#(i stopped growing at 5'5 i am a short guy)
sugarcryztal · 1 month
Hey! I really like this account and the stuff you have been doing. May I have a SFW romantic CRK, MHA, or Mystic Messenger matchup?
I go by He/Him pronouns and I am gay (MLM). 1 am 5'5" and chubby. I have my hair cut short and plan on dying it soon. I often wear piercings, using only ear piercings. I often wear nice button ups with sweater vests or just horror movie shirts.
I would describe myself as introverted, but not necessarily shy. I am a very blunt person, which has caused some people to like me while others don’t. Though I just prefer to relax alone. I am overly cautious with myself and the people I love due to conditions I have lived with. So, I accidentally come off as too paranoid. I am intelligent and often love literature and media because of it. I am very much an artistic but also a writer.
I like spicy food, world building, fantasy stories, sci-fi settings, coffee, cats, supernatural stuff, RPGs, niche RPGs, TTRPGs (not just d&d), vintage wear, good cooking, taxidermy, rocks, horror movies, horror books, card games, niche history, niche internet cartoons, old rock music, metal music, unique art, stop motion, and anime.
I dislike overly sweet foods, the "I ain't reading all of that" or "it ain't that deep" type of person. anybody who thinks cartoons and/or horror have any real substance to them, minimalism, most romance movies, toxic positivity, and people who chew with their mouths open.
My hobbies are media dissection, writing, playing TTRPGs (both as a player and a GM/DM), drawing, playing video games, making them too, binge watching horror movies, and collecting vintage items.
I’m just going to do Mystic Messenger so if you want another fandom you can just resubmit with a different fandom you want!
I’m going to match you with . . .
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Yoosung !
- okay I don’t like Yoosung that much but I am going to TRY MY BEST!
- When he first met you he was probably lowkey intimidated because of how blunt you can be and he’s a very sensitive guy.
- But he was determined to be your friend because you looked like you needed some! (not in a bad way)
- A while after being friends, he’s stuck to you like glue!
- He grows to admire how intelligent you are especially when it comes to media dissection! Because that’s a rare breed now.
- HATESSS toxic positivity! But that’s just because he likes giving genuine and straightforward compliments! Especially if it’s for a special cool person such as yourself!
- In his pining stage he probably starts to steal certain articles of your clothing when you aren’t looking. Most likely one of your sweater vests.
- Also becomes a lot more touchy, while making sure you’re comfortable of course!
- But when I say a lot I mean a LOT! Like at every greeting and farewell he hugs you and when you guys are walking together he wraps an arm around yours as he claims it’s so “he doesn’t get lost”, but I think we all know the real reason.
- When ur in a relationship:
- I’m sorry when I say this… But he probably chews with his mouth open because he’s trying to talk and eat at the same time. You’re going to have to be the one to tell him to swallow his food before he talks. 😭
- On another note, COFFEE DATES ARE A MUST!
- He doesn’t really like coffee though because of its bitter taste, so he orders hot chocolate instead thinking you don’t notice and spoiler alert, you do. 😭
- HE WOULD NEVVVVEEERRRR say “I ain’t readin allat” or anything like that because he is your #1 simp bruh. He IS readin allat!
- Takes your feelings seriously to because again he’s a very sensitive guy. So you will never hear him invalidate your feelings because why tf would he?! You are entitled to feel whatever you want!
- Also likes playing games with you. I don’t know what they’re called, but you know those meetings or cons where they all gather to play? Yeah he goes with you to those.
- He never knows what’s going on though, poor Yoosung 😭
- Confused, but happily cheering you on because you’re amazing!
- Boundaries with him are also important, keep in mind he’s mentally ill and will probably cling to you a lot more. So you will have to ask for space when you need it because he doesn’t get subtle hints.
Yoosung whines. A lot.
You were trying to get out of bed to start getting ready for a meet up with game friends, but he wouldn’t have it!
“Don’t goooo!” Yoosung whined. He was upset because you couldn’t take him with you this time. So to prevent you from leaving, he had his arms wrapped tight around your waist. You didn’t listen, standing up from the bed and kissing his forehead softly. But he wasn’t giving up!
He stayed with you through that whole morning, trying to constantly put his hands on you, but you would always swat them away when you were doing something!
Eventually you were preparing to leave and he was at his wits end. He tested out one last trick.
That’s how you found yourself passionately kissing your boyfriend, he was not giving you any room to even speak. It was kiss after kiss. You gently nudged him away with your arms and he whined loudly, immediately going back in for another kiss. Soo… Now you had to cancel your plans.
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sorry it was short!
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salmonskinrolltf · 3 years
I am a 5'5 19 year old cuban guy, with a bit more body hair then I'd like. Can I roll the dice to make me more athletic and taller?
I have submitted your request to the Magic Die and you have rolled: 5
You submit your wish to the Tumblr account, and just a couple of hours later you’re washing dishes in your apartment when the plate you’re holding suddenly has a blue 5 embedded in the porcelain. You pump your fist, knowing that you’re going to get the transformation you wanted. You feel a tingling deep in your core and you open up Grindr, reaching out to that twunk you had been messaging. What he didn’t know was that your profile picture was photoshopped, showing a tall, muscular jock rather than your real short stature.
You ask him if he can come over and he responds, “Fuck yeah, hot stuff. It’s rare to find a jock these days that shaves his chest, I think body hair is so gross. I’m down, be there in 15.”
You look down at your torso, which you have already shaved for the occasion. You hate the feeling of body hair too, it’s always so itchy. You change into a pair of tight jeans and set yourself in front of your full-length mirror, then let the tingling sensation envelop you.
You feel a little light-headed as the floor recedes beneath your feet and your body stretches like taffy. You measure yourself with a tape measure you made sure to have handy, and learn you’re now 6 foot 2, the exact height that every liar on the dating apps has pretended to be. You smirk to yourself.
You can feel your skin getting tighter and tighter as your chest expands into a pair of perfectly sculpted pecs that make you feel like one of the models in the underwear aisle you used to scope out as a kid when you didn’t think anyone was looking. Your nipples thicken to two pepperoni-like discs with nipples that pop out obscenely. They’re going to show, no matter what shirt you put on. As if you’ll ever want to cover up again.
Your stomach suddenly contracts, like you’re sucking in your gut before heading out onto the beach. Only your belly doesn’t reappear when you let out a breath. Instead, your skin roils and a pair of tight abs appears, nearly swallowing your belly button. Your arms and legs begin to swell like a helium balloon, the calves and triceps stopping long before the biceps and quads do, making you look like a cartoon strongman. You can also see your shoulders and jaw squaring out to match the rest of your new athletic look.
Your doorbell rings and you answer, still shirtless, briefly noticing that a duffel bag with a soccer uniform is now shoved into the corner of your living room. The twunk, who was busy tapping on his phone, looks up and immediately shoves it into his pocket. “Yes, please.”
He leaps into your arms and you carry him over into the bedroom. You sit on the bed with his legs wrapped tight around you. He begins to rubs your abs and you close your eyes, moaning in pleasure. He runs his hands up to your chest and suddenly, he stops short. “Gross, man, I thought you said your pictures were current.”
You open your eyes and see disgust registering on his face. “What? They are, man. I’m not a catfisher.”
