#kira ryder
emzchaos · 1 year
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Police Station - Present Day 2018
Nell: *Annoyed* You two can joke about this? WE ARE IN A JAIL CELL!! Jordan: Maxi can joke all she wants to Nelliea Ryder: Kole dad is going to kill us this time.. Nell: I blame you both Jaidan King & Maxiene Harton. Kole: Yeah, nice knowing you Ryder. [Police chattering in the distence]
Shawn: Jaidan? Devan: Yeah, Jordan? Shawn: Yeah, Idiots Carlos: *Sighs* Mi hija.. Kira: Fine, I'll go in first you bunch of pussycats. Officer: Are you all here for the kids? Shawn: Nah mate, the circus is in town at 11pm. Of course we are. Kira: Officer, those are my students. What were they arrested for exactly? Officer: Breaking into the private school and releasing a llama. Kira: I’m sorry, did you say llama?
✨ 𝔅𝔢𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 | 𝔑𝔢𝔵𝔱 ✨
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shinyasahalo · 2 months
Top 50 AO3 Space Fem Ships (May 4, 2024)
(FGQ/F) Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan (Doctor Who TV) 4,386 fics
(F/F) Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) 2,496 fics
(F/P) Shepard/Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect) 2,252 fics
(F/F) Kathryn Janeway/Seven of Nine (Star Trek Voyager TV) 1,673 fics
(F/F) Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine (Star Trek Picard TV) 1,193 fics
(F/F) Suletta Mercury/Miorine Rembran (Gundam Wing Witch From Mercury) 1,122 fics
(F&F) Thirteenth Doctor & Yasmin Khan (Doctor Who TV) 960 fics
(F/F) Thirteenth Doctor/River Song (Doctor Who TV) 906 fics
(F/P) Shepard/Tali Zorah nor Rayya (Mass Effect) 811 fics
(F/F) Allura/Romelle (Voltron) 783 fics
(F/F) Jenny Flint/Madame Vastra (Doctor Who TV) 739 fics
(F/F) Barriss Offee/Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars/Star Wars) 677 fics
(F/F) Bronya/Seele (Honkai Star Rail) 654 fics
(F/F) Thirteenth Doctor/Rose Tyler (Doctor Who TV) 627 fics
(F/F) Samantha "Sam" Carter/Janet Fraiser (Stargate SG-1 TV) 617 fics
(F/F) Jadzia Dax/Kira Nerys (Star Trek Deep Space Nine TV) 583 fics
(F/F) Shin Hati/Sabine Wren (Star Wars Ahsoka TV) 525 fics
(F/F) Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair (Doctor Who Big Finish Audio) 498 fics
(F/F) Kate Lethbridge-Stewart/Petronella Osgood (Doctor Who Big Finish Audio) 496 fics
(F/F) Himiko/Kafka (Honkai Star Rail) 496 fics
(F&F) Padme Amidala & Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars/Star Wars) 482 fics
(F/F) Jack | Subject Zero/Miranda Lawson (Mass Effect) 479 fics
(F/F) Allura/Pidge | Katie Holt (Voltron) 472 fics
(F/P) Miranda Lawson/Shepard (Mass Effect) 452 fics
(F/F) Jessika Pava/Rey (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 446 fics
(F/P) Shepard/Ashley Williams (Mass Effect) 441 fics
(F/F) Rey/Rose Tico (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 430 fics
(F&F) Leia Organa & Rey (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 418 fics
(F/P) March 7th/Trailblazer (Honkai Star Rail) 417 fics
(F/R) Thirteenth Doctor/Reader (Doctor Who TV) 411 fics
(F/F) Acxa/Veronica (Voltron) 408 fics
(F/F) Padme Amidala/Sabe (Queen's Shadow Series/Star Wars) 389 fics
(F&F) Gideon Nav & Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb Series) 383 fics
(F/P) Revan/Bastila Shan (Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic) 356 fics
(F/F) Ayanami Rei/Souryou Asuka Langley (Neon Genesis Evangelion) 333 fics
(F/P) Kafka/Trailblazer (Honkai Star Rail) 330 fics
(F/P) Vetra Nyx/Ryder (Mass Effect) 321 fics
(F/F) Christine Chapel/Nyoto Uhura (Orignal Series/Star Trek) 320 fics
(F&F) Hera Syndulla & Sabine Wren (Star Wars Rebels) 307 fics
(F/F) Harrowhark Nonagesimus/Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb Series) 304 fics
(F/F) Phasma/Rey (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 303 fics
(F/F) Seven of Nine/B'Elanna Torres (Star Trek Voyager TV) 303 fics
(F/P) Jack | Subject Zero/Shepard (Mass Effect) 302 fics
(F/F) Michael Burnham/Philippa Georgiou (Star Trek Discovery TV) 302 fics
(F&F) Rey & Rose Tico (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 300 fics
(F/F) Thirteenth Doctor/Missy (Doctor Who TV) 294 fics
(F&F) Barriss Offee & Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars/Star Wars) 291 fics
(F/F) Beverly Crusher/Deanna Troi (Star Trek TNG TV) 287 fics
(F&F) Bo-Katan Kryze & Satine Kryze (The Clone Wars/Star Wars) 283 fics
(F/F) Tegan Jovanka/Nyssa of Traken (Doctor Who TV) 282 fics
(F/F) Amilyn Holdo/Leia Organa (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 281 fics
(F&F) Padme Amidala & Leia Organa (Star Wars) 280 fics
(F/F) Susan Ivanova/Talia Winters (Babylon 5 TV) 268 fics
(F/P) Shepard/Samantha Traynor (Mass Effect) 263 fics
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deimosbreakfrost · 7 months
Participant 1:
Ripper McCorp
(Owen/Ripper swap)
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Nipper McCorp
Age: 20
Nipper is... Kinda Problemic. He did a lot of things because of his 'anger issues' but surely the 'worse' thing he ever did in his life was when he was 17, he was arrested for Attempt of Murder. He confirm that he tried to attempt a murder for his neighbor cuz his neighbor killed his cat.
