#sunny is pretty clueless
stuffedteen · 8 months
Magical Waistband
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Thomas had always been the poster boy for athleticism. With his chiseled jawline and bulging biceps, he was the kind of guy you'd see on the cover of fitness magazines. He loved working out, eating clean, and living a disciplined life. But little did he know, his life was about to take a turn for the curvier.
One sunny day in Southern California, Thomas decided to take a break from his usual workout routine and explore some job opportunities. He strolled along the beach and found himself at the entrance of Hollister. As he walked in, the smell of salty sea breeze and the sound of beachy tunes filled the air.
The store manager, Chad, was your typical surfer dude, all laid-back and cool. "Yo, dude! You look like you could totally rock our clothes," Chad said with a friendly grin.
Henry chuckled. "Thanks, man. I'm just checking out job options for the summer."
Chad's eyes lit up. "Well, that's perfect, bro. We're lookin' for some new staff, and you'd fit right in."
Henry nodded, completely unaware of what was about to happen. "Sure, sounds good to me."
Chad handed him a pair of crisp white Hollister briefs. "Here, man, try these on. They're like, our uniform, and they'll make you look even more awesome."
Henry took the briefs and headed to the changing room. Little did he know, those innocent-looking briefs were about to change his life forever.
As Henry slipped on the briefs, he felt an odd sensation. They tightened around his waist, but he attributed it to their slim-fit style. Unbeknownst to him, there was something magical about these briefs. They had the power to transform the wearer, but Henry was still clueless.
A few weeks passed, and Henry continued to work at Hollister. He enjoyed the laid-back atmosphere and was making new friends among his colleagues. However, something strange was happening. He had become hungrier than ever, and the once-disciplined athlete was now indulging in burgers, pizzas, and all sorts of junk food.
One day, as Henry glanced at himself in the mirror, he was shocked. His body had gone through an incredible transformation. His abs were now buried under a soft, round gut, and his muscles had softened into a curvier shape. His coworkers couldn't help but notice.
"Whoa, Henry, you've been packing on the pounds!" one of them said.
"Yeah, man, since you started working here you've blown up!" another chimed in.
Henry chuckled, still oblivious to the magical briefs' role in his weight gain. He continued to indulge in his newfound love for food, and his physique kept expanding. But he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he was starting to enjoy his new, softer shape.
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One evening, as he lay on his couch, his hand absentmindedly reaching for a bag of chips, his phone buzzed with a call from Chad. He picked up, curious to see what his manager wanted to talk about.
"Hey, Chad! What's up, man?" Henry greeted with a warm tone.
"Hey, Henry! I've got something pretty wild to confess," Chad replied.
Henry sat up, intrigued. "Alright, spill the beans, dude. What's going on?"
Chad cleared his throat. "So, remember those crisp white Hollister briefs I gave you when you started working here?"
"Yeah," Henry replied, scratching his head. "They're pretty comfy, I have to say. I've started wearing them basically everyday."
Chad continued, "It's all part of a change in company policy, man. Hollister decided we needed to be more inclusive, so we started hiring larger models. And the briefs, they, uh, magically enhance your physique to fit the new standards. You rock that new look. And I've gotta say, you've become a real inspiration for the brand."
He finally realized what was going on.
"Wait a minute," Henry mumbled to himself. "It's those darn briefs! They're making me chubby!"
The realization was liberating. He knew he should be concerned, but there was something strangely appealing about his new body. He looked at himself in the mirror with a newfound confidence and found himself incredibly attracted to the roundness of his gut and the softness of his body.
"I've got a size up in the briefs waiting for you when you come in for your shift tomorrow" said Chad. "See you then!"
Determined to embrace his new reality, Henry went all in. He let go of his strict workout routines and fully surrendered to his love for food. Burgers, fries, and ice cream became his best friends, and he watched his body expand with glee.
Over time, he fully embraced the life of a slob. His jock days were long gone, and he had become the embodiment of indulgence. It wasn't what he had planned, but he couldn't deny that he was loving every moment of it.
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ghostlyfleur · 8 months
𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐬, 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬
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eddie munson x new girl
contents: new girl referred to as angel, lovesick!eddie, strangers to friends to lovers, hellfire club, dustin henderson cameo, mutual pining, inexperienced!reader, shy!reader, maybe fairy!reader but i’m not sure yet.
word count: ~1k
summary: eddie lets his love consume him, and he’s okay with it.
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eddie munson is down bad. in love. completely enamored. shot by cupid. and she’s beautiful. the fairest maiden in all the land.
she’s all flowery dresses, flowy skirts, cozy sweaters, butterfly clips in her hair, fairy wing eyeliner design and shimmery glitter on her eyelids, sparkly pink lipgloss, highlighter on her cheekbones— the prettiest angel he’s ever seen. absolutely ethereal. the thing is, she’s terribly clueless. oblivious, even. her and eddie have built a lovely friendship over the last few months, ever since he met her when he picked dustin up from the library. that’s when it happened. that’s when he got hit. an arrow straight through his heart.
his angel — because she must be an angel, with the way the sun followed her around and made her shimmer — was aiding dustin with his search, trying to find books on supernatural lore that he could take inspiration from for the campaign he was putting together. it was dustin’s first campaign in his hellfire club career, and he was taking it very seriously to eddie’s amazement and amusement. but whatever thoughts about dungeons and dragons that were swirling around his head cleared completely at the sight of her; in her white sandals, knee-length white silky skirt, and alice in wonderland graphic tank top she was a sight to behold. a mirage. a dream. sunny disposition, bright smile, fidgety hands, and the most enchanting voice— a siren call, really. and eddie was hooked. it didn’t help that dustin talked his ear off about the nice girl that was quick to provide him with an immense list of folklore and magic lore books that could help him, about fairytales and whimsical creatures.
“she talked about fairies as if she were one, dude, it was sick!” dustin gushed.
eddie noticed the kid kept going back to the same library, kept entering his van afterwards with a list of books and another cute tale revolving around the pretty angel girl of eddie’s dreams. until one day dustin looked all nervous and coy and a little scared, and yeah, usually eddie loved to invoke that same reaction from him, but this time he didn’t know the reason behind it, behind the kid’s hesitant gaze. and truly it couldn’t have been a better reason. dustin wanted the mystery angel to be able to attend hellfire, to watch his campaign.
“‘s the least i can do, man! she helped me with a lot of it and she was like- super interested in my shirt and stuff, please?” eddie’s quick reply, the resounding ‘yes’ he couldn’t hold back, caught dustin by surprise but he didn’t question it. don’t look a gift horse in the mouth and all that, right?
angel showed up in a long skirt with a flower pattern, converse shoes, and a black queen shirt tucked in. braided hair, lipgloss, and a tupperware box filled with chocolate chip cookies for the whole club.
“my thanks for letting me crash your campaign.”
eddie was hooked. once the session was done and the boys were gone, thanking her profusely for the treats after they picked her brain for cryptid lore, she stayed behind to help eddie tidy up, and they talked about music. she was shy, incredibly so, soft spoken and giggly and socially awkward, but she laughed at eddie’s jokes and playfully teased him once or twice, and complimented his bats tattoo, so eddie offered her a ride home. she gracefully declined, claiming she drove herself, so he walked her to her car instead.
plans were made so that she attended each of dustin’s campaign sessions and through those sessions, the clean up afterwards, the talks about music and bands and movies, their time together evolved to going for milkshake afterwards, a coffee shop for some hot chocolate sometimes, and a friendship blossomed. a very strong one at that.
being alone, living alone, existing alone was kind of her thing— she preferred to be by herself, to indulge in her hobbies on her own, because she was anxious. extremely anxious. but apparently not at all reserved about it or ashamed of talking about it, which was proven by the fact that she casually let it slip pass her lips that she had an anxiety disorder the very first time she was alone with eddie after hellfire.
not a single sign of shame or guilt in admitting it, and eddie admired that.
admired that she was a loner even though she was so polite and kind, ready to send anyone she walked past a smile because she knew how much it mattered to those who needed a little kindness. a quiet soul but couldn’t shut up if you cared enough to figure out her interests, she laughed at everything, giggled without reason sometimes, talked to herself a lot, was often lost in daydreams, had a dark sense of humor surprisingly. complex but friendly. eddie couldn’t get enough, always wanting to find out more about her, to talk to her more, to understand her more.
but most importantly, in her opinion, eddie allowed her to be herself without any judgment. encouraged her even. and that was priceless. so yes, a strong friendship bloomed, but neither one of them wanted to stop at just that. the dark haired boy was quickly aware of his growing feelings, his attraction, his infatuation that turned to love, while his angel didn’t clock in on her emotions quite so fast, being entirely inexperienced and lacking any previous romantic validation. her anxiety and introverted tendencies played a part in that too, probably.
but that’s alright, eddie is more than okay with waiting for her to catch up.
── harmo’s footnotes:
i love thinking about our sweet eddie falling for a soft girl. he deserves a cozy, comfy, cute love story! please remember to show your support by reblogging!
masterlist. eddie dreams.
ghostlyfleur © — all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, or translate.
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peachyjeonss · 1 year
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© peachyjeonss 2023. Do not repost and modify unless permitted to  
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Pairing: Tattoo artist!Jungkook x Lifeguard!Reader    
Genre: strangers to enemies, enemies to lovers, Smut
Warnings: Reader has a belly piercing, mentions of getting high, Jk and reader have nose piercings, size kink, slight daddy kink, Jk is pretty dominant even when it’s not sexual, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap pls), readers kind of a bitch at first, Jk is also kind of a dick at first, clueless reader at times, Jk gets jealous, jk eats her out, reader gets jk off, ass slapping, reader gets bent over the kitchen counter, reader’s kind of a spoiled brat, brat-taming, choking, tummy bulge, praise, degradation, cum eating, brat tamer jk, dirty talk, slight exhibition, Jk is kind of an aggressive person (not in a toxic way obv), 
Rating: M
Synopsis: Summer has begun and so has your job as a lifeguard at the Stillwells Country Club  — Which means; sunny weather, blue pools and cute bathing suits! You’re looking forward to it; just another normal summer working with friends, but your summer takes a turn when you see his sweet eyes and intimidating stature at the staff car wash.
A/N: This is my first posttt, here’s the teaser!
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His sunglasses lean on the tip of his nose as he looks up at the sky, breathing out.
“This is the most relaxed I’ve seen you in a minute.” Yoongi laughs, sitting next to him as he lathers sunscreen on his pale arms.
“Yeah, surprisingly work hasn’t come to my mind yet.” Jungkook admits, letting out a breathless chuckle as he kicks his feet in the water.
Yoongi hums, “Me neither, and I’m not even a sun person.”
“That’s what the rich life does to you, I guess.” Nari giggles, swimming to them.
Taehyung follows suit, pushing his falling sunglasses back up his nose. “Yeah, I’m about to order a pina-colada just ‘cause.”
“Don’t abuse the free membership either.” Jungkook warns, looking back down at his friend. “It was nice of her to do this for us.”
