#(except fathers day he tries to do something nice for his gramps that day)
hcmxra · 1 year
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"Oh right.. It's that day where I buy a tub of icecream so I can eat the whole thing by myself while crying."
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lunarsaga · 3 years
EPISODE 1: Here Comes Trouble
[[HERE WE GO, BITCHES! Fanfic and Fanart combine to make some unholy mix of Time Consumption that will not leave me alone.
Note: the text in the panels doesn't match the actual written portion of the fic ^^; I tried my best but I didn't wanna redraw all of this... ]]
Kagome had been gone longer than she usually was, and Inuyasha was getting impatient.
They’d finally gotten their first lead on Naraku since his disappearance—that he was heading in the direction of the Ox and Tiger (Kagome called it “noh-rth-eest”?)—this was no time for her to be going back to her world! He tried to tell her that when she left, but she insisted that she was going home to bring back something that would help them.
She’d been gone for almost ten days now! What could possibly be taking so long?!
The half demon sat beside the well, seething as he waited for something to happen. He’d been at this pretty much constantly since the day after she left. He had half a mind to follow her down the well to her world and drag her back here; he’d done it before, he could do it again.
“Don’t you dare follow me!” Kagome had said before she left, “I might be gone a while, but I promise it’ll be worth it!”
“Ain’t worth it if we lose track of Naraku because you’re taking so long,” he growled to no one in particular. Obviously, he got no response from the dry well, so he stood up and raised his voice: “HURRY THE HELL UP, KAGOME!”
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Inuyasha jumped from surprise when he saw Kagome hop up out of the well. She sat on the edge, smiling just softly. A little embarrassed that he was yelling at the well, Inuyasha folded his arms and cleared his throat.
“It’s about time you got back, Kagome,” he said. “What took you so damn long?!”
Kagome sighed, still smiling as she set her feet on the ground and stepped closer to him. “I told you, I had to get something. It took a second, but I said it’d be worth it, didn’t I?”
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“I hope you’re right,” he snorted, “Because if Naraku gets away cos you took too long over there—”
He didn’t get to finish his thought. He hadn’t been paying attention to the well at all; usually, he wouldn’t have needed to. This time, he would definitely regret it. From the depths of the well came a voice he’d never heard before:
He didn’t even have time to wonder who the hell’s voice it was. Seconds later, something heavy flew out of the well and smacked him square in the face.
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Kagome laughed nervously, holding her hands up, “Uh… that would be her.”
Anger boiling and holding his freshly bruised nose, Inuyasha shouted back at her: “WHO?!”
“Keep your pants on!” Came that same voice again. Inuyasha turned his attention back to the well as someone he’d never seen before pushed herself out of the well.
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She dressed strangely—that was a given, she seemed to be from Kagome’s time—and carried a large, oddly-shaped bag on her back. She had thick waves of black hair, much longer than Kagome’s, but pretty much the same shade of jet black. Not only that, she seemed to resemble Kagome in a lot of ways, even if she looked much older. They had the same shape of face, the same nose, and the same round, brown eyes—although, if he looked close enough, he could see a strange pattern in this girl’s irises: little flecks of pale gold, asymmetrically surrounding her pupils.
Inuyasha was immediately on edge, his hand going instinctively for his sword hilt. Kagome saw, and shook her head, setting her hand on his arm.
“Relax, Inuyasha,” She said, “This is who I went back to get.”
“Sorry, did my bag getcha?” The girl asked as she hopped out of the well.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome continued, gesturing to the older girl, “Allow me to introduce you to my older sister. This is Luna.”
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For a second, it didn’t set in. Inuyasha blinked once… twice… “Your… sister? You have a sister?!”
“She sure does,” the girl—Luna—stood tall, grinning and holding out her hand. As she did, she said something he didn’t understand. It sounded like weird gibberish. When she saw his face, she laughed and smacked her palm to her forehead. “Right, sorry. Still getting used to speaking Japanese more than I do English.”
Once again confused, Inuyasha just stared at her. “In-glesh?”
Luna nodded. “It’s the common language where I live.”
“Inuyasha, Luna lives in a different place than the rest of our family,” Kagome explained, “She lives in a country that’s across the ocean, called America.”
“A-mare-i-kah…” Inuyasha tried to say. “Sounds weird.”
“Oh it is, definitely.” Luna laughed, going to pick up her bag.
“Is that what took you so long?” Inuyasha asked Kagome, “You had to wait for her to travel across the ocean?”
“Didn’t take as long as you’d think, had to visit mom and gramps and Sota, too.” It was weird how casual this girl was about everything. “But I can explain why I’m here and where I’m from once we get to where we’re going, right?”
“Right,” Kagome agreed, smiling as she led her sister back toward Kaede’s village. “You gotta meet everyone else, too!”
“Looking forward to it.”
Inuyasha wasn’t sure how to process what the hell just happened. It was a lot of information in a very short amount of time, most of which he didn’t understand, and all of which he didn’t really like. He wasn’t sure how to feel about a new person joining their group, nevermind that he never knew Kagome had more family than the ones he’d met before. And the fact that she threw a heavy bag at his face certainly didn’t help. (Well… it was an accident, but still. It hurt.)
Well… at least Kagome was back, and the most important thing was that they could get on with their search for Naraku.
~ ~ ~
Alright, time to back up a little bit.
Now, there may have been a reason why Kagome didn’t really mention her sister. Part of it might have been that it would be hard to explain that her sister lived on another continent, but another part might have been that it would be even harder to explain why. And the reason it would be so hard to explain—for Kagome specifically—would be because of their father.
Now, the Higurashi family had quite a long history of shrine keepers, priests, and priestesses, dating back several hundred years. Along with that lineage came a propensity for spiritual magic and a connection to the supernatural, as well as the metaphysical, and Keiichirou Higarashi—father to Kagome, Luna, and Sota— was no exception. However, he had bigger dreams than shrine-keeping.
A bit of a rebel, Keiichirou spent some time in America during High School as a part of an exchange program. It was there, through the family that hosted him, that he found a world that he never would have imagined.
The underground world of Supernatural Monster Hunters.
He spent his high school years in America learning all about it: how to fight and protect people against different monsters, some of them like the ones his father told him stories of growing up. When he returned home, he declared that he’d found his calling, and when he could finally afford to, he would move to America to follow it.
His father worried about the fate of the Higurashi Shrine if his only child were to abandon their family’s legacy. Keiichirou wouldn’t back down, but found when he returned home, that the Hunting world extended even to Japan—not quite to the extent that it was in the States, but he could still find a middle ground between what he wanted and what his father did.
And in the interim, he fell in love and married a wonderful woman named Mei, who accepted his weird, secret world wholeheartedly.
The Higurashis’ first child was born on the first day of November, during a very full Harvest Moon. When she opened her eyes for the first time, the doctor immediately diagnosed her with partial Heterochromia; her hazel-brown eyes were speckled with gold just around her irises, making it look like she had little crescent moons in her eyes. Keiichirou chose her name for these reasons; he’d heard it when he was in America, a name that meant “moon”. Luna.
It was seven years until their next child came into the world: Kagome, named for the eight-pointed star Mei saw on her chest after she was born. Keiichirou was excited when he heard about that; he said that both of his girls had special gifts, and hoped they would one day do amazing things with them.
But another six years passed… and things weren’t so happy in the Higurashi house. Keiichirou had already started teaching Luna about the Supernatural world, where Mei thought she was too young. Keiichirou had grown weary over the years, still longing to go back to America, where the Hunter culture was strongest.
When Luna was thirteen, Kagome six, and Sota only a newborn, their parents separated.
Luna was old enough at that point, that her parents let her decide where she wanted to be. Enthralled by the idea of being a Hunter, she wanted to follow her father, even if it meant leaving the rest of her family.
Travel between the two countries was difficult; Luna was lucky if she saw her little sister and brother once a year. But they kept in touch as much as they could: by letter, by email, and a phone call every once in a while.
Then, just four years after he and Luna left Japan, Keiichirou passed away very suddenly of an illness. Despite her family’s insistence that she come back and live in Japan, Luna remained in her father’s house. She knew, by then, that she was too far into the Hunter world to leave; not to mention that she had Alice (an old family friend, let’s say for now), who had been helping take care of her anyway. So she stayed in America, as five more years went by.
She hadn’t talked to her sister in months, when she got a call from her out of the blue:
“Hey Luna, um… So, I’ve got quite the story to tell you…”
~ ~ ~
So here she was, Luna Higurashi, a 22-year-old American Monster Hunter, standing 500-ish years in the past, explaining herself to a half-dog-demon, a kitsune, a nekomata, a Demon Slayer, and a Buddhist Monk. All of whom were extremely surprised to find that Kagome had a sister.
“Nice to get to meet you all,” She said, “Kagome told me all about your adventures. She brought me here to help you get rid of that Naraku guy.”
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“Kagome never told us she had a sister!” The little kitsune—Shippo—piped up first.
“So I’ve heard,” Luna chuckled, crossing her arms.
Sango, the Demon Slayer, looked rather interested in the guitar case Luna was carrying on her back. “You mentioned you were a Slayer too? That must be an impressive weapon you’re carrying.”
“Huh? Oh, no,” Luna shook her head, tugging on the strap. “This is just my guitar. It’s a musical instrument—all my weapons are in my duffel bag.”
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While her attention was on Sango, Luna failed to notice the monk approaching her until he took her hand in his. “A demon slayer and a musician! To think Kagome never told us she had such a beautiful and accomplished sister.”
Luna just stared at him, but she could feel the tension rising from the Slayer next to her. It was like standing next to a crackling thunderstorm with lightning bolts ready to strike. But she had nothing to worry about, Luna wasn’t about to fall for it.
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“Never did mention me, huh?” She reversed the gentle grip Miroku had on her hand, grabbed his wrist, and twisted it sideways; a warning. “But she did tell me about you. And if you value your hands, you’ll keep them to yourself.”
Miroku laughed nervously, “Ahahaha—ow! Th-there’s no need to be rash! I meant nothing by it!”
The thunderstorm was gone. Sango was smirking as Luna let the monk go. “Oh, I like her.”
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Kagome sighed, shook her head and smiled. “Welcome to the group, sis.”
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kenshi-vakarian7 · 5 years
Kira Ryder for the OC asks. Number 72 if you dont wanna answer all of them
This took a very long time, but I FINALLY completed this @alyssalenko !  Thank you for your patience. =)
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1 - What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
She doesn’t have a nickname. Though there was that one and only time Luke called her ‘Ra Ra’ for no reason other than shits and giggles (and he was also tipsy). She put a stop to it right away by threatening to show his then-girlfriend pictures of him as a baby.
2 -  What is the color of your OC’s eyes/hair/skin?
Blue, dark brown, and pale peach.
3- How tall is your OC?
4 - What is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC?
Her blue eyes, and her full lips.
5 - What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
She likes to wear her blue and black leather jacket and jeans most days.  Some days, she'll wear a cute shirt.  If it calls for it, she accessorize with earrings, necklaces, and the black scarf her mother gave her for her 18th birthday.  On special nights, she's more dressy and likes to wear a nice blouse and mini skirt.
6 - What is one word you would use to describe your OC’s appearances?
7 - Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
She has a scar on her right hip.  She got it from her time in the Alliance when she got too close to a batarian pirate while trying to help fight against a colony raid. Thankfully, it didn't go deep enough, but it did not heal right, hence the scar.
8 - How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
She sounds just as she does in the game, just with a little more twinge of confidence (especially since I usually pick the logical/professional response options with her).
9 - What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area?
On the Tempest, the room is bigger than she's used to, though she loves the panorama view of space.  Aside from a couple of personal items, she's pretty much kept the room as it was when she first boarded. The only thing she wished she had was a freakin' private bathroom!  Like, seriously, all that room and no bathroom?! Laaaaame...
10 - What does your OC keep in a special drawer?
Her old Alliance dog tags.  It was the only thing she managed to keep from her days in the Alliance.
11 - What is your OC’s relationship with his/her mother?  
She adores her mother and appreciates all the little things she's done for her and her brother over the years.  They rarely fought and she likes to think she inherited her mother's compassion.
12 - What is your OC’s relationship with his/her father?
As a little girl, she adored her father and considered him her hero.  She was close to him and wanted to be in the military just like he was once she was all grown up.  Their relationship changed when she was a teenager as he became more distant and more strict.  They fought a lot before she and her brother were sent to boarding school.  After that, there was nothing but tension between them.  After her mother died however, her father started to open up a bit more and their relationship before to slowly heal.  They were still healing their relationship when he died not long after they arrived in Andromeda.  These days, Kira tries to focus on the good memories.
She likes to think that she inherited her father’s bravery… and perhaps his stubborness.
13 - How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them?
She has one brother, her twin Luke. Despite the fact that he could occasionally be a little annoying with his humor, they are in fact best friends who tell each other almost everything.
14 - Who is the mother and/or father figure in your OC’s life?
She actually doesn't have one… but at the very least, Drack has become more like a grandfather figure to her.  She fondly calls him 'Gramps.'
15 - What was your OC’s childhood like?
Aside from growing up on a space station and having a father who was a little bit strict, her childhood was actually pretty normal.  She had friends, went to school, went on family vacations, etc.
16 - What is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? Why and how as that impacted him/her?
There really isn’t another that was strong per se, but the ones that do stick to her were all the times she and her family would go on vacation to various places on Earth.  Her favorite trip was the time they went to Norway and saw the Northern Lights.  It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her lifetime.  She hopes to see something similar in Andromeda someday in order to re-experience that moment once more.
17 - What is your OC’s imagination like?
She normally imagines what the future would be like, like her career and even her romantic life.  She's not big on weddings, but does like to imagine herself in her dream wedding gown.
18 - How many times did your OC move as a child?  Which area was his/her favorite?
