#(but i want to write! interact with people and have antics ya know)
alotofpockets · 2 months
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Serious about you | Leah Williamson x Lioness!Reader
Where you cross a line with your best friend
Warnings: smut (with a plot), 18+ MDNI
A/n: @scribblesofagoonerr thank you for your support throughout writing this one!
Woso masterlist | Words: 2.2k
“Leah!” You yell out for your best friend when you see her walk through the doors of St. George’s Park for the first time since she had done her ACL. At the sound of your voice she turns around with a smirk on her face, “You’re happy I’m here, aren’t ya? Your day just got ten times better darling’.” You roll your eyes and hug her. 
“Always happy to see you, but the comeback makes it just a tad bit more special.” Leah’s smirk grew impossibly bigger. “Knew you thought I was special.” There was only so much of Leah’s flirty personality you could take at once until your body would go into panic mode, so you decided you had to step away. “Yeah, great seeing you, I gotta gay- go! I gotta go.” You quickly walk off cursing yourself, while Leah’s proud smile goes right past you.
Beth, who noticed the whole interaction, followed you out of the hall. “I see your crush on Leah is going well.” You sink into one of the chairs in the room. “Oh god, people saw that?” The blonde chuckles, “I think everyone saw you run off with a face like a tomato.” What a great start to camp you thought while your face was slowly returning to its regular colour.
“When are you just going to tell her about your feelings?” Beth was well aware of your feelings for the Lionesses Captain, as she was often the one you came to for advice and a listening ear. Her being your roommate this camp would probably come very handy for those reasons, besides Beth of course being a great friend of yours.
“You know I can't, Beth. Everybody knows Leah doesn't do serious relationships.” It was well known that Leah hadn’t had a serious relationship since Jordan, every girl she had seen since was just a meaningless hookup, so there really was no use in you ever confessing your feelings for her. 
Once you’ve come down from your embarrassing moment on the first day back at camp, you and Beth join the rest of the girls again. It was great seeing everyone again, and your embarrassment was soon forgotten.
The next morning the dining hall was buzzing with energy and laughter. Everyone was happy to be reunited, and was catching up on the time since they had last seen each other. Beth nudged your shoulder, “Look who’s coming over.” 
Your heart started racing as Leah walked in your direction with a beaming smile. Internally you were screaming at yourself, Leah was your best friend, you shouldn’t panic every time she’s near. It used to not be this bad, but ever since Leah started making flirty comments towards you, your brain just went full mush.
“Morning, love. Did you sleep well?” You tried to sound casual, but your mind went a little numb at the nickname she only used on you. “Morning, Lee. Yeah, I slept well. How about you?”
“I slept great. Any plans for today?” Oh god she wanted to have an even longer conversation, while you still had the love on your mind. You glance at Beth for help, but she just raises an eyebrow and smiles, clearly enjoying your discomfort. “Uhm well just training with the team and recovery after.”
Leah nods contently, “Alright sounds good. I’ll make sure we’re paired up for drills so we can catch up some more.” You smile and nod, “Looking forward to it.” Leah smiles and turns around to get her own breakfast. 
You turn back to Beth, “Looking forward to it? Why did I say that?” Beth rolls her eyes, “Well, clearly because you’re in love with the woman.” You groan, “Don’t say that out loud!” Beth laughs at your antics, “Relax, it’s just drills. Also, it’s just Leah.” With a huff you respond, “Yeah, just Leah. Mind telling my mind that when it stops working when she’s near?”
One thing about Leah was that when it concerned football, she was always serious. So, while you were running drills with her as your partner, the flirty side of Leah subsided. It wasn’t like she was only serious, you were still having fun while training. You were actually very much enjoying spending time with Leah like this, no embarrassing yourself this way.
Over the next couple of days the team was in full training mode, which came with plenty of recovery where you would relax with the girls. There were movie nights where Leah would sit besides you and put her arm around the back of the couch, and team walks where Leah would always find her way to your side. 
Tonight on the final day before your first match, you joined a few of the girls to recover in the hotel hot tub. You were deep in conversation with Beth and Lotte when Leah walked up to the hot tub, “Got room for one more?” She takes off her training top, leaving her in her sports bra and shorts like the rest of the girls. Only since Leah wasn’t like the rest of the girls to you, your eyes fell on her toned stomach, making you fully space out on the conversation you were having. 
“Earth to y/n.” Beth says loud enough for only you and Lotte to hear. You snap your eyes away from Leah at Beth poking your shoulder. “You’re drooling.” You want to defend yourself, but you know there is no use since she had seen you staring on full display. 
You tried your best to keep your eyes away from Leah, but each time you glanced over you were either faced with a smile or a smirk from the blonde, making your heart beat faster. On the other side of the hot tub, outside of your field of hearing Keira nudged Leah, “I think you might give her a heart attack if you keep flexing, mate.” Which only made Leah smirk again.
Slowly more and more of the girls started leaving the hot tub, until only you and Leah were left. She sat with her arms spread over the edge of the small pool, and you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander. You don’t know what came over you to check her out without anyone around the two of you to cause enough distraction for it to go unnoticed. 
“Are you just going to keep staring from the other side, or are you going to come join me?” Leah asked with glint behind her eyes that you couldn’t quite place. You move across the hot tub and sit down beside her. She moves her arm that was laying on the edge behind you to your shoulder and starts drawing patterns on it with her fingers.
You hadn’t said a word to Leah since the other girls left, and your eyes were focussed on a glimmer in the water. Leah was doing things to your body right now that you couldn’t control. “You had no problem checking me out when the girls were here, what has gotten you so shy now?” Your only reaction was the blush spreading over your cheeks and the way you swallowed hard. Leah moved her other arm to turn your head her way softly by your chin. She was about to say something, when she realised that you were staring at her lips.
Leah starts slowly leaning in, to give you enough time to stop what was about to happen. You didn’t make her stop, so she placed her lips gently on yours. When Leah realised you weren’t kissing her back, she quickly pulled away again. “Sorry, I thought there was a vibe.” That’s the moment you sprung to life. “There was, sorry.” Leah’s smile returned to her face, “There was?” You nod and lean in this time.
You knew you should stop, but this was the only way you would ever have Leah and besides every fibre in your body telling you that this was only going to end up hurting you, you just couldn’t stop. Before you knew it, you were sitting in Leah’s lap and the two of you were fully making out. 
When Leah’s hands started moving up your thighs, you broke the kiss and halted her. Leah was about to apologise, but you were quick to speak first, “It’s okay, just not here.” You said looking around. Even though the area was currently empty, it was still a public place, and you were not about to have a stranger or even worse one of your teammates walk in on you.
With big towels around your bodies, you made it to Leah’s room. Leah had never been happier to have a room to herself during camp, the perks of being the captain. Without missing a beat, she closes the door behind you and pushes you up against it. Every thought of this not being a good idea left your mind the moment she slotted her leg between yours.
Leah’s hands roamed your body, losing both your towels in the process. It all happened very fast, the next thing your remaining clothes were scattered around Leah’s room and you were laying in her bed. Leah was laying on top of you and kissing your neck, with her hands between your legs. 
The pleasure she was bringing you with simply her lips and her fingers, was overwhelming and perfect at the same time. At no point did you want her to stop, even telling her “More.” A couple of times between pants, which Leah happily obliged to. 
You didn’t realise you had fallen asleep until you woke up the next morning, still naked in Leah’s bed. At first you’re a little disoriented but then it all comes flooding back to you. You crossed a line with your best friend. Your best friend that you were in love with. Your best friend who is the captain of your team. 
Quickly but quietly you get out of bed and put on a clean training kit from Leah, since yours was still wet from carelessly being thrown on the floor last night. You take your own stuff with you and throw it in the laundry on your way back to your own hotel room.
“Well good morning to you, stranger.” You had hoped Beth had still been asleep and you could pretend that you had come in after she had gone to bed last night, but all of that was out the window now that she was looking at you with questions behind her eyes. You confess everything to Beth, who simply cheers you on for finally acting on your feelings. It doesn’t feel that way to you though, Leah didn’t know about your feelings, and knowing Leah this was just a one time thing. At least that was what you were telling yourself. 
Before you could talk about it more, you had to head to breakfast since you had an early bus to take for your first match. You didn’t get to talk to Leah, and quite honestly you were trying your best to ignore her for the time being. 
The first time you interacted with Leah was after the match when you had given your jersey to a fan in the strands. Leah had rushed to your side and handed you her jacket. You thanked her before bringing your focus back to the fans. 
On the bus ride back, you avoided Leah again, opting to sit next to Lotte instead of Leah or Beth. You didn’t know what you wanted, but talking about last night was definitely not it. Back at SGP everyone goes their own way again. You opt on staying with some of the girls in the lounge and put on a movie. About halfway into the movie Keira walks in, “Hey y/n, Leah wants to see you in the meeting hall.” 
You curse yourself, this was it. You had ruined your national career because you couldn’t stop yourself. Nervously you opened the door and found Leah leaning against one of the tables with her arms crossed. Her first words came as a surprise to you, “Why did you leave this morning?”
For a moment you don’t know what to say, standing in front of her with a slightly furrowed brow. “You wanted me to stay?” Leah’s serious expression softened, “Yes, of course I wanted you to stay.” You take a deep sigh, knowing you need to speak your mind. “Lee, last night was… amazing, but you don’t do serious relationships. I left because I didn’t want to make it awkward.”
Leah realises what you’re talking about. “Look, I know I’ve got a bit of a reputation concerning that, but this is different. I haven’t brought a girl home for months because you’ve been clouding my mind. I’m serious about you. Last night meant everything to me, and if it did for you too, I would really like to explore this new territory with you.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, Leah was feeling similar to how you were feeling about her? “It did mean everything to me too. I- sorry, I didn’t expect this, I am a bit at a loss for words.” Leah smiled and stepped towards you. “Maybe instead of using words, I can kiss you?” You nod and Leah crashes her lips on yours. 
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familiaanteomnia · 2 years
the urge to add new muses vs being a reasonable person
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 5 months
Hiya!! (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) I love your stories and your OCs a lot and i read them everyday. Especially loving your Damon, Knoxx, and Eros 😘. Would you mind to write a scenario when Y/n teasingly calling them "husband" one day when talking to their friends like : "Oh, me and my husband just doing something" and their reaction to that lol. Thank you very much (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Yandere! Jock, cowboy, and Villain with their darling calling them "husband"
This is really cute djadjasdja like if ya'll watch tiktok, you know that one trend where the gf "mistakenly" calls their boyfriend husband? THATTTT I like that trend. It's sweet and cute (except for that one viral boyfriend who obviously hated it. I felt bad for the girl ;-;)
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Damon was a bit inebriated that day.
After the gruelling day's work of grinding his ass off, proving to his coach that you aren't a bad influence on his sports career, all he wanted to do is lie by your side and kiss your soft, supple cheek. Maybe cuddle, touch... Run his rough, calloused fingers down your skin, tease the hem of your shirt...
He tenses, feeling the blood rush between his legs. He needs to calm down if he doesn't want to scare you into ignoring him again.
Ah, those days were quite painful.
Speaking of, did he feed Venus that day? He can't remember.
Drinking more of the beer one of his teammates offered, he wiped his lips dry. They were celebrating the fact that they got in the preliminaries for the national team. Just one more step and--
"Pah!" Damon exclaimed, his throat bubbling deliciously from the froth. "That's a good beer. Hmm~ I want to see my cute darling..." He even used that dastardly nickname he uses for you.
He smashed the can to the floor and stood up, excited to find you. "Don't you dare all follow me. I want to see my darling alone." He threatened to his teammates who only chuckled at his antics.
He skipped towards the Education building, drunk and confidently giddy. He doesn't care if he's caught drunk, but he just wants to see you.
Then, there you are. Talking to your friends who were asking for help in their Lesson Plans.
"Darling!" His eyes lit up like lights blaring down, bounding towards you. The ground shook a bit even due to the sheer force of his powerful legs and weight. "I miss you..."
He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, burying his face and nibbling on your outfit a bit.
"Ah..." you blinked, not expecting this. Is he drunk? Well, he smells like it.
The friends flushed red from the sudden display of affection and looked away, excusing themselves as they decided to run away. Annoyed, you looked at Damon. It's the first time you saw him drunk.
Wanting to tease him a bit, you gave him a gentle pet on the head and hummed. "I miss you too, my husband."
He froze, his whole body rigid as your words took 10 seconds to register.
You just said husband, right?
He looked up at you. And sure enough, you are giving him an affectionate, almost domestic look as you hummed a bit. "My husband is so drunk. Hah, I don't really like drunk people."
Oh god. He's sober now. He cleared his throat, washing his face with his hands. He can feel the heat running through his body and to his neck, then his face.
"Ah... W-wife..." He whispered, holding your hand. He feels extremely shy now, but really happy.
Knoxx has just finished feeding all of his horses.
It's been a long day of rounding up his animals, patrolling the whole town, talking with the mayor, interacting with the residents, helping them with their shit...
Knoxx can't even take a break.
Seriously, who's the sheriff or mayor here again? It sure ain't him.
"Sorry, boy." He whispered as he caresses the mane of his horse, Red. "I didn't mean to neglect ya. We'll have our walk tomorrow mornin'. How's that sound?"
As if to answer, Red whinnied and huffed out air from his nostrils.
Knoxx felt his body ache from the whole day of activities. All he wants is to rest on his bed, sleep, and dream of nothing. He looked down at his muddy work boots and pondered if there's something he forgot.
"Ah shit... Darlin..." Knoxx groaned, feeling ashamed that he forgot about you.
He can feel the bile rising to the back of his throat. It's a date night too. And it's already 7pm, way past the meeting time. His skin crawled from the cold air and the quiet air. He just knew he fucked up.
He slowly slid down to the floor, burying his face on his knees. He's so overwhelmed that it's not even funny for the usually calm man. He can feel his ears ring, his heart hurting from the fact that he forgot about you. Fuck this day, fuck the mayor, fuck the people, and fuck himself for forgetting you.
