#(dog peeing on my leg joke)
iavenjqasdf · 3 months
sniffsniffsniff... !!!!!! omg omg i missed youuu wawaaa awrff barkbarkbarkbarkbark
hashtag the dog lesson............ 🐶✌
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
Jake being Dramatic
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Pairing: (Stepdad) Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Mom!Reader
Characters: (Stepdad) Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Mom!Reader, Edwin, Maryanne, Sarabeth, Gillian (the kiddos), Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Robert "Bob" Floyd, Javy "Coyote" Machado, Billy "Fritz" Avalone
Warnings: Mention of blue balls (numerous times), pregnancy, hormones being all over the place, Bradley using the kids as bait for numbers, Natasha is a sucker for feeling the baby kick, none of the pilot crew members can act like adults, dirty innuendos, Jake thinks he’s gonna have a boy when reader and Natasha know it’s a girl
Word Count: 2,269
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Natasha scoffs, shaking her head. 
“What is it?” You ask. 
She hums, not entirely paying attention to you. “What?” 
“What… is… it?” You enunciate each word. 
“Oh,” she glances over at you from the corner of her eye. “Nothing. It’s- it’s nothing.” 
“It’s not nothing. You barely scoff at articles about celebrities, what’s got you making noise, Princess P?” 
“I hate that you use Bagman’s nickname for me even if it is slightly abbreviated.” 
“No, you don’t. You love it.” 
She smirks, “you can’t prove it.” 
“Everyone knows you love me.” 
“That I can’t deny. You’re the only one who can keep him tame and a little more tolerable.” 
“There’s a couple of other people you’re forgetting.” 
“Okay, the only adult.” 
“You’re too-” you glance down at your belly. 
Natasha perks up, pulling her legs up resting her bottom on her heels, “is she kicking?” 
You smile, rubbing your belly. “She is. Seems like someone is happy to hear about her dada.” “I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that.” 
She hesitantly stretches her arm in front of her before pulling back. “Can I-” 
“Show me what you’re looking at and I’ll let you feel her soccer kicks.” 
The smile from her face. “You’re an evil woman.” 
“Me? Never. Phone?” 
She sighs and turns on her phone, showing you your husband’s latest post. She places her hand on the center of your belly, inches above your belly button. 
You scoff, shaking your head, grabbing her hand moving it to your left side. 
An excited smile stretches across her lips. “He is so not getting cuddles tonight.” 
“How threatening,” she mutters. 
“Hey! I will have you know I am an excellent cuddler.” 
“I mean, you have to be considering your current situation.” 
“I was not going through dirty route.” 
“And I did. You’re,” she quiets down. Your precious Gillian starts kicking again. Natasha leans forward, basically laying her head in your lap as she rubs your belly, quietly murmuring to her. “You’re so precious. Yes, you are.” 
“Baby G is not a dog, Nat.” 
“I know she’s not but I’m not a baby person.” 
“You’ve taken care of Mary, Eddie, and Sara-B before.” 
“But that’s different. They’re not my kids.” 
“With the way you all burst in here, I don’t know, it’s hard to tell,” you joke with her. “Oh.” 
She pushes herself off you, sitting up. “Pee break?” 
You nod, “pee break.” 
She gets off the couch and helps you get up. 
You waddle to the bathroom. You do your business and start washing your hands; your eyes wander around the sink, stopping at Jake’s almost empty bottle of cologne. You make sure to add that to your mental list so you can add it to your list on your phone. You shake your head as you waddle down the hallway. “Jake’s an ass.” 
“Finally! A conversation I can get into. Why is he an ass this time?” 
“He posts that dumb thing about blue balls and thinks that I’m not gonna find out about it. As if he gets blue balls, if anything it’s me. But I’m not in the mood one time, one time and all of a sudden, he's got blue balls.” 
She owlishly blinks, “okay, I get what you’re saying but it was basically a lot of you saying blue balls and you lost me.” 
“Jake is a dumbass.” 
“For sure but he’s your dumbass.” 
You sniff, “I know.” 
“Oh, you’re crying. Um, okay.” She fluffs the pillow you keep behind your back, “let’s just- let’s sit down and breath.” She takes your hand and pulls you closer towards the couch. 
You sit down, wiping the corner of your eyes. “He’s a dumbass who was trying to impress the guys with that stupid joke.” 
“I know, you’re right.” 
“Of course, I am.” 
“You’ve been hanging out with Jake for so long, you’ve got his cocky attitude.” She shudders, “ew.” 
You two start chuckling so hard, tears pool in both of your waterlines. 
The front door clicks, seems like Jake and the others are back. 
Javy and Bob enter the living room, shoving each other (Bob is lucky he caught himself before he fell). 
“Sorry,” they apologize with their heads down. 
Natasha shakes her head at the two. “Whimps.” 
“Shut up,” says Javy. 
“Not a whimp,” Bob mutters. 
“Oh, I know. I sleep next to you; believe me I know.” 
Jake chuckles, “baby on board is getting more action than Chicken. This is great.” 
“Is it great?” 
He bends down to peck your cheek only for you to turn your head. He furrows his brows, “you alright?” 
Your head snaps in his direction, “I don’t know, you tell me.” 
“Alright, come on.” 
“Why don’t you consult your blueberries?” 
Natasha waves the two over, whispering what’s going on. 
They snicker, sitting on the recliner and the floor. 
“What are you talkin’ about, sweetheart?” 
The front door opens again. 
You all turn to see Bradley and the kids. 
“Hello, crew.” 
“Bradley,” you greet him with a smile. 
“Do I sense, drama?” 
Natasha nods her head. 
Maryanne and Edwin come over go you, hugging you. “Hi, mama.” 
You hug and kiss them on the cheek. “Hello, my babies. Did you two have fun?” 
They nod. 
“Uncle Rooster was talking to a few of the moms and nanny’s today,” Edwin informs you. 
“Did he now?” 
He pretends not to hear you as he unbuckles Sarabeth from the stroller, placing her in your arms. 
“And hello my littlest baby.” 
She gurgles, smiling once she realized who’s arms, she’s in now. “Mama.” 
You peck her cheeks, causing her to giggle. “Hi, pumpkin.” You glance over at Bradley who sits on the floor. “How did you enjoy your time at the park, Bradley?” 
“Oh, you know. It was the park. Might’ve gotten a little sun.” 
“How many numbers did you get?” 
“That’s not important.” 
“Less or more than ten?” 
“Seven,” the kids say. 
“Eight, get it right kids.” 
“Tramp,” Javy and Natasha cough into their hands. 
“Stop that you two.” 
“How was the mother-to-be today?” 
“I was doing pretty good for most of the day.” 
“What happened?” 
“Okay. What happened? Everyone else has gotten your sweetness but not your own husband.” 
“Did you post anything today?” 
“Post anything? Oh.” 
“Yeah, oh.” 
“You can’t really think I meat it, do you?” 
“I don’t know but you’ll be on your side of the bed tonight.” 
“But I don’t have a side.” 
“Looks like your gonna have one tonight. Yes, you are,” you say looking Sarabeth in the eyes. 
“Sweetheart.” He kneels beside you, rubbing your youngest child’s back. “Come on, you know it was a joke. A bad one, I’ll admit but please don’t punish me, baby.” 
You turn to look at him with pursed lips, “you’re bad at jokes.” 
“I know,” he nods. 
You sniff. 
He sighs, “oh sweetheart.” 
“Mama, no cry. No cry,” she wipes your cheeks. 
“Honey, you know I-” 
“Stop using cute nicknames, it’s making it harder to find you annoying.” 
“Then let me say that I was, again, making a bad joke. You know I love you,” he pecks your cheek. “And how hot under the collar you get.” 
“Your whispering sucks and you need to keep it in your pants. There are children present,” Bob says. 
“Thank God, someone said it,” Javy chimes in. 
“Oh, like you could say anything,” Natasha comments. 
Bradley chuckles. 
“I don’t know what you’re laughing about over their chuckles. You’re the one that uses a baby.” 
“You gotta play the game in order to be in it, right?” 
You two groan. “When did he become such a frat guy?” You ask the woman beside you. 
“I honestly don’t know and I’m afraid to ask for details.” 
You chuckle and turn back to Jake who whispers to your baby. 
She crawls off your lap and wonders over towards her siblings, laying across their laps. 
He turns to look at you and smiles. “Hey, sweetheart.” 
He leans in, pecking your lips. “This is a better greeting.” 
“I bet it is.” 
You groan. 
“Pee break?” 
“Pee break,” you confirm. 
“I got you, gorgeous.” He moves to stand in front of you, hauling you out of your seat. His arm curls around your waist, the two of you walk down the hall together. 
“Other than your dumb post, how was your day?” 
“Missed you too much to care about the groceries.” 
“Nope, you can’t change my mind. Besides I always miss you when I’m out of the house.” 
“Going to the store,” you correct him. 
“Not nearly as bad unless I’m in the sky.” 
“Jake, honey.” He shushes you, pecking your nose then your lips. “Go to the bathroom.” 
“It takes me a minute so be patient.” You enter the bathroom and close the door, your eyes land on the cologne. “Hey.” 
“Yeah?” He leans against the wall besides the door. “You okay?” 
“I’m fine. Add your cologne to the list before I forget again.” 
“I’ve already added it.” 
“You did?” 
“Yep. We went through this last week.” 
“This baby is messing with my brain.” 
“Little bit.” 
“You’re supposed to say, ‘no honey. You’re alright. I think you’re still the smartest person I know.’ That is what you’re supposed to say.” 
He doesn’t respond for a minute. 
You start washing your hands. 
He opens the door, “you told me never to lie to you.” 
You scoff and try to throw the hand towel at him, only for him to catch it and pull you closer. 
“There are four adults’ downstairs with the kids… what do you say?” 
“I say, goodbye to your beautiful wife’s cuddling plus more and hello blue balls.” 
He groans into your neck. “Sweetheart.” 
“You got yourself into this mess, you can get yourself out.” 
The two of you walk downstairs and find the kids debating on what to watch with poor little Sarabeth looking confused in her Aunt Natasha’s lap. 
You sit down and let out a comforting sigh, you just need to lay back and sit down for a while honestly. 
Until there’s a knock at the sliding glass door. 
You all turn to see Billy looking like a sad puppy. 
Jake opens the door, letting him in. 
“What were you doing out there?” You ask. 
“These two,” he glances over at the two snickering grown men. He claps the sides of his clenched fists together (like Ross in friends). 
The adults understand his code and nod for him to continue. 
“Told me we should try to sneak in like the action or spy movies but then they decided not to and “forgot” to tell me.” 
“That doesn’t explain the leaves,” Jake points out as he pulls one out of his hair. 
Billy lowers his head, “I tripped and landed in a bush.” 
You and Natasha have the courtesy to pretend like you’re not laughing unlike the guys. 
“We told you… to stop,” Javy wheezes, pausing to try and catch his breath only to laugh harder so tears stream down his cheeks. 
“It’s not funny and no you didn’t.” 
Bob removes his glasses, wiping away his fallen tears. He turns, looking over at his fellow former graduate. 
“Are you sure?” 
He frantically nods his head, “I would know.” 
“Go to the bathroom and clean yourself up the best you can. If you need clothes, you know where to look.” 
He nods, offering a small smile as he walks over to you. “Thank you, to the only nice person here,” he says making sure they can all hear him. He pecks your cheeks and heads towards the bathroom. 
“You all are doing mean.” 
“Don’t be like that,” Jake squats in front of you. “We’re just jokin’, you know that.” He sits down and grabs your foot, giving you a much-needed foot massage. 
You close your eyes and sigh out a breath of relief. 
“Looks like someone’s enjoying themselves,” Bradley comments. 
“If you knew what it felt like to get a foot massage from him, you’d be zoned out too. But you haven’t and won’t.” You stretch your arms out in front of you, “now pretend I’m hugging him.” You drop your arms, rubbing your belly with a smile. “Is he kicking?” You look at him with a raised brow, “she is. She likes it when you take care of her mama.” 
“Then he should be happy all the time then.” 
“Ignoring that,” Natasha adds. She slowly reaches over. 
You grab her hand, hauling her over towards you. “Come here.” You grab her hand and place it on your belly. 
