#(i may or may not have snooped around your blog a little to see what ships you liked)
wave2tyun · 3 months
policy of truth and lies | ☆
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pairing: huening kai x reader
genre: highschool!au (kinda), band!txt, brother's best friend!kai, fluff, a bit suggestive
summary: a little white lie never hurts sometimes. to what lengths are you willing to go to protect it?
warnings: mentions of throwing up
word count: 3.3k
a/n: this all started just from my silly little desire to write a fic with the brother's best friend trope absdjhabj but honestly, this is one of the fics that i am most proud of, it has a special place in my heart :(<3 shout out to all my dear ningdungies!!!!😼😼💞 i love you all a lot!!!!<33 (and i hope you manage to survive this!!!)
☆ = repost from my old blog!!
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“carefully planned-out coincidences” - that’s what your encounters with kai were; something that would appear unsuspicious to the naked eye, yet so obvious to a love connoisseur.
a fixed set of rules had been established in order for such meetings to be successfully completed, and continued.
1. no texting each other when you’re next to others. people love to snoop and steal a glance at your phone screen, getting you easily busted.
2. no form of physical touch is allowed on school grounds, unless you’re well-hidden. you never know what pair of eyes could be lurking around.
and, the most important one of them all: 3. do not, under no circumstances, get caught by soobin.
your brother tended to be more of a quieter person with an almost inhumane kind of calmness in him. that, however, did not apply when it came to unveiling lies. had he found out you had been kissing his best friend behind his back, it would have certainly not turned pretty. you knew that the longer you kept it away from him, the harder it would be to reveal the truth. even so, you kept postponing it, as you couldn’t figure out the right way to do it. you couldn’t just randomly go up to him and say: “remember that halloween party we held last year? yeah, me and kai kissed while you were in pain, next to the toilet bowl, releasing the obscene amount of sweets you had eaten that night”.
it was not the most romantic scenario, obviously, but it was one of the very few moments when soobin and kai weren’t glued at the hip, and neither of you could take the tension anymore. taking your brother’s pitiful cries out of the image, the kiss was actually quite sweet. and no, it wasn’t because of the jelly beans kai had eaten prior to that- maybe only party. the actual reason was kai’s hand on your waist, accompanied by the breathy “can i…?” that he whispered against your cheek.
as cheesy as it may sound, it’s a night that you will never forget.
-for various reasons.
one of them being the fact that it was pretty much the the starting point of a certain “shift” in your relationship with kai. from that day onward, it seemed like both of you tried to find as many opportunities as possible to be in each other’s presence. oh- kai came over and wanted a glass of water from downstairs? whew- well, you were thirsty too, looks like you had to go to the kitchen with him. kai was left on dish-washing duty after parties? you could spare a few minutes to help him out. movie night with the boys? the only free spot was so conveniently the one next to kai.
it was thrilling, adrenaline-inducing. you could never be too sure whether you were subtle enough, or completely alone, so you had to walk on eggshells every single time, no matter what. it got exhausting though, and you wished that, at least for once, kai could come over to your house to see you, not soobin.
kai, on the other hand, was definitely more of a risk taker than you, one that saw no harm in breaking some of the rules every once in a while.
and there are no risks, without possible consequences.
it was something that kai had learned…the hard way…on the lovely day of february 14th.
soobin had invited kai to spend the day together, playing games and trying out all the mystery flavors of a heart-shaped chocolate box. initially, they weren’t supposed to be the ones indulging in the sweet treat, but soobin had chickened out before giving it to his crush at school that day. sulking uncontrollably, he called his best friend so that they could console themselves from the soul-crushing fact that they were both (to soobin’s knowledge) “single”.
while he felt bad for his downcast pal, kai also couldn’t take his mind off you. love was in the air, after all: the rom-com that played on his tv as he was getting ready to come to your house, the lovey-dovey songs playing on the radio, the couples getting affectionate on the streets- they only added further to the burning desire that he felt today, more than ever, to see you. and perhaps…not only see you.
depending on the situation, those coincidences would often consist of: hand-holding underneath blankets or tables, winks sent to redden the other one’s cheeks and, if you were lucky, an exchange of swift, tiny pecks.
none of the outcomes above satisfied him though. the more he thought about crossing paths with you, the more he wished to caress your face, to hold you in his arms- to have an intimate moment with you that involved something more than a “kiss and run” type of situation.
“hey- the race started, why are you not moving?” soobin exclaimed, his mario kart character moving way farther than kai’s across the screen.
snapping out of it, kai shook his head, placing the controller down onto the coffee table before excusing himself “i have to go to the bathroom-” he said as he placed one hand on his stomach, mustering up all his theatre acting skills to put on a pained expression on his face “i think those sweets aren’t sitting right with me”
as soon as he finished that statement, kai basically flew up the stairs, skipping 2-3 steps at once. he made sure to flip the light switch to the bathroom before striding towards your room, to make it seem like he was there.
kai made his entrance with a finger over his lips and a catlike smile.
“what are you doing? you can’t be in here-” you whisper-shouted. kai had never- ever been in your room up until that point. it was too dangerous.
however, you still gave in, not pushing him back through the door he came in from.
he walked closer, coming to cup your face in his hands “i wanted to see you”
“is that so?” you asked coyly.
kai smiled more, sensing the bit of happiness sneaking into your voice beside your attempts to appear mad at him.
“it is so” he answered, waver in his voice from excitement.
“if you don’t believe me, then i guess i could go back to soob-”
“no-” you tugged kai’s arm, laughing “stay, i was kidding”
kai turned on his heel, lips falling into place perfectly on top of yours, transferring his smile to you in an instant “you know i didn’t intend on actually doing it” he whispered, caressing your cheek.
“i know” you chuckled “but you have to make it up to me for the teasing”
you pulled at the collar of kai’s shirt, waiting for him with closed eyes to initiate another kiss. kai chuckled before connecting your lips back together, starting off with agonizingly quick pecks, then attempting to initiate something more through longer, fervent kisses that trailed down to your neck, all while he slowly made you walk backwards to your bed. it wasn’t long before you hit the mattress and the two of you ended up tangled in your sheets, with one hand tugging at kai’s hair and the other one at his shirt as he hovered over you. soft gasps escaped through your mouth- the only acceptable way to lightly catch your breath, as it didn’t involve letting go of each other.
a knock on the door, however, sent kai flying through the air.
“y/n? can i come in?” soobin asked, completely oblivious to the events happening on the other side of the piece of wood that his knuckles had grazed a second ago.
the strong fear that he’d come barging in before you answered, turned you to push the poor lover boy away earlier, catapulting him onto the floor, the fluffy rug hardly alleviating his pain.
“what was that sound- are you hurt?” you heard a worried shout. it was a clear sign that you had no more than five seconds to prepare for disaster.
“i’m coming in, okay?”
seeing the doorknob twist, kai had no time to process his anguish. he wriggled his way underneath your bed, pulling down the blanket to hide his body.
“everything alright…?” soobin took two steps into your room then froze. the sight of your disheveled bed as well as your poor, motionless figure, scrambled up his feelings of concern with confusion.
“yeah- never been better” you replied, brushing out any folds on your clothes with your hand.
soobin’s eyebrow raised in suspicion; it was hard to make your breathing seem normal when your lungs burned like an athlete who had ran a marathon.
“i swear i heard a loud noise coming from your room-”
“nope, uh- nothing here. i was sleeping before you came in” you yawned, stretching your arms up in the air to reinforce your previous statement.
kai placed a hand over his mouth, careful so as not to move the blanket or make any sounds- why did you have to say something that would direct soobin’s attention right in his direction? your brother sneaked another glance at your bed, judging its unusually messy state.
“are you building a bird nest or something?” he huffed, placing his hand on the doorknob, about to leave “don’t answer that actually- i don’t want to know. i just wanted to tell you that the pizza is gonna arrive in about thirty minutes. if you don’t come down on time, i can’t promise that there’ll be any left for you”
with that, the door was shut, allowing your body to slide down to the floor in relief- and the breath trapped in kai’s lungs to be released.
it was only after this incident that kai’s venturesome nature seemed to be slightly tamed. not once did he try to sneak into your room again, nor did he dare to bring up the matter. the one and only thing that he could do, was to look up at you with troubled, wary eyes as he pecked your lips, knowing that it didn’t stand in his power to do more.
nevertheless, it wasn’t long before he proceeded to go back to his usual antics, the feeling inside his heart all too unbearable.
after all, not everyone can resist temptation, can they?
people knew that it wasn’t an unusual occurrence for you to be spotted in and outside the school with the most in demand band of the city, txt- your school’s pride and joy, which both your brother and his best friend were part of. so, whenever you tagged along with them, say it were to a local show, backstage, or during rehearsals, no one questioned a thing.
what was uncommon though, was you receiving private messages from the band’s notably fine pianist, kai, and giggling while responding to him, on top of it all.
this scene was witnessed by a certain someone who you thought had fallen fast asleep in the middle of class. little did you know how effective the bell ringing was to wake him up and how he had the most perfect view to the conversation taking place on your phone screen.
[9:17 am] can you stay after the rehearsal today?^3^
[9:18 am] i miss you…
the witness slowly placed their head back on their desk, choosing to stay silent. this kind of matter required evidence, direct confirmation, and therefore they chose to follow you around for the rest of the day, like a shadow, thoroughly analyzing your words and actions; the texts were your first strike of the day, could there have been anything else you were keeping in the dark? the answer is yes, and you can take that literally- it turns out that the lonely, far corner of the school library makes a good spot for “discreet” pda.
you and kai were tucked away in that poorly lit spot, hugging, laughing- blissfully unaware of the third pair of eyes there with you, glossed with anger and action-driven by betrayal.
“and that’s a wrap- good job guys” yeonjun clapped his hands, turning from the microphone stand to face the group with a smile.
“kai, cleaning duty is on you today. make sure you don’t forget to lock up the doors before you leave” yeonjun threw the keys in kai’s direction, which he caught effortlessly.
“what? you always ditch on me when we get paired up together- what could have possibly gotten in the way this time?” kai’s brows furrowed in annoyance. he wasn’t one to enjoy picking a fight, but yeonjun was taking too much advantage of his compassionate nature. he had enough of all the chores landing on him every week, without fail.
“scored a date with that girl from the mall” yeonjun winked “which, by the way- starts in less than half an hour. so, i gotta go, sorry buddy. maybe you can get somebody else to help you”
everybody else’s eyes turned to the floor after yeonjun parted ways with them, blurting out random reasons to be excused: “i have a project to finish” “i did it last time” “i just don’t want to do it” ; nobody was enthusiastic about staying at school overtime.
nobody, except for you. you were about to say an excuse of your own when the realisation hit you: you and kai? alone? with none of the boys around? it was a rare occurrence, one even rarer than the blue moon. you couldn’t simply pass by it.
“i can help you”
soobin watched you from the corner of his eye, biting his tongue to prevent any words from slipping out. you had stayed behind to help the members out before, it would be weird if he only started commenting on the matter when it was kai you were going to stay with.
“we’ll leave you to it then” beomgyu swung his arms around soobin’s and taehyun’s shoulders, leading them towards the door before you could change your mind.
“yeonjun always does this” kai huffed, picking up the acoustic guitar from the floor “i love him but- for once, i wish he’d keep his word- or at least not cancel on me last minute” the more his spoke, the more reckless his movements became.
“careful with that- no matter how cheerful beomgyu might be most of the time, i don’t think he’d be too happy to see his guitar destroyed by you”
“sorry” he said bashfully, resting his body against the wall with a sigh “i guess i’m just fed up with everything”
as you placed a hand over kai’s cheek, his eyelids fluttered shut, comfort already washing over him.
“would a kiss make you feel better…?”
kai nodded eagerly “i might need more than just one kiss though” he whispered, bringing his hand to the back of your neck to pull you back closer.
his kisses were playful at first, with smiles and chuckles interrupting every once in a while. then, when he switched positions, bringing you to be the one trapped against the wall, he began alternating between pecking your lips and lightly biting them, chaste touches soon turning into something more…heated. hands brushing over each other’s bodies in a frenzy, swollen red lips caught in an endless, desperate chase, like you had never had a taste of something sweeter.
what had gotten into you both? doing something this risky in such an “honourable” place. it was the lousy heap of all your lies and yet the most enthralling point of them all.
too bad that adrenaline rushes don’t last forever though.
you felt kai’s heart thump against your chest as you cupped his jawline to bring him back for more, but your next kiss never came to fruition.
“am i interrupting something?” the person standing at the door’s threshold cleared their throat to grab your attention.
you felt your blood turn cold upon hearing the sound. having a hunch about the sight ready to greet you, you turned your head at an awfully slow pace.
“care to give me an explanation?” soobin stood with his arms crossed, the expression on his face indecipherable.
in a single day, all of the rules you swore you’d follow like a saint, for the sake of your relationship, had been broken.
kai was dismissed from the room by soobin without being given a chance to speak. it was your words he wanted to hear first and foremost, it was you who left him the most perplexed ever since he took a furtive look at your phone screen this morning, or since he saw what you were up to in the library.
you were silent, rubbing your hands with your head hanging low. lies can’t last forever, you knew that, but you wished the right to make that dreadful reveal was in your hands to hold.
your brother cleared his throat, awkwardly shifting his position in the plastic chair he sat down on. when he abandoned the boys earlier because he “forgot something” in the practice room, he didn’t have a concrete plan in mind.
“how long?”
“what?” you murmured.
soobin repeated himself “for how long has this been going on? this…thing between you and kai?”
your throat went dry- your first instinct was to spit out another lie. upon better thought though, you realised it was have been ridiculous to even try and deny anything, given the fact that you were caught mid-act. the only actual option left for you was the raw, honest truth:
“…a year” you said reluctantly. soobin only nodded his head.
the silence soon felt direful, and neither of you could tolerate it. soobin turned his head up to look into your eyes, he got the answers he was looking for, now it was his turn to be sincere with you.
“y/n, i’m not the one who chooses who you’re gonna love- and as much as it bothers me that, out of all the people, it’s my best friend who you fell for- i can’t tell you to stop seeing kai”
his words turned your mind in even more of jumble than before. that was it? no screaming? no need to pull out the classic “but i love him“? it was a rare occurrence for the two of you to settle things so easily, it felt like you were suddenly picked up and placed in an alternate universe.
“so, what i’m getting is…you’re approving of our relationship?” you asked, feeling the need to have a definite confirmation of his feelings; none of the scenarios you had imagined before where you revealed your relationship matched the result of this one.
soobin hummed “as long as you don’t hoard him on the weekends- he might be your boyfriend now, but he was my friend first. i’ll have him on saturdays and you can have him on sundays, deal?”
you smiled, shaking his stretched out hand “deal”
“shouldn’t kai have a say in this too though?”
“something tells me he’s already agreed to it” soobin laughed, pointing at a “totally-not-eavesdropping-kai”, the half-open door revealing his pink cheeks along with both of his thumbs up.
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taglist: @huekalover3000
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flightfoot · 5 months
ML Fanfic Recs for 2023: 10K - 20K Words
So I’ve been going through and adding particularly good fics I’ve read throughout the year. Only Complete fics, of course. Enjoy!
Chat Noir and Marinette decide to fake date in order to get Buttercup jealous enough to confess. Why won’t that boy make a move on such a wonderful girl as Marinette? And why is he beginning to hope that Buttercup stays blind?
Adrien wakes up in Nino’s arms. Neither of them have any explanation for this, considering they were nowhere near each other the night before. 
Marinette and Zoe uncover a ring stashed away in a closet. Why does it have an unusual effect on Chloe?
Felix isn’t careful enough when he goes snooping around the Agreste Mansion. Gabriel decides that he can’t let him roam free.
Kim bets Alix that she won’t be able to attend all of her friends’ weddings in a row. She has never been one to turn down a challenge.
All this and more below the break!
May I Introduce Myself, Your Highness? by @chocoluckchipz
Whether picking up a stray animal off the streets or saving a dying child at the market, Adrien had always strived to be the best version of himself. Truly, he would've been the perfect candidate to be snatched up by a kwami, were he an orphan, dying somewhere remote after a short life full of nothing but suffering and misery. Yet as it stood, the sole heir to the French throne had little to complain about. Apart from, perhaps, a complete absence of a love life. That is until a mysterious girl, wandering around his gardens at night, catches his attention.
I love Fantasy AUs. It’s a bit unclear what’s happening at first, but it all gets explained in the last chapter. Also don’t worry about the age gap between Marinette and Adrien at the start of the story, I promise it’s not a problem in the end.
do you think I have forgotten about you? by @roseinaugust
Based on the song 'About You' by The 1975. Memory Loss. Told in alternating time lines, one leading up to and one dealing with the aftermath of Marinette relinquishing the Miracle Box and the guardianship. Marinette struggles with her life after losing her memory, though there is a persistent voice that calls to her that always seems just out of reach in her memory.
Beautiful memory loss fic here, with seeing Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s relationship before she gave up the Miracle box, juxtaposed with the present day, when Adrien is only a stranger to her. I could really feel how Marinette was struggling with navigating these new circumstances, with her friends seeming to expect her to remember, to be who she was to them, to Adrien especially, before, and her just... not knowing whether she can do that. It’s got a happy ending though, for those who are concerned about that.
Creative Lies and Destructive Truths by @azuriteartist
Alya and Lila are two sides of a never-ending fight. The fight between truth and lies, between honesty and deception, between justice and personal gain. And now they have the powers to elevate that fight to a city-wide level.
Can Alya stop the deception before it destroys the city? And can Lila stop the truth before it destroys her?
So everyone who’s been around my blog for awhile knows how much I love Alya getting the spotlight (I mean my sideblog alyaappreciation is dedicated to her, because frankly, she needs it), and azurite’s lovely fic here is no exception. Fu ended up giving Tikki to Lila and Plagg to Alya. There actually isn’t tension between them at first, they get along well to start with, but Plagg knows Lila’s lying about things and eventually pushes Alya to take action once they grow alarming, until the two of them are both accusing each other of being liars as superheroes, and the public doesn’t know what to believe. 
I’m betting there’s more of this AU to come. I hope so, I love the consideration and agency it gives to both Alya and Lila.
How Marinette Learned to Stop Worrying And Love The Ball by @rosie-b
Hidden from the crowds thronging around the busy fairy portal in Paris's town square, a fae gate sits at the edge of the forest, locked, rusty, and full of ancient magic. Marinette thinks that this abandoned gate must not work anymore... but one day, a fairy disguised as a black cat steps through it.
Ah, Fantasy Soulmate AUs, my beloved XD. This ain’t the only one of this fic type I’m gonna be recommending. This is just a cute fluff fic without much strife. I love Marinette and Chat Noir being able to be childhood friends via his visits, even if he has to pretend to be her cat whenever he comes over, and I ESPECIALLY adore Alya being his chaperone and quickly becoming friends with Marinette in her own right. It ain’t a complicated plot, but it is a nice and warm fic.
Vengeance Noire by @phiellydinyia
After a horrific argument with his father, Adrien escaped from the mansion with his heart in pieces. In hindsight, it made sense why an akuma was sent his way. He shouldn't have let his emotions get the better of him.
But he never expected Plagg to be even more upset than he was. He never expected his own kwami to be akumatized. To become the threat of a city he swore to protect. And what's worse is the fact that Chat Noir can't jump in to save this one.
But Ladybug can. And that's why he has to find her as quickly as possible, suit or no suit.
I love some good Adrien angst, especially with a delicious side order of Plagg and Adrien’s bond with each other. Even as Adrien’s barely functional, though, he’ll do everything in his power to save Plagg, even if Plagg wishes he wouldn’t go quite that far. 
the best laid plans (of bugs and bakers) by @mexicancat-girl
Paris is buzzing with the appearance of a new ladybug-themed hero, Scarabella.
