy for him?? Let’s just go for a walk!"
"A 'friend', huh? Right... Look I've been workin' all day and I'm not gonna be run out of my own damn house- let go." He tries to pull his arm out of your grip, but you stubbornly tighten your grip on it.
"You were hanging out at the gas station all day playing with wrenches, don't bullshit me Bo Sinclair. What do you have to do?? No one’s around. Just come on- I'll grab you a beer and we can hang out in the basement with Vince, he can’t hear a damn thing down there." You're begging him, here. Because sure, hearing all this is not pleasant, but you're looking at it from Lester's point of view, too, and- having your big brother storm in on you doing the do sure wouldn't be pleasant either.
Especially your older brother who has a continuous sex life already- he would be so mad, and you would rather not be around for another Sinclair Brother blow out. You've never seen Lester get mad at Bo (Bo at Vincent, Vincent at Bo, Bo at Lester, and even Vincent at Lester- but sweet Lester's blood does not run as hot as his older brothers), and you would like to keep it that way.
Bo slowly looks from the upstairs landing to you, a grimace on his face. You look pleadingly at him, tugging gently at his arm, and after a moment - miraculously- your mean, stubborn boyfriend cedes his position. Releasing a relieved sigh, you carefully guide him into the kitchen, grab some drinks and you both head down to the basement.
"I mean goddamn, though. How can they go for so fricken long?? Don't they needta eat? Sleep? Fucken breath??- "
Sighing, you nod as you follow him downstairs and give his back a pat. "I know, sweetheart, I know... "
After a night hanging out with Vincent, you all go back upstairs ready to go right to bed- and to everyone’s relief, the sound has finally subsided. “Fucken finally.” Bo mutters under his breath through grit teeth, shaking his head.
His twin nods in agreement, as you all head for the kitchen.
Immediately the nice, calm, reasonable disposition you managed to force onto Bo this evening disappears, when you all catch Lester and his ‘mate’ making out against the fridge. “Oh! Come on, now!!” Wincing, you step back with Vincent who gives your shoulder a comforting pat- Lester is on his own, now. “Not on the fridge! Our food comes outta there, I- “
Awkwardly, Lester itches the back of his head as he tries to lighten the atmosphere in here. “Come on, Bo, we weren’t doin’ nothing… just kissin’… “
“Not doing nothing! S’that what you’ve been up to all damn day in your room, then?? Nothing? Sure didn’t sound like it.”
Rolling his eyes and huffing, the closest you’ve ever seen Lester to getting really angry, he shakes his head. “What, are you jealous big bro? Got used to bein’ the head honcho ‘round here and now I’m gettin’ more action than you are?? Sounds like a you problem, ta me… “
Oh no no- you try to step forward and intervene, because this is going to get nasty, but Vincent pulls you gently back. Nope, he signs. Stay here.
Bo’s nostrils flair, and you quickly give Vincent a nod. He was right, you don’t want him looking at you with nostrils like that. Thanks, you sign back. “I am the big man around here, you hear me?? I’m the one keepin’ y’all from starving to death or endin’ up on the goddamn streets- “
“Still soundin’ jealous, buddy… “This time it’s not Lester to rib on Bo, and you’re horrified to find that it’s the other guy. Lester’s friend. His under-the-covers pal. Both yours and Vincent’s eyes go wide as hell- does this kid have a death wish??? You both look to Bo with bated breath, waiting for the impending explosion. This is going to be bad-
Bo stands ahead of you, and you take notice of all the tension in his shoulders. Is he going to punch this guy?? Beat him to death?? Should you and Vincent take your leave now???
… Then, surprising everyone in the room, Bo turns to you. Your eyes go wide, mouth falling slightly open to ask him what going on- what have you done in all this- when he just grabs your hand and storms up the stairs with you. “Bo! What- Alright,” You guess you’re going to bed now, you sigh, then turn just in time to give the other guys a waive. “Goodnight Vincent! Lester! New Guy!”
When you get to your shared room and you close the door gently behind him, Bo lets go of you and sits down at the end of the bed you made this morning. He holds his head in his hands, fingers digging into soft hickory coloured hair.
Slowly you sit down next to him, a hand gently falling on his shoulder. “… are you okay- Oh!”
“I blame you.” He suddenly snaps, straightening up again and putting his hand son his knees, instead. Your jaw drops, outraged, and pull back your own hand away from him entirely.
“Me!??” Excuse him???
“Yeah- if it weren’t for you, trynna make me a better person or whatever bullshit you’re spinnin’ here- I woulda just killed that guy down there and I’d feel all better, now. Instead I feel like a trained fucken mutt.”
… Oh. Setting aside Bo’s harsh language, you… you’re alright, with the contents of what he’s saying- what he’s ‘blaming’ you, for. Alright… so… he thinks you’re making him better?? He didn’t kill Lester’s friend because of you??? That’s okay.
A little smile slips across your face, you can’t help it, as you let your hand land right back on his shoulder once again. He’s so cute- in a hot way. “… I’m sorry.”
“Good. Doesn’t help me none, though.” He’s still full of tension, and you get it. He’s used to just killing someone if he wants to, so the strength of will he’s showing now is impressive. You don’t blame him for being frustrated, especially if all he’s using is words.
Rubbing a hand up and down his back, you give an understanding nod. “Yeah, well… how about you take up a new hobby?? Maybe gardening could help?”
At this he gives you the most terrible look you’ve ever seen, and it actually make you giggle. “… Gardening?”
“It’ll tire you out- and you already gotten the wardrobe for it.”
“Shut up.”
… After a moment of companionable silence between the two of you, Bo makings a ‘thinking’ sound. “Hmm… “A low, drawn-out hum that makes you feel concerned. If he’s thinking right now then it cannot be good. You can only hope that you aren’t apart of whatever the mean Sinclair is thinking. No such luck, though, as he turns and smirks at you in that devastatingly handsome way only can. For god’s sake… “I got an idea.”