He points at your chest. “Well, THIS was definitely not in your photo.”
You look down to see short, sheared stubble dotting your entire chest in a profusion that you’ve never seen before. As you watch, the hair begins to sprout, first growing in straight lines like blades of grass, then curling as they get longer, getting caught in one another as they spread in a thick line down your torso and cover your abs, obscuring your cut stomach under a layer of fur. Hair also spreads down your arms and legs in a thick mat, and you can feel your pubic bush plumping up to twice its size within your pants.
“What the fuck? Shit. Well, give me five. I can fix this.” You rush into the bathroom and grab your electric body hair razor, shaving a tuft off your left pec, the taut flesh of which trembles slightly as you move your arm. The tuft falls into the sink and you grab a piece of toilet paper to wipe it away, but it vanishes into thin air. The bare patch on your pec sprouts hair in a violent frenzy, completely re-coating the area you shaved in thick, black hair. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”
Too late, you realize that rolling a 5 means you don’t get exactly EVERYTHING you asked for. This huge, hairy form is yours. Forever. You squirm and rub your chest, enjoying the feeling of your tight nipples and buxom pecs but failing to quell the itching.
You emerge into your bedroom. Apparently the cursing coming from the bathroom wasn’t exactly a turn-on and the twunk has already ditched you, leaving the front door hanging open.
You sigh, realizing you probably shouldn’t have relied on a magical die to make your Grindr dreams come true. But you decide not to look a gift horse in the mouth and head to the club, determined to find someone who WILL like the hair you’re stuck with, because everything else is fucking perfect.
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gorbo-longstocking · 2 years
Could we ask for your headcanon appearance of each monster? How tall are they? Anything specific out of the typical appearance made by the fandom?
OOOO i have no idea tbh uh. hm.
gonna put this under cut because you said monster not skeleton….. whole rq list is getting da treatment >:3 fair warning i have no been super into the aus for very long so idk what constitutes as fandom wide appearance and what doesnt
sans: i dont think i have any hot takes on what he looks like? hes just regular old sans blue hoodie and basket ball shorts. i do think he smells vaguely of cheese whizz though.
papyrus: i cant stop envisioning him in sweaters and i dont know why. like the really dorky ones. the kind of guy to wear ugly christmas sweaters for months. my hot take is he tends to wear the same couple of outfits semi-frequently for months at a time as a comfort thing. his gloves and scarf are ALWAYS apart of the ensemble. the gloves r also for sensory reasons
red: i am OBSESSED with turtleneck wearing red its changed my life. i think about ur near constantly. he doesnt wear his jacket as much as sans maybe? i can also see him wearing jewelry some. if he had ears hed have one pierced. its generally rings and necklaces though. he and esge have shark teeth too like those kinds of sharp teeth but i know thats generally normal. big boneed and has a belly. bc he deserves one
edge: LEATHER ENTHUSIAST. he wears leather pants i think. he also has a purse to carry doomfanger around in (she is wearing a harness) he wears heeled boots which add to his impressive height (6’5) uhh. smells like spices. vaguely of cinnamon. gloves are less for sensory reasons, more he isnt fond of dirt.
blue: wears a bunch of goofy graphic t’s and also his scarf. has a tooth gap and freckles but thats a pretty common interpretation. he wears sneakers and has various silly ones like light ups and heelies. just for a laugh. my hot take is every sans had a tooth gap growing up and only blue didnt get it fixed. he thinks he looks better with it.
stretch: CARGO SHORTS. the many pockets for the many things he finds and picks up. theyre seemingly never endless. hes lanky looking, always slouching and leaning to one side hes never known good posture in his life. talks with his hands.
lord: wears shoes that give him a height boost. also unironically wears designer shit. his gloves are also for sensory reasons like papyrus. instead of shark like teeth he just has very sharp canines. he smells like coffee underneath and OVERWHELMING amount of cologne.
mutt: ALWAYS wearing his jacket youd be hardpressed to get it off of him (only lord can do it wnd even then its still a chore) his boots are furlined and everything he wears is the same texture. he defaults to sweat pants bc jeans r scratchy but he can manage it ok. hes got claws he tries to keep clipped down bc they scratched his phone screen. has a tendency to glare.
g: turtleneck under leather jacket wearer. he smirks more than he smiles. the tallest sans. he and ace take on a thicker set of bones to match gaster. wears docs probably.
ace: argyle enthusiast. very very tall, kind of gangly with glasses and a very sweet smile. his eyes are VERY kind you know the ones where someone smiles and their eyes crinkle up and youre like my god they r the sweetest.
height wise from tallest to shortest: ace (7'2), g (6'7) edge (6'5), papyrus (6'3), mutt (6'1), stretch (6'0), red (5'5), sans (5'3), lord (5'1), blue (5'0)
gaster: tall, very tall. not really made of bone, it feels kind of boney but its more porcelain like?? holes in his hands and cracks on his face duh. kind of pudgy. like i know hes boney but hes got a dad bod tbh. his smiles kind of on the awkward side even when hes being genuine. he also tends to wear long sleeves.
mercury: eccentric sweater vest kind of guy. wears cordoroy pants and is a few inches shorter than gaster but not much. his missing a tooth in the front of his mouth (he tripped) but it only adds to his character.
epsilon: wears reds and blacks, with deep scars running along his face and also his body. his chest has a nasty one along with a few along his arm and on his back. shoes are snazzy, you can hear them click on the floor and he does it on purpose. intimidating.
height wise from tallest to shortest: epsilon (7'11), gaster (7'6), mercury (7'4)
toriel: not sure what to say here except toriel in my head is soft shapes. not super curvy just kind of round. mrs clause shaped.
asgore: took the tits in the divorce
rose: a little curvier than toriel. she has the appearance of someone who used to be kind of buff but over time lost that. sharper teeth, thoigh theyre somewhat small and unnoticeable unless shes threatening you. she also has claws.
oleander: HUGE AND BUFF. where rose’s fangs are small his are not and got are they obvious. has black hair as compared to swap and uts blond. huge arms. tends to wear tight fitting plain black shirts. always sneering.
clover: also buff, gotta be buff to hold that trident. she wears flannels and jeans more often than not. shes a bit serious, leaning more towards the tired side. has eye bags that she tries to make less noticable. her horns are bit bigger than uf and ut toriel.
basil: wears glasses like ut toriel, his muscle has turned to fat so he is very soft. has a warm face, welcoming and inviting. hes the smallest of the asgore but hes still pretty damn big.
dahlia: her fangs are not as big as oleanders but much bigger than roses. seems lost in thought and when shes not shes cold and prying. doesnt sneer, she smiles, though its almost too wide and somewhat unsettling. on the off chance her face softens, she looks younger and sweeter. her real laugh sounds kind of like a bell.
hemlock: black hair like oleander although its kind of greasy. he wears cardigans, always mentioning being cold. hes got fangs as well and his eyes are somewhat down turned kind of making him look perpetually miserable. hes the thinnest of all the goats, looking borderline unhealthy.
height wise from tallest to shortest: oleander (8'4), hemlock (8'0), asgore (7'7), dahlia (7'6), clover (7'5), basil (7'4), rose (7'2), toriel (7'2)
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Smith & Smith
There are a few things everyone knows at Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc.