“I feel like you’ve felt his kicks more than I have.” 
“I’m her favorite aunt.” 
“He doesn’t have one.” 
“Yes, she does.” 
“Not after today.” 
“Would you two stop it,” you jerk your foot in his grasp. “Now is not the time to be acting like children.” 
“But-” They both try to respond. 
You shake your head, “no.” 
“No, but-” 
You wave your finger side-to-side. 
They try again and fail. 
“Would you two can it, we’re trying to watch a movie here,” Bradley hisses as he sprawls out on his stomach. 
The two mimic what he said. 
You tilt your head with tired eyes being the only thing to give your emotions away. 
They apologize and continue with what they were doing before. 
You lean back, eyes closing, listening to the movie and everyone’s quiet comments here and there before sleep consumes you. 
Jake shoves Natasha off to the side, forcing her to give him room to snuggle into your side. 
Your body automatically moving to mold with is.
Taglist: @abaker74​ @ebonyhogan24 @ @shanimallina87 @starkleila​ @kurtkunkle17
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skittlesfics · 2 years
name: good morning pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader wordcount: 1704 content/warnings: Cunnilingus, Reader has a vagina and breasts, "pretty girl" prompt: Reader has a pleasant morning with her boyfriend eddie author's note: okay, let me be the first to admit that I don't even go here. I started seeing eddie fics all over my dash and they finally got me. Any inaccuracies are my own fault because I haven't actually watched the show I just read the wiki and a bunch of fics. That said, Eddie is exactly my type, so hopefully this is enjoyable anyway. -
The sound of the window air conditioning unit cranking away vaguely registered in the back of your mind. Somewhere in the distance, birds chirped and at least two dogs were barking. A thin blade of light shone on your left eyelid and you knew that it was morning.
Sleep slipped away from you slowly, reluctantly and you turned your head before opening your eyes. Eddie’s arm anchored you against him, his body heat making up for the blankets he had stolen from you at some point during the night. His steady breathing threatened to lure you back to sleep, but the need to pee forced you out of bed.
You carefully detangled your limbs from his, trying your best not to disturb his sleep as you stretched and slid out of bed.
You found your shorts where you had thrown them the night before and pulled them on, grabbing the spare toothbrush you had brought over from your purse. It was early enough in the morning that Wayne still hadn’t gotten back from his night shift, and you relished the comfortable silence in the trailer as you went about completing as much of your morning routine as you could away from your own home.
When you finished, you considered going to find something to start for breakfast, but you could hear Eddie beginning to stir in his bedroom already.
He sat up as you padded quietly back into his room, the blanket slipping down to reveal his bare chest. He stretched languidly; his body illuminated by the light shining through his curtains. Soft curls fell in front of his eyes and you smiled affectionately at his sleepy face. You weren’t sure how you had gotten so lucky. When he noticed your presence in his doorway, he grinned sleepily, opening his arms for you.
“C’mere.” He said, his voice low and gravelly with sleep. You smiled and shut the door, slipping your shorts back off before climbing into bed with him. He hummed with pleasure and pulled you down with him, wrapping his arms around you as you shifted to rest your head on his chest.
You closed your eyes and let the heat of him sink into you. He was always a furnace in his sleep, and your trip to the bathroom had let you cool off enough to appreciate it again. You snuggled closer to steal his body heat and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Good morning.” You murmured happily.
“Morning, you.” You could hear the stupid grin on his face, “stickin’ around today?” He asked. You had to think about it. Your brain couldn’t decide if you had actually made plans with anyone or if you had just thought about making plans and just never got around to it. You picked the second option, since it meant you could spend a lazy morning with your boyfriend.
“Mmmmm. I guess I can stay. Wanna be close to you.” You decided aloud. Eddie considered your words before a moment before laughing softly at some joke that was just for himself.
“Your wish is my command.” He said, tightening his grip so that he could roll both of you over. He laid on top of you, his weight pushing you down into his messy nest of pillows and blankets. You shrieked with laughter and pushed up against his chest to get him to lift off of you enough that you could at least try to breathe.
“Close to, not crushed by.” You protested, rolling your eyes at his antics. He let out a fake huff and rolled off you, collapsing dramatically next to you.
“Fine.” He feigned displeasure, pulling you back onto his chest.
This close, you could admire just how pretty he was, his long thick eyelashes darkening his gaze as he smiled lazily at you. You tilted your head up and kissed his chin, and then the line of his jaw, and then the sensitive spot behind his ear. He groaned, his hand’s loose grip tightening on your waist.
“Trying to cause some trouble?” He accused, sliding one hand down your back to cup your ass and squeeze. You pushed yourself up, throwing one leg across him to straddle him fully. He was already hard, his cock visibly straining against the flannel of his pajama pants. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as he watched you settle on top of him.
“I think the trouble’s already here.” You quipped, dropping your eyes to his lap before giving him an impish smile. If your teasing embarrassed him, he didn’t show it. He propped his head up on his pillows, watching you to see what you had planned.
You let your weight rest fully on him, rolling your hips as your crotch settled over his cock. His eyes slid shut as he bucked his hip, groaning at the sudden contact.
“Shit. That’s all you got for me?” He asked. It was half a request and half a challenge. You answered by leaning over him, pressing a kiss to the side of his mouth as you grinded against him again.
He moved one arm to grab your hip and then moved upwards, his hand sliding beneath your tanktop to run a thumb over your already pebbled nipple.
“You gonna take this off for me?” He asked, tugging on your shirt with his free hand, “Gonna let me see my pretty girl?”
You couldn’t get it off fast enough, rocking back on your heels so you could pull the shirt off and toss it across the room. Eddie eyed you appreciatively, tracing the shape of your breasts as if it were the first time he had seen them. He grabbed for you greedily, his hands exploring your body as you pulled labored groans from him with your hips. His hands were warm and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch, your own hands pressed against his chest for balance.
“You’re such a fucking tease, you know that?” He hissed as you reached down to grip his cock through his pants.
“What’s wrong? Don’t like foreplay?” You simpered. Eddie all but growled, sliding you off his lap and tossing you into his pillows. You laughed as you bounced briefly on the bed before settling into the pillows. You had him riled up now. He rolled to face you and took your face in one hand, pulling you into a searing kiss.
He had morning breath, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as his hand traveled down to your panties, leaving a burning trail wherever his fingers touched. He groaned into your mouth as he felt you already wet through your underwear, instinctively pushing his cock against your thigh.
“This wet for me already, pretty girl? Can I take these off?”
“You can do whatever you want, Eddie.”
You whined at the loss of his heat as he sat up, but lifted your hips for him anyway as he peeled your panties away from your body like unwrapping a gift.
He lowered himself between your legs, his eyes trained on yours, and licked a hot stripe across your core. You curled in on yourself instinctively, fighting to keep your eyes open as the air left your lungs entirely. You wanted to say something about giving you a warning, but the words came out as a high-pitched moan when he lapped at you more slowly as if to savor your taste. He did not relent, burying his face in your pussy as you tried to remember how to breathe. He wrapped an arm around your thigh to hold you still, but you squirmed anyway.
Words formed at the tip of your tongue that you couldn’t quite get out. Instead, you moaned, your fingers sliding into his messy curls as your body gave into the onslaught of sensation. His tongue found your clit and you tugged at his hair as your body tensed against your will. You could feel the tension coiling in your core, each time lips or tongue touched that bundle of nerves drawing you closer, closer. You lost yourself on his lips, giving everything to him. You felt like you were going to shatter into a million pieces, your body keyed to his every touch.
Eddie pulled away, pressing a wet kiss to your thigh as you hissed in disappointment.
“So sweet for me.” He murmured, a lazy, knowing grin plastered across his face. This time his voice was low and husky with desire, all traces of sleep long gone. The moment’s reprieve was not enough to bring you back to the edge. Soon he was on you again; touching, tasting, teasing.” You lifted your hips to bring him closer, desperately trying to get him to let you cum faster.
“Eddie, please.” You begged, realizing that your gambit was failing, “I’m so fucking close. Please please please.”
Again, a flash of eye contact and then he was tightening his grip on your legs, eating your pussy like a man starved. Coherent thought fled as his tongue pushed you closer and closer to that edge. The coil became impossibly tight inside you, nearly driving you to tears with the need for release.
Eddie granted it with a final practiced flick of his tongue, sending you screaming over the edge. The coil snapped inside you, exploding with white hot extasy as your body shook and your thighs clamped tight around Eddie’s face. You were vaguely aware of his name spilling uncontrolled from your lips, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be quiet. He refused to let up, still licking and kissing even as you shivered with the aftershocks. You pushed him away weekly and lay there, limp as he kissed your hip and then made his way backup to your mouth, pausing only to wipe his mouth before kissing you.
He pressed kisses to your forehead, your cheek, your nose, and then your mouth again until you were laughing and trying to dodge him. He laughed, a rich, deep sound that sent a bloom of affection through your chest, and leaned his forehead against yours.
“Did I already say good morning?”
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
Please don’t come for my kneecaps!!! I swear I’ve gotten a few really good night’s sleeps + I have enough joint issues as is
Also please don’t hate me bc I lost the ask 🫣
and because it’s been a few days I don’t really remember how it was written but it was something along the lines of being on a road trip with PassengerPrincess!Pierre and he has to pee while you’re still driving so you tease him and give him a mix of praise and degradation until you get to the ‘resort’? - I’m not really sure how you’d say it in English sorry - and then edge him in front of the view (voyeurisme because it turn him on but it’s not really bc it’s private and no one can see you)
To try and make up for the loss of the original idea, here’s some Lando for you:
So we all know lando is a fox but I still love puppy play with him so much so that + féminisation came to my head and I almost fainted
So your doing his nails, maybe not painting them bc he might feel like that’s too much but still filing them and cleaning them up and you start calling his hands his paws slightly joking but he really likes it so you pull him by his dog tag necklace (idk if that’s the real name but I know he wears one and the name comes into play so this is what I mean: https://www.amazon.com/HZMAN-Polished-Stainless-Pendant-Necklace/dp/B01LYMU8ON?source=ps-sl-shoppingad—lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=AK0HQWR8PUJRG) and just you know let him be a pretty puppy while you pleasure him
of course change this however you’d like!!
Loads of love, 🪩
…Fine fine. Your kneecaps are safe (for now). But the moment, the MOMENT, you are no longer getting enough sleep…. Your kneecaps will once again be in danger. And don’t worry about losing the old ask, that’s entirely valid no problem at all! Both these ideas are fucking brilliant so I’m gonna talk a little bit about both :))
Passenger princess Pierre!! (The ultimate passenger princess is Charles by the way). He absolutely has a cup of coffee that he’s sipping the whole drive and you already know what’s going to happen before you get there.
And of course you’re right.
You have about two hours to the resort when Pierre starts to show signs of being desperate. He looks over to you, whining a little to get your attention. You smirk, realising that not only is he desperate, but he’s already half hard, a slight tent in his sweats.
You just have to tease him, ask him if he’s really incapable of holding himself, and then teasing him even more when you see him getting harder. He can’t help it, the desperation mixed with humiliation turns him on so much it’s almost painful.
He’s so desperate by the time you get there, staying in the car while you check you guys in and get the key to your chalet. He’s holding himself when you get back in the car, hands shoved better his legs.
You just smirk and drive to the chalet, leaving your bags in the car because you have more important things to deal with.
He doesn’t rush to the bathroom, because he knows better than that. He has to wait for permission, and he doesn’t get permission until you jerk him off on the balcony until he spills all over your hand and then his bladder inevitably breaks.
For firstly, I think it’s really easy to get Lando into a headspace where he wants to be a puppy for you? In fact, you often do it accidentally. Just the mentioning of it or anything close to it can make him whine and shiver, instantly wanting to get on his hands and knees.
So you’re helping Lando do his nails, maybe painting them with clear nail lacquer? Just so that it has a little bit of shine because Lando isn’t quite ready for colourful nails yet, but the shine brings him so much joy.
At first you’re just painting them and having fun, then you playfully call his hands his paws, because he holds them in a funny way while he waits for the polish to try.