… You deadpan. “What is it.”
“This is ridiculous, Bo.” You whine, giving the bed a little experimental bounce as you sit back on it- dead in the middle, for maximum bed squeaks.
Bo stands at the door, peering down the hall and waives his hand at you to be quiet. “Shush, now, I see ‘em comin’ up.”
“I want it put on record that I didn’t wanna do this.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. There they are… little dipshit and my brother… they’re goin’ into Lester’s room. Okay good.” The sound of a door closing signals that they are, in fact, in the room now and your humiliation can begin. Rolling you eyes, you wait for Bo to give you to okay. He closes your own door and gives you a thumbs up and lowering his voice now. “Go ahead.”
“Why don’t you start?” You whisper back, extremely reluctant as Bo sits down on the edge of the bed.
“Come on now, darlin’… everyone knows you’re the louder one between us.” He grins, like this all-too-funny, and you scowl back at him.
“I hate you.”
“Naw, you don’t… “
Rolling your eyes and looking straight into his eyes, you give another bounce so the bedsprings creak loudly under you- like, there? Happy? He makes a gesture that means ‘go on’, and you roll your eyes again; Starting a steady rhythm. Up and down, up and down. It would be fun, if it weren’t embarrassing.
Bo leans in close so you can feel his breath on your skin, and you’re tempted to waive him off. “And don’t you forget to make a little noise with your mouth, Y/N, we gotta make it believable here. We’re going for full authenticity.”
Glaring at him, which is definitely not as intimidating as you would like it to be- what, with the bouncing on the bed and all. “There is not a damn thing that’s authentic about this shenanigan, Bo Sinclair.” 
“Well, we aint gonna actually have loud sex right now- sorry, but listenin’ to my brother fuck today has ruined my appetite.”
“You and me both.” That, you can definitely agree with him on.
“Glad we’re in agreement- just keep bouncin’, I’ll do the bed frame.”
You facepalm, hiding your face as you bounce up and down, the squeaks from you and the bed frame knocking noise that Bo is making sounding just like when you and Bo actually ‘rock the bed’, as they say... You feel ridiculous. “What position are we even supposed to be in, right now??” You ask after a minute of this, calling quietly over your shoulder.
“Ehhh… I was thinkin’ cowgirl.” He shrugs, giving it a think.
“Checks out,” You sigh, thinking back to the noises that particular position tends to create. It is… something like this. Plus moaning, but you refuse to-
“Now moan, sweetheart. No ones gonna believe I’m fucken you if you don’t moan for me. Beg a little, too- be a good little fuck bunny.”
Gasping, you smack the covers and turn to him; Jaw dropped at his mischievous expression. “I am not going to fake moan for you, Bo! And who says no one will believe it?? You sure think a lotta yourself, don’t you??”
“Y/N, you and I both know I aint wrong.”
“No no no- hear me out, maybe we’re trying to be quiet? You have your hand over my mouth… that’s hot, right?”
“Not the goal here, doll. We want ‘em to hear us and be as uncomfortable as they’ve made us today.” ‘We’? What is this ‘we’? “Maybe another time, though… write it down, huh? We’ll get to it sometime.” When you narrow your eyes at him and squint, because as far as you’re concerned right this moment you will never be having sex again, Bo gives a chuckle at you. It’s a good sound, usually. The closest thing he has to genuine and sincere.
Right now though, letting his stupid handsome face and dumb nice smile get to you is the last thing you want- it’s quite hard to stay irritated at a person when you’re bouncing on the bed, though. Especially when they’re, admittedly, your favourite person. Even if they’re an asshole.
So you just give him the finger, then cross your arms and turn away; A half-hearted smile on your lips. “Ohhhhhh, you owe me so big, for this craziness.”
“Heh, I’m good for it.”
After an hour and a bit of that nonsense, you and Bo went to bed in the peaceful silence of no one having sex in the house, and woke up to the same thing. As you both get up and get showered and dressed, it stays that way. Bo’s in a particularly good mood because of it, giving you temple kisses here and there and making light hearted jokes, and it’s just… a nice, morning. Really nice. Did Bo’s ridiculous plan work?? Did your humiliation pay off??
Or… maybe it Vincent tying the two males in the other room up to chairs in the kitchen? you think, eyes blowing wide as you and Bo walk in on the jarring scene. Lester and his friend napping in chairs, ropes tied tightly around their chests and the back of their seats and an exhausted-looking Vincent at the sink- pointing a knife at the two of you.
Bo opens his mouth to ask what the hell is going on, but Vincent makes a ‘shut up’ gesture with the knife, and signs for the two of you to sit the hell down in two more seats.
You do as he says obediently, Bo taking the chair next to you, surprised at Vincent snapping like this. Do you blame him, though?? No not really, no-
Now, Vincent signs at you all; The knife still in his hand. I’m going to sleep for 7-12 hours. Can you people not fuck eachother for that time?? THANKS! Then he storms up to his room, to sleep unhindered by any sounds~
Bo gives but a chuckle, at the meltdown, and Vincent stamps hard on the floor above you all.
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solradguy · 8 months
I know Aria and Frederick weren’t married, so I don’t like calling her his wife, but at the same time I don’t like calling her his girlfriend because it sounds like they weren’t as serious as they were (to my ear).
Is fiancé right? Did Aria say yes to Frederick?? I thought you might know.
(I call Jack-O’ and Sol partners, because it’s not specifically romantic and more denotes their attachment)
Begin uses 恋人 to refer to their relationship, which just means like "partner [romantic]." I ended up translating it as "girlfriend" in the context it was used in^1, but I think maybe I should have used "partner" instead, since that more accurately matches the vagueness of 恋人, which can be used to mean anything from "girl/boyfriend" to "wife/husband."