Alya decides to use her second hero identity to help her best friend Marinette. A bit of her flirting with Marinette is bound to make Marinette's crushes jealous and finally ask her out! Her plan is fool-proof…!
Except when it's not. Not enough people are talking about Scarabella flirting with Marinette. How can Alya properly help her best friend if the news can't be bothered to cover Marinette's budding romance with Scarabella and only posts things about Marinette with Chat Noir?! So Alya puts her all into her plan, upping up her flirting each time she appears as the newbie hero Scarabella.
This totally does not backfire in any way.
I adore fics that center on Alya, I haven’t exactly been shy about that fact. This is a nice one for some Alyanette adorableness! (And some Scarabella and Chat banter, I really enjoyed reading that as well). “Fake” flirting to make crushes jealous tends to turn real very quickly, and this is no exception. It’s hilarious, Alya’s the last one to figure out that her romantic relationship with Marinette is very much real XD.
Control by @generalluxun
A fun and rebellious gesture by her friend Zoé leaves Marinette accidently in possession of something more precious than she ever expected to hold.
It's a blessing. It's a curse. It's life itself.
She has no idea what to do. There is so much wrapped up not only in WHAT, but also WHO. Her friends and partners can offer advice, consolation, and support, but in the end when you are both Ladybug and the Guardian you are the one in control.
This is a fantastic SentiChloe fic. Marinette ends up with Chloe’s amok and isn’t sure what to do with it, whether to try to give it to Chloe, whether to try and use it to make Chloe a better person, or whether to just hold onto it secretly. Along the way, she ends up getting into Chloe’s head, getting a better idea of Chloe’s mindset, what she thinks and feels when she does the things she does. I loved seeing her struggle with figuring out what to do, it ended up being a great character study for both Marinette and Chloe!
Within Your Heart by Inkyibis
It's Valentine's Day and Ladybug just wants to her superhero partner to find his love.
And what she wants, the Lucky Charm will create.
If only she could remember what it is she did last night.
Adrino fic here! Marinette’s drunk and feeling awful that her superhero partner is alone on Valentine’s (she’s in a loving and committed relationship with Alya), so she creates a Lucky Charm to help Chat find love! In this universe, Ladybug’s Lucky Charms have the power to create new rules for the universe to follow, such as making one that demands that if you have any magic in you, you have to tell the truth or else you’ll freeze. Or in Adrien’s case, that he has to wake up in the arms of his true love every day XD. It’s very sweet and I love both Adrien’s and Nino’s relationship, and the relationship between the rest of the Miracuteam members as well, even though that’s not the focus.
This Distance Between Us by @coffeebanana
After defeating Monarch, the search for the Peacock Miraculous brings Ladybug and Chat Noir to a hotel room in London. But it's hard to enjoy the victory when Ladybug can't figure out why Chat's been so quiet, why he seems so sad. How's she supposed to help if she has no idea what's wrong?
This is a great Sentiadrien fic, with Chat freaking out about it and feeling like he’s not worthy of Ladybug’s affections, but not telling her what’s actually wrong because he thinks she won’t want him anymore if she knows. Of course, he’s wrong about that.
Also there’s a pretty intense confrontation with Felix, pissing Chat Noir off is a bad idea.
Auspicious by The_Rabbit42
Entry #6 for AU April 2023: Reverse-Crush Kwami-Swap
Adrien is quiet and reserved whenever he's not consumed by stress. And between extracurriculars and modeling and his responsibilities as Mister Bug, he's often stressed. He appreciates his kitten, but he loves his bright and outgoing classmate. Not that she knows that.
Marinette's parents have always allowed her a good deal of independence, but she's felt her confidence skyrocket since getting Plagg. Simply being Lady Noire allows her to be more flirty and free. She likes her friends, but she loves her stoic and heroic partner. Not that he knows that.
This is just a lovely fic that’s exactly what it says on the tin. I like how Rabbit goes into what Lady Noire’s and Mister Bug’s dynamic is like here especially.
Of Crisp Days and Crispier Cakes by @scribeofrhapsody
Gabriel wants to not be sick. Adrien wants to make a cake. Nathalie wants a chill birthday. Maybe they can help each other. Maybe it'll be a disaster.
So this starts off as just the cute fluff fic of Adrien and Gabriel attempting to make Nathalie a birthday cake that the summary indicates, but soon evolves into a more action-filled drama fic when Gabriel makes the terrible decision to akumatize a cashier while sick... a cashier who happens to be in the same shop as Nathalie and Adrien. Who are willing to put their secret identities at risk in order to save each other.
After Irritation Do Us Start by @scribeofrhapsody
It was the most difficult decision of his life, but Gabriel did it. He let go of Hawk Moth. He moved on from Emilie. Now, all he wants is to enjoy life with his son and new wife. Unfortunately, a certain nephew of his seems to be determined to unearth what Gabriel needs to remain buried.
I love this look at what could have happened if during the season 3 finale, Gabriel had decided enough was enough and given up on being a supervillain, moving on with Nathalie instead. How much better things could have been if he’d just decided to stop - though Adrien still wouldn’t be happy to discover why Hawk Moth had suddenly stopped attacking.
Oh yeah, there’s an OC here called Gerald who Adrien’s puzzled by, since he’d never heard of this guy before the past year. At the end of the story you find out why he’s included in the story. It’s not a major thing, but it is kind of funny and fits well with the rest of the story.
Rocking the Cat-Eyes by @buggachat
“I like being a girl.”
“That’s the alcohol talking,” Marinette snorted.
“I’ve always been a li’l jealous,” Adrien admitted.
“... Of what?”
“That you get to be a girl,” Adrien murmured, “and I don’t.”
When Marinette and Adrien host Girls' Night at their apartment, Adrien is easily welcomed to attend as "one of the girls"... but has a bit too much to drink. Some drunken confessions are spilt, some assumptions are made, and most of all...
Adrien is confused.
This is a great Genderfluid!Adrien fic. Marinette actually figures out that Adrien’s not entirely cis before he does, and tries to let him know she’s supportive... but unfortunately Adrien comes to some incorrect conclusions...
Anyway it’s a lot of fun, and Adrien rocks a dress and makeup!
Desperation by OuzoAthena11
Marinette is at the end of her rope. There seems to be no hope for defeating Monarch, not now that he has most of the Miraculous and has figured out how to transfer their abilities to others.
Tikki has an idea: Awaken the memories of who Marinette was in the past to see if any of their knowledge across time and the multiverse could help.
But this means that Marinette might forever be changed, and so will Chat Noir, if he should choose to do this.
Little did they know that they knew each other in their past lives, and how frequently they crossed paths and even were a couple... well, that meant that they are soulmates.
Star Wars crossover fic here, with Marinette as Obi-wan and Adrien as Quinlan. I like how the reincarnation aspect was handled here, with Obi-wan’s and Quinlan’s memories being prominent and them “waking up” in a way at first, but those settling back down after a bit and Marinette and Adrien going back to being mostly themselves, but with a lot more life experience under their belts and some cool new abilities - which comes in handy for taking down Monarch!
Family by @unecoccinellenoire
“You know,” Nino grins, “if you need advice on being a big brother in a year or two I’m sure I could help.”
The bottom of Adrien’s stomach dropped out.
Adrien struggles with the concept of his father and Nathalie having children.
So this is a world where Adrien and Marinette managed to defeat Gabriel, taking his Miraculous, with them giving him an ultimatum: they won’t out him as being Hawk Moth so long as he doesn’t cause any more trouble and does right by Adrien. Gabriel does, in fact, move on finally to Nathalie, giving Adrien a lot of mixed feelings to deal with. He still loves them both despite everything, but he’s also angry at them and he definitely does NOT want them to have children, both because he thinks they’d like any biological child they had more (he’s also harboring guilt from indirectly being the cause of his mom’s death), and because frankly, they screwed up too much with Adrien for him to want them to inflict that on another child.
And then there’s also Adrien dealing with the realization that he’s a Senti on top of that and wondering why he and Felix look the way they do, what Emilie’s reasons were.
It’s mostly just Adrien getting to talk things out, navigating this emotionally fraught situation he finds himself in now that the dust is settled.
Galaxy In Your Eyes by @liiinerle
Arriving in Paris, Kagami almost immediately finds herself assaulted by a dark, infectious butterfly. When she wakes up, a ladybug-themed superhero is standing over her, and her eyes are like holes into an empty, vast, and incredibly alluring universe...
An AU where the two main Miraculous function differently from the norm.
Nice Marigami fic here! Or should I say, Ladygami - technically Marinette doesn’t exist, only Ladybug, who’s an immortal creation goddess, or something like that. But she still fights to protect Paris from Hawk Moth alongside Chat Noir, who is still a normal, squishy human underneath the suit.
Anyway, there’s a but of inspiration from Nimona here, with a lot of people being scared of Ladybug because she’s a bit... out there, especially when she shapeshifts to have like, 6 extra arms and a lobster tail. Kagami’s into it though XD
Stay Weird, Ladybug by @diadraws
Ladybug receives an invitation at the end of a patrol!
Contains some of my own headcanons, most notably: MIRACULOUS HOLDERS ARE CREATURES!!! They get actual animal traits when transformed instead of just a costume. My tumblr is diadraws where I elaborate some more on my headcanons which may add some additional context to this fic if you are interested!
CONTENT WARNINGS: *major* depictions of panic attacks, discussion of child neglect/abuse, and a minor emetophobia (vomiting) warning towards the end.
I’ve loved the comics and fanart I’ve seen dia create for this AU, with Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s more animalistic designs, so reading a fic set in that AU was a real treat! It’s mostly just a Ladrien sleepover at Adrien’s house, but it’s very nice and cozy, with some good character development of Adrien helping Ladybug with panic attacks she keeps having.
Trapped by @consistent-chaos-corporation
Felix asks to visit Adrien as soon as his father is gone. Gabriel catches him snooping, looking for Adrien's Amok.
Everything gets worse from there.
Damn, poor Felix. He came to try and help Adrien, but instead Gabriel stole his Amok, forcing him to obey his commands, holding him prisoner in his basement for months. If you want some quality Felix whump, this is the fic for you!
When Secrets Come Undone by SortaArtsy
Ladybug promised not to tell Adrien... but she never promised not to confide in Cat Noir. What happens when Ladybug unintentionally vents to the one person who wasn't meant to know any of it?
May not be season 6 compliant when it comes out.
This is a “Adrien finds out what everyone’s been keeping from him post-S5″ fic, and I think it’s handled really well! He feels very hurt, betrayed, and disbelieving initially about being a Senti and his father being Monarch (...mostly being a Senti, it ain’t that hard to believe that Gabriel was a supervillain), and is angry at everyone who kept it secret from him, but he still handles it well, going and talking to the people involved, getting their reasoning and perspective. 
Wanted: Catnap by SortaArtsy
Adrien Agreste has barely been sleeping, trying to be everything expected of him. What happens when he spreads himself too thin? Sick!Adrien/ Cat Noir
Adrien’s just pushing himself so hard, trying to do his regular duties, until his illness forces him to rest. I love how concerned everyone is over him - even GABRIEL eventually relents and wants him to rest. It’s just cute and nice and fluffy.
Felix is Fine by SortaArtsy
Felix wakes up sick, but is determined to keep it under wraps. Kagami refuses to be fooled. Feligami fluff. Implied past trauma/ abuse, though nothing explicit. Set post S5 so there are SOME SPOILERS!
If you want a Felix sick fic, this story’s the fic for you! I like how Felix and Kagami actually talk about why Felix is so determined to keep the extent of his illness hidden, what caused him to feel like he needs to do that, and Kagami’s understanding about it. Colt sucks.
Our Tales Are Endless (That’s Why I Tell Them) by @joonapeach
Marinette lives a simple life - one surrounded by pretty dresses, fresh macaroons, and the calming view of Paris. It's a life she thinks she has always fit in.
And yet sometimes, when a certain boy comes by her shop with a flower and a new adventurous story, she can't help but wonder if there's something else she's missing.
This was a truly gorgeous story. It’s the classic “Marinette gives up the Miracle Box and loses her memories” storyline, exploring her life two years later. Even though she’s had time to heal and recover, she still feels like she’s missing something, something big. At least Adrien’s stopping by regularly to tell her stories about Ladybug and Chat Noir, even if she doesn’t understand why they resonate with her so well.
a winter so warm by @rosekasa
winters were hard for even the best of vampires, but at least adrien had marinette to keep him warm with her cuddles.
december was going to suck without her. so it was only to be expected to get extra cuddles in before she left, right?
(well, not really, considering those heating supplements he was taking, but she didn't need to know about that).
This one’s mostly just cute cuddly adorableness! It’s basically like all those “Marinette gets the Ladybug trait of needing to cuddle up to someone for warmth”, but with Adrien instead. And of course featuring Marinette being a very talented witch who just wants to help Adrien stay warm when she isn’t there XD.
The 8 Weddings of Alix Kubdel by The_Rabbit42
The bet is simple: with the Rabbit Miraculous, Alix will be speaking at all of her friends' weddings. No matter what age they tie the knot, she'll be there looking the same. From Alix's perspective, she's going to each ceremony and reception one right after another in a nonstop bender.
This fic’s a lot of fun! I loved seeing all the different weddings, as well as how Alix slowly felt more and more out of place, with going forwards in time. Some of the weddings could get, uh. Exciting as well XD. And while there’s been years in-between Alix’s appearances for her friends at the wedding, for Alix, it’s only been a few hours, if that...
and I thought I heard you sing by @into-september
When Hawkmoth has been defeated and unmasked, Marinette is left with two problems and no solutions.
First, that Adrien is further out of her reach than ever before, and no-one can tell her how to get to him.
Second, that Cat Noir is far more troubled than she knew, and the only thing she can do is wait for him at the place they agreed to meet.
It’s your classic “Hawkmoth’s defeated and taken into custody but that means Adrien’s in for a rough time” sort of fic. Everyone’s worried about Adrien and wants to give him what comfort and support that they can, but he’s being hidden away from everyone (which I mean, honestly that’s a good move), so that’s not really possible. Plus, Ladybug’s noticed that Chat’s having a tough time in his civilian life, which worries her.
Time Locked AU by PumpkinPatchworkQuilt
In Time Locked, instead of just fixing the damage it puts everything post akuma back to exactly how it was, people, buildings, memories, time. Since it’s more extreme than in canon it requires both The Cat and The Ladybug to complete the Cure,(and visually contains both as well). Because of this only those with a miraculous can recall the events and only those who cast the Cure will have any lasting effects from the fight and even then it’s limited to scars, phantom aches, getting a tad more muscle definition and of course spatial displacement in extreme cases.
Since technology is slightly resistant or incompatible with the miraculous magic, footage of right after the akuma attack will survive, on a technicality and as such only reappears when the time catches up the the recorded time, that could be minutes, hours, or days depending on how long it took to defeat the akuma.
First story: Alya’s Guide to Surviving a Magical Terrorist Which You Can’t Remember
In a world where the fight against Hawkmoth is kept secret from the public, one Alya Césaire sets out to bring the whole thing to light, (and possibly win a journalism award while she's at it)
This was an interesting AU, I loved the focus on Alya especially and her investigative abilities, figuring out that there was a battle between good and evil taking place in the background of everyone’s lives even though most signs of it are wiped clean after the battle’s over. And Adrien and Marinette pick up on her cleverness and want her to help! I love how much appreciation this fic shows for Alya.
Stitched Together by @nedjsmlfavs
Stitch Witch Marinette was just supposed to be having a nice, terrifying outing with her best friends. She never expected to find a magically trapped kitten, but here we are! Whatever happened to this poor little guy?
Poor Adrien, being transformed and chained up for ages, having no idea that he was gonna be rescued. But at least he got to have fun at Marinette’s place as a cat! 
Most of this fic is adorable, though with some dark undertones lying in wait. After all, SOMEONE chained up that poor little kitty...
Love Remains by @kasienda
Marinette stood in the center of her own room. The pink walls were adorned with sketches and photos, and other unfamiliar souvenirs of her life. Her eyes jumped curiously from a hand made purse to a bowler hat decorated with a feather to a cork board covered in pictures of her friends.
She loved her room. Which made sense, she supposed. She had theoretically been the one to decorate it, but she didn’t remember decorating it. And now, the room was like a cave filled with treasure.
Because each little piece of it held a secret - some part of herself that meant something to her, a clue to what her life had been like before…
Before she had woken up in the arms of a boy wearing a magic black catsuit. His heartbroken sobs had caused something in her chest to twist painfully. She hadn’t understood why then, but from that very first moment she knew she had wanted to make things better for him.
She had no idea how to do that now that she understood what she had lost.
Sixteen years worth of memories.
The echoes of which were papered onto the walls and notebooks of her room just waiting to be rediscovered.
No one else seemed to share her excitement.
Unlike most “Marinette loses her memories” fics, this one isn’t super angst for Marinette - she takes it in stride. Now, everyone else, not so much. It’s really interesting seeing her contrast who she appeared to be before with who she is now, particularly when it comes to her previous self being in love with Adrien and not Chat, while she’s in love with Chat and not Adrien. Of course eventually she finds out certain things that makes that make a lot more sense. She isn’t so different from how she was before after all...
Betrayal by @jennagrinsoverml
Ladybug planned to use Viperion's power of Second Chance to get Chat's identity to Su-han without Chat knowing or agreeing.
Of course, then the world went crazy, and she didn't go through with it.
But when an akuma exposes Ladybug's plan to Chat, he doesn't know that. He just knows that his Lady betrayed him.
He deals with his feelings in the best, most mature way he can think of.
He disappears.
So I, like a lot of others, wanted more follow-up on Ephemeral, and particularly on the betrayal of trust it was for Marinette to try to trick Chat Noir into giving up his identity to a third party without his knowledge or consent (I wrote my own take on that at the time, called Transcient, that I’m proud of). This fic did a good job of exploring that, with Adrien reacting in a manner that made sense to me (repressing his negative feelings about the situation as much as possible and trying to justify it to himself, but still feeling terrible despite his own best efforts), and how Marinette realized that she messed up, since Luka keeping it secret that he knows hers and Chat’s secret identities caused her to be upset as well. It did a great job of exploring those negative feelings and letting everyone talk things out, explain their viewpoints, and rebuild their relationships afterwards, which is something I really value.
Swimming in Circles by @generalluxun
Life has moved on for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She's not where she thought she would be seven years ago, but she's still in a good place. Classes, hobbies, friends, her life is full despite the lingering shades of her faded yet sweet middle-school romance. Then just as quick at the first time, someone drops into her life and turns her into an absolute mess once more.
Love and crushes might be her undoing, but she's got a little more experience this time to weather the storm. This fateful stranger stirs memories as well as emotions inside of her, and with a forthrightness her old self would be jealous of, Marinette takes the plunge.
So this is a Trans fic, with Marinette’s new crush being a trans version of a certain classmate who she doesn’t recognize, who’s changed a lot, for the better. I like how it deals with the baggage she has with that person, has her think that through.
Three’s company by @torvalvt
Kagami has been doing her best for years to ignore her feelings for her friends. It doesn't help that Adrien and Marinette insist on spending as much time as possible with her, even going so far as inviting her along on their dates together. If only the affection she felt for them wouldn't get in the way of their relationship. Because it is growing harder and harder to tamp down her feelings with how close they are getting to her.
This is adorable. Adrien and Marinette really want Kagami to join their relationship and she just doesn’t dare hope for it. If you want some adorable Adrigaminette from Kagami’s perspective, I recommend checking this fic out!
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the-magicians-blue · 2 years
hi! I haven't seen any blogs doing Micah content, so color me surprised- your writing style is so good too?? aa?? may I offer up the idea of visiting him to get away from stress or maybe family problems? good fluff times w him to distract from life :0! if not it's totally okay, and I hope you're well!
