#(i changed him in the first tag from a plain tortilla chip to a lightly salted one. for u)
syn0vial · 1 year
me, incredibly apathetic towards jedi but always happy when clones get nice things, whenever codywan content crosses my dash:
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 7 years
Something You've Forgotten (Part3)
Tag List: @xx-thedarklord-xx @rmh8402 @drarryismymuse @dewitty1 @lumos394 @markedplaces @pressedflowersandvinyl @whatisthisthingcalledlife @malec4everr @maqicool @just-a-flicker-of-hope
[Two uploads today but only because I needed in my heart of hearts to get this fluff out. Enjoy! Hopefully!]
“A picnic, Potter?” Draco asked in disbelief, shaking his head slowly. He watched Potter’s face fall before clearing his throat and mumbling, “Harry,” to correct himself. He then proceeded to watch Potter inflate once again, practically bouncing over toward him. He tried not to let it amuse him how quickly Potter’s mood could shift with such a simple thing.
“I know we can’t leave the hospital or anything, but I brought your favourite food. And it’s in a wicker basket, so it counts, right?” Potter chuckled, laying the basket on Draco’s legs as he started walking around the bed to grab and move a table closer. Draco lifted one side of the basket, peeking in to see different foods wrapped in white paper, tilting his head as a delicious smell that had been previously trapped inside the basket wafted out. His stomach growled loudly and Potter chuckled again, Draco curling in on himself and pouting as a response.
“What is it?” He finally asked after Potter had managed to maneuver a square white table to rest against his beside table to his right, picking up the basket and placing it on the table. He watched as Potter grinned, though didn’t answer, moving to grab the rolling stool and pushed it toward the table. The rolling sound filled the air, and the stool slid under the table before crashing into the bedside table, causing everything on top to wiggle slightly. Both boys began laughing, Draco shaking his head at the idiotic move. “Really, Pot- Harry. What are you doing?”
“Having lunch with my boyfriend.” Potter replied easily, reaching under the table to slide the stool back out, sitting and beginning to open the basket and pull some wrapped foods out. “Rather, a picnic with him.”
“Potter, you can’t just come waltzing in here with me not having any memory and assume that we’re still together, if we even were at one point.” This caused Potter to freeze immediately, eyes widened and staring at the wall ahead of him. Draco wiggled slightly, uncomfortable with the quick atmospheric change. Potter slowly set what he had in his hands down, rubbing his palms against the thighs of his blue jeans.
“Alright,” Potter began slowly, quietly, before glancing up and eyeing Draco. “I get it. This must be awkward for you.” Draco rolled his eyes, glancing away and hoping the blush he felt wasn’t showing. “I won’t ask you to accept me as your boyfriend. It took long enough the first time for you to accept it.” Draco furrowed his brow, pursing his lips slightly and turning his head farther away from Potter. “But…” A silence fell over them once more, smothering them. Draco cleared his throat, not a fan of long pauses before rolling his eyes and glaring at him.
“Finish your sentence Potter.”
“Only if you call me Harry.” He retorted, narrowing his eyes slightly in a challenge toward Draco. Draco drew in a breath, considering his options. Though, Draco had to admit that he always was a curious one.
“Finish your sentence, Harry,” Draco said quietly, watching as something seemed to click in the boy, his eyes brightening considerably.
“Would you like to go on a lunch date with me, Draco?” This caused a pause in his thought process. Draco blinked a few times, shook his head, and ended up glancing between the food on the table and Potter.
“What- you mean right now?”
“Yes.” His answer was confident and firm, and Draco could tell he was being watched closely. Draco squirmed again, glancing away and trying to will the butterflies in his stomach to stop their nonsense.
“Why?” Draco asked quietly, insecurities bubbling up in his throat as he tried to quash those feelings down as well. He did not want to show any signs of weakness in front of this boy.
“Because I love you.” Draco jumped, glancing quickly toward Potter, startled.
“What- Wha-”
“Just say yes, Draco. I have all the food here already.” Potter grinned, reaching forward and unwrapping a weird greasy food that look like way too much cheese stuffed into a tortilla. “Bribing is okay, right?” Draco narrowed his eyes slightly, his gaze shifting between the food and Potter’s face.
“This, right here, is my favourite?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. Potter just chuckled in response, nodding shortly. Draco sighed, shaking his head and reaching out to grab it.