“Yeah, Aya’s always been pretty sweet.” Taehyung agrees, “She has her spoiled moments though, can't take the rich out of the girl completely.”
Nari smiles, “She’s better than me, I wouldn’t even interact with you peasants if I had country club money.”
“Yeah, that’s why you’re not rich.” Yoongi teases, “You’d be horrible.”
“I suppose.” Nari shrugs, looking around before her mouth falls into an O, “This resort even has good-looking lifeguards...”
Jungkook cocks a brow at her, last time he remembers the lifeguard was some scrawny dude with a permanent scowl. Looking up, Jungkook sits up quickly, pushing his sunglasses over his head at the familiar figure he sees switching seats with the old lifeguard. 
“Isn’t that the girl you checked out the other day?” Yoongi asks, his eyes raking over your body shamelessly, making Jungkook shove him gently.
“Yeah, it is.” Jungkook smirks, watching as you offer some kids a cute smile, telling them to watch their step as they run. Even in the basic red swimsuit the lifeguards were required to wear you still somehow managed to look like sin. “She’s friends with Aya, right?”
“Yeah, they're actually really close.” Taehyung says in a forgetful manner, too preoccupied in doggy paddling around his friends. “Been friends since middle school.”
“Shit, so they're like sisters then.” Nari corrects, “Middle school to college is cool, they saw each other get out of the awkward stage.”
“If she even had one.” Jungkook laughs, still eyeing you.
“They say the prettiest girls have the most awkward phases.” Nari shrugs, “I mean, look at me, gorgeous and my awkward stage was horrendous.”
“Yeah, sure.” Yoongi laughs, wincing when Nari pinches his leg.
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♡ If you like this story, comment under here to be on the taglist for when it comes out!
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Have a good day! ♡
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azaleakoneko · 11 months
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“Every inch of you…”
Sanji Vinsmoke x Fem|Reader
A/N: Hey Everyone, thanks for voting on the poll and helping me out! This is my first public fanfiction, so hopefully you like it ♡ Feel free to leave feedback in the comments!
Warnings: +18 MDNI, Angst (self inflicted anxiety, feeling inadequate), Comfort/NSFW, Praise, Begging, Cunnilingus, Fingering, Nicknames (My love, Sweetheart, Baby, Pretty girl), Vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, overstimulation, creampie.
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Word Count: 3.7k
Tags: @downforsanji @stephisokay
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“Oh come on, you still haven’t told him yet..?” Nami asked with an exasperated sigh as she crossed her arms and looked at you with a frown. “Do I have to tell him myself? Or are you going to wait for another Pudding to steal him away again?”
You couldn’t help but glare at the navigator, but deep down you knew she was right. You had been head over heels in love with Sanji ever since you’d joined the Strawhat Crew as the sous-chef, and it was almost painful how obvious it was to everyone on the crew.
Well, almost everyone.
The clueless chef had somehow overlooked your affections all this time, assuming your overt kindness and consideration towards him was nothing more than common courtesy, and you were too afraid of rejection to confess your true feelings to him.
Because of this, things had been uncharacteristically tense between the two of you since his reunion with the crew after the Whole Cake Island incident. He had assumed you were upset with him for turning his back on Luffy and the crew, but truthfully you were nursing a shattered heart from the exact situation Nami was referring to; Pudding.
“That’s not going to happen, Nami.” You practically growled at her as you stopped in your tracks. Just the mention of that girl’s name made your heart clench and made you feel sick to your stomach and she knew that; which is exactly why she said it.
“Oh yeah? You’ll tell him yourself and stop torturing yourself then? I don’t understand why you haven’t just put your big girl panties on and fessed up.” Nami huffed as her hands firmly dug into her hips. She wasn’t about to back down and let you sulk around the Sunny anymore. “This is Sanji we’re talking about. What are you so afraid of, y/n? Just tell him.”
Instead of snapping back with anger you wore a distraught expression on your face, shoulders sagging forward as your gaze fell to the floor. “That's easy for you to say. You're his precious 'Nami Swan'. I'm just the sous-chef, nothing special...”
“Babe, you are waaaay out of his league so I better never hear you say you're 'nothing special' ever again." Nami quipped as she rolled her eyes and grabbed you by the shoulders, giving you a few firm shakes to snap you out of it before she lifted a hand to grasp your chin-forcibly making you look at her. "Go. Tell.
Him. You know what? I'll help you."
“N-Nami..?” You were about to ask what she meant, but before you could protest she was already dragging you down the all too familiar route to the kitchen with a grip that didn’t allow you any squirming room. “Jeez!”
At this point the pair had garnered the attention of a few of the crew mates, but they knew far better than to interrupt Nami when she had that look on her face. Everyone acted like it was business as usual, purposely averting their gaze to avoid getting a chilling gaze from the woman.
“Listen to me. You are going to at least tell him the truth and give him a chance to respond at the very least.” She commanded as she haphazardly burst through the door to the kitchen and shoved you into the organized space. “Hey Sanji, would you be a dear and come over here for a sec? Y/n here has got something she’s been just dying to tell you.”
You looked at Nami with a look of deep rooted betrayal from the ambush, feeling your heart thump painfully in your throat accompanied with a wave of nausea from the anxiety you were experiencing upon realizing her intention with isolating you here.
Nami was too busy ensuring there was no way for you to escape as she inched her way back towards the doorway, reaching for the handle. “This is your chance, y/n. Don’t you dare try to leave now or I’ll start charging you berries for every time you whine about this guy. Got it?” She said as she flashed a playful wink before slipping out and hastily closing the door behind her.
A simple “Good luuuuck!” was the last thing Nami uttered through cupped hands against the kitchen door as you stood there in a state of panic.
You didn’t have long to process your situation however when your favorite sound drifted into your ears making you grip your fingers into your palms firmly in an attempt to quell your racing heart, causing small crescent moons to indent your skin.
“Y/n, is everything alright my love?” Sanji asked cautiously as he approached from the storage room, immediately noticing how tense her stance was.
When he saw you were hesitant to respond, or to even turn around for that matter, he gently urged the conversation forward again. “Why don’t you come sit down and I’ll make you something and then we can talk?”
You heard a few more light steps approaching and then felt a gentle tug on your hand coaxing you to turn around and acknowledge him. You felt a deep ache in your heart from how kind he was still being to you despite you brushing him off and avoiding him for the past few weeks.
Sanji wasn’t too bothered by the silence; at least you weren’t brushing him away like you had been lately. His fingers slipped across your palm as he gripped your hand tighter to seat you at the kitchen island and his brows creased when he felt the little marks in your skin. “Sit here for a moment, alright?”
You nodded and took a seat, gradually lifting your gaze to watch him as he meticulously assembled an assortment of snacks while brewing a pot of tea.
The longer you watched him the harder it was to rationalize why you had been pushing him away when all you truly wanted was to hold him closer.
You hadn’t even realized you had begun to cry, but Sanji did and he promptly abandoned his pursuit of making you snacks to immediately return to your side. Even if you were upset with him, he would never leave a woman in distress in his presence.
“Oh sweetheart... Please talk to me. Are you alright? Be honest.” Sanji urged as he sat beside you and took your hands in his, rubbing his thumbs soothingly over your trembling hands.
Hearing him ask if you were alright only made matters worse and you already felt like you had no right to take comfort in his touch, but you tightened your grip on his hands anyhow. “I’m fine...it’s stupid.” You said in a weak attempt to deflect, but the way your eyes refused to hold eye contact was enough to tip off that lie—not that you really tried.
Sanji’s expression softened as y/n finally started to speak to him again. He freed one of his hands to wipe your tears and give you a reassuring smile that made your heart flutter even in this state of mind. “Darling, nothing that makes you cry is stupid. Whatever it is, let me help you. Please? I want to see that beautiful smile of yours again.”
You reached your hand up and pressed his palm flush against your cheek, nuzzling into its warmth and for a moment forgot what was troubling you, but you knew it couldn’t be avoided forever. “Sanji...” You whispered meekly with your eyes squeezed shut— voice quivering as if it would break like fine china. “Did you love her?” Even asking him hurt, but you had to know for your own peace of mind.
Sanji realized none of her behavior the past few weeks was about Luffy at all, and suddenly everything started to make sense. “Is that what you’ve been worried about, y/n..?” He asked sympathetically, his curly brows knit together in concern. “Hey, look at me gorgeous. I didn’t love her, okay? I Promise. I’m right where I belong.”
With his gentle consoling you couldn’t help but feel terrible for letting something so silly put so much needless tension between the two of you, but you shoo’d those pesky thoughts away and gave in, allowing yourself to look up into those breathtaking blue eyes of his.
“Let me ask you something in return, y/n... Do you love me?” Sanji asked hesitantly, afraid that you would laugh at him for even suggesting it. His luck with women in the past wasn’t exactly much to brag about, but this didn’t feel like those situations at all; you were sitting here vulnerable in front of him. “Please.. be honest with me, y/n.”
At his question the floodgates broke again and you couldn’t help but cry as you nodded, not wanting to hold it in any longer. “I do, I love you Sanji. I love you so much that it hurts to breathe sometimes.. and when I thought I lost you, especially to her—” You began to explain but were cut off almost immediately by the sudden feeling of his warm lips crashing against yours, effecting stopping any train of thought.
Sanji slid his other hand around your waist and pulled you in closer as his lips refused to part from yours; deepening the kiss instead until he felt you finally begin to relax under his touch. “You could never lose me,” he said as he pulled back slightly, lips brushing yours as he spoke again. “I love you too, y/n.”
It felt like the air in your lungs had abandoned you as you looked at him with widened eyes, feeling like you had to be imagining this, but there was no way your imagination could perfectly replicate the smell of his cologne and cigarettes or the feeling of his hands on your body.
“Let me prove it to you, my love.”
───── ⋆⋅ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋅⋆ ─────
“Mm... you’re so beautiful, y/n.” Sanji hummed against your skin as he trailed kisses down your jawline, beginning to nip and suck at the delicate skin of your neck with his teeth and eager tongue, loving the taste of you but enjoying your reactions to him even more. “Mine..”
You couldn’t help but whimper and lean your neck to the side to give him better access as he eagerly attempted to leave marks all over your neck and shoulders.
Everywhere his lips touched felt hot and filled you with a need for more, and before you knew it he was between your thighs, lifting the plush flesh over his shoulders with a hungry gaze. “S-Sanji...” You panted when you felt his lips press against your inner thighs, slowly trailing to where you needed him the most.
“Shh, my love.. let me take care of you.” Sanji vocalized as his breath fanned against you, making your stomach clench in anticipation. “I want you to keep your eyes on me, alright baby? Just relax and watch..”
He pressed a tender kiss against your clit before slowly rolling his tongue between your folds, eliciting a whine from your parted lips as you obeyed, not like you even could rip your gaze away from the sight of him between your thighs; he looked so attractive with his determined expression and flushed cheeks from the intimacy.
“Ngh, Sanji..” You sighed as he latched his mouth on your entrance—his tongue lapping against your heat while he gripped your thighs to keep your from squirming away from him. “T-That feels... r-really good..”