The scene in Strive where Frederick proposes to Aria with the ring hologram cuts off before we hear Aria's answer^2:
[It's Aria's birthday and Frederick had asked her to meet him somewhere. He's working on a holo-screen and Aria picks on him for writing something in old machine code and accidentally spoils the surprise, so Frederick just shows her what it was supposed to be] Aria: ...A ring. Frederick: Well... Yeah. Aria: A digital one. Frederick: Yeah, sorry. The real one wasn't quite ready in time. [She looks away.] Did I... screw things up? Aria: [shakes her head] ...Frederick. If I were to vanish from this world, what could I leave behind for you? Frederick: What? Hey, don't talk like that. It's bad luck. Aria: I promise you, no matter what happens, I'm never going to forget this day. ...But I want to leave you something to remember, too. Frederick: All right, then. Let's see... How about your hat? Aria: My hat? Frederick: Yeah. The forecast said it was gonna be overcast the whole day. [points at the sky] You gotta be some kinda eccentric to wear a hat on a day like today. Aria: ...Wow, way to kill the mood. Frederick: ... Aria: But, sure. If it can help you remember this moment; you and me, together under the cloudy sky... Then my hat is all yours. And maybe that way... I can always be by your side. Frederick: ...
The cutscene doesn't show a date and we don't know Aria's birthday, but she doesn't seem haggard like she does in all the stuff we've gotten that takes place when the stuff in Begin happens (late-ish 2016^1). Xrd Sign confirms Aria had something going on in 2015, too^3. In 2014, when the Gear Project was started, Frederick accidentally hurts Aria's feelings by not saying he'd spend time with someone he loved if the world was going to explode^4:
[November 13, 2014 Research Lab -- Courtyard; Asuka was grilling Fred on his personal philosophies after dropping in on Fred's conversation with Aria about a similar topic] ???: Let me rephrase, then... If the world was going to disappear tomorrow... What would you do today? Frederick: What kind of a question is that? Stop whatever's ending the world or die trying. Aria: ...You mean "spend it with someone you love"? Frederick: ... Aria: All right, break's over. I'm going back, and you two should too. Just because Vince gave the order doesn't mean you get to be late. ??? [Asuka]: ... Well, you definitely made HER feel lonely. You really do like to get lost in your own little world, don't you? Frederick: Yeah, yeah, I picked the wrong answer. Rub it in. ???: That's not what I mean, Frederick. She's worried about you. Frederick: What? Why would she do that? ???: Well... Frederick: Well what? ???: Your world is very small, and whatever you do, you do it alone. Even in the laboratory, all you have are enemies. Frederick: What, so I should be kissing ass so I can play with the cool kids? I've got you and Aria. That isn't enough?
It feels like Frederick hadn't yet proposed or realized that Aria had feelings for him yet here, and that Asuka's hinting that Fred had a chance to put the moves on with her and blew it.
According to Asuka, Aria wanted the Gear stuff to happen with her and Sol so they could stay together for as long as possible, too.^5
That Man: You already knew...Aria's disease was incurable. And like you, I suggested we cryo-freeze her until technology could catch up. There might have been a cure in the future...I would've searched for it myself! But she refused... Why? So she could spend as much time as possible with you, Frederick. Sol: ... That Man: Aria was stubborn, and no amount of persuasion would convince her. But, I refused to accept that nothing could be done. That we had to watch her die... And I found the answer... The one way she would accept treatment. That she would be able to see you again. No matter how long she may sleep. For that to happen...you needed to become indestructable.
It would be really weird if Aria had said no when Frederick proposed to her because, if it was between November 2014 and even as early as January 2015, that still leaves about a year before Begin happens and there definitely weren't any weird feelings between them in that time.
So, yeah. I think she probably said yes to his proposal even if the term used in Begin to describe their romantic relationship wasn't something as firm as "fiancée" (婚約者 or フィアンセ). The English version of Strive's GG World also just vaguely says "romantically involved."^6
"Partner" would fit the best for their relationship until they say otherwise in the canon somewhere, but I do think they were probably actually engaged.
The fun questions here now are: Since Frederick had some pretty clear beef with the Christian God even before he got turned into a Gear, did they have a wedding? Did they just go to a courthouse to legalize it? What's the concept of marriage even like in a post-Dawn of Revival world? Why does Frederick hate god so much? There are no answers and even less hints about any of this.
GGBegin page 05 (first page of the prologue chapter)
Strive (00:43:46 if the timestamp link doesn't work): https://youtu.be/Gxx_XxjM8kE?si=UIH443o_xFG0ggaB&t=2616
Xrd Sign "Struggle A": https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Guilty_Gear_Xrd_-Sign-_script#Struggle_A
Xrd Sign "Devastation A"; November 13, 2014 Research Lab -- Courtyard: https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Guilty_Gear_Xrd_-Sign-_script#Devastation_A
Xrd Revelator "Cause A": https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Guilty_Gear_Xrd_-Revelator-_script#Cause_A
"Aria" entry.
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lunas-nargle · 1 year
↳ three
chapter three of “meddle about” series brian o’conner x reader
iii. house party
Y/n and Mia soon got home and separated, going to their own bedrooms. The team decided instead of trying to find Dom, they'd throw a party. It pissed Y/n off but she remained upstairs, doing her own thing.
"Y/n!" Mia burst into her room, freaking out. Said girl closed her magazine and sat up on her bed, titling her head confused. "They're here."
Y/n heart dropped, thinking about cops, "Oh, Christ." She scrambled up and started packing everything of value.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm getting the hell outta here, I can't go to jail! I'm too pretty to go to jail!" At Mia's confused look, she stopped. "What? Isn't it the cops?"
