#(i know this will make future possible builds for download not as appealing to some people/impossible for console users)
magnoliidae · 2 years
ok. it's official. after i finish this build i'm putting build/buy cc back in my game. i miss it too much and keep staring longingly at it and wanting to go on downloading sprees ;o;
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Podcasting "About Those Killswitched Ukrainian Tractors"
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This week on my podcast, I read my Medium column, “About Those Killswitched Ukrainian Tractors,” in which I am a bit of a buzzkill about that feel-good story of a Ukrainian John Deere dealership bricking $5m worth of tractors stolen by Russian looters:
In case you missed the underlying story, here’s a quick recap. Russian looters, abetted by the Russian military, stole $5m worth of tractors and combines from a Deere dealership in Melitopol, Ukraine. The dealership was able to use the tractors’ own electronics to track them to Chechnya — and they were able to send out a self-destruct code that bricked the tractors, rendering them inoperable.
A lot of people sent me this story. It’s a perfect cyberpunk nugget! But despite the superficial appeal of this electronically delivered comeuppance to Russian looters, this isn’t a feel-good story. The underlying lesson here is: “Anyone who can pressure, hack, or convince John Deere can brick any Deere tractor, anywhere.”
Who might do such a thing? Well, possibly Russia, whose militarized hacker teams honed their tactics by successfully effecting remote takeovers critical Ukrainian infrastructure. The same kill-switch that Ukraine used to take down some petty Russian looters could be used by Russian hackers to attack the entire Ukrainian agriculture sector:
Which raises the question: why are there kill-switches in Deere tractors? This is a good question to ask about any kill-switch. As a sf writer, I just hate those sci-fi movies where someone accidentally hits the self-destruct button on the bridge of a spaceship. I always think, “You know, I’m no aerospace engineer, but wouldn’t this be a better spaceship if it wasn’t designed to explode?”
The kill-switches in Deere tractors weren’t designed to thwart Russian looters — they were designed to thwart American farmers. Deere’s industrial strategy takes its cues from other industries — mobile phones, cars, med-tech, etc: they use tech to lock in their customers, harvest and sell their data, and extract fees from them.
In Deere’s case, this started with a data-play: as a top Deere exec boasted to me at a conference some years ago, the company uses the sensors on farmers’ tractors to build a centimeter-accurate grid of soil humidity and density. The locks on Deere tractors prevent farmers from accessing this data directly — rather, they are reliant on whatever plans Deere cooks up.
Originally, Deere denied farmers this data, except through their preferred seed partner Monsanto (now Bayer). Deere sold the data — and the farmers — to Monsanto, and farmers who wanted to practice precision agriculture needed to do so with Monsanto seed. Today, Deere allows farmers to download their data from an online portal, but that could change again.
I’m not surprised to learn that Deere has stopped selling farmers to Bayer, because — as that executive boasted to me — the real money in ag data is in aggregating global soil condition data, from all Deere customers, and selling it to the finance sector to inform commodity futures trades. Deere sells farmers’ data to people making bets against the farmers.
Remember this the next time you hear, “If you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product.” Deere doesn’t give away ad-supported tractors. Farmers pay six- and seven-figure sums for Deere equipment — and they’re still the product. The thing that determines whether a company can treat you like “product” isn’t whether you’re paying — it’s whether they can get away with it.
Deere can get away with it. Having merged with or acquired so many rivals, they have market power — that is, monopoly power. What’s more, the law is on their side. Specifically, they benefit from Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which bans breaking DRM and makes trafficking in DRM-breaking tools a 5-year prison-sentence felony.
This law — and related laws, like the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, as well as contract law, trade secrecy, patents, etc — gave rise to a practice called VIN-locking. VIN-locking started in the automotive industry (VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number), and it’s the main battle in the right to repair (R2R) fight.
VINs are the unique identifiers inscribed on cars’ engine-blocks, and, these days, indelibly associated with cars’ on-board computers. VIN-locking is when new engine parts have to be initialized with a cryptographically signed code that says, “This part is now associated with this engine.”
These VIN-locks are protected by the DMCA. Providing a tool to bypass them, which would allow independent mechanics to swap in the part and then initialize it, carries a potential prison sentence of 5 years and a $500K fine for a first offense. Thus, the act of fixing a car without manufacturer authorization becomes a crime.
Manufacturers love the ability to control repair. Not only does being the only game in town mean that you charge a fortune for parts and service — it also means that you can declare something “beyond repair” and insist that the customer throw away their product and buy a new one.
Farmers have been doing their own repairs since time immemorial — that’s why even Roman farmhouse foundations have spaces for forges and workshops. When you’re at the end of a country road and the storm is on the horizon, you have to get the crops in, and you can’t wait for a mechanic or technician to come and fix the tools you depend on.
Deere owes its business to farmers’ tractor modifications and repairs. It once sent field engineers out to farms across America to report back on farmers’ innovations, which it then patented (ugh, I know) and incorporated in its future tractors:
Today, Deere says that farmers can’t be trusted to use their own tractors after they fix them, and must wait for days or longer for a Deere technician to come out and inspect the fix and type an unlock code into their tractors — after they pay hundreds of dollars for the privilege.
Worse, Deere actually told the US Copyright Office that farmers don’t own their tractors — they can’t, because the software in the tractor is only licensed, not sold, so they have to abide by the tractors’ terms of service.
Deere was joined by other companies in making this claim — notably, GM and other car makers (that is, the companies behind VIN-locking). But it’s not just car companies and tractor monopolists who say you can’t own (or fix) your stuff. Med-tech companies love this. Take Medtronic, a med-tech monopolist that is one of the lowest-taxed medical companies in the world, thanks to a reverse-merger with an Irish company.
Medtronic makes the workhorse PB840 ventilator, a two decade old product that is widely found in hospitals around the world. Hospital technicians — like farmers — have a long tradition of fixing their own equipment, for much the same reason. When the ventilator breaks, you need to fix it so you can save someone’s life, rather than waiting around for a Medtronic technician to show up and charge hundreds of dollars for a service call.
But Medtronic also practices VIN-locking, which means that the simplest, most common repairs — cannibalizing a working part out of a busted ventilator to keep another one going — are no longer possible without breaking the DMCA. That’s exactly what hospital med-techs did during lockdown, when demand for ventilators spiked just as Medtronic grounded all its technicians.
This was only possible thanks to a brave, anonymous ex-Medtronic employee, who built illegal circumvention tools inside improvised housings (clock radios, guitar pedals, etc) and mailed them to technicians around the world:
We don’t know his name, because the EU’s laws — Article 6 of the EUCD — also ban trafficking in circumvention devices.
Whenever right to repair bills come up at the state level, VIN-locking companies team up to defeat them. The ringleader of these anti-repair conspiracies is always Apple, who claimed that letting you fix your phone would lead to your battery exploding and blowing your face off.
These safety claims are repeated by car manufacturers. For example, during the Massachusetts R2R ballot initiative campaign, Big Car ran ads warning that they had built so much spyware into your cars that allowing third party access would lead to you being stalked and murdered:
The automotive sector’s claims about defending your security would be more credible if they were better at it. It’s hard to take seriously a company’s claims that it — not you — understands your security needs when its cars can be hijacked over the internet, allowing randos to steer, break and accelerate your vehicle.
Kill-switches and VIN-locking go hand-in-hand and they’re both security nightmares. In the automotive context, VIN-locking is key to the subprime car lending industry, where trillions of dollars’ worth of loans are backed up with ignition immobilizers to make it easier to repo cars when the owner misses a payment.
Owners of subprime cars often miss payments, because the subprime loans are designed for default, offered to people who can’t afford them, on deceptive terms, with balloon payments and penalties that allow a dealer to repo and re-sell the same car several times over.
Dealer kill-switches are a very expedient way to settle disputes over payments. If you claim to be caught up and dealer disagrees, they can just brick your car until you write a check. These kill-switches can be fully autonomous, too: if your lease prohibits you from leaving the county, you will find yourself stranded if you cross the county line.
Among other ghastly outcomes, this has led to families being stranded beyond cellular range after going for a walk in the woods, not realizing that they’d crossed out of the county.
But the real problems come when the dealers’ own security is compromised. As I often say, no language on Earth contains the phrase “as secure as the IT at a used-car lot.” When the dealer gets hacked, every car they’ve sold gets bricked:
Deere likes to claim that it plays a vital role in the world’s food security because a compromise of its equipment could lead to large-scale ag disruptions. It’s half-right: breaking Deere’s security is a nightmare scenario for global food production — but, alas, Deere has very bad security.
Not only is Deere’s software riddled with amateur vulnerabilities, the company hasn’t submitted any bugs to the CVE database, suggesting that its demonstrably incorrect claims of being capable guardians of the world’s food security are actually sincere:
Like car companies, Deere argues that its security duties make independent repair a nonstarter due to the risks this would pose. This is a common argument of companies that use kill-switches and VIN-locks to extract monopoly rents from their customers. It’s a claim Medtronic often makes, despite its own terrible security:
VIN-locking does resolve some risk. It makes stolen goods a little less valuable to thieves and it makes it harder for third parties to introduce malicious code to devices. But VIN-locking and kill-switching introduce much graver risks than they offset: the risk that third parties will brick all devices, and the inability of third parties to fix incompetent code.
You know who understands this? Ukrainian farmers. They lead the world in exporting illegal, alternative firmware for John Deere tractors, which farmers all over the world install to get around Deere’s VIN-locking and other odious practices.
If Russian tractor thieves manage to unbrick their stolen goods, it will likely be with Ukrainian software. Ukrainian farmers live in a low-stability, low-income environment, so it’s natural that they would want to escape the rent-seeking and brittleness of Deere’s sleazy grift.
We are all living in increasingly unstable times. It’s time to put an end to VIN-locking and kill-switching, and start designing our vital systems — phones, cars, medical implants and equipment, and tractors — to be resilient and robust in the face of supply chain breakdowns and hostile takeovers.
The story of Russian hackers getting hoist on their own petard is delicious, I’ll grant you, but if you scratch the surface, it’s easy to see that this story is only the prelude to a much worse one — where Russians (or crooks, or the US government) shuts down something you depend on.
Here’s the podcast episode:
And here’s a direct link to the MP3 (hosting courtesy of the Internet Archive; they’ll host your stuff for free, forever):
And here’s the RSS for my podcast:
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A vintage John Deere tractor whose wheel hubs have been replaced with HAL 9000 eyes, matted over a background of the cyber-waterfall image from The Matrix.]
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gongroot17 · 4 years
A Personal Household Mediation Method Based In Tunbridge Wells Serving Kent As Well As East Sussex.
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The Child Inclusive Mediation Process.