She spent the majority of her life on the Citadel, where she was born. Occasionally, she and her family would travel between there, the Sierras, Brazil (where her mother was born), and Arcturus Station where she and Luke attended the station's academy/Alliance Junior program (their version of high school). She really loves going to the Sierras more so for the view.
19 - What does your OC think of children- either in general or about having them?
She doesn't mind children, and figured that it didn't matter in the end whether or not she became a mother.  If it happens, it happens.
20 - What kind of mother/father would your OC be?
She'd like to think that she is as nurturing as a mother, and less strict than her father.
21 - Who are your OC’s closest relatives?
She adored her grandparents on both sides. otherwise, she wasn't really close with any of her aunts, uncles, or cousins.
22 - Who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)?
Back in the Milky Way, her closest friend was Solana Vakarian, who was one of the few to stick by her till the end after the Ryder reputation got tarnished from her father’s AI experiments.
In Andromeda, she would become close to Vetra, who becomes like a sister to her, and Drack, who she fondly calls 'Gramps.'
23 - Who are the people your OC surrounds him/herself with?
Definitely her family and close friends.
24 - Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
Aside from those like the Archon, Kira really disliked Addison when she first met her. She could get her lack of trust in her since she was practically an unknown, but it really didn't sit well when she mentioned her 'goddamn father' while Kira was still reeling from his very recent death. The whole situation with Spender didn't help either, though once Addison stepped up, they started to get along a little better, at least professionally. Kira did appreciate the fact that Addison asked her how Luke was doing after everything he went through, but they otherwise didn't talk much unless it was about initiative business.
25 - If your OC has a soulmate, who is it?
A certain shady bastard from Kadara. 😋
26 - Why does your OC and his/her soulmate work so well together?
They relate to the fact that they're both leaders with big responsibilities (hers being more public of course).  But one key thing is the fact that they treat the other like they are normal.  Obviously it's more apparent in her case, but it's something he appreciates as well.  In other words, they see and treat each other like normal human beings rather than an enigma/very-well connected smuggler.
Also, the sex is great!  XD
27 - What are some things your OC admires about his/her soulmate?
She admires his practicality, resourcefulness (even if they came from shady dealings), and his ability to surprise her every now and then (except the High Noon mission of course - that’s one type of surprise she prefers not to experience again).  She does envy the fact that he can work anonymously.
28 - How did your OC and his/her soulmate meet?
Evfra had them meet at Kralla's Song involving a mission to find one of his men.  They were business partners at first, but the more time they spent together, the more they became infatuated with each other.  One thing led to another, and as they say, the rest is history.
29 - What is your OC’s level of education?
She has a high school diploma, and went straight to a military career after that. She considered her options of a college education after the whole thing with her career went belly-up.
30 - Did your OC participate in extracurricular activities, and if so, what were they?
She mostly was involved in junior military programs while at the academy.  She also enjoyings rock climbing.
31 - What is your OC’s opinion of school?  What kind of student was s/he?
Kira knows education is important, but like many kids growing up, she'd rather stay home all day and have fun.  She was an above-average student; never on the honor roll, but did well enough.
32 - What subjects did your OC excel at?
History and science.
33 - What subjects interested your OC?
Since she was young, Kira was always interested in military history. It helped give her insight on what life was like as a soldier, and perhaps what she could expect in our own career despite how 'results may vary.’
34 - What is your OC’s dream job and/or current profession?
Dream job: a military career, which she was able to get before her family reputation was tarnished and she was discharged.
Current profession: The Andromeda Initiative's Human Pathfinder.
In the future, she becomes an arbitrator.
35 - How is your OC working towards his/her dream job and/or achieved his/her current profession?
She attended her academy’s programs to get a head-start in her military career, which was her dream job.
As the Human Pathfinder, she was forced into the role after her father’s death and she did the best she could with it.
Becoming an Arbitrator included a very long story involving a near all-out war between the Milky Way species and Angarans living on Kadara.  In the end, while negotiating a peace treaty, the angarans wouldn’t accept anyone from the Milky Way to serve the role except Kira.  Kira accepted the responsibility because not only would it finally give her an exit from her role as Pathfinder, but she finally found a means of staying on Kadara (and Reyes) for good.  Her experience as Pathfinder would prove invaluable in her new job.
36 - What are your OC’s thoughts/opinions of his/her current profession?
She knows she's making a big difference, especially after a very rough beginning for the entire initiative. That, at the very least, fulfills her, though after a couple of years, she'll grow tired of her profession.
37 - What is your OC’s biggest dream?
It’s quite simple… A decent house with a great view, surrounded by at least two to four cats, and equipped with a mini bar.
Before that, it was joining the military and making a difference, which she got to do for a little while. At least as Pathfinder, she did get to fully make a difference as she always dreamed about.
38- How does your OC react to and handle stress?
She works very well under stress, which she knows is essential in leadership roles. She believes her father prepared her to handle stress since she was young.
39- How does your OC handle anger?
She's very good about clamping it down in public. However, if she's desperate enough, she'll march to her room, smother her face into a pillow, and then scream into it at the top of her lungs.
40- How does your OC handle grief?
She usually handles it privately and is usually very good at compartmentalizing her emotions.  Only very occasionally she loses control, and she really hates those moments.
41- What is your OC’s greatest fear?
Having everyone she loves die before her, leaving her completely alone.
42 - What makes your OC happy?
Trying new things.
43- What kind of sense of humor does your OC have?
She occasionally shows some dry sarcasm.  Every once in a while, she channels her brother’s humor, more so to someone who gives her an attitude for no reason… though she never lets Luke know that in order for him to keep his precious pride. =P
44- What are some things that greatly upset your OC?
The suffering of others, especially if she couldn’t save them.
45- What are some things that annoy your OC?
Entitled people, gatekeeping, and her brother’s humor (but only when she’s in a very bad mood).
46- If your OC has them, what are some regrets s/he has?
She had a friend she met on the Citadel named Jex who was also… a friend with benefits.  Things were fine between them for a year and Jex proved to be a very supportive friend during that time since this was all going on while her mother was ill.  However, at some point, Jex developed feelings for Kira and, one day, confessed to her.  Initially, Kira rejected him because the last thing she wanted was to get hurt again after her last serious relationship ended badly.
Not long after, Kira went to Earth to say goodbye to her mother, who was on the brink of death.  Her mother’s last words to her were, ‘Fall in love, at least once.’  Those words weighed heavy on Kira and soon, she came to realize that she couldn't be afraid to love anymore.  She decided to open her heart to Jex, sending him a message to meet up once she arrived on the Citadel… which was attacked by Sovereign while she was traveling.  Jex would die during that battle, but Kira wouldn’t find out until a few days later.
Holding back, letting herself be afraid, and not telling Jex how she felt are the things she would always regret.
47- How easily does your OC forgive?
It depends on the circumstances. She’s pretty good at detecting whether or not someone’s apology is genuine. Her gut instincts also help in these kinds of situations.
In general, Kira will forgive you depending on how sincere you are.
48- What are some of your OC’s vices?
Indulging in a little too much chocolate, having sex for stress relief, and (very, very rarely) drinking.
49- If your OC experienced trauma, what was it?
She never experienced trauma that affected her until she arrived in Andromeda. The first was when she was suffocating on Habitat 7, while adding the fact that her father sacrificed his life for hers.  She developed a fear of suffocation because of it.
The second was discovering what the kett had done to the salarians on the Archon's Ship as well as making the choice to leave Pathfinder Raeka behind. That affected her more profoundly than SAM having to revive her later in the mission.
50- What secrets does your OC have?
She doesn’t really have any huge secrets, just little insignificant stuff. There is one little secret that her brother Luke knows about - and will absolutely murder him over - if he ever said one word about it to anyone in Andromeda.  
The secret? 
That embarrassing moment from one summer, while camping with friends on Earth at the start of their adulthood, when she lost her bikini top while swimming in the lake… and didn’t realize she lost until all of her friends (and her brother…) got a *ahem* view.
51- What are some of your OC’s morals?
Her morals are pretty basic; be compassionate, understanding, and shoot people between the eyes if they try to kill you and your friends.
52- What are some of your OC’s motivations?
Simply, she wants to make a difference in making the universe a better place.
53- What is the health of your OC?
Physically, she's very healthy and in top shape.  
Considering everything she's been through, she's okay mentally, though the occasional nightmares plague her from time to time.
54- Does your OC think with his/her head or heart?
Her head, 98% of the time.
55- What are your OC’s thoughts on death?  
To her, death is an inevitability that will come sooner or later, which is why she needed to make the most of her life. The only thing that she hopes for is to not die alone and/or painfully.
56 - What are some of your OC’s strengths?
Her bravery, leadership skills, and maintaining calm and morale during stressful situations.
57- What are some of your OC’s weaknesses?
Hiding her personal feelings, even from those she’s close to.  Also chocolate.
58- How does your OC take criticism?
She’s fine with them as long as they’re constructive.  If they’re insulting, she brushes them off and moves on.  It’s not worth seething over.
59- What does your OC think of him/herself?
She likes to think of herself as responsible and braver than most.  She does worry about the morale of others under her leadership and how they perceive her.
60- If your OC could change one thing about him/herself, what would it be?
To open a little bit of her vulnerable side so that she could show others that, she too, is just human.
61- What is the general impression your OC gives other people?
Mature and brave, but still very young and learning about the universe around her.
62- How emotionally/mentally vulnerable is your OC with other people?
She's very private about her emotions and vulnerability. As a matter of fact, she'd rather not show them off at all if she can help it, even around those she is closest to.
63- How does your OC display love?
She shows rather than tells through her actions.
64- What are some habits your OC has picked up?
Hiding away when upset, and overindulging on chocolate when stressed.
65- What is your OC’s favorite drink?
Whiskey and coffee.  No, not at the same time!
66- What is your OC’s favorite foods?
Chocolate, sushi, and strawberries.
67- What is your OC’s favorite sweet?
68- What is your OC’s favorite season?
69- What is your OC’s favorite kind of weather?
Weather that is just cool enough for her to wear a sweater.  Autumn is her ideal season.
70- What is your OC’s favorite book?
She doesn’t have a particular favorite book, but her favorite genre is mystery thriller.
71- What is your OC’s favorite movie and/or TV show?
She doesn’t have a particular favorite, but she does enjoy action films and comedy shows.
72- What is your OC’s favorite kind music (and song if there is one)?
Modern synthetic music that she could dance to in a nightclub.
73- What is your OC’s favorite form of entertainment?
Nightclub dancing, concerts, and movies.
74- What is your OC’s favorite color?
75- What is your OC’s favorite scent?
76- What is your OC’s favorite animal?
Cats 🐱
77- What is your OC’s favorite sound?
The crackling sound of an open fire.
78- What is your OC’s favorite time of day?
Definitely late evening. She feels most alive around this time.
79- What is your OC’s favorite kind of ice cream?
Chocolate fudge brownie.
80- What is your OC’s favorite dinosaur?
She personally finds the Saurolophus to be strangely adorable. 
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itsmrkinney · 6 years
Clash || Brian and Justin
When Brian’d agreed to pick up dinner after work, the last fucking person he’d expected to see at the restaurant... Of all the people that he’d never ever want to see again, it had to be him.
Craig-Fucking-Taylor. Fantastic.
It’d been years since the man had even been mentioned, and it’d been even longer since he’d even seen hide or hair of him, but here he is, coming through the door and moving to the side to stand and wait for his name to be called.
Brian tries to play it cool, to not even pay him any mind, but of course, that goes right out the fucking window as soon as Brian hears the girl at the counter call his name.
He can already feel Craig’s eyes on him and as he steps out of line, he’s not at all surprised to hear the disgusted and/or surprised tone:
“Kinney?” Brian curses under his breath, stops, and turns to look the man in the eye.
“Craig, what are the odds of seeing you here?”
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Craig sneers, not that Brian hadn’t expected that..
“Uh, picking up dinner?” Brian shrugs in answer. “Although, believe me, this place is not in my top five places to order food from, but you know,” he waves his left hand dismissively, knowing full well that the low lighting in the room will catch on his wedding band, “the hubby insisted. You know how Justin can be...”
“J-Justin?” Craig stutters, and Brian takes great pleasure in watching the disgusted look on the man’s face as his eyes now gravitate toward Brian’s hand. “You’re married?”
“Huh?” Brian flashes his wedding band once more, already having too much fun with this for his own good. “Oh, yeah, almost two years now. Of course, it would’ve been sooner had Justin gotten his way.”
“You gays just can’t leave well enough alone, can you? You have to take the one sacred thing—”
But, of course, Brian’d been expecting that one. “Let me stop you right there, Craig,” he interrupts, holding up his hand. “It is legal, at least, it is in Vermont. And I asked him. Hell, you should’ve seen the look on his fucking face, like a kid on Christmas!”
“Mr. Kinney?” the woman at the counter calls again, and Brian simply shrugs his shoulders at the older man before making his way over to the counter to grab the bags of food and pay.
Brian turns on his heel to make his way out of the restaurant, but something occurs to him, and he stops, turning to look at Craig. “Oh! That reminds me!” He claps Craig on the back once. “Congrats, Craig, or should I call you Gramps?” 
But Brian doesn’t even give Craig enough time to answer. Instead, he exists, making his way to the car parked across the street. He’s just fishing his keys from his pocket when he once again hears the older man’s voice behind him.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Brian turns, tongue-in-cheek. “Oh, Justin didn’t tell you? I guess that shouldn’t surprise me. Justin likes to keep to himself nowadays.” His grin nearly splits his face in two, just in anticipation of Craig’s reaction. “We’ve got a bun in the oven! Congrats, Grandpa!”
“You two are having a kid? You can't!”
“Oh, but we can,” Brian intercedes, way before Craig has the chance to start with that whole ‘fags can’t be parents’ bullshit. “It’s this little thing called Artificial Insemination and Surrogacy.”