Knowing how easy it was to get you to talk for him now made him smirk against you before he plunged his wet muscle past your entrance, relishing in the taste of your fluttering spongy walls with a self indulgent moan as the tip of his nose nuzzled against your clit to give you some much needed friction, making your body jolt from the pleasure.
“God, you taste divine, my love..” He groaned against you before he dove back in, not caring how messy his face was getting from your slick as he explored your depths with one thing on his mind; making you feel so good that you couldn’t focus on anything but him and how much he loved you. Not Pudding — just you.
Your fingers tangled through the gorgeous gold of his hair and gripped the strands you’d always wished you could run your fingers through as you mewled and ground your hips against his mouth, aiding his tongue in reaching deeper inside of your core. “Fuck, p-please don’t stop Sanji..!” You stuttered out as you felt the heat in your abdomen grow to an almost unbearable degree as you looked down at him with a half lidded gaze, absentmindedly pushing his face into your dripping fluttering cunt.
Sanji loved that you weren’t being shy with your needs any longer because he could barely contain himself as your moans made his erection press almost uncomfortably against the mattress below you. He growled sensually and gripped your thighs tighter, pressing your pussy as close to his face as possible; wanting to make you completely lose yourself to the pleasure he provided as he rutted his hips in tandem with your desperate grinding against him.
“M-My love, I’m gonna..” Your voice came out in a low whine as your back arched beautifully off of his mattress, plush thighs clamping tightly around his head as your juices began to gush from your pussy, “Ngh oh fuck, I’m cumming Sanji..!”
Sanji’s ministrations didn’t relent however, there was no way he was going to waste even a single drop of your well deserved release. He withdrew from your walls to lap at your folds and swirl his tongue against your throbbing clit like a starved man. “Good.. that’s it my pretty girl, let go for me...” He coo’d as he greedily cleaned you.
Helpless whines of his name fell from your lips as he continued to pleasure you through your high, not being able to get enough of the adorably lewd faces you were making as you trembled and jolted from his every slow touch.
“Sanji, baby p-please...” You begged with a high pitched tone as your feet dug into his shoulders, eyes rolling back into your skull from the sensation of his touch gradually sending your body into a state of overstimulation. “I c-can’t take it.”
If this were any other situation he would’ve given in to your pleas and eased off, but he could only feel how badly he wanted.. no, needed you right now. “Mmm... I think you can, sweetheart. One more please, just for me..?” He said as he pressed kisses to your tense thighs, rubbing his hands along the bare flesh tenderly.
Goosebumps erupted along your skin as you watched him, swallowing hard before caving in to his request with a firm nod of consent. There was no way you could deny him - not when you had wanted him like this for so long.
Sanji ran a hand down between your thighs and inhaled shakily with desire as he pressed one and then another of his digits against your heat, slowly sinking inside of your walls to loosen your muscles as his mouth latched onto your engorged clit with soft kitten licks. The way you clenched around his fingers while they scissored and stretched you for him made his neglected cock twitch, but your pleasure was all that he cared about in that moment.
“Haah.. Sanji, can you please kiss me?” You begged with a yearning tone as you tugged gently on his hair to make him look at you. All you wanted in this moment was to feel closer to him - to have his body against yours.
Hearing you ask him so sweetly made his attention snap to you. He pulled away from your pussy with a trail of saliva and slick connecting his mouth to your clit before he started to trail kisses up your stomach and chest, wanting to build the tension again before he had you right where he wanted you; begging for more. “Of course, my love. I’ll do anything for you.” His hands dug into the soft flesh of your breasts and kneaded them with his fingers as his lips finally hovered over yours.
Patience was something you lacked as you draped your arms around his neck and pulled him flush against you to kiss him. You nipped his bottom lip and took the opportunity to roll your tongue into his mouth when he gasped in surprise. He tasted like a mixture of his cigarettes and your slick which, made it even more addicting to kiss him. “I need you, Sanji...” Your leg hooked over his hip to press yourself up against his erection.
That was much sooner than he had expected but he wasn’t about to deny you what you wanted, especially when you looked so cute while you were being this needy for him. “Then you’ll have me, y/n.” He said with a breathtaking smile that reached his eyes as he slipped his hand down to hook your other leg over his hip as well. “Just tell me if things get uncomfortable alright? The last thing I want to do is hurt you, my love.”
“I will, baby.” You mumbled as you nodded eagerly, locking your lips with his again as your bodies pressed together; his throbbing dick now rubbing against your folds and making your breath catch in your throat.
Sanji reached down between the two of you and guided himself to your entrance, slowly pressing into your heat inch by inch with a sensual moan as your gummy walls squeezed his cock. “You’re so tight, my love..” He growled sensually as he bottomed out and began to gradually thrust in and out of you to get you accustomed to him. “You look so pretty taking my cock like this.. My pretty girl.”
You winced a little as you felt your walls stretch to accommodate his girth but the pain was gone almost as quickly as it had surfaced due to his mindful attentive movements; it was clear he was constantly being considerate of your pleasure even with his rapidly crumbling restraint. “Ahn.. Sanji, h-harder please..” Your voice was timid, not yet used to making demands of him in the bedroom.
“What was that, my love? You’ll have to speak up.” He said with a smirk as he kept the same pace, leaning forward to latch his mouth on the delicate skin under your jaw, trailing pretty bruises down to your shoulder that he could admire later. “Use that pretty voice of yours.”
“F-Fuck... Please, please go harder!” You whined as you bucked your hips up against his, pressing his cock deeper inside of you but at nowhere near the roughness that you craved. “Please don’t tease me baby, I need you!”
There it was again - those beautiful magic words that flipped Sanji’s switch and made him want to give you everything you could possibly handle. His grip tightened on your hips as his rhythm picked up, causing lewd slapping and pleasurable panting to fill the silence around them. “Can’t leave my pretty girl unsatisfied now, can I?” He hummed as he watched your eyes roll back from the faster pace. “Tell me, how does it feel my love?”
“S-So good..!” You choked out as his tip repeatedly battered against the entrance to your cervix, a ring of your arousal building up around the base of his shaft. “D-Don’t stop!” You slid your arms around his back, fingers digging into his shoulders and causing thin scratch marks to form down his back as you clawed him.
“Good girl.” Sanji groaned and leaned down to kiss you deeply as he felt the last of his restraint burst into flames. He began to pound himself into you so roughly that your legs were forced apart as you were fucked senseless into the mattress. He knew he was getting close but he couldn’t stop when you felt this heavenly. “God you feel amazing, sweetheart..”
All your fucked out mind could manage to utter was mindlessly babbled praise and cries of his name as his thrusts brought you to the edge once more, your walls fluttering around his cock as your legs locked behind him. “Ah..! M’gonna cum Sanji...”
“I know you are, my love... Cum for me.” Sanji commanded softly as he slowed his pace but continued to roughly slam his hips against yours, chasing his own high as you looked up at him with teary overstimulated eyes. He slipped a hand down to rub his finger gently against your throbbing clit. “You did so well. Such a good job for me, my love..”
Hearing him praise you like that while providing the added stimulation against your sensitive nerves made you cry out again and tremble as the tension within you finally snapped practically making you see stars. You reached a powerful climax, squirting your slick all over his cock and soaking the blanket and mattress beneath you in the process with your cum. “Ngh..! I love you, Sanji.” You whimpered before your exhausted body crumpled back down against the bed.
Sanji wasn’t far behind you, moaning as he felt your pussy milking him, but it was your sweet voice telling him that you loved him that sent him over the edge. “I love you too, y/n.” He panted as he sloppily thrusted into your spent pussy a few more times before pressing his hips firmly against you, dick twitching and spilling his release deep inside.
He then followed suit and collapsed on top of you, taking the utmost care to not crush you with his body weight. “God, I love you so much.” He said as he peppered tender kisses across your cheeks, chin, nose, and then finally pressing an affectionate lingering kiss to your sweet swollen lips. “Every inch of you, my love.”
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©HowlTheSanjiSimp. Please do not copy, modify, translate, repost or promote my writing or graphics on other platforms. Please DO feel free to comment, reblog or follow <3
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The Grey Zone 1
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon, manipulation, age gap, bullying, toxic parental figures, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your relationship with your parents has never been good, and that with a family friend takes a strange turn(goth!reader)
Character: Lloyd Hansen
Note: This is what happens when I decide to say fuck it.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you like I love turning intended one shots into series. Take care. 💖
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The scent of matcha dampens your corset. Lucky for you, it’s black and won’t stain. That’s the one worry you rarely face in your life; stains. Dark fabric does more favours than just slimming you.
Still, that sunny side isn’t enough to brighten your mood. Your day has been shrouded in dark clouds. Your wasted Starbucks matcha and spoiled study sessions weigh down your feet, the thick treads of your boots clomping down the pavement. And on the bus, you nearly fell right on your face with no seats free to sit.
You look up as you approach your father’s ranch house style home. He didn’t take much pride in you but the house was always a gem for him to show off. Almost all your life, it was under one renovation or another. He was always trying to fix things up, including you.
Your mother enabled his endless ‘improvements’ so long as he bribed her with something pretty. That was her thing. He builds, she decorates, and you are the one ornament that doesn’t fit. At least, that’s what it’s felt like since your turn towards black nail polish and fishnets at thirteen. Seven years later and there was still the same angst woven into your parental relationships.
You tramp up the steps of the porch, not noticing the figure sat on the handcrafted bench near the large squared paned windows. Mr. Hansen sits with a can of craft beer in hand, arching a brow at the can as he reads it skeptically. He glances over, not so surprised by your sudden appearance. 
You take your earbuds out as the racket scratches from the tiny speakers. You thin your lips, smiles not exactly your forte. He sits up and puts the can down on the bench.
“Tastes like fermented socks,” he says coolly, “your dad never has anything good.”
“Mm,” you grumble as you grip the leather strap of your studded knapsack. “Yeah…”
“You want it? Just don’t tattle on me,” he offers as he taps the aluminum brim.
You shake your head.
“I won’t tell,” he smirks.
“You’re right, it tastes like socks,” you say dully.
He chuckles and brings his hand up, smoothing his palm across the buzzed side of his head. He looks at you, a bit longer than usual. You have the urge to take out your phone and check your reflection. 
“I should–”
“That new?”
You speak at the same time. Awkward. Mr. Hansen isn’t usually that out of sync. He has a confidence that makes you feel even more clueless.
“What?” You blink and twist your toe into the wood.
“That shirt.”
You look down at the boned black corset with the violet trim, over a plain black turtleneck. You got it from a vintage store years ago. You’ve worn it so much, the boning holds the shape of your body. You shake your head and shrug.
“Hmm, looks nice.”
The compliment catches you further off guard than his solitary presence. He’s blunt and to the point. The only person you’ve ever heard tell your father the truth. And you know your style is not to everyone's taste.
Looking at him, it's definitely not his. Cream coloured pants, burgundy loafers with golden buckles, and polo striped in shades of goldenrod and garnet.