Get A Divorce: Detailed
To Divorce You Must:.
Comments From Kid Counselling Customers.
The meeting is confidential, as well as the child selects what they intend to share, conserve for in the event any securing worries emerge. If your ex-spouse rejects to go to mediation, after that court is your only alternative, please see link below. The court will constantly place the youngster's benefits first as well as this main issue will certainly establish the outcome of any application for an order. It is very important to understand the difference in between a 'household moderator' and a 'Legal Aid Agency approved family members arbitrator'. Household Mediation can be cost-free for those who are qualified forLegal Aid. This will entitle clients to free legal assistance from a Family members Solicitor or Divorce Solicitor, in addition to having actually an agreement written up absolutely free.
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What Problems Can Household Mediation Handle?
The mediator may decide that arbitration is not suitable for your instance, in which instance the conciliator will authorize a record stating that arbitration is not suitable or is not happening. You will value that as a result of the nature of our work, it is not appropriate to bring kids to appointments. It is easy to forget just how the youngsters are feeling as you battle to restore some balance in your own life.
MV Mediation program takes on evictions - Martha's Vineyard Times
MV Mediation program takes on evictions.
Posted: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
When Simon Hughes went to NFM's national workplace last autumn, it was clear from our discussion regarding child-inclusive arbitration that he is absolutely enthusiastic about this - established to make it function. https://cheshire.trusted-mediators.co.uk/ 's something we've been operating at for over thirty years because NFM's development, so naturally we are pleased that the Government has actually now given this undertaking. These actions will certainly aid offer the child the right to form his/her very own future when the family breaks down. However as the creators of youngster inclusive mediation, and as the nationwide organisation that has actually originated as well as evolved the technique, NFM comfortably invited the dedication. Our particularly skilled Arbitrators have the ability to give unbiased Mediation services across the nation, making use of remote platforms. Our expert team of Kid Inclusive Mediators are able to provide objective support during what might be a hard and upsetting time.
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Our core service has a focus on structure trust and understanding to advertise and also sustain effective partnerships and excellent interaction. Direct child assessment gives the chance for the child to speak to an independent individual without needing to filter their feedback as they would to each moms and dad due to the fact that they do not wish to upset them. • Being able totalk on the phonein exclusive to both moms and dads when they desire.
You might additionally experience some concerns with your browser, such as an alert box that a manuscript is taking a long time to run. The Entire Act without Schedules you have actually selected has over 200 provisions and also could spend some time to download and install. The Entire Act you have selected consists of over 200 stipulations and may take some time to download and install. In section 55 and this area "mediation adviser" implies an independent person that can give details as well as advice regarding seeking arbitration.
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The NFJO quick evaluation suggests a move to neutral chairs for PLO conferences and created arrangements drafted WITH families. The Schedules you have actually chosen consists of over 200 stipulations and also might spend some time to download.
the moms and dad or young adult has informed the advisor that he or she does not want to go after mediation. The moms and dad or young adult might make the appeal only if a mediation adviser has issued a certification to him or her under subsection or. the arbitration concerns do not include health care arrangement defined in the strategy or the fact that no health care arrangement, or no healthcare provision of a certain kind, is defined in the plan. the mediation concerns consist of health care stipulation defined in the plan or the fact that no health care arrangement, or no healthcare arrangement of a specific kind, is specified in the strategy. the problems in respect of which she or he wants to seek arbitration (" the mediation concerns"). A youngster's moms and dad or a young adult may interest the First-tier Tribunal against the issues set out in subsection, subject to section 55.
To Separation You Must:.
The views revealed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of Family members Legislation or Jordan Posting and should not be thought about as lawful recommendations. We busily hope any type of post-election changes in Ministerial profiles will not lead child-inclusive arbitration down a dead-end.
What happens if mediation is unsuccessful?
If the mediation is not successful for whatever reason, an accredited Family Dispute Resolution practitioner can issue a certificate to allow an application to be made to a family law court.
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It may be difficult to approve that your kids might really feel in a different way regarding your splitting up than you, and so providing a possibility to share their hopes and also fears is an excellent way to concentrate your focus on their demands. Most importantly else we know they desire you as their parents to assure them that life will take place and also be great-- that they are not responsible for your split, which you are going to interact for them.
Do both parents have to pay for mediation?
One or both participants pay for the mediation as the payments come due. They are then reimbursed out of the assets at the end of the mediation process when they have reached a settlement.
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Responses From Kid Counselling Customers.
The Local Authority have a task to provide disagreement resolution solutions. Rock King can set up face-to-face or digital conferences to fit you. Visit this site to figure out just how we can continue to support every one of our valued clients as usual. Arbitration then provides the possibility to all parties included to deal with one of our qualified and competent arbitrators to aid express concerns and also discover remedies to try to deal with differences as well as repair connections. We have a solid credibility built on years of experience and success assisting deal with dispute in education.
This will provide you a clear suggestion of the distinction in between the Arbitration and also Tribunal. When mediation services london contact us, we will tell you whether you need the MIAS or otherwise. The MIAS is generally done on the telephone and takes about 20 mins. The Suggestions session offers basic information regarding Mediation, as well as you can ask any concerns you may have.
• Beingtreated as a private-- not being under the umbrella of "the kids". Being responsible parents stays a joint job despite the fact that you live apart. A Child-Inclusive Mediator should additionally have an enhanced Wrongdoer Records Bureau check and will be gone along with at the conference with the kid by another participant of staff. Instead, Child-Inclusive Mediation means children can have a chance to speak about their circumstance and feelings with someone neutral. Adjudication is another kind of disagreement resolution where a lawfully educated person decides which ought to be objective after considering all the conditions. The choice is legitimately binding if the proper process is complied with. If none of the exemptions use, or you do not have the required evidence for domestic violence and also none of the other exemptions apply, after that you will need to attend a MIAM.
EEOC Chair Extends Mediation Pilot Program for Bias Claims - Bloomberg Law
EEOC Chair Extends Mediation Pilot Program for Bias Claims.
Posted: Wed, 06 Jan 2021 20:53:29 GMT [source]
Throughout a CIM session youngsters can either be seen by themselves or with siblings to go over exactly how they really feel concerning a circumstance. Household mediation includes a neutral third person-- a mediator-- helping you and your companion talk about as well as concur an outcome to your conflict between yourselves. Good communication amongst parents/carers, institution as well as West Lothian Council Education Providers is the crucial to positive relationships and collaborations. Updates on council solutions, most current news and also information associating with Coronavirus (COVID-19). Our team of certified lawyers & conciliators will help you decide what is the best course of action to take. The Openness Project is a registered charity in England & Wales run greatly by volunteers that likewise have permanent tasks. https://warwickshire.trusted-mediators.co.uk/ striving to safeguard additional funding to ensure that we can keep making household justice more clear for all who make use of the court and also work within it.
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jeanvaljean24601 · 4 years
Watch Dogs: Legion Hands-On — A World Worth Exploring
Watch Dogs: Legion follows the series’ established hack-heavy formula, but the new recruitment system adds a refreshing layer of intrigue underneath your run of the mill missions. All of which still have the fun of outsmarting enemies or finding the right angle to solve a puzzle, download a key/file, or wreak havoc from afar. But the most appealing part of Watch Dogs: Legion is finding and recruiting new people. From potential new weapons to lovable characters with fascinating backgrounds and recruitment missions, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by expanding DedSec.
Watch Dogs Legion’s Degrees of Dystopian.Set in near-future London, the bombings DedSec was framed for have led to an authoritarian state in which Albion - a private military corporation - has taken over policing while an intelligence community, led by Signal Intelligence Response Service (SIRS), spies on London’s citizens. In an attempt to clear DedSec, you’re tasked with finding out who is responsible for the London bombings. Villains include Nigel Cass, CEO of Albion, and Mary Kelly, leader of an organized crime syndicate in London. x96 tv box
In keeping with the series norms, Watch Dogs: Legion operates in the extremes of tech-gone-too-far and corporations-up-to-no-good. It’s what I expect, but  as an exaggeration of where society could head, some storylines are more believable and intriguing than others. An Albion security guard making a janky deal to get medicine felt like a natural extension of the current ways governments fail their people, but an evil CEO shooting someone with a room full of high-powered witnesses felt more cartoonishly evil than cleverly dystopian.
Making every character playable is a narrative risk, but it’s one Watch Dogs: Legion seems to pull off based on what I’ve played so far. Those who felt Marcus Holloway’s cutscene persona didn’t match his mid-mission murders may have a hard time buying into the idea of convincing anyone on the street to join what’s publicly viewed as a terrorist organization — favors aside.
The script differences highlight each character as a unique individual rather than a generic stand-in. From the reserved yet no-nonsense attitude of the old lady I added to my team to my recently recruited Albion guard frantically chatting while she drives through London as if to say “Oh my god; I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.”
And at the end of the day, there’s nothing wrong with things being a bit video game-y if the ends justify the means, and in Watch Dogs: Legion they seem to do just that. Playing as anyone goes as narratively smoothly as it can, given the gameplay, and the experience of recruiting randos makes for a joyous open-world experience. android tv box
While there are plenty of new elements to Watch Dogs: Legion, such as ridable cargo drones, the fundamentals are still present. Take over cameras to redirect power, download data, or interact with nearby objects to create distractions or explosions. Distract enemies by sending something to their phones. Or go straight into combat, which leans even more heavily on player choice with enemies only using melee attacks against you until you pull out your gun and decide it’s time for a firefight. This is particularly convenient for those looking to stealth and hack their way through encounters.
My demo dropped me to the midpoint of the game where missions were a routine to-do list of heading from location to location, hacking drones to scope out the area, and then hacking cameras to download access keys or cause mayhem. At this point in the game the ability to cloak enemy bodies was available, allowing for a more aggressive playstyle, with stealth easier to pull off without alerting foes. London’s various buildings, tourist spots, and construction sites made for a fun playground to strategize my way through each gig.
The loop may be familiar, but that doesn’t make it any less fun. As usual, I found that causing destruction without getting my hands dirty was far more amusing than doing stealth takedowns of less than intelligent A.I who have dull walking patterns and are easily lured or distracted. Seeing how many enemies I can kill by stringing hacks to set off carefully timed explosions before I even step foot in a building never ceased to satisfy. If I was spotted, I found it easier to lean on whatever guns I had available than to bother regaining my cover or fighting hand to hand.
Fast travel still exists and some characters even have their own vehicles (often equipped with useful tech), but otherwise there’s good old-fashioned carjacking. A clever, futuristic touch is the option to steal a self-driving car (just look for the icon on the windshield). No driver or passenger punching required!