You think he’ll just laugh or plush, but instead he whines and shivers? Looking up at you with wide eyes, making you realise that he wants that.
And of course he can have that! Lando can be your puppy whenever he wants.
However, because you just painted his nails, he isn’t just your puppy. He’s your pretty puppy. And so obviously he must be called your pretty puppy while you softly stroke him and make him feel good.
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asukaskerian · 2 years
monthly wordcound - september
TOTAL: 6 722 words. POSTED -Days on a wire chapter 7 - Madatobiizu fraternat poyamory ABO (4 013 words) IN PROGRESS -bleach suburban ot4 (1 161 words) -bleach grimmichi superheroes (1 548 words) hmrmrm. lowish wordcount BUT, lots of editing happened in there, so that's still writing work.
also family stuyff stole my last weekend è_é -- teasers thataway (only bleach ofc)
superheroes AU -- "Oh hey, a hollow." "--What?" The girl leaned over his feet, squinted through the glass. "I thought it was a cat at first, but, so many legs." Grimmjow watched it shuffle under a car and out the other side. Mmh. Nowhere near big enough to break into the house. Safe. "Probably ate a cat, yeah." She grimaced. "Ugh." Like it's a surprise that a hollow would be hungry. They weren't named that for nothing. "Probably gonna eat more." "Ugh! Be right back, I'm gonna catch it." --Huh. "And do what?" he asked, baffled. "Keep it for Zangetsu's lunch?" "Gross! No, I'm gonna put it in a crate and call Animal Control, they do hollows when they're that small, right? Dad? It doesn't need a hero team, right?" Engetsu came, wiping his hands on an apron, to squint through the glass with them. Grimmjow gathered his legs, watching him warily. He didn't track the small hollow. He could feel it, barely there, at the end of his range; it would break everything it used for teeth on his armor. Engetsu felt like he'd be more of a problem. "Probably not," the man allowed. The hollow skittered up a garbage bin, peered in, didn't deign to climb in. "Okay, then, Animal Control." "Or you could save them some time and kill it yourself." The look she gave him, her sour, suspicious face so shocked -- "... Did you think they did anything but put them down? They're hollows." It had never made sense to him that humans would bother to care for dogs and cats, even those that ended up on their own in the street, but at least they were tameable, if you were into that. He stared back, letting her see his bafflement. Her face fell. "I thought they had, like, wildlife preserves...?" Even as he barked out a laugh he knew it was the wrong response and she wouldn't like it, but he couldn't help it. "Oh my fucking god." "What!" "Putting a bunch of hollows together in a space they can't escape where their only choice for food is each other." Engetsu winced. Curtains looked betrayed. -- suburban ot4 -- "Looks like your kids were right about your harem, Ichigo!" "His what?" Grimmjow demands, eyes glittering in delight. "Oh, I have got to hear this." "Oh nooo," Orihime whimpers again, face in her hands, and Ichigo knows her, and it looks like embarrassment, and it is embarrassment -- it's embarrassment because she thought about it and liked it. But Nel doesn't know that and is generally nice, so she relents, goes "Sorry, honey, is it too much?" in a gentler voice, and Ichigo's wife (still whimpering) walks back down the stairs with Kazui still dripping merrily in her arms and goes to slump forehead-first against Nel's shoulder. "Not too much," Orihime mumbles, face scarlet and eyes still scrunched closed against Nelliel's exposed shoulder, half-hidden by cascading waves of teal hair. "I just, um, sultan Ichigo." All of Grimmjow's teeth are out, but he doesn't laugh, just grins so wide Ichigo wishes he would and get it over with. "Ooookay, honey, let's discuss cosplay some other day. Let's get this miscreant in the shower before he pees again, yeah?" he cuts in, and -- Almost -- Almost leaves it like that, retreats with her up the stairs, almost follows without saying anything more past this polite 'that was funny but let's drop it', because it's such a dangerous thing to joke about. But Nelliel and her boyfriend have the exact same way of waggling their eyebrows and leering smugly, and that cannot be borne. "I'm sure we can find Grimmjow a good sequined bra his size to go with the pants." Grimmjow opens his mouth to protest, even as Ichigo herds his wife and child away; then he yells after them, offended, "It had better be a good one, Kurosaki, you think I'm putting these puppies in an inferior one?" and when Ichigo glances back he's cupping his pectorals in both hands and squeezing up to give himself cleavage. Ichigo has regrets. Like, he still laughs his ass off, but very regretfully.
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honeyedafterglow · 10 months
two days after i killed myself
the day after i killed myself, i had no regrets. i was finally free—no more of that crushing weight, no more dark water filling my lungs until i was sure i’d suffocate. i didn’t have to think to myself, one more day. just try to survive one more day because i had no days left. it was over. i didn’t have to hurt anyone ever again. my family wouldn’t have to worry anymore now that i was gone. selfishly, i was relieved that i would never have to face them after what i’d done. i didn’t want to see how it hurt them. i didn’t want to know.
but i saw. from my place in death, i saw what i had done, the damage i caused. it was irreparable. my mother barely got out of bed. our dog barked and whined, begging for her attention, her love, asking where i had gone, but when she never responded, the dog simply climbed into bed and lay in silence with her. my cat, once confined to my room, now roamed the house as he howled, calling out to me, a living, breathing reminder of the daughter my mother lost and the love i had for cats.
my father, on the other hand, drowned himself in his work. he logged up to a hundred hours a week, only leaving himself enough time to miss me when he returned home at night to see my empty bedroom, the lights all switched off, the door cracked slightly open the way it always was when i lived there, eternally unchanging. he had begun to adjust the thermostat from his phone instead of passing by my doorway to do it manually. he didn’t want to think about me and what i left behind more often than necessary.
my little sister, who was only sixteen, still traveled between our parents’ houses. when she was at our dad’s, she kept the door to my bedroom from our shared bathroom tightly closed. she locked it when she showered, and sometimes expected me to burst into her room and scold her for leaving it locked after she was done. but i never did, and she eventually stopped unlocking it.
at our mom’s, she did her best to avoid walking down the hallway that led to my room and the bathroom unless she needed to pee. my door was always closed now, and my cat never seemed to figure out why. he would sit in front of it and cry, wailing for me to let him in, unaware that i was not home and i never would be again. my sister cared for him on my behalf, holding him when he cried in the middle of the night, feeding him when he purred and begged for food. he was how she honored me in my death. he was how she showed that she had loved me.
my older sister didn’t live at home anymore, but she felt the loss, too. when she lay in her bed, she sometimes caught herself staring at the candle i made for her in my pharmacy class and began to cry. she couldn’t bring herself to light it, unwilling to let a flame melt away something i had given her. when she felt strong enough, she often visited my social media pages and scrolled through my posts, remembering how i’d ask her opinion of my photos and whether i should post them. she always encouraged me to post them, no matter how other people may react. it was my page and she wanted me to share whatever i felt like sharing. now that i was gone, she was thankful for that.
my boyfriend was surprised by the news. at first, he thought it was a joke, something i’d orchestrated to get a reaction out of him—a sick prank. but he eventually realized that it wasn’t a cruel joke i’d been playing. he still went over to my house, sat on my bed, looked at the rumpled sheets and flattened pillows where we used to sleep together. he thought about how i would always sling one arm and one leg over him when we slept, like a koala hugging a tree, and i could see the ache i had put inside of him.
sometimes he would log onto his computer to play his favorite video game and see the minecraft logo, forced to remember how i made him play it with me the night after our first date when i panicked and made him go home. he remembered the feeling of his arm around my waist in the movie theater as we watched spider-man, of my hand in his while we walked through cedar point, of my skin against his the first time we had sex. he remembered the sound of my heartbeat whenever he rested his head on my chest, the smell of my perfume that he liked to spray on himself, the sound of my laugh when he said something particularly stupid. he couldn’t stop remembering. sometimes i wished he could forget, if only it would stop him from hurting so badly.
the day after i killed myself, i had no regrets—i was proud of myself for my success, relieved i had finally freed everyone from my web of misery and pain—but the day after that, i did.
two days after i killed myself, i regretted it. i wanted to go back. i wanted to push my hands through the earth i’d been buried in, my fingernails caked with dirt, and crawl home to the family i’d left behind. i wanted to wrap them in my arms, tell them i was sorry, promise them i would never hurt them that way again—but i couldn’t. i was dead.
two days after i killed myself, i regretted it more than i ever thought i was capable of.
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rachelianello · 9 months
Officially six months seizure free!...Again. I won't ever drive again. I just don't want something to happen while I am driving and harm anyone that is on the road near me. I don't like driving anyways. I also have neuropathy. Pins and needles in my legs and feet times a million at first. I couldn't walk the pain was so bad. I couldn't even stand. Three weeks later after being in the hospital for a week a fucking MRI with some drug that calmed me down I was diagnosed with neuropathy which I already said. I was transferred to a in patient physical rehab facility for two weeks. The rain was still so bad and standing hurt. I couldn't even shower myself. Those two weeks with those therapist meant more that anything to more. Yes did I have to use a walker and a wheelchair after I got out? Absolutely. It has been a year not and I don't need to use my walker and I use my wheelchair to walk/jog around my neighborhood with my little puppy dog Otto. I went so long without being able to do anything like that. I just use my wheelchair for balance. I am not trying to walk around my neighborhood and fall down and scrape my knees. I mean, lets be real, I am not a ripe banana anymore just one with a lot of brown spots but more yellow. ALSO, IF I EVER HEAR ANYONE TELL ME THAT THEIR LEG FELL ASLEEP OR THEIR ARM AND THEY FEEL PINS AND NEEDLES AND IT HURTS. WHAT A JOKE. MY FEET WILL FEEL THAT WAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE AND I AM USED TO IT. MY MEDICATION HELPS BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE IT GO AWAY. My bad but don't be a little bitch, bro. Anyways....THANKYOU MOTHERFUCKING MISSOURI FOR LEGALIZING MARIJUANA.
I was very close to getting my medicinal card but my dealer always hooked me up. They still do but there is nothing better than walking as slow as I can into a dispensary and picking out what I want. My primary care Doc and all my other specialist ask if I smoke and I tell them, "Just Mary Jane." They look at me and say, "Well, its not illegal so I can't tell you not to and your oxygen/breathing is great. I am glad to helps." My gynecologist, neourologist, seizure doc and all the other docs I see say the same.
Still take my meds. Honestly, The first time had a seizure was the scariest. Not because I was in pain but I was at work and fell down and hit my head so hard. I can't believe I didn't break my glasses. Luckily I had so many employees around me to help. Not trying to toot my own horn but I was a pretty badass Kitchen Manager. I thought anyways. I tried my best. I was carried out for my first ride on the ambulance and the only thing I can remember was my General Manager asking me to call my best friend Kamryn and I said yes. My General Manager never stopped taking food orders. More than half the staff walked out that night. Saturday, February 19th 2021 9PM...Buffalo Wild Wings. My best friend was at the hospital before I even was even though I was rushed on the ambulance. I had covid to haha. If I knew that I would have never went to work but I needed to be at work for that seizure to happen. What would I have done if I was at home where I lived alone and that happened to me?
Moral of this post. Please, be a kind human. You never know what someone is going though.
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The "C" Word and My Family...?
I feel I need to disclose this part of the story first. I am not a "cool mom". Just ask any of my kids. I do still try to stay open as a family and try not keep too many unnecessary secrets. It can set up dishonesty as a standard for their future families, and that has been problematic with too many people we have known. We have an open dialogue about issues in the world, things they might not understand, and sometimes things that I need to be educated about. My kids all know they can ask me anything and I will do my best to give them an educated answer. If I don't know the answer, they know I will do my best to find it out for them. Nothing is too embarrassing for my kids to ask me in my house.
Having said all of that, my daughter Bree and I were having a kitchen conversation as I made dinner. She has heard me cuss before. It is not shocking. I have dropped some words stubbing my toe, stepping in dog pee, or nearly breaking my leg sliding across something in the floor. The point is, I have my go to favorite/old reliable expletives. There are some words I just don't use much. Not because I am too prudish, they are just not my usual words.
Every now and then, a new word will enter my life and I have to ask someone what it means. If I figure it out, I am compelled to approach my kids (creatively and stealthily), to see if they already had this knowledge/information.
