#(is that the name for the mitaka/pryde ship?)
enkisstories · 30 days
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Armitage: "Well, here we are, as invited. Shall I introduce everyone to you now? You'll notice that nobody on my council was in office in Kylo Ren's reign. That should fulfill the conditions you laid out."
Chancellor Stern: "I have to admit that you speak the truth."
Agent Perkins: "I do spot some uncomfortably familar faces, though. These aren't blank slates..."
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Perkins: "Hello again, Agent Tierny. We knew, of course, that reports of your death were not to be trusted."
Tierny: "No sandwiches or drinks, I see. Just like I remember the New Republic from my childhood. But don't worry, there's no need to feed me anymore. I brought my own lunch bag."
Perkins: "Pryde junior, the nemesis of merchant ships and pirates alike in the Trilon sector. Quite the feat, junior."
Whirlwind: "I'm not...! I mean, I can't rule out that I'm Enric Pryde's offspring, but it's highly unlikely."
Perkins: "Then why the name?"
Whirlwind: "YOU try coming up with a unique surname when you had only a four-digit number all your life! I didn't expect the name to matter. I'm still the same person I was before my promotion, after all."
Perkins: "And you, young man? Do you have a tragic backstory, too?"
Mitaka: "I'm confident in your willingness to give me one, Agent. You're welcome to try, but don't get your hopes up high. I once got a hands-on demonstration of Kylo Ren's displeasure and am still here."
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Poe: "I was uncertain whether I could handle diplomatic speech, but the flavour you're doing I can manage."
Armanda: "And now for some unusual suspects, Chancellor! General Dameron you already know. And this here is my propaganda minister, Gavin Dree. He's a Resistance spy."
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Gavin: "You... know that?"
Armitage: "Oh, please, Gavin!"
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Amanda: "What's this about, General Dameron and...?"
Tam: "Tamara Ryvora, mechanic."
Poe: "Tam got tricked into working for the First Order once and I fell victim to their lies when I temporarily lost my memory. Funny thing, they never revoked our ranks even after we jumped ship again. We therefore have legit claims to seats in the council. Neat, isn't it?"
Amanda: "So half of the First Order's Supreme Council consists of Resistance members? I find that worrying. It could fuel the fears of an alliance between your groups. Against the New Republic."
Poe: "Chancellor... We're so close! If nobody loses their nerves now, we can plant the seed for a better future today. It won't blossom overnight, but step by step."
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emseebeans · 2 years
Not sure what happened here - I couldn't sleep last night, so I wrote a cracky ficlet on my phone? I'll take it, though!
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: G
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Dopheld Mitaka/Enric Pryde
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff and Crack, Badly Written Movie Titles
Pryde, Hux, and Mitaka tackle the most challenging decision in any relationship: choosing a film for Holofilm Night.
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darthartplant · 4 years
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This is the image for chapter four of my entry for the Dopheld Mitaka Christmas In July 2020 event on AO3
This is my entry (Beware, it’s NSFW in nature (even if there isn’t that much skin visible))
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General Hux x Female Reader/Kylo Ren x Female Reader
A/N: I have been sitting on this chapter for so long I know @daydreamsofren is not looking forward to this one even though she’s read some of it already 😢
Warnings: Implied abuse, don’t judge Hux too harshly, Kylo knows more than he lets on. Many, many people die.
Word Count: 3195
Read Chapter 17 here on AO3.
Judging by the amount of meals you’d been served, you had been in this dank cell for two weeks. Either they didn’t know what to do with you or they had forgotten you, leaving your shivering form in the bowels of the ship to rot. No one had stopped by, everytime the door opened, hope flared that it was Hux, even Kylo but it was always just a trooper holding a tray of food or a quick trip to the shower, until today.
The troopers roughly grabbed you from the corner in your cell. You resisted until one raised his hand to strike you across the face, cowering, your eyes closed, you waited for the pain but it never came.
“Think about where we’re taking her.” You cracked your eye open to see the trooper drop his hand, the other one half body blocking you. “She may be a treasonous bitch but there’s nothing to stop the Grand Marshal from killing us if we lay a hand on her.” He stooped down and hauled you up by your arm. “She will cooperate.” You winced at the right grip he had on your arm. “Right?” You nodded slightly as hope surged through you.
Were they taking you to see Armitage?
Has some information come to light?
Maybe some evidence to help clear your name?
Your feet skimmed the floor in uneven steps as the troopers dragged you through the ship, the cuffs binding your wrists were unforgiving against your skin but you took the hurt. Your excitement grew the closer you got to the bridge, officers, admirals and lieutenants littered the corridors all speaking in hushed tones as you were dragged passed but the spark of hope burned brightly inside you. If you could just see Armitage’s face you’d know what fate awaited you.
You were thrown onto the floor at their feet, Kylo Ren had his mask on, barely casting a glance in your direction but you didn’t care about him. Your attention was solely on Armitage, his overcoat hid his body but you could see from the tension in his neck and the way he ignored the sound of you falling to the floor that this wasn’t good.
A blue holo-image of General Pryde was standing before them, a knowing smirk on his face as he cast a glance in Hux’s direction at your undignified arrival. You wanted to spit at the man’s feet, knowing what he’d done to your husband all those years ago but you didn’t dare. If only you’d known before, maybe if you survived this you could finally tell him what you really thought of him.
“We are ready, Allegiant General Pryde.” Rumbled Kylo from his mask. “You may begin.” The blue image paced to the left and he shouted an order to prime the cannon, now your gaze was drawn to the planet that loomed below you. The permanent grey clouds roiled across the surface, the rich green land and the deep blue seas hidden beneath the thick blanket of weather, but you knew it was there. This was Arkanis, your home planet, Hux’s home planet.
You flinched as Kylo moved, stepping behind Hux to haul you to your feet, the cuffs falling away to your surprise. His mask dipped to your eye level, the black sightless pits seemingly boring into your soul and you tried not to shiver at the feeling.
“Behave.” His grip on your sore wrist emphasised his command and you gave a single nod in understanding. He dragged you to stand next to Hux and you sneaked a look at your husband's face. He was wearing a blank expression, his eyes glassed over as though he was bored with this whole show but you saw the muscle twitch in his cheek, the subtle flex of his jaw and you knew he was stressed. Maybe seeing Arkanis again was enough to bring this reaction out of him, but you got the sense something else was at play here. The amount of personnel on the bridge made you slightly nervous, you’d never seen it so busy before. Mitaka stood rigidly to the side, his gaze sliding over you like you weren’t even there.
Kylo pointed and your gaze followed the line of his arm seeing another destroyer in orbit next to the Finalizer, the resurgent-class ship was facing the planet, a huge axial super-laser cannon nestled on the underbelly started to glow and your gaze flitted to the holo image of General Pryde. Horror dawned on you as soon as the word “Fire” left his mouth and without thinking your hand snatched Hux's in a tight grip. The shots flew from the gun, firing with extreme accuracy and power, penetrating the surface of your homeworld.
The reaction was slow, the wound in the crust ripped at an agonising pace from up here, debris rose high into the atmosphere, the red lava from the centre of the planet was evident through the clouds and you blinked tears out of your eyes at the sight. All those people, your people. No warning, an entire planet eradicated before you, a planet whose allegiance was to the First Order. You felt Armitage’s fingers close around yours and a slight gasp escaped you at the sensation. It felt like your entire life was being wiped before your very eyes, your history, your home, friends, family, everything that had made you was burning away.
“Isn’t it glorious?” Someone mumbled and you wanted to whip round and say something scathing but Hux’s hand tightened even more around yours in warning. You couldn’t help the soft sob that made your chest heave, your gaze pulling away from the destruction to look at your husband. The reflection of the growing fireball highlighted in his eyes, his mouth set in a hard line as he tried desperately not to react. You looked down at your feet before turning to look up at Kylo, his mask turning to see your tear stained face and you wished you could see his face. Just this once, so you could read his emotions, but all he did was tilt his head towards the spectacle that everyone else was watching with a sick sense of awe.
Memories echo at the back of your mind, the sound of the Arkanis rain on the leaves, the rippling water on the pond you had stood next to when you first met Armitage. The house you had grown up in ringing with your childhood laughter, your mother’s grave, your friend's wedding, all blown out of existence. A blinding light made you inhale sharply as the planet began to collapse, the surface in burning turmoil until it became so unstable it finally exploded. You hoped the debris that was left would knock into the ships and kill everyone but they were too far away, the shields protecting them from any that did make it and they were out of the gravitational pull of the destroyed planet.
You closed your eyes, the tears still falling unchecked as the intense light of your dying world shone through your eyelids. You went to lean against Armitage, curling your other hand around his arm to seek some comfort for you and him but he moved, his hand untangling from yours as he went to check on the status of his ship leaving you standing alone. You heard General Pryde chuckle and anger blazed through you, your eyes fixed on the smirking form and you went to take a step forward, your mouth open to unleash your fury but a pressure started in your throat making you pause. You could still breathe, but the blockage rendered you speechless, you turned your fury onto Kylo but he just regarded you coolly from the protection of his mask.
“Take her back to her cell.” He commanded with indifference. The troopers grabbed you giving you no choice but to leave, making you realise this had been a show to get to you and Armitage. To make you realise that now you had nowhere to go, no homeworld to run to, no support system to hide you, in this vast Galaxy you and your husband were now more alone than you had ever been before.
You wanted to lean on him and let him lean on you, but that would never happen. He had made up his mind about you, he had what he wanted with his position within the First Order. He never needed you, he had said as much in Canto Bight. You wondered if those words you’d heard him say held more truth than the ones that followed, that supposed declaration of love. You were shoved along the corridors, your heart flaking away with each thought, knowing that you were going to die here. No one to save you, no evidence to clear your name and hopelessness fell heavily on you. When the door to your cell closed leaving you in darkness you wept, feeling the grief of loss at everything you had ever known and the knowledge that hope was just a dream for children.
After you had been dragged away Hux had taken his leave from the bridge, highly aware of Ren’s hidden gaze on his retreating back but he didn’t care. He needed privacy. He stood in the quiet of his own quarters, his hand flexing as he remembered the way your fingers curled around it. The feel of your trembling body against his as you both watched the destruction of your home world, obliterated in moments, everything you’d both ever known eradicated in a blaze of fire. He hadn’t expected his feelings to be so strong on this, he had hated Arkanis and the awful memories it possessed for him but also it held memories he cherished. His mother, the maze where he spent most of his childhood and meeting you, who made him realise he was allowed to have a moment of happiness. A foolish, fleeting moment. Your marriage had been filled with war and he wished he had not been blindsided, this is what his father had been trying to teach him. Weakness would bring his downfall and he had fallen into that trap and not even realised. If you’d stayed on Arkanis after the wedding none of this would have happened….or maybe it would have. His wife, you would have still been on the planet, moving in the same circles and probably moved over to the Resistance a lot sooner.
And you’d be dead. But he wouldn’t have felt the love for you growing in his own chest, he wouldn’t have experienced your warmth, he wouldn’t have felt your body shiver under his. He never would have breathed in your scent, or touched your soft skin and your death would have been easier to cope with. Because he wouldn’t miss you, he wouldn’t miss what you had shown him.
His hand flexed again, the shadow of your touch still affecting him even now. He stood silently staring at the table top, his gloved fingertips gently resting on the surface lost in his swirling thoughts. You were going to die anyway, you had performed an act of treason and he couldn't save you from this, not without losing everything he had worked so desperately hard for. Was it worth it? He clearly didn’t deserve the happiness you had bestowed upon him, and now he had to make the decision if he could live with or without you. He felt anger manifest in his chest, he shouldn’t have to make this decision, if only Ren had kept his hands to himself, the petty jealousy that the oaf harboured had ruined this for him…..hadn’t it? Hux visibly deflated with a sigh, he was the one that agreed to be a suitor for you. His father had owed your father a favour and Hux had agreed to repay, so he was responsible for this, all of these events that had led…to this. He had the power to say no, he had the wealth to pay your father off but he knew it would be squandered and you’d still be left with nothing. And now….you only had your life left and he was probably going to take that too. He had lost the few people that were close to him, the Galaxy just proving his father was right yet again.
Raising you is such a waste of my time.
You are such a waste of space, a useless fool!
What are you good for boy if you can’t even carry a tray of drinks?!
You are an embarrassment!
So disappointing…
You think I would turn this project over to you? Brainless idiot, you are not worthy of the glory it would bring.
You are not worthy of anything…
You don’t deserve the life I have given you.
No one could ever love you….
But you had. Even if it was fleeting, it had been there blazing, alive, existing. And it was going to end like everything else.
A notification made the screen of his datapad light up and his gaze was drawn to it, your prisoner number leaping out at him and the decision he had to make was now upon him. He straightened, clearing his thoughts and focussing on the task at hand. He adjusted his cuff, his gloved hand brushing the material in such a simple, comforting motion and he felt everything falling away. He slipped behind the mask that had protected him all through his life, the blank face that showed nothing of his inner turmoil. The armour he placed over himself had grown impenetrable over the years and he leaned on it heavily. He was going to need it now, more than ever.
He hated it, the way your face lit up when you saw him at the door of your cell. You were huddled in the corner, your head buried in your hands, tears streaming down your face and he nearly, nearly halted this whole thing. But he couldn’t, he had no choice, the wheels were in motion, there were rules, regulations. He had to harden himself more, if anyone else under his command had performed the treason you had they would be dead already. Because that's what it was, an act of treason. You rushed to him, hushed pleas falling from your lips as you begged him not to go through with this, you were innocent, you didn’t know what you were doing even though he’d found you at a Resistance sympathisers wedding. He concentrated on the evidence and how it stacked against you, he couldn’t ignore it, he couldn’t forget the echoes of pain that clawed at his heart. You had done this, you. Betraying him, the First Order, the Supreme Leader…
You pawed at his paralysed form, tugging on his uniform with your desperate hands as he just stood there staring at the wall over your head. Finally his hands grabbed yours in a vice like grip to stop you touching him, he needed you to stop. He said your name in a deadpan voice, listing off your treasonous act followed by the sentence. Death. You were frozen, your mouth open in horror that he would go this far, that he would allow this to happen but he had no choice. You had gone against him, you had sided with the scum of the Galaxy and he would treat you as such no matter how much it obliterated his soul. The troopers moved into the cell, ripping you from his grip and he found himself holding on for just a moment, to feel your soft skin, to smell your wonderful hair. Just a moment, frozen in time so he could remember the feeling of you for the rest of his life and then you were being dragged away. Your screams echoed down the hallway but he couldn’t move, his boots were rooted to the grated floor, tears threatened to fall but he grit his teeth and fought them.
