#(c: aella)
droopycoquette · 1 year
1. The Swap || Mapi Leon x Reader
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Summary: why are suddenly being woken by your cat screaming and not her laying on your chest?
Warnings: fluff, suggestive content
Italics = Mapi's Thoughts/POV
Word Count: 4.2k
Series Masterlist
“Aella, you did so well,” you smiled. “I know, no one likes the vet. But, you were amazing.”
Aella, your beautiful black cat, cuddled into your arms at your praise, almost as if she could understand you. Her actions made you smile as you walked to the entrance of your apartment, it quickly turned to a slight frown when she began to wiggle in your arms. You released her and let her run ahead slightly watching her closely before looking down to find your keycard.
When you glanced back up, worry burst in your veins.
You couldn’t see her anymore. 
Your heart began to beat faster as you turned around to see if she had run behind you and when you didn’t see her you called her name once more. 
“Aella, baby! Come here, please!”
You desperately looked around for what seemed like forever(it was actually 1 minute) before your black cat came running out of the bushes, allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief. You bent down to pick up the raven-furred creature, holding her tightly.
“I need to stop letting you run off,” you whisper into her fur, scanning your keycard and opening the door to your apartment complex. "I take my eyes off of you for literally a second and you decide it's time for an adventure."
As the door was closing you could hear someone shouting in the distance as if they were looking for something too. 
“I wonder who that could be,” you whisper again to her. “None of my business though.”
Aella meowed in response before purring, making you giggle. You pause at the top of the stairs to get out your keys when someone bumped into you, forcing you to drop them. When you turned around, you saw your tatted neighbor, whose name you still didn’t know.
“Hey,” you said cheerfully.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered, ignoring you, before entering the apartment across from yours. 
You stood there for a second and pondered her actions. You had never had a bad interaction with her, in fact, recently you learned she also had a black cat. So her attitude could only mean one thing:
“She must be having a bad day,” you tell Aella, entering your home. 
As soon as you enter, Aella begins to squirm in your arms, irking you. Aella never turned down a chance to be held, well, not usually. 
“Okay,” you let out. “Seems like you’re having a bad day as well.”
You sat your bags on the table and began to get Aella’s food ready when your mind wandered to the woman who had bumped into you. Your neighbor was the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. Everything she did made you swoon.
How her eyes brightened before she smiled, how her arms bulged a little when she pulled her door open, the way her tattoos sat on her skin, you took note of everything. It was nice having an attractive neighbor, it was something else that made coming home that much better.
You hadn’t realized you had dazed off until you heard Aella meowing loudly, making you panic. She was one of the quietest cats you’ve ever met, something must be wrong.
“What,” you asked rushing to your bedroom where she was.
Nothing was going on, she was…just being loud? What? 
“Aella, what’s going on? You’re being weird,” you say leaning down in front of the green-eyed cat. “You’re usually so calm. Did the vet mess you up that much?”
When she just meowed at you, it irked you even more. Aella rarely responded out loud, you always had silent conversations with her. Her blinking was the only thing that let you know she was listening. You slowly begin walking back to the kitchen when Aella started meowing loudly again, more like screaming. You quickly peeked your head into your room, to see if something was actually going on. Nothing was and she went silent when she saw you. 
“Come on,” you sigh, leaning down and opening your arms for her to jump into.
She didn’t move. 
“Aella, come here,” you laugh at her antics. 
She still didn’t move. She just stared at you for a couple of seconds, meowing before closing her eyes. 
You were left speechless at the lack of response. The Aella you knew loved physical affection, almost more than you did. You silently walked back to the kitchen heart heavy at the rejection of affection by your best friend and began to prepare her dinner. 
“Bagheera! Where are you?”
Mapi called out for her cat once more. 
Her heart hadn’t stopped thumping in her chest at the prospect of her cat being loose, Bagheera was an inside cat through and through. He didn’t stand a chance out in the city. Her fingers ran through her hair as the sun beat down on her, she had locked all the doors in her apartment when she left and made sure the door to her balcony was closed. How could he have gotten out?
She glanced up and saw her neighbor holding her cat, and Mapi’s heart squeezed in her chest. Where the fuck was Bagheera? As the sun continued to shine, her rings began to feel hot, the metal no longer cool from air conditioning.
Mapi sighed, perhaps it was time to call animal services. All her things were upstairs in her apartment, she had run down without anything when she realized Bagheera was missing. 
“Fuck,” she muttered. “Of all the fucking days, it just had to be this one.”
She had woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, her neck and shoulders aching from sleeping on them funny. Then, at practice, her knee began to act up randomly. Her hair wasn’t cooperating with her either, falling out of its usual messy bun as if she had tied it up with thread instead of a hair tie. Finally, of course, her cat had decided today was the day to take a hike. 
She made her way up the stairs and, as she was cursing her shit day, hadn’t realized a person had stopped at the top of the stairs until a small ‘oof’ left both their lips. She didn’t even bother to look up, head still in the clouds only muttering a small ‘sorry’ and continuing on to her apartment. 
“Fuck,” Mapi, paused, realizing she had just bumped into her neighbor. 
The neighbor that she had been keeping an eye on. The neighbor that was always smiling at her. The neighbor that was constantly skipping around. The fellow cat parent.
That neighbor.
And she had just acted like the biggest bitch on the planet. She hadn’t even acknowledged her. 
She began to look for her phone as she inwardly cringed at her actions and, once she had found it, made her way to her balcony to make the call, hoping that the fresh air would do her some good. Her focus stayed on her phone until she was finished looking up the nearest animal control when finally, she looked up. Then she saw him. 
Her cat just strolled along the path in front of her apartment, as if nothing was the matter. 
Mapi had never felt herself run so fast, and she played soccer for a living so that's saying something. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” she continued to curse under her breath, each one timed with her feet hitting the stairs.
Her heartbeat continued to rise in pace as she jogged over to the happy cat laying in the sun.
“You are one annoying cat, you know that,” Mapi breathed once she had Bagheera in her arms. 
The cat in question stayed silent, choosing to snuggle further into her arms, blinking slowly. 
“Yeah, te amo tambien,” she chuckled, holding the cat closer.