This is so cute I-
I have been having huge writers block on what to write for characters from other games/shows/comics so I’m more than happy to take this request! Thank you for liking my writing!
Everything sucked. Work was stressful, and your parents sudden want to have a say so in your life after months of radio silence wasn’t helping. The constant complaining about you living alone and still being single was getting tiring. You weren’t even single anymore! You just didn’t want them trying to meddle in your relationship with Micah. Your parents randomly popping up to your house trying to arrange a date was the final straw. You needed space, away from work, away from your parents. You needed comfort, you needed Micah. Yeah you could vent to him on video call, but you wanted him next to you, and you were gonna make that happen
After taking some time to plan and pack you were ready to go. You hadn’t told him you were coming to visit during your daily calls. He had gotten a little suspicious when he noticed you snooping around in his computer, but he just thought you were trying to send him a little gift. You had to admit, Micah was right about it being child’s play to find someone’s address, you just never had a need to do so.
When the day finally came you had told Micah that the company you were working for was sending you out of town so you wouldn’t be able to talk until tomorrow. Luckily he took the excuse (though he still was suspicious) and you were on a plane to his house.
My Angel <3: Hey
My Angel <3: You home right now?
Micah Yujin: Yeah? Why?
Micah Yujin: Wait
Micah Yujin: WAIT HOLD ON
From outside you suddenly heard running, something getting knocked over and Micah apologizing to an annoyed Skrunkly. Before you knew it he was swinging his door open and he starts screeching with joy when he sees you.
He pulled you into a hug, spinning you around and planting kisses you all over your face. He was so excited he could cry tears of joy. It had been a while since he came to visit you and with what he had been hearing from you about your job and your family he had been thinking about coming over again but here you were at his door step.
“So why exactly did you come here? Don’t get me wrong, I could pass out with how excited I am that you’re here but… nothing serious happened did it?”
After assuring him things were find and you just needed a break from your job and your family he nodded and let you in. He was more than happy to have you with him. He doesn’t ask to much about what’s going on back home for you either, he knows thats not what you’re here for.
When you’re at his house you’re royalty and he is your personal butler thats also your secret lover those were his exact words don’t @ me. Whatever you want to do that’s what the two if you are gonna do, even if its just laying in bed all day and snuggling Skrunkly. You do eventually get to have your little competition of who’s the best back rubber between you both. Skrunkly ended up picking Micah but you claim he cheated since Micah feeds her of course he’d win. As compensation you do get to experience the back rub treatment Skrunkly got and quickly realized why Micah won in the first place. Micah’s grip was gentle yet firm as he meticulously worked out the kinks in your back. The feeling was so relaxing you found yourself falling asleep. Micah found it cute how by the time he was finished you were sleeping soundly.
He cooks for you every day you’re there except for the night he wanted to take you out. He made a big show out of it too. He took you shopping for formal clothes, bought you flowers and took you to a fancy restaurant together. While places like that aren’t really his thing he made you giggle at how dramatic he was about it all. He refused to let you open any door, joked around with a fake rich person accent, and of course you brought Skrunkly with you both. She had her own little pearl necklace and everything. It was all in good fun but above all he just wanted to show you a good time. And he’ll admit, getting to see you all dressed up does something to him.
He loved getting to show you his room and his set up. He would let you play on his computer around a bit but according to him there was something on there that he’d get in big trouble for showing you. It was really because he had about 10 songs he wrote about you he was too embarrassed to share yet and about 100 screenshots of your face during calls that he did NOT want you finding out about.
On your last night before you went back home Micah gave you a small gift box, his face a tinge of red. When you opened it inside was a necklace with angel wings and a key.
“Angel wings for my angel~ Oh! And… the key to my place. I-if you ever need to run away again just come. You don’t have to worry about letting me know, I will always want you here with me ok?”
You could cry with how sweet Micah was. He had so much trust in you and loved you so much. You hugged him tightly, wanting to stay now more than ever.
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A New Purpose (Chapter Two: Partners)
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(work is not nsfw, but this blog is generally intended to be 18+)
synopsis: you’re an ex-rebel fighter struggling to adjust to no longer fighting against the empire and instead having to build from it’s ashes. to combat the overwhelming sense that you need to do something, you've dedicated yourself to wiping out the imperial remnants that still cling to the underside of the new republic. that changes when you meet a socially inept mandalorian and his adorable baby, who are running from imperial remnants.
tldr: an ex-rebel, a mandalorian and force-sensitive baby walk into a bar and nobody else walks out.
pairing: din djarin x fem! reader
content warnings: canon typical violence, slow burn, like really slow burn, strangers to friends to lovers, potentially smut in the future, reader has personality/backstory, little to no use of y/n, original characters, original planets
word count: 3.7k
prev. next.
While unconscious, your mind flittered through what were half-memories and half-unintelligible dream nonsense. 
One minute you were at a strategy meeting, surrounded by your friends and the Rebellion insignia, then a fyrnock jumped on the table and suddenly you were being chased. Nobody else reacted or cared, they didn’t take notice of you as you ran. Dream you was hurt by that, but you didn’t yell at them or ask for help. The fyrnock spoke to you like it’s capable of complex thought, all while it’s frothing at the mouth. You’re sure that it meant something to people who care about shit like that, you, however, didn’t have time to examine your own subconscious. 
Your eyes opened like rusted shutters, slow and heavy. An involuntary groan escaped you while you moved. It was dark, with only enough light for you to see the general outline of things. Strangely, you were comfortable. Patting the ground beside you, you realised it’s not ground at all. You were on a bed. Well, it was more like stretchy mesh than anything providing real comfort, but it was better than the floor.
The events of… yesterday? An hour ago? Last week? However long you were out didn’t matter because the most recent events that occurred to you hadn’t been forgotten. 
You were still experiencing some general aches and pains in your body. It’s only a fraction of the pain you were in before you had your little nap though. And the blaster wound at your side had been cleaned, sprayed with bacta and dressed. It got the job done, even if it wasn’t amazing. You’d have some new scars after all that for sure. 
You carelessly felt around for a little bit, before your hand slapped a panel and the door to the bedding area opened. You winced at the sudden light and swung your legs over the edge. 
There was some quiet movement from above you that let you know the Mandalorian and his green baby thing are awake. Your eyes finally focused and you took in your surroundings. It was about as quiet and methodical as you expected from him. He doesn’t have anything unnecessary sitting around or taking up space. There was a ladder directly to your right, as well as a fresher, both of which you disregarded in favour of doing some non-invasive snooping. I mean, you may as well know what you’re getting into, right?
You find what you deduce to be a portable carbonite freezing chamber, though the racks where his bounties are usually kept was empty. Must not have much time to bounty hunt while he’s taking care of the kid , you thought. Across from it is a compartment, which you opened without struggle. Blasters and explosive devices line every inch of it. There’s a brief moment wherein you consider filching one, but then you consider that he might not react well to that.
The act of climbing the ladder up to the second floor is a slow endeavour that ended up taking you longer than it should have, even on a bad day. Each of your joints is desperate for just five more minutes of rest . You persisted and made it up, though there was some struggle to actually climb onto the floor and then stand up. There was an Amban sniper rifle mounted on the wall by the cockpit door. Good to know.
The door opened automatically when you approached and the Mandalorian looked over his shoulder at you, then back to the window. It was only then that you realised you were in hyperspace. The light illuminated his silver beskar helmet like fireworks on the water. It was nearly beautiful.
“Mornin’,” you tried. He made a little grunt of acknowledgement in response. You were a little annoyed by that, though the annoyance melted away when you heard the sweet gurgles of the baby. He was playing with a small silver ball that you recognised as being the ship’s shift knob. His eyes seem even bigger and brighter than you remembered. You waved at him and his tiny clawed hand waved back.
“Where are we going?” you asked, trying to peer at his navigation system. He flicked a switch before telling you, “Korrus.” You choked out a laugh. He looked over his shoulder at you and you raised your hands in defence. “What?” he insisted. 
“Nothing, nothing,” you rejected. He moved to turn back around. “It’s just—” and then he was looking at you again, “—you really couldn’t have picked a worse planet.”
There’s a beat of silence. “Explain.” 
You sat down in the unoccupied passenger chair to his right and dropped your elbows on your knees. “Korrus is one of the only Outer Rim planets that has stayed under total Imperial control since the death of the Emperor. If we go there, we may as well walk out with our blasters in our mouths.”
Being able to see the look on his face would have been satisfying then. Or maybe not. It’s really hard to tell with the helmet on honestly. “Where do you propose we go instead?”
“The moon Jaji. It’s far enough away from Korrus that the Imps won’t see it, but close enough to bail out to other planets if we need to. Varied settlements and species, we’d blend right in.” In response to this counteroffer, the Mandalorian did what he does best: stared at you silently . “I can give you coordinates,” you proposed.
“Tell me,” he said and you couldn’t tell if you were making progress or if he was just this miserable all the time.
Jaji was how you remember; swampy and damp and dim . Massive willowing trees blocked out the brunt of the sunlight and made it seem like it was perpetually twilight. It was sort of nice, in an ominous way. It took the Mandalorian a while to find an appropriate place to land and he, with a little reluctance, accepted your guidance to a spot near the town of Eryuu.
The ground on Jaji is permanently mud and muck, the water has sprawling algae decorating the surface and yet the drinking water on Jaji is some of the purest in the galaxy. You didn’t fully understand the infrastructure in place, though a local merchant once explained to you that Jaji has had a complex water purification system for over two hundred years now. The purity is so intense that the first time you sipped a cup of Jaji water you’d thought they served you alcohol by accident.
When you landed, you told him your name. “Okay,” he replied dumbly as he twisted nobs and pulled levers. You waited for him to offer you his name back. He didn’t. “Is there a name I can call you?”
“Just call me Mando.”
“Oh come on! You’re not going to tell me your name? You’re going to let me bleed out in your ship and sleep in your bed but you’re not going to tell me your name?”
“Mando or nothing,” he maintained. You clicked your tongue in irritation. Your eyes fell on the kid. “Does he have a name?” you asked, pointing to the little guy. He made a little sound that you took as an answer to your question. “He does!” you grinned. “What is it?” Even though you felt like the Mando was annoyed by your attempts at basic etiquette, he told you: Grogu .
You were delighted to discover that every time you say his name, Grogu turned to you, cocked his head and made a noise you have to assume is an approximation of ‘ you called? ’
“What tools do you have?” you asked him, once the ship’s engine was off. “Enough,” he said. “Why?” Your eyes flicked over to the controls of the ship. “I think I can mod your transmitter to not be picked up by scanners.” That caught his attention.
Mando showed you what tools he had on hand for you to mod the ship and all the while, you tried to get some grasp on him. The tools were enough to facilitate the rewiring you’d need to do and the entire time you tried to work, he stood and watched you. He probably assumed you were going to plant a bomb beside his fuel injector or something. 
His ship had been taken apart and repaired not long ago, that was evident. The soldering was fresh and some pieces shined while others were caked in rust. In terms of the quality of engineering, it was pretty impressive. There was no way Mando did this alone. “Who repaired your ship?” you queried. “A friend,” he replied. You couldn’t get a fucking  inch on this guy, could you?
“What?” he asked. You looked over at him and furrowed your brow in confusion.
“Your face, you look upset.” He wasn’t totally emotionally stunted at least. “Just didn’t think you’d have friends is all,” you teased. He would have made some disapproving noise or comment, you’re sure, but he didn’t get the chance because someone called out your name.
“Maker, it is you!”
You slid out from the Razor Crest’s walls and peered down the ramp. When you saw him, your face brightened. “Krav!”
The orange and white togruta smiled widely at you. He was as tall as he had been the last time, if not taller. He was over six foot three without his montral height added. The murky green coat trailing off his shoulders somehow made him look even taller. Krav immediately pulled you into an embrace, a hand resting on the back of your head affectionately.
“How long as been? Eight months? Nine?” he said when he pulled away. “Maybe a year by now,” you replied. At such proximity, he could see your face and the healing scars that littered it more clearly. His large hand grabbed your cheek gently, his thumb caressing the most obvious one. “My, my. Still, a troublemaker I see.”
“What can I say? Some things never change.”
He hummed. “Maybe they should.”
Grogu made a noise of curosity and Krav turned around, catching sight of him and Mando. “Ah! You’re here with friends!” he preened, clasping his hands.
“Friend is a strong word for it,” you interjected. Krav gave you a look. You shrugged. “He’s my chauffeur.” Mando’s head turned to you. “Krav, this is Mando and Grogu,” you introduced. Krav smiled. “Lovely to meet you.” Mando nodded. “Likewise.” Grogu cooed and Krav chuckled lowly.
“Are you staying?” Krav asked, sounding hopeful. You looked at Mando like you were expecting to see an expression from under the helmet. Stoic beskar stared back. “I doubt it,” you settled on. “That’s a shame,” he mused, expression now glum. It wasn’t hard to clock that he had more to say. “Wanna go for a walk, Krav? Catch up a little bit?” He smiled. “Sure.”
“Don’t be long. I want these mods done before the sun sets,” Mando informed you. “Yes sir, mister Mandalorian, sir!” You gave him a mocking salute, to which he huffed, then walked back into the ship. Grogu followed after in his cot, waving to you.
“He seems fun,” Krav commented. “He’s not. Anyway, start talking.”
“You just can’t be subtle, can you?”
“Never been one for beating around the bush.”
“I’m aware,” Krav laughed. As you gained some distance on the Razor Crest, his smile dropped and he looked at you with a hardened expression. “I’m glad to see you.”
“Oh no.”
“Why oh no? Can’t I miss a friend?”
“Forgive me for being realistic. People are only ever glad to see me when they want something done.”
“A testament to your capability.”
“ Sure . Get on with it, then.” 
“Do you remember a few years ago when we had an issue with the Crymorah Syndicate?” Your brow furrowed. “I do. I thought they fizzled out when Jabba died?”
“We did too, until recently. They’ve been interrupting our trade with Aibal. The summer drought has been particularly hard there this season, we’ve nearly doubled the water rations we send to them, but less than half of what we send is making it there. Then, the Syndicate take what they’ve stolen and sells it for triple the price.”
You weren’t ashamed to admit that the implication of what he was saying lit a spark in you. The promise of a fight always did that to you. Especially with fuckers like the Crymorah Syndicate. They had provided the Empire with sensitive intelligence from the start of its reign until the day the Emperor died.
The ever-growing confidence of the Imperial remnants might only serve to be invigorated by a lack of consequences from the New Republic. Who knows what information you could stand to gain from taking down this wing of the Syndicate? The transmissions you could gain access to if you got on one of their ships. Was it worth the risk though?
“You’ve tangled with the Syndicate before.”
“That was during the war, Krav.”
“This is a war to us,” Krav retorted, voice rife with emotion. “People are suffering because of this. Is that not a worthy reason for war?”
You considered this. Fuck it , you thought. Who has time to consider the risks? War was more appealing than peace anyway.
“I should probably run this past Mando first,” you thought out loud. Krav grinned at you. He could see where this was going. “I’m willing to take them down a peg though.” A large orange hand slapped your shoulder in gratitude.
“You and your Mandalorian will be compensated for your work.”
“Okay, calm down, he’s not my Mandalorian,” you said, half laughing. “He’s a Mandalorian and I think he’d object to being anyone’s.” 
“Potato, tomato.”
“Potato, potahto.”
“Who calls it a potahto?”
“That’s the— hm, you know what? Never mind.”
He looked back at you from his spot, kneeling on the floor. He had been inspecting what you’d done so far. “How would you feel about scoring some credits?” 
“By doing what exactly?”
“Got some bandits upsetting a trade route from here to Aibal. We’ve been asked to stop it.”
“How much?”
“Six thousand.” He scoffed. “That won’t cover fuel costs for a week,” he dismissed. “Six thousand, each . You’d get my share.” Mando paused. “...Why would you be willing to give me your share?” You kissed your teeth like you were thinking about it. “I’m just that nice.”
Mando stared at you silently. You stared back. “And I mean—”
“There it is.”
“—Fuck you and I mean this is a great chance to get some perspective, isn’t it? Crymorah has been in the Empire’s pocket since the end of the Clone Wars. Intercepting these guys could let us know where we stand with them.”
“And?” You looked at him innocently. He looked back at you, waiting for the twist. No point in letting him fester, you supposed. “And it’s a great chance for you to give me a blaster.” Mando sighed at you like you were a petulant child bothering him. He stood and walked over to his weapons compartment. “Which are you familiar with?” You raced to his side.
“The DL-21, that’d do me just fine,” you said before you even reached him. If he noticed your familiarity with the weapons in his compartment, he didn’t mention it. “I assume you’ve used it before,” he said, picking it from its mount and handing it to you. You gladly accepted and check its condition. “I’ve more than used it. Used to call these things Rebel blasters during the war. She’s my blaster of choice.”
“You were a rebel?” he asked, closing the compartment back over. “Still am,” you replied. “The war is over.” You raised your eyebrows. “For some,” you remarked. “Anyway. Shall I get back to work then?”
It hadn’t taken very long to rewire the ship’s transmitter, especially since you had done it so many times. “That should be it,” you announced. “Turn on the engine and let’s see.” Mando disappeared wordlessly up the ladder and the engine roared to life. “Well?” you called up to him. “Come see for yourself,” he yelled back.
You entered the cockpit and Mando pointed to a new light on the dashboard. “That’s new,” he quietly stated. “Yeah, that’s an indicator that lets you know your ship is flying silent. This is an old military issue model so it’s there to avoid friendly fire,” you explained. He nodded in understanding, before saying quietly, “Thank you.” Mando was more polite than you’d originally given him credit for. “You’re welcome.”
“I need to pick up some supplies in town,” Mando said, flicking the engine off. “There’s a market about a two-minute walk away,” you told him. “And there’s an eatery nearby too.” Mando grabbed his rifle off the wall and slung it around himself. “Good. I think Grogu’s getting hungry.” Grogu babbled in agreement. You chuckled, giving him a pat on the head. 
The town of Eryuu hadn’t changed much since you had last been there, in a nice way. It felt untouched by corruption festering in the corners of the Outer Rim. The people were as polite and welcoming as the first time you landed here, though they were perhaps a little intimidated by the wall of beskar trailing a few feet behind you. His demeanour was softened by the presence of the sweet-faced green baby though.
Grogu was examining his surroundings in the way only a young kid was able to; without a speck of judgement or disgust on his tiny wrinkled face. Just curiosity and intrigue at somewhere new and safe.
Mando purchased med nog and some bacta spray at one stall, then settled for just looking at merchandise offered by the rest of them. It was hard to not think about how all your precious gear was rotting away in an Imperial garrison, but you’d lost more at worse times.
The eatery called the Fifth under Seventh ( but known as Five-Seven to the locals ) was moderately quiet. Enough people for it not to be awkwardly quiet but enough people for some privacy. Mando ordered a bone broth for Grogu, nothing for himself and you ordered cushnip, which earned you a look from him that said ‘ I know you’re going to make me pay for that .’ You gave him a smile in return.
“So,” Mando began as the serve walked away. “You’ve modified the Razor Crest not to get picked up by scanners.” You hummed in confirmation. “How did you learn to do that?”
You laughed. “I can learn to do anything if I’m given enough time. With the right tools, I could hide loth-rat from a loth-cat.”
“And in this situation, I’m the loth-rat?”
“Grogu is the loth-rat. You’re something worse, like a little loth-rat in impenetrable armour maybe.”
He ignored that comment. “What can—”
“Ooooh, let me guess: What can you do for me if the scanner hides me anyway? ” you said, imitating his asphalt rasp. The server returned with Grogu’s broth and your cushnip and you didn’t wait to start shovelling the food into your mouth. It must have been nearly twenty-four hours since you’d last eaten anything substantial. “I don’t sound like that,” he defended.