"You'll ruin their lives with your disgusting lifestyle! They wont know wrong from right!"
"I'm sure they'll get along just fine. After all, Justin turned out pretty well considering he had an asshole like you for a father..." Craig looks like he’s about to be sick now, but still, Brian can do better. “Of course, the IVF was a little bit more difficult than we anticipated. It took many, many tries. Justin gets a little shy in the clinical setting. Getting him to jerk off into a cup was hard enough, but you know, that's what he has me for. He made good use of the extra hand, not to mention the fact that he tends to forget about all that clinical shit when he’s got something nice and big up his—”
The punch seemingly comes out of nowhere, knocking Brian to the ground. He can already feel a sticky wetness on his face, but he doesn’t have the time to reach up, to see if it’s coming from his nose or his mouth before another punch lands straight to his jaw. He groans and folds in on himself, but that just seems to fuel the fire.
Brian can hear a slew of curses as blow after blow is directed at him. Soon the punches are replaced with kicks to his gut, and Brian’s breath is nearly knocked out of him. He can taste blood in his mouth and he can hear his heartbeat in his ears.
He isn’t sure when the beating stops, or how long he’s been lying there on the pavement, but it’s suddenly silent. Brian tries to move, but it’s like his limbs aren’t cooperating. It seems like hours before he’s finally able to stand and lean against the ‘vette.
There’s an aching in his ribs and he can already tell there’s swelling on his jaw. When Brian lifts his hand to his face, he comes away with blood. He spits, and sees red on the ground, along with the forgotten bags of food, now seemingly covered in ants. 
Brian thinks to reach for his cell, to call Justin, the cops, anyone, but he’s tired. He’s so fucking tired, and he’s hurting, and he wants nothing more than to go home and shower and sleep for days on end. He knows his probably shouldn’t be driving, and as he eases into the driver’s seat, there’s a searing pain in his side, but he ignores it.
He doesn’t bother buckling up, afraid the pressure of the seat belt against his aching ribs will only make matters worse. He starts the engine and drives.
It’s well past midnight when he finally reaches the house. He can see lights on and heaves a sigh as he cuts the engine, leaning his head back against the headrest. Brian catches a glimpse of himself in the rearview mirror and a sudden wave of nausea overtakes him.
Brian opens the car door and wretches, but of course, nothing comes of it, nothing except another stab of pain in his side. He somehow is able to slide out of the driver’s seat, with just one destination in mind: home. He eyes the front door like it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. That, of course, is until it happens...
...when everything goes black.
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fallen029 · 6 years
Parenthood: Sick and Tired
"Okay, boys," Laxus began as he walked back and forth in front of the living room couch, hands clasped behind his back. "What are the rules for when Mommy's sick?"
"Um," Pike, his youngest, hummed. "No eating things that aren't food."
Mace, his nephew (by marriage he might add), only blew his brown hair out of his eyes with a giggle. "That there are no rules!"
"Wrong," Laxus said, coming to a stop to stare at them. "There are definitely rules. And Pike, you don't eat things whether I'm in charge or Mira is. Or hell, even if the dog was in charge, you don't eat things! We've gone over this." Huffing, the man thought for a moment before saying, "Any other guesses?"
No. Not from those two. If he was going to be rude about it, then they didn't wanna play with him.
Nathan, however, the eldest of the three, only sat there on the other side of the couch, glaring at Laxus. He knew the rules of Mirajane being sick and knew them well.
The first and most important was, of course, that they weren't allowed to bother her. In the new house, that meant that they weren't even allowed to go into her room and wake her up. Short of one of them cutting their arms off or something, Mira was to be left alone so she could rest.
Nate hated that rule. A lot! How could Mirajane get better if he wasn't there nursing her back to health? If you asked Mirajane, she'd tell you that she very much so wanted her boys there, but mean ol' Laxus didn't see it that way. Something about how they'd only stress her more or some other stupid garb like that.
No one could make Mirajane feel as great as Nate could. No one.
She was his mother. And he was her favorite. No doubt about either of those. Mira needed him.
"No?" Laxus was still prompting. "No guesses? Alright, then I'll tell you. The one and only rule is that I am in charge. Which means no going to bother Mirajane or whining because I'm mean or-"
"Laxus, what are you doing? Because I know it's not bothering the children."
The man in question didn't even turn around as someone else entered the living room. Only growled.
"Gramps," he complained. "I'm talkin' to my boys right now, so if you would kindly-"
"When you were a boy," Makarov went on as all three boys, at the sound of his voice, jumped up to go use the man for protection, "I couldn't get you to behave for anything. Did you know, Nathan, that your father used to-"
"We brought you here for your own good," Laxus growled. "But you interrupting me is about to make it to your detriment."
"Laxus is being mean," Nathan told his grandfather who only patted him on the head. "We don't like him as much as Mommy."
"Don't call me by my first name, you brat," Laxus complained as Pike only wrapped his arms around Makarov with a giggle. "And you better stop undermining me, old man."
"I'm not undermining you," his grandfather defended. "At all. If Mirajane is sick, they shouldn't bother her. But they don't need you acting so rudely to them about it. And besides, if you really wanted to do your wife some good, you'd take them out of the house for a bit so she could truly get some peace and quiet."
Laxus blinked. Then he glared. "You don't think I was already planning that?"
No. But the man only hummed before patting each boy on the head and saying, "How about you go and get ready for the day, boys. You don't think you can go out in your nightclothes, do you?"
Considering the older two tried their hardest to take after their fathers and, even in the cold, only wore their underwear to bed (albeit theirs were covered in superheroes), they really couldn't. And Pike didn't want to get his doggy jammies dirty, after all.
It took some time for them all to get ready. Laxus had to change too, doing so as quietly as possible as he entered he and Mirajane's bedroom. She was in there, of course, with her faithful mutt sleeping at her side, and didn't stir in the slightest as he moved around. The boys were very busy as well, trying hard not to wake her up.
Except for that argument over the bathroom where Nate wanted to take a shower and Pike was trying to brush his teeth and Mace had to pee. That argument went on for a good ten minutes until Laxus came to break them the hell up. And shut the them the hell up as well.
Those three…
Laxus went to go wake Mirajane up before they left though, to inform her of what they were doing.
"I'm gonna go take the boys out to the market," he told her as she only blinked sleepily up at him. "Alright? And I set some juice on your nightstand. Right here. See?"
"I'm not five, Lax," she whispered, voice extremely hoarse. "Thank you though."
Nodding, he said, "We'll go out and get some stuff to make soup."
"You don't have to-"
"I do have to," he insisted. "And besides, I have to make them something for dinner anyways."
"I guess that's right."
"Gramps is still here," he added as he turned to head for the door. "In case you need anything."
Mirajane snuggled down into the bed with a sigh. "Like I would ever bother Master with-"
"I know," he said, grinning over at her. "But he made me say that."
"I won't be gone long," the man assured her. "And if the dog's bothering you-"
"Laxus, leave us alone." She shut her eyes once more as her mutt didn't move from his spot in, well, Laxus' spot. But really, it was his spot. He just let Laxus keep it warm sometimes. "And can you pick up some tea while you're out?"
"For you? Anything."
It wasn't hard for Mirajane to drift off after that. She did hear Makarov mucking around the place though and only wished she didn't have such a severe headache so that she could use her headphones to block the noise out. All of her ached, however, and the only relief was sleep.
The next time she awoke, some time had passed and she was just lying there, on her side, staring over at where Pike was standing, at the side of her bed.
"Hi," she whispered softly as he only stood there.
"What are you doing?"
"Waitin' for you to wake up," he told her. The boy had recently gotten a hair cut and, with it so short and spiky, it was taking an adjustment to getting used to. His hands were clasped behind his back and he almost looked nervous. Mira had no doubt that her husband had threatened them that if they got caught bothering her, they'd be in big trouble.
"Why, baby? Are you okay?"
He nodded before moving to hold something out to her. It was a card, from the looks of it, and with a groan Mirajane sat up to look at it.
"Wow," she complimented as Pike lost some of his anxiousness and bounced in place, clearly excited. "This is really...something, baby."
"Uh-huh." It definitely was. Reaching out, he pointed at the face of the card. "I wrote that."
"I can tell."
"I didn't even ask Nate or nothin' on how to spell it."
Considering it said 'Git Well Son' she wasn't too shocked by that admission.
"It's beautiful," she said.
"Open it!" Another bounce. "Mommy."
"I am," she told him with a slight grin. The dog had woken up then and only shifted in bed with a loud breath. He wasn't feeling well either, but that was more his usual pains than anything special. "Wow, Pike. Did you draw this, honey?"
"Uh-huh. All 'lone." He leaned over the side of the bed to stare at it with her. "You like it?"
"I love it. Is this me? And you? And there's daddy and Nate and Mace and… What is this, Pike?" Mirajane pointed to the stick figure that looked like it was standing on it's head, if not hovering a bit. "In black?"
"That's Bickslow," he said.
"Why's he upside down?"
"Why wouldn't he be?"
And then they both just stared at one another for a moment and, with a shake of her head, Mira gave in. Then they went through the other stick figures that were there, rounding out Pike's family with his Aunt Ever, Uncle Elf, and, of course, Freed. Not to mention Gramps and the mangy old mutt. For some reason, Pike had given Makarov yellow atop his head for his hair, which Mirajane found odd at first, but figured that the old man had probably instructed him to do so.
Sounded extremely likely.
"Pike," they heard someone yelling about then. It was Laxus. "Where are you?"
"Uh-oh." Pike patted his mommy's arm and blew his doggy a kiss before hightailing it outta there.
Mirajane only giggled though, spending another few moments staring at the card, before moving to set it up on her nightstand where it would remain for a few days until she finally put it in the drawer with all the boys other 'artworks.'
Just as quickly though, she was diving back under the covers as the shivers set in, and tried to sleep some more. It wasn't easy, however, and she mostly just laid around in bed miserably for a good hour before she must have passed out. That was the only explanation as the next time she opened her eyes, the sun was setting outside it seemed. What had woken her up though was still very much so standing at her bedside.
"Nate," she whispered. "What are you doing?"
"I's callin' your name," he told her with a grin, gripping a bowl of something in his hands. "Mommy."
"I noticed," she yawned.
"I's supposed to come in here and see if you were up," he went on before holding out the bowl. Mirajane could see some sort of clear soup in there. "If not, I's supposed to just come back later."
"Then why didn't you?" Mira asked.
"Because I love you. And mean ol' Laxus won't let me see you." Nate even gave her a pouting face then. "He's real- Hey! Pike gave you his card? That sneaker."
"Nathan, don't call your brother a...sneaker," Mirajane said, though she was smiling a bit. "Or call your father Laxus."
"You call him Laxus." He was shoving the bowl off on her then before reaching around in his shorts pockets for something. Mirajane only moved to set the bowl on the nightstand as well. "Here, Mommy. Mace and I made you stuff too. He went home already, but wanted me to give it to you when you got up."
Mace's was a nice, folded sheet of paper on which the boy had written her in cursive (it was his favorite way to write) about how much he loved her and that he wished she felt better. It was riddled with misspellings and illegible writing, but Mirajane grinned at it regardless.
"And this is mine," Nate said, moving to hand her a crumpled up piece of paper. The best for last, after all. "You like it?"
Nathan had just written (in very defined and careful lettering) 'GIT BETTER NOW' as well as drew a smiley face.
Maybe Nate had helped Pike with his card...
Grinning at her, he said, "You like mine best, right?"
"Nathan," she giggled even though it hurt her throat, head, and entire body. "I love them all equally."
Yeah. That's exactly what she said when she meant that she loved his the most. Trust him, he just knew.
"Try my soup," he suggested then. Mirajane noticed that the dog was gone and figured Laxus had gotten him up at some point to use the bathroom. Nathan wasted no time in clambering over her to claim the vacated spot with a grin. "I made it all alone."
"All alone?" Mirajane repeated. "Nathan?"
"Well… Yes. I did."
"Mmmm, let me try it, okay?" Mirajane moved to set her new pieces of 'art' next to Pike's card before picking up the bowl of soup once more. "No crackers?"
"Oh, yeah." More rustling around in his pocket before the boy produced a handful of crumpled saltines. "Here you go. Let me-"
"No, that's alright." Mirajane held the bowl higher when he tried to dump the crumbs (mixed in with lint and...was that half a posted note?) into her bowl. "It's great without them. Mmmm."
"You haven't tasted it yet."
"I can just smell."
Shrugging, Nate moved to shove the crackers (and other things) back into his pocket. "Is it as good as somethin' you'd make?"
"Mmmm," Mirajane hummed as she spooned some up. After forcibly swallowing, she said, "It's a bit salty."
"Yeah. I know!" He seemed really excited by that. "Stupid La- Daddy wouldn't let me put anymore in the pot. I know how much you like salt."
She frowned. "You do?"
"Uh-huh. You're always puttin' it in stuff. I figured I'd pour a whole bunch in your bowl when La- Daddy wasn't lookin'." Nate seemed proud of himself. "Did you need some more? I can go get-"
"No, no," she was quick to say. "And when is it that you've seen me put so much...salt on things, Nate?"
"You always put salt on stuff you're cookin'," he said. "Don't you?"
Sure. She also put a plethora of other seasonings. Not just so much of a single one. Ever. In her life.
"Of course," Mira lied with a grin. Nate was staring so expectantly at her that she had to suffer through another spoonful. "Mmmm. And so much salt on top of all this meat that your father put in here that was already salt enough no doubt is just...swell. Thank you, baby."
"You're welcome." Nate grinned. "Is it making you feel better?"
It was making her attention shift from her horrible headache to her forming stomachache, if that was what he meant.