She waited for someone with a keycard to open the door for her, as she had left everything up in her apartment(yet again) and made her way back up the stairs for the third time that day. She glanced at her neighbor's door, cringing again, before opening her own door and entering. She subconsciously waited for Bagheera to jump from her arms and run around her apartment chasing whatever his eyes landed on but that moment never came, Bagheera stayed in her arms. 
“Is someone feeling sentimental,” Mapi teased. 
Bagheera just closed his eyes. Strange. 
“You know that neighbor that I was telling you about,” Mapi asked, continuing to talk to the cat. “I bumped into her earlier today, I mean, I hadn’t realized it was her until I was back in my apartment because I was so worried about you, thanks for that by the way.” 
The cat, once again, stayed silent choosing instead to watch her. Mapi was so used to Bagheera responding to her that the silence made her worry. 
“Are you okay, gatito?”
No response, just a blink.
“Bueno,” she said cautiously, putting the cat down and expecting him to begin running. 
He never did, instead, he began to rub himself onto her calves, purring. 
What was going on?
You watched as the black cat leapt from the floor to your couch with confusion, as you had been doing for the past two days. Aella’s strange behavior continued even after the day you brought her back from the vet. She now ran around your apartment instead of sitting peacefully. She would scratch at the table which she had never done. She would also wake you up with loud meowing, which shocked you the most.
Since she was a kitten, Aella had always laid on your chest and waited for you to wake up. Every minute that passed made your heart beat faster, what was with this new behavior? 
Mapi groaned as she awoke, feeling pressure on her chest, not anything heavy but pressure all the same. When she opened her eyes she saw her cat, resting on her chest. 
“Hey, Bagheera,” she said, more like asked. 
This was the second day of her cat acting strangely, the second day where she hadn’t woken up to her cat screaming. Instead, she was woken up by purring and cuddles. Very strange indeed. 
She never thought she would say this but, she missed the screaming and the running around and the energy that her cat surrounded her with all day. She wondered where it went. 
Aella began doing her laps around your apartment and you continued to watch her in bewilderment while eating. Around her sixth lap, she paused for a drink of water, and that's when you saw it. You stopped, mid-bite, and slowly put down your fork. 
“Aella,” you called cautiously. “Come here, please.”
When she didn’t respond you picked her up and sat her next to you on the couch. 
“Okay, I’m going to do something,” you tell her. “It’s not going to be very comfortable for either of us though, okay?”
You grab the cat on both sides and lift her up, confirming what you saw. “She” was actually a he. 
“Shit,” you curse putting the Aella imposter down. “Well, you’re not my baby. Who are you, buddy?”
You put the cat back on your lap and begin to stroke his fur, smiling softly when he began to purr. 
“As sweet as you are, I think we need to find your owner. They’re probably worried sick,” you sigh. “And most importantly, I need to find my cat. Her name is Aella.”
He meowed in response, hopping off your lap and trotting over to the door before sitting down in front of it.
“Mr. what are you doi-”
You cut yourself off with a gasp. The only other person you had seen with a black cat who had green eyes was your neighbor. 
“There is no way,” you sigh, looking the cat in the eyes. “We could try though. I mean, it wouldn’t hurt, right?”
He meowed once more before looking back at the door. 
“Give me one second,” you tell him before running to your bedroom, heart beating wildly.
“She can’t see me like this and if she is your mom then maybe we could become friends. Then, maybe, we could hang out and when we hang out we could maybe…”
You paused your rambling as you finished changing your shirt and applying perfume, maybe what? You thought back to the dirty blonde woman and her tattoos. You didn’t see her all the time, in fact, your schedules hardly aligned. But, when you did see her, the world became rosy and pink. You could watch her leg muscles all day...or her arms, especially when the tattoos shifted as the muscles moved under them. You could go on and on. It was the most rom-com-esque situation but, you had a crush on your neighbor and now you finally had a reason to talk to her. 
“Okay,” you whispered to the cat who had made his way into your room. “How do I look Mr. Imposter?”
The cat meowed as if to give his seal of approval. 
“Thank you,” you smiled.
You did one last check in the mirror before taking a deep breath, your mind running through every possible conversation that could happen. You stopped in front of your door and looked down at the cat who looked up at you expectantly. Picking up the green-eyed creature, you slowly walked out into the hallway, feeling as if you were about to walk into an abyss. 
As you raise your hand to knock on the door your arm becomes weak and your breathing quickens. 
“Come on, you can do this. You can do this, you can do this,” you repeated under your breath. 
After three tries, you finally knock on her door gingerly, still holding the black cat in your arms. When the door opens you are hit with the scent of cardamom and sandalwood, you could feel your heart quicken even more.
“Hello,” she smiles. 
Mapi felt her heart in her throat, her hair was in a messy bun, and her shirt was filled with stains. She had never felt so underprepared in her life…what were you doing at her door?
“Hi, I’m really sorry to interrupt your day but, I think you have my cat,” you say. “And I have yours.”
She looks at you confused and just as she was about to speak another black cat appears from the corner of her apartment and runs to you, rubbing itself on your calf, purring. As she watched the cat at your feet, you got a closer look at her face, you could feel yourself falling even deeper. 
“Bagheera,” she asks and the cat in your arms meows in response. “Oh my god!”
She softly takes the cat from your arms and you have to stop yourself from shivering at her touch. She chuckles as Bagheera cuddles into her chest. 
“Bagheera is a beautiful name,” you say smiling, kneeling down and picking up Aella. 
“Yeah, its from-
“Junglebook,” you both say at the same time.
You both begin to laugh.
If Mapi’s heart got any faster, she’s pretty sure she would go into cardiac arrest. Your smile made her skin warm and your eyes were like two pools of…fuck you had her performing sonnets. 
 Just as the interaction had almost come to a close Bagheera begins to squirm in her arms and Aella began to squirm in yours. 
“What are you-,” your gorgeous neighbor was cut off when Bagheera jumps down.
Aella quickly follows suit and runs after him, straight into your neighbor's apartment. The warm scents now surrounded you, encasing you in a cozy, soft trap that you never wanted to leave.
“I guess she feels at home,” the dirty blonde jokes. 
“Yeah, I guess she had a good host,” you joke back. 
“It was my pleasure,” she smiles before a look of realization flashes behind her eyes. “I haven’t introduced myself yet, I’m Mapi.”