“Fine, Harry. I accept your date proposal.�� He watched out of the corner of his eye as Potter sagged in relief, grinning madly and reaching in to get the rest of the food. Draco eyed his own in his hand, sneering at the greasy thing, though his mind wasn’t really on it as the words ‘Because I love you’ played in his head over and over.
“Oh, just take a bite of it, Draco.” Potter insisted, unwrapping his own and taking a large bite. Draco sighed, shaking his head before taking a normal sized bite.
Draco barely managed to hold back a groan. Somehow the flavours of the cheese, tortilla, and whatever else that was stuffed inside mixed together to create heaven. Draco glanced down at the food in his hand as if it was the answer to everything, widening his eyes and glancing at Potter before swallowing and talking a bit too loudly, “How have I never had this before now?”
“You have,” Potter insisted, with a large grin on his face as he watched it, “Though watching you try that for the first time again really is something special.” He chuckled when Draco attacked his food again, taking a small bite and eating in silence. Draco knew he was being watched but for some reason he didn’t mind it. It wasn’t a predatory stare like he was used to, rather than just a comforting one. The rain he didn’t know was pouring outside pounding against the window and it added a nice ambiance to the room.
“I took you to the Grilled Skeever for our second date,” Potter mumbled, and Draco furrowed his brow and sent Potter a confused look, causing the boy to chuckle. “Sorry, the Grilled Skeever is where I bought these from. They’re a house special.” Draco nodded, suddenly understanding why he had never heard of this concoction before. “Anyway, it’s just down the road from Grimmauld Place, and right across the street is a cute little ice cream shop, pink and green slathered everywhere. It was raining that day too, and we only had one umbrella to share. After we finished eating our meal we grabbed some ice cream, you got the mint chocolate chip and I took a regular chocolate and you chastised me for being so plain. I told you maybe I wanted something to be plain in my life, something simple, for once.” Draco finished his food, glancing over hesitantly toward Potter as he seemed lost in his memory. “You said then we’d never work out, because you’re the farthest from simple there is.” Potter- no, Harry- chuckled, shaking his head slightly, causing curls of hair to fall around his face. He couldn’t be just Potter while opening up like that, revealing himself to Draco. He was Harry, a boy who was in love with someone who had forgotten him. It was plain as day to Draco now, written all over him.
Draco glanced away, images flashing in his head, and he furrowed his brow. “Your ice cream began to melt down your fingers because you were talking too much.” Draco mumbled, staring at his hands but not really seeing them. Flashes of a gloomy muggle street quickly passed his mind, a faceless boy and loud laughter filling his head. “You teased me about worrying about it and I said I didn’t want it to get on my clothes.” Draco smirked, shaking his head as he remembered the expensive black coat he had worn to the date. He had wanted to impress Harry, and for some reason thought dressing up was the way to do it. “I told you to clean it up and you said no, so I leaned over and licked the chocolate off of your hand.” Draco began to flush, trying to force the smile that wanted to crack to stay off of his face. “You choked.”
“I was just surprised,” Harry said quietly, teasingly, and Draco finally lifted his head and eyed the boy with a new light. He was blushing slightly too, the colour mixing well with his skin tone, but laughing lightly and shaking his head. “You remember?” He asked even quieter, reaching forward and placing a hand on Draco’s.
“I- only what I said. That’s all I remember. It’s coming in flashes and sounds, and I can’t remember your face very well. But I assume it’s you, considering,” Draco murmured, shrugging and glancing at where Harry had laid his hands on Draco’s. “This is-” Draco hesitated, furrowing his brow and taking a deep breath. “This is real then? You and me? We actually happened?” A quiet surrounded them as Draco worried about the answer, pulling his bottom lip into his mouth to bite at it lightly. He finally gathered the nerve to glance up toward Harry, meeting his eyes. The boy just nodded lightly, a small smile widening ever so slightly.