The coffee bagels are inedible, Adler will fake-fire someone on your first day, and you do not hit on Dean Smith, Senior VP.
(Not that Sam wants to - gross. But apparently it's salient information, because it's the third ever text message Gabriel Milton (HR) sends him. Maybe because he'd just joined as Smith's intern, Sam reasons. Well, to hell with stereotypes. Smith is going to be nothing more than a boss - or mentor, if he'd so be willing; Sam's heard of him, and he's kind of a genius after all. That's it.
Plus, Sam's in love with, and engaged to a nurse thankyouverymuch.)
And in any case, it's not like he'd needed a memo.
Smith is obvious enough.
Obvious, with his packed lunches and secretive screensavers. Obvious, in the way he unfailingly redoes his hair before leaving, cause he's "picking Cas up first" - and with his bright smile on Mondays, because "Cas only has Sundays off".
He grins non-stop, the half hour before lunch, and then spends it holed up in his office entirely - and if Sam returns early from his own break, he can't not catch the unicorn laughs emerging from there, glass walls be damned.
Once, in fact, a package got misdelivered, and Sam returned from lunch to a bouquet on his desk, labelled on a recycled paper card with a pickup line so ridiculous - wordplay on 'honey', in fact - that it almost verified the domesticity singlehandedly.
Dean Smith is married.
There can be absolutely no other explanation.
As days pass, Sam's workload increases, but he's learning what he's here to learn and is grateful for it.
He also notices him and Dean grow into a friendship of sorts - finding common ground in football, not liking pineapples on pizza, and having a Navy dad - and just like that, mentions of the latter's wife start coming up more casually.
Nothing unprofessional, or overshared - just a, "you know who eats burgers like no one's business? Cas." When he brings Sam a couple of burgers back after an assignment runs late into his lunch break - or even a, "Cas's brothers are dicks," when Sam goes into his office to submit a report from Sales, and finds him, as he rarely does, texting.
As long as Dean isn't dismissive of the work Sam puts in, and he never is, Sam's fine with it. To be honest, it's kind of refreshing to see a guy be a total goner for his wife. And he is - Sam can tell from his heart eyes, if not the fondness that envelopes his voice whenever he speaks of her.
It makes him happy as well, cause he's worked here about five weeks now, and it's enough to see that Dean deserves to be as happy as 'Cas' makes him.
All things considered, Sam's definitely getting used to it.
Until one friday, when Dean shows up at nine am and declares that Cas will be picking him up today.
"There's a strike at the library."
"I see." Sam returns, eyebrows raised.
"Isn't that ridiculous? Libraries going on a strike?" Dean grins. "It's like, you know, a book-march."
Sam fights the whelming urge to bitchface.
"Stop that." Dean swats at the air. Sam hasn't said anything, so he bites his cheek. "You're basically dying to roll your eyes. Friggin' take my jokes for granted." Sam shakes his head, suppressing a smile. "No, seriously. Go on, do it. Didn't stop Cas either."
At that, Sam breaks.
Mirrors Dean's grin from before he'd put on the mock-offended glare, and Dean soon joins in.
"I'll just save my fantastic sense of humor for later."
"For Cas?"
"Nah, someone who can appreciate it -" Dean cuts himself short. "Hell, who am I kidding? Yeah, for Cas."
Sam grins wider.
"I'll be leaving at five today." Dean informs him, before disappearing into his office. Seeing as the office hours are nine to five in the first place, that isn't off the norm, but since Dean finishes late almost regularly, it's probably worth pointing out.
This way or that - Sam knows he's going to be waiting for it to be five almost as eagerly as Dean.
He's heard so much about this woman. There's almost an air of mystery surrounding her at this point. All the facts Dean's ever dropped are cloaked with something close to fictional, because Sam doesn't know her at all.
And now he's finally going to meet her.
It's not like all he does, the entire day, is think about it. But it does make writing the reports for, and inputting April 2020's data into the server that much more of a fast process - since time flies until it's five.
And then, relatively, decides to stop.
Sam stares at the elevator.
He's done with his day - prepared to leave after Dean does, though definitely not before.
Waiting, he realizes, that he's formed something of a mental image. She's blonde in his imagination - probably a generic 5'5 or 6. Blue-eyed, cause Dean's mentioned that at least twice. And not to be creepy, but he assumes she'd be pretty too, cause his boss isn't exactly what he'd describe ugly.
So without meaning to, Sam's got an eye out for someone who fits the mold.
First man in, at two past five, is short and stocky. Second is Mrs. D'souza, a receptionist on the seventh floor.
Third and fourth are interns.
Fifth is a trenchcoated guy, squarer than Sam, with a wonky tie.
Sam sighs.
It's almost ten past five - and tardiness really isn’t his thing. Or Dean’s, for that matter. Staring intently in the direction of his elevator, he’s about to start getting righteously annoyed on Dean’s behalf when there’s a tap on his shoulder.
Sam swivels in his chair, taken by surprise - and slowly, his eyes widen.
Dean’s arm is slung about the fifth guy’s shoulders, grin directed entirely towards him. And he - Jesus, he - is six feet tall, trenchcoated, and wearing a tentative smile as he looks down at Sam.
Blue eyes complete the picture - plus a five o’clock shadow which never came up - and Sam’s head reels as he finally pieces everything together.
“Dean!” He exclaims, and it must count as a greeting, because it can’t really count as oh-my-god-Cas-is-a-man.
“Hey!” Dean beams. “Figured you should meet Cas.” And turning to Cas, “That’s Sam. My prodigy, basically.”
The heart-eyes have never been more obvious. 
Sam’s an idiot.
He can’t even grin like he’s supposed to - earning himself half an eyeroll form Dean - because he’s trying to figure out how he hadn’t figured it out yet.
“It’s good to meet you, Sam.” Cas says - and the fact that it’s the lowest he’s ever heard a voice go, makes him refocus enough that he can respond.
“You too, Cas.”
Dean’s still beaming, and finally, finally caught up with himself, Sam grins back.
He’s an idiot.
Cas just smiles wider.
(Well, one thing he got right. He’s definitely pretty. But measured against a scale of everything else he got wrong - there’s a long way to go.)
“Okay so,” Dean declares, far more chipper than usual. Someone could just’ve painted smitten across his face, really. “We should go. You probably guessed this but Cas isn’t the biggest fan of where I work.”
“You have a treadmill desk, Dean.”
“And I don't see you complaining about my stamina.” Dean throws back, and their eyes lock in a silent stare - heavy enough, that neither notices Sam looking away as subtly as he can. He’s not really supposed to witness them flirting - misdelivered packages asides.
Thankfully, the stare-off breaks when Cas points out that they were leaving.
And to the backdrop of Dean grumbling about Cas’s hatred for his job, Dean puts on his overcoat - well, he hands Cas his briefcase so he can properly do so, and then Cas just holds onto it - and they say their goodbyes to Sam and take off, walking close enough to brush arms all the way to the elevator.
Once they’re out of sight, Sam slumps in his chair, scrubbing his face with an incredulous laugh. 
Of course Dean Smith is married. And of course, Cas is his husband.