So in 31 of October 2019 on 01:00 AM in Brazil, Nipper tried to give his neighbor a Halloween gift (his murder) and stabbed his neighbor in the hand but until he tried to stab his neighbor again someone already called the police, then he was arrested. But some months later his parents somehow painted a fiancee to him and then he was out again.
But after that he somehow acted like a yoshikage Kira wannabe and tried have a peaceful life... But will his life be quiet as the same that he tried to have?
Musical References:
The "corp" part in his second name comes from Ken Ash Corp. Which is the creator of THAT one music that y'all see everywhere in YouTube a certain time, (Absolute Territory) I gave him that Musical Reference cuz of the thematic of mostly of his songs: Chaotic, impure and weird tendencies.
And some of his personality come from this songs that I honestly really like:
Mostly is green gay because of "I FUCKING HATE THE GOVERNMENT" personality, because for him, he was arrested unfairly
and That its our
Nipper McCorp Soldi
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ezrisdax-archive · 1 year
fic ideas I had for things but never finished or started properly (also a lot of these I came up with with other people):
fake dating au
accidentally got married au
 mutual pining whoops we're sleeping together anyway
ace attorney au
 seven as the one in shattered instead of chakotay au with maquis!b'elanna in janeways spot
future fic from naomi point of view about her gay aunts
dragon age au with warden!b'elanna and morrigan!seven
kes stays and is sick of them flirting and locks them in a closet au
 the coffee shop au I never finished which became a whole world anyway
 help desk support b'elanna dealing with ext 709 on the phone every day
hades game au
stuck on the holodeck and have to act the parts out to get out
utena au
xena au
expanding on the au I had where alternate reality tasha ended up in prime timeline instead of going to the past
xena au
roommates at starfleet au which I think I may have also done? so like...a different better one
 tasha didn’t die but ended up in some limbo form and deanna keeps seeing her as a ghost
kiradax (either dax)
reverse au with ezri as the dax host before jadzia and jadzia in season seven
mass effect au with asari!jadzia and human!kira
dragon age au with hawke!jadzia and mage!kira
au where kira stays on ds9 at the end of season six and is able to get to jadzia in time to save her but jadzia has to leave for trill for healing for a while and they write each other
time loop au where they're looking for atlantis and whoops its got a funky artifact that has nadine looping
au where they meet much much sooner
office au where nadine is night security and chloe works late and keeps forgetting her badge and breaking in
the au where one of them gets the beacon instead of shep
winter soldier cerberus au where they show up instead of sheps clone in ME3 or take kai lengs place in ME3
tim hortons vs starbucks au in niagra falls listen I'm canadian
stargate au
grissom academy instructor kaidan but ash on the normandy still
 pacific rim au
star wars au with clone soldier ash and jedi kaidan
never went to andromeda au and ryders dig site needs supplies and she finds vetra
the typical au where sara isn't the pathfinder but calls dibs when she wakes up and meets vetra anyway
were dating pre andromeda but vetra thought ryder died when the hyperion didn't show up
misc star trek
seven/ezri where seven ends up on ds9 by the borg attacking the defiant and them getting seven from it look it wasn't fully fleshed out
divided we fall rewrite (ezri/lenara)
on an away mission together leading to fake dating (joann/keyla)
the kes stays on voyager, tom leaves au with kes, harry, b’elanna, and seven shenanigans (gen)
ezri and harry bffs serving on captain geordi's ship (gen)
 ichiban time loop au (yakuza, gen)
au where korra doesn't fully get her memory back in season two but thinks her and asami are dating (lok, korrasami)
seong-hui keeps texting saeko and this leads to a relationship (yakuza, seong-hui/saeko)
tifa finds aerith at shinra hq where she’s been locked up for a while (ffvii, aerith/tifa)
tifa dead all along based on the latest trailer and technically a ghost but aerith drags her back to living anyway (ffvii, aerith/tifa)
rei begs susato to dress up again to get out of dating other guys (ace attorney, susahao)
franmaya star trek au with romulan/vulcan fran and trill maya (ace attorney, franmaya)
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justabooknerdposts · 4 months
Final Prompt Response - Home
Prompt 19: Annabeth with Ryder and Kira when they're little
*Great prompt, loved this idea, thanks!*
By the time they got back from the park, Annabeth was tired. But a good tired. Ryder had gone up and down the slide possibly literally a hundred times, then begged to go on the swings, so Annabeth had put Kira in a baby swing, plopped Ryder into the regular swing next to it, then pushed both of them while they shrieked happily, kicking their legs out at the bright blue sky. Annabeth had to laugh along with them, even as her arms started to get tired. They always did Saturdays in the park, usually as a family, but Percy was at his mom and Paul's today, helping them move in some new furniture. So Annabeth was on her own with both kids. She'd been a little worried it would be hard to keep track of Ryder while also watching Kira, but her son had done an impressive job of listening today, and it had been a great trip to the park.