Please! Please no! Armitage! Please, please! He could not show weakness, he could not show feeling, if he did he would lose everything. But you were his everything…
He blocked out the inner voice, wishing for the first time in his life that his fathers voice would override his feelings like it always did, snapping him back onto the right path with the brutality he needed, but it didn’t come. Just your pleading screams, still echoing around him tearing pieces of him away with every screech. He finally moved to the cell door, leaning against the frame heavily as his breath left his body. He couldn’t get enough air in, he needed you. Where were you? He whispered your name, but you weren’t here and he couldn’t hear you anymore.
A shot rang out down the hallway and Hux's head snapped towards the sound.
“No….” He had to see. He stumbled forward, the corridor swimming before him and he had to use the sides to steady himself. The troopers closed the trash shoot just as he got there, Kylo Ren standing watching, making sure the task was done. Making sure you no longer existed. The pain that lanced from his heart was excruciating, making his legs give way so he fell hard to the floor drawing all their attention.
“You, take the General back to his quarters and get a medic, you, come with me.” Kylo went to turn away but the trooper just stood there staring at Hux. “Trooper! Don’t make me send you for reconditioning!” The trooper jumped and hurried to Kylo’s side leaving a struggling Hux in the arms of the other.
Kylo marched through the corridors of the Finalizer, the trooper hot on his heels. He could tell no one knew what he’d done, the other trooper he had bent to his will, he’d have no recollection of what had transpired. He could still feel the ripples through the force from Hux no matter how hard he tried to shut him out until finally a medic sedated him and the waves stopped, the force becoming still once more. Or so he thought, the chaotic energy that followed the trooper behind him was distracting but he had to focus. At the far end of the hangar TIE’s lined the bays and he paused at the stairs, the trooper nearly colliding with his back.
“Take this TIE.”
“I-I can’t fly it!” Kylo looked round seeing a pilot and called him over.
“You! FL-6194!”
“Supreme Leader?” Kylo raised his hand, feeling the pilot's mind and taking control, it was so easy bending them to his will, they were all so weak minded, so ready to obey.
“You will take this trooper and fly to these coordinates. Once you arrive at your destination you will terminate yourself.” Kylo could feel the thoughts falling into place, the settling of the mind, stripping the pilot of his panic and replacing it with purpose.
“Yes, Supreme Leader.”
“Go. Now.” He turned with a flare of cloak, you needed to leave. Before anyone knew what he’d done, before anyone suspected, you needed to go.
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starlightsearches · 4 years
Office Romance: Ch. 21 Subterfuge
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General Hux and Kylo Ren have found themselves competing for the affection of a lieutenant aboard the Finalizer.
Series Warnings: Language, some violence, near-death experiences.
AN: Remember how I said this series was on hiatus? Turns out I’m a huge liar! This came to me a couple days ago and I have no self-control so here it is; hope you enjoy to everybody still following!
Chapter Warnings: Hopefully without giving away too much, there’s some drugging and some kidnapping in this chapter! Read with caution!
The rumors going around the Finalizer said that the Annual First Order Anniversary Gala would be a party unlike any other, and standing here in the middle of it all, you're sure they must be right. Everyone is here: all of the Finalizer's officers, plus the crews of all the other ships—some of them people you hadn't seen since the Academy—the entirety of the Directorate, and a handful of celebrities, all sympathetic to the cause: politicians, holo-stars, stage performers. It's a massive, swirling body of people, an electric meeting of heartbeats and minds under the glittering lights.
And certainly many of them are eager to meet you. Your reputation precedes you, it seems, the young, brave Lieutenant General—you're the talk of the party, your name on the lips of many of the guests. The hushed voices follow you like trails of ribbon flittering on a breeze; they talk of the assassination attempt, the mysterious death of Antibree Soar.
The conversations always grow quieter, here, delicate whispers laced with smiles. I heard, they say, that she's become involved with the force user, Kylo Ren. The rest of the party will gasp, the speaker's lips turning upwards with triumph, with the power that comes from sharing a secret. The smile falls though when another guest interrupts. No, no, you've heard all wrong, they say, it's the general who's caught her attention. I heard . . .
And so it goes. You have to admit you look the part—mysterious, powerful. The gown you're wearing is unlike any other: the silver material flows over you like a waterfall, shimmering in the light. The cut of the neck is low, daringly so, the skin of your chest exposed all the way to the waist of the gown, and the cape, secured around the neck, falls over your shoulders, fluttering in your wake as the crowd parts around you. You've never looked more beautiful. And you've never felt more miserable.
You bid farewell to your latest dance partner whose name you've already forgotten, making your way to the edge of the crowd again. You had hoped that the determination in your gait would discourage any more invitations to dance, but you still have to tug your arm away from a few of the more persistent men, telling them that you'd love to join them, in just a moment. You needed to get some air. Alone.
It’s quiet on the balcony, private, and there’s no other guests taking advantage of the darkness that would be afforded to them out here. The night air is cool on your flushed skin, the twilight a blessing to your eyes after the bright and colorful chaos of the ballroom. It's quiet out here on the balcony, and when you look up, you can see the tiny pinpricks of stars flooding the night sky.
You had talked to the general, the night after Pryde's visit. It had been a stilted conversation, full of long, awkward pauses, your eyes traveling the walls of his quarters, your throat stinging as you tried to hold back the tears that kept threatening to spill onto your cheeks. You don't remember everything that was said, and it's probably for the best. You had left in tears.
As bad as that was, your conversation with Ren had been worse. He hadn't even taken off his helmet, standing there with his arms across his chest, solid as a wall and just as responsive.
You hadn't been lying before. You wanted to make a choice, but wanting and doing, you had quickly come to realize, were two very different things. And despite everything that had happened, you were still unsure.
You weighed the options in your mind again, as you had done a thousand times. The General. Ren. And just as before, a sick feeling of dread poured into your stomach. It was no use, and now you'd be lucky if either of them would have you. Once again you had lost your chance to do something that actually mattered.
The door to the balcony opens behind you, but you don't turn around just yet, still wishing to be alone. The sound of the music swells and then lulls as the door is once again closed, the soft footsteps of the new visitor approaching.
"I'm alright, Doe," you say, eyes still straight ahead. Mitaka had been very understanding after you told him about what had happened. He must have seen your flight from the ballroom and come to check on you, but you couldn't look at him now. Seeing his face full of concern would certainly make you cry, and you were already blinking faster to quell the tears.
It's quiet still, and you're about to turn to face him when the warm arm wraps around your waist, and for a fleeting moment, you think it might be Ren, or Hux before there's a hand covering your mouth, and you don't have time to fight before you're sinking, darkness clouding the corners of your vision and a voice in your ear, low and mean, saying," guess again." You recognize the voice now, but it's too late. The sky fills your vision, melting into a swirling mess of stars, and then everything fades to darkness.
Based on the dull headache growing between his eyes, and the way the words of the conversation he was pretending to listen to were slurring together with the blush of wine, Hux estimated that this ridiculous party had been going on for about an eternity. Although it certainly didn't help that he had wanted to leave before the party had even begun.
He had shown remarkable self-restraint, hardly looking at you all evening—or at least hardly looking at you compared to a normal amount. He'd see how long he could stretch that self-restraint once he was alone, how long it would take before he was driving himself mad thinking of you again, how long before he was waking with a pounding headache, an acrid taste in his mouth, and the distinct feeling of guilt in his stomach that came from wanting you so deeply and refusing you so harshly at the same time.
Hux takes a long sip from his glass, using the action as an excuse to close his eyes for a moment against the grating lights. He sees your face, as he expected, maybe hoped for. It's still there, playing on the back of his eyelids—the way you leaned into him, your words echoing over in his mind. Maybe I wouldn't have stopped you either. Suddenly the cool feeling of the glass against his lips is all wrong, too hard and unyielding. He pulls the glass away.
There's a new face in his line of sight when he opens his eyes, and it's not one he had expected. As if Hux’s evening could somehow get worse.
"The lieutenant," Ren says, in the closest approximation to a whisper he can manage with the ridiculous mask, "she's missing."
Ren watches the general carefully, waiting to see if the mask of indifference will slip. Hux immediately guards himself the moment he sees Ren, but he can't hide his surprise quickly enough. Ren sees it. And for a moment, he lets himself be glad.
"What should that matter to me, Ren?" Hux turns away from Ren rather stiffly, staring towards the dance floor with a falsely blank gaze. He’s looking for you. Ren knows he won't find you there.
"I thought you might know where she'd gone." Ren almost wants to laugh. This stilted, whispered conversation is a far cry from the one they had only a few days ago in the training room. It's driving him insane that he knows so little about what happened after.
The rage had left him feeling emptier after the confrontation in the training room, as it often did, but there was nothing to fill the aching cavern in his chest once it was gone. He was well and truly hollowed by your rejection. Left with nothing. And so with nothing left, he had simply watched, waiting to see if his fears had come to fruition.
But nothing had happened between you and the general, as far as he could tell. There was no weight to your interactions with him. He couldn't sense a spark, no smoldering glances or subtle smiles. He could discern the truth if he really wanted to, of course—he would have no trouble pulling the information from your mind or the general's. But he couldn't. Maybe he didn't want to know.
"I don't know where she is." Hux is as close to snapping as he could get in public, leaning in for a moment to utter a harsh whisper, before he remembers himself, "she probably stepped outside for a moment."
Hux excuses himself from the conversation, not that anyone notices his departure, but Ren refuses to be brushed aside so easily. Hux could try to fool him, to convince him that he didn't care, but Ren knows better. And more importantly, he knows something isn’t right. He can sense that you’re in danger—he feels it in his very core.
"I already checked," Ren says, loud enough to disturb the other guests, and Hux pauses, turning to face him again. There's conflict in his eyes, his mouth set in a hard line of frustration, but he doesn't walk away.
"I've looked for her everywhere. She's gone," Ren steps closer, and Hux turns to face him again. There's hatred, pure and arrant and clear in every facet of Hux’s face, and for Ren the feeling is mutual. But he hasn't even gotten to the worst part yet.
"There's something else," Ren lowers his voice again, and Hux leans closer to hear, "Pryde, he's gone too."
You open your eyes to the darkness, conscious, but not awake—like your mind is submerged in deep and turbulent waters—and you wait for the feeling to pass. The relief doesn’t come, and your stomach rolls, and for a moment you think you might die here, alone in this hellish darkness. Or maybe you’re already dead. It’s hard to tell without a frame of reference. You’re lost without your senses—no sight, no feeling or movement in any of your limbs, and, maybe the most frightening of them all, no connection to the force. You reach out for it, stretching yourself to the limits, and your stomach gives another heave, threatening to spill its contents. The tears that track down your cheeks in response to the feeling burn as they go, and you let out a single, pitiful sob.
    You hear something, just barely, at the same time the little animal noises first start to make their way out of your mouth, and you clamp your lips tighter, hoping to muffle them enough so that you can hear. There’s someone else here with you . . . wherever you are. They shift again, and the soft rustle of their clothing seems deafening in this small space. 
    “Please . . .” you try to form the word, but your lips feel enormous and unwieldy, and you’re still trying to choke back the sobs. “Please, let me go.”
    They get to their feet, stepping around into your line of sight. Your vision is blurry, and you squint, trying to get a better look.
    “You’re awake,” there’s the voice again, you recognize it instantly, and with the recognition comes a new wave of fear, “that’s a pity. The dosage I used could have killed you. Such a shame he wants you alive.”
    He peers closer, and your vision finally focuses in the low light. The edges of his face still blur, but you can see his eyes with poignant clarity, harsh and full of cutting animosity.
    “Allecul,” his name comes out jumbled, but he recognizes the sound all the same, “you’re the spy, working with . . . with Pryde.” He tenses in response, bringing his hand to your face again, and you feel another rush of darkness coming swiftly towards you. There’s no use fighting, but you struggle against it regardless, your mind desperately thrashing, urgently working to keep a hold of the sliver of consciousness you’ve gained. It’s no use. You sink back into the restless darkness. And you stay there.
Tags (lemme know if you want to be added or removed!): @acunningstargazer, @itsa-pseudonym, @ddaeing, @dark-night-sky-99, @i-jus-wanna-writehappy, @fresa-luna, @leiadelreyy, @averillian, @sunbanna​, @foggyturtleknightangel​, @liceforlunch​ 
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 12
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Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Originally posted on my Ao3 Crystallclover (If you can’t find it here)
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7a | 7b | 8 | 9a | 9b | 10 | 11
Let me know what you think in the comments or my ask box.
Chapter 12: An Awkward Goodnight
You arrived back at your chambers, once inside Kylo removed his helmet and set it on the ashes. He no longer had your arm in his. This disappointed you—the lack of contact. He headed up the stairs to the bedroom and you followed.
He stood at the end of his bed awkwardly. You headed to your room, the door opened and you saw something in the room that wasn’t there earlier. A large bouquet of your favorite flowers was on the side table. You gasped turning toward Kylo, “Thank you. They are beautiful.”
You saw Kylo smile quickly before turning his head away from you. “You’re welcome. Goodnight.” You could see him trying to control his breathing. Taking deep breaths and seemed tense in his shoulders.
You shut the door to your room. Now alone for the first time all day you let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. You gathered your thoughts for a moment. Before thinking too much you moved to your bag and got ready for bed. You grabbed the pajamas and headed to the bathroom. It looked relatively normal to you with a vanity sink, a toilet, a large bathtub and a separate glass shower.
Finishing preparing for bed you headed over to the bed. You quickly unpacked and moved things into the closet, knowing you wouldn’t be able to sleep if things were out of place. When finished you moved to get into bed, you messed with the panel off to the side of the bed until the lights turned off.