"No." Mia said, now amused.
Y/n sighed in relief, dropping her things onto her bed, "Then who is it?"
"Brian and Monty."
Y/n eyes widened. "Well, come on then, what are we waiting for? Let's get sexy!"
Y/n and Mia quickly got ready, changing out of their comfy clothes and into ones that showed their bodies in the way they liked. They put on light makeup before they went downstairs.
"Hey, Mia. Y/n." they heard Monty's greeting. There he stood, in the kitchen with a beer in his hand.
"Hey, Monty. Go on, babe." Y/n said, knocking Mia out of her small trance. Mia smiled at her before she walked over to him.
Y/n walked through the house, wanting to find the blonde. But then she heard Vince sneer, "Did ya wipe the seat?"
Y/n stomped over to him, getting angry, "Oh, Christ, Vince!" she pushed past him. "Cut the shit man." she spat, standing by Brian. She turned and saw Brian staring at Vince blankly. "Come on, let's go get me a drink."
She then grabbed his rough hand and dragged him off behind her.
"Oh, come on, man, we were just about to get along." she heard Leon say from behind her but she knew if she responded she'd snap.
"Sooo," Brian started, walking towards the fridge. "What do you want?"
"Anything, as long as it's cold." Y/n sighed, running her hand through her hair frustrated as she leaned against the kitchen sink. He opened it and pulled out a cold bottle of Corona. "Ya know my cousin likes you? Even though he might not show it, he does. He normally doesn't like anybody. He's kind of a hard ass."
"Yeah, he's a complicated guy." Brian said, going over and handing her the bottle.
"Yeah, what about you?" Y/n asked, grabbing the bottle.
"I'm simpler." he replied making Y/n let out a small chuckle.
"You're a shitty liar." Y/n smiled, taking a sip from her drink. Brian got closer, putting his arm around her shoulders and said, "Well, I'll take that as a compliment."
"It wasn't meant to be." Y/n shook her head. "But there's a problem."
Brian tilted his head, looking down at her lips for a moment before they met her eyes once more. "What's that?" he asked.
"You need to get some sleep." Y/n answered. "And you definitely need a shower." Y/n smirked, trailing her hand up his arm, feeling the goosebumps form under her touch "And you know what, I don't mind sharing, if you know what I mean."
Brian's smirk grew as well, "Well then, lead the way beautiful." 
Y/n led him through the house, and up the stairs. She made sure to pass Vince just to rub salt into the wound. She finally led him to her room where she rummaged through her drawers. 
"I have some of Dom's old clothes in here somewhere. Uh-ha." She finally hit the jackpot, where she pulled out an old t-shirt and basketball shorts. "Here, the bathroom is just right across the hall. There should be some of Dom's soap in there so have at it."
"Thanks." Brian said, before kind of awkwardly walking out of the bedroom. Once he was out, Y/n sighed happily, falling onto her bed. She couldn't believe it. The most beautiful man she's ever seen was here. IN HER HOUSE! She couldn't help but feel a hot burning sensation raise in her chest at the sight of him. Each time he'd look into her eyes, she'd fall in love even more than before. And unknown to her, he was feeling the same way.
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cookiedoughmeagain · 9 months
It's 'Fur' week for episode 6 of the @havenfanrewatch
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My thoughts as I was watching;
Love the spookiness of the opening scene.
Eleanor writing on Audrey’s windscreen is just *chef's kiss* perfect.
Love Audrey showing off her gun skills, a nice little reminder that she's not just a small town detective, but also am FBI agent.
It's such a shame we never get to see Jess and Duke on screen together. I really think they would get on.
It's a nice touch having someone in the Chief's office fixing a crack in the wall; keeping that plot line going without saying anything.
Jess is fabulous; that “why do people think that you're a witch?” and her, “Maybe because they don't like the way I think.” is great. As is her “What do you think the Troubles are?” I love the way she says it.
And Audrey and Nathan's differing reactions to Jess are really nicely done. The look on Audrey's face XD
Garland is a little perplexing in this episode. I know his friends are dead and I know he's stressed in general (as we see from the nicorette gum), but he seems to suddenly go from expecting Nathan to come up with a logical explanation to being frustrated that he isn't treating it as a Trouble. Maybe a symptom of the writers still working out some of the background/backstory details?
I think this is the only episode where I really notice the limitations of the special effects (the moose and the bear in particular), but it works because the actors do such a good job of selling it, particularly Vince & Dave.
I love the way Nathan takes what Jess said to him, and turns it around to help Landon, and how similar-but-different their two Troubles are.
This has to be one of the most bizarre Troubles there is. Particularly when you consider what Audrey says at the end; “Piper was stuffed; it must have been going on for generations.” How does that work between the Troubles?
I wouldn't say this is my favourite episode (and I do miss Duke here), but it has some great moments; mostly related to Nathan, though I like Eleanor here too. Her conversation with Audrey at the end about helping her find out about her mom is really sweet. I love her philosophy: “You do what you can. And the world goes on.” And her comment to Audrey about “You're not a summer person any more” makes me think her definition of ‘summer person’ is related to knowledge of the Troubles/Haven's secrets and that's kind of nice too.
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robinsnest2111 · 6 months
For the ship ask game, (should probs get the obvious out of the way for you here XD) TommyMick/Marlee, vinikki, nikkimick, terrorcest, Vince/Tommy (I don't know if they have an official ship name sorry), Vince/Mick.
