#(he'll only cry to express compassion to someone else but)
Do you think in a scenario where if it was Toph or Sokka or Zuko (less compassionate people than Katara) who wanted to venture and avenge their murdered mother, Aang would tell him/her the exact same thing he told Katara? That forgiveness is the only way to heal?
Yes, because:
1 - That was still what Aang believed to be an universal truth about forgiveness/healing, until Katara managed to find closure without it, which he respected. It's still how he, personally goes about it.
2 - Aang is still a pacifist. He's not gonna support murder. It's just not gonna happen. Doesn't mean he'll immediately hate the guts of anyone who disagrees with him or has killed in the past, but it is still his world-view.
3 - Aang is a compassionate character that felt empathy for the prince that was chasing him around the world and for the man that literally told him he and his people didn't deserve to live and were weak. If he sees someone SO hurt that they think they need to kill to deal with it, he IS gonna step in and try to help them see that isn't the answer. It doesn't matter if it's his crush, one of his friends, an ally, an enemy, a stranger - Aang is not the person to just ignore the signs that someone is basically crying for help.
4 - The characters you mentioned, Sokka, Toph and Zuko, are his friends. Aang is gonna speak frankly to his friends, especially if he believes they're making a big mistake that they'll regret.
5 - The characters you mentioned are NOT less compassionate than Katara. They express it differently because of their personalities and life-experiences, but they still feel it as intensely, that's why they're heroes.
Sokka was the first to notice something was off about Jet because he was reacting with far too much violence and hostility, and while he wanted to stick to the schedules and avoid unnecessary risks, he was always proud of Katara stepping up to help people and often JOINED her in the efforts because he could see she was right.
Toph warms up to Zuko almost as fast as Aang did, and still wants to give him a chance even after he confessed to sending an assassin after them AND accidentally burned her feet.
And yes, Zuko did plenty of awful, selfish things that hurt people on a personal and societal scale - but we gotta remember that even with a lifetime of indoctrination as well as physical abuse and being kicked out of his home for daring to question a cruel "strategy" (or the betrayal and murder of loyal soldiers who love and protect the very people that are sending to die, as Zuzu so kindly put) he STILL ended up on the right side eventually, fighting to save the innocent. The very fact that he constantly had to have his compassion for others beaten out of him already shows that he has PLENTY of it and would likely never lose it completely because caring for others is a core part of who he is as a person.
Forcing themselves to be comfortable with the thought of having to kill someone because it's necessary does not mean lack of compassion. Being suspicious of people who might want to hurt them is not lack of compassion. Being child soldiers that are doing their best to deal with an awful, unfair world that is out to get them is not lack of compassion.
Even WANTING to kill after being pushed too far is not a inherent lack of compassion - Katara and Aang themselves were both pushed to that point.
So yes, Aang would still give the same advice if we replaced Katara with literally anyone else on the planet during that scene. The only difference is that I don't see Aang giving anyone but her permission to take Appa - the animal guide that he has a deep spiritual bond with, and that is one of the last surviving pieces of his culture of PACIFISTS - on a trip with the goal of killing someone.
But he allowed Katara to do it. Because he has that much faith that, at the end of the day, she will be able to do what is right in general AND what is right for herself without him having to play a part in it.