You hoped that this day wasn’t just a dream. A lot happened and you were trying to remember it all, just in case, it was a dream. You moved to lay on your side and just stared at the flowers until you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up with the slowly brightening lights of your room, squinting you wondered what time it was because you realized you forgot to set an alarm. You jumped out of bed looking for your phone. You found it, saw it was at 10% and that it was 9:00 am. This was the latest you had slept in since starting your full-time job. You weren’t able to plug in your phone as there were no plugins and you weren’t getting any service anyways so it did not bother you.
You got up and got dressed, a sweater and a pair of jeans, the ship was cold so you felt it was justified. You made the bed and left the room. You noticed Kylo wasn’t in his room and made your way to the kitchen but before you could do that there was a junior officer in the main living space.
“Oh, hello! Are you looking for the Supreme Leader,” you asked the short brunette man.
“Oh no, I’m sorry my lady. The Supreme Leader has informed me that I am to be at your service today,” said the man nervously.
“Ok, and your name is,” you asked.
He flinched at this, knowing he was probably supposed to introduce himself, to begin with.
“I’m sorry my lady, my name is Lieutenant Dopheld Mitaka,” he replied tightly gripping his hat in his hands.
“It’s nice to meet you, Lieutenant. I just woke up and have yet to have breakfast, have you eaten yet,” you ask.
The lieutenant seemed surprised by your question, “Yes ma’am I have, would you like me to help you order something?”
“That would be lovely, thank you,” you could tell that he was prepared to meet a different type of person than you. At first, he seemed scared but now he seemed to relax a little bit. He pulled out a small data pad from his pocket.
“Is there anything in particular that you would like to eat,” he asked.
“What do you have that is similar to Earth food?”
At this question, he seemed to frown not knowing what you were asking exactly. “Do you have pancakes,” you ask.
“Yes! Would you like some,” he asked unsure.
“Yes, with maple syrup if there is any and more importantly is there coffee?”
“Yes, ma’am I will order some right away is there anything else you need ma’am?”
“Not at this moment. Thank you, Lieutenant.” With that, he punched in your order on the data pad and you walked over to the dining table. You invited him to sit. “The Supreme Leader said I may return to earth today if I want. How would I go about doing that?”
“Yes ma’am, the Supreme Leader has requested that you be guarded by General Pryde and Commander Pyre with a squad of stormtroopers. Of course, I am to be at your service.”
You were surprised at the amount of protection that Kylo seemed to deem necessary. But you just nodded at the lieutenant. The door to the mailroom opened and the same droid from last night appeared with your food. You thanked it before it left and it beeped at you in response.
“Do you have access to the Supreme Leader’s schedule,” you asked the lieutenant.
“Yes, ma’am. He is in meetings most of the day, but he had set aside sometime in the late afternoon for you. He told me that it would be your decision as to what you wanted to do with that time.”
You wondered if there would be enough time for him to meet Carter and Hayden. But you thought better of it for now. Not knowing how he would react to meeting them. Plus it sounded like you would be near Earth for a while since things were behind schedule. You finished eating.
“I think I would like to return to Earth. Could you let the Supreme Leader know, and ask him if there is anything he would like me to do while I am there?”
The lieutenant nodded and sent a message through the data pad. “The general is currently on the bridge, would you like me to message him that you would like to leave or would you like to go directly to him?”
“Go to him I think. Last night the Supreme Leader gave meh a tour but I wasn’t able to really figure out the hallways.”
And with that, you both were off down the winding corridors of the ship making your way to the bridge. Just like yesterday officers ducked off to the side for you and stood at attention until you passed. You and the lieutenant came to the bridge, once again silence fell over the officers. You could tell this made the lieutenant a bit anxious, but General Pryde made his way over to you.
“My lady, I am guessing you have made the decision to return to the surface,” said the general.
“Yes, I was told that I need your escort.”
“Colonel Kaplan, you have command of the Bridge until General Quinn gets here during the Beta shift,” said the general to an older looking officer. He nodded to the general.
You all left the bridge and went to the hangar. There you saw a small group of stormtroopers and one that was decked out in gold armor. He addressed you, “Ma’am, General, we are ready to descend to the surface. The Supreme Leader sent back his command shuttle for you to use my lady.”
Once again Kylo surprised you, and apparently the general and lieutenant who seemed a bit shocked that the Supreme Leader sent back his personal command shuttle for you. You just followed the commander and boarded the ship.
You all sat and buckled in with the lieutenant on your right and the general on your left.
“The Supreme Leader answered your question, he would like you to stop at the White House as he would like to see you,” said Lieutenant Mitaka.
“Thank you, Lieutenant,” you responded and settling back into your chair bracing yourself for the flight. Part of you was giddy that Kylo requested to see you even though you knew his day was filled with meetings.
The shuttle landed right outside the White House and you disembarked the craft. Crossing the lawn you could see Kylo’s tall frame coming towards the ramp. You could see the officers and troopers around you pause slightly as they prepared to greet the Supreme Leader.
Kylo reached you and took your hand, quickly paused and acknowledged the officers and lead you into the White House. He took you into the same sitting room you were in the day before. The junior officer in the room quickly left and shut the door behind them. Kylo then removed his mask and turned to you.
“How was your morning? How did you sleep,” he asked earnestly still holding your hand.
“Surprisingly I slept well. I had a good morning so far, haven’t done anything other than have breakfast and see you,” you responded.
Kylo seemed slightly bashful at your answer. He let go of your hand for a moment, to remove his glove to hold it again. This time with skin on skin contact. His hand was large and warm, you could feel calluses and scars. The back of his hand was soft and his thumb slowly messaged your knuckles.
He was mesmerized for a moment before clearing his throat to say, “You asked if there is anything that I would like you to do. All I want is for you to be comfortable and happy.”
This made you smile, you stepped closer to him saying, “I am happy, I just want to know if there is anything I can do to help you with the First Order? I just hate thinking your busy while I just sit around doing nothing.”
You swore you could see the wheels turning in his brain, “Why don’t you sit in on the next few meetings with me? They may be boring to you, but you understand this planet better than anyone in the First Order, you may be able to offer some insight.”
“Ok,” you said smiling at your little victory, being able to spend some more time with him even though you would be in a room filled with other people talking about other things. You just wanted to be near him—to know him.
He let go of your hand to put his glove and helmet back on. He took your arm this time and lead you out of the room and down the hall to a conference room full of different world leaders. Maybe this isn’t what you thought it was going to be.
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amazingdriverfics · 4 years
Crowned by the devil - ch. 5
Summary: Kylo and Cardo are gone and the time to face the arena has finally arrived.
Warnings: violence
A/N: hope you like it ;)
Previous Chapter  Following Chapter
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Your walk to the training facility, on the contrary of what it had been on the other cycles, was quiet, Cardo’s stupid jokes weren’t bothering you and your company was a faceless stormtrooper. The knight must have been embarrassed because of what had happened between you and his master in the previous sessions, you thought to yourself, but you were proved wrong. When you entered the familiar room as the trooper leading you left, you could see no knight, in their places was a blonde, tall, beautiful woman with green eyes dressed in a chromed stormtrooper armor. “You must be y/n. Don’t be shy come in” the woman said in a rigid tone with an unbothered facade on her face, making you comply out of habit, afraid of what might be coming your way. “I’m Captain Phasma, you can call me Phasma. I’ll be the one in charge of your training until the you are sent to the arena now. The Supreme Leader and his knights were sent on an important mission” her cold voice echoed through the room once again. This would be a good thing, you said to yourself, you would miss Cardo and his sense of humor, but staying away from Ren was just what you needed to get him off your head, so you nodded, ready for this change. “We’ll continue with the blaster training” Phasma stated. 
The Captain was the best blaster shooter you had ever seen. You were hardly ever impressed with anyones skills to use the gun, but she surprised you, she made you feel like you had never put your hands in one during your whole life, the reason why she trained troopers was definitely explained. You were also honored to be trained by her, you felt like she was doing what Juney never got a chance to, finishing your training. Her tips were incredibly useful and her criticism was everything Ren’s wasn’t, it was useful. By the end of the first half of your cycle, you were feeling pretty good, the sensations you had when you trained with Juney taking over you once again. 
As you sat on the mat with your lunch in hands, Phasma closed the distance between the two of you. “You do know how to shoot a blaster, you are better than my troopers” she said before sitting by your side. “Thank you, been doing it for a while” you replied shrugging your shoulders. “I don’t think you need to train this anymore, let’s do some hand to hand now” her cold voice back. 
The second half of your training was the most exhaustive one, what you had learned from Cardo and Kylo - what you weren’t ready to admit - made you stronger and more capable. Both you and Phasma didn’t meet the ground once, never losing, always in a violent struggle to get the other one on the mat. On the Captain’s side, she had her height and strength, on yours, there was your speed and the fact that fighting two impossible opponents toughened you. By the end, you were both sweating, your body was aching like it had never before and you were also feeling the most alive you had felt in a while. “This was amazing” you said grabbing a water bottle and sitting. “You really are impressive, I can see exactly why the Supreme Leader has chosen you” the blond woman replied, copying your moves.
“I really don’t, I have nothing in common with those other girls” you shrugged hoping to end the subject. “That’s because he didn’t choose them” Phasma said with a smirk on her face. Her statement confused you, why would Kylo Ren want you to be his Empress when he could have every single woman he wanted on the Galaxy? On the other hand, this also explained his obsession with you, his need and hunger for you and your body. The great amount of thoughts going through your head caused you to stay silent for a while before replying to the woman which kept on smirking. “If not Kylo, who chose them?”.
“Me, Pryde, Mitaka, Hux and his knights. He only had one requisition for participating of this ‘experiment’, as he calls it, you needed to be on it.” Phasma replied, answering your question, but leaving you with a bunch of other ones in its place. Before you could ask some more, she left the room. 
                                                           --    --
The rest of your cycles went pretty much the same, training with Phasma everyday and leaving with a very sore body, trying to get some of you questions answered, but ultimately failing, since the blonde woman always dodged them telling you that Kylo should be the one to answer you. All you were able to find out was that she had chosen Aduke for this, they met in the Imperial Academy when younger and never lost touch, even though they were far from each other since Aduke was a field doctor working with another ship’s troops. 
It wasn’t long before it was time to go to the arena. In the beginning of the cycle, your routine went pretty much the same, you were led to the training center to meet with Phasma. This time, however, the two of you didn’t engage in any sort of physical training, the time was used to learn more about what you would be facing in the following two cycles. The arena would be like a small planet, you would be sent with water and food, nothing else, the weather wouldn’t be a problem, the creators didn’t want for any of you to die from natural conditions, once it wouldn’t prove your capacities. Hidden in some places would be medic supplies and weapons such as knives and blasters, if you could find any of them you would already have an advantage. 
With a shake of hand, Phasma wished you good luck sending you to the next stage of your preparation. You were escorted back to your room where you ate lunch trying to assimilate everything that was told to you, a plan had already formed in your mind, you would find shelter and only after that you would try to find the supplies, but it still wouldn’t be a priority since you weren’t going to be hunting any of the girls. Unlike what you had previously thought, you weren’t nervous, you had survived much worst and you had been killing and fighting for your life for a long time now. 
Shortly after you finished your meal, a stormtrooper arrived delivering you clothes very much like the ones you used for training, a black tank top - with no name -, legging, training boots and a thermal coat, perfect to keep the heat from leaving your body, and commanding you to get ready. You took a hot shower, letting it last a little bit to long since you wouldn’t be able to have one in the next cycles. As soon as you got out, you put the clothes on leaving the coat around your hip, a not against you belly keeping it in place. After gathering your hair and fitting it in a tight ponytail you were out the door ready for whatever was going to happen next. 
                                                         --    --
Kylo was apprehensive, he knew that y/n was capable to survive the experiment without a doubt, but the fact that he hadn’t been able to see, touch and keep up with her training personally in the last few cycles made him anxious. 
When he found out him and his knights would have to go to Naboo in order to end a rebellion, Kylo let the only person he trusted enough to finish his Empress training: Phasma. She was owning him a favor anyway since she used the experiment as an opportunity to bring her lover closer to her. At first, the Captain wasn’t happy with the designed function, but with the pass of cycles her reports of y/n’s training got bigger, the woman was impressed with his girl’s results, she even said that they were perfect for each other - like he didn’t already know that -.
When he was alone in his room after battling all day, Ren’s mind would drift off to their last encounter, the feeling of her soft lips against his, the way his clothed cock rubbed against her covered pussy, the moans escaping y/n’s mouth, the scratches she left on his back and the hickeys he left on her skin. All of those memories went straight to his dick making it instantly hard. He was still considering killing Hux from stopping the moment. 
Kylo missed her very much. 
                                                        --    --
You were brought to the arena in a small ship, the place itself was also located on a ship. With the small backpack hanging on your back filled with the supplies promised by the Order, you entered into the unknown ready to take the next step necessary for you to be back on Tatooine. Looking around, you could see a fake sky with a sunset indicating that you had a small window of time to find safe shelter. Quickly, you decided that the other especial supplies would be dealt with in the morning. The ground wasn’t nothing like you were used to, it was completely covered by green grass, which meant you would have to be careful while walking, as your foot pressed the plants, they made noises and even though they weren’t loud, they were enough for a talented assassin - like you - to hear. From far, you could see what looked like some kind of village partially hidden from your view for trees, perhaps there was where the weapons and medical stuff were, you would be headed there in the morning to check. Of another thing you were sure, if you could see the village, probably the rest of the girls could too, in the following cycle you would have to come up with a good strategy to stay hidden. 
After analyzing the space, you started a slow pace letting your instincts guide you and sharpening your senses. You decided to sleep by the trees, you would use their leaves to cover the grass near you, if anyone came close, the sound would be enough to wake you up. The walk was torturous, by the time you had arrived the intended place, the sun was almost totally gone. Quickly you started to work with your plan, carefully climbing a tree and grabbing a handful of leaves, spreading them on the ground closer to where you planned to sleep, but not far enough to attract any unwanted attention.
When you were finally done, the sun had already set for about 3000 minutes and you finally allowed your body to relax sitting on the ground as you took off you backpack and started to go through the supplies on its inside, planning how much you could eat and drink each day to avoid being without it. It wasn’t long before you were sleepy, putting the bag back on, you laid on the grassy floor using your coat as a pillow. 
                                                       --    --
Kylo was watching his girl sleep beautifully through the screen. He had arrived too late to meet her before she was sent to the arena, but at least he would be able to track her every movement. In fact he could track any of the girls, but he didn’t give a damn about them, except to check how far from y/n they were.