Me: "So when Sampson and I went on our road trip, he laughed because I had to ask him what the "C" word was! He laughed so hard, but then I laughed because it IS kind of funny. I'm not going to say it, but it was funny to hear him say it."
Bree: "Was it Cock?" She didn't flinch or even whisper.
Me: "NO! What the Hell?" (Clearly that was not one of my words!)
Bree: "Was it Cunt?" Still speaking at her regular volume without hesitation...as if she said the word every day!
Me: "NO! Wow! You just said both of those things right here in my kitchen!" (Clearly this was not one of my go to words either).
Bree: "Well what was it then?" She stood looking mildly confused, then she began to laugh at my obvious dismay.
My mouth was wide open, and though I rarely show signs of shock or awe in front of people, (especially my kids). This one got me, for sure.
I gathered my composure.
Me: (whispering) "It was CHODE".
I thought my daughter was going to laugh herself to death. She nearly peed her pants. She obviously already knew the definition. This was not a big shocker, after the "cock" and "cunt" responses she so quickly spewed forth.
Bree shared our conversation later with her older brother and his girlfriend when she came over for dinner. They both laughed. His girlfriend even shared her own "chode" story (it isn't as bad as it sounds). She explained how she used to call her little brother a "chode" on a regular basis. I suddenly felt even older than I had felt when we had the first conversation. I had literally just learned the definition of this word recently. I am so uncool...'yes' and old.
My kids have always come to me for medical information, cooking problems, and, "hey where is that (shirt/pants/towel) thing that I need so I can take a shower or get ready to go somewhere?" In turn, I go to them for current slang and tech problems (sad but honest). From now on, the only way I will stay current is to ask my kids honest questions in real time as they come up.
I think we might have achieved a sort of nice, symbiotic balance between our generations. I hope the balance is there, because my daughter informed me when she was 9 or 10 that she WILL be putting me in a nursing home as soon as any signs of the need arise. She still "jokes" about it to this day.
God willing, I can and will stay current and without dementia. Amen.
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sapphistoryteling · 2 years
Trying something out
A small figure walked along rows of slumped over bodies, fallen leaves, and a white void framing it all. As the figure walked, ash colored spirits rose and followed, whispering softly. The figure then stopped and turned to look a man in a beige suit, they spoke up and said "You shouldn't be here". They walked towards the man but the man vanished quickly into the void. "Strange." the figure then looked towards an unnoticed viewer and simply stated "Don't be afraid."
Bones sits up rapidly from her bed an firmly grasps the metal pipe hanging in front of her, panting and sweaty. "It's just a dream... it's just a dream." she said attempting to reassure herself. It was the fifth night in a row that she had that dream, but it couldn't be more than just a dream, because the other alternative was too scary to handle right now. Bones' appearance reflected her name almost to a T, small frail and almost unnaturally white. There were times people had woken her up thinking she wasn't there anymore and trying to move her.
"okay, time to go see Mama Rita." Bones thought putting on her makeshift peg leg. She stood up and picked up her blanket before walking down the alley. It wasn't an uncommon sight to see an amputee child walking down the street, not like the limbs could be given back anyway, they were just phantoms now even if the pain was felt as if they were still where they used to be.
As Bones approached a house with steam coming out the windows someone knocks her over and her peg leg falls off, as it was prone to doing. Bones flicked her wild and snarled white hair out of her face, looking for her leg. "Looking for this, Ratty?" said a boy holding her leg over his shoulder like a baseball bat.
"As a matter of fact, yes. Care to give it back or are you just going to taunt me with it?" Bones sassed.
"Seems like it would be a pretty fun toy." the boy joked.
"Maybe. You do know that dogs and rats pee on it, right?"
"EWW GROSS! YOU WEAR THAT ON YOUR STUMP!?!?" The boy squeaked, dropping the leg just as quickly as he had picked it up.
"I gave an arm and a leg to be able to clean my other arm and leg. though you look like you know people with coins who pay for you to wash everyday."
"You mean parents?" the boy chuckled, watching Bones crawl to her leg and put it on.
"Ah, a real lucky duck aren't you? I don't have those either. I have ghosts."
"You're a real freak, Ratty."
"OI! WHAT'S ALL THAT RUCUS LEWIS?!" a thunderous voice bellowed from inside the steaming house.
"OH SHIT-" the boy said turning tail and running.
"Morning Mama Rita." Bones said.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Imagine # 940
Gifs NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If any gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2022
The loud knock nearly startled (Y/n), who was busy tinkering with her favorite shotgun, Maria. With a small sigh she sat Maria aside, then walked across her quarters to the door, answering it with a dramatic swing of the door. Peering up she smiled at the sight of her friend Roadhog. "Roadie when did you and Jay get back?" Wondered aloud as she opened the door further, inviting him inside. He shook his head however and held out a small Australian Shepard puppy. "Oh my goodness!" (Y/n) squeaked as she snatched the puppy from his hand, cradling it to her chest. "Well where's Junkrat?" (Y/n) wondered as she pet the puppy in her arms, finding it unusual that Junkrat wasn't practically breaking her door down to see her, like he normally does after they get back from a mission.
Roadie pointed to the puppy in her arms, the excited pup attacking her with kisses. "Are you telling me this is Junkrat?" (Y/n) asked as she looked from Roadie to the puppy, when she looked back to Roadhog he nodded his head in agreement. "How did he get turned into a puppy!?!?" (Y/n) exclaimed with worry, cradling the puppy further into her chest, feeling as though he would break if she held him wrong. Roadhog only shrugged his shoulders, turning to leave afterwards. "Wait you can't just leave me here with him like this! What am I supposed to do with him?" (Y/n) called out, sighing when Roadhog only shrugged his shoulders, walking off still. "Well this should be interesting." (Y/n) mused as she held the puppy out, looking into his eyes, a sad smile gracing her lips when she realized he had Junkrats eyes.
"Oh Jay what am I supposed to do with you?" She sighed as she tucked him under her arm, re-entering her quarters she closed the door behind her before setting Junkrat down. "This better not be permanent, or so help me Jay." (Y/n) rest her hands onto her hips, glowering down at him, while he looked ashamed. "Oh Jay." She cooed, finding him incredibly adorable. In an instant he perked up, his tail wagging wildly as he jumped up to rest his front paws against her leg. "You're pretty adorable though I'll give you that." (Y/n) chuckled when he hopped around, trying to chase his tail. She smiled fondly before walking off to mess with Maria again, though when she began walking away, Junkrat gave chase accidentally peeing on the floor in his excitement. "Jamison Fawkes!" (Y/n) hissed when she realized what he'd done, her hands set on her hips. A heavy sigh escaping her when he whined with his head hung in shame. "Don't get so excited next time sugar." She warned before walking to the kitchen to grab some paper towels and disposable gloves.
Hours had gone by, and Junkrat was still an adorable pup, now curled up in (Y/n)'s lap, sleeping soundly while (Y/n) worked on a miscellaneous drawing. Smiling to herself when puppy Junkrat started whining in his sleep, his little legs kicking as he ran after something in his sleep. Setting aside her drawing she gently rubbed behind his ears, humming under her breath to help calm him down. Suddenly he shot up whimpering loudly while looking around frantically. "Hey calm down sugar." (Y/n) mused as she scratched his little chin, smiling when he nuzzled into the palm of her hand, frantically licking her fingers. "Have a bad dream again Jamie?" She mused as she pet his soft fur, his piercing eyes peering up at her with a little whine. "Well normally I'd ask if you want to talk about it, but I don't think that'll work this time." (Y/n) joked, giggling when puppy Junkrat jumped up onto her chest, licking her face.
"Well I um don't exactly have dog food laying around." (Y/n) stated as she rummaged around the cupboards in her small kitchen. Bark bark!! Puppy Junkrat woofed at her as he chased her around, jumping up in excitement when she pulled open the fridge. "Well for now I guess you can just have people food, shouldn't hurt right?" (Y/n) hummed as she pulled out some leftovers she had from yesterday. "Let me warm it up for ya." (Y/n) insisted when he danced around in excitement. "Don't pee on the floor again!" She quickly warned with a stern frown, laughing when puppy Junkrat sat down looking bashful. "Good boy." She praised while starting the microwave, reaching down to pat his head while the microwave did its thing. He woofed before dancing around in a circle, standing on his hind legs when the microwave dinged. "Alright come on babe." (Y/n) mused after she dished some of the food into a bowl for Junkrat, and the rest onto a plate for herself.
That evening while laying in bed, (Y/n) happily played with puppy Junkrats floppy ears, giggling when he playfully nipped at her hands. "Alright alright I give up, you win." (Y/n) giggled as he gnawed on her thumb, licking the spot he was chewing on afterwards. "Goodnight sugar." (Y/n) hummed before turning off her bedside lamp, happily cuddling puppy Junkrat to her chest. But a few hours later (Y/n) woke up do to the added weight now laying against her. She flicked on her light and gasped at the sight before her. Laying on top of her was a sleepy Junkrat who nuzzled his face into her chest. "Jamison! Baby wake up!" She exclaimed with excitement, nudging his shoulders, giggling when he picked his head up, sleepily rubbing his eyes. "You're you again!" (Y/n) grasped his face between her hands, kissing every inch of his face. "Am I?" He wondered aloud, gasping when he realized he was human again. "I'm me again, I'm me!" He exclaimed before attacking (Y/n) with kisses.
*I honestly don't know where else to take this one... If you wanna add to it feel free, just tag me so I can read it for myself. 😁
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n, tommy, wilbur and phil
requested: yes/no
an: part 7 of the great adventures series - a rollercoaster of emotions
warnings: cursing, jokes about death (like the vlog) , didn’t proof read as its 6am sorry for any mistakes
it had been around a week since you last spoke to tubbo, the pair of you got into a heated argument and honestly you didn’t want to be anywhere near the boy. no one heard from you since you and tubbo blocked each other, ranboo would talk to you about how you need to forgive and forget and Tommy would do the same to tubbo eventually you unblocked each other however apart from that it was pretty much useless neither of you were willing to talk to the other person, it was just one of those things that needed time, soon enough you’d be friends again. at least you hoped that would be the case. later that day Wilbur sent you a message asking what time he should pick you up tomorrow not wanting to argue you let him know a time and went off to get ready for the night.
The car ride to Alton towers was pretty quiet the majority of the ride was spent playing random car games like eye spy or singing along to the radio as there was no traffic you got there rather quickly giving you longer in the park. you loved theme parks and Tommy knew this so he took the opportunity to invite you and get you out of the house, he also knew he would need the support. Phil began recording as you all made your way through the park the sky car was first so you could get to the other half of the park Tommy made it pretty clear he wasn’t the biggest fan of this and you and Wilbur didn’t help his cause by discussing the recent crash in Italy that killed a group of people, you pointed out all the rides you passed teasing Tommy whilst Wilbur interviewed him on why he wanted to hit 10 million subs, as soon as Tommy mentioned the girl from college your eyes widened and you sat trying not to laugh as Wilbur and Phil sat telling him to call her. Tommy looked at you trying to get back up but you responded by telling him you want to speak to her.
once off the sky car you stood with an arm around Tommy's shoulders as Wilbur spoke to the girl who you’re hoping is in on it and that they’re not calling up the poor girl unexpectedly. as soon as you were informed that her favourite ride was the smiler Tommy pulled you into a hug hiding his face in the crook of your neck
“Are you serious”
“you’ll be fine it’s the safest ride here...if you ignore the crash”
the four of you walked around the park looking for an easy rollercoaster as you make your way up to the smiler, the blade caught Wilbur's eye so the three of you made your way whilst Phil decided to stay back to record, you sat next to Tommy reassuring him that he’s going to be fine and how it can’t be that bad as a family with a young child got on the ride after you.