“Everyone’s a critic, huh? First of all,” you started through a mouthful, “Any malfunction with that modification and I’m one of the few people who’re going to be able to help you fix it. Secondly—” you swallowed, “—the Empire isn’t a one-person fight, Mando.” You chose not to hear the hypocrisy in your statement. You leaned over the table slightly and looked directly at where you thought his eyes were. 
“We don’t have to be friends, acquaintances or even speak outside of what’s necessary. I don’t have a ship and considering what I had is left behind on Creda, I’m not really in a position to buy one. You just need to provide me with some transport and I’ll work at keeping the Empire off our backs. That’s more than fair.”
Mando digested your words and went quiet for a few seconds. “How do I know I can trust you?” he finally asked. “The same way I know I can trust you: faith .”
“Faith,” he repeated in disbelief. “Faith,” you affirmed. “You didn’t kill me, patched me up, took me here, gave me a blaster. I didn’t kill you, led you out of the garrison on Creda and am offering you help. From there, faith in each other is all we’re going to have.”
Grogu cooed.
“And Grogu,” you joked. “He’s a reason for us to trust each other.”
“He likes me.”
“No, he doesn’t.”
“Yeah, he does.”
“He likes everyone who doesn’t want to kill him.”
“Good to know he has standards.”
He ignored your comment again. “You could look after him while I go after bounties.” Your face screwed up at that. “I’m not a babysitter,” you snapped. “I’d pay you.”
“ Fuck off!” you told him bluntly. “I’m not your employee either! If we’re doing this we need to be equals. I’d be willing to co-parent.”
“Co-parent?” he said, confused by your offer. You gestured as you tried to think of an explanation for it. “Uh, y’know, like you look after him and I go on a bounty, I look after him you go on a bounty. We take turns.”
“You’re not a bounty hunter.”
“I’m also not a babysitter.”
“I didn’t mean offence by it,” he said calmly. “I know,” you replied. “I just can’t go along with this if we aren’t both on the same page.” You took another mouthful of food and chewed thoughtfully. “Don’t get me wrong, I like him. He’s sweet, but ,” you place your half-finished cushnip back on your plate. “I have my shit to do, Mando. Same as you. I can’t prioritise him when I’m already committed to something else.”
Mando shifted in his seat so he was sitting back. “I understand.” He eyed you for a moment. Even with the helmet on, you could sense it. “I’m okay with… co-parenting .” You grinned at him. 
You extended a hand to him. “It’s a deal then. We’re partners.” He hesitated before he reached across the table to shake your hand. 
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sourwormsaresour · 2 years
Well then! How about some early relationship formaghia headcanons?
I've enjoyed browsing your blog, by the way! Wonderful writing!
Oh~ Formaggio x Ghiaccio is a ship I don't really think about too much but let's see! I kinda wrote this more as a general what is formaghia relationship is like, so I hope you don’t mind. 
 (Imagine the cat is Ghiaccio and those are Formaggio's hands).
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How they met:
Formaggio's backstory actually shows this but it got deleted (T-T). Long story short: Formaggio pulled an Among Us; he vented in order to avoid getting caught by the police and ended up falling into La Squadra’s meeting room when it gave way. Obviously La Squadra wanted to kill him but it was Ghiaccio that told everyone to stand down and let him join the team instead. His reasoning is that he was able to tell that Formaggio has no Stand yet impressively got himself through La Squadra’s headquarters undetected and he would be a good asset rather than an enemy for the team. After hearing Formaggio’s story regarding why he was there in the first place, it was Ghiaccio that vouched for Formaggio to join the team instead under the guise of it being a “punishment” for being caught snooping around. 
How they became close:
Formaggio ended up being rather good at handing the administrative and financial aspects of the team. As we saw in canon, Formaggio has people working for him and a proper office to do such work compared to the other members of the team. I headcanon that Sorbet and Gelato tend to be the ones in the group that handle this sort of work, which could explain why Sorbet is particular with money, and Formaggio also not only helped them out but most likely took over their work after their deaths. Since Ghiaccio is second-in-command, he probably interacts with Formaggio the most because he needs to relay back to Risotto the situation regarding La Squadra’s financial and business situation. It also helps that Ghiaccio is the one that talks most about money in canon, so he would naturally go to the person who is handling expenses in order to know what’s up and how to help Risotto organize everything. 
Ghiaccio often visited Formaggio in his office. Eventually, they end up spending more time together both there and outside of work too. 
As friends:
Think of himbo jock who adopted awkward nerd as a little brother. I remember there was this Tumblr post someone said about their friendship with a himbo jock that began when the guy first approached her and was like “you’re bi right? you know women in skirts? pretty hot.” That’s basically Formaggio and Ghiaccio right there. Formaggio doesn’t infanticize Ghiaccio but he does sometimes act like he’s a big brother to him out of humor and would do things like wing-man him, coo at him when he does something rather cute, etc. Ghiaccio got use to the occasional head noggings and Formaggio doesn’t mind having to explain figures of speech or jokes when the other man doesn’t get it. They also ended up learning a lot from each other; Formaggio learns how to keep himself more groomed (curly hair wash method, not using bar soap but a proper cleanser) and Ghiaccio learns it’s okay to be a slob if you’re comfortable with it (not always shaving his face, farting loudly for giggles). They have burping contests now, and it annoys La Squadra so much...
May I also point to this headcanon I made regarding Formaggio and Ghiaccio being SoundCloud rappers too?
Surprisingly, they are each other's best hypemen. They’re the ones that would high five and chest bump each other after a successful kill, no matter how awkward it is and they’re the ones that give thumbs up at the bars when one managed to nail a hot hookup for the night. When Formaggio is feeling down for thinking that his Stand maybe isn't on par with the rest of the team, Ghiaccio's in his corner reminding him why he's important. Despite Ghiaccio often portraying himself as arrogant with his Stand abilities, Formaggio knows he's less confident with his leadership skills and is in his corner to remind the younger man that he is a good second-in-command.
As lovers:
Due to them spending time with each other, it’s no wonder that they started getting feelings for each other too. Both are unfortunately in denial; Formaggio because he’s never dated a guy and Ghiaccio because he has a hard time expressing the fact that he has a crush on his co-worker. Formaggio began to notice that Ghiaccio didn’t visit his office as often, due to Ghiaccio not knowing how to tell him that he likes him without compromising their work relationship, and eventually Formaggio cornered him after a work meeting. It’s anti-cimatic, but the whole thing went as:
“Bro, why are you avoiding me?”
“It’s because I like you dummy!”
“Well, duh. We’re friends! Of course we like each other!”
“... Friends?”
“Yeah... unless... wait...”
“I recently stocked up on condoms. Wanna try it out tonight?”
They’re surprisingly not as affectionate in public to each other as you would think. Formaggio is rather respectful of Ghiaccio not wanting to show off that much due to Ghiaccio’s status and his overall comfort zone wanting to take things slow. But there are those rare moments where Ghiaccio feels a bit burned out and randomly hug Formaggio out of the blue or Formaggio would do the same back and Ghiaccio doesn’t try to push him off. In private, there’s a lot of cuddling. Ghiaccio is a bit more openly affectionate as the relationship progresses, but it’s still rather tame. Formaggio is relentless with physical touch though. He likes holding Ghiaccio’s hand while they work, sleeping with his head on his lap, big spooning him, squishing his cheeks. He sometimes calls Ghiaccio out of nowhere just to say that he misses him but makes sure to call when he’s sure Ghiaccio isn’t in the middle of a mission or something important.
They like impromptu dates. Ghiaccio is usually the one who suggests the date idea but Formaggio has occasionally planned surprises for more elaborate dates like fancy dinners or soccer games. La Squadra has an idea that they’re dating but neither of them confirm or deny it. Ghiaccio likes it that way, since he doesn’t really like to show off and gets flustered if he experiences affection. Formaggio does like to tease him when he gets flustered but respects his boundary. 
Of course, what I said about what they are as friends still counts as lovers too.   
What they like to do together:
Car rides! Ghiaccio loves taking his car out for a spin and Formaggio can’t help but join at any opportunity. Not only is there an andrenaline rush whe racing other cars, attending illegal car shows, or trying to get away from the cops via chase but the two of them would also use Ghiaccio’s car to get laid for the night (in their words, who can’t say no to a guy with a nice car). In addition to that, Formaggio is always down for a late night snack whenever Ghiaccio is feeling rather hungry. So, these two would go zooming into the night to some sort of fast food chain or restaurant, grab some to-go, then drive to a nearby cliff and watch the stars while they munch down on food. 
Formaggio and Ghiaccio also love watching soccer games together. Formaggio is a bigger fan of soccer but whenever he has a spare ticket, his first choice is always Ghiaccio. They found out they like the same teams, same players, and they both get hyphy at every match. They’re also the ones that need to get bailed out after a post-game riot. But hey, there’s a saying that good friends bail you out of jail while best friends are in jail with you. 
Ghiaccio tried to get Formaggio to go to the gym together but Formaggio eventually just became too lazy to go as frequently as him. When he does go, he’s mostly doing weights and then sitting around until Ghiaccio is finished with his routine. They do like to get lunch and then nap together afterwards. 
What do they like most about each other:
Formaggio admires Ghiaccio’s work ethic and comraderie. He was shocked to know this kid is really young yet is able to handle the responsibilities of being the second-in-command of a hitman team. Despite the teasing that is commonly done in the group, Ghiaccio is also the one that calls bullshit if it’s about to get too far. He values each team member and sees the imporance of each person in the team. Prosciutto’s the one that does the pep talk but Ghiaccio’s the one that points to Prosciutto who needs it the most. There’s a reason why Risotto chose him as second-in-command despite his age and lack of experience prior to joining La Squadra. 
Ghiaccio admires Formaggio for his soft skills and his ability to bring the team together. Formaggio is known for his “work hard, play hard” approach to things and that not only helped make things less intense but he’s able to manipulate social cues to ensure that the team isn’t thinking with their emotions when it comes to making very high-stake decisions. Formaggio has a way to bring everyone back to neutral ground, which also helps Ghiaccio when he needs to calm down and is unable to do so himself. 
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lgbtmi · 1 year
here is your opportunity to describe your OC willow for all your tumblr followers 2 see! What are the Vibes. Give me 3 fun facts about her if you wish.
i love you so much @ everyone who follows me sorry but you'll have to listen to me rant about my lovely little vampire oc Willow Turing, 12th generation Toreador in Amsterdam &lt;3
okay so the TL;DR above the cut shall be the three fun facts about her, but for those who want to read more info about her, please look under the cut or follow my Willow-specific side blog because I plan to write A LOT more about her in the future <3 <3 
1) Willow’s go-to karaoke song is Hotel California by the Eagles 2) Around Christmas 2020 in game (it’s currently March 5th 2021), Elysium in Amsterdam changed locations, but the Prince at the time had Willow’s Sire in Torpor in the basement. That needed moving. Willow had her kine roommate buy a fake Christmas tree, then used the box it came in to bring her Sire from the old to the new location while dressed as an elf. It went surprisingly smoothly. 3) When everyone was invited to a masquerade ball in a theatre, Willow’s outfit was EXCESSIVE. But also it was appreciated by many. She wore a dress that was black on the outside, red on the inside, and completely inversible. Basically a play on the Queen of Hearts and Queen of Spades. The reveal of the second look was used to give her a good excuse to go snooping around. 
Willow’s vibes are immaculate. She’s an South Dakotan in Amsterdam, moved here for university, and never finished her communications degree because she never managed to quite find her footing.  Like she struggled to find housing, and the stress of that added to the work load of her degree really just pushed her to substance abuse... and that just ended up being a bit of a negative spiral she only managed to get out when she met her two best friends / (ex-)roommates. I could go on about so many bonds in there it’s so much words I can tell you.... But eh she first met her Sire one day when she and her two friends were out at a club, and he just drew her attention from across the room. To her, it was basically love at first sight, to him it was a calculated use of Presence. She was just immediately smitten with him, and since he was super hot, her friends were super glad she finally got a shot at happiness!! He helped her get her student visa changed to permanent residency, and he’s the guy who got her a job at his brothel, which Willow was happy to do (until the brothel was blown up but that’s an entirely different can of worms). At the brothel, kine and kindred worked side by side, and after a while Willow was taken on a lovely spa day to get her in Pristine Condition before she was eventually Embraced. She is also probably her Sire’s favourite (or at least was unTIL HE WAS KILLED.) 
anyway for a long time Willow was voted Least Likely to Die in their Coterie Yearbook, then suddenly went to Most Likely to Die, but now certain people have been making horrible decisions so she’s probably back to Least Likely to Die. 
Basically Willow is just really pretty but there’s probably very little coherent thoughts in her head. She’s generally very calculated, but that just means her calculated actions are absolutely unhinged. Stole the white king from the Malkavian Seneschal who has one of her best friend’s blood-bound to him unhinged. She’s viciously loyal to a select few, a pro at fake it till you make it, and even better at fucking around and finding out.  Also she holds Grudges occasionally. Like she’s been mad at her sire’s sire for months for not getting a personal apology. 
I could go on but I have to work tomorrow and it’s late, so once again I may post more content on the blog linked above eventually c:
Willow my Beloved ):
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tentacleteapot · 1 year
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I posted 3,614 times in 2022
That's 1,091 more posts than 2021!
181 posts created (5%)
3,433 posts reblogged (95%)
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Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#elden ring - 232 posts
#daphnecore - 215 posts
#tagged for me - 130 posts
#revolutionary girl utena - 115 posts
#video - 67 posts
#i need a fiancée tag - 63 posts
#anthy himemiya - 62 posts
#kamen rider - 60 posts
#kamen rider ex aid - 60 posts
#homestuck - 58 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and they mask it in fake social awareness by playing up ‘’oh i’m going to get this wrong hahah i’m so sorry’’ instead of just looking it up
My Top Posts in 2022:
it’s been said many times before but Ranni is easily the funniest character in Elden Ring, and in my opinion she’s the funniest character FromSoft has ever written
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she was so vehemently opposed to being used by the higher powers in the Lands Between that she responded to being picked as a potential new goddess by killing her own body and moving her soul into a doll body with four arms. (said doll body may just happen to look exactly like the person she learned her signature magic from.) she did this by stealing a piece of the physical manifestation of the concept of death, and then had one of her many siblings assassinated with that same piece of the rune of death, and she flat out admits she did all of this to your face if you ask her about it.
she is (apparently) on a first-name basis with your horse, and the only reason she initially introduces herself to you is because she heard your horse has a new master and wants to find out what you’re like. she’ll comment on what a “ruffian” your horse has chosen as a master if you’re rude to her. she uses an alias the first time you meet her, and said alias, Renna, in addition to being the name of her mentor, is literally just her mom’s name with two letters dropped from the end. (it's also just her own name with slightly different spelling and one letter changed.)
her first body used to be really tall, so now she constantly tries to appear taller than the player by sitting on a wall the first time you meet her, and later by sitting on a pile of books, concealed by her robes, on top of an already decently tall chair. conversely, she later abandons her relatively more human-sized doll body to hide out inside a tiny little replica OF her doll body, and when you find her she pretends to be an inanimate object the first few times you talk to her and then she gets pissed at you for figuring out it was really her.
she responds to marriage proposals by saying “okay that’s fair, but you have to become royalty first, I’ll see you when you have that figured out” and then leaves you a free sword because that’s the traditional wedding present the women in her family give their spouses. and then when you’ve beaten the game she DOES in fact take you as a consort, no questions asked. there is absolutely no gender-specific dialogue of any kind at any point when you talk to Ranni, including when you propose to her, and she is the chaotic bi representation I know a lot of my bi friends have been hoping for.
if you try to fight her mother, an optional boss most people will go after during their playthroughs because the benefits are pretty useful, Ranni impersonates her mother by creating an illusion of her at the height of her power, and has her ‘mom’ say she hopes Ranni is able to achieve all her weird goals as her ‘death’ quote if you destroy the illusion… but also if you destroy the illusion she just. leaves. and you reappear in the same room as her mom, who’s seemingly totally forgotten you two ever fought, without any apparent worry you might just try to pick that fight again.
if you ask to work for her while having an ulterior motive (due to already being on a quest that requires you to gain her trust so you can snoop around her castle) she immediately calls you on it but also finds it funny enough to let you work for her anyway. then if you come back to her after she's given you what you want, she continues putting you to work because why not? you came back, after all. she is the best she's such a fundamentally weird person and that makes her feel so effortlessly real, like a friend of a friend you're always hearing crazy stories about. I love Ranni so much.
523 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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| cinematic parallels |
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared episode 5: Transport / Revolutionary Girl Utena episode 25: Their Eternal Apocalypse
566 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
ambiguity be damned, they WILL be giants by the time I'm through with them
776 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
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are you familiar with Articuno, the legendary Pokémon that’s a combination Ice-type and Flying-type? well, this is the end of the pointy crest thing at the top of its head.
and that’s just the tip of the ice bird…
4,041 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
in a doctor's office being shown a chart with different types of man-made horrors on them while the doctor asks whether each of them is beyond or within my comprehension
24,055 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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feralgodmothers · 1 year
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I posted 5,207 times in 2022
That's 726 more posts than 2021!
Tagged by: @emmanelson thank you! 💞
Tagging: @stellaluna33, @crystallinee-waters, @hiraeth-doux, @dead--poets, @kronoswheel, @trekkitkat, @a-little-counter-esperanto (I’ve been gone for a few days, so idk who’s already done this. 😶 Just ignore it if you’ve already done it/don’t want to do it. And to anyone else who might like to - I tag you too! 💖)
351 posts created (7%)
4,856 posts reblogged (93%)
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I tagged 5,202 of my posts in 2022
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#animals - 287 posts
#video - 236 posts
#anti amber heard - 221 posts
#johnny depp - 201 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i think fandom discussions start fires + fan the flames so that when people rewatch a show through that new lens they’re watching with bias
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay so I just finished Wednesday. Long story short - I loved it.  (spoilers below)
Did anyone else get major grooming vibes from the whole Hyde dynamic?  Also, what happens to Tyler now that his master is dead? (I feel very protective of him and I want him to have a happy ending ☹️)
192 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
It’s funny how AH keeps going on about how much “power” Johnny has, and how no one believes her because of his “influence”, when the #MeToo movement took down several public figures who were arguably in a much stronger position. (Weinstein, Spacey, Cosby, etc.)  It took a 6-week televised trial for people to see his side and believe him. And for the majority of that trial, he wasn’t even the one doing the talking!  Lawyers and witnesses were.  It took the long and painstaking process of exposing his whole life to the public/revealing actual evidence to finally get Johnny (the real abuse victim) his support.
But sure, keep banging on about how the whole world is misogynistic and will always side with a man. 
The only “power” Johnny had, was the power of truth, and thankfully - justice prevailed.  
208 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
One more Tyler x Wednesday thought for the day (again, spoilers):
I think it’s noteworthy how quickly Wednesday jumped to torture when she suspected Tyler.  Before, when she suspected Xavier - she chose the distant route. She snuck around, snooped behind his back, and observed him for a while, trying to build up her case with evidence.  But with Tyler - one vision and it’s torture time. It was impulsive, emotional, and intimate.  If that doesn’t scream ‘best ship for Wednesday’, I don’t know what does.
391 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
“She would have to be the dumbest person in the world to say ‘I’m going to create an abuse hoax the night before going on national television’”
704 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Can we talk about when filmmakers make the creative choice to cast the same actor to play a character’s dad as well as the villain?  
Jonathan Hyde in Jumamji 
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and Jason Isaacs in Peter Pan (2003)
See the full post
5,667 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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time keeps passing by (and i hold you close to me)
Happy holidays @confusedhost ! I had a lot of fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy it Logyn!