I know you like poly!crue but I was wondering how you feel about these ships individually and hoped you could expand on your opinion (only if you want to, no pressure, otherwise you could just rate these ships with no further context, whatever you feel up to :))
ooooooh, get ready for a loooong answer with loads of explanations <3
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this one's very obvious and self explanatory. in my mind, Tommy simply adores his old man. Sure, he plays tricks on him and makes some jokes but it's all out of love <333 Tommy can be a bit much for Mick sometimes (like a playfighting puppy!), but he knows Tommy's the youngest of the group, the most immature and energetic, and tbh I think he kinda thrives on that energy and enthusiasm <3
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ohhhhh, the classic showrunner and his barbie doll/pretty face+voice of the whole band. Their sarcasm and cattiness mesh so well, but they can also be at each other's throats in an instant. Big personalities on the both of them. When they're on bad terms it's Bad bad, but when they're on the same page? Unbeatable. I feel Nikki is quite possessive of Vince, and Vince likes that special focus and attention most times <3
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here comes the angst!!! Both Nikki and Mick are very strong willed and a bit one track minded when they've got a goal in their sights. A very explosive relationship I feel. Similar to Nikki and Vince, Nikki feels a similar type of possessiveness over his old man, a sense of adoration and worship that does weird things to his heart and mind he doesn't dare explore further. Mick doesn't jive with that possessiveness at all, especially when it smothers his creativity and autonomy in the band. Once again. When they're on bad terms, it's bad. But when things are good? They're really good, a strong team working towards a common goal <3 Factor in the sadness of the recent split and drama (and also the history of abandonment and near death experiences and other stuff) there's so much delicious and painful angst as well!!!
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YES the terror twins!!! Literally made for each other. Two hellish imps, destined to cause mischief and mayhem! When they're together, they're like two untamed puppies, loud and rambunctious with a total disregard for each other's or others' safety lol Definitely the ship with the most bruises and lovebites.
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I feel like Tommy awakens some maternal instinct in Vince, since he's the youngest lol Vince always fussing over Tommy, but also laying all his love on him. Tommy soaks it all up like a sponge <3 He would probably also pull some stupid stunts just to get Vince's attention. If it gets to out of hand, they'd end up in a big fight and not talk to each other for a while. But it'd all smooth back out eventually. Can't be mad at Tommy for too long lol
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THE TINY BITCHES GOTTA STICK TOGETHER <3 The appeal of them both being on the shorter side compared to Nikki and Tommy 🙏 I think their sarcasm and strong personalities would mesh pretty well most times, especially if they're teaming up against the terror twins shenanigans lol They also have their bad moments, both finding the other grating to be around. Prissy barbie doll Vince and quiet brooding Mick... But also... opposites attract. I think Mick is best at seeing past Vince's pretty face and really getting him. And Vince appreciates it <3
If you've made it all the way through my rambles, congratulations!!! :D
ship ask
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inkiest-silly · 6 months
I’m feeling silly and ima just- time to post about MY VER of “if Vincent survived the fire” or shortened to STF
STF vince has cut down on his smoking, he isn't addicted anymore due to having hospitalized for a while and unable to do any packs! He also wears layers over his body and hands so it's less uncomfortable Being his hands are burned - his hard to do things without it feeling weird He is working to upgrade his bistro, and im planning on like Adding a few other characters be he's gonna have a bigger waiting staff - bring its gonna be a bigger establishment His chefs still work for him
His chefs still work for him - cherrie is loyal as hell so definitely not leaving He never got over his love for rody,he feels resentment for what rody did to him- but he just couldn't let go of the man He hasn't seen him in ages- but he sometimes wonders what in the world he's doing now Thoughts lke "Is he happy with what he did to me? Does he think im dead and is happy with it?"
He wears his glasses all the time now- he is half blind so he just, does now. He can't afford to not see well,so he keeps them on They aren't used to Vince with glasses or-even the scars In the back, he wears long sleeved shirts instead and thick gloves-Vince stutters on his words and his voice is a little fucked up and raspy due to rody cutting his throat with a bottle
Talking for a long time hurts his throat, he is still trying to fix some things about himself He isn't as harsh on his employees Other than remmie. Remmie is remmie. He learned his lesson about keeping his house with his establishment He lives only a few minutes away from the new place He walks home Why?
Bc he thinks it's good for strengthening his mussles again And it is So he keeps doing it In the rain? Umbrella. But whenever he is out in the rain- he's reminded of the moment when he had to dry rody off and give him an umbrella-He enjoys the rain on his skin, it's cooling and nice He's taking care of himself only to try and get back to proper health to do more So he isn't as scrawny (He still hates eating but he forced himself to)
Vince involuntarily twitches out of random, his nerves are a little messed up and it's most likely the thing to happen 1 Like to believe rodys tie slipped off his neck during the struggle and Vince still had it even fit is a little burnt Complete opposites in healing omfg
Every Valentine's Day vince will mutter under his breath or think "happy birthday rody" and continue on with his day be he's a sad sorry ass He just wanted love man Hm.. How does rody feel that he killed a man over so hard that he needed to get hospitalized and almost died Bookie if anyone foudn that it was you you'd be put behind bars bookie i EVEN IF IT WAS YEARS AGO
Vince doesn't make an effort to style his hair much,he just doesn't care about his physical appearance anymore He knows he's already physically fucked up so he just, does the bare minimum He also sleeps a lot more,just - trying to stop himself from thinking about rody
-Vince keeps his head low when he's out, he doesn't like to be crowded- somehow- it works. And he's just glad he's short enough to walk without being spotted from a mile away. He still puts up a optimistic, really kind demeanor outside the bistro,but he drops it and just, he's kinder- but just- a little uptight He doesn't like getting into relationships still,he still has his heart for rody but is trying to push it back and away He mutters to himself something of the such when he starts thinking about him "he hurt you for a reason."
Vince has a mini heart attack when he sees male gingers - He wishes he could get another hug like he did once before Sooo He hugs himself to sleep He always has something in the background when he's trying to rest, usually a song
Baby I'd give you a hug
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ann1-wr1tes · 7 months
Vincent Smith NSFW Alphabet
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Dynamics: Vincent Smith x Fem!Reader
Tags: @cyberp-1-nk
Synopsis: Spicy Alphabet
Warnings: Oc stuff, Adult themes, obviously smut, tread with caution.