“Yeah. You were skeptic at first before too. I have to admit though, I was too. It took us months of being friends, Hermione yelling at me in private about how oblivious I was, to ask you on a date. Our first one was,” Harry hesitated, glancing down toward the sheets on the bed and moving his free hand to pinch at them, but a wide grin spread across his face that he couldn’t stop, “It was a picnic. We had finger foods that Mrs. Weasley made for us, and afterward we went for a leisurely flight that ended up being oddly competitive.” Harry laughed, and Draco couldn’t help a small chuckle and a shake of his head. “Something Healer Tallon said stuck in my head, that familiar things might help bring memories back. I figured if I went along and repeated our dates, maybe you’d remember them over time.” Harry glanced up and smirked, winking toward Draco, and he in turn felt his heart skip a beat. That couldn’t be healthy. “So, I figured a picnic. Even though we’re not outside and we don’t have brooms to fly around on, I decided that this wicker basket we had used before would work, maybe? And I didn’t have time to ask Mrs. Weasley to make us some food. So, I picked up your favourite from the Grilled Skeever, since that was our second date. Oh!” Harry jumped up, taking his hand from Draco’s (he tried not to feel disappointed about that) and reaching into the basket once more. “I actually brought some mint chocolate chip ice cream for you!”
Draco watched him pull out a small bowl with a lid, opening a plastic wrapper containing the tiniest spoon he had ever seen. Taking the lid off, he jammed the spoon into the ice cream and held it out for Draco to take as if this was some great achievement. Draco couldn’t help a slight chuckle, shaking his head and taking it. Harry reached in, taking his own chocolate out, and they began eating in their dessert in silence with only the sounds of rain pelting the nearby window to occupy them. Harry was the first one to break the silence.
“So does this mean I’m older than you?” Draco blinked, furrowing his brow and finally glancing over toward him.
“What in the name of Merlin are you talking about?” He let his hands fall, his ice cream mostly eaten by now, to rest the bowl in his lap as he stared confounded toward the excited puppy of a boy.
“If you have forgotten five years of your life, technically your brain thinks you’re eighteen!” Harry said, leaning forward toward him. “And I’m twenty three. So technically I’m older than you right now!” Draco shook his head, the thought process of the boy giving him a headache.
“I don’t think it works like that Harry.” The boy smiled even bigger, his eyes widening a fraction before glancing away and flushing.
“I- uh- I mean-” He cleared his throat, sitting back in his chair and grinning stupidly toward the floor as he played with his ice cream with his own tiny spoon. “That was the first time you didn’t have to try to call me Harry.” Draco widened his eyes, glancing away and flushing himself. Suddenly a loud laugh fills the room and he glances back, feeling hopeless trying to follow Harry’s thought process. “I feel like we just started dating again. I keep blushing at every little thing and-” He ran a hand through his hair, glancing up and meeting Draco’s eyes. The colour staining his cheeks sent Draco’s heart fluttering, and he had to glance away to hide a small smile.
“Well, technically we did just start dating,” Draco mumbled in response, before quickly adding, “Rather, just started dating because we just had a date, not because we’re in a relationship.” Draco flushed lightly, and the words caused Harry to chuckle.
“Right,” Harry agreed, and Draco felt his gaze watching him. He really couldn’t believe he was being so open with Harry. Before the boy arrived he hadn’t wanted to see him at all, yet somehow his entire world flipped on his head every second he spent with Harry. It sort of made sense in his head, slightly, that if he really had been spending years with him that his brain would recognize him and would relax in his presence. Or maybe Harry knew how to act around Draco now that he had been around him for so long. Whatever it was, it caused Draco to blush more and he felt like his face was radiating heat by now.
“I don’t get why we started out in the first place. How you could forgive me-”
“We’ve talked about it before,” Harry replied quickly, shaking his head and scooting closer to Draco, resting his hand atop of Draco’s clasped ones. “It was an emotional time that I don’t care to repeat. When your memories come back, then you’ll know. Just know for now that everything is settled. I’ve forgiven you, and so has everyone else. You’ve already proved yourself.” Draco shook his head slightly, taking a deep breath. “Growing isn’t just living with your mistakes, but knowing that while you can’t change the past, you can always change your future.” Draco glanced up quickly to Harry, shocked.
“No matter how tarnished the soil, you can always plant seeds that will grow into a magnificent flower bed to rest your head on.” Draco mumbled, finishing the quote he had remembered from before he had fallen asleep, watching Harry’s face light up. Slowly, Harry took Draco’s left hand and turned it over, revealing the flowers on his forearm.
“You planted the seeds in the tarnished soil,” Harry mumbled, using his free hand to lightly trace Draco’s tattoo, “And created a flower bed. Though,” Harry grinned, glancing up and meeting Draco’s gaze before winking, “I tend to rest my head on this flower bed more than you do. You’re a comfy pillow, Draco Malfoy.”
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