He can imagine your disappointment painting your face as you thought he stood you up, waiting in your beautiful dress as the people wondered where he is. His fingers and toes curled as he buried his face deeper to his knees.
He'll just explain to you tomorrow. What time will the florist be open again? Also, where is his mother's cookie recipe sheet?
He shakily stood up, chuckling weakly at Red's attempt to nuzzle him. "Not now boy. Dad's kind of... Sad. I stood up your mom." Red whinnied again, perking at the word mom and started looking for you.
Knoxx sighed again and pat Red once more before walking outside of the building.
As he sluggishly opened the door to his home, he froze when he realized it's unlocked. And is that stew he smells?
He looked down to remove his shoes and froze again. A pair of shoes. Shoes that are so familiar. He trembled.
Not bothering to remove them entirely at the front, he stumbled as he ran to the kitchen. His heavy footsteps echoing on the floorboards as it creaked.
And there you are, stirring the stew you cooked with a smile on your face.
"Hi Knoxx." You giggled, a bit shy. "I saw how much you ran around the town today. ANd I kind of knew that you're not gonna be able to attend our date. So I decided to surprise you by cooking. You were working so hard too."
You wiped your hands on the apron and approached him. You gently grabbed his face, cupping his cheeks. Instantly, Knoxx melted at your gentle touch and leaned to his left, the stress leaving his visage.
"Wife..." He muttered lowly, making you blink and chuckle.
"Husband..?" You said, a bit unsure but giggling at the face he showed.
Red, shocked, shy, and happy. The previous look in which he looked like the world collapsed on him, was exchanged with a look that says that you're the most precious thing in the world.
Eros has done it again.
He threatened Yuno once more because of his stupid mouth.
It was just supposed to be a nice, relaxing cup of tea with the Empress. She just wants to catch up, see if she can weasel her way into how's Eros' mind work. After all, with Yuno's position as a crown prince being shook due to the scandal, the Empress wanted to see if there's a way to make her son the crown prince again and not that arrogant Callisto.
But the Empress found herself trembling at the presence of Eros. He may be lowkey these past few months, but he's still a warlord of intelligent standards. That cold, calculated look in her eyes always struck fear in her. She also remembered how Eros exposed his own mother, a pedophile, and had her executed sadistically with a rusty axe.
The Empress then discreetly called for Yuno, excused herself, then placed Yuno in that uncomfortable spot to "reconcile".
What's there to reconcile when Yuno's ex-fiancee is rumored to be dating the Duke?
Yuno was trembling as he watched Eros sip his tea calmly, a bloodthirsty glint in Eros' eyes.
"Yuno, may I know what's going on in your head?" A line of a polite man, but the distant coldness in his tone was surfacing. Yuno gulped and decided to talk his annoying mouth again.
"So, y/n..."
Eros gripped the teacup in his hand. small cracks forming.
"Did they seduce you that much? Or are they pregnant that you have to take responsibility?"
The sound of broken porcelain, a terrified shriek, and the sudden influx of dark mana spreading around the vicinity of the greenhouse.
"Do not talk to y/n like that." Eros gravely tone came out. "I do not like filthy pigs like you being hypocritical about the situation."
"B-but how did the two of you even know each other? There's no other way to explain it really. They were really head over heels with me too!" Arrogant yet wrong, Yuno blurted out stupidly and that made Eros even angrier.
And that's how he found himself. His arm, with pulsing veins running across the muscular appendage, wound itself on Yuno's collar. His eyes filled with bloodthirsty rage that one cannot fathom the depth of the emotions in them.
The air was full of tension. As if one wrong move will make Eros ballistic.
Then, the door opened and a familiar voice made Eros falter slightly.
"Yes, your imperial Majesty..." You inwardly sighed. You were just supposed to visit the Imperial library to know more if there are other cases of reincarnation like you. But the Empress knew of your entry and had to rush off to where you are to convince (command) you to talk to Yuno. Talk about luck. "I will talk to Yuno..."
When your eyes finally landed in front, you froze from the scene in front of you. The air was thick with dark mana too that you can even feel some pour inside of you despite not intaking them. That's how thick it is.
And you saw Yuno suffocating from the dense mana that seems to clash with his. So, in a panic in not making Eros a royal murderer and you an accomplice, you rushed towards the still Eros and tackled him in a hug.
"My loving husband! You're here! I've been looking everywhere for you!" You can feel sweat pouring on your back as your lips trembled from telling those words.
You somehow know that Eros adored you greatly. Maybe romantically. Well, not maybe. You know that he's deeply attached to you for some reason. You had suspicions that he remembers the past too, so you have to get close to him no matter what.
Even if it meant being brash like this.
Yuno's jaw slacked, his eyes wide. Husband? The fuck you mean husband?
"COUGH! COUGH!" Yuno coughed out saliva and spittle when Eros' grip loosened and he fell to the ground. He looked at you once more, betrayal on his face. "W-what do you mean husband?!"
Eros finally moved. He moved in front of you protectively and held your hand. "Yes. Husband. We were supposed to announce it at a later date, but we got married secretly. An elopement if you will." Eros lied smoothly. But gods is his heart pumping so fast that it's embarrassing.
He doesn't know why you called him husband. It honestly confused him. But he loves it so much. It rang true in his ears, and is intending to make it stay that way.
So, with a kiss on your hand, he took you away from that greenhouse with a triumphant, calm smirk on his face.
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Mahiru, Akane, Miu, Tenko, Kaede, Ibuki and Non-despair Junko Shy or Quite Male reader who is affectionate and energetic in private? Ya know like they only talk when talked to, they’re not good at talking, but over Text and in private they’re super giggly and Loving?
I had to do Mahiru’s part twice because the window reloaded without it saving
Also, I dunno what it is, but writing these on a laptop is so much easier
Mahiru, Akane, Miu, Tenko, Kaede, Ibuki and Junko with a Quiet Male Reader Who’s Affectionate in Private
Mahiru Koizumi
Your quietness really threw her off at first
You seemed so secretive and mysterious
So she tried to get you to speak, to get to the bottom of who you were
Which didn’t work, due to her impatience
But she approached you with a much kinder demeanor, and got you to open up
And so, you started dating
She was not ready for what you were really like behind closed doors
The first time she opened the door, and you ran up and hugged her, she just kinda stood there like “what’
You reminded her of Ibuki
It was a lot, but she adjusted to it
Your clinginess could be overbearing, but something about it felt really nice
As for your energy, she’s friends with Ibuki, so she knows how to deal with it
She knows how to rein it in but keep you entertained
Mahiru wasn’t ready for the sudden change in behavior, but it makes her smile nonetheless
Akane Owari
Your quietness was a little odd, but she didn’t have any issues with it
Although, it did make her very curious about you
It honestly made her wanna fight you, because she thinks the quiet people are the strongest
But instead, she ended up dating you
But if you wanna fight her, she won’t say no
And she never considered that you were completely different in private
So when you jumped on her out of nowhere, she kinda just malfunctioned
“Uhhh... What are you doing?”
But when she recovered, she just awkwardly patted you on the back
She did get used to it as time went on, though
She does enjoy your affection, and your energy makes her smile
So even though it was super unexpected, Akane still loves you for everything you are
Miu Iruma
Oh she had her sights on you since the beginning
She spent so much of her time trying to get you to speak and challenging your shyness by flirting with you
She literally pinned you to a wall trying to fluster you
And while she did successfully fluster you once or twice, she could not manage to get you to speak
Until you got together, and she was in for quite the surprise
As it turns out, you were quite clingy
She was incredibly caught off guard when you jumped on her
“Wh-What the fuck?!”
So you finally decide to speak, and it’s only behind closed doors
She’s pretty salty about it
And she pretends to be annoyed with your private persona, but she does love it on the inside
Tenko Chabashira
I did a male and female version here
Male Reader
She was suspicious of you from the beginning
Out of all the degenerate males she’s met, you were the most closed off
Which of course, meant you were planning the worst things
So she mainly kept an eye on you without directly interacting with you
But you didn’t seem to hang out with anyone, boys or girls
You just kept to yourself
So she approached you and asked what your problem was, and you just stated you were shy
One thing led to another, and boom! You’re dating
She was a little tsundere-ish towards you, but she ain’t letting anyone make you uncomfortable
She did not expect you to be much more lovey-dovey than you let on
When you jumped on her, she kind of just pushed you off out of instinct
She pretended to be annoyed by your antics, but it secretly made her smile
     Female Reader
Like the male version, she noticed you immediately, but for a different reason
Instead of being averse to you, she was drawn to you
The way you were so closed off to everyone made her concerned about you, and she assumed some degenerate male did something to you in the past
So she tried to get you to speak, not because she wanted to make you uncomfortable, but because she genuinely wanted to get to know you
And after she did, y’all began dating
She still adored you all the same, no matter how quiet you were
But she was in for quite the surprise when you met in private
In contrast to your shy, quiet demeanor, you clung onto her while energetically complimenting her
She froze for a moment, but then she pulled you close and started gushing over how adorable you were
She’s glad to know it wasn’t some degenerate male’s fault, but she was still hella protective over you
Maybe even more after she discovered this revelation
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaede was curious about you
She was always interested in the quieter, shyer types
So she tried to befriend you right off the bat
She hung around you a lot, trying to understand you
You were like Maki, but less, well, prickly
Eventually, she understood you well enough to date you
And when she opened the door to find herself engulfed in your embrace, she was surprised, but in a pleasant way
She smiled to herself and hugged you back, feeling so warm inside that you were ready to be vulnerable with her
Ibuki Mioda
Oh she attached herself to you immediately
You looked really cool and she wanted to be your friend
So she followed you around, talking to you while trying to get you to talk back
She was unsuccessful most of the time, but she kept trying
Fast forward to later, when you start dating
She still wanted you to open up a little to her, but she still loved you all the same
But when she came to see you, and you immediately clung onto her, she was so freaking overjoyed
She just pulled you close while matching your energy and gushing over how happy she was
Didn’t matter if it was behind closed doors, you finally opened up to her
Junko Enoshima (non-despair)
She also had her eyes on you
As the popular high school girl, she could get anyone to talk to or “befriend” her
But you didn’t connect to anyone
You made her curious, and she wanted to get to the bottom of who you were
She spent more time with you, initially to figure you out
She teased you, prodded you to talk, anything she knew how to do
But she got nothing every time
Later on, she ended up genuinely connecting to you
And that connection eventually formed into a real, romantic relationship
She gave up trying to get you to open up, but all hope wasn’t lost
For when she came to see you, you jumped on her and clung onto her
She was caught off guard, but then she celebrated
“Ha! I knew you would open up eventually! Nobody can resist Junko Enoshima!”
But when she was done, she smiled and pulled you close while petting your hair
She had finally gotten what she wanted, and she was glad you trusted her enough to be vulnerable
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onmyyan · 3 years
Hi its me again. I love your writing and the fact that there isn't as much abuse like there is in others. It reminds me of old yandere stories were it was genuine lovesickness. Anyway, how do you think jjba yanderes would react to a darling that is taller and more muscular than them by quite a bit. You can do whoever you like I don't mind.
A/N: Omg ily🥺 it means a lot you said all that because I really love this genre it’s my comfort trope anyway thank you for the request n I hope ya like it!! Kira should be a trigger warning in an of itself but dw he’s just weird, not mean. Mentions of his past ‘girlfriends’, a curse word or two, lil suggestive in someplace’s Mista murks a few people, tw//gun violence
Characters: Pt2 Joseph, Josuke, Kira, Mista
Joseph was used to looking down on people, standing at a proud 6’5” he was literally and figuratively knocked on his ass when he’d first laid eyes on you, his immediate thought was you were a forgotten pillarman coming from nowhere to get revenge for your masters only to quickly realize you were just a stallion. You were strong enough to put him on his back after one too many cheeky comments. Unafraid to speak your mind and keep him in check, You would stare down at him with that mind melting smirk, all too aware of his frustrations, you assumed he was just being a man, ashamed to be outclassed by someone other than himself, oh honey how wrong you were. You enjoyed teasing the behemoth of a man as no one else really could, at least not as well as you did, throughout your little jabs and snark he always had a retort, a response on the tip of his tongue, eager to do this dance of yours until one of you broke, to you he was a way too cocky dangerously self assured pretty boy who was entertainingly easy to rile up, but to Joseph, you were his everything. Someone he could proudly take home to Granny Erina once he’d finally tamed you. He had a plan, a three step plan to steal your heart just as you’d done his, and this little game of who could annoy the other the most was just step 1. “It’s been fun JoJo but you’re gonna have to find someone else to bother.” You’d jokingly said one day out of the blue, an odd friendship had formed through the month you’d been in town and it felt wrong to leave without notice, an act of kindness you’d learn to regret. “Is this one of your famous jokes (Y/n)? Not so funny to play with a mans heart like that I nearly believed you.” He finished with a scoff, his signature smirk not reaching his eyes. “It’s true Joseph, my flight leaves tomorrow, I didn’t wanna leave without saying goodbye, because as much as we fuck around you’re pretty fun to hang out with.” Your sincerity almost made him feel bad about rushing the next few steps of his plan, he’d have to cram months of planning into a night but he’d accomplished more with less time on his side. He huffed, his grin stretched wide across his handsome features. “Then we outta make tonight count eh?” A thick arm was tossed around your neck, you had to bend awkwardly for this to be possible much to your amusement. “Okay you weirdo, whatever you say.” You let him lead you around town with a grin, unaware you’d be missing that plane, and any other one you tried to take without him.