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sozotohakai · 5 years
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been cheated on | been bullied | told a horrible lie | stolen something of value | overdosed on drugs | been drunk | passed out | cheated | bullied | punched someone in the face | been beaten up | broken a bone | been admitted to a hospital | had a near-death experience | been drugged | done drugs | smoked | kissed someone you weren’t attracted to | bled severely | killed someone (not quite “killing” but Akumas) | had an attempt on your life | made an attempt on your own life (indirectly, when he was in shock over Mana’s death) | lost someone | loved someone (platonically) | gone without food for over three days | gone without sleep for over three days (i’d say that probably happened) | been tortured (I think at least his first encounter with Tyki can count, and a few of the Akumas he fought were vicious, and oh, Road) | been slapped by a parent or higher up | been abused by someone who should have loved you | had a panic attack | been in a car accident | had sex | had sex with a stranger | passed out from pain | cried yourself to sleep | spent a whole day in bed | hurt yourself (indirectly or not consciously) | taken your anger out on yourself (probably at some point, something like punching a wall, or self blame) | taken your anger out on someone you love | been used | felt used | used | been terrified | played a cruel game on someone | been dominant | been submissive | been forced to smile | been misgendered | felt too many things at once | laughed when you felt like crying
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been cheated on | been bullied | told a horrible lie (kind of, his biggest lie is acting as if he really just want to kill the other Noahs) | stolen something of value | overdosed on drugs | been drunk | passed out | cheated | bullied | punched someone in the face | been beaten up | broken a bone | been admitted to a hospital | had a near-death experience | been drugged | done drugs | smoked | kissed someone you weren’t attracted to | bled severely | killed someone | had an attempt on your life | made an attempt on your own life | lost someone | loved someone | gone without food for over three days (probably, especially when on the run) | gone without sleep for over three days (possibly while on the run) | been tortured | been slapped by a parent or higher up | been abused by someone who should have loved you | had a panic attack | been in a car accident | had sex | had sex with a stranger | passed out from pain | cried yourself to sleep | spent a whole day in bed | hurt yourself | taken your anger out on yourself (probably did at some point) | taken your anger out on someone you love | been used | felt used | used | been terrified | played a cruel game on someone | been dominant | been submissive | been forced to smile | been misgendered | felt too many things at once | laughed when you felt like crying
tagged by: @crowleiii (thanks!) tagging: @weiwuxiian @forlorninquiry @xueyaang @illusiive @xiianzi @ask-cross-marian @avellaturortem @shensheng-aoman @asasiyyun @manadcampbellrpblog @crystallizecrimsonbutterfly @skyfullofashes if you want to, and anyone else who wants to!
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the-fangirl-way · 5 years
3: Blush
I stood there in shock, my mind racing, my heart trying to beat its way out of my chest.
"H-Harry, what..what are you doing here?" I finally asked, my mouth catching up with my mind.
"I got bailed out." He said casually as if we were talking about the weather rather than how he had gotten out of prison.
"Bailed out? Your bail bond was set at two hundred thousand.." I said and he nodded.
"My father bailed me out, are you going to let me inside?"
"Wha- I don't think that's a good idea-" I started but he pushed past me inside the apartment.
"It's freezing out there." He said plopping down on the couch.
"Nice place."
"Harry you can't just be here, in my apartment, I could get in trouble.. Oh God." I said realizing at any minute Tristan would arrive and there was no telling how he'd react to finding Harry in my apartment.
"Relax, I'm just here to talk." He said crossing his ankle over his leg.
"Harry no really, you can't be here." I emphasized and at that moment the door buzz went off again.
"Are you expecting company?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Who is it?"
I ignored him and pushed the button.
"Uh, hold on one second." I said into the speaker.
"Avery? Everything alright?" Tristans voice asked and Harry's expression changed from a smirk to an irritated glare.
"Officer Dick Head? You invited him here?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. "Oh my God, are you two fucking?" He asked then and I widened my eyes.
"Harry! That's none of your business! You've got to go!" I said grabbing his wrist to pull him up but he protested.
"No, I want to stay, thank you."
"Well you can't stay!" I said irritated.
"You've got to- oh you can't go down stairs he'll see you! Hide in my bedroom!" I said pushing him to the stairs.
"You've got to be fucking kidding." Harry protested irritably.
"No Harry I'm not, you hide and I'll get rid of him." I said and in a flash his expression changed from irritated to cocky again.
"Okay." He agreed before retreating up the stairs.
My heart was pounding wildly and I couldn't control my breathing.
What the hell was I going to do?
Thinking quickly I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, ruffled my clothes and grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around myself.
"Come up." I said weakly into the buzzer and within seconds I heard a knock on the door.
"Tristan." I said opening the door and instantly felt like the worst person on the entire planet.
He was dressed in a nice button up dress shirt, a pair of nice jeans and boots. His five o'clock shadow was shaved and he was holding a bottle of wine with a ribbon around it in one hand, and a bag of takeout in the other.
"Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes filling with concern.
I wanted to go upstairs and punch Harry in the jaw for doing this to me, ruining my night with Tristan.
"I- I think I'm coming down with something, I've been throwing up all evening." I lied, hoping it sounded convincing enough.
His face dropped and I instantly felt a million times worse.
"I'm so sorry, I was going to call you about five minutes before you showed up." I said trying to sound sincere.
"No, it's fine. I understand, you can't help being sick." He said dismissingly.
"I really am sorry. I'll call you tomorrow?" I offered and he smiled a small smile.
"Sure, yeah, okay."
I reached up and kissed him on the cheek lightly.
"Goodnight." I said before closing the door, looking at his sad expression made me feel like the worst person in the world.