When they got home, Annabeth put Kira in her baby swing, then got Ryder set up at the coffee table with crayons and a coloring book. Once they were settled, she headed into the kitchen to finish up some dishes and see about prepping something for dinner later. But she'd only been out there about ten minutes when Ryder called, "Mama!"
"What's up, baby?" Annabeth dried her hands off on a dish towel and went back into the living room. Kira was dozing in her swing, pacifier bobbing in her mouth. Ryder had moved his coloring book and crayons from the coffee table to the floor and was laying on his stomach. When his mother came out, he sat up with a bright smile, showing her the picture he'd drawn. It showed a swing set, with two scribbled shapes that he said were him and his sister. The other, slightly larger, scribble was Mommy pushing them on the swings. Annabeth pointed to another scribble in the corner, with a square leaning up against it. "What's that?"
"That's Daddy," Ryder said proudly. "He carrying a sofa."
Annabeth laughed, then kissed her son's forehead. "It's a great drawing, Ry. I love it."
He beamed at her. "Will you draw with me, Mama?"
Annabeth hesitated, thinking about the handful of dishes still sitting in the sink, the chicken that needed to be put in a marinade for dinner, the laundry in the washer that needed to be moved to the dryer, and the load in the dryer that first needed to be moved to a laundry basket and then folded. But looking down at Ryder's expectant face and bright eyes, she couldn't find it in herself to care much about the chores at the moment. "Of course."
After sneaking another glance at her daughter, who was still sleeping peacefully, Annabeth laid down on her stomach next to her son and grabbed a piece of paper and a crayon. "Alright, what are we drawing?"
"Awesome. Let's design an amazing aquarium." She tickled his side and Ryder giggled before picking up his crayon and getting intently to work.
For a while, they laid on the floor, designing different fish tanks for the aquarium, then trying to join them together with hallways, slides, and climbing tubes like the ones at Chuck E. Cheese (or Hebe Jeebies, but Annabeth tried not to think about that particular experience). Ryder chattered to her while he colored and passed the paper over to her when there was something more complicated he wanted sketched; Annabeth obliged, smiling as she followed her son's very specific instructions for a slide that wound around a giant fish tank, "Like the one in Dory!" Ryder said.
As she passed the paper back to him and watched him get to work, focusing on colors and making coral with little fish dots around it, Annabeth was suddenly overwhelmed in the best way. This was her life right now. She had a family. They were hers.
She snuggled Ryder closer and kissed the top of his head. He allowed it for a moment, then wriggled free, telling her very seriously, "Mama, I's designing."
"My bad," Annabeth said with a grin, dropping another kiss into his blonde hair, still windswept from the slide and swings. She pushed herself up to her knees, then leaned over to where Kira was still sleeping in her swing, even though it was now still. Very softly, she kissed her daughter's forehead, brushing the baby's dark hair back just because she could. Then she scooted back down next to Ryder to help him with the trickier parts of his drawing. It was turning into quite the impressive aquarium. Her professional brain couldn't help calculating what the cost of a place like this would run; to build this aquarium in reality, he might need to call in some favors with his sea god grandpa. But for a Saturday drawing session, it was perfect.
That was how Percy found them half an hour later when he got home. Annabeth and Ryder had the aquarium laid out across half the living room floor, all the different levels connected by walkways and tunnels (and a few slides).
"Whoa," he said, walking in and looking with surprise at the floor. "This looks cool."
"Daddy!" Ryder scrambled up and threw his arms around his dad's legs. Percy picked him up, swinging him in the air and Ryder laughed before telling him, "We is making aquarium!"
"Awesome." Percy kissed his son's cheek, then set him down. "Want to show it to me?"
"Yes!" Ryder hurried back over to his drawings and started shuffling them around again, trying to figure out the one he wanted to show his dad first.
Meanwhile, Kira had woken up with a squeal when she heard Percy's voice and was smiling at him around her pacifier, holding her arms out. Percy grinned and scooped her up, nuzzling his nose against hers, which made the baby clap her hands and made Annabeth pretty much melt into a puddle.
Percy sat down cross-legged on the floor beside Annabeth, bouncing Kira on his knee. Kira spit out her pacifier in order to suck on her fist, cooing contentedly. Ryder appeared in front of them, holding up two different pages and giving a very detailed explanation about these particular tanks and the awesome twisty water slide connecting them.
While their son talked, Annabeth pushed herself into a sitting position and kissed Percy's cheek.
"Hey," he told her quietly, turning to meet her eyes while Ryder was once again shuffling through papers, deciding on the next one to show.
"Hey, yourself." Annabeth patted his knee, right below where their baby was balanced on it. "How'd it go at your parents'?"
"It was good." Percy bounced Kira, who waved her hands cheerfully, one covered in drool. "Although I think I'm going to be pretty sore tomorrow. I told Mom and Paul that next time, I will be happy to cover the cost for them to have the delivery that includes movers who actually carry the furniture up the stairs."
When Annabeth laughed, Percy grinned. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, then asked, "How was your day?"
"Great," Annabeth admitted, holding out her finger for their daughter to grab. Kira squeezed it tightly, even as she continued to wave her hand up and down while Percy bounced her gently. "We hit the park, then came home to just hang out."
Percy smiled at her, the late afternoon sun highlighting the green in his eyes. "Sounds like a good day."
"It was." Since Ryder was back to laying on his stomach, working on a new drawing, tongue poking out adorably as he concentrated, Annabeth took the opportunity to give her husband a real kiss. "I'm glad you're home."
"Me too." Percy shifted the baby to his other knee, then slid his arm around Annabeth's waist, pulling her closer. "Home is a good place to be."