The room filled with screens was also occupied by his knights - watching excited since they had a bet going on about who was going to survive and who wasn’t -, Phasma - whose eyes were at all times in the screen following Aduke -, and Hux who kept bitching about how Kylo should be paying attention to all of the girls not just his new toy. The way he spoke about his Empress set Ren over the edge and it wasn’t long before the General was on the floor, face as red as his hair, catching his breath after being force choked by Kylo.
The dark knight was confident that, despite the situation, y/n would get out of there breathing. She had to. 
                                                      --    --
What woke you up, fortunately, wasn’t the sound of the leaves being destructed with stomps, it was the sunlight able to pass through the trees top. In no time, you went back to a sitting position, placing your coat on the same place it had been before you slept and you had also started to get some food and water for breakfast - a couple of fruits and a third of your first water bottle -. 
Getting up, you quickly gathered the leaves on the floor storing them in your backpack knowing that they could be used for the same purpose again.
After all was done, you started to walk in the same pace you had used in the previous day as you headed to the village, now about half an hour far. Watching the sun, you imagined that it was about 0700 hours, which meant ten had passed, another thirty-eight to go. 
The walk was uneventful and before you took notice, you were standing in front of a bunch of poorly made wood houses - which looked like they would fall if wind was ever to be in touch with their surface -. Aware of the danger you were being in a open space which attracted attention to itself, you were quick to enter in every each one of them hoping to find any of the things promised to be scattered around this arena. Your attempts, however, resulted only in frustration and it wasn’t long before you resumed your walk getting away from the place. 
Walking without destination, you found a small pond in which you decided to stay until the sun was close to set when you would make you way back to the place you had slept. After you spreaded the leaves around you as a safety measure, you sat near the water letting the sounds it made clear your mind and relax you. Lunch passed and you kept unbothered, however when the afternoon started to end, the sound of a foot pressing against leaves made you jump to your feet ready to fight.
Shortly after, a small girl with long hair came to view, Heide you remembered, the one who hanged out with Antje. “Look, I’m not looking for a fight, okay?” you said keeping in mind what you had promised yourself - you wouldn’t kill girls just for the Devil’s entertainment -. As a reply, you got a dry laugh followed by the words “Too bad, cause’ we are”. Before you could process her statement, the woman you had come to hate appeared, her blond hair and green eyes awakening the same rage you had felt the last time you saw her inside of you. “You think you can attack me like a savage animal and leave without consequences?” Antje annoying voice asked. Refusing to answer her, you shrugged ready for what was coming, you had trained for this. The smaller girl charged into you in an attempt to bring you down, but before she could, you escaped her hands watching as her brown hair was completely soaked by the water she felt right into. 
In no time, you closed the distance between you and Antje, your foot meeting her right leg causing the woman to lost balance, taking advantage of it, your hand found its way to her head forcing it to your knee. As soon as your hand let go, the blonde’s body fell to the ground and you turned to deal with Heide who had just got out of the water. She was faster than her company, but it wasn’t long before you pinned her down forcing the woman to eat grass. When you were finally ready to end her, a knife entered your skin right at the end of your ribs making a scream fill the air.
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rabldcur-a · 4 years
What are your top five ships for Hux?
-I have like two: Gingerpilot and Adan ( @cvrsdordr ) x Hux, finding three other is being to be a bit tricky.
how differently people write their muses actually affects this list but here is it in its default form;
phux wouldn’t work, phasma is a lesbian imo please read her comics i think u’ll agree.
reyux is weird they never actually met face to face and it’s implies he doesn't know her name.
gingerflower i dont get but i’ll not shit talk like other people just let asian people have ships.
finnhux i dont understand.
kylux is a big nope.
archex x hux on the odd side of things since I see them more as brothers but  can see where other people are coming from with it.
kaydel x armitage is a thing, also dont get since they didn’t meet.
mitaka x hux wouldn’t be a thing given that hux believes dating your underlings is unprofessional and prefer a partner little more mature in age.
pryde was friends w his father and probably abused armitage in his younger years so no, never this.
there’s this han x hux edit somewhere on youtube and it makes me laugh everytime
i don’t know any other ship for hux but if i missed it ask me about it, I'm just probably being too picky here or maybe gingerpilot really won me over. who knows?
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lieutenantbelmont · 4 years
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VERSE TAG: ;;sorry i don't feel bad for you: movies LOCATION: Varies [thread dependent] AGE: Default is 27
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Basic Information
X. Born on Coruscant, Marcie was the child of a single mother by the name of Aria Morendi. Her mother decided to give her the father’s last name out of love for him.  X. Over time, Aria’s dislike at being left alone began to turn into negativity and toxicity. She openly talked badly about Marcie’s father to the point that she began to accuse him of using her. By the time Marcie was old enough to understand her mother’s words, that dislike had turned to hatred and soon, the accusations grew to rape.  X. Growing up with her mother was a challenge. Marcie was naturally a child that wore her heart on her sleeve, much like her father. X. Her curiosity and desire to be closer to her mother started to become dangerous for her. To the point that Marcie toyed with an experiment and broke a few of the brewing beakers. Aria punished her by gassing her with the vapors from the experiment, causing damage to her throat and lungs. Lying at a hospital visit got Aria out of trouble. X. Nonetheless, Marcie loved her mother and idolized her. Because of her constant contact with her mother Marcie began to develop a deep interest in science. To her, it was something that they could share and enjoy with one another. X. Because of that, she excelled in the STEM areas of her classwork - math and science but also in logistics and engineering. She had little interest in music and art, finding them nonsensical and disorderly - all because her mother did.  X. When she turned eleven, she asked her mother if she could join the Future Imperial Leaders Military Preparatory School for their science and research courses. Given that her mother was Old Imperial, there was little begging on Marcella’s behalf. 
X. She was enrolled and graduated with honors. Her first post was a research lab on Vardos, then a Communications ensign on the Steadfast. She was quickly moved to the Hyperspace Tracker Project on the Supremacy and then to Starkiller Base for Plasma Weaponry Research. X. By the time TFA starts, Marcie has a more permanent position on the Finalizer. She was not on Starkiller base at the moment of destruction but she was among the many officers that witnessed the firing of the weapon. X. She takes great pride in knowing that her contributions have made an impact somewhere but she does continue to work hard to become Head Scientist. X. Part of her work includes running the medbay. Her work there often consists of, in her opinion, mind numbing procedures, but she takes her job seriously either way. (Note: There’s a good chance that she’s worked on numerous personnel on the Finalizer including but not limited to - Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Lieutenant Mitaka, Captain Phasma, etc.) X. In TLJ, Marcie works mainly on the Finalizer but she’s transferred to the Supremacy to work with the Hyperspace Tracker shortly before the Dreadnought is destroyed by Poe Dameron. She contributed to tracking the Resistance through hyperspace and returned to the Finalizer while in pursuit.  X. After Amilyn Holdo’s attack on the First Order, Marcella evacuated to Crait. While she wasn’t on the same shuttle as Kylo and Hux, she still witnessed the Battle of Crait. X. Directly after the Battle of Crait, Marcie took up a slightly lesser position on the Steadfast. Allegiant General Pryde didn’t trust her with the Lieutenant position she was given on the Finalizer. She was stuck to cleaning the labs.  X. Over time, her distrust and dislike of Pryde became far more prevalent. Enough that Kylo could pick up on it. She deigned not to explain her feelings on the man.  X. Over the year after Snoke’s death and Kylo’s rise as Supreme Leader, Marcie was constantly doing what she could to regain her fallen rank. X. Instead, she gave suggestions to the people who ranked higher than her in a bid to get her name back to where it should have been. Marcie never liked being thrown to the side.  X. The amount of journals she lost in the Finalizer’s destruction were replaced almost immediately when she began cataloging on her datapad. Thankful that many of her ideas had been scanned previously, Marcella began using them to suggest better firepower and cannon upgrades for the Steadfast. X. A few of her upgrades included faster reloading time with little damage to the capacitors and less stress on the commanders. Implemented with her name attached, she regained the attention of Allegiant General Pryde, namely to be humiliated in front of her commanding officers and the Supreme Leader. In that same meeting, Pryde slammed her face in a table and nearly broke her nose, citing that she was likely one of the traitors giving information to the Resistance.  X. In order to preserve her position and her life, Marcie offered up a means to track down the actual traitor via video and audio surveillance. Tracking keywords in order to find the person would make it easier to remove the Resistance as a whole. Despite her ideas, Marcie was demoted further to a medbay nurse full-time. X. Spiteful and humiliated, Marcella began working on what she could in her spare time. Working the medbay was a huge downgrade to her after having worked so hard to climb the ranks. Her work was being overlooked over a personal vendetta. During a call to her mother, she divulged the name of the Allegiant General Pryde and received startling information - her mother had refused a romantic relationship with him at some point in the past.  X. Fully ready to utilize said information, Marcella never managed to get the chance. The Resistance cropped up again and the events of TROS unfolded in a dramatic fashion. Given that her orders were to take care of anyone in the medbay, the last person she expected to find there was General Armitage Hux. Note: Given that Marcella was in the medbay at the time, she could have easily seen to his recovery and then hid him or watched his death - thread dependent.  X. Once the events of Exegol take place, Marcie manages to get into one of the hangars just in time to get off the Steadfast. Utilizing her flight training, she takes a TIE from the hangar and flies out into the end of the battle itself. 
Option 1: Meet Marcie in the labs as either a First Order or Resistance Member at any point in the movie series.  Option 2: Marcie is off-ship and on a planet for temporary leave. She could be captured for information and/or meets up with someone unknowing of their war-related status. Option 3: Mission! Combat or exploratory. Marcie always has a trick up her sleeve and she’s not afraid to fight to defend herself. Go on a mission with her and experience an excited scientist.
Post-TROS/Avoiding TROS
Option 1: Captured by the Resistance. Marcie struggles to deal with life after the First Order. Her skills will get her nowhere in negotiations but her knowledge on the faction could save her. Highly unpredictable, aggressive.  Option 2: On the run. Doing all she can to avoid Resistance capture, Marcie uses her skills and knowledge to keep herself safe. This includes creating acid traps on inhabited planets and dangerous, elaborate minefields on uninhabited planets. Dangerous, aggressive. Unwelcoming. Option 3: Returns to her mother on Coruscant and tries to live a normal-ish life. Does what work she can under her own name, even if it means falsifying documents and having a new name that she can use to hide with. Lying. Semi-aggressive. Noticeable to any who have met her previously. 
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 32
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If you haven’t heeded my warnings by now you have done it to yourself.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 32: A Morning Exercise
Your alarm woke you up at the ungodly hour of 5:30 AM. You rolled out of bed and started to get ready. At 5:45 you were finished and left your room. The lieutenant was waiting for you in the living room like usual, as was Kylo who was wearing a similar outfit as the morning before except this time he was wearing a white tank instead of a black one.
“Good morning, are you ready to head to the training room? It is halfway across the ship, so we should get going,” asked Kylo.
“Yes,” you replied excitedly.
He took your arm and you left. You made your ways through the halls and you were surprised to see that there were little to know officers and ‘troopers roaming about. You supposed that the ship really only wakes up at around 6:00 AM, as it was still Alpha shift. You made your way to a room with a larger than a normal door.
Entering the room you notice a large number of generals and other high-level officers on the outside of a large training area. Many of the high-ranking officers had lower-level officers by their sides, much like your own Lieutenant Mitaka.
Kylo released you next to Allegiant General Hux, who greeted you kindly. “Good morning m’lady, my suggestion to you this time around would be to place credits on the Supreme Leader.”
You laughed at his suggestion, and then promptly yawned as you had yet to have any coffee.
“Shall I order you stimcaf m’lady,” asked the redheaded general.
“Stimcaf? Is that like coffee?”
“Yes, m’lady but with a much higher caffeine count.”
“Yes, please” you groaned out. Which earned a hearty chuckle from the general who turned to his aide.
Within a few minutes, a junior officer appeared with a steaming cup of dark liquid in their hand. You thanked them and proceeded to wait for the sparring to begin. Kylo was discussing something with an officer and then turned to the knights to begin.
If you thought watching Captain Phasma and Commander Pyre was amazing, it had nothing on what you were witnessing now.
Kylo was monstrously strong.
They were sparing like the captain and the commander with metal staffs and dull swords. It was six against one at the moment, Kylo was showing his strength and dominance by easily maneuvering out of the way of any oncoming hits. Something about the way he was moving and dodging was magical. You couldn’t have paid the best ballerinas in Paris to move more gracefully than the knights and him. They put The Nutcracker to shame.
All while they were fighting various officers were giving Kylo updates on things around the First Order and he was responding in time. He was truly a marvel to watch.
Even though you thought it might be impossible seeing as the knights were all really strong, somehow Kylo was even stronger. He was broader and taller than his knights, but the strength comes mainly from his chest, shoulders, and thighs. You wondered how his massive hands might help his overall strength.
Although they were all graceful Kylo seemed more refined in the way he fought, but very ferociously. His whole body was an extension of the weapon in his hand, his sword. He was deadly, you wondered how many people have faced him on the battle and lived, you doubted if there were very many if at all.
You watched as they all tried to attack him at once he took them down with calculated efficiency without any obvious use of the Force. Cardo and Ushar were sent down to the floor, Ap’lek and Trudgen flew back to the wall, Kuruk and Vicrul were sent stumbling back into a group of officers who thought they were a safe distance away.
You failed to notice General Pryde come up alongside you, opposite to Hux. “Magnificent to watch isn’t he,” asked Pryde.
You were startled before you agreed.
“Unlike many in the First Order now, I had the glorious opportunity to watch his grandfather, Lord Vader, fight. They have many similarities. It was truly an honor to watch,” said Pryde. There was something disturbing in the way he was watching the training. Somehow he had an air of lust for the power that Kylo held, it rather disturbed you.
“Now Pryde her history lessons are with me after lunch. There is no need to plague her with your useless ideals of the past,” said Hux sneering toward the man.
You could tell that Pryde was holding his tongue, probably as to not get in trouble so soon after the last time. He bowed and stepped away from you joining the Admiral Griss in a discussion with another officer.