“if I pee myself will you laugh at me”
“yes..actually that’ll make it easier for me”
“Please don’t do that Wilbur”
“only for you y/n”
the ride started slowly however the speed soon picked up you sat laughing as Tommy went on to make references about technoblade and how he’s never going to die. soon enough the three of you began ‘singing’ the lyrics to road trip in an attempt to calm down a little bit. was it working? no. a few minutes later the ride came to an end as you made your way off of the ride you heard a child screaming about how fun it was
“how is that six-year-old shouting I loved it”
“are we cowards”
“yes, yes you are”
you made it to Phil first and rambled on about how fun it was before Wilbur and Tommy made it to you both wanting to go home
on your journey to the next ride, Tommy pointed out claw machines and dragged you to them, Phil had a go first and didn’t win the dog Tommy wanted, you had a go determined to win however like Phil you didn’t win
“This is bullshit ill buy you a toy dog”
“Why are you never satisfied”
“Good question”
you walked away from the machines with the others Tommy complained that he was being forced to go on the rides, you pointed at the smiler and Wilbur announced you could all go on that now, the rest of the walk was pretty quiet after that. soon enough you were in the queue to go on duel, you were walking with Phil not realising that Wilbur was currently telling your best friend that he was going to die, the only reason you found out was because Tommy ran up to you asking if he was going to die
“Tommy, no who told you that... Wilbur stop laughing it’s not- it’s not funny”
“y/n you’re quite literally laughing”
you put your finger on your lips and walked off. you sat with Phil so you could have a break from Tommy screaming in your ear as soon as Tommy yelled there were guns the ride began, you weren’t the best at this ride you missed the target a few too many times than you’d like to admit, once the ride was over Tommy made the mistake of laughing about how low your score was you made eye contact with Tommy and placed your hand on his shoulder
“Tommy... you screamed at everything the entire way around. if that ride was any longer i’m afraid I’d lose my hearing”
“didn’t you also do shit Tommy”
“fuck off”
and with that you left the ride walking through the gift shop, you and Tommy were like little children picking up anything that was covered in bright colours, you and Tommy found a squishy monster and named it Clarence you ended up getting attached and Wilbur stayed with you as you paid for it whilst Phil and Tommy were leaving the shop
“Phil we lost y/n and Wilbur”
“sorry y/n got distracted”
you all continued walking to the next ride Tommy instantly got distracted by the dryer outside of the river rapids ride and spent a good few minutes asking to go into the dryer. at this point, you noticed another toy shop and ran off to that one whilst they argued with Tommy about the dryer a few minutes later you met up with them again as you began making your way to the next ride
“what I hate the most about Phil is his kindness”
“wasn’t kind enough to let me win on duel”
“I pray on his downfall”
Phil turned to you only to be met with you nodding as Tommy goes on to talk about hating his generosity
“Phil I've been thinking about you... it’s ruined my day”
“mine was ruined by Tommy screaming at stupid o clock in the morning”
“y/n it’s 12 pm”
“okay and I usually wake up at 3 pm this is early for me”
you stood in the queue for river rapids, as much as you wanted to make Tommy calm down you hated this ride and Wilbur saying there was a chance of drowning made you hate it even more
“y/n will we be fine”
“no this is horrifying I remember the incident where someone was dragged under a ride like this”
“what are you two thinking about then”
“I’m thinking about the beyond”
“I’m thinking about the sweet release of death”
“you might be going there”
“no, we won’t”
you and Tommy began to panic as you got closer to the ride, Tommy announced the floor was moving which tricked your brain into believing that the floor was moving, Wilbur was still talking about you all dying in a few minutes whilst laughing at Phil trying to make him stop despite the fact he was clearly laughing. Tommy got on first as you were making your way to a seat Tommy pulled you over to him so you were sat together. a worker came over and told you all to keep your seat during the ride
“can I get off”
as soon as you finished your sentence the ride began to move making the others laugh
“ill take that as a no”
a few minutes later you forgot you were scared as you were too busy laughing about the fact that so far out of the four of you the only person getting drenched in water was Phil. this newfound confidence didn't last long the ride began going faster and you and Tommy got drenched in water
“We made it through the second most dangerous part”
you looked at Phil tilting your head waiting for him to confirm that Wilbur was just trying to scare you again. your thoughts were interrupted by Wilbur beginning to speak to the camera
“Alton towers is a very safe and risk-free theme park fun for all the family”
he flipped the camera so the three of you could be seen Phil was laughing Tommy had his head in his hands and you were sat with your hood over your head hiding your face so you couldn’t see what was going to happen. Phil told you to hold on but he was interrupted by Wilbur using the camera to record the four of you together again it was clear you and Tommy were not having the most fun on the ride compared to the others. the ride crashed into the small wall next to the ride causing it to jerk forward making the four of you hit your leg
“my fucking thigh”
“y/n there are children nearby”
“y/n, Tommy you two are lucky to be alive”
you and Tommy turned to face each other then looked back at Wilbur who was continuing to chant that you’re lucky to be alive clearly ignoring Phil who was telling him to stop. eventually, the ride came to an end and you all got off, Phil helped you walk around for a minute as your legs felt extremely weak after that ride
“you okay now y/n”
“yeah yeah thank you, Phil. I'm never going on that ride again”
you all made your way to the centre of the park Wilbur disappeared as you and Tommy stood begging Phil for cotton candy, your only argument being that you really wanted it
“please Phil”
“We can have a little”
“we’re growing Phil we need more than a little”
“it’s diabetes in a box”
“it’s pure joy”
“yeah it’s fun in a box let us get some”
“stop being a dick”
Wilbur came running out of a shop carrying as much cotton candy as he could shouting for you and Tommy to take some and run which you gladly did. the pair of you sat on the grass eating as much cotton candy as you could
“that is so sugary”
you and Tommy both grabbed a fistful of cotton candy waving it at the two adults in front of you both, resulting in Phil calling you both goblins, they both walked away leaving you two to enjoy each other’s company for a little while whilst they had a break from the pair of you screaming.
“that’s..that's Tommy and y/n”
it was almost time to face the smiler but before that, you had to conquer oblivion again this was another ride that terrified you but Tommy's reaction to the ride made you laugh for a good few minutes until you realised you were in the queue
“oh fuck. we are going to die”
“you’ll impress the girl and y/n you’ll impress tubbo”
“ill buy her flowers”
“This is a death trap” you went on first and sat a few seats away from the middle Tommy not far behind you
“if we die ill never forgive you”
“you’ll be fine”
“will we though”
“I mean”
“Tommy she was hesitant to answer that get me off this ride”
just like last time the ride started just as you finished trying to get off the ride
“y/n you really need to stop asking to get off the rides it makes them start earlier”
the way to the top of the ride was mainly just you and Tommy yelling curse words trying to stay calm
“Phil do we have to”
“Why could I not stay with Wilbur”
“awe look at the view”
“can we just stay up here- oh shit don’t look down”
“any last words”
“lovely knowing you all”
just before the ride was about to go down the drop Tommy grabbed your hand only letting go for a minute whilst you got off of the ride, as soon as you were making your way to Wilbur so you could all go on the spinball wizard ride he held your hand again keeping you close. your way to the ride was a range of Wilbur telling you all about the smiler or Tommy telling you all he was worried he was going to piss
“what the fuck is yours and Wilburs obsession with announcing you might piss on the ride”
you sat with Wilbur for this ride as he was the only person you hadn’t sat with yet and Tommy sat behind you both, you and Wilbur spent the ride screaming, yelling song lyrics or saying your goodbyes
“for lmanburg”
“Should I be worried.. you did you know create an explosion”
you spent the rest of the ride laughing before it came to an end. you all made your way to the smiler making jokes about how it’s all the girl from college wants to see him on.
“you ready Tommy”
“let’s go home”
“y/n you’re supposed to be on my team”
the four of you made your way through the gates ignoring Tommy who was yelling about it being a prison simulator, you sat at the end next to Tommy
“so this is safe”
“apart from the crashes yeah”
“y/n? is it safe?”
“it’s safe Tommy I can see you’re genuinely scared I wouldn’t lie in a time like this..maybe”
you and Wilbur agreed to become his wingmen and a few seconds later the ride began, you spent the ride laughing quietly as Tommy began confessing his love
as soon as the ride ended you stood as a group again and called the girl from college, Wilbur practically yelled about how Tommy went on the smiler only for the girl to ask who Tommy was and how she wasn’t friends with him
“it’s okay mate”
“you okay Tommy”
you and Wilbur pulled Tommy into a hug.
a few minutes later you all made your way back to the car park as it was getting late. once in the car you handed Tommy the squishy monster you both named Clarence, Tommy screamed whilst pulling you into a hug before asking you how and when you were able to buy it. when you were halfway home you began to get a migraine Tommy pulled you into a side hug so you could rest your head on his shoulder and have a nap for the rest of the journey back home.
a few days late you received a message
tubbo: I miss you
y/n: I suppose I miss you too
tubbo: that’s good because I’m outside please let me inside
y/n: on it!!
@l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @c1loudee
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purpleyellow · 3 years
Sleepy talks
NCT 24th member / Dream 8th member
Bee’s Masterlist
“What happened overnight during 7in in the Dream” 
a/n: So like, technically there’s 8 of them in this au, but the pun doesn’t make sense with 8 so it’s still called 7in in the dream because i have no creativity. I finished it!! Feel free to share your thoughts with me. Requests are open!💛
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After changing into pajamas, Bee flops on the huge bed from the downstairs room where she was assigned to sleep. Chenle also lays down, adjusting his covers, when Jeno who was still against sleeping in the “dog bed” jumps in the space between them and somehow manages to hug both of their figures.
“Go to your house” Chenle teases him and in the background, Jaemin can be heard joking with Jisung.
“Let's do one of those cheesy reality moments” Jeno mumbles ignoring the boy and snuggles closer to them. He clears his throat before continuing, “Everyone, what was your favorite moment today?”
“I liked dinner,” Bee says before yawning and Jeno reaches out to tickle her sides while Haechan shouts something from the upper floor.
“That's because you didn't have to do anything” The boy jokes while she laughs and tries to get away from him. What he was saying was true, Bee had been lucky enough to win almost every rock paper scissors game which allowed her to sit back, read and enjoy the weather while the boys sorted out the rest of it.
Her luck had worn off at the end of the day, though. She had to help clean after dinner and, in her opinion the worst task, she was put into breakfast duty which meant waking up earlier than everyone else.
“You two are too loud, go to sleep” Chenle complains and kicks their legs making Jeno begrudgingly get up and enter the dog house. The noise from outside the room indicating that the others were nowhere close to being asleep.
After some complaining and shouts claiming for silence, one by one the boys started to tone down leading the house to silence. Bee was deep in sleep by then, and she would have stayed like that through the whole night if it weren't for Chenle moving around and accidentally kicking her back.
Everything is ten times darker considering all the lights are turned off, and the house is in complete and utter silence. Even the small barbering of staff members is gone considering that most of them had left, leaving only the equipment behind for when they come back the next day.
Bee would have no problem going back to sleep in those conditions if it wasn't for the sudden wish to use the restroom. Truly the worst, her body did not want to get out of bed but at the same time, it demanded her to do so.
The girl scrambles onto her feet, trying not to wake up Chenle or possibly Jeno, and tip toed her way around the house. She hoped to pee as fast as possible and go back to bed immediately after, though it seemed like the universe, once again had other plans.
Not only did she got more conscious than she would've wanted, Bee also got scared by a shadow passing by when she was leaving the bathroom to return to her room. Said shadow was also startled by her presence and turned around placing a hand over his chest.
“Damn, I thought I was the only one awake at this hour” Mark speaks in a hushed tone. Bee points back at where she came out of as an explanation.
“Are you struggling to sleep again?” She asks, remembering that insomnia was one of the things he talked about when they started the “friends plan”.
“I was doing good lately. Guess the change of scenery must have messed it up a little” He shrugs and looks outside for a second. “I slept for a few hours until now. Was thinking about sitting out there and waiting for when the staff starts arriving for the waking up shots”.
“There's still a couple of hours before that happens”
“I doubt I can sleep until then, it's okay though. I'll work on some lyrics or something”.
Bee could definitely use more sleep but the thought of him working until sunrise felt insane to her, especially with the tiring day they had. "I'll go with you then" She shrugs and takes the blanket from the couch.
"You can go rest. I'm fine, trust me" Mark laughs but opens the sliding doors for her to pass.
"We can chat for a second, and then maybe you'll get bored and fall asleep," She says carefully. No matter how many times they had those random chats, she still felt a little weird to start them.