Pairings: Romantic Loceit
Word count: 4075
Warnings: Self-worth issues
beta-read by the amazing @thetomorrowshow , thanks mas!
Logic sighed, looking up from a piece of Thomas's homework to see nine-year-old Anxiety running into the room. He carefully set the paper down and turned so he could make eye contact with the other boy.
“What's wrong?” he asked calmly. Anxiety frowned at him, but he did answer (in a rather round-about way and at a breakneck pace, yes, but he did answer).
“Deceit was arguing with Morality because Thomas said he'd done his homework but, you know, he didn't, because you're doing it, and I said that Morality was right, 'cause he was– ” Anxiety paused for a breath– “But Deceit didn't think so and he said that it was his job and I said 'Well it's a stupid job' and now Morality doesn't know who's right even though I am and Deceit's upset.” Anxiety took another deep breath, and Logic waited a moment to make sure he was finished.
“Okay, I will deal with it,” Logic said evenly as he stood up. He was one of the oldest sides at 13, with Morality being just a little younger than him (Deceit, the one in question, was 11), so he was often the designated peace-keeper. Anxiety looked sullen and a little worried, but he nodded and watched Logan as he walked away.
After succeeding in getting Morality to leave the room, though the other side also looked worried – honestly, more distraught than worried –, Logic carefully made his way over to Deceit, who was curled up on the floor, rocking slightly.
“Deceit?” Logic asked tentatively. Deceit said something muffled, his arms folded across his knees in front of his face, but Logic took it as a sign that he could continue. He crouched down, studying the younger side for a few moments.
“What happened?” he asked softly. Of course, Anxiety had told him what happened, but he wanted to hear Deceit's side of the story- taking from one source of information was no way to make a proper conclusion. Deceit took a shuddering breath, and when he looked up at Logic his eyes were brimming with tears. Logic's heart would've broken at the sight if he had one (which he didn't – that was clearly Morality's job).
“Deceit?” Logic nudged. The boy across from him flinched at the name. Logic hesitated for a moment.
“Are you okay?” he asked quietly. “You seem– ”
Before he could finish his sentence, the younger boy launched himself at Logic, wrapping his arms around the older Side's waist. Caught off guard, Logic froze. What was he supposed to do? Comfort. That's what Morality always did.
Slowly, Logic wrapped his arms around Deceit, who relaxed a little and shoved his head further into Logic's chest. They sat there for a few minutes before Logic followed his lead and began to relax, but once he did, it was rather nice. Morality thought it was adorable (which it wasn't, might Logic add) when he found them curled up together, asleep, a few hours later, but Anxiety and the both Creativity's gave them weird looks. Then again, since when did he care what the others thought?
Thomas had been asked out on a date. By a girl. And he said yes. To a girl.
All the Sides were doing something in response to this. Morality felt bad about faking interest in said girl, Anxiety was generally being anxious, and the Creativity's were frantically trying to figure out a way to escape the date with a shred of dignity left.
Logic and Deceit were commiserating on the couch, Deceit because it was an awful lie (and because they were all gay), Logic because it was an awful decision altogether (and because, as previously stated, they were all gay).
“He could have said he had to study for his SAT!” Deceit was saying. “But no, he haaaaaad to pretend he was into her.” Logic hid a smile as Deceit crossed his arms, looking like an irate child.
“While there is usually a better option than lying, in this situation a good lie would have benefited us,” he agreed. Then he added, “Additionally, Thomas really does need to study for the SAT.” Deceit laughed at that, and Logic had to hide another smile. It was surprising how easily he and Deceit could spend time in each other's company. And, evidence by the fact that he rarely smiled so much in the company of the other Sides, enjoy that time together. Well, Logic hoped that Deceit felt the same, anyway. Because here they were, talking and smiling in a small bubble of peace while everyone panicked around them. The world could be on fire, and Logic couldn't care less; as long as he was still sitting here, smiling and talking, with Deceit.
Lojandro had a problem.
(No, that wasn't right. Was that even a name?)
Every Side was trying to figure out what their name was. Logic was sure his was something with an L, but being unable to discover his name wasn't the issue. It was the fact that his best friend, D, didn't want a name. It was worrying, how much D seemed to detest himself. Lane (no) tried to convince him otherwise, but feelings were not his forte. Every time the other Sides were dismissive (the were rarely outright rude) of D, he did try to defend his friend, but that was all he knew how to do.
To add to his troubles, Logic had realized he had a crush on his best friend.
(Laken? Probably not)
But the worst thing about it is that after a short time of surprise, it wasn't all that surprising. He had been friends with D since he was 13, perhaps even younger- for 7 years now. And he hadn't even noticed. Everything made so much more sense with this in mind. But now, he had absolutely no idea if D liked him back. He was inclined to answer negatively, but he knew that sensibly there was a 50/50 chance. The best option would be to simply ask the other man. However, given the way D was feeling currently, that was a horrible idea, possibly the worst Lund (not a name again, is it?) had ever come up with.
His thoughts were interrupted as D entered the room. Flopping down on the logical Side's bed, D let out a melodramatic sigh. He almost sounded like Crea- Roman, and Logan snorted quietly at the thought. D, acting like Roman. There was no way he could've escaped laughing. D lifted his head to look at the older man, who was sitting at his desk.
“What?” he asked, a hint of a smile in his voice. Link (no, that wasn't it either) smiled to himself, but it was certainly not a thought that should be 'outside his head', as Morality put it.
“It's nothing.”
Turning to look at the Side currently appropriating his blankets, Logic saw a face of disbelief and rolled his eyes.
“Truly. It's not important, D.”
D smiled a little at the nickname. He had told Logic a few weeks ago that he disliked being called by his function, and, horrified that he had been making him uncomfortable (though he had only an inkling as to why), Lindsay Lohan (why? No) had immediately agreed to call him D. It was just a bonus that it made the younger Side smile. After a few moments, Logic realized that D was giving him a quizzical look.
“What?” he asked, not the least bit anxious. Obviously. That clearly was Anxiety's job. It was even in his name. D laughed.
“You were staring, that's all,” D answered. “Were you zoning out?” Logic frowned. He had been staring? That wasn't good.
“Ah- yes. Simply trying to think through a problem” Technically true.
Deceit humphed.
“Do it later. I'm tired and cold, come give me your warmth.”
Logic rolled his eyes again, saying something along the lines of “I'm not that warm”, but he didn't truly mind. He could forget about his troubles for a little while. When he stood up D slow-clapped.
“Impressive. I've never seen someone get up so willingly,” the other Side drawled. Resisting the urge to once again roll his eyes, Logic shoved D over with one hand while he pulled off his shoes with the other. D squawked.
“Hush, move over farther.”
Grumbling a little, but clearly trying not to smile, D shuffled over a little farther, immediately wrapping his arms around Logic as soon as the older Side climbed onto the bed. Logic pulled up one of the now-rumpled blankets to cover them both, and once they were settled, D lay his head on Logic's chest.
After a few hours of occasional talking and cuddling, D was asleep, head still resting on Logic's chest. But- Well, Logic had seen D quite irritable, upset, and sluggish recently. His being happy, and getting some clearly much-needed sleep, was something he could forsake a little work for. It was a basic calculation.
And after all, he was Logic.
(Lapdog? Well, in a way, but that still wasn't a name.)
“D,” Logan said quietly. The man half asleep next to him grumbled. “D,” Logan said again, a little louder. D sighed a little and mumbled something. Logan smiled softly, then it grew a little as he remembered his name. It took him a few months, but he'd found it. He knew D had as well, but he wouldn't tell him what it was the first few times, so Logan stopped asking. But there was one more thing that he couldn't put off asking anymore.
“Are you listening to me?” he asked. D rolled over to face him as his eyes also rolled.
“No, obviously not,” the other side said dryly. Logan smiled again, but it quickly fell. D's eyebrows pinched together slightly, but he didn't comment on it. His gaze did flick to Logan's hands, however, and it was obvious that he saw the quickly aborted fiddling. Before his best friend (ha) could catalog his body language anymore, Logan took a deep breath and began.
“I don't quite know how to say this, but I no longer want to keep it a secret. It is fine if–” you're only prolonging the inevitable. Just move on to the main paragraph. Logan finished his sentence in a rush. “If you're uncomfortable, please just tell me. Now. . . I will simply come out and say it. I realized some time ago that I had romantic feelings for you.” Logan sped up slightly when he saw D tense, and couldn't seem to keep a steady space, getting faster and faster throughout.
“But we've been friends for nine years, so I didn't feel as if it were something I should mention to you, in case you didn't feel the same way and it ruined our friendship–” why aren't you following the script– “And it took an exceedingly long while to figure out in the first place, so I continued to hold out hope it was untrue, but here we are, so,” Logan took another deep breath and threw the already in shreds script out the metaphorical window.
“I see you smile, and I feel as if I will burst. I hear you laugh, and it lights up the room, but no one else seems to see it. And you come in and throw yourself onto my bed, but I can't find it in me to be angry at you, because you're D, you're my best friend, you're more than that to me, and I've kept it to myself for so long I didn't think I could survive any longer. Which is absurd, but–”
He was cut off when D lurched forward a little, surprising him, but not near as surprising as when he stared directly into Logan's eyes. As if he were asking something. The logical Side stared at him for a moment before it dawned on him.
No, that couldn't be possible. Besides, he had no idea if D was truly asking him for permission to- well, to kiss him. But somehow, he found himself nodding, and D closed the rest of the distance between them.
It was a short kiss, but it tingled on Logan's lips a little. He just lay there, stunned. And, as apparently his entire body was out of control today, he spoke.
“I love you,” Logan said.
D stared at him for a moment, his mouth open. He opened and closed it a few times, as if he were trying to say something. Logan panicked. Just a little.
“I didn't mean– Well, I very much did, but that's besides the point, it was an accident–”
“I love you too,” D said, voice slightly raspy, but at least he'd finally said something. Wait. He had said it back to him.
“Oh,” Logan said lamely.
D flopped back onto his back, then almost immediately, as if he had changed his mind, flipped onto his stomach and pressed his face into a pillow. He said something quietly, which Logan didn't understand, and, still quiet and a mix of numbness and bliss, asked him to repeat.
“You're a dork.”
Logan could hear D's slightly hysterical laugh at that, but his – boyfriend? What were they now? – D's body did relax a little, so at least his joke helped.
Logan laughed in reply and hesitantly pressed closer to D, who lifted one of his arms and put it around the older Side. Gradually, they both began to relax.
They were definitely going to have to talk about this.
“Roman, please-”
“I can fight my own battles, Logan, but please, keep talking!”
“See? A villain!”
“D is not–”
“Yeah, he sort of is.”
“As if you're any better!”
“Guys, please–”
Logan groaned as the arguing got louder and louder. They had simply been trying to help Thomas decide if he should go to see several rather unpleasant members of extended family. But when D had suggested lying to avoid having to go, Roman had broken. It seemed he had been stewing for quite some time, since D convinced Thomas to stay home from an audition because of how over-worked he was. And here Logan was, 27 years old, trying to deescalate the argument just like when they were children.
Logan looked to his side to appeal to D since Roman clearly wasn't backing down, but D was no longer there. He stared at the spot where his boyfriend had been mere moments ago. How had no one else noticed that one of the main subjects of the argument had left? Quickly, Logan looked around. Luckily, no one else had sunken out, or was in the process of sinking out; Patton was still looking distressed and trying to talk Roman down by the blinds, Roman was now yelling at Anxiety from his place in front of the television, and Anxiety was gesturing to Logan himself. Remus had not shown his face yet.
“- and Logan!” Anxiety finished triumphantly. Logan had no idea what he had been saying, but he nodded vaguely as Roman gasped – he didn't like it when one of the “Dark Sides” used their names. Thinking about it, it was a surprise he hadn't reacted much when D had called Logan by his name a minute ago, but he must not have noticed. Shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts, Logan mumbled some generic excuse that he probably wouldn't even remember later and sunk out.
When he rose up in D's room, at first he didn't see anything. But after searching the room for a few moments with his eyes, they landed on D, curled up in the corner with his back to Logan.
“D?” Logan asked hesitantly. There was a flash in his mind – ah, a near-forgotten memory. It was of D, curled up on the floor in a similar manner as to what he was doing now. He looked about 10 years old, so that must have been when they first started to become friends. Perhaps it is a comfort position, Logan mused as he walked over to his boyfriend.
As soon as he sat down next to D, the other man wrapped his arms around Logan. Almost immediately, Logan embraced him in return. They sat there for a few minutes, silent, until Logan felt the tiniest hitch of D's shoulders.
Instantly, he let go and pushed D gently back until he could make eye contact with him. It was clear D was trying to contain the tears leaking out of his eyes, but it seemed he couldn't quite manage it. D tried to subtly wipe a few tears away, but it was useless, seeing as Logan already knew they were there. Logan didn't know what to do. There was no convincing the other Sides of D's importance – he had been trying for years. But he couldn't stand seeing his boyfriend like this, not again.
“D, ignore them,” Logan said quietly, but firmly. “They do not at all understand your worth.”
“No, D,” Logan said. He grabbed D's hands, trying to make him see how important this was, but not startle him.
“You are amazing, not to mention necessary. And besides that, you are my entire world. If the others cannot respect even that, then we do not need them.”
D stared at him for a moment, and Logan realized what he'd just said. He flushed slightly, but didn't say anything else. It was silent for a few moments, before D spoke.
“My name is Janus.”
It seemed Logan was simply running slow today, because it once again took him a moment to comprehend what the other Side had said. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to find his voice.
“You. . . D–” he hurriedly corrected himself. “Janus, why? You never said anything, I thought you must have been uncomfortable, or. . . .”
Janus smiled wanly.
“Or never found it?”
Logan nodded hesitantly. It was reasonable to assume. After all, as often as they could, he and Janus told each other everything. But now it seemed almost cruel to have even thought so. Janus's smile remained in place, but it was slowly getting less wan.
“Of course I found it. I just. . . didn't want to say anything. To be judged. And to hold one last secret,” he added with a little laugh. Logan squeezed his hands slightly.
“I said you are my entire world, Janus,” Logan stated. “That includes all of you.”
Janus's face crumpled, and Logan nearly had a heart attack, but Janus was still smiling – sort of.
“Great, thanks for setting off the tears again,” laughed Janus. Well, laugh-cried. Logan gave a little laugh as well.
“You are welcome,” he said. “But I have no sympathy. And I would not appreciate any tears on me.” Janus began to laugh even harder at that. But jokes aside, nothing could bother Logan right now. Not even the salt he could taste from Janus's tears when Logan leaned in to kiss him.
Logan looked at Janus, who was standing beside him looking nervous, and squeezed his hand. Janus squeezed back, smiling nervously at him. They only had a few more seconds to wait, as the other Sides were about to arrive.
Almost as if the thought had called them, Roman and Anxiety- Virgil, now, rose up and took seats at the table. Before they could even glare at each other, Patton rose in between them, smiling at everyone before taking his own seat. After a few moments, Remus rose up and pulled himself onto the counter. Logan stared hard at him, but Remus just grinned at him, so he let it go.
Janus looked at him, and he gave him a barely perceptible nod. You have this, dear. And with a deep breath, Janus followed the plan, which was to get this over as quickly as possible.
“My name is Janus.”
Everyone startled, and it looked like Roman was barely containing a laugh. Logan was too busy trying to communicate with his boyfriend through his eyes, even though Janus wasn't looking at him, to glare at the creative Side, but he did take a mental note of it. Patton was still smiling, if a little confused-looking, Anxiety looked sullen (then again, he always did, and he didn't care for Janus). For once, Remus's smile seemed genuine – that was good. After all, he was the closest to Janus, after Logan. Janus barely seemed to be registering their reactions, though, and he plowed on.
“I am aware that you all don't trust me very much. And, I can't blame you for that.” Logan turned his head sharply to look at Janus, who cringed slightly as if he knew Logan didn't approve of the self-deprecation.
“But I am going to assert my worth. If this is enough to trust me even slightly, then it's worth it.  However, Thomas needs me, and therefore, you need me.” Janus took another breath. “But Logan and I do not need to put up with any negativity from you. So this is your chance.”
All the occupants in the room continued staring at Janus in silence for a moment, before Virgil shrieked at Remus's sudden launch off of the counter-top and at Janus. Janus stumbled before falling onto the ground under Remus, who hugged him. Janus seemed surprised, but Logan was busy mentally clearing and grievance notes he had under Remus's name.
After a few more moments, Patton stood up and went to join them on the floor. Logan immediately dropped as well, and Patton started laughing as they shifted awkwardly to fit everyone in. At some point, though Logan didn't know when, Virgil and Roman had joined them. And for what seemed like hours, they merely lay there, in new-found peace and companionship.
To be honest, this was much better than either Logan or Janus had imagined this going.
“You know,” Janus said conversationally. “Today is our 10th anniversary.”
Logan looked from his book to the man snuggled up to his side.
“And our 1st for being married,” his husband continued. Glancing at the calendar on the wall, Logan saw he was right.
“How did I miss that?” he mumbled, to which Janus hummed, but was obviously trying not to laugh. He had been waiting years to remember something Logan couldn't. And when he finally did, it was possible the most important thing Logan could have forgotten.
“I'm sorry, dear. Forgive me?” Logan asked. Janus rolled his eyes.
“I don't truly care,” the other Side said dryly. “But I accept your apology, and you are forgiven.” Sighing contentedly, he shifted closer to Logan, who automatically wrapped his arms around him, lost in thought.
Half an hour or so later, and they were still in the same position, but Logan was drawn out of his thoughts by the tug of a summons in the back of his mind. Standing up with a small groan, he sunk out, quickly followed by Janus, and they appeared a few seconds later in Thomas's living room right next to each other.
Thomas took a moment to welcome them, then continued with whatever crisis he was having. Logan was only half-listening, still thinking.
He had been friends with Janus for nearly 20 years, in a romantic relationship with him for 10 years, and married to him for 1. The time had flown by, but here he was. He never thought he would even be true friends with the other Sides, let alone get them to accept Janus, but here they were, solving Thomas's problems right along with the others. Patton by the blinds, Remus and Roman by the television, Virgil lounging on the stairs, and Logan and Janus standing by those same stairs. Any major problems they had with each other in the past were past. For now, all was at peace.
Logan turned at the exact same moment as Janus, and they smiled at each other. Without breaking eye contact, they intertwined their hands, and then turned back to the discussion, still smiling. The others shot them strange looks or confused smiles, before glancing away and continuing to talk. Logan supposed it was slightly odd just to stand there with their hands clasped.
Then again, since when did they care what the others thought?
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thegetoufather · 2 years
HELLO HELLO AMAN MY BELOVED 💗💗 how do we feel about stepdad kakashi 👀
be careful what you wish for
step-dad!kakashi hatake xf!reader
warnings: smut, 18+/minors and ageless blogs dni, dark content (step-cest), clit slapping
a/n: salem i have so many feelings about step dad kakashi plz ,,, this is just ,,,, tip of the iceberg
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If there’s one thing you know about your step-dad, it’s that he does a piss poor job of hiding what he’s actually reading.
The old worn out investment book jacket he uses has slipped off numerous times around the house, and you wonder why he even bothers to keep up the ruse when enough of the true cover is exposed to put two and two together. A bare calf, the edge of a bare back, things that tease acts that stay only in the bedrooms of these suburban cookie cutter houses — and yet, Kakashi is so bold to be reading such things at the breakfast table, when most men his age would be perusing the paper.
It’s so twisted of you, to think about the things he’s picked up from reading those all day. To think about how he’s probably learnt just exactly how to tease someone with his tongue, and how easy it would be for him to toss your legs over those broad shoulders.