A/N: Since i'm doing spicy alphabets I decided to do some for my bbgs (aka my ocs). Honestly don't really expect anyone to be interested in my oc stuff lol, so this is pretty self indulegent-
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
-Very caring, very attentive. Vince won't even let you worry about him until he's done worrying over you. This man always likes to take a moment to hold you, kiss all over your body and whisper hushed praises and compliments. Then he'll pick you up and run you a nice warm bath with salts and those really good smelling candles. If you're extra lucky he may take the time to get in with you or he might do that one thing where he reads to you while you just chill in the bath.....inspo from this
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
-His favorite part on his partner's body would be the eyes. He just adores watching his partner's eyes light up with excitement or cloud with lust, there's just something so deep and intimate about it. Oh and he also loves boobs.
-On himself he likes his chest the best, his pecs in particular. He knows he's got some muscle there. Not to mention he's got nipple piercings. Just saying. He also likes his voice. Is husky and deep and has that thick southern drawl to it...
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
-When Vince cums its thick, warm, and a lot. To say the least. He really prefers cumming inside his partner. It just feels a lot better than pulling out and he secretly wishes he had a family....ofc if you don't want kids he understands
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
-Vince really wants someone to just cover up all his scars with hickies and marks. His scars that cover his entire torso have always been a huge insecurity of his but if someone were to leave scratches down his back, kiss marks and hickies on his chest and stomach, enough to cover up all the marks from his past, he might feel better about them.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
-Pretty experienced. He had his fair share of hook-ups in college and definitely knows what he's doing.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
-One of his favorite positions is face-off. He loves how close it, having his partner in his lap while he gets to slowly fuck them. Or of course he always enjoys cuddle fucking. Early in the morning or super late at night when he's too tired to do much but he's still pent up enough to have sex.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
-He can be a little humorous. He might poke a little fun at you here and there but when it comes down to it he's pretty serious. He's so set on making his partner and himself feel as good as possible.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
-Incredibly clean. He takes pride in being well groomed and he just prefers to stay clean shaven down there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
-He can be very intimate. He doesn't just sleep with anyone and due to his insecurities with his scars, he is not one to go around and just fuck anybody. So when he does sleep with someone it's very intimate. We're talking intertwined hands, deep and passionate kisses and love filled gazes.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
-I honestly don't think Vince has that much time to really rub one out due to his work and how busy he is, but he does so every once in a while. When he does it's less out of pleasure and more so out of the need to just get that stress relief.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
-Definitely has a slight breeding kink and is really into praise (giving and receiving). Also you could always just play with his chest. (mess with his piercings and see what happens)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
-Won't ever do anything in public. He is not one for taking any risks and certainly does not want anyone seeing him or his partner in the act. So he'll always be happy in his bed or in his cabin where it's just him and his partner.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
-Kiss his neck, maybe suck on his piercings a little bit, run your fingers through his hair. But also call him a "pretty boy" that will really get him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
-He refuses to do anything that could harm his partner. No choking, no usage of guns or knives, he's even a little apprehensive when it comes to spanking/hitting. He just doesn't want to cause his partner any physical harm.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
-Absolutely prefers to give. He could spend hours between his partner's thighs, licking and sucking. It's one of his favorite things to do and he is one of those guys that would beg you to sit on his face.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
-Usually his pace is slow and sensual. He wants you to feel every part of him, feel every touch and every graze of his lips. He really likes to take his time.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
-Not huge into quickies. He'd rather have all the time in the world with you than rush it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
-Nope. Not a huge risk taker either. He prefers to be safe and comfortable.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
-Vince is more on the tired side usually but I think he could last a few rounds. Then maybe some after he rests for a little while.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He himself doesn't own toys but if he partner owned any or wanted to use any on him he'd be open. He'd probably be most willing to try a vibrating cock ring or something along those lines...
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
-Not really a big tease. Unless of course you are a brat, then he'll be more than happy to put you in your place.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
-He's honestly too tired to care about how loud he is so he's pretty vocal. It usually starts out with slurred words and mumbled praises then turns into raspy moans and pants. He gets louder the closer he is to cumming.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
-If you take the time to trace and kiss his scars, he'd do the same. He wouldn't ask about what happened unless you want to tell but he'll lay there, tracing and kissing over all your marks and scars lovingly.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
-More longer than it is thick and has a few prominent veins running on the underside of his shaft. When he's aroused his tip turns a pretty pink.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
-Honestly, pretty high. He tries to ignore it but there's a reason he wakes up in the middle of the night hard as a rock.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
-He will always make sure to stay awake long enough to make sure his partner is asleep. Might be him being paranoid but he just wants to make sure everything stays safe and that his partner is comfortable before he succumbs to sleep.
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xjulixred45x · 14 days
Now MCL x Dead Plate has the makings to be a very a dramatic, tragic, and horror-esque crossover, specifically if Vincent still decides to kill Manon (since you said that the kids love Manon and vice versa) and the entire canon of Dead Plate still happens.
I have so many questions!! BUT I MUST know your takes on the following—if you want to answer these, of course:
1) Consider: Klaus and Karin meeting because they either go to the same school (before Solheim incident) or it's just a random moment; Manon is still alive in this one. What would the dynamic of the kids be (in your version, would they be separated twins from birth? or are they not related and are simply friends?)? How would Rody and Vincent (before or after Rody becomes an employee) react, especially since Vincent has extremely high standards?
2) AU within an AU (unless you make this canon): How would Klaus and/or Karin react if Manon does disappear, and if they(separated or together, depends on you) discover what had actually happened to Manon? Especially Karin if she finds out who did it.