“You're not boring to talk to” He smiles, sitting on the swing chair near the pool. Thinking about something to do, he remembers what they started playing a few weeks before  “Want to play questions again?”
“I guess I can go first” Bee places the blanket on top of her and thinks for a couple of seconds before continuing “How did you get good at that game we played earlier?”
“Which one?” Giggling, Mark thinks back at the long day they've had and how it was impossible to guess which one she was referring to.
“That one we used it to decide who was going to clean up. You know, with the cups” She yawns making the sentence trail off.
“Oh, beer pong?” Mark waits for her to nod, “I don't know. Just played it a lot with 127 I guess. My aiming isn't that bad, so that's also probably why”.
“Cool, cool” Her head pends backward and hits the back of the chair making Bee rest her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again and seeing Mark’s side glancing at her.
“You should go to bed. I'll be fine here”.
“It's your turn now” She ignores him and nods for his question. The boy sighs thinking for a second before speaking.
“What's your favorite Harry Potter movie?”
“Never watched them”
“You've never watched Harry Potter?” Mark exclaims now fully turning to her with a deeply concerned expression.
“I'm sorry,” She says mid-yawn
“We're doing a marathon once things calm down. I can't believe you haven't even watched one of them”.
Humming, Bee closes her eyes again, momentarily slipping off to unconsciousness before shaking her head and waking up.
“Yun-hee, just go lay down” Mark laughs pointing back to the house. “We're getting up to make breakfast in a couple of hours, rest while you can”.
“But you're going to stay out here by yourself?” She frowns, half-convinced to go back into the warmth of her covers. “At least go back to bed even if it's to stay on your phone or something”.
Mark thinks for a second before accepting her suggestion “Okay, let's go”
He jumps to his feet and helps her get up.
Bee drags herself and the covers back to the door of her room where she waves him good night and flops inside. In the dark, she accidentally falls on top of Chenle, who doesn't even move while she maneuvers herself onto an empty space to safely drift back into dreamland.
It feels like the blink of an eye between that moment and a few hours after when Jaemin jumps on top of her and starts making weird "boop" noises, calling her to go help him make breakfast.
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hxneekyuu · 4 years
gym 3 boys on a road trip with their s/o
feat. (aged up) akaashi keiji, kuroo tetsurou, tsukishima kei, bokuto koutarou,
warnings : language, occasionally nsfw
a/n : i just decided to do the gym 3 boys bc theyre my literal favorites, but i can do others if anyone wants to request them!
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akaashi keiji
literally prepared for anything and everything
has actually thought of every possible thing that could go wrong and has a plan for it 
more interested in the destination than the trip itself but will enjoy the trip just as much as you do
would want to drive the entire time, but he wont argue if you say you want to drive too bc tbh his back probably hurts
probably a pretty quiet drive because hes not much of a talker to begin with, but it’s not uncomfortable
would let you choose all the music because he doesnt mind , he just likes to spend time w you
tbh the only reason hes on this trip is bc you expressed interest in a road trip and he wanted to spend time w you
if you ever say anything about the view being pretty or nice, be prepared for him to quietly find a way to pull over so you can take pictures
no words, just silently checks his mirrors and switches lanes until youre on the side of the road
“what are we doing?” “you said it looked pretty”
literally the perfect bf ever wtf 
probably has an itinerary of things to do once you get to each place like a mom
will not hesitate to drag your ass out of bed at 7am every day to go exploring
“we did not travel this far just to sleep”
booked all the double decker city bus tours, all of them
the king of google maps 
you wouldnt have to do any of the work , hes already done it all
pretends to be strict about exploring, but will easily give in if you say youre tired and just want to chill at the hotel 
“i guess we can go back a little early today,,,” shut up akaashi you want cuddles too
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kuroo tetsurou
has no plans
does not know how to plan
you will have to do all the work for this trip 
hes just along for the ride
it does not matter who chooses the music, he will talk over it 
will tell really bad jokes and laugh at every single one with that beautiful hyena laugh
definitely will point out all the ridiculous signs on the side of the road 
quotes all the possible vines 
“ROAD WORK AHEAD??” “tetsu pls don--” “I SURE HOPE IT DOES”
“oh look, it says deer crossing ahead!!” “,,,,, oh deer,,,” “tetsu--”
you will probably want to kill him at some point 
ten hours in a car with just kuroo? why did you agree to this trip
will 100% want to mess around at every hotel you stay in
most people want to get a postcard or something from every place they go
kuroo wants to fuck
surprisingly good at waking up early for exploring 
but he likes to explore in a chill way, like finding a place for breakfast and then going on a walk or smth
hes not big on tours and stuff like that, it’s not his vibe
the last time he went on a tour he got kicked out for all his bad jokes
probably very overprotective when youre exploring only bc its an unfamiliar place
will hover closer than usual and pay more attention to you in shops than the actual merchandise
like a guard dog
would probably make you feel so safe and comfy on a trip w him , 10/10 recommend
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tsukishima kei
you will never have control of the music
do not even think of trying to control the music
tsukki has created the perfect playlist for both of your music tastes and he will be very grumpy if you even look at the aux 
it will prob be a very quiet drive but its very calming because he really did make the perfect playlist 
he will drive the entire time, no arguing with him over it
he’ll say its bc he doesnt trust your driving, but really its bc he gets really antsy when he doesnt have smth to do for that long, so he wouldnt want to sit in the passengers seat
probably always has one hand on your leg bc hes ~affectionate~
will joke about you giving him road head 
but hes probably a really safe driver so he wont actually let you do it if you try
if you try to talk over the music he will shush you and restart the song
will definitely complain every time you have to pee
and will make fun of you if you try to hold it for his sake
there is no winning, he is tsukki
but tbh he probably can already tell when you get hungry or want to stop for a bathroom, he just likes being difficult
also probably the most likely to have random surges of affection for you while driving
he’d never admit it, but just existing in silent comfort next to you for hours on end is something he appreciates
do not try to wake him up for city exploring whenever you do reach your destinations
hes a big fan of “sleep now, see later”
you will not get him out of bed, do not try
he’d be perfectly happy just staying in the hotel all day but that makes zero sense 
so he’d let you drag him around for a couple hours before he starts complaining 
this trip is mostly about the long stretches of driving for him, he likes that part more
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bokuto koutarou
probably the best road trip partner ever 
is just so excited about everything
will point out every single cow he sees
and his only music request is that you play something loud and energetic when hes driving so he can sing along 
the master of driving games
wants to play all the games
hes like,,, that moment in every coming of age YA novel where the main characters go on a chaotic adventure road trip
hes just that entire sequence of events in a person
will make an adventure out of every possible moment with you
like a sudden breath of fresh air, sometimes hes more breathtaking than the view 
he makes everything fun and bright , there is never a dull moment
will also absolutely joke about you giving him road head and will absolutely mean it
is very excited to explore cities with you but will never complain about cuddles if you want to sleep in
anything you want to do hes like fuck yes i love that idea 
his favorite part is eating
he only ever wants to eat, he thinks about where to eat next while hes eating 
he is just the best person to travel with, he makes everything so much more fun
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pterodactylterrace · 3 years
Guys Like You ~ENDING~
Title: Guys Like You
Chapter: 20
Chapter Summary: My ill fated attempt to tie everything up nice and pretty and end on a positive note. In my head, this went a different way, but I decided to go the happy route for everyone
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mentions of blood and childbirth 
“I feel like a blimp.” Faye groaned, giving up on trying to fasten her sandals herself and plopping down on the bed instead.
“I think you’re gorgeous.” Henry soothed, straightening out his tie in the mirror and crouching down to help her with her shoes.
“I can’t see my feet.”
“They’re still here.” Henry chuckled, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her swollen belly.
“What about my vagina?” Faye grouched, smoothing a hand along her bump.
“I plan on thoroughly investigating that later.” Henry purred, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“Why not now?”
“Because we’ll be late if we do. Now come along, darling. We both know everyone is dying to see the bump.” Henry encouraged, standing and gently helping her to her feet. They had posted earlier that week to his Instagram about their newest addition. Just a picture of a Superman onesie, captioned “Baby Boy Cavill, coming early next spring.” To say it had blown up would be an understatement. This was going to be their first public outing since they had announced the pregnancy. Faye had gone back and forth several times on whether or not she had wanted to actually accompany him, ultimately deciding to spend the evening out with her fiancé.
“Carry me?” Faye whined, giving him a pouty look.
“I’ll carry you around all you like after the premiere. If we show up in wrinkled clothing, people may get the wrong idea.”
“Henry, I’m pretty sure they know we’ve been having sex.” Faye pointed out, gesturing vaguely toward her belly. “Plus, you’ve done a wonderful job of making sure I’m satisfied at all times.”
“The pleasure is all mine.” Henry chuckled, placing a hand on her lower back to urge her to the door and quickly readjusting himself in his suddenly too tight trousers. This woman was going to be the death of him. All she had to do was allude to sex, and all the blood would rush straight to his groin. He was fairly certain she had trained his dick to get hard with just a look, not that he was complaining. He’d heard several men grumbling about how their partners didn’t want anything when they were expecting. He seemed to get lucky with the opposite. She’d been much friskier during her first trimester, but after she hit the halfway point, she was damn near insatiable.
“Now make sure you behave. Hands to yourself.” Henry murmured in her ear, the couple stopping just long enough to remind the babysitter that Briar had to be in bed by eight and to tell the little girl goodbye.
“You were joking about the hands to myself thing, right?” Faye questioned almost as soon as the driver had rolled up the partition.
“It’s been less than two hours.” Henry half laughed, tangling his fingers with her wandering digits.
“So? Are you really going to turn down getting busy?”
“Darling, we’ll make a mess right before we end up in front of a ton of cameras.” Henry pointed out, kissing the back of her hand lovingly. “Just try to contain yourself for a few more hours, then I’ll be yours all night.”
“All night?”
“All night.” Henry confirmed, kissing her temple adoringly and gently placing a hand on her swollen stomach. “You look beautiful.” Henry whispered, shamelessly staring at her cleavage.
“Don’t be a tease.” Faye pouted.
“My apologies, darling.” Henry chuckled, resting his cheek against her head.
“I’m not leaving this house again until this baby is born.” Faye declared dramatically as she flopped down on the couch.
“Does that mean you’ve decided on a home birth?” Henry asked, glancing up from the puzzle Briar was trying to put together.
“Yes.” Faye growled, glaring down at her extended belly. “Tell me, Mr. Cavill. Is there a particular reason you decided to put a gigantic baby in me? Hmm? Is this some sort of payback for something?”
“Darling, the doctor said he’s only slightly larger than average.”
“Baby brother is BIG!” Briar giggled.
“Yes, he is.” Faye agreed, pushing herself up from her slouched position. “He also likes to kick Mommy in the ribs.”
“I’m sorry, darling.” Henry cooed, pushing himself up from the floor to sit next to her on the couch.
“You should totally carry the next kid.” Faye grumbled, leaning against him.
“I would if I could, darling.” Henry assured, wrapping his arm around her and kissing the top of her head.
“My feet are swollen, my belly is huge, I’m pretty sure I just peed a little and all I can think about is oranges.” Faye grumpily listed off, wiggling her way to the edge of the couch and rocking herself to her feet.
“Oh…” Henry mumbled, his eyebrows pulling together as he watched the wet darkness rapidly spread across the back of her sweats and down her legs.
“Oh shit.” Faye gasped, staring in horror at the wetness soaking into her pants. “Oh fuck… Henry!” She yelled, trying to peer over her stomach to see her legs.
“Yes?” Henry asked unsurely as he stood himself up, intent on cleaning the mess before it soaked in anymore.
“I don’t think that was pee.”
“That. Wasn’t. Piss.” Faye ground out, snapping her head around to look at him.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to get me to understand, darling.” Henry admitted, his brows pulling together as he studied her face. “Wait… you don’t mean?” Henry whispered, realization washing over his face. “But he’s not due for another couple of weeks!”
“Well, it looks like he was just as tired of waiting as I was!” Faye grumbled.