Driving still feels arcade-y at heart but some vehicles control better than others. The narrower and more roundabout-filled London streets make for a slower, more challenging drive than speeding down San Francisco. Of course, there isn’t much of an immediate penalty for running over lampposts or even pedestrians.
However, upon closer examination you’ll notice that running over someone makes them like you less. Good luck recruiting the person you just hospitalized (still possible! But an awkward icebreaker once they recover). Albion may come after you if they see you commit a crime, but losing them isn’t too difficult as long as you put enough distance between the two of you. Some nice touches include the fact that they can follow you into buildings — your safe house is inaccessible when you’re under pursuit — and if you’re cornered, an electrical device can latch onto your car, rendering it undrivable.
Making Your Team is a Dream.By far, Watch Dogs: Legion’s biggest and most impressive differentiator is the ability to play as anyone. Though getting complete intel on a person (down to their schedule) requires you to upgrade the DeepProfiler by using Tech Points you find hidden in the world. Getting to know them will tip you off to what they’re looking for and unlock their recruitment missions to turn an initial No into a Yes. x96 tv box
The borough uprising system lets you take on missions to empower a borough and give them a more positive outlook on DedSec. Some recruitments will be mandatory as part of the campaign, such as an Albion guard, but you mostly have free reign. If you just want to get the best of the best, DedSec will mark a few people of interest on your map who have been predetermined as good recruits, such as a Drone Expert and Bee Keeper. But you’re also free to recruit whoever is roaming around London.
The first person who caught my eye was an adorable old lady who was looking for some Darts competition. To recruit her, the first step was to go to the pub and play her in Darts, which is one of the most appealing mini-game side quests I’ve ever had the option to do. Hell yes, I want to play this old lady in Darts to get her to join DeadSec! Winning led to her recruitment mission of investigating how her job replaced the 300 workers who were laid off.
I could see this recruitment loop getting stale over time but, during my brief session, I adored every moment of it because I was doing it for my new recruit and my reward was having her there for the rest of my adventure - despite the fact that the mission itself was nothing special.
Unfortunately, she was arrested shortly after being recruited.  Despite previous plans for mandatory permadeath, no one dies in Watch Dogs: Legion unless you opt-in to play with permadeath on. Instead, they just get arrested or hospitalized and locked by a timer. You can go to the police station and potentially get them out early but the easier solution is to just switch to a different operative. Having certain operatives on your team such as Albion guards, police officers, or EMTs will decrease your time in jail or the hospital.
A Dynamic and Diverse Group.Each character has their own loadouts, perks, professions, personalities, and backgrounds. Weapons and tools are shared across your team and can be swapped, but there are some gadgets and guns that are locked to certain types of recruits.
Uniform Access allows for certain characters to enter restricted areas more easily. So walking into a construction site as a construction worker means I can more freely walk through the area and it takes longer for enemies to detect my presence. However, they can still realize I don’t belong there so it’s not an instant win.
My assassin had a slew of powerful guns at her disposal but the graffiti artist had a paintball gun and would spray folks in the face after executing a takedown. Even across folks from the same background there’s some level of variation. android tv box
For instance, one construction worker will have a different set of tools than another.There were some rough edges in the build I played. When characters are defeated the animation looks a bit goofy, and there are some questionable drivers. But some of these may be cleared up by launch. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Watch Dogs: Legion and grew attached to the different characters, their arsenals, and their sparkling personalities. The lack of a primary main character doesn’t detract from the story. Instead, it incentivizes exploring and immersing myself in a world I otherwise may have ignored in favor of mainlining the story.
Watch Dogs: Legion’s gameplay follows the established formula of hacking devices to accomplish your task at hand with the option to go in guns blazing - though it’s the less enticing route when you have plenty of gadgets at hand and drones overhead.
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lelandrussell-blog · 5 years
How One Courageous Choice Changed the Course of My Life
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"You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you cannot choose both." ~ Brené Brown
I’ve had an amazing life with many wonderful moments. I've also experienced challenging Transitions, moments when I had to face the fact that a phase of my life was ending.
One of those Transitions came in the late 1980s when the business that I'd been building for years with a close-knit team was no longer viable. What had been working, no longer worked. An era was ending.
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Ready or not, I was now in Transition. William Bridges, the author of The Way of Transition, says there are three phases: Endings, The Neutral Zone, Beginnings.
The Neutral Zone was the most challenging for me. It was difficult living in limbo between a known past and an unknown future. I felt like I was locked in a car stuck in neutral. No matter how hard I tried, I could not engage the gears. I could not move forward.
The best advice I’ve ever heard about how to break free from the Neutral Zone came from Steve Jobs:
“Have the COURAGE to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”
Listen to The Whispers
Late one night I was explaining my predicament to my older and wiser mentor. "I'm trying as hard as I can to figure out what to do, but I'm stuck. I'm worried about my future. I'm losing faith."
After a pregnant pause, she leaned over and spoke softly in my ear. "The solution is simple, Leland."
“Stop the noise for a while and listen to the whispers. If you don’t, you will miss many important messages.”
I took her advice. By relaxing physically and mentally, I stopped the noise in my mind. I learned to cultivate calm and listen for the whispers. It took a while but finally, I heard one message very clearly: "Do something totally new. Do something bigger and better than you’ve ever done before.”
Unfortunately, that was all I got ─ a message with three key words: "New, Bigger, Better." It certainly lacked the specificity I was hoping for. It did, however, cause me to focus my thinking on a key question: What would be totally new for me?
I pondered that question for several weeks with no results. Then, another whisper, one word: LEADERSHIP. That was broad, but it was enough for me to shift my mind out of neutral and engage my creative gears.
I moved into learning mode. I read some great leadership books, like On Becoming a Leader by Warren Bennis, and The Female Advantage: Women’s Ways of Leadership by Sally Helgesen. I subscribed to respected periodicals, like the Harvard Business Review. I attended conferences that focused on leadership.
At my first conference, there were compelling presentations and drill-down workshops on a wide range of topics. Hearing diverse perspectives about leadership from some of the smartest people in the field really fired my neurons, but it also left me feeling overwhelmed.
Absorbing so much knowledge in one dose had a definite downside — once my cognitive capacity was surpassed, the additional knowledge was just noise.
After the conference, I reflected on what happened. Was the problem merely too much knowledge in one dose? Maybe that was a part of it, but I sensed there was something else — the way I was "downloading" the knowledge. Everything was flowing into one big file folder in my mind in no particular order. It was a mess.
After doing some research, I concluded that the real problem was between my ears. I had no mental model, no master cognitive framework to help me organize, prioritize, and apply the knowledge I was downloading. This core concept ultimately affected everything that followed.
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Something Bigger and Better
By learning relentlessly about leadership, I was following through on the first part of what my heart and intuition had whispered to me: “Do something totally new.” But I had not yet addressed the second part of the message: “Do something bigger and better than you’ve ever done before.” I wondered what that could be.
There were several possibilities and they all aligned around the theme of leadership and the critical importance of mental models.
To put what happened next into context, let's time travel back to 1989. It was the beginning of an era of unprecedented change unleashed by the end of the cold war. The world had become more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous than ever before. What did this mean for leaders?
I remembered feeling overwhelmed by too much knowledge during my first leadership conference. I suspected that leaders might be having a similar problem dealing with the avalanche of new knowledge about how to manage change. That insight triggered the choice that changed the course of my life.
I would design and deliver an innovative leadership forum. It would provide leaders with a mental model for responding to the global change forces unleashed by the end of the cold war.
Looking back, it’s clear that it was a courageous choice because I was a novice in the field of leadership. I had no scholarly credentials or personal contacts who could give me advice. I was on my own sailing into the unknown.
In short, I had no idea HOW I would design and deliver an innovative leadership forum. I did, however, have self-confidence and I believed what W.H. Murray, the Scottish mountaineer, had said:
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!”
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The bold idea was to create a macro mental model for responding to global change. I soon came up with one — The GEO Paradigm™.
"GEO" was an acronym for the three global change forces reshaping the world: Globalization, Empowerment, and Orchestration of Technology.
"Paradigm" is a way of perceiving the world. It frames the boundaries of your attention and defines the rules for success within the boundaries.
After that, just as W.H. Murray predicted, magical things began to happen.
My friend, William Shatner, agree to support the idea financially and be the spokesman. His involvement led to major organizations — Motorola, General Electric, Northern Telecom, and several others — becoming sponsors. Then, Fortune magazine agreed to promote it.
With that extraordinary support in place, thought leaders from a variety of fields agreed to contribute their insights. I spent several months conducting video interviews with over 80 of them — CEOs, prominent authors, top executive educators, and even a presidential candidate, Bill Clinton.
The format for the forum was, as intended, truly innovative. A multidisciplinary creative team helped me actualize the vision of a one-day "Knowledge Concert". The key GEO learning points were illuminated with panoramic multimedia sequences, thought leader insights on video, music-image videos, and stage scenes with live actors. All of this was grounded by short, single point presentations, small group dialogues, and an elaborate 100-page "Handbook for the Future" with application knowledge organized under three tabs — The Future Now, Blueprints for Success, Resources for Action.
When we delivered the GEO Paradigm™ Knowledge Concert to over 600 senior leaders, the response was overwhelmingly positive.
Click here to see a 2-minute video overview of the forum.
When we asked participants what most appealed to them about the GEO Paradigm™ Knowledge Concert, the responses fell into three categories:
The ‘stickiness’ of the G-E-O acronym. It accomplished exactly what I had intended — it embedded a macro mental model that helped leaders make sense of the world that was then unfolding.
Actionable Knowledge for Mastering Change. Fortune magazine described the forum as an “advanced corporate education program to prepare senior management for the challenges of change.”
A Synthesis of Emerging Leadership Practices. One of the attendees summed it up this way: “They’ve have taken years of experience, results, and good concepts, and put all into a one-day presentation. It’s an amazing event.”
What A Difference A Day Makes
The ‘word of mouth’ about the one-day forum triggered ripple effects that continued for several years. Here are a few examples:
Over 1000 organizations around the world licensed the leadership development video —Tearing Down the Walls: The GEO Change Forces — that was created from the Knowledge Concert™ content.
General Motors licensed the GEO Change Forces video as the centerpiece of a series of change management workshops that ultimately reached 57,000 GM managers.
AT&T invited me to deliver a keynote address for a national leadership meeting on managing change. They also licensed the GEO Change Forces video to use in a series of large-scale events that the CEO held across the country to ‘rally the troops’ to deal with the challenge of change.
National associations in a variety of fields engaged me to customize GEO Paradigm™ Knowledge Concerts for their annual conferences and produce follow-up video learning packages for their members.
Last, but certainly not least, was the founding of GEO Group Strategic Services. Its initial mission was to help leaders meet change-related challenges and opportunities.