She nodded, laying her head on his shoulder, grateful for this moment with her family. "It definitely is."
* I don't know how to make the future fics not syrupy sweet—but I make no apologies! Even if this one turned out as fluffy as a blue pancake lol
This also feels like a good last prompt to finish up on—for now anyway I have a few other fanfic ideas I'm playing with, though, so no worries—there will be more stories coming this year. Got to do something to fill the PJO void now that the show is finished (and while we wait for Season Two!) and until Wrath of the Triple Goddess comes out.
Thanks as always to everyone for reading!*
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lcstinfantasy · 11 months
below the cut is a list of all the muses on this blog. some will have more information than others. this is a mixture of oc and canon characters.
hayley james - 18-30 - fc: bethany joy lenz - one tree hill
lydia martin - 23-33 - fc: holland roden - teen wolf
lucas scott- 18- 30-: fc: chad michael murray - one tree hill
brooke davis - 18-30 -  fc: sophia bush - one tree hill
stu matcher - 18-30 - fc: matthew lillard - scream (1996)
tatum riley - 18- 30 - fc: rose mcgowan - scream (1996)
Eli Hale - 18 - fc: Vince Mattis (son of derek hale and stiles stilinski) - teen wolf
john b routledge - 18-21- fc: chase stokes - outer banks
sarah cameron - 18-21 - fc: madelyn cline - outer banks
rafe cameron - 20-23 - fc: drew starkey - outer banks
steve harrington - 19/20 - fc: joe keery - stranger things
eddie munson - 20 - fc: joseph quinn - stranger things
nancy wheeler - 18 - fc: natalia dyer - stranger things
chrissy cunningham - 18 - fc: grace van dien  - stranger things
robin buckley - 18 - fc: maya hawke - stranger things
joyce byers - 44 - fc: winona ryder - stranger things
max mayfield - 15/16 - sadie sink - stranger things
Carol Perkins - 18/19 - fc: talia ryder - stranger things
jonathan byers - 18 - fc: charlie heaton - stranger things
tara carpenter - 19 - fc: jenna ortega - scream
sara carpenter - 25/26 - fc: melissa barrera - scream
ethan landry - 19 - fc: jack champion - scream
quinn bailey -19 - fc: liana liberato - scream
dom torretto -verse dependent - fc: vin diesel - fast and furious
jokob torretto - verse dependent -fc: john cena, young fc: finn cole - fast and furious
taylor jewel - 18 - fc: rain spencer - the summer i turned pretty
billy loomis - verse dependent - fc: skeet ulrich - scream (1996)
campbell eliot - 18-20 - fc: toby wallace - the society
sam eliot - 18-20 - fc: sean berdy - the society
allie pressman - 18-20 - fc: kathryn newton - the society
abel teller - 26 - fc: austin butler -soa
thomas teller - 22 - fc: finn cole -soa
isaac lahey - 19-33 - fc: daniel sharman - teen wolf
erica reyes - 19-33 - werewolf- sabrina carpenter
micheal jeffery lane • 28-40 (verse dependent) • fc: channing tatum - magic mike
sage thomspon -25- fc: madelyn cline - fandomless
juniper thomspon - 23 - fc: katie douglas - fandomless
hope whittemore - 18-23 - fc: zoe colletti - teen wolf
noah armstrong - 26 -fc: theo james -fandomless
eric armstrong - 22 - fc: chase stokes - not open to other rudy pankow fcs -fandomless
bree armstrong - 24 - fc: ella purnell -fandomless
katherine bell - 26 (300+ vampire) - fc: madelaine petsch -fandomless
elijah moran - 22 - fc: gavin casalegno - fandomless
ethan moran - 23 - fc: christopher briney -fandomless
naya gomez - 28 -fc:  priscilla quintana - teen wolf
matthew evans - 25 - fc: cody christian - teen wolf
daniel james - 24 - fc: daniel sharman- teen wolf
kendall floyd - 22-25 - fc: madison bailey - teen wolf
joseph taylor - 25-28- fc: daniel ezra- teen wolf
kira huges - 21-24 - fc: josephine langford- teen wolf
kai coleman  - 27-30 - fc:oliver stark - teen wolf
hanna pittman  - 20-23 - fc: samantha logan - teen wolf
miko young - 21-25 - fc: evan mock - fandomless
jasper wooley - 21-26 - fc: thomas doherty - fandomless
eden wolfe - 21-26 - fc: emily alyn lind - fandomless
sterling herrman - 21-27 - fc: jeremy allen white - fandomless
pete warner - 22-26 - fc: cameron monaghan - fandomless
dixie adams - 27-30 - fc: emmy rossum - fandomless
lily danberry - 21 (80 vampire) - fc: nina dobrev - tvd/teen wolf
julia danberry - 21 (80 werewolf) - fc: nina dobrev - tvd/teen wolf
nick danberry - 21 (80 witch) - fc: dylan o’brien - tvd/teen wolf
davina davidson - 24 - fc: danielle campbell - fandomless
hayley davidson - 28 - fc: phoebe tonkin - fandomless
madison lewis - 21-25 - fc: maddie phillips - ahs/teen wolf
russel lewis - 20-24 - fc: nolan gerard funk - ahs/teen wolf
talon lewis  - 19-23 - fc: melissa benoist- ahs/teen wolf
tatum lewis - 19-23 - fc: cody fern- ahs/teen wolf
dani sanchez - 24-26 - fc: alexa demie - fandomless
maya sanchez - 21-24 - fc: camila mendes - fandomless
celeste lovegood - 24-26 - fc: ana de armas- fandomless
samuel johnson - 23-25 - fc: jacob elordi - fandomless
paisley johnson - 25-29 - fc: victoria pedretti - fandomless
nate felix - 21-25 - fc: drew starkey - fandomless
andy darnell - 19-22 - fc: michael provost - fandomless
astrid sullivan - 20-25 - fc: sydney sweeney - fandomless
carter ramsey - 36 - fc: jensen ackles - fandomless
willow anderson - 19 - fc: alycia debnam-carey
ivy greene - 22 - fc: halston sage - outer banks
Nate Felix  stranger things verse
Dakota Roth - 28 - fc: bill skarsgård - stranger things 
wesley henson -  - fc: jonathan daviss - fandomless
roxanne roca - 28 - fc: camila morrone - fandomless