“I’m y/n,” you grin. 
She steps aside and gestures for you to come in. 
“Are you sure, I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“Y/n, I opened my home to a random cat, I’m sure I can do it for a beautiful girl. Please I insist,” she states walking away from the door and leaving it open. 
As you follow her, the words “beautiful girl” played over and over again in your head. Mapi called you a beautiful girl. Slipping off your shoes, you heard the door closing behind you. You felt a gush of wind against your calves and watched Aella and Bagheera run passed you. Your heart swelled with joy and slight jealousy at the two cats. 
Mapi’s eyes trail over you, taking note of your demeanor. You look at both cats with such longing, it made her heart twinge yet it gave her hope at the same time. The right corner of your mouth twitched upward as Aella swatted at Bagheera playfully. 
“So, how long have you lived here,” Mapi asked. 
Mapi mentally berated herself, she knew how long you had been living here, she was here when you moved in. 
“Oh, um, about two months,” you responded, eyes moving from the cats to her. 
Mapi liked that, having your eyes on her. 
“I moved here from the States,” you continued. “I went to school there for a while.” 
“Oh, decided that it was time to upgrade,” Mapi joked. 
“Yeah, actually,” you joked back. “And I haven’t been disappointed. I love it here, and so does Aella. I haven’t had a lot of time to explore though.” 
“Really? You’ve at least gone to some of the beaches, right?”
“Well,” you chuckled. “Not exactly, I’m still getting adjusted.”
You smiled softly at her before your eyes drifted back to the cats. 
No, keep your eyes on me. 
“It looks like we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other,” you grinned. 
Mapi’s eyes followed yours and she couldn’t help but smile at the sight before her, both Aella and Bagheera were curled up and sleeping on Bagheera’s bed, their chests rising and falling in unison. It was the sweetest thing you had ever seen. 
“It looks like,” Mapi agreed softly. “Would you like to stay for dinner, and by that I mean, would you like to order some food?”
Your heartbeat quickened for the millionth time that evening. 
“I’m guessing you still don’t know a lot of people,” Mapi added. “I could be your first friend.”
Mapi hit the nail on the head with that statement. You don’t know anyone. It was a blessing and a curse.
“I’d be happy to,” you smiled. “Anyone with a cat is suitable friend material in my book.”
“We’re already finding things to agree on, we’re practically besties,” Mapi grinned. 
You laughed loudly at her statement but caught yourself when you saw your cats stirring. 
“Whoops,” you whispered. “Sorry.”
Mapi giggled at your antics, saying sorry to cats who were asleep. You were worming your way deeper and deeper into her heart and she had just learned your name. You were dangerous.
“Come on,” Mapi gestures over to the couch. “We can decide what we want to eat.”
You followed her over to the couch, quickly glancing at the tattoo of a lion on her back before she turned around and sat down. 
“I really like your tattoo,” you blurted out. 
“Which one,” she chuckled. 
“All of them,” you say with a smile. 
“You haven’t seen all of them,” Mapi states.
I’d like to, you think to yourself. 
“Well,” you start. “I doubt you would let yourself get a bad tattoo.”
“Touche,” she laughs. “However-”
She points at her neck and tilts her head back for you to see the writing. 
Could she get any hotter? 
You swallowed hard and felt a heat rising up your body as if you were a living thermometer.
“Have you ever wanted one,” Mapi asks. “A tattoo I mean.” 
You nod, “Yeah, but I’m not a big fan of needles.” 
“Neither was I,” Mapi grinned. “But it’s addicting. The pain is over before you know it and you find yourself wanting more.” 
Your lips parted, “So you want more?”
More of you? Fuck, yes. 
You nod and lean back against the couch.
“I’m satisfied for now,” Mapi says.
You watch as Mapi’s tongue darts out to wet her lips and feel yourself flinch at the onslaught of bad thoughts that enter your mind. Suddenly, your stomach rumbles and you have never been more grateful for the annoying sound. 
“So,” you start. “You said something about food?”
Mapi smiles endearingly at your joke. 
“Yeah, I might have mentioned it. What are you in the mood for?” 
“I don’t know, you know Spain better than I do. Surprise me.” 
“That I can do.” 
“So, wait, on top of playing on Barca’s team you also interned at a tattoo shop?”
“Yep,” Mapi smiled, watching you devour the Fideuà.
“That’s amazing, how do you tattoo yourself though?”
“I don’t know, I’ve had a lot of practice so I think I’ve gotten better.”
“Well, when I overcome my fear of needles I’m coming straight to you,” you say. “I want to be the first person tattooed by Mapi León.” 
Mapi felt herself warm at that, she liked the idea of sharing her art with you. Having it tattooed onto your skin. It would be a dream come true. She could almost envision it, a winding vine on your wrist or a rose on your ribs. She needed a drink. 
“So how long have you had Aella,” Mapi asked, shifting the conversation. 
“I’ve had Aella for 4 years, she’s like my soulmate, she’s so quiet and gentle. She’s probably the calmest cat I’ve ever met. She’s also very spoiled, I can’t say no to her.” 
“So…she’s like your princess,” Mapi questions with a raised brow. 
“Yeah,” you laugh. “I guess she is.”
“So that makes you La Reina.”
“What’s that?”
“The queen,” Mapi states, her eyes never leaving you. 
Your cheeks heat at her directness and you quickly avert your eyes from her, almost choking on the rice you had put in your mouth. You were going to have to be careful with eating around her if she says things like that regularly. She was practically a choking hazard. 
“That's cheesy,” you mutter, taking a gulp of water. 
“I know,” Mapi laughs.
“Would that make you Reina dos?”
“Why would I be Reina dos?”
“Because I’m Reina uno,” you say simply as you start to clean the boxes of food.
Mapi gawked at you and your logic, laughing and giggling at your antics. Her eyes never left you as you got up to throw away the trash and came back. 
“What? It’s true. It seems that Bagheera is courting Aella, which I guess would make him a prince, which would make you future queen mother…or future queen regent? Wait that’s not right, I think its-”
Mapi listened to you ramble with a smile on her face, the sun had set, and the candles that she had lit before cast a dream-like glow on your face. She had just met you and yet, she could tell that you had a place in her life.