The firm has been the most enduring ripple effect. GEO Group Strategic Services is now celebrating its 30th anniversary.
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There are three leadership lessons in this Knowledge Byte:
EXPECT TRANSITIONS - At points in your life, you will experience the challenge of Transition, moments when an era of your life is ending. A Transition has three phases: Endings, The Neutral Zone, Beginnings. The Neutral Zone is the most challenging because for a time you will be living in limbo between a known past and an unknown future.
CHOOSE COURAGEOUSLY - When you are in Transition, you must decide where to go next. Steve Job's advice is to “have the COURAGE to follow your heart and intuition." Brené Brown points out that "You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you cannot choose both."
CHOICES HAVE RIPPLE EFFECTS - A choice you make during a Transition can have ripple effects that go far beyond what you might imagine. In my story, one courageous choice changed the course of my life. But every choice, even small ones, also have ripple effects.
Thank you for reading this GEO Knowledge Byte™. I'd appreciate hearing from you.
If you add a comment below, I’ll get back to you.
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Leland Russell | Founder & CEO | GEO Group Strategic Service
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unforgetabelle · 6 years
By popular cough*unanimous*cough request, today’s fic is...DJWifi! :)
Something More
ao3    fanfiction
“I feel like I’m talking to a renowned writer. Well, in this case, a future renowned writer.”
Alya opened the message on the dating app again and smiled for the thousandth time. She was never impressed with the physical compliments men tended to throw out there, but complimenting her writing skill? This boy knew how to hit his target. Alya took a deep breath to calm the giddy feeling boiling up in her before pocketing her phone and trying to focus on the task at hand.
She turned, starting to busy herself at the cash register, when she noticed a pair of very blue, very keen eyes staring out at her from the face of her smirking best friend.
“I wonder what could possibly have you smiling this early in the morning?” Marinette drawled as she swept up in front of the counter. “It wouldn’t be a certain nameless boy writing you sweet nothings from afar, would it?”
Alya stared back at her friend, giving her an innocent smile as she replied.
“Some of us just happen to be morning people, Mari. Not everyone needs to be forcibly dragged out of bed and fed several cups of coffee just to resemble a human being before the morning rush.”
Marinette’s teasing smile fell as she glared at her best friend.
“Hey!” She pointed the broom handle at Alya indignantly. “I’ll have you know that I only had one cup of coffee this morning and am feeling quite chipper at…” she glanced at the clock, her smile coming back in full force as she noticed the time. “Five of seven in the morning.”
Right on time, five minutes until their official opening, a signature knock tapped at the door and Marinette spun towards their first customer.
“Oh, and this newfound energy has nothing to do with your dashing frequent customer turned favorite blonde beau, hmm?”
Marinette spared Alya a glance over her shoulder, giving her an unapologetic smile and shrug, before unlocking the door and throwing herself into Adrien’s arms. Alya just rolled her eyes with a smile, turning to grab the rest of the stock from the back kitchen before they officially opened for the morning, and giving the lovebirds a few moments to themselves.
She liked Marinette’s new boy and was genuinely happy for her friend. She’d invested way too much energy not to approve, watching the two dance around each other for months before she finally forced Mari to make a move. They were adorable and complemented each other like a couple of a few years rather than a few months, but as much as Alya loved seeing her friend in love, there was only so much cooing and cuddling she could take in their presence.
Especially since some nasty green part of her that she eternally hated had always been jealous of the way her friend seemed to be a magnet for male attention.
Not that Marinette flaunted it, or really was aware of it in any way, but growing up, Alya had never dated a boy who hadn’t had a crush on Marinette first. Despite Marinette’s single status for the entirety of their lives, until recently, her friend always seemed to have a slew of guys vying for her attention wherever they went. Marinette was oblivious and awkward and would never believe it, but Alya had spent their university years steering her away from creeps at parties and bars and playing the excuse for a quick escape from nice boys Marinette didn’t have the heart to tell that she wasn’t interested.
And Alya didn’t truly mind. They were a team, and she’d found her dates her own way. Alya’s wit and personality shone through to compensate for whatever immediate appeal she apparently lacked, but her natural cautiousness when it came to her heart still kept everyone at a safe distance. Her few flings were fun while they lasted, but no one got too close. Alya never allowed herself to like them more than they liked her. She never put herself in a situation where she could be hurt.  
But now that her and Marinette had finished their undergrad and were moving on in life, Alya craved for something more. She had watched her friend shine as she’d come into her own throughout university, slowly building a foundation for her online store and finally making enough to afford to move out--as long as she kept morning shifts at the bakery. Then, when she’d met Adrien, Marinette seemed to only glow brighter, finding exactly the right person at what seemed the exact right moment in her life. And together, they were beautiful.
Alya wanted that, too.
Make no mistake, Alya didn’t need a man. Just like Marinette, she’d come into her own during their time in university. She was a successful investigative blogger who was partially fulfilling her novelist dreams by writing short stories on the side. She worked part-time in the Dupain Bakery, and between that, her advertising partnerships on her blog and commision work, Alya supported herself just fine. She and Marinette shared an apartment a few blocks down the road, and were never short for rent. Alya was a complete person... but she still craved to fall in love.
Maybe it was simply that her romance novel obsession had finally permeated into her typically logical head, but Alya had always dreamed of walking through life with a partner, to share her dreams, her worries, her laughter and her tears. She wasn’t too proud to admit she was tired of waiting.
Perhaps it was seeing Marinette so happy. Perhaps it was finally feeling secure and whole in her own. Perhaps it was the fact that she was about to turn twenty four and felt ready for the next stage in her life. Or, perhaps, it was the messages archived in her reluctantly-downloaded dating app from her very sweet mystery boy.
A new notification popped up on her screen.
“Good morning!”
Alya smiled, taking in the sweet message, from the timestamp--sent early because he knew her schedule-- to the smiling sun emoji. For someone who kept everyone at a distance, this boy just might break her of old habits.
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How to Choose The Sims 4
Events, like the lengthy poster sessions, are a vital portion of the Workshop.  The Sims 4 now may also take pleasure in the background music together with enjoying a date by using their girlfriend of boy friend.  Get The Sims 4 Download at no cost, make your own family and enter in the dream home.
The Most Popular Sims 4
You are the person sort of a complete city.  With it, you will be able to earn a trailer.  You may also opt to use a combined venue should you need to conserve space on earth.
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On those chilly or hot days once your Sims would prefer to remain in and relax by reading an excellent book or simply lounging, they may use the sunroom at the summit of the stairs. Entrepreneurship is so tough that it's highly recommended to put in a bathroom and just a bed! Now they can import the house and its goods from one place to another. The Upside to The Sims 4 Maybe you must require the computer system to begin finding out vampire tradition to be able to prevent them! There are too many variables to create the guarantee. Moreover, you can make all these activities occur in a number of settingsthe possibilities of the clubs are essentially endless. The Benefits of The Sims 4 The graphics cannot be faulted. It offers an incredible graphics and visual. As an issue of course, recording Sims 4 gameplay isn't a difficult endeavor. It will now also take care of providing you with automatic updates for your game, allow you to meet others who play the same game if you want to and much more. Downloads are actually expected to fully replace physical games in the not too distant future in the identical way that things happened in music. Experience new heights of creativity. The Hidden Gem of The Sims 4 It is possible to also play as a scientist and make new inventions. It's possible to use the cheat at any object too, so apply your imagination. Despite these new additions, there are things you ought to be mindful of. Additionally, there are more customization alternatives for clothes and furniture, to which you may add your own personal touch with colors and patterns. The beds could be made out of unique headboards and footboards. In addition, there are new and unique varieties of door decorations available with a range of frames, hinges and knobs. The Appeal of The Sims 4 As an example, even though the atmosphere is achieved the sensation of camping is a little poor. There's a distinctive effects machine it is possible to set up either inside or outside. It was actually pretty fun, but the deficiency of any customized content and that you need to pay monthly killed it quick. In addition, there's nothing new to say regarding the music as it's unchanged. You may take part in holidays and make your own holidays provided that none of the traditions violate challenge rules. Cats and dogs can finally have various forms of illnesses, that can be readily cured by veterinarians. The Sims 4 Explained Don't forget this is an expansion, which means you will initially must find the main Sims 4 game that you can discover on our website. It's the very first game pack on the console edition of The Sims 4. This is an enjoyable expansion pack of the game where you're able to party with different Sims. This permits you to concentrate on the essentials and develop your Sims' talents throughout the game's numerous pursuits. If your pleasure is puzzle games, you'll locate a wide variation to pick from right here. Also, it is a good chance for you to begin playing the SimCity saga in case you haven't played at least one of these titles before. The Sims Freeplay is a totally free model of EA's popular digital life collection of games. The he also has an editor, which helps gamers to create their dream houses and mansions at the start of the game. The Sims 3 is the newest edition of the popular digital life strategy game from EA. The Ultimate Approach for The Sims 4 New careers also have been added. All you have to do is to search from Download Sims 4 for Free and you'll be shown unique choices to get this done. To make certain you have the suitable torrent for Sims 4, be certain you read the comments which people have made for the torrent. Among the distinctive facets of this edition of The Sims is that as soon as you reach level 13, your playable adult sims will begin to be given the choice to retire. If you would like to play SIMS 4 for free, you came to the correct location. The sims 4 trainer cheat will make it possible for you to customize the keys if you wish! Where to Find The Sims 4 Then opt for a property to reside in after you make your sim. If, for instance, you use the ID to purchase alcohol and you're under 21, you're able to also be charged with being a minor in possession of alcohol along with the fake ID charge. Whatever the case, irregular or not, this is going to be a snappy one. Top Sims 4 Choices Also it lets you take quick screenshot of your computer screen. It is going to then automatically initiate the download or, if your browser doesn't permit that, click the underlined words to begin the download manually. Script mods are a special kind of Mod that has to remain within a zip file so as to do the job. The entire collection are available just by searching `modest' on the site. Otherwise, make certain the home is in the correct folder by following the instruction within this guide. It was produced by the user named Deaderpool. What Does The Sims 4 Mean? As the past couple of paragraphs have hopefully made clear, there are lots of unique tactics to progress in