Josuke watched you eat with the dopiest grin on his face, he’d spent an extra hour in the mirror this morning in preparation for your first official date! Well you didn’t exactly know it it was a date and Okayasu was eating rather messily beside you two but still! You’d actually agreed to come to Toni’s with him! You’d been an enigma since you transferred to the bizarre town, choosing to keep to yourself, and despite the intimidating height and mass you possessed, he saw through your act in seconds. There was a huge softie under all that muscle, he’d watched you enough to know this as a fact, you were a gem and he was intent on showing you his appreciation and adoration for the rest of his days, a vow he’d silently taken the day you’d stolen his heart, the moment was brief in reality but it lasted forever in his mind, you smiled at him in passing, he could feel time slow down, everyone around you faded in the background, a backdrop to the beginning of your story. He could imagine telling your kids how you’d met, something about the way you’d stare down at him, eyes sharp and attentive, like you truly listened when people spoke, your laugh was loud when it was real and every time he heard it he felt 10 years added to his lifespan. At the same time that icky feeling at another person making you laugh was conflicting, he’d never been in love before but he suddenly understood why his mom had never given up on his dad, love was weird but he wouldn’t give it up for anything. You’d accidentally snapped your chopsticks laughing too hard at a joke he’d tossed out, your face scrunched in embarrassment before chuckling at yourself and switching to a fork, his stand came out on its own, pocketing the shards to fix later, a new item for his ever growing collection, what a cute little memento from your first date! His thoughts swirled happily with the stories you’d be telling your kids. Thankfully neither of you noticed his little pickpocket moment, dangerous plans forming as he stared at you with those misleadingly soft puppy dog eyes.
Kira could die in this moment, happily I might add, as your firm but soft hand was wrapped oh so deliciously around his throat threatening to crush it with ease at the slightest movement. He’d been watching you for a while now, the longest he’d ever spent on someone he didn’t plan to kill, it become sort of hobby he’d picked up recently, the morally upsetting activity bringing peace to his day to day, usually he used his stand to carefully observe your routine, eager to learn all he could about his future spouses likes and desires, but he was getting greedy. Of course he could always introduce himself but he resisted, knowing there was a time and place to get exactly what he wanted. He liked to think he knew everything about you by now, your favorite color, how you liked your coffee, your love for cats, but he didn’t anticipate this. You were much more observant than he’d given you credit for, while you couldn’t see his stand you could sense yourself being watched, and seeing the large blonde lurking indiscriminately in the crowds throughout the day was enough to set you off. So you trailed off into the less crowded parts of town quickly entering an alleyway, he followed in pure confusion only to be roughly slammed into the wall, his stand came out on reflex but simply stared at his attacker, it seemed almost confused as what to do. “Why the hell are you following me pretty boy?” His eyes rolled to the back of his head at the feel of your fingers tightening, god he’d never felt this rush of exhilaration, none of his past ‘girlfriends’ could pull such an illicit reaction from him with a simple touch. When he didn’t answer you simply scoffed and tossed him aside like it was nothing. You left with a threat to stay out of your sight, yet all he could do was smile, the faint imprint of your fingers burned in his skin deliciously, how lucky could one man get?
Mista observed you with hungry eyes. His stare was unapologetically locked on your form. He made no intention to hide his attraction for you. The day you’d joined Buccarati’s crew was the day his world flipped. He assumed his new teammate would be no one to fuck with based on what Bruno told him about your stand, but when you walked in? Needing to bend down slightly just to enter the doorway had him sweating in his seat. He didn’t know what to say as he watched you happily interact with his fellow teammates, immediately you blended with the group, but all that was running through his mind were all the fun things you could do with those muscles. He usually stayed silent around you, not out of dislike as one would assume from his piercing gaze, but fear of accidentally voicing one of those nasty thoughts kept him quiet. You didn’t seem to mind though, always including him in the conversation, you even understood his very valid fear of that dreaded number! How could god plop such a perfect person in his lap and expect him to not do anything about it? Alas, Bruno had specifically told them not to make you uncomfortable with any flirting so he bit his tongue. Your aura was calming, a contrast to your powerful stand, speaking of, he couldn’t get his under control. Whenever they could Sex Pistols was out and all over you. They climbed and clamored for your attention, thankfully you didn’t seem to mind, always entertained their antics when you could, even giving each one a small peck when they wouldn’t let you leave for a mission without Mista, to say he was done for was an understatement, it took one mission going foul for his resistance to snap. His stand moved faster than it ever had, piercing the skulls of the idiots who brought you pain. He left the last one slowly bleeding out kneeling down to wipe the matted hair from your forehead, “You okay baby? Don’t worry honey I’ll make the bastard hurt.” He spoke not breaking eye contact, his hand pointed behind him, grip steady as he unloaded in the poor fool who thought it was a good idea to make you bleed, the wound was small, not even deep enough to trouble Giorno but that didn’t matter to Guido, any slight against you was disrespecting the future parent of his children, and what kind of man would he be if he didn’t defend your honor?
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sugasugawarau · 4 years
Happy New Years to you all! I’m a bit late in writing and posting this but I wanted to take the time to properly thank everyone who follows me for sticking with me :) I know I’m not the most active when it comes to writing or even making shitposts so I hope you know it means the world to me that you enjoy my content. While just because 2020 has ended does not mean things will get automatically better, know that you have the capability of making a difference both for yourself and others. I’m proud of you for coming this far and please remember to take care of yourself when you can <3
And I’d also like to take the time to thank some individuals who have made a huge impact on my tumblr experience and have made this year better under the cut! Be warned there are many words and also sorry for any typos I wrote this at 3am :D
I’m going to start off with a few major lo$ers (joking) aka my irl friends that have tumblr
@kbh-ton, @ashr00m, @kae-and-the-lost-dragons
Okay the fact that you all follow me here is EMBARRASSING because you have to endure perceiving me from a sorta totally different perspective but surprise hi,, ily 😹 I know ⅔ of you don’t even use tumblr that often but I digress!! Thank you?? Like I’m not kidding when I say I don’t know where I would be without any of you guys. Stinky pp Paul, you’ve been here with @/sugasugawarau since the beginning-ish and have always been supportive of my absolutely stupid ideas. And my sons AKA get cucked squad, this is going to be ultra sappy but I hope you know how proud I am of the both of you (but no thanks to one of you for teaching us about nussies 😕). Thank you all for tolerating my overthinking ass as well as whenever I get high from a lack of sleep and just in general bc I’m a constant mess of a human being; you are all the best people ik stfu I don’t take criticism.
To my first ever tumblr mutual, @tendouthighs
Hi Codie!! Ik we haven’t talked a lot lately but just know that I appreciate your endless kindness and how you’re able to keep up with my smooth brain antics in dms so much. You’re so funny and I’ll treasure all the jokes and headcanons we’ve made, I hope you’re taking care and doing well heading into 2021! 💖💕
To wife Lyra @yacoka
Miss… Thank you sm for dropping by my inbox all the way back in like June/July because otherwise I don’t think I’d ever have gotten the courage to dm you LOL. It would be an understatement to say that you’re the kindest and most easygoing person I’ve met on here - I hope you know how grateful I am to have met you and read your works (and for lending me your knives and just being so?? supportive??? truly idk how you do it but ily 😣❣️)
To wife Joy @lesbians4yaku
Joy!!! I really don’t know where to start because you’re just so amazing?? And we’ve been mutuals for as long as I can remember ajdjfka I’m just,, so glad to have met you and I hope you know how much I love seeing you on the dash, whether it’s being able to marvel at the genius that is your mind whenever you make a haikyuu shitpost or reading your tags. You always make me laugh and smile and I am wishing you both of those things in 2021 bc u deserve the best, love u 🤍🤍🤍
To Arell, the sweetest soul I know @g4nyu
You have a natural talent for being able to make me both soft ™ and also laugh as freely as Tanaka and Nishinoya with your relatable quips and jokes and I adore you for it. (Also.. can we talk about how absolutely gorgeous your writing is I will nvr shut up.. also also I am here whenever u need to be enabled to rave abt any and all Haikyuu or Genshin characters <33) ily and ty for being my mutual, I feel v lucky to have u in my life 🥺
To Cal, a goddess in her own right @heyhinata
Ma’am the way ily?? You’re beautiful inside and out and I have sm fun talking to you. Being able to call you a mutual and read your works is a blessing and I’m so glad we started talking in dms ajsjfja I’ll never forget plotting smaus with you to raving abt Genshin and making fun of B*n Sh*piro, hidden muppet 😍 Wishing you the best in all that you do!
To Rae, fellow Tim Hortona enthusiast @mehreya
Hi bae I just want to start off with a big thank you. You’re such a wonderful and invigorating person to talk to and I always feel at ease talking with you, and seeing you on my dash with your interactions with others is always a light in my day. And for u I will embrace the Oikawa kinnie in me any day <33 ly and have an amazing New Years 🥰
To Ria, the absolute best and only Ria ik @kumaoi
Omg hi sexc 😍 ahdjkfka idk if you’ll see this but hey,, fun fact even if we don’t talk as much as we used to I still love u sm and I hope you’re staying healthy and happy !! Meeting you was and still is one of the best highlights of my tumblr journey and I’ll always be grateful for your existence
To Gracie, writer of all things beautiful @sneezefiction
Gracie!! I hope you’ve been doing well since the last time we talked and that you’re enjoying the New Years to the fullest <3 You were also one of my earliest mutuals and I just wanted to say thank you for all the kindness you’ve shown me and for writing and sharing your works on tumblr. Sending love ! 💖
To the one and only angel, Yas @whipped-cream-writings
Yas bb we only became mutuals rather recently but I have sm love for you 🥺 Your kindness inspires me and your fics are the cutest things ever (pls,,, teach me how to write fluff ahfjfkka) Ilysm and I want to remind you that you’re so wonderful and amazing, sending you all my love for the upcoming year ahead !!
To Kay, who I will protect with my life @kayzume
Kay I don’t know how to even begin to put in words how glad I am to have met you in Lyra’s server,, you’re so sweet and you make me feel safe every time we talk. (Also THE DRAWINGS u made and shared with us,,, have I alr said ily bc ily and all that you do.) I know we haven’t chatted in a while but I’m sending you all my hugs and kithes always 💕💕💖
To mutuals I’ve interacted with some time during these months on tumblr and cherish a whole lot @taiyaaki @kageyuji @sophiawithstars @buddh-art @sa-suga @baeshijima @cherryonigiri @catharsisbabey @tris-does-stuff @tetsurolls @come-on-shitty-boys @iwas-angel @star-puff @voxamcris @azucanela @heartjime @miyafeuille @suikazura @deerixiie @hajiimes @skateme2yokohama @aliteama @yuujiya @omijime and many others but I think I hit the tagging limitajdhfka
Hi ily. You’re all such inspiring and talented individuals and while we may not interact frequently or know each other as well I wish we cld be ajfjjfa but I adore you all and I wish you an amazing New Year 🥺💖 (and if you ever want to talk, feel free to dm or smth! and I’ll try my best to be more active in popping into my mutual’s inboxes amhahshsj)
To the pillars of tumblr @sugardaddykenma @hina-wit-da-glock @nidaenk
You are all so special to me in that you are the reason I would wake up and get my butt on this hellsite and find so much fun and joy in the fandoms I enjoy - it’s not even the content you post but just,, your amazing and stellar personality and interactions with your followers and mutuals alike. Thank you for being a part of this weird space on the internet and I hope you are taking care and being kind to yourself, love u very much <33
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penrose-quinn · 3 years
Hi pen!! I'd like to ask what are your thoughts about Gojo? Cuz youre so good as decrypting characters and describing their deepest traits. I tend to linger in their shallow sode despite wanting to know them better. So please, if ever you have time to answer, please do!!! Thank you so much (also, youre one of the best writers I know out there and trust me, I know a lot.)
Heyoo, anon!!
Aww, thank you so much for this sweet message! I try writing these characters to the best of my understanding so this sent me flying to all sorts of places ❤️💜💙
So Gojo.
Where do I even start with this guy?
I actually love him more than I thought I did.
(There’s manga spoilers under the cut)
Tbh, Gojo actually reminded me of my eccentric professors in art school haha.
Back then, I just thought he was cool. The hype behind his character when the anime came out sort of ruined him for me, but because of that, other characters like Nanami and Geto (hell, even Mahito) outshined him so I understand where you're coming from, anon, about lingering to his more shallow sides. I didn't really have a deeper grasp on his character until I reread Hidden Inventory Arc again, followed by Shibuya Arc (ಥ_ʖಥ) and then the Prequel. And well, retreading back to some various interpretations of his character from fics.
It sort of led me to realize: "Wow, he must be the loneliest guy ever."
And it just clicked for me there.
Arguably, Gojo still has his students and he does have friends, but they do rely on him a lot and he always takes it upon himself to let them rely on him, given how many times he's worked his ass off saving kids from executions and keeping things in order (to the best of his abilities at least, before ya know). 
Before, Gojo had Geto to rely on, but now there's no Geto. There's just him. Who does the strongest rely on when you are in fact who everyone relies on and strives to be? Who has surpassed his limits, overcome death, and tipped the balance of the world? 
All that power, that responsibility - it’s such a lonely place to be in. 
And what’s worse is that it doesn’t seem like he’s allowed to show instances of weakness/vulnerability because there are larger consequences if he does. (ft. Shibuya Arc)
But that isn't to say Gojo is miserable. Far from it, really. But I do think he doesn't know how to properly handle his emotions - his grief.
And that’s actually another thing.
For a someone who is undoubtedly the strongest, he mourns.
Gojo mourns for his losses and loses so, so much. 
Because of that, he does his best to protect what he can. Goes out of his way to make people stronger because he realizes that he can’t always save everyone, despite the impossible feats he has accomplished by himself. (Which is honestly such a great development and motivation for his character.)
Also: I get where Gojo is coming from by trying to raise a new generation of sorcerers to overthrow the old, rotten system, but I don’t fully support him on his methods lol. He’s kind of making himself into a bit of a hypocrite there by using the kids like that (you know, like the higher-ups you hate so much) but to be fair, he treats them better and he does genuinely care for them. (But, but, but-)
But I don’t mind: it makes him flawed. He’s done a lot of morally questionable things already, but not without reason.
And yet, I believe he’s a good guy. Still lacking a bit in empathy and may be unstable, but a good guy.
Here me out on this one.