"I can get you more," he said. "After you finish-"
"I said to come in here and give her the soup, you brat," they heard from the hall then as the bedroom door was opened. "Not come in here and-"
"Don't call him a brat, Laxus," Mirajane said with a frown over at her husband as he came into their bedroom. "It's not nice."
"Yeah," Nate said as he only cuddled against the woman's side. "It's not nice."
"Look you little-"
"Laxus, go away," Mira complained. And then, with a stricken look, she said, "I have to finish my soup."
"She likes it," Nate said with a nod. "And I told you to put more salt in it. So I did without you knowing and she said that she loves it! So there!"
"Stop yelling at me, you little-"
"You stop yelling at me!"
"Enough," Mirajane told them both. "I don't feel well."
Snuggling up to her, Nathan only stuck out his tongue as Laxus looked about ready to go find some scissors to cut it off.
"Go start on your own dinner, boy," the man finally said. "Gramps and Pike are eating without you."
"I wanna eat with Mommy."
"Are you sure? I think Gramps said something about letting Pike sit in his lap-"
"What?" Just like that, Nathan was leaving Mirajane behind. "Bye, Mommy. I'll see you after I eat."
"No, you won't," Laxus called after him, going to shut the door once he was out it. "Brat."
"Lax, can you do something for me?" Mira was asking then, glancing over at the man.
"Already got the tea on for you, demon."
"Not that," she said, holding out her bowl then. "Nate, like, dumped an entire salt shaker in this and I-"
"He what?" Growling, he came over to the bed. "That little sneaker."
At least she knew where Nate got it…
"Don't tell him I told you," she was quick to say. "If he sees you getting me more, just tell him that I finished all his. Please?"
The man only grunted, moving to take the bowl. Mirajane smiled at him though as, shifting the bowl to one hand, he moved to rest a hand against her head, checking for a fever.
"You're still hot," he reported.
"I'll be back," he said, backing away with the bowl. "Without the salt."
"Please and thank you."
When Laxus came back bearing soup, Mirajane gulped it down rather quickly as the slayer only went into their adjoining bathroom to run her a hot bath.
"It's ready when you finish," was all he said as, with a long sigh, he headed back out of their room to go wrangle the boys in. Bedtime was upon them and, well, that was never easy.
The bath, however, was perfect and Laxus brought her some tea while she was in there, which was just as great. She neglected to tell him that he had, once again, bought the wrong type, as he always did, because he could never seem to remember the very simple brand that she liked, but sometimes it was just the thought that counted.
From the silence in the bathroom, however, she could hear Laxus chasing Nate around their house as they argued over whether or not it really was bedtime or he was just lying. Nate felt like he was lying. Not without good reason. Laxus had a pretty bad habit of that.
One of the biggest problems of their new house was, well, that it was so big. They were used to the tiny apartment where it was easy to corner and corral the boys when they were misbehaving. Nate was just so fast and Pike was extremely squirrely. If one didn't want to get caught, they wouldn't.
It was eventually Makarov, from the sounds of it, that forced Nathan to just go to bed and, though there were tears, not ten minutes after he was shut away in his room, they ceased and he no doubt was asleep.
Mmmm. Mira was glad she missed that one that night.
When she slipped out of the tub, the woman only put on one of her husband shirts and a pair of sleep pants before, finally, leaving the bedroom to get more tea.
She ran into Makarov in the kitchen though.
"What are you doing, Master?" she asked, glancing at the stack of papers that he was going through at the kitchen table. "Work?"
"Another day, another horrible amount of irreplaceable damage done to a town that Natsu was sent to save."
She would have giggled has she felt well enough.
"Well," she hummed as she went to refill her cup. "There's always hope that one day he'll grow out of it."
"At this stage in life," he grumbled in response, "I don't see myself living to see that."
"Oh, Master. Don't say things like that. You-"
"What are you doing out of bed?"
And Laxus was coming into the room with a scowl already plastered on his face.
"I," he continued as he came over to her, "was going to bring you more tea eventually."
"It's fine, Lax. I couldn't stay in bed forever."
"No, but you could have until you felt better."
"I wanted to get up. That's all."
"Leave her be, boy," Makarov complained from the table as Laxus only glared at him. "You bothered the kids all day, you yelled at the dog, and then you were just so rude to me when I-"
"You suggested making some sort of spicy, exotic soup instead of the one that I had already planned on making," Laxus complained. "You know, because Mirajane was sick? Something that your suggestion would have only made worse?"
"See? Rude."
"You guys are giving me a headache," Mirajane said as, with her tea refilled, she turned to leave the room. "And where's my dog, Laxus?"
"Peeing in the backyard or something. How should I know?"
"Get him fed and then put him in Nate's room, alright?" Mira took a sip of the tea. "And ooh, I have to go tell the boys goodn-"
"Mirajane, you better not wake them up."
"I mean it. And go back to bed! Do you even want to get better?"
Desperately. But she didn't want to lose her sanity in the meantime.
Both boys were already sleeping, but Mirajane still pressed a kiss to Pike's head and, as Nate slept on the top bunk in his room, only reached up to gently pat him on the tummy. There was nothing she hated more than missing out on time with them.
Or admitting that Laxus was right. Which he was. She needed to get back in bed and fast. The bath had soothed her a bit, but she was starting to get extremely cold again and had no problem with rushing to snuggle back under the covers on her bed.
Maybe things would be better in the morning.
She was awakened before that though, around eleven that night, when her husband finally came to bed. He did so in the most obnoxious way possible, immediately moving to press his hand to her head and cheeks the second he was in the bed.
"Lax?" she croaked out miserably. "What are you doin'?"
"Just checking," was all he said as he frowned in the darkness. "You're still sick."
"Thanks for the update." When he tried to kiss her head, she moved away. "I don't wanna get you sick."
"I don't care." He kissed her anyways, but Mira only stared at him. She'd woken up ill that morning and, well, now that she was full-fledged sick, she didn't want to spread it to him.
"Maybe I should sleep on the couch," she suggested with a frown. "I don't want you to-"
"Why would you sleep on the couch?" he complained as he only settled into the bed. "You really paint me as a jackass, you know that?"
"I just know that you won't sleep on it."
And he wouldn't. Not anymore. She used to kick him out to it all the time, but about a year ago, he'd been having so many back problems that he just flat out refused. She could sleep facing away from him, berate him the entire time, or even just glare the whole night at him; he didn't care.
He was not going to the couch.
For anything.
...Well, except for last month when he got so drunk at the hall that Freed and Bickslow had to help him home…or the time before that when he'd been rather cranky and said that her dinner had sucked...or…
Okay, so yeah, sometimes he slept on the couch, but not without good reason. Like life or death.
"I would before I made you," he told her gruffly as he stared up at the ceiling. "Besides, Nate's bottom bunk is free. If I felt like you'd get me sick, I'd go sleep there."
"I guess that's true."
Except for when she kicked him to the couch. Which didn't happen. Often. But when it did, if she said couch, she meant couch.
Mirajane was a monster.
Erhm, a demon.
When they both settled out for the night once more, she rolled away from him, which was odd, but he figured she didn't want to breath on him or something stupid like that. To remedy this, Laxus only shifted closer to her side of the bed and snuggled up to her back.
"Shuddup," he grumbled halfheartedly. "Those boys made me so damn tired today. They're impossible to deal with."
Given that she did so every day, alone, as he was out on jobs, while also balancing time at the bar, she found this to be rather false, but only moaned. "I'd bet. Now let me go."
"Never," he breathed. "Silly demon."
She shivered as he nuzzled against his neck. "I go in and out of being extremely hot and extremely cold because of my fever, so I'm going to be tossing and turning a lot."
"Bring it on."
"I wanna just hold you for a bit." He kissed the back of her head. "Okay with you?"
Slowly Mirajane relaxed into him and shut her eyes once more. "Okay with me."
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A/N: This was inspired by the song Time Machine by BOTDF, sleep deprivation, and half a liter of coca-cola. I hope you all enjoy this one-shot.
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Angela woke up with a smile on her face as she wondered what her loving boyfriend had planned for her. She chuckled as she grabbed her bath robe and wrapped it around her before heading downstairs to the kitchen. Her smile slipped from her face when she saw the letter neatly folded on the table. Picking it up, she read it. 'I'm sorry for leaving without telling you but me, Ever, Freed and Bickslow had a mission to go on. See you when I get home.'
Angela felt a tear run down her cheek which she quickly wiped away. 'I can't believe he forgot again,' she said with a depressed chuckle. For the third year in a row Laxus had forgotten her birthday. Had gone on a mission with them and told her through a letter.
And it wasn't just her birthday. Valentine'a Day, dates, anniversaries, all conveniently forgotten and traded for missions with the Thunder Legion. Angela had spent the past three years hoping that one day he would prove her wrong, but every time he ended up disappointing her. 'That's it. This time I'm gonna do it.'
Laxus walked into the guild with the Thunder Legion and smiled as he saw Angela sitting at the bar talking to Mirajane. He loved her more than the world itself and he had found the perfect thing to give her after the three years they've been together. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms protectively around her. When she didn't react at all he turned her chair around. 'Is something wrong Angel,' he asked caressing her cheek.
She gave him a weak smile before placing a light kiss to his cheek. 'No Laxus. I'm just tired. I think I'll head back home and take a nap.' He nodded and watched as she left.
He was about to go talk to his grandfather when he noticed the faint disappointed look on Mira's face. 'What?' he asked, slightly annoyed at her because of it. She just sighed and shook her head, going back to managing the bar and pouring drinks.
Laxus smiled as he entered his and Angela's shared house only to be met with an unnatural stillness to the air. Frowning he went to their bedroom and gently knocked on the door. 'Angel, you up?' he asked as he opened the door only to find the bed untouched with a note placed on his pillow.
Frowning, he picked the note up and read it. Then reread it to make sure that it truly said what he had read. 'Dear Laxus, I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. For the past three year's you've not only forgotten Valentine's Day and our anniversary, you've also forgotten my birthday and dates we had planed weeks in advance. Everyday I woke up and saw another of your notes was a day my heart cracked. So I'm sorry, but I'm leaving. I already had master remove my guild mark and by now I'm long gone. Hopefully next time you find someone dumb enough to fall for you you'll treat her with more respect than you did me. I tried to be patient, but my patience with you has run out. I hope you have a nice life.'
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Laxus crumpled the paper and sat on the edge of the bed, not even bothering to try and stop the tears that were falling. The room was silent aside from his sobs. He should've followed her earlier today. He should've asked gramps if he knew if something was wrong.
He pulled the small jewelry box from his pocket and opened it to reveal the sapphire ring that he had gotten for her. That night he had been planning on proposing to her, but now it's all over. If only he knew how to build a time machine. Then maybe he could prevent himself from being so stupid. Why couldn't he have, just once, remembered the things they had planned in advance. Remember her birthday without her having to remind me about it. Say no when Bickslow and Ever drag me on a mission.
There was a timid knock on the bedroom door and he looked up to see Freed standing there with a shocked look on his face. 'She left,' was all Laxus could manage to get out before he broke down again. Not to his surprise the green haired mage came over and tried to comfort him, but nothing would sooth the pain he felt deep within his chest.
Laxus walked around Crocus as he waited for midnight to come. It had been eight years since Angel had left him and it still hurt to think about her. Of course it didn't help that seven of those years he had been sealed in time so it was technically only a year ago that it all happened.
As he was drifting off in his thoughts two small children ran into him. 'Sorry mister,' the black haired girl shouted before her blonde haired brother grabbed her wrist and started dragging her away. He couldn't tell why, but they looked so familiar to him.
He smiled as the boy gleefully dragged his sister off but it soon faded once he saw the lady they were heading to. 'Mommy, can we please go to Ryuzetsu Land?'
'Angela?' he breathed out but it was loud enough to distract her from what she was about to tell the boy.
She turned around and looked right at him before clearing her throat and putting on a straight face. 'I'm sorry but do I know you?' she said.
Laxus frowned. 'You were always terrible at lying,' he said with a chuckle as he approached her.
Angela steeled herself for what he would do. She expected his anger but when he hugged her she felt like crying. 'I've missed you so much,' he whispered into her ear. He then pulled away and looked down at her children. 'So what are their names?'
She smiled and rubbed Jane's head as she hugged her leg. 'Jane and Ash,' she said as she picked Ash up.
She was about to try and get away from him but before she could do anything he brought up the one question she didn't want to answer. 'Hey Ash,' she said to get his attention. With a fake smile she handed him some jewel. 'How about you take your sister into that toy store over there and buy something, okay.'
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Once they were gone Laxus asked again. 'So who's the father?' He didn't really want to know, but he also wanted to make sure they were being taken care of.
A sad look crossed her face as she stared into his eyes. Are free online slots fixed. 'When I figured out I was pregnant I was half-way across Fiore and by the time I got back to Magnolia, you had been kicked out and I couldn't find you. Eventually I came to Crocus and went into labor and have been here ever sense.'
Laxus felt like he had been punched in the gut (except lower) as what she was saying sunk in. 'They're mine,' he whispered as he looked to the ground in shame.
Angela nodded as she looked towards the toy store and laughed at what she saw. Jane and Ash were trying to capture Bickslow's babies as they flew around the big lug. 'You better not harm my children you idiot,' she shouted at him playfully.
He looked up and a big smile spread across his face, his tongue sticking out. 'Long time no see Angel. Where you working now?'
She let out a small chuckle. 'As a bar maid for the Sabertooth guild. The master's strict but it pays well and Jane and Ash love Frosche and Lector, so I'm not gonna complain too much.'
Angela checked her watch and gasped at the time. 'Jane, Ash, come here,' she called out as she worried about being late. 'I'm sorry to cut this reunion short but I have a dinner date with friends before the games start. See you later.'
With that she left, leaving Laxus to watch as her and their kids left. 'So who's the father?' Bickslow asked with his babies chanting 'father, father.'