The Sims 4. You can select the personality kinds of your Sims, together with their objectives and ambitions. You Sim will delight in an experience in the club dependent on the overall characteristics you have come up with. Exactly like in real life, you will need to find work. There's also field work at the top levels. The skill is also relevant within the temple, as you can on occasion use it in order to get through obstacles. The Dirty Facts on The Sims 4 As a consequence the PlayStation 4 hardly breaks a sweat regardless of what is happening in the game. It was deprived various elements of the basic gameplay because of a low budget. It provides a lot of amazing features. When selected, you are going to receive a little additional information regarding the game and its compatibility. The clock won't begin ticking until you operate the game for the very first time, but once it begins it ticks away in real-time, so you will probably wish to leave it until you're able to find some solid sessions in. Moreover it's possible to select games in line with the user score. Sims 4 Secrets Every time a playable ghost is made, the ghost is going to be the very same age as they were when they died. It's possible to even celebrate unique holidays including Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you adore pets, but wish to create other types of animals, continue reading to learn how to hack The Sims 4 and do exactly that! The Sims 4 - Is it a Scam? The warden was not too contented. If, for instance, you use the ID to purchase alcohol and you're under 21, you're able to also be charged with being a minor in possession of alcohol along with the fake ID charge. A felony fake ID offense can lead to a year or more of incarceration, and at times up to 10 decades. What to Expect From The Sims 4? If you do add more sims, you'll certainly wish to bring a couple more computers and easels, but it is a worthy investment. You're able to sell baked goods alongside different foods. Thus far, five expansion packs are released. To obtain added information on the sims 4 apk please look at http://mobilesims4.mobi/ Entire buildings and rooms are now able to be moved throughout the lot. There's also an immense selection of objects (homes, workplaces, shop and so on) you can pick from and combine anyway you would like. Drag the seed from your inventory on the ground where you would like to plant it. The Key to Successful The Sims 4 Players may publish their creations in the Gallery for different players to download in their game instantly. The notion of the game is like Sims 3 which is predecessor edition of Sims 4. The Game is truly different from the previous chapter Sims 3, but it isn't bad. The SIMS 4 Product Code Generator is critical to produce your own Sims and play with this. If you would like to play SIMS 4 for free, you came to the correct location. The sims 4 trainer cheat will make it possible for you to customize the keys if you wish! The Most Popular Sims 4 You will be asked a small amount of basic info about your video card and in case you'd love to create shortcuts. The best thing of it all is that we'll still offer news, absolutely free updates, and fixes about the app to our free and paid users. You cannot lose out on this, especially since we're offering a completely free download for a limited time. The entire collection are available just by searching `modest' on the site. Oddly enough, Fishing isn't a social skill. The excess memory is necessary because 512MB is needed for a Windows Vista Capable machine. Here's What I Know About The Sims 4 Like a true company, you want to put a lot of work in before you may delight in any success. If you get the expansion, then it's going to keep you busy for some time. This provides parents the ideal excuse to introduce their children to The Sims without paying at first, therefore it's a remarkable prospect. If you'd like all of these together, you'll have to graft them. It is possible to customize these traits to fit your needs. It's certainly feasible to create a living with the new skill. How to Choose The Sims 4 The clubs which you find in Get Together are a little more diverse. Whether you must move an entire room or even your complete house, that's now an option which didn't exist before. In addition to this, to break up the daily routine you may go to sick Sims around town in their houses. Granite Falls is a little area, but it hosts lots of cabins your sims can camp out in. EA, have a seat, this might take a while. Now, the players may import the home and its goods from 1 place to another. Life After The Sims 4 Here are a few of the features provided by this popular game Sims Creation The Sims are in fact the characters in the game. It's the very first game pack on the console edition of The Sims 4. If you wish to join others within this game, utilize The Sims 4 Download PC and find the game at this time! This permits you to concentrate on the essentials and develop your Sims' talents throughout the game's numerous pursuits. If your pleasure is puzzle games, you'll locate a wide variation to pick from right here. Gaining fame makes it possible for players to obtain new perks. Item description The Sims series is among the most prosperous game franchises of all times. The he also has an editor, which helps gamers to create their dream houses and mansions at the start of the game. He may be one of the best selling PC games of all-time, but it is a series that has never been known for hefty bench marking like Crysis. The Sims 4 - Overview You will get legitimate work at home part time jobs new easel which you need to begin using rather than the old one since it permits you to paint increased quality paintings. SimCity 4 includes more user interaction in the practice of construction and upkeep of a variety of buildings. An expert conference provider handles all the particulars of each workshop and offers administrative support throughout the year. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on The Sims 4 Take a look at the significant changes detailed right here, and choose if you're likely to give it a go. Possessing certain skills can enable you to have a great result, but you could also utilize supplies to help animals or escape dangers. It is possible to pick from 0-9 to select your very own necessary level. It is possible to use your own creativity to boost fun within this game and relish every emotion with expressive practices. You may take part in holidays and make your own holidays provided that none of the traditions violate challenge rules. Cats and dogs can finally have various forms of illnesses, that can be readily cured by veterinarians. The One Thing to Do for The Sims 4 You will get legitimate work at home part time jobs new easel which you need to begin using rather than the old one since it permits you to paint increased quality paintings. You don't need to be concerned about the price tag. There are two ways the corporation could go about doing it. The Most Popular Sims 4 Some cheats can be typed right into the dialog box we described above, and others are going to require an extra command. You've got to back out of first person mode when you desire a sim to interact with a different sim in another room. You cannot lose out on this, especially since we're offering a completely free download for a limited time. Their patches DO break things supplied by other creators, and it may include things like mods, customized content, or both, based on what changes EA makes the decision to include in a patch. It's possible to use default EA cheats and also other cheats readily available on our website. Enjoy every one of these incredible features and more by getting the total version Sims 4 download. Lies You've Been Told About The Sims 4 If you're, for example, the very best criminal in SimNation, you may have a really villainous reputation, but it doesn't make you famous. If, for instance, you use the ID to purchase alcohol and you're under 21, you're able to also be charged with being a minor in possession of alcohol along with the fake ID charge. Possession crimes are likely the most often seen, and you may be charged with a fake ID crime even when you never attempt to use it in order to try, for instance, to illegally buy cigarettes. Lies You've Been Told About The Sims 4 Every time a playable ghost is made, the ghost is going to be the very same age as they were when they died. There, you'll locate the five lodgings you're able to rent, together with a great deal of visiting Sims. If you adore pets, but wish to create other types of animals, continue reading to learn how to hack The Sims 4 and do exactly that! If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on The Sims 4 If you're thinking about how to advance since you're not a particular mood and a pedestal requires you to be before you are able to activate it, you have to head back outside. There's no fixed commitment for the purchase. For instance, wheelchair usage is the end result of several conditions and may be put into place easily to represent a large selection of disabilities. It is possible to use your own creativity to boost fun within this game and relish every emotion with expressive practices. Seasons again really just brings plenty of character to any sort of sims life. Well, you can for example new emotions felt by our characters, completely new dialogs not to mention area you will see for the very first time. The Meaning of The Sims 4 If you do add more sims, you'll certainly wish to bring a couple more computers and easels, but it is a worthy investment. Evidently, the huge addition inside this pack is the spa. The pack comes with a wide assortment of different things. Entire buildings and rooms are now able to be moved throughout the lot. There's also an immense selection of objects (homes, workplaces, shop and so on) you can pick from and combine anyway you would like. Drag the seed from your inventory on the ground where you would like to plant it. The Sims 4: No Longer a Mystery We've got a whole scope of sims 4 skill cheats. Even you can choose the best way to die for the sims. You can also make your own sims. Taking a gamble on it's risky. You can also locate a strategy guide on the internet to play this game more beautifully. Gaining fame makes it possible for players to obtain new perks. The Sims Freeplay is a totally free model of EA's popular digital life collection of games. The Sims is believed to be the most effective real life simulator game ever made. He is the first game in the series. The Secret to The Sims 4 As the past couple of paragraphs have hopefully made clear, there are lots of unique tactics to progress in The Sims 4. Thus far, I'm having a fantastic time playing The Sims 4 in first individual. You Sim will delight in an experience in the club dependent on the overall characteristics you have come up with. But this doesn't indicate that having a Sim that fits the necessary role would block the creation of the homeless. There's also field work at the top levels. Should you do, the moveobject ability is going to be lost. Using The Sims 4 If a Festival is in the very same neighborhood, there is not any loading screen. Unlike the last chapters, FNAF 4 happens in your own house. After you enter map view, choose the destination and the amount of days you would love to stay for. We must move forward and attempt to complete the season well, Dendoncker told Wolves' official site. EA, have a seat, this might take a while. The new freelancing career will allow sims to work at home, and pick up gigs they must finish in front of a deadline. Sims 4 Secrets As a consequence the PlayStation 4 hardly breaks a sweat regardless of what is happening in the game. In addition to undeniable technical inadequacies, it has been stripped of large amounts of content compared to the Sims 3, indicating a very long series of paid downloadable content coming soon. If your game still freezes then you've got to improve your device. Take pleasure in the power of the real-life simulation game in a digital world where there are not any rules. There's no need of any online connection to play game. Moreover it's possible to select games in line with the user score.
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Choosing The Sims 4
Not all Expansions are made equal and what excites one particular player could be lackluster to another.  You get to dictate the sort of life you would like your Sims to live and the role they need to play.  Let's start to make your very first Sims and delight in the digital world where there isn't any rule.
You're able to offer numerous tasks to your sims and the sims will carry out the task depending on their present-day mood.  The new XBOX ONE isn't hacked yet but the very good news is you are able to download The Sims 4 XBOX ONE game code free of charge from our site.  The sims 4 trainer cheat will make it possible for you to customize the keys if you wish!