You can’t help but yearn, especially when all the boys you meet in college with are just down right abysmal in bed. Unbothered to even learn where to touch you, too hell bent on their own pleasure. They don’t even notice the way you whimper another man’s name long after you two are done, pushing your fingers into your cunt, imagining it was your step father’s much bigger ones instead. And the sweet release hides the ever growing shame that comes with this fucked up little crush, but when you wake up smothered under the weight of a frat boy would couldn’t tell your labia apart from your clit, the cycle has no other choice but to continue.
So you decide to flirt with danger a bit, wearing lower cut tops for dinners when you come home, even if it is for a fleeting moment of recognition. But he’s so stoic, unbothered by the way you lean a little too close when you help pour his wine that you can’t tell if he’s even giving you a second glance. You don’t know what you want to gain from this, but you find yourself going further and further, getting it in your head that perhaps getting him one of those books for Christmas would be the way into his good graces.
That’s how you find yourself here, snooping around his office to find who exactly his favorite author is. You’ve caught a capital J once, but that lead to no concrete web searches, so you pace through the shelves to see where he’s tucked them away. You smile when you’ve made some headway, turning around with the book in hand to come face to face with Kakashi leaning at the doorway.
You drop the paperback with a yelp, and he responds with a lopsided smirk.
“Could have just asked if you needed something to read,” he chides, moving to meet you by the walnut desk. He picks the book up off the floor, letting out a short laugh when he sees the title. “This is a good one. I may have forgotten some due dates when this first came out.”
He’s looking back at you for a response, and its so like him, to not realize that being this close to him would just floor you. Being close enough to breathe in his woody cologne, to see the beauty mark by his lower lip, how all of that wouldn’t distract you like this.
“Don’t tell me you’re getting all shy now that we’re alone. Or do you only like talking when I’m not giving you attention?”
His words bring you back, and you realize he’s got you pinned by the desk, arms caging in you in as he leans into get closer to your face.
“I, I mean —”
“Y’know, normally when people go snooping around in their daddy’s office they get punished.” He’s looking over your shoulder, flipping through the book he has set out on the desk. “And I think, that this right here, is a great one for the situation we have ourselves in.” Kakashi grasps your chin to turn your head to the words on the page, and your eyes widen when you see what exactly he has in store for you.
For the stoic front he’s put up all this while, he’s so impatient now that he’s finally got you here. Kakashi sets you up on the dark surface with ease, tearing through your tights like they’re paper to bring your attention back to him. It’s so odd, you’ve dreamt of being exposed like this for him numerous times, but now that you’re here, you just feel like that dark spot on the front of your panties is just embarrassing you, and your feeble attempt to close your legs and hide from him is blocked by his body.
“Oi,” he says, landing a soft spank on your clit over the fabric. “Eyes. On. Me.”
Each word is punctuated with a slap, causing you to tense up as you feel sparks of pleasure jolt through you. He pushes your panties to the side once you’ve finally begun to obey, letting your squirm a bit as the cool air hits your pussy.
“So,” he continues after you’ve finally laid still, “Are we ready to begin?”
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abimess · 3 years
A special Christmas gift
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Yelena Belova x Reader
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gif's not mine
Summary: During the Avengers Secret Santa this year, you end up getting your ultimate crush and have to decide whether to make your feelings known in the present.
Warnings: none || Word count: 2.677
Okay, I'm pretty busy for the rest of the month, so I might not be able to post the stories until later in the day, I hope you don't mind. Anyway, enjoy the story!
You do NOT have permission to repost or translate my work on any platforms (even with credit)
For this request | Christmas Special Masterlist | Masterlist | Library Blog
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"Okay, freaks, let's start the draw." Tony says, joining the group in the common room of the compound.
"What do you mean freaks?" Pietro asks with frowning eyebrows, and the man settles into the armchair theatrically, pointing at the others as he speaks. "Murderer, murderer's sister who's also a murderer, witchy, Sokovian Speedy Gonzalez, Capsicle, Capsicle's emo friend, Y/n."
"This is so rude in so many ways." You complain, an offended grimace on your face, and some of your friends giggling.
"It's true, though." Yelena teases next, and you roll your eyes. "Shut up, Belova." You warn, throwing a pillow in the girl's face, who laughs before turning her attention back to Tony.
Today is December 1st, which means that it's the day to draw the names for the Avengers' Secret Santa.
Normally, each of you would put together a list of at least three gift options to make life easier for your respective Secret Santa. This year, however, someone came up with the brilliant idea of dropping the lists, so the gifts would be specially thought out.
It was a good idea, but at the same time you were anxious to find out whose Secret Santa you would be. You just hoped it would be Wanda or Pietro, your best friends. Life would be easier.
"You may go, Jarvis." Tony eventually speaks over the chatter, attracting the attention of the other Avengers around. Shortly after, Jarvis confirms, and your smartwatches begin to glow.
"And no snooping, Maximoff, you know what happened to your brother last Christmas." Tony then says, causing the redhead to roll her eyes, and you giggle.
Last year, Pietro decided to use his ability to see who everyone had drawn, bragging at the end about his super speed. As a result, he was excluded from the game, and the group made a new draw.
Looking at your screen impatiently, you smile at the Christmas drawings on the screen. Tony had really gone all out this year. When the name appears on the screen, you have no reaction.
Yelena Belova was not only one of the most private people in the group, but also your undeniable crush. From the moment you met you found yourself weak in the knees for her, and as time went on the feeling only got worse.
Lowering your wrist, you look around. The Avengers exchange curious glances, smiles on their lips. But you just swallow hard, the universe was definitely playing tricks on you.
As everyone starts to disperse, you stand up. Walking towards your room, you wonder what the hell you would give the girl you like for Christmas.
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Lying on your bed, your head works searching for a gift idea.
But it's very difficult to think of Yelena without your mind wandering to her beautiful smile, to her sinfully green eyes, or to the heartwarming sound of her laughter. You scold yourself every time this happens.
Before your mind can wander any further, you hear knocking at the door. With a lazy grunt, you get up and walk over.
"I know who you got." Wanda says as soon as you open the door, a little smirk on her lips, and you grimace disgruntled. "Oh come on, Wanda, I can't believe you read my mind!"
"I didn't have to, you turned as red as a bell pepper when you read the name." She accuses, eyebrows raised, and you swallow dryly, shifting your weight between your feet awkwardly. "It was Yelena, wasn't it?"
"Shut up!" you say wide-eyed, pulling the redhead into the room, and she giggles. As you close the door and turn to her, you take a deep breath. "It was."
"I knew it! That's so cute! You can use the gift to confess your feelings for her! It'll be so romantic!" Wanda says, bouncing happily and with an excited smile on her face.
"You watch too many movies," you respond humorously, finding your friend's behavior amusing, " I'm not doing it, Wands." You then say, causing the girl to roll her eyes.
"You're boring." She retorts, making you giggle. She crosses her arms then, looking at you defiantly. "What you gonna give her, then?"
"I don't know, I have to think about it." You reply, rubbing your face hopelessly. When you look at Wanda again, you raise your eyebrows in curiosity. "And you, who did you get?"
"It's a secret." She answers promptly and you giggle. "Come on! I just told you mine." You bargain, but the redhead raises an eyebrow. "I found out."
"And I confirmed it." You say and Wanda shrugs, clearly amused by the conversation. "Because you're naive."
"... You're a terrible friend." You then attest, making the girl laugh. "Fine," she relents then, but from her posture you know she would tell you anyway, "I got Nat."
"Oh," you say knowingly, crossing your arms, "so you're gonna take your own advice and use the gift to confess your feelings for her?"
"Feelings? What feelings? I have no idea what you're talking about." Wanda replies awkwardly, her cheeks becoming increasingly red.
"Oh so you just blush like that in general?" You ask, a smirk on your lips, and the redhead crosses her arms, her cheeks catching fire.
"I hate you." She pleads, and when you laugh, she rolls her eyes. "I'm leaving, I'm not gonna stay here being disrespected." She says, walking to the door and opening it.
"See you later, future Mrs. Romanoff." You speak in a sing-song voice and laugh when Wanda uses her powers to close the door in your face as she leaves.
Taking a deep breath, you decide to look up some gift ideas on your laptop. Maybe the internet could help you.
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The next few days pass too quickly for your liking.
As always, the interactions between the Avengers are filled with accomplice smiles between those who know whose Secret Santa the other is - for whatever reason -, one trying to guess who someone else got, or even trying to guess what gift someone bought.
You, on the other hand, spent your days thinking, having no idea what to give Yelena. You could choose a generic approach, give some clichéd Christmas present, but that seemed too simplistic for the person who made your heart beat the way it did.
Another option was to choose something she liked. In the few months you had known each other you already had a notion of some of the blonde's preferences regarding music, movies, books. It seemed the easiest and safest idea. But a small detail prevented you from putting this plan into practice: Wanda.
Ever since that night the redhead's idea had been pounding in your mind. Maybe she was right, maybe using the Secret Santa game to let Yelena know about your feelings for her was a good idea. The only issue was whether you would have the courage to put it into practice.
As you absentmindedly fiddle with your computer, procrastinating while you should be filling out your past mission report, your bedroom door opens.
Turning your head toward the door in a jolt, you see entering the room the person who hasn't left your mind since the day of the drawing -and since before it, if you were being honest.
"You're avoiding me." Yelena attests, sitting on the edge of your bed and you smile, turning in your desk chair to look at her. "Of course I am, do you know how annoying you are?"
"Is all this bitterness because I beat the crap out of you in all our training sessions?" She asks back, her eyebrows raised teasingly, and you roll your eyes. "First of all, I let you win."
"Of course you do." The blonde replies, her tone as unconvinced as possible, and you look at her unamused. "Get out of my room." You playfully order, getting up to get her out of the room.
"I'm kidding!" Yelena stands up too, laughter filling your room as she holds your arms out to stop you from dragging her out of the room.
"I'm sure you do, oh great martial arts master." She claims, bowing exaggeratedly, and you roll your eyes, a smile on your lips as you shove your hands into the pockets of your hoodie. "I hate you very much, you know."
"You could never, I'm too awesome." She retorts cockily and you laugh through your nose. "Yeah, sure." You agree wryly, making the girl in front of you smile amused.
"You still haven't told me why you were avoiding me." She then says, her smile faltering for a brief second as a hint of insecurity creeps into her voice.
"I wasn't, though," you reply, your hands clenching into fists as you resist the urge to reach out to her , "I was just busy trying to decide which gift to choose." You explain honestly and Yelena nods slowly in understanding. "And did you?"
You open your mouth to reply, but then your gaze rests on something on the wall just behind Yelena's shoulder and you stop, your mind being carried back to a memory from a few weeks ago.
"And this one was after our first mission together." You show one of your photos with Pietro and Wanda, the faces of the three of you covered with cuts and bruises as you make faces for the photo.
While you wait for the agreed upon time to infiltrate the terrorists' hideout, you and Yelena decide to spend the time reliving some of your memories.
And so you find yourselves lying on the floor of the small apartment, you showing her several photos that you carry in your wallet while the laughter of the two of you fills the room.
"You guys look beat." She comments, an amused smile on her lips, and you laugh through your nose, nodding in agreement. "We really were."
"I wish I had this," Yelena comments eventually, "pictures, you know? Memories." She explains as she notices your confused expression and you raise your eyebrows slightly in understanding. "All I have are photographs from when I was a kid in Ohio and, well, they're all fake."
You remain silent in the face of her venting, not knowing what to say. Your search for words that might comfort her is interrupted by Yelena clearing her throat, getting up afterwards.
"I'll keep watch now, you should get some sleep." She announces awkwardly and before you can object she is leaving the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
"Yes," you reply with an accomplished smile, taking your gaze off the photographs on your wall and looking at Yelena again, "yes I did."
"Cool," she says, nodding her head in understanding, and then a smirk forms on her lips, "who did you get?" She asks curiously, and you let out a chuckle. "Nope."
"Come on!" She insists, holding your arm and swaying like an insistent child and you laugh, but deny it with your head. "I'll tell you who I got." She bargains with raised eyebrows and you mimic her expression as you reply, "not happening."
"Pretty please!" She pleads and you giggle, amused at the blonde's persistence. "I'm gonna get myself something to eat, and you're gonna stop annoying me." You say, pushing Yelena, who falls onto the bed as you walk out of the room.
This doesn't work, of course, and as you make your way to the kitchen, you smile amused at Yelena's constant insistence right next to you.
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Christmas has finally arrived and you couldn't be more nervous about it.
You tried to play it cool all night long, distracting yourself with your best friends whenever you could. But nothing took your mind off the Secret Santa and Yelena's gift.
After agonizing hours, Tony finally announced the start of the game, and you and your fellow Avengers gathered comfortably on the couches and armchairs of the venue.
Everything went smoothly at first. Stark made sure to go first, which surprised no one. Everyone laughed when they found out that it was Steve who gave him a pair of socks with several pictures of Tony himself on them, and laughed some more when the goateed man put them on right there.
The game then continued, everyone exchanging comments and giggles as those receiving the gifts tried to guess who their Secret Santas were.
Eventually Natasha's turn came and you see out of the corner of your eye Wanda fidgeting on the couch anxiously as the older woman takes the gift.
The Black Widow leaps happily as she opens the present and finds two Sia concert tickets inside and she already knew right off the bat that it was Wanda, as the two had talked about it a few weeks ago.
Wanda shyly stands up and widens her eyes when the other pulls her into a tight hug. The witch says she can do whatever she wants with the other ticket, but Nat makes sure to say she's taking Wanda with her and you hold back your laughter at your best friend's rosy cheeks.
Then it's Wanda's turn, who you realize is trying to fight the flustered state she's been put into by her interaction with Natasha. Her Secret Santa was Bucky and he gave her a very awesome pair of gloves that match her outfit perfectly.
Wanda, as you all know well, is very touchy so she doesn't hesitate to give Bucky a tight hug and you chuckle at the Winter Soldier's clumsiness in returning it.
As the redhead returns to her seat on the couch next to yours, she looks at you and you flash her a knowing smirk, giving her then the signal you established years ago for her to read your mind.
"Nice move." You think in a teasing tone and see Wanda discreetly roll her eyes. "Shut the fuck up." She replies in your mind and you smile to yourself as you see her cheeks turning as red as her hair.
Bucky's Secret Santa was Yelena, who gave him ammo cartridges, and this makes the soldier emotional for some reason. You watch the two interact in front of the group with your heart pounding in anticipation.
"Alright, Belova, it's your turn." Tony says as Bucky returns to his seat on the couch next to Steve, and you involuntarily gulp as the blonde takes the gift that has the tag with her name on it.
Yelena undoes the gift wrapping with an eager smile that falters for a brief second as you see what's inside the box.
"Y/n." She speaks without hesitation, her eyes watering as she raises them to you. You take that as your cue to stand up.
"Now you can make your own memories," you say when you get there, Yelena lowering her gaze to the polaroid camera in her hands, "you can save as many moments as you want."
The blonde giggles, remembering what she told you weeks ago, surprised that you even remember that. She holds back tears as she looks at you again.
"Thank you." She says as she throws her arms around your neck, and you wrap yours around her middle in response. You try not to think too much about her perfume invading your senses.
When she pulls away she points the camera at you and you let out a confused giggle as she takes the picture. "I wanna save this one." She explains, looking at you with an intensity that leaves you frozen in place.
She giggles happily then and starts to walk towards her seat next to Nat. Before she does, she deposits a soft kiss on your cheek that short-circuits your head.
When you come to your senses, you approach the gifts and look for the one with a tag with your name on it. Before you open it, you look at Wanda and giggle when the redhead discreetly gives you a thumbs up.
As you open the gift and the game continues, all you can think about is Yelena's smile and the feel of her lips on your cheek.
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As soon as you open your bedroom door, you see the flash.
"You're going to waste all the film in the camera if you keep this up." You complain humorously, and Yelena giggles as she did throughout the past week.
"I don't think your face is a waste," she says with a shrug, "especially when it looks like this." She adds, showing the picture to you, and you roll your eyes at your funny face. "Did you come here just to tease me, Belova?"
"No, actually I wanted to talk to you." She answers, her tone changing to a more serious and even hesitant one. You frown. "Oh... Okay, come in."
You make room for her to pass then, and the blonde gives you a small smile as she does so.
After you close the door, you turn to look at her, but Yelena doesn't speak until after a few minutes of silence.
"Why did you give me this?" She asks finally, and you let out a short laugh. "Because that's how Secret Santa works-"
"Come on, Y/n, you know that's not what I'm talking about." She interrupts, and you swallow dryly at the course of the conversation.
"Because I wanted to give you a special gift." You answer simply, but that is not enough. "Why?"
"Because you're special." You answer, but the blonde doesn't show any reaction as you expected her to do. Taking a deep breath, you continue. "I mean, you're my friend, of course you're special. But... You know, I-"
Your clumsy speech is interrupted by Yelena stepping forward, bringing her mouth to yours. You freeze, but less than a second later she's pulling away.
"You kissed me." You say astonished, apparently looking at her as surprised as she looks at you. "I did." She says, nodding vigorously. "And I don't know if I did it right but I'd like to do it again."
You can't help but smile at the excess of shyness and hesitation emanating from her, but your chest fills with tenderness.
"Okay." You agree, and the answer seems to have taken the blonde by surprise because she widens her eyes. She stands there, still, and you smile as you do the same.
"Do you want to do it again?" She asks hesitantly, and you let out a soft chuckle in response. "I'm just waiting for you, Belova."
She rolls her eyes then but moves closer to you right away. Yelena brings her face close to yours slowly, and just as your lips are about to touch, you hold your breath.
The kiss is slow and shy, but it makes your heart beat hard in your chest anyway. A moment later, she pulls away.
"I really like you." She confesses, looking at you adoringly. "I've been wanting to say that for a while but I had no idea how."
"That was the perfect way to do it, honestly." You remark humorously, and Yelena giggles in amusement. You smile tenderly. "I really like you too." You confess back, and all you see is a happy smile before Yelena leans in again.
The kiss is more intense this time, her arms wrapping around your waist instinctively, and you feel your knees go weak as you wrap yours around her neck.
And as she deepens the kiss, you can't help but smile against her lips.
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#Day 6: Mistletoe kiss (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
And that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed it, thoughts and comments are always welcome ツ
Taglist: @yuhloversxx @madamevirgo @an-evergreen-rose @helloalycia @wandas1mp @cantcontroltheirfear @diaryoflife @cristin-rjd @ensorcellme @aimezvousbrahms @natasha-danvers @purplemeetsblue @randomshyperson @peggycarter-steverogers @b0mbdotc0m @ethereal-pxradise @stephanieromanoff @tomy5girls @gingerbreadcookieforlife @imapotatao @musicinourlips @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @allfiguredout @olsensnpm @magicallymaximoff @nothing-isimpossible @mionemymind @itsmionet @xastrydx @sxfwap @nicole-rayleigh-hot @wellsayhelloaagin @midnight-lestrange @1-800-depressedlesbian @b-5by5 @blackwow34 @nervoustrack @somewhatgreatexpectations @yeetus-thyself @chelleztjs18 @franfineashell @mrromanoff (if you wanna be tagged check the form on my BIO)
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shinehyuk · 2 years
Ateez (reaction) when their bestfriend(crush) likes another member
ATEEZ reaction to bff!crush liking another member
‣ Genre : angst
tw : heartbreak, jealousy
a/n : i haven't been keeping up with ateez at all lately or even writing anything for them, so their reactions may be a bit off :( it's hard to admit that i lost interest, but it's the main reason i made this blog after all </3 i hope you still enjoy the reaction!! <333
Hongjoong :
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· He'll be super supportive no matter what. Sure, he'll definitely be a little sad and jealous, but what matters most is your happiness, right?