“Thanks,” you keep from sucking your lip in, not wanting to smear your lip stain. “I should… go.”
“Sure,” he sits back, leaning against the window frame, “if you see your dad, send him out. He ditched me like fifteen minutes ago to find some nonsense sports card.”
“Right,” you continue across the porch.
In your peripheral, his head turns but you don’t meet his gaze. You pull open the screen door, innately aware of him watching you. Why?
The interior door is ajar. You step inside and the spring of the screen snaps it shut behind you. You put your bag on the console table just inside, and lean on it as you unlace your boots. Your mother would subject you to her shrill disapproval if you leave dirt on the runner again.
As you stand, you check your reflection in the round mirror hung on the wall, a frame of golden oak leaves around it. You don’t look that bad. You fixed most of your smeared eyeliner before you left the mall and your lip stain has stuck pretty well. You might be a bit shiny from sweat but nothing egregious.
Before you can grab your bag, the screen door opens. You wince and look at Mr. Hansen as he enters. He is close as he lets the door shut softly and you quickly snatch your knapsack and move away from him. 
“Second thought, gotta hit the bathroom,” he explains but pauses and wiggles his nose, the gesture made more obvious by the trim of hair beneath, “smells like grass.”
“Uh, yeah,” you sling your bag from your elbow, “spilled my tea.”
“Probably a good thing if it smells like a lawn,” he scoffs and kicks off his velvet loafers.
“Probably,” you agree glumly and turn away.
“Too bad though. Hope you didn’t burn yourself.”
You stop again, at the bottom of the stairs. You glance back at him. He’s being strangely nice. This isn’t the same man who called you Wednesday Addams and teased you how he was certain that you must sleep in a coffin. Is something wrong? Is your dad okay?
“Hey,” your dad’s voice booms down the stairs above you. You spin and look up at his descent. He carries the old cigar box he keeps his collectibles in, “home early. Thought you were studying.”
“Yeah, uh, I’m just going to do it here–” you say.
“Your mother wants you to help with dinner tonight,” he doesn’t let you finish. As he nears he stops, looking you up and down like he always does. You have to know that he hates everything about you. “Colourful.”
“Dad,” you whisper a weak plea.
He doesn’t answer you as he shoulders past. You frown but don’t look back. You don’t want to show how much it hurts. Even if it happens every day, it still crushes you. It’s just clothes, why does he care so much? You remember the day he stopped taking you to car shows with him, the day you refused to take out your earrings. That was the switch.
“Studying, huh? Boring, but admirable,” Mr. Hansen comments, “think most dad’s would love to hear that from their daughters, huh, Ray?”
Your father just huffs, “depends what they’re studying.”
You keep on up the stairs. You won’t argue, not in front of company. Especially not in front of Mr. Hansen.
“Degree isn’t worth much when you dress like that,” you hear his remark before you get to the top. 
You peek back downstairs but can’t see the landing below. Funny, you got a job and they don’t care what you wear, they just want you to show up. If only you had the courage to say it out loud. If only it would make a difference.
You shuffle to your room, just down the hall from your father’s. He occupies the primary room and your mother sleeps in her studio, just the next doorway. They can be amiable, given they don’t spend too much time together. Their relationship is more transactional than affectionate.
You wouldn’t know much about that, though. You’re only guessing. The closest you got to a relationship was when Travis invited you under the bleaches… that’s a memory worth forgetting.
You close your door before you can get carried away. You stopped worrying about your parents’ marriage right before high school. You realised then, there wasn’t any use in fretting in it. In fact, you became almost hopeful that one day they would split.
You put your bag on your bed and look around. The vanity you painted black stands beside the dark curtains. Little bat stickers decorate the edges of the mirror, your collection of antique vials and painted bottles line one side, and your make up chest sits on the other. It’s your little cave, the one place no one can tell you who to be.
You turn on the lamp in the shape of a crystal ball. You undo your corset and peel off your turtleneck, leaving the damp clothing in the hamper. You pull on a black and white striped sweater instead. 
You unpack your laptop and climb up on your high queen. The frame has curling iron posts, a particularly gothic design with a peak at the center of the headboard. You love it even if it scratches the paint off the wall.
You pile your pillows up, building a cosy nest to catch up on your work. It’s maybe ten minutes before there’s pounding on your door. Your mother doesn’t wait for an answer. You’ve learned not to expect her to. You look over as she flips on the overhead lights, ruining the subtle ambience of your bedside lamp.
“Uh, hello,” she snips, “your dad said he told you about dinner.”
You frown, “it’s only four–”
“Yes, and? I’m making a bouillabaisse. It needs lots of time,” she retorts, “besides, the table will need to be set for our company.”
“Company? You mean Mr. Hansen–”
“Er yeah,” she sniffs, “don’t be so dumb and stop asking questions.”
“Just curious,” you close your laptop and push yourself across the bed, “coming…”
Your voice trails off as your mother’s already gone, your door left slightly ajar. You huff and follow her tracks, her steps on the stairs as you get to the hallway. You pull your door shut behind you, checking to make sure the fault mechanism catches.
You continue downstairs and follow the impatient clanging of your mother. She’s never very subtle. She already has a glass of red on the counter. She’ll bark at you over it as she tells you exactly how to cook and refuse to do any of it herself.
“Oh, honey,” she says dramatically as she slams the soup pot on the burner, “you look so grim. What happened to that new gloss I bought you?”
“The pink stuff?” You utter as you pick at your sleeves.
“It went so nice with your complexion,” she preens, “it would look so nice with a new dress. I was online shopping today–”
“Mom,” you cross your arms.
“Don’t be a brat. You know, when I was your age, I would’ve loved if my mother still bought me clothes. She made me work for everything I had. She wouldn’t even buy me tampons.”
“I’m sorry,” you murmur.
“Don’t be sorry, get the fish out. Don’t forget the mussels…”
You do as she says. You take out the vast array of fish along with the vegetables she lists off. She empties her glass by the time you start adding ingredients to the blender for the base. You’ve never been a fan of the dish but the last time you tried to convince her on something similar, you went to bed with a stinging cheek. She pours a second glass as you run the motor, holding it extra long to override her nagging.
She leans on the counter, swirling her glass. You can smell her cabinet-laced breath. She’s tipsy already. You add oil to the pot and wait for it to heat up.
“You look so dreary in black,” she mopes, “what happened to my little girl?”
“I’m twenty,” you offer flatly.
“Oh, you started this long before that,” she snarls, “you never wanted to be pretty for your mama.”
“I…” you look down, “this is pretty. To me.”
“You look like one of those girls on the internet…” her head wobbles and she slurps from her glass, “I’ve seen the type. They wear tights like yours and nothing else. What are you always doing on your computer, anyway?”
The accusation scalds you. You shake your head and add the chopped onion, fennel, and leek to the hot oil. This isn’t the first time she’s made the insinuation. Like that time she found certain websites saved on your father’s iPad. It couldn’t have been him, he wouldn’t look at those things. And there was only one other person to blame.
“Schoolwork,” you sigh, “mom,” you look at her wine glass, almost empty again, “how about some water–”
“How about you don’t tell me what to do,” she points at you with a long red nail, “I am your mother, not the other way around.”
“I know,” you grab a rubber spatula and push around the veggies and oil. The fragrant aroma rises in the air. It stokes your appetite.
“Mmm, something smells delicious,” Mr. Hansen’s voice enters ahead of him as you glance over.
Your mother turns and leans her elbows back on the counter, pushing her chest out. You know this part too. Not just with him but the gardener and even the garbage man. Your eyes flick to Mr. Hansen’s before you quickly return your attention to the pot.
“Looks delicious too,” your mother slithers as she leers at him, “Lloyd, I didn’t even get a chance to thank you for the merlot!” She raises her glass sloppily, “there’s enough left for you.”
“Ah, Connie, that’s nice of you,” he replies as he nears, “but it’s cabernet, actually. And my stomach was turned by that craft bullshit.” 
He comes close to the stove, standing beside you as he peers down into the pot. The heat from the stove couples with that of his proximity. Your mother drains her glass and pulls away from the counter.
“More for me,” she chimes and grabs the bottle.
You feel a warmth on your lower back as Mr. Hansen’s cologne mingles with the scent of your cooking, “what’s for dinner, sweetheart?”
You realise he’s touching you. His hand slips under the wool of your sweater and his thumb rubs the skin along the top of your pants. You freeze and keep your hand steady as you simmer the veggies. You peek over at your mother, she’s too distracted with her glass.
“Bouillabaisse,” you answer in a brittle voice. You shift and his hand falls away, grazing the top of your pocket, a tickle on your ass. 
“Mmm, fish,” he purrs, “I’m starving.”
“Shoo, shoo,” your mother waves her hand at him, “won’t cook faster with you hovering around.”
“Fine, fine,” he raises his hands defensively, “don’t burn yourself, Connie. I see you doing all this hard work–”
“Oh, you,” she sneers and grabs the dish cloth from in front of you where it hangs from the oven handle. She whips the end in his direction, “no wonder you and my husband get along.” She snaps him with it again, “you’re a bunch of jackasses.”
He cackles, unbothered by her anger, but retreating nonetheless. You keep your head down and your mother takes another thick gulp. She scoffs.
“Men,” she slurs, “no good. If you won’t listen to me about anything, you take that in, hon. They’re all trash.”
You refuse to look after Mr. Hansen or think about the shadow of his touch on your skin. Men are confusing, that’s enough to keep you away.
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naomeii · 6 months
A dragon's guide to courting.
—Pairings: Zhongli x F!Reader
Content : fluff, crack, cue confused zhongli, slight jealousy, drabble.
Synopsis : Zhongli is an intelligent man, no doubt, but he's dumb in understanding the ways mortals court.
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It was another bustling day at Y/n's flower shop in Liyue. The fragrant scent of blossoms filled the air as customers browsed through the colorful arrangements. Little did Y/n know, Zhongli, the seemingly stoic consultant, had developed an interest in her that went beyond the usual scholarly pursuits.
One sunny afternoon, as Y/n struggled to shift some heavy pots, Zhongli appeared out of nowhere, effortlessly assisting her. With a polite nod and a grateful smile, Y/n noticed a glint of amusement in Zhongli's eyes. As she unearthed a particularly pretty pebble from the soil, Zhongli's eyes followed her every move.
"Look at this, Zhongli! Isn't it charming?" Y/n exclaimed, giving him the pebble.
Zhongli, never one to express emotions overtly, cracked a small smile and accepted the gift. Little did Y/n know, this innocent exchange set off a chain of events that would leave her utterly bewildered.
The next day, Zhongli returned the favor. He handed Y/n a similar pebble, and she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Uh, thanks?" she said, unsure of the significance behind the gesture.
Zhongli, however, believed this was the mortal way of expressing interest. Determined to court Y/n in the way of the dragons, he began showering her with gifts – expensive trinkets, handfuls of Mora that seemed to multiply like rabbits, and lavish presents that left Y/n gaping.