jolene devin cooper - 24 - fc: madison iseman - fandomless
colby ireland roberts - 24 - maia mitchell - fandomless
myles james boyce - 26 - alex roe - fandomless
kyro javier gomez - 23-26 - taylor zakhar perez - fandomless
Dalton Winter Richmann - 29 - josh hutcherson
Shepard Knight Richmann - 40 - hugh dancy
vincenza "vince" lucciano - 30 - Michele Morrone
wren nicole caruso - 42 - morena baccarin
james oliver alexander - 25 - william moseley
elinor brooke henderson - 19 - olivia welch
rowan grey - 20-30 -avan jogia
alfie reynolds - 24 - 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫
reign grey - 18-20 - lola  tung
dillon combs -19-25 - nicole wallace
gunner kyle hudson • 21-25 • college football • fc: brian altemus
ayla aslan • 23 • college student/royalty • fc: afra saracoglu
ariana "arie" berry • 22-24 • retail worker • fc: maia reficco
oliver 'ollie' greyson - pogue/bartender -18-24 - fc: julio pena
henley madison dinozzo - kook/honorary party girl - 19-25 - fc: adelaide kane
kaleb owens - 26 - ranch handler fc: noah lalonde
noah owens - 23 - ranch handler - fc: ashby gentry
luke owens - 40 - ranch handler - fc: nathan parsons
dallas marie archer - 23 - store clerk - fc: grace van patten
test muses/by request:
faye rainee munson -tba - alice pagani
asher poe munson - tba - belmont cameli
milo michael larson - tba - damian hardung
fallon marie larson - tba - angourie rice
declan felix larson - tba - corey fogelmanis
adeline blair cameron - tba - amalia williamson
davina claire - verse dependent - danielle campbell
tate langdon - verse dependent - evan peters
christopher mckay - 19-22- Algee Smith
dean winchester - verse dependent - jensen ackles
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ao3-feed-sterek · 11 months
The System
by BeaconHillsBound
With the unfair 'Master System, ' a large group of people is being objectified, and it's hard to trust anyone as everyone with any power is corrupt. Stiles is beside himself when it comes to auction day. The Hale-McCall Pack was able to get all of its members back. Stiles finds it hard not to fight for his independence.
Derek Hale has always wanted to be an Owner of an Omega, but tensions were high when they almost lost some of their own. Will Derek let Stiles express his individuality, or will he force him to submit as he wants to settle down?
Words: 954, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Honor Hale, Talia Hale, Derek Hale's Father, Kira Yukimura, Liam Dunbar, Ryder Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Laura Hale, Cora Hale, Malia Tate, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Ethan (Teen Wolf), Chris Argent, Original Hale Character(s) (Teen Wolf), Peter Hale, Gerard Argent, Victoria Argent, Kate Argent, Allison Argent, Eli Hale (Teen Wolf)
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall/Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey/Stiles Stilinski, Honor Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Ryder Stilinski/Isaac Lahey, Honor Hale/Jackson Whittemore
Additional Tags: Stiles Stilinski has a twin, Master/Slave, Master/Pet, Alpha/Omega, Omega Verse, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Sex, Rough Sex, Master Derek Hale, Breeding, Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Top Derek Hale/Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Hurt Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Loves Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Protective Derek Hale, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski are Eli Hale's Parents
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48716842
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doublel27 · 2 years
WIP asks game: Rules are as follows. post the barebones plot of your wips and let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them the most and then post a snippet/tell them something about it! then, tag as many people as you have wips!
Thanks for the tags @stereopticons @embeddedinmybrain @detectivecarlosreyes @reyescarlos @reyesstrand @detective-giggles @lilythesilly @ravens-wordsds
I see y’all and I am so glad y'all are interested in what I’ve got going on. I’ve got some time today and therefore my WIPS get some time (This is a "curated" list of what I can realistically think about. I regret everything):
911 LS:
3x14 Carlos Cow Eyes (it’s so close y’all)
Bodyguard AU
held me up when i was down (extended)
thinking about love or i still own the ghost of you
3x14 coffee
5+1 Loft
TK Gwyn conversations
Carlos and the PTA
3x13 Coda
Tk discovers the wigs
Strand Reyes family dinner
Canon Divergence Judd/Grace
Owen Phone Calls 
Judd Ryder: Girl Dad - Bullies
Schitt’s Creek:
Ted & Alexis Do a TikTok (S2/3 + Post Canon)
Olympics AU
6.12 Coda
Rose Video Meet Cute
Ted Alexis Door 
Tagging 19 (Yikes) Please feel no pressure to do this, especially if you've already done it or if the state of your WIPs cause you stress (Unlike Patrick Brewer, I don't want to cause any more stress to your day): @beautifulhigh @rmd-writes @marjansmarwani @morganaspendragonss @tailoredshirt @missgeevious @blackandwhiteandrose @reyeslonestar @mostlyinthemorning @weathereyehorizon @rafael-silva @lire-casander @maxbegone @kiras-sunshine @alilypea @djdangerlove @isastrxnd @sullymygoodname @moviegeek03
If you HAVE done this recently and still want asks on your fics, send me in that direction, and I will go do that quickly.
