#(im sorry i ship sunflower too but the idea wasnt that bad and i had to pounce on it)
mudwingprince · 3 years
wolf in sheeps clothing
ohohohooooo man you’re in for a treat!
siiiiince im prooobably not going to finish that PMV, this gives me the chance to ramble about my ‘au’ >:3
Here's the song :D
Spoilers for Omori :)
(also swearing but jkfldasdfhfjfpsshhhhh who cares about thaaaaaaat)
Kim was yelling at him
Basil had only asked for his photo album back
Kim had pushed him to the ground
Tears flowed out of his eyes
It's not like he wanted them to
He wasn't pathetic
He pushed himself back up and pushed Kim back
Thankfully, he was taller than her, so he was stronger
Oh god, here they go again
Basil rolled his eyes
Aubrey stormed up to him, her bat in hand, she was still slightly taller than him
Basil rubbed at his eyes and looked Aubrey in the eyes, hardly even blinking
"What, are you gonna call me a fucking creep again? I know you can do better than that."
That seemed to enrage her
"Step away from Basil!"
What the literal fuck? Who the hell is that?
Basil leaned to the side to catch a glimpse of the person who had just yelled that
Kel and... Sunny?
Aubrey whipped around, swinging her bat, almost hitting Basil in the face
He didn't flinch
Aubrey was yelling something to Kel, but Basil wasn't paying attention
All of his focus was on... Sunny..
Something must've been said because within seconds he had leapt forward and swung at Aubrey
With a knife
...Sunny... had a knife
The blade slashed across Aubrey's knee, cutting open her skin
Basil couldn't care less
He continued staring daggers at... Sunny...
If looks could kill, Basil would be in a cop's car, being arrested for first degree murder
The hooligans rushed up to Aubrey, concerned for her safety, while Kel ripped Sunny's knife away from him, asking him why he had a knife
Basil hadn't noticed that the hooligans had left until Kel walked up to him
"Hi Basil!"
Basil blinked and looked up at Kel
"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"
Kel was kind
Sunny wasn't
"I'm fine."
Basil glared at Sunny as he crept towards him
If Sunny got an inch closer to Basil, he didn't know what he would do to him
Basil stormed towards the exit of the playground, making sure to get a good knock on Sunny's side
Sunny fumbled to regain his balance
"Uh, Basil?"
He stopped dead in his tracks, whipping his head around, black hair flinging in his face
"Is something wrong?"
Why was Kel bothering him on this?
"I said I'm fine."
And before Kel could slip in another word, Basil stormed away
A couple hours later
Basil had tried to blow off steam by drawing
He only wound up drawing morbid sketches of Sunny
He hated Sunny
And he's been having morbid ideas ever since he saw the monster for the first time in four years
He was listening to them
Basil reached for a new piece of paper
Lined paper
He started writing
"I'm going out,
I'm not exactly sure what time I'm going to be getting back,
I don't regret what I'm going to do,
I doubt I ever will,
He was is a horrible person and deserves to feel some sort of pain,"
He tried scribbling out "was" as best as he could, but it was still legible
"I'm not sorry.
He opened the door to his room, making sure that Polly actually left
She wasn't there
Basil rushed to the kitchen, dropping the letter and snatching his gardening shears
That will work, he thought and made a beeline towards the door
The sun was already setting as he closed the door behind him
Basil wasn't exactly sure where he would find Sunny, but he had a pretty vague idea
He tried around Hobbeez first, no sign of him there
Then he tried OtherMart, still nothing
Then he tried Fix-It, nope
After no luck searching through any of the stores, so he tried the Playground next
He wasn't exactly sure why he tried looking for Sunny at the end of the day, but he needed to do something
The sun had almost set
The sky was a beautiful shade of purple and blue, like lavender
Basil continued to head towards the Playground, until he heard... voices?
He kept walking towards the voices, trying to hide the shears
They sounded... familiar
He kept walking until he found...
Holy fucking shit, Basil thought, there's no way that they're actually out this late?
Aubrey, Kel, Hero and... Sunny...
All of them were here
Basil stormed up to them
They all blinked
Why had Aubrey forgiven them so quickly?
Wasn't Hero supposed to be at collage?
What were Kel and... Sunny... doing out this late?
What were any of them doing out this late?
How were they acting so... perfect?
Did they all just forget what happened to Mari?
"Um... Basil? Is something wrong?" Hero asked, genuinely concerned
Sunny just continued blinking in confusion
Basil was ecstatic, they were all here
"Something is really, really wrong."
Basil was depressed, they forgot about him
"There's something wrong with you."
Basil was furious, did he just forget? Did he move on? Did he tell anyone?
Sunny was an asshole.
And he was going to put Sunny in his place.
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