"Zhongli, seriously, are you a secret Fatui agent? Is this much Mora even legal?" Y/n exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock.
"I assure you, my wealth is legitimate," Zhongli replied with a goofy smile, completely missing the confusion etched across Y/n's face.
Not one to be deterred, Zhongli continued his extravagant courtship. Y/n, feeling overwhelmed, sought guidance from her friend Childe, who was equally clueless.
"What's up with Zhongli, Childe? He's giving me stuff like there's no tomorrow," Y/n whispered, glancing over at Zhongli, who was watching them with an intense gaze.
Childe cluelessly waved at Zhongli, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing. "I think your consultant friend is gonna burn holes in my head with his glaring," he whispered back, causing Y/n to giggle.
Just as Y/n started to unravel the mystery with Childe, Zhongli swooped in, making up some excuse and whisking her away, leaving Childe standing there with a bemused expression.
"Zhongli, what's going on?" Y/n finally asked, her confusion reaching its peak.
Zhongli, wearing a pout that looked almost comical on his usually composed face, handed her another pebble. "I thought you might like another one."
Y/n sighed, adding yet another pebble to her growing collection.
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Y/n's room had transformed into a chaotic display of Zhongli's courtship attempts. Trinkets, stones, and various lavish gifts adorned every available surface. It was like a dragon's hoard in miniature, and Y/n couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.
In her flower shop, the situation was no different. The counter was cluttered with sparkling stones, and the shelves were home to a variety of odd trinkets that Zhongli had bestowed upon her. It was like a secret treasure trove hidden within the blossoms.
As Y/n admired a particularly ornate stone, the shop's bell jingled, and in walked Childe, ever the playful troublemaker.
"Hey there, Y/n! I see you've got yourself a playboy millionaire or maybe a sugar daddy," Childe teased, winking mischievously.
Y/n rolled her eyes, accustomed to Childe's banter. "You wish, Childe. It's just Zhongli being… well, Zhongli."
As if on cue, Zhongli entered the shop, holding yet another wrapped gift. Completely ignoring Childe, he walked straight toward Y/n with a focused determination.
"Ah, Y/n. I have something for you," Zhongli said, presenting the gift with a small smile.
Y/n groaned, "Not again, Zhongli. I don't need more stuff."
Childe chimed in, "Come on, Zhongli, share the wealth! I wouldn't mind a little gift myself."
Zhongli shot Childe a glare that could freeze water. "These gifts are only for my mate," he declared, emphasizing the word 'mate' in a way that left Childe looking thoroughly confused.
"Who calls someone a mate these days?" Childe whispered to Y/n, who shrugged in response.
Childe, undeterred, draped an arm around Y/n's shoulder. "Well, if you've got a mate, then I want in on the action too!"
Zhongli's jealousy flared up, and he excused himself, muttering something about needing to attend to important matters. Y/n sighed, caught in the middle of their peculiar dynamic.
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Later, as Y/n closed her flower shop, she noticed Zhongli sulking in the shadows nearby. His usually composed demeanor had given way to a hint of vulnerability. Y/n couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy.
"Zhongli, what's bothering you?" she asked, approaching him cautiously.
"You and Childe seem close," Zhongli remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of disappointment.
Y/n, caught off guard, furrowed her brows in confusion. "Well, yeah, he's a friend. Why?"
Zhongli's gaze drifted away, lost in thought. "I may have misunderstood the nature of your relationship. It seems my attempts at courtship are not as effective as I had hoped."
The puzzled pieces finally clicked in Y/n's head. She cupped Zhongli's face, forcing him to meet her gaze. "Zhongli, you're courting me? Why didn't you say anything?"
A genuine surprise painted Zhongli's features as he spoke, "I assumed… I thought the gifts and gestures would convey my intentions."
Y/n burst into laughter. "Zhongli, you're a fantastic consultant, but when it comes to courting, you're seriously lacking in communication."
Before Zhongli could respond, a pebble appeared in his hand as if summoned by magic. He presented it to Y/n with a slight flourish, a sheepish smile playing on his lips.
Y/n deadpanned, "Another pebble, huh? Are you secretly a geo-vision magician or something?"
Zhongli chuckled, "I thought you might appreciate it."
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "Zhongli, you don't need to impress me with gifts. Just tell me what you feel."
His stoic demeanour wavered, replaced by a more earnest expression. "I… I value our time together, Y/n. And I may have underestimated the importance of straightforward communication in matters of the heart."
Y/n grinned, realizing the depth of Zhongli's feelings. "Well, now that we've cleared that up, maybe you can court me like a normal person."
Zhongli nodded with a soft smile, relieved that Y/n seemed receptive to his unconventional courtship.
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sanjisprincesswifey · 7 months
I’m so excited for this event I love Christmas! ❤️ Can I request Sanji, Ace or Zoro with an afab!reader? Thank you! 🎁
i love christmas too, thank you for participating! :)
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you’ve received zoro + getting each other for secret santa
❆ : dorky, clueless, and in love zoro, no gender implied but reader is staying in the same room as nami and robin, 600+ words!
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shit, shit, shit.
zoro knew he’d get in huge trouble if anyone caught him in here. sure, 
if it was you or robin all you’d get was a stern talking to and had it been nami, a pretty good beating and a fine, that was doable. but if any of the guys caught him he’d be labeled pervert till the end of time and he could not live with being teased by sanji for that long. 
right now he’s dug deep into your closet, riffling through scattered clothing items and old shoe boxes, nothing helpful. 
when he hesitantly agreed to participate in the crew’s secret santa, he didn’t think it would cause him so much stress. 
there was eight other names he could’ve drawn, but luck was not in zoro’s favor today when he chose yours. 
he didn’t really know you, if he was being honest. he didn’t want to; well…it’s more like he was afraid to.
getting to know you, close to you, meant that he would have to admit how he felt. 
admit that the sliver of personality he found himself seeking was enough to drive him insane. how knowing you for the few months you had been aboard the sunny you had unearthed a new feeling, a strange, complicated, fuzzy feeling that he strangely enjoyed. 
he rifles through boxes of old photos, childhood items you brought with you, nothing really clueing him in about your interests. 
as he hunches over your desk drawers, he notices a familiar piece of paper. he recognized the material from usopp’s sketch book, it was unmistakable. unfolding the page, he scans over the drawing with wide eyes. 
both his and your image is illustrated on the page, an unmistakable blush colored your cheeks as doodle him smiled so brightly at you. it was strange to see his features detailed this way, he doesn't even remember being so happy.
the day flashes back through his mind; it was one of the first times he realized how severe his feelings had grown to be. 
you two were resting on the mast of the sunny together, zoro was teasing sanji per usual and you just happened to join in. when he listened to your soft giggles escape your lips, attempting to hold yourself back as sanji’s rage increased, zoro found a new, more enticing reason to tease the cook. 
usopp must’ve happened to witness the whole event, enough to capture the image in his sketch book, at least. 
your voice breaks the silence in the room, immediately jolting zoro’s body as he attempts to put the drawing back exactly where it had been. 
as your footsteps ascend from down the hall, he begins to panic, searching for any place to hide in the room. 
“zoro? what’re you doing in here?” you question, glancing around the room noticing your side had become noticeably disheveled from when you left it this morning. 
his mouth runs dry as he tries to think of any excuse that could save him right now. “you see, luffy, he, uh—“
“were you searching through my stuff?” 
you step towards him, causing him to back up until he reaches the desk he was once inspecting. the items on top rattle as his large body collides with them as you stand merely inches away from him. 
“and why do you seem so nervous?” you smirk, dragging a finger up his stiffened arm until you reach underneath his chin. 
he can’t seem to look away from you as you glance up at him through your lashes. 
“i, uh—i got to go, sorry,” he screeches, somehow slipping out from your body and darting for the door. 
you giggle to yourself, noticing the ajar drawer in your desk. you collect the piece of paper he was mesmerized by before, smiling back towards his exit. 
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likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! (✿◠‿◠)
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inkpot909 · 21 days
Falling for an Oblivious Reader Headcanons
↳ Characters included are Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli. Gender neutral Reader with they/them pronouns.
A/n: Exploring these guys’ inability to spit it the hell out was extremely fun. What a couple of disaster men.
Warning(s): None.
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Johnny Joestar
At first, he’ll wonder if he’s just out of practice.
Johnny’s never been interested in someone so oblivious they miss every little hint or flirtatious remark he throws their way. Having been a famous jockey, people used to flock to him; he hardly needed to even try.
But by the time of the Steel Ball Run, he hasn’t been with anyone romantically in a good while. He could count how many years since, but he would rather not keep track.
And you’re not exactly making things easy for him.
Going about your day looking the way you do… and then having the audacity to not pick up a single signal from him (Or anyone else for that matter). Honestly, it should be illegal.
Johnny’s natural instinct, unfortunately, is to immediately assume he’s not what’s clicking. Lord, am I… not being obvious enough? he often wonders.
It’d be one thing if you wanted to outright reject him; he can handle rejection (No, really, he can). It’s just the way the horse gallops sometimes.
But you don’t even seem to notice at all and that’s what’s so frustrating to him.
Just thinking of it can make annoyance fester inside his mind. Gyro throws him a knowing look whenever it’s visibly getting to him; to you it just seems like his mood spikes at random.
His annoyance isn’t directed at you, of course, but at himself (As much as he outwardly blames you, it’s really just a front).
Has he really lost his ‘skills?’ Did the passing years make him completely forget how to flirt with someone? Gyro seems really keen on telling him that’s the case.
And Johnny is nothing if not contrarian to everything Gyro says.
The guy is bending over backwards, doing anything he can do to try to impress you. All while Gryo is not-so-subtly ragging on him over it in the background.
“Quit it! For the love of God-“
“Awe, c’mon Johnny, it’s not like they’re noticing anyways!”
Johnny hates how right Gyro can be.
He’s metaphorically tripping over himself left and right, feeling like he’s at the same level of a clueless middle schooler desperately trying to seem ‘cool’ in front of a crush. Gyro’s damn near crying of laughter at his struggle to make you get it…
But all you do is just stand to the side. Smiling kindly, and blinking without an ounce of procession of his actual intent behind your pretty eyes.
Agony… Johnny Joestar is in pure agony… you’re lucky he finds you cute.
You’re so frustratingly oblivious he can’t even tell if you might like him back, and at this point he’s honestly just trying to get a read on your feelings before he spells it out for you bluntly.
Such an approach is needed with you, apparently.
It’s around this time too that he realizes… Holy shit, they’re really just that oblivious.
Someone else approached you at a bar during one of your numerous stops during the race. Both Johnny and Gyro knew exactly what they were getting at the moment they walked over, a sly smile presented on their face.
All while you sipped from your drink, your expression and tone of voice so casual one might assume your simply discussing the weather.
Johnny isn’t ashamed to admit he felt a sense of pride as the person ultimately walked off, giving up.
Luckily for you, Johnny is not.