“It would do you best to avoid him for now, I don’t believe he has truly learned his lesson yet,” said Hux who then gave some sort of order to his aide. A female officer who appeared to be a general gave out the debrief of, “Yesterday was the last day of registration on earth. Currently, we still have less than 1 percent of the population that needs to register. The unregistered seemed to be mostly from populations that are normally inaccessible from earth’s records. Might I suggest that we send in a company of ‘troopers to each location.”
“You said they were typically inaccessible? These are mostly people who have little to no contact with the outside world. Sending in stormtroopers would only lead them to panic and possibly attacking them. You should consult with an anthropologist before proceeding to make contact,” you responded to the general.
Kylo paused in his sparring and the other officers paused in what they were doing. All eyes were on you. There was a look of confusion on his face, but before he spoke General Hux spoke upcoming to your aid. “Why do you suggest this m’lady?”
“I am assuming some of the people you have yet to come into contact are various tribes from around the world. They still might be using bows and arrows and have no idea what electricity is. They may even still worship the sun as a god. They also do not tend to have any papers of any kind or they may not even have any sort of writing system. Our governments leave them alone for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is they do not have the same inherent immunity to some diseases so unless you vaccinate them immediately they may all die soon. They are an important part of history on this planet and should be disturbed as little as possible,” you said.
“But these people will have to follow the will of the First Order,” said the female general pleading to the Supreme Leader.
Kylo took what you said into consideration before saying, “You heard Lady Ren. Unless I dispute her, what she says goes.”
“And what of the people who are not in these tribes? There is a large portion of people out in the state of Utah who refuse to register and some many others across your planet. What are we to do with them,” asked the general still seemingly indignant.
“Well by the way you are describing it, I believe you are discussing a cult. I personally have no problem with sending in stormtroopers unannounced to them. In my opinion, they have it coming to them. If there are any small groups or families that have failed to register I would do the same thing by sending ‘troopers to them,” you said.
This seemed to pacify the female general sufficiently and Kylo resumed his sparring with the knights after a head-nod to you. You were happy with your minor victory.
“Well done m’lady, not many are able to stand their ground with General Parnadee,”  said Hux quietly with approval. Everyone seemed to turn back to what they were doing before your interruption.
“Thank you general. I will take that as a compliment.”
“As you should m’lady. You have done better than anyone has expected you to do,” said Hux with a slight bounce of pride.
You gave him a smile and a nod. At this time the knights and Kylo had ceased sparing. Each of the knights seemed to try to catch their collective breaths while Kylo seamed already collected. He approached you and you could now see the nice sheen that his sweat had created on his skin. He was glowing.
“Shall we return for breakfast,” asked Kylo holding out his arm to you.
You nodded, words failing you as you marveled in his glow. He guided you through the halls which were now filling with people but unlike when he wears his mask, people were giving him a much wider berth. You wondered if there was a rule against seeing him without his mask or if it was just a faux pas.
You were back at your chambers and went immediately to the dining room to order breakfast and coffee for the lieutenant. Your breakfasts came and you enjoyed them before the lieutenant gave you your morning schedule update.
“Today you have a long heath committee meeting that starts earlier today at 9:00 hours. The Supreme Leader will be in attendance. This meeting will also be a luncheon. After the meeting, you are to return to the ship to receive an extra hour of tutoring to make up for yesterday. Then you have dinner with the Supreme Leader as normal. Is there anything you would like to add m’lady,” asked Mitaka.
“The only thing I would like to add to that schedule is several orders of stimcaf.” This received a shy chuckle from the lieutenant and a smirk from Kylo who got up and headed to his room to shower away his morning sweat.
Kylo was in and out of the shower in a matter of a few minutes. You were both ready to go at 8:30 for your shuttle descent to the surface. You were joined by Ap’lek and Kuruk as your guards and Hux was still the general escorting you to your meeting.
You knew that this meeting would be worlds different from the others for the simple fact that Kylo had decided to join you. You were worried about what it would mean and the outcome. As he had said earlier, what you say goes unless he disputes it. But what if he disputes everything you say? You were not ready for that. You held out hope that you would still be able to fight for your planet. Even if that meant fighting Kylo for it.
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bexterbex · 4 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 72
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This is the part where I reiterate if you see something in the tags/warnings you don't like, please just leave the story.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Will tag as I go along, Will update tags, Slow Burn, Influenced by Star Trek and other Sci-Fi themes, References to We Happy Few, Tons of References and quotes to George Orwells 1984 see if you can find them all, The First Order is the new Big Brother,  but who is really surprised, Blatant Nazi Symbolism, Interrogation Themes, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Really just drawn out Slow Burn, Don’t repost without permission, Torture themes, Suggestive Themes, Execution themes, Disturbing Themes, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Controlling Kylo Ren, Physical Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Kylo Ren is Not Nice, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Possessive Kylo Ren, A character shamelessly based on Zelda
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 72: Ink and Lies
You woke up with a pressure behind your ear and a hand between your legs. The last few mornings since you’ve been crowned Empress, since your wedding, Kylo has woken you up by fingering you and playing with your clit. Basically giving you an orgasm to start the day, not that you were complaining at all. You also tried to happily return the favor, but it was much easier to do some sort of handjob, wrist match name attention mix to get him off since he has really too big for your hands to handle properly. But that is what your mornings consisted of.
You and Kylo had done some work over the last few days but not much, you weren’t going to be able to get a proper honeymoon in the middle of a war, but your love nest was enough. Today was the first day that Kylo would be leaving the ship. The Alazmac apparently had something for him, something of Vader’s that they wanted to give you both as a wedding present. You weren’t exactly happy that he was leaving the ship, as you had wanted him close, he was right in the sense that him guarding you made you feel safer.
In the last few days, you had seen very little of your staff outside a few visits from your ladies-in-waiting and Mitaka, who relayed important messages. Hux was bearing the brunt of the responsibility of the First Order at the moment, not unlike before you were in the picture, but you felt bad.
In the couple of hours that Kylo was gone, you and your ladies-in-waiting did some rehabilitation work. Your body in many ways had taken a beating and you needed to be restored to some sort of functional state.
Eyeing you up and down, scanning over the many, many love marks. “You know you look like you’ve been attacked by a pack of wild dogs,” commented Adlez.
This caused a snort of laughter at the comparison, “If only you knew the truth.” Especially with your new nickname for Kylo. You didn’t mind the beast, especially in bed. But after the last few days, it would be nice to be able to feel the lower half of your body finally.
“Maybe you need to put him on a leash, hmm? Some obedience training? It’s worked wonders on his knights. And the pack of dogs they are.” Again it felt like Adlez was full of surprises. She’s hinted at her sleeping around with the knights, teaching them ‘manners.’
You tried to play off the smirk that was on your face. “All of them or just Cardo?” You knew the rowdy Knight of Ren had a soft spot for her. So much so that Kylo asked you about it.
“All of them.” She shrugged, “But Cardo has been a special boy.” The images that popped into your head were rather... scaring. You were just grateful that you did not have to witness them in real life.
Your face flushed with embarrassment, “Oh my god, didn’t need to know that, but good for you.” You really didn’t, she had her private life, and you had yours.
“You should ask the Supreme Leader about their wedding gift for you two.” Some rather terrifying possibilities jumped around in your head. You almost didn’t want to know, especially if he hasn’t shown it to you yet.
“Do I want to know?” You probably didn’t, but you might be able to get an answer out of her, eventually. “Well, it might just help with that obedience bit. He is their leader, their alpha and now you are their alpha too. Teach him some new tricks.” And the dog imagery was back, you wonder just how much she knows. But for now you wanted to drop the subject all together.
They ended up filling the tub with bacta for you to soak, Kylo had expressed the discomfort about you going to the med bay for treatment. And since none of your ‘injuries’ were severe or life-threatening it was a long bath in gross bacta gel for you. Adlez told you to submerge yourself but that meant Kylo’s favorite love bites would be healed too and you weren’t about to do that, you wanted to wear a few of them with pride.
By the time you got out, you felt renewed again. The only bruises left were those high up on your neck, along your jaw, and of course the one behind your ear. Still marked up for him, still owned, but it wasn’t like you needed it because you had your wedding ring and you doubt there is any place in the galaxy that doesn’t know your face now. You were his and were proud to display his conquest marks. You also haven’t worn any proper clothes in the last few days, if you were just with Kylo you were either naked or wearing just a robe, but if you were meeting with someone you wore a wrap dress. Which seemed to be Kylo’s favorite type of garment on you because he could easily untie you and have access to whatever he wanted.  
After Adlez and Olivia-Rose made you human again you had a meeting with your staff and Hux. They seemed to eye your condition carefully. Not really knowing how Kylo had left you, since you had really only been meeting with Mitaka and your ladies-in-waiting.
“What are my most pressing matters?” You knew you did not have much time to be talking with them Kylo would be back soon, and your rehabilitation treatments took a bit longer than you initially expected. Adlez insisted on you being repaired from head to toe with face masks, hair removal, and the works.
“You still need to meet with Senator Apolin about your education,” said Mitaka. Your thoughts went back to the dinner, and how he treated you. Acting as if you were some idiot girl that tricked her way into Kylo’s bed with the intent to rule the galaxy.
A thought popped into your head, you had new privileges now. “Do I or does being Empress now negate that?”
Hux cleared his throat, “I would say that it negates it. He technically has no right to question you now, I suggest a letter versus a call.” He seemed to have your back in many ways, especially when it came to dealing with Pryde and his friends. You wondered just how much he hated the man.
“Right,” you turned to Lieutenant Amala Graven. “Can you write up something about it? Something along the lines that since he, unfortunately, did not set up a date prior to me becoming Empress that he now is not in the position to review my education?” This made you feel happy, knowing that an old man like him wouldn’t be getting his way this time, and that you had tricked him into thinking he had some power over you.
She pushed up her glasses before she began taking notes, very diligent in her work. “Yes. Would you like it to be formal or semi-formal?”
“Formal, but as much hidden sass as you can put in it. Also, let him know that it was unfortunate that he couldn’t attend the wedding.” You were glad he didn’t. You were honestly surprised you were able to handle Pryde being there, but then again, you didn’t know he was there until after the wedding and consummation of your vows were over.
“But we did not extend him an invitation m’lady,” said Mitaka you could hear the worry in his voice. You don’t know if it was because the invitation was ‘forgotten’ or if it was because you were possibly going to piss off a powerful ally.  
You thought for a moment. Even if he wasn’t invited he still had an expectation to uphold his duty. “Has he sent a gift?” You were sure you knew the answer, one of the rooms that shared your chamber’s hallway was cleared out just to hold all of them, some of them still arriving.
Hux answered for the captain. “No, he has not.” You could see the wheels turning in his mind, you knew he agreed with you and what you were about to do.
You looked between both of them, holding your ground. “Then my point still stands. Shall we move on to the next topic?”
Before you could move on Kylo entered the room and ordered everyone out. He was holding something in his hand that you could not see. He chose not to remove his helmet before speaking to you. The chilling sound of his distorted voice haunting you to the bone. “I must leave.”
Waves of confusion washed over you, with their freezing cold waters. “Leave be you just got back? Where are you going?” Your mind was racing a million miles a minute. You were supposed to be relatively safe now, that other danger was not supposed to happen for a while, or at least that’s what you thought.
“I have something left to do.” The black voids of his visor peering into you, this was no guard dog at the moment, this was something else. You could feel something was wrong.
“But why must you go? Can’t you take me with you?” You didn’t understand what was going on, because he wasn’t explaining anything.  
He stepped closer to you, but with his helmet on, like that it didn’t feel sweet it felt threatening. “No, I must go alone. It would be best for you to return to your home planet.” So he was shipping you back to your home planet, to do away with you?
“What’s going on? You’re scaring me.” You wanted answers, answers that he never seemed to give you.
You felt them again, inside your mind. You felt the black tendrils forcing themselves to wrap around your brain, stretching, familiarizing themselves with their new home once more.
His voice taking a whole new, unfamiliar tone of harshness with the mask. His hand with an extended finger outstretched towards you, “You will not fight me. You will do as I say when I say it. You will go home to your planet while complete what I must do. Do you understand?” You were being talked down to, like a child but all you could do is nod. Your body involuntarily doing what he asked, were as the small rational part of your brain was struggling to survive. She was losing the battle.
“I will have a ship and the knights escort you back to Earth. Where you will wait for my return.” So that was it, you were a princess being locked away in some tower before your prince in black armor decides to return to you. No more fairytale for you, just the cold harshness of reality.  
He then left you alone, standing there unable to move as the tears fell down your face and the black inky blob in your brain took over. It forced you to sit down while you began to sob, awful ugly tears. All of your hard work was for nothing, as he crushed your dreams in a second.
Your spark, your flame of rationality was loosing against the downpour of black water that was Kylo in your mind.  You blacked out, or you thought you did. When you woke up, you found yourself on board the Steadfast in your old cold and bright chambers. Adlez, Olivia-Rose, and Mitaka were there with you. The black ink creature receding back into the corners of your skull.
You took hold of yourself again. “Where am I?” You knew where you were technically, but your brain wasn’t clicking. How did you get here? You don’t remember a thing.
Adlez had a look of confusion on her face. “You’re onboard the Steadfast , m’lady. We transferred here three days ago. You’ve been with us the whole time.”
You tried to cool your features as panic set in. “Why am I here?” Something was wrong, something was majorly wrong. Why didn’t you remember any of it? The lack of memories for the last few days was terrifying.
“We were to bring you to Earth, the Supreme Leader said that you wanted to visit your family. So that’s why we are headed there. Are you alright m’lady?” Mitaka’s voice was full of concern. You could tell he was able to sense something was wrong and if he could, then Adlez knew something was.
Just as the word No was going to come out of your mouth you felt the black ink creature take hold of your head. “Yes, I’m fine. I just spaced out for a moment that’s all. I think I need to go lie down and rest for a while.” Your body then took you up the stairs, automatically, without your consent. As your head hit the pillow all you saw was darkness, but you heard a voice. His voice. Kylo’s voice.
‘I need to protect you. Let me protect you.’
‘Why are you doing this? You’re hurting me Kylo. You know this!’ The doctor told you as much. He was going to smother the life out of you, for what? You didn’t know.