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Top Guidelines Of Marvel
The vast majority of Marvel's fictional characters function in only one reality often called the Marvel Universe, with most spots mirroring true-existence areas; quite a few big people are situated in Ny city.[three] – Decide on hundreds of Uniforms to boost your character’s powers and perfect your hero’s search. In April 2017, as well as his announcement that he was returning to jot down and direct Guardians of your Galaxy Vol. 3, James Gunn disclosed he will be working with Marvel "that will help design in which these tales go, and make sure the future of your Marvel Cosmic Universe is as Exclusive and genuine and magical as what Now we have developed to date". In 2009 Marvel Comics shut its Open Submissions Plan, wherein the organization experienced approved unsolicited samples from aspiring comic e-book artists, indicating some time-consuming evaluate method experienced created no suitably Expert perform. It's not like everyone's saying "properly I don't know, what if I want that?" It's like "carrying out This really is troublesome for us, whereas undertaking this will really help us." ... You would like to honor the functions of the final Film but you don't want to be beholden to them, since a number of people will see Avengers[: Age of Ultron] who did not see any of the flicks in between or simply Avengers one." He also found Functioning in television and script doctoring for being "terrific teaching ground[s] for dealing with this ... because you're supplied lots of pieces and instructed to create them suit—even though they don't."[142] The thing about Marvel is ... They are in search of artists which can be prepared to just take probabilities and t here fore are willing to develop characters, even though that character has been around For a long time and decades in comedian books. Use Thor’s hammer to weigh down the enemy, shoot down all with Iron Male or knock down enemies with the protect of Captain The united states, and plenty of extra interesting matters in the sport. .. It had been imperative that you equally of us to uncover the ideal characters that felt like they would talk straight to Freeform's viewers. The Avengers wouldn't do the job below even so the about-to-be-Avengers functions right here."[95] Loeb observed that it was "enjoyable" to Marvel "in order to investigate the planet with the hero and how it impacts a person who is trying to figure out who they are in contrast to previously understands who They are really and now their full life should have a still left. That's the journey we're occurring with these kinds of people" in Cloak & Dagger, New Warriors and Hulu's Runaways.[96] By November 2017, New Warriors was no longer set to air on Freeform and was getting shopped to other networks.[97] Crossovers to attribute movies Visualize revisiting your preferred characters from childhood. Many of them You may have even forgotten about. You'll be able to obtain the sport from Googleplay free of charge. MARVEL Future Fight is, needless to say, an RPG based video game that attributes the two superheroes as well as super villains. Your favorite heroes like Avengers, X Adult men in addition to guardians with the Galaxy are right here to entertain you thoroughly. They're very open to directors Which may not have that very same opportunity in broadcast television. The Idea of getting all thirteen episodes at a single time, particularly in serialized storytelling, is quite appealing."[67] Loeb also extra which the 4 characters preferred "all had a previous present romance and all grew up on the same style of stoop in The big apple [while in the comics]. So it lent itself to your environment. Does that necessarily mean these shows are going to be precisely the same? No. They can not be. The characters have distinctive issues, diverse difficulties, distinct thoughts about them ... the instance which i constantly give is the fact that I can not think about two movies that happen to be a lot more distinct in tone when compared to the Winter season Soldier and Guardians with the Galaxy. And yet, in case you look at them back again to back again, they truly feel very Marvel. They feel greatly like, 'Oh, it remains the same universe which i'm in.'"[68] Dont know where by to faucet 5x. Ive tried using tapping just about everywhere. Instead of a video is it possible to article screenshots on where to tap? Recruit your preferred characters, full missions, and contend with other gamers to get the greatest hero and help save your environment. [26] Eschewing these comedian-ebook tropes as top secret identities and even costumes at the beginning, possessing a monster as on the list of heroes, and owning its people bicker and complain in what was later referred to as a "superheroes in the actual entire world" approach, the series represented a modify that proved to become a great success.[27]
5 Simple Statements About Marvel Future Fight Explained
Don't forget to tune in to our Facebook page at 6:30PM PDT today for our Particular v500 #AvengersEndgame stream! Fb.com/MarvelFutureFi… pic.twitter.com/MAnosAs4Ql Marvel acquired quite a lot of income with their eighties kid's comics imprint Star Comics they usually acquired a great offer more money and around the world success in the comic e-book increase in the early nineteen nineties, launching the productive 2099 line of comics set during the future (Spider-Person 2099, etcetera.) along with the creatively daring although commercially unsuccessful Razorline imprint of superhero comics created by novelist and filmmaker Clive Barker. —Director Anthony Russo in April 2016[128] On making it possible for directors and writers to work in just Marvel's shared universe notion, Joe Russo claimed that Feige has "huge pieces that he is aware of he would like to construct toward, although the way that you choose to get There's open up to interpretation and improv a little bit". For the Russos during the Winter Soldier, that they had to deal with the thought of S.H.I.E.L.D. getting infiltrated by Hydra, with Joe saying, "how we get You can find all as many as us. And I do think why Marvel has become so profitable is since it's been this kind of a clear prepare, that every little thing is interconnected and they are building emotional funds with Each and every movie which you can then trade off of in the subsequent movie. Recruit your favorite figures, complete missions and contend with other gamers to become the ideal hero and help save your entire world. Accumulate over 100 Marvel Tremendous Heroes and Super Villains to make your top workforce. – Unleash Each and every character’s special Tremendous powers when you make your way as a result of a variety of missions. Blast enemies with Iron Male’s Unibeam and bash opponents while in the identify of justice with Captain The united states’s shield! ==> NB: Make sure you Notice that we generally don’t assistance downloading and hacking APK or MODed apps due to Risk it provides as well as unidentified virus That may uncover its way in your gadget. In this interview she tells us how she communicates analysis to the wider company, what effect it's on design and style as well as the future of research. This text requirements extra citations for verification. Be sure to assist improve this information by introducing citations to dependable resources. Un source d material may very well be challenged and eradicated. – Select from a huge selection of Uniforms to enhance your character’s powers and ideal your hero’s look. Dont know the place to tap 5x. Ive tried tapping just about everywhere. In lieu of a video is it possible to submit screenshots on where to tap? I love it This is one of my greatest superhero video games I’ve ever played in all honesty. The figures are seriously diverse so we get distinct heros/villians. Update your arms and study your capabilities to provide your staff with the best ability-up making use of an RPG leveling technique which is large. MODOK is defeated and reveals he was studying Ultron by summoning his dimensional alternates just before Purple Skull stole the dimension transporter. Soon after this event, Protect brokers start to be attacked by thugs with Sophisticated weaponry. I downloaded the mod, but I didn’t get any heroes or even the assault, are you able to please create a movie just to teach?
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ingodsimage · 6 years
I am...CONTENT // 07.08.2018
What a funny little word: content. It’s one that we all know and understand, but how often do we really use it? Or, better yet, really feel it? If you’re anything like me, you’ve belted “It Is Well” in your car with the windows down plenty of times in an attempt to feel and believe the words you’re singing, but there is always something about what comes next that is so appealing to us. So appealing that we cannot sit in, experience, and fully enjoy the season that God has placed us in.
When I was young, I’m talking elementary school age, I could never wait ‘til I was in the next grade. The jump from elementary school to middle school was the one I remember being the most excited for. There was going to be a new building with new people. I was going to have multiple classes a day instead of just one. I was going to get all new school supplies and we were going to have textbooks we could take home. It was the coolest thing I’d ever thought of. I had the same experience in my transition from middle school to high school and then again in my transition from high school to college. There I was, 18 years old, and I had spent my entire educational career wishing for the next thing.
I didn’t realize it then, but I realize it now. I remember not having hours upon hours of homework. I remember not paying for my own gas. I remember only getting my allowance and not worrying about how much was going to be taken away from taxes or expenses I had to pay for. I remember having days where I could sit on my couch and just read because I had no other responsibilities. I remember thinking it would be so cool to have all of the things that I have right now. Yet, here I am, continuously wishing for the next thing.
When I got to college my mindset started to shift. I was finally excited to be right where I was, mostly because I was (and still am) utterly terrified by the idea of  “adulthood” and all of its responsibilities. While I was finally content in where I was academically, I wasn’t content with where I was in countless other areas of my life. I wasn’t content with my body. I wasn’t content with my relationship with God. Most of all, I wasn’t content in my season of singleness. I would say with confidence that my discontent in my season was the root of my discontent with my body and spiritual life.
It’s so easy to be discontent in the world we live in. I found that the biggest fuel to this fire in my life was social media. I constantly had access to photographic evidence that other people were doing better than I was.  The simple solution is to just delete the app, right? Wrong. I was so locked into this world that the thought of shutting it down for even a day seemed terrifying. What was I going to miss? What exciting new thing was going to come out? I would be so out of the loop. I wouldn’t be in on the joke. I’d be disconnected. That wasn’t a risk I was willing to take.
I’m pretty sure that I tried every possible thing to take care of my discontent besides take it to the Lord. Even when I did “give it to God” I wasn’t really giving it to Him, I was just telling Him exactly what I wanted and expecting that He give it to me. There were a few times when He did. For example, there are a two boys in my life that I grew very close to (if you catch my drift). I remember crying in my bed, praying that God allow them to stay in my life and be a part of my journey. God did exactly what I asked Him to, but it never really turned out the way that I thought it would. Isn’t that how it always goes?
God allowed these boys to remain in my life, but not in the rainbows and butterflies ways that I’d expected it to go. Those relationships were strained and unhealthy. They were toxic for myself and for them. What was friendship and hope for a future became anger and hurt. Even today, they show up every now and then. A missed FaceTime call here, a late night “wyd?” text there. Each time I’m brought back to where I was when I prayed for them to remain the first time. Sometimes I fall back into the trap, making more hurt for myself and them down the road. But that’s all that those relationships are, cycles of brokeness. I can’t help but think that the hurt that I’ve felt and caused could’ve been avoided if I’d just let go when God told me to. Hindsight is always 20/20, right?
There was a turning point in my contentment, however. In the summer between my sophomore and junior years of college something changed in the way that I viewed my season of singleness. Instead of seeing it as a punishment for all of the wrongs I had done in relationships in the past, I began to see it as an opportunity. In the same way that I was so afraid of being disconnected from the world of social media, I’d been afraid to be disconnected from people and from the boys in my life. However, God stepped in.
If my life were an iPhone, I like to think of each season as a software update. There’s this huge build up and buzz of excitement that comes with each new one, you know? There’s constant talk of the bug fixes that will come with it and the improved battery life. When we finally get the notification that it’s ready to install we get a little nervous. What if it deletes all my pictures? What if I don’t understand how to use all of the new features? What if I like the old way better? What if it takes forever to download? But eventually, we take the time, update our phones, and carry on with our lives and explore our new update.
I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m always the last person I know to update my phone. I like to wait as long as humanly possible before I change anything about my phone. I mean, my whole life is on that thing! There’s so much that could go wrong! The last time I tried to update my phone, I didn’t have enough storage to download the update and I ended up having to delete over 1,000 pictures and even a few of my apps. Our life updates work kind of the same way. Sometimes, when it’s time to move from one season of life to another, there are things and people that we have to delete or leave behind in order to have the capacity to bring in all of the new and exciting things that God has prepared for us. In my update to my season of singleness, I lost some people who were very close to me and it sucked. I still miss them from time to time, kind of like I miss Flappy Bird and chronological Instagram, but I’ve learned to live without them.
In losing those people, I gained the opportunity to work on my relationship with God. In the same way that our apps are a distraction from the world going on around us, people can work in the same way. Sometimes, you have to press into those relationships until they shake to decide whether or not you’re ready to delete them or if you need to move them to a different folder.
As I became free from the distractions and time commitments of the people in my life, I began to have more time to dig into my relationship with the Lord. I finally had the courage to move my social media apps to their own page on my phone in their own folder and I left them there, untouched and unchecked, for a week. To some of you that may not seem like a very long time, but to someone who checked their social media morning, noon, night, and every other time inbetween, it was a big sacrifice. I was shocked when the first day came and went without even an itch to open Snapchat. I was even more surprised when, on the third day, I left my phone at home and didn’t unlock it until four o’clock. Or when my battery life from one charge lasted me two days instead of a few hours. I was reminded of what life was like before the constant notifications that I had once found so much of my worth wrapped up in. I was free from the FOMO of being disconnected from the social media world and my mindset switched. Instead of being afraid of missing out on a new meme or the next song that was released, I was worried about missing an opportunity to grow in my season and with God.