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emzchaos · 1 year
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Koala Bay High School - DETENTION!!
Mr. Greene: *Speechless* A llama? Kole: His name was STEVE. Mr. Greene: You got a llama and put it in Brindleton Bay High’s Private school? Jai: Yeah, did Mrs Harton not tell you about the llama? Mr. Greene: *Confused* I was not and now I understand the pool duty detention
Maxie: Romeo, you think Mum purposely left that detail out? Jai: I think she knew how he would react, when told him Maxie: *Smiles* Mama Kira knows us too well Jai: She does, Mr Greene though looks so shocked we pull that off Maxie: I can’t believe all we got is pool duty
Ryder: *Mumbles* This is worse than death.. Felix: You did some epic shit to get here Ryder: I stupidly followed.. What you do? Felix: Wore Black and was caught wagging and shit.
✨ 𝔅𝔢𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 | 𝔓𝔯𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 | 𝔑𝔢𝔵𝔱 ✨
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solesommerso · 2 years
☆ Character List ☆
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☆ S.W.A.T ☆
Jim Street
Hondo Harrelson
Chris Alonso
Victor Tan
Dominque Luca
Deacon Kay
Jessica Cortez
Nora Fowler
Erika Rogers
Donavan Rocker
Zoe Powell
Alexis Cabrera
Miguel Alfaro
Nate Warren
Molly Hicks
☆ Supernatural ☆
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
☆ Criminal Minds ☆
Aaron Hotchner
Sean Hotchner
Jennifer Jareau
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Emily Prentiss
David Rossi
Ashley Seaver
Alex Blake
Luke Alvez
Tara Lewis
Matthew Simmons
Kristy Simmons
☆ Chicago pd ☆
Jay Halstead
Dante Torres
Hank Voight
Kim Burgess
Kevin Atwater
Adam Ruzek
Hailey Upton
Vanessa Rojas
☆ Chicago Med ☆
Sarah Reese
Noah sexton
Crockett Marcel
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead
☆ 911 / 911 LS ☆
Maddie Buckley
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
May Grant
Carlos Reyes
TK Strand
Mateo Chavez
Marjan Marwani
Nancy Gillian
Judd Ryder
Grace Ryder
☆ Teen Wolf ☆
Derek Hale
Malia Hale
Scott McCall
Melissa McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Allison Argent
Kira Yukirma
Theo Raeken
☆ OC’s ☆
Cameron [Cam] Torres - find moodboard/info here
- unless specifically stated otherwise, all of these characters can be shipped with reader and/or with other characters, poly ships encouraged
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xinthesewallsx · 2 years
below the cut is a list of all the muses on this blog. some will have more information than others. this is a mixture of oc and canon characters.
caleb danvers -- 20  - fc: steven strait
hayley james - 20 - fc: bethany joy lenz
lydia martin - 20 - fc: holland roden
lucas scott- 20 -: fc: chad michael murray 
brooke davis - 20 -  fc: sophia bush
stu matcher - 18-25 - fc: matthew lillard
tatum riley - 18- 25 - fc: rose mcgowan
Eli Hale - 18 - fc: Vince Mattis (son of derek hale and stiles stilinski)
john b routledge - 18/19- fc: chase stokes
sarah cameron - 18/19 - fc: madelyn cline
rafe cameron - 20/21 - fc: drew starkey
steve harrington - 19/20 - fc: joe keery
eddie munson - 20 - fc: joseph morgan
nancy wheeler - 18 - fc: natalia dyer
chrissy cunningham - 18 - fc: grace van dien 
robin buckley - 18 - fc: maya hawke
joyce byers - 44 - fc: winona ryder
max mayfield - 15/16 - sadie sink
Carol Perkins - 18/19 - fc: talia ryder
jonathan byers - 18 - charlie heaton
tara carpenter - 19 - jenna ortega
sara carpenter - 25/26 - melissa barrera
ethan landry - 19 - jack champion
quinn bailey -19 - liana liberato
sage thomspon -23- fc: madelyn cline - fandomless
juniper thomspon - 21 - fc: katie douglas - fandomless
hope whittemore - 18-20 - fc: zoe colletti - teen wolf
noah armstrong - 26 -fc: theo james -fandomless
eric armstrong - 22 - fc: chase stokes - not open to other rudy panckow fcs -fandomless
bree armstrong - 20/21 - fc: ella purnell -fandomless
katherine bell - 23 (300+ vampire) - fc: madelaine petsch -fandomless
elijah moran - 22 - fc: gavin casalegno - fandomless
ethan moran - 23 - fc: christopher briney -fandomless