You’ve stolen his heart so completely without even trying… he can admit to himself it’s a beautiful thing- if he detaches himself from his own frustration.
He’s going to keep trying to get you notice; try to get a read on however you feel about him. Even if it takes him the entire Steel Ball Run to do so!
And, yes, it does take that long.
Gyro Zeppeli
So what, you didn’t notice the first time he winked at you? It was real sunny out that day- the light probably shined in your eye and made you miss it.
Whatever, if his first flirtation or two ultimately fell on deaf ears. Statistically speaking, not every line is going to land the way he wants.
Who cares if his apparent interest in you is obvious to literally every one other than you? It’s your loss, to be honest.
Not that he really cares.
And you know what? He doesn’t care so much he’ll snap at Johnny for bringing it up. He’s not bothered by it… so why does the guy feel the need to mention his failed attempts at showing interest? Really, it’s just a little annoying the jockey thinks it matters to him at all.
… it should go without saying that he does not handle the frustration well at all in the beginning.
He won’t necessarily blame himself.
He is aware of his own ability to flirt, and his past has granted him a sense of confidence in it. Gyro’s certainly the forward type, and knows that.
Yet, everything he says or does seems to go right over your pretty head. It’s a not a notion meant to flatter you either- one he keeps to himself with pouted lips and arms crossed.
It’s a rather childish anger directed towards you, but it doesn’t last too long.
Eventually, he also comes to the (Begrudging) conclusion that he really cannot blame you. Gyro realizes this around the same time he figures his liking of you goes far deeper than a casual fling.
And if anything, he’s going to start directing his frustration towards the people in your past.
Clearly, no one’s really hit on you before… or worse, something happened to you that made you think no one ever would- so thick-headed in that belief that you don’t even perceive it.
It’s in Gyro’s nature to let his mind ponder the ‘why’ behind your obliviousness- especially when he thought he was being so obvious about it.
Either possibility makes him want to find whoever contributed to your inability to pick up a signal, grab them by the shoulders, and shake them violently.
But with time, he’s going to find it endearing (Not that he’s ever admit it out loud).
Look at you… riding your prized horse as if you’re not the most beautiful person in the Steel Ball Run. And the smirk doesn’t at all falter even when the three of you stop at a dingy town for the night.
“I’ve had three strangers walk up to me since we entered the saloon… the people in this town are so friendly!”
“Y/n, dear, they’re all trying to hit on you.”
“What? No way! They just wanted to talk about the race over a drink or two. One of them said they had gin from France up in his hotel room. Can you believe that? Sounds delicious, right?”
“… good lord, Y/n.”
It’d be funnier if he wasn’t another trying and failing to flirt his way into making you open your damn eyes.
At some point, Gyro just has to spit it out.
It comes during the climax of one of the race’s many stopping points. It’d been looming over his mind for weeks, and if someone were to ask him (Okay, if Johnny asks him) he would bitterly grumble that it’s been affecting his scores.
His logic behind doing this at specifically that point in time… flawless.
How are you going to blissfully remain in the dark if he’s shouting his confession at you from the finish line in front of a large group of confused onlookers?
They just wanted to see the race… not one of the top contestants with a heavy Italian accent declaring his love for you while damn-near standing on top of his horse.
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
Zoro Taking Care of You (FLUFF)
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@roronoaswifey ❤️
Black Fem Reader
CW: Established Relationship, Mentions of stomach pains ig, Clueless YetSoft!Zoro
I dont usually like posting on Sundays but why tf nat.
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“Where is she?”
Zoro kept mumbling through the entire Sunny looking for you. You usually were under him or he under you when he woke up from his afternoon nap, but you weren’t and it made the boy a bit upset.
Cranky at best.
Maybe even pissy. But don’t tell him that, he would never admit he relies on you to take a proper nap.
“What the hell could she be?”
He grumbled around, heavy feet hitting the wodden floors of the entire ship until he back tracked hearing your voice from a cracked door.
There you were, in the fetal position, holding your tummy, your legs keep moving up and down against each other as if that could possibly soothe the consistent pain you’ve been feeling for what seems like HOURS.
You looked a mess, felt a mess, and seeing your big boyfriend look at you with a contorted expression didnt help.
“Zooooooo.” You whined throwing your arm up weakly, motioning him to come closer, you felt a bit conflicted though, you hated to have your man see you like this, so weak, so helpless, and just wanted to die at that point.
Little did you know Zoro hated whenever you got like this every month.
He usually keeps his distance, you’re a bit moodier and don’t like to be bothered, but this was different, you really were in a different kind of pain and without much words being exchanged he cautiously walked over to you, his big warm palm rested on your thigh.
“You um…you okay?”
“Do I look fuckin—-“ You couldn’t even finish your irritated snap back a sharp pain already knocked the wind out of you, causing you to spill out a whimper.
Zoro groaned, rolling his eyes, not because he didn’t care but because even in discomfort you still wanna be a little smart ass.
“Move over.”
“I can’t….ZOOOO!”
Without thought you felt his big bare strong arms curl around your body, to lift you and place you on the other side of the bed, throwing off his shirt Zoro wraps his arms around you again to place on his soften chest.
You wasn’t sure why, maybe it was his scent, the way his hand was rested on your arm rubbing up and down so softly against your skin, or maybe it was the small forehead kiss against your soft curls, but Almost in an instant you felt like crying, and due to your hormones that’s what you did.
His panic ALMOST made you laugh, but you held it in to look up at his worried eyes, with the last bit of strength you had you touched his flustered cheek to kiss it. Feeling his face relax a bit from the sheer fear that was in his face.
“You didn’t. Thank you…”
Zoro looks at your tired eyes. Your body was used to sleeping against his that his warm immediately made you sleepy, he gently pushes your head back down into his neck.
Your boyfriend turns to your mirror beside your bed, seeing your sleeping figure, one of your legs over his, like you guys usually sleep, face lightly frowning due to subtle pains arising again, he looks at your hand pressed against your lower tummy and replaces it with his giant warmer one. He notices your face starting to soothe and he smirks, rubbing small circles against you.
He kept staring at you. Your face so soft, so gorgeous in his eyes, dammit he didn’t know what to do with you, if he could he’d just keep you inside his pocket to protect you from everything, and if he could; your cramps as well.
He looked back down, your lips just inches from his he notices your pretty plumped lips , he just couldn’t help himself from giving it a light peck, cheeks beginning to turn red hoping you wont catch him in the act as he still rubs your belly.
“Feel better, mama…”
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popatochisssp · 6 months
hey, poppy! i have a question: how much do the skeletons know about humanity by the time they surface? just in general—things like anatomy and physiology; language and culture; sex and sexuality, etc. they clearly get at least some pop culture stuff underground, but in dirty laundry you wrote rus not knowing what it was when the reader's stomach growled and i loved that little detail, so... just how clueless (and "clueful", too, i guess lmfao) are the skeletons about human stuff?
It varies!
You’re right that most of their knowledge about humans and things that go on for them up on the surface are mostly learned or inferred from pop-culture that happened to fall down—there’s a lot of random chance involved in that, and even more, things about the human experience that don’t get written about or depicted in media very much, if at all, so this is obviously not a complete education on the culture and functioning of humanity.
Some things are included, and some get left out—and some can be discovered if the skeleton in question has a significant enough personal interest in humans to dig deeper into their garbage and be exposed to more information about them.
But even then, there’s also a big difference between knowing (or reading once) that humans have an organ that circulates liquid through their body, and actually hearing the sound that makes from a human’s chest and feeling the thump.
Anyway, that’s a lot just to say that how much they know about humans is pretty scattered and varies a bit skeleton to skeleton, so…
Pretty knowledgeable about many human things, might only rarely be caught by surprise: Sky (Underswap Sans), Paps (Underswap Papyrus), Mal (Swapfell Sans), Papy (Horrortale Papyrus), Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus), King (Horrorfell Papyrus), Merc (Horrorswap Sans), Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus), Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans), Aster (Gastertale Papyrus), Xanth (Ascendswap Sans), Piper (Ascendswap Papyrus), Vi (Swapfell Fruition Sans), Kohl (Descendtale Sans)
Average knowledge of how humans work, a little fuzzy on the nuances but he’s mostly got the gist of it, probably: Sans (Undertale), Jasper (Underfell Sans), Slate (Horrortale Sans), Ash (Undergloom Sans), Brick (Horrorfell Sans), Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus), Spectr (Transcendtale Sans), PapAIrus (Transcendtale Papyrus), Hunter (Swapfell Fruition Papyrus)
Pretty much clueless, has figured out most of the basics but in for lots of surprises as he figures out the rest: Papyrus (Undertale), Pyre (Underfell Papyrus), Rus (Swapfell Papyrus), Sunny (Gastertale Sans), Carmine (Underfell Fruition Sans), Tank (Underfell Fruition Papyrus), Bram (Descendtale Papyrus)
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bep1erfics · 1 year
lee seunghwan - sweet dreams 💗
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after strolling downtown, the sunny afternoon soon turned into chaos. in an instant, the clouds turned dark. you decided to browse around the crowded streets, but forgot to check the weather.
rain kept pouring down, so you ran through and crossed the road, finding shelter at the secluded cafe you often went to.
as you walked in, the strong aroma of coffee beans hit your nostrils. but, there was no time to admire the cutely decorated cafe. your hair was a mess, clothes were completely soaked and your heart raced as if you had ran a marathon.
“i’m so sorry, but can i wait here until the rain lessens down?”
you plopped yourself down on the chair, but looked up when you hear a slight chuckle.
“the weather out there is pretty harsh, isn’t it?”
the tall & handsome barista sent you a grin after seeing you in such a bad state. you couldn’t help but notice how good looking he was, even from a far distance.
you couldn’t remember seeing this guy working all those other times you visited the cafe. was he new?
instantly, your pale face starts to turn bright red as you looked homeless compared to the well put together gentleman. seeing as you rudely barged in, buying a drink would be the best decision to break the awkward atmosphere.
you walked up to the counter, but the barista stopped you.
“wait here, i’ll get you a towel”
he rushes through the back door and comes with a towel & a spare change of clothes.
“you can change in the bathroom if you like. i’d feel horrible if i let a pretty girl like you sit in wet clothes”
he puts the towel around your neck and slightly smiles, gesturing you to the bathroom.
you quickly ran off and locked yourself in the bathroom stall, feeling your crimson stained cheeks as the raven hair’s sweet tone sent butterflies roaming in your stomach. you didn’t know this guy, but god, why was he so attractive?
you take a look at the spare change of clothes he gave you. it was a plain sweater and sweatpants. you tried the clothes on, but they were so oversized it looked as if you were wearing a trash bag.
walking out, the tall barista winks at you while he was serving the newer customers that just entered the cafe.
you rolled your eyes as you waited in the line. after all buying a drink was the least you could do to thank him.
“what can i get for you, angel?”
you silently death stared the giant and ignored his flirtatious remarks. looking at the menu, you couldn’t decide what drink you wanted.
the tall barista looked at your facial expressions. your indecisive face told him that you didn’t know which drink to get.