‘I am protecting you. I do not know what this purpose is yet, therefore you must be protected.’
‘You’re killing me, Kylo. Your killing the part of me that makes me, me!’  You were internally screaming at him now. Crying and begging for him to stop, but the black tendrils only held you tighter.
‘Man serves the interest of no creature except himself, I must do what I need to do to protect you.’ You don’t know what scares you more, the fact that he was doing this or the fact that the voice that he was choosing to speak to you in your mind was that of the mask. He wasn’t even using his own natural voice, this was devoid of emotion.
‘Please… don’t do this.’ You could feel the grasp you had on yourself quickly slipping away. You were losing any control you had and terrifying didn’t even begin to describe it.
‘You are mine.’ While before you thought the mask made him devoid of emotion, this came out as a snarl. The monster was rearing his ugly head in full form.
When you awoke it was like you were staring out of windows, except they were your eyes. You could not move yourself. You could not move your own body. No, he was doing it. You were trapped inside your own mind, watching how the outside world spoke to ‘you’ without it being you.
You realized you were surrounded by dying embers in your own mind, with black rain attempting to wash them away. You were trapped. And your captor was on the other side of the galaxy, claiming to be protecting you, or at least the you that wasn’t you. A man who claimed to love you, but in fact he failed to understand you. The beast, the monster had taken over him, taken over you. But there was no exit that you could see around you, no exit to this nightmare you were about to be forced to witness.
A/N: I even bolded some of the tags you should be concerned with in this chapter. 
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 25
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(Gif by @huxsmug-deactivated20200201)
Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 25: Of Pride and Pryde
“Now where do we begin? I believe we should pick up some societal and cultural structures. Now First Order started in isolation on the far side of the Unknown Regions. Under the guidance of the Imperial veterans, we grew to learn that we had been robbed of victory over the galaxy by terrorists and rebels. Who now make up the New Republic. 
We are the only ones who have the power necessary to wrest the galaxy from a path of chaos and corruption. The New Republic’s corruption and ineffectiveness are plain to see across the galaxy. This corruption is one of our crucial weapons. Because of this, our citizens see the Rebellion as a false shepherd and that Rebels can only tear down governments and not build them.
The Republic is depraved, they allow famines to continue on Ibaar and Adarlon and the brutal suppression of the people of Balamak. The First Order has victories of liberating labor camps on Iktotch and we have won a fleet battle in the Bormeea sector.”
You could see the pride in his chest as he was speaking of the First Order victories. 
“In fact, we utilize a commemorative rank insignia system, issuing armbands bearing the names of famous units and heroes during the Galactic Civil War. Lieutenant would you kindly show her your rank armband,” ordered the general. 
The short brunette man sitting next to you showed you the sleeve of his uniform. In the armband, there was a group of symbols you could not read. 
“What does it say,” you ask. 
“Ah yes, I suppose we will have to teach you. We will add it to the list. His band says ‘Power.’ In memory to Admiral Clyss Power of the Galactic Empire. I shan’t get into why he is important at the moment as we will save that for another time but anyone who ranks from a squad leader to a colonel has an insignia that designates rank on their sleeves. Black uniforms denote combat positions, grey usually means mid-level officers who may see combat and teal denotes higher-ranking officers who run sections. Generals and admirals are denoted with silver for generals and red for admirals,” he said gesturing to his own uniform.
“Now the lieutenant and I are similar in many ways. We were recruited at young ages like I discussed yesterday. We were instilled with First Order doctrines to have a strong sense of duty, loyalty, patriotism, and obedience to the state of the First Order. We were taught to forgo our own personal desires for the greater good of the First Order unless that personal desire is for the betterment of the First Order. 
Our military ranks do emphasize individual strength and improvisation, both physically and mentally. Our training programs that are mandatory for all recruits, beginning at a young age, become more aggressively severe into adulthood. We like the Empire before us believe the naturally strong rise to power, while the weak are left to serve their natural leaders. Power is not a means; it is an end.
First Order citizens are educated to believe that the pursuit of individual selfishness and desires is what allowed the Rebel-Alliance to topple the galaxy-uniting Empire. The Rebels and similarily the Resistance are short-sighted terrorists who cannot see the benefit of an Empire. Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. That is why we must win. The Resistance is chaos and disarray, we are better.”
This time you did not even bother to attempt to take notes as you saw the lieutenant’s fingers fly across his data pad at an unbelievable rate. You were correct in your assumption that he was going to send you them as your phone received them in a new document.
“Now my lady, I believe it is time for you to join General Pryde and me in the officer lounge for dinner,” said the general. You followed him out of the room and down the hallways to a large lounge that high-ranking officers were milling about in. All attention in the room shifted to you, before the general shot a look to the other officers. They then proceeded about their business. It seemed that no matter where you went either on the ship or down on Earth you seemed to draw attention--unwanted attention.
You followed the general to an alcove in the room that held a table that General Pryde was already sitting at. General Hux dismissed Lieutenant Mitaka for dinner and you watched him for a moment go sit with a group of young officers. 
“My lady it is a pleasure to have you eat with us,” said General Pryde dripping with morbid infatuation.
You could see General Hux shooting him a look as you both sat down. “It is my pleasure, but the person you have to thank is the Supreme Leader. He is the one who set this up.”
“Yes, the Supreme Leader asked to make sure that you were not to spend this evening’s dinner alone. He does believe that he will return for tomorrow’s dinner,” replied General Hux.
A waiter came to your table and took your order, both men encouraged you to join them in a drink as well as the entree. 
“So, have you been enjoying your time with the Supreme Leader,” asked Pryde. There was something lurking behind his eyes you just couldn’t tell what it was yet. 
“Well, I am on day four of officially knowing him and everything seems to be going relatively well. Why do you ask?”
You could see the generals exchange glances. “We only ask to make sure everything between you two is alright. We care about your safety and the Supreme Leader has a tendency to be a bit of self-destructive in more ways than one,” responded Hux. 
Before you could respond the waiter came back with your food and a refill of your drinks. “But Allegiant General Hux has informed me that your education on the First Order is going well,” said Pryde. The pair exchanged glances again. You could tell that there were parts of this conversation that you were missing entirely. 
“Yes, you’ll have to excuse my lack of conceptualizing the information yet. I am learning about a world or rather a large part of the galaxy that until six days ago I didn’t even know existed.”
“Of course my lady, no one expects you to learn galactic history overnight,” replied Hux nonchalantly.
“You have been a natural in the Health Committee meetings. Rather dignified if I do say so myself m’lady,” replied Pryde. Hux shot him another look, to which appeared to you to be a signal to back off. 
“Thank you. But that reminds me of a question that I have had. Who is the First Order High Command?”
You see both men straighten up in their chairs. Allegiant General Hux replied: “the First Order High Command are the admirals and generals within the First Order meaning both General Pryde and myself are members m’lady.”
You look between the two men, with some scrutiny. “So can you tell me who it was that suggested the two-child policy should be enacted immediately?”
Now there was a look of slight fear in their eyes as they exchanged glances once again. 
“M’lady I informed the First Order High Command of your wishes,” replied Pryde quickly. 
“The Supreme Leader made the ultimate decision,” said Hux defensively. 
“But that does not answer my question,” you replied. 
“My lady, that policy does not apply to you and the Supreme Leader it only applies to the majority of First Order citizens,” responded Pryde. 
You stood up outraged. “That was not my question. And that is none of your concern!” You quickly left the lounge and started to make your way down the hall before Lieutenant Mitaka caught up with you to help guide you back to your chambers. 
Reaching the door you told the lieutenant you were to see him in the morning and that you did not want to be disturbed for the rest of the evening. 
Shortly after entering the living room you received an alert on your phone from the First Order messaging system. It appeared to be a ship-wide alert informing everyone that you did not wish to be disturbed. 
How convenient.
You paced around the living room for a bit trying to blow off some steam. Ultimately you went to your room and changed into something more comfortable. You exited your room to return to the living room but before you did you spent a few moments looking at Kylo’s empty bed. For how angry you were at him for the moment, tonight would be the first night since you met that you would be without him. You wondered for a moment questioning if it would be childish to sleep in his bed tonight. You pushed aside that thought for now and retrieved your laptop from the living room coffee table. 
You glanced at the time seeing that it was only 7:30 you thought you should pull up a movie. You scrolled through your favorite streaming platform and found something to pass the time. After it ended it was around 10 p.m. you decided you should head to bed. Climbing the stairs to your room you once again looked at Kylo’s empty bed. One night sleeping in it wouldn’t hurt right? Would he even notice? You made the decision to crawl under the covers. One night wouldn’t hurt, especially when the sheets smelled of him.
You awoke earlier than usual the next morning. You hoped you beat the lieutenant usual arrival and tried to hurry back into your room and got ready for the morning. If the lieutenant noticed anything different then he failed to mention it during his usual morning greeting. You did the usual of ordering your breakfast and his coffee and sat in the dining room. 
“Are you alright m’lady,” he finally asked. 
“Of course I am. Why do you ask?”
“Last night you seemed very unhappy leaving dinner and you gave me the order that no one was to disturb you.”
You breathed a small sigh of relief. He was only asking about dinner last night and not your sleeping in Kylo’s bed. “I’m fine, it was just something General Pryde had said, that is all. Nothing you did or anything else for that matter.”
“Would you like me to inform the Supreme Leader that he offended you? Allegiant General Hux might have already done so, but I can send another message to him if you wish.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose out of slight frustration. “No, it isn’t that important.”
“Ok, ma’am. Would you like to go over your schedule for today?”
“Yes please.”
“You have nothing once again until the Health Committee. Since the Supreme Leader will still be a way you are open for lunch but he will be back in time for dinner. After lunch, you have your lesson with the allegiant general. Is there anything else you would like to add?”
“No, that is all. Thank you.”
You then went about reviewing what you had discovered yesterday and you opened the meeting topics agenda that Dr. Koroban sent over. Exercise, vaccinations, sickness prevention, and injury prevention was the list of upcoming topics to discuss. This time you would be discussing the topics without the health experts and you were less than thrilled. You figured you should do some preemptive research before meeting so you pulled out your laptop and got to work. 
A/N: Special thanks to the discord chat for helping me with words last night. 
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 18
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Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 18: Before the Committee
You woke up early to your alarm. Pausing before getting up you relived the events of the last two days. It was a whirlwind, and you wondered if it was always going to be like this. Shaking your head you got out of bed and ready for the day. You wore one of your work ‘uniforms’ as you deemed them more appropriate for the meetings you had ahead of yourself today. You also decided that you should put on some light makeup, as to make a good impression that you took good care in self-grooming.
When you were finished getting ready you grabbed your phone and started to head out of your room. You noticed that Kylo was not in his room, you entered the living room and Lieutenant Mitaka was there once again.
“Good morning m’lady,” said the lieutenant.
“Good morning lieutenant have you eaten this morning,” you ask while walking to the dining room.
“Yes, ma’am,” replied the short man.
“Well can I order you a cup of coffee or tea? And I am assuming you have been assigned to me again this morning,” you asked.
“I have been assigned to be your personal assistant of sorts, by the Supreme Leader. And a cup of tea would be most appreciated,” you could see relief cross his face. You reminded yourself that the Kylo that you see is not the Supreme Leader everyone else deals with.
You ordered from your phone for the first time. Unlike Kylo’s data pad there seemed to be a long list of Earth foods, and there seemed to be a list of your favorite foods in the favorites tab. How Kylo was able to do this you didn’t know, but you were too nervous to ask him.
The droid arrived in a matter of three minutes before you were really able to ask the Lieutenant anything. But you enjoyed your breakfast and the Mitaka thanked you for the tea.
“I know I have to be at the Health Committee by around 10. I know I need to arrange for transport. If I could I would like materials sent to me on my phone, about what the First Order’s current health policies are,” as you were saying this Mitaka was typing on his data pad.
“I will have everything sent to you. I can arrange for transport at 0800 hours this morning. I have been informed that the Finalizer’s chief medical officer would like to meet with you before the meeting. He would like you to debrief him on what you and the Supreme Leader have discussed on the subject,” said the lieutenant. You received a notification on your phone informing you that the First Order health regulations documents have been delivered.
You thanked the lieutenant and saw that the time was only 7 AM. You walked into your room and took out your work tote. You pulled out a notebook and pen and walked back to the living room. You started to make notes on what you were reading.
Several manuals, the biggest being 'Field Hygiene and Sanitation.’ This seemed very obvious to you. The purpose of the command, which person is responsible for what in terms of their own health. The individual is first and foremost responsible for their own health, then their immediate commander, then the medical/dental officer, then upper chains of command.
The manual went over personal cleanliness, care of the mouth and teeth, care of the feet, food, and drink, exercise, rest and recreation, protection against the elements, protection against disease-carrying insects, avoidance of the sources of disease, special protective measures, cultivation of a healthy mind, and finally rules for avoiding illness in the field. Many of these things could be translated into civilian life and so you made proper notes on this.
You glanced at the time seeing it was 7:45 by the time you were done making these notes. You decided that you should brainstorm some marketing tactics for this health regime. You made a more encompassing list that you previously stated the day before; Posters, pamphlets, video, radio, press releases, and large advertisements.
“Ma’am we should head to the hangar to depart for your meeting,” said the lieutenant.
You nodded and packed up your things. You followed the lieutenant to the hangar to which you saw the command shuttle and Commander Pyre once more.
“Everything is ready for your departure my lady,” said the gold plated commander.
You climbed aboard the ship and everyone strapped in for take-off.
“Tell me commander, am I to expect you to escort me every time I leave the ship,” you ask.
“Yes, ma’am unless Captain Phasma or the Supreme Leader is here. I have been put in charge of your immediate safety otherwise. General Pryde will meet us with the  Finalizer’s  chief medical officer. Pryde is also in charge of your safety and your movements,” responded the commander.
You thanked him and thought about what he said, that General Pryde was in charge of your movements. Why did you need to be watched or guarded so heavily? You shook that thought from your head as you received a ding from your phone.
There was a notification from the First Order messaging center. You opened it seeing a message from Kylo, ‘Good morning. I will be in strategic meetings all morning but I would like to join you for a late lunch.’
You responded, ‘Good morning to you too. That sounds perfect, I have no idea how long the Health Committee meeting will go, but I will notify you when we are done or at recess.’