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'Me,' he said with a longing look on his face. 'Now I really wish I had a time machine or some way to go back and fix my mistakes before they happened.'
Laxus sighed before turning and going in the opposite direction that Angela had gone, thinking of everything that he had missed out on due to his own stupidity. He remembered one day Freed told him that over time he would feel better, but at this moment he couldn't have felt worse. He was completely aware of how his own stupidity had played a major role on her leaving him. Had caused him to miss out on the first seven years of his children's life.
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But he swore at that moment that he would find someway to capture Angela's heart again and convince her to rejoin Fairy Tail and become his wife.
He sighed as he came to a stop and removed the box from his pocket and opened it to look at the ring it contained. He would convince her to be his and then he would never let them go.
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Not until the day he was forced to leave them forever.
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hisazuki · 7 years
Yona ch.152 spoilers
Akatsuki no Yona chapter 152 “But this is not the only thing I treasure” summary
Please don’t repost/reuse my scans and translations without permission. Tumblr reblog is fine.
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Even if the dragons are better, they still can’t move their arms so Yona, Yoon and Hak have to feed them. Jae-Ha is a bit embarrassed about being nursed at his age. Shin-Ah notices something’s up with Hak and asks him if he doesn’t feel well. Hak’s like “what do you mean?” then tells Yoon he has something to do and would like to leave the camp for a while tomorrow to meet with someone. Yoon says it’s fine, but then he remembers Yona told him she’d like to take a bath tomorrow so he would like Hak to stay while she’s away to help the dragons. Yona tells them not to mind her and Hak should go if he wants to go. Hak looks at her and says he’ll stay until she’s done bathing.
The following day, Yona undresses and washes into a pond, thinking she must hurry because she doesn’t want to make Hak wait for her. She also noticed he looked sad and although she doesn’t know why, she’s convinced it’s somehow her fault for letting it happen. She’ll try hard not to be a burden to him.
She comes back still dripping wet to Zeno and Hak and both are worried for her. Hak puts her cloak on her head so she won’t catch a cold (I think he tries to dry her hair too?). She says she’ll be fine and he should go. Yona wonders why he looked so stiff while he was talking to her, where he wants to go and whom he’ll meet, but she’s scared to ask because she wants to be nice to him and she wants him to smile. Hak leaves after telling the HHB to light a firework if something happens.
Yoon wonders where Hak went. Kija thinks he went to see the Wind tribe. Jae-Ha tells Yona to come sit close to the fire because it’s warm and Yoon brings her yuzu tea. Sharp Jae-Ha is sharp: he asks her if something happened with Hak. She denies it, but he sees through her lies. Both were looking gloomy after all. She says she didn’t know what to do. Hak has a fiancee. They’re all o_O what kind of bomb did you just drop on us?!
Kija asks her if it’s true. Yona says she overheard the Wind tribe talking about it, and it was Mundok who decided it apparently. Meanwhile, Zeno and Shin-Ah are asleep (?) and Jae-Ha tells them to wake up because it is important news. Yona explains about the Wind tribe waiting for his return, her advising him to go back to Fuuga for a while to see them, and how he reacted (”Am I unneeded?”). So she told him about wanting to give him back his freedom when the time is right... and her audience is left gasping: Yoon says that sounds exactly like she’s saying he’s not needed, like he’s lost his place among their group. Yona is shaken and realizes her mistake...
Author notes: The track “Take care part 2″ from the new drama CD has the same content as the extra chapter at the end of the newly released volume 25.
Yona regrets not being able to express herself in a better way. She ended up hurting Hak instead. Kija thinks there’s no need to say it in a better way. As long as she’s able to communicate what she truly feels, Hak will understand (Kija is blushing as he says that!). Jae-Ha tries to reassure her: maybe that fiancee thing was a misunderstanding and she should ask Hak about it. Yona says she’s afraid to ask.
Jae-Ha: Afraid? Why? Would it bother you if Hak had a fiancee?
Yona: If I had to say whether it bothers me or not, it’d bother me a lot.
Jae-Ha: Hahaha! I thought so. Then you should tell him that, too.
Yona: I can’t!
Jae-Ha: You can’t?
Yona: Because... maybe he's meeting with Ayame-san right now.
Yona goes on about the “talk” he’d said they’d have but didn’t, and wonders if he’s mad at her. Jae-Ha says if she’s not honest with Hak, he might misunderstand and go off somewhere (he’s telling her that’s pretty much what happened). “Are you still fine with that?” he asks, smiling just like Zeno is.
Yona strongly shakes her head. *She knows he barely just left, but she wants to see Hak already.* Jae-Ha & Kija smile, then Shin-Ah spots Hak coming back (what a coincidence!!! ahem). Apparently he went to buy food and weapons from traveling merchants he knew would come here around this time of the year.
Yona immediately apologizes for what she told him the day before. For using the wrong words and hurting him (she’s half-crying). She tells him about overhearing his conversation with the Wind tribe, and how she’s always felt like she stole him from them. She also mentions her fiancee and stumbles for words again. Hak’s like “Fiancee? Oh, you mean Ayame!” and Yoon & Jae-Ha are surprised he doesn’t deny it. Hak understands... so that’s why she told him to go back and spoke about his freedom.
Yona: *I must tell him!* Yes, but...
Yona: It doesn’t mean you’re unneeded or anything. You’re dear to me, Hak, so... So...
Yona: *I must tell him!*
Yona: Please stay with me...
Hak is surprised, then gets angry: “Didn’t I tell you already? I won’t leave you! It’s obvious!”. He wants her to understand he’s not doing this out of obligation. He treasures the Wind tribe and would go and save them if anything happened to them, but the place he wants to go back to is here (with them / meaning they’re his home). The HHB are shocked speechless with tears in their eyes. Like Yoon thought, Hak felt like an outsider when Yona told him to go back to Fuuga. Yona starts to apologize, but Hak tells her she doesn’t need to. He just wanted her to know that. After that, he insists that he’s not obeying/following her because of her father’s orders. It’s true he swore absolute obedience to King Il, his master, but even if she thinks she might not compare to him, she’s the one he decided to live for after following her and witnessing her strength and passion. She’s the one who taught him the pride of serving someone.
At this point they’re all crying except Hak. Zeno is giving out tissues to wipe their tears :P Yona wants to ask Hak one last thing: what will he do about Ayame if he’s not going back to Fuuga?
Hak: ...Look... I’ll tell you this because I don’t like misunderstandings... This fiancee thing is something gramps went and decided on his own.
Yona: Then isn’t it an absolute order...?
Hak: Ayame has a lover!
Yona: Huh? Wait, then you got reject-
Hak: I’m telling you you’re the one I like!!!
*Yona & HHB* o_O
Yona: ...Eh?
Hak: Don’t “eh” me! Ayame’s dating someone and I love you so that fiancee thing is bullshit, that’s what!
Hak: I’m tired out for the day! Did you get it or not?!
Red-faced Yona: ...Yes.
Hak: Alright. Aaah... I feel better now.
Hisa’s thoughts on the chapter:
Ahaha the chapter most of us waited for! But I think this time the real stars are the HHB, especially Jae-Ha and Kija. They all knew what was going on, and decided to help their dorky friends even if it might have cost them something (I’m not sure how Kija is handling all this, that’s one thing to be supportive of someone, but something else to sort out one’s own feelings).
Anyway, we knew from previous chapters Hak had a lot on his mind: Soo-Won, the Wind tribe, having to rely on others to help the DDHHB, the talk he wanted to have with Yona, his feelings for her... All this time we’ve seen him hide his emotions but also let them slip past his control like the time he went berserk against Soo-Won. So it’s only fair that he’d explode once again :D
What I wonder is how scripted this was. In the end this confession didn’t need much to happen: Yona, Hak & the Wind tribe all together in the same place. This didn’t specifically need to occur in Shin either, nor required recent or new characters, so did Kusanagi plan this from the start and used it when it was deemed right, or did she just make it up now because she felt the story needed it? Having old characters like Ayame and Min-Soo reappear after so long feel unnatural to me and I really hope they’ll be more fleshed out than that in the future. I’ll be sad if Ayame stays “the fake love interest who didn’t last half a chapter” and Min-Soo is remembered only as “the boy who lived” XD
Now for the next chapter, as it opens volume 27 I’m not sure we’ll get a true conclusion to that love confession. Part of me wants to believe the HHB will force a reply out of Yona, and part of me fears we might see a bit more of Yona’s inner turmoil until they’re all suddenly caught up in a new arc.
This will be my last summary :-( From now on I’ll only comment the chapters whenever I read them. I’ll post links to blogs and websites that have spoilers in a separate list soon.
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sammy-moo · 7 years
The Hunter’s Son Pt. 6
Characters: Sam x Reader (Eventually), Dean, Bobby, OMC (Jonah)
Summary: During a missing childrens’ case, Sam runs into a familiar face and one that looks much like his own. Now Sam has to tackle something just as difficult as hunting: fatherhood
Words: 1,588
Warnings: Slight angst
~Series Masterlist~
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After placing his stuff into Dean’s vehicle, Sam climbed into the car with his brother. Dean was grateful his brother had finally understood his view on killing Amy. However, something was still under his brother’s skin.
“We should probably go see Y/N and Jonah so you can visit with them.”
Sam rolled his eyes and huffed at that. “Let’s just find another case.”
Dean frowned a bit, “I thought you wanted to get to know your son Sam?”
“I do Dean! I just don’t wanna be around her right now.”
“Okay I get that Sam, but don’t neglect Jonah because of it.”
Sam gave his brother a look, “I’m not going to do that Dean! I’m just- she hid something from me… She had this box full of photos, articles, and even phone numbers… She had our phone numbers Dean- she tracked us. She had the articles over Jessica dying too… I just- I don’t get it… If she knew how to reach me why didn’t she? I mean, Jonah asked about me! He had to! And all she did was answer and never call me? He’s wanted to meet me and instead she was selfish and scared! She didn’t call. I- I’ve missed so much Dean… And to know I could’ve been there…” Tears fell down Sam’s face and he quickly wiped them away.
Dean sighed, “Sam you gotta think. You were hunting. She probably was afraid that if she told you Jonah would somehow get involved.”
Sam nodded. “Right… You’re probably right.”
“Probably? I am right,” Dean smirked.
Sam chuckled softly and shook his head.
While they drove back to the safehouse, you had decided to read some of Bobby’s books.
Part of you always wondered about hunting since the accident happened in college. It always seemed so interesting and you wanted to learn as much as you could. But once Jonah saw you reading about it, he wanted in too. He wanted to be like Sam and Dean and be a hero. You tried to tell your son no but he wasn’t listening. Thankfully Bobby was able to get him off your back. The two had managed to grow close within the past few days. They would play catch or Bobby would tell him stories about hunts he’s been on.
But today, Bobby was talking about guns and teaching him anything he needed to know. Jonah wouldn’t get to use or hold a real gun until he was at least 10. For now, he was stuck with toy guns and maybe a BB gun.
At first Bobby was hesitant about teaching Jonah any of it, but then you gave him the okay.
Besides, you wanted your son off your back about becoming a hunter. While you knew it was important to support and let him make his own choices, you had to cut it off there. You wanted to keep him safe and that meant the only hunting he could do was animals and not monsters. And of course, Bobby majored in both categories.
There was no way Bobby would admit it, but he truly loved spending time with Jonah. He grew to learn just how smart and kind he was. There were times he would have an attitude or not take no for an answer, but one thing was clear: he was definitely a Winchester. He carried many traits of Sam and Dean, even down to his mother. Bobby understood that things may have not been easy, but you definitely did a good job so far with him.
There was potential within Jonah. It was clear he would be just like his father and grow up to be a hero. Whether he joined the family business or went on to do something else in life.
However, one thing Jonah asked Bobby had him completely stunned. He was curious so it was natural he would ask that question, but the one that followed? Bobby was always braced for anything- except that.
“Are you their uncle or something?”
Bobby shook his head as he kept going with the lesson, “No. I raised those two as if they were my own boys. I just knew their daddy.”
Jonah blinked and thought it over, “Then can I call you Grandpa?”
Bobby froze. His hands stopped moving as he cleaned the gun. He wasn’t that old was he? He had to have heard him right, “Come again?”
“Can I call you Grandpa?”
Bobby scoffed a bit, “I’m not that old, kid.”
“Old enough to be my grandpa.”
Bobby chuckled a bit at his quick comeback. In all honesty he was flattered. “It’s just Bobby to you.”
Jonah began pouting, “Please Grandpa!”
Bobby shook his head, “Bobby. Now focus so I can keep teaching ya.”
You were halfway through your pile of books when Sam and Dean arrived. The sight of you studying monsters had Sam both confused and worried. All his emotions from earlier were practically gone. Especially since Dean was right. You didn’t want Jonah in danger.
Dean made his way past, going to see Bobby and Jonah.
Sam sighed and walked over, taking the seat across from you. “Y/N, I’m sorry about last night… I was just upset and I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. You clearly had your--”
“I forgive you Sam. It’s no big deal. I would’ve been upset too. I’m just… I’m glad you don’t hate me.”
Sam frowned, “Hate you? God no… Y/N I don’t hate you.”
You nodded, completely relieved.
Sam smiled a bit, “Where’s Jonah?”
“Out back with Bobby. Bobby is teaching him a few things.”
Sam nodded, “I’ll be back.” Sam got up and went for the back door, stopping to listen to the two.
Dean and Bobby were chatting while Jonah was allowed to shoot the BB pellets at beer bottles.
“I hope those idjits get their underwear out of a bunch,” grumbled Bobby.
Dean chortled, “I’m sure they did. It had Sammy upset because of all these papers he found.”