Both cats had woken up and had begun to make their way over to their respectful owners. When Aella found her place on your lap you had stopped your rambling, seeming to forget what you were talking about all together. 
“Hey, my love,” you smiled at the cat. “Did you enjoy your nap?” 
Aella blinked at you, seeming to communicate with you without talking. Mapi found it admirable. 
“La Princesa y El leopardo has awakened,” Mapi grinned, stroking the fur of Bagheera. 
You smiled at Bagheera’s meowing, communicating with Mapi instead of the silence that Aella had. You found it cute. 
“I can’t believe it took me two days to figure out that Bagheera was yours,” you chuckled.
“That is your cat, for sure.” 
“Same here,” Mapi grinned. “I don’t know how I didn’t know after the first day of silence.” 
You both sat there in silence after that, taking in each other’s company and listening to Bagheera and Aella’s purring. Mapi’s eyes lingered on you while yours lingered on her tattoos. You both didn’t want to forget a single detail about the other. When Mapi’s eyes lowered back down to Bagheera you took the chance to map out her face. Her strong eyebrows, her freckles, her caramel-colored eyes, the three moles on her neck, everything. 
Both of you snapped out of your dream-like state when your alarm went off. Signaling to you that it was 9 p.m. Shit.
“Sorry,” you whisper, afraid that if you spoke too loudly it would break something. 
“It’s okay,” Mapi grinned. “It’s late and we both have stuff tomorrow.” 
You nod, a tight-lipped smile revealing your lack of enthusiasm. 
“Well, mi reina y mi princesa,” Mapi starts. “I will see you soon. Tomorrow, hopefully.” 
“I’d like that. A lot actually,” you say, standing up with your cat in hand. 
You and I both 
Mapi runs ahead of you to grab the door, opening it and standing aside.
“Bye, Bagheera,” you say, waving at the black cat. 
“Bye mi reina,” Mapi flirts, attempting to curtsey. “Adiós, Princesa.”
Your nose crinkled at the nickname before letting out an exasperated laugh and curtsying back.
“Bye Mapi.” 
As soon as you step out of Mapi’s apartment, you realize that you're in deep trouble. You can’t stop thinking about her. Her tattoos, her directness, her eyes. God, her eyes. You can’t remember the last time you were so captivated by someone. She was genuine, authentic, and frankly, intimidating. But you liked that about her. It was refreshing.
You make it back to your apartment, and even Aella’s purring on your lap can’t distract you from your thoughts. You’re screwed. You know you’re going to see her again, but you’re not sure if you’re ready for whatever it is that’s happening between the two of you. It’s like a spark, and you’re not sure if you want that spark to turn into a wildfire. 
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nokdunal · 1 month
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for this post asked by @nananarc sorry friend, had to take a screen cap due to main/side blog bs!!!
🩹 Aella suffers from c-ptsd :C and not really a disability but has  hyperosmia- crazy sense of smell, in Korean we call it 개코- Dog nose! So she would get headaches when she is in a place that stinks.
💤- Related to the last question, but has nightmares/insomnia. Like to think she self medicates to knock out LMAOOO
thanks for asking!! whee
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My OC's and weather or not they could life Thor's Hammer
Ella Alden: yes. Hands down she would.
Mia Alden: maaaaybe? Maybe kinda like a captain America thing where it moves a little bit but she can't lift it.
Loreley: no. She could not. But then again being the daughter of a God might give her some pointers.
Alruna: yes. First of all, Norse mythology is her thing so I feel like she'd choose not to lift it because she knows the significance, but she'd 100% be able to.
Fanon Alistar: I wanna say yes, but I know it's a no.
Canon Alistar: hell no
Evangeline: the purest of pure. YESYESYES
Elias: I'd say he could if he Wanted
Deena: she's killed too many people. no..
Carolyn: ehhhh a bit iffy..... I'm gonna say it's a possibility
John: F U C K N O
Jacob: yeah sure
Clarissa: this woman is a warrior pirate, but still humble. She's a lot like Thor so.... yeah I'd say she could.
Hope: she's too kinky. She wouldn't be able to
Isaac: nope
Emily: it's possible
Aponi: no.she lives in hell and got there because of her own mistakes.. however, when she gets to heaven she might be able to
Aella: nope
Furcalor: she got cast out of heaven for a reason
Cordelia: HA. no.
@gyubby99 idk what do u think?
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gyubby99 · 1 year
@disneyanddisneyships no cause i just realized how fucking powerful an Alaponi wedding would be.. LIKE??
Like first off let's look at the people she associates with.
Like her groom is Alastor. The radio demon himself. That's a first.
Husker IS the best man. No other options.
Cherri would set fireworks. SHE WOULD. Come on nowwwww
And then angel dust. The effing pornstar. A guest on her wedding day. You cant tell me he's not performing. He's famous, duh.
All of your other hellaverse ocs except for Linda.
Like.. Aella. Cordelia. FURCALOR. Roxxie. Becca.
And yk damn well who they're bringing.
Aella WOULD bring clark and Striker along. FRICKING STRIKER. And the tiny imp band would be there as well because duh they follow him around (them singing at her wedding tho)
Cordelia brings along her sleazebag. Just make sure he behaves.
FURCALOR BRO. FURCALOR. She would probably persuade Stolas to come. That, and another reason. Just hang on.
Roxxane. Fricking Roxxane, bro. No way in hell shes not bringing anyone along let alone her own girlfriend. Like.
Also verosika literally hangs out with poni, angel and bee every saturday. ?!?!?!
Becca SHOULD be there. She would be crying nonstop.
Becca would want to be the flower girl along with niffty. Just saying.
Every wedding has a party. Party. She's fifteen. There is no way in the seven rings of hell BLITZ is going to let her come alone. This is blitz we're talking about.
And yes, that's also part of the reason why Stolas would be there. Come on now. You think he'd pass up an opportunity to go after seeing blitz on the guest list? No.
Also I mentioned that Verosika meets up with angel, poni and ONE OTHER PERSON.
Fucking bee-lzebub herself. The PARTY GIRL. She would tear it up on Aponi's wedding day-- ESPECIALLY on Aponi's wedding day. She definitely officiates it. She hosts it. She gives a speech. She's in charge with the food (preferably without drugs) Like come ONNN. Shed do it for her bestie !!!