The second one is very dark considering their ages, so if you don't want to do it, you don't have to. Your ideas for this crossover are just very interesting to me, and allows us to expand on how good, bad, and complex these characters are outside of what is canon! (I love both games)
OMG!!!! I LOVE THIS ASK!! and don't worry! I have no problem i'm answer this!
Dead Plate x My Child Lebensborn: IN CANON
1) First of all, I can totally see Klaus and Karin getting to know each other. Both for the ironic factor (boss father/employee brother lol) and for logical factors. Klaus is a very intelligent child despite being young and from humble origins, so he could go through recommendations to a more prestigious school, that is, a school to which Vincent would send his daughter.
Now that I have the opportunity to cause even more DRAMA, YES, KARIN AND KLAUS ARE TWINS. However, they were adopted by very different families as you can see (Rody's parents definitely couldn't adopt Karin due to financial problems, if they had had a better situation, they would have adopted them both. Vincent still would have only taken Karin lol ).
Klaus and Karin are very good friends, each other's only allies when school starts and the other children bully them. They share several common interests such as a love for animals (especially Foxes) and I honestly think that them discovering that they are siblings could be an adventure in itself in this AU (Karin sneaking into Vince's room to look for his birth certificate which reveals that YES, she was a twin), which would make their bond even stronger. They become inseparable in a short time, they protect each other, they tell each other everything.
Vince and Rody have quite different reactions (what a surprise).
Rody is very happy that Klaus has a friend, he wants to chat with her every chance he gets and he DEFINITELY notices the insane resemblance between them, not only in appearance, but in attitudes (did you know that separated twins still share attitudes /habits? That happens here!), so when he finds out that she is not only his friend, but Klaus' twin sister, RODY IS EXCITED! And he definitely wants Karin to feel like part of the family as soon as possible.
Vince, on the other hand, the first time he sees Klaus, acts like he's seen a GHOST, and while he's happy that Karin now has a friend (who's on her level) he's definitely not that excited when he finds out that Karin has a twin who is ALSO “related” to RODY of all people. More than by his standards, Vincent doesn't like this because it would give Karin free rein to have another family (the Lamorees, who already wanted to adopt her first), and in general I don't think he would be very happy at the idea of share his daughter with RODY.
Of course, I think Vince could be more cooperative if he and Rody talk shit together about the children's original family (the racist grandparents, the abandoned father) and MAYBE there Vincent would be more willing to make an agreement for the children to interact as twins (say, a child spends a weekend with one of them and they change). Here Vincent cares more that Karin doesn't leave him, while Rody cares that Klaus has his complete family.
2) This could be considered Canon, or at any rate one of the endings depending on what you choose (just as all DP endings are canon, so are all What If cases here).
I definitely think Karin and Klaus would notice almost immediately/at the same time when Manon disappears, Klaus because Manon would at least call to check that he's okay, and Karin because Vince being so picky about babysitters wouldn't waste a free one (aside from that she stopped coming to their house out of nowhere…), so they both talk about it to each other and think “suspicious….” And they decide to investigate.
(If anyone is uncomfortable imagining them as their canon ages (8 years old), we can say that this takes place after the incident with Solheim and the children are older (maybe 12 years old)).
Karin, even though she knows he is someone harsh, has no reason to distrust her father, so she asks Vincent if he knows what happened to Manon and/or if she has contacted him, which Karin does not know what she expected was for Vince to tell her that Manon was (supposedly) with her parents...lying to her. And Karin KNOWS when Vincent is lying, she pays attention when he thinks she isn't, he was talking to her in a similar way to how he talked to clients, when he didn't say what he thought, with that face...
(it's worse if Karin overhears Vincent at the party telling Rody directly that he doesn't know Manon, making her feel WORSE). And every time she insists on calling Manon or Vincent tells her something different, she doesn't get it, it's the same response. Although Karin could use some manipulation tactics to get something.
For example:
-“Did you fire her...?...or would she no longer want to see me...?”- STRAIGHT TO THE HEART---
With this, Vince could say that Manon hasn't contacted him, but it's DEFINITELY not because she didn't love Karin, but to stop asking because she wasn't going to get a different answer.
So, Karin and Klaus investigate on their own (Klaus asking Rody, taking notes on clues and the last time they saw Manon, etc).
IMAGINE WHEN THEY CHECK VINCENT'S APARTMENT WHEN HE AND RODY WORK, Klaus probably finds Manon's hair in the bathroom trash can, which is pretty weird (assuming Manon hasn't been there in weeks) and the kids rake EVERYTHING in the department, in every place looking for something more, but nothing. the only places missing are the refrigerator, and Vince's office (which Karin has access to because she can take out drawing sheets there).
Karin wouldn't know what to say, she would try to justify Vincent, saying that maybe he was hurt by her disappearance and didn't know how to process it, that maybe they were at enmity and didn't want to say it, but Klaus was completely blank, and Karin knew she couldn't defend it. They both know, Vincent has something to do with everything. Something happened to Manon and they are going to find out...
Taking the keys to the refrigerator would be difficult, since Vince's room is off-limits unless Karin has a nightmare (not very likely now that she's 12), but if they do it when Vince is working and go downstairs when he's smoking, well…there is an opportunity.
I think in a scenario where Vincent doesn't catch them in the act, they take the necklace and lock themselves in Karin's room at the restaurant (like that scene in Coraline), get under the covers, and try to convince themselves that everything is a nightmare, this can't be real, MANON HAS TO BE WELL—
By the time Rody goes to pick up Klaus and Karin for THEIR weekend together, and Vince wants to find the key to the refrigerator, it's already too late as he sees the kids' rolling eyes...
And if we talk about whether Vince catches them in the act like in the game...