So I urge you, if you feel like God has just sent a new software update to yourself, don’t click “remind me later”. Plug into the power source of His love and accept the update and all of its incredible features that He created just for you. 
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nummero123 · 3 years
Inbound Link Building Strategies to Help Your Site Rank Higher
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Building high-quality inbound links to your website are undeniably difficult.
While many website owners resort to spamming blog comment areas in order to obtain backlinks,
this is not essential nor useful for your SEO efforts.
Although there is a lot of discourse about building inbound connections, the specifics of how to do so are rarely covered.
Fortunately, Link Building Strategies aren't as difficult to deploy as many people claim. 
Consider it like social media: if you have amazing material and get it in front of the appropriate people, they will share it.
With that in mind, we'll get you started with tried-and-true methods for generating respectable income.
What is link building?
Link building is the practice of increasing the number and quality of inbound links to your website to increase referral traffic, 
domain authority and search engine results.
What are backlinks?
Backlinks, also known as inbound links and incoming links, 
are a type of off-page SEO in which you obtain links from other websites that bring readers to your own.
The individual who receives the link refers to a link as a backlink.
Backlinks differ from outbound links (links from your website to another website)
and internal links (links from your website to another website)
(links from one page on your website to another).
The appropriate backlinks can help your website in two ways:
They can bring visitors to your website. If someone places a backlink to your website on their website or blog, their visitors may click on it, and you will benefit from that referral traffic.
They can assist you in ranking better in search results. Backlinks indicate to search engines that your website is an authority on a particular subject; hence, the more backlinks you receive from high-quality, high-authority sites, the higher your website will rank in search engine results pages (SERPs).
An excellent inbound link originates from a reputable website 
and employs natural anchor text. The text copy that hyperlinked is known as anchor text. 
For instance, if I link to our blog post about backlink methods, the anchor text will be backlink strategies.
Natural anchor text implies that you are not simply hyperlinking keywords left and right.
Because Google recognizes link context, more generic "learn more" and "click here" 
anchor language can be just as beneficial as keyword-optimized anchor text.
Link Building Strategies
1. Maintain a steady blog with great content.
One of the most tried and tested methods for organically generating inbound links
Is to consistently create quality blog content that people naturally want to connect to.
You should only publish content that directly linked to your sector. 
And that will benefit your reader.
They will feel driven to communicate it this way.
They may even include a link to it on their website if they have one.
2. Link to other blogs on your blog.
A blog intended to use as a social tool.
The more you link to others, especially in a consistent, opportunity-driven manner, 
the more likely it is that one of those bloggers will return the favour.
Furthermore, you can't cover everything on your blog. 
It makes sense to take advantage of the plethora of resources available on the internet to improve and reward your blog's visitors' experience.
3. Write guest blog posts.
Create an excellent blog post and distribute it to blogs that would be a good fit for it.
If they accept, they should be willing to provide you with an inbound link in the post.
Guest blogging is an excellent strategy to promote your knowledge while also earning high-quality white-hat links.
Don't know who to address your letter to?
Most news organizations allow anyone to submit original stories on issues of interest to their readers.
You should get started.
However, with publications that are directly related to your area.
If you are a branding agency, you should contact branding publications.
4. Curate and publish helpful resource lists.
Resource lists are excellent link bait as well as useful information for your viewers. 
If you produce a comprehensive resource list, 
Other writers will be able to easily link to it in their blogs rather than rehashing and curating all of that stuff themselves.
Here's an example of a list of resources we prepared for newbie SEOs to give you an idea of what one would look like.
5. Do expert roundups to build relationships.
Expert roundups can be a powerful tool for connecting with influencers.
While these roundups may not result in a large number of inbound links or leads right away.
Developing relationships with influencers can help you obtain reliable backlinks from authoritative sources in the future.
After they contribute to your roundup, you can contact them later to inquire about a guest post possibility or something else, 
While also thanking them for their contribution to the prior expert roundup.
6. Write newsjack posts.
When you use the popularity of a news story to boost your sales and marketing success, this is known as newsjacking.
Because of the "freshness" component of Google's algorithm.
If you're the first blogger to remark on a major event, you'll jump to the top of the SERPs.
And others will link to your content in their versions of the story.
7. Create case studies about your most impressive clients.
You can be sure that if you make your clients appear good in case studies about their business, they'll connect to your site. 
But you must make them good. This entails selecting organizations.
That have achieved the best results, are enthusiastic, and are well-versed in your product or service.
It also entails asking the correct questions and presenting the case study in an appealing, thorough manner.
8. Volunteer to be the subject of a case study.
Why not take advantage of the case study link affection on the other side?
Companies are constantly on the lookout for consumers ready to be the topic of a case study.
Volunteer for one of your key vendors in exchange for a backlink from the case study after it's released.
9. Administer surveys.
If you undertake research, commit to sharing the results with others.
If you collect and crunch the data and then give some high authority sites access to the results.
You can guarantee they'll perform some promotion and inbound linking for you to ensure you have a large sample size.
10. Write book reviews.
If you write a thorough evaluation of another author's stuff, there's a strong possibility they'll (and others) link to it.
11. Conduct free webinars, and post archived copies online.
Your attendees will undoubtedly share it if it is informative. 
Turning your PowerPoint presentation slides into a SlideShare presentation and then embedding.
That presentation into a blog post is one simple way to accomplish this. 
You may also include it on the webinar's landing page so that anyone wishing to join up for an 
an already completed webinar can view the presentation.
Partner with another organization, brand, or influence
for the webinar to increase your chances of getting backlinks to these archived webinar pages. 
Not only will two well-aligned brands make for a great presentation.
But it will also broaden the audience — long after the webinar has ended.
12. Create free tools.
Remember when I said you should curate and publish resource lists for your blog? 
What do you suppose people put on those resource lists and where do they connect to? 
One of the most important is the availability of free tools. 
You may get on the other side of those resource lists by offering free tools that your target clients will find extremely useful.
13. Create shareable templates.
Templates, like free tools, are something that others will find valuable enough to link to.
Consider what kinds of templates might make people's jobs easier before creating one.
A designer, for example, could establish a library of downloadable business card templates that others may go to repeatedly. 
Bookmarkable content is frequently the type of material that receives a large number of inbound links.
14. Create compelling infographics.
People adore disseminating infographics.
 People will link back to you as the source if you develop an original infographic. 
You may also share your design with the sources you quoted and make the embed code for your infographic easily accessible to boost the likelihood of an incoming link.
You're not a designer?
 With designs like these free infographic templates, anyone can create professional-looking, 
high-quality infographics rapidly.
 Before developing an infographic, 
you should think of a topic that can be depicted and is relevant to your market.
15. Create other forms of visual content.
Cartoons, content visualizations, charts and graphs, and other visual content marketing tools
Are vital aspects of a visual content marketing strategy and a wonderful way to gain inbound connections. 
Because they cost time and money to create,
Others are likely to forego the hassle of developing their visual content and instead link to yours.
16. Create SlideShare presentations.
Cut up one of your infographics or adapt one from a previous speaking engagement. 
You can post these on your blog, in the resource part of your website, or even on a SlideShare account for more links.
Keep in mind that the most compelling presentations are the most shared. 
That entails amazing content as well as outstanding design.
17. Do something funny.
Things that are amusing spread like wildfire. 
Consider the amusing internal jokes in your sector and capitalize on them with some linkable humorous material. 
You can make a meme, a short video, or a tweet that summarises the joke. 
Just make sure you understand your audience and how they're likely to react so that nothing comes across as offensive.
18. Write press releases about interesting company news.
By transforming your PR strategy into an inbound one, you open up previously untapped prospects and carve out a niche for your brand.
While also gaining important mindshare with your target audiences.
Once you've written a superb press release,
Post it on your website and then send it to one of the major newswires to gain more visibility.
19. Send out a joint press release when your news involves another company.
This can help you reach thousands of other connected sites that may not have linked to your site in a press release about only your firm. 
This will allow you to reach a bigger number of individuals and, as a result, gain more backlinks.
20. Do some outreach when you have big news or a great piece of content.
Getting press attention and being featured in industry journals can help you establish your brand. 
Expand your visible expertise, boost your credibility, and, of course, gain backlinks from authoritative sites.
To begin, build a dedicated page on the story on your website to which they can link. 
Then, contact a few journalists and/or media that you believe would be interested in your story. 
Make sure your request is contextual,
That you obey their guidelines, that you compose an engaging subject line in your pitch email, 
And that you are helpful rather than boastful.
21. Set up press request alerts and look for opportunities to send quotes.
Press request alerts are requests for information sources from journalists.
These journalists are continuously on the lookout for quotes from specific people to include in their articles,
And they use a variety of channels to convey requests and find those quotes.
22. Write and pitch op-ed articles.
If you have an intriguing point of view to share and can communicate it clearly and effectively in an op-ed piece.
you may be able to reach a large number of people, gain notoriety for yourself and your organization. And obtain authoritative backlinks to your website. 
The most effective op-ed pieces, in my opinion, make a single point.
Embrace the author's perspective, and then provide specific recommendations.
After you've written the piece, seek online editions of industry newspapers and magazines for a very desirable inbound link.
You're well on your way to developing high-quality backlinks the white-hat approach with the suggestions and methods I've offered. 
As more links point to your site, you will rise in the SERPs, increasing organic traffic and drawing more prospective leads and consumers.
You can contact Nummero, the best web design company in Bangalore.
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supertopsquid · 6 years
Release Week: Castro 3 and Castro Plus
We released Castro 3 a week ago, tweeting:
Castro 3 is out now:
Beautifully redesigned player screen
New player engine built from scratch
Apple Watch app
With this update Castro became free to download from the App Store. The triage features, and almost everything else, that users loved in Castro 2 are now free to use for everyone.
We also announced Castro Plus, an optional subscription for advanced features:
Trim Silence
Enhance Voices
Mix to Mono
Per-Podcast settings
Skip Intros
Episode Limits
Night Mode
Night Mode and Enhance voices were already available in Castro 2, so customers who bought that still have access to those features whether they subscribe to Castro Plus or not.
We discussed this move to Free + Subscription in recent episodes of our podcast. There are a few popular exceptions but we strongly believe that paid up front apps with perpetual free updates are not sustainable for building an indie business on the App Store. Paid updates and free trials (if Apple introduce them) have worked for indie developers on the Mac for years, but the prices for indie Mac software are much higher so I’d be wary of suggesting that those features alone would be enough to make indie software more viable long term on iOS.