This is an unpopular opinion: But I don't think Gojo is as much of an asshole as people like to paint him as. Sure, he messes with everyone. Oftentimes, he doesn't have a sense of boundaries and will go too far with his antics. He's someone who doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks about him, doesn't hold grudges too deeply, lacks tact with the way he talks and interacts with people. Doesn't excuse his behavior, but still.
This is the guy that went out of his way to search for the son of the man that almost killed him. That's willing to help a girl who's going to be erased in order for her to live a normal life. And this is HS!Gojo. The same bratty Gojo that gets flack for looking down on the weak. He could have, but you don't see him going down the genocide route to resolve his issues (I’m sorry for the shade Geto bby Ily but your plan’s whack).
Don't even get me started with the mischaracterizations and the bad takes about him being a narcissist or turning into the final villain or him getting neutered once he's free from the prison realm just because 'he's too OP' or some other reason like that. Sorry for the mini-rant, anon.
Anyways, yes. I believe he's a good person.
Lastly, another lovely thing about him is that Gojo sees the potential in people - his students, his friends. Despite growing up in a close-minded, conservative world, he acknowledges and doesn't underestimate Toji and Maki's strength despite the prejudice on Heavenly Restriction. He also acknowledges this in people like Yuji (despite being Sukuna's vessel) and Yuta (despite being cursed) who are supposed to be in death row because of the close-minded prejudices surrounding them. He is someone who values strength in different places. It also makes so much sense for his character, given what he's been through to be where he is now, and how it's very fitting for him to become a teacher, despite the eccentric way of teaching.
I could go on and on about Gojo. He's that much of a complex character, but I'll admit I'm more scattered writing meta than I am writing fiction so apologies if my thoughts went all over the place! These are just some highlight points I could explain, but I'd argue there's a lot more.
Anyways, anon, thanks again for the ask! I hope you have a good/day or night! 💖
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kazuwhora · 3 years
hey kc my boo thang <333 it's valentina!! and im here to request a tokrev matchup hehe
my pronouns are she/her, i am in 2w3 and an enfp! my big three are aqua sun, then a pisces moon and rising! my venus and mars r in sag if that also helps.
sooo abt me so okay so. i'm a huge extrovert and i need to talk to people at all times, even if it ends up damaging me in some way. i tend to overshare a lot and i am a huge crybaby. i'm quite loud and all and it doesn't take long for me to get along with people unless i feel intimidated. im very loyal, like too loyal lol and tend to ignore people's flaws. a big big big part of me includes music. i listen to a lot of it, all day, everyday. one of my favorite bands is deftones! but i listen a fuckton of genre. like a fuckton. emphasis on fuckton.
my hobbies include writing, drawing (even though i suck cheeks + im currently in school for art), and honestly? i don't do a whole lot due to chronic fatigue. i love love love shopping as well
i do not know my love language TT but if i had to guess it would be gifting! my preferred love language though is physical affection
my type would be a guy that's either kinda fucking goofy tbh, a tease, a meanie, who likes to bother me a lot but like in a nice way ya dig? like he needs to be funny or it aint finna work. but i also really enjoy acts of maturity, that shows me that he is well put together and can keep me in check. he needs to be very understanding since i have lots of mental problems lol so. that's that. i also like to be spoiled so if he could do that? id be absolutely head over heels. they also need to be able to handle clinginess, since im very clingy
some trivia includes the fact that i am terrified of most bugs, i am on heavy on the asexual spectrum i believe, i HATE solitude with my entire being and my favorite anime is soul eater! i also hate gore/gory stuff and horror films.
pls ignore any typos i got rly excited lol
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RAN RAN RAN RAN RAN like realistically ran. ik ran is typed as an introvert but theres no fucking way that man is an introvert and idc what anyone says I wont have any of it. ran is an extrovert and he's the type of extrovert that just blends really well with the way you choose to interact with people. he's the type to be completely enamoured by the way you see people and the way you crave interactions even if it means ignoring people's flaws when you get close. but the thing is, ran isn't the type to take advantage of this either. is he a little off his rocker? yeah, what abt it. it doesn't matter bc he would NEVER DREAM of manipulating you or doing anything to hurt you. I think deep down ran is a little cynical and hides it with the allure of his pillowy airy personality, and being with someone (especially an xnfp) who can be comfortable oversharing, being a crybaby, and also putting up with his antics? dream come true.
but also ran is a massive fucking meanie but in the sweetest way. he's a simp at heart but he doesn't like to go down without a fight. he bothers you, annoys you, pisses you off, but all with love. all so he can watch you get frustrated and annoyed only to soften when you look at him because how could anyone deny his charm?? he knows he can get away with things and that's the one thing he'll take advantage of in the relationship. he also loves that you're clingy, and though he wont admit it in words, it gives him a rush of adrenaline knowing you love him THAT much.
also sorry but ran wont do shit about bugs. he is also terrified of bugs. murder? no problem. bug murder? no fucking way.
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The Bae’st of All
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Kyubae the bae’st bae of all aka Kyubei
Prompt: Seeing how Kyubei is named after an alias that the real Mitsuhide Akechi used (Juubei) the chances of fans getting a Kyubei route from Cybird are slim. However, it is simply impossible not to fall for this man. He is too good. So here have my attempt at writing a route.
A/N: Longer chapter this month and no, that isn’t the reason why I’m not back on my weekly nonsense. 
The key of the previous chapter was (Romantic/Dramatic):
1.1| 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 4.1
Avatar Challenge 1| 3.1 Gacha POV | 1st Letter
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Keiji wore an impish smile as he smiled down at me, his eyes crinkling into half moons.
“Well? I know that Kyubei went back to work already.”
Shifting in my seat I wondered if Keiji had been watching me, as he flashed me another bright smile, a hand reaching out to me as he pulled me up.
“Come on, let’s go. Knowing Mitsuhide he really didn’t bother having you shown around properly so far, and knowing Kyubei he has been far too busy to take you out properly. Let me fix that!”
Excited Keiji bounded off, my hand tightly held in his as I flash a look of regret at the sweets and tea I had barely started on.
“Ah, Keiji!”
A friendly old man calls out to us, seated cross legged on the ground he has a drum in his lap, dressed in decorative robes as he waves us over.
“Old man!”
Keiji responds with a beaming grin, earning the look of similarly dressed people, some holding instruments, others in the middle of some warmup poses.
“Is that the new princess the castle town has been talking about? She is much prettier than our princess.”
The ‘old man’ gestures at me, letting go of a dry laugh at my blush. Somewhere in the back a girl dressed in brighter and bolder colours than the rest gives the man a playful push, a huff escaping her lips.
“I just need to dance like one, not look the part.”
Her answer earns her another round of taunts from the rest as they push and pull between their teases as I watch them with some envy.
(They’re all so comfortable with each other, like a bunch of childhood friends, or one big family.)
“They’re not much different from our antics, you know?”
Keiji’s words pull me out of my thoughts as I blink at him, wondering how he managed to read my thoughts so easily.
“Everyone wants to get to know the chatelaine better, but as long as she remains afraid there is little we can do.”
Keiji’s words struck me as I blink up at him, confusion settling over my expression as I wordlessly sounded my question.
“I don’t think Kyubei minds your company, but there is no need for you to actually study so hard. Nobunaga would be just as pleased to have you lean back and indulge in the luxuries provided.”
A bad feeling rises over me, clambering around my heart as I eye Keiji, trying to discern the true meaning of his words.
(I thought I was brought to the Akechi manor to teach me proper manners, but are they saying that I have been sheltered instead? That they were worried that I would be uncomfortable and hence let me stay outside of the castle?)
“Ah, no need to look guilty. No one thinks you are a burden, or a nuisance. We just want you to be comfortable, even Mitsuhide.”
Letting the words sink in I realise the consideration everyone has ever had for me. The presents that the warlords kept on sending me, their occasional visits, and the kindness in which Kyubei taught me despite his own work.
(They have been nothing but kind to me.)
“Hey, cheer up. There is no time to lament, dance!”
Keiji’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts once more as he leads me into a circle where the rest of the troupe is as well. When the old man hits the drum I realise that they are about to start their performance, expectant eyes from the crowd slowly coming to a stop as they eye me.
“I can’t dance!”
(I need to get out of here!)
No matter the protests I’m already brought into the crowd before I know it, stringed along to dance with Keiji as the crowd cheers.
(This is actually kinda fun?)
The sound of music slowly takes away my embarrassment and before I know it I’m immersed into their music, enjoying my time here.
“Told ya, there is nothing much to fear, princess.”
Keiji smiles brightly at me afterwards, his cheeks slightly flushed from the exercise, but content.
“Next time I will play an instrument for you, old man!”
His energy seems endless as he continues to banter with the troupe, an instrument pushed into his hands as he plays a little tune each time. I realise that Keiji is familiar with all of the instruments introduced.
In awe I look upon him in amazement, not noticing the rough shoulder that pushes me to the side as the crowd disperses itself, a mean looking man stepping forward.
“What are you low-lives doing here?”
(Yikes, we got a bully there.)
The man and his friend surround the troupe, hands settled upon their swords as they glower down the group, aiming for the old man specifically.
“You are hinin, return to your rightful place outside of the castle-town.”
The man spoke sternly as he kicked out the drum from the old man’s hands. The troupe stilled, their expressions taut as they glower the man down.
“We are at the border of the castle-town. Surely we can play music here?”
The response of the old man is calm and unflinching, as if he has experienced this on a daily basis. It hurts to think that he might.
“Didn’t you hear me? You vile people should leave at once before we cut you up!”
The threat rings through the air as my eyes widen. Without another thought I rush in, spreading my arms out as I stand between them.
“H-hey now, there is no reason to treat people like that. They’re making an honest living, not?”
To this Keiji steps into view as well, slinging an arm around the man with the sword as he smiles gingerly.
“Listen to the lady, she is right, they aren’t bothering anyone, but you are bothering them, not?”
“Lord Keiji!”
The man’s lofty attitude instantly crumbles at the sight of Keiji as the other shrugs his shoulders.
“Wish you could keep that attitude up, scram off and don’t let me hear of this again.”
The words Keiji spoke are unlike the bright bubbly character that I have come to know so far. His expression now severe as he watched the men scramble off, clearly not ready for a confrontation with the real authority.
“You have guts, princess. I knew I didn’t misjudge you. After all, you saved Nobunaga.”
Keiji addresses me once more, his expression back to the bright and bubbly persona from earlier, though I can still see the traces of his earlier irritation.
“Now, you just have to reach out for that courage and I’m sure you'll fit right in with the rest of us.”
(Is he comforting me?)
Confused I turn my eyes to the rest of the troupe, the dancers and musicians looking dejected as they gather their things again.
“Thank you. You shouldn’t have to. You know how common it is for us to face such discrimination.”
The old man addresses the both of us as he slowly gets up from his place.
(Common? That is awful, why would they…)
“Common or not, it shouldn’t be tolerated. Not as long as Nobunaga rules here.”
Keiji’s tone is clipped as he says this, but his smile returns soon enough as he pats the old man on his shoulder.
“We shouldn’t punish you for losing your original home. Not when we are the cause of it.”
I’m still not quite following as I watch Keiji interact. It is only after that the troupe has left to return to their homes outside of the castle town that I dare to ask.
“What are hinin?”
Keiji eyes me with surprise as he grimaces ruefully at me, a hand reaching out to pet my head.
“Under which stone did you crawl from?”
His tone is teasing, though sad as he retreats his hand, a sigh escaping him. For once Keiji’s expression is serious, though more out of respect for the topic than true sadness or pity.
“You know that there are classes, right? Though Nobunaga has abolished them now. Hinin are outcasts, so to say. Foreigners from other lands that have followed warlords in the hopes for a better future.”
I turn to look at the retreating figures of the troupe with a new understanding of their situation.
(How awful. To be discriminated against like that because of the place of birth.)
“Nobunaga values his people by merit. It helps people like them to climb up in ranks, fortunately. It isn’t much now, but hopefully in the future we can all stand equal.”
Keiji’s voice sounds hopeful as he expresses himself and I as well feel my heart lurch up, nodding in enthusiasm back at him.
(I can’t say anything now. But it will be better in the future.)
With that said Keiji returns me to the Akechi manor, his demeanour once more slipping back into his cheery self as he grins at me.
“I hope to see you back in Azuchi soon, princess. Everyone is looking forward to befriending you.”
Though I find it hard to imagine I’m starting to see the sense of it all as I nod in response. Keiji’s eyes crinkling into mischievous slits as he leans over.
“However, I think you will make a certain foxling lonely if you left so soon, so be sure to visit him often?”
I blink a few times as I wonder who Keiji is referring to, earning a boisterous laugh from the male as he pulls away, leaving me at the gate.
“Say hi to the two of them. I will skip by again when I feel like it.”
Raising up a hand he waves himself off without ever turning back.
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braindeadskeletons · 4 years
Hello!! Can I have a matchup please?? It seems like every time I ask someone for one, something happens in which they can't 😂😂 but that's fine lol,, I'm a cisgender bicurious female of which the curious part is aimed towards males! The only men I've ever liked are fictional smh,, my friends tend to think I'm bubbly and very open, and they relate me to the colours orange or yellow! I'm also British and I have a love for horror movies and psychology. I would go on but,, happy writing!! Love ya
I'm a very naturally femine person in appearance. My room is full of pastel colours, mainly pinks and purples, alongside plushies and lots of duck ornaments! Since my favourite animal is a duck (fuck geese they scare the shit out of me). Despite this, a lot of people don't expect this? Apparently I seem like the kind of person to have a much simpler or perhaps darker room. So I usually tend to shock people when they see what my room looks like lol. I love unique fashion! Stuff you see on cat walks - christmas themed dress, teacup shaped t-shirt, whatever! You name it, I've probably seen something like it! Because of this, I also have a love for weird decorations. My kitchen is flamingo themed, my bathroom is winter themed (yes, I have a santa clause toilet), and my office is fulled to the brim with 90s and 80s memorabilia. Stuff you wouldn't find nowadays without some digging!! I'm currently in college taking an accounting degree, also alongside business. After that, I also wish to take a literature course to help with my fanfiction writing (perhaps I could eventually write a novel? I don't know haha) Crude humour is the key for me to be happy. As much as silly humour and stuff is great, say something vaguely offensive and I'll crack up! As long as it's not meant to be taken genuinely, then I'll find it funny. Although I have to be close to the person for me to actually start laughing at stuff like that
Hey there! I'm so sorry this was a wait! I basically had some stuff come up and it delayed my work a lot. Plus the added time from the added information you gave me, which I thank you for by the way <3 I had a lot of fun writing this! I hope it doesn’t disappoint lol. Instead of delaying this further let's just get right into the matchup, shall we?