"That was touching." I heard Harry's voice from behind me, causing me to jump, he was leaned up against the doorframe smirking at me.
"I should kick your ass for that." I said and he laughed.
"Or you could kiss my ass.." He said flirty and I rolled my eyes.
"Why the hell are you here Harry?"
"I told you, I got bailed out." He said reinstating what he had already told me.
"Yeah, I got that. But why are you here?" I asked and he was silent.
"Harry seriously we are not in an interrogation, and I can call the police for you just showing up and inviting yourself in my house." I said, my voice more steady than I felt.
"I got evicted from my apartment." He said averting his gaze from my face.
"Okay? So go to your Mother's or your sisters or-"
"No one knows I'm out except my dad and I'd like to keep it that way." He said sternly and I sighed exasperated.
"Well then go stay with him."
"I would like to, only he told me I can't stay with him because he doesn't want a felon in his house the prick." He mumbled and a pang of guilt settled in to me but there was no way in hell he could stay here.
"That sucks, but you can't stay here, I've got a roommate."
"Ah yes, the spunky raven haired nurse." He said and I raised an eyebrows.
"How do you know that?" I asked warily.
"Relax. I got out this morning and saw you two coming out of Wahaca. I wasn't going to approach you on the street." He said walking over to take a seat on the couch again.
"How did you know where to find me?" I asked then.
"The lady at the library desk told me. What was her name, Doris was it? She was quite hesitant to give up your information when she saw me."
"You were following me?" I asked and he shrugged.
"I wanted to talk to you, but I knew you'd probably make a scene like you are now." He said gesturing to me.
"How am I supposed to believe you?" I asked cocking an eyebrow.
"Believe me, don't believe me, I don't really care." He said annoyed, turning his attention to the tv.
"Harry.." I said agitated, taking a seat on the couch, making sure to keep a good distance between him and myself.
"Save it. I came to talk to you about Langston." He said and my that held my attention.
"Now you wanna talk?"
"I'm not being surveillanced and video taped now.. am I?" He asked looking around the apartment warily.
"What do you think I videotape all of my guests and watch it back?" I asked and he shrugged, I rolled my eyes.
"So tell me." I urged.
Harry shifted in his seat to look at me, his expression going from slightly annoyed and smirking to serious in a matter of seconds. His emerald eyes locked on mine.
"You have to swear you won't tell." He started and my heart sped up again.
"Harry I'm a detective I-"
"Swear to it or I won't tell you a thing and I'll leave."
I wanted to know so badly why he had done what he'd done, but sitting here now in this moment I didn't feel prepared at all to find out the truth. And on top of that I couldn't tell Callahan, or record it, or they would file it on Harry depending on the information and possibly arrest him again, and then I would be his target. Harry was a pretty easy going person most of the time, but the fact alone that he had tried to kill someone made my skin crawl with fear of what he would do to me if I told.
"I swear." I whispered and he stared at me a minute before looking satisfied enough to begin.
"Wesley Langston was my sister's boyfriend." He started and I felt myself gasp before I could stop it.
"But, in the interview-"
"She didn't tell anyone except me. Our Mother didn't even know, hell she probably wouldn't have told me if I hadn't found her-" He stopped, his eyes leaving focus, his mind wandering to something in his memory.
"Harry.." I mumbled bringing him back to reality.
"He was an English major at her college, he had graduated two years before her and he was there for the study abroad program." He said and I nodded, urging him to continue.
"They started dating for about two months, she didn't tell any of us I guess because she didn't know where things were going to go and she didn't want him to meet the family and all that jazz if things didn't work.."
"One night she didn't come home, she always came home around midnight or so, she'd say she was out with friends when she was really with him. So that night when she didn't come home I went looking for her. None of her friends had seen her, I panicked worrying if something had happened to her so I called her cell phone. She answered and lied and told me she was at a friend of her's house but I knew that was a lie because I had already been there so I made her tell me where she was, threatening to get the police involved." He stopped, looking down at his hands.
"She was at a hotel, he was already gone when I got there, and I swear if he had of been there I would have killed him." He said through his teeth, I could see him seething, trying to calm himself thinking of the memory.
"What happened Harry?" I asked quietly.
"She was laying on the bed wrapped up in the blanket, she was crying and begging me not to tell mom. She had scattered bruises all over her face, her lip was busted open and bleeding, there was a gash over her eye that was bleeding.."
Harry quit talking, I could see the small tears pricking up in the corners of his eyes, he quickly thumbed them away.