“the strawberry chocolate-chip frappé suits you. it’ll probably cool down your hot temper as well”
the guy snorts at his own joke while you grit your teeth together
“sweet, i’ll bring your order to you once it’s ready”
you sat down at the table you previously were at before and watched as he prepared your drink. suddenly, you realised you forgot to pay due to being embarrassed AND annoyed.
just as you were about to stand up, the tall barista places the pink drink on your table.
you looked up at the giant, completely dumbfounded.
the tall barista gazed into your clueless eyes, leaning on the table which made his collar bones & biceps visable.
“it’s on me, i’ll pay for it”
he gave you a wink and a pointed to cup. after that, he went back to taking on orders.
“don’t worry about paying. in return, i want to get to know you better :)
- seunghwan “
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aubreysheadspace · 1 year
hii, how are you? hope you're doing good! so, could i request headcanons with omori main cast where reader got sick? (or, if you think it would be easier to write, it can be whee reader is the youngest in the group and how characters would treat them)
anyways, don't worry if you need to reject it for some reason! take care and i love your account! :(( 💝
WAAA hi hi I’ve been doing good! tysm for asking you’re too sweet <33 I’ll do your first request since it’s the one you requested in the first place <:] hope u enjoy!!~
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SUNNY is a bit dumbfounded when it comes to his partner being sick
he’s not sure what medicine to use at all, they all look the same
please, PLEASE tell him which one it is
he doesn’t know much about taking care of someone who’s sick
but he does know that you need rest, tons of it
let him make you rest on his bed, i promise it’s comfortable
or if you’re sick at your own house, SUNNY will make sure you’re not getting up from your bed
"SUNNY— SUNNY please i have to pee." you exclaim earning a head shake from said-boy. he keeps you on the bed and makes sure you don’t get up.
when he actually gives you medicine, he does it pretty okay
except for that one time where he accidentally drops a lot of the liquid medicine onto the floor from the spoon he had
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another slightly clueless one
AUBREY never usually got sick, and when she did she usually relied on either one of her friends to help her when she was younger
except for KEL, definitely except for KEL
so when she comes over to your house and finds you in bed, she’s a bit clueless at first
"hey, you gonna stay in bed all day or what? we’re gonna go out on our scooters, you don’t wanna miss that." AUBREY said with a huge smirk on her face, referring to the HOOLIGANS.
"…AUBREY, i’m sick." "oh"
well, now she’s staying at your house just to keep you company n stuff
whatever you ask of her, and only if it’s to help you get better, she’ll get it
she’ll definitely call you out if you want her to get a bag of chips or something
"[READER], a bag of chips is not gonna make you feel better, I’m not stupid!"
she would gladly do the honors of giving you medicine,
and if you don’t wanna drink the medicine, too damn bad!
she needs you up and ready to hang around, she can’t have you lying in bed all day just because you’re sick
…she never admits it though
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he’s becoming a doctor instead of a chef just for his parents.. he’s the most capable one out of the group.
he checks your temperature, makes sure you’re in bed at most times (actually letting you get up to go pee unlike SUNNY), and gives you proper medicine
if you’re missing out on school work, he’ll definitely do it for you!
he wants to make sure you make a full recovery!
he’ll keep a distance to make sure he doesn’t get sick as well
he’s a bit slightly strict on you if you don’t wanna take your medicine
"[READER] if you don’t take your medicine, you’ll get even more sick! you don’t want that, do you?" HERO said in a tone of worry, his smile a bit uneasy. however, you’re a bit stubborn.
"i’d rather be sick than drink that! it tastes gross every-time i do!" you protested, earning a disappointed head shake and a groan from HERO.
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if you though SUNNY was worse,
oh boy.
well, KEL tries his hardest for this but uh.. maybe get his own brother for stuff like this
he always asks HERO for help though, since he’s the future doctor!
so when you’re in bed trying to rest, it gets boring.. well not if you’re with KEL!
he’ll show up to your house and talks up a storm with you for hours and hours, telling you about his day and all other things!
he’ll do the talking so you don’t have to if your throat hurts! isn’t he nice?
"oh, oh! i also played outside my house with HECTOR today! i kept throwing the ball for him for about a few hours until my mom called me in for lunch! oh and my lunch was so good! it was—"
KEL will actually at least feed you the medicine like a baby
if you refuse the medicine, he’ll puff his cheeks angrily and say that he will hold in his breath again UNLESS you take it
if you’re still stubborn, KEL will have no choice but to give up and breathe again
but please just take the medicine, he won’t stop even after he catches his breath again
KEL is also stubborn, and you can’t possibly beat him at being stubborn
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the third most capable one
POLLY gave him a few tips on how to take care of someone being sick
so when he comes over to your house, he’ll absolutely try his best
he’ll make you some soup, something POLLY recommended
he isn’t used to cooking, but he’ll try his best with it just for you!
at least tell him the soup doesn’t taste good
he doesn’t want you feeling worse because of his mediocre cooking skills
he would ask HERO for tips on cooking, but he doesn’t want to leave you all alone!
and PLEASE take the medicine
BASIL is a pushover and he really wants you to take the medicine
if you refuse it at first, he’d be a bit sad but won’t give you the medicine if you really don’t want it
but he’ll be really worried, so don’t make him worry and just take the medicine
"o-okay [READER]! it’s time to take your medicine." BASIL softly spoke up, already pouring the medicine on the spoon and bring the spoon closer to you.
however, you bring your head back and shake your head no. "eugh, no way..! sorry, BASIL, but it always taste gross every time!"
"but.. but if you don’t take it.. you’ll feel even worse and.." BASIL makes up and excuse, but he doesn’t want to force you. he sighs a bit and sets the spoon on the desk next to you. "a-alright.. okay..!"
okay.. now you feel bad, you eventually struck up the bravery and takes the medicine. it tasted.. absolutely gross but BASIL looks happy now!
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the second most capable one out of the group
she learns most things from HERO of course, but her caring nature just makes it even better
she’ll show up to your house with a bunch of things in a bag to keep you from getting bored!
and just like with HERO, if you’re missing school work, she’ll definitely help you with it!
if you refuse the medicine she offers, oh man
it’s like you WANT to be teased.
"come on, [READER]! drink your medicine, its veryyy good for you!~" MARI spoke the last part in a slightly singing voice to tease you. however, you’re stubborn and you refuse to take the medicine.
"sorry MARI, but no way! it tastes really gross every time i do!" you protested, only earning a smug MARI look. she then holds up the spoon in her hands and moves it around up and down, bring it closer to your lips
"look here, [READER]!~ here comes the airplane!~" MARI teased once more with the same smug smile on her lips. "wh— MARI!" you stammered, being taken aback by MARI being.. MARI. in the end, you had no choice and took the medicine.
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Day 8 of @sangyaoweek
Gift giving
The first gift arrived on a sunny morning.
The first gift was not that unusual; while generally the cultivation world thought Nie Huaisang was an idiot, the smaller clans liked to think that he was a naive idiot, who could be bribed. So, when a servant delivered it with an awkward bow, he accepted it with an eye-roll. It was a pretty, delicate jade carving of a bird in flight, which, while beautiful, it was really puzzling.
Gifts were not uncommon. Pretty gifts that fit his taste were.
“Da-ge, who sent this?” he asked, deep in thought, showing the carving to Nie Mingjue. He should have probably known which clan wanted to marry into the Nie Clan, or wanted some kind of protection or financial gain.
Nie Mingjue glanced at the bird and shrugged nonchalantly. “No idea, Huaisang. Maybe someone who appreciates your love of birds.”
Nie Huaisang huffed. He saw that little smirk, but when his brother had a secret, he could keep it. It was exasperating.
The next gift came three days later: a set of exquisite paintbrushes made from the finest materials, perfect for the painting he was working on. Nie Huaisang found them on his desk, each brush laid out with precision, from the smallest, most delicate one to the biggest, sturdiest one. This time, a small note accompanied the gift, written in elegant script: For your art.
For his art.
Was that da-ge playing pranks on him, or what?!
“Dage!” Nie Huaisang yelled, storming into his brother’s room, where the older man was calmly working on some reports. “Did you see these?”
Nie Mingjue looked up from his paperwork, raising an eyebrow. “I did. Nice brushes.”
Nice- “Nice brushes?” Nie Huaisang echoed incredulously, his voice getting louder and louder. “This is the second gift in a week! They are expensive gifts! These are-!”
He was working himself up for nothing, he knew, but… He always wanted to be the mysterious one - not the clueless one!
“Why don’t you just enjoy the gifts, Huaisang?” Nie Mingjue suggested calmly. He clearly knew something that Nie Huaisang didn't, and it was making the situation even more maddening. “It’s not every day someone shows such interest in you.”
Nie Huaisang huffed, but he couldn't deny that the brushes were excellent. Nor that it wasn't an everyday occurrence that his interests were seen.
He was seen.
As the days passed, the gifts kept arriving. They were from someone who knew him, as all of them were clearly made with him in mind. Which was even more baffling, as noone from the Nie Clan appreciated the softer him, and noone bothered to get to know him from outside of the clan. Yet, the gifts kept coming, always luxurious and decadent. A silk fan embroidered with intricate designs, a rare book on bird species, a set of fine teaset… Each gift thoughtful and perfectly suited to his tastes.
Was it surprising that every new arrival only deepened Nie Huaisang’s confusion and annoyance?! He just couldn't stand not knowing something so important.
“Dage, this is getting ridiculous,” he whined one afternoon, holding up a beautiful inkstone carved with phoenix motifs. “Someone is obviously trying to get on your good side by flattering me. Why else would they bother to send so many beautiful thing to me?”
Nie Mingjue looked at him with amusement and loving irritation. “Why indeed… It’s clear that whoever this is knows you well. Isn’t that a good thing? They know your interests, and not only acknowledge them, but they are indulging you. Maybe I should stop them just to avoid them spoiling you rotten,” he joked.
Nie Huaisang hissed, “Don't you dare!” and hugged the gorgeous inkstone. “But seriously… I just don't get it.”
Nie Mingjue looked at him with sadness in his eyes. “I messed up so much, didn't I? That when someone so clearly appreciates your talents, instead of feeling flatteresd, you become paranoid. I'm sorry, A-Sang.”
Not knowing what to say, Nie Huaisang Just hugged his brother tight. They were far from complete understanding, but they learned how to compromise and how to listen to each other, which was even better.
“Just enjoy it, okay?” Nie Mingjue asked. Choked off, the younger man nodded, hiding his face into his brother's neck.
After some time, the arrival of gifts became a regular occurrence. At first, they arrived twice a week, then once a day, their frequency steadily increasing. Nie Huaisang still didn't know who they were coming from. He tried to enjoy them, as Nie Mingjue advised him, bu not knowing drove him insane. It was frustrating!
Sure, despite his complaints, he couldn’t help but appreciate the gifts, spending hours reading the rare book, or savoring the exotic teas. But the mystery of the sender gnawed at him. The gifts were clearly from someone attempting to curry favor with the Nies through their "naive" younger son or court him under the assumption that Nie Mingjue would not refuse them. And that was clearly a good assumption, as Nie Mingjue accepted them with an amused expression, content that someone was courting his didi.