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actualbird · 3 years
Hello Zak!!! I hav been reading your TOT writings and hOLY COW, INCREDIBLE STUFF DUDE- I know virtually nothing abt these characters and yet I was hooked immediately! You made me lov these characters instantly w/o having played or seen any of the actual game. Keep up the amazing work!! But I hav also come to you today for a reason besides complimenting your stunning writing prowess. I am here to inform you abt how tall the NXX group /actually/ are. This very true and real facts may be contrary to popular belief, and idea canon itself, but I can assure you they come from a totally logically and reasonable place. My significantly lacking in TOT knowledge brain!!! And so, onto the facts: (messurements are in feet)
MC: 5’7”
Some might think that she’d be far more intimidating if she were taller. They are wrong. She will kick you in the shins and bite you ankles and you will not be able to retaliate. Many tall people hav under estimated her. They often end up on the floor.
Artem: 6’5”
On the other hand, people might think Artem is intimidatingly be around, due to his height. This is is also wrong. He’s always bending in on himself and bending over things in a a way that works against the intimidation factor of his sheer height. Except when he wants to be intimidating. Then he’s an extremely well postured menace.
Vyn: 6’2”
Vyn is the type of person who would act lik they’re tall even if they were short. His height is a non-concern to him, he says. He’s a lier though, because every time he’s in a picture w Artem, he’s standing on his tippy toes. He staunchly denies this fact.
Marius: 5’8”
He insists he’s not short. And honestly, he’s not, but it’s hard to look anything other than short around people like Artem and Vyn. He’s really glad he an inch taller than MC though. He has not stopped bringing that fact up, nor does he plan to.
Luke: 5’5”
He’s short of the bunch, but he doesn’t care. He fully understands the competition the other guys seem to hav going on, and he wants no part. Being short is actually really useful! He can get into vents, lurk in the shadows, and blend into a crowd much easier than say, Artem ever could. And maybe he likes being easily holdable. Sue him.
(Apologies, did not realize how long this got!!! Sorry abt that)
hi, kitkat :D
first off, thank you so much for reading my totstuff!!! and thank you for your kind words wahhhhh. always a huge compliment in my eyes if im able to hook readers who know close to nothing about the source text, haha.
second off, THESE ARE HILARIOUS HEIGHTS YOUVE SENT ME. hilarious in all senses: the fact you assigned heights by vibes, the fact you detail character traits in relation to those vibes, and the fact you said with your whole heart---
---that 5'5" IS SHORT......
im 5'1". please know that this whole ask was SURREAL FOR ME TO READ. i genuinely did not know it was even POSSIBLE to be 6 foot 5 inches tall, like what the fuck, that is a giant, ur messing with me arent you, you HAVE TO BE JKFBGJFDGF
that aside, i do love this a lot. huge agree that artem gives off gentle giant vibes but also SO AWKWARDLY and vyn trying to make it seem like he and artem are the same height is the funniest fucking thing skgbdgjsdg. mc is not afraid to go for the kneecaps and marius Will use that extra inch he has on her to hook his chin over mc's shoulder during from-the-back hugs
fantastic ask youve sent me, im not going to believe people can grow to be 6'5" though, thats gotta be lie.
and just in case ur curious, heres the actual (at least for the boys, mc doesnt have a canon measurement) heights HAHA
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(made by gyuppii on twitter)
(EDIT: 180cm is 5'10" not 5'9" but artem has still got those extra 2 centimeters on luke hehe)
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
could I get a bad batch matchup? I'm actually late 20's, lady, pansexual, etc. I'm 5'7", hazel eyes, growing out a pixie cut, etc. I really like bats and the color teal. I also work in the human services field and am fascinated by human behavior. I know that everyone is doing their best and are interesting in their own way. I have to fight a saviour complex and acknowledge that I have to believe in the people I work with because I can't save them. Typically, I was into short guys (IRL husband is 5'5"), but mostly I'm interested in guys who are kind to animals, intelligent, and have a sense of integrity/morality. I generally am pretty forward when I like someone, as I hate the anxiety of not knowing how things will go. That way it can work out or it won't. Also at the point where I'm forward about being physically attracted to someone. If people approach me without my knowing they liked me, I can be pretty shocked, lol. I'm usually good at reading people. I'm also an artist, usually sketching something due to my ADHD, as it helps me concentrate and remember conversations. Visual learner. Love kids. Pretty dry humor, generally. Enjoy riffing movies.
I match you with..... Hunter
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Hunter adores how you are with Omega and his brothers. You do what you can to help when ever it's needed. That's what draws him to you.
Man loves animals but doesn't get many chances to enjoy being around them unless they are stopped on a planned. He's a survivalist he won't hurt an animal unless it tries to hurt him first or everyone is desperate for food.
He loves teaching you things due yo you being a visual learner. It makes teaching alot Easier.
Please sketch Hunter and Omega when they are asleep together. They look so soft and domestic. They both just need a break like the rest of the boys.
Hunter also has to step back sometimes and let others look after themselves some e times he will still have a moment of panic but he is coming to terms with it.
Hunter tends to keep his emotions to himself but Omega does push him to open up.
The both of you just seem to know what the other is thinking and have a bond to the point you don't need to talk to say things.
Any drawings you have done for him Hunter has pinned up in different places on the ship. He loves just looking at them here and there knowing that you make them.
Hunter doesn't joke often but when he does they are the cringe dad jokes when his is on the brink of sleep but is still drinking Caf. Bags under his eyes.
He loves teaching you lityle things in Mando'a. He's not fluent but he knows enough to have a conversation, Tech taught them all. Becuase it makes good for missions. Same as hand signals.
The past few days have been quiet, something the Batch isn't used to for this long. It means somethings wrong.
Tech has been on scanners and comms since getting Omega back from Cad bane. Everyone had been on edge. Hunter being put on bed rest for the next few days.
You sit close running your hands thought his hair lightly as he says with his head in your lap. "Hunter, would you be able to teach me some Mando'a?" You ask lightly. He lets out a soft sound as he tilts his head back to look at you.
"What would you like to learn?" He ask back with a pained smile. Your hand other hand slowly tracing his tattoo across his face. "Anything words, sentences. Anything" you replys givign his scalp a soft scratch which has Hunter letting out a sigh of relief at the feeling.
" ad'ika we will start with" he says lightly getting you to repeat it a few times. "It has a few meanings, such as little one, son, daughter it can be used as a term of endearment" he says lightly.
The smile that crosses your face make it worth working thought the pain. "Don't strain yourself Hunter, you know Tech will cuff you to the med bed" you joke softly making him roll his eyes.
"Buir... it's a parental term such as mother, father. It doesn't have an assigned gender to it." He says lightly "oh that's a cute one" you chuckle lightly saying it a few times before you move on to the next one
"Buruk means Danger. If you ever hear one of us yell it you Grab Omega and get back to the ship" he says staring up at you. "Ok, Buruk... danger"
"These few you should know, cyare, cyar'ika. I call you them enough" he chuckles before wincing at the pain. You lean down and press a kiss to his lips. "Beloved and sweetheart right?" He nods as he moves into another word.
"eyayah, Echo. We call him that sometimes, it sounds more like a name then just Echo" yo uy laugh light at that. " Oh that's sweet do you call the other boys something like that?"