The ship landed and you were greeted by the gray-haired general and an equally gray-haired medical officer.
“Hello, my lady. My name is Dr. Crale Koroban I am the chief medical officer aboard the Finalizer.  You and I will be working together on the Health Committee as assigned by the Supreme Leader,” said the medical officer. He bowed slightly when introducing himself with his hands resigned behind his back.
“Hello, Dr. Koroban. I was informed that you were wanting to meet with me before the official committee meeting. Why is this,” you ask. You were now all moving into the White House to a conference room similar to the one you were in yesterday.
“Yes. You have some background and first-hand knowledge as to the health and hygiene of your planet. I was also informed that you were quite frank when you recalled the health of many of the countries. It is this honesty that I need before we meet with the health officials from your planet. The First Order cannot afford a large unhealthy population on your planet,” said the doctor.
“What would you like to know,” you ask. The general had taken a seat on the other side of the table, whereas the doctor sat near you as did the lieutenant with the commander guarding the door.
“I know that many of your third world countries do not have access to proper hygiene facilities let alone water. They have no way of properly cleaning themselves nor do they have proper health care, this is not my initial concern. They are easier to rectify. Your ‘first world’ countries, on the other hand, seem reluctant to want to improve their hygiene and health as they view themselves to be clean and healthy when in fact they are not,” responded the doctor. “What I would like to know is what you know and have observed as a ‘first world’ citizen on the health practices of your class. It is obvious that civilians have not been keeping things up to standard and we need to rectify this.”
You thought for a few moments about what the doctor said, “Like you said, we believe we are clean when in fact we are not. It is sad when the Center for Disease Control needs to remind us constantly during flu season or during any disease outbreak that we need to wash our hands, avoid touching our face and to not share food and drink with others. Many adults fail to wash their hands after using the restroom, but they always make sure to scold children if they forget. One of the officers gave a really accurate statistic about it and honestly, it didn’t shock me. We also don’t tend to stay home when we are sick, like we are supposed to because we tend to be workaholics. During outbreaks, people fear things but don’t really change their habits.”
The doctor nodded to you and was taking notes on the data pad you didn’t notice he had until now. “Reminding people is part of their job, but I see your point. Personal hygiene is step number one in preventing the spread of disease.”
“I also know there has been a rise in people against vaccinations, they fear side effects that have been disproven by medical professionals. There are also people seeking out home remedies for things that can only be cured or treated by a doctor. I am not talking about the occasional headache or stomachache, I am talking about skin rashes, diseases, and even cancer. Not that I am opposed to being prescribed rest, fluids and a healthy diet but there are some things only a medical professional can effectively treat. In third world countries, people will walk for miles to receive medicine, vaccines, and the ability to clean themselves, but in ‘first world’ countries we seem to deny these things as a privilege. It can be very frustrating.”
This time the doctor took more time taking notes and seemed to think a bit more before responding, “I agree with you. Your planet seems to have shifting parallels when it comes to health and hygiene. Your input on this is very valuable to me. We will be meeting with the others soon, but tell me who the three officials you have chosen are.”
You did not remember choosing anyone, you had simply mentioned that it may be best to include someone from the CDC, the WHO, and the Surgeon General. This may be what the doctor is asking.
“While I never directly chose anyone I merely suggested that we have some of the most respected health officials in the room,” you said.
At this point the lieutenant spoke up, “we have the director of the CDC and the director from the WHO coming along with the Surgeon General.”
“Explain to me why you chose the CDC and the WHO,” asked the doctor.
“The CDC is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention here in the U.S. they help set medical standards and are a resource many people trust. The WHO or the World Health Organization does the same thing but worldwide. The Surgeon General is one of the top public health officials in the world. They are chosen by the president of the united states and have significant experience in public health programs. I chose these three because they care for health and not for maintaining public appearances as to how clean we really are. They would like for the world to have high standards and health practices, unlike the politicians who like to refuse the truth about how unhygienic we really are.”
The doctor nodded at this response and seemed to be in deep thought for a moment. “If these are people whom your world trusts than it is of utmost importance that we get them to agree to First Order health practices. Dr. Xero Dabrini will be assisting me in this committee along with a handful of other First Order doctors and nurses. I hope to look to you for help with any mediation that may need to happen between us and these health officials. Note that the First Order wants healthy and hygienic citizens. We want to be able to provide the health care necessary for this to happen.”
You nodded and agreed with the doctor. The First Order is a military. They need healthy soldiers and citizens. You knew Kylo was counting on you to assist the doctor in this committee and you did not want to disappoint him you were ready for this meeting. The first meeting that you would handle on your own, helping him with the First Order.
A/N: Note that this is a PSA from the Author: WASH YOUR HANDS, AVOID TOUCHING YOUR FACE, STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK, AND GET PLENTY OF REST AND FLUIDS. The COVID-19 is going around and the next few chapters will be centered around health. In my worldbuilding propaganda, there will be useful hygiene and health tips. Heed them if you would like, and stay safe from the virus and listen to the CDC and the WHO.
A PSA from your lovely Author.
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 21
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Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 21: The Beginning of a Long Education
You, Lieutenant Mitaka and General Pryde all returned to the White House together. From there the lieutenant escorted you once again to the red sitting room. This time Kylo was already in the room with lunch waiting for you.
“How did your morning meetings go,” you ask.
“They were substantially better than yesterday. With you taking care of the health committee it leaves my negotiations more open for resources and militarization. I can move along at a faster pace,” replied Kylo after taking off his helmet to join you in eating.
“I’m glad I can take some of the load off,” you replied.
“How did your committee go this morning. Dr. Koroban said you helped make headway in convincing the health officials to negotiate terms on which the planet will run. But I would like to hear it from you,” asked Kylo.
“Well, we have informed them about the immunization policies as well as the hygiene ones. We had informed them of the mandatory vitamins that the First Order requires. We have taken away the two-child policy for now, and have moved to highly encourage the use of birth control. They have also agreed that in areas of high malnourishment that the First Order will provide food but in places where that isn’t an issue to run healthy food campaigns,” you replied and took a bite of your food.
“Are you happy with the progress,” he asked.
“Yes, I believe so. I am curious as to why there is the two-child policy but because it is off the table I won’t ask. I am happy that the health officials seem to be understanding that the First Order wants healthy citizens and is willing to do its part in making sure that happens,” you replied.
At the mentioning of the child policy, you could tell that Kylo was a bit uncomfortable, but he seemed to slightly relax.
“The two-child policy is a means to control overpopulation onboard starships and bases. Since it takes two people to create a child, we harbor a replacement factor. If needed the policy can be changed at any time to increase or decrease the amount of offspring a couple can have. We also rely on the annexation of planets or portions of systems for parts of our population. Many planets and people volunteer to be apart of the First Order for the stability and order it can give them, your planet is one of the richest that we have been able to annex,” replied Kylo.
“I see. Population control is this something the First Order has always done or is it something you have implemented as Supreme Leader,” you ask.
“No, although it wasn’t as regulated as it is now it stems from the Empire’s time. General Hux or Pryde would be able to give you a more definite timeline and a better reason as to why. Hux’s father, Commandant Brendol Hux was the one to solidify its implementation in the First Order,” replied Kylo.
“So it is a relatively new thing? I guess I still have a lot more to learn about the First Order’s policies and hierarchy,” you responded.
“The policy was also put in place as a better way to control the military movements. While the First Order has annexed other planets, most of whom were Imperialist empathizers and small sparsely populated outer rim planets Earth is our largest undertaking. It has the largest civilian population. And while we will be annexing Earth’s military into our own we plan to keep your planet as a mostly civilian planet with a base for control. Your people will have more freedom than any of our other planets and we will heavily rely on your resources. While the majority of the population will be civilians, they will most likely be employed in some way to help the First Order,” stated Kylo.
You took this into consideration, “So this is why negotiations are so important. You won’t have complete control over the majority of the population, so you need to keep them happy. Is that why you have me assisting in committees versus some other role,” you ask finishing your meal.
“You volunteered to help so I greatly accepted it. You have a great deal of knowledge that the First Order does not have access to as you are a citizen of this planet. The government and health officials seem to be more comfortable in your presence as they know you know how this planet works. I won’t lie in saying that I am not grateful that you have asked to assist in the negotiations. I also know that you have said that you wish to stay with me, I am the Supreme Leader of the First Order and this is my place, and so it is yours too. If you do not want to be involved with this please say so and I will find other things to occupy your time,” and with that, you could tell Kylo’s demeanor had changed. This was the first time his voice towards you had a hint of hostility. He wanted you near him, but he needed to complete his goals.
“I am more than happy to help, I think it would be best suited for me in the mornings to negotiate what needs to be done here on earth and in the afternoons I would like to be taught how the First Order operates. I do not want to lead you in a direction that you do not wish to go. I only want to help,” you responded and took his hand in yours. HIs was balled up into a fist and seemed to relax a bit at your words.
“I can see to it that you are given a tutor. Although it may be beneath him General Hux will probably the best candidate. He has the best knowledge of what you are seeking,” he took a sip of his wine. “You were in marketing were you not? Dr. Koroban said you were helping design the campaigns for our health regime and General Pryde took you to the Library of Congress to begin working on it. How have you faired,” he inquired.
“Yes, I found some vintage health videos that, people from this planet understand and will relate with. I don’t know if they will overly trust something made specifically from the First Order in regards to their health. I also found some vintage posters that we may be able to make a decent campaign with. That may bee something you want to consider with anything you are having this planet learn. If it is already available here and is made by people from Earth, use it especially during the transition as it may make them trust you more than any production the First Order comes up with,” you responded taking the final sip from your wine.
Kylo just nodded in regard to what you had to say. There was a knock on the door and he permitted Hux to enter. “Supreme Leader the meeting is ready to convene again.”
“Yes. I will be there in a moment, but first general I must ask you to escort Lady Ren back to the ship. It is now your duty to help educate her on the ways of the First Order. No one within our ranks is better suited for this task. Take it as an honor.” And with that Kylo’s helmet was on once again and you were left alone with the general.
“My lady if you will follow me I will take you back to the Steadfast and on the way up we can discuss what it is that you would like to learn,” you simply nodded as the junior officers came into the room and started to remove the remains of your lunch.
You followed the general to the command shuttle. The lieutenant appeared by your side and saluted the redhaired man. “Ah, lieutenant Mitaka. I will require your assistance in educating Lady Ren. Please reserve the main conference room for this purpose.”
“The Supreme Leader has agreed that every morning I will attend committees on earth and during the afternoons you will be educating me. I still believe the Supreme Leader will be joining me in the evenings. But you should prepare this schedule for the upcoming weeks,” you informed the general and lieutenant.
You soon landed onboard the Steadfast and made your way to the conference room. “Shall we begin,” asked the general.
You nodded. Not sure as to where he was going to start. You took out your notebook and turned to a new page and waited patiently for him to start.
Pacing at the front of the room he began, “I should warn you, the First Order only serves itself. While we may want to bring order to the galaxy we only help those who have aligned themselves with us. In many of the ideologies that I will teach you as a part of this education, it may seem as if we ignore those needs of lesser planets. We do not. We serve the good of the First Order and if a lesser planet has sided with the Resistance or the New Republic we hold no mercy. Is this something you can understand,” he asked you.
“Yes, I believe it is something I can understand, but I may question things as I was raised under the pretense that my home country was right in all things and that it was superior. I know now that that is not correct and so I may question the First Order’s actions, but it is for understanding not criticism,” you responded.
“Now I will tell you what is the First Order. It is this. The First Order seeks order entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in order, complete order. What complete order means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis, the Russian Communists and the Galactic Empire came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Order is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. The object of order is order,” stated the general.
You were reeling at this trying to take it all in.
“Now do you begin to understand the purpose of the First Order,” asked the general.
You were unsure how to respond. Was this something you wanted to be a part of? You felt frozen in time waiting for an answer to come to you. What would you answer?
A/N: Part of Hux's speech is taken almost directly from 1984, for a reason. Please note this.
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 20
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(This will be my generic gif if I don’t find one I like for the chapter, but seriously does anyone have the Supreme Council gifs? They would be most helpful.)
Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 20: Healthy and Happy?
A/N: The men's video Personal Hygiene for soldiers U.S. Army does contain brief nudity. It is age-restricted on youtube. Watch at your own risk. Also, there is some outdated info in the women's one on feminine hygiene, just ignore the powdering of the pad and the discussion of douching.
“Shall we start with a difficult topic and work our way to something easier,” asked Dr. Dabrini.
The three Earth Health officials nodded in agreement.
“Now understand that when we talk about the reproductive health of your planet that the First Order understands that civilians are not soldiers. They do not necessarily have to abide by the same rules. As is such there are things they will have to abide by like STD testing,” said a First Order doctor.
“So the two-child policy will not take effect on this planet,” asked the WHO director.
“Not unless absolutely necessary. If we get those who do not wish to have children on birth control it will help any unwanted children from being born. Now we are not saying that birth control will be mandatory but we would like it highly encouraged among the sexually active and potentially sexually active fertile population. Children are a precious resource when properly taken care of,” said Dr. Koroban.
“And this birth control is regulated how,” asked the director of the CDC.
“The First Order issues standard implants, different and more effective than the ones you have available to your population. Currently, it has had no pregnancies during its implementation the First Order has been using it for the last 10 years,” said Dr. Koroban.
“So this is something you want all our women to commit to, willingly and not mandated,” asked the CDC director.
“Yes, it would be free and available to all those who want it. We highly encourage the use of this to control any unnecessary population. We will not budge on the STD testing. Now we understand the majority of your population already participates in monogamous relationships, we would like to encourage this as much as possible to again reduce the population and the chances of STDs spreading,” said Dr. Dabrini.
The health officials seemed to take this in. You were unsure about how they wanted to proceed with the First Order’s recommendations. The three officials turned to each other and started discussing the outcomes. You just sat back and waited for the deliberation to end.
“We would like the narrative to be that women may choose to take the contraceptives. We agree with the STD testing and the emphasis on monogamous relationships. The two-child policy will not be accepted outside of China, unfortunately. So this is something you will have to encourage but not mandate,” said the Surgeon General.
“Good, is there anything else on reproductive health that you would like to discuss,” asked Dr. Dabrini.