I match you with Undertale Papyrus!
This might've been a little too obvious huh? I just couldn't help it, you two seemed like such a natural pair! I try not to go with matches that are too obvious but sometimes you just have to go with it.
The first thing that naturally attracted Papyrus to you was how open and bubbly you are! He can relate a lot to that himself and seeing how much of a natural you are while interacting with others just convinced him further that he just had to talk to the pretty lady! Of course, the moment you two start talking you both hit it off. It’s kind of physically impossible for anybody to hate Papyrus or for Papyrus to hate anybody. You know those fanfics on AO3 that are slow burn, friends to lovers, 140+ chapters? That’s what this is. There is no better way to put your relationship before you both are dating. Papyrus means well, and by god is he a good person, but he’s a bit of an airhead when it comes to romantic attraction. You could literally tell him that you want to marry him and have ten monster/human hybrid children and he’d still be like ‘BUT,,,AS FRIENDS,,,?’ You’ll need to wait for him to understand his feelings himself. It’ll hit him at one of the dumbest times possible. For example:
You: geese are just,,,,kinda,,,,horrible
You: fuck geese
You: Papyrus are y-
Yup. Just like that. No warning, no proper build-up, nothing could have predicted this. It’s just silly moments between the two of you that make him so smitten. Like you’re such??? A dork??? How could he not fall in love with you?? It’ll be a huge smack in the face for him that he’s fallen in love with you. Probably it’ll be the same for you if you’re the type of person who is oblivious with love. If not, then it was horribly obvious he likes you and you were simply waiting for him to say something first. The blushing, constantly trying to impress you, his lovestruck gazes at you when you laugh at his antics, etc. The signs were all here if you’re able to spot them. Now that Papyrus is aware of the fact that he likes you he isn’t going to let this opportunity pass by. Time for the dating manual!
This part is actually going to be the worst. Yes, the hard work and effort are absolutely precious and you’re very flattered he’s trying to “court” you as he puts it but it’s going to be overwhelming. Unless you’re fully on board with flowers being left at your door, love letters, great “acts of love”, serenading you with a not so great voice, randomly inviting you out to “friend dates” that are actually regular dates in disguise, complimenting you every waking moment, and more you might want to stop him and just tell him you like him too. Once you tell him you feel the same way,  prepare for the most wholesome hugs and kisses from the big goober. Fully expect to wake up the next day and everybody already knows you’re his date-mate. Papyrus is going to tell everybody and their great grandmas that he landed himself with the greatest human ever. 
So you mentioned that your kitchen is flamingo themed? Uh,,,don’t get used to it. Not that Papyrus would ever openly try and change your home, he loves your decorating! He doesn’t really understand how people wouldn’t expect you to have such an adorable home! He has named all the duck ornaments, become well acquainted with your stuffed animals and the real animals, is slightly afraid of the Santa Claus toilet because Santa is the evil man sans told him about, etc, etc. But we all know how he gets in the kitchen. If you care about the wellbeing of your flamingo decorations maybe move them somewhere else? Papyrus swears that he won’t set fire to your home but we both know how that goes for everybody involved.
Papyrus: HUMAN
You: Yeah?
You: Hun, I love you
You: but if you fucked up the flamingo decorations I swear to god-
This is a regular conversation you two need to have. Somebody, please stop him.
He really really loves your sense of fashion! Since the two of you have been dating, he’s actually gotten into it a bit himself. Papyrus tries not to invade your privacy but one time he stumbled into your office and saw all of your memorabilia dedicated to the 90s and 80s and immediately fell in love with the aesthetic. It’s all he could talk about for weeks and god knows he isn’t stopping anytime soon. Try introducing him to some more fashion! Papyrus probably won’t get enough of all of it. Watch him show up to your home dressed like the whole circus.
When Papyrus hears of how you’re studying right now, he’s going to go on a little bit of a rant about how he knows plenty of stuff about school! Not really. He just thinks he does because he has his face in a shrub at Toriel’s school. This isn’t to downplay his intelligence of course but monster education and human education have a lot of differences. When it comes to accounting Papyrus isn’t exactly going to understand anything, but he will be very supportive! He may not understand much about accounting but he surprisingly knows a lot about business?? Yeah, it’s a little strange but I guess you shouldn’t be that shocked. Papyrus is supposedly the ‘mascot of monsters’ and he’s also friends with the monster ambassador. To say the least, he’s surrounded by a lot of really important people. If you’d like, he’ll even take you to meet a couple higher-ups! Whatever he can do to support you he will.
As for your love for writing, Papyrus would probably have to redirect you to Alphys. Don’t take this the wrong way, it’s just that the humans on the surface have been a little…intense...for Papyrus and Sans. He’d like to take a break from any sort of writing for a long long time.
Onto the final section! Date nights! Which for Papyrus might as well be every night. His idea of an ideal date would probably be something extremely outlandish, but he knows humans can’t handle a lot of the stuff he can so he tones it down. Making dinner and watching a movie is good enough, right? Papyrus knows you love horror movies in particular. This poor guy is trying his very best. Please be patient with him. He wants to prove that he can protect you and be the bigger monster but he’ll end up clinging to you the whole time and maybe even crying?? Just a little. As a treat. 
Yeah, so go gentle on the horror movies. Poor guy is gonna pass out.
His main goal during the date will be to make you smile at every possible turn. You’re in luck with the crude humor! Now you may be thinking ‘but Papyrus isn’t crude, he’s such a sweetheart!’ and you’re not wrong really. Most of the stuff he says is entirely on accident or he’s just genuinely oblivious to the implications of what he just said. If anything that only makes it all the more hilarious to witness. If Papyrus catches himself with what he said he’ll try apologizing profusely only to be met with your adorable smiling face. He may not get what’s so funny but seeing how your smile reaches your eyes makes whatever he just said worth it.
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georgeluzwarmhugs · 4 years
I just got tagged in the sweetest positivity post so im gonna make my own and feel free to send me an ask with other accounts that you love or want to get to know better or anything positive. ANY RUDENESS WILL BE DELETED SO DONT EVEN TRY OR I WILL END YOU. ok lets get started:) 💛
shannon where do i even startttt you are one of the sweetest people i have ever met and you make anyone smile that you can. you really are a sunflower, your personality really shows that. you are so supportive of me and my writing and i get so happy to see messages or updates or anything from you. you’re such a kind soul and you were one of my first friends in this community. i swear i’m gonna read all of your fics, long and short, eventually. i love you so much honey thank you for everything🥺
ANGELICA!! your writing is incredible i can’t believe i am so blessed to be on your taglist and read your works of art😄 you are so amazing in every way. i love our convos so much, some one make us a damn deck of cards. you are my baby and always will be, forever. the picture you use for your babe pics is *chefs kiss* his face is priceless. you are my biggest fan too, i love youuuuu💙
gianaaaaaaa my love i dont even know what to say. everything you make or write or contribute too is i m m a c u l a t e. i mean i listen to your playlists almost every single day. and your fics dont even get me started. i havent even read all the multi-chapter imagines but your writing is just truly indescribable. your way with words is amazing. you truly inspire me to grow and improve each day. and yes you may be turning into a fan page of me👀 i love you so much g, my queen❤️
you are so sweet butttttt our private conversations would make people concerned. your cannibalism and my freaky side do be coming out around each other. our throuple with joe is one of the only things keeping me alive right now. unholy trinity *debby ryan smirk* love ya girl💖
VERED you are one of my favorite people and i know you’re taking a break or whatever but i still love you no matter what. you were my 5th follower and ever since we have been such good friends. you’re an og for being in the snap group chat and the chat on here, even though you left it, which is perfectly fine of course. it’s no surprise your tag list is so long, your writing is absolutely wonderful. and your name is so cute🥺 i love you forever baby
even though we’ve never interacted you are still so nice and read my writing. You are such a lovely person and thank you for taking the time to read my imagines🖤
jillian you are so freaking amazing and i knew we would be friends from when i got my very first ship from you. i still look back to your wisdom tooth video lmaoooo you are so pretty too omg and we can both relate to curly hair problems i’ve had your post notifications on since i first followed you. anywayssssss i love you💜
JACE you’re my mother and istg you are the workout QUEEN (i know you have to but still) oh by the way you are so so gorgeous and one of my best online friends. your bf is gonna have to keep fighting me for your attention and i’m so proud of you for graduating and 200 followers! i’m gonna give you bday gift just wait and see;) i love you more don’t fight me on this.💚
amy i know we don’t talk much but your aesthetic makes me swoon and you are such a wonderful person. your princes for band of brothers are so accurate you are so creative. hehe just know i care about you💗
all i gotta say is your ships are amazing and im always here for you lovey<3
soph can i just say you are the vibe QUEEN, and your stories always make me smile. i love here about your work antics and the creepy back room. you are so cute and you always make me laugh with our talks about being soldiers. we can be gay together too, i love you bub🤍
lemme know of anyone you guys appreciate so everyone can have some positive vibes
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dodgergilmore · 4 years
YAS give me more jess/rory analysis PLEASE ❤
I ended up expanding on my season 3 thoughts in another post, so I’ll just ramble on about something different if we’re all good with that!
Let’s discuss how “You could do more.” is, in some ways, the thesis of the whole Rory and Jess dynamic.
When Rory is not amused by his magic trick during one of their very first interactions (what a sentence lmao), it shows that she isn’t going to put up with the facade he puts on in Stars Hollow. She doesn’t shy away from speaking her mind and pushes him to take responsibility for his actions:
“All [Luke] does is stick up for you, and all you do is make his life harder. I guess that's what you have to do when you're trying to be Holden Caulfield, but I think it stinks. (...) Funny, I never pegged you as clueless, my mistake.”
Again, Rory points out the act Jess puts on but this also shows how she isn’t going to just passively allow him to act in such ways because she doesn’t see him as the nuisance/lost cause that much of the town sees him as. Instead, she holds him to a higher standard because she knows he isn’t clueless.
After a well-intentioned suggestion on Rory’s part, we see her at odds with the expectations placed on her by the town as she becomes “the poster girl for censorship” and she can openly discuss this with Jess as someone who would understand where she’s coming from, because he is one person who is not charmed by Stars Hollow’s small town antics. Her future isn’t bound to this place, so when Jess questions what Rory and Dean talk about, saying that ‘he doesn’t seem like her kind of guy’ it adds another layer to that conversation; let’s be real, Jess is not coming from a place of entirely pure intentions but after season 1, Dean is basically the town’s golden boy (despite previously being the new kid in town) and thus is the embodiment of one of the two worlds Rory is caught between throughout the series: Stars Hollow. But right from the Pilot, we know that Rory is set to “do more” than Stars Hollow. That whole sidestory in 2x12 and its relation to Rory could be an analysis of its own, which I don’t think I am equipped to offer at this time...
By 2x13, Rory is pushing against and growing frustrated with Lorelai’s view of Jess. Rory recognises that Jess should not need a tutor, after trying to explain his margin-writing to Lorelai in the previous episode, and it’s clear that Rory believes in Jess in a way that he himself does not at this point. He meets her words of encouragement and “you could do more” with cynicism but Rory remains unconvinced. Schooling should not be a measure of success – and by season 6 it ends up being beside the point anyway – but it is interesting that Jess’ reasoning for not going to college has nothing to do with himself and everything to do with what others have to say about him.
And why aren’t you going to college? (...)
Ask my mother, she could give you a couple reasons. Oh, and I’m sure Principal Mertin can chime in with a few good ones. In fact, ask your mother. She doesn’t know me all that well but I’m sure she could improvise a few things.
Do not give me that whole ‘I’m so misunderstood, Kurt Cobainy’ thing. You are way stronger than that and I don’t even wanna hear it.
That whole conversation in the car really is The Goods. The paths they have planned for themselves could not be more different but still, they offer each other the same unwavering support and encouragement.
I wont go into detail because I think I’ve already addressed this in my previous posts today but “you could do more” comes into play even during their relationship in that Jess, as we know, does not generate the most positive views from the people of Stars Hollow, perhaps believing that Rory could do more, so to speak, than him. If nothing else, the town definitely thinks so.
Jess shows support for Rory’s Harvard-and then-Yale dreams, which is one of many reasons his reappearance in 6x08 works so well. He assumes she graduated early before considering she wasn’t in school; when Rory keeps commenting on how her circumstances are “all temporary” Jess is visibly... I don’t know that I’d say concerned at this point but he is definitely taken aback.
I know it's good. Jess, you've got such a great brain. I knew that if you could just sit down and stop shaking it around, you could do something like this. I knew it. I knew it.
I know you did. (...) So, I just basically wanted to show you that. Uh, tell you... tell you that I couldn't have done it without you.
Obviously Jess is confirming her “you could do more” sentiments when he explicitly credits the role she played in helping him find success for himself. In doing so, this reassures Rory that she was right about something after feeling the defeat of Mitchum’s words for however many months by this point, and also reminds her of the ambitions she once had for herself.
Neither of them do or say these sort things for “I want to be with you” reasons but for “I want good things for you” reasons. It doesn’t come from a romantic place – they sincerely want the other to succeed, even if that means being apart. Even after everything that happened, Rory is saying “I hope you're good. I want you to be good.” in that 3x22 phone call, and then this in 6x08:
You know that section toward the front, the staff recommendations? I'm gonna grab a copy of your book and put it in that section, and then I'm going to write my own little recommendation on a card and attach it so people see it and buy it.