"We... we would call Crosshair, Doslanir it means Cross or Doslanir gemas, Cross hair. Wrecker is Jariler meaning Wreck, Tech really doesn't have a translation so he still just gets Tech." He says lightly.
"What about you? What's your names one." You ask lightly smiling down at him as you continue to ran your fingers thought his hair pulling on the small knots until they untangle.
"Oya'karir, it means Hunt." He replys only for you to repeat it softly. He leans up pulling you in for another kiss smiling lightly
"Ni kar'taylir darasuum Gar cyar'ika" he says with his hand rested on the side of your face. "And what does that mean?" He chuckles lightly rubbing his fingers against you cheek. "Ill tell you next time"
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simonfarnabyslegs · 3 years
tag game
thank you @anxietyvarietyhour for tagging me! <3
nickname: my high school english teacher and a few other people i knew growing up used to call me cookie. a girl i knew in undergrad called me kay-kay. and i knew i man from donegal who used to call me kyah (pronounced sort of like hyah, like how you would urge a horse on) because he couldn't pronounce my name when he saw it written out.
zodiac: aquarius, but i also don't think that means anything
height: well i thought i was 5'2 but i've met two girls recently who claim to be 5'3 who were both shorter than me, and a guy who said he was 5'5 who was quite a bit taller than me, so i don't know what's true.
last movie: uhhh i honestly can't remember because i don't watch a lot of movies. probably my most recent rewatch of bill on the night ghosts was released, while i was waiting to be able to watch it here in the us.
last thing i googled: "charles ii king of bling" so i could show it to my friend.
fave musician(s): nirvana, tom petty, prince, yusuf/cat stevens, the beatles, harry styles, hozier, vienna teng, of monsters and men, måneskin, the lumineers, dervish, lil nas x
song stuck in my head: the funky monks song from horrible histories because my professor was talking today about how funny and weird monks were and that was the first thing my brain thought of.
other blogs: listed in my pinned post
blogs following: 310, but they're probably not all active tbh
amount of sleep: last night, between 3-4 hours. i tried to take a nap this afternoon but that didn't really work out
lucky number: i like multiples of three, but i wouldn't say that those are lucky
what i'm wearing: short black dress with long sleeves. earlier i was wearing a long red and black tudor inspired thing over it and shoes that look a bit like thomas's lady shoes but i took those off when i decided to attempt a nap.
dream job: i would love to work as a historical consultant on a period piece one day, or as a writer. more realistically, though, i'm trying to get my phd so i can be a professor. maybe the other will come later once i've got the credentials and experience under my belt. i also still think about getting back into acting and comedy, but i feel like it's probably too late for that.
dream trip: i think iceland sounds nice. or maybe new orleans.
fave foods: my stomach feels awful so i'd rather not think about food right now but i like fried chicken, and chicken strips or tenders or nuggets, stuff like that. various potato dishes. cheeses.
play an instrument: i used to be able to say i played 14 instruments and that i am a classically trained vocalist but i haven't really had the time or access to a lot of the instruments i play(ed) to be able to practice in several years, and i've stopped singing except to myself or my cat.
languages: again i used to be able to say i spoke 5 languages but i haven't had much opportunity to use them so i don't know how good i am at them anymore, but that would be english, spanish, irish, scots (learnt from my grandfather; and yes it is a language), and some french.
fave songs: too many, so i'll limit myself to three: "i courted a wee girl" (cover) by dervish, "recessional" by vienna teng, and "like real people do" by hozier. essentially, i'm sad, dramatic, and love women.
random fact about me: i was born tongue tied, meaning my tongue was almost completely attached to the bottom of my mouth by a strip of skin. it never affected my speech because i learned to talk around it, but it did look pretty weird and kids used to ask me to show them or show their friends and it really freaked them out. i had a surgery when i was 10 or 11 to correct the issue because my mother was worried it would make it difficult for me to speak or do my music later on.
describe yourself by aesthetic things: not sure what this means but i do a lot of historical dress, or just historical inspired dress when it's too hot to actually wear all the layers, which is quite frequent here in the american south, where i live currently. when i'm not dressed like that, i've been described as an "emo hippie" because i wear a lot of loose, flowy black or dark-coloured outfits.
tagging: i'm not sure who's done this already, so i'm not going to tag anyone, but if you'd like to do it, you can absolutely say i tagged you!
[do not reblog this post]
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long-bodyswap · 5 years
Exchange parts
I don’t have the credits for this story
I watched him flexing his chest on the fly machine and made up my mind. This was the day I would do it to him. It was a Saturday morning at the health club and he was the only other man there. I had seen him before many times. But usually after work, when our downtown club was crowded with the other desk jockeys. Saturday morning was the quiet time. Often I had the place all to myself, the only one venturing downtown for a weekend workout. But he was here today and it was my opportunity. 
I should mention that I am technically "straight". That is, I have never had any real sexual encounter with another guy. But I can spot an attractive man. And I have a particular fascination with penis size. I think this stems from the fact that I happen to be very well endowed myself. Ever since I entered puberty and realized my own dick was growing to huge proportions, I have been obsessed with the subject. Fully soft I hang about 7 inches and frequently sport a semi in the locker room that hangs even a couple inches longer. I also happen to be short, about 5'5", which especially accentuates the size. I'm nicely muscled and have been told I'm cute. My secret pleasure at the gym is being looked at and looking at others. I always check them out and take note of their size.
 He was tallish-not real tall, but like 5'11", maybe 6 foot. Sandy hair, brown eyes in a handsome face. A nice body, no bodybuilder but well-muscled and hard, a broad , smooth chest and a tight, flat stomach. Late 20s-ish, like me. And a little nub of a dick. You know the type, a little head and maybe an inch or so of shaft just jutting out proudly from his groin. Unlike a lot of small hung men, he didn't seem especially self conscious about it. Didn't keep a towel wrapped tightly around him all the time and grab it immediately after stepping out of the shower. But I have caught him a couple of times stealing a perhaps wistful glance at my low hanging dick, the dick which was probably considerably larger soft than he was with his strongest hard on. And those times he did seem to grab for his towel a little more quickly.
Today we finished up our workouts about the same time and made our way to the locker room. Still just the two of us. He entered the shower first. I followed shortly after, stepping in with my dick swinging as usual. I chose the shower head on the far side, directly across from him. He was beginning to lather his broad chest, his little dick poking defiantly down below. Here goes, I thought, and turned my back to him as I began to lather myself.
Soon I knew it was working. As I soaped my dick I could feel it shrink in my hands, shriveling up. Tightening into a stubby little nub. I glanced over my shoulder at him. His back was to me now as he lathered his hair. Then I heard him gasp a little, then moan softly, and murmur, "Oh God." His buttocks tightened a bit. I knew what was happening. For the first time in his life he was feeling the pure pleasure of a jet of water pulsating and cascading down a long, thick slab of hanging cockflesh. He looked down and exclaimed, "Jesus!" as though he couldn't believe what he was seeing. I turned around.
"What's the matter, I asked?"
"I . . . I don't know." He turned, arms outstretched. There, hanging below his tight abs, where before there had been a jutting nub, was the pendulous, fleshy dick. My dick. And I sported his little, stubby prick.
He said, "Hey, aren't you the guy with the huge donkey schlong? What happened to that?"