Oh, and I didn't forget my own daughter. Mal. Yeah. She's also not coming alone. She WOULD have the two vee's (val's probably restricted). Also it would be so juicy bc eherm alastor is the groom. Vox is a guest. (Aponi invited him probably).
Also, rosie is another overlord lol. The party food has a cannibal section fr ‼‼
Should we add Carolyn and Alistar? I feel like we should.
To top it all off, the princess of hell herself, Charlie Morningstar. She'd be there. C H A R L I E . And VAGGIE!! THE PROTECTOR OF HAZBIN HOTEL HERSELF!!
Also that headcanon where Lucifer is like a 2nd father figure to Aponi??
SOLD. Literally Aponi is pulling the entire hierarchy. No one's doing it like her.
Okay okay.
Although I have one question..
Who is catching the boquet?
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
What about aelyx and aelora or even just ael (or ael could be a nickname) or maybe Aelle? Aeron?? There’s also Aelarr and Aenor and Aenora
(Trying to think of used targaryen names)
Oh what about these Ael, Aela, Aelarr, Aeleys, Aella, Aelon, Aelys
Name anons!!! Hello!!!
I've gotta say, my thoughts on these names are coloured by euphony as well and by my own pronunciation. We've spent the entire GoT run pronouncing Aegon as AY-gon and now I see all these alternative variants popping up like EGGON (what is this, Netflix's Dark?) and even AGGON (??). Don't worry, the Egg nickname makes sense for AY-gon as well, since nicknames don't have to follow the exact phonetic structure as the main names. That being said, there are some names like Aemma, which I pronounce "Emma" like a normal person, since that obviously sounds better.
What a long paranthesis!! Can I ever just shut up!!!
Anyway, my reasoning for the our imaginary child's name was that I kept some identifiable letters from Alicent's name, i.e. A, L, I/Y and C/S, ergo Alyssa, Alysanne or Aelyx. Alysanne is probably the least Targaryen name, since it contains the suffix "-anne", which doesn't seem to be Valyrian. Her name is a derivative of Alyssa Velaryon's, so there's proof you can deviate a bit from the formula, hence my suggestion of Alys (lmao). Both Alicent and Alys are obviously variants of our real-world Alice.
So, let's see!
Ael/Aelle - I'm not sure how to pronounce this. Ayl sounds awful, Elle is much better, but it's a rather simple name and I like them more on the frilly side. Same thing with Aela/Aella. Also, written down, they kind of look like the word "eel" a bit. I'd rather use it as a nickname.
Aeron, Aelarr, Aenor, Aenora - all decent options, although Aelarr is the one closest to Alicent because it keeps the A and the L.
Aelon - I'd avoid this for now, because of its similarity to Elon (Musk). :))
Aeleys/Aelys - the first spelling is a bit of a headache, though I can't say it wouldn't fit in-universe. IMO it only sounds decent as "Alys", not as "AY-lys". Another possibility is to pronounce Aelys as "Ellis". Ellis is used in the books for a girl, but it could be used on a boy, too, to my ears.
I dunno why, but AY-lys sounds better on a boy to me, maybe because Alice is so imprinted on my brain by now. Same with Aelyx (AY-lyx). Although, I can see Alyx as a passable female Targaryen name (there is the real-life Alix as a nickname for Alexandra to base it on).
As always, I'm going to end up redirecting anyone stumbling upon this post on the great work done on Valyrian names by these brave souls here and here.
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In the year 2347, Earth was a changed place, divided not just by geopolitical borders, but by realms of existence—some human, some not. Among these realms was the resurrected domain of French Equatorial Africa, a region reborn through the unearthing of an ancient, celestial artifact, known as the "Astral Core." This object, pulsing with a blue, enigmatic energy, had the ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality.
The protector of this artifact was Aella, a warrior born from the energy of the Astral Core itself. With her hair as wild as the storms she commanded, Aella was not merely a guardian; she was a force of nature bound to the will of the Core, designed to defend it against those who sought to misuse its power.
One fateful night, as the skies churned with electric fury, a consortium of rogue technocrats from the floating cities of the Atlantic Federation descended upon French Equatorial Africa. Their goal was clear: to seize the Astral Core and harness its power for their own, to dominate the remaining free lands of Earth.
The invasion began under the cloak of a tempest, thinking the storm would mask their approach. Little did they know, the storm was Aella’s domain. From the heart of raging winds and crackling lightning, she emerged, her armor glowing with the same intense, blue light of the Core, her eyes reflecting the resolve of centuries of guardianship.
As the technocrats’ advanced machines broke through the ancient forests, their sensors scrambled by the electromagnetic disturbances, Aella struck with precision and ferocity. Each bolt of lightning she called down was targeted, each gust of wind calculated, turning the invaders' technology against them. The battle was fierce, illuminating the night with flashes of blue energy and the fire of exploding machines.
Despite the might of her powers, the technocrats were many, and their technology advanced. For every drone she destroyed, two more seemed to take its place. As dawn approached, Aella stood on the brink of exhaustion, her strength waning but her resolve unwavering.
In the climax of the conflict, with her enemies closing in on the temple housing the Astral Core, Aella tapped into the deepest reserves of the Core’s power. The sky split apart with a deafening roar, a final, desperate gambit. A massive column of blinding light surged from the heavens, decimating the remaining technocratic forces in a spectacle of raw elemental fury.
The aftermath left the region scarred, but safe, the rogue technocrats’ ambition quelled. Aella, too, was transformed, no longer just the protector but now part of the legend, the very essence of the Astral Core intertwined with her being. She knew that others might come, driven by the same dark desires, but with the power of the Core and the ferocity of the storm at her command, she was ready to defend the sanctity of her land, no matter the cost.
Thus, the legend of Aella, the Storm Guardian of French Equatorial Africa, grew, a tale of a protector not just of a realm, but of Earth’s balance itself.