“Will the First Order provide medical treatments for STDs and STIs,” asked the CDC director.
“Yes, we provided all needed medical care to our citizens regardless of the situation,” replied Dr. Koroban.
“Is that everything,” you ask the health officials who nod in response.
“Next is dietary needs. The First Order is used to providing meals to all its personnel. We understand that this most likely not agreeable for the civilian population. We have considered rations like during your war times, something that allows the civilian some freedom but allows us to ensure they have a healthy diet,” said Dr. Dabrini.
“We understand how meals work in the military. I know that no citizen will like having their diet fully controlled by any government. You will have to find another solution, I believe there may be riots around civilians not being able to have a choice in the matter,” said the CDC director.
“I see. How have your current healthy eating campaigns gone? As I understand it a large portion of the U.S. population is obese, whereas there are many countries where large portions of the population are malnourished,” asked Dr. Koroban. “They have not gone as well as hoped. What you pointed out is correct. That the health campaigns that they have seemingly failed in the U.S. but in countries with high populations of malnourishment we are not able to distribute food and water in the quantities necessary for good public health,” said the WHO director.
“Well you might not be able to provide food and water to these areas but the First Order can. Would you be opposed to us regulating food in those areas and in areas where food and water are available to have a reeducation on what to properly eat and drink,” asked Dr. Koroban.
You could see the health officials were a mix of stunned and confused by this question. You wondered if they were really going to deny food to those who need it.
“Might I suggest that this be a route that we take. Surely those who need food will receive it and those who need to be re-educated and informed on healthy eating will do so. It would be better for the overall health of the planet that this would happen. We may want to focus on those who need food first. This would have an overall positive impact on those who question the First Order’s motives as they are providing for the needy first. I may also suggest that any food given to those who need it may be foods found here on earth as I am sure they will be more comfortable with it,” you said trying to ease the unease in the room.
The three health officials began discussing again. The Surgeon General asked, “Is there anything in the dietary aspect that will be absolutely mandated?”
“Yes, currently all personnel and citizens of the First Order are required to take a multivitamin supplement, but of course that is adjusted region by region. For example vitamin D absolutely mandatory in the diet of anyone on board one of our ships as they will not receive any vitamin D from any star, like your sun,” said Dr. Koroban.
“So you would like to require a multivitamin to all citizens? Will you be transparent as to what is in them or are they just supposed to blindly take them,” asked the Surgeon General.
This time General Pryde spoke up, “No I believe we will have testing at every facility so each individual citizen receives a multivitamin that is adapted to their needs. The First Order prides itself on our personnel and citizens being the most knowledgeable in the galaxy. At any one of our data terminals, you may access what the First Order requires of its citizens and why. We like our citizens to be informed.”
“How will you test at each facility? Tests take at least a week to receive results,” asked the CDC director.
“Yes, well our military is not the only thing the First Order is more advanced in. Our blood tests take a matter of minutes. So by the time an individual is done with their health check-up, we shall know what pill to give them. We also have the ability to synthesize the pills at every station. The First Order is prepared and efficient,” said Dr. Dabrini.
You could see the health officials were now struggling to keep up with the First Order’s advancements and policies.
“Do you agree with giving out a simple multivitamin to every citizen? To benefit all citizens,” you ask them.
“Yes, I think that is something we can agree on,” said the Surgeon General.
“Good, why don’t we wrap it up there for the morning. I can help prepare a public relations campaign on hygiene before the day is over. Something along the lines of daily showering and handwashing, for now, to get things started. This is something the general public can improve upon greatly,” you said to the committee who all agreed with you.
“I may be of some assistance my lady, with what the Supreme Leader has me looking for in the Library of Congress. I have run across some things in my search that may be deemed useful to you in your endeavors.”
“Yes, if you could take me there that would be great,” you then followed the general our of the White House and into a shuttle that took you to the library.
You were immediately met with two librarians. One took the general to where he needed for his project and the other asked you about yours.
“I would like to see what videos and other documentation you have on proper hygiene. Only things within the last century preferably. If it’s old but still useful I would still like to see it, this lieutenant is assisting me,” you told her.
She set you up at a research table with a computer. You and Mitaka were there for what seemed to be a few hours before you had narrowed it down to a handful of instructional videos and posters:
‘Health: Your Cleanliness (1953)’ ‘Coronavirus | Vintage Hand washing steps from 1961'
And two vintage military documentaries that would be aimed well at adults:
Strictly Personal - War Department official training film U.S. Army Pictorial Services 1945. (For women.)
Personal Hygiene for soldiers U.S. Army (for men.)
These would be a great start along with some posters you found. Overall you might need to develop a few more posters, but for now, this would be your basis. You glanced at the clock and saw that it was going on 2 o’clock. You just remembered that you needed to message Kylo for your late lunch. Hopefully, he would be proud of the work you had just accomplished.
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 26
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Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 26: Reconditioning and Lack of Information
Lieutenant Mitaka informed you that it was time to go, so you put your laptop away and headed to the hangar. Surprisingly it was not General Pryde waiting for you this morning it was Allegiant General Hux. “Good morning m’lady I will be joining you at the Health Committee today,” he said collapsing his hands behind his back following you into the shuttle. 
“Is there a reason why General Pryde isn’t here,” you ask. 
“The Supreme Leader thought it was best that his best general would join you today,” replied Hux while strapping himself in. 
You received a message on your phone from Kylo, ‘Good morning. I look forward to having dinner with you tonight. It is my wish that you will have a better day today.’
You look back up at the general, “So what you’re saying is someone informed the Supreme Leader to what happened at dinner last night.”
The general lifted his chin and with a neutral face said, “It is my duty to make sure that any time you are not with the Supreme Leader that you are comfortable. Last night you were not comfortable and so I justly informed him of this. In our morning meeting, he informed me that I am to escort you today and that General Pryde is to remain on board the ship this morning. He also believes that some of the next few health committee meetings you will need proper assistance as the health officials from your planet have stepped down. I am also the most informed person as to where your education on the First Order is thus far.”
You shook your head slightly at this. So you were being watched by Hux, he was informing Kylo about you, seemingly behind your back. But why would your education come into play? You were discussing your planet, not the First Order. You just hummed in response. Your mood was not better, in fact, it soured from when you woke up this morning. 
You arrived at the White House and entered the meeting room. All of the doctors and nurses seemed to sit up straighter in the presence of General Hux.
“Allegiant General Hux, it is an honor to have you join us for this morning’s meeting,” said Dr. Koroban.
“Thank you, Dr. Koroban. I will be assisting Lady Ren in the negotiations as we are now without help from her own planet. General Pryde will remain on board the Steadfast for the time being,” replied Hux who sat next to you, whereas General Pryde normally sat opposite of you. 
“On our agenda today I believe it is best to start with the topic of exercise,” said Dr. Koroban.
“As we have discussed in the past there are many ‘first world’ countries that do not take care of themselves health-wise as they should. There is a large population that has a sedentary lifestyle. I believe your planet m’lady uses the term office jobs,” said Dr. Dabrini.
“Yes, currently it is recommended that people receive at least 30 minutes of exercise a day and at least 10,000 steps,” you reply. 
“One course of action that we may want to debate is broadcasting morning exercise videos to the citizens. Nothing too strenuous, something like light aerobics. Stretching and basic exercises,” replied Dr. Dabrini.
“When you say broadcasted you do you mean something like public television? Because many local public stations in ‘first world’ countries already do something similar. Mostly for those who are of retirement age,” you ask. 
“No m’lady broadcast as in mandatory. We do it on all First Order planets. We have found it to be very effective,” replied Dr. Dabrini.
You knew there were daily morale-boosting videos that were standard in First Order occupied planets, but you were not comfortable with something like this. Mandatory exercises for everyone on the planet? Flashbacks from world history popped into your head, specifically the topic of the Hitler Youth. 
“You realize my planet has not been affected by the influence of the Empire like many of your other planets? Our people, for the most part, are used to their freedom or at least the ideals of freedom. While this might be something that some people might like, the majority of the planet will not stand for this invasion of privacy,” you respond. 
An officer who you have noticed in the meetings but has never spoken up before says, “Privacy is something you give up for the good of the First Order m’lady. You only gain it back once you have served the First Order well enough. It is a privilege to be earned.”
You turned to look at the general trying to watch his face in response. “This isn’t something you have told me. You told me you give up personal desires. On this planet privacy isn’t a personal desire, it is viewed as a right.” His face revealed nothing, he just stared at the wall on the opposite side of the room. 
The officer spoke again, “Allegiant General sir, was it not your father Commandant Brendol Hux who said, War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength when talking about those who have not learned of the ways of the First Order?”
“Yes, it was,” responded Hux who now has looked over at the officer his face still neutral or rather emotionless. 
“If the memo that was sent out this morning was correct, then 85 percent of Earth’s population has already been registered and subsequently has effectively been taking their education sources. And with the 9 percent predicted to register today and 4 percent tomorrow then the majority of this planet has given up on their privacy already. Making that argument invalid,” responded the officer.
Hux’s demeanor changed at this, “Lieutenant Rodinon need I remind you that this is Lady Ren’s planet that you are speaking of. While you have been born and raised in the First Order, she has not. If you wish to remain in your position I suggest you remember who you are speaking to.” The was heat in his voice but the lieutenant did not back down.
“So has she not been receiving the enlightenment materials? She would know this by now if she were. What use will she be to the First Order if she constantly questions our motives,” asked the lieutenant who seemed to want to fight with the general. 
“She is being tutored by me, lieutenant. I should not have to tell you that the Supreme Leader has asked that she receives a different education than others on her planet. Afterall she will one day be the empress of our empire. Apparently, I need to remind you of that fact since you have seemingly ignored it in your debriefings. Captain Pyre,” called the general to your usual golden guard. Who entered the room with two other storm troopers guarding the now open door. “Please have one of your men escort Lieutenant Rodinon for reconditioning. Make sure they tell Colonel Datoo that he should not only review the ‘Character Guidance Program’ but also the memos regarding Lady Ren’s status.”
With this, you saw that there was fear laced in the lieutenant’s eyes as he was escorted by the armed stormtroopers out of the room. Still facing the general you asked, “do you care to explain what just happened?”
His face emotionless once more, except for the muscle that you could see straining in his jaw. “Dr. Koroban if you would excuse Lady Ren and myself for the moment. I ask that you do not resume this committee until instructed to do so, we should be back shortly.” With that he gestured for you to stand and follow him, you made your way down to the familiar red sitting room to which you two were left alone in. 
With his hands behind his back, he began to pace while explaining, “It is under orders from the Supreme Leader that you do not receive the same enlightenment as the rest of your people. For many reasons, as you are to know more about the galaxy and the meaning behind the First Order that you will one day fully help run. And the civilian enlightenment program has some drawbacks once you have received the first 3 lessons.”
“What drawbacks exactly?” There was now a present irritable tone in your voice. 
“They tend to make citizens more docile to the First Order presence. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing, but the Supreme Leader has expressed the desire that he would not like that effect to happen to you.”
“So it is brainwashing them. You are brainwashing my planet into docile creatures. And Kylo approved this!”
At the mention of Kylo’s name, you saw one of the general’s eyebrows minutely raise. “We are not brainwashing them m’lady we are merely enlightening them to the path of order. They see how the First Order can help them and they accept it.”
You shook your head. “I don’t believe you. And he wants me to be not docile, but yet complicit because I don’t know what’s happening to my own people!”
“M’lady I believe this is something he can explain to you best,” the general’s arms were now in front of him in an almost surrendering position.
“But what about the reconditioning that you sent the lieutenant to? What is reconditioning?” You could feel the anger building and yet dissipating within you. 
 “That is something of a requirement in our officer and enlisted core. As you could see the lieutenant was acting in a disrespectful manner towards me and yourself. It is merely a relearning of the rules and regulations that they seemed to forget or deemed to ignore. I can show you it sometime if you wish m’lady.” 
Your anger still hadn’t fully dissipated, “You also said that I would be an empress. That I would one day run the First Order. I have no desire to do this. I did not sign up to rule a military regime let alone a galaxy!”
The general had fully paused and turned to face you. His hands were behind his back and a stern look on his face, “My lady I do not appreciate you undo criticism towards me. This is something you should discuss with the Supreme Leader if you have an issue, not myself. Might I suggest that we return to the meeting? We can switch up the topic to one you would rather discuss and leave any other topic until you have had a discussion with the Supreme Leader.”
You relented. He was still part of the problem, being a part of the First Order and all, but he was not who you were directly angry with. He was right, Kylo really hasn’t told you much as he rather preferred to leave that to someone else, like Hux. You nodded to him and followed him back to the conference room. You knew that Kylo would have some explaining to do tonight at dinner. For now, you tried to focus back on the task at hand. 
“I believe we should change subjects for now. Lady Ren is there a topic you would like to discuss,” asked the general. 
“The topic of sickness prevention. I think we should right now focus on the citizen and not any major procedural items.”
“So you would like a campaign again for citizens to see talking about the basics of sickness prevention, and not any policies that any institution would put in place. Is this correct m’lady,” asked Dr. Koroban. 
“Yes, although it may need to be discussed. There is also the matter of sick leave time as many who are sick must return to work sooner than they would like for things like the common cold. But yes I think a campaign, like the one for hygiene, should be done to prevent contagious sicknesses.”
“Something along the lines of washing your hands, don’t touch your face, stay home when sick, and don’t share food or drink with others? Common sense items but things that should be readdressed,” asked Dr. Dabrini. 
“Yes. These were all things I learned in school but upon entering the workforce it seems like it is something people have either forgotten or just ignore.”  
“I can have Petty Officer Tanau look into that, you have already done so much m’lady,” said Dr. Koroban.
“That’s fine, but could she send me what she finds so I can review it before it gets sent to the Supremacy for final inspection?”
“Yes, Lady Ren. I think that would be most wise. I’ll let Lieutenant Mitaka know when it is done as to not to disturb you. But I think we should wrap up this meeting for today,” with that Dr. Koroban dismissed everyone. 
“My lady would you like to join me and Admiral Frantis Griss for lunch in the officer’s lounge,” asked Hux. 
“Only if you allow Lieutenant Mitaka to join us.” 
The general made eye contact with the lieutenant and noded. You were then off back to the shuttle to take your lunch. 
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