I said, "It's yours. For today. We switched."
I guess I should explain. You see, we men who are very well endowed possess a special power. We have the ability to exchange our dicks with other men for periods of up to 24 hours, giving them to see how the other 1 percent live. You have probably never heard of this before. It's a closely guarded secret. You can imagine how we would be constantly pestered if other men knew we could do this. (There are, however, underground rumors of guys who basically make a living renting their dicks out!)
I had only done this once before. With my college roommate. He was always amazed by the size of my dick so I let him borrow it one night to try on his girlfriend. His dick was about 7 inches hard and hung 3 or 4 soft, so the difference was not quite as weird for me as trying on this guy's dick was. My roommate's dick just reminded me of being 13 again. But I couldn't remember ever having one this small. It felt like I had nothing between my legs at all.
"This is amazing," my new friend was saying, "damn, I can feel it swinging between my legs. I can actually feel this dick hanging off me."
"I guess it must feel quite a bit different for you. I'm Charles, by the way." "What? Oh, I'm Jeff," he said.
"Come here, Jeff, I want to show you something." I led him over to the whirlpool and we both got in. "Right here," I said, "Stand in this spot and let the jet blow on it." He followed my instructions and let out a moan of pleasure.
"Oh God. That feels amazing. I can feel it pushing and pulling at this big hanging dick. It's almost like it's sucking it. God, I never felt anything like this before."
"I can see why," I said. I was standing near a jet myself and could barely feel anything on the little nub dick. Just a tickle. "You never had anything to feel it with before."
"Shit, this is amazing. I can feel it being stroked and caressed by the water. The damn thing is getting bigger." I could see through the bubbling water that he was getting a hard on. I got up out of the tub and stood, just watching him enjoy these sensations that were intensely new to him. As I watched, I suddenly realized that my own little dick was now rock hard. It amazed me how quickly it went from soft to hard. My big dick gets completely hard, but it takes a lot of blood flow to get it there and it goes through several stages of flexible, semi-erection along the way. But this little prick just shot up to full hardness. It stood sticking straight out probably about 4 and half inches, maybe close to 5. I stroked it with a couple of fingers. It felt so strange and tiny in my hands. 
Jeff was fully hard by now. He stood up out of the tub. Hanging heavy from his groin was that stiff, downward curving banana I knew so well. It's full length just under 11 inches, 6 inches around the shaft, 7 around at the base. He walked and felt it jounce and tug at his groin. "Shit, this is just the most incredible thing," he said. "I finally know what it feels like to have a real dick!" He walked over to the mirror and looked at himself in disbelief. "God damn. This is just amazing." He grabbed it in both big hands. "Jesus, I can put both hands on it. And there's still some left over." He stroked it and fumbled with it, muttering over and over about how amazing it was.
"I have to remind you it's just temporary," I said. "It comes back to me at midnight tonight. But I thought you would appreciate the chance to know what it feels like." "Man, I sure do. What can I ever do to thank you for this?"
“Well, there is one thing. This is a different experience for me too and I am curious. What makes a little dick like this feel good?"
 "I'll show you one thing," he said, "I mean, I don't usually do this kind of thing for other guys, but this is a very special situation." He knelt before my, my big dick still bobbing mightily between his legs. He took the hard little prick into his mouth, totally engulfing it. A new wave of pleasure swept over me. This was the one real delight I could never experience with my own dick. No one had ever been able to swallow the whole thing. And especially not with room left in their mouth to flick and tickle it with the tongue. I wondered for a second, Is this really a gay experience? I mean, is it gay sex to be having another man suck a dick that's not really your own? But I quickly gave up these philosophical musings to surrender to the total experience of having my whole dick surrounded by a warm wet mouth. It wasn't long before I came with a frightening intensity. When I started to cum, I jerked the little prick out of his mouth and grasped it with three fingers, pumping the hot jizz from this tiny volcano onto his broad chest.
He collapsed backward onto his hands. "There," he smiled, "you see, having a little one isn't all bad."
Then I showed him how to play with a big one. I taught him my methods of using both hands to stroke the wide, long shaft. How you could alternate between slow, long strokes with one hand on top of the other and short quick ones with the hands on either side. I watched him play with the new toy, experiencing it's awesome size, until he came in a massive flood.
We showered and got dressed. For the first time in his life, Jeff experienced what it was like to try to stuff a 7 inch soft penis into tight white briefs. I explained that this was the reason I always wear boxers and suggested that he "go commando" if he wanted to get the full effect. He pulled on his khakis without underwear and walked around a little. "Yeah, that feels much better. It's amazing, I can still feel the damn thing hanging and swinging down there. I told him we could do whatever he wanted to have fun with his new appendage, but that the one condition was that I accompany him on his adventures. After all, that was my dick he was carrying around.
Our first stop was another gym. Jeff wanted to experience what it was like to strut around a locker room with a penis that was the envy of every other man. I had a membership in the suburban Y which tended to be crowded on weekends, so we went there, had a light workout, and showered up. Jeff got to strut and be gawked at and I had the unique experience of being the smallest guy in the shower. Afterwards we swung through the mall so Jeff could put on similar "performances" at the urinals in public restrooms.
Eventually, Jeff decided he wanted to put "ol' donkey dick" (as he called it) to a more practical test by using it on a woman. I reminded him that we had to work quickly as he would turn into a pumpkin at midnight. He knew a smoky little pick-up bar where we should be able to get some quick action. He explained to me that he and his buds had a scheme they used in this place frequently with great success. "Always find the hot chick with the ugly friend. She never wants to leave the ugly friend alone. So one of you pays attention to the hot chick, one to the ugly friend. You both hook up." He confessed to me that he normally wound up taking the ugly friend. Although he was aware that women found him attractive, he was always bothered by the fear that the "hot chick" would be disappointed with his small endowment but figured that the ugly friend would usually be grateful for whatever action she got. Tonight, bursting with the special confidence of the well hung, he intended to score the hot chick.
Jeff was right. We picked up the two girls easily and had them back to his apartment by 11:00. Mandy was the "hot chick" and Jill, the friend, really wasn't ugly. In fact, she was sort of cute in a mousy kind of way. The girls were already pretty drunk by the time we picked them up. We shared a little more wine on Jeff's big couch and, with an eye on the clock, got down to business. Soon we were all getting undressed. Again I had a pang of apprehension. This was the first time I would ever strip down to reveal a tiny cock. Jill didn't seem to mind. She was very horny, very drunk, and probably didn't expect much more anyway-being short, I noticed that girls are usually very surprised to find a huge cock when I undressed. She took my hard little prick in her mouth. Again I felt the amazing pleasure of having my entire cock engulfed. I relaxed and let my body feel the delight.