naya gomez - 26 -fc:  priscilla quintana - teen wolf
matthew evans - 23 - fc: cody christian - teen wolf
daniel james - 22 - fc: daniel sharman- teen wolf
kendall floyd - 22-25 - fc: madison bailey - teen wolf
joseph taylor - 25-25 - fc: daniel ezra- teen wolf
kira huges - 21-24 - fc: josephine langford- teen wolf
kai coleman  - 27-30 - fc: brant daughtrey - teen wolf
hanna pittman  - 20-23 - fc: samantha logan - teen wolf
jenny lane - 25-27 - fc: holland roden - teen wolf
miko young - 21-25 - fc: evan mock - fandomless
jasper wooley - 21-26 - fc: thomas doherty - fandomless
eden wolfe - 21-26 - fc: emily alyn lind - fandomless
sterling herrman - 21-27 - fc: jeremy allen white - fandomless
pete warner - 22-26 - fc: cameron monaghan - fandomless
dixie adams - 27-30 - fc: emmy rossum - fandomless
lily danberry - 21 (80 vampire) - fc: nina dobrev - tvd/teen wolf
julia danberry - 21 (80 werewolf) - fc: nina dobrev - tvd/teen wolf
nick danberry - 21 (80 witch) - fc: dylan o’brien - tvd/teen wolf
davina davidson - 21 - fc: danielle campbell - fandomless
hayley davidson - 23 - fc: phoebe tonkin - fandomless
madison lewis - 21-25 - fc: maddie phillips - ahs/teen wolf
russel lewis - 20-24 - fc: nolan gerard funk - ahs/teen wolf
talon lewis  - 19-23 - fc: melissa benoist- ahs/teen wolf
tatum lewis - 19-23 - fc: cody fern- ahs/teen wolf
dani sanchez - 24-26 - fc: alexa demie - fandomless
maya sanchez - 21-24 - fc: camila mendes - fandomless
celeste lovegood - 24-26 - fc: lily rose depp - fandomless
samuel johnson - 23-25 - fc: jacob elordi - fandomless
paisley johnson - 25-29 - fc: victoria pedretti - fandomless
nate felix - 21-25 - fc: drew starkey - fandomless
andy darnell - 19-22 - fc: michael provost - fandomless
astrid sullivan - 19-23 - fc: sydney sweeney - fandomless
daphine myers - 24-26 fc: erin moriarty - fandomless
carter ramsey - 36 - fc: jensen ackles - fandomless
willow anderson - 19 - fc: sadie sink - not sure if shipping will be available yet
jack riley - 22 - fc:froy gutierrez
ivy greene - 22 - fc: halston sage
Nate Felix  stranger things verse
Mercedes Butler - 25-27- fc: priscilla quintana 
James Harrington - 20 -  fc: luke benward
Dakota Roth - 28 - fc: bill skarsgård 
Oliver Harrington-Munson - 19 - fc: froy gutierrez
Caetlin Dax - 18 - fc: emily rudd
wesley henson -  - fc: jonathan daviss
roxanne roca - 28 - fc: camila morrone
jolene devin cooper - 24 - fc: madison iseman
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infinatenoise · 3 months
I'm actually gonna try and write something this year, and I'm gonna put some of the main characters here!
These characters have been going around my head since last year, and my blog name is actually from the original name of the series I first put these characters in!
I made the designs on this picrew!
Roy Bracherwill:
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The main character!
Very sad man!
Killed so many people
Some of them didn't deserve it
Needs therapy
Thalia Steel:
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The nicest person!
Does not deserve what happened to her!
Wanted to be a racecar driver!
Was a racecar driver!
Accidents happen.
Edvin Ryder:
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Roy's best friend!
Petty thief with a cool motif!
Died alone.
He got better though!
Kira Volkyov:
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Emotionally distant
Former Russian spy
Current gang member
Needs to keep those glasses on. Or else.
Naoki Taylor:
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Half Japanese, half British!
Was in a biker gang!
His brother is a little strange!
"Angel of divine judgement"!
Might make another one with the villains if I feel like it idk
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thechaosmuses · 4 months
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Below the cut is a list of all my canon characters, from every fandom, organized by such. I figured I would go ahead and put this up, as well as an oc muse one, for my oc and canon starters so that way it's easier for y'all to see who is included without going to every separate muse list.