Please, that’s just cute :(
Of course it ends up ending in absolute MESS but she goes all the way to Philadelphia to see his open house. Imagine if she hadn’t checked the mail that day lmao
I just got the flier, and I don't know. I just wanted to see your place, but then this...
In AYITL, Jess hears Rory out as she divulges the state her life is in then reassures her that she’s in a rut that she is fully capable of getting out of. “Where is this coming from? What inspired you?” indeed. The implications, y’know??
Now I’m going to circle back to what I said about Dean representing Stars Hollow for a moment here. Logan very overtly represents the world of wealth and like I said, Rory is between these two worlds. Rory is a balance of the world of her grandparents and her mother; what’s interesting about Jess is that he doesn’t belong to either world, really. He can exist in the world of Stars Hollow because of his familial connections and history there and that brings us some little moments that are not at all deep, but I absolutely love anyway:
Can't wait to hear how you bagged the job.
It was the usual thing; I submitted my resume, plus samples of my work, I was thoroughly vetted, there were several lengthy interviews, plus complex negotiations over salary, benefits, parking–
You asked Taylor.
Pretty much.
And then when he asks Rory over the phone to fill him in on the ‘showbiz spat’ in 3x14. Stars Hollow has an important role in Rory’s life, and Jess is able to understand that world in a way that Logan simply can’t – if I recall, he is actually quite endeared by the town when he makes his first official visit there in season 7.
Season 5 makes Dean’s place in Rory’s life very clear, first with “What am I doing here, Rory? I don't belong here. Not anymore.” in 5x08 and then in 5x18, when Dean is used as a direct parallel to Luke:
They want more than this. Don’t you see that? And all you are is this. (...) This town, it’s all you are, and it’s not enough. She’s going to get bored, and you can’t take her anywhere. You’re here forever.
It’s... kind of an odd comparison to make in that Lorelai is quite happy with her Stars Hollow life and hasn’t indicated that she wants “more” than this. For Rory, though, it does reiterate that she wants more than Stars Hollow can offer her. I’ve discussed this before but the world of wealth and Logan, while initially intriguing to Rory, loses its shine during season 6 and she ultimately rejects it in that she doesn’t want to be bound by it. It offers temporary thrills and escapism, but she ends up having to enter the real world.
In Summer, Rory talks about looking at places in Queens so that might be the best, most recent indicator of where Rory wants to be in terms of geography. Just like Rory, Jess isn’t bound to any particular world – bouncing around from place-to-place in the original series, not unlike Rory in the revival – and together... they can do more. And that is that on soulmate-ism!
All in all, they hold each other to high standards not because they idealise one another or put each other on pedestals but because they genuinely believe in each other’s capabilities. They actively push each other to do more and important to note is that they hear each other in these moments; maybe not always immediately but they get there eventually because by the end, it’s clear they have a certain respect and fondness for each other. I like that they don’t passively roll along with whatever the other chooses to do, which may be the very reason some people don’t like them. As much as their dynamic evolves with time, there are just some things that remain a constant...
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willowistic22 · 4 years
1. Take the long way around
whATT??!? Writing abt my favorite ship to a prompt I got asked that didn’t specify what ship they wanted?? CouLdN’T bE MeEE!!! spoiler alert: it was me :)
would like to say i’m sorry if you don’t ship redfinch but,,, let’s be honest you brought it upon yourself when you didn’t specify what ship you wanted so I had some fun :D don’t kill me please. i also didn’t bother checking it again bcs of asshole blogger aka me 
Request some more from this drabble list or just send in some random made up prompt in my ask! Or not I’m not the boss of you lol
“C’mon, Al!” Finch tugged on Albert’s wrist, “Just this one small adventure!” 
Albert shook his head, hiding his small smile behind his face. He turns away towards the direction he was previously walking, back to the lodge after a day of selling papes. But Finch went around so he can get a clear view of the freckled face. 
“Take the long way around...” Finch plead with a soft smile, unlike his usual cool smirk he’s used to wearing. But this isn’t a tease or a discreet public flirt, like most of their day to day interaction. It’s Finch genuinely asking him to do a favor, “... with me?” 
Albert is beyond confused as to why he’d call this an adventure. They just so happen to bump into each other when they were heading back. It’s unusual to see him walking back through the same way as Al is, since they sell at different spots. Al’s got a sneaking suspicion Finch intentionally took a walk all the way here just to ask Al to do this. 
Finch is persuasive and very flirty. Albert is one of the people that actually falls for his antics in trying to get his way. So with a long drawn out sigh through his nose and an irritated gaze back at Finch, Albert is forced to nod, “Fine...”
Finch giggles through his smile, something people rarely hears. He grabs Al by the wrist again and start to walk faster than their previous pace. Zooming through the folks flocking the sidewalk on this afternoon. 
“You’re up to something, aren’tcha?” Albert guessed once they’ve finally slowed down a bit, walking through a half empty street with many alleyways in between tall buildings. 
“What makes ya say that?” Finch questioned, turning back to face a reluctant looking redhead with a smirk. 
“You don’t drag me to do pointless stuff like this unless there’s somethin’ waitin’ at the end” Albert explained, fixing his newsboy cap that nearly flew off his head. 
Finch takes a turn from the half empty street towards a fully empty street. An abandoned street with no life. All the store windows are hammered down with wood planks, crates scattered everywhere and coated with dust. Albert usually takes a shortcut down a decent neighborhood to avoid needing to get around the whole block and take his walk longer than it really should. 
“You planned somethin’ out with Racer, didn’t you?” Al reluctantly took the first step towards the street, finally being able to walk normally like before. 
Finch gets up next to him, tilting his upwards a bit to reach his eyes despite the slight height difference, “I don’t need to plan things out with him” 
Albert rolled his eyes at it, turning away from his face. He felt something creeping up on his left arm. He saw Finch’s hands clinging onto his upper arm with his head fully rested on his shoulder, or whatever part he’s able to put it on without needing to be on his tip toes. The blond is warming up on to the strong arms and it’s making Albert blush hard. 
Finch cuts off his stumbling words, “I just thought you’d like this” 
It’s obvious how off guard Finch caught him at. Because once they started walking slowly, Albert still couldn’t form a proper sentence. It’s not that they were talking. The busy street on the other block filled in their void. 
Like most of their friends relationship, or whatever is the ‘thing’, theirs are kept away from the public. But Finch takes risks every now and then as a means to have fun. Albert, however, personally learned his risks taking habits are because he wants to flirt around. In the end, he did managed to get Al’s attention in some form. 
“You can talk, y’know” Finch reassured, looking up to Albert who’s still stiff. They walk in the middle of the road because there isn’t and won’t be anyone passing through.
Albert tried to reply, but his words turns into a jumble from getting too nervous. But Al coughs his nervousness away and pulls up a calm face, as best as he can at least, “I know, I just thought you wanted to... stay quiet or somethin’” 
To which Finch giggles through his toothy grin up the taller boy, “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time...” 
He takes a moment from their walk to stop. Standing on the tip of his toes, Finch gives a small kiss on Albert’s cheek. A small and very loving kiss, but he lingers on his cheek for a few seconds before parting with a sweet sound against his lips. 
There was heat that he felt resting on his lips when Finch kissed him. After pulling down to stand properly again, the heat seems to still linger on Al’s cheek. Finch giggles at Albert again, whilst the redhead timidly pull his lower arm up closer to his chest so he can hoist Finch’s hand in the crook of his elbow. His tensed up body caused Albert to naturally shift slightly away from Finch. 
Now, that’s one hell of an adventure!
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flvcr · 4 years
— ( harry styles, twenty-five, cismale, he/him ) did you see ETIENNE FLUOR walking down main street earlier? you know who i’m talking about, they’re a POTTER / HOCKEY PLAYER. everybody in town says that they’re IDEALISTIC & INTUITIVE, but have a tendency to be UNPREDICTABLE & DESTRUCTIVE too. ETIENNE has been in town for THREE years. c'mon, they’re always requesting RUNNIN’ WITH THE DEVIL BY VAN HALEN at karaoke nights. well, i’m sure you’ll see them soon! @westmerestarters​
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hiya! i am kt &+ underneath the read more is a LOT of info about my bb, etienne. ** insert clown emoji but make ‘em yee-haw ** if you’d like to plot you can reach me on here or at space cowboy#8536 on discord !! <33 v excited to interact with y’all and your bbs !!
name: etienne ‘ marcel ‘ fluor. 
nicknames: goes by marcel, only allowing very few people to call him etienne.
gender / pronouns : cismale / he, him.
age: twenty-five.
birthday: june 27th.
zodiac: cancer !!
orientation: pansexual / panromantic.
occupation: hockey player ( currently injured ) // potter ( for fun ) !!
languages spoken: french, english & italian.
- PINTEREST - featuring his wardrobe, his home, his aesthetic, some character inspo and olive, his german shepard pup !!
- SPOTIFY PLAYLIST - what he is currently listening to !!
personality type: INFJ-T / THE ADVOCATE
moral alignment: chaotic good
style-wise: etienne is v stylish, but isn’t overly flashy by any means. he’s intuitive in the sense of what works and what doesn’t. willing to explore the latest wardrobe craze, but also just likes what he likes and likely won’t venture out unless pressed by another to do so. post coming soon for his wardrobe !!! they say that the cancer man’s clothing is selected to reflect “ sophistication over flash “ but kdgjn i’ll let ya’ll be the judge of that. he’s v much harry inspired clothing wardrobe, but also tones it down with some casual looks, especially when it comes to getting his hands dirty in creative aspects !! but can be a bit on the flashier side as well, especially w/ hockey press and what not !!
   etienne ‘ marcel ’ fluor was born in montpellier, france to two lovely parents, theodore and estelle fluor ( both born in england themselves ) . he is the youngest of his siblings, having one older brother and an older sister, all of them being roughly two years apart. at the age of eight, his family relocated to montreal, canada as a result of a promotion his mother received, which at such a young age, etienne had no qualms with, despite his siblings’ uneasiness.  upon moving to a new country at a young age, etienne truly found himself via escaping into various books and movies. often attempting to write his own and would force encourage his siblings to act his skits/plays out for his parents enjoyment. he continues to be very close with his parents and siblings - recently he taught his parents how to use facetime, so catch him face timing his family on sunday nights. 
   growing up, etienne also enjoyed playing all types of sports ( his parents signing him up hoping that he’d make friends as a result, which he did ). when it came down to it, athletic abilities-wise, there truly wasn’t anything that he wasn’t ‘ good ’ at, and that’s simply because he’s always been such a competitive individual / as well as a perfectionist. that competitive/perfectionist energy caused him to go home and practice a skill or trick for hours in order to be able to come back the next day and whoop everyone’s asses. overall, he’s very athletic, found alternating between various sports offered not only at school, but as well as through local clubs. ultimately, his love and appreciation for hockey swayed him and soon enough it became his sole focus. due to his perfectionist tendencies, etienne is very dedicated to his craft, he will spend hours practicing specific tricks and skills in order to be the best at what he does, which transcends past hockey and into, really, every aspect of his life. 
   throughout highschool ; etienne was a v dedicated student. although he’s a bit reckless and loved to goof off, he was always acing classes and applying himself. he genuinely cares for others, you could’ve seen his ass volunteering at a soup kitchen with his mom on sundays and what not, as well as take part in various clubs and sports ! just SOFT and sporty things. during this time, he joined the ontario hockey league and from there was eventually scouted out and recruited to the pittsburgh penguins as a defenseman at the age of eighteen - forgoing his parents desire for him to attend a university. although he enjoyed his time with pittsburgh, he was excited when the idea of being traded came up - eager to explore a new city and immerse himself in a new area. 
      trigger warning - injury, dislocation ( just in case !!!! ) however, he really didn’t enjoy new york ( hehe ), so he relocated to westmere soon after his initial arrival to nyc - finding a lot of comfort in living in a less populated area. he would commute during the hockey season to nyc, which to him wasn’t very far away, so this is where he’s been residing for the last three years !! however, in the last couple of weeks while training for the upcoming season my lil bb injured himself - not to get into tooooo much detail, i’ll just leave it at shoulder dislocation / joint separation due to a hard hit !! basically he’s out for this upcoming season, already having surgery completed, he’s currently healing for the next couple of months, allowing himself to fully experience that westmere fall !!!
   overall, etienne can come off as a bit reserved, and distant whether that be a result of his untrusting nature of others, or simply unfamiliarity. it takes a bit of time before he feels comfortable to share his true opinion / commentary / only doing so when he feels secure to do so. he’s not necessarily unfriendly, just a bit distant / lost in his thoughts. which varies, as with most ppl ofc, upon person to person and his level of comfortability among them. despite his often lack of conversation, he abhors an uncomfortable silence to settle and will fill it with nonsense to simply avoid the feeling altogether. so, if you ever want to catch him rambling, just making him uncomfortable dkjfngdf. he definitely approaches most things with a bit of ‘ tough love ‘ . he doesn’t mind getting into a quarrel or two if he knows its worth the outcome he’s envisioned. etienne will tell others when they are fucking up, and if they are throwing a punch as a result - catch him leaning into it, which explains his bout of reckless antics. he can come off as a know it all, when it comes to advice giving, but more so because he thinks he’s really good at analyzing others and situations they are in, not necessarily because he’s lived through them himself, he’s just rather intuitive and able to empathize quite easily with others despite his verbal admittance of it. when it comes down to this binches reckless bits, he just feels so intensely that he ends up numbing himself in the aftermath of it all ( especially bc he’s definitely not sharing those feelings with the people around him ), therefore he’s willing to put himself into harms way in order to get a bit of that - happiness / pain, it doesn’t matter to him as long as he no longer feels overwhelmed by numbness. so, if ya see him with some scrapes and stitches ~ mind ya business. but he’ll likely try to drag somebody else into it, and make it seem like it was their idea. but if he is truly comfortable with somebody, he walks a fine line of won’t stop talking, especially if it’s an interest of his, and comfortable silence.
𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞 & 𝖍𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖘
he is a CANCER, therefore in this essay i will..... kidding but here’s some fun cancer info i saw that applies to my bb !! at first he appears to be wistful, sarcastic ( maybe a lil crabby ) , shy, distant and mysterious. this personality remains if he isn’t completely comfortable around somebody. but overall, that’s just his facade, his ‘smokescreen’ of sorts to scare off the world from his outwards persona. underneath that layer ( makes me think of shrek metaphor with onions // don’t mind me ), BUT he’s gentle, kind and affectionate ( if you manage to make it to that level * bell dings * ) !!! overall, etienne is a sensitive soul, a bit emotional although he’d rather d*e than show that to others. likely will internalize anything that can hurt his feelings / a low blow and will do something chaotic as a result later on bc of it. very polite, and a little worldly, he is truly the epitome of old-school gentlemanly manners. chivalry coming as a second nature to him !!
that was getting ramble-y, so continuing HERE. but when it comes to romance, as per the cancer man, the concept of love is a mystery, one that etienne is trying to attain. however, his shyness and innate distrust of others make it difficult for him to allow himself to fall in love. his guard is always up when it comes to his emotions, and it’ll take a bit of prodding before he’s willing to speak up on what’s desired from him. he’s v picky when it comes to finding the “ partner of his dreams “ - but he’s def willing to throw himself into the romance of the situation, i.e. buying flowers, riding white horses, and slaying metaphorical dragons. the traditional side means that he will shower his partner with thoughtful gifts, wine and dine them in the best restaurants, and try to grant their every wish. he will take the garbage out, fix that wobbly shelf, navigate on road trips, and kill more so trap and release bugs for his partner, and most important of all he will do it all without being asked. his loyalty and keen attention to the needs and wants of his potential partner. so basically, more so willing to showcase through actions than speak on it. it’s the little things, right ??!?!?! he def cherishes not just the act of being in a relationship, but what it means to become one with another person in mind, body, and soul.
prides himself on being able to make a mean cup of coffee, likely the worst person to watch a movie with bc he knows exactly how it’s going to end after only watching five minutes of it, he has a godawful sense of direction, will walk in circles for fifteen minutes before even raising a question about it/noticing ( but he refuses to acknowledge it. )
his house, car, workspace, junk drawer, closet….you name it - it’s organized, practically sparkling. often times arranged by color, and / or style. nothing is ever out of place, and if it is - there’s trouble brewing. but, more than anything, if he’s visiting somebody’s place and it’s messy, he will spend a solid thirty minutes picking everything up before doing whatever it is that was intended.
likes : reading, flowers, handwritten notes/letters, deep cleaning, baking, working on his pottery, watching the history channel and true crime docs and playing / watching hockey !!
dislikes : artichoke, clutter, sandals ( fkjgh ), unrealistic plotlines in movies &+ burnt coffee.
habits :  likely has a severe caffeine addiction, although he’s now normalized having six cups of coffee throughout his day. he’s an early riser, no matter how little the amount of sleep he’s received, he’s always the first to rise - for his early morning runs !!
strengths: creative, insightful, inspiring, convincing, determined and passionate, decisive, altruistic, intuitive !!
weaknesses: sensitive, extremely private, perfectionist, low-key always needs to have a cause / purpose, can burn out easily !!
overall : etienne truly strives to be kind, and genuinely wants for everyone to get along. treat people with kindness and the like. he has the best of intentions, but often times that can get a bit muddled with the way he goes about things due to his bit of chaotic energy / as well as his often points of getting lost in his thoughts. he won’t realize he’s been quiet for the last three hours unless it’s mentioned to him. he will do anything to lighten a dark mood, and will sacrifice / throw himself under the bus if its needed. however, he also is the type to cause the dark mood depending on the day. wahoo! his more reckless antics increase when he’s feeling a bit emotional !! but he’ll likely try and convince somebody to propose the idea so it’s not on him.
𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘
he lives with sebastian !! with his commuting to nyc for the hockey season, he wanted somebody to be able to take care of his house / garden and what not, and thus, seb arrived.
he’s v into making ceramics, cups / bowls / vases / etc !! what began as a fun hobby to distract himself in the offseason became something that he truly enjoys. ( laughing about that scene in ghost BUT DKJFNG OKAY ) although he’s pretty low-key about it, you can catch him at the farmers market selling his creations !! some pictures of his work can be found on his pinterest board !!
he is a vegetarian ! he has been since his freshman year of high school and has no plans on eating seafood/meat ever again.
he loves fancy wine ~ he’s cultured. 
he can play the drums !!
he collects vintage matchbooks and the stickers off of various fruits ( he puts them in a little notebook - can be found on his bookshelf ).
saves handwritten notes and letters from pals.
he loves to garden !!!! he has a specified rose shearing hat.
HE WANTS TO JOIN A BOOKCLUB PLEASE !!!!!!!! or at least have some casual moments of silence with another reading. plz and tysm.
to make things a bit simple, he has all of harry’s tattoos !!  might add more along the way !! stay tuned, folks !!
𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘
i am so up for anything!! please accept this ramble of ideas thrown below.  if you have any other ideas, lmk !!!! <3333 :’-) down to start from scratch and PLOT PLOT PLOT !
( 2 / 2 ) - BFFZ : the z for an added emphasis dkfjgnd. somebody who likely has a key to etienne’s house, they can enjoy one anothers company as well as the bouts of comfortable silence. you know how best friends are but kdjfngd still !! whether they are likeminded or polar opposites that just flow ~~ down for anything !! even a trio of sorts ?!
( 1 / 1 ) - RIDE OR DIE / CHAOTIC COMPANION : it would be wrong to say one is the more likely the bad influence over the other, although etienne may just be. these two find themselves bounding into, well hell, ( i guess??? ) together. playing on one anothers impulsiveness and if one ends up in the back of a police car, the other is handcuffed to them. and yet despite the length of their potential injuries, they find themselves thinking of something crazier to subject them to the next time around.
( 1 / 1 ) - GUARDIAN ANGEL / GOOD INFLUENCE : with etienne being a bit chaotic in nature, he needs somebody that is likely going to steer him clear from all the ideas that’ll bring him to the brink of disaster. he’s impulsive and in that desperate attempt to feel again, he’s very likely to bring a bit of mayhem upon himself. so while they may be worrying and attempting to talk his ideas down, he’s trying to get them to go along with his plan. it may be rare that he actually takes their advice, but when he does it seems to be for the best.
( 1 / 1 ) - PARTY FRIEND : these two know how to have a good time together. despite the amount of alcohol they are throwing back and the shenanigans they find themselves in as a result, this is a time where they also find themselves confiding in one another. if you look at their camera rolls, it’s likely they have tons of embarrassing and unflattering videos and pics of one another, in between their sob-worthy confessionals and venting/rants. these two trust one another, and although they love getting wreckT together, they find themselves discussing very raw and personal details. likely the only person etienne confides in, simply bc he’s completely plastered.
( 1 / 1 ) - SIBLING-LIKE RELATIONSHIP : these two have a love/hate relationship, very sibling like filled with pranks, competition, teasing and playful banter. however, when it comes down to it they have so much love and respect for one another. they know that no matter what happens they will always have one anothers back and be supportive of the other. truly a pure content filled relationship.
okay quick mention, ENEMY PLOTS ?!?!?!?!?!? i would live for one. i can’t imagine etienne being hardcore nasty, but i’d like to see whatever version comes out for this. so let’s get it djfngjakdfg maybe they just hold different viewpoints on the world and what not and clash, anything really !!! v open !!
( 1 / 1 ) - MENTOR - etienne needs a bit of structured or unstructured guidance, all depending on what their deemed mentor is wanting to impart on him, a bit of wisdom or slight chaos. kdjfgn he’ll take anything !! 
RANDOM LITTLE IDEAS : maybe they’ve heard of one another in town, but haven’t quite met yet! or maybe they see each other around all the time, but have yet to introduce themselves to one another but low-key maybe in some online forum for the town together ?! who knows some fun things kdjnfg i AM OPEN !
ooh maybe a slowburn of sorts ?! something spicy to wreck HIS and my life with.  dkfjgn we can base this off of chemistry !!! :’-)
10 notes · View notes
cvrnelivs · 4 years
— ( harry styles, cismale, he/him ) &. * — meet ( cornelius ‘ oliver ’ edwards ) ! ( he ) is ( twenty five ) years old and has lived in st. helens for ( two ) years . when they’re not helping the town prepare for halloween , they work as a ( baker ) . around here, they’re known to be ( idealistic ) & ( intuitive ) yet ( unpredictable ) & ( destructive ) and apparently their favorite fall activity is ( visiting the farmer’s market ) . safe to say it really wouldn’t be halloweentown without them !
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hiya! i am kt &+ underneath the read more is a LOT of info about my bb, cornelius/oliver. ** insert clown emoji but make ‘em yee-haw ** if you’d like to plot you can reach me on here or at space cowboy#8536 on discord !! <33 v excited to interact with y’all and your bbs !!
( DISCLAIMER : THIS IS LONG - WOW !!! just felt a lot of muse !!! apologies !!  ) 
name: cornelius oliver edwards.
nicknames: ollie, ol, lee !! literally whatever - “hey, you” dkjfgn
gender: cismale. pronouns: he, him.
age: twenty-five.
birthday: june 27th.
zodiac: cancer !!
orientation: pansexual / panromantic.
occupation: baker // aspiring filmmaker.
languages spoken: english & french.
- PINTEREST - featuring his wardrobe, his home, his aesthetic, some character inspo and olive, his german shepard pup !!
- SPOTIFY PLAYLIST - what oliver is currently listening to !!
personality type: INFJ-T / THE ADVOCATE
moral alignment: chaotic good
style-wise: oliver is v stylish, but isn’t overly flashy by any means. he’s intuitive in the sense of what works and what doesn’t. willing to explore the latest wardrobe craze, but also just likes what he likes and likely won’t venture out unless pressed by another to do so. post coming soon for his wardrobe !!! they say that the cancer man’s clothing is selected to reflect “ sophistication over flash “ but kdgjn i’ll let ya’ll be the judge of that. he’s v much harry inspired clothing wardrobe, but also tones it down with some casual looks, especially with being in the bakery and getting his hands dirty in creative aspects !!
   oliver was born in kent, england. he’s the youngest in his family of three, having an older brother and sister w/ two loving parents. when he was nine, his family packed up and moved to southern california, where they resided until oliver left for college on the east coast - his family trading off between living back in england and on the west coast throughout the year. upon moving to a new country at a young age, oliver truly found himself via escaping into various books and movies. often attempting to write his own and would force encourage his siblings to act his skits/plays out for his parents enjoyment. growing up, oliver also enjoyed playing all types of sports ( his parents kind of threw him in hoping he’d make friends ), but when it came down to it, athletic abilities-wise, there truly wasn’t anything that he wasn’t ‘ good ‘ at, and that’s simply because he’s always been such a competitive individual / as well as a perfectionist. that competitive/perfectionist energy caused him to go home and practice a skill or trick for hours in order to be able to come back the next day and whoop everyone’s asses. throughout highschool ; oliver was a v dedicated student. although he’s a bit reckless and loved to goof off, he was always acing classes and applying himself. he genuinely cares for others, you could’ve seen his ass volunteering at a soup kitchen with his mom on sundays and what not, as well as take part in various clubs and sports ! just SOFT and sportythings.
   post-high school, oliver attended NYU double majoring in film & television and dramatic writing. despite his extensive and well received portfolio, oliver has always been a perfectionist and overcritical of his work, unwilling to share his projects with anyone until he deems them to be ~ perfect ~ himself. after graduating, he spent a year traveling, trying to find a bit of inspiration around him and taking up odd jobs to get some $$ of his own, dog walking, attempting his best at being a handy man, etc !! he moved back home to socal, and eventually made his way up to st.helen’s after he was sent a job posting for the bakery in town !! although he knows he doesn’t want to pursue a career in baking forever, he’s enjoying his time while trying to find a bit more muse for his future film&writing career.
   overall, oliver can come off as a bit reserved, and distant whether that be a result of his untrusting nature of others, or simply unfamiliarity. it takes a bit of time before he feels comfortable to share his true opinion / commentary / only doing so when he feels secure to do so. he’s not necessarily unfriendly, just a bit distant / lost in his thoughts. which varies, as with most ppl ofc, upon person to person and his level of comfortability among them. despite his often lack of conversation, he abhors an uncomfortable silence to settle and will fill it with nonsense to simply avoid the feeling altogether. so, if you ever want to catch him rambling, just making him uncomfortable dkjfngdf. he definitely approaches most things with a bit of ‘ tough love ‘ . he doesn’t mind getting into a quarrel or two if he knows its worth the outcome he’s envisioned. oliver will tell others when they are fucking up, and if they are throwing a punch as a result - catch him leaning into it, which explains his bout of reckless antics. he can come off as a know it all, when it comes to advice giving, but more so because he thinks he’s really good at analyzing others and situations they are in, not necessarily because he’s lived through them himself, he’s just rather intuitive and able to empathize quite easily with others despite his verbal admittance of it. when it comes down to this binches reckless bits, he just feels so intensely that he ends up numbing himself in the aftermath of it all ( especially bc he’s definitely not sharing those feelings with the people around him ), therefore he’s willing to put himself into harms way in order to get a bit of that - happiness / pain, it doesn’t matter to him as long as he no longer feels overwhelmed by numbness. so, if ya see him with some scrapes and stitches ~ mind ya business. but he’ll likely try to drag somebody else into it, and make it seem like it was their idea. but if he is truly comfortable with somebody, he walks a fine line of won’t stop talking, especially if it’s an interest of his, and comfortable silence.
𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞 & 𝖍𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖘
he is a CANCER, therefore in this essay i will..... kidding but here’s some fun cancer info i saw that applies to my bb !! at first he appears to be wistful, sarcastic ( maybe a lil crabby ) , shy, distant and mysterious. this personality remains if he isn’t completely comfortable around somebody. but overall, that’s just his facade, his ‘smokescreen’ of sorts to scare off the world from his outwards persona. underneath that layer ( makes me think of shrek metaphor with onions // don’t mind me ), BUT he’s gentle, kind and affectionate ( if you manage to make it to that level * bell dings * ) !!! overall, oliver is a sensitive soul, a bit emotional although he’d rather d*e than show that to others. likely will internalize anything that can hurt his feelings / a low blow and will do something chaotic as a result later on bc of it. very polite, and a little worldly, he is truly the epitome of old-school gentlemanly manners. chivalry coming as a second nature to him !!
that was getting ramble-y, so continuing HERE. but when it comes to romance, as per the cancer man, the concept of love is a mystery, one that oliver is trying to attain. however, his shyness and innate distrust of others make it difficult for him to allow himself to fall in love. his guard is always up when it comes to his emotions, and it’ll take a bit of prodding before he’s willing to speak up on what’s desired from him. he’s v picky when it comes to finding the “ partner of his dreams “ - but he’s def willing to throw himself into the romance of the situation, i.e. buying flowers, riding white horses, and slaying metaphorical dragons. the traditional side means that he will shower his partner with thoughtful gifts, wine and dine them in the best restaurants, and try to grant their every wish. he will take the garbage out, fix that wobbly shelf, navigate on road trips, and kill more so trap and release bugs for his partner, and most important of all he will do it all without being asked. his loyalty and keen attention to the needs and wants of his potential partner. so basically, more so willing to showcase through actions than speak on it. it’s the little things, right ??!?!?! he def cherishes not just the act of being in a relationship, but what it means to become one with another person in mind, body, and soul.
prides himself on being able to make a mean cup of coffee, likely the worst person to watch a movie with bc he knows exactly how it’s going to end after only watching five minutes of it, he has a godawful sense of direction, will walk in circles for fifteen minutes before even raising a question about it/noticing ( but he refuses to acknowledge it. )
his house, car, workspace, junk drawer, closet….you name it - it’s organized, practically sparkling. often times arranged by color, and / or style. nothing is ever out of place, and if it is - there’s trouble brewing. but, more than anything, if he’s visiting somebody’s place and it’s messy, he will spend a solid thirty minutes picking everything up before doing whatever it is that was intended.
likes : reading, flowers, handwritten notes/letters, deep cleaning, baking, curating soundtracks for his film projects, watching the history channel and true crime docs and playing / watching hockey !!
dislikes : artichoke, clutter, sandals ( fkjgh ), unrealistic plotlines in movies &+ burnt coffee.
habits : smoking cigarettes - although he’s been meaning to quit. likely has a severe caffeine addiction, although he’s now normalized having six cups of coffee throughout his day. he’s an early riser, no matter how little the amount of sleep he’s received, he’s always the first to rise - for his early morning runs !!
strengths: creative, insightful, inspiring, convincing, determined and passionate, decisive, altruistic, intuitive !!
weaknesses: sensitive, extremely private, perfectionist, low-key always needs to have a cause / purpose, can burn out easily !! 
overall : oliver truly strives to be kind, and genuinely wants for everyone to get along. treat people with kindness and the like. he has the best of intentions, but often times that can get a bit muddled with the way he goes about things due to his bit of chaotic energy / as well as his often points of getting lost in his thoughts. he won’t realize he’s been quiet for the last three hours unless it’s mentioned to him. he will do anything to lighten a dark mood, and will sacrifice / throw himself under the bus if its needed. however, he also is the type to cause the dark mood depending on the day. wahoo! his more reckless antics increase when he’s feeling a bit emotional !! but he’ll likely try and convince somebody to propose the idea so it’s not on him. 
𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘
in an attempt to throw himself into the town’s traditions and what not, after moving to st. helen’s oliver decided it was upon himself to put on a very spooo0ooky haunted house! so, catch him converting his home into a haunted house for the month of october !!! nothing cheesy either !! it’s more a psychological scare dkjgn with some gore elements !! EnTeR iF yOu DaRe !!!
he bounced around playing sports growing up, but favored ice hockey and field lacrosse out of them all.
HE WANTS TO JOIN A BOOKCLUB PLEASE !!!!!!!! or at least have some casual moments of silence with another reading. plz and tysm.
he is a vegetarian ! he has been since his freshman year of high school and has no plans on eating seafood/meat ever again.
he loves fancy wine ~ he’s cultured. visits seb’s winery v often !!!
he can play the drums !!
he collects vintage matchbooks and the stickers off of various fruits ( he puts them in a little notebook - can be found on his bookshelf ).
saves handwritten notes and letters from pals.
he loves to garden !!!! he has a specified rose shearing hat.
to make things a bit simple, he has all of harry’s tattoos !!  might add more along the way !! stay tuned, folks !!
𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘
honestly, i am so up for anything !!! please accept this ramble of ideas thrown below.  if you have any other ideas, lmk !!!! <3333 :’-)
( 2 / 2 ) - BFFZ : the z for an added emphasis dkfjgnd. somebody who likely has a key to oliver’s house, they can enjoy one anothers company as well as the bouts of comfortable silence. you know how best friends are but kdjfngd still !! whether they are likeminded or polar opposites that just flow ~~ down for anything !! even a trio of sorts ?!
( 0 / ?? ) - MUSE(S) : somebody that he often strikes inspo from for his short films and what not !! or has starred/he plans to have them star in his future compilations of sorts !! can be simply from their own ideals, their look / ~vibe~ dkfjgn // whatever !!
( 1 / 1 ) - RIDE OR DIE / CHAOTIC COMPANION : it would be wrong to say one is the more likely the bad influence over the other, although oliver may just be. these two find themselves bounding into, well hell, ( i guess??? ) together. playing on one anothers impulsiveness and if one ends up in the back of a police car, the other is handcuffed to them. and yet despite the length of their potential injuries, they find themselves thinking of something crazier to subject them to the next time around.
( 1 / 1 ) - GUARDIAN ANGEL / GOOD INFLUENCE : with ollie being a bit chaotic in nature, he needs somebody that is likely going to steer him clear from all the ideas that’ll bring him to the brink of disaster. he’s impulsive and in that desperate attempt to feel again, he’s very likely to bring a bit of mayhem upon himself. so while they may be worrying and attempting to talk his ideas down, he’s trying to get them to go along with his plan. it may be rare that he actually takes their advice, but when he does it seems to be for the best.
( 0 / 1 ) - PARTY FRIEND : these two know how to have a good time together. despite the amount of alcohol they are throwing back and the shenanigans they find themselves in as a result, this is a time where they also find themselves confiding in one another. if you look at their camera rolls, it’s likely they have tons of embarrassing and unflattering videos and pics of one another, in between their sob-worthy confessionals and venting/rants. these two trust one another, and although they love getting wreckT together, they find themselves discussing very raw and personal details. likely the only person oliver confides in, simply bc he’s completely plastered.
( 1 / 1 ) - SIBLING-LIKE RELATIONSHIP : these two have a love/hate relationship, very sibling like filled with pranks, competition, teasing and playful banter. however, when it comes down to it they have so much love and respect for one another. they know that no matter what happens they will always have one anothers back and be supportive of the other. truly a pure content filled relationship.
okay quick mention, ENEMY PLOTS ?!?!?!?!?!? i would live for one. i can’t imagine oliver being hardcore nasty, but i’d like to see whatever version comes out for this. so let’s get it djfngjakdfg maybe they just hold different viewpoints on the world and what not and clash, anything really !!! v open !!
( 1 / 1 ) - MENTOR - oliver needs a bit of structured or unstructured guidance, all depending on what their deemed mentor is wanting to impart on him, a bit of wisdom or slight chaos. kdjfgn he’ll take anything !! life advice in any and all aspects. maybe they come into the bakery, or maybe they help him with his garden. who knows, i certainly don’t know how they met, but we’ll figure it out ?!?!
RANDOM LITTLE IDEAS : maybe they’ve heard of one another in town, but haven’t quite met yet! or maybe they see each other around all the time, but have yet to introduce themselves to one another but low-key maybe in some online forum for the town together ?! who knows some fun things kdjnfg i AM OPEN !
ooh maybe a slowburn of sorts ?! something spicy to wreck ollie’s and my life with.  dkfjgn we can base this off of chemistry !!! :’-) 
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3 for Kuja, 7 for Piers from the Kissed asks? 😊
List of Prompts / Ask Game
Thank you so much for the prompts, these were really fun to write up! 💜 And now I’m super big love for both these boys- 🥺💜
3 - Morning/Wake up call
Character: Kuja
Words: 526
7 - Accidental
Character: Piers
Words: 701
Kuja - Morning/Wake up call
The palace had been eerily quiet for the past hours, a somewhat surprising, but welcomed change to the usual bustle. One would expect a palace out in the dessert to be peaceful and quiet, however the noises of the creatures and servants protecting their abode would often have both Kuja and his dearest wife awakened in the night.
However today, things were silent, so silent that the only thing waking them up would be the sun shining through the window of their ceiling. Kuja was the first one to rise, as he usually is due to his occupation. Today was different than other days though, for there was no paperwork, no visits and no evil antics for him to perform, just utter silence and peace, which affected his mood quite positively.
“Melissa, darling, are you awake?~”, Kuja’s words would escape him in an elegant manner as usual. Despite knowing that his wife had not awakened yet by looking at her content and sleeping face, he would ask the question still.
“Darling?~”, he’d try once more, but still all that answers him are content sighs and occasional snores, which emit a chuckle from him. It is at this point Kuja would make his move, moving his face close to his lover’s and planting a soft kiss against her forehead, followed by one on each of her cheeks and finishing by kissing her lips. These actions would finally gain him the response he was aiming for, a soft groan escaping his wife,
“Kuja? It’s the middle of the night, let me sleep…“, this was all that would leave her lips as she brought the covers back to her shoulders, just wanting to escape back into blissful sleep and warmth.
“Now, now, darling~ I would not count 11 in the morning as ‘the middle of the night’ and I do not believe that is a common manner of thinking for Gaians either~”, despite his rough looks, smeared make-up and messy hair, Kuja would be cheerful as ever, though that may be pinned onto the fact he was used to waking up early and taming his hair in the wee hours of the night.
“Good morning to you too-“, Melissa would still be very groggy from being so suddenly awoken, her words holding a certain sarcasm to them, “Good morning~”, Kuja’s words would be much more cheerful in contrast, though a soft yawn would leave him soon after as he moves to get out of bed, draping a nightgown over himself and leaving the room, only looking back to give his wife one more smile, “I will order the servants to make breakfast. I am anticipating your arrival, so you may want to haste yourself~”, and just like that he’d leave to do as he said.
Melissa would only groan once again as she hoists herself out of bed- never a dull day with the man, that’s for sure. Though the real surprise would only come once she looked in the mirror and saw the soft purple lipstick stains on her face from where Kuja had kissed her- for someone claiming to dislike kissing, he was quite affectionate when unnoticed~
Piers - Accidental
Piers’ and I’s first kiss was actually an accidental one, so here you go~ 👀💜
The evening was still young as Piers entered the venue, though this time he wasn’t there to perform himself. The inside of the somewhat modern building was donned with flags and posters from Helveitios, dark greens and blacks covering every single wall. His eyes scanned the room for the group that he had planned to meet with, his eyes settling soon on one of his planned companions: the sister of his friend, and in fact the whole reason the group had decided to go to this specific concert. Piers would soon notice that she’s alone, with her brother and his own sister still not having shown up- they hadn’t had a lot of interactions with just the two of them, though he’d still approach with some sort of confidence,
“Heya, Melissa. Ya seen Klet an’ Marnie yet?”, Piers’ words would somewhat startle the shorter female, though she’d look quite happy to see him, shaking her head, “N-no, not yet… Bro said he’d get here once he-“, her words would trail off at the sound of her phone, the jingle indicating a text message. With the potential of the message coming from either Marnie or her brother she’d look through her phone, reading the message before showing the screen to the taller man, a message from her brother showing:
“Yo Mel, I ain’t gonna make it, gotta bad tire! You have fun, alright?”, Piers would smile at the message, finding the bad luck that Klet would always find himself in ever so funny- the man could pick up his guitar and accidently choke himself with the cords. Though that train of thought wouldn’t continue much longer as another beep emits, this time from Piers’ phone.
“Marnie ain’ comin’ either. That alright with ya?”, something about it seemed off to Melissa, but she’d just nod, little did she know neither of their siblings ‘couldn’t make it’, but instead used this opportunity as a manner to set their sibling up.
The whole night had gone well, the music completely engulfing the halls as the crowd went wild during the heaviest sections of the metal music. Piers and Melissa had stayed in the back for most of the night, mostly just enjoying music and the occasional (screaming) conversations they would have. Once the band announces their next song however, the shorter of the two would get excited- this was her favourite song after all- pulling her companion along to the front lines.
This decision, however, would change their perception of each other forever. As is usual during metal concerts, a mosh pit would be created with people pushing each other and bumping against one another. Due to their decision to go to the front of the crowd, both of them got caught into the madness, being pushed around by the people on the side-lines. While this was not Piers’ favourite activity, the laughing and smile on Melissa’s face would be all he needed to enjoy the experience. It wouldn’t be too much longer until they are both shoved into each other’s direction, Piers moving to take the hit of the fall as the pair topples over. It would take a couple seconds of the both having locked lips as they laid on the ground for a few of the surrounding people to hoist them back up onto their feet.
The rest of the night, both of them were flushed with a bright blush, the music drowning out any potential to talk about what had just happened. All they knew is that this kiss had amplified their dormant feelings for each other, and that they would have a different future ahead of them. With that knowledge and the following adrenaline in their systems, they enjoyed the rest of the night dancing and clinging onto eachother.
“Ya think they confessed yet?”, Klet would ask Marnie as they sat on the ground of Piers’ and Marnie’s living room, “Don’ think so, if I know my brother and your sister as well as I thin’, they probably won’ ‘til someone forced their hand.”, Klet would only laugh, knowing the chances of their little set-up probably wouldn’t have worked, “Ya, ya right.”
Though wrong Marnie was, very wrong….
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