Bobby shook his head, “Trust me, I heard my fair share of what was in that box. Y/N was freaking out thinking she messed up. Once I talked her down she just buried her nose into the lore… I don’t like the circumstances I had to meet Sam’s kid. He’s been brought into this part of the world at a hell of a time. I just hope they realize they can’t keep him from it. I get Sam wants to let Jonah have a life unlike your daddy let you two have, but right now there’s no chance. Not while these damn leviathans are running around.”
Dean crossed his arms, “Working on it Bobby. But we might wanna move places. If you all stay here too long…”
“I know. I’d rather not be the one to break the news to her though. Sam’s baby momma.”
Dean snickered, “Maybe we should just sneak out and leave them here.”
Bobby shook his head, “Now you’re the idjit.”
Jonah finally knocked a beer bottle over and turned to look at Bobby with excitement, “Hey Gramps! Did you see that!?”
Bobby ignored the gramps, “Good job. Now to aim for the other three.” He walked over and knelt down, showing Jonah some tips and tricks.
Sam smiled and walked outside, “So we’re actually letting him use the BB gun?”
Dean smiled to his brother as he ended up at his side.
“Well of course. Nerf guns aren’t exactly gonna knock them over that well,” retorted Bobby.
Jonah’s eyes widened, “Don’t tell mom! She said maybe!”
Sam shook his head, “Only think I’m going to tell her is about us moving houses.”
Jonah frowned, “Is it because of those monsters that know about us?”
Sam nodded, “Yeah… It’s just for your safety. Promise.”
Jonah nodded and turned back to his lesson.
Dean glanced to his brother, wondering if he had everything figured out yet.
While the boys were outside with Jonah, you took the chance to start up on making food. You had cleared the table of the lore and piled it with paper plates. With quick work you made a simple dinner with what was there. You were mindful to make something for Sam and Jonah as well. Thankfully for you, Jonah had been like Sam and enjoyed healthy foods. It was a good thing he didn’t get your picky appetite.
You called them all in to wash up and eat. Sadly, it took less time eating than what it took you to make the food. But everyone had their share and finally decided to relax. All four of you adults had taken to the beer.
It was nice to be able to drink something to relax and totally numb yourself from all the learning you had done. It was like you were packed full of information and had you read anymore you would self destruct. Jonah on the other hand had taken a bath and went to bed.
This however disappointed Sam a bit. He had wanted to spend some time with him, teach him a few things. Sam wasn’t going to admit it, but he was jealous Bobby was the one who taught him gun safety and how to shoot. It should’ve been him.
Sam sighed into his bottle before taking another drink and swallowing. “In the morning we’re heading out to find a new place. We need to keep moving so they don’t find us…”
You nodded, “I understand. We have to do what we need to.”
Forever tags:  @sleepywinchester, @hay-yo-its-jo, @timeforsmut, @goldenangelbloodcastiel, @because-imma-lady-assface, @growningupgeek, @abbessolute, @keelzy2, @wideawakeandwriting, @super-not-naturall, @babypieandwhiskey, @wi-deangirl77, @ilsawasanacrobat, @impala-dreamer, @becs-bunker, @something-random25, @inlovewithbja, @squirrel–moose–giraffe, @mistressofallthingsgeeky, @petrovadixon
Series tags:  @the-bottom-of-the-abyss, @fonduegames
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namirotraeu · 7 years
Online Relationships
“Personalities and relationships tend to differ offline. “
(Part 1) I (Part 2)
Title: Online Relationships- Part 3
Pairing:Trafalgar Law X Nami
Genre: Romance/ AU
Rating: T
Word Count: 2828
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece, they rightfully belong to Oda Eiichiro
"He stole a gun from where?!" Nami shouted in disbelief. 
"The Marine Head Quarters." Sabo, Luffy's brother, repeat for the nth time. 
"I know this is just our brother's stupidity, but we need your help, Nami." Ace, another brother of Luffy, pleaded. 
"Let's take him to the hospital. Chopper's already having a hard time taking the bullet in his chest with the tools he has." Nami said as she looks over her best friend, Luffy, that was groaning in pain as Chopper tries to touch his skin. 
"We've already told you, we should not. Our brother would get arrested for what he did." Sabo reasoned out. 
"Your grandfather is an Admiral. I'm sure he could pull some strings for Luffy. We need to do this or else he would die." Nami said in despair. 
"Luffy would die from Gramps' wrath. Sending him to jail would better than what would Gramps do to him if he knew what he did." Ace shivered at the thought. 
"Nami, Luffy's condition is worsening. I'm a failure as a doctor." Chopper's eyes teared. 
"Chopper, you can do it. Luffy would not die of something like that he has a very strong will that would keep him alive." Nami comforted his friend. 
"I know my limits as a doctor. I specialize in making medicines, not on surgeries. We really need a surgeon." 
"A surgeon." Nami thought for a second. "Law is a surgeon and he is the best one in his class." She gleamed as she finally has the answer to their problems. 
She quickly dialed his number and to her relief he quickly answered her call. 
"Law! It's Nami, I need your help."
"Nami-ya? What's the problem?" 
"It's Luffy." She briefly discussed how her best friend ended up being operated in her condominium unit. Around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Sabo and Ace came banging her unit's door. They brought the already injured Luffy. She hastily made the guest room's bed so his friend could comfortably rest. Sabo had already given his brother first aid treatment before they went to Nami's, however, they needed Chopper's assistance to get the bullet out of Luffy's body. 
Law sighed from the other line. "I'll ask more details later. Can you bring him over my apartment? I'll text you the address."
Sabo drive so fast that Nami swear she saw sparks of fire in the wheels. Thankfully, they all reach Law's apartment in one piece. They were greeted by Law in the garage to open a parking space for Sabo's car. 
"Law! Thank you for helping us." Chopper said while crying. 
"Tony-ya, it's my duty as an upcoming doctor. You need to compose yourself. I'll be needing your assistance." Law said to the reindeer. 
Law had a small clinic in his basement. He made it with the old apparatus and machines from his uncle's hospital. It is where he practices, experiments and other stuff like patching up Eustass Kid when he gets in trouble with the police. What he is doing could revoke his future medical license, but he is a man who does what he wants most of the time so it doesn't matter. 
Taking out the bullet from Luffy's body was an easy work for Law. Being a genius surgeon and someone who has been practicing medicine since the age of 7, he knew what to do in such case. Chopper was assistance was a great help that fasten up the operation, however, it still took hours to finish. Luffy lost a lot of blood so Law transferred some of Ace and Sabo's blood for him to recover. 
Nami was so worried about Luffy. Law did not allow her to enter the clinic so she settled in his living room. From time to time, Ace or Sabo would come out of the clinic and tell her what is happening. Relief washed over her when she heard that Luffy was stable. His brothers went out to get them dinner as a gratitude to their brother's successful operation. Nami wanted to see her friend, but Law still hasn't allowed her to enter the clinic. She decided to relax in the living room couch while waiting. All the fatigue, stress mixed with the relief she was feeling made her tired causing her to doze off and sleep on the couch. 
"Law, I'll finish wrapping up his wounds." Chopper said while carefully bandaging his friend. 
"I'll call Nami-ya. I'm sure she'll want to see her.... boyfriend?" Law was quite unsure what the relationship of the two is. There were rumors around the campus saying that Luffy was dating Nami. They are frequently seen together being too close to one another. Although it was Luffy who introduced to Nami, he can't help being jealous of how they interact with one another. 
"Luffy is not Nami's boyfriend. From what I know, she likes someone from the university. I overhead Sanji and Zoro talk about it, but I never knew who it was." Chopper clarified. 
Law simply nod, then, he went to where Nami was. She was sleeping soundly on the couch. He eyed her fair skin and cute sleeping face that draws him near her. To resist the temptation, he gently covered Nami's body with a blanket. Then, he sat on the carpet leaning on the legs of the couch. Being close to her, he could still smell the Tangerine mixed with the ocean smell from her. He sighed and tried to doze off. 
"Done with Luffy?" Nami said while her eyes peeking over the blanket covering her. 
Law turned his head to her direction. "Yeah. Strawhat-ya is safe now."
"Thank you, Law." She said fondly. She sat upright with the blanket still on her shoulder, then she taps the available space next to her. "Come sit here."
"Nah. Too tired to move." Law wanted to sit beside her, but he smells like blood because of the operation. He didn't want her to smell him like that. 
"Okay." Nami ruffled his hair. "Thank you again, Law. What you did mean so much to me. I don't know how could I take it if Luffy died."
“You two are really close.”
“We’ve known each other since first year college. I know I could always count on him like how he could rely on me. He’s a brother to me.” Nami said in nostalgia.
“Just a brother? I thought you two are dating.”
“Why would you think that? I mean we are always together, but our relationship was platonic. I’ll never see him more than a friend or brother.” Nami explained which soothe Law’s worries away.
Both liked how they can freely talk right now. They both wish this moment would repeat again whenever they see one another at the university.
It was almost closing time of Baratie Diner. Most customers are off their last plate or waiting for their bill. One table appeared to be cheerful like they still have all night. Luffy, Zoro, Nami and Robin were on that table. Luffy kept on asking for refills of his meal which was catered by their friend, Sanji, who was working in that restaurant. The diner' s owner, Chef Zeff, allows them to stay in and hang out in all Baratie's branches even way past closing time as long as Sanji was with them. Today, they were all gathered due to Sanji's requested. Ussop, Chopper. Franky and Chopper have some things to do so they weren't able to comply with his request.
When the other customers all left, Sanji quickly joined his friends. He has a very important news to share with them. 
"I'm getting married." Sanji said.
The shock was painted in the faces of his friends. They could not believe that the woman loving friend they have is settling down. Despite that, they greeted him congratulations except for Zoro. Luffy commented on how weddings have a lot of food and they should have the biggest cake in the world.
"So, who's the unlucky girl?" Zoro questioned.
"Unlucky? What do you mean by that?" Sanji glared. 
Zoro was about to answer, but Nami intercept. "Who's the girl, Sanji? We wanted to know the details." 
"My lovely Nami, I shall tell you how it happened." Sanji said in a deary tone. "My beautiful fianćee is the one and only Charlotte Pudding. The moment I saw her Facegram profile, I fell in love. "
"What you just met her online? Well, what do I expect from a love cook." Zoro mocked. 
"Shut up, Marimo. Let me finish my story." Sanji rebutted. "Both our families are prominent in the technology business which is why my father wanted an alliance. We were forced into this arranged marriage, however, I just can't help but fall in love with her. "
The girls awed at how bold he is expressing his feelings. Zoro wanted to puke hearing his love-sick friend. Luffy continued to eat with delight. 
 "Have you met her personally?" Robin inquired. 
"No, but based on her facegram account she's a really sweet and kind girl. She even asked me out to meet her in advance before our predestined meeting with our families. Pudding is really lovely." Sanji glee. 
"So, you chat one another, huh? That's really nice." Nami said while remembering her relationship with Law. 
"This cook might mess up like before." Zoro pointed at Sanji. "You know the Viola incident." 
All of them remembered that time. It was three years ago, during Zoro, Sanji, Luffy and Nami's first year in college. Robin has been already in her fourth year in the university that time. 
Viola was the university's superstar. She was a slender, charismatic dancer, sophisticated and came from a well-off family. Her beauty magnifies whenever she dances in her Flamenco dress in university events. Sanji was entranced by her beauty. He quickly added her up in facegram and messaged her. 
Hi, my one and only idol Viola ~
At first, she replies modestly in his messages. Everyone could be your idol when it comes to dancing. However, thank you. 
Sanji continued to chat her whenever he had a chance. There were even times he mentioned that he saw her inside her classes. She finds it very odd, but nevertheless she still answered. He even used his friend, Gin, as an excuse to get her number but he failed. He continued to pursue on chatting her till she stops replying. He wept for days to the he even wanted to confront her. Zoro knocked some sense into him by telling that they barely interact personally and he should just give up. 
That time Sanji went back to amorous flirty attitude to any attractive women he sees. He vowed never to settle down to loving just one girl again. He belonged to all the ladies in the world. 
"I believe Sanji has learned well from that incident. But, I suggest that you tone down for a little bit. You still haven't seen her aside from what is on the internet." Robin warned.
"Whatever makes you happy, we'll support you. Just be yourself with her. I'm sure it will work out fine." Nami said.
"Thank you, my lovely angels." Sanji was touched by his friends' words.
"Oi Sanji!" Luffy said seriously. "Don't forget to have a big cake in the wedding!"
They laughed at their friend's comment.
Navigation focuses on monitoring and controlling moments of a craft from one place to another. Ironic, that Nami specialized in this field, but failed to navigate her feelings and situations on the right track.
Her professor in Navigation was also her professor in Cartography 1, back when she was in her first year. Professor Arlong is sophisticated and hard to impress when it comes to Oceanographic subjects. His subjects became a bottleneck for his students. Though he was a good lecturer, it was his bossy and dominant attitude that makes his students dislike him. 
Even professors are not exempted with social media problems. Nami remembers that when she was taking up Cartography 1, a drop out student rant about Arlong in social media. It was a big issue for a lot of students are scared to say a thing about him. Arlong was enraged by the post in Facegram, he also talked about it in his classes, however, he decided not to take any other actions.
Back then, his actions scared Nami most. She was afraid that she would fail Cartography because her professor was mad. Her fear was lifted when she passed the said subject. It made her think that maybe Arlong was just misunderstood. 
"Okay class, you are dismissed." Arlong said to his students. "Bepo, Nami, stay for a while. There's something I'd like to discuss." His sharp eyes were serious as ever. 
The two students stayed behind. Bepo was curious why they were called by their professor. 
"I don't know if you heard, but there is another occurrence of social media rant about me. This time the faculty is quite shaken." Arlong started the conversation.
"You mean the #FireTheShark Campaign? I've heard it from some of my colleagues." Nami inquired.