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The Vampire Diaries
Freya Celeste Mikaelson Elijah Daniel Mikaelson Niklaus Ryder Mikaelson Kolton Nathaniel Mikaelson Henrik Alexander Mikaelson Hope Andrea Mikaelson Malachai Silas Parker Olivia Mae Parker Silas Xavier Salvatore Damon Luca Salvatore Stefan Lance Salvatore Jeremiah Steven Gilbert Katherine Maria Pierce Qetsiyah Zione Bennett Bonnie Sheila Bennett Marcel Leon Gerard Hayley Jane Marshall Elizabeth Anne Forbes Josette Olivia Saltzman Ryan Nicholas Clarke Landon Maxwell Kirby Aurora Violet De Martel Aiden Matthew Lawrence Tyler James Lockwood Alexia Rae Branson Sebastian Killian Jones Milton Gabriel Greasley Benjamin James Kenson Lorenzo James St. John Vincent Keith Griffith Sean Kieran O'Connell Lucien Maverick Castle TEST MUSES Dorian Lee Williams Sophie Danielle Deveraux Monique Marie Deveraux Evangeline Amaya Sinclair Inadu Tayen Labonair Rafael Alexander Waithe Finch Taylor Tarrayo Cleo Ada Sowande Penelope Eden Park Jade Ivy Young
Jake Holden Riley Katie Selene Frank Jana Christine Mayfield Teresa Violet Keaton
Teen Wolf
Mieczyslaw Noah Stilinski Scott Gregorio McCall Christopher Henry Argent Allison Artemis Argent Lydia Sophia Martin Jackson William Whittemore Derek Samuel Hale Cora Avery Hale Camden Matthew Lahey Isaac Michael Lahey Vernon Dallas Boyd Danny Keahu Mahealani Malia Elizabeth Tate Kira Jade Yukimura Theodore Christian Raeken Jordan Tyler Parrish Aiden Jacob Steiner Mason Cade Hewitt Brett Lee Talbot Garrett Cole Williams Nolan Andrew Holloway Bobby Adam Finstock Marin Sophia Morrell Braeden Valerie Bardot Deucalion Damien Hemming
Dean Michael Winchester Castiel James Novak Claire Grace Novak Jack Kellan Kline Gadreel Dustin Ward Rowena Jane MacLeod Fergus Roderick MacLeod Belphegor
DC Comics
Bartholomew Henry Allen Nora Francine West-Allen Bart Joseph West-Allen Sara Caitlin Lance Dionysus Arbios Kara Aileen Danvers Winslow Jordan Schott Jr. Clark Joseph Kent Mon-El Lar Gand Querl Dox Music Meister Harleen Frances Quinzel Pamela Lillian Isley
Joaquin Miguel Torres Peter Django Maximoff Pietro Django Maximoff Wanda Marya Maximoff James Buchanan Barnes (pre-serum and super soldier) Steven Grant Rogers (pre-serum and super soldier) Michelle Julia Jones-Watson Peter Benjamin Parker Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy Peter Benjamin Parker Jonathan Spencer Storm Kate Bishop Natalia Alianovna Romanova Yelena Fyodorovna Belova Brunnhilde Valkyrie Loki Laufeyson Stephanie Grace Rogers (genderbent steve) Jamie Belladonna Barnes (genderbent bucky) Samantha Trinity Wilson (genderbent sam) Theodosia Audra Odinsdottir (genderbent thor) Lady Loki Laufeyson (genderbent loki)
Stranger Things
Jonathan Ross Byers Nancy Diana Wheeler Steven Michael Harrington Robin Rae Buckley Edward Joseph Munson Argyle Eduardo Diaz Jane Eleanor Hopper Dustin Jace Henderson Lucas Charles Sinclair Maxine Elizabeth Mayfield
Nicholas Sean Miller Winston Saint-Marie Schmidt Reagan Marie Lucas Leonardo Winston Hamato Michelangelo Chandler Hamato Samuel Nicholas Drake King Benjamin Florian
Athena Grant Howard Han Henrietta Wilson Maddison Juliet Buckley Evan Jones Buckley Edmundo Anthony Diaz
Book Babes
Major Jay Kitahara Lieutenant Lorelai Cathwell Sergeant Major Alary Johann Corporal Erik Mendel Devin Nesta Archeron Elain Archeron Feyre Archeron Rhysand Darling Azriel Cassian Amren Morrigan Gwyneth Berdara Eris Sargon Vanserra Lucien Vanserra Helion Luciano Meridian Tamlin Avri Desrosiers Thesan Addae Koitla Viviane Anera Agnarrson
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jaemeera · 8 months
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Chapter 01
Kedua pintu itu—pintu kamar mandi dan kamar dorm—terbuka secara bersamaan. Saagar keluar dari kamar mandi, sedangkan Jordan masuk ke dalam kamar. Keduanya secara otomatis saling bertatapan setelah tak sengaja buka pintu secara bersamaan. Saagar tampak terkejut saat ia lihat Jordan yang berdiri di seberangnya dengan wajah yang memar sambil menenteng sepatu putih, hanya sebelah.
“Ini sepatu lu,” ucap Jordan mengangkat sepatu itu dengan senyum bangganya, seolah baru saja menyelamatkan dunia.
“Muka lu kenapa?” Saagar bertanya, tak hiraukan sepatu yang Jordan tunjukkan padanya. Ia hampiri lelaki itu, ingin lihat memar yang penuhi wajah Jordan dengan lebih jelas. “Muka lu kenapa memar gini? Lu abis ribut sama siapa?” Saagar kembali bertanya, tampak khawatir setelah lihat memar itu lebih dekat.
“Ryder,” jawab Jordan singkat. Ia kembali mengangkat sepatu di tangannya, kali ini lebih naik supaya Saagar melihatnya. “Ini sepatu lu, udah ketemu.”
“Taruh dulu sepatunya,” pinta Saagar. “Itu bibir lu berdarah, Dan, obatin dulu.” Katanya, setelah baru sadar kalau ujung bibir Jordan terdapat luka.
“Makasihnya mana?” Tanya Jordan, tampak tak perduli dengan Saagar yang khawatirkan lukanya.
“Entar dulu, itu nggak penting. Sekarang obatin dulu luka di bibir lu, gua nggak tega liatnya.” Saagar tarik lengan Jordan, hendak membawa lelaki itu menuju kamar mandi. Namun dengan cepat Jordan tarik kembali lengannya hingga terlepas dari genggaman Saagar.
“Nggak penting lu bilang? Lu kira karena apa muka gua memar kayak gini? Itu karena sepatu lu, anjing!” Ucap Jordan dengan tatapan tajamnya. Kemudian ia lempar sepatu di tangannya ke lantai dengan kasar, “makan tuh sepatu! Bilang makasih doang susah amat!”
Saagar hanya pandangi Jordan yang kini berjalan melewatinya, masuk ke dalam kamar mandi, lalu menutup pintu itu dengan kencang hingga terdengar suara yang cukup keras. Maksud gua nggak gitu, Dan. Anjing, lah. Batin Saagar mengumpat.
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