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pollard-zero · 6 months
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gideon. it/its, 21+ ♡ romantic || ☆ platonic or familial || 𝗫 enemies or broken up
aella, child of ares (cyprus) aeon (the changeling exchange) aeryn gilmore (inner demons) ainsley langford (wayhaven chronicles) alcyone ("retribution," he cries) alenya wierszy (bladeweaver) alouette vogelsang (vögel der rose) ambrosia manes (cursed ambrosia) anharen (raiders of the caravan) apeiron ward (spellbound: a ghost story) arabella (the catalyst) arden fields (infinite blue) arden "little weasel" set (these reluctant years) ariarissa (the abyssal song) athena "bug" argent (into the shadows) "atlas" (valhalla) "atrax" (respice finem) atticus verissimo (next in line) aubrey graythorne (crème de la crème) aurelia "aura" crown (we wretched creatures) aurora (swallow the moon) avalon (villain's promise)
"boring bailey" miller (ghosted) ballad io (sentience) beckham "beck" oleander (home sweet) bee whitlock (such happy campers) bellamy fairchild (the error) benton crowley (when life gives you lemons) berry bloom (heaven's dog) beverly "badger" clearwater (roadkill) billie fischer (the lonely shore) blaire velvet (water to blood) blythe steele (social services of the doomed) bryn fleetwood (greenwarden)
calista (the brightest stars) calliope "cali" beckham (the fernweh saga) camille "philippe" de gonzague (gonzague) cassian grahm (misplaced) "preacher" cassidy abrams (larkin) catherine leblanc (when clouds break) cèilidh antitho (kenneski) célestine vailia (reaper's bay) chandler hale (emberwood) charlie bloomfield (the fog knows your name) charm brightbird (soulmates inc.) chauncey lambert (bad ritual) cillian sweet (our life: beginnings & always) clarice "claire" montistteti (they all fall down) clementine "new kid" deacon (conspiracy in emerson) colette diremourn (those long dead) "collins" (dead weight) curie, aka "sidney perth" (saturnine)
daemon (the abyssal) daisy newton (two sides of a robot war) dallas "rookie" torrence (chop shop) daphne blake (body count) december moone (snakeroot) delilah "@lovely" hawthorne (blooming panic) denver (dark as night) diana copeland-smith (the murder of devon whicker) "ditto" (drink your villain juice) dolly kingston (infamous) dorian gray (decaying picture)
easter "bunny" montgomery (a life worth living) edelweiss hyde (when bodies collide) eiffel de angelis (take two) eirwen (swan song) elias "loser" machiavelli (error 143) elidyr lywel (from the ashes we rise) elliot wiseman (mind blind) elphaba "elphie" craft (witches of ferngrove) emilia thornton (twisted wonderland) enki (crown of exile) evîn cizîrî (a tale of crowns) everest "lifeline" graham (before we are ghosts) everleigh carter (second sight) ezra (blood moon)
farrah hartford (in ourselves we trust) fawn "bambi" becker (fallen hero) fen (manor hill) filipe addario (honor bound) finch hawkins (midnight diner) florence “flower” bannerman (get good or get lost) fortuna martinelli (college tennis: origin story) "four" (the numbers game) freddie "penance" lockwood (slaughter☆squad) friday mcallister (apartment 502)
gabriel (son of satan: the mortal coil) georgie kromberg (the shadow society) gianna de leon (press play) giles "guy" byrd (a comedy of manors) ginny "drizz" hendrix (creatures' cradle) guenevere (guenevere) gwendolyn "winnie" mccormick (our life: now & forever) gwenvaël "gwynn" venegard (the king's hound)
hadley maxwell (disenchanted) harper "heart" reed (speaker) hart avantus (leas: city of the sun) hawthorne de-ash (these reluctant years) hendrik wolfsbane (wolfsbane) hikaru lovac (the one chosen) honey faraday (homecoming)
imara (honor amongst thieves) imari (vanguard) imogene "genie" coffinwood (burning academia) ingrid "indie" morrison (circuit) iphis "phi" varyn (wayfarer) iris schwartz (the night market) isobel "belle" love (the zeus dilemma) isolde minh (split the body asunder)
january marconi (redsugarsociety) "jay doe" (when the sun rises) jericho "jj" jones (the spirited: origins) jett roe (superstition) jolene "joey" bishop (dahlia hills) josephine "josie" / rui min chan (merry crisis) jude hudson (the decoy) juniper "junie" nelson (you live and fern)
kasey downs (when twilight strikes) katya marsh (paranormal preparatory school) kerrigan holmward (myrk mire) kingsley ferris/müller (the hunt: demon eyes) kitty wilder (in the ocean of stars) krystal castle (gone to hell in a handbasket)
lacey gillespie (the bureau) lachlan "lake" rogers (more than me) lainey fulbright (sinners) lancelot (the great protector) lavencia (the night that feeds) leonin (touch of lies) libelle raygat (stigma: dragonfly) liliana vinteren (checkmate in three moves) lotte (folksaga) lovely boone (two against the world)
madeleine suleiman (the wrath of sekhmet) magdalyne cross (degrees of lewdity) manon rousseau (love♡verse) maria "marie" domingues (the overtaken) marion renaud (trouble brewing) marley woodbridge (ghost simulator) melrose (incubus) memphis "izzy" wylbourne (before dusk sets in) mercy karstark (the northern passage) merlin ivyflower (new witch in town) mikah "mikey" schmidt (ace of spades) mimir sonnen (ouroboros) mina harker (bleeding heart) mira "viper" reyes (subject zero) mirielle boone (citadel: a medical romantic drama) moira "momo" thompkins (one knight stand) monet "blondie" abernathy (love language: masked) mordred le fay (the bastard of camelot) morgan "ripper" daitan (hollowed minds) myrddin (the hunting of beasts)
nate hampton (swallow the dark) noelle "nellie" waters (model citizens: unmasked) "neo" (remember, you will die) nevada warvel (the monsters around us) nova d'arcadie (arcadie: second-born)
odette "dottie" kirby (unwilling souls) olivia edgecombe (the trials & tribulations of edward harcourt) omega (wolf set free) orange flowers (limerence) orcheil treles (of crowns and echoes) oz vanlaere (abyss)
parker caine (absentia) "lucky" penny maverick (venatici house) persephone (fields of asphodel) peyton brooks (demon bound) phoebe blackburn (ofna: birds of a feather) piper hadley (brimstone manor) poppy telleman (wolfebound) promise fauneus (spring panic) puppet (sol kha-ne lubri)
quincey "rich kid" james (golden)