“Mommy, you had an accident.” Briar pointed out as she put the last piece in her puzzle, hopping to her feet and scampering off down the hall, assuring her mother she would find her something else to wear as she ran off.
“Ok… I’m not going to panic.” Henry promised, more to himself rather than to his fiancé. “I’m going to call the doula and the nanny. Do you need me to help you to the bathroom?”
“I’m not contracting, I can walk.” Faye pointed out.
“Just in case it starts, then.” Henry suggested, resting one hand on her lower back and taking her hand with the other, keeping pace beside his fiancé as she did an odd combination of a shuffle and a waddle to the bathroom.
“FUCK!” Henry shouted as soon as the door was closed, his heavy footsteps falling down the hallway as he ran back to the living room, frantically trying to locate his phone. “KAL!” Henry called, his wild eyes darting around the room. “Kal where’s my phone?!”
“KITCHEN!” Faye yelled from the bathroom, rolling her eyes to herself. “So much for not panicking.”
“Thank you, Kal!” Henry called back, his rapid steps sounding again as he crossed the house, snatching his phone from where it was peacefully charging on the counter, hitting the contact number for the doula and impatiently listening to it ring.
“He does know the dog can’t talk; I promise.” Faye sighed, shoving her wet clothes down and sitting on the toilet to kick herself free. “Papa’s just a little excited right now. He’s going crazy waiting to meet you.” She assured her swollen stomach.
“Faye?” Henry called softly from the other side of the door, slowly cracking it open and giving her an apologetic smile. “She’s asking questions I don’t know the answer to.”
“What does she want to know?” Faye asked, watching as he slowly slid his giant frame into the bathroom with her.
“You’re doing so good, darling.” Henry whispered, gently running his hands up and down his fiancé’s back. “Another one’s coming up, deep breath.” He instructed, his eyes flicking to his watch back to Faye. He gripped her hips firmly and dug his thumbs in right where she’d shown him so many contractions ago, rubbing in slow small circles to ease the pain in her back.
“I wanna get in the tub.” Faye groaned as the tightness in her belly began to ease.
“Alright, darling. I’m going to need you to stand up with me.” Strong arms wrapped around her and slowly helped to her feet; an adoring kiss being planted to the crown of her head. “Now I need you to walk with me, can you do that?”
“Yeah. It’s not bad between the contractions.”
“I’ll be right here if you need me.” Henry assured, taking her small delicate hand into his calloused paw, slowly leading her to the bathroom. He let her rest against the sink as he fiddled with the taps, plugging the drain once the water had warmed.
“Fuck… Hen…” Faye hissed, her jaw clenching along with her distended abdomen.
“I’m right here, I’m right here.” Henry quickly took her back in his arms, letting her lean against him as he tried to find the spot on her back from the new angle.
“For fucks’ sake, how long has it been?” Faye groaned, helping Henry pull her shirt off and toss it onto the growing pile of laundry she was creating during her labor.
“Just over three hours.” Henry informed, biting his lip at his fiancé’s hopeless groan.
“That’s it?!”
“You’re doing so good.” Henry repeated, expertly unclasping her bra with one hand and casting it aside to help her step into the warm waiting water. He settled in next to the tub, holding his phone up where she could see it and pulling up one of her favorite shows, hoping to distract her.
“I wanna push.” Faye gasped, her knuckles going white as she squeezed the side of the tub, her entire body tense with a contraction.
“That’s great, that’s your body telling you you’re ready to have your baby.” The midwife assured, gently wiping her face with a wash rag. “You’re in charge here, how do you want to do this? Do you want to stay in the tub, or do you want to move somewhere else?”
“I’m staying.” Faye groaned, maneuvering herself to her knees with Henry’s help.
“You’re so close, darling.” Henry whispered, kissing her forehead adoringly, wincing slightly when her next contraction came, and her nails dug into his arm. “You’re doing so good.”
“Henry, I need you.” Faye hissed, desperate hands attempting to drag him into the tub with her. “Come here, please.” She pleaded, throwing her arms around his shoulders when he carefully lowered himself into the tub with her.
“I’m right here, darling. I’m right here.” Henry assured, rubbing her back softly, letting her lean into him as much as she wished. He paid no attention to the blood tinging the water or her nails digging into his shoulders. Instinct took over when Faye said she could feel the head coming. He reached between himself and his fiancé, gently cradling his son as he was pushed into the world.
“He’s here. He’s here.” Henry gasped after a final push, bringing the baby to his chest, quickly wrapping an arm around Faye’s shoulders to ease her back against the side of the tub.
“He’s here.” Faye breathed, a tired smile spreading across her face as Henry gently laid their son on her chest, peppering her forehead with adoring kisses and pushing her wet hair from her face.
“You did it, Faye.” Henry whispered, smiling down at the baby in her arms, his heart swelling with pride. She did that. His fiancé just brought a new life into the world. In that moment, he was simply blown away at just how strong she could be. It took almost all the mental focus he had remaining not to propose to her again, still crouching in the blood and goo filled water with her.
Reluctantly, Henry removed himself from the tub, taking a second to appreciate Faye’s demand of the oversized bathtub when they had renovated the bathroom. He was quick to rinse himself off in the other shower, throwing on dry sweats and returning to the bathroom where Faye was still gushing over their newest addition. The baby was handed to him while the midwife attended to his fiancé, draining the tub and gently rinsing away the sweat and mess clinging to her skin with a cool stream.
“He’s so tiny.” Henry whispered in awe, staring down at his minutes-old son.
“The hell he is!” Faye groaned, shooting him a look fit to kill.
“I think he agrees with you.” Henry grunted, his son’s chubby fist finding his chest hair and gripping it tightly, squirming his newly freed limbs the best he could in his tight swaddle.
“He’s only small compared to you.” The midwife compromised, Henry helping Faye step out of the tub with one arm, the other tightly cradling their son to his chest, hovering close as the midwife helped her to redress. “You have another child already, right? So, you know the bleeding is going to continue for a few weeks. Make sure you rest as much as you can. Now isn’t the time to be a hero. You’ve just gone through a lot; you need time to heal.”
“Can I have our son back now?” Faye asked, raising an amused brow at her already doting fiancé, who reluctantly handed the infant back to his mother.
“Rest, darling.” Henry reminded her, securing one arm around her rapidly deflated waist and holding her tight to his side, walking her back to their waiting bed, their son’s bassinet already pulled up close to her side.
“I wanna hold him a little more.” Faye pouted when Henry took the baby back, holding her hand to help her into bed the best he could.
“Lay down first. You’re getting shaky.”
“Then can I hold him?”
“I suppose, since you did just birth him an all.” Henry playfully sighed, handing off their son again and seating himself on the edge of the bed, content to just watch mother and child for the time being.
“Papa?” Briar yawned, shuffling into their room with her stuffed bunny in tow.
“Yes, princess?” Henry mumbled, already half asleep after changing his son and passing him back to his mother for a midnight feeding.
“He too noisy. Can you tell baby brother to be quiet? I can’t sleep.”
“You heard her, Liam. No more screaming in the middle of the night. You need to use your inside crying after 9pm.” Henry informed his young son, the only reply being his son’s usual cooing grunt as he continued to nurse.
“Sorry, Briar. He’s still little, he needs a lot of attention right now.”
“I like attention too.” Briar pouted, stubbornly climbing into their bed and perching herself on Henry’s stomach as she watched her mother.
“I know, baby. I’m sorry.” Faye sighed, fighting the tears welling in her eyes.
“How about Mummy takes you to the park for a little bit tomorrow?” Henry suggested
“Liam is too little to be bringing out to a playground, Hen.” Faye pointed out, relatching the child when he stopped to stare at her nursing bra in confusion.
“So feed him right before you go, and again when you get home. You need a break from baby duty, babe.” Henry suggested, shifting Briar off his stomach to sit next to him instead.
“I wanna go, Mommy!” Briar whined, looking up at her mother hopefully.
“What if he gets hungry while I’m gone?”
“I know damn well you have extra in the fridge. It’s a bit of a surprise when you add some of that into your coffee in the morning by mistake, by the way.”
“So that’s why I was missing some.”
“I thought it was that ‘fancy’ cream you get from the farmer’s market. I was wrong.”
“It was in the same bottle, though.”
“You little…” Henry grumbled, pushing himself up on his elbows to glare at her properly. “Why would you refill a container with milk that looks startlingly similar to what was in it in the first place? You set me up for failure!”
“Mommy, I sleep with you tonight?” Briar asked hopefully, blissfully ignorant to her parent’s playful discussion.
“No, baby. You’re not going to get any sleep in here with us. Baby brother wakes up too much at night.” Faye explained, glancing hopefully at Henry. Understanding what she was trying to tell him, Henry snatched the little girl up and rolled out of bed, smiling at her excited squealing as he carried her down the hall under his arm surfboard style.
“Do you want me to turn on your Baby Shark music?” Henry asked once she had been replaced in bed, Kal lazily licking at her ear when she rejoined him. He didn’t bother even waiting for an answer before flipping through her tablet, pulling up the hour long loop they usually played for her at bedtime.
“Kal wants ice cream.” Briar informed him, batting her lashes up at her father figure hopefully.
“Kal knows he can’t have ice cream. It’s too hard on his stomach.” Henry yawned, looking suspiciously at the canine.
“No, he wants it for me, silly.” Briar giggled.
“You know the rules, princess.” Henry sighed, brushing her hair from her face softly. “Now get some rest. We all love you.”
“Did we wait long enough? Do I still look like a slob?” Faye fretted, turning this way and that, her eyes fixed on her lower stomach, trying to see if it still protruded further than she wanted.
“Faye, relax. You look amazing.” Her sister assured, turning her away from the mirror. Briar was happily running in circles with her little flower basket, all too excited to be involved in the affair. Her twin sister was in a beautiful, blue floor length bridesmaid dress, her younger sister in a matching shorter dress and her brother struggling with the matching tie.
“Are you ready to marry?” Her mother asked her giddily, squeezing her daughter’s hand softly.
“I am. I really hope he is too.” Faye replied, stealing a glance at the closed door.
“Oh please, he was ready to marry you the first time he saw you.” Her brother scoffed, finally taming his tie into something passable. “You’ve been killing the poor guy making him wait this long.”
“I didn’t want to get married while I was pregnant.”
“I really don’t think he would have cared.” Her youngest sister pointed out. “He seems pretty convinced the sun shines out of your ass.”
“Hear that, Delilah?” Her brother jumped in, setting his teasing eyes on his sister. “Get you a man that looks at you the way Henry looks at her.”
“It’s the same way you look at pizza.” Their sister added.
“I’ll find someone when I want to.” Delilah grumbled, shooting her younger siblings a glare out of the corner of her eye.
It took the effort of three people to hold Briar back once the music started, all desperately explaining that she was going to be almost last to go. Once the time came, she threw all her flower petals on the ground at the start of the runner and then sprinted down to the other end while laughing wildly. It was deemed that was close enough and it was finally Faye’s turn to walk the aisle.
Her father’s arm was a steady, comforting constant, something she desperately needed in that moment. She could swear she saw a small tear forming in the corner of her husband-to-be’s eye, but mostly his face was one of proud surprise.
Niki was elected to hold the ‘ring bearer’ the baby happily drooling all over the ring box he was allegedly in charge of. The photographer went nuts with pictures when Henry gently pried the box from his son’s chubby fist, removing the ring from inside and handing him the box back to chew on.
The couple stared into each other’s eyes, everything else melting away in that moment as they both closed a chapter in their lives, only to begin a brand new one they hoped would be filled with adventure with two simple words.
“I do.”
Tags:  @weallhaveadestiny @lunedelorient @summersong69 @mis-lil-red @lharrietg @amberangel112 @mansaaay @packerfan43
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mrs-march-ahs · 3 years
Are The Evans Dog or Cat People?