The #FireTheShark Campaign is an on-going social media campaign that raises awareness of the hardships of the students taking up a course under Professor Arlong. The admin of the said website that holds the campaign remain anonymous and continue to gather petition from students. They wanted Arlong to be fired.
"Yes! That crazy campaign. I'm furious at how my students could do that. As college students, I expected you to be more open minded. " Arlong ranted.
"Um, I'm sorry, Professor, but this is the first time I've heard about it. We, Mink Tribe, are not too familiar to social media." Bepo said apologetically. 
Nami was quite skeptical of what she should say. She knew who are the masterminds in the campaign. It is Vander Decken and his crew. In front of Arlong, they act like they really like him, but outside the four corners of the room they despise Arlong. Not wanting to be involved in such issues, she decided not tell Arlong about it. 
Arlong looked at Nami to find an answer. "I'm sorry, Professor. I don't know who did it. But, I believe that you should be bothered by it. The world is still full of fun things to be upset over angry students." Nami advised. 
"Very well. Thank you to the two of you. You are dismissed." 
Chopper caught a flu at the peak of their midterms. Nami being a good friend took care of him. Sanji occasionally went to visit to bring food and check on Chopper. 
"Nami, I'm already late for my classes. Dr. Kureha would give me a bad grade if I don't show up in her classes." Chopper said weakly. 
"But Chopper you are still sick. Don't worry, I'll get some notes for you and talk to some of your classmates to inform your professors." 
"Thank you Nami." 
'Bing'. A notification rang on Nami's smart phone. 
Sanji-kun sent a photo to Strawhats
Nami laughed at the photo Sanji sent. It was a screencap of Law's latest status. Don't you think I'm a heart stealer? ;)
She quickly opened her facegram to check Law's account, however, she could not find the certain status anymore. Law probably deleted it because obviously, it’s his friends who posted it. He would never do such things. 
Remembering what Chopper needed, she quickly messaged Law. Hey, can you give Chopper some notes? He's been sick for 2 days now. 
Sure. I'll just take pictures then send it to you. He quickly replied. Then after a few minutes he sent the pictures. 
Thank you Mr. Heart stealer. Nami teased. 
Even you saw it? Damn. I couldn't delete it because a lot of people saw it. 
Aw, you didn't delete it? I was going to comment; however, it was gone after I clicked it. 
It’s still here. Anyway, I'm going to study. Bye. 
It was just a subtle conversation, but Nami was content. It puts her in a very good mood. Law was really dedicated in his studies. He doesn't talk too much when he is focused and Nami finds it inspiring. She also finds herself studying harder when he is studying. Which is good because tomorrow she has an examination. 
Tomorrow came and Nami was sitting in front of her room, waiting for the previous class to finish. Being bored she decided to open her facegram account. To her delight, Law's status last night popped up on her news feed. She read the comment section and saw most of his friends mentioned her name but didn't tag her. 
"Oh. A heart stealer, huh?" She quickly commented to tease him. Then she turned her phone into silent mode since she will enter the examination hall.
It was merely just to tease him a little bit. Little did Nami know, a simple comment could launch a series of events that could change their lives.
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mystical-flute · 3 years
Uncharted Waters (chapter 9)
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AO3 || Ko-fi
Panic surged through her veins as she burst into the emergency room. She hadn’t managed to get much out of Aunt Kumi over the phone, so she had no idea why Yugi was even here.
“Téa, Duke, What the hell is going on?” she asked as Téa launched herself into her arms. “Are you okay? Duke?”
“We’re fine,” Duke replied, his face white with fear. “There was a fire… Yugi got caught up in it.”
Reika carefully led Téa back to her seat, then sat down next to her with a frown. “A fire? At school?”
“No, Yugi got swindled by someone pretending to be psychic. He stole the Millennium Puzzle and Yugi chased after him,” Téa explained. “And there was a duel and somehow the warehouse they were in got set on fire. Joey and Tristan said the guy looked like Bandit Keith…”
“Where are Joey and Tristan?”
“They’re being checked over by the doctors. They ran into the fire trying to find Yugi.”
“The doctors said the room was getting crowded, so Téa and I decided to wait out here for you,” Duke explained.
She gave them a weak smile. “Thanks, you two. That means a lot to me.”
“Reika, what have I told you about your posture?”
The new voice had her taking a deep breath and straightening her back as she rose to her feet and forced a smile. “Uncle Takeo. How did you get to Domino so quickly?”
Takeo brushed a piece of fuzz off his suit jacket, then slicked back his hair. “I came back with your grandfather and Kumi. It was supposed to be a surprise.”
“I’m sorry the surprise was ruined. It has been quite some time since the five of us were in the same city.” Why weren’t you here when grandpa was in a coma?
“I apologize for that. The government doesn’t run on its own, unfortunately,” Takeo replied, peering around her and looking at the teens. “And you two are?”
“We’re friends of Yugi’s. I’m Téa, and this is Duke.”
“Ah, yes. Yugi mentioned making friends. That’s good. He’ll need them for networking when he becomes an adult and stops with all this dueling nonsense.”
Reika saw Téa’s foot nudge into Duke’s as his hands clenched at Takeo’s words.
If Takeo noticed the sudden tension with the teenagers, he didn’t bother commenting on it, instead turning back to Reika.
“Your grades?”
“Dean’s List.”
Takeo’s brow raised, questioning.
“Academic distinction, Uncle Takeo. I’m surprised grandpa or Aunt Kumi didn’t tell you. I got my grades a few days ago.”
“I’m afraid we were quite busy this weekend. It didn’t come up.”
“Right. Well. Everything is going just as you would hope.”
“I would have hoped to hear that you were transferring to Domino University, or somewhere in Tokyo.”
She couldn't stop herself from laughing. “You’ll never hear that because I don’t want to stay In Japan for school.”
“What about Mr. Kaiba?”
“Long-distance relationships work out all the time.”
“Takeo,” came Grandpa’s voice. “Go sit with Yugi. I’d like a word with Reika if you don’t mind.”
Takeo blinked as if forgetting where they were for a moment. “Yes, father.”
“Mr. Muto, I don’t mean any offense, but your son is kind of an asshole,” Duke said after Takeo disappeared behind the doors to the emergency room.
“Duke!” Téa admonished.
“I’m serious! How did Yugi come from that?”
Grandpa sighed. “I’m afraid Takeo has taken it upon himself to ensure success for the Muto name after Genji disappeared. He was always the more serious of the two. In his heart, he’s doing what he thinks is right, and what he thinks is right for the family… even if that doesn’t always align with the rest of us.”
Reika resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
“At any rate, the two of you can go see Joey and Tristan now. The doctors have cleared them for release,” Grandpa said.
“Thanks Mr. Muto!” Téa said, her bright smile back as she and Duke rushed into the emergency room.
Reika exhaled slowly. “What did you want to talk about, Gramps?”
Grandpa led her to a small lounge area. “Your aunt and uncle would like to get to know Seto better. We discussed having a family dinner with him.”
Oh no.
Reika had fought off Marines and bounty hunters. She had trudged through a blizzard and took a sled up a dangerous mountain in an attempt to find a doctor for Nami. She had faced death dozens of times.
But the thing that was making her palms sweat with fear was the thought of Seto Kaiba joining her family for dinner.
All she could think to say was “why?”
“Because he’s… someone you care about,” Grandpa replied. “And he’s been in your life for so long already, and we hardly know anything about him.”
“You just want to make sure he isn’t going to hurt me.”
“You’re my granddaughter, is that not my job?”
I can take care of myself! “I know, I know… I’m sorry, it’s just… Kumi got so angry about me going to the museum with Seto and Takeo suddenly showing up, I just don’t feel like they trust me enough to make decisions for myself.” They shouldn’t.
“If it helps, Mokuba is more than welcome to join him.”
It shouldn’t have made her feel better, but she felt more relaxed at the thought. “This isn’t going to go away until they get their big family dinner, is it?”
“I’m afraid not.”
She sighed. “Fine. I’ll call him. Set something up. How long is Takeo going to be in town?”
“A week. We were going to do it tonight, but with Yugi…”
Her eyebrows shot up. “So this was supposed to be an ambush? Jeez, Gramps!” I should have just stayed in Eturn.
“I was going to warn you before we got the call. Takeo thought that it would be easier to - ”
“Uncle Takeo is an idiot if he thinks he can get the CEO of a multi-billion yen corporation to just - ”
“Reika,” Grandpa’s voice was uncharacteristically firm. “Just call Seto.”
She swallowed back everything else she wanted to say as she pulled out her phone. “Yes, Gramps.”
“Heyyyy Seto.”
Seto was on edge as soon as she drew out the greeting. Reika never did that.
“What is it?” he frowned at the noise in the background, the sound of a cart wheeling by did not go unnoticed. “Where are you?”
“The hospital. Yugi got caught in a fire during a duel at one of the warehouses downtown. Joey and Tristan too, but Yugi got the worst of it.”
He gripped the phone tighter. “Wha - ”
“But that’s not what I called you about.”
Seto’s frown deepened. That wasn’t what he expected. Yugi being in the hospital was probably weighing heavily enough on her mind. What else would trump something like -
“Uncle Takeo is in town. He and Aunt Kumi want to have dinner to get to know you and Mokuba.”
A part of him had expected this. Roland and Fuguta had offered advice to him once they’d heard about the relationship. One such piece had been having a good relationship with her family, and considering the rocky start that had gotten off to, a dinner seemed like a logical step.
He heaved out a sigh. “When?”
“Grandpa said they were planning for tonight.”
Seto swore under his breath, prompting a confused look from Mokuba, which he waved away as he glanced at the clock. “Is Yugi going to be discharged tonight?”
“They’re waiting for one last test to come back, but he should be.”
Seto pressed his lips together, taking a slow, deep breath. “Mokuba and I will bring food to the game shop. I can’t imagine your aunt and uncle will have time to cook after Yugi is released from the hospital.”
That prompted an alarmed look from Mokuba.
Reika was silent for a moment. “Are you sure?”
He smirked. “Do I ever second-guess myself?”
He could almost hear her roll her eyes. “No, you don’t. I’ll let them know. How’s seven-thirty sound?”
It was four-thirty now. It wouldn’t give the chefs as much time as they normally would like, but this was out of his hands. “We’ll see you then.”
“What’s going on, Seto?” Mokuba asked as soon as he ended the call.
“We’re going to Reika’s for dinner tonight,” he said, already texting the head chef to alert her to the change of plans.
“Really? So it’s gonna be us, Reika, Yugi, Mr. Muto and Mrs. Muto?”
“And Yugi’s father.”
“Yugi has a dad? What’s he like?”
In truth, Seto couldn’t remember Reika talking about her uncle all that often, except to roll her eyes. “I know he works for the government in Tokyo and doesn’t come here often. That’s about all Reika has mentioned.”
Which probably did not bode well.
“What about Yugi?” Mokuba asked as Seto swept his belongings into his briefcase and switched his computer off.
“He was in a fire at a warehouse while dueling. He will be fine.” He wasn’t entirely sure when Mokuba had decided that he wanted to become friends with Yugi and his ilk, but he supposed it was a good thing, if he were to make a good impression on Reika’s family.
He didn’t particularly care about them, but he would play nice to get them off her back.
“You nervous?” Mokuba asked as they got in the limo.
“Of course not.”
“You’re tapping your knee. You usually only do that when you’re stressed.”
He hadn’t even realized he was doing it, and forced his hand to be still. “I’m fine.”
Mokuba gave him a look, but dropped the subject. “Do you think Reika can play Once Upon a December for us tonight? She’s got a keyboard, doesn’t she?”
“Last I checked. You can ask her when we get there.”
Mokuba smiled. “I think this will be fun, Seto! We never get to eat dinner anywhere other than the Manor or restaurants or boring galas.”
Perhaps that should be something he changed. Was it right for Mokuba to not be able to eat dinner at a friend’s house? But on the other hand, if he did allow that, how could he be sure that Mokuba wouldn’t be poisoned by someone who hated him?
At least this food he would be able to trust, even if they weren’t eating it at home.
Three hours later, they arrived at Kame Games. Mokuba all but bolted out of the car in excitement, while Seto carefully picked up the pot of yakisoba and followed him into the shop. Roland was close behind with the spring rolls as they trudged up the stairs to the apartment, where he could hear low voices and music.
“Reika! We’re here!” Mokuba announced, knocking on the door.
Instead of Reika, a serious-looking man answered the door. If the tri-colored hair was anything to go by, this must have been Takeo Muto.
“Mr. Kaiba. Welcome. Please, come in.”
“You must be Takeo. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Seto said calmly, crossing the threshold and handing the pot to Kumi. “We brought spring rolls and yakisoba.”
“Where would you like them?” Roland asked as Takeo led them into the kitchen. “I’ll just set them down and leave you to your dinner.”
“Oh, nonsense. We have a spare seat for you!” Kumi said with a smile.
Roland stuttered out an agreement, taking a seat at the small table with its mismatched chairs. Only five of them looked like they came from the same set. The other three were folding chairs. The table didn’t have enough space for the eight chairs to fit comfortably, so three - including the one Roland had parked himself in - were at awkwardly placed angles. The dining area led out into the living room, which was stuffed with too-comfortable looking furniture and a TV. Photos decorated the walls and coffee tables.
It was a stark contrast from Kaiba Manor.
“The tea will be ready soon, why don’t you and your brother relax in the living room for a moment?” Kumi suggested.
Seto nodded, his throat suddenly dry as he found space next to Reika and kissed the back of her hand.
“It was really nice of you guys to bring dinner,” Yugi said. He looked exhausted, bandages covering his hands, and one on his cheek.
“Reika said you were in the hospital. How are you feeling?” Mokuba asked.
“I’m tired, but I’m glad to be home,” Yugi said. “I just can’t believe Bandit Keith joined a cult and ambushed me like that.”