ravinder "ravi" northbreaker (god-cursed) reagan "rae" callahan (novaturient) "reaper" (project hadea) reese (the one who made red) reid lancaster (tournament of souls) ri'en, harbinger of calamity (fell star) "the devil" rinesa (demon, fireforged) ronan powell (professor of magical studies) rosalind de vesphire (crown of ashes & flames) rosie macarthur (all trails lead home) rowan greenberg (psy high)
sable "sherlock" holmes (sherlock holmes: an affair of the heart) moon saetbyeol (precious: the eyes of shan) santiago "saint" hayes (smoke & velvet) saorise "lord blackwell" o'hare (thicker than) sawyer (last legacy) scout newman (the passenger) seelie (talon's end) seraphim mcknight (fellow traveler) signe (the wroth ode) sigrid butcher (my love will never die) sigurd vamirel, the white wolf (the exile) siiveth vyrenhal (aesemyr: the withering) the royal child silke (of royal birth & forlorn fate) sin (the story of sin) sinéad (na daoine maithe) siobhan "bliss" beaumont (the six that thrive) sirius ripley (supernova: renegade) skye donovan-rosovsky (witchcraft u) sloane sweetwood (the ballad of devil's creek) socks wheeler (mind games: trepidation) their royal highness, sofie (royal affairs) solaris pyre (throne of ashes) sora dexter (stars arisen) "warden sparrow" (within your eyes) stanza venture (moon rising) sterling johannson (the golden harp) stevie briggs (tricksters)
talwyn "wynnie" wildegarde (shepherds of haven) teaghan (courting the crown) temperance (summoner's return) tempest larnete (sinners & saints) thevira, "queenslayer" (regrets of the traitor) thistle emerson (to the whistling winds) "thrim" (seekL) thunder bat (top villain: total domination) tinsley "teddy" whitman (mirror mine) trace mccallum (solid/ground) "treasure" (wall) trystan "tryste" davenport (valiant)
valentina "little heart" kozlov (vendetta) valora, the mad princess (a prophecy undone) vaniya "erebus" kincaid (emberfate) venus "wraith" sokolov (safe house) verity fairfax (love undying) "the vessel" (the night abridged) vetra woodard-briggs (skin & scales) victory hellström (seven days in paradise) vierna (the soul stone war) violet van dietrich (noblesse oblige) virginia campbell (queenstown's detective) vizaria (court of the gilded roses) vedette "vivi" valles (the veiled star)
whitney markov (heart of the house) wilhemina "mina" reed (the midnight bay) "wraith" (lamb to the slaughter) wylan albrecht (twisted gold) wysteria harlowe (the edge of dawn)
xander hoffman (young's home for retired robots)
yaëlle (meraki: calais' gift) song ye-jin (crash course in you) yvette "star" rhys (fallen lights)
zed (hybrid) zelith evenvale (virtue's end) ziarin bellévé (witch blood) "zorlok" (zorlok)
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tadbitfooled · 6 months
Alright fine here I go boob post for my people who have boobs
Aella Dekarios - I'd say somewhere between a B and a C, have a slight sag to them but not too much
Briza Jaelre - B cup, leans a bit to an A, but do not sag, but not perky either
Chiela Ancunin - perky little B cups, I would say
Gwenifar van Hol - I feel like she's a D cup, and slightly perky.
Kyrirthlila Bluethorn - she's got some C cups that sag a bit just from having a kid, but she knows how to make them look perky.
Talilah Bluethorn - Between a B and C but her small frame makes them look a bit more like a solid C and they're perky af
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robyn-goodfellowe · 7 months
Heya robyn! for book ask 5, 10 or 39? :]c
hello hello ;D !!!!
5. what book do you think everyone should read?
ok im going to be honest i have this disease that makes me physically inncapable of recommending people my favorite book like i start actually twitching and dry heaving and feeling evil. so i can't recommend my favorite BUT one of the books i read a while ago that was really profound to me was white fragility by robin diangelo. navigates a lot of the discomfort white people feel when they're held accountable, or even when they're not
10. what book are you reading right now?
dirt creek by hayley scrivenor. i got it with my cousin a week or two ago :)
39. favorite quote from your favorite book?
To Aella, Q. looked like a woman who had seen beyond, hjad seen spirits, and maybe even conjured them to join her.
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sxrxnity-x · 5 months
Después de esperar unos minutos, las enfermeras finalmente le permitieron entrar. Aunque no era familia, sus contactos habían sido suficientes para que la dejaran pasar durante el horario de visitas. Entró en la habitación y cerró la puerta detrás de sí, dejando caer un dispositivo que su amiga había inventado para asegurarse de que nadie, ni siquiera aquellos con poderes, pudiera escucharlas.
Suspiró al verla; su amiga estaba más lastimada de lo que había imaginado, lo que significaba que había perdido el control una vez más y alguien había tenido que intervenir. Intentó aligerar el ambiente con una broma. “De verdad, tenemos que intentar que no destruyas el lugar antes de tiempo,” dijo con una sonrisa mientras se sentaba al lado de su amiga. “No quiero más sustos así, por favor no vuelvas a hacerlo.”
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radnewworld · 1 year
In the Shadow of the Tower - 01
Aella and Rolan lay on a blanket in the shadow of the tower. It wasn’t a safe place to be, so far from the village’s walls, but it was one of the few places they could be alone and the setting sun shattered into a million different shades as it passed through the remaining glass of the tower. Despite the beauty of their surroundings, neither felt at ease. Both knew the argument was coming and each was simply waiting for the other to start.
Aella opened her hard-edged mouth, but just as quickly shut it when Rolan stopped rhythmically patting her shell for just a moment. She sighed and rolled from his comforting arms to kneel at the blanket’s edge before facing him. The pain in his eyes showed as readily as she could feel it with her empathic senses. It had to be said though, and she managed to choke the words out, “we can just leave.”
The lad closed his eyes for a breath before using two of his four arms to prop himself up. A colder anger slowly began to replace the pain she’d seen a heartbeat ago. “Sun and Moon, Aella-” she hated when he cursed like that, “- why isn’t this enough? The village is safe. We can marry, have children… Be happy.” He reached out to take her hard, clawed hand, but she pulled it back.