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-Likes both
-Loves it when either come lay on your lap while you watch TV so he can sit and stroke them
-Is completely fine leaving cats alone and having them come to him when they want
-But also loves the attention that dogs give you
-Loves when a dog gets excited when you come home
-Also feels super comforted when a dog licks his tears when he cries
-Absolutely always strokes stray cats, always
-Dogs, but he likes both
-Loses his mind over big fluffy dogs
-You go over to a friend’s house and you knock on the door, and the dog starts barking
-Kit gasps and smiles already excited to see it
-Your friend opens the door and holds the dog back by the collar, so you two quickly walk in and shut the door
- “Don’t hold him back! Let him go!” Kit says, with open arms
- “Are you sure? He’s a little heavy”
- “Gimme gimme gimme”
-Sits on the floor and cuddles and fights with the dog
-Definitely will growl at the dog and play tug of war with them
You step foot into your house after a long day of work, only to find your husband on the kitchen floor with a dog on his lap. The small black fluffy dog licks Kit’s face, and Kit looks over at you and smiles.
“Kit…”, you say walking over to him and Kit continues scratching the dog, looking at him intensely in love.
“Kit darling, we don’t have a dog”, you laugh.
Kit stands up and holds the dog in his arms, before turning towards you and answering as seriously as he can.
“Yeah, I noticed that too, I also thought it was a problem in our relationship”, he begins, nodding and talking. “But don’t worry, I fixed it”.
You giggle at how happy Kit is with his new friend, but try to stay strong and be the reasonable adult.
“Kit, I don’t know if we can afford a dog, I mean food, toys, vet bills-”
“Yeah, Billy and I talked about it, and he agreed to get a job and pay his way in the house”, Kit nods seriously, pointing to the dog. But when he sees that your face doesn’t particularly soften at the light-hearted joke, he tries another method.
“Hear me out darling”. You nod and look at Kit, who opens his mouth pretending to speak, but instead holds the dog’s face in front of yours. When the fluffy creature licks the tip of your nose, you scrunch it up and Kit laughs at how cute you look.
“It’s okay honey, we signed a contract, he promised he won’t pee on the carpet”
Franken Kyle
-Just think back to that scene with the German Shepherd
-He’d love how the fluffy dog feels and would love running his fingers down his fur
-To teach him a little responsibility, you’d give Kyle a brush and he’d brush the dog every so often
-Which would end up with him covered in fur head to toe
-He’d like walking the dog and holding the leash, but you’d have to keep an eye on the two of them because Kyle can’t say no to the dog, so if the dog wants to cross the road and go over there, then they go
-Loves sleeping and/or cuddling with the dog
-Dog on his lap and tablet rested on the dog as he does his educational apps
-Regularly barks at the dog
- Kyle: (barks)
Dog: (barks back)
Kyle: YES!
-One day you come home and Kyle got hold of the treats and is trying to teach the dog how to sit, but every time the dog does anything cute Ky gives him a treat so it doesn’t work
- Kyle: Sit
Kyle: treat
-Inseparable duo
-Dogs, but I think he’s a little weary around them
-He wouldn’t be fully comfortable around animals but he would want to pet them
-You might have to take his hand and stroke the dog with him so he gets the hang of it
-Since he never had a dog he wouldn’t know how to get them to come to him
-He would follow them around, and the dogs would start running and he’d pout
- “Jimmy! Follow him, he thinks you’re playing a game!” and then you see Jimmy running after the dog
-He’d sneak one of the guests’ dogs’ in your caravan and sit with it on his lap
- “Jimmy that’s not our dog-”
- “But he’s asleep, on my lap Y/N!”, he says excitedly but quietly to not awake the pooch, “what am I meant to do? I’m staying here forever”
-Would always love it when people tied their dogs to the lamppost and then went in for the show so that you and Jimmy can sit and pet them
-Eventually he’d get tired of everybody having a dog but him so he’d go and get a stray dog
-You sit on the bench talking to Eve, and see Jimmy walk towards you with a grey scruffy dog in his arms
-You look over at him and smile, “Where’d you get that from Jim?”
- “Found him on the side of the road, looks like nobody wanted him”, Jimmy says and puts the dog on the table, only to reveal he’s missing his front leg
- “He fits right in, don’t you think?”
-Would be almost fascinated by the aloofness of cats
-Would think they’re graceful
-His cat of choice would be fully black
-Mysterious looking and unlucky
-As much as he would want to respect that cats want their own space, if you had a cat in the house full time he would keep buying it fancy toys and treats so the cat likes him
- “I got Priscilla this luxurious cat tower, but she prefers to sit on the shelf? Why is that, darling?”
-He’d sit and wave the cat teaser around and Priscilla the cat couldn’t care less, so James would sigh and give up, put it down and get ready for work
-But the second he picks up his office keys and they jangle, she’s suddenly interested
- “Is this what you want?” (jangles keys) “Fascinating”
-Cat names include, Priscilla, Alfred, Alexandra, Franklin
- “James I assume you want a high-class name for the kitty? I was thinking Charles maybe or-”
- “What about Snuggles?”
-Dogs are too excitable for him
-Cats are the epitome of elegance
-But the second his cat rubs up against the statue stand and wobbles the clay head, he gets kicked out outside for the night
-Too impatient for animals as a whole
-Would vigorously hate cats, but Winter would love them
-He’d like dogs, especially if they were obedient
-Would never ‘stoop to the level’ of trying to get a dog to come sit with him, but if they did he would like it
-Might even stroke it or put his hands on it
-He wouldn’t show it but would totally be upset if the dog walked away
- (Googles: How to manipulate a dog into liking me)
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billys-mullet · 3 years
"you want to w h a t!?"
tw; w/tersports
billy's glare scared away the curious eyes that shot in their direction. sounds of running water and the raucous that tended to follow practice sessions filled the locker room for a moment. and when it appeared that nothing more was going to come from the outburst the gazes turned away. brown bored into blue as billy glared.
it was stupid to have brought this up in a crowded place, but it had been weighing heavy on his mind ever since he saw his ridiculously charming boyfriend yakking away at stephanie's party last week, all eyes within a ten foot radius trained on him. nevermind that steve had supposedly fallen from grace; people still flocked to him for his charisma and his pretty face. there wasn't anybody steve harrington couldn't charm. and that became extremely evident in the way tanya harris had been plastered against his side, giggling away at every little detail of the story steve was weaving.
so maybe billy was jealous. maybe he was a little possessive. maybe he wanted to mark his territory in the most animalistic of ways —
yeah, okay, maybe it was a little weird. the heat clawing up the back neck wasn't caused by the shitty spray coming from the showerhead.
steve breathed heavily behind the palm that billy had slapped over his mouth. they glared at one another for a long minute, and then billy's hand fell back against his side.
'not a word,' his scowl snapped.
'we're talking about this,' steve's glower replied.
billy would rather walk out of the room — but he knows steve will follow. they'll make a scene, one that probably wont end in flying fists like it should. they're past that now. have been for a few months. not even the illusion of the 'shaky friendship' they're putting forward would be enough to keep rumors from spreading.
billy's glare slides to the side and they slow down the pace of their showering until the locker room eventually empties aside from the pair. the door hasn't even shut all the way before steve is turning to explode on him:
"you want to /pee/ on me!?"
"it's not —"
"don't. don't you 'it's not like that' me. what else can it be!? there's nothing else it could be!"
"at least i asked first before whipping out my dick and just /doing/ it."
"you're disgusting."
"yeah? you like it."
steve's silence and the purse of his lips betray that he does, indeed, like billy... no matter how nasty he is. and, god, he was nasty.
"why...? why is that even a thing?"
"it's..." billy feels stupid. this was a stupid thing to ask for. but his boyfriend is hot. and sometimes his mouth got the better of him when he was spewing filth and things just came out, things he should have kept tucked away, things that should never ever see the light of day.
like this, like now. billy begins gathering up his bag, turning away from steve. nevermind. he shouldn't have brought it up. there must be some kind of look on his face because a hand slides up his wet arm and wraps around his bicep.
"billy... you have to talk to me. we're working on that, remember?"
"shut up."
"hey... hey, come here. i'm sorry, okay? i'm sure there's a reason. i'm sure, um, i'm sure we all have our kinks. just... explain it to me."
steve was so— billy didn't deserve him. he should leave this locker room without looking back, make steve crawl after him like a begging bitch.
"christ, harrington... you're killing me."
"you said it too fast!"
"i want to pee on you because i'm jealous!"
"...wh–... why? that doesn't even–"
"i saw you talking to tanya the other day and she was making these... these..." billy's voice is a breathless rush, "stupid goo-goo eyes at you. it pissed me off. and i cant stop thinking that... you know, you're /mine/. and i can't prove that in any way. and nobody knows. so if i were to just do something, like if i were to mark you then–"
steve's eyebrows furrow closer and closer together the longer than billy rambles. and then they suddenly shoot up.
"like a dog?"
"like a dog. they pee to mark their territory. is that...?"
"you calling me a bitch?"
"something like that." but steve is grinning. the hackles on the back of billy's neck lower. he's scowling, eyes narrowed where they glare at steve. he wants to mop the floor with the smile.
"fuck you."
"i'm sorry! come here. c'mere, i'm sorry. you set yourself up for that one."
as angry as billy is, he allows steve to gather him in his arms. their bodies slide against one another, slick from the spray still raining down on them. steve's mouth finds his easily, their lips moving together in a chaste press before billy pulls away. he's still trying to run, but the leg steve wraps around his waist keeps him rooted.
billy's eyebrow arches.
"fine. you can pee on me."
"fuck off."
"i mean it! i mean it, billy. i'm not joking." steve's eyes are wide and sincere. billy rolls his own before going to untangle himself from their embrace. steve still won't let him. he hops up and wraps /both/ legs around billy's waist, taking him hy surprise and causing the two of them to nearly go toppling to the ground. billy barely managed to wrap his arm around that dotted waist, the way he stumbled forward causing them to rest against the tilted shower wall.
"this is as good of a place as any, right? no mess to clean up after. so just... do it. stop looking at me and do it. i'm not going to make fun of you anymore, i promise." steve is breathing a little heavy, though it's unclear if that was from excitement or from the fact that they had nearly busted ass.
billy can't look. the way his hands tremble and his own unsteady breaths betray him. he knows he should be cocky and sure but this is — it's a lot. too much. yet steve was still understanding and too damn sweet for his own good. billy loves him. he hasn't ever said it out loud but he hopes steve knows that.
"c'mon, bills. it's okay." a hand buries itself in the back of his head, scratching at his scalp. it's all the encouragement he needs.
a little maneuvering has the head of billy's dick trapped at the juncture between one of steve's thighs and the softness of his stomach. nerves bite him in the ass, but so does excitement. and it's hard to keep from getting, well, /hard/ when he's got slick wet skin against his own, the smell of steve's shampoo making him lightheaded. he's vaguely aware that steve murmurs words of encouragement against his temple.
it takes him a moment to actually do it. there's a visible jerk to his dick, body shuddering, and then relief floods his lower stomach while ropes of liquid heat spill over a dotted thigh, trickling down over his hip and along his ass.
billy buries his face in the softness of steve's throat, teeth gnawing a bruise. can't help himself as he murmurs a litany of, "mineminemine" as his bladder empties and a different kind of relief fills him. it's the nastiest thing he's ever done. it's the best thing he's ever done.
and steve—
gasps. goes taut. makes the strangest sound in the back of his throat when the warmth trickles over his skin. it might be from the way billy's got a hand fisted in the back of his hair, keeping him pulled close, but billy is selfish and wants to think it's because he's getting off on this too.
"g– od...  billy..."
a grunt is the only response steve gets. billy's bladder had emptied itself but he refuses to pull away from his hiding spot.
"billy," steve whines, tugging on the back of his head until he gets the idea. their mouths slot together in another kiss, sloppy and full of teeth. steve rolls his hips forward, half-hard dick sliding against billy's stomach, and it's enough to have his own fattening up where it's still enveloped in velvety tightness.
"that was hot. i've n– never seen you... like that. you really want me that bad?" a strand of dark hair sticks to steve's forehead. his own eyes are heavy with need, lips a swollen pink from their kiss. he slides forward again and makes that noise from earlier, head falling back against the wall. billy wants to devour him.
their bodies move together without any rhythm, nothing but the thought of chasing pleasure in their minds. steve finishes first, his yelp echoing off the walls. billy paints his hip white with a muffled groan a few seconds after, fingers biting into his backside.
they haven't even caught their breaths before steve is leaning down and whining a pathetic, "again."
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