One morning, a particularly extravagant gift arrived - a stunning birdcage crafted from silver and adorned with tiny, colorful gemstones that sparkled in the light. It was gorgeous. It was more expensive than any of the previous gifts combined.
Inside, a note, stating: For the birds you love so much.
Nie Huaisang’s patience finally snapped. “That’s it!” he yelled, storming into Nie Mingjue’s quarters. “What the hell, da-ge?! How and why can some unknown creep know that I love light novels, and enjoy painting and adore birds and-”
He froze mid-rant.
“Oh,” he said softly.
His brother’s smug expression grew even more smug. The sneaky menace!
Nie Huaisang huffed, then sharply inhaled. “Is it from…?” he asked hesitantly, biting into his lip.
Nie Mingjue’s smile grew wider, his eyes twinkling with giddy satisfaction. “Yes, Huaisang. The gifts are from him.”
“Oh,” Nie Huaisang repeated, his voice full of wonder and disbelief. “Jin Guangyao?”
Nie Mingjue nodded, stepping forward to place a reassuring hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Yes. The gifts are from him. He cares about you, Huaisang. He’s not just some unknown creep. He’s someone who knows you and wants to be part of your life.”
Nie Huaisang felt a rush of emotions. Relief, amazement… and something deeper, more tender. He looked up at his brother, his eyes shining with tears. “But why didn’t you tell me?” he demanded.
Nie Mingjue chuckled, stepping forward to put a reassuring hand on his brother’s shoulder. “I wanted you to realize it on your own. Besides, it’s more fun this way.”
The sneaky menace.
Nie Huaisang rolled his eyes, but a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “You’re insufferable, da-ge. Evil and cruel and I can't believe you did this to your sweet, lovely little didi!”
“I know and I'm not sorry, not even a little bit,” Nie Mingjue replied, his deadpan tone couldn't hide his affection. “But you love me anyway.”
Nie Huaisang laughed, the tension he had accumolated throughout the weeks leaving his body. He glanced down at the birdcage again, his heart full of unsaid emotions. “Do you think I should write to him? Thank him? Maybe I should visit him, or invite him here?”
Nie Mingjue nodded, “Write to him. You can invite him - after all, he has to get used to the Unclean Realm if he wants to permanently move here...”
“I'm leaving!” Nie Huaisang grimaced towards his brother, embarrassed at his insinuation. (Embarrassed and hopeful. He wanted that so bad.)
As he turned to march back to his quarters, the birdcage still in hand, he felt lighter than he had in weeks.
Maybe Jin Guangyao could still become a Nie…
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cygninae · 6 months
Hi! Do you have any lgbt+ hcs for the unfortunate gen? :) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️[I’ve read a few of your Dunklaus fics so I know there’s at least them :)]
Hi Ven ! I've thought about this somewhat, so I have an answer for you.
I think Klaus is bisexual, my reasoning being I like him both with Duncan and Fiona. He has the opportunity for such interesting dynamics with both, though as you and anyone who follows me knows, Dunklaus is my favourite.
Duncan I would headcanon as gay - no, I don't think he had any romantic feelings towards Violet. I think she perhaps liked him, but he probably didn't even notice. Duncan can be a bit clueless in the romance department, I think. Which is why the thought of him and Klaus stumbling around trying to admit their feelings is pretty hilarious to me.
For Violet, I'm really not sure at all. I would say she's maybe bisexual or something? But I've never really been sold on a headcanon for her sexuality and can only say I really, really love her with Quigley, but also love the idea of her with Isadora or Fiona. Violet, I think, would fall for someone without any notice of their gender.
On that note, Quigley is my favourite unfortunate gen character and I have so many headcanons about them. Firstly, I really, really like the headcanon that they are non-binary, which I wish was more popular. I could make a whole separate post at some point on this headcanon (which I might?) so I'll leave that there. Anyway, Quigley's sexuality.... I would say they are just attracted to women, but I totally respect the bisexual Quigley headcanon I see quite a bit. Since we don't see them show an interest in anyone besides Violet in canon, it's pretty hard to say?
Moving on to Isadora, I headcanon her resolutely as lesbian. Honestly, I'm usually very flexible and not bothered about headcanons, but to me this is, like, canon. I mean, come on, Sunny calling her Sappho during their first meeting? AM I MEANT TO READ NOTHING INTO THAT, DANIEL HANDLER??? I love her femslash pairings. Her with Violet, or Fiona? Absolutely iconic and should be worshipped by everyone because to me she IS a lesbian. Loves women . Her and Quigley bond over it.
Oh, and I know the popular headcanon that Isadora is transgender - male to female - and I've made a short post about that before. Love it ! Totally see this being canon and would love to read about it more in fanfiction. Though I may not explicitly state it, it can be happily assumed that Isadora is transgender in any fanfiction I write for ASOUE!
Lastly(?), Fiona ! Not 100% sure here, I don't really have one - but perhaps like Violet, gender isn't something that really comes into account for her when she starts dating. I could see her definitely having a crush on Violet and love when I get the ship on my feed. (Thanks to whichever mutual is reblogging them, I can't remember who you are.)
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luminnara · 2 years
Look, being the Hawkins High Queen must be amazing and shit BUT imagine the shit wth Clueless girls wanna be and guys like Billys friends. People being mean bcs they cant understand our relationship and calling the guy pussywipped and shit. Well some peoples got smacked 👀
Oh 100% you would have so much shit to deal with, and not just from people like Carol, but those moms at the pool, too. Like, you’ve really got it all—the super hot bad boy everybody wants to fuck, the super pretty rich boy who’s like the catch of the town, and the doe-eyed drug dealer weirdo everybody is scared of (even though he’s the biggest baby in the group lol)
People would be mean, but almost never to your face, because they would be too scared of pissing Billy off. There would be tons of rumors flying around, and not just about how you’re a big slut—it’s the mid/late 80s and Hawkins is a small town, you mean to tell me those BOYS are possibly FRATERNIZING with each other??? You would be the talk of Hawkins, because that just does NOT happen in rural midwestern America (it does, but don’t tell them that)
On the plus side, if they run you outta town, you can always just hop in the Camaro and drive to sunny California!
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lizhaoyu · 1 year
If I can’t have you, no one should.
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A/N: First time creating a story here, decided to make one for my lover, Cro. But I think he's too OOC here, as these are just my imagination. 
No words can explain just how much I love this man like please come out of the game and kiss me and love me and do anything you want with me. I am so much better than Petunia Flores or whatever her name is but tbh I think she’s pretty but you’re mine, Cro.
!!TW!!: Implied kidnapping, implied murder, implied gore. SCROLL AWAY/CLICK AWAY IF ANY OF THESE TOPIC ARE SENSITIVE TO YOU.
The day went by normally.
Then, why did this happen? Today was just a normal day, like any other day.
Waking up, getting ready for school, eating breakfast, going to school, eating lunch, going home, eating dinner, getting ready for bed and sleeping.
“Please...! Just let me go...!” I pleaded with whoever did this to me.
Now, my hands are tied together as a blindfold was tied tightly around my eyes, blocking my vision.
How the hell did I get here?
I heard shuffling from the corner of the room.
“I promise I won’t tell anyone what happened! Please, just let me go!” I cried.
“...Why should I?” A smooth voice echoed around the room.
Footsteps slowly approached, before stopping in front of me.
My breath hitched.
I could feel the person’s presence in front of me, but my body seems to seize all of its movements.
The next thing I know, the person’s hand was on my jaw.
“He touched you like this, didn’t he?” The person asked in a low voice.
“W-What are you talking about?” I asked in a shaky voice.
All of a sudden, I felt his warm breath on my cheek.
“He was this close to you, wasn’t he?” The person asked another question.
What the hell?
“H-Huh...?” I muttered.
“Did you let him do that to you?” The person asked again, questions after questions.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about...!” I shook my head.
“That boy in your class.” The person took their hand off my jaw, wrapping both arms around me.
Suddenly, the photography project from earlier came into mind.
“Ah... He’s my... photography class partner... We were working on our new project, which requires us to have a photoshoot...” I absent-mindedly explained.
Hold on a second, why am I explaining to him?
“I don’t like the way he touched you.” He says, holding me close.
What does he mean?
“Uh... What? What do you mean by that?” I asked.
Why am I so calm in this situation?
His voice was smooth as silk, sweet as honey, and calming like a warm sunny day.
His touch was comforting. He was slow and gentle, as if I’d break if he made the wrong move.
All these were enough to calm me down, as if I was having tea on a winter morning.
“He’s gone.” He muttered. enough for me to hear.
All of the comfort and calmness suddenly vanished.
My thoughts raced as to what he meant by that.
My heart started pounding, and my body felt uneasy.
What does that mean? 
“...What?” I asked, my voice was low and shaky.
Suddenly, he laughed and hugged me closer.
“Hah, you’re really cute, you know?” I felt him smile.
“He was in the way. An obstacle that I had to get rid of in order to get back on track.” He continued, still whispering.
What the hell is he talking about?
I stayed silent, still confused. When he realized this, he laughed again.
“You really are clueless, aren’t you?” He said in between laughs.
“I killed him.” His expression changed to a more serious one.
His voice was low, devoid of any sort of emotion.
My body froze as shivers went down my spine. 
I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed by shock and fear.
Shocked because of what he just said, and fear of what he might do to me.
“I tore open his chest because he touched you. I mangled his body because he touched you.” I can feel his hold tighten on me as he speaks.
My blood ran cold. Suddenly, the air inside the room was suffocating. 
The atmosphere was so tense that I flinched when he reached for the back of my head.
He proceeded to take off my blindfold, not taking his other arm away from my waist.
The thick fabric fell from my eyes, and I was met with glowing red eyes.
Frenzy swirled in his eyes, as if I was in a daze.
As the blindfold hit the ground, his lips curled into a soft smile, his eyes slightly squinting.
“Your eyes look amazing.” He says.
“It’s too bad that it’ll witness something it never wants to see.” He removed his arms from me, standing up.
Just then, my eyes shifted behind him.
Blood was splattered across the walls and floor.
A table was placed in the middle of the room.
Just then, I was able to spot it.
I gasped audibly.
My photography class partner laid there, chest tore open, blood gushing from every little part that was visible.
I choked back a sob, earning the man’s attention.
He looked down on me, gaze softening.
“Don’t worry, the same won’t happen to you.” He smiled, leaning down to touch my cheek.
“Unless you try to struggle.” His smile dropped as he took his hands off of me, tone shifting into a monotone one.
He stood up properly, before walking towards the table.
He touched the table, and slowly picked up a bloody knife and inspected it.
I couldn’t move. My whole body shook in fear.
“Now, let’s get into our... activities.” He turned to me, bloody knife still in hand, walking towards me.
And at that moment, all I knew was that if he can’t have me, no one will.
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