Seto raised a brow. “The American duelist from Pegasus’ tournament?”
“Yeah, he tried to steal my puzzle and said he was a part of something called the Rare Hunters.”
So the Rare Hunters were already in Domino, before he’d even announced his tournament. Interesting. Very interesting.
“That’s stupid,” Mokuba said, frowning. “Your puzzle’s just a puzzle.”
Yugi laughed a little. “Yeah, I agree. It is pretty stupid.”
“Our tournament is going to be much better,” Mokuba said with a smirk.
“Mokuba,” Seto said sharply. “We were supposed to give Yugi the invitation first, remember?”
Mokuba reached into his vest and pulled out the invitation. “Oh. Oops. Here you go, Yugi.”
Seto noticed the way Takeo’s jaw twitched at the mention of a tournament, but luckily, Solomon spoke up first.
“Is that what those ‘Duel Disks’ I got this morning are for?”
“It is. I’ll have a demonstration with them tomorrow night,” he explained. “I expect you’ll be there, Yugi.”
“In the plaza, huh? Yeah, of course I’ll be there,” Yugi said with a smile. “Another tournament sounds like fun!”
“Are you sure you want to have one of those? Isn’t Duel Monsters just a silly card game?” Takeo finally found space to say.
Seto felt his jaw clench. Reika’s hand carefully squeezed against his thigh, forcing him to relax just slightly before speaking.
“While Duel Monsters is a card game, these tournaments are a way to keep my company and our technology on the cutting edge of greatness, Takeo,” he explained carefully. “The card game as a whole promotes international relations when politicians fail. It’s a… genius move played by Pegasus.”
He wanted to vomit after saying it, but Takeo’s gaze, while still critical, seemed to soften just slightly.
“Battle City is a way for duelists the world over to come together and celebrate a game we love,” Seto said. “And everyone wants a chance to duel the King of Games.”
God he hated that title. Hated that Yugi was the one to have that title.
“Will this tournament be safer?” Kumi suddenly asked. “I hated that I couldn’t get in touch with Yugi during Duelist Kingdom.”
“Battle City takes place here. Yugi will be able to come home whenever he needs,” Mokuba said with a wide grin, before his eyes moved to Solomon. “And you’ll be able to go watch duels too!”
Solomon’s eyes widened in delight.
“Well, I can’t wait!” Yugi piped up. “And I can’t wait to see what those Duel Disks do, Kaiba.”
“Remember, you can’t open the box until next week,” his eyes glanced over at Solomon, who had soured at the warning. “That’s when the tournament begins. We wouldn’t want to give our champion an unfair advantage, after all.”
“I wouldn’t feel right about having one,” Yugi said, looking at Solomon with uncharacteristically serious eyes.
Kumi cleared her throat. “The tea is ready if everyone wants to wash up for dinner. Here, Yugi, I’ll help you get settled in.”
Mokuba plopped into the seat next to Yugi, Seto next to Reika, and dinner was quiet, the earlier tension having dissipated.
“Reika?” Mokuba suddenly asked.
“When we’re done with dinner, d’you think you can play Once Upon a December like you promised last time you were at the Manor?”
Solomon, Takeo, and Kumi all froze, but Reika simply shrugged. “Sure, if you help me move the keyboard out here. I keep it in my room.”
Mokuba grinned and nodded in agreement.
“Reika, I thought - ” Kumi began.
“All due respect, Kumi, if this is about Noah, Mokuba and I are aware of him,” Seto said. “Reika told me not long ago.”
“She did? I’m surprised… Gozaburo was so firm about that threat,” Kumi said, before shrugging. “But he’s gone now, so I suppose it makes sense she’d tell you. But still, she vowed never to play that song again after Noah’s accident.”
Seto looked at Reika, raising a brow.
“Anastasia was Noah’s favorite cartoon,” she explained. “We had a waltz set to Once Upon a December. We were supposed to perform it at a gala.”
He hated that his mind was doing it, but he couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened had Noah never died, and he and Mokuba got adopted anyway. Would he still have been a part of the “Young” program Gozaburo had started?
After dinner and dessert, while waiting for Reika and Mokuba to grab the keyboard, Seto picked up a photo that caught his eye.
A young Reika, and two people he could only assume were her parents. They were standing together in front of the shop, which had been decorated for Tanabata.
They wore their traditional yukata, and Seto couldn’t help but smile slightly when he noticed Reika was missing a tooth.
Genji looked almost like a clone of every other Muto man, tri-colored hair and violet eyes. Though, where Yugi and Solomon (and even Takeo, to lesser degree), had their hair in spikes, Genji’s was tied back into a ponytail that hung over his shoulder.
Miaka had wavy red hair, warm brown eyes that sat behind large, round glasses, and a smattering of freckles across her face, much like Reika.
They looked so happy, so normal, and it killed him to think it would all be taken from her.
“That was taken about two months before they disappeared,” Takeo said, the gruff, seriousness of his voice now gone.
Seto put the picture down. “I’m sorry. Is Genji older or younger than you?”
“Four years older. He’s the cool, relaxed older brother, but somehow, he had a brilliant mind for engineering and was a serious hard worker. I couldn’t understand how he could be so relaxed and yet still work so hard at the same time,” Takeo laughed softly.
“You would get along with him, Seto,” Solomon said. “I’m sure of it.”
“Hopefully I will have the chance to meet him,” Seto replied. It had been a decade though, so he knew the chances of that were extraordinarily slim.
“Mokuba, be careful with that,” Reika said softly as the two emerged from the hallway, Mokuba carrying the legs to the keyboard. “Put them in front of the chair.”
Mokuba did so, then plopped down on the couch next to Seto as Reika adjusted the keyboard and stand.
Reika sat at the keyboard like it was the world's most expensive piano, her fingers gliding over the keys as Mutos adults watched with a mix of pride and disbelief, and Yugi grinning like an idiot. Seto smirked as he wrapped an arm around Mokuba and exchanged a glance with Roland, who was giving him an approving smile.
He didn’t know why it felt so damn good.
“I had a lot of fun tonight, Seto!” Mokuba exclaimed when they were back in the safety of the limo. “We should do family dinners with them more often!”
Seto wasn’t quite sure how many of these he could take, so he simply acknowledged Mokuba with a grunt as his phone chirped.
I don’t know how you did it, but you managed to charm the least charming man in Japan.
I charm myself everyday.
Very funny.
For what it’s worth, I had a good conversation with Solomon and Takeo about your father.
Yes. Solomon said he would have gotten along with me. I figure that’s the highest compliment you can give someone. Your father sounds like a good man.
You’ll meet him one day. I know it.
Come with me tomorrow to the plaza. I think you’ll enjoy what I have planned.
I’d love to.
The next night, they soared over Domino in his helicopter. He felt anticipation building as Reika stared out the window, taking pictures here and there.
“Enjoying yourself?” he asked with a smirk.
A hum. “Is it that obvious?”
“Let’s just say you should never play poker against me.”
Reika rolled her eyes. “You should know that I don’t back down from a challenge, Mr. Kaiba.”
He smirked and kissed the back of her hand. God, he loved this woman.
“Mr. Kaiba, we’re ready for you.”
Seto nodded, grabbing the duel disk and sliding it on his wrist before pushing the door to the helicopter open and dropping onto the ladder below, ignoring Reika’s startled cry of his name.
He could see Yugi with the usual herd, plus Valentine. Good. Everything was going as it should.
“Don’t forget to register and pick up your duel disk. Exactly one week from today, my Battle City Tournament begins!” he shouted over the whirling blades above him.
One week.
One week until he reclaimed his title of the world’s best duelist.
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ahnamission-blog · 8 years
Take medicine. Sedate. I need a little more. Sedate. Cry to someone. Still feel alone. Feel misunderstood, I've been trying so hard. I tried to take my own life once, to be with him, how did that fail? Still here. In between two realms, purgatory. Can communicate with both, no one believes me they all call me bat shit crazy and pretend I don't know it. Collective consciousness picks on me and leaves me out of it, guess my awareness means I'm full of myself....which I'm not. I have such low self esteem. I wonder why it didn't work, I stabbed myself in my heart in the lung. People cared for awhile. Still I don't feel I belong. Father calls me crazy after saying he believes in me. Typical. It's all about what they see, they love the visual. They love the appearance. My soul journey to see the love of my life is a joke to them. And no I won't stop writing. I've written so much lately, posted none of it. Now I'll post it. None of them care til it's too late. My gramps hasn't been well, I pray for him tonight. The meds get stronger. Bath, it's hot. Steaming. Steam baths mixed with meds equate to increased pharmaceutical effects. On your muscles, on mine. I cried so hard, first time in 2017...so I know what I need distance from, and who. My neck cracks. I wear his necklace, haven't taken it off and I won't until the day I die. Pick it up with my left hand, the better hand. Everything left side goes first and I'm still learning. Left vs. right. They say trump will ignite the fire of the people. Firework just went off. Timing. Timing and intuition. Unlearning second guessing myself. People can hear each other's thoughts in the collective consciousness. Every thing on earth is a manifestation of God, therefore everything has consciousness. Everything interacts. I hear my heartbeat with my ears underwater, sometimes it skips a beat. And I don't care. People can hear my thoughts, weird. My boyfriend is in the 5th dimension and we live and love in parallel universes. He's everything to me. All the people here except 2 have stood by me. I'm lonely here. Ponticus Pilat was a good guy, he asked the people Jesus the Messiah or Jesus of Barabbas, which one should he let go? People said let Barabbas go. Christ was hung, after 9 hours he called out My God My God why art thou forsaken me? FEMA camps. 9/11. I stabbed myself on 9/11. False flags. Elias. Ascension. Twin Flames. Shamanism. Reincarnation. Samsara. HAARP weather manipulation. Bilderberg Group. The illegalization of hemp. Trump. Monocle Magazine and the book "How to build a Nation". Fascism. Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ. There's so much hidden history. So much. It is the first Full Moon of 2o17. I feel the emotional detachment happening, it is bittersweet. A good night for Tarot. Hopefully I'll sleep a lot tonight. Shallow breathing I realize, mindfulness. A life of mindfulness. They say I'm schizophrenic or bipolar I guess that's how the Illuminati and Freemasonry would want it to be seen as. What about A New Earth, people are ascending. It is the Age of Aquarius. God I miss you. So much Seroquel. Thankfully. I've slept so much lately, been so depressed. Have had the most intense dreams. I hope I can lucid dream tonight. My mind has 68 tabs open constantly. Could use a good toke, or 7. Deep sigh. They said this full moon would be emotional. How do they know everything? I'm sick of being a pawn in people's games and agendas. I miss feeling free. Everything is so caged lately, I don't get how people don't see their focus is directed and diverted from reality...surreal. I've posted so much photography lately. I miss it. It's strange to think I once had a steel blade in my chest and was pondering do I use the butcher knife or the steak knife, steak didn't work. But the serrated edge did get me good, pierced the lung, I was fading. In between realms, I was at peace with it. I had done acid a few days before, my boyfriend had given it to me awhile back. What an experience. I can't believe I delayed that experience for so long, I saw the truth. We're all incarnated here by reptilian beings who eat parts of our etheric bodies for their energy. The New World Order, the 1% wants control, power, greed. The pharmaceutical companies....the ones I'm currently sedated by to deal with this bullshit in my head....big pharm. everything is a lie. Happiness and kindness are all that matter. Unconditional love too, he and I have it but they try to keep us apart. Romeo and Juliet. My body responds in ways that they say Ascension feels like; left side, right side. It's interesting to observe as the watcher rather than the thinker as Eckhart Tolle says. I need to read that book again. Silly of me to allow them to get the best of my emotions again, 4 days ago was the end of Mercury Retrograde and today was the Full Moon or Wolf Moon or Hunger Moon. This bath is nice. Left eye twitches, deep sigh, ears pressure fluctuates constantly depending on how well I go with the universe rather than against it. I'm a believer so to the skeptics I'm crazy, but to the believers I'm......idk. I opened up so much emotionally today. I get new meds tomorrow, yay, I'm sure they're counting down the hours to sedate me. For meds the whole price is paid. I'm just a burden to them, I told someone he was the reason I wanted to die he was screaming in my face and I screamed back I don't want to get that way again. But at least he knows the truth now, after all he's said and done against me. Then offers to sell me a car for next to nothing, like I'm a charity case. That's all they say to each other, negative, toxic, fake bullshit. And never to my face, always behind my back while they pretend to like me to my face. It's sad. I think I scare them somehow. Because Joe can communicate with me. & I, him. Gramps says everyone has special gifts. I tried to overdose, it failed. He's the tear in my heart, I'm alive, he's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire. He's the tear in my heart, take me farther than I've ever been! Twenty one pilots. He plays piano, so does Machine Gun Kelly? Is that real. I got a guitar, that would probably help. I wish people didn't bank happiness so much on materialism. I've been blessed in many ways but the most expensive thing to have is unconditional love and acceptance, a true friend. I wish I had more medicine or LSD, it's the truth. It's awakening, it's so crazy. I just saw what all this was. All the cycles of reincarnated human souls on this planet by reptilians held in power AKA government, the 99% is so strong. There's a collective mental revolution going on for those who aren't afraid to stand away from the herd and be authentic in their own being. More hot water. Life is strange, I'm in this place of awareness of who is fake to me and then this understanding of gratitude and feeling blessed for all I have received spiritually, mentally, soulfully, emotionally, physically, on the Earth plane and then from the Higher Realms. Joey is an Ascended Master. He's so smart, he's so helpful and keeps me balanced as we travel through this Twin Flame soul journey. It's incredible, I've never loved or missed or felt ripped apart from something so much in my life. Appetite is gone. I wonder what Thailand is like. Should probably sleep and stuff. I miss you sugar.
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