“The future, darling!” She tried to keep her tone stronger than she felt. “We can accomplish more! We can save people, like the two adventurers did when they came here!” Aella gestured towards the road that had been so riddled with bandits until the two strangers had captured their leader. For a bounty, yes, but their intent was still noble. “Just two people, Rolan! And they fixed our problem in less than a week!”
“And you think we can just be like them with no experience?” Rolan shouted in return. “Or would we end up like the six men that father sent out before they arrived?” The whole village had mourned and set out cairns for the lost, but no bodies were beneath the stones. A horrible fate none wished to share.
Aella stood, a dark green flush rising along her neck from shell to chin. “No experience? What good is your squireship then? With all your training under Sir Ueda, can you not stand up to some bandits?”
Rolan recoiled as though struck. “Learning steel is one thing. To face down a dozen armed bandits is another matter all-together! The adventurers had artifacts, Aella! We don’t have that sort of power… Those two are lucky, or cursed, to have the power they have. I’ve seen the graves along the roadsides though; for most that try for that life there is only pain and death.”
“I have seen the future we might share, Rolan,” Aella replied as tears welled in her eyes and all the anger bled from her. “If we stay here, there is no happy ending. No marriage, no children; your family will see to it. Out in the world though? We might have a chance at being together.”
The young man sighed and was at the turtle’s side in a couple of steps, most of his anger gone. He took her into his arms. “Visions, love. You see more than most, but they are fickle. Remember the storm that you were certain would destroy the crops? Nothing more than a summer shower.” He patted her shell in the same way he’d done a hundred times before. “Mother is coming around, and that means father will too.”
She pushed her head against his chest and muttered, “she’ll never accept a daughter of a Steelshell into her house. We’re too lowborn.”
“Patience, love.”
Aella shook her head as vigorously as she could considering her face was planted against Rolan’s chest. “No.” Her voice had steel in it; a tone that her lover knew was a decision she’d made and was fully prepared to be stubborn about. The last time he’d heard it was when she’d decided that her parents’ order to stop seeing that noble softskin wasn’t to be honored. “I’m going to leave. I’m tired of living in a place that lives in a shadow.”
“Wai-wait. You c-”
The turtle pushed herself gently away from Rolan’s suddenly numb fingers to raise her head enough to look into his eyes. She hated seeing the pain in his eyes flare so brutally, but her resolve hardened against it. This was the only way. “I can. I will.” She grasped two of his hands and squeezed. “You can come with me. I don’t do this to force you… I simply can’t live like this any more. You can come with me and we can love, or I have to go and try to heal.”
Rolan was silent for a long moment. Anger, hurt, fear, and a host of other emotions whose names didn’t do them justice flashed through him as a riot of color to Aella’s perception. He tried to speak a couple of times, failed, and then simply tried to implore her with his need for her.
She felt his love, just as readily as his hands on hers; despite all the other feelings, the golden warmth was there and it made her waver for just a moment. Could she leave it all behind? She looked from him back towards the village where even small problems became crises and the petty prejudice of the few equally became nightmares. Her yellow eyes snapped back to Rolan’s green. “Come with me.”
He sighed and relief flooded her as the riotous emotions pouring off of him subsided. Like debris sluicing from a pan, everything that wasn’t gold washed off. “Just… Just promise me we’ll be able to return to visit, okay? Our parents are… Difficult, yes, but it would kill them if we just vanished.”
Aella nodded and squeezed his hands again. “As sure as the setting sun, my love. Go,” she gave him a gentle push, “sleep. In the morning, ready your steel and I’ll saddle Longstridder. If we ride hard, we’ll be in Fairstream before sunset tomorrow.”
“Hope you know what you’re doing, Aella,” Rolan replied as he turned to begin the trudge back home. “It’s dangerous out there.”
She nodded and pulled the blanket from the ground, wrapping it around herself as a shawl. “It is. I’ve seen too many happy times to be scared of it though. As long as we’re together, it’s worth the risk.”
Rolan found he agreed with the sentiment.
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nascentflash · 4 years
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Miss Aella. The Sorceress. The thorn on people’s side. Snake. Child of the Wood.
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teelathedxmned · 3 years
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Teela's grip tightened around the steering of her ship as it jerked back and forth. The windows of her ship started to crack. Hologram messages became static. Alarms blared and suddenly, the lights flashed red.
Another violent jerk took control of the ship. Teela's forehead smacked into the controls and everything went dark.
She woke up to the smell of smoke coated with electricity. Teela heard sparks from broken wiring go off in the background. Her head felt like she drank too much. She looked around, her eyesight blurry from blood seeping from a cut on her forehead. Heat swelled within the small space.
Teela crawled away from the metallic flotsam of what was left of her ship with aching muscles. Then a panic struck her. Where was her lightsaber? She frantically patted the ground cursing along the way. She didn’t find calm until her hand felt that her ‘saber was snuggly tucked away in its holster.
She groaned as she stood up and looked around at the mess she made.
“Well, damn.”
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Por la cantidad de humo que las rodeaba en ese momento, la joven de largo cabello negro, intuyo que el platillo que estaba aprendiendo había resultado todo menos lo que la imagen del libro de cocina, había mostrado.- Creo que soy capaz de quitar la vida de la comida también - Susurró notando el intenso color negro que carecía de vida dentro del sartén.- … Nunca voy a poder ser buena esposa, quizás todo esto es una mala idea.  ( @malaeartes​ ) 
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empathicstars · 5 years
"Don't you believe in true love?"
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   It all felt rather ironic.
   It had not been too long since Aella had defended this stranger from the wrath of another, and taken her on as a charge. People may easily decide the action to help another she did not know – to guard them and give them what little of her food and lodging she had – was an act of love. 
   If only Aella believed in such things.
   Love was an intangible, overhanging force that others used to fervently to base everything – from reactions to coincidences. 
   But there were other forces that served her much better. Like duty. Responsibility. 
   ( Hopefully, the fact that she clung still to that would have made her mentor proud. Hopefully, wherever he was, he was grateful of the fact that she was attempting to carry on his legacy. ) 
   “No.” She said it not unkindly, though – attempted to direct her attention back to her book. 
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mythiics · 5 years
"I've got a better idea from now on we'll call the other Alex, "Fish mongrel" (to alex!)
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