Aside from business model changes (and some new features like Mix to Mono) our main focus when developing Castro 3 was to catch up on as many features from other podcast apps as possible. Ryan Christoffel picked up on this in his MacStories review:
If an absent feature ever kept you from sticking with Castro 2, that almost certainly won't be a problem anymore. Castro 3 addresses nearly all of those "one missing feature" requests in a single release. […] Castro 3 is everything Castro already was, but better. It's the app that Castro fans have always wanted.
When we released Castro 1, almost 5 years ago, we were driven largely by a frustration with the visual design of other podcast apps, and so the visuals were what set that first version apart. In the intervening years however, we’re happy to have been able to bring much more to the table, and now have an app that serves podcast enthusiasts’ needs in a powerful way. Ryan continues:
Castro has always had its core attractions, and those remain what they were; Castro is still Castro, but better. Its main appeal was once to a select group of users with specific design preferences, but now Castro has truly come into its own: it's become an app that serves nearly any podcast fan's needs.
Glenn Fleishman made Castro 3 a Macworld Editors’ Choice, which is an honour:
I’ve found Castro’s triage approach suits my style of podcasting subscribing and listening better than playlist-driven ones, and if that sounds appealing to you, the rest of Castro 3’s improvements make it an easier recommendation as well.
On iMore, Christine Chan compared Castro 3 to Overcast, asking which podcast app is better?
I've always enjoyed the aesthetic of Castro over Overcast but continued to use Overcast because of the feature set. Now that Castro 3 brings about a slew of powerful new features, it's a much harder choice to choose between the two. Each one has their own strengths and weaknesses, but the playing field is much more level now.
We worked hard during development to try ensure Trim Silence would be a worthy competitor to Marco Arment’s Smart Speed® in Overcast; we didn’t want to just check it off a feature list, so we were happy that Christine echoed a sentiment we’ve heard from other reviewers and customers:
After testing out Castro's Trim Silence, I believe that it's on par with Overcast, and a great addition to Castro. Voices still sound natural, and I definitely don't notice as many awkward silences in shows, as it's meant to be.
Last week was a whirlwind of responding to customers emails and tweets, catching up on reviews, trying to interpret stats from iTunes Connect, selling and buying houses, and even writing a little bit of code.
On Thursday we tweeted:
Castro 3 has been downloaded more times in 3 days than Castro 2 was in 2 years. 😘
That quickly became our most liked tweet of the week. It’s lovely to see how many people are enthusiastic and hopeful about the future of Castro.
It’s important to note that increased download numbers really are only the first step in a successful transition to this new model, we need a certain percentage of those downloads to convert to subscriptions. I’m happy to report that opposition to the subscription model, which we expected and were prepared for, has been from a vocal minority and the vast majority of feedback we’ve received has been from customers saying they’re happy to pay for an app they use so frequently.
Since both subscription tiers ($3 for 3 months, or $9 for a year) start with a 7 day free trial, today is the first day that actual paid subscriptions begin and tomorrow we’ll know what our initial subscriber count is. Over the coming weeks we'll get an idea of how many new subscribers are signing up each day. It will take a few months before we know how many subscribers on the quarterly plan renew for a second term. All these factors will contribute to us determining whether we can meet our target subscriber count in a reasonable time or if we'll need to rethink our marketing efforts and/or product roadmap.
We’re hopeful, quietly optimistic even, about this transition; but in many ways the work towards having a successful and sustainable indie software business based on recurring subscriptions is only just beginning.
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Wow... I don’t know what to say. A few weeks ago I noticed that I’m slowly approaching 1000 followers but then I forgot about it.
I don’t have anything special for download or so, but I just wanted to thank you so much for your support!
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I created this account just for an ask for @freezerbunny-sims first, then @criquette-was-here joined the community again and inspired me so much with the wonderful creations, tips and screenshots. On my tumblr I posted some experimental stuff to maybe reach a few people (10 at most?), but when criquette discovered and reblogged my posts and lots of other people interacted with me, I had the craziest time in my whole internet activity.
Then the renaissance happened. Lit up buildings, animated skies and lots of other ways to improve the games visuals made the game so much more appealing. I’m sure that lots of simmers (re)discovered The Sims 2 because of this. A further shoutout to @lowedeus, @simnopke, @an-elegant-simblr and @ousmeo who did a great job on this and got the ball rolling. This is what I ‘dreamed’ of when I joined MTS in late 2015 (I’m Bob Newbie btw!).
But it’s not over. There’s still much to improve on the best Sims game and one of this is the interface. That’s where my focus is right now with Clean UI. Also I want more variety in the neighborhood with the seasonal fields which take a little longer sadly. And one problem I faced as well is creating a new neighborhood for The Sims 2 - it’s just too complicated and that’s where HoodPlanner will help in the future.
These are my three current - but also last projects not including small fixes and stuff. I’m spending too much time on it and I want to move on someday. But more on that after the last project is finished. And this will take a lot of time.
Now I want to thank these people in more detail:
@driftsatellite: for being my first follower :) @keoni-chan: for sending me a SFS invite code! @meryamsims: for inspiring me to redo the UI @criquette-was-here: for inspiring us all with your amazing creations and knowledge @lowedeus: for creating beautiful skies and helping me with my skylines @simnopke: for creating sky fix which made 'hood skies & skylines in lot mode possible @ousmeo: for creating one of the first lit up buildings @an-elegant-simblr: for making the water look like water @pineapple5050: for the post effects And lots of other people who made my days!
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clouseplayssims · 7 years
Sorry ahead for time for all my world building rantings, but research is FUN and EXCITING and JOIN ME.
(Below the cut is 100% me rambling, a lot, so be warned!)
So, currently I’m working on the “main” part of the former kingdom of Ghalyvudd. It has a new name (which will be revealed) to go along with the new dynasty and definitely is getting a new look. The rebellion just ended, with Arndt Blumenthal being crowned as King. He chose a new location to serve as the kingdom’s capital (which I haven’t name yet, I mostly consider it the ‘kingdom proper’) and set to work building a temporary fortified city while masons and stoneworkers simultaneously began work on what will become his primary seat of power. That castle won’t be done for several years. (typical construction time is listed between 2-10 years, so it’ll depend a lot on how big I end up making it - I wanted to give myself time to really put the work in without hindering my ability to play as soon as possible)
As far as design, the capital city is set in a basin valley, surrounded by mountains. Weather-wise, think Montana. Hot summers, gorgeous springs and falls, and a winter made of pure death. But the mountains serve as a natural protective barrier - there won’t be any kind of invading army without some advanced notice. The land itself used to be part of the Kenton families vast holdings though it had remained largely uninhabited for generations.
Because yes I couldn’t just have land appearing from no where.
There are actually two quarries within a reasonable distance from the planned site of the castle (tentatively I’m calling it Blumenthal Castle but I don’t really like that name, I feel like Arndt is going full Henry VII on me as far as propaganda and would want something more suitably mythological to appeal to the masses) which means there will be more of a variety when it comes to the colors of the stone but also means that stone buildings will be more predominate in this area because the materials are easier to come by and cheaper then wood which was over-forested - and matters weren’t helped by the temporary buildings that were heavily wood-based.
So I decided on all of this (and a lot of other stuff that probably won’t eve come up - honestly, I’m a whore for research) but my main problem was translating the ideas that I’d built up in to functional sim buildings that weren’t monsters when it came to CC and playability - and that’s key for me. I’ve seen some jaw-droppingly gorgeous lots, but if it takes five hours to send a sim to the bathroom and another five to send them to the kitchen to eat, that’s just not fun for anybody. That’s when I get cheaty and start teleporting and eventually I’m not even playing.
My solution might seem a little odd, but honestly my biggest inspiration source in terms of photos? Dollhouses! (Doll castles?) The majority of them are very compact while still managing to convey the fact that they are not just houses. They’re also really, really compatible with sims gameplay in general.
So, I picked out a nice, temporary home for Arndt.
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I liked the different textures and variations in fencing, as well as how many levels there were to this particular ‘building’ without it looking out of hand or crazy. Nice, simple, looks like it could have gone up in the span of six months or so - or less.
Translating the basic shape was super easy. Even guessing where things should go inside was relatively easy, just lots of mashing sims practicality with how I know historical sites like this were set up.
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I changed a few things - the gate isn’t diagonal, the roof/stable part is longer, the tower is chunkier, etc. but overall I’m happy with my result structurally.
Design-wise, it did take me longer to pick out materials - especially fences - because I didn’t have what I wanted but I don’t want to add more stuff to my poor downloads folder if it can be helped. The tower portion is meant to resemble part of the original Kenton lot. I never showed that one because it was a massive beast that was a nightmare to play and only lasted two rounds, but there was a lot of red stone/brick and those brownstone type fences.
In my mind, the old Kenton palace was mostly destroyed and in the area where the capital is now situated. A fire would make sense, and because it would have been around the time when Cyneric just took the throne and the future king Cadfael hadn’t even been born, it fits the timeline I have of the land the capital now sits on being abandoned/unused.
The rough stone wall surrounding this lot is meant to be a last defense. Ideally I’d have had one of those fences with the spiky looking tops, but the only ones I had like that were short and again, trying to limit my CC. But I like the fence I chose. It’s stone, which I’ve established is common in the area, and was probably constructed during the rebellion. This structure could definitely be something that started out a small fortification but was built up quickly once Arndt rose to power.
The main building is entirely wood. I probably didn’t have to go for the aged, grey-looking paneling I chose... but that was a style preference and it works.
I’m very happy with the Takemizu gate. It has the little roof just like the picture and I’ve always liked it but not had an excuse to use it.
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I chose to use some basic, rough looking wooden floors because again - the idea is this isn’t meant to be a permanent structure for the royal family in any way. It was built to protect Arndt during the rebellion, to serve as a base of operations, and now it’s home base until his suitably elegant palace is complete. Downstairs you have the main lviing/kitchen quarters, a small room for the tub, the dark room which is going to serve as the throne-ish room, and then a small toilet attached to that.
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I love these wallpapers so much, I ended up using them in all the rooms because they’re gorgeous but not too fancy for the vibe I was going for. This level has a smaller living area that I’ll probably make in to a bit of a study and the master bedroom. I intentionally used a fancier wallpaper for that because I imagine Arndt is very conscious of his image and wants to project his status and wealth.
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The top floor is going to be dedicated to Bernike and Arndt’s initial children. It’s more grand as well, done up in red as that’s one of the official colors Arndt has chosen for himself. Next to the stairs is a long, skinny bathroom because it was just an awkward slice of space. and I wanted another one.
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