Over Jill's head, I could see Mandy caressing Jeff's smooth wide chest. She helped him drop his pants and gasped at the sight of 9 semi-hard inches of cock flesh hanging there, a sound I had heard from many a woman. "Oh my God," she exclaimed. Jeff flashed a proud grin. "It gets bigger baby," he said." Turning to Jill, Mandy said laughing, "I guess you really did get the little one." She was caressing the hardening cock. Realizing that midnight was approaching fast, Jeff wasted no time. He brought the big cock to full throbbing 11 inch erectness, shaking it hard from the base to get the blood flowing as I had shown him. I was getting so turned on just by the sight of him enjoying this. I slid Jill down to the rug, making sure I could still watch Jeff, and entered her. Again it was very strange. Slipping in so easily, without the tight resistance I was used to. Feeling her hot cunt swallow the little prick whole. I plunged and grinded, trying hard to feel something of her insides. Meanwhile, Jeff was struggling to enter Mandy with his unfamiliar tool. "Jeez, I don't think I can take that," Mandy gasped. Again, I had heard that before. "It's okay, baby. I'll be gentle," Jeff said. He thrust into her with a pop. "Oh God," she moaned. "Oh, Jesus," Jeff grunted as he slid deep into her. I could tell he was again feeling something he had never experienced before. Going deeper than he had ever been. Totally filling a woman with man meat.
We had all been going at it for a few minutes. Jeff's face was a mask of unreal pleasure. I felt a tingling down below. Felt myself growing, expanding deeper into Jill's hot cunt. Felt her cunt tightening around me. "Shit," Jill gasped, "the damn thing's growing." I could see Jeff's face. The look of pleasure had been replaced with a look of confused frustration. I could tell what was happening. He was shrinking, shriveling inside Mandy's cunt. "No, no. Shit," he said, thrusting harder and faster. Desperately trying to keep the pleasure going. I came hard, pulling out my cock, now fully expanded back to its normal size, and spewing hot jizz on Jill's breasts as I grasped the big banana at its base. Jeff gave one last frustrated grunt and as his dick popped out of Mandy's expanded cunt. He lay back, the hard little prick standing defiantly at attention. Jill looked at my huge, softening cock hanging over her face then over at Jeff's. "I guess you have the little man now," she told Mandy. "Jesus, what the hell?" Mandy stared in disbelief at Jeff's proud little organ. "This is too freaky. Come on, Jill. We're getting out of here." She grabbed Jill's hand, gathered up their clothes with the other one, and dragged Jill out the door.
I looked at poor sweet Jeff, lying there with frustration on his face and his tiny hard prick pointing toward the ceiling. "Come on, little man. I'll finish you off," I said and stroked him with three fingers until he came.
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Fullmetal Alchemist Live Action Review + Fun Facts
I'm going to try to keep my review as simple as I can, but I have been a huge fan of the FMA manga/anime for years so that might be a little tough. I am also going to try not to put spoilers so everyone can read this. 
Casting: 10/10 (I really could not imagine anyone else playing any of the characters.)
Acting: 10/10 (Amazing. just great. The way they worked so hard and brought the characters to life was just beautiful)
CGI: 9/10 (It's not that it was bad, but I liked some of the CG better than other parts. Like the fire and Al was my absolute favorite! And the way everyone interacts with the CG is amazing)
Story Flow: 8/10 (I agree with most, there was a few parts that were a little slow/a little fast but overall it was a great story. I especially really enjoyed the 1st half and most of the 2nd)
Costuming: 12/10 (don't even get me started. They did perfect my dudes. Ed's coat was epic and the blue uniform were just the best)
Dialogue: 10/10 (The fact that most of the dialogue was word for word from the original content brought me to tears)
Music: 9.5/10 (There is actually only one place that I noticed that I didn't like the music. Actually, it was that there was no music that bothered me, and it was only like 3 seconds long. Yeah maybe I'm being picky, but to me music is very important, and so I couldn't help but be pulled out of the flow a little in one scene. besides that, they were totally spot on)
Accuracy to the Original: 9/10 (True, they don't stick to the timeline very well, but 90% of the content in the movie has happened at some point in the series, so I can't give them any less than 9/10)
Over all I'm going to give it a 10/10. mainly because I have never seen an anime to live action adaptation do as absolute wonderful as they did with this movie. 
Now, there will be people who don't like it, and that’s fine. It does have a specific taste and feel that not everyone will like. 
I will say, if you go into this movie expecting it to be a recreation of the original manga/anime then you will probably be a little disappointed. 
But if you go into it understanding that they had to create a story that fits into 2 hours, not knowing if there was going to be a 2nd movie, and understand that it is an adaptation not a recreation, then I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Now, because I’m a huge nerd, I Have a few fun facts that I would love anyone who has watched, are going to watch, and are thinking of watching the movie to know. They are not in any particular order, just numbered to make cleaner. At the very end I’m going to put up some links to interviews about the stuff I have written here, so if you are interested, please check them out!
1. The director, Sori Fumihiko and the actor that plays Ed, Ryosuke Yamada are huge fans of the manga! They worked so hard to bring this story to life.
2. Sori consulted with manga creator, Hiromu Arakawa multiple times over the movie because he wanted to stay as faithful to the original content as possible, and she loved it.
3. This movie was actually an idea for about 10 years before they started filming. Sori refused to make the movie until they could get a hold of a better CGI Program.
4. According to an interview, they used the same CG program that Marvel uses.
5. This was the first time Japanese studios ever used that high quality CG. and it pays off, especially with Al. HE LOOKS SO COOL!
6. Ryosuke Yamada re-read the manga's and watched the anime to get in the head space for Ed. He wanted to do Ed justice so he worked hard to do even the small things, like to run like Ed does and say Winry’s name just perfectly.
7. Ed’s hair is not a wig. Well, not all of it. The braid is an extension, but Ryosuke actually bleached his hair for the part. Of course, he didn’t have enough time to grow it out.
8. Director Sori knew 10 years ago that he wanted Ryosuke Yamada to play Ed. Sori said that if Ryosuke was not going to accept the role, then they would not be making the movie.
9. Netflix had no hand in the creation of this story. It was done by Square Enix and Warner Bros. Japan, Netflix only bought the rights to stream it outside of Japan and put their "Netflix Original" logo on it.
10. Ryosuke is actually short. 5'5". Maybe not as short as Ed, but in the band he is in with 9 members, he is the 3rd shortest.
11. (this isn't really a fact but a few theories that the fans have, but Im adding it here so you guys can read about it) A few theories for the reason the actress who plays Winry, Tsubasa Honda didn't bleach her hair is that bleaching hair can severely damage it and perhaps her hair is sensitive to bleach. Also it's possible that they wanted Ed to stand out a little more, and the contrast between Ed and Winry looks a little better with light brown hair in live action. It is also possible that she didn't bleach it because in the Japanese culture, it is sometimes severely looked down on for having blond hair.
12. this was a movie made in Japan, for Japan. They did not expect it to grow so big. that is why some scenes may seem a little campy and animated. Their comedic style is very different from the U.S.
13. Hiromu Arakawa gave Ryosuke a letter of thanks and praise. She absolutely loved everything about the movie. She even drew a scene of Ed from the movie!
Tumblr media
Link to the news clipping
14. During the script writing part of making this movie, director Sori talked to manga writer, Hiromu Arakawa so much that she told him to stop sending her stuff, that she trusted him to do good and to send her the script when it was actually finished.
15. They were not promised a second movie. Unlike in the U.S. where you get promised a 3-6 movie contract, movies like this are rather risky in Japan, so they have to play it movie by movie. That's why they could not leave it with too big of an open ending.
Thank you for sticking with me for this whole post. Over all, this was a fantastic movie created by amazingly dedicated people. I am so proud of all the cast and crew for bringing such an awesome world to life. I hope that you will give it a shot and maybe find at least one thing that you can enjoy about it. 
Interviews (Warning: the interviews contain spoilers!)  
Interview with Hiromu Arakawa
Interview with Romi Park and Ryosuke Yamada
Interview with Sori Fumihiko and Ryosuke Yamada separate 
Interview with Sori Fumihiko and Ryosuke Yamada together 1
Interview with Sori Fumihiko and Ryosuke Yamada together 2
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indigobxbe · 7 years
Answer me all 200 of those asks me boi
200: My crush’s name is: jake :)199: I was born in: michigan198: I am really: dumb197: My cellphone company is: virgin mobile196: My eye color is: poo brown195: My shoe size is: 7.5194: My ring size is: no ideA193: My height is: 5'5 now192: I am allergic to: gay shit191: My 1st car was: lol190: My 1st job was: i was like a busboy but girl then i was a hostess lmao yikes189: Last book you read: tkam188: My bed is: full of trash187: My pet: is a dog186: My best friend: doesnt know it185: My favorite shampoo is: really good184: Xbox or ps3: xbox?183: Piggy banks are: cute182: In my pockets: i have no pockets181: On my calendar: this month on the eight i have a thing says when my last nail broke :"(( i am thAt hoe(tm)180: Marriage is: gay179: Spongebob can: stop with the memes178: My mom: is short177: The last three songs I bought were? LOL176: Last YouTube video watched: moana film theory thing175: How many cousins do you have? like 7?? i dont know all of the ones in mexico so its probably more174: Do you have any siblings? 6173: Are your parents divorced? yea lol172: Are you taller than your mom? yES171: Do you play an instrument? clarinetty170: What did you do yesterday? went to the park &dyed eggs[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: not really lol168: Luck: no167: Fate: hhhhhyeah??166: Yourself:n o165: Aliens: yes164: Heaven: no163: Hell: nno162: God: no161: Horoscopes: no but i still read mine160: Soul mates: hhhhlogically no159: Ghosts: unsure158: Gay Marriage: oh not at all 157: War: idkdude156: Orbs: whathefuckisanorb155: Magic: not really[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs153: Drunk or High: drunk152: Phone or Online: phone lol151: Red heads or Black haired: black150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes149: Hot or cold: hot148: Summer or winter: summer147: Autumn or Spring: spring146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: apples143: Curly or Straight hair: i think curly hair is so prettydsklnffn142: McDonalds or Burger King: bk141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: no preference139: Flip flops or high heals: neither?138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: fuckidk137: Coke or Pepsi: pepsi136: Hillary or Obama: obama135: Burried or cremated: cremated and then buried :)134: Singing or Dancing: both?why not133: Coach or Chanel: i d ont really care132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who131: Small town or Big city: big city pls130: Wal-Mart or Target: target129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: idk who the first is but i hate adam sandler128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure, ,feet r gross127: East Coast or West Coast: east126: Your Birthday or Christmas: christmas125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers124: Disney or Six Flags: disney123: Yankees or Red Sox: ewsports[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: its unnecessary most of the time lol121: George Bush: who120: Gay Marriage: hehgay119: The presidential election: heck trump my dude118: Abortion: sometimes u need that ykno117: MySpace: yeet116: Reality TV: guilty pleasure115: Parents: they try? questionably?114: Back stabbers:can heck off113: Ebay: useful112: Facebook: i h a te it111: Work:i want a job :(110: My Neighbors: white trash109: Gas Prices: idkdude108: Designer Clothes: why spend $300 when u can spend $20107: College: i want to go 106: Sports: succ105: My family:succs104: The future: scary[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: i think last night102: Last time you ate: few hours ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: today100: Cried in front of someone: tuesday lmao sry mrs jarrad99: Went to a movie theater: like a monht ago98: Took a vacation: like four years ago97: Swam in a pool: last year96: Changed a diaper: two(??) years ago95: Got my nails done: few months ago94: Went to a wedding: like a year ago93: Broke a bone: never have92: Got a peircing: last april91: Broke the law: thursday90: Texted: currently[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: myself dfkkjdn88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my sister87: The last movie I saw: doctor strange86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: 4/2085: The thing im not looking forward to: facing consequences 84: People call me: bel , bella , belly , isabel ew83: The most difficult thing to do is:wake up every morning 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: false81: My zodiac sign is: capricorn80: The first person i talked to today was: my mom79: First time you had a crush: like third grade shdifjno78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: no one?77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: no idea 76: Right now I am talking to: friends75: What are you going to do when you grow up: suffer74: I have/will get a job: eventually 73: Tomorrow: i go to school72: Today: i suffer 71: Next Summer: hopefully wont be horrible70: Next Weekend: get to hang out w chill brother?69: I have these pets: 3 dog68: The worst sound in the world: me talking67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself kwjqd66: People that make you happy: anyone that pays attention to me ojpwefo65: Last time I cried: tuesday64: My friends are: gay63: My computer is: suffering62: My School: is fucking gross61: My Car: doesnt exist60: I lose all respect for people who: are condescending 59: The movie I cried at was: perksofbeingawallflower lol58: Your hair color is: brown57: TV shows you watch: the office , voltron , stranger things , bobs burgers 56: Favorite web site: tumbler (dot)com55: Your dream vacation:farfar away54: The worst pain I was ever in was: in my head lol53: How do you like your steak cooked:i cant eat it lol52: My room is: dirty51: My favorite celebrity is: brian sella counts?50: Where would you like to be: a better place49: Do you want children: meh not really?48: Ever been in love: ye 47: Who’s your best friend: probably teara lol46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl45: One thing that makes you feel great is: personal lol44: One person that you wish you could see right now: hotass43: Do you have a 5 year plan: i dont even have a plan 4 tomorrow42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no41: Have you pre-named your children: 40: Last person I got mad at: my brother39: I would like to move to: penn?38: I wish I was a professional: anything tbh[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: starbursts36: Vehicle: idkdude35: President: obama34: State visited: prbly texas bc we went thru it to mexico & we saw a big ol light up ferris wheel33: Cellphone provider: i dont know dude 32: Athlete: lol31: Actor: dwaynetherockjohnson30: Actress: ?whoknows29: Singer: does joji count?28: Band: car seat headrest atm27: Clothing store: heck if i knew 26: Grocery store: ?25: TV show: the office24: Movie: moana23: Website: already answered this?22: Animal: me21: Theme park: C E Dar point20: Holiday: halloween19: Sport to watch: soccer actually18: Sport to play: none lol17: Magazine: no16: Book: no15: Day of the week: saturdays14: Beach: idk dude any on lake michigan is lit13: Concert attended: havent been to any :"(12: Thing to cook: idk dude11: Food: french Fry10: Restaurant: whoknnows9: Radio station: i dont /really/ like any ive heard8: Yankee candle scent: idkdude7: Perfume: b&bw tahitian island dream? smthn like that 6: Flower: i actually like regular red roses tbh5: Color: purple4: Talk show host: hhidk 3: Comedian: me2: Dog breed: call me a weaboo but i love the shibe1: Did you answer all these truthfully? no loli am so sorry to anyone who has this on their dash omgty for the ask mommy :)
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