· "Oh, you like Yunho..? I'm sure he likes you too! You should definitely try your chances with him, Y/N"
· As a leader, his feelings are not the most important to him. If you and Yunho will be happy, that'll be the thing that makes him the happiest
· He'll give you tips on what Yunho likes, turning into your matchmaker – arranging you dates with the other male, throwing in a few nice words about you etc.
Seonghwa :
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· He was preparing to confess to you, reciting what to say to you in his head over and over again, super nervous. What if you don't like him back?
· However, his dreams were shattered when you started telling him all about how much you admire San, admitting to your big crush on him
· "....Oh. San.. San is a good person, Y/N. I'm sure that you'd look perfect together."
· He'll be heartbroken and disappointed, but it's not your or San's fault. His hopes were way too high
Yunho :
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· The look on his face will falter only to quickly show a fake smile, Yunho teasingly wiggling his eyebrows at you
· "I'm so telling Seonghwa you like him! Ah, come on, Y/N~ I'm sure he likes you back!"
· He'll try to be enthusiastic for you but once you leave, his entire forced sparkly attitude will disappear
· He should be happy for his friends, but why is he feeling so empty and just.. sad? Maybe if he confessed his love earlier, you wouldn't have fallen in love with another member?
Yeosang :
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· How could he, your bestfriend, not notice that you fell for Jongho? As someone that's that close to you, he should've noticed it
· He'll listen in silence how you talk about the other member, only slightly nodding from time to time
· "Of course, I think you'd be a good match.. You can trust him. He's a kind person"
· He'll try to get over you, encouraging you to try your chances with Jongho. If you'll be happy with the younger male, he'll also be happy
San :
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· You asked San for tips on how to get Wooyoung's heart – since he's one of the closest people to him, you hoped that he'd give you some advice
· "..I'm sorry, but I think you should ask Yeosang. He'll know better than me."
· It could be anyone else; Yunho, Hongjoong – anyone. Yet why did it have to be his closest friend that you fell in love with?
· For you, he'll try his best to be understanding and happy if you succeed with the male, but he can't help but feel hurt when he sees the heart eyes you get for the other member
Mingi :
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· You were playing a game of truth or dare with some other members, Mingi's heart shattering to tiny little pieces as you reveal that you have a crush on Hongjoong when answering one of the truth questions
· "He's a really kind person, isn't he..? If you ever want my help, just tell me. I want you to be happy, Y/N.."
· It's a big shock to him, but he'll do his best for you two to end up together and be happy
· If anything, all he wishes for is to stay your best friend even if you succeed with Hongjoong. He doesn't need to be any closer to you than that to be happy
Wooyoung :
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· He thought that it'd be fun to snoop around your room just a little while you're away, quickly regretting it
· He came across a love letter from you addressed to Mingi, his heart broken as he slowly puts the confession letter back to its place
· Afterwards, he won't mention anything, as if nothing has happened, secretly trying to bring you and Mingi closer to each other. As your best friend, all he wants is for you to be happy
· "Oops, I forgot my phone..? You can stay here with Mingi for a little while, right Y/N?"
Jongho :
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· It'll be quite a big shock for the poor male when you tell him about your secret crush on Yeosang – why did it have to be his bandmate that you fell in love with?
· "Yeosang is very mature, you'll look good together~ I'm sure that he also has feelings for you!"
· Like Wooyoung, he'll try to bring you two together, being just a little more obvious than the male
· He only wishes for your happiness and well-being. If the other male will treat you right, he's more than happy to see you and Yeosang together
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ a/n ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
i feel like this was pretty bad, but i still hope that you enjoyed it!! <33 thank you for requesting <3
Taglist :
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
None of the gifs are mine!
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz
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prof-peach · 3 years
if fans wanted to include peach in stuff they write, would that be okay? and how would they write peach's personality? aside from "FIGHT ME" anyway, i think that much is a given lol. i only really write the anime characters 'cause that's what i know, but it sounds like it'd be kinda fun to try making a version of ash that fits into this blog's universe! nerf'd Obviously, but i think she'd probably appreciate how hands-on he gets when training his pokemon!
Ok, I get a lot of these messages, and I often hear folks wanting to throw peach into their stories and comics and writings, and I will always simply ask that if it’s published online publicly, to be linked to it so I can snoop and enjoy the content too. If someone asks about her in your work, let them know about the blog I guess? But literally I love that people take this stuff, these characters and stories, and make new stuff with it. No ones making money off my work here? So where’s the issue? Go for it buddy, knock yourself out, I’m all for it.
For you, and all the others out there who want to add peach, and other characters to your world building, I will give you a detailed rundown of the main lot, and how they behave, what they do, how they function. You can use that, use bits, or use none of it, I do not mind at all. If you’re creating something, you’re in control, not me.
So, peach doesn’t actually fight people as much as you’d think. She’s very aware most cannot and do not want to do that, and so she likes to keep to herself with regards to that aspect of her life, she doesn’t ask to spar with people, or even bring it up at all, but people ask her all the time, even if they clearly would lose or become hurt should she miscalculate during the fight. She looks at people like they usually create problems, and often has a somewhat reserved nature to other humans. You have to work quite hard to get anything more than formalities out of her. She will dead-pan handle people with blunt and very to-the-point statements, aid whenever possible, but very quickly get back to handling the Pokemon she so carefully tends. Her focus is clear, she’s all about hard work, her very small select family, and the Pokemon.
Her brutal, loud and brash personality only comes out with friends, family, difficult humans, OR any Pokemon. She will joke and laugh and play with Pokemon, but clam up around humans, maintaining tight body language and generally will be a little cold by regular standards. She does however have some weaknesses in this emotionless shield she puts up. When peach was young she was always angry, which swung so fast to sadness, back and forth. Her teenage years it just got worse and worse, it was crippling at points. She is to this day, full of fire and rage, even sadness, but now she has learnt to control it, to use it. When she sees that in others, it’s familiar, and she is pushed to drop the front, and be very real with the person. Underdogs I suppose, people who get bad reps, but deserve the same as everyone else. She can’t ignore it.
Once you start to pry open her personality, you’ll find she’s a lot more laid back and fun than originally appeared, you just have to work hard to find that side of her. She will meme reference, can’t dance to save her life, loves her coffee, and can be caught in quiet contemplation while gardening. This hobby is her calmest, and often is why she can stay so level headed when her quiet rage boils up again. Without time outside she will become grouchy, a little snippy, and lethargic. Will not go in the ocean for any reason other than life or death, is fine with ponds and rivers, or water at wading height. Likes the rain.
With regards to her training others, they usually have to tolerate her somewhat strict nature. She is a little....unforgiving, holds a grudge if you make a lot of mistakes, and has no tolerance for ignorance in the age of information that we all live in. In previous posts I’ve mentioned she’s only recently selected two students, after many years of testing kids who want to learn from her. Hundred tried out, only two have ever been approved. How she teaches is very fast paced, be prepared to get some scrapes and bruises, she will test your physical and emotional tolerances with intense tasks, carefully watching students like a hawk. Bad posture in your stance? She’ll be the first to tell you to sort it out. Not hearing your Pokemon partner? Right, now you spend the day without using words trying to communicate, let’s see how you like not being listened to.
This is a woman who has spent her life saying very little, and watching everything, she watches Pokemon and can see an issue from a mile off, and in battles, her observations are why she can react fast, and chose effective strategy to avoid damage and achieve results. Don’t let her body fool you, her strongest asset is analysing, watching, planning. Those skills have over the years transferred to people too. As a student, mistakes don’t go unnoticed with this professor.
Her methods are harsh but fair, and should you prove yourself, she will protect you with her life.
Because of her disinterest in kids and lots of noise, she does pass the training of students on to the other staff members whenever possible. Grey takes on the lions share of battle lessons, he is far calmer, more open and friendly, with patience for people, and an empathy that peach sometimes struggles to have. When you go through a lot of harsh training, and difficult events, it’s hard to change how you feel or think, with peach, well, she’s been through it. Most do not come out the other end in one piece, but she did, and it made her strong. You may think I mean strong like buff and big, and yeah sure she is, but I mean it mentally more than anything. Peach will not quit. She has learnt to destroy the boundaries that stop people getting hurt, gone is the fear that freezes you in your tracks, that feeling that you’ll pass out if you go one more step. She’s learnt to ignore it.
This means she’s a little forgetful at how it is to be normal, to be vulnerable and soft and squishy like students so usually are.
She has her issues, but for the most part, visitors get a laugh, a smile, a calm assertive confidence, and facts. She will indulge those who have genuine interest, or show a connection with nature, an understanding of the balance that needs to be struck for everyone to live well together.
Despite her many flaws, she’s fiercely protective, and will go above and beyond to defend the island, it’s staff, the Pokemon and the visitors. Injustice is her biggest gripe, along with littering, and she doesn’t stand by quietly if something happens that seems unfair.
You will not see her without Valka, her vulpix, close by. That Pokemon doesn’t like to be touched by strangers, at all, and will run the second someone comes at her with that intent. Peach will scold you for pushing yourself onto her, should you persistently try to get close to pet Val. They are in sync, if peach is sad, Val is sad, if Val is stressed, peach is stressed, and so on. They are inherently connected, it’s just been that long, the psychic bridge between them has been built, and reinforced over the years.
The only other Pokemon who follows her so endlessly is Booker, a teddiursa who’s pretty rough looking. He quietly trots behind, grouchy and stoic, they fight closely together a lot. He lost his mom a long time ago to poachers, and peach took him in, and changed her whole life for him. Not many people know, but Booker was the reason she left the rangers, changed career, and got so strong. Will tolerate people petting him but isn’t keen at all, grumbles a lot and tries to move away.
You may also need to know about the others, for the sake of writing, she here a few more bits that may be important to you, or others wanting to do this.
Grey is very tall, very burly, composed, tells bad dad jokes, is a bit of a goof if allowed to be. If he sees a pun, he’ll say it. Can’t help himself. Very nice guy to work with, good at keeping people calm and grounded. Pokemon are drawn to him like a moth to a flame, he gives off warm energy, and has inhuman amounts of patience. If you wrong his family however, he will snap back.
He grew up in the city, loves to swim and hike and cycle, can snowboard, is really sporty. A total brain box with held items, and boosting stats. He will explore many paths, to make sure visitors and students get the information they need, in a way that can be remembered and retained for later. Is a huge guy, but will get on the floor to play with a tiny Pokemon. Treats big “meaner” looking species like babies, very good with all pokemon.
His free time is spent either tinkering, swimming, or trimming his bonsai trees. This guy stares at screens a lot, so appreciates time away from them. Peach built him his own little greenhouse for his trees and tools, which he keeps clean and loves dearly.
His methods as a teacher are built around fun and games, he makes hard work easier to do by distracting trainers from the difficult bits, and focusing in on something more interesting or compelling.
His most commonly seen Pokemon would be a houndoom, Saxon, old battle veteran, retired now to herding and being a good boy. Very gentle, loves a pet.
Pari, now a fully fledged nurse, often oversees the labs front desk and pokecentre features, such as healing pokemon, and informing trainers who come to visit. Her skills with eggs and hatchlings is high, she’s great with younger Pokemon, and hands out good advice to trainers a lot. She’s not a fighter, never was, but can find any file, any study, any book, and any refrence you may need. A true bookworm, loves her romance novels, chat shows and upbeat celebrity gossip mags. Will cry at a lot of stuff, be it sad or happy.
She’s got a seriously upbeat personality, but if caught off guard or shocked, she gets a little flustered. Too much chaos will overwhelm her, but usually she’s on top of things. The years spent on the island have made her better at maintaining composure in emergencies. With lots of siblings, she’s very competent with others, and has a good ability to disarm cagey people with her jolly nature. Because of this, she can sometimes gain information from trainers that some of the more harsh professors may not have access to. Charming is a word for it.
Her partners are an eevee, and a happiny. They are quite sweet and well adjusted, the eevee gets a bit bouncy if you get it too excited.
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zdux · 3 years
A sally face blog activeqwq finally!! Also How would the sf gang react if they have a crush on someone? As in headcanons:D
I actually kind of a similar headcannon a while ago, so I'll link it below! But that was how the Sally Face gang reacts to the reader liking them, so I'm going to make this "How the Sally Face gang reacts when they realize they like YOU!"
Sally Face Gang reacts to you having a crush on them!
Headcannon Prompt: Sally Face Gang realizes they have a crush on you
Honestly, he's felt his feelings grow for a while now
As he got to know you, got to spend time with you and just open up around you while you formed a bond, he fell in love.
It was always the little things too,
when you held not only Ash's hand at the mall, but his too,
when you brushed up against him a little, just so he would look at you and you could mouth "you doing okay?" whenever you wanted to check on him,
when you started carrying spare hair ties on you just in case he wanted to put his hair up,
when you were sitting on the floor of Larry's room with him, and slipped your hand into his while your high took you to dreams he couldn't see as you fell asleep on his shoulder.
He knew that he didn't want to make it some dramatic confession, he just wanted the moment to happen where he could show his feelings.
His "confession" was actually more of a rescue. While you two had been snooping around for ghosts, one of them tried to attack you, and he had to use the gearboy to save you.
You were pretty shaken up afterwards, and he just held you in his arms while you clung to his chest. You two stayed there until you were feeling better.
Once you looked up, he put his hands on your face and asked if he could kiss you. (If) you said yes, he reaches back to unclip his mask, letting it fall between you before he kissed you ever so gently.
He realized hard and fast, his feelings hit him like a bus
He had fallen for you because of how well you clicked with him, matched his energy, made him feel wanted.
Once he figured it out, he was kind of a mess.
He had to ask Ash and Sal what to do a LOT
Once he had talked it it over with them for a week or two, he finally got the courage to tell you.
First, he bought movie tickets. He didn't care what the movie was, he just knew you would like it, even if he wouldn't.
Next, he tells Ash and Sal to keep you busy for a bit, while he goes over and borrows Ash's motorcycle.
After that, he comes to get you, taking you out to the movie, and then to your favorite restaurant, before going on a drive to the nearest lake.
Once you guys are there, he lays down a blanket for you to stargaze on.
While you are laying down, watching the sunset and the stars come out, he gently grabs your hand and turns to look at you.
Once you look over, he squeezes you hand.
"You mean,,, everything to me. I want you to know that. I may not be the best with words, but you make me feel like I don't need to be... I love you."
(if) you return his feelings, he leans over, propping himself on his elbow so that he is partially above you and kisses you. He clearly has wanted to for a while with how invested he is in said kiss.
Ash is really surprised when she figures out she has a crush on you
She's never really worried about love, she's always had her friends and loving them was what mattered.
She talks to Sal about it a lot. She tells Todd and Larry too, but she still talks about it the most to Sal, since she knows he won't pull her leg
She decides to take you to a garden to tell you how she feels.
As you are walking around the flowers, she stops for a minute, causing you to turn around and ask if she is okay.
"I am, I'm more than okay, I'm fantastic. You've shown me a whole new side of me. I never thought I would get to know someone like this, and I couldn't ask for more. I think I love you."
She was actually pretty shy despite her normal confident self.
(If) you tell her you feel the same, she throws herself in your arms before carefully tugging your ear so you lean by her face so she can plant a soft kiss on your lips.
(Please Note that Todd is canonically MLM, so I'm going to write him with that in mind. I will still be writing a gender neutral character, but there may be mentions of mlm/nblm exclusive things/experiences, so if that makes you uncomfortable, please ignore this section.)
Mr Morrison here was like O////O
He's actually really romantic despite his tech geared brain.
He writes you an old fashioned love letter and asks Larry to deliver it to you.
It tells you about all his feelings, and asks you to meet him out back of the old school they used to go to.
When you get there, he has a bouquet of flowers for you, as well as a necklace with your birthstone on it.
When you go up to him, he hands you both and helps you put the necklace on if you want to wear it right then.
"I hope you liked my letter, I just wanted to find a way to tell you everything about you that I love about you. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me."
He holds your hands while he tells you, before looking up at you with a sparkle of love in his eyes.
(if) you wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly before you kiss. he leans into it, and you, because he's just so happy to have you in his arms.
I loved writing this!! Can you,,, can you tell I simp for Sal?? *sweats because his paragraph is so much longer than the others* Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! I put (If) at the end of everyone confessions because I know some people don't like kissing, so that way they can imagine their own ending or just cut it off after the verbal confession!
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 21}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Occasional surprise chapters could be posted at miscellaneous times. Chapters will be posted on both my and Tara’s blogs! >> @tacmc.​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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Before Nesta even opened her eyes, she knew that she’d gotten some of the best sleep she’d had in months. She knew it was early, since Nyx hadn’t even woken them up for his morning bottle yet. Sighing comfortably, she settled deeper into her pillows, the weight of a heavy arm slung over her waist, pulling her in close.
With sudden clarity, she remembered the events of the night before. She remembered the damn kiss that had started it all. She remembered the orgasms Cassian had given her over and over. She remembered seeing something shining in his eyes that had nothing to do with lust or sex.
She was sure it was reflected in her own, but couldn’t work up the nerve to let herself think about what they’d done last night, what it may have implied. What lines they may have crossed.
And the fact that she really didn’t give a damn.
Nesta couldn’t remember the last time she was this happy, and as much as she tried to pretend it wasn’t thanks to the man sleeping soundly behind her, in her bed, she couldn’t lie to herself.
So she gently rolled over, careful not to wake him, and took in his sleeping face.
It was kind of funny.
Nesta had known Cassian for a while, for five years, and before that in passing, considering Feyre and Rhysand’s relationship. She had watched him age, had watched him grow from a young man into the man that had taken her the night before, but looking at him now…
There was an innocence about him when he slept.
He snored, quietly, completely unaware that she was awake, that she was watching him.
He was cute.
So, so cute.
If he awoke at that very moment and saw her watching him sleep, she would have surely been mortified, but she couldn’t bring herself to care, she couldn’t look away.
Memories from the night before flashed through her mind, and it only made her that much happier. She couldn’t remember the last time she had fallen asleep in a man’s arms, but with Cassian, she had fallen asleep peacefully, nearly instantly, and slept amazingly.
There was something about Cassian that she couldn’t quite put her finger on, but she knew that she liked it.
She dared to gently brush a kiss over his cheek, before carefully climbing out of bed, his heavy arm making that a much harder endeavor than she was expecting. But he slept on soundly, not even stirring as she slipped from beneath the sheets and hurried into her closet. She wasn’t embarrassed by her nakedness, not after everything that had happened last night, but she knew that if he caught her naked, they were likely to take far longer getting downstairs to start their morning.
Not that she would have minded, but she was pretty sure neglecting Nyx was not a good enough reason for sex.
No, she’d enjoy him again later, as thoroughly as he’d enjoyed her last night, if he was willing. And she had no doubt that he would be.
Tying her robe around her waist, Nesta slipped from the closet into her room, glancing to make sure Cassian was still fast asleep. His snore confirmed he was.
Her chuckle was quiet as she entered the hall, sneaking down a few doors and opening Nyx’s. He was still asleep, as well, and with a smile, Nesta cracked his door and quietly padded down the stairs.
The kitchen was still a mess, his half-smashed cake on the counter and their clothes strewn around the room. Blushing, she picked them up one by one and tossed them into the laundry room, before making Nyx a bottle and starting on some scrambled eggs for his breakfast.
She could hardly focus. She was constantly thinking about the man upstairs, still sleeping soundly in her bed. Mixing a little cheese into the eggs, she stirred the eggs up in the pan before dumping them directly onto Nyx’s high chair tray.
Last time they’d slept together, Cassian had made her breakfast and then they’d both agreed it would never happen again. Regardless of the fact that it very much had happened again, Nesta didn’t like the sinking feeling she felt in her heart when she thought about having to agree to that once more.