"I took her to the hospital and they sewed the wound above her eye, I told her I would call the police but she begged me not to, begged me not to tell anyone about it and to leave it alone but she knew I couldn't do that, but at the time I promised her. We were released and she stayed with me for a few days until her face healed, we told our Mother that she was staying with me to clean my apartment and spend time with me, and when she asked about the stitches we told her she fell and hit her head on an end table, Mom never questioned it, Gemma had always been clumsy.." He said, this was the first smile he displayed, it was small, but visible. His eyes were puffy from the tears.
"After that, I sought out to find the bastard and do what he had done to my sister, only I knew it wouldn't do me any good except land me in jail, so I decided if I was going to go to jail for something I would make sure he'd never bother her again.." He said finishing his spew and I sat quietly, it was a lot to take in. I couldn't quite place the feeling inside of me, it wasn't pity or disgust, it was something along the lines of compassion. I would never condole killing anyone else but I knew deep down inside my heart that if that had been my sister, or Devlin I would have done the same thing.
Harry sat motionless for a few minutes and the nurturing side of me came out before I could stop myself, I scooted closer and placed my hand on his arm.
"I wish you would have told me before." I said and his gaze transfigured from the floor to me.
"I couldn't, I made a promise to my sister I wouldn't tell anyone."
"Yeah but Harry-"
"No." He cut me off.
"I promised. If I had told you, you would have gotten Gemma and my mother involved and neither of them need to be involved in what I've done, or didn't do." He said, his jaw clenching and unclenching.
I didn't say anything, instead sat still looking at Harry.
He looked a million times better than he since yesterday, the color in his face was starting to come back. His hair had been trimmed and was clean, I wondered if he had taken me up on my suggestion to get a good shower, I assumed he had by the clean clothes he was wearing.
All in all he looked.. good, considering. And he smelled good.
He smelled like irish spring or something masculine mixed with a subtle hint of mint. It was quite the intoxicating smell, but I wheeled myself away from the thought immediately, dangerous territory.
Finally after what seemed like ages I spoke.
"Harry, you can't stay here, I'm sorry but you can't."
He didn't argue or even look upset he just shrugged.
"I didn't think so."
"I'm sorry, if it weren't for the circumstances."
"Save it again, I get it." He said standing up and stretching.
"I'll be fine."
He headed for the door and I followed to see him out.
I opened the door and he stepped out in the hallway turning back to look at me.
"See you soon, Avery." He said, the tone of his voice sent unfamiliar chills down my spine but I brushed them off.
"Harry." I mumbled and watched him walk away down the hallway and board the elevator before I could breathe evenly again.
I quickly shut the door and deadbolted it, my heart racing and my mind matching.
Devlin returned home sometime after midnight, she had changed out of her scrubs and was wearing a nice dress and heels.
"You're still up?" She asked when she stepped inside and noticed me curled up on the couch with my laptop.
"Yes?" I questioned and she sized me up.
"Your hair is up, you're not wearing makeup, and you're in your pajamas, I'm guessing Lennon didn't show up?"
I thought seriously about telling Devlin what had happened with Harry but decided against it, if she knew she would probably have a conniption and call the police.
"He got called into work." I lied and she nodded believing me.
"How was your night?" I asked shifting the conversation away from my night and its endeavors.
"It was...good actually. Dr. Stevens took me to this really nice Japanese restaurant and a movie." She said smiling.
"Oh yeah? What movie?"
"The one with Kate Beckinsale and Jonah Hill."
"Oh yeah, how was it?" I asked and a cheeky grin broke out on her face.
"I don't know."
"You dog!" I said laughing and she giggled.
"I know, making out in a movie theater how juvenile am I i?"
"As long as you're happy Dev, I'm happy."
"I am really happy, Eric is a great guy. Now we both have good men." She said and I nodded, my stomach feeling in knots knowing I had blown off Tristan for Harry tonight.
"Well I'm going to bed, see you in the morning?" Devlin offered and I nodded, she gave me a quick hug and headed up the stairs to bed.
I flipped off the tv and decided to head to bed myself, I'd had enough excitement for one night.
When I got upstairs I checked my phone before plugging it in.
From: Tristan
Hope you're feeling better, call you tomorrow?
I sighed knowing that I had blown him off for stupid Harry showing up. I quickly texted back.
Sounds good, goodnight.
I laid down in bed and before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep.
I dreamt of emerald eyes and inky tattoos.
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