First of all, PAN, but unlike with Rody, Vince is not willing to kill the children, much less Karin, but he also couldn't let something like that come to light, let it be seen that way- let KARIN see him that way. Maybe he could leave them in their beds until morning and then they'd think it was a bad dream (Vince would spend all night cleaning up the remains left in the freezer and probably gave them painkillers so they wouldn't notice the blow), maybe he could feign ignorance and pretend he didn't know Manon's necklace was there.
(Or if there was a confrontation like in the game, Vince would most likely try to explain his twisted reasoning (the kids maybe being shielded by Rody), it was SUPPOSED to be for THEM, they loved Manon SO MUCH, he was supposed to THEY WILL ENJOY (and they did, depending on the ending)) THIS WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!
(Lowkey, Vince would be trying to blame Rody/Klaus for this, for making Karin HATE him without taking into account that he caused this. And yes, the dish made with Manon was served to Karin and Klaus here, not to Rody. There is more but this is already super long).
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elvenbeard · 6 months
For the dark oc asks: 1, 13, and 15 if you have the time/want to :3c
1.Excluding murder, what is the worst thing your OC has ever done?
Objectively... working for Arasaka, probably? xD Which is pretty vague as an answer, but neither before nor after he contributed to things as fucked up as what Arasaka does. Now, he obviously didn't personally deliver illegal guns to war zones to stirr up conflicts so somewhere some rich people could benefit from the death and destruction and whatnot. He didn't come up with political schemes and ploys, he didn't have any personal grudges against anyone he worked against. He was a tiny cogwheel in a huge machinery with seemingly little impact and say, but I think that makes how bad this all was even worse. He turned a blind eye to what exactly he was supporting and doing, to the effects his actions had on other people, because as an otherwise very empathetic person he wouldn't have been able to continue working there. And in the grand scheme of things he really enjoyed his job, the data analysis, the scheming, the planning, the euphoria when something worked out exactly as it was supposed to, being a part of something bigger for the first time in his life. He definitely lost a bit of himself in the process, which led to him at some point betraying someone he deeply cared for - but in that moment he cared more for keeping the life he had built for himself.
13. Who does your OC hate the most?
Johnny Silverhand, no doubt xD Not all the time, not in the end, but he never hated someone as fiercely as him for a while, especially in the beginning and especially after his bender - and especially because they aren't that different from each other in their personalities, and Vince hated that more than anything.
Not even his abusive mother comes close in terms of people he hated at some point, and Vince was more scared of her than truly hating her, but she's a close second.
In general though Vince doesn't hate easily or strongly, he doesn't hold grudges for long or at all.
15. If you draw: draw your OC's darkest moment or reimagine your OC as a demon.
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"You wouldn't shoot me, V, even if you wanted to. You and me, we both know that."
Vince's darkest moment for him personally happened some time in early 2076. He's had dark moments before and very dark moments afterwards, usually dominated by despair and a sense of hopelessness. I mentioned above that his time at Arasaka changed him, and not for the better. Everything that happened there, who he was or pretended to be at that time, brought him to this moment here. He had to go against his most important conviction that he'd never before or after gone against: betraying a loved one for personal gain. To be fair, it wasn't only about gaining something, as the situation was complex and awful all around, but keeping his superiors', Jenkins', Arasaka's trust, keeping his position and status, was a deciding factor. He still occasionally has nightmares about it all, as a trigger was pulled that day and only he got out of the situation alive.
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wombywoo · 3 months
for the ask thingy: 26, 33, 50, 60, 68, 72, 78, 79. sorry if this is a lot I just love your ocs :'D <3
thank you for asking <33
26. Who gets jealous most often? How does their S/O deal with that?
Umm..Vincent. He's very protective, and probably a bit possessive of Quinn. If he sees him being hit on, it makes him feel a bit ill, lol. Quinn finds it kind of comical, truthfully. Sometimes he even plays it up just to get Vincent really heated. And then that leads to...well...😏
33. Which one of them gives "that look" when they other is acting like a fool?
I think they both have variations of 'the look'. Vincent gives Quinn a scathing expression anytime he's doing something particularly stupid, eyebrows raised, nostrils flared. Quinn is a master of the scowl, but the one he pulls when Vincent does something embarrassing is particularly noteworthy
50. Who's the romantic?
Vincent for sure. He knows how to treat his man, all attention and devotion, and takes pride in it. I think Quinn is...sort of romantic in his own way, he just has a harder time expressing it
60. Are they willing to show PDA? If not, is there a reason?
Quinn, definitely yes. Vince is a bit more reserved--he prefers quieter, more private moments, whereas Quinn wants to make out anywhere, lol. I think Vincent gets self-conscious, and doesn't want anyone to get the wrong impression (vampire/human relationships are still taboo, so there's that)
68. Who is more vocal? Who is more experienced?
Quinn for both. I'm assuming this is in the bedroom, but yeah--he's got more experience and he's..uh...not quiet about it, lmao
72. If someone flirted with or showed an interest in their S/O, how would the other react?
This goes with the above answer--Vincent hates it. He tries not to, but it's his gut reaction to protect Quinn from any advances. Before they were together, he had to restrain this urge a lot, and it still hurts to see him with others (especially because deep down, he does think Quinn would be better off with someone else).
If Vincent was the one getting flirted with, Quinn would react nonchalantly at first--he might be amused and play along, but after a bit, it might strike him that 'hey, that's my man', and he'd get pissed off
78. Who has memorised the other's medical history?
Vincent has got Quinn's down pat. He likes to keep himself up to date with anything and everything relating his medical ordeals, so he's actually the reason Quinn has been keeping up with his physicals and such.
79. Also, are they each other's first contact in an accident?
Not currently. Quinn's emergency contact is his dad, and Vincent's is his roommate. But eventually...I think they'd prioritize each other <3
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