Staring at the ingredients she’d pulled out of the fridge, Nesta sighed and braced her hands on the counter in front of her.
She wasn’t sure when it had happened, but she couldn’t ignore the fact that she had feelings for Cassian anymore. At some point, he’d gone from being a pain in her ass to the favorite part of her day. And that terrified her.
Letting him continue to sleep, she crept upstairs and gently woke Nyx up before he could start screaming, and carried him down to the kitchen, his sleepy head resting on her shoulder. He rubbed his eyes as she put him in his high chair, handing him the bottle, and she started working on their breakfast.
The entire time he ate, Nyx watched Nesta curiously, as if he knew something was up.
Maybe it was just her paranoia. Then again, he was Feyre and Rhysand’s kid and they were always snooping into Cassian and Nesta’s business.
Feyre and Rhysand.
Nesta bet they were pretty damn proud of themselves at the moment.
She heard him moving around upstairs and her heart began to beat a little bit faster. This was it, the moment of truth.
She cursed, all the while Nyx kept watching her as he stuffed his mouth with scrambled eggs.
Making herself busy at the stove, she quickly dropped some bacon into the hot skillet, sizzling filling the kitchen. Within seconds, a few pieces of bread were in the toaster, and she was rummaging through the refrigerator for the blackberry jam she knew he preferred.
Nyx’s babbling announced his arrival, and she turned to find Cassian standing behind his high chair, wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants slung low on his hips. He picked up a small clump of eggs and popped it into his mouth, and Nyx angrily began talking at him, though the made up words were unintelligible.
“He doesn’t like to share,” she said, closing the fridge door with a hip.
Cassian grinned. “Desperate times call for desperate measures. I worked up an appetite last night.”
Nesta’s cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. “Is that so?”
Cassian nodded and walked toward her, slowly. Nesta remained still until he was standing just in front of her. “I have to confess that I was hoping you’d be there when I woke up this morning.”
Nesta stepped closer to him. “Breakfast and the baby called.”
Cassian scoffed and muttered, “Priorities.”
Nesta laughed quietly, but the sound was muffled by Cassian’s lips against hers.
It was almost instinct to lean into him, to smile against his lips. When she pulled back just a hair, his hazel eyes were bright. She whispered, “Good morning.”
“Morning,” he breathed, his mouth still so close to hers.
She blushed, even though she couldn’t figure out why and turned to the stove. “I…wasn’t sure what to expect this morning.”
Cassian hesitated. “What did you think I’d do?”
Nesta sighed, scratching her head. “I don’t know. I thought you might act like it never happened. Or, you’d say it was only a one time thing like last time.”
Cassian cocked his head to the side. “Last time I didn’t sleep in your bed.”
“And that changes things?” Nesta asked, quietly.
“Last night changed things,” Cassian replied, brushing her hair back out of her face. “At least, for me it did.”
“Me too,” Nesta replied, without any hesitation.
Cassian’s eyes softened. “Nesta, I-.”
They both spun around, where Nyx was watching them with the most precious of pissed off expressions. His tray was empty, practically licked clean, and Nyx was not having it.
Cassian chuckled as he took a banana out of the fruit basket and peeled it before cutting it up into slices. “He’s awfully full of it this morning, isn’t he?”
“I think he knows,” she said, rolling her eyes as she flipped the bacon. “Not specifically what happened, but he knows something is…different between us.”
He paused his cutting and turned back to her, pausing with a hip resting on the counter. “Good different or bad different?”
“Good different,” she said, smiling. She cracked a few eggs into a bowl and mixed them up with some milk. “Definitely good different.”
For a moment, Cassian didn’t say anything, but when she turned he was grinning. “Really good different?”
Nesta rolled her eyes. “Shut up.” She turned back around. “But yes.”
“Good,” he breathed, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. “What’ve you got going on today?”
“Work,” she said. “Seeing how the bar renovation is going. Looks like you’ll have to hire your replacement soon with how quickly everything is moving.”
Cassian groaned. “That’s the part I’m looking towards the least. I hate interviews. I hate being in them, I hate giving them, they’re awful.”
“But the sooner you give them, the sooner you leave that bar and come work at mine,” she crooned.
“Yours?” he repeated, offended.
Nesta snorted. “Ours.”
He and Kallias had both given their notice to the owner of the dive bar they worked in. He wasn’t thrilled, but he had always been a gruff bastard. He’d informed Cassian he wasn’t going anywhere until he’d hired not only his replacement, but Kal’s, as well.
“Speaking of,” he sighed, glancing at the clock. “I’ve got one scheduled for eleven-thirty. What time are you going to the restaurant?”
She poured the egg mixture into the skillet she’d cooked the crispy bacon in moments before and began laying the bacon on the toast she’d made. “Whenever,” she shrugged. “Helion is opening today. What time can Viviane be here?”
“Ten. I’m not working a shift today, so after the interview I can either come back here and give her the rest of the day off, or I can come to the restaurant.”
Nesta chewed slowly as she thought about it. “I wouldn’t mind if you came to the restaurant.”
“Then that’s what I’ll do,” Cassian said, placing the cut-up banana in front of a cranky Nyx. “And you, little man, better be good for Viv today. Because you’re grumpy.”
In response, Nyx spit out the piece of banana he had put in his mouth and smushed up the rest on his tray.
After scarfing down the breakfast that Nesta had made, and making a show of thanking her for it, Cassian was cleaning up the kitchen then hurrying upstairs to shower. Nesta was left cleaning up a fussy, banana-covered Nyx.
“I don’t even think you wanted to eat the banana, kiddo,” she muttered, cleaning off his tray, before wiping him down with an ungodly amount of baby wipes. “I think it was just to play in.”
He had plenty to say about that, just nothing Nesta could understand.
A few minutes later, freshly showered and dressed Cassian came downstairs, where Nyx was playing on the living room floor. She was up the stairs a minute later, hurrying to take her own shower. After an hour, she returned, purse and keys in hand. “I’m going to go ahead and head to the restaurant. I’ll see you in a little while?”
He nodded and as she made for the door, Cassian stood, catching her by the elbow and tugging her back to him. She stumbled a step, but he crushed her to his chest and pressed a kiss to her lips. When he pulled back, they were both grinning like fools. “I’ll see you in a little while,” he repeated.
“Okay.” She was backing towards the door, that smile looking like it was a permanent fixture on her face, before slipping out and leaving he and Nyx alone.
Who was watching him again, looking so much like Rhysand with that little eyebrow raised.
Cassian couldn’t help but snort and say, “This is your fault you know.”
A few hours later, right after Nyx had gone down for his mid- morning nap, Cassian heard a knock on the front door. Opening the door, Viviane rushed in. “I’m so sorry I’m late,” she said, shaking her head.
Cass glanced at the clock on the mantle. “It’s barely ten-fifteen,” he chuckled. “No big deal, you’re fine.”
She nodded. “Sorry, just— It’s been a crazy morning.”
“Everything okay?” Cassian asked. Viv was usually steady, so sure of everything she did or said.
“Yeah,” she replied, waving off his question. “I’m fine. Ran into my ex at the coffee shop and— Ugh, ignore me. Don’t worry about it. Is Nyx down for his nap?”
“Yeah, he’s been out for about fifteen minutes. He had a pretty big breakfast, so I doubt he’ll be too hungry when he wakes up.” Cassian gnawed on his lip for a second debating on whether he should ask what was on his mind. After considering how well throwing caution to this wind has worked for him last night, he decided why the hell not. “Does that mean you’re single? Since you bumped into your ex?”
Viviane froze and blinked. “Yes, but I don’t date my employers—”
“No, no,” he quickly said, holding his hands out in placation. “It’s not me. It’s a friend of mine and I think you two might hit it off.”
Viviane raised a brow. “A friend, huh?”
“Guy I’ve worked with for years,” Cassian went on. “Great guy, in fact. You’ll enjoy yourself, guaranteed.”
“Guaranteed?” Viviane chuckled. “Well, I can’t say no to that, can I?”
Cassian grinned. “No, you can’t, and neither can he. Tomorrow night, you free?”
“I suppose I am, if my boss is giving me the night off,” she laughed.
“He is, and it’ll be great, we’ll all go out,” Cassian said. “You and Kal, and me and Nesta.”
“Kal,” she said, the shortened name rolling off her tongue. “Yeah, alright. That sounds fun.”
“Perfect,” Cassian said, patting her on the shoulder as he swept past her. “I’ve got to get going, but we should be home around five or so. Call if you need anything.”
Viviane chuckled. “You say that every time, and have I ever called?”
“It’s a habit!” he called, as he hurried out the door.
When he got to the bar, Kallias had everything under control, which meant Cassian was taking a table in the far corner, waiting for his interviewee to arrive.
Sadly, this wasn’t the interview to replace his own job. That was proving to be far more tedious than he was expecting. But an hour later, after shaking the young man’s hand, Cassian let out a sigh of relief as he left.
“And how’d that go?” Kallias asked, wiping down a few glasses that were drying atop the bar.
“Well, your position is officially filled,” he replied, sitting across from him at the bar. “So congratulations.”
“Cheers,” he chuckled, raising the empty glass towards Cassian. “When are we celebrating?”
“Tomorrow night, actually,” Cassian said, crossing his arms over his chest.
Kal snorted. “Seriously? I was kidding.”
“I’m not,” Cassian replied, shrugging. “We’re going out tomorrow night. You, me, Nesta, and Viviane.”
Kallias blinked. “The hot nanny?”
Cassian grinned. “Yeah.”
Kallias looked at Cassian suspiciously. “I thought you were kidding when you said you were setting us up.”
“Oh, I never kid about love,” Cassian said, winking.
Kallias raised a brow. “Love? Who the hell are you?”
Cassian filled his glass and took a gulp of beer. “Just meet us at Rita’s at eight tomorrow.”
Kallilas continued to stare at him for a long while. “You slept with her again, didn’t you?”
Cassian’s grin widened. “Tomorrow. Rita’s. Eight.”
And with that, he chugged his beer and left.
The next night, Cassian and Nesta dropped Nyx off at Elain’s before making their way to Rita’s.
“Our first date,” Cassian crooned, reaching his hand across the car to Nesta’s.
She took it fondly. “Our first date? After all we’ve been through, do we even qualify for a first date?”
“Why?” Cassian scoffed. “Just because we’ve been sleeping together and living with each other and raising a kid together?” He snorted. “Of course, we deserve a first date.”
Nesta rolled her eyes but did not protest.
Cassian had slept in her bed last night after another night of lovemaking. Even though it didn’t seem possible, it got better with each time. The more they got to know each other’s bodies, the more familiar with one another they became, the more they became one in intimacy, the more amazing it was.
“You look amazing tonight,” Cassian said, quietly. “In case I haven’t told you that yet tonight.”
He had.
Multiple times.
But, Nesta couldn’t blame him. She did look amazing in her navy blue dress and her blush heels. She looked over at Cassian, in his jeans and button down shirt.
Coincidentally, it wasn’t much different than what he had worn on their actual first date five years before. She chuckled, and he looked over at her, brow raised.
“This is actually our second date,” she said.
Cassian shook his head, amused, before looking back out the window as he turned into the parking lot. “Well, hopefully this date goes better than that one did.”
Nesta agreed.
As soon as Cassian opened Nesta’s door, they spotted Viviane pulling into the parking lot. They knew she was a pretty girl, but she usually showed up to work with a ponytail, jeans, and a t-shirt. Now, she had really dressed to impress.
Cassian whistled as she got out of her car and Vivane blushed as Nesta’ jabbed him in the ribs.
“You look beautiful,” Nesta told Vivane.
“Thanks,” she said, and Nesta could tell the nanny was a little nervous, a little uncomfortable.
“I see Kal’s truck,” Cassian said, gesturing for the women to follow. “I guess he’s already inside.”
Indeed he was and he’d already gotten a table for the four of them and was working on a pitcher of a beer.
“Hey, man,” Cassian greeted him as Kallias stood and shook his hand. “This is Nesta,” he said, placing a hand on her back.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” she said, reaching for his hand as well. They shook hands and Kallias smiled.
“You, too,” he replied. “I guess I should call you boss now, huh?”
“No, no, no,” she laughed, shaking her head. “Please don’t.”
“And this,” Cassian interrupted, rolling his eyes at the two of them, “is Viviane.”
As if he somehow hadn’t noticed the blond beauty behind Cassian until this moment, Kallias looked up at her and blinked. He was about to make some sort of hot nanny joke when Kallias breathed, “Viv?”
She was looking at him with the same dumbfounded look Kallias had on his face. “Kallias… Hey.”
Cassian and Nesta looked between the two, then at each other, and after a moment, Nesta asked, “You two know each other?”
Kallias still looked like he was trying to figure out what planet he was on, so Viviane answered, “We were…childhood friends. But my family moved to Velaris when I started middle school.” She shook her head, but she had been looking at Kallias the whole time. “I had no idea you were in Velaris.”
He finally remembered to speak, though Cassian was beginning to wonder if he’d need to answer for him. “I came out here for college. Loved the city and decided to stay.”
“College?” Viviane repeated. “You’re telling me that you’ve been here since your freshman year, and you’ve never called?”
Kallias chuckled. “I didn’t even know you still lived here!”
“Hmm,” Viviane said, taking a seat across from him. “Well, what a small world, hmm?”
“Yeah,” Kallias repeated, “small world.”
Cassian took a seat by Kallias and Nesta sat across from them as they went a little bit more in depth into their long lost friendship. Apparently they had grown up in the same neighborhood and had always gone to the same elementary school. Kallias was a year older than Viviane, but when he went into the seventh grade and Viviane was going into sixth, her family moved to Velaris for her father’s work.
They had never talked again after that. Their friendship was nothing more than a simple, joyful memory.
Seeing them now, Nesta thought, she just knew the two of them had gotten into trouble when they were little. Between their jokes and sly looks at one another, and the obvious chemistry, they had surely been up to no good and gave both sets of parents a run for their money.
“I’m going to the bar,” Cassian announced, looking at Nesta. “Care to join?”
Nesta had a feeling that it was less about going to the bar and more about giving the newfound couple beside them a few minutes alone. She nodded, and took his hand as they walked toward the bar on the other side of the room.
“They’re cute together,” Nesta said, sitting on a barstool.
Cassian sat on the one next to her. “Oh, I know. You know, I’ve gotta say, I feel pretty damn accomplished right now. I definitely made this happen.”
Nesta couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him, even as she leaned into his embrace. She wanted nothing more than to poke fun at him, to mess with him about his unexpected matchmaking skills, but as she looked at the two happy people laughing at the table across the bar, she couldn’t help but wonder if that’s the gift that Rhysand and Feyre had tried to give them all those years ago.
Even now, Nesta’s chest tightened as she smiled, so thankful for her meddling, baby sister.
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
You’re Wet, You’re Naked
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: Here’s Part 2 of Charlie spending a hot smutty night with his biggest fan Y/N! This fic is also my next entry for @band--psycho’s Bingo Challenge! In this Part 2, Charlie opens your tumblr and stumbles on some of your filthy imagines... 👀
Pairing: Charlie Hunnam x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk Request: This anon request + separate request from @rayslittlekitten (Charlie reading smutty fanfics​) Bingo Square Filled: Losing a bet
Word Count: ~900
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... Continued from Part 1 [Read Here]
So the bet has been set, though the stakes haven’t yet.
You’re still pinching yourself at the fact that Charlie Fucking Hunnam somehow picked you out from the crowd at the talk show that you just attended... and is now taking you to bed. And you’re kicking yourself that you ever agreed to this bet: that if he snoops around on your phone he’ll find some kind of fangirl content that causes you to cringe in embarrassment.
And of course you have that kind of content. Ugh, why did you ever assent...?
It’s a struggle to try to stay calm, as Charlie holds the key to your dirtiest secrets about him right there in his palm. Thankfully there is only one app on your phone in which all of these secrets are harbored: the little ‘t’ icon for tumblr. If he never opens that app you’ll be certain to win. Charlie teases you lightly about all the pictures and gifs that you have saved of him but that’s far from a sin.
Beside you in the backseat of his private limousine ride, Charlie glides his thumb over the apps that he hasn’t yet checked as he seeks out the content you’re trying to hide. You’re both deeply reclined, bodies dangerously close to each other against the black leather.
“I don’t even know what you think you might find, but I promise it’s not under ‘Weather’...” you laugh as his thumb passes by the image of a partly cloudy sky.
“You wanna bet?” Charlie mischievously replies. “I’m guessing if I open it the forecast’s gonna be all fucking wet.”
You laugh again and roll your eyes, though you’re in no position to deny. “Oh God, are you always this corny?”
“Only when I’m horny.”
“Something tells me that happens a lot...”
“What, are you calling me a slut?” Charlie pretends to be offended with a cheeky little gasp, before returning to his task. And promptly hitting the jackpot. “Hmm, now what is this colorful ‘t’? It’s an inviting little mystery. Let’s have a look and see...”
Part of you wants him to discover all your nasty, filthy fantasies... but now that it’s about to happen it feels like you’ve been run over by a truck. You’re well and truly fucked. 
And will be in more ways than one, by the time the night is done.
The progression of Charlie’s reaction... begins innocently. And escalates quickly.
“Oh, this is cute as fuck. You have a little fan blog?”
Five seconds later as he realizes that 99% of content on your ‘little fan blog’ just consists of hardcore smut singing the praises of his cock...
“What is a ‘fic’?” he thinks out loud before easily answering his own question. “Is that short for fiction—like fanfiction? ‘Smutty’ meaning it’s like, graphic? Pornographic? Have you written thousands of words all about my big dick?”
You act as if you’re totally unfazed, although deep down you’re so embarrassed you wish every word you’ve written could be instantly erased. “Yeah, and what of it? I’m proud of it.”
“As you should be; I love it. This is some good shit,” he tells you as he browses through your work, lips lifting into a delicious little smirk. Especially delighted at the sight of all the dirty talk that’s featured in your fics, and the intense dom/sub dynamic. Damn, he really is devouring your masterlist. “Well, that... that’s accurate.”
“What is?” you ask, trying to keep up though his thumb is scrolling fast, as he skims through pages upon pages of smuttiness.
“Like, all of it.”
Oh holy shit. Holy mother of shit.
“I’m serious—it’s like I scripted this. You been spying on me or some shit?”
You bite your lip and try to stay composed although you’re so aroused you’re really not okay. “Only every other Tuesday?”
He laughs and ruffles your hair which slays you in a million ways. “I knew that’s what you’d say.”
“I guess we’re in each other’s heads...”
“Damn right. If only all this time we had been in each other’s beds.”
The shameless slut inside you answers with the boldest thing you’ve ever said—may as well, she decides. “...I guess that starts tonight?”
Charlie just lifts his suit-clad shoulders in a shrug, as if it’s not painfully obvious you two are gonna fuck. “Well, that was gonna be your prize if you had won the bet...”
“But I did!” you insist, as you smother your self-consciousness, pleased with how well you’ve managed to hide it. “I’m not embarrassed by my blog one bit. Honest. This means I win, you cheeky little shit.”
“You think you won this bet?” he snickers, blue eyes sparkling in a dark devilish flicker. “There’s a shit ton of your quality fiction I still haven’t read. Bitch, I haven’t even dug into the kinky section yet.”
Oh crap. You didn’t think he would dig that deep once he stumbled on this freaky little app. He’s already gotten the gist, from a quick little trip through your masterlist...
But now that Charlie knows you’re such a filthy fucking whore, for him, and how much you adore him... he just wants to read more and more and more.
And hopefully reenact every damn word of the smut that you’ve written, making hardcore fact out of fantasy fiction, if that’s what the night has in store.
... Continued in Part 3!
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