#(i'm incredibly smitten but that doesn't mean i'm right for her or that she even has those feelings for me)
The more I think about it, the more... not exactly sympathetic, but more understanding of the Narrator's frustrations because He is operating under an insane set of restrictions to convince us to slay the Princess without making her enough of a threat that she can fight back. He's not even trying to thread the incredibly tiny needle Himself, He has to guide you into doing it without you even realizing it.
Like, the core problem is that the Player Character's belief (and the Princess's) literally shape reality. To demonstrate how great a change even a small shift in perspective can cause by your own actions alone, taking the knife or not taking the knife results in the Princess having a different personality and skillset from the moment you enter the basement. Taking the knife implies she's a potential threat and even before she sees that you have the knife, she speaks far more threateningly. If you talk rather than killing her right away, which further reinforces all the ways she's a potential threat (she's aloof, somewhat cynical, intelligent, well-spoken, and outright threatens you at one point), there's no way to kill her and also survive. And if you let her kill you after freeing her and the Narrator hijacks your body, she shows herself to be skilled with the blade and unflinching in putting you down.
But if you go down without the knife (signalling you don't see her as a threat, not even a potential one) she's much sweeter when calling to you on the stairs. She sounds harmless, scared, but a little hopeful. And when she kills you after you free her, she doesn't know how to use the knife effectively at all. She kills you while crying and stabbing randomly. She both doesn't want to kill you and is incapable of being an actual threat. You have to hold still and let her kill you.
Unless, of course, you try to kill her anyway, which means she's now fully capable of beating you to death with her bare hands, likely because trying to kill her implies another shift in view (probably due to seeing her try to gnaw off her own arm). She is a potential threat now, and of course attacking someone comes with concerns about them trying to defend themselves--how capable are they of fighting back? And of course she'd fight back, who wouldn't? All the Princesses fight back when attacked except for the Damsel because by that Chapter the idea that she A. can't, and B. wouldn't, is locked in by her inability to put you down efficiently the last loop and the Smitten's unfailing faith in her.
So as early as Chapter 1, from the moment you enter the cabin and even during your interaction with her, your thoughts and beliefs are shaping reality and that ability is incredibly volatile.
And that's part of the Narrator's problem! The Princess needs to be helpless so she can't hurt you or defend herself but in that case, what justification do you have to kill her? So she has to be enough of a threat in the future to justify killing her, but not at the moment, and killing anyone comes with concerns about them fighting back. The Narrator has to walk a very fine line here because even thinking it's possible she might have the ability to fight back or kill you means she absolutely can, but you also have to believe that she could possibly be a big enough threat that you simply can't risk leaving her alive.
So the Narrator has to go "Okay. There is a Princess. She is harmless. She cannot hurt you or escape right now and you have to kill her. Why? Because she will be a great threat in the future. Not right now, she's perfectly harmless right now, but you have to kill her. No, no, you can't talk to her and ask questions because she'll trick you into not killing her. What kind of threat? The world-ending kind so even if you doubt me you can't risk it, there's too much on the line if there's even the smallest chance I'm correct and you must do it right now. How is she capable of ending the world? Don't think about it, please please don't think about it."
(I also think that's probably part of why the Narrator made her a princess of all things. The stereotype around a princess locked away is that they're fairly helpless in a fight, simply waiting for someone to come save them, but also you could justify killing her because she's an oppressive monarch, in title at least. And, indeed, that is a perspective the Narrator pushes and one you can agree with. Not to mention all the story tropes where royalty or a maiden of some kind is infused with a special connection to the world or god--a Princess who can end the world just by the nature of her being is not far removed from those tropes)
I mean, trying to get someone to kill another person without thinking them as an immediate threat or questioning anything too deeply is a monumental task. And everything from the ethical questions you might ask to risk assessment all have the potential to make the Princess quite a threat. No wonder it goes wrong so fast.
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fowlham (where Randy and Teresa walk in the park and drink coffee and then watch the sun set ) randy and theresa they no love LGBT ( they heterosexual and Straight ) a at the end of the fanfiction, you can make an art where Randy confessed his love to Teresa and made her a marriage proposal when the moon appeared in the sky
okay, so- first of all: i cannot draw which means this isn't getting art and well, i don't take art reqs, but sure let's write this puppy up (/lh) and see what we can make of it!
Headcanons for Domestic Fowlham (at the Park)
Randy is the one who would invite Theresa to the park. For what it's worth, he knows his role as the Ninja takes up a lot of his time and he wants to make it up to her
I don't see Theresa as a coffee drinker, but she does enjoy hot chocolate and you know Randy would buy some for her
Honestly, the way I see it: they decided to take an evening stroll during the weekend. Things have been settling; McFist and Viceroy have started leaving the Ninja alone and Randy takes it as his chance to spend time with his girlfriend
Randy's crush on Theresa didn't fully start until sometime after he rescued her. He'd get incredibly flustered, but this seemed to happen with both boys and girls- (it was his first bi awakening, but he's completely smitten for Theresa right now)
Theresa would likely provide snacks and just talk for a little while about the stars in the sky; she seems to be really interested in constellations, something which Randy gets enthralled by whenever she talks about it
They're enjoying the silence- Theresa wants to voice her deeper thoughts - how she wants to have a life with Randy, but she feels as if the words are stuck even as she attempts to voice it- (she used to have a small crush on Debbie, though Randy's a sweet kid- although Theresa has two hands-)
In the end, Randy is the one who breaks the silence- he confesses, deciding he can't just not tell Theresa how he feels. He can't help but wonder about their future and he begins talking about the place he'd want to live in with her
Theresa is taken by surprise but she hangs on to his every word- her cheeks are heated in a blush and she finally chuckles, "do you really mean that?"
They're not old enough to be married yet, but Randy holds out a promise/couple's ring for Theresa; he's smiling brightly, "I couldn't imagine a life without you-"
hahahah, okay- in all honesty, this ask was a brilliant example of what not to do when sending something to my inbox! this is not the page you want to go to if you're going to be spewing ant-lgbtq+ behavior, but also!! if people would actually read what i want to be sent- we wouldn't be having this kind of situation!
i am not an artist- i'm a novice artist and do not have enough skills to be creating artwork but i'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt this time
i don't know whether this was sent by a troll or a kid trying to get a reaction out of me, but either way- at the end of the day, this is my blog. with my rules and an ask like this isn't going to be tolerated. this is not to say i won't write a straight ship, but please i reblog and write and share PRIDE CONTENT (that's a lot of what i've been reblogging lately-)
that being said, if i do continue getting these kinds of asks - i'm either going to have to turn off anon or i'm going to be responding and just being kind of a menace about it
(for the record, my hc for randy is that he doesn't care in the slightest about gender if he wants to date someone; theresa would more than likely be bi, at the very least but we can talk that more in-depth later)
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mod-kyoko · 11 months
Can I get a fluff prompt for Mikan and Maki (seperate) where she gets confessed to by her shy Classmate reader that she likes but was under the mistaken impression that he hated her when in reality he was absolutely smitten with her
mikan and maki getting confessed to by shy!male!reader!
info: male!reader, light mentions of bullying
type: hc format, non-despair au
a/n: love these girls so much
mikan tsumiki
what a clusterfuck
you are both extremely shy
and you both like each other
you always hated how mikan was treated by the others, but you were never quite strong enough to defend her
she must think you're such a wimp! a terrible person! what kind of person doesn't defend a girl?
mikan, as usual, thinks you despise her which she thinks for most of her classmates
however, it hurts more because she genuinely wants to get closer to you, she's just too scared to approach you in fear that'll she will be rejected
...you felt the exact same
your other classmates are not stupid and notice the shy romantic tension between you
kazuichi actually approaches you and tells you to shoot your shot, even though you kept denying the fact you had a crush on mikan
don't worry kaz is here for you, he's such a bro
one afternoon, classes were over - you and kazuichi hung out in the school courtyard
you both see mikan tottering to the dorm buildings and kazuichi immediately (gently) shoves you towards her despite your protests
"u-uhm... can I help you, y/n..?" mikan was standing right in front of you, when you looked behind you, kazuichi was gone
fuck it
"uhm... hi, mikan... uh..." you had no idea where to even start... so you just blurted it out "I-I really like you! I... I've liked you for awhile..."
she thought you were joking, she even looked around cautiously to see if there was hiyoko or someone near by filming her
regardless she was blushing bright red
"m-me...? but I'm just a klutzy, pile of trashy waste... how c-could you like me..?"
you started to tear up from her words, how could she say that?!
"not at a-all! don't think that way, mikan... you're s-so helpful! even when p-people are mean to you... you always help them... and... you're so beautiful, I-I always feel better on the inside when you're near me... don't think y-you're trash! because you're not..."
mikan immediately starts bawling her eyes out at your kind words
she admits her own feelings for you in a very 'mikan' sort of way
tearfully, you ask her if they could go for ice cream which she agrees with a happy giggle
you two start dating not long after... your fellow classmates (except some obvious ones) think you're the cutest couple ever
maki harukawa
why did she have to fall for you... of all people, she falls for the complete opposite of what she is
you were a shy, sweet guy that wouldn't harm a fly even if he tried
and she was a cold, calculating and violent individual, not exactly a match made in heaven
you weren't an idiot like the others and you never actually did anything to bother her, although you were shy she found you easy to talk to
but that's probably because you're busy listening to her voice half the time...
however, she hasn't confessed her feelings at all because first of all, she's not really good at 'expressing' feelings...
second of all, she didn't even fathom that you liked her at all
yes you let her talk to you but she imagined that you were scared of her and just did it because you felt that you had to
a lot of the other classmates didn't like her because of how she is, why should you?
truth be told, you were absolutely in love with her
she is incredibly pretty, even when her expression is either blank or full of murderous intent
you can't help but find her coldness... attractive? there was just something about it that made you feel a funny way when she calmly insults kokichi for the 999th time or threatens to kill others that annoy her
is that a simp I hear?
you approached shuichi and kaito one day during lunch, since they were maki's closest friends, to get some advice on how to... approach the girl
of course they were both a little worried for you, shuichi especially
but kaito gave you the best advice he could, something about 'puff your chest out!' and 'be confident in the face of the bear!', not great stuff
either way you took his advice as best you can, catching maki when she was alone
"uhm... maki..?" you tapped your index fingers together
"y/n?" maki looked a little surprised that you were talking to her first "what is it?"
"ah.. uhm... I... I really like you... in a romantic sense- I understand if you... you don't like me that way too..."
maki's eyes widened, staring at you completely dumbfounded, then shaking her head
"you're stupid... you like me? do you want to die?" "why the hell do you even like me? you barely know me."
"y-yes! I know b-but.. I like that about you.. I-I like the mystery you have... and... you're really pretty.. your voice is really calming... I like listening to you..."
little makiroll began to blush, starting to fidget with her twintails. was she dreaming?
"you're just plain stupid..." she sighed, her eyes glued to the ground. "but... I like you too."
you and maki sat on the bench together for awhile, just talking casually. you even made her smile
it started slowly, but you and her got together as a couple. if you had any bullies for your shyness... they're not a problem anymore
-Mod Kirumi
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actually crying rn
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thegreymoon · 20 days
Judge Dee's Mystery
She knows that Mrs Teng wrote those poems and is subtly trying to let him know.
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She has been the dullest character in existence, but she will be a little bit redeemed if I am right.
There is, however, a flaw in my theory, because this Teng guy did also write a poem for Di Renjie's father. So he really does seem to be a poet too.
LMAO, she's so jealous 🤣🤣
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Girl, I'm rooting for you but I seem to be in the minority and unfortunately, Di Renjie clearly doesn't share my taste in women and is smitten with this incredibly boring one.
However, if she too starts murdering people, I will revise my opinion.
As always, all my love 💚
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Fucking men.
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I disliked him from the moment I laid eyes on him, he felt so slimy. But I kept flip-flopping and doubting myself throughout this entire arc because Di Renjie seemed to like him and he was connected to his late father. But an abuser is an abuser and suuuuuper likely to end up murdering his victim.
Ugh, I hope you get that death sentence you were begging for just days ago.
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Her murder was premeditated.
So, I was right about most of it.
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I'm just unclear on the crazy sister's role in this... if any.
And whether Yinlian is the true poet.
Beautiful man. Adding to my screenshot collection.
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So many asshole men who were resentful of their much more gifted wives took credit for their work throughout history, I will not even lie that this is where my mind went first.
LMAO, drag him Huaiying 🤣🤣
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A plagiarist in addition to being a murderer.
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Ah, so he bribed the guard to release Li Han.
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That means that the crazy sister didn't actually do anything?
Oh, so it was her?
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What, are they collaborating?
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gunsli-01 · 1 year
Kazui Mukuhara as he put on that wedding ring and let people draw their own conclusions, "I'm too good of a liar you'll find me out one day."
The funniest outcome is that he's completely single and trying to get with this girl by playing the emotional scarcity/forbidden fruit card. Like women are just drawn to things they can't have or already belong to someone else. Are you any more interested in me now that you know someone else wants me? What do you mean you're getting married got damn it-
Even funnier that Yuno said the person the most like her is him. So, what if it turns out he's just a male escort? That fell in love with one of his clients. It would fit his fashion sense as well, given he goes from suits to casual playing around fashion pretty easily. As though he's used to going to extravagent and causal parties. He could even just wear a ring to keep up the illussion while on the job with special clientele.
Though to me this dude definitely does not give off the impression that he was ever married. Come on he's looking at her like
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And she's just reading
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This is a tuesday for her. I can hear Just Be Friends playing beneath his song and i'm pretty sure it's because she's listening to it to drop him hints. Got Yuno's airpods in like maybe if I play this loud enough he'll realize. His first cover is Cowardly Montblanc and people think he cheated? Honestly it'd be interesting either way but ya know to cheat the person would've had to be in a relationship first right?
I don't feel like he's sufficiently proven that he was in a relationship. Especially since his whole song seems to lament not being with someone. Just saying don't let men with rings fool you some wear that shit for fun. I have had men lie to me about having multiple girls interested in them lamenting for hours in phone calls about how too many women want them.
Hell, once one of my male friends brought their whole as girlfriend to my house at three in the morning to go see she's real are you jealous what do you think basically. Then, when i responded like it's great to met you want to come in left immediately. Like please...playboys are always going to play. I like Kazui a lot, literally have a positive bias for him because he's just hopeless and so old and he reminds me of my goof off of a dad. However, my dad was also a player and a cheat to his own admission. He still is kinda but he's old.
Kazui does not give me a cheater vibe but I could be wrong. He jsut seems too concerned with having a real relationship. Even going as far as to cry about how someone else's feelings won't change. When to be honest going elsewhere is easier at that point especially if you already have other options. So, it's not just that he doesn't seem like he was married in the slightest to me but it just feels off. Like that up there is the face of pining man. That dude is smitten.
Saddly it's starting to seem as though the only thing being pulled by Kazui may be his own back and that's only due to his age! Ashe did a good english cover of Cowardly Montblanc years ago that really highlights the point I'm trying to make.
I just think it'd be super funny if Kazui was labeled a cheater but in actuality he told an old friend/crush that he met again who is already married or within a committed relationship, "Ha, ha, I'm married too we can just be friends it's fine. Totally okay. I'm so happy for you." As he looked up weddingbands to create the illusion of being married. Dude is like, "I could try you, and also try to touch you but you probably won’t notice I understand that this love is out of bounds, so nothing has to change."
He understands it's out of bounds but never really says for who it's outbounds for. He also makes it incredibly clear in his song lyrics the person he's referring to is uninterested basically begging for their feelings to change. I don't know it feels weird to think that points to him already being in a relationship. Unless what he actually means is if only your heart would change and your were willing to have an open relationship.
Like man if only you were polyamorous...Whelp time to go cheat.
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nakachuchu · 3 years
Bunny | Armin Arlert
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SYNOPSIS: Modern AU - He has a crush on his friend's crush.
READER: female
WORDS: 1556
WRITTEN: 03/08/2021
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"Hey, Armin," you greeted as you leaned down, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"H-Hi, Y/N," he replied, eyes glancing to the textbook pressed against your chest and your pretty smile.
"Can I sit next to you again? You're a lifesaver when it comes to taking notes."
"Oh, yeah, definitely," he said as he scooted to the side, allowing you to sit next to him in the lecture hall.
You often sat next to Armin because he had good handwriting and his notes were easy to understand.
You often blanked out, thus missing part of what the professor said. He once asked what you were thinking about, and you winked at him before making a zipper gesture on your mouth.
It was always a struggle when you asked to sit next to him. He had to fight himself to pay attention to the professor and ignore the little devil on his shoulder who kept telling him dirty thoughts about you.
If you didn't sit next to him, he wouldn't have to worry about how good his notes were because you wouldn't need them.
It wasn't like you didn't take notes. You simply got distracted sometimes. You would be taking notes, and the next time Armin decided to glance at you, the end of your pen would be in your mouth, tongue swiping at it mindlessly.
Armin was in constant trouble whenever you were around. You were pretty on your own, but the way your teeth nibbled on the cap and how soft your tongue looked made his brain short circuit.
It was the second year you had the same class with Armin, and he didn't know if he wanted to be thankful or not.
The first encounter he had with you was on moving day. He dropped his pink pen that had a bunny as the clicker. It was given to him by his mother who had been sobbing when he left for college.
You picked up the pen and called out to him. He was absolutely embarrassed and dizzy that someone saw the pen, let alone a pretty girl picking it up for him.
You laughed at how red he was and stepped forward to put the pen back into his front pocket, patting his chest before waving goodbye and walking away.
"Armin," you called out, "class is over, bunny."
God, the nickname you gave him always made his body hot. It was a simple, shameless nickname. It was obviously from the pen he dropped, but he couldn't help but fantasize that something deeper was in the works.
"R-Right. Thanks, Y/N."
You smiled. "Of course. Text me your notes later?"
He nodded.
"Great. I'll see you around. Make sure to eat lunch."
He nodded. "You too."
Once you left the room, he sighed and banged his head onto the desk. Even your kindness in reminding him to eat made him like you even more.
He eventually packed up his stuff, walking to the same table outside the lecture hall that his friends claimed since the first day of school.
"How'd it go?" Eren asked.
He knew about Armin's crush on you, but the question was easily hid as "How was the lecture?"
"It was good," Armin replied, which translated to "I made a fool out of myself again."
"Did you see Y/N? What was she wearing today?" Jean asked.
"Uh—You know, the same," Armin said with a wince.
Jean sighed wistfully. "She's so damn beautiful."
"She'd never go for you," said Eren with a glance at Armin.
"Huh? You wanna fucking fight? We'll go at it right now!"
"HUH? Did you say something, twerp?" Eren retorted, standing up from the table to slam his foot onto the bench.
"HUH? You're shorter than me, you fucking midget," retorted Jean as he got into the same position as Eren.
The two boys began to fight as Armin awkwardly laughed and sat down. He was royally fucked. What was he supposed to do when Jean seemed so smitten with you?
"I'm gonna do it," said Jean as he let Eren out of the chokehold.
Eren gasped for air, then punched Jean on the shoulder. "Do...what?"
"Ask Y/N out," he said as he walked off.
Armin followed the direction he was walking in, then saw you crossing the lawn with one of your friends. His shoulders slumped as he realized he wouldn't ever be able to date you.
Eren and Mikasa glanced at each other before glancing at Armin who was watching the exchange between you and Jean.
You whispered something to your friend as Jean began to talk. You stood there with a smile on your face and occasionally nodded at whatever he was saying.
"I—Um—I'm gonna go back to my dorm. I have studying to do," murmured Armin as he grabbed his bag and walked away.
You laughed at something Jean said before nodding and waving goodbye to him. He walked back and sighed heavily as he sat on the bench.
"What happened?" Connie asked.
"She likes someone else, but hey, she called me cute. That accounts for something, right?"
"Do you think—"
Mikasa nodded at what Eren was implying.
Jean looked between them. "What?"
"You see—"
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"Hey, if that dumb ass can ask you out, you can ask Armin out," your friend encouraged.
"Me? I don't have the guts for that," you said.
"No, but you got the tits and that disgusting kindness going for you."
You rolled your eyes. "None of that is true. Besides, I don't know where he is."
"Call him."
"I'm not going to ask him out through tech. It's not sincere," you muttered.
"So you need to do it in person? I got you."
"W-Wait, where are you going? Come back!" you shouted as your friend ran out of your room.
You sighed, a dreadful feeling settling in your stomach. You chewed your lip nervously as you turned to your notes to study, trying to ignore your fantasies of dating Armin.
You put your earbuds in, turning up the volume so that you wouldn't have to think. You drummed your pencil on your desk while reading the notes you took, even though you knew the information wasn't staying in your brain.
You let out a shriek when someone yanked your earbuds out. You spun around in your chair, ready to smack someone until you noticed Armin standing by your door nervously.
Your friend stood in front of you and smiled. "Good luck," they whispered before walking out and closing the door.
"Armin," you breathed out.
He raised his hand slightly before folding them together in front of him again. "Hi. Um—Your friend said you needed to talk to me?"
You nodded, tucking your hair behind your ear. "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you come out here. My friend is impulsive."
"It's okay," he reassured. "But isn't it bad if someone notices us alone in your room? What if Jean hears?"
You tilted your head to the side. "What about him?"
"Well, aren't you—aren't you two dating?"
You blinked before laughing. "We're not dating. I don't like him. I like you."
"Oh, I see. You don't like—You like me?" he repeated.
You smiled. "Yeah, I do. I really, really like you."
"Oh. Oh, this is—Oh, I never thought—" His face went red and his mind was playing fantasies of you again. "I—Uh—I didn't think you'd ever like me. I've liked you for a while now and I mean, you're so pretty, and I'm me."
"I like you, bunny," you reassured. "I like that you're you."
"I've never—I've never had a girlfriend."
"That's okay. It doesn't matter. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" you asked.
"Yes!" he exclaimed. His shoulders slumped after a moment. "But I would be a bad friend if I did that. Jean's liked you for a while and I can't betray him like that."
You smiled softly. "I understand. That's—"
The door burst open, hitting Armin in the back and sending him flying forward. You got up from your chair and wrapped your arms around him so that he wouldn't fall.
Armin was dizzy. His face was shoved into your breasts and all he could smell was you. Your arms were wrapped around him for safety and his hands were dangerously close to your ass.
You looked up to see Armin's friends crowding your door. They were all breathing heavily.
"Say yes!" exclaimed Jean. "Why didn't you tell me you liked her? I just thought she was hot!"
Armin said something, but it was muffled by your breasts. You wiggled around at how ticklish it felt, before helping him move away.
He blinked at you before slowly looking up at you. His face was incredibly hot and he couldn't think straight.
"Armin?" you called out.
Oh, your voice was so pretty.
"Armin, are you okay?" you asked.
"Huh? Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Um—I—Yes?"
"Yes?" you repeated.
"I want to be your boyfriend," he said. "Is that okay?"
You smiled. "It's more than okay," you said.
"Thank God," muttered Eren as he turned around with a hand latched onto Jean's collar. "Team, roll out!"
Mikasa followed him silently, dragging Sasha and Connie with her.
"What should the first thing we do as a couple be, bunny?" you asked.
"Um... Food?"
You smiled. "Sounds good."
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magichcuse · 3 years
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I doubt I'd ever need icons of any of them but I'm using the base to help me design the Crossfeathers from Gen 1
Here's what I have so far—
Mallory: I suppose you could call her the Regina George or Sharpay Evans of the magic school. Is close friends with Aurelia, but likes to torment Ebony behind Aurelia's back and lowkey wants to replace Ebony as Aurelia's best friend. Ironically, she has a twin of her own who follows her around...but he's more like her personal assistant than a close friend. Her father is actually the second born Crossfeather of his generation, but she acts as though she's in the main line. Her father has her arranged to marry a son of a family of wand-crafters for business purposes.
Macauley: Mallory's twin brother. He's usually the one who does most of the blatant tormenting on Mallory's behalf so Mallory doesn't make Aurelia upset. Starting to get tired of being used but isn't really sure who he'd be without Mallory. Doesn't have as much pressure to find a suitress because Rylund is carrying the family name. However, he'd be next to carry the name if Rylund were to...you know, happen to die in a duel before he could have kids with Aurelia.
Rylund: Aurelia's suitor. Absolutely smitten by Aurelia and acts polite to Ebony because she's important to his sweetheart. They're essentially the power couple of the school, especially given how Rylund is the first born son of the first born Crossfeather. Is protective of Ysemay and is annoyed about how Patrick acts as a roadblock between his sister and her crush, but he doesn't like to get involved in drama. Rylund assumes Patrick will eventually realize that Theo has no interest in him and that would open the door for Ysemay to woo her crush. Doesn't really have a loyalty to the Crossfeathers outside of his sister, though he still eats lunch with the others because Victoria just so happens to make Aurelia eat lunch with them.
Ysemay: Rylund's sister. She's a year younger than him, but she's in the same grade as him after skipping a grade early on in life. Has a crush on Theo, but doesn't have the opportunity to act on it because Patrick gets in the way if she even looks at him. The rest of the Crossfeathers thinks she has an odd taste in boys, but she doesn't pay much mind to it. She only sticks around the other Crossfeathers due to social pressure; her yellow uniform intimidates/repulses anyone she would be remotely interested in hanging around. Her father considered arranging something with Professor Daskalakis, but Ysemay insists on getting Theo's interest "the natural way"...even though Patrick makes that incredibly difficult. Having Theo be forced to marry her wouldn't feel right and if refusing to arranged marriage means she can't be with Theo, so be it. Until then, she'll just have to be the one who always joins Theo's crowd first and jump at the opportunity to be his partner in Etiquette Class.
Tamberly: The school's gossip. Has a thing for Johnny, but he's not interested. She's basically everything Johnny claims Ebony is. Daughter of the third born Crossfeather in her father's generation. Doesn't like Odelia at all and is looking for dirt on her to make Johnny disinterested. Contributes to the torment Ebony gets. Sticks with the other Crossfeathers.
Dudley: Tamberly's older brother. He tends to blend into the background, though girls still fight over him because he's their ticket into joining the Crossfeather family. Has a crush on Maude; he's literally the only student who doesn't know Maude is a lesbian...or perhaps he's just in denial. Unfortunately for him, Maude tends to get herself